#Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence
juliebowie · 1 month
Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence
Summary: This blog delves into the advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence, highlighting its transformative potential and the challenges that come with its development and implementation. Discover AI's applications across industries, future innovations, ethical considerations, and regulatory hurdles. Gain a well-rounded understanding of the complexities surrounding this cutting-edge technology.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the most transformative technologies of the 21st century, influencing various aspects of our lives, from healthcare and finance to transportation and entertainment. As AI continues to evolve, it brings with it a plethora of advantages and disadvantages that warrant careful consideration.
Understanding these pros and cons is crucial for navigating the complexities of AI development and implementation. This blog will explore the advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence, its applications, future prospects, ethical considerations, and regulatory challenges.
Advantages of Artificial Intelligence
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AI offers numerous advantages that can significantly enhance productivity, efficiency, and overall quality of life. Here are some key benefits:
Increased Efficiency and Productivity
AI excels at automating repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing human workers to focus on more complex and creative endeavours. This automation streamlines processes, reduces errors, and accelerates workflows, resulting in significant gains in efficiency and productivity across various industries.
Enhanced Decision-Making
AI algorithms can analyse vast amounts of data to identify patterns, trends, and insights that may be invisible to humans. This capability enables organizations to make better-informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and manage risks effectively. For instance, AI-driven analytics can help businesses forecast sales trends and customer preferences.
Improved Accuracy and Precision
AI systems can perform tasks with greater accuracy and precision than humans, particularly in areas where precision is critical, such as medical diagnosis and financial transactions. By minimizing errors and maintaining consistent quality, AI enhances the reliability of outcomes in various applications.
Personalisation and Customization
AI can provide personalised experiences and recommendations tailored to individual preferences and behaviors. This personalization enhances customer satisfaction and engagement, as seen in e-commerce platforms that suggest products based on past purchases and browsing history.
24/7 Availability
Unlike human workers, AI systems can operate continuously without breaks, providing round-the-clock services and support. This is particularly beneficial in sectors like healthcare and customer service, where constant availability can lead to improved outcomes and customer satisfaction.
Improved Safety and Risk Reduction
AI can be deployed in hazardous environments or situations where human involvement is risky, such as deep-sea exploration, bomb disposal, and industrial automation. AI-powered robots can perform these tasks without endangering human lives, thereby enhancing safety.
Advancement of Scientific Research
AI has the potential to accelerate scientific research by analysing complex datasets, simulating experiments, and generating new hypotheses. This capability can lead to breakthroughs in fields such as medicine, climate science, and materials engineering.
Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence
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While AI offers numerous advantages, it also presents several challenges and drawbacks that must be addressed:
Job Displacement
One of the most significant concerns associated with AI is the potential displacement of human jobs. As AI automates various tasks, certain job roles may become obsolete, leading to unemployment and economic inequality. This displacement can disproportionately affect low-skilled workers, exacerbating existing social disparities.
Lack of Human Judgment and Intuition
AI systems lack the human qualities of judgment, intuition, and emotional intelligence. This limitation can be a disadvantage in situations that require empathy, creativity, or complex decision-making based on ethical considerations. For instance, AI may struggle to navigate nuanced human interactions in customer service scenarios.
Security and Privacy Risks
AI systems often handle vast amounts of sensitive data, raising concerns about security and privacy. If not properly secured, AI systems can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks, data breaches, and misuse of personal information. These risks necessitate robust security measures and ethical data handling practices.
Dependence on Technology
Relying heavily on AI systems can lead to a dependence on technology, making societies and industries more vulnerable to disruptions. For example, if an AI system fails or is compromised, it can halt operations and create significant challenges for organizations that rely on it.
Ethical Concerns
The development and deployment of AI raise numerous ethical considerations, including bias in algorithms, accountability for AI-driven decisions, and the potential for misuse. Addressing these concerns is essential to ensure that AI technologies are developed and used responsibly.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
AI is being applied across various sectors, transforming industries and enhancing capabilities:
Healthcare: AI is used for medical diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and drug discovery, improving patient outcomes and reducing costs.
Finance: AI algorithms analyse financial data for fraud detection, risk assessment, and algorithmic trading, enhancing decision-making in the financial sector.
Transportation: Autonomous vehicles leverage AI for navigation and safety, promising to revolutionize the way we travel.
Retail: AI enhances customer experiences through personalised recommendations, inventory management, and demand forecasting.
Manufacturing: AI-driven automation improves efficiency, quality control, and predictive maintenance in manufacturing processes.
Future Prospects and Innovations in AI
The future of AI holds immense potential for innovation and growth. As technology continues to advance, we can expect:
Enhanced Human-AI Collaboration: Future AI systems will likely focus on augmenting human capabilities rather than replacing them, fostering collaboration between humans and machines.
Improved Explainability: Efforts will be made to develop more transparent AI systems that can explain their decision-making processes, addressing concerns about bias and accountability.
AI in Everyday Life: AI will become increasingly integrated into daily life, from smart home devices to virtual assistants, enhancing convenience and efficiency.
Ethical AI Development: The focus on ethical AI practices will grow, ensuring that AI technologies are developed responsibly and align with societal values.
Ethical Considerations in AI Development
As AI continues to evolve, ethical considerations play a crucial role in its development. Key ethical concerns include:
Bias and Fairness: AI systems can perpetuate existing biases present in training data, leading to unfair outcomes. Ensuring fairness in AI algorithms is essential to prevent discrimination.
Accountability: Determining accountability for AI-driven decisions can be complex. Clear guidelines and frameworks are needed to establish responsibility in cases of AI failures or harm.
Transparency: Developing transparent AI systems that can explain their reasoning is vital for building trust and ensuring ethical practices.
Regulatory Challenges and Governance
The rapid advancement of AI technologies presents regulatory challenges that must be addressed:
Lack of Standardization: The absence of standardized regulations for AI development and deployment can lead to inconsistencies and potential risks.
Global Collaboration: AI is a global phenomenon, necessitating international cooperation to establish effective governance frameworks and ethical guidelines.
Balancing Innovation and Regulation: Policymakers must strike a balance between fostering innovation and ensuring that AI technologies are developed responsibly and ethically.
Artificial Intelligence has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives, offering numerous advantages while also presenting significant challenges. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of AI is essential for navigating this complex landscape and ensuring that its development aligns with ethical principles and societal well-being.
By addressing the challenges and embracing the opportunities presented by AI, we can harness its transformative power for the greater good.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Main Advantages of Artificial Intelligence?
The main advantages of Artificial Intelligence include increased efficiency and productivity, enhanced decision-making, improved accuracy, personalization, 24/7 availability, and advancements in scientific research, all of which contribute to better outcomes across various industries.
What Are the Primary Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence?
The primary disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence include job displacement, lack of human judgment, security and privacy risks, dependence on technology, and ethical concerns, which necessitate careful consideration and responsible development practices.
How Is Artificial Intelligence Applied in Healthcare?
Artificial Intelligence is applied in healthcare for medical diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, drug discovery, and predictive analytics, improving patient outcomes, reducing costs, and streamlining healthcare processes.
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liveblack · 8 months
Explore the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Digital Marketing | Liveblack
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AI(Artificial Intelligence) is somewhat a controversial topic. People love to explore new options that help them do their work effortlessly. However, every new thing comes with flaws as well.
AI technology is just like that. AI has lots of benefits wrapped around its disadvantages. The Internet is flooded with heaps of rumors, hopes, and fears that many people are positive about
AI and so many are negative.
Does AI take human jobs? The question arises after AI was introduced to this world. Well, as we all know AI is developed by humans so it has to be under the control of humans. AI might aid humans to work faster and smarter in a way that lets them explore their potential or productivity to create something innovative. But what does AI mean? Let’s check out.
What is Artificial Intelligence(AI)?
AI is a set of technologies that allow computers to work on advanced functions to analyze and understand data, translate, and give recommendations according to given tasks. AI is a computer-controlled robot that works on tasks assigned by humans.
AI processes a large amount of data and can do things like make decisions, recognize patterns, make predictions, automate tasks, etc.
Introduction to artificial intelligence is not so unknown these days but we have curated a whole content to let you know more about it.
What do you know about artificial intelligence? Do you think AI can replace humans in jobs, and industries? No matter what industry you take, AI has the adaptability to change according to the situation. Every day, everything is evolving, and artificial intelligence is programmed in a way to work on different responsibilities. This is a matter where people are divided into two groups because of AI. Some people believe AI can take over jobs and humans become jobless in the future. On the other hand, the second kind of people thinks that AI complements human creativity and helps them explore their true potential.
Well, whatever an AI can do, it can never surpass human intelligence because human values, creativity, and decision-making can always be led by humans and not AI.
What is the Foundation of AI?
Artificial intelligence isn’t a new-age term. It has been known since the 1950s. Alan Turing, a British mathematician and computer scientist is the brain behind the foundation of AI. 1950 is the year when researchers started exploring artificial intelligence and its possible applications.
Machine learning, neural networks, natural language processing (NLP), problem-solving, etc. are the key components of artificial intelligence. This will help humans do their work at a fast pace.
Let us get into the main point for we are here to discuss the whole artificial intelligence concept.
How does artificial intelligence influence digital marketing?
Imagine you have loads and loads of data about your customers’ behavior, likes, dislikes, and all the trends they like to follow!!! Sounds easy peasy to get your marketing work done, right? AI can help you with this task to get a clearer idea to set your marketing goals according to your customers’ choices.
AI is helping shape the future of digital marketing in a way that aids brands to generate unique concepts and customers to get personalized experiences.
Let us have a look into different points that artificial intelligence has made easier for brands to target their audience.
Enhanced Data Analysis -
With AI, analyze the enormous amount of data where you can spot the pattern of your customer’s behavior, preferences, etc. to make informed decisions. AI’s capability of data analysis can be your best helping buddy in designing a marketing strategy and campaign.
In this way, marketers get a deeper understanding of insights and get the points that save their time and energy to target the audience in a better way. These smart buddies convert a bunch of data into a meaningful pile of information to optimize data to plan for a future marketing campaign. When marketers get to know about the preferences of their customers they have the purchasing patterns, product or service preferences, etc.
So the marketers can design their budget according to the data given by the AI. This way marketers build meaningful relationships with customers. With the given data or information, marketers can design personalized offers, vouchers, personalized messages, and emails, and make customers feel valued to win their trust. This is the way to maximize ROI(return on investment) because happy customers always return to the brand they trust.
Understands Individualized Preferences -
AI-driven systems improve customer experience. How? By providing information that helps marketers gain real-time insights they can see customer preferences and market their products accordingly. Promotional emails, personalized messages, and recommendations can be helpful thing in getting customers’ attention.
AI algorithms understand the repetitive patterns of purchasing and record the content people return to again and again. That’s what helps marketers to design their marketing campaigns and make their customers feel valued and cared for. With this knowledge by their side, bands and businesses can be more productive with their marketing strategies.
Providing personalized content and suggestions to customers creates a connection and builds trust which increases the conversion rate and engagement.
By catering to the needs of customers, a brand and business can attract customers and strengthen their relationship with them. AI is helping to make this bond strong with the information it collects.
AI and machine learning are two different things yet they are connected. Machine learning is a part of artificial intelligence that allows machines to learn from experiences to make more improvements. Machine learning analyzes enormous amounts of data, gets insights, and makes reasonable decisions.
Bard is Google’s AI. AI by Google is a tool to explore creative and unique ideas. This can help in translation, generate texts, and create more productive content. Bard can reply only with information that is already programmed in it or fetched from other sources.
Well, whatever we think about AI or how we can adopt it in our daily lives, the future holds surprises for us. Artificial intelligence has the potential to change the game with its ability to solve problems and aid humans in creating new ideas, and concepts, and exploring vast possibilities.
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junaidjee · 2 years
What are advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence
What are advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence
What is artificial intelligence AI or artificial intelligence is the ability of computers or machines to think like humans. Computers with AI cannot do mistakes and can do self-decisions. The machines after adopting AI can play games, do mechanical work, walk like humans, AI car driving and others. Artificial intelligence was first time used by John McCarthy in 1956. The first mobile robot was…
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eaglesnick · 4 days
“You know you’re priced right when your customers complain—but buy anyway.” — John Harrison
Dynamic pricing is not new but it has not been widespread up until recently.
We all know about train fares being more expensive during peak times and parents know that holidays cost more during school breaks than at any other time of the year. Airline tickets are subject to dynamic pricing and there was a trend towards off-peak electricity tariffs at one time. This summer we saw tickets for Oasis concerts subject to dynamic pricing, resulting in massive spikes in the cost of a ticket.
Dynamic pricing is when a company changes their pricing to match demand and supply. Hence train journeys are more expensive during the rush hour than in the middle of the day when demand is lower. Holidays are more expensive during school breaks because demand is higher from families with children.
Few of us like this traditional method of dynamic pricing but we have accepted it as part of our way of life. The old fashioned dynamic pricing model was fairly unsophisticated and based on the time of day in the case of rail and airline tickets and specific weeks and months of the year in the case of holidays.
This is no longer the case. Artificial Intelligence allows companies to literally change prices in line with changes in demand every second if they so want. Some of the companies using AI to set prices are Amazon, Uber, Airbnb, Tesco, Ocado and Sky. Amazon is said to reset prices every ten minutes.
The days of “fixed pricing" are fast disappearing. Long gone are the days when a company added up all of its production costs to work out the cost per unit and then added a little bit more in order to make a profit. This was basically what is known as the objective or labour theory of value. This has been supplanted by the "subjective theory of value" (STV).
According to the subjective theory of value a products worth (price) is not determined by how much it costs to produce but by how much people are willing to pay for that good at any given moment. At its worst this means that ALL goods and services should be sold for maximum monetary return regardless of the cost of production. No wonder supporters of neo-liberal economics favour STV.
At one level this doesn’t really matter. Oasis concert tickets may have doubled in original price due to dynamic pricing but not being able to afford a concert ticket is not a matter of life or death. It is however, symptomatic of a growing social problem.
The assumption of neo-liberal economists and their support of STV pricing is that individual choice is paramount in all economic transactions. For the neo-liberal societal values do not exist, there is only individual choice. Mrs Thatcher, the woman who championed neo-liberal economics in the UK, famously said: “There’s no such thing as society”. Many Tory's still believe this to be true but they are demonstratively mistaken.
During Covid we all stood at our doors every Thursday night clapping and banging pots to applaud the bravery of our dedicated health professionals. Yes, we did this as individuals but also as a society. When the England football team were progressing through the stages of the European cup we watched each game as individuals but also as a nation. The same is true of the recent Olympic and Paralympic games.
Ironically, some of our most ardent neo-liberal Tory MP’s have been recently admonishing us for not being proud of our English identity. Robert Jenrick, a contender for the leadership of the Conservative Party said yesterday that English identity had “started to fray” due to mass immigration and public institutions “dismissing our history”.
Sorry, the neo-liberals cannot have it both ways. Either there is an entity called English society, with its own history and set of values, or we are just individuals all acting according to our own individual needs. The fact that latter view is obviously mistaken does not deter the advocates of dynamic pricing. For them the goal is maximisation of profit regardless of social cost.
A thousand reasons why dynamic pricing is good for the consumer will be rolled out as more and more companies adopt this system of pricing, but the bottom line will always be making more profit. And in a system where pricing is determined by what price the individual is willing to pay rather than the actual cost of production, in the end it is only the rich who benefit.
South West Water has recently introduced the cruder form of dynamic pricing to their customers. They will be charging more for water use in summer than in winter. Consumers were given no choice about this and they have yet to be told what the charges will be. This “trial" will last for 2 years.
This is the spin:
“These pioneering trials are designed to make sure that water bills are fairer and more reflective of individual consumption patterns and are part of our wider commitment to making customer-first decisions in everything we do.” (CornwallLive:19/09/24)
Note the emphasis on “individual consumption". To my mind water is a public good, a societal necessity. As such I want to see pricing evened out over the whole community. Under dynamic pricing  the rich can consume as much water as they like because they can afford to pay, while the poorer members of society will have to suddenly become use conscious. While the rich fill their swimming pools and have the lawn sprinklers on day and night, the poor will have to think twice about how often the toilet is flushed, how often the washing machine is used and can they afford to shower everyday. The poor pensioner will be calculating whether or not they have enough money to water their beloved garden.
Ok, my pensioner being unable to afford to water the garden is a hypothetical scenario. The cost of music venue tickets isn’t, neither are the prices you pay for an Uber, a holiday let from Airbnb, the food you buy from Tesco or Ocado. Even the price of a pint is now affected by dynamic pricing.
“A campaign group representing pubgoers has criticised the move by Stonegate, Britain’s largest pub company, to raise the price of pints during its busiest trading hours in some of its venues by 20p..."  Financial Times: 12/09/24)
If the price of a British pint of beer is now subject to dynamic pricing then nothing is sacred!
More seriously, when the market economy becomes the market society, when those in power promote the value of maximising profit for the few at the expense of the happiness and well being of the many, then, as a society, we lose all sense of humanity, morality and common decency.
There has been much theoretical discussion of late about the threat of Artificial Intelligence to humanity. I would argue that maybe we should be more concerned about those  humans using AI to enrich themselves at the expense of the rest of us.
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studies-notes · 1 year
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of AI Technology?
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Table of Contents
What is AI technology?
Types of AI technology
Advantages of AI technology
Increased efficiency
Cost savings
Improved decision-making
Disadvantages of AI technology
Lack of creativity
Job displacement
Dependence on technology
Data privacy concerns
Ethical considerations in AI technology
What is the future of AI technology?
Can AI technology replace human intelligence?
How can AI technology be used in healthcare?
Is AI technology safe?
How can businesses adopt AI technology?
What is AI technology?
Artificial intelligence technology refers to the development of machines that can perform human-like tasks such as learning, reasoning, decision-making, and problem-solving. AI Dog Robot AI technology involves creating algorithms and programming computers to simulate human intelligence, behavior, and decision-making.
AI technology has revolutionized various industries such as healthcare, finance, education, and transportation, among others. The technology has been used to develop virtual assistants, chatbots, recommendation systems, autonomous vehicles, and smart homes, among others. Read more…
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cimagecollege · 5 months
Artificial Intelligence: Exploring its Advantages and Disadvantages
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In today's digital age, the buzz around Artificial Intelligence (AI) is palpable. From automating tasks to enhancing decision-making processes, AI has become a cornerstone of innovation across industries. However, with its promises come a myriad of challenges and concerns. In this blog, we'll delve into the advantages and disadvantages of AI, shedding light on its transformative potential and the accompanying pitfalls.
Advantages of Artificial Intelligence:
Efficiency and Automation:
AI excels in streamlining processes and automating repetitive tasks. From manufacturing to customer service, AI-powered systems can handle mundane tasks with precision and speed, freeing up human resources for more strategic endeavors. This efficiency boost translates into cost savings and enhanced productivity for businesses.
Data Analysis and Insights:
With the exponential growth of data, AI algorithms play a pivotal role in extracting valuable insights from vast datasets. Whether it's predicting consumer behavior or optimizing supply chains, AI-driven analytics empower organizations to make data-driven decisions swiftly and accurately.
Personalization and Customer Experience:
AI enables personalized experiences across various touchpoints, from recommendation engines to virtual assistants. By analyzing user behavior and preferences, AI algorithms can tailor product recommendations, content, and services, fostering deeper engagement and satisfaction among customers.
Innovation and Research:
AI fuels innovation by augmenting human capabilities in research and development. From drug discovery to space exploration, AI algorithms accelerate the pace of innovation by identifying patterns, simulating scenarios, and uncovering novel solutions to complex problems.
Improved Healthcare:
In the healthcare sector, AI holds the promise of revolutionizing diagnostics, treatment planning, and patient care. AI-powered medical imaging, predictive analytics, and remote monitoring systems enhance diagnostic accuracy, optimize treatment protocols, and personalize healthcare delivery.
Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence:
Job Displacement and Economic Disruption:
The automation potential of AI raises concerns about job displacement across various sectors. Routine tasks susceptible to automation may lead to unemployment or the need for upskilling and reskilling among the workforce. Furthermore, AI-driven disruptions could exacerbate socioeconomic inequalities if not managed effectively.
Bias and Ethical Concerns:
AI algorithms are prone to biases inherent in the data they are trained on, leading to discriminatory outcomes. From hiring algorithms to predictive policing systems, biased AI can perpetuate societal injustices and undermine trust in automated decision-making processes. Addressing these ethical concerns requires careful algorithm design and robust oversight mechanisms.
Privacy and Security Risks:
The proliferation of AI-powered systems raises concerns about data privacy and security. From unauthorized access to personal information to malicious use of AI for cyberattacks, safeguarding data integrity and privacy becomes paramount. Striking a balance between innovation and privacy rights necessitates robust data protection regulations and cybersecurity measures.
Lack of Transparency and Accountability:
AI algorithms often operate as black boxes, making it challenging to interpret their decision-making processes. Lack of transparency and accountability in AI systems can erode trust and raise concerns about fairness and accountability, especially in high-stakes domains like healthcare and criminal justice.
Dependency and Overreliance:
Overreliance on AI systems without adequate human oversight can lead to catastrophic failures and unintended consequences. From autonomous vehicles to autonomous weapons systems, the risks associated with AI malfunction or misuse underscore the importance of human supervision and intervention.
Despite the challenges, the transformative potential of AI is undeniable. As organizations and policymakers navigate the complexities of AI adoption, a balanced approach that harnesses its advantages while mitigating its risks is imperative.
In the realm of education, institutions like CIMAGE Group of Institutions in Patna, Bihar, are at the forefront of preparing the next generation of AI professionals. Offering AI and Machine Learning courses as add-ons to main courses like BCA and BBA, CIMAGE empowers students with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the AI-driven economy. With a track record of highest campus placements in Bihar, CIMAGE exemplifies the pivotal role of education in shaping the future of AI responsibly and ethically.
In conclusion, while AI holds immense potential to transform industries and improve lives, navigating its complexities requires a thoughtful approach that addresses its advantages and disadvantages alike. By fostering innovation, promoting transparency, and upholding ethical principles, we can harness the power of AI for the betterment of society while mitigating its risks.
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naqati · 1 year
The Future of AI: Predicting Its Impact on Different Industries by 2050
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly advancing field that is poised to revolutionize the way we live and work. From healthcare to finance, AI has the potential to transform many different industries. In this article, we will explore the impact of AI on different industries, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of this emerging technology. Overview of AI AI is a branch of computer science…
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Why this blog will NOT be written with AI, at least as long as I have anything to say about it
You've probably seen a lot of ads of late in social media saying that Artifical Intelligence (AI for short) is something of a "new wave" in creating blog posts, online advertising and website content, all designed, in theory, to do the job faster and with improved traffic ensuing in the bargain.
But has anyone considered that AI may have a downside in especially the blogging department, especially when you consider where blog content so generated is bound to be of such stale, flat and predictable quality such as marked some of Hanna-Barbera's flicktoon products from about the mid-1970's on thanks to demands from the newtwoks and activists for "more wholesome children's programming" as turned out, in the end, to be almost sterile, aseptic and formula-written, lacking much in the way of creativity and genius in the process?
"Think about it"
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kisegenoderfluch · 2 years
Wo KI in der Zukunft eingesetzt werden kann...
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Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Bereichen, in denen KI in Zukunft den Menschen ersetzen könnte oder zumindest eine größere Rolle spielen wird. Hier sind einige Beispiele:
Transport und Logistik: Autonome Fahrzeuge und Drohnen könnten menschliche Fahrer oder Piloten ersetzen.
Fertigung und Produktion: Roboter und automatisierte Systeme könnten menschliche Arbeiter in Fabriken und Produktionsstätten ersetzen.
Kundenservice: Chatbots und virtuelle Assistenten können in Zukunft menschliche Kundendienstmitarbeiter ersetzen.
Sicherheitsdienste: Drohnen und autonome Überwachungssysteme könnten menschliche Sicherheitskräfte in bestimmten Bereichen ersetzen.
Pflege- und Gesundheitswesen: Roboter und andere automatisierte Systeme könnten menschliche Pflegekräfte unterstützen oder sogar ersetzen.
Landwirtschaft: Autonome Traktoren und andere automatisierte Systeme könnten menschliche Landwirte in bestimmten Bereichen ersetzen.
Es ist wichtig anzumerken, dass in vielen dieser Bereiche die Rolle des Menschen möglicherweise nicht vollständig ersetzt wird, sondern vielmehr von KI-Systemen unterstützt wird, um die Effizienz und Genauigkeit zu verbessern. (KI-Ta)
Foto von Drew Beamer auf Unsplash
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global-insights · 2 years
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Artificial Intelligence holds massive potential to design a better future, but the most important thing to ensure is that AI is not being used excessively.
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juliebowie · 2 months
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence
Delve into the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence. Understand the impact of AI on various industries and how it shapes our future.
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1stepgrow · 2 years
Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly advancing technology that has the potential to transform many aspects of our lives. Like any other technology, AI has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the pros and cons of artificial intelligence described in the infographic. For more information, visit: 1stepGrow
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Black Americans like me are often guilted into defaulting to supporting the Democratic Party — but with friends like the Democrats, who needs enemies?
No matter the paternalistic garbage they regurgitate into party talking points about our existence, we’re supposed to hold our noses and show our support for our political frenemies.
And now the stench of racial-rhetoric bile has emitted from the mouth of Gov. Hochul, with insulting and ignorant comments about black kids.
While speaking onstage in a California forum about her desire to have more of a diverse workforce in artificial intelligence, she attempted to highlight the disadvantage some have — but instead made an unfounded presumption about them.
“Right now we have, you know, young black kids growing up in The Bronx who don’t even know what the word ‘computer’ is,” Hochul said.
“They don’t know, they don’t know these things,” she continued.
“And I want the world opened up to all of them.”
Of course, her statement about black children’s knowledge of the existence of computers was met with swift backlash, even from lawmakers within her party.
“Deeply disturbed by @GovKathyHochul’s recent remarks and the underlying perception that she has of Black & brown children from the BX,” lamented Bronx Assembly member Karines Reyes on X.
“Our children are bright, brilliant, extremely capable, and more than deserving of any opportunities that are extended to other kids. Do better.”
While many want to translate this moment as being a gaffe, I believe it served as a window into the mindset of many mainstream elitist Democrats.
Hochul inadvertently revealed how she’s a country-club Democrat who perceives anyone who isn’t a member of the upper class as being beyond ignorant and incapable.
To smother the mild guilt they feel for being fortunate, such people pretend to understand the plight of the unfortunate with leftist virtue-signaling.
Ironically, her twisted belief that black children are ignorant of a word reveals her ignorance about the world.
It would be bad enough to presume black children in The Bronx don’t have computers, but she verbalizes an even more putrid belief that the word “computer” isn’t anywhere to be found in their vocabulary.
It makes me wonder: How deep does the pit of Democratic condescension go?
Does she believe black people in The Bronx use rotary phones because they never discovered the wonders of an iPhone?
Would she be shocked to know that black people don’t walk barefoot in New York and that shoes are readily accessible to them?
There has yet to be a day that I regret leaving the Democratic Party and choosing political independence, because I know that this mentality of seeing people who look like me as expectedly pitiful — and being shocked when we are successful — is rampant.
Hochul and her country-club Democrats pass themselves off as being the saviors of black people when we didn’t ask them to be.
They’re self-serving narcissists who use our likeness for social clout and voter-base bragging rights — when, at the end of the day, we are nothing more than the help that caters to them at their exclusive clubs.
The party I used to support still argues that black people are less capable of getting a government-issued ID to vote, when I’ve yet to meet a black adult in my entire life who didn’t have one.
And now it makes sense: They think we can’t Google where the DMV is because we don’t have a computer to complete this task. I mean, what even is a “Google”?
I have a problem with being led by elitists who’ve disconnected themselves from the reality of the average American because they often invent falsehoods about our existence — as it’s more comforting for them to use their imaginations than to leave their gated communities.
I spent part of my childhood poor and homeless, yet I’ve defied the Democratic odds of not only knowing how to use a computer but previously having an entire career in the information-technology field.
Being poor is not the same as being incapable or unintelligent and lacking resources, and it doesn’t determine your outcome unless you want it to.
Gov. Hochul, that “black people not knowing about computers” line might get applause from your golfing buddies on the sand trap, but it doesn’t jive with anyone outside of those gates.
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thommi-tomate · 5 days
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Heiko Vogel (former Bayern academy trainer) on Thomas :
He is absolutely one of the most intelligent players I’ve ever trained
The first time I met him, he was 12, It was before he came to Bayern Munich and he was playing in a youth tournament for his hometown. He was pretty good, so we asked him: ‘Could you imagine coming to us?’ and he said, ‘Yes, of course’.
When he got to the under-15s, I was his coach. It was a very good time, I think, because we were very successful. Our philosophy at Bayern Munich was to play our younger players against older teams. We played with our under-15s in an under-17s league. It was very hard, but I think that was an important concept for us.
We had a lot of brilliant players. Not really fast ones, not players who were amazing athletes, but those who had a good mindset and a very special type of game intelligence
The age difference — and the artificial disadvantages it exposed the young players to — put a premium on that game intelligence; on thinking more quickly, finding better solutions, dealing with physical deficits and, occasionally, older players not averse to roughing up a young Bayern prospect.
To some, Muller is a ferocious player — defined by his will to compete and win. Watching him now, applying himself in the same way that he did before he won everything football had to offer, there is no question that he has, to some extent, remained at the top of the sport by sheer force of will. By luck, too, because he has evaded serious injury and rarely been unavailable.
But he is also a timeless footballer whose qualities are out of step with modern trends. He is not particularly fast or technical and his strength is hardly overwhelming, yet he has so often profited from being first to a loose ball or quickest to anticipate how a passage of play might develop. He does not clip passes around the pitch or play with an obvious subtlety, but managed — at the peak of his career — to be one of the foremost creators in European football.
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We would always be limiting touches in training. We would play with one touch, two touches — or with three touches and then with one. It was never the same. Everything would be changing. We would move the goals, too, or play with only one goal, or even three
We would mix up the duels: two vs two, three vs one, two vs three. These are all components that are very important in developing game intelligence — in getting players to be clever. If you don’t have the body to handle the situation, you have to be fit in your mind
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One of his greatest strengths is his family. I love his father. For a developing player, it’s very important to have a father like that. He was always supporting him but always in the background. It meant that Thomas had to learn to handle all the situations he encountered for himself. Whether he was playing or not playing — things like that. He knew that his family was always there, but he was alone in those moments.
Then, after each season, his father would have a conversation with one of the coaches or with me. After the season, he’d ask me, ‘What do you think about his development this season? Is it OK? Is it not OK? Can he improve something?’
In that lies the most likely explanation for why Muller has been so important to such a long line of coaches, from Louis van Gaal to Jupp Heynckes, Pep Guardiola to Hansi Flick. On and on, regardless of formation or philosophy, like a footballer impervious to change, happy to live on his wits.
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And that adaptability seems to afford him special status. Nobody has anything bad to say about Muller. Rival supporters might envy his medal collection and Bayern Munich’s success inspires plenty of resentment, but little of it is drawn towards him despite being such an obvious symbol of their dominance.
How can that be?
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Thomas Müller is Thomas Müller. Sometimes, you see players play a role — you see them perform for the cameras — but Thomas doesn’t do that. He never has. He doesn’t have those insecurities and he is not an actor.
He is what you see, all the time
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studies-notes · 1 year
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cloaksandcapes · 6 months
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Testing the bounds of how much text we can comfortably fit on our new cards, we have the F.A.A.E. Stone! This was suggested\inspired by a Twitch Viewer who wanted us to create JARVIS but for D&D\Fantasy worlds. It took us the longest just coming up with the Acronym. "My name is FAAE, how can I assist you with your Dungeon Crawl?"
FAAE Stone
Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement)
“A legendary artifact said to house the collected knowledge and experience of countless fey wizards. Its acronym stands for Fabled Arcanum Archive Enchantment. Whenever a person attuned to this artifact dies, all of their knowledge is absorbed into the stone and added to the vast database of the artificial sentience within. 
The FAAE Stone is a small ever-changing gem that morphs and varies in color and shape but is still solid to the touch. When the FAAE Stone speaks it conjures a green illusory face in front of yours.”
While attuned to this artifact it slowly orbits your head and cannot be affected by other creatures or effects.
Augment Attribute. One primary ability score of your choice increases by 2, to a maximum of 22, while attuned to this artifact.
Ancient Knowledge. You gain proficiency in the History and Arcana skills. If you already have proficiency you gain expertise in these skills. You can consult the artifact to gain advantage on Intelligence (History) and Intelligence (Arcana) skill checks. You can do this a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining expended uses on a long rest.
Divination Matrix. You project an aura that assists you and allies in combat, enhancing your abilities and tactics. After a long rest you can choose a parameter for this artifact to analyze and improve for you and any ally within 15 feet of you. Choose from one of the following: the first attack against you each turn is at disadvantage, receive 1d4 bonus to attack rolls, or Increase movement speed by 10 feet.
Copy Cast. When a target within 30 feet of you that you can see casts a spell you can use your reaction to cast the same spell on a target of your choice. The spell uses the same slot level, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the original caster, but is otherwise treated as if you cast the spell. Once you use this property you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Sentience. The FAAE Stone is a sentient true neutral magic item with an Intelligence of 20, a Wisdom of 14, and a Charisma of 14. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
The artifact can speak, read, and understand Common, and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. While you are attuned to it, the FAAE Stone also understands every language you know. Personality. The FAAE Stone speaks in a neutral, monotone voice with no emotion. It is analytic and impartial. The artifact’s only goal is to inform and keep its wielder safe from harm. It addresses and refers to creatures by their full, proper names including any and all titles known by it.
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