deadgirl76 · 11 months
Todavía te amo, pero doliste lo suficiente para saber que contigo...
No es.
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imbecominggayer · 1 month
What Makes A Disabled Character "Good"?
A disabled character shouldn't be judged as a failure when they need caretakers and other reliances for the important stuff in life no matter their age
A disabled character shouldn't be mocked as weak or spoiled when they refuse to break their boundaries or be happy
A disabled character shouldn't be shamed when their medical problems impede on their sex capabilities or hygiene or anything else like that
A disabled character shouldn't be celebrated only when they do break the impossible odds since most characters never break the odds
A disabled character shouldn't be dehumanized when they act cheerful
A disabled character shouldn't be treated like a child when they aren't a child
A disabled character shouldn't be forced into leading an "idealic" life that wasn't built for individuals like them
A disabled character needs to be accepted by the author when they fail to thrive, to die, to succeed.
A disabled character needs to be created by an author who understands that life is complicated and that the things they think as "necessary" to leading a fulfilling life may not be in the cards for certain characters
A disabled character needs to be understood by the author as a disabled character who can't do everything an able-bodied character can do.
And when a disabled character is not fully independent, self-sufficient, and thriving, an author should know that even in these circumstances, fulfillment and joy can be found. Disabled people do it all the time.
Many people aren't breaking odds, being fearless activists, and thriving. They struggle. They break sometimes. They succeed sometimes. But in this life, they can find the ability to be content.
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philosophybits · 8 months
Personal independence is a virtue and it is the soul out of which comes the sturdiest manhood. But there can be no independence without a large share of self-dependence, and this virtue cannot be bestowed. It must be developed from within.
Frederick Douglass, "Self-Made Men (1872)"
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princessdoll2222 · 2 months
loving older men not in a lana del rey way but in a way that i’ve only know him for three weeks and already depend on him responding to me to be happy and get though my day…
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grimmgromm · 11 months
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« Madman. Fugitive. There are no roads.
You are seeing false light.
Your angel lit a mirage of fire.
He wants to kill you»
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sweet-darkkness · 5 months
Creo que todos tenemos esa persona que siempre será nuestra debilidad.
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Beautiful boy, 2018
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chronicallyuniconic · 4 months
a little help goes a long way, but when there's no help, the help becomes alot, and then they won't want to help or get frustrated with me, as if I choose this, when it's "I'm unable"
im getting frustrated with people's lack of patience with me, the sighing, the snatching, the looks, the tone of their voice, the moments where compassion goes out the window, the moments where they seem to forget im unwell, or ignore it, or don't think it should be considered.
im sad, the confidence & trust i possess for them is withering, in turn, myself. "is it just me" feelings
im sad, that my reliance with others is diminishing. How can i rely on myself, when illnesses already make things unpredictable, unreliable.
but it won't change the fact that, i depend on someone else
need to offload this weight or I'm gonna drown in the grey matter I lay in
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philosophybitmaps · 4 months
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Do Not Rely On Your Own Insight
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. — Proverbs 3:5-6 | New International Version - UK (NIVUK) Holy Bible, New International Version® Anglicized, NIV® Copyright © 1979, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® All rights reserved worldwide. Cross References: Numbers 9:20; 1 Chronicles 28:9; Nehemiah 7:5; Psalm 37:3; Psalm 37:5; Proverbs 11:5; Proverbs 16:3; Proverbs 22:19; Proverbs 23:4; Proverbs 28:26; Jeremiah 9:23; Philippians 4:6; James 1:5
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Spiritual Warfare: 'God Will Clear the Way'
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deadgirl76 · 3 months
El amor que me ofreciste y después no me pudiste dar me desordeno.
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months
I still haven't told my dad about all my posts on here. Despite how I sometimes feel guilty over never telling him, I also just can't bring myself to do it. If I do, I have to admit I've made 11,900 posts and never once told my dad about it. I've had like two to three years to tell him. But I never managed to tell him. Maybe if i told him, i could then also explain to him why i feel so sedentary online sometimes. But I just can't work up the nerve to tell him.
And it's not like I think my dad will judge me. My dad is my only friend in real life. I'm incredibly dependent on him. He gets me my water, he helps me shave and shower, he cooks for me, etc. He also puts up with me yelling at him and sometimes almost hitting him. My dad has put up with a lot. I'm sure he'd accept me or at least forgive me. But I also know that telling him means owning up to the fact that I hid something from him. And I can't bear thinking about it from that perspective. It makes me feel bad. Like I've broken the trust of my only friend, somehow. So instead of telling him, I just sit here and vent about it. Sigh...
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philosophybits · 11 months
I believe in individuality, but individuals are, to the mass, like waves to the ocean. The highest order of genius is as dependent as is the lowest. It, like the loftiest waves of the sea, derives its power and greatness from the grandeur and vastness of the ocean of which it forms a part.
Frederick Douglass, "Self-Made Men (1872)"
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thirdity · 7 months
We cannot see how forms will grow, because as they do grow they inter-relate, which is what we call the cosmos, and to see the future stage of the Plan is to see something which would elevate us and abolish us as we now exist.
Philip K. Dick, The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick
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picsfortheday · 5 days
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dk-thrive · 11 months
'I sometimes think the world is divided into people who survive from their own inner strength and those who have to latch on to others to survive.'
— Elizabeth Jolley, interview in Good Weekend, in Helen Garner's "One Day I'll Remember This: Diaries 1987–1995" (Text Publishing Company, October 12, 2021)
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