#Dnd movie fic recs
veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
DND:Honor Among Thieves Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
This list is focused on the relationships of the Party, if you’re looking for ship fics, check here next week and I’ll have a link to my Xedgin recs!
5 Times People Thought Holga and Edgin Were Married, and 1 Time They Talked About It by ughdotcom - Rated T
“Coming!” Edgin responded, necklace firmly secured. “Did he say that we were together?”
“He did. Disgusting, right? I would never date you, not if you were the last man living.”
“Oh, for sure. Same,” Edgin said. Holga slapped him upside the head.
just know you're not alone by Livesinbooks - Rated G
 I'm gonna make this place your home.
Ed thinks of the group as his little family, but he knows Simon and Doric don't really see him that way.
Until they both go to him for advice.
Not Wasted by enchantedsleeper - Rated G
Edgin wants to make sure that Holga knows the tablet wasn't wasted.
Holga just thinks he's wasted.
They get there in the end.
I close my eyes and Plumage grows by TheHoardingPuffin - Rated G
Doric tries out a few new wild shapes she hasn't done before. 
'Tis Better to Have Loved and Lost by enchantedsleeper - Rated G
 "I'm so, so sorry," he told her: the thing that he'd been waiting - how long had it been now? Sixteen years? - to say.
 Zia brushed her hair back behind one ear - a gesture he remembered with aching fondness - and smiled at him gently. "Don't be," she said. "You didn't do this."
Edgin dies, briefly, and sees his wife again.
so come with me, we'll go and see (the big rock candy mountains) by no_writing_just_ideas_without_motivation - Rated T
Edgin’s fucked up a few times. This is common knowledge, just as how it is common knowledge the sky is blue.
Contrary to seemingly popular belief, however, he’s not scared of admitting his fuck ups if they are, in fact, his fault.
A Friend in Need by seed_to_sickle - Rated G
A flurry of commotion woke Holga from where she had fallen into an uneasy doze in her chair. She jerked awake with a start as Edgin shot upright, wheezing and breathless, gaze rolling drunkenly around the room.
"Kira. Kira -- where's --"
"She's fine, Ed, she's safe," Holga said, pushing the feverish bard back into the bed, and winced at the heat beneath her palms. "Now stay down, alright?"
Edgin gets sick. Holga and the others are not really prepared to deal with it.
It's hard to be the Bard by TheHoardingPuffin - Rated G
The Group gets stuck in a tavern in a village in the middle of Nowhere. Kira has an idea on how to lighten the mood. 
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uniasus · 1 year
1.9K found family fic featuring a very aroace Doric
Summary: Doric needs something to do now that the forest is protected. But Simon, Simon isn't it.
Comments: This is a great fic (if I say so myself) about being domestic without being domestic. 100% found family, co-parenting vibes across the board with an understanding between all the characters. Which is important, because for Doric if it's not Simon that keeps her in the party it's got to be something else.
Sometimes your poly QPR is just a dad, his best friend, their adopted adult child, and his ex that needs to belong somewhere.
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allyricas · 2 years
I love gay Eddie and bisexual awakening Steve. It's solid and popular for a reason. It works, makes a lot of sense.
But...I also love flirty-cluelessly-queer Eddie and comfortable-with-his sexuality Steve.
Eddie does flirt. With everyone. It was pretty clear he was flirting with Chrissy. He was flirting with Steve. Calling him big boy and getting up in his personal space, being all cutesy.
So, imagine Eddie just casually flirting with Steve and it doesn't mean anything to him. He's just being Eddie. He isn't even aware that it's flirting. He really considers it teasing. The man is dramatic and silly. He loves to make a scene. So "teasing" people is fun for him.
Eddie who is a super senior running a DnD club for outcasts, loves Lord of the Rings, plays in a metal band. I think Eddie is always into some sort of hyperfixation to be trying to bang chicks or dudes.
There was totally a phase were he was obsessed with folk and old country music (Woody Guthrie much). There was the Jane Austen phase (It fits, c'mon). The time he tried to learn to crochet. His lasting phase with fantasy novels. His intense love of metal music. He knows a lot about music in general. Obscure shit. Oh, those handcuffs-definitely from his magic phase. Tell me, 12 year old Eddie didn't want to be a magician. He probably did card tricks, the whole deal.
Eddie would be the kind of guy who'd spout all sorts of random knowledge. He probably has one specific time period in history he could rant about for hours.
The man has raging ADHD (takes one to know one). He's a self-professed nerd and outcast. The only thing that might be considered "cool" is that he plays in his band. But even then, he's a total nerd about it.
Eddie is hot as hell. That is undeniable. But Eddie has been too damn busy being a fucking nerd to date or hook up. I think he's so focused on his interests, it could easily not have been on his radar. Same way he's failed senior year twice in a row despite being smart as hell. The shit they are trying to teach doesn't interest him and that makes Eddie fucking struggle.
He's bouncy and hyperactive. He probably has terrible tunnel vision when he gets into a book or movie or campaign. Dating has thus far not been interesting enough especially combined with how he's treated by the people in Hawkins.
So, yeah- he flirts and teases. He thinks it's harmless fun. With Chrissy, it was a way to make her feel safe and lighten the mood. With Steve, it's a way to disarm him. It's King Steve afterall. Why not play up the metalhead freak persona. Let him think he's weird.
It isn't until Steve starts flirting back and gives Eddie butterflies that Eddie realizes this is not heterosexual behavior. And he knows a lot about that because he was accidentally flagging for a whole goddamn year. Because he wanted to look metal as fuck and thought the bandana was badass.
Steve calls Eddie princess. Calls him pretty boy. Throws in a babe. Everytime Eddie refers to him as big boy or Stevie, Steve just smirks and comes up with a new pet name that wrecks Eddie (who has no idea what is fucking going on). Throw in the boys getting high together with no inhibitions and Steve actively trying to romance him and Eddie's in a full blown sexuality crisis.
best part: Steve thinks Eddie is gay because of the bandana that he wore all year. Add in all the flirting and then Steve's really putting the moves on totally clueless Eddie. And say what you want about Steve, but he has game. I can just imagine Eddie trying to frantically figure out why all of the sudden he wants to make out with Steve "the hair" Harrington and Steve's like...aren't you gay?
(if anyone knows of steddie fics anything like this, please rec them!)
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limetameta · 11 months
I don't know why more fic writers don't utilise the Wayne Gardens Halfway House for criminals and then the consequent Wayne Enterprises employment like Bruce Wayne is out here doing his darndest do give the Rogues a safer and easier transition into the real world post Arkham and yet I don't think I've ever come across a Halfway house fic once. (This is me begging for fic recs about this BTW feel free to gimme)
Like this concept is from the btas episode Double Talk where Arnold (Scarface's ventriloquist) is well enough to leave Arkham and he gets to the House, and he has a job in the Wayne Enterprises mail room. It's a very sad episode for other reasons but it's still so touching how much Bruce tried to make this difficult period of house finding and job searching all but done for them already.
So what I'm getting at here is what if more of the Rogues got to this point.
Ideas under the cut
Harley decorating her room however she wants and putting Ivy's plants in there because she doesn't have to worry about if doctors or guards will make a fuss about it. This is her space. She has a job now, too. A paper pushing job, but she's in a programme to get her licence back and everything is looking up for her! Thanks Bruce!
Edward making a dnd campaign group with his fellow Halfway House rogues because Harley commented that once curfew sets in she doesn't know what to do with herself. He shows up at work at Wayne Enterprises on the dot every morning, having set like 7 alarms so he doesn't sleep through because he isn't going to waste his one chance. He's the game developer in their suspiciously newly minted game department.
Plus, he has Temple Fugate to wake him up, who lives right next door and is up before everyone else. Man knows how to bake. He bakes and says that it's a calming activity with a set schedule that if he deviates from it will be catastrophic. Besides, it's nice to have hobbies.
At this point, Jonathan Crane, also in a programme to get his licence back, comments about how he'll probably be back in Arkham sooner than later. Harley laughs. "You can't SERIOUSLY be thinking of applying as a doctor there AGAIN?" And Jonathan, with the biggest shite-eating grin, just says: "Oh who's to say. Maybe just to see the reactions."
Gimme a fic where they break away from the cyclical status quo. Where you can feel the hope . Where they all treat this as seriously as they can because Bruce Wayne truly believes in them. And that's so rare. After everything that's happened.
Pamela who works in a botanical garden funded by Wayne Corp. Mr Fries who is allowed to research with scientists employed by Wayne Enterprises on how to cure his predicament. His wife Nora (Post movie) supporting him every step of the way (maybe she and Grace (Harvey's fiancee) are friends and helping each other as well as the men they love)
Harvey getting the operation finally and having a chance to recuperate. Though him, I think they might pull him quickly out of the Halfway House because he's a high profile man and some might think that being in a Halfway House would be beneath him. Maybe this works for him. He works as a lawyer in Wayne Enterprises and all he can say to Bruce, when he sees him is this: "Thank you for never giving up on me, old friend."
Though Harvey does get hooked on dnd and he does come by to play once a week. Edward is looking forward to a promotion to head of department.
They all know that sooner or later they'll need to leave the Halfway House and find different accommodation but they all tentatively agree that they won't push themselves before being fully, truly ready for it.
Harley points at Edward and tells him: "I'm gonna miss you guys so much! Why don't we all live together or get apartments in the same building like in a sitcom?"
And Jonathan is the only one who says he hates this idea, though it's very half-hearted and they know he isn't fighting the idea of that.
Waylon gets a job as a fisherman. Man is living out those A perfect Storm dreams of his. He gets paid the most from all of the Rogues because he's always been very materialistic and money means very little to Bruce Wayne.
Mary Dahl and Matt Hagen respectively get jobs working in a theatre group in Gotham. It isn't that visited, but they aren't ridiculed for being who they are. Romance because I ship them and I think this makes more sense than Waylon/Mary lmao. They're in counseling anyway so it's not like they can be that toxic to each other.
Speaking of romance~
The only one who's never gotten as far as the Wayne Gardens Halfway House is the Joker. But you see, that man can do whatever he puts his mind to. He's bored so he might as well speed run his way out of Arkham.
And everyone is worried about this. Because if there's one person who can undo all of their careful progress just by being his loathsome clown self, it's the Joker.
But he, just like all of them, winds up his alarm to get to his Wayne Enterprises job. He is nail bitingly saccharine to them. One time, he even washed the dishes that weren't his in the communal kitchen space. Something's off.
Once confronted, the Joker just smiles and says airily: "Oh pish-posh! I'm just in a good mood is all. I can finally see my boyfriend on a regular basis. Mon amour, Mon petit chou-fleur. Mon âme!"
Something is definitely off because Edward says that the Joker got a nicer job than all of them. He works CLOSELY to Bruce Wayne as his assistant. And that doesn't make sense. Why would Bruce Wayne let that happen? Surely he'd want to avoid someone like the Joker.
And it's Jonathan that sighs: "Do you think that his boyfriend IS Bruce Wayne?"
"No??? Why?? God??? God no???"
"Think about it. Bruce Wayne is the 1%, they're all very weird people with kinks that us in the psychology department would relish in untangling. What's some clown fuckery on the side? If anything, that's a lot tamer than what most of his contemporaries are doing behind closed doors."
Immediate horror from everyone. Harley is the first one to shout: "If that good for nothing clown fucks up this good gig we got by breaking Bruce's heart I'm going to kill him!!"
So they confront the Joker by knocking on his room in the middle of the night. And maybe they shouldn't have done that because he's supposed to be out cold, having been prescribed sleeping pills and all that. But they knock again, nonetheless.
They hear a bang. And a crash from the inside. And half of the Rogues just kind of take a step back. Harley and Pamela are the ones who stay closest to the door. Pamela shouts: "Open up, clown!"
Jonathan narrows his eyes as he cranes his way towards the door, trying to make out the sounds on the other end. He coughs to swallow down a laugh: "There's a lot of moaning in there."
"Hey, hey, you're going to get us all in trouble if you've brought folks over! It's past curfew!" Harley yells.
And it's at this moment that the moaning kind of stops. There aren't any crashes. Someone grips the door handle from the inside and turns it open.
The Rogues all take yet another step back, this time all of them.
It's Batman. The portion of his face visible from the cowl is covered in red lipstick. He sighs, and his voice doesn't quite manage to lose that post make out tinge: "Nobody's going to get in trouble. I'll talk to Bruce Wayne and clear anything up. Go ahead and play your dnd. Thank you, goodbye." And just as he closes the door, the Joker erupts in a fit of laughter on the other end.
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steddieunderdogfics · 5 months
For challenge Monday the Steve’s pets series on ao3 by Squirrel_Tail22
Chloe by Squirrel_Tail22
Rating: General Audiences
1,579 words, 1/1 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: The Party Friendship (Stranger Things), Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Are Best Friends, Eddie Munson Lives, Maxine "Max" Mayfield Lives, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington Loves The Party, Confused Steve Harrington
The house was ready. It was clean and everything was set up the way it was supposed to be. He had snacks and drinks set up in the kitchen, movies for him and Robin in the living room, and the dining room was decorated for the kids' DnD game he stupidly agreed to host. There was only one problem. He couldn’t find Chloe.
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Challenge Monday. The challenge this week was fics with prominent pets.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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grapenehifics · 11 months
20 Question Fic Writer Tag
Hell yeah I'll play. Thanks @palfriendpatine66 :D
How many works do you have on ao3?
AO3 says ten, but one of those is a series continuation of another one, so I count it as nine...although tomorrow that will go up by one, after the reveals for the Ghost Window challenge go out.
2.) What's your ao3 word count? 
Oh god. 690,376. I honestly think I was happier not knowing that fact about myself.
3.) What fandoms do you write for? 
I don't multitask well. I can write Star Wars fics or I can write Star Wars fics. I haven't even ventured outside the Clone Wars era yet.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Some Technical Difficulties - big gap - Solsbury Hill - An Uncivil War - medium-sized gap - An Unlikely Duo - another gap-ish - Down by the Seaside.
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yep. I like it when authors reply to me when I leave a comment, so I try to pay it forward. Also sometimes we get into fun little side chats.
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
At the moment, not one single damn one of them. They have angst in them, but none of them end on angst. However as of about twenty-four hours from now, my answer will be, Ghost Window AU.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Literally all of them. I'm happy to read angst, but when it comes to writing I am firmly in the happy endings camp.
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
I had some people tell me they were dropping out of Solsbury Hill because it wasn't getting to the Obikin fast enough, but I wouldn't call that hate. So, no.
(Side note, though: you don't have to tell authors that. Just delete your subscription quietly.)
But, I am also very ready to delete any and all negative comments. This is my fun side project; good vibes only.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
...pretty vanilla kind, honestly. Again, I read much more adventurously than I write. (Although, as recently as two years ago I would have said I don't write smut at all, so hit me up two years from now and maybe I'll be writing hardcore d/s, I don't know.)
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
By the strict definition, no. If you're talking 'dump Star Wars characters into settings of other movies', then hell yeah, that's kind of my jam right now. Down by the Seaside is Obikin Overboard. Next year I'm planning to publish Obikin Jurassic Park, Obikin Parent Trap, and Obikin Princess Diaries II. And I have a couple more on my to-do list.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Is this a thing I need to worry about?? Shit.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
@kittonafoxgirl did a podfic of Some Technical Difficulties and it is still like one of the top five most rad things that has ever happened to me; does that count?
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No but @fulcrum843 are currently mulling something over...
I do get a lot of help with my writing though. @piecesofeden11 basically wrote all the DnD stuff in An Unlikely Duo. I talk stuff out on Tumblr with folks all the time before I actually sit down to write it (or during, lol).
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
I have no plans to write anything other than Obikin, and there's so much new good fic that it takes up most of my reading time as well.
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I wouldn't call it a WIP because there are no words on a page but I love the *idea* of a fic based on Jenn Barkley from Parks & Rec but have no idea what direction to take it and may never get to it. (If anyone wants to take this idea and run with it please do; it is very much up for grabs!)
16.) What are your writing strengths?
This is a weird thing to answer about myself but I hope I write with a sense of movement, propulsion, even a little suspense - as a reader I love to feel that I have to turn the page, I have to see what comes next, I don't want to put this fic/book down - and I try to work towards that goal in my own writing.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
Getting bogged down in details. It drives me crazy in movies when characters have these huge mansions but seemingly never go to work and somehow this has translated into me being incapable of just writing a smutty one-shot or whatever because what is everyone's job and how much is their mortgage payment and do they get paid on Fridays or Mondays and how many bedrooms does that apartment have.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
See answer above about over-complicating things: I came up with this whole system for An Uncivil War for whether I'm writing out the dialogue in a language other than Basic (I feel like we really only have enough information for me to be able to do this in Huttese and Mando'a, and even then only short conversations in certain subjects), or simply noting that a character is saying something in another language ("he said in Ryl" or whatever), or mixing Basic and a word/words in another language within the same sentence. It was important to me to capture that multilingualism, but it's also a lot of work, ngl.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Technically Johnlock but I never finished/published anything.
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
I love all my babies equally, she lied.
It's the Can't Stop the Suns series, which is An Uncivil War, Pick Up the Pieces (more than halfway completed), and Sometimes Fate Steps In (loosely outlined). Sometimes I'll just look over my notes and get giddy about how much good stuff I'm packing in there and how much *more* good stuff I haven't even gotten to yet. I'm throwing the kitchen sink of stuff I love at it. Even if the final version doesn't quite live up to the vision I see in my head (it rarely does), as long as I get close I'll be happy.
I tag @piecesofeden11, @underacalicosky, @fulcrum843, and, as usual, anyone else who feels up for it!
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leonstamatis · 5 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
tagged by @cyndakip
uh! favorite is a big thing! lemme see what i got.
symbiosis - a dnd movie fic about the druid tiefling who absolutely did not get enough attention, and a young girl who could use a role model. i still get really kind comments on this one a lot, and it is such a nice reread whenever the mood strikes.
lessons in practicality - love the power unbound series. love all the main characters. love adelaide morrissey more! i wanted to look at how she ended up married and what it looked like from her pov, and i still really love it.
once more with feeling - about beck whitney and margo nava after blaseball ends. to this day whenever i get down or feel like i miss it, i open this up and give it another read. it's done the best job of capturing my specific feelings about the whole thing out of anything i've tried.
reciprocity - es and syntyche of sangfielle fame! i can't remember if this is my first fatt fic, but it's up there. i just love this show a lot, and this season in particular, and these two especially. they did something to my brain and it was fun to put it to paper.
chorby short's delivery service - man idk. i talk about this one a lot. a blaseball ghibli au which is such a specific me kind of thing to do that i still love it a lot. makes me happy every time.
ok welllll @sarsaparillia @fourteenfifteen @spacetrashpile @polyboros and @crabmoney3 assuming you haven't already been tagged !
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queeraang · 1 year
i am no longer asking you to watch the DnD movie and crawl with me into the Edgin/Xenk hole, I am dragging you behind me
anyway, fic recs
Sunlight is a Kind of Burning (23k, E) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Xenk and Ed keep running into each other and Ed simply cannot take the hint. I am kicking my feet, I am twirling my hair, Ed's so fucking stupid and Xenk is a morosexual +theoretical sequel that can also be read as a stand alone
keystone (11k, E) by weatheredlaw
Ed dies, Holga and Xenk bond on the quest to revive him. I am so normal about this fic
Braided Threads (13k, M) by stele3
Ed learns bardic magic, Xenk has ptsd. this fic contains a scene where Ed washes Xenk's hair. If that doesn't make you want to eat furniture, I can't help you
tenets of devotion (18k, E) by weatheredlaw
Xenk and Ed pretend to be married to infiltrate a cult. You already know what it is baby
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radishhqueen · 2 years
about me:
hi! im radish :) i mostly post about turtles but other interests include: my dnd campaigns, a dash of mcyt, and sometimes anime. tags below the cut
mean teen fighting machines series:
A collection of post-movie aftermath fics revolving around April O'Neil and Cassandra Jones. Includes how to get very good at juggling and vigilantism for fun and profit.
tags: whole series: #mtfm individual fics: #h2j, #vfp, #sbr
the ol switcheroo (complete, #tosw)
Casey Jones Jr is familiar with losing people. He's familiar with grief. What he's not familiar with is staring down the living, breathing ghosts of his family. What is he supposed to do with grief for the death of a person sitting right in front of him?
mikey gets a friend (rottmnt woody dirkins comic)
[1] [2] [3] COMPLETE
personal tags: #radish, #radish art, #radish fic
fandom tags:
-- shows: #rottmnt, #tmnt, #tmnt 03, #tmnt 2012, #genrex, #lmk, #opla
-- manga/comics: #fma, #mob psycho 100, #one piece, #usagi yojimbo, #dunmeshi
-- video games: #splatoon, #botw, #totk, #mcyt, #pkmn, #ghost trick, #pwaa
OC tags: #micah saltmarsh, #katya avernus, #tyffayne tremaine, #mariana goldfinch, #RS tag
misc: #fic rec, #resippy, #inspo, #ceramics, #bookbinding
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Xedgin Fic Recs Part 1
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Click Here for general recs
and Here for Part two of my Xedgin recs!
he loves me, he loves me not by phiroths - Rated T
“What?” Edgin’s response was snarky, carefree with a hint of annoyance as he ties his last knot of his gift of golden strings to his aging instrument.
Doric sighs, her attitude shifting, “Ed, he keeps buying you stuff. They’re not even things you can use on quests or something, they’re specifically designed for you. They’re tokens.” Her explanation is slow as if it’s common sense that flew over his head.
He snorts, testing his lute and tuning it accordingly. “Okay? It’s not a bad thing, they’re great tokens, and it’s even better since he doesn’t expect anything in retuーoh shit.”
A note came out flat under his fingers.
Edgin was being courted.
It's Him Again by Triss_Hawkeye - Rated G
  Edgin is finally feeling at ease, which is instantly interrupted when a familiar figure enters the tavern. 
tenets of devotion by weatheredlaw - Rated E
Ed leaned forward and put his head in his hands. “This is ridiculous. You know that, right?”
“Eh, I think you’ve done weirder things.”
“Weirder than marrying a paladin and infiltrating a cult together?”
Holga shrugged. “You’ve done a lot of weird things. Don’t make me list them all.”
or: xenk needs edgin's help to take down a cult. absolutely nothing can go wrong. right?
Braided Threads by stele3 - Rated M
Turning, Xenk watched Edgin enter the stables at a jog, then stumble to a halt. He looked at Xenk’s face and visibly blanched. It had been some time since he had done thus; Xenk could hardly blame him. The mark on his forehead had caused so many to recoil from him over the years.
“Nice, uh, nice horse,” Edgin said after a moment.
“Greetings, Edgin Darvis,” Tyr said aloud.
“Nice talking horse.”
Xenk wiped tears from his face. “Edgin, I present to you my god: Tyr, the Sword Above the Clouds, Keeper of the Door.”
“Your god is a horse?”
Beckoning Life by Mirach - Rated T
  When Xenk learns that Edgin was hurt and needs him, he rushes to him hoping to help with his healing touch. But healing is not effective against a wound caused by a Red Wizard Blade and Xenk has to face his own demons to be able to save Edgin. 
We can burn much brighter (if we don't look back) by enchantedsleeper
- Rated T
  Xenk learns that Sofina tried to unleash the Beckoning Death on Neverwinter, and grapples with the fact that his past almost repeated itself while he was too far away to help. Restless and unable to sleep, he goes for a walk, and finds that he's not the only one struggling to come to terms with recent events. 
Not If It's You by G_Moore - Rated G
touch-starved xenk
touchy edgin
not even quite romance
maybe romance eventually
half your life (you've been hooked on death) by roundtriptojupiter - Rated T
Almost six months after the events of Honor Among Thieves, Xenk shows up on Edgin's doorstep. 
if you get lost, i'll hold your hand by yourstrulytay - Rated T
If you get lost, take my hand and I will guide you.
The words keep swirling around in Edgin’s head, and he’s unsure as to why he can’t seem to get them to stop.
He almost wants to ask further questions; get clarification on why the paladin had felt the need to even say such a thing.
It’s- not bothering him, per se, but it definitely- okay well, bothering him a lot, actually.
Does he seem so helpless? Do they all? He knows their group is somewhat ragtag, all of them pieces belonging to different puzzles, but they all have their strengths. They won’t need help from some big, dumb, strong, handsome-
Nope. No. Ed’s not going there, thank you very much. He’s annoyed at the paladin, not attracted to him.
or, the three times that Xenk holds Edgin's hand for totally platonic reasons and the one time it's absolutely not for platonic reasons
  it's always darkest (before the dawn) by puffvisionary - Rated G
Xenk is not the type of person you can expect to come home every evening, a tired smile on his face and a request for a hug on his lips. He's not the type to step through the threshold of their home and shake off the heroic. His dedication and single-minded focus to his oath doesn't come on or off along with his shiny breastplate.
Edgin knows this, understands this, and accepts this.
That does not mean he's ready for the day when Xenk comes home without any recollection of him, of them, of what they have.
Well, shit.
Touching in the Dark by Bestbuds55 - Rated T
Edgin isn't the biggest fan of Xenk Yendar, but that is obvious to everyone. Well, except maybe Xenk himself. 
Odd Little Family by hollyjolly_42 - Rated T
"Kira found it practical to believe that her father would someday remarry, and even more so to believe that it would be to the woman who was already a trusted, guiding figure to his child.
Therefore, it was much to her surprise when a tall, handsome man interrupted her lute practice to ask her blessing in his proposal to her father."
Someone Lit From Within by BlackEyedGirl - Rated T
Edgin takes a detour when he realises they're near Mornbryn’s Shield. Xenk brings him along on a side-quest and the two of them have a number of enlightening conversations. (Holga has some concerns) 
Solitary Burdens by cupiscent - Rated T
Edgin's wife died years ago, but he's only just now letting go. He can't talk about it with any of the others, but Xenk - aggravatingly - understands. Perhaps neither of them need to carry these burdens alone.
Windows XP love confession by veryace - Rated G
  It wasn't common for Ed to wake up in an unfamiliar place, but it also wasn't uncommon. He had his fair share of unfamiliar bedrooms and houses in his years of barding before he found Zia. It was, however, his first time waking up in a seemingly endless field, with no landmarks to help him figure out where he was.
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stevespookington · 2 years
self rec game
thanks for the tag @riality-check​!!
Rules: recommend three of your own fics (1 most popular, two hidden gems) then tag some people!
most popular
hot patootie bless my soul (2,742 words)
5 times everyone thought steve was just really supportive +1 time they realize he is just a pining and idiotic bisexual
hidden gems
the icarus to your certainty (oh, my sunlight) (2,164 words)
eddie helps steve put together a dnd character sheet for an upcoming game and faces a crisis when steve breaks out his glasses
aka my excuse for excessive sun and icarus motifs
hey, babe, your hair's alright (hey, babe, let's stay in tonight) (3,920 words)
Eddie discovered one downside to graduating is that he doesn't have access to the school to play dnd in anymore. Steve, on the other hand, discovered that he has a huge weakness in the form of Eddie Munson's puppy dog eyes. Steve finally broke down and offered to let him run sessions out of his house and Eddie stuck around afterwards.
Eddie paused midstep, “I mean, I was just going to go home and collapse on my couch? What were you up to for the rest of the day, Harrington?”
“Probably just going to collapse on my couch actually.” Steve replied with a smile. “But it’s big enough for the both of us and I was going to maybe put a movie on if you are interested? Maybe order pizza later?”
no pressure tags:  @pizzaqueen  @lordoftherazzles @hexmionegranger @lesbiankiliel @ahufflepuffhobbit @toburnup @imperialkatwala @flashyysins @fastcardotmp3 @transgendergerardway if y’all want to and anyone else who wants to!
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magicofthepen · 6 months
Here’s a tag directory for my blog! (Not every fandom on this list is something I’m currently into – I’ve included old fandoms if I have a lot of posts in the tag.)
The Gallifrey audios have been my main fandom for several years, and this fall the October Daye series became my current main fannish interest.
If you follow me and haven’t listened to all of Gallifrey, I’m happy to tag for spoilers past the audio of your choice – just let me know! Same thing for if you follow me and would like me to tag October Daye spoilers past a certain book.
Currently tagging for #gallifrey spoilers post-Time War 1, and not tagging for October Daye spoilers. (Note: Gallifrey tag directory includes Gallifrey characters/relationships through Time War 3 and October Daye tag directory includes October Daye spoilers.)
my stuff
fic tag | ao3 account edits text posts answered asks fic talk
main fandoms
gallifrey audios tag directory october daye tag directory
(note: those are separate posts because I hit the link limit on this post.)
big finish ( non-gallifrey ) the adventure zone ( balance / amnesty ) the strange case of starship iris the mortal path wolf 359 second star to the left
tv shows
doctor who avatar: the last airbender legend of korra steven universe steven universe future she-ra and the princesses of power good omens merlin ( merlin text posts ) taskmaster once upon a time
star wars the old guard everything everywhere all at once marvel cinematic universe
the locked tomb leagues and legends the alliance trilogy wayward children wayfarers this is how you lose the time war percy jackson / heroes of olympus the kane chronicles warrior cats artemis fowl
wicked hadestown come from away cats
creative arts: art | writing | worldbuilding | publishing | fiction | poetry | music | dance | theatre | fashion | figure skating | bookbinding | video essays
tabletop games: dnd | general rpg tag
recs from others: books to read | general media recs natural world: animals | nature | gardening relationships, gender, sexuality: relationships | lgbt+ | gender things | sex ed | polyamory politics & social justice: us politics | racial justice | black lives matter | decolonization | environmentalism | environmental justice | climate change | reproductive justice | disability rights | accessibility | neurodiversity | labor rights | palestine | ukraine
brain things: mental health | brain soup
fandom: ao3 | dreamwidth | tumblr | fandom
other topics: space | food | health (us health insurance system, vaccines, etc.) | electronics | time loops misc: reference | ‘for later’ | general (catch-all) tag
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15 questions
Thanks for tagging me, @the-evil-stick
1. Are you named after anyone?
Given name, no. Chosen name, also no. And it's changed over the years. I just thought it sounded cool.
2. When was the last time you cried?
It definitely cried when I did the sad fic recs recently.
Pretty sure I have cried more recently than that but I can't remember.
3. Do you have kids?
No and happy for it.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
All the time.
5. What sports do you play / have you played?
I am so not sporty. I barely move (which I know is not healthy).
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
I'm very bad at not looking at people when I talk to them. But I guess I notice their body language, how they are standing.
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Um. I just prefer a good story. If it's a sad ending, I will just cry my eyes out.
Not into scary movies, so I guess I have to say happy endings.
9. Any special talents?
Um, idk. I write. Does that count?
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, dnd, video games
12. Do you have any pets?
13. How tall are you?
5' 5"
14. Favorite subject in school?
Modern studies
15. Dream job?
If I could spend all day writing stories, that would be amazing.
Tagging @abitofboth @bigpeepee @rins-love-wins @echo-bleu @ladyofthestayingpower if you want to do this.
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gracefulweather · 3 years
its been 84 years but im finally continuing our convo aldjdlafjwl ! sorry it took me so long ! but i hope ur doing well 💗
i haven't found the alice in borderland manga anywhere but i also haven't checked many sites, so it honestly might b !
& i completely agree, a good plot >>>> jumpscares any day
i also have a favorite manga series that is like a psychological thriller/"survival" game kind of thing, its called ARISA ! i absolutely love it and have read it so many times :") and its available to read online too !
i'll add ur recs to my list as well ! tho i've been a bit hesitant to watch us bc it looks a bit spooky
i definitely did not stay up for the comeback show either lol but i watched maybe half of the reupload and clips on twt too
but omg that would've been so fun 🥺 for halloween i just hung out w some friends and watched halloween movies and had way too many sweets :") wbu?? did u do anything fun or dress up?
i didn't watch road to kingdom but i may have gone through a phase where i watched all of tbz's performance every single day in order to function 😳😳😳 & i did watch all of kingdom ! from rtk i love: sword of victory, checkmate & quasi una fantasia. from kingdom i love: the red wedding & the stealer epic ver. wbu?? did u watch rtk or kingdom? and which performances do u like the best?
i broke...and ordered the storybook ver :") i saw all of the scans and i just needed one 😭
but overall ! thoughts on maverick???
ohhh i see 👀 ! but tbz is really just... taking all of my energy too (in a good way) lol
anyways dw about it!! i've been staying busy with a bunch of incoming fic deadlines HAHA but time really flies??? almost 2022 😭 i hope school/work are going well for u!! oh and ur new smau too that's exciting 🤩 (i'm still very curious as to what happens in ur ateez smau if u ever decide to continue that tho!!)
wait for alice in borderland does this site work? i clicked the last chapter to see if it's complete and uhHHH might've seen a spoiler OOPS LMAO i'll probably wait for s2 of the show to come out first tho. but arisa sounds so good??? the concept of impersonating a twin is already interesting omg ok i'll dive into this after my deadlines!! and yeah i agree, us was definitely spooky, not in so much in a horror way but it kinda just lingers in ur mind LOL
omg i ended up staying up for the mv alkdfjk but tbz really had so much content this time that i can barely keep up, like dnd and timeout? plus the comeback stuff :') how do u survive as a multi?? but ur halloween sounds like it was fun!! i watched some movies but really just did nothing LMAOO
aggressively watching their performances is... relatable tho... each time u watch it there's probably something different to notice anyway AHAHA :') i watched kingdom first but then went back and watched rtk right after!! really liked checkmate, quasi una fantasia, and reveal catching fire for rtk (though the reveal mama version is still my fav 🥺), and atz's from the wonderland and btob's blue moon for kingdom!! excited to see what they do for this year's award shows 😍
OKAY SO I ORDERED THE ALBUM omg it's my first album in all my 10 years of kpop adlkfj. the pics are just so cute 🥺 i liked all three songs, wbu?! the maverick mv was hella cool but kinda wish they did a little more with it? if they had more time i guess BUT ANYWAY i've been mindlessly looping it for the past while :') the prechorus and bridge have my heart but i do love sunwoo's rap at the beginning 😍 did u see their stage outfits tho!! everyone looked so good 😭
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Treat Instructions!
The fills have been posted! 90 incredible Stuckony stories for you to enjoy!
Tumblr media
For the next week while you enjoy guessing who made them all, we’re encouraging you to put extra treats in people’s stockings. You can do this in two ways: Discord or Tumblr. 
Below the cut, you’ll find a list of the folks who have requested treats linked to their tumblr stocking post. You can reply to/reblog the Tumblr stocking post and share the treat there! 
You can head over to Discord and share it there. You can do this through DM if the person allows, or @ the recipient on our STB Enthusiasts 18+ Discord server if both of you are there. (Are you? You should be! We’re guessing who created the amazing fills over there all week!) We’ve created a special channel - #stocking-party - just for this purpose.
Treats do not need to be Marvel or Stuckony-themed, but they certainly can be! Here are a few examples for how to make someone’s day even brighter: fic comments, gifs, pictures of animals, recipes, moodboards, and Flame really likes being told she’s pretty - just to name a few. Exactly like the fills, this is open to everyone and anyone who wants to make someone’s day.
Anyone who signed up for a stocking - be sure to check your stocking post for treats! Treats are open until October 3rd. But if you want to keep sending love to each other after that, well, we’re not going to stop you!
Treats are CLEARLY LABELED on the stocking posts as treats, so please be careful to follow wishes carefully! Click through the readmore for the full list of treat requests or click here for the archive of stocking posts.
betheflame - "I love gifs, and jokes, and anything to do with any of my fanworks. Puppies are just joy in photo form to me."
FestiveFerret - "I love allllll animals, especially ferrets. I cook, knit, crochet, and garden. I love pictures of pretty yarn, kind messages, anything to do with any of my fanworks, puzzles and brain teasers."
HogwartsToAlexandria - "Moodboards! Playlists! Love notes! (🥺) Fun pics and thirsty ones! Snippets of your own headcanons about the boys! Additional prompts you think are great! Reclists of shortish fics (anything over 3k I'm less likely to read, sorry!) Links to artsy time-lapses (they're a drug of mine..) and anything that came across your dash you think I might like. Commenting on your favorite of my fics if there's any you like. Stick figure drawings about anyhing at all... I just love gifts 🥺😍💕"
Bill_Longbow - "Mini Avengers cross stitch patterns"
hundredthousands - "Fanart, moodboards or headcanons of any of my prompts or likes would be loved!"
Corsets_and_Cardigans - "Moodboards, Baking recipes, anything fall or Halloween themed, pictures of cute animals. I knit, sew, cross stitch, and bake, anything themed there."
RedToni - "musicals, books, sims, social work, singing, baking"
DepressingGreenie - "Chickens. Secretary birds. Gardening (I'm particularity fond of: food gardening, native Australian food plants, Food Forests, cottage style gardens, and heirlooms plants). Dragons/Wyverns + other mythological creatures. Snakes with arms or hats... or both. Puns. ...and anything to do with any of my fanworks."
Wiggle - "moodboards, I haven't put up prompt or ask posts in forever come hmu, headcanons, stick figure art, wild AU ideas, gifs of the boys, puppies, and anything to do with my fics/writing"
realityfallsapart - "I do like to bake 👀👀"
Fearlesslexi - "I love pit bulls and reptiles so pictures of those would be amazing"
willidothefandango (nagth) - "Movie and podcasts recommendations (anything mysterie and science fiction themed) and pics of cute cats and dogs (specially weiner dogs!) are all appreciated"
RoseRose - "Kitty pictures are awesome! Really, any adorable animal picture. Dragon pictures. Anything to do with any of my fanworks. Silly headcanons are also fun! Also, fic recs!"
JimmieJive - "I don't quite get this section but, SNAKES, I love snakes. Actually any cute animals are great. Was thinking of trying cross stitch so any beginner patterns are cool too." "
Ruquas - ""I love recipes. You have a recipe that you absolutely adore and would eat only if it was socially acceptable? I would love to try it. And pictures of landscapes. Doesn’t matter from where, with water or without, with animals or without, but I love landscapes"""
Skeeter_110 - "Moodboards, art of any kind, recipes, prompts"
JacarandaBanyan - "Moodboards are always fun!"
goindownshipping - "I love to cook! If you have any go-to recipes, I'd love to try them out. I'm not picky!"
newtypeshadow - "Fanart, foxes and kitsune, wolves and werewolves, dragons, funny pics and gifs, cute animals, anything to do with my fics, recs, headcanons, marvel meta."
Not_Crazy_Just_a_Fangirl - " translations of my fics, book recs, pokemon, fanart, song lists, recipes, dnd oneshots?, anything really"
justanotherpipedream - "I love to cook and always love trying new recipes! Puzzles, animals, gif sets, cat/dog videos, fun crafts, colouring pages."
mayamoksin - "Art would be cool. :) Also interesting but simple baking recipes. Any minimalist tattoo designs would be awesome to see. Maybe an idea for a new tumblr username."
Dodo - "sewing patterns for plushies, and cookie and pie recipes."
asphxdels - "moodboards, playlists"
nativemossy - "PLEASE send me pics of your pets or advise for my garden lol"
ABrighterDarkness - "I love, love, love foxes! I mean, I love animals period but foxes are <3 <3 <3. Moodboards, gifs, anything to do with my fics/writing, got any one-pan/pot-wonder recipes to share? I also love reading and learning the 'weird but true' type fun facts/trivia!" "
Huntress79 - "- cooking recipes (only in German and/or English, please), from wherever in the world you are! - cute pics of baby kittens, dolphins - knitting and/or crochet patterns (again, only in German or English, please)"
Publisher021 - "Mood boards"
iam93percentstardust - "Moodboards! Playlists! Prompts! Cats! Foxes!"
Faustess - "Funny or fandom cross stitch, lower carb recipes, cats, owls, moodboards, gifsets, memes - all kinds of stuff!"
MercurialMagpie - "my favorite animals are foxes, cats of any type, and Western dragons"
seleneaurora - "art, recs, cute animals"
Aquatigermice - "I like dogs, fish (Bettas), Tsums tsums, cake, tigers, snow and coloring sheets." "
OddConfection - "- I am always looking for new things to bake, so recipes are welcome! - Dark fairy tale/witch aesthetic - The moon/space - Mythical creatures. - Libraries"
MassiveSpaceWren - "Recs for the things I like, recs for TV series that are nice to watch without super much attention (for example while drawing). Anything with feathered dinosaurs."
groffiction - "love crafts, art of any kind, stuffed animals, drawing, stickers, horses, cats, dogs, wolves, etc."
lokivsanubis - "fresh laundry, betting on random things, dogs."
LadyUkkey - "Art~! Playlists! Stories!"
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kulliare · 3 years
*valley girl voice* hey besties
doing a tag meme, tagged by @angelowl-fics and @albatrossisland
Favourite Colour: orangey red, purple
Currently Reading:  a copious amount of loki fanfic. i need happy recs bc i've just been reading sad fic whoops
Last Song:  as the world caves in by sarah cothran. very dramatic, v cinematic, v good
Last Movie: i don't remember whoops
Last Series: loki and i'm a bit upset abt it but i'm currently ranting w/ someone on discord. feel free to hop into my dms if you also wanna complain about it. i enjoy complaining.
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy:  savory
Craving: marvel not having the same level of writing as a cw show despite their higher budgets
Tea or Coffee: coffee!!! i do like some teas but i'm just feeling coffee rn folks
Currently Working On: jb fic exchange, artfight dnd drawings
tagging @halfagod, @beesreadbooks, @fridaycore @kurikaesu-haru
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