#Do not compare these characters to tog. stop that.
emeriesmate · 1 year
I hate to see edits or images of The Witcher and see in the comments:
"Cirilla as Caleana."
"Geralt as Rowan."
"These two are Rowan and Aelin."
Like, are you guys okay? Cirilla is 15, she is a child! Geralt is over a hundred and his an adult. Their relationship is like a father and a daughter and you ship these two in your favourite characters that are a couple! WTF?!
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-A-Long, Kingdom of Ash, Day 10
So - it’s come, today’s the day, in reality, the read-a-long is finished!
(But I’m still just barely starting part two - Gods and Gates)
I have no intention to stop now
It’s a delayed read-a-long, but I’ll keep reading
Ch 68
Dorian bird - to Dorian mouse! He’s really getting the hang of this shapeshifting thing
HE BURIED THE WYRDKEYS IN SHALE ROCK Dorian, baby, I love you, but what the fuck. If you weren’t gonna bring them with you, why didn’t you just leave them with Manon and the others?!?
(What if you die - literally - what are you going to do if you die)
(I swear to god if you die I’m going to throw this book at the wall)
Oh no. Maeve is here.
Ch 69
I still think Darrow is a piece of shit, and it’s kind of amazing that he has so little respect for Aelin after all that she’s managed to accomplish. I think Lysandra didn’t do her any favors pulling the shapeshifter decoy game, but she has a point. The army, the whole armada, and all of these warriors, are here to serve Aelin, not some dusty old man from a random court in her kingdom. He better learn soon to start affording her some respect. What more can she possibly do to prove herself?
Ch 70
Oh god damn it. I love how Maeve and Erawan knew Dorian was hiding there the whole time and STILL decided to have their casual conversation and catch him up on the plot. Now he knows Aelin is safe and that Chaol is probably safe - and all about Maeve and her valg heritage.
But also, uh oh, he was found
(You better learn fire power real quick)
(Unleash flames and fuck this Valg queen up)
Ch 71
Um? Uhhh.
Of the two evils, I would definitely describe Maeve as the lesser, since she spent centuries just playing Fae Queen, compared to Erawan who actually wants to take over the world - it’s possible that she could be bargained with and allowed to stay in this realm. They both do want the same things - in a way - to shut the doors and bar all other valg from ever entering. I find it very interesting that Dorian is willing to ally with her. But I do think offering her an alliance through marriage is a bit much, Lmao. If anything I’d let her help with the key quest, wield them to seal off the Valg realm and send Erawan back, and then tell her to fuck off back to her own continent, never to darken their doorway again.
Dorian’s really interesting right now. He’s right here in the thick of it. I don’t want the scene to change to another character but I get the feeling it’s going to real quick here.
Ch 72
Yep, lol
Aw, but that scene between Gavriel and Chaol was so sweet. Maybe you can let him father your kid; too. Or he can be like, sort of a grandfather. Since your kid probably won’t get to know their own grandfather.
Did the Ironteeth witches leave because Manon summoned every witch to her legion? Or are they still here to make life worse for everyone?
I mean - they’re not HERE - so, hopefully they’re doing the cool thing and joining forces with Manon.
But the air is stagnant, and maybe something horrible is about to happen.
Ch 73
MAEVE. I want to believe that you are our friend, that you just came from a spooky, shitty planet and you truly do like this world and want to stay here. I want to believe that after Erawan is destroyed, you’ll behave yourself, and won’t try to bring about the end of life as we know it. But I don’t trust you? You kind of tortured the main character - viscously - and you psychologically tortured Rowan by making him believe that his first mate died pregnant with their child. Like, listen, I think people can come back from the dark side, but you’re pretty deep in it, Maeve. You have got a LOT to atone for, and if you think befriending Dorian is gonna make up for everything then you’re fucking wrong.
Ch 74
Super uncomfy.
Good thing Erawan didn’t want it
I hated watching her shapeshift into Aelin. how dare you use her likeness - after what you did to her! You disgust me, Maeve
Ch 75
(You guys got this)
(Don’t give up)
100,000 is a lot but you guys got this
Ch 76
“Not all Valg are evil.”
This is so bizarre. Is this really the same book where Maeve was torturing Aelin? Are we really gonna brush that off? In theory - I love this idea - a villain redemption - sure - I’m stupid and I love that trope - but what the actual heck?
In the same book?
In the same book with Aelin over here suffering lingering trauma and wishing for it all to be over? Wishing herself dead?
I’m not saying I don’t believe in the ability for a person to change
It’s just!
It is so sudden? And it is so jarring?
Ch 77
So do we trust her, or is she just as bad as we remember?
(Ugh I’m so tangled up inside)
(I felt like she was trying to open up, trying to be his friend)
(If she cares about spiders she can care for the other creatures of this earth)
(Maeve - we don’t use dark mind control magic on our friends)
(So if you’re really friends….)
(Let him go)
Ch 78
Hell yeah
Not bad, Dorian. Holy shit. You actually did it. You actually got away. With your life, and all three keys.
And you didn’t kill Maeve, even though she tried to double cross you
Hell yeah
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sad-scarred-sassy · 5 months
Even if Lucien feels boring to people right now I fear that many people have lived with the luxury of having most, if not every, ToG book readily published so characters that were probably boring that went on to have major arcs in the end are not really registering. How many people talk about hating Manon's storyline when she appeared. And until Nesryn got her own chapters she was also not the most exciting character, but both become rather important in books that follow! and their stories are so heartaching and wonderful to read.
I haven’t finished the TOG series yet but from what I can tell, most characters have their moment to shine and as a reader I should just ride the wave of character spotlights and not crucify one as uninteresting right off the bat before their spotlight comes.
For example, I personally don’t find Azriel too interesting YET, but I know it’s because we know so little of him compared to the other characters, and I know I will eat his book UP because I have seen how this writer knows what she’s doing, and his premise is interesting and relatable.
I also think that if you personally don’t like one character it doesn’t make them automatically boring or annoying to other people. People really don’t understand thats a VERY personal and subjective opinion, who you identify with more, who speaks to you the most.
I believe SJM’s strengths lie in her characters. Even when they’re magical beings they are just super real and colorful. For you it could be Azriel who you find the most interesting and for me it is Lucien and thats fine.
People should remember that if they still find these characters boring they can always just stop reading 😭
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nevermindirah · 3 years
is a character! who Gregadiah What-Is-Math Rucka gave us almost no information about!
I've gone through Tales Through Time #6: The Bear and #1: My Mother's Axe with several magnifying glasses and done a lot of googling and taken my copy of the Tanakh off my shelf for the first time since (well, since the last time I needed to read Torah for TOG reasons, which I think was Booker Passover headcanons) and here's the best I can come up with.
In The Bear we meet someone who goes by the name Isaac Blue:
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Read on for a lot of comic panel analysis and historical research and Jewish flailing!
So what do we know about this Isaac Blue person?
He's Lorge, he's got curly hair, he's basically a taller version of Joe as drawn by Leandro Fernández (ie an antisemitic stereotype why the fuck did they approve this character design?? and then why did they double down and copy-paste it to Yitzhak??):
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He's got a mezuzah on the doorpost of his house in Alaska!
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I screamed about the mezuzah way back in January in this post where I (very reasonably) assumed this character was Joe and spun myself a tale about how Booker is still Joe's brother so the mezuzah stays up even though Booker isn't welcome in that house for a century. Bottom line: the mezuzah is a tradition with origins in the commandment from Deuteronomy 6:9 to "write the words of G-d on the gates and doorposts of your house" and evolved over the course of the Rabbinic period into the modern mezuzah we see here.
I did unnecessary levels of google image search to glean absolutely no useful information about Yitzhak’s origins from this panel:
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I've decided the variant cover of TTT 6 is Yitzhak because of a panel in My Mother’s Axe, shown here, and what's likely an unnecessarily deep reading of Exodus, discussed further down:
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The person at the right of the bottom panel is wearing the same clothes as in the TTT 6 variant cover and has the same shoulder-length curly hair and hairy forearms.
Left to right, the people in this panel are Lykon (I'll never get used to him being white in the comics), Andy, Noriko (I think? why doesn't Andy mention her by name here?), and Yitzhak. Andy's robe has a stereotypically Greek design on the sleeve cuff, and I had to stop myself 10 minutes into a Wikipedia rabbit hole because Gregorforth doesn't think that deep about this shit. The solid clues as to timeline that we get in this panel are:
Andy's iron axe
the presence of Lykon, who Andy first met in 331 BCE
So all we know is that Yitzhak is an immortal, he was a contemporary of Lykon, and he's Jewish.
Isaac is the most common Anglicization of Yitzhak (which in turn is the most common Anglophone transliteration of יִצְחָק‎), and Greg always uses the (transliterated) Hebrew when he refers to this character. Yitzhak is the long-awaited child of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis, the child who G-d commanded Abraham to sacrifice but spared at the last minute. I see what you did there, Gregory.
Why Isaac Blue? This is where I pulled out my Tanakh. According to the New JPS translation, blue is the first of three colors of yarn listed in Exodus 35:6 among the gifts requested of the Israelites to construct the priestly garments for the Tabernacle and later the Temple. Then in Numbers 15:38 the Israelites are commanded to "make themselves fringes on the corners of their garments throughout the ages; let them attach a cord of blue to the fringe at each corner."
And now for sandbox timelines party! Gregadiah gave us ALMOST NOTHING to go on, so I'm gonna make my own fun.
I, like many modern Jews, think the stories in the Tanakh are foundational mythology that are valuable because of how they've shaped our people but that contain some fucked-up shit and either way aren't meant to be a record of historical facts. Modern scholarship generally agrees that the community we now call Jews emerged as a distinct group of Canaanites sometime in the late Bronze Age (cw this video's host says the Name of G-d aloud despite being a religious studies scholar who knows that is not a name anyone but the Temple priests are allowed to say). The first non-Biblical written record of the people Israel is from an Egyptian source c. 1200 BCE, and the Biblical kingdom of David and Solomon was probably an exaggeration of whatever really happened during the Bronze Age Collapse. We start getting into historical-fact territory a few centuries into the Iron Age:
588 BCE Solomon's Temple destroyed, Babylonian exile begins
538 BCE Cyrus of Persia allows Jews to return to Jerusalem
515 BCE Second Temple construction complete
332 BCE Alexander the Great At Something I Guess conquered Judea, beginning the Hellenistic period of Jewish history — 331 BCE Andy & Lykon find each other
167 BCE another jerkface Greek king desecrated the Temple and basically outlawed Judaism
164 BCE recapture of Jerusalem and Temple rededication during the Maccabean Revolt
70 CE destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans, beginning of the Rabbinic period of Jewish history that we're still in now
What if... and hear me out... what if immortals come in pairs, and the pairs are:
Andy & Quynh
Joe & Nicky
Booker & Nile
What if Yitzhak was a priest of the Second Temple? What if he and Lykon killed each other just like Joe and Nicky would in the same city around 1300 years later, but instead of enemies-to-lovers speedrun with an absurdly long happily-ever-after, when Lykon died permanently Yitzhak decided to separate from Andy and Noriko and become the hermit we later see in Alaska?
We don't know how old Yitzhak is compared to the others, only that he was a contemporary of Lykon at a time when Andy was using an Iron Age version of her mother's axe. Other plausible origins for him:
a Jew of the early Rabbinic period, maybe a child or grandchild of people who were still alive before the Second Temple was destroyed
a Judean of the Second Temple era under the Romans or Greeks or Persians, maybe a priest, maybe not
an exilee in Babylon, maybe of the generation who got to return, maybe of the generation who was exiled (he doesn't look like he was 50 at his first death but who knows, he could've been mortal for both)
an Israelite of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, maybe a priest of Solomon's Temple or again maybe not
an Israelite wandering in the desert with Moses
THEE Yitzhak, ben Avraham v'Sarah, our patriarch who was brought up for sacrifice and then spared, and then spared again, and then spared again, and again, and again...
or! he could also be a Canaanite or other Levantine who predates the people Israel, who at some point in his very long life chose to join our mixed multitude, who like Andromache before him (and like Avram and Sarai would in this case do after him) took a new name to reflect the magnitude of influence this people has had on him
Why do I keep saying Yitzhak might have been a priest? It's thanks to the one detail in the artwork I could plausibly connect to solid research without getting a PhD real quick. Take a look at the gorgeous detail on the opening of his robe in the TTT 6 cover. He's dressed in rags, holes and dirt everywhere, rough stitches probably from hasty repair work — except for the neck opening. Compare that to this description from Exodus 39:23 of the construction of the priestly garments for the Tabernacle: "The opening of the robe, in the middle of it, was like the opening of a coat of mail, with a binding around the opening, so that it would not tear."
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The next verses describe the intricate designs for the hem of the priestly garment. Yitzhak's ragged garment looks like the hem was torn off entirely.
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Am I overthinking this? Yes I am! You're welcome!
My friend and historical research hero @lady-writes​ is in a Discord server with Gregadiah and asked the man himself some questions about all this. He clearly thinks he's being sneaky?? No shit Yitzhak is Jewish, dude, I want DETAILS!
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I will not be giving up my Jewish Booker headcanon, I've put too much thought into it by now, the internalized shame of antisemitism explains Booker's depression too well for me, and it just adds so much richness to Booker/Nile both being children of forced diasporas. Fortunately (for him, not me, bc I'd do it anyway!) Gregothy supports fan headcanons even when they're not in line with his own:
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One last thing before I close like 100 research tabs and go back to writing historical fantasy and/or porn! I love that, despite that atrocious caricature of a face design, our canon Jew and our fanon Jew are both Lorge and Soft and Kind, flying the face of the antisemitic stereotype of Ashkenazi Jewish men as small and weak, but also not falling into the New Jew / Muscle Jew stereotype that Zionism created. (I am trying SO HARD not to talk about Israel/Palestine for once ughhhhhhhhhh) Anyway here's a (US-centric but very good) primer on both these stereotypes of Jewish masculinity. Is this why I'm forever projecting my transmasc diasporist feels onto Jewish Booker the service sub? 🤷🏻‍♂️
I’ll reblog a second version of this with full image descriptions so that there’s a version accessible for folks who need IDs as well as a version accessible for folks who get overwhelmed by walls of text.
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truly so sick of this movement in YA toward gritty Bad Boy/Strong Woman romances and plots that are only about power and revenge. If I pick up another highly-recommended book wherein the dark-haired white boy love interest is a violent abuser and the vast majority of the readership seems to eat up a romance where the characters don’t even like each other... girl. Shadow and Bone seems to speak directly to this on so many levels: Alina’s sun powers come and go, but her inner strength only grows throughout the series, and she ends the trilogy not politically powerful, but happy, and loved, and at home. LB just so masterfully sets up the powerful-ingenue and ancient-magic-user dynamic, gives them all the poetic symmetry in the world, and none of the ingredients for actual love. Everything the Darkling does is a manipulative lie. Alina rightly sees him at the end of the path she’s on and turns away and gives everything to stop him. Bardugo’s work directly subverts this trend in YA and people just blatantly ignore it so they can have another boring -bad boy- to ship with a power fantasy heroine.
grown ass, thirty-year-old women read books like ACoTaR and ToG and compare them to books like Howl’s Moving Castle and SaB without any critical eye to how the love interest treats anyone but the Badass Female Character or his willingness to actually love the BFC instead of just being obsessed with her and pandering to the sexual fantasies of readers. (And, god, not even well: there is fantastic erotica in the world, and Sarah Janet Maas has written exactly none of it.)
Ppl turn stories of love and found family into stories of the Powered Magical Badass doing Whatever She Wants (then wonder why in the world Alina didn’t join the man who sold Genya into sexual slavery in being an imperialist, manipulative conqueror for the sake of Cool Points), and then reinterpret evil characters with no desire to be better as Hot Sad Boys, or take the evil character's backstory and the fact that they aren't a cartoon villain as proof that they're -morally gray- instead of being, you know, well written characters for audiences that are assumed to have a shred of media literacy.
genuinely, can you really read the line, ‘they had an ordinary life, full of ordinary things– if love can ever be called that,’ and wish that Alina has decided to rule the world instead?
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a-chaotic-dumbass · 2 years
Chaos Ranking ToG Characters: Fashion Addition🌸
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note🌸 i ranked em all based on how good they looked and how memorable their looks were. bam tier is code for bland, and who the FUCK r u is for the charas i dont remember, or havent seen in the story. when i reach the lower tiers i'll just talk abt a few charas per tier. this is my opinion etc etc lets roll.
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S: amazing breath taking show stopping fabulous🌸 noone. my standards for fashion r either rlly high or i cant get em low nuff for a single character to get there.
A: luv that for them🌸 that is more characters than i expected and i feel like my bias got em way higher than they should've been. ahem anyways, white's clone looked nice and was memorable nuff. cant get her lower cus the dress was cute, but she was extremely minor so i cant rank her any higher, im already doin her a favor. white oh boy. he constantly has either banger looks or he looks like he just came from cleaning up horse shit. i cant reasonably rank him higher, cus of that red sweater look and cus of the coat he had in s3. maschenny was pretty. thats all. her dresses were nice, she wasnt annoying and she didnt give a shit abt anyone so obv my bias played in and i ranked her A yier. deal w it. Garam was,,, okay? listen i was rlly trying to get sumone higher up i didnt have many options mkay. her wearing a short skirt was whatev but i liked her hair. Data Eduan also looked rlly nice. its a tie w him and Garam but i ranked her higher than Eduan cus he wasnt giving what needed to be gave. Yasratcha cus he's a cat boy. hated his shoes so he's lower than Eduan, but whatev. Paracule,,, he was memorable, not a fashion disaster, relatable, whats not to look for in a man!
B: potentials there ig🌸 Red Witch was cute and better than the gps we have. nothin else to say other than that i liked her hair and dress. Lero,,, i was doing a favor cus his s1 clothes did none. Elaine was pretty in s2, the biggest downgrade of her clothes happened in s3 that i rather she be dead. she got the worst possable treatment but i'll ignore that cus she beat bam's ass real good. Elaine's Assistent had a gay look. thats the only reason why she ranked so high. Gustang was,,, acceptable ig. he still looks like genderbended dora the explorer but im doin my bestie a favor rankin him so high. Karaka oh how far u fallen. he looks nice, i like his armor, but he's just bland so he's stayin in B tier. Khun i was also turnin a blind eye to. i placed him way higher than he deserved and if u read my posts it shows but ig he's okay. Evankhell has an exremely ugly color palette but she's the only woman i can think of who looks over 30 and she has a sick scar so she gets the edge cus milf. Rak,,, oh dear Rak. so much potential, so much personality, yet still never being used other than for comedy. Rabbit idk why he's there. i think he just had a funky staff and insulted bam so i take what i can get. Rachel i just thought could have a lotta potential when it comes to styling her clothes. putting her in baggier clothes could show how insecure she is abt her body and making her try yo imitate other characters' style could show how she wishes she could be like them, but that potential is being wasted. an enby can dream tho. Bones Dude just had a funky vibe. idk wot else u want from me. That One Girl had rlly nice cllthes compared to everyone else round her. they were bland, sure and i wish the royal blue of her jacket was spread out through her design more or was made white or black, but its okay i like it we accept her into my house. and Yama,,, lowkey? was doing my bestie a favor cus he was giving rocker dude who tries too hard vibe but its okay he's a dogboy, we can forgive.
C: u spend so much time in the closet and come out like this🌸 Xia Xia was cute ig? she was bland but cute we can give her that. That One Blonde Girl had a pretty uniform and nice hair. idk what else u want from me. The Twin Princesses weeere boring. cute but boring which is a theme in this tier. That One Yuri Rival was,,, okay. so much goin on yet nothing at all. liked the makeup, the color was funky, got bored by everythin else. Yuri iss meh. her base look is cute but bland, the colors are fine and her hair piece brings attention to her eyes and head, but all her other looks bore me to sleep. Hansung's clothes suck. plain and simple. his first look is good, but everythin after is either horrid or unmemorable. White's Clone is also okay. i have nothin else to say abt it. Enryu i placed there cus i had mercy on his ass.
D: u come into my house wearing that? not on my watch bitch🌸 Jahad is,,, meh. D: is prolly the best way to describe him. its all and nothing, the colors r disgusting, but he looks better than he used to. he doesnt look regal like a king, he looks dirty like a rat. Yura doesnt read like a pop star, she reads like an office worker. Hatz is just boring. he isnt actively bad, just nothing sticks in my mind, his colors arent any better. Ehwa was annoying me whenever she showed her face and her clothes did her no favors. her colors didnt compliment her, she acted like a brat the whole time and she has nothing else to give to the plot nor the style of the story.
F: u srsly pop out ur mama lookin like that?🌸 Urek has the worst possable hat he could. "r u lost baby girl" lookin ass. "whats up fellow kids". he looks like an adult trying to fit in w his kids. he looks like he watches sport for hobby. he looks like he hasnt touched a woman in 5 years. he looks like a Brad. he looks straight while bein so extremely gay. Data Jahad is just ugly, periodt. nothin else to say. I cant reasonavly put Endorssi above f tier purely cus she annoys me and cus of that red pants look. it ruined her fashion forever and i can no longer take her srsly ever.
bam🌸 just boring clothes. almoust like bam🤔. nothin to say here.
who the FUCK r u🌸 charas i dont remember, havent met, or just give me a headache thinkin abt.
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
Ah, I do see your points, anon. I'm not going to post all your asks publicly because if you really feel that unsafe, it's probably best not to have a bigass chunk of your text for people to analyze and try to guess your identity from. I think one of the best points you made is about how close to home it hits when the non-fave is not only your fave but is similar to you in some way like demographic. You're not wrong for having those emotions. I do wonder if they make it hard to see how some other people feel similarly embattled on other axes.
TBH, I think one of the big problems here is that the large aggregate patterns you're talking about are racist, but most individual fics and fans are not really the problem. It's hard to know how to talk about this or who to tell to "fix" it when we're looking at free, hobbyist art.
A lot of people's tastes are certainly formed by shitty society, but once they're formed, they don't change fast if at all. Asking someone to rewrite their libido is a big ask, yet tumblr does it all the time as though it's as simple as snapping your fingers.
This leaves me with the sense that a lot of tumblr is... like... the political lesbians of porn fic or something: desire is not real, only choosing based on logic and politics. Or maybe people are so asexual that they just don't understand the lizard brain's "YES!" at some porn things and complete indifference to others?
I don't think it's great if great swaths of people feel like bottom!Nicky is super hot and top!Nicky fundamentally isn't, but I also don't think they can necessarily just turn it off like flipping a switch.
(If someone reading this doesn't like their current tastes and wants to attempt to alter them, I do think it's possible. What you should do is line up a large slate of media that prominently features characters of the ethnicity or whatever that you don't find hot/interesting. These should be leads whose emotional development drives the plot and is supposed to be central to the audience's enjoyment of the media. Watch/read/etc. this media all the time. All. The. Time. Try out many pieces because you won't like every character or every show, and we're looking for genuine enjoyment, not the fandom equivalent of a pity fuck. Spend enough time on this, and your unconscious sense of who's hot and interesting will eventually shift somewhat. This is a project you should expect to take a few years.)
But I digress.
The one tweet thing is a very toxic pattern. If TOG fandom is doing that, guys, please try to be more conscious of holding the actors of color to a higher standard (or the women or whomever). I know this often comes from a place of paying more attention to our own and wanting to set a good standard, but the effect is that minorities can't fuck up ever while white dudes get infinite passes.
Okay, on to the fic thing... Gotta say, my instant reaction to that description is "Ooh!"--as it would be for the same scenario with the characters reversed. (Ships who start out trying to kill each other are my favorite! x1000 if they're resurrecting style immortals and they literally do.) I can see how it would feel like slamming into a brick wall if you aren't kinky in just the right way and you didn't know it was coming though.
Part of why I react so strongly to a lot of discourse that runs along these lines is that I am a naturally extremely kinky person. It's not so much about what I do (which as a deeply lazy person in a long distance relationship is essentially nothing), but it's absolutely how I'm wired.
And I can tell you that my quotidian experience in fandom is sharing something I don't even realize is a big deal only to have someone I like, respect, and trust react in horror and tell me that it's triggering and awful and should not be allowed in fandom spaces because it makes "people" unsafe. It's such an instant, kneejerk reaction they don't even realize I was sharing it because it spoke to the very core of me. Lesson learned, friend. Lesson learned.
That sounds a bit off topic, I know, but bear with me: The point of that anecdote is that it's pretty common for me to get people trying to raise my awareness of things I have already thought deeply about while denying my essential humanity and not even realizing. As a kinky person who likes to make my fave the top (and generally a conflicted sadist), this constant request to explain and justify is exhausting.
I doubt most of the top!Joe fans have this precise problem simply because people who make their fave the top are much less common in fandom than people who make their fave the bottom, but I see a similar pattern with fans who are just fundamentally wired for rape fantasies (one of the most common fantasies that exists) vs. fans who just don't get rape fantasies at all. Or substitute your BDSM/kinky/messed up fantasy trope of choice. Covertly radical feminist attitudes towards kink and power are on the rise in fandom, and as a naturally kinky person, boy do I notice it!
I know that it feels like crucial activism to share these insights about why the ratio of top!Joe is hurtful, and the pain you feel is real. But it's also the case that it's a big ask to want people to listen. (Not me. Obviously, I routinely choose to engage with discourse. I mean overall.) The reason for that is that you're only seeing a fraction of what they do or who they are, and you don't know how many previous people they've listened to how many previous times. It's a very different situation from someone whose job is making some major TV series or movie or something. That person does, in my opinion, owe you some amount of listening.
Now, I'm not saying no top Joe fan was ever a jerk. I'll bet they were. There's a tendency to be rude and to publicly air your schadenfreude when you feel like everyone has been yelling at you. What I am saying is that a lot of the problem here boils down to conflicting needs, and that means there isn't a good solution. It's a situation where people are genuinely hurt, but I don't necessarily agree that other people have harmed them.
I like that you did an actual count of the explicit fics, btw. It's good to look at the real numbers. I see too little of that in these situations. My off the cuff reaction is that 2/3 to 1/3 is not a bad ratio at all compared to many fandoms, but yeah, it definitely shows a strong trend, and that can be painful. (I have a fandom where I think there's maybe like 1 bottom so-and-so fic in the entire zine era fandom. One. It's pretty extreme.)
I guess my thinking here overall is: What is the practical solution? What are we hoping to gain? What is reasonable to ask of people?
And it can't be "Well, if they would just listen..." That's just a sneaky way of saying "If you haven't done it my way, it's because you haven't listened to me yet."
So the question I would ask of people is this:
What does a non-racist fic where Joe tops look like?
What does a non-racist sex pollen, dubcon, or even noncon fic where Joe tops look like?
And if you say the latter is impossible... well... sadists exist everywhere in the world. So do doms. So do people who prefer to top in a purely physical sense. People with rape fantasies where they're the rapist exist (people who are not actually rapists, I mean). None of this is restricted to any one group. We can't categorically say fic like that about Joe is coming from a place of racism without denying the fundamental humanity of kinky MENA people who'd want to make Joe like themselves or like their ideal partner. (Yes, I agree this won't be the majority of fic writers writing top!Joe, but this is a place to start for figuring out what the better version would look like.)
IDK, maybe you're that kinkster yourself, but your asks gave me the vibe that you don't really get the drive towards those darker kinds of fics and what might be motivating it besides stereotypes and shittiness.
If we can answer these kinds of questions, we can better critique the way people write what they write without telling them all of their taste is bad and they should just stop writing. Even if we think the latter is true, it isn't going to get us anywhere. Figuring out how to make Joe more multidimensional in the fic they already want to write or finding very specific wording that should be avoided might actually work.
Beyond that, the actions I think are productive would be running prompt fests, exchanges, or other events for bottom!Joe or for top!Joe where he's the main character and the fics are required to be from his POV. Themed collections and recs lists are great. (I've seen a bit of this going around in TOG fandom in the past, and that's an excellent approach! Keep it up!) Positive actions tend to work better here. Make more of what you want. Promote what you want to see.
I don't mean this in some fluffy magical thinking way: you aren't going to change that ratio radically just by the power of positivity. But I've seen this kind of thing play out in many, many fandoms, and going after the people who write what you don't like, even in a well-intentioned effort to educate and even in a polite, kind way doesn't do much. A few people feel guilty. A few feel defensive. A lot ignore you. The overall fic doesn't change. It's not a good use of your limited time and energy.
I'm off to look up that fic to see what I think of it in practice, but I'm going to post this before tumblr manages to eat it.
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berryblissbby · 3 years
Fiercest; devoted;
Pairing: Princess!reader x Guard/Warrior! Hajime Iwaizumi
Word Count: 9,500
Warnings: Use of blades and knives
A/N: Sooo this is the longest thing I've ever posted on tumblr and one of the longest fics I've ever written. Ive only even written a handful of things to completion before so please be kind (⩾﹏⩽). I'm currently reading TOG and this story was born from me trying to process HOF so if you see some parallels just look away! This is fanfic we borrow, not steal. And finally I must say, must I write a plot? Can’t they just learn to tenderly love each other in the end? 
AND! AND! Here's the pinterest board i made for this fic, i'm so sorry that all the references are white people omg, pinterest has shit diversity.
The moonlight won’t let you forget, the sunlight brightens the truth.
You are his princess, and he is your warrior. Raised together Hajime is your greatest source of comfort when he suddenly pulls away, igniting your temper and flaring animosity towards each other. Either under the light of the moon, or the rays of the sun, you’ll fight it out, just like always.
 You were the princess of an empire. Heir of the kingdom that was the pinnacle of learning, healing and safety for anyone who wished to stay there. Books, music, and art were all treasured, and culture was allowed to thrive and breathe. Your court was beloved, held strong by devotion and loyalty, “the strongest court in the world” the people said. You were loved as well, by your parents and their people. Adored, you were their future.
 Hajime was a lesser by his kingdom's terms. In a kingdom of magic wielders, he was unwanted nobility. So he was sent to you, to your kingdom, where compared to your human court, with a little magical blood in him, he would be strong. He was to be your guard, to keep you safe, and when you were ready to rule your bond would be unbreakable.  
You were nine and he was thirteen . Delightfully shy- to adults- you lacked true friends. Hiding behind your mother, father or nursemaid, you could be found with your nose in a book. Even at celebrations it was the same, unless you convinced your mother or father to dance with you, much to everyone’s joy. 
 But then you had Hajime, and even though you were scared, with red rung hands and shifting eyes, he danced with you. Uncoordinated and silly, gentle smiles turning to grins and grins to giggles, you landed on the floor in a heap of laughter. Everyone could tell- when you were with him your timidness melts, and is met with ferocious quips and laughter full of love- that you would grow to be a shining queen. You didn’t worry, your child princess self, because when you were sat on your heaviest burden, your own little throne, he would be behind you. With his chest puffed up, his daggers sharpened and shining. Already your fiercest warrior and most devoted protector. 
 You grew together, his dark eyes were always watching you, blanketing you in warmth. When you learned  how to fight and hold a dagger correctly he practiced with you, until your coordination and form were perfect. When you were strong enough for a sword he was right there as well, much to the captain of the guards dismay. You practiced together, but he never let you win. It was infuriating, his determined expression and unrelenting jabs. But “it’s for your own good” and you knew you'd best him one day. 
 He snuck into your room, when your chambers were too big, and the darknesses fingers too long. He stayed in the chair in the corner, and listened to you talk until your words slurred and you fell asleep. Your maids usually find him still there, curled up, in the morning.
 He was right beside you when you learned how to ride a horse by yourself at ten years old, with shaky hands and gasping breaths. And when you fell off- the one and only time- he picked you right off the ground, dusted off your dress, and growled at the stable master. 
 He wiped the tears off your face as fast as they fell. Your little hands gripping the front of his shirt begging him not to leave.
 Hajime pulled you to his chest, shushing you again. It was awkward, just two little kids clinging to each other, one barely old enough to comfort the other. But you needed him nonetheless.
 He was right there the day you got it, hanging off the rails of the round pin, pumping his fist in triumph as you and your horse trotted in circles.
 Looking over, a grin breaking across your face,  you met his own grin. It sent shivers down your spine, blooming in your tummy. You could see it, with that feral grin on his face, you understood what type of man he would be. He truly was a warrior.
 He stood behind you when you first attended state meetings with your father, against the wall with the other guards. You had been terrified. You hadn’t known, really, what they were talking about, and you had been scared that they would ask you questions you wouldn’t know the answer to. But Hajime was there, and that made your words a little more steady. 
 He was eighteen and you fourteen, budding into adolescence, and it seemed to be everyone’s business. He was turning into a man and you couldn’t help but notice, not that you would ever speak of it.
 He was leading you horse, walking you around the gardens. He liked to pick and choose when you should be treated as a princess. With swords in your hands he tended to ignore it, but at times like these, you were an heiress and he was an indentured servant.
 “I don’t understand”
 “It’s a tragedy, it's supposed to make you sad!” You say. “It’s about the ‘what if’s’ and the yearning, you have to focus on the yearning.” You giggle at your words, as you drag out your syllables. 
 You were telling him about your latest book, and how it had left you heart broken for the two lovers. With bad timing, and greedy people stealing their chances at love, they could never be together. 
 You always told Hajime about your books, you couldn’t help talking about the ones that you couldn’t get out of your head. He was an amazing listener, and you appreciated him dearly for it. Even though his face would remain blank and his eyes would shift all around you, looking for threats, he would always pay attention.
 He scoffed. “ Well, what if I don’t care about yearning, what if they’re just stupid? The answer was right in front of them.” 
 “That’s not the point Hajime,” you pout.
 He scowls up at you, stopping your horse. 
 “What?” You can’t help but laugh at both of your dramatics.
 “Just don’t let me catch you doing anything dumb like that,” he doesn’t let you answer, starting your horse walking again. ¨Idiots.¨
 You appreciate him, in every sense, always protecting you, in body and soul.
 He was twenty and you sixteen. Your temper was epic, it shook the stone walls and snapped as easily as the ribbons on your dresses. But your heart was just as easily broken. You were a slave to your emotions and you could feel it, festering in you. You would never let it show to the court, but your family knew, and so did Hajime. There was little left of the girl who used to hide behind skirts.
 You didn´t know if it was a gradual process, or if you woke up to it one day, but suddenly you couldn´t stop watching him. You couldn´t stop admiring him. He was so big, and strong, and he made you laugh so hard. His hands were soft, and large. He was smart, catching things you hadn’t in meetings, and his voice would send shivers down your spine when he whispered in your ear, telling you things about the people you were surrounded by. Things that he had learned to keep you safe; precautions. You couldn't stop your cheeks from heating up anymore, they were perpetually flushed, and it was impossible to hold his gaze. Things that wouldn't have mattered before made you stutter. But what set you off, was when you would look up to him, when you expected to meet those cool eyes, they would be somewhere else.
 Before, when you had been upset, you would drag Hajime to the training rooms and throw him a sword. He would let you get a few hits in, before winning, of course. But only after you got everything you needed out. He was the cool water to your raging disposition. He had a sternness to him now, even though his fiery character could rival yours sometimes, he knew when to hold back. And when he did, his easy answers and cool voice were equally frustrating as they were calming. You shared more together while in those practice rooms swinging swords than anywhere else. But now you had lost the thing that had made it better.
 Now you only saw him when mandatory, behind your throne and next to you at meals. He seemed to be more interested in the guards and other warriors than you, so you ate in silence and read alone at night. You eventually requested a new guard, and your parents said no. You two were friends, and he was sent here for you, that would not be changing overnight. But he didn't feel like your Hajime anymore, your friend or defender. Because he wasn't paying attention to you anymore, not like he was supposed to. Or how you wanted him too.
 It made you burn when you looked up and he wasn't looking at you. The embers in your chest that would flare when you didn't get your way, when someone disagreed with you, when Hajime said something brash, were a roaring fire. You didn't understand why things had changed, where it had come from.
 You saw it, when his eyes met the older courtiers- well, older compared to you. You saw the eyes of the women on him, how they trailed over his broad back and strong arms. You knew that the lady’s had started taking their walks through the section of the palace they had previously thought of as unpalatable. They would bat their eyelashes and fan their fans in front of them as they walked past the training rooms, hoping to catch Hajime in only a thin damp shirt. It was infuriating.
 You took to ignoring him, long lonely months. It was intense, the war between you both, silently throwing glances at each other, both sets of eyes holding promises of worse words to come. He was a weight behind you at all times, dragging your heart deeper into a pit of solitary despair. He left you whenever he could afford, never letting your parents or the other guards see. You were kept safe, but it wasn’t comforting like before. The walks to your rooms after dinner were the worst, the internal battle inside you was tearing you to shreds. Should you talk to him? Confront him? Bear a dagger and rough it out? But he would leave you by your door and walk away before you could decide anything at all. 
 You had burned too bright, the fire in you now gone. The fury that had kept you warm was nothing but a cold pit in your chest.
 You were all alone, every day that knowledge split you open like a cold blade. You were determined to stay away from him, to not bother him, since he obviously didn’t want anything to do with you. But one day, it all became too much. 
 You had attended a dinner tonight, with a distant royal family. And they had said things to you that they had no right to say. They had spoken as if they had known you. They knew things about you that made your skin crawl. All of those things were somewhat common knowledge, but then they had started making assumptions about you, asking you things that if you were a queen you would have known the answers to. But you weren’t, you were a stupid little princess, with no one. And you felt so small. 
 The only thing that made it worse was when you realized you were bracing for something. After every one of their comments, you were waiting for one of Hajime's raging blows. For him let his temper go, just a little. To tell them how it was, to defend you. But it didn’t come, you looked over and he wasn’t paying attention. What happened to your warrior? Your watcher? Your protector?
 You remembered a conversation between you and Hajime, before. It was late at night, Hajime was laying on the rug in front of your heart, his arm thrown over his eyes. Your book set to the side.
 The candles had all burned low, but the fire stood strong. It casted a blood orange glow across half of his body, the other half a stark blue. You didn’t know if he was asleep, and took your time admiring him.
 The side away from you, from your vantage point lounging on the couch, was flushed. His mouth was pulled down slightly, but it didn’t scare you. That looked like you’re Hajime, with sharp teeth and a barking laugh. Who felt everything thrown at him. 
 You didn’t know how he hid it so well, but he really did experience everything; he might conceal it, but it was in there.
 You looked at the other side of him, the one in a cold blue light from the moon coming in your windows. You wondered if that was what other people saw, the straight backed man, who knew who he was and what he stood for. 
You said his name gently, he grunted in response.
“Do you remember… that tragedy I read years ago, about the two lovers…” you explained a little more, trailing off.
He took a deep breath saying, “ yes, with the idiots.” 
You don’t bother hiding your pursed lips before you say, “what… what would you do in their situation, since they’re such idiots.” You pluck at a thread on the couch, not looking at him.
From your peripheral vision you could see him turn his head to look at the flames, and suddenly a wave of anxiety hits you, you're scared to know his real answer, his honest one.
You get up and walk to the window, and the stark difference in temperature makes you shudder. It was starting to snow, just barely. The moon was so bright, causing the gardens below your window to glow. The marble walkways mirroring back the moon.
“I would…” you look back at him, with a hand still on the window sill, and almost gasp. “I would run too, because I wouldn’t know any better, just like them.” He had sat up and turned away from the fire, his whole front blue and cold. 
You couldn’t stand the window anymore, and went to sit by the hearth. 
You think he’s run. He’s carried himself as far away from you as he can without abandoning his responsibilities. The gap between you is the largest thing you have ever felt. A dark ravine, and on the other side was him, with his back turned to you. Everything is blue, the moon won’t let you forget, it refuses to shroud out the light, so you can’t remain ignorant. You hate it. And every day, you come closer and closer to falling into that deep crack in the earth, reaching out your arms, stretching your fingers, feeling the rocks shift under your feet, pebbles falling into the dark pit, maybe to never hit the bottom.
 You couldn’t calm yourself even hours later, your mind would go back to dinner when you tried to read, and you couldn’t sleep. Sometimes, when it was too late to brandish swords or you were too young to hold one, Hajime and you would walk the palace halls. Running from guards not to be caught, jumping on chairs in forgotten sitting rooms, daring each other to grab things from the kitchen. All before putting his grumpy cool mask back on and escorting you back to your rooms. But you never dared walk the halls yourself, you were always too scared. Hajime... Hajime, he would always take you, and make you feel better. 
 You had been pacing your rooms, trying to find a way to fix your hurt. Trying to come up with any solution. Sitting down on your bed, you put your head in your hands, pleading with the tears not to fall. You wanted him to make you feel better again, you wanted to feel safe with him behind you, not cold and unwanted. 
 You didn't know what to do, really, you told yourself as you snuck your way into his rooms, holding your breath the whole way there, still scared. Closing the door behind you you leaned against it, and for a moment, it felt like before. He smelled the same and the room was so warm it made you shiver in satisfaction. But he was a warrior, so your moment of peace didn’t last long as he rolled over, almost reaching for a weapon before he realized who you were. 
 You tried smiling, but seeing him like that, with his dark hair messy, and cheeks ruddy from sleep just hurt you more. You couldn’t stop the quiver in your lip.
 “You've been crying,” he said, pushing himself off the bed slightly. You tried not to watch the blanket fall off his shoulders.
 Nodding, you turn your head, wiping away tears with your wrist, not looking him in the eyes. You took a moment, trying to calm yourself and almost took a step towards him, but you caught yourself. That made the tears come faster. If things had been like before, you would have ran to him. You won't have hesitated, you wouldn't be bracing for something foul to come out of his mouth. 
 But those things didn't matter, not when he finally sat up and opened his arms letting you throw yourself at him.
 He rocked you back and forth, pulling you onto his lap, cooing at you. “What’s wrong, what’s the matter my princess.” The vibrato in his voice echoed through you, made you want to melt, but it was also painfully familiar. 
 His kind words only made you cry harder. How long had it been since you had heard him speak to you at all? And it had to have been even longer since he had been kind to you like this, only reserved for when you were totally alone, and desperately in need. 
 There was so much wrong, but you could only find it in yourself to shrug. He let out a scoff. Pulling you back, you tried to hide your face, but he grabbed your chin to make you look up. He swiped a thumb under your eye, catching a falling tear. You almost smiled at his frown, how you had missed it, when it only promised light scolding, not cruel disregard.
 “I j-just... want you t-to m-make me feel better,” the last word comes out in another desperate sob and he pulled you to him again. 
 He hummed saying, “Don't tell me someone did this to you.” 
 You shake your head, burying your face in his chest. You didn't want to face the truth, that he had been so neglectful that he really hadn't seen what had happened at dinner.
 “Let's get you to bed, okay?” 
 You desperately nod, you had missed this so much. You had missed his kindness so much. You almost felt like little kids again, and he led you through the dim hallways clutching your hand. Like when you had first met.
 You woke up alone.
 Cold, sober reality washed over you like water, slithering down your spine. Oh. Things were not back to before. You hated Before, it taunted you. It laughed at you as you broke each time the word crossed your mind. Before was better, the most shining and brilliant version of what you had lost. 
 He was escorting you across the castle, and you battled with yourself again. Just like always but worse, now that you knew he was still in there. The contrast ached more. You almost didn't say anything, but you passed by a set of windows and happened to look outside.
 It was spring, almost summer, and everything was green again. The hills outside rippled as the green grass swayed. Beyond the grass were wildflowers. You wish you and Hajime could ride out there and lay in them. But you couldn't- or, he wouldn’t.
 That makes you stop for some reason, and you walk up to the window looking out. He stops too, remaining behind you.
 “Hajime,” You say quietly. He doesn't say anything, facing forward.
 He wouldn’t look at you. He refused until you grabbed him as hard as you could with your little hands, not holding back when your nails dug into his wrist and forearm.
 He tried pulling back, but you wouldn’t let him. Grabbing one of your wrists he made you yield. 
 “I’m not... we’re not going to talk about this, not yet,” he said the words with shifting eyes, not able to meet yours for too long. “I can’t.”
 You had never minded him when he was his serious self, because you would always see the loving side of him eventually. When you were alone, when it mattered. But this, the firm cold shoulder, it wasn’t the protective one you were used to, it was cruel. 
 “Well,” you spit out, ripping your wrist from his grip, “ when you can finally tell me your secret, it better be important, because right now I don’t appreciate being ignored- ignored and...” you struggled to find the right words, your chin quivering, eyes filling with tears. Unloved? Unprotected? 
 “Whatever this is,” you gesture at him, the venom in your voice dissipating with each syllable. Until each blink yielded more tears.
 ¨You´re dismissed,¨ you tell him, you could make it to tea just fine by yourself.
 You were furious, angry, livid. The only thing that dosed the ever flaming embers in your chest was the announcement your father made. You had known it was coming, but him telling everyone solidified it.
 He had called you and Hajime to his private rooms a few nights before, you two had met in front of the door.
 You were to decide which member of your court  would take the oath to be your protector and advisor. Everyone knew it was going to be Hajime, but sometimes a ruler didn't have such loyal followers, and they would choose from a selection. But your father wanted to follow tradition and tell you properly. You had come of age, it would be time for you to take up more responsibility, and this was the first step.
 You could feel him standing next to you, facing your father and mother where they sat. The emers in you were doused, replaced by a rush of freezing water that contrasted your hot tears. You couldn't imagine spending the rest of your life like this. You would be a horrible queen if this was the future that awaited you. 
 Before he made his oath to you, there was to be your birthday celebration. A frantic day of eating, receiving gifts and dancing. Who would you dance with?
 Tight lipped, you thanked your parents and walked out. You could hear Hajime behind you, and you didn't try to quiet your ragged breathing as the tears flowed. 
 They had threatened to fall when your father stood up at dinner and told your court.
 It was your birthday, you hadn't danced with Hajime, and you always danced with Hajime. Everytime you could, you let your face relax and your smile melted away. You were exhausted. But someone asked you to dance.
 The man no older than Hajime, with fluffy brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, asked you with a hypnotizing smile. He spun you around and said the most outrageous things in your ears, you couldn't help the grin that spread across your face. 
 You would pass a couple and he would share their most treacherous secrets. Nothing too bad, just outlandish enough that you would blush and want to hit him- only lightly.
 He asked you again and again, until you finally had to say no, your face was hot, your skin was covered in a layer of perspiration and you were sure that your hair had fallen out of its updo.
 You made your way back to your seat on the dais, next to your parents. You didn't realize that Hajime had moved from his spot on the wall, blending in with the other guards, to stand behind you.
 Taking a seat, you hear a scoff. Straightening your back you almost don't believe it. Maybe it was the exercise, or the fact that you were feeling loose after laughing so hard. Or maybe it was because you were actually having fun, but you found that tonight- tonight you had energy. 
 You could feel it in your chest, that scoff has blown a harsh wind over those embers, fanning them a glowing orange.
 “Yes, Hajime,” you say, slightly turning your head in his direction. You tried to keep your tone light.
 He grunted, not saying anything. You place your hands in your lap. He won't even give you words.
 “Tell me,” you say, face blank, friendly tone gone.
 “Nothing, Princess.”
 How dare he scoff at you and pretend you were the crazy one.
 You spun in your seat. There he was, in his nice uniform, with your kingdom's mascot and colors. Your mascot and colors. Your kingdom's mascot and colors. The kingdoms that you would rule, mascot and colors. 
 The blades strapped around him were intricate; polished and shrap. He looked straight forward, not acknowledging you. He looks good, something inside of your chest whispered, but was whisked away as your eyes caught on the dagger on his belt, with the same color jews as his uniform
 You stood up in a flurry, so fast that he only had time to brace himself before you were grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him down to your level. Nails digging into him all the while.
 “Follow me,” you say through gritted teeth. Pulling back looking him in the eyes, you tell him exactly what he needed to know. It was an order, an order from his future ruler. The exchange was so fast you knew no one would see it.
 Spinning on your heel you walked down the dais and straight into the crowd of dancing people as they desperately tried to not step on you.
 “Princess,” Your father said from his seat behind you. You knew he was objecting at your rudeness, but you didn't care, the act of disobedience spurring you on. You hear the music halt, only for a second, but you keep moving.
 You could feel everyone's eyes on you as you made your way further and further towards the doors out of the hall. Each breath wasn’t enough oxygen, and your vision spotted, but the chills rippling over your skin were addicting. 
 You knew Hajime was behind you.
 You didn't answer any of his furious remarks as you grabbed his forearm, dragging him through the palace. You turned down a certain hall and he stopped talking.
 You threw open the doors of the practice hall, letting go of Hajime’s arm. Marching down the long open space, so big it could probably hold dozens of bodies, you open one of the cabinets across from the row of tall windows. The room was dim, and you don´t think of lighting candles.
 Selecting two swords, you slide one to him across the floor, to where he stood still at the door. He stopped it carefully with his boot, as it spun towards him.
 Looking up from the sword, he says, ”No.”
 “Pick up the sword, Hajime,” You say from across the room, sword in your hand. You’re not sure why you threw it at him, he already had one on his hip. Maybe because it was unfair, that he could always have one and you could not.
 He scoffed at you, leaving it on the ground. 
 “Pick it up,” You growled.
 He didn't have time to roll his eyes before the twin dagger to the one on his belt landed in the door frame, next to his head.
You watched his eyes flick to your hand, smoothing out your skirts, hiding the slit that led to your thigh. You switched your sword back to your dominant hand, breathing already ragged, not looking away from those sharp eyes as he picked the sword off the ground. 
 You stayed exactly where you were as he walked towards you.
 “You are b-”
 “I don't want to hear any of what you have to say about my behavior.”
 He rolled his eyes, stopping in front of you, getting into his proper stance. You mimicked him.
 “You are being a brat.”
 You swing for him, and he easily blocks, sending your sword arcing through the air, still in your hand. He sends a shallow jab at you, which you take a step back from.
 “What right do you have judging the people I spend my time with?” You say, jabbing right back at him, which he blocks with a sweep of his sword. “And when am I not?”
 You go for his left, which he dodges, and as he came around spinning to face you again, he swung low at the wide skirts of your dress. You hear it rip and feel the cold air hit your calves. Taking two steps back he observes you, lowering his sword, intentions clear. 
 He thought that would end your little fight.
 He thought that the ruining of your dress would make you stop, that you were shallow enough to ask for his mercy just because of a tear in your skirts. It made you furious, knowing he wasn't taking this seriously.
 You feint lunging at him, he swung from the right, and you blocked, swords suspended in the air for just a moment. 
 “Stop it.” You say, voice almost a whisper.
 You grunt and pull back. Circling each other, you watch as the moonlight brightens his face. The circling continues, and no words are exchanged, giving you time to think about what had been said, only making you more upset.
 You had faults, in moments like these, you couldn't hide your next move, anger making you just want to act. You swing at him, and he blocks. While your sword is up, he takes the chance to roll, and shove you backwards away from him. A dirty trick.
 “Stop what?” He says to you, looking at you from where you had stumbled a few steps away, face blank.
 You looked at him, with his back to the windows, face shrouded in darkness, and you hated him.
 Before you could think about it, before you could flinch and regret your actions, your arms were arching up, throwing your sword across the room. Watching as Hajime involuntarily followed its arch through the air, sinning blade spinning over handle, until it landed in a clatter. You watched him all the while, and saw his shocked expression before he could hide it.
 “I am your princess,” You growl, his head snapping back to you.
 “I am your princess!” You yell, taking a step towards him, chest pressed to his.
 “I am your Princess!” You scream, shoving him backwards toward the large windows.
 You pressed against him, leaning him back against the window sill. You stretch to your tiptoes, your hands clutching his shirt as you stare into his eyes. With all the venom you can manage, panting, you say, “I am your princess! I am your princess and you will do as I say!”
 “What are you doing?” He asks, eyebrows furrowed. You barely hear his words, or his sword clatter to the ground, your breathing too ragged, your heart beat too loud. You could feel it, in every part of your body, it echoed through you.
 And in that moment you can almost see him. That flash in his eyes, that tone of voice, his breath fanning over your face. He was your Hajime, only for a second.
 “Stop it,” you say, losing momentum with each word, “stop it.”
 He finally tugs himself free, ripping your hands from him. He doesn't let go as he presses you a few steps back and leans down to look into your eyes. 
 His eyes were dark, and you lost him again, the Hajime you want. You yearned to bang on his chest and beg for him back, but you don't dare break the delicate dance you two were in.
 “I see them,”  you hiss, trying to get in his face, “I see how they look at you.”
 “Who?” He spits.
 “Your courtiers.” You say the words as if it's a curse.
 He throws your hands down, taking steps to the door, still facing you.
 “Nothing?” You ask. “You never have anything to say anymore.”
 “Why does it matter?” Squaring his shoulders he looks at you straight on. 
 “Why does it matter if they look at me?”
 “It- I-”
 “Tell me why it matters, Princess, and maybe we can talk. I don't want part in your tantrums.”
 You watch him walk away, listening to every fading step, until you only have your breathing to fill the silence.
 You couldn’t stop thinking about that night, it made you sick, haunting you with the memories of what you had said to each other.
 Maybe you had been wrong. Wrong to order him to follow you, wrong to act so brash, wrong to scream at him, and to accuse him of those things.
 You scolded yourself for acting that way, to let your temper control you. It had felt good, until you had crashed. 
 The option-less future spread in front of you. What would you do? Exhaustion was seeping into you, a new type of tired, one that you would do anything to amend. 
 If your temper wouldn’t fix your problems, you would have to try something else, even if it burned you from the inside out.
 You called him to your rooms, something you had never done before. There was no need to call upon each other, you always knew where the other was
 Hajime found you in the chair in the corner, the one he used to stay in; you rarely used it.
 The last rays of evening sunlight were shining in your windows, cascading over your body.
 Your face was illuminated by the sun, every beautiful line and imperfection was open in the light. It made you glow, like you should have been kept in a painting so you could be adored forevermore. You were golden, hair caught fire, glowing like a beacon of truth. The heir of an empire, the hope of thousands. 
 “Majesty,” he bowed, something he had only done a handful of times, for special occasions. It felt forgien and stiff doing it there.
 “Iwaizumi” you said, it sounded like a song, a sigh and a prayer and a plea. But it wasn’t right.
 When was the last time you had called him that? Never, a furious voice in the back of his mind told him.
 “It’s almost time for me to choose.”
 He stood up straighter, meeting your eyes for the first time. There wasn’t that look in them like before, of hurt and hardness. Determination that you would power through. It was just a fact.
 It was almost time for you to choose the person of your court to swear a never ending bond with. To protect each other, in body and soul, to in turn protect your kingdom.
 You looked down at your hands, and he was compelled to take a step forward to make sure he heard you, but not too close. He had a feeling that if he took another step he would see your  red rung eyes, and he didn’t want to think about that.
 “I want it to be you… I'm sorry for that night, for yelling, and trying to cut you into pieces. But…” You take a deep breath and look out the window. “ I don’t know what’s changed, and I’m so sorry for how I’ve acted, and whatever I’ve done, but I want it to be you” 
 With those last words you looked him in the eyes. The anger was gone, and all he saw was a tired princess. His tired princess. You didn’t break his gaze, not saying anything more .
 He almost wanted to question you, the maturity in your words shocking. But he stayed quiet; that wasn’t his place anymore.
 You had said your peace, he knew, as he looked into your eyes, with your face passive. It was his turn now, to come to you and bear his teeth, to gouge the hurt out of his chest in to lay it bare for both of you.
 Hajime had a memory he kept close to him, right on his hip. He might have kept it on his ribs, the ones that protected his heart, if that was where you kept daggers. 
 It was the winter solstice celebration from years before. Hajime and you were in your parents' private rooms, giving gifts.The two of you sat on the floor next to the fire, with your parents on the couch in front of you. 
 “Now this one is for both of you.” Your mother explained, handing you both identical boxes. “Open them at the same time.”
 You gave Hajime one look before tearing into yours. He didn’t get to see your reaction as he worked on delicately undoing the ribbons, but he heard your gasp.
 Resting in your hands was an exquisite, shining dagger. You gently held it up, and both your heads turned in to stare at it. 
 “Oh my…” You gawked.
 Hajime went back to his gift and opened it to an identical dagger. Twins. 
 He held his up, and you two compared.
They had blades of shimmering silver, with curved tips that looked sharp enough to split hairs. The handles were of matching silver formed into delicate patterns, inland with jewels that matched your kingdom's colors. The metal reflected the light of the fire behind you, flickering gold and orange, like the blades held the sun.
 Looking up to your parents your father explained. “I had those made for the two of you.” 
 You waited, but that was all he offered. Hajime watched you balance the dagger in your hand, turning it over and examining it. 
 “They’re beautiful.” You say.
 “I would hope that you don’t use them on each other, and only wear them for celebrations, but I doubt that is something that will happen.” 
 Hajime chuckled, looking down at his own dagger. The king might not have said it, but he had a feeling he knew what the daggers were for. 
 They were the two of you. Cut from the same stone, at each other with blades as sharp as diamonds, all while in your shining castle. 
 They were to remind you where you came from, that you two were one in the same, and that you were to work together. Much better to mar an enemy with the same blade than have the one that matches your in your gut. 
 “Thank you,” he said.
 Hajime looked at you, and you were smiling. Leaning over, your grin was feral, and he couldn’t help the electricity that went down his spine.
 “Do you know what this means?” You ask. “I need to get my dresses tailored.” 
 Hajime ruffled your hair, but your smile was burned into his memory. One in the same. Maybe his future queen really would be as strong as him. 
 Hajime could learn to like that.
 Hajime was trained by your father and his men to be a warrior. Your warrior. While you were trained in how to fight men across oceans and continents, he was taught how to fight men with steel and teeth. You did give him a run for his money when you brawled, but he knew that he would never want to be facing you in a killing field, with an army at your disposal.
 Your cleverness was beyond him, not that you would ever give yourself credit for it. But you were still young, and when he caught something that you had missed in meetings or conversations, the sparkle in your eye, the way he knew you were in awe of him, was addictive.
 In all honesty, Hajime wasn’t your only lover, or admirer, you had many. Your parents were kind to you, your father could often be found making you giggle, especially when you were seated next to him at meetings. Your mother and you discussed books and music. You would often receive compliments from your father’s advisors and friends, which always made you blush in thanks. And your mothers lady’s loved to give you advice about clothes and any romantic endeavors you might go one. Not that there were many. The boys liked winking at you, and making you blush. Hajime tried his best to keep that to a minimum. Your court did love you, they loved the princess that was bashful and kind, but had the cleverest ideas at council meetings. You were the beautiful shining light, in your beautiful shining castle, and you would keep your court strong.
 Those were all things that Hajime knew well. Painfully well. Because he was always the first to notice. He had seen how they all cared and vowed to make sure that you would stay that way, that you were protected and cared for. So your light never went out, so your kingdom was always strong. He would do what he must, he would not let your court fall.
 So when he had looked at you and the light in your eyes had changed, he felt responsible.
 It wasn’t a bad change, just different. It only took him a short amount of time to pinpoint what it was.
 He couldn’t love you, not like that. He couldn’t let himself break you, because he knew he’d manage somehow, he was always a little heavy handed.
 What protector would he be if he broke your heart? If he was the first one to weaken you? To welcome you into the cruel world you would be entering, of choosing the best of horrible options, of lying and deceiving? He would not be the one to welcome you to that.
 Maybe he was wrong, maybe you could take it. He wouldn’t be the one introducing you to the hurt, he could be the one to guide you through it.
 He was surprised when he found you, always too afraid to wander the place at night. You were in a sitting room, long forgotten by the court, locked away and covered in sheets. 
 It was one of the rooms you would play in as children, with the furniture pushed to one corner; each and every one of the walls between the tall windows was covered in paintings.
 By now both of you had them memorized, whether that be by sunlight, candle light or moon light, both of you knew each of them well.
 You were only looking at one, standing right in front of it, your favorite painting of them all. 
 Hajime watched you, in the light of the moon, stare at the picture. Your profile was perfectly outlined by the stark light.
 “Tell me about her again,” he asked, voice carrying across the room.
 You spare him a glance before turning back to the painting.
 You take a step closer and take a breath. “Her name was Kiyoko.”
 You bring your hand up, and with only a finger you delicately trace the frame. 
“She was the most beautiful woman in the land, and the man who painted her was in love with her, but there were few who weren’t.”
 Hajime didn’t have to see the picture to know what it looked like, he had spent plenty of time looking at it with you. The girl was beautiful, with silky black hair, pale skin, and eyes that felt like they knew all, like they were windows into the fiercest storm.
 He knew the curve of her lips and the mole on her chin, and the pastel color of her dress. She was framed in a sea of greenery; plants, grass and trees all around her. Despite her pale dress and cool eyes she was surrounded by orange flowers, and in the corner of the painting, were perched crows.
 He wasn’t sure what made you stare at that painting like you did. Like you could see details that weren’t there. You had always said that when you looked at it, you longed for the frame to expand, for the picture to grow wider, to see what she saw.
 You also had a thousand questions for her, you wanted to know her as intimately as you knew her face. But she never answered, staring back with those eyes, until only Hajime was left to answer your questions.
 “She was loved by everyone, it was said that you would be blessed if she acknowledged you, and if she spoke to you, you were destined for the most devine heaven.” You move your finger from the frame to the painting, looking like you would touch it, but you don’t, only coming infinitely close.
 “She married the man she loved, and had a laugh that sounded like bells.” You bring your hand down and step back from the painting. 
 “You would be her most devoted admirer.” Hajime said.
 “I already am,” you smile looking down at your hands, “but I think she would have deserved a beautiful friendship.” 
 It wasn’t a real story, her name was Kiyoko, that was the name of the painting, but each time you told it, it was different.
 Looking up to reply to Hajime, you met his eyes. On his face was a smile that delicately curved, turning his mouth up.
 That smile… the curve of his mouth, the sharp teeth behind it. It made your knees week, the relief of seeing it again.
 He took steps towards you, until you were standing shoulder to shoulder looking at her again. 
 “What do the crows mean,” he asked, encouraging you to keep going.
 You take a moment before answering. “They’re her other admirers, only to ever love her from afar.” 
 He hummed, and you swear you could feel it in your bones. 
 You turn to look at him, right in the eyes.
 “It matters… it mattered because you weren’t looking at me.”
 He tried to speak, but you stopped him. “No, listen to me.”
 He wouldn’t look away from your eyes, face cool.
 “I couldn’t- can’t- you just… you weren’t looking at me, and I didn’t know what to do. It’s unbearable.” Your words were so quiet, always so quiet in moments like these
 It seemed like he couldn’t bear to break the silence as he said with narrowed eyes. “You think I don’t know, that I didn’t see?”
 “You won’t break me Hajime,” you say with a scoff. He almost flinced, coming close but stopping. Like you had seen right through him when he wasn’t expecting.
 “You don’t know that,” he hissed, “I know, saw it, everything, and I made that decision. I won’t be the one to introduce you to that, to be the first one to hurt you.” 
 He spoke with his hands, and you watched them as they moved. They were so wide, well taken care of, you remember them being softer than expected.
 “You’re supposed to protect me,” you grit through your teeth. You don’t know if he can tell how flushed you are, but you know he can see the silver lining your eyes.
 “H-how am I supposed to protect this kingdom, t-this court without you! I can’t do it without you.”
 “You’ll do just fine,” he said, standing up straighter.
 “Don’t say that! Why would you- why would you say something like that.” 
It was getting hard to get the words out, every time he spoke you ached more and more.
 He was panting, like those words had winded him. His face was hard, unyielding. You wrapped your arms around yourself, and covered your wobbling mouth. A sick imitation of a comforting embrace
 He didn’t know what to do. His princess was shattering right in front of him and there was nothing he could do. 
 There was no one to point a blade at, no where to keep you safe. Looking at the tears in your eyes, he knew that this had been happening for a while. You were begging him to take his words back, any of them, but he wouldn’t let himself.
 Hajime resisted the urge to look down at his hands. He’d always been heavy handed, that's what he had said to himself. He was trying to shield you, gods-dammit, but those hands had done more harm than good when it really mattered.
 All he could do was watch you crumble in on yourself, while he stood feet away.
 He was clueless. He always knew what to do. Your faithful, balanced Hajime was at a loss.
 You could see it, you blinked and you were there. No longer in that moon-bathed room, but outside, children again.
 How old were you? Nine? Eleven? How old was he? Thirteen? Fifteen? You were just children; the same as always. Had you even grown up, were you always clutching each other like this? So dependent yet so unaware of each other?
 You had never seen him like this, he lived with a sword in his hand and a shield on his back. His upper lip stiff, his will unmoving.
 But the man standing in front of you was desperate, with his hands splayed in front of him, like they would burn you if he got too close.
 Why couldn’’t you just say it, why were you two always dancing around it? Your own choreography, your own sacred, unique steps. 
 “I’m tired,” you say, shoulders dropping, eyes lifting to the ceiling.
 “I am too,” Hajime admitted.
 You closed your eyes tight, feeling more tears fall from your lashes. And when you opened them again, you were met with steel. Not like the steel of blades, but unforged steel, ready to be shaped, reborn.
 Looking into those eyes, the irises that framed hurricanes, it felt like those roaring winds blew right through you. Breathing life into you, fanning your flames. Maybe she could answer just one question for you.
 This is the last time, you vowed to yourself, no matter how it ends.
 Hajime didn’t ask questions as you dragged him through the palace, his presence giving you a little more confidence than before.
 Up and up you went, just when he thought you were done taking him up stairs you found another set, and headed right to the top. You only felt him hesitate once, but you didn’t look back, and he followed. You made it to the top. A tower that was once a sentries station. 
 “How did you… isn’t there someone working here?” Hajime asked.
 You didn’t have to look at him to see the crease in his brow. “No, there’s no need to have anyone up here.”
 Your kingdom had been peaceful for years, if any attacks were to come, they would not be so often as to need guards on the lookout every day. Hajime knew that, so you followed. “I haven’t been sleeping, so I’ve just been walking around at night… and I wound up here.” 
 He didn’t say anything, but you knew what he was thinking. You never walked alone, the fact that you had been in that sitting room tonight was shocking. But you? Wondering up here?
 On one hand, you hoped that he was feeling guilty. On the other, you felt horrible for tearing him up like that. But you knew that was how he was feeling, he wouldn’t push it to the side this time. Not with it spelled out in front of him.
 Crossing his arms and leaning back, he gave you a look of disapproval, but you were no stranger to those cunning eyes. You tried not to dwell on the picture before you, slowly focusing into something- someone you recognized.
 You walked up to the window, leaning against it, staring at the slowly brightening horizon. 
 “Just tell me why.” Was all you said.
 Hajime stepped forward, shoulder to shoulder with you, hand on the cool window sill. The warmth that encompassed Hajime's side almost made him purr, you were so close.
 He took a moment to look at the view, the mountains in the distance, silhouetted by the rising sun. The dark sky was slowly becoming a splash of deep colors.
 “I don’t just protect you, your life isn't your own. What I do affects you, what I see keeps you safe. What I let you do… it could change so much. If I stumble, if I overlook something- so much is at steak. And I know what you were thinking when you looked at me.”  He paused as you nodded, and watched your eyes move from the horizon to the city nestled below the palace. “So I stopped, and you were pissed.”
 “I’ll be disappointed if you say you didn’t see that coming.”
 “Well, it worked to my advantage… until you woke me up that night…” 
 Your smile melted, but you didn’t say anything. Maybe he was bracing for something, that crackling irritation he was used to. But it didn’t come.
 Hajime stiled. Maybe this wasn’t him talking to his princess anymore, as you listened, as he spoke, he realized it was his queen in front of him. 
 “You hurt me. You were mine and then suddenly you weren’t.” He sat there and listened as your voice cracked
 “I’m sorry”
 You turned to look at him. “You can’t break me that easy Hajime, we’re one and the same, in sword and devotion. I want you at my back, I want you protecting me. I need you to want the same. I thought- I thought we agreed on that. So please… let me choose you.”
 “Please let me be your princess, please let me choose you, I want you to protect me, the right way.”
 With you next to him he could see the sunlight reflected in your eyes, how it made them sparkle, how the roofs of your city seemed to wink up at you with the last slivers of moon light. Telling him how much hope they had for you, how they knew that their princess would keep them safe.
 “I'm sorry,” he whispered.
 With that admission, you threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him and squeezing him as hard as you could. You took a few breaths before pulling back, still keeping your arms around him, looking into his eyes.
 “Let me be your princess Haji, please.” It was like you were looking for something in his eyes, not breaking the connection.
 “Always,” he whispered, leaning closer, not looking away.
 “But you aren’t my princess.” He watched your eyes flutter and he drew closer and closer, wrapping his arms around you, keeping you right against him. “You're my queen.”
 He met your lips, and you were the sweetest thing he had ever tasted. He didn’t think he could ever forgive himself if he made you feel like you had again. 
 And as the sun created the mountains, and it's morning rays illuminated you and Hajime, he knew that his hands might have broken you, but they had also put you back together. 
 Pulling away from Hajime, you try not to look as out of breath as you felt. You stared into his slate eyes and felt like he had never left, that the time between you that had hurt you  was just a memory, a distant past.
 They say you can’t remember pain. Maybe its to give you the courage to forgive, to be able to try again.
 You watched his mouth as he said, “I'm a fool.”
 “Then that would make me a fool too,” you muse, tone playful.
 “No,” he said, shaking his head slightly, furrow in his brow. “We can’t have a queen who's a fool.”
 “Then what am I?”
 “An idiot,” you watched his mouth as he said it. His smile was crooked, like he was trying to hide it.
 “Like the lovers,” You breathe, your own smile spreading across your face.
 “Like the lovers,” he repeated.
 The word lovers echoed in your head when you decided you wanted to kiss him again.
 With each breath, you felt the embers inside of you cool to ashes, blowing in the wind like ash. 
 You might have lied, that night wouldn't be your last fight, but it would never be like that ever again.
 Hajime and you were once again in the practice hall, but this time things were different. You were both giddy, as the early morning sun glinted in your eyes. You tumbled and swung your swords at each other, but this time it was laughter shared between you, not savage words.
 You felt like you two were dancing again. With your dress whispering around your legs, and the dagger that matched Hajimes visible around your hip, you felt like you had that night as children, when Hajime first taught you to laugh. 
 You weren’t upset, or nervous this time, as you gave each other bruises and sore shoulders. Because later that morning at the ceremony you knew who would be standing next to you, with his back straight and his shoulders down. Your fiercest warrior and most devoted lover.
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merry-kuroo · 3 years
Top 10 2020 Anime
Hello everyone! Its the last day of 2020, and like with every year, here is my top 10 anime list. This list covers anime that aired this year only :) Hopefully you can use this list as a recommendation for something to watch. But tbh this list is for me to remember which wonderful anime made my year a little brighter :D I apologize for any typos lol.
1.) Tower of God
AHHH! I love Tower of God so much!! So, I almost dropped it at episode 1 because I was really confused. But I stuck with it and I’m glad I did. Tower of God gave me HxH vibes, but it was still different enough where I didn’t need to compare the two. The opening and ending by Stray Kids was amazing too.
Because I loved Tower of God so much, I made a Webtoon account and ever since then I’ve been hooked on Webtoons. I’m really glad they partnered with Crunchyroll to bring us this anime!
I read the TOG Webtoon and it explained things a lot better. I highly recommend going to read it after watching the anime!
I hope there is a season 2, but I won’t get my hopes up :( I’m sure this anime was just advertisement for the comic.
So, yeah, go check out Tower of God <3
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2.) Great Pretender
WIT Studio has done it again. First with Attack on Titan, then Seraph of the End. They keep bringing me my favorite animes.
I love animes that feature a found family, and cons. Great Pretender brought all of that and more. Great characters, jokes, missions, and music. The music in Great Pretender is fantastic (I mean the ending song is a Queen song!)
I still stand by my opinion that Part 1 was better. I wasn’t a huge fan of season 2 and the ending as well. I think they dropped the ball. But I still won’t let that stop me from recommending it to you! It was still fun to watch :D
I’m going to miss Team Confidence <3
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3.) Weathering With You
So, I have been a fan of Makoto Shinkai’s movies for a long time (5 Centimeters Per Second will always have a special place in my heart). So, when I saw that Weathering With You was coming to the movie theater, I immediately purchased a ticket. It was such a surreal experience watching in the theaters.
This was the last movie I saw in theaters before...you know >.> I’m glad this movie was my last too. It makes it even more special.
Everyone, please go see this movie. It’s beautiful. It will make you laugh and cry. I left the theater with tears in my eyes. It was such a amazing experience. I’m patiently waiting for his next movie!
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4.) Kaguya Sama: Love is War Season 2
My favorite rom-com returned with a season 2. The opening is still stuck in my head. It always will be lol.
Anyway, this season was not only hilarious, but there was development between Kaguya and Miyuki <3
Miko IIno was also a interesting character. She is so different from everyone else, so I’m excited to see how being on the student council will change her. Maybe she and Ishigami will start to get long lol.
Another thing that made this season special was Ishigami’s backstory, and how Miyuki saved him. I just really love their bromance, okay?
Please go check out Kaguya Sama: Love is War if you haven’t! It’s funny and heart warming <3
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5.) Jujutsu Kaisen
I’ve been hyped for this anime for like a year! When it was announced last November, I was like AFJAIOFJAOGLJMAPOGJ
I love the manga, and the adaption is doing a fantastic job so far. I definitely ended up loving Sukuna more due to the anime adaption though lmaooo.
Not a lot to say here except, go watch Jujutsu Kaisen <3 and read the manga!
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6.) Moriarty the Patriot
I wasn’t sure if I was going to like this anime or not. I only started watching it because people said Sebastian Moran was Daddy! Kuroo lmaooo
But I have to say...I do like that Albert was like “Oh yes lets bring William and Albert into our home” then William was like “Haha hey Albert do you hate the upper class and nobility too? You wanna murder your brother and parents, burn down the house, and reform society?” And Albert is like “DON’T MIND IF I DO!” (The Moriarty brothers are wild af, my God.)
I liked each individual case, and it got even more intense when Sherlock and John were introduced. Super excited for season 2!
The opening and ending songs are also fantastic. Go give them a listen!
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7.) Digimon Adventure 2020/Digimon Adventure Tri/Last Evolution Kizuna
Tfw you go to buy tickets Digimon Last Evolution Kizuna, but all the movie theaters shut down :(
I was super hyped when Last Evolution Kizuna was announced, and then the reboot of the 1999 anime. I finished up Digimon Adventure Tri...which could’ve been better tbh. I only liked the first three movies, so at least I got some good content out of them lol.
I like the new spin on the new Digimon anime, and I’m excited to see what they’ll do next. I kinda want a reboot of 02 Digimon...and Digimon Tamers and Frontier, but that may be pushing it lmao.
Last Evolution Kizuna was absolutely phenomenal. It was the perfect 20th anniversary movie :)
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8.) Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
Another show I started at the beginning of the year! I read the manga in 2019, and I was happy to hear it was getting a anime adaption! I enjoyed this series a lot, and I really want there to be a second season. I feel like some stuff was left out. But the anime might have been created just to promote the manga.
The opening song, the different wonders of the school, and the art style quickly made this one of my favorites!
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9.) Idolish7 Second Beat
Idolish7 is vastly underrated. It’s more than just pretty guys singing and dancing. Every character in the show has gone through their own hardships, and all the characters are fleshed out well.
The second season did not disappoint. It still served me with a good dose of angst, drama, and comedy.
And season 3 was announced!!! I wasn’t expecting that, so that surprise made me really happy <3.
I was really sad when Idolish7 stopped airing back in the spring, but I’m glad they were able to finish up the season this year :D
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10.) Haikyuu!! To the Top
Alright, so my excitement deflated when Part 1 aired back in January. I hated the new art style and while Part 1 did have some good character development moments, I was really bored :/
The OVAs were really good though >.> I love Nekoma and Fukrodani so those were fun to watch.
Part 2 was a 100 times better. I accepted the fact that the art style wasn’t going to change and we wouldn’t have those cute breaks where the volleyball players would serve the ball and hit the water bottle. Once I got over that, I found myself enjoying part 2.
The two Nekoma episodes,the episodes focusing on the Miya Twins and Kita were my personal favorites. But overall, Karasuno vs. Inarizaki was fantastic and I enjoyed it a lot!
I need season 5 to be announced already!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!
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eventual-ghoste · 3 years
TOG rambling
Hello! This post has to do with Andy and some revelations at the end of Force Multiplied. Spoilers I give aren’t super specific but they’re there, and I can’t promise they won’t bite.
This is also in response to a TOG discord question I couldn’t stop thinking about, regarding Andy’s history as compared to Nicky’s, as posited by Em | salzundhonig:
But Nicky's past as a crusader and his growth from his past was well received, surely that'll be the same with Andy right?
I apologize if these ramblings sound like a rant but I swear my intentions are in the spirit of debate/discourse, and they are not an attack on any individuals.
The TL;DR is: Andy has work to do. Hopefully Hollywood and Rucka don’t fuck that up.
Feel free to check/correct/call me out if I’ve misspoke anywhere here (I realize I still have a lot to learn) but IMHO, I don’t think a semblance of Andy’s growth will be well received. Or, at least, I’m not so certain it should be because, in the comics, I genuinely don’t think Andy has grown. At the end of Force Multiplied, she still defends her actions with the “this is how I grew up” argument, and says it was “a long time ago,” and as much as I love love LOVE Andromache the Scythian for her badassery and how she’s a vision of female empowerment, I can’t help but think about how I hear those words all the time from people defending themselves against racist and/or sexist comments from so-called bygone eras.
Wanna know a sad difference between those people and our beloved Andy? They apologize for what they’ve done, or who they were. As hollow as the words will sound, however unforgivable their actions, however self-serving the apology will be— Those Asshats apologize. Comic!Andy never does, not even when confronted by Nile, an African American woman who likely descends from slaves, and has undoubtedly experienced racism and discrimination on a regular basis. It’s been thousands of years and Andy doesn’t even know how to say sorry (if she ever does, kudos to whoever finds a timestamp/panel, and let me know!). Instead, Andy buries the truth of her actions with a load of justifications to the point that she becomes self-deprecating, calling herself “vermin,” concluding she’s no better than the apathetic, selfish, evil POS they hunt. She may have spent the past millennia with TOG, trying to make things right but then—
But then she gives up. She’s tired. She resigns because she doesn’t have it in her anymore to fight the injustice she once willingly and self-servingly participated in. So, on top of being incapable of apology, Andy also doesn’t vow to do better. She doesn’t accede to change.
If there is one reason for why “The Old Guard” is a fucking absolutely shitty title, is that it refers to people who refuse to accept new ideas and progress. We are in a fandom that has four canonically queer characters, three people of color, and two female leads! Maybe the irony is intentional but damn, why is it that Andy, PROTAGONIST #1, hasn’t completely caught up with the program?
And that brings me to why I think Andy’s reckoning will not be on the same level as Nicky’s. Because as popular as Kaysanova is, neither Nicky or Joe are the main protagonists of TOG.
We don’t follow Nicky or Joe (or Booker) into scenes. The men are strictly back-at-the-ranch, supporting characters. We follow Andy or Nile (who also have the most screen time, I believe, but fact-check me). Filmically speaking, we ought to value them with a measure of precedence. Their words and actions matter the most, especially Andy’s by nature of how everyone looks to her for guidance.
So, with all that in mind: How does one reconcile a beloved protagonist with a despicable past in slavery, of all things? In the wake of an international racial reckoning, how is a celebrated, white South African actress going to fulfill that role? How is production going to balance fantasy with reality? How are Rucka and other involved writers (Theron, Prince-Bythewood?) going to alter the original IP, while retaining the nuance of this moral quandry?
Forgive me for the overkill but: How is it going to happen?
I’m well aware that my thoughts are going down a rabbit hole, and I am definitely overthinking this, but as somebody who’s genuinely curious about whether Victoria Mahoney and the rest of the TOG crew will have the guts to confront the issue head-on, or if they’ll take the easy way out. Excise the bits that no one wants to talk about, much less watch in a feel-good film that TOG has become for many fans.
Whatever production ends up doing, I hope that 2O2G doesn’t end on a cliffhanging “pity Andromache” note because, damn, I’m gonna feel real uncomfortable scrolling through fandom posts, reading people defending slavery and giving the same “the past is a foreign country; they do things differently there” spiel, in order to protect a fictional character played by a conventionally-attractive cis heterosexual white woman.
(Also: If the past is so different from the present, why are there still calls for social justice? Why do ALL industries still lack diverse and equitable representation?)
Now, this is where I’ll go back to the original question and say: While I think Nicky functions well as an example for change/growth/redemption, I don’t think his change serves as a good comparison to Andy’s. I say this, even while I’m aware of double standards in gender, and even between the reception of gay characters vs lesbian characters vs etc. (re: I’m open to critique).
My line of thought stems from the fact that, canonically, Nicky always had Joe. The two have seemingly been inseparable from the moment they first killed each other. It’s likely that Joe would check Nicky whenever he said or did something wrong and offensive, and perhaps this symbiosis was mutual.
(I also have a feeling that many people easily disregarded the Christian/Muslim conflict because A) lack of knowledge in BOTH religions and B) the onscreen couple appear very much in love, especially when one is giving a beautiful monologue on the nature of their relationship. When we meet Joe and Nicky, we meet them at their best. Shout-out to interfaith couples who know more about this than my single (and secular) ass does, and might have more to say about this.)
On the other hand: Andy never had someone who was like how Joe was for Nicky. No one ever calls out Andy because A) she’s the oldest, B) she’s the lead, and C) her business card says ANDROMACHE OF SCYTHIA, WAR GOD. Yeah, she had Quynh/Noriko but— at the risk of yelling at Rucka for vilifying a queer woman of color (or praising him for not leaning on the stereotype of Asian passivity? idk, anyone got thoughts on this?)— Noriko is clearly not encouraging good behavior. Neither will Quynh if Netflix lets 2O2G be as faithful to the comics as TOG1 was.
Which means the Law 282 conversation might be…unavoidable? Somewhere along the line, we still end up in the hotel room with Andy, on the floor, pleading for her crew to not abandon her, even though she is the one who abandoned their cause.
This sets up a circumstance in which Fade Away might be spent trying to redeem Andy/Charlize Theron, bring her back to the “good side,” teaching her to be better— thereby highlighting her experience and “salvation,” rather than making a point of her past, and the reality of her actions. In other words, a “pity the white woman” fest.
(Because I’m crossing my fingers that TOG production/Netflix know better) In an effort to prevent that from happening, I wonder if Rucka will combine Force Multiplied with Fade Away for the 2O2G script. Given the series’ track record, I think it is feasible that FA’s release coincides with 2O2G’s, and that it finally resolves Andy. Whether by revitalizing her energy as a do-some-gooder, or finalizing her vulnerability by putting her 6,000 years to rest, thus handing off the reigns to Nile and a new generation of leadership.
The last thing I want to leave off with is: I don’t hate Andy. It’s a credit to Rucka and fellow writers (from film and fandom) that I don’t.
I might not love her character as enthusiastically as I used to, but that doesn’t mean I’m not amazed by her creation. She’s a female lead whose sexuality is not exploited by the male gaze; whose emotional vulnerability is not considered a hindrance to, nor an explanation for, her battle prowess; and whose unabashed queerness is not reinforced by cookie cutter stereotypes. Andromache the Scythian is AMAZING.
That doesn’t mean I’m going to excuse or ignore her most glaring and contemptible flaw. More than anything, I’d love to sweep her past under the carpet so that 2O2G can be problem-free. Like many people, I just want to enjoy a movie without getting triggered.
I want to see Quynh and Andy kiss and make up. I want to see Joe rocking Those Shorts, and a cheeky shot of Nicky appreciating his ass. I want to see Nile welcoming Booker back to the family again. Some form of group therapy would be chef’s kiss.
But something about glossing over/removing slavery from Andy’s narrative reeks of dishonesty, and reminds me that the (Hollywood) movie industry is full of people who do not want to be tainted with negative perceptions. Understandably, appearances are their livelihood— but that particular truth is something they still have to reckon with.
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
In the Bleak Midwinter {5}
A Throne of Glass Period AU: 1920s.
Summary: 2 years after Arobynn Hammel is killed by Rowan Whitethorn, Maeve has returned from Eyllwe with a vengeance. Meanwhile, Rowan is getting married, Lorcan is a father, and Lysandra is finally ready to give her heart away. There’s been peace in The Cadre’s Orynth for 2 years, but peace never lasts.
A/N: Some chapters only have room for one viewpoint. You know...emotionally.
All characters belong to SJM. I am no more than a fan with a plot.
**Warning: mature content - language, alcohol use, drug use, sex, murders and shit.
Links & masterlists:
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The Cadre - 1920s AU {TOG}
In the Bleak Midwinter {The Cadre, Part 2}
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Lorcan and Elide walked into the grand hall, where tables were spread about covered in golden tablecloths, candles, and expensive dinnerware. Wine glasses were at the head of every plate, and Lorcan found himself wondering what they would be drinking as Elide waved to Aelin across the room. He wasn’t a fan of wine, anything sweet made him angry just thinking about attempting to digest the shit.
Good thing he had a flask in his pocket.
It was good to always be prepared.
Rowan and Aelin managed to break away from the elderly couple they had been chatting with to meet Lorcan and Elide in the middle of the room. Aelin complimented Elide’s gown while Elide brushed her fingers lovingly over the pricey boa around Aelin’s neck – which, Lorcan took as a hint for his next gift.
“Who was that?” Lorcan muttered.
“Some rich couple planning to donate an ass-ton of money to something or another,” Rowan mumbled back.
Aelin rolled her eyes. “He works under close proximity with the Prime Minister, I’d be kissing his ass if I were you.”
Rowan snorted and whispered something into his wife’s ear that made her blush.
Elide gagged. “We’re in public, don’t be whispering naughty nothings into her ear.”
“Naughty nothings?” Lorcan repeated.
Elide elbowed him in the ribs before turning her attention to the stage as the big band began to play.
“I hate this music,” Lorcan mumbled. “It’s ridiculous. It’s loud.”
“Try not to sound like a grumpy old man for one night,” Elide crooned, a big grin plastered on her lips.
“Impossible, it comes naturally,” Lorcan protested, but he pulled her closer to his side, kissing her cheek.
Elide turned to him and he was already uneasy at the glint in her eye. She was about to ask something that he would want to say no to but would not, because she was the one asking it.
“Do you wanna dance?”
Lorcan sighed, and she laughed at his hesitation, but was already pulling him into the space in the middle of all the tables that had been cleared for those to dance. Without another protest, Lorcan was pulling Elide into his arms and spinning her around.
Yes, he hated the music.
Yes, he hated dancing.
But gods, he loved Elide Lochan Salvaterre.
And nothing compared to her smile, to the light in her eyes, to the utter joy she got from dancing with her husband.
He spun her around and caught her a second later, his hand resuming its position on her waist as his lips caught hers.
“Careful,” she warned, when he pulled back. “People around here will start thinking you’re soft and you have a reputation to uphold.”
“As long as they know I’m only soft for you,” he replied, his hand tightening around hers.
Elide’s eyes softened as the song ended and they began their walk to their table, where Gavriel, Fenrys, and Connall were already sitting. On the way to the table, they passed a waiter carrying a tray and Lorcan grabbed Elide a glass of champagne, which she humbly accepted.
His name rang out, but he couldn’t tell the direction it came from. He looked to his left, where Rowan was pulling a gun out of his jacket, and Lorcan’s heart stopped as a shot rang out, into the grand hall.
Rowan’s shot rang out a second later, and Lorcan’s eyes followed that bullet as it met the chest of a man in a black fedora that stood in the doorway, his gun pointed at Lorcan.
The man fell down.
Another shot rang out.
His accomplice fell to the ground, as well.
Lorcan’s arm around Elide suddenly felt heavier, and time seemed to go slower as he looked to his wife, as the champagne glass fell from her white-gloved hand and shattered against the tile.
Chaos began, those who were attending the gala suddenly in a panic as they grabbed their loved ones and ran, their screams echoing in the large room. The band had abruptly stopped, those who had been on the stage gone, disappeared into the fleeing crowd.
But Lorcan didn’t pay mind to any of them, because his wife had gone still. Her eyes were wide, staring at him as his eyes fell down to where her other hand laid against her ribs, her white glove coated in crimson.
Lorcan wasn’t processing it.
Couldn’t process it.
Didn’t understand what was happening, not in the slightest. He heard nothing, everything had faded, all of it becoming background noise to the ringing in his ears. He was unsure why Elide was looking at him with pure panic, didn’t know why she was falling against him, didn’t know why her glove was ruined, covered in blood.
Her blood.
It was Elide’s blood.
She was bleeding.
Lorcan’s name was being screamed again, Elide’s name was being screamed, but Lorcan was falling to the floor, Elide in his arms, Elide gripping his sleeve, Elide whispering his name, her voice breaking.
Then it hit him.
It all hit him.
His heart began to race.
His palms grew sweaty, his forehead clammy, his cheeks wet as silent tears flowed down his cheeks.
She had gotten shot.
The man that had entered the room, those men, they were Maeve’s men, the one had pointed his gun at Lorcan…
And had hit Elide.
In the ribs.
Elide had been shot in the ribs.
He met her gaze, a soft sob shaking his body as he held her in his arms, sitting on the cold tile, his boots beneath him.
“No,” he breathed, and palmed her cheek, turning her face to meet his gaze, fully. “No, no, no, no, no, no.”
He was panicking.
He was having a panic attack.
Chaos surrounded him, two men were murdered, by Rowan, in the doorway, two of Maeve’s men, two men who had come to kill them, two men who had Elide’s blood on their hands.
He whispered her name, and she opened her mouth but nothing came out. A single tear fell from her dark eyes, she found his hand and wrapped her fingers around his, both coated in blood. Lorcan didn’t even remember touching the wound, didn’t even remember any of it.
Time stood still.
Time was blurry.
Time was meaningless.
Everything was meaningless if Elide wasn’t there.
She was fading.
He could see it in her eyes, could see the sorrow, could see the beauty, the light, fading away.
“Elide,” he sobbed, and he wasn’t sure if he whispered it or screamed it, wasn’t sure who was at his back with a hand on his shoulder, wasn’t sure who was crying behind Elide, wasn’t sure of anything, anything at all.
“Gods no, gods no, gods, fuck.” He heard his voice, heard the endless string of words, knew that it was his voice, but it sounded so far away, sounded so desperate.  
Elide took a deep, shuttering breath, then her lips formed one word. 
Lucy, their baby, Lucy, their child, Lucy, whose mother was lying, bleeding out, on tile of white marble.
“Lucy,” Lorcan repeated, and his tears were flowing from his cheeks onto her skin.
Elide nodded, subtly, slowly. “Lorcan.” His name, hardly audible from her pale lips.
He nodded, gripping her hand so tightly that he feared he would leave a bruise on her delicate, pale skin.
Elide’s eyes closed as she whispered, “I love you both.”
“No!” Lorcan screamed, and this time he knew he screamed, this time he felt the word tear into his body, into his soul. That one word, that single fucking word, ripped him apart and sent him into an endless void of panic and fear. “Open your eyes, El, open your fucking eyes!”
She did, she met his gaze, once more, eyes full of sadness and regret, then the sadness faded and complete adoration had her tearing up.
“Lor,” she breathed, those eyes going hazy, distant.
Lorcan’s voice broke when he answered, as calmly as he could muster, “I’m here.”
She was looking up at the ceiling, those beautiful eyes unfocused, as a small, serene smile captured her lips.
The land in Lorcan’s went limp.
And Elide Lochan Salvaterre went still.
But Lorcan continued to hold her, close to his body as his loud, piercing wail flooded the room. He held his wife’s head to his chest and hoped through some rare kind of miracle that the heart beating wildly, rioting, inside of his chest would somehow pour into hers and ignite it once more.
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nomattertheoceans · 4 years
I feel like I picked up on most of the racist tropes in Maas’ books but I’d love to hear your thoughts on the homophobia in them
Hi Non!! Thanks for the ask :) 
Just an fyi if people didn’t see it, Anon is referring to my tags on this post about death of the author and the importance of criticizing media without taking into account the creator’s intent.
So yeah, regarding Maas. There’s a lot of ways in which I find her writing homophobic, I’ll divide them in different categories to try and make it clearer because my mind works in twisted ways x)
You should also know that I haven’t read Crescent City past the first few chapters so I can’t talk about this book (what I heard isn’t great regarding this issue but I haven’t read it so I won’t comment on it)
(this got long so I’m gonna use a read more)
I think her worldbuilding tends to reflect a homophobia that she might not be aware of. Her entire world is built on heteronormative ... norms (lmao sorry I don’t have a better word I haven’t slept in more than 20 hours) that don’t leave any space for queer people to thrive in.
Throne of Glass actually got the less awful bit on this one, we’re shown that Hasar’s girlfriend Renia would become Empress if Hasar was crowned, and Aelin’s uncle was openly gay, so I guess compared to ACOTAR it’s better.
ACOTAR gets the worst of this: The fae society is painfully mysoginistic and by extend, homophobic. Mor is basically sold into marriage at sixteen, to a man, without regards of how she feels about it, because women are considered a breeding stock. The Illyrian women are viewed in the same light. Even Feyre is expected to be making heirs when she’s about to marry Tamlin. Yes, all these examples are painted as bad things in the books, but it doesn’t take away the fact that there are also considered normal within the society we are presented with. When the entire world is built around cishet dynamics (whether good or bad), it shows us that queer relationships are not the norm here, they’re outsiders from their own society (btw considering women as ‘baby makers’ is also transphobic but I’m not gonna open that can of worms).
The mating bond in itself is the biggest heteronormative concept in her books. As Rhys explains it in ACOMAF, it is literally intended for couples to make the strongest babies. It doesn’t care about love between partners, its primary goal is to perpetuate the species. It’s a natural instinct that we’re shown is basically impossible (or at least very difficult) to fight against. We’re shown that the woman has to make the man a meal to “seal the deal”, we’re shown that men become extremely violent towards other men they consider a threat when they’re influenced by the bond (by the way that’s toxic masculinity but it’s not what this post is about).
I believe that Maas didn’t intend for the mating bond to be a possibility between mlm or wlw couples, but that she retconned it in ACOWAR. Which in a sense is good, I’m all for queer soulmates! But the concept she invented here doesn’t have much room for non heteronormative relationships, and it becomes painfully obvious when you try to apply the mating bond logic to wlw/mlm couples. It brings many questions to mind: if it’s intended to make babies, does it mean that the mated mlm couple has one of the men be a trans man? If that’s the case, why didn’t she tell us? Why didn’t she spend more time on telling us their story? If they’re both cis men, then why would they have a mating bond, something specifically designed to help with species continuity by making babies? To me, it’s proof that she didn’t think it through, she thought it was cute to have two men be mates just like our main couple was, and didn’t stop to consider how the mating bond didn’t allow for this to happen organically because it exists in a vaccum of cishet privilege where she didn’t think about the consequences of including it in her books without elaborating on it. 
We can also see that queer people aren’t expected to be the norm in that society. Feyre is genuinely surprised when Mor tells her that she likes women, as if it was this groundbreaking thing she never even considered. I’m not going to get into details as to why I hate Mor’s coming out (I love Mor being a wlw but really, really, hate that scene), but the fact that she hasn’t felt comfortable enough to come out in five centuries is very telling of how unaccepting the fae society is of queer people. So yeah, there’s a queer bar where she hangs out but like... that doesn’t mean it’s accepted. One of the main reasons why queer bars started existing in the first place was to become a safe space for people to be themselves, so you know, I kinda take it as another proof of how unopen-minded the fae society actually is.
lack of queer characters
Overall, we don’t have a lot of confirmed queer characters. Off the top of my head, I can think about (of course I might forget some so that might not be 100% accurate, I haven’t read the books in a long while):
TOG: Hasar and Renia, Aedion, Orlon and Darrow
ACOTAR: Mor, Helion, Thesan, Andromache, Nephelle
Note that I’m not counting unnamed characters. I don’t consider “x’s lover” as a developped enough character to count as representation, come on.
Out of all these characters, only two of them are in the main cast of their respective series (Aedion and Mor). The others go from “mentioned” to “secondary character” at best. I’m not saying that all of her characters have to be queer, but out of such a big cast of mains, one in each series seems very little.
construction of these characters
On top of not having many characters that aren’t cishet, the characters we do have aren’t very well handled by the story.
Hasar is repeatedly described as being ugly, despite most of the other characters being described over and over as breathtakingly beautiful.
Aedion compares bisexuality to forced prostitution.
Helion is basically shown as sleeping around with everybody.
Mor’s sexuality is kept so ambiguous that there’s debate as to whether she’s actually bi, or rather a closeted lesbian.
Renia barely talks, Darrow is a jerk. Orlon, Andromache and Nephelle are figures of the past that we never meet
This is a problem mainly because of how small in numbers the queer characters are. The more diverse cast you create, the easiest it gets to avoid hurtful tropes. I wouldn’t mind Helion being a bi man sleeping around all the time if he wasn’t the only bi man in ACOTAR. Nor would I mind Mor’s tragic backstory if we had other wlw characters. By reducing her cast to such little numbers, she’s creating problems in her writing. She’s telling us that bi men sleep around and never settle down, she’s telling us that sapphic women will only get tragic stories and never find love again.
In the end, the combination of a heteronormative worldbuilding and the lack of work put into the queer characters we are given makes it impossible for me to not consider her books homophobic.
To be clear,
I don’t think Maas does this out of malice. I don’t think she’s a homophobe who hates queer people or anything. I also don’t dislike her books. They’re a fun read, and there’s a reason why ACOMAF is one of only two audiobooks I always have on my phone! Hell, I even write fanfic with her characters. But I think it’s important to be critical of her books, particularly in regards to issues such as racism, mysoginy, or homophobia.
To go back to the original post from yesterday, this is why ‘death of the author’ is an important point here. I’m not saying that Maas intended to be homophobic or that she built her world expressedly to exclude queer people. But in the end, that’s what happened, and we can’t brush off the critics of queer people and people of color just by saying “well, the author didn’t mean it that way.”
I do think that she includes queer representation only as an afterthought in her books, and it shows. Mor’s coming out was poorly handled because she didn’t consider the ramifications of it, just like the mating bond suddenly applying to queer relationships. Her societies are based on cishet white upper class America and that leaves little to no place for queer people (and people of color) to thrive in her stories. From what I see, she doesn’t seem interested in consulting with sensitivity readers over these issues, and as long as she doesn’t swallow her pride and listen to the people that are affected by it, she’s not going to get better on these points.
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-a-Long, Queen of Shadows, day 4
Ch 20
I’m starting to get bored
My feeble brain can only handle so much
(When are we gonna stop being introduced to new characters… This is fine. Hi Elide.)
I have enough of a crush on Manon that I can stand to go through this brand-new-change-of-perspective, brand-new-character-introduction nonsense
But really I just wanna get back to the main story
“The valg kidnapped and stole whatever Fae they could; and because your eyes are getting that glazed look, I’m just going to jump to the end and say the offspring became us. Witches.” How did she know my eyes were getting that glazed look
(I feel like SJM herself wrote that sentence just for me Lmao)
(I am not sorry)
(This is HALFWAY thru the series why are you still doling out brand new information in such a boring plot infodumpy way) (imm BORED) (let’s go come on can we please get back to the story stop wasting my time)
Ch 21
No one’s gonna kill you, baby
Not now, not ever. Hush your sweet little babygirl head and wait for your daring rescue. Dorian. Baby. Babygirl. They are coming for you.
Ch 22
I love you Chaol
I want to rescue him too
What is it all for - vanquishing evil, if we can’t expect good to triumph! Why fight, if we can’t stand to *gain* anything! Hopes and dreams are stronger than sorrow and fear! HOPES AND DREAMS.
We can save him I KNOW that we can
Ch 23
This very soft moment between Aedion and Aelin is all I could ask for, tysm.
It actually feels like we were owed it even though we never saw them together before this. The emotions of it is like *chef’s kiss* and I want to see more soft moments like this.
Ch 24
I’ll never get enough of watching Aelin kick ass and murder ruthlessly and unstoppably. She’s so cool.
Chaol buddy you’re kinda on thin ice. I support you in a let’s-rescue-Dorian kind of way, but I *don’t* really understand your fear of magic and your enthusiasm for humans over other beings.
We are all people
Even the people who aren’t humans are people, get over yourself
I feel like someone needs to sit both of them down to have a long conversation because they are both being so dumb. Chaol is like “I’m a high fantasy racist and anyone who is partially fae needs to be without magic or I can’t trust them” and Aelin is like “Dorian is over and even if he’s not death is preferable to demonic possession, I must murder him and the fact that you don’t want me to makes you my enemy.”
And it’s just like
Listen Shh
You both need to take a fucking second and think about your values and what makes you similar: remember? Remember how you loved each other once? Remember how you’re both *people* and how Dorian is special to both of you? Also stop being racist, Chaol, it’s unforgivable behavior and you’re better than that
Ch 25
Ok Elide.
I changed my mind.
Now I love you.
(Shh, listen, I reserve the right to change my mind - I have a small feeble mind but I changed it)
I need to stop comparing this series to Game of Thrones
It’s not like Game of Thrones but it gives me a similar feeling, samish category, especially with the introduction of new characters all the time and all i wanna do is go back and see the characters i already care about, and i have trouble seeing how it ties together, and maybe it *doesn’t* tie together, but i should just sit down and enjoy it because who tf knows where this is going
Anyway idk
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hopewelivetoshout · 4 years
There’s something that has been bodering me since I started looking for fanworks of The Old Guard and I can’t keep it to myself anymore.
I apologize for any grammatical inaccuracies, english is not my first language and I really needed to talk about this in the most raw and honest way I could do. Here we go.
So, giving context, I started looking for content of TOG since I had barely finished the movie, I ran straight to AO3 and Tumblr because I had a feeling that the movie would give a lot of people comfort and it would grow a lot with people - specially the Queer community. When I saw the difference between the number of works taged JoexNicky compared to AndyxQuynh, it broke my heart a bit. But, you see, it was only 48 hours after the movie got on Netflix, so I hoped that number would grow and that gap between the pairings would become balanced. And, well, that’s not what happened.
I understand the fact that the way Yusuf and Nico weare portrait just stablished a new level of representation and the treatment towards queer characters, and I love them just as the next person on this fandom. The thing is that it {the difference of the amount of content produced between the two main pairings} shows how much we still need to improve on how we interpretate and act with wlw relashionships.
Let me get you to understand my ponit of view. Think about how mlm and wlw are treated in our society, as a whole, and reflect on how this difference between the number of content of the possible pairings - being those, JoexNicky, AndyxQuynh, or even AndyxNile - and try to find a correlation with how we, as people in real life, were taught and, even when unconsciounsly,to reproduce certain ways to deal with wlw and mlm relashionships.
Now, you see how all the difference between these numbers mean things far more complex than just a number gap? Yes, we get JoexNicky represented explicitly, while AndyxQuynh we get a different aprouch, we see details and they show us how the matter affects, mainly, Andy. The relashionship is explicit in the comics, and will be possibly developed on the sequel.
What I want to put into debate here is the fact that, even though we seek to not reproduce misconceptions and prejudice we’ve been taught during our lifes, we still reproduce them. The way we treat different representation shows us how much we have to evolve yet.
I’m feeling a lot about this whole matter and it was probably a bit confusing untill now, but, to whoever ir reading this, I truly hope that it made you stop and think a bit about the matter too. I think I will do some more posts about it in the near future, hopefully.
I’m open to discuss this in the comments and dms. I really think and feel that this need to be aprouched and talked about. I would not be honest with myself if I didn't express what I’ve been reflecting about it all.
And to you, amazing being who still here, I hope you’re safe and healthy. Thanks for the reading and your time.
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jazba-1997 · 3 years
So no one will probably ever read this, but as a reader of SJMaas books I’m throwing my opinion out there like everyone else at the moment over ACOTAR.
Yes ACOTAR, the series that is bringing so much toxic discourse I can’t find any freakin funny fake quotes or funny cute memes now about the series without being also bombarded with a heap of toxic hate.
That one.
Putting this out there now, this is not the fault of SJMaas, she didn’t make anyone come and start posting hate. Eg. using other fandoms of SJMaas, there is hardly any hate on ToG, if ToG fandom was a person I would be sitting there filming going ‘you’re doing great sweetie’. At least if there is toxic hate I don’t get swamped by it. I mean there are problems with the books don’t get me wrong (ToG…one of your POC main woman got murdered and used to bring about the main characters growth, that’s a big no no in my book reading, but I still read you and liked other parts of you. ACOTAR…please stop saying Rhysand is a feminist he literally took away his wife/mate/life partners choice in her pregnancy (hell, Twilight handled that better, Twilight!) and also the Inner Circle are not perfect, let people have discourse and not get along, perfection is a lie.) No, this isn’t book criticism it’s toxic hate and is the result of the fandom….gosh I feel like an old person, like I’ve been through ship wars, I’ve seen the numerous wars of Supernatural, the armies of Katniss/Peete and Katniss/Gale, seen the truly bloody battles of Jacob vs Edward and the craziness that is Harry Potter (just to name a few). But this…this is terrible. I can’t even find anything funny without it popping up when I search for stuff now.
And funny memes and incorrect quotes are 60% of the reason I joined tumblr.
So yeah, this is me venting cause what else is social media like tumblr for if not to do so and receive heaps of hate (in other words bring on the haters…or don’t I’ve got a very soft heart and heaps of anxiety. Besides I give myself enough hate).
Anyways, getting to the point.
Can we as a fandom, as a group, STOP BEING TOXIC. Yes, I put that in capitals for everyone in the back.
If there is one thing I wish, it was that ACOTAR had never focused on the romance but instead on the sisterhood. Like, I love me some romance, I love it, give it to me while I make grabby hands. But sisterhood, troubled, crazy, disjointed, beautiful, strong, proud sisterhood- I will lie down and beg for it to walk all over me. I don’t know why but healthy, strong family and found family vibes make me happier than romance in novels.
Okay, where was I, I feel I went on a tangent and I blame my wine (it’s a $150 bottle which is the biggest spend I’ve ever done and more of a fuck you to people that pissed me off in a shop when they thought I was broke af, like, I am 23, own an apartment and have nearly payed off my mortgage cause I work my ass off, watch me buy myself some gosh darn expensive wine…sorry, tangent again).
Anyways, the point I wanted to make was that this who Gwyn vs Elain over who gets Azriel and that they must be with a man ect. Why????? Why are we doing this? Like what if neither of them had romance? What if their growth and character arc was them being incredible women, why do we need to ship them let alone fight each other over it (was finishing last drop of wine and realised I have many grammar and spelling mistakes, I apologise. Also, realised that Gwyn/Elain is now going to be my new ship. Bye guys. My ship is me on a door in the ocean about to drown, like Rose in the Titanic, but I’m surrounded by the sound of gunfire. If anyone wants to join please bring more wood for a raft, the naval vessels that are the elriel, gwyneriel and elucien are very scary).
There is shipping and there is toxic shipping. Comparing two women over their ability to produce children…shame on you. Shame on all of you and not in the kind Mushu way. I mean it. Look at yourselves, think about who you’ve hurt (and I don’t mean shippers, I mean people who can’t have children) and have a good hard long look at yourself. Picture someone telling you, that you can’t be in love with someone cause of your reproductive organs…I just can’t.
I honestly can’t.
I’m sorry to everyone who has been hurt.
There are other things as well, people vilifying a victim of abuse and stating they must be evil. That is never okay, we do not need to grow this culture and way of thinking.
Why would you do that? What makes that okay?
And before someone tells me I could stop reading and move on…I can’t cause all I find when I look for stuff now pertaining ACOTAR is this.
Like, I could write an essay on the hypocrisy and problems of ACOTAR but that’s not what I’m here for. I like ACOTAR (for all it’s faults, okay, wait, the actual writing faults are there, but like, I’ve not finished two bottles to get started on that).
You want to make a ship war, you fight with dignity and grace. You fight by explaining that hot sizzling tension that is just too good, the near kisses, the banter, everything that does not become toxic, go for, fight your ship war, just don’t send out hate vibes. We have so much hate, lets just love a little.
This post, it’s a point I’m trying to make that we as readers need to stop being toxic with our characters and instead start loving them. Like whoever you ship together is the hot diggity hot dog for you. Unless it’s illegal and you know what I mean…but then again fanfic is a rabbit hole and I have seen things so yeah, can we be polite?
This is the begging of a tipsy nurse who just wants to fund those funny memes (regardless of ships) and not have to see such hate from a fandom she used to/still does enjoy.
Anyways, love to everyone and ship your ship (and for those ships that don’t end up cannon, that’s why there are submarines, don’t worry, I myself have joined the crew of a few).
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bellamyblakru · 3 years
HEYYYYYYY i’m so excited to respond to ur ask it made me so happy to see u in my notifs and i’m so excited for u for ur milestone! anyways i kinda want all of them but i decided to cut down to 🥺 :)))) 👀 pls rant i will read it all and ☕️ for morgwen andddd manon from the tog books. <3 <3 :*
HEY AMY!!! i hope you had a lovely day today🥺thank you for the ask💞
🥺- for my mutuals, ill talk about why i follow you and why everyone should be as well
omg im pretty sure i met and started following you like the day of that bellamy scene™️ because i remember thinking how fucking horrendous that episode ended, and, at the same time, how amazing that night on tumblr was aksnakaaj. so that night, tumblr was a fucking disaster and chaotic and funny asf. i remember texting @tkstrrand the entire ep (bc she couldn’t watch it for some reason) like how boring it was/how she wasn’t missing much blahblah and then when the death scene happened at the last fucking second, i sent her about a thousand separate incoherent texts in the span of like two minutes LOL tumblr was in shambles and i made a few posts about how fucking dumb the show was—one post i made i told my few new followers to fuck the 100 and just watch merlin and you texted me about it!! we have literally so much in common (with merlin, atla, the 100, tog!!!) that when you texted me about how you felt about that scene compared to merlin’s ending, my thought was like “this blog is so kind and we feel the same way and i need to follow asap.”
you are literally so sweet and lovely to talk to🥺that night™️ may had been disastrous, but i can look on it with a lighter heart because we met because of it!! every time we talk i always smile so much (and dw, i know i still have to get clone wars for our boy anakin👀👀)
dude, everyone should be following you because your blog is incredible, your tags are superb, and you are literally one of the sweetest people i’ve met on here😭💞 i adore you.
👀 - and ill tell you a parallel from merlin or the 100 that still fucks me up
this post for merthur still FUCKS ME UP by @camelotsheart
☕️ + send me a ship/character/movie/book and ill give you my opinions on it
my opinions on morgwen:
I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I SHIP IT WITH MY WHOLE ASS SOUL. dude, their potential as a ship is incredible😭i fucking love them together. i wrote them as a side pairing in my first multi-chapter merthur fic and i adored writing their interactions and dynamic sm. if morgana was going to be with anyone, my first choice will always be gwen. i also read them as a pairing in fics all the time because the pure power-couple potential is insane.
hot ☕️ here™️: i think if someone was to bring morgana back from the brink of hatred, it should have been gwen (not merlin). so, like, i could definitely see merlin telling her about his magic and whatnot and maybe that would have stopped her from going dark side...but...i didn’t think merlin should have (ekk probably an unpopular opinion).
see, i love merlin with my entire heart..and tbh telling uther fucking pendragon’s ward that he had magic was just too much of a gamble—especially with arthur’s life on the line, which literally became merlin’s sole purpose in life (another matter for a different essay™️). i understand his need to keep it a secret from her even more when the large reptile repeatedly got into merlin’s head that she was bad news from the jump (also another matter for a different essay™️).
SO. that leaves two options for our miserable magical gal: arthur or gwen. now, i honestly believe arthur wouldn’t have hurt her if he was told. and i even think he may have became more sympathetic to the magical community because of it—especially when he saved mordred wayyyy early on that cemented the fact that arthur was not uther. but i can also understand why morgana wouldn’t tell arthur, and it’s pretty much the same reason merlin didn’t tell her about his magic: the risk was too big and she didn’t want to gamble her life with an unknown reaction.
now we get to the main point: gwen would have been the best option for her. whether it is platonic or not, gwen was always there for morgana. gwen is such a kind, loving soul, and she deeply respected and adored morgana—you can tell by the way she smiled around her in the beginning seasons, how she would get her flowers, how she would worry about morgana’s wellbeing. even though gwen was morgana’s servant, she cared for her in more ways than were required and it showed. they were best friends. the entire incident with gwen’s father, which was horrendous, might be the reason gwen would be rightfully upset about the subject of magic; however. she knew her father wasn’t magical, she knew uther was a tyrant, and she knew morgana’s heart. someone is gonna tell me that if morgana had explained to gwen what happened, how her magic was innate, how morgana would never fucking choose to have magic anywhere near her shithead guardian (who probably would have killed her imo if he knew bc you know the whole “fire will purify” bullshit), that gwen would hate her??? I MEAN LITERALLY WATCH THE LAST EPISODES AGAIN. when QUEEN GWEN realizes that the whole time it was merlin saving everyone’s asses, and she connected all the dots, her face showed nothing but pure understanding and acceptance.
gwen was such an underused character. her fucking potential arcs could have been phenomenal (again, LOL, another matter for a different essay™️), and the way canon made morgana use gwen was fucking gross and im not a fan🙃 but fuck canon. i ship them and i love them to pieces ✌🏻thank you for coming to my talk✌🏻
my opinions on manon mf blackbeak:
oh boy, where do i start? i would die for her...is that too extreme for the starting place? i fucking LOVE manon blackbeak dude. oh my god, so, remember when her and aelin fought for the first time in QoS? i remember jumping up from my lounging position with my hand over my smiling mouth because i love both of these badass hardcore women with everything i am. i mean, aelin owns my ass (she is probably my favorite character of all time rn) but manon hits differently. her storyline at the beginning was so bleh, but, man, did it escalate fast to “holy shit” to “i fucking love her” to “oh fuck im sobbing.”
the only thing i will complain about with her character in canon was the fact that my girl was straight???? excuse me?? she has been alive for fucking forever and she is straight? no. i cant accept that. tbh i ship manon and elide🥺 (i also ship dorain and chaol oops). but her character development was everything and i cant think too long on what happens because i will start crying tbh sksjsmakks
okay wow im so sorry for, uh, spilling every thought i had into this. it legit took me like a day to respond 😔
i appreciate you so much. thank you🥺💞
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