#Don't break my trust; I'm a sensitive bird
lovemesomesurveys · 1 year
When’s the last time you ate bread? I'm about to eat a sandwich.
What’s the last movie you watched on your own? I watched Mrs. Doubtfire earlier and now Freaky Friday is on.
What about the last movie you watched with another person? My mom and I watched some of Avengers: Endgame last night before bed.
How many coats do you own? I have a few. I kinda feel ready to go through my clothes again and try to get rid of some more.
What about shoes? I have 6 pairs of shoes.
One word to describe your most recent ex? Funny.
Where, in your current country, would you like to live, other than where you do now? I'm honestly not sure. I know I don't want to stay here forever. I'd love to move in the very near future, but that probably won't happen.
Do you like snow? Yes.
Do you like sheer clothing? No.
Have you ever seen anyone famous in the street? When I first saw the Jonas Brothers early on I did actually see Joe and Kevin behind the building near their tour bus. I acted like the awkward weirdo I am and waved at them like a giddy idiot, ha. I was too nervous to actually go over there, though. Trust me, I kicked myself forever after that for not going up to meet them and getting a picture. It was the perfect opportunity.
Are you hungry right now? I am, so I'm gonna take a break from this and eat my sandwich.
Are you regularly tired? Yes. In fact, after I ate my sandwich I ended up taking like a 3 hour "nap." So, this is now being done much later, ha.
What was the last thing to upset you? I've been been extra irritable and sensitive again lately, which is something that I actually felt my depression med I started taking last year was helping with. I was also prescribed Rexulti in additon to what I'm taking, but I haven't taken it as consistently for different reasons and I'm wondering if that has something to do with it. I'm also on an anti-anxiety med, which had been helping with that as well so I don't know. And I already know I won't be able to get an increase in the dosage for any of those. Sigh.
How’s the weather been today? I didn't go out at all, but according to the weather app it was like 93 F today. Not fall weather at all that's for sure.
What was the first tattoo you got or what would be the first tattoo you’ll get? I don't have any, but since I was a teenager I've wanted to get 'free bird'.
What was the last store you went into and did you buy anything? It's this store called Daiso, which is kinda like a Japanese Dollar Store or a little more. It's got a lot of cute stuff. I always get a little carried away whenever I go in there.
Have you ever been late for school or work? Yeah. I hate being late so it wasn't a common occurrence. I used to be really anal about that.
Do you prefer to shower in the morning or at night? Always at night.
What is your favourite kind of fruit cobbler? Not a fruit cobbler kind of person.
Is there a basement in your house? If so, what is it used for? No.
Have you driven a car today? I don't drive.
Do you have a small, medium or large bedroom? It's too small. I've definitely outgrown it. Or maybe I have too much stuff but no it's just small okay shhh
Where was your first job and how old were you? I haven't had a job, yet.
Have you eaten soup this week? No. That doesn't sound appealing still it still feels very much like summer and I hate it.
Are you a fan of The Office? I just couldn't get into it.
When was the last time you started a new medication? A couple months ago.
What is your favourite type of nut? I very rarely eat nuts, it's been quite awhile since I've had any like I don't even remember. But anyway, that being said I do like a few like peanuts, cashews, pistachios, and season (not plain) almonds.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a middle name? Yeah.
Have you put your phone on silent today? No. The only time I do that is when I'm at the theater, and admittedly not always then. Not like my phone is blowing up with notifications.
Can you name all 50 US state capital cities? No, but I can name all 50 states in alphabetical order.
Do you read John Green novels? I only read a few.
Have you ever been to Universal Studios? I went once when I was like 7 and don't remember a whole lot to be honest. We also went to Disneyland after that and that I definitely remember.
Can you tie balloons? I can, but it can be hard sometimes.
When was the last time you were at a pet store? It's been a long time.
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leavannyn-oskar · 7 years
Are you open to inter-fandom asks, interactions and rps?
[To a degree; I like seeing how people interpret different fandoms and such, but if it’s outside the range of Pokémon, Bomberman, Sgt. Frog or Rayman, you can’t expect me to keep up too well, as I will be VASTLY inexperienced.
That said, it’s okay to try me out. I’m not one to be shooing people away ;p ]
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takamikeiigos · 3 years
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• though keigo tends to be loud, seemingly carefree, and outgoing, he's convinced himself that hero work is his #1 priority and he has zero time to be getting all up in a tizzy about feelings
• this man probably doesn't even know what a long, meaningful hug feels like. but what does it matter because he's a hero, he doesn't have time to be mulling over that kinda stuff
• now don't get me wrong, keigo has all of the basic human wants and needs for love, affection, companionship, etc. but has managed to tuck those thoughts away deep in the back of his mind
• so he spends his free time alone watching movies by himself while eating takeout, or finding somewhere high on the skyline to perch upon while the breeze caresses him and gives him comfort while he's deep in his thoughts
• when it comes to his avian characteristics and needs, he knows many people don't understand so he tends to them himself
• long tiresome processes of preening his own wings, often getting aggravated when he can't reach a spot or can't get certain feathers to lay flat
• or when it's that time of the season and he continuously chooses to go through his ruts alone because he hasn't allowed himself time to slow down and properly take care of it, because he grew up too fast and exploring his own wants and needs was never an option
• let's talk about keigo nesting during a rut bc of pure instinct but suddenly coming to the harsh reality that he has no one to share it with
• ouch
• imagine the first time he meets you
• you think he's probably the most loud and obnoxious motherfucker you've ever met but he grows on you over time
• its only after spending a bit of time by his side that you realize little things about him that kinda break your heart
• he smiles and jokes around a lot, but when you catch him deep in thought or slipping you notice the vacant stares that make him seem far, far away
• or the fact that he doesn't touch people unless they prompt first, whether it's a high five or a pat on the shoulder, but his hands mostly remain in his pockets or by his sides otherwise
• so it breaks your heart even more when you go to give him a quick hug before checking out for the day and he completely tenses up, clearly not sure how to react
• it occupies most of your thoughts that night, before it finally dawns on you that keigo didn't reciprocate because he didn't know how to (not literally, of course)
• from then on you touch him more often - like gently putting your hand on his shoulder when you're reaching over him, or placing your hand on the small of his back when moving around him
• over-all you're in his space more, always standing a few inches closer so your shoulders touch or your hands brush
• but let's talk about that one time you both go on a mission together and keigo gets knocked around a lil bit
• you're finally able to catch up to him and the idiot is standing there covered in bruises, feathers missing and his hero outfit almost torn to shreds, and he has the audacity to smile at you like he didn't just get knocked into next week
• he tenses again when you run up to him and pull him into a frantic hug, worry ebbing from your entire being but grateful that he's still standing and alive
• but the exhaustion finally catches up to him and its then that his wall comes crashing down, his arms wrapping around you like he's clinging to you for dear life, and his head is resting on your shoulder, coming free of all those heavy thoughts he's been carrying with him
• things slowly change after that
• months later you two end up together, like two pieces of a puzzle that were lost but finally found, a relief of a perfect fit
• he texts you constantly - whether it's of things that remind him of you, or a picture of a cat he saw while on patrols, or even just to let you know you mean the world to him
• when you’re both together he almost always ends up being the one to initiate physical contact now, staying close in your space and his hand always rest against you
• on nights after a long day of patrolling, he'll come over and you'll put a movie on, cuddling close together on the couch while eating the most unhealthy junk food you could find to take the edge off
• you catch him smiling to himself one of those times, and when you look at him curiously, he shakes his head and laughs quietly
• "'s nothing baby bird, just nice to finally have someone to do this with"
• on another tiresome evening of patrolling, he flies through your bedroom window (you always leave it unlocked and open for him) and perches on your windowsill
• you can instantly tell something is bothering him by the way he's holding himself, his wings twitching and his body tense
• so you beckon him to come sit on your bed with you, thinking maybe a back rub will ease the tension. but when he finally sits down in front of you, the disarray of tangled feathers is the answer to your unasked questions
• you tell him to relax and he does, but when you hesitantly run your fingers against his feathers he nearly jumps out of his skin
• you pull your hand away as if it was burned and when you ask if you accidentally hurt him, he flushes and avoids eye contact
• "no! no, you didn't hurt me. they're just.. sensitive. 'm just not used to people touching them like that. but it.. it feels good"
• so you continue running your fingers through his feathers gently, making sure they're all in place and pulling the loose ones from his wings
• he’s all breathy sighs underneath your hands and you swear you hear him cooing every once in a while and your heart melts at the amount of intimacy and trust
• it turns into a ritual after rough days, and neither of you mind it
《《 NSFW 》》
• so look, i’m not saying keigo is a virgin but we're gonna keep going with this little needy & touch starved trend we got going. to each their own
• keigo loves being touched, but he also loves touching you
• i’m talking always pressing up against you when you’re both alone, face nuzzled in your neck while biting and licking, hands on your hips and squeezing
• clinging to you when you’re about to get out of bed, or sneaking into the shower with you bc he misses your warmth and is craving some skin on skin contact, his head nuzzled into your shoulder and his arms wrapped around you from behind
• tbh he’s probably still half asleep as he does this, too. you basically have him completely limp in your arms when you turn to start scrubbing his hair
• i’m getting a little off topic, huh?
• he’s always trying to get your attention, especially when he knows you’re busy
• he’s almost always breathless when things get hot and heavy, nearly falling apart over a make-out session
• but when you finally get him out of his clothes and on the bed where you want him, the experience is one you want to relive forever
• he’s got this wonton facial expression, chest flushed and wings puffed out, lips parted with unspoken pleas as you touch him
• the first time you even touch his dick he nearly loses it, head tossed back and fingers gripping the sheets
• "fuck.. fuck that feels so good dove, please don't stop"
• he’s so sensitive, his skin feels like it might burst into flames because of how worked-up he's getting
• the sight of him falling apart from a simple hand job is a sight to see, something you weren't expecting to get you going but it is
• you stroke him slow, your grip just loose enough where he ends up having to work for it, all the while you're gauging his expressions
• keigo is a talker, loud and completely unashamed of the filth pouring from his lips as he fucks up into your fist, his jaw slack and his brown pinched in pleasure and concentration
• "please baby, right there. god, you feel so fucking good, please don't stop. fuuuuck"
• when you decide to touch his wings out of sheer curiosity, you weren't expecting to his reaction to turn you on as much as it did
• keigo arching off the bed with a broken "f-fuck!", yanking you forward into a harsh kiss as he moans broken please and appraisals into your mouth, whining
• he finally comes in thick spurts over your hand, his hips stuttering as he thrusts upward to milk the final drops of his come, chest heaving and breathy pants falling against your lips, his hands tangled in your hair
• touch starved, needy, and sensitive
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don't get me started on my man's going into a rut. whoo, good stuff.
sorry this is so long!! i got very carried away once i got into it.
if anyone wants to request anything, please do?? i would love that, especially since I'm trying to learn more about this beautiful bird-boy. nonetheless i hope y'all enjoyed!!
♡ ky
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literaticat · 2 years
Has one of your clients ever not been able to complete edits? And what did that look like? I am really struggling; every time I open the edits, I have a panic attack and half my day is ruined. Sometimes I just stare at my screen for hours. These edits are due in two weeks and I just…I don’t know what to do. I feel ashamed for having to go to my agent and ask for an extension because the release date has already been pushed once and I need to be paid but…yeah. Any advice is welcome!!
I have certainly had clients who were DAUNTED by edits. I don't think I've ever had anyone "not be able to complete" edits. Nor have I had anyone DIE from edits -- so that's good, right? Probably, based on my experience anyway, you WILL complete them and not die in the process.
First: Talk to your agent about what is happening with you. Ask them and/or (if you have one) a really smart critique partner (preferably somebody you REALLY trust, who has a LOT of experience, and is familiar with you/your book) for advice and to look at the edits etc.
You need the cool head of a third party to look at the situation and see if what is being asked in the edit letter or notes etc actually IS UNREASONABLE. (It could be that you are having a panic attack because you are actually being asked to do something WILD, I just have no idea!). They can probably help you "sort the wheat from the chaff" and actually figure out, OK, what here is actionable and what is not, let's break it down into small components that are easy to tackle." You just have to take it BIRD BY BIRD.
(And by the way, if you haven't read BIRD BY BIRD and so don't know the reference, this would be a great time to do so. It does technically count as work, so you aren't REALLY procrastinating.) ;-)
Are there things in there that you don't understand what the editor was getting at or are confusing etc? Talk it through with your agent or buddy. Ask your editor for a call if you need to, just to hash it out and make you feel like you are on firm footing.
So, now hopefully you have seen that it isn't unreasonable, you've broken it down into smaller components that are totally achievable, you've talked out any confusion, you've made this a more manageable project and hopefully are making headway. Realistically: DO YOU NEED MORE TIME?
(Or would you waste it if you had it? Full disclosure - I ask that because I KNOW that if I am given more time on any given project, I don't do extra-well... I just WASTE MORE TIME. If that's you, too... you probably know that about yourself.)
If you do really need it -- ASK FOR IT. Don't be scared to ask for it. If it is just a little more time (like a few days) -- you don't even have to ASK for it, just say it. "Hey, editor, I know that we'd talked about Monday for this - - I'm actually SOCLOSE to being done but I know that I'll want to give it another polish so, I'll send by Wednesday afternoon, hope that's fine!" (It'll be fine). If you know that you really really need WAY more time -- talk to your agent and have them ask for more time. IT shouldn't be a problem unless for some reason this is super time-sensitive (in which case you'd know it).
But anyway your first step should be to talk to your agent, because they can't help you solve a problem that they don't know exists.
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maraudersbutmuggle · 3 years
Mary and love
Content Warning: Sexual Assault, Toxic Masculinity.
Love is fake. Mary believed in passion and attraction. But love, as such... Mary hadn't experienced it. And it was fine, because she didn't suffer.
Her mother, Delilah, lost the love of her life. But after a short time, she got over him and was with another man. So Mary didn't believe in love.
Maybe love was simply passion and attraction. And people invented another word to give people hope. But passion and attraction passed. It was ephemeral.
So that was why when James said "I love you", Mary panicked. Boys could say a bunch of ridiculous things after sex. They got tired and stupid.
So Mary started avoiding James. Mary had fancied James since they were eleven. And she didn't understand why Lily wouldn't like him back. And when they started dating at the end of last summer, Mary thought she was so lucky. Now she was thinking maybe Lily was right. James was a bit intense.
It isn't his fault. Mary thought. Why can't you love him back?
Mary liked him. And maybe now she realized, she liked him just as a special friend.
So that was why Mary was crying in the main patio. Because she decided to break up with James.
"Why are you crying?"
Mary jumped with the sound of that voice. She thought she was alone.
"Nick..." she said "We girls cry. You wouldn't understand"
Nicolai Mulciber wasn't exactly a sensitive boy.
But surprisingly he sat next to Mary.
"I wanted a fag" he explained.
Mary shrugged as he lit it up.
"Potter is an imbecile" Nick whispered
"If he makes you cry, then he is an idiot"
Mary stared at Nicolai.
"It wasn't James. He is a gentleman" Mary sighed
Nicolai shrugged "Whatever"
"How come you're not making jokes about me or saying something stupid about my boobs?"
"It was one time" Nick said "And I'm not that bad. I do respect women crying"
"Okay, whatever" Mary sighed, ready to get the hell out of there.
"I'm just saying..." Mulciber said "If you were my girlfriend, I wouldn't make you cry"
"I told James didn't..."
"Potter is blind or what? You're beautiful"
Mary sniffed "What?"
"You are a pretty bird" Nick looked at Mary's lips "That's all"
Mary was stupid. She was out of her mind. Because she kissed Nicolai Mulciber right there. Nicolai Mulciber. The asshole with record of being a fuck boy who made innapropiate jokes to girls. But fuck, the way he was stroking Mary's chin, gently, showed her another side of him.
But Mary pushed him away because: James.
"I... I have to go" she said. And stormed out of there before Nick could answer.
And now Mary was avoiding two boys. But somehow, she couldn't get Nicolai out of her mind. And she couldn't keep hurting James.
So Mary broke up with him.
"But... but I don't understand... I love you..." James' eyes filled with tears.
"Oh Jamie" Mary said "You don't love me. You just think you do"
"But I do"
"You're just attached to me because I was your first. And you're mesmerized by the good sex..."
"Pfff.... That's not true"
Mary smiled and stroked his cheek.
"I had a good time with you. And I know you too..." Mary said "But I think you're looking for someone to get married and have babies with... And I am not that girl"
"Well.... fuck..." James sniffed.
Mary smiled. James was too adorable. She kissed him for the last time.
"I want us to be friends, okay?"
James nodded.
"And besides, you can go back to droll for Lily"
James snorted.
"I don't fancy Evans anymore"
Mary raised an eyebrow.
James sighed "Friends it is"
Nicolai's intense stares from his table, made Mary shiver. She couldn't avoid fancying him. And wanting to kiss him again.
"Come to the next Knights' party" he told her secretly as they crossed in the halls.
Mary bit her lip.
"Those parties have a reputation, you know?"
"Everyone is thrilled to come" Nick said "Plus... I promise you will have a good time"
Mary tried not to smile "And why should I trust you?"
"Just come" Nick grinned "And you'll see why"
Mary didn't tell Lily and Marlene about the party of course. They would kill her. So she went by herself.
And Nicoali smirked when he saw her. They were flirting with their eyes. As they had done for days. And Mary pretended not to be interested. She moved through the party dancing, and pretending to ignore him. She knew Nick was staring.
"I propose...." The Knights leader, Justin Rosier spoke to the crowd "Nicolai Mulciber" he grinned at him "and...." his eyes landed on Mary "Mary Macdonald for Seven Minutes in Heaven"
Mary had heard rumours about The Knights playing that silly game. But she didn't believe it was actually true. She snorted.
"Is there a way to say no?" Mary joked.
But nobody laughed.
"Alright" she walked with Nicolai to the little Janitor's closet.
She was grinning, the door closed. But when she heard the lock, her smiled disappeared.
"Now do to me what you've been doing to me with your eyes, Macdonald, eat me"
Nicolai got closer.
"Okay..." Mary snorted "The joke is over. I'm really claustrophobic, so let me out"
Nicolai didn't answer. He just stared at her.
"What's the problem?" he asked "You're a little whore anyway. Don't play the saint now"
Mary was getting uncomfortable. She swallowed.
"The space is too close here"
"That's better" Nick got closer. He began kissing Mary's neck.
"Nick... I don't like this, okay?" she said "Can we go somewhere else?"
"Shut up, Macdonald..." he said "You're a whore with everyone and not with me?"
Nick's hands were everywhere. And all Mary could do was try to push him away. But he was pressed against her. His hard member there.
"I'm not a whore..."
"WHERE IS SHE?" Mary heard a familiar voice outside "WHERE IS SHE? ASSHOLES!"
"Your little whore friend is having fun" a voice said and many laughed.
"Marlene?" Mary asked "MARLENE!!!"
Nicolai covered her mouth.
"Sh sh..."
"MARY?" Marlene knocked the door "OPEN THE DOOR!! OPEN THE BLOODY DOOR!"
"OPEN THE DOOR OR I'LL CALL THE TEACHERS" Lily's voice said "Sev..."
"Alright... Open the door..." Severus Snape said "It's just a funny game"
Mary didn't even know he was a Knight. He was Lily's friend.
"I'll determine that newbie" Rosier said
"Fuck. I'll call McGonagall right now" Lily warned "I have her in speed dial"
"Open the door" Rosier ordered
"FUCK" Nicolai murmured.
When the door was opened, Mary ran towards Marlene and Lily. They hugged.
"Mary, are you okay?" Lily asked.
"You came to a bloody Knight Party, Mary. Are you insane?" Marlene added
And Mary swallowed her tears.
"What's the problem?" Nick dared to ask "We were just having fun"
"You call this fun?" Marlene asked
"Seven Minutes in heaven is a Knights' tradition..."
"Shut up, Rosier"
"What, Madonald?" Nicolai asked "Did I force you to enter with me?"
Mary turned to look at him in surprise. She hated him. She hated him so much. And she hated herself for ever fancying him.
He was right. She had been flirting with him. She kissed him first. She followed him to this party, like a puppy. She wanted to get into that closet with him. She wanted to fuck him.
She was a whore.
"Yeah..." Mary said with knot on her throat "We were just having fun"
Nick smiled. And Mary wanted to vomit. Instead she turned to the girls.
"Let's go girls. I'm done with this party"
Mary pretended to be okay, as they got to The Gryffindor's Common Room.
"Nicolai Mulciber, Mary... Why?" Marlene asked
"Just leave her, Marlene"
"Nick Mulciber was a total mistake" Mary faked a smile "The Knights are not mature enough for me"
"Are you sure, you're okay?" Lily asked again.
"What happened?"
And The Marauders were there, worried.
"What are you doing awake?" Lily asked like a scolding mother
"Bloody homework. This year is shit, Evans" James said "Why are you awake?"
Seeing James, made Mary feel stupid.
"You're a bit pale, Macdonald" Sirius raised an eyebrow
"Honestly, I'm fine" she said "I'm just tired"
"Where were you?" Remus asked
"Knights Party" Mary shrugged "They are children. Playing stupid games"
"The Knights?" James asked "Don't get into those parties, girls. They are idiots"
"Trust me they are" Sirius said "My father was one"
"We weren't there. Just Mary"
"Noted" Mary shrugged "Can I go to sleep, please?"
Mary got into the dorm. In auto pilot.
"I'm having a shower" she said to her dormmates.
She got undressed and got into the shower. The hot water warmed her body. And then the tears came.
And Mary knew love didn't exist. At least not for her.
Mary didn't know why she was afraid of Mulciber. That bloody asshole who laughed with The Knights. He was just a kid, Mary figured. So immature and stupid.
One day, Mary woke up feeling beautiful and sure again. She put makeup again. And wore the Uniform as she used to.
"I'm done being sick" she told her friends who were starting to get worried.
James almost went and killed Nicolai when he found out about their Seven Minutes in Heaven.
Mary approached Nick while he was with his friends.
"Hey Nick..."
Nicolai snorted when he saw her. "She just can't stay away from me" he whispered to his friends, they laughed "What do you want MacDonald?"
Mary kicked him in the balls. Nicolai crumbled down in pain. His friends laughed at him. Between them was Snape. Mary wanted him away from Lily.
"Now listen to me while your balls are in pain" Mary said "I'm not afraid of you anymore, Nick. You're a sad excuse of a boy. You seek attention like a baby. And I feel sorry for you. Yes, sorry. Because you want me so badly it hurts you. And you fell in love with me. But you'll never had me. I'm too much of a woman for your miserable self. And that pisses you off.... And also, you have a tiny dick. I've seen it" Mary smiled proud of herself.
The Knights laughed amused. Except for Snape. Nicolai clenched his teeth. He looked hurt.
"Have a nice day boys" Mary winked and walked away.
She was never gonna let a bloke hurt her again.
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loxbbg · 3 years
Chapter 2
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Ethereal: extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.
Its been 3 month since Y/N left with Voldemort. The last time I saw her was when I got my dark mark 2 weeks after she left. She looked tired from the dark circles under her eyes and the bruises from her training and overusing her magic.  When her and Voldemort appeared she was surrounded by all the adults asking her to show them what she had learned so far. After about 5 new spells she learned including the killing curse on a random bird outside she had an obvious look of annoyance on her face she flashed out of the room surprising everyone at the sudden flash. I wasn't surprised she did it. She never was much of a people person unless it was at Hogwarts where she had to be. She didn't use her becen in the 3 months I didn't blame her she was busy.  During the time I went through my own training with Bellatrix I felt worn out with every spell thrown at me. I was expected to do what my father couldn't. I held the Malfoy name and legacy on my back. How was I supposed to do this?
My mothers hands rested on my shoulder as I was hunched over in the chair. Opening my eyes my mother sat below me looking up at me removing my hands from my face.
“Draco my Draco, my beautiful boy I see the turmoil going on in your beautiful eyes.” She looked up at me with worried eyes
“Mother I don't think I can do this. I know I have to but what if I can. I'll be on my own. What if I get caught? I cannot go to Azkaban, he will kill me. This wasn't supposed to happen till after Y/N and I… we were supposed to marry.”
“And It can still happen to Draco. Y/N just has a bigger play in life sooner than we expected but so do you. How do you think Y/n would react to seeing you this way.” She would probably tell me that I'm better than this that I was “The Draco Malfoy” and could do anything with or without her. She was dreadfully silly around me different than what anyone whether it be a death eater or schoolmate she was just my Y/N not “Y/n Wayne” or “The Cursed Godchild” just Y/n.
“Draco If you need me I will be here and even if she isn't here you know Y/N would be here helping you. Trust me you'll see her soon just focus on what has to be done now.” Draco inhaled.
It's been three months. Three months since I last spoke to her. Our 6th year of Hogwarts is supposed to start. My bags were already on the train. My mother and Estrella stood on the platform waiting for me to say goodbye. It was a tradition for them to send us off but today, this year of all years we needed them to be here. I needed her to be here.
“Watch where you're going.” Someone bumped into me almost knocking me off my balance.
“Sorry love I’ve just been so dazed my summer has been crazy.”  That voice sounds so familiar. Looking down at the short black haired girl I haven't seen the entire vacation in her Slytherin robes but, how? She couldn't be done with training.
“Bloody Hell” I pull her body into mine holding her close in the hug.
“Hello darling I’ve missed you. Summer has been one hell of a ride.” She looks up at me smirking.
“Beautiful  you have no idea.” I pressed my lips onto her forehead pulling her further into me. Months felt like years after not seeing her. She moved from under my lips looking up at me, she wraps her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her.
“I've been wanting to do this for a while now.” Our lips meet melting into each other. If the train had not blown its horn we might have missed it.
“They knew by the way.” She whispered after pulling away looking at our parents.
“I finished my training and my mother had already packed my bags so I came early and saved us a seat but we should really go before they leave without us. The faster we get to Hogwarts the faster we can be alone.” She whispers the last line for only me to hear. We wave to our parents running into the train at the final bell of the train. No one knew what we really went through this summer but they will know after what’s coming this year.
(blah blah blah pov switch)
Walking into the cart we walked into the booth with our stuff Pansy and Blaise sitting opposite of where we would sit. Slipping into the booth I link my hands with Draco, I have so much to tell him, to show him. Godfather has shown me things, things near muggles couldn't  fathom.
“ How was your summer?” Parkinson asked, looking down and Dracos and I linked hands. She's always had a crush on Draco. I knew she felt threatened by me always asking me if Draco and I were together? Why did we spend so much time together? What part of us being childhood friends did she not understand? This was meant to happen, sad she had so much hope. Kinda pathetic really.
“Well it wasn't really that eventful. We took some trips together with both our families. It was a shame our fathers couldn't be there but besides for that nothing much happened.” I kept eye contact with Pansy smiling as I brushed my thumb on Draco’s. He breaks away from his conversation with Blaise looking in my direction he leans close to my ear
“You know you're making it obvious.” I smirked against his ear, glancing over at Pansy who looked annoyed and uncomfortable.
“ I know, that's the point” Pulling away I put a small peck on his lips before leaning my head onto his shoulder.
“Oh yeah and that too.”I shrug. Pansy thinks everything outside the window looks more interesting than looking at us, Blaise just looked at smirking at Draco continuing their conversation, Draco wraps his arm around my waist. I unintentionally fell asleep on his shoulder.
“What just happened? Blaise? “ My eyes quickly fluttered open hearing Draco who was looking around the cart
“Don't know,” Blaise responded. Just then, a small bag teeters, then tumbles from a luggage rack. It was Draco's wheels.
“Relax guys. The lights went out is all. Come on Draco we’ll be at Hogwarts before you know it.” She bats her non-existent eye lashes at her. Her flirting couldn't be anymore obvious its getting desperate at this point.
Draco eyes the bag, slinging it back onto the luggage rack and plops down. I run my hands through his hair looking up at the bag, It's never happened before.
“Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school. I think I’d pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower if I thought I had to continue on for another two years.” I continue twisting my fingers through his hair. It truly was pathetic it could've been a great school centuries ago.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Pansy asked.
“Let’s just say I don’t think you’ll be seeing Y/N and I, wasting our time in Charms Class next year.” Pansy Glances over at Blaise who just snorts. Looking over at me I just shrug agreeing with what Draco said.
“Are you amused Blaise? We’ll see just who’s laughing in the end.”  I chuckled to myself, if things were different maybe he would tell Blaise, I could care less about Pansy and her wondering little hands. I saw how she reached out for Darco when she thought I was asleep.
Blaise shakes his head, smiling as he looks out the window at the darkness of the tunnel. Just then the small bag in the upper rack shifts. Dracos and I look up to it. Draco reached for his wand still looking up to the bag, I have a clue to what or who might be in the rack and I think Draco does as well. I reached for his hand shaking my head ‘no’ now wasn't the time with all these people around.
“Later.” I whispered, not moving my head from his shoulder. If Potter wasn't so obvious he might have heard. The rest of the ride was met in silence as Draco refused to say anything unless it was small talk.
As the Hogwarts express pulled into the station Draco and I stayed behind. Draco pulled down our bags gripping onto the handle.
“Go guys, we'll meet up in a bit. I think I left something in the bathroom.” I shooed Pansy and Blaise away. They know Draco and I are like glue so they didn't expect him to leave me alone. Walking out the train cart Draco lets the blinds down with a spell closing the door in the process.
“Didn’t mummy ever tell you it’s bad manners to eavesdrop, Potter? Petrificus Totalus!” Draco points his wand to the luggage rack. Harry hits the floor with a thump. I moved Harry's Invisibility cloak revealing him paralized to the floor.
“She can't remember she's been dead before he could wipe the drool off his face.” I smirk looking bored at Harry’s shocked expression at my response. Unusually I would just watch ‘helplessly’ as Draco made fun of him but never participated.
Draco brought his foot down onto Harry’s face snapping his nose blood pooling from it. I move the invisibility cloak onto Harry faking a pout.
“Enjoy the ride back to London.” Draco spat.
“Goodbye Harry” I fully covered his face, Draco already at the door with the rest of our bags to the carriages. Walking up you our carriage of course there needed to be an issue
“It's not a cane, you cretin.It’s a walking stick.” Flinched passed a metal detector over the stick in question. If I could I would flash us into hogwart by now but ‘no’ that's gonna raise suspicion.
“And what exactly would you be wanting with a walking stick?” Aren't these muggle lovers supposed to be sensitive?
“It's his Fathers you insensitive bastard.” I sneered leaning on the carriage.
“Was his fathers.” Snape separated himself from the shadows. Draco, eyeing him warily, snatching the stick from Filch.
“Is my father’s. He’s not dead.” He was sent to Alatraz and all of a sudden they don't even mention him in the present no wonder Draco hates it here.  Draco carefully wraps the stick in felt, laying it back inside his trunk.
“It’s alright, Mr. Filch. I can vouch for Mr. Malfoy and Mrs. Wayne.” Snape says putting the last of the things into the carriage. Instead of coming in with me Snape and Draco walked besides it while it moved. Turning around Draco caught Harry looking at him. I followed his gaze at Potter with a crooked nose.
“Nice face, Potter.” Draco called out as Potter was no longer in sight.
“My mother told me what you're doing for Draco. She also told me what you know. Are you sure you're willing to leave all of this. Betray the people you call your friends for the dark lord.” I turned my attention to snape. Is it really wise to have someone willing to betray the people he was around for so long.
“These people were never my friends, merely a cover until you godfather came back to make his claim.” I didn't want to question him too much in fear of others hearing but for now it satisfied my curiosity. Good to know someone on the inside was watching.  Glancing ast Draco who looked deep in thought I snapped my fingers at him.
“What are you thinking about, ferret?” I chuckled at the name given to him after he was changed to one a year ago. He wasn't too fond of it but I couldn't care.
“You know I hate when you call me that.” he snapped.
“Just answer.” I chuckled.
“Just thinking about father. Do you think that he will get out.” I hadn't even thought about it, both of our fathers were locked up. I hadn't had the time to really think about it. It was the first summer my father, both our fathers were not  home when we returned from Hogwarts. We hadn't been able to go on our family trip. Everything changed this summer.
“Draco, you don't trust godfather, trust me. I will do everything I can to get them out I swear.” He smiled up at me. I stepped out of the carriage wanting to walk with him. He pulled me close to him kissing the ring he gave to me during the triwizard games. Hogwarts was in our sights looking up. I let out a breath. Being here again made me realize this yeari will finally be doing something important and worthy rather than having these people suck up to me for my name.
“Are you ready.” Draco asked. Looking back Snape let out a breath looking like he's over this already.
“Born ready.”
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grimoireofwritings · 4 years
Hello and I hope you are doing well, is it okay (despite the fact you probably have a bit of matchup requests) if I could get a matchup for BNHA if that is okay?
Okay so the essentials, I am Male (trans) and Omniromantic Asexual (male/masculine leaning), 5'6ish, Capricon, INTJ, in between thin and chubby, brown eyes, red hair up to the cab muscles (henna dyed). My personality is hard to explain, every person has a different opinion of me but the main things I hear are intemidating, empathetic, kind, a serious & calm, and intelligent? (But nah the intelligence part is really only in spanish lol). I'm increadbly insecure in myself. Almost to the point where it becomes self deprecating and self humorous but I almost become hypocritical when it comes to other people feeling insecure/taking care of themselves, I'm also a self sacrificing freak in a way. However on the lighter topic, I believe I'm a good friend! I would offer my advice, comfort, food, help in the clothes of my own back, because of this I may be considered naive and people may see me as being flirtatious even if I believe I'm beings good friend. But all of that goes to dirt if I or anyone I was close to were to be insulted, I keep my friends incredibly dear to me. One more thing about myself, I am a emotional and a animal empath that can become very emotional when it comes to seeing riots/movements and just seeing a cute pupper. When it comes to this sensitivity I can also get overwhelmed by large crowds and by loud noises, usually what helps me is being in the dark and being held/constricted by something/someone. I just like the dark, it's comforting to me and I use it to my advantage. Now onto my likes, I have an interest in witchcraft/the supernatural and celestial, and as being someone that believes that everything exists in it's own way I have an open mind to these things as well as a few unnatural experiences. Naps...I don't get enough of em and that just makes my love stronger, I also really like cosplay and acting in general, and if drawing dark/vent art counts then count it right in! And if it helps my favorite animals in order are Wolves, Ravens, and Orcas. As to not end on a negative note I'll tell more things about myself. I'm very much into PDA if not in public then just in private at least, I want to be close to my significant other and I since I've been touched starved for a long time any touch of any kind I will accept. I am also sensitive to sound (if someone is raising their voice or yelling at me I will think they are yelling at me and try to run away) and light (I don't like very bright places it strains my eyes and hurts to be in for a while)
Hello! Thank you for requesting, you're actually the second request I've gotten for a matchup and the only one I had in my ask! I was super excited to write this for you!!
Your BNHA match is... Fumikage Tokoyami!
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I passionately ship this already, I am positive it would be one of those relationships that helps both partners grow and they bring out the best in each other!!! I feel like he wouldn't be someone who feels intimidated by your outward personality - it sounds like you have a bit of a calm and collected exterior that people misunderstand or misinterpret, but you are deeply kind, gentle, and empathic underneath that. This is something he relates to a lot, and being misjudged or people making assumptions based on his dark appearance (his RBF) is normal, so I think if anything he'd be more attracted to you at first above all else and he actually finds your quiet nature very soothing.
He needs a deeply emotionally strong person and a supporter, he's very drawn to those who build others up and have kindness in their heart, so I feel that your relationship would always be full of lots of warmth, love, and a deep level of shared trust. He's very much a vocal person about his feelings in private and it's very important to him that both of you feel satisfied physically and emotionally with your shared affection; he's a cuddle bug but in a chill way, and this man can sweep you off your feet with the most beautiful poetic compliments and appraisal you've ever encountered in your life. Very chivalrous, and a believer in courting / staying persistent with his efforts even past the honeymoon phase. It definitely will help with your confidence in the relationship!
Speaking of which, physical appearance insecurities is something Tokoyami understands thoroughly. He has been aware since early childhood that he looks different than everyone around him for the most part, and despite a lot of diversity within quirks that's been integrated into society, he in particular got quite a physical variation and he always deep down fears he's not attractive enough or that he's too odd looking for a partner to stay interested in for very long. He thinks he's incapable of being handsome, and while he's pretty good at regulating these emotions and keeping them in-check, managing them gets difficult when he catches feelings for someone and he really gets into his head about rejection fears.
All in all, I feel like you both would relate and share some similar experiences in that area, and you could always build each other up and remind one another that you're beautiful inside and out.. and absolutely deserve the best treatment. He reminds you sometimes when needed to take care of yourself and set boundaries with others so that you keep your health as a priority.
Relationship Headcanons:
- 1000000% takes part in your witchcraft interests with you, he was utterly delighted when he found out about it and immediately offers to help you out in any way he can, even running errands to acquire supplies you may need. He wants to talk about it frequently and learn more ideas / in depth perspectives from you - you could teach him a thing or two, since he also practices!!
- After this is when he finally lets you see his room because he was kinda salty after class 1A saw it and made fun of him for it... Lol. But after that he knew you wouldn't judge him and now you both take frequent long naps in there on days off. He's very very cuddly and really enthused about being able to spoon you.
- He understands you have heightened senses and you may sometimes get overstimulated sensory-wise. He is constantly looking out for signs that you're overwhelmed, and always remains very aware and in-tune with how you're feeling. He's wonderful and super understanding - he took a lot of time learning exactly what to do and how to best assist you in these situations. If you get distressed by crowds, bright lights, or noises his first priority is to get you to a safe place and he will politely ask if he can comfort you in the ways you like; restriction probably with hugs and keeping you in a dark, quiet / calm environment so that your heightened state can relax and reset. He is patient and will never, ever punish you or get frustrated with you for needing a break.
- If you're also very tactile and find textures / certain sensations soothing, his bird like feathers / hair is very very soft... Feel free to touch and stroke whenever, he actually quite likes soft loving hands since I think he may also be a very affectionate person, and you're the only person he allows to do this.
- You'll always find gifts that he caters to your preferences in your room, with a poem or some heartfelt words on a note...He does it enough to remind you that you're worth the world and more, especially to him, but not excessively. He still wants it to be a special surprise every time!
- He never ridicules or judges your art, regardless of if it's dark vent art or not. If anything he always compliments your ability to put such emotion in your work and he likes them because it allows him to connect with you and understand you better.
- Overall he's a really aware, giving, supportive, attentive partner and he finds that your empathy and compassion has brought him healthy changes to his life, too. Y'all are goals!
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sith-shenanigans · 5 years
Character Interview: Ahene Coris
Tagged by @a-muirehen! I appreciate it <3
Tagging @frozenabattoir @highexarchs @cipherr @autisticanakin @i-declare-a-kaggath @geek-o13 @aurrieccentrics
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(we're going to be assuming that she doesn't get to lie, for obvious reasons)
► Name ➔ "I was born Ahene Coris. I took Kallig as my family name for several years, and I suppose I'm a part-time Izarae as well now, but I'm still rather attached to my original name. It's carried me through a lot."
► Are you single? ➔ "I'm married. The ceremony was extremely private—I'm qualified to officiate unions between Alliance personnel, after all, so Sirue and I were the only attendees necessary."
► Are you happy? ➔ "For a while, I was. Right now? No."
► Are you angry? ➔ "Oh, yes." [impassive stare] "This is my angry face, can't you tell?"
► Are your parents still married? ➔ "They weren't when I was born, and it's not as if they raised me anyway."
► Birthplace ➔ "Kaas City, actually. I wasn't there long."
► Hair Color ➔ "Black."
► Eye Color ➔ "Sort of a golden brown. Not Sith gold—small mercies. Sirue would never let me hear the end of it."
► Birthday ➔ "Third day, fifth month. It's been a long time since I celebrated it."
► Mood ➔ "For me to know and others to wonder about, generally."
► Gender ➔ "I've never entirely defined it. Being female works well enough, I suppose."
► Summer or winter? ➔ "If we're being honest, it's still odd how disparate they can be."
► Morning or afternoon? ➔ "I like to get started early."
► Are you in love? ➔ "Yes, and have been for a very long time."
► Do you believe in love at first sight? ➔ "That sounds suspiciously like destiny."
► Who ended your last relationship? ➔ "The Empire did, I'd say." [slight shrug] "That's the simple version, anyway. More accurately, Sirue and I both took a few turns until we finally worked things out."
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ "I... did a lot of things that I'm not proud of. Breaking Sirue's heart is one of them."
► Are you afraid of commitments? ➔ "Anything I care for and anyone I love can be taken from me. I know that. And, yes, it's rather terrifying. But I won't allow it to happen again."
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ "It's a wonder that I can extract myself from her in the mornings."
► Have you ever had a secret admirer? ➔ "I suspect the number is at least in the hundreds. As long as they don't insist on telling me about it, I don't really care."
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ "Oh, yes. It's a survival skill."
► Love or lust? ➔ "Love. I've never really understood lust."
► Lemonade or iced tea? ➔ "Tea. Never trust an unfamiliar lemon; the category is far too broad."
► Cats or dogs? ➔ "I'm in no position to care for a pet. If I was, it would probably be a wrat."
► A few best friends or many regular friends? ➔ "I don't consider someone a friend unless I can trust them absolutely, and that list is very short."
► Wild night out or romantic night in? ➔ "Celebrations tend to go wrong around me. I'd rather have the opportunity to relax for once."
► Day or night? ➔ "You can get more done during the day, but there's something calming about watching the stars."
► Been caught sneaking out? ➔ "It nearly got me killed. I think it would have, if I hadn't been Force sensitive."
► Fallen down/up the stairs? ➔ "A couple times, back when I was still in the crèche on Verios. I was an eager child."
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ "Often."
► Wanted to disappear? ➔ "Out of fear, out of spite, out of knowing the power in going unseen... I didn't get that ridiculous title just for being an enigma."
► Smile or eyes? ➔ "Smiles don't prove anything. Eyes can lie too, but they tell more interesting ones."
► Shorter or taller? ➔ "Having a preference seems... pointless. Sirue is shorter than me, though, so do with that what you will."
► Intelligence or attraction? ➔ "Yes. Though Sirue was less interested in mending her broken education than I was, and I don't begrudge her that choice. She's clever, and she doesn't need to be able to translate a thousand-year-old philosophical essay for me to see that."
► Hook-up or relationship? ➔ "I don't think I could enjoy casual sex. It's just not for me."
► Do you and your family get along? ➔ "It's been—interesting. I've only barely started talking to my father, my sisters are the most Sith Sith I've ever met and the most truly Jedi Jedi, my mother has the maternal instinct of some false bird, and I'm descended from a helpful but rather intense ancient ghost. But my crew is family as much as the others, and we've stood together in the face of oblivion itself."
► Would you say you have a "messed up life"? ➔ "'Yes' would be a massive understatement."
► Have you ever run away from home? ➔ "It wasn't home anymore." [faint smile] "I did return eventually, though."
► Have you ever gotten kicked out? ➔ "I'm told it's hard to get rid of me."
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends? ➔ "Friends? No. Political allies? Sometimes. Aligned interests and aligned personalities are very different things."
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends? ➔ "Yes. Trust is rare, dangerous, and—to be a little bit sappy—the only thing that makes a friendship worthwhile."
► Who is your best friend? ➔ "Sirue. Always Sirue." [pause] "What, I can't pick my wife? Talos, then. Lana and Theron come close, and I think Velnira would like to be everyone's best friend, but... he's a different sort of friend. I don't think he's had a hidden agenda in his life."
► Who knows everything about you? ➔ "Me. And I enjoy keeping people guessing."
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