#Dont get me wrong i like Ann but i always feel bad when she acts like we are super good friends and i hold these feelings for her
personallyfive · 9 months
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ryuijsakamoto · 5 years
I just would like to take a moment to talk about my fave headcanons i have for all the characters
he is the most OVER DRAMATIC bitch on this earth
he definitely did theatre at some point in his life
after his arrest he sometimes gets really nervous and has trouble conveying his words. he stumbles over them and cant convey his point well
ann and haru like to braid his hair sometimes
when he was younger he faked not being able to see so he could get glasses, it didnt work tho
so hence now he wears fashion glasses
he had braces in middle school
there is One(1) picture of middle school akira. One
he 1000000000% believes in ghosts and has since he was a child
aliens though? not real.
takes lots of selfies when he moves back and sends them to his friends often
biggest flirt but if u flirt back with him he. Dies cannot talk his face is fully red and hes hiding behind his hands
takes every opportunity to visit his friends 
claims hes not a sap but futuba swears she saw him crying over a handwritten thank you card from ‘’that one arcade kid names the kind or smth’’
when he was a kid he has a fluffy mess of hair similar to akiras and it was the cutest thing ever
he needs reading glasses but no one knows because hes embarrassed by them
he likes to doodle on papers, hes not an artist but he likes to make dorky quick drawings in the corner of his paper
he has trouble focuing sometimes and likes to tap his foot silently or draw lines on paper to help him focus
calls yusuke and akira pretty boy by habit, it started as teasing but then it just became a Habit
he keeps every gift his friends give him and therye very dear to him
he has akira help him dye his hair
when one of his friends is gone / in danger he doesnt dye his hair again until he knows theyre safe
his mom sewed his purple jacket for him herself
he likes to cook and bake
he hold his bros..bro come cuddle me...he very affectionate with his friends and casually touches like hugs, hands over shoulders, etc.
sings to himself when hes alone
she has a pretty popular instagram account
she has really bad handwriting
like ryuji, very affectionate 
she loves beanies and wears them especially in the snow
likes to make pointless arguments with ryuji sometimes, stuff like is water wet?
likes to curl her hair over breaks, thinks it looks cute
she loves to watch sappy romance and drama shows / movies
she stress eats
hates when people attack her friends on her instagram 
she has pet fish 
she picked up gardening from haru, its only a small plants and she forgets to water it sometimes but shes trying her best
he is secretly a sucker for cutely decorated sweets
he had a small anime phase, not that he told madarame, but he has a box full of his old anime drawings and he will Never show them to anyone
he, like ryuji, sometimes drawes in the corners of his papers
unlike ryuji his are more detailed n not as dorky, its usually a detailed flower pattern or something of the sorts
he straightens and dyes his hair
his room? full of art pieces and posters u cannot see his original walls
he always has his phone on dnd and forgets to check it for days sometimes
he has 5 pairs of the same shirt, each one for a different occasions (they all look the same though...we dont ask why)
when he gets too worried over his art and stuff usually his friends will drag him out of his room and make him go eat with them
his friends pictures in his phones are hand-drawn little sketches he did
when hes concentrating really hard he puts his bangs into a ponytail so they dont fall in his face
so clumsy. he trips over everything
got through school before highschool without having to study
is not good with change
loves cute plushies and clothes
is Tired please give her a break
when Sae notices shes overexerting herself she makes sure to leave some of makotos favorite food and a small note for makoto on her bed
she just loves her sister very much
actually really likes spicy foods
u mention around her youre having trouble in school? not getting enough rest? forgot your lunch? Mom Mode Makoto activated
when shes alone she can curse up a storm
likes to play poker
is really good at talking to people and keeping up frienships
after highschool she is always busy u wanna hangout? she has 2 available days for the next 5 months
she has braces. she despises them
a very picky eater
sometimes she falls back into her old habits of hiding and isolating herself, when that happens shes learned to text someone and they sit outside her door and talk to her untill shes feeling better
cries easily, especially over characters and shows
has a phantom thieves fan account
when morgana and akira move away she gets a cat plushy because she misses her friends
shows everyone so many fun online things, discord? they have s discord gc because of her
akira has to remind her to drink water and fix her posture too much
wants to cosplay
shes really nervous for her first day of school but joker texts her all throughout the day even if he got in trouble for it
surprisingly a morning person
she Runs on caffeine
likes to spoil her friends, yusuke spent all his money again? heres enough to get home and also buy a 3 course meal 
works at a plant shop even though she doesnt really need to because she loves being around plants
plays piano and cello
touch starved pls hug her PLEASE
likes to fish
cutest laugh please protect her
also dabbled in acting, though hers was more classical stuff like shakespear
she loves golf and swimming
knows how to fight and will do so if needed
she bullet journals
Akechi (in general + if he got to stay with the pt):
actually doesnt have a strong opinion on pancakes, just was really feeling like eating pancakes that day when he overheard morgana
he loves the praise he gets but the spotlight is exhausting
shido told him long hair didnt look good on him once so now he refuses to cut it out of spite
loves to watch gordan ramsey, thinks its hilarious
Bottles up his emotions like crazy
actually really caring towards his friends, always checking up on them and making sure theyre taking care of themselves
loves shit talking his dad, esp with ryuji haru and yusuke who join him and shit talk their own father figures
he wears colored contacts
writes poetry, no one knows this though
cannot back down from a bet, tell him that he wont eat that spoonful of wasabi? hes choking it down with tears but at least he proved you wrong
kinda very incredibly petty
a big fan of mythology, he looked into it after getting his loki persona
loves movie dates with the phantom theives
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foolgobi65 · 4 years
careful man’s careless daughter
@philtstone prompted: Anne/Gilbert babysitter au fake dating prompt #5 let’s go laydees “you have the emotional capacity of a brick. that slate I broke over  your head.” (we’re pretending people still use slates now....american schools have no money...its possible ok) 
k so i was trying to figure out how to work in the babysitter + fake dating and ... like a flash the plot to this old telugu/tamil movie i love missamma/missaimaa came to mind -- its not quite the same because they’re two people pretending to be married so that they can make money as school teachers/live in tutors for a wealthy family’s daughter but it works just enough that i decided to roll with it lol. 
this technically isn’t the actual babysitting, nor the fake dating which I actually turned into a fake marriage lol, but i hope u still like it, even though it is all over the place and a general wreck because i wrote it straight through without any editing or thought towards pacing/characterization bc i havent written in forever lol!! im not even sure what the time period setting is lol, and i dont think my translating of the anne events into a semi modern day even works but w/e lol. 
u are the truest of friends, the light of my life, and have certainly heard more than your share of my mental breakdowns both in the last month and the last few years lol. u deserve all the good things, all the good fic, all the time. 
title is a perversion of a tswift lyric because it came up on youtube. if anyone wants to send in prompts from here
“You owe him how much?” 
Anne sighs, crossing her legs to hide how uncomfortable she is in this moment -- here she is in the park, fifteen thousand dollars plus interest in medical debt for Marilla’s eye surgery and being hounded by Roy Gardner, ex boyfriend apparently turned loan shark who was on his knees proclaiming both love and loan forgiveness should Anne just accept his proposal. 
Here Gilbert Blythe is, sitting on a park bench after two years without contact, watching the whole thing. 
“Marilla doesn’t have health insurance,” Anne says, eyes on the ground as she uses the toe of her shoe to grind a leaf into the sidewalk cement. “Even when I was teaching, the union plan didn’t let people add parents on as dependents.” She sighs. “With everything happening with the farm, she couldn’t afford to put money towards a plan and so when her eyes got bad....” 
For a moment, there is silence. Anne can almost hear Gilbert’s jaw clench “That’s just wrong.” 
Anne laughs, and because her eyes are averted she doesn’t see Gilbert flinch. “That’s America, Blythe.” 
“Well,” she hears him say, tone just dripping with what Mrs. Rachel would call the Blythe Stubbornness, “It shouldn’t be.” 
She won’t ever admit it, but there’s something Anne has always found deeply compelling about Gilbert when he gets into these moods -- all righteously indignant in a way that Anne feels inside of her own body. Or felt, before Matthew died and left behind debts not even Marilla had known about, and Marilla’s eyes worsened around the the time Anne was let go from her teaching job and even if she had had the job it wouldn’t have mattered, she knows, but still. Beautiful, wonderful, beloved Diana had offered to help, of course she had, but Anne knew that Fred’s business wasn’t yet where it should be and that the parents Barry were still unimpressed with their son in law to be’s financial acumen. So she’d had to go to Roy, who had of course lent his beautiful Anne the money, and of course had arranged for Marilla to be treated at the best hospital in Toronto, of course had set them up in the apartment of a friend of his right in downtown where the rents were a thousand maybe two per month. He’d popped the question for the third time the second Marilla had been released back into Anne’s care. 
Almost as if he can hear her thoughts, Gilbert speaks -- “Gardner shouldn’t be harassing you like this either. Who ever heard of charging interest on a loan to a friend? And what on earth does he think he’s going to take from you if you just don’t pay?” 
Anne burns. This, she hasn’t told Marilla, nor even her darling Diana. For some reason, it seems alright to tell Gilbert. “The farm,” she mumbles.
Gilbert snorts. “I’m sorry, I must have misheard. Are you saying that Roy Gardner, heir to one of the biggest fortunes in Boston and your ex boyfriend, took your home as collateral on a loan for money you needed to pay for your mother’s surgery?” 
Anne says nothing. She still hasn’t looked up at him, hasn’t been able to meet his gaze since she sat down on the bench and told Roy to get up off his knees and wait two months for either his money or her affirmative answer. She blinks, having mercifully forgotten that Gilbert was present for that last bit. She hopes he’s forgotten too. 
“And wait, before he left you said....” No such luck. “Anne!” Anne’s sure her entire head must be flame as she closes her eyes, bringing her knees up on the park bench and burying her face into her own lap. “Anne you said you’d marry him if you couldn’t get the money!” 
“There’s no debt between spouses,” Anne mumbles. “We’d get to keep the farm, and I wouldn’t ever worry about Marilla’s health again.” 
“But you don’t love him!” She doesn’t know if she’s ever heard Gilbert sound so scandalized. 
“I used to!” she tries to retort, but even Anne knows that her voice betrays her when she tries to speak this lie. “I used to think I was,” she amends, “and maybe that’s as close as I’m allowed to get -- he’s rich, handsome, he even loves me! What more could I ask for?” 
“Coercing you into marriage, demanding interest on money that we all know is just pocket change for someone like him...that’s not love,” Gilbert Blythe responds, with all that....that all-knowing Blytheness in his voice that Anne has hated since she was 13 years old and the new kid in a class of people who had always known each other just as easily as they had known themselves. “Love is selfless, Anne, strong and kind. It makes you better for giving away your heart, even if the one you love doesn’t give you theirs in return.” 
Gilbert Blythe, always acting as if he knows something Anne does not. He speaks as if he’s been in love, at some point over the years since he was last in Avonlea and for some reason Anne absolutely burns with that knowledge. Ooh she just hates him, now at 24 just as easily as she had at 13! 
“And what exactly is love worth if it means I just lose the farm trying to pay for Marilla’s surgery, and still have nothing for the next time she’s sick?” Suddenly Anne is on her feet, hands on her hips as she glares at Gilbert looking quite alarmed as he still sits on the bench. The words she has kept locked on the inside, too private to even be written in a diary, come pouring out in one big rush:
“Three of my four parents are already dead, Gilbert Blythe.” Her voice hitches, to her horror, her sudden fury vanishes as she has to blink away the tears she has kept at bay since she and Marilla buried Matthew. Damn Gilbert, for bringing this out of her as well. “I can’t...I couldn’t bear to lose anyone else.” Her lips thin, and with a breath, her voice steadies. “I don’t care what you, or anyone else thinks about my choices if it means that I can take care of Marilla.” 
Gilbert’s eyes have the sheen of his own tears when he stands, his own lips wobbling just slightly. “I...” he swallows. “Of course, Anne.” Something Anne recognizes as self hatred passes briefly over his face, but she doesn’t understand. “I wish I had money like Gardner to give you, I really do.”   
Anne gentles, even if something inside her twists to be the object of the long-old guilt mixed with pity, much less Gilbert Blythe. Since Matthew’s death, every person in Avonlea it seems has sat with Anne and Marilla and offered their deep condolences, their absolute shock at the pair’s financial state of affairs, how much they wish they could help but sadly cannot, what with the way the bank’s collapse has hit their own finances. Only families like the Gardners survive economic crashes with money to burn. 
“I wouldn’t have taken it even if you had,” she offers instead, shrugging casually. 
His eyes flash. “But you took Gardner’s?” 
“I thought he loved me!” Anne closes her eyes, somehow feeling her cheeks flush even deeper. This is why she’s avoided all mention of Gilbert Blythe so strenuously since high school graduation, because more than anyone else he is the one who drags out the words she is always learning to keep inside. Here he is, somehow pulling confessions Anne hadn’t even dreamed of telling Diana, confessions that make her seem small, and stupid, lost in a world so much more complicated and treacherous than she can handle all on her lonesome. 
Well, she thinks, in for a penny -- 
“I thought he loved me,” she says, “and that he had the money to spare. I didn’t realize...” She looks away again, so that she never has to see him react to her folly. 
“Oh Anne,” Gilbert says, for some reason so soft and stricken that Anne’s knees go weak with her sudden desire to fall to the ground and weep. “You deserve so much better.” 
And now she’s angry again. “What would you know about what I deserve?” Anne spits, “you haven’t even been home since you started med school!” Vaguely, Anne thinks that Gilbert hasn’t been home since she and Roy had gotten serious, serious enough for her to bring him to Green Gables and show him the place that had been her very first love. Coincidences can be so strange. 
“It doesn’t matter,” she says, glaring again at the ground. “None of this matters. I’m just going to go home” Anne clenches her jaw, knowing that when she gets back to Green Gables she will go into her room and play every excruciating part of this conversation back in her head, again and again until she throws up or passes out at dawn from sheer exhaustion. Maybe both, if she’s lucky. She leans back slightly and manages to turn around on her heels, a trick Gilbert Blythe had always pulled at school and had had girls thinking he was so cool.
She’s five minutes away from the park bench when suddenly she hears him call out her name. 
“Anne,” he shouts again much closer, bending at his waist to balance his hands at his knees as he pants. “God, it really has been two years since I was on the university football team.” 
Despite the roiling emotions of five minutes ago, Anne’s lips quirk. “I can’t imagine you all practiced very much to end up near the bottom of your league every year.” 
Gilbert’s eyes widen, and for some reason he flushes. Maybe he’s so out of shape that it’s from exertion? “I didn’t realize you kept up with my matches.”  Ah. Anne, it seems, will experience nothing else but one long sustained flush as long as she is in front of Gilbert Blythe. “You know,” she tries to say casually, “you hear things here and there. Diana told me the village gossip.” 
Gilbert opens his mouth, but then suddenly shakes his head, like a dog trying to dislodge water from its fur. “I have...” he frowns. “I have a proposition for you.”  Anne raises what she hopes is an elegant eyebrow. “Oh?” 
He grimaces. “There’s a boarding school, a Catholic one, that’s asking for teachers over the summer for a few of their select students who want to be coached for college admissions. Essays, standardized tests, everything. They’ve got heaps of money, and are willing to pay salaries up front. Plus, they cover all your expenses while you’re there!” 
Anne blinks, feeling the beginnings of hope gather as kindling at the very dredges of her heart. Once, both Anne and Gilbert had competed so well against each other that they had both gotten into Harvard. Then, Matthew had died, and Anne decided she could just as easily get a teaching degree at the state school and stay closer to Marilla too. Gilbert alone had had the distinction of being the first from Avonlea to reach such heights, and had reached even higher when he had been accepted again to Harvard Medical School. 
But at one point, both Anne and Gilbert had taken their SATs. They’d both written their application essays. They’d both gotten in. Anne, even, had been offered a full ride compared to Gilbert’s only partial scholarship, so there could even be an argument that of the two, Anne had been the one on top. 
And if nothing else, Anne is even better at teaching than she was at taking tests. 
“I’ll do it,” she says firmly. “Where and when do I need to report, and how much money are they offering?”  For a second, a bright, dazzling grin paints Gilbert’s face. “Really? Ten--” he coughs, “Twenty thousand.” Anne frowns. 
“Each?” It sounds like a dream come true. Five thousand more than Anne needs, and paid upfront. She could save the farm, and put away five thousand towards the farm’s debts. “That sounds....exorbitant.”  He nods, suddenly more confident. “Yep! Twenty thousand for sure.” He laughs. “I know Gardner was supposed to be slumming it at state school, but you really can’t be surprised at how much money rich people are willing to throw at a problem.” 
“The problem being...their children.”  Gilbert’s grin turns wicked. “The problem being their children’s SAT scores, and lack of compelling anecdote to base an admission’s essay on, yes.” 
Anne laughs, wicked in this moment as well. She wishes in this moment, fiercely, as she has many times over the last few years, that she had been able to go to university with Gilbert at her side -- as the friends they had slowly begun to be after years of one and two sided enmity, before time and distance had turned them into near strangers. She doesn’t regret staying back, not really, but there is a part of her that no one had ever understood half as well as Gilbert Blythe, who had, after the Harvard interest meeting, drawn and pinned up a schedule for practice SATs that took into account both his and Anne’s often conflicting life schedules. 
“What’s the catch,” she asks, grinning when Gilbert chokes “come on, Blythe, there’s always a catch with offers like this. Is it across from a waste manufacturing plant? Is the principal a pervert?” 
Slowly, Gilbert Blythe is turning red. “Ah,” he says, shuffling like he never did even when he was an errant schoolboy. “Well,” he says, and....is that his voice cracking? 
“Gilbert,” Anne says, trying to reassure him, “I grew up in the foster system, I can handle much worse than bad smells and pervert principals, I promise.” 
He frowns. “It’s not that,” he says slowly, “but basically they’re looking for two teachers, a man and a woman to manage the boys and the girls while the rest of the staff go on vacation.” 
Anne smiles, trying to ignore the jolt of her heart at the thought of an entire summer with Gilbert, studying like they used to but as friends. Her old dreams, finally coming true. “That’s perfect then, you take one job and I’ll take the other! It’ll be like old times, kind of.” 
He smiles faintly, as if, even after locking horns with the best and brightest at Harvard, Anne is still the person he wants to be trading barbs with over the heads of high school students for months on end. “I’d like nothing better, he says, except...” 
Gilbert inhales. “ExceptTheSchoolWillOnlyHireAMarriedCoupleSoThatTheyDon’tHaveToWorryAboutOutofWedlockSexorTeachersHavingSexWithStudents.” All in a rush, and now Gilbert is the one who can’t apparently handle eye contact.
“The school,” Gilbert says to his shoes, “since it’s Catholic, and also since they’re lazy, only want a married couple so that they don’t have to have anyone watching to make sure the teachers aren’t having sex with the students. Or each other.” 
Anne blinks. “But we’re not married!” 
Gilbert grimaces, opening his mouth, but then just biting his lip. They could be, Anne thinks, only a tad hysterical. Only all of Avonlea was matching them up all the years of high school, and even the years after until she’d met Roy. It would be so easy to get a certificate. They could get a divorce by September, even annul their marriage since they definitely wouldn’t be having sex. 
Twenty thousand dollars. 
“So what you’re saying,” Anne says slowly, her lip curling of its own accord “is that after all that talk about what love is and isn’t, and telling me that I shouldn’t marry Roy for the money he’d give me, your blockheaded solution is instead, for me to marry you?” 
Gilbert looks up. “Well when you put it that way--”  Anne sees red, even as she already sees herself in one of her old white lace dresses, standing with Gilbert at the courtroom and signing. “Gilbert Blythe I don’t believe you! Sometimes, I think that you really do have all the emotional capacity of that slate I broke over your head!” 
“I know,” he says tone heavy with something so sad that Anne’s hearten softens a bit of its own accord. “But you really need the money, and I promise we’ll get a divorce by September.” He smiles, but there’s something bitter at the corners that Anne has never seen before -- she almost raises her hand to rub the strand of emotion off his lips. “And you’re not the only one who needs the money. Will you do it?” 
Twenty thousand dollars. The farm, Marilla, an end to the eternal pity of Avonlea. And also, a small part of her suggests, an opportunity to finally spend time with this new Gilbert Blythe who went off into the world and left her behind. 
She sighs. “I vote that you be the one to tell Mrs. Lynde.” 
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ezragold · 6 years
With a Little Help from My Friends
A/N: Happy last-day-of-Pegoryu-week! Let’s celebrate by reading... day 2′s prompt... No one ever said I was good at preparing things, okay. AO3 link: [here]
Day 2: First Date
Title: With a Little Help from My Friends
Rating: Teen
Summary: Ryuji has successfully asked Akira out! Now if only he could figure out something special for them to do. All of his ideas just feel like their every day routine, and he’s pulling his hair out trying to come up with a way to make it special. All of the thieves seem to have their own ideas of the perfect date, 90% of which are entirely unhelpful, as Ryuji soon realizes.
[ THURSDAY, 6:50PM ]
crossbonez is online
crossbonez has entered The Dungeon of Unspeakable Acts
crossbonez: GUYS I NEED HELP
palette-cleanser: There’s no need to yell about it.
killerqueen: Futaba renamed it and I can’t figure out how to change it back. What’s wrong?
memejed: me! muahaha!!!! you’ll never figure out how to change it back!
memejed: boo makoto types too fast :(
palette-cleanser: Futaba, naturally.
palette-cleanser: Oh.
memejed: lmaooooo
crossbonez: ok ok is akira in this chat??
yougimmethecrepes: I mean technically
yougimmethecrepes: but I think he’s had this channel muted for like a month
killerqueen: Understandable.
crossbonez: o sick
yougimmethecrepes: OMG RYUJI
killerqueen: !
yougimmethecrepes: DID HE SAY YES??
palette-cleanser: My most heartfelt congratulations!
crossbonez: of course he said yes wtf guys
crossbonez: why wouldn’t he, i’m a catch
memejed: so’s a big ol slimy fish
memejed: its perspective
crossbonez: can we ban her?
killerqueen: She’s the room admin.
memejed: HECK how do u type so much faster than me????
palette-cleanser: something tells me you wouldn’t allow us the chance to do anything different.
yougimmethecrepes: go ahead Ryuji, what’s up?
crossbonez: i didn’t think about what we should do on the date so i kinda panicked when he asked and told him i had everything taken care of but i don’t
crossbonez: ive never taken care of anything in my life
crossbonez: please help yall know im not smart
yougimmethecrepes: omg THAT’S what ur worried about??? HOE ur best friend is a dating expert. I gotchu
crossbonez: lmfao ann youve never been on a date
yougimmethecrepes: maybe not
yougimmethecrepes: but i have seen so many romcoms
crossbonez: oooooo my god Kill me
crossbonez: wait holy shit have any of you even been on a date before
crossbonez: this is the worst i hate my life
yougimmethecrepes: yusuke if you say anything about painting my nude as a date i’ll block you
palette-cleanser: There was that time when Ann came to the old studio in order for me to paint her portrait.
palette-cleanser: It was already half-written when you sent that.
yougimmethecrepes: OHHH MY GOD
palette-cleanser: I didn’t want to just let the reply go to waste.
yougimmethecrepes: BLOCKED
palette-cleanser: :(
killerqueen: Okay.
killerqueen: I’ll DM you, Ryuji.
crossbonez: oh thank god
[ THURSDAY, 7:04 PM ]  
[ killerqueen has sent you a message! ]
killerqueen: Firstly,
killerqueen: good for you, asking out Akira! That was really brave. How did it go, if that’s not too intrusive?
crossbonez: fine I think?? morgana kept cockblocking me but he got bored of watching us watch bad movies and left so
crossbonez: i just kinda
crossbonez: asked
crossbonez: and he said yeah
crossbonez: so now im dead and going thru w the date is my hell
killerqueen: Okay, relax. Obviously he wouldn’t have said yes to the date if he wasn’t already interested, so you already have that going for you! The worst part is done.
killerqueen: All you have to do now is think of something special for the two of you to do together.
crossbonez: yeah that’s basically the part where my brain stops
killerqueen: Fair. What’s your budget?
crossbonez: uhhhhhh
crossbonez: uhhhhhhhhhhh
killerqueen: Ryuji.
crossbonez: is free an option
killerqueen: Oh, god. Okay.
killerqueen: I didn’t realize you hadn’t planned for this in… any capacity.
killerqueen: Message received.
killerqueen: I’ll see if there’s anything cheap going on in the city this weekend.
crossbonez: thank you ugh
crossbonez: was this a bad idea
killerqueen: Asking out Akira? No, of course not.
crossbonez: sigh
killerqueen: Lying to Akira about having the entire thing prepared and planned out? Yes, without a doubt.
crossbonez: COOL THANKS MOM 
crossbonez: GOD
[ crossbonez left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 7:29PM ]
[ palette-cleanser sent you a message! ]
palette-cleanser: Are you still taking advice for your date?
crossbonez: the answer is technically yes but i can’t say i’ve reached the point in my life where i’m ready to take dating advice from you
palette-cleanser: I shall try and keep my advice more general, then.
crossbonez: just don’t say the word beauty
palette-cleanser: You should consider the benefit of surrounding yourselves with beautiful things. I can only imagine a relationship increasing in intensity when the couple is surrounded by overwhelming beauty.
palette-cleanser: In my defense, my reply was half-written when you posted yours.
crossbonez: what the hell would overwhelming beauty even be man
crossbonez: am i sposed to find out which flower gives him boners like what am i doing here
palette-cleanser: that is up to you! And Akira, I suppose.
palette-cleanser: I was, of course, referring to your beautiful surroundings being up to you. Akira getting an erection is less-so in your hands.
palette-cleaner: …I did not mean for that to become a double-entendre but I suppose that’s also appropriate to your situation.
crossbonez: hoo boy you are this close to my block list lemme tell ya
palette-cleanser: Please don’t, my contact list is very short as it is.
palette-cleanser: Back to the topic at hand,
crossbonez: yeah plz
palette-cleanser: What are some things that Akira finds beautiful?
crossbonez: man i don’t know
crossbonez: uhh
crossbonez: good coffee
crossbonez: big ass cheeseburgers
crossbonez: cats probably
crossbonez: hes got a risette poster in his room but i think that’s less because shes hot and more because someone gave it to him and he was too nice to throw it out
palette-cleanser: None of that sounds particularly beautiful…
crossbonez: OH WOW DOES IT NOT
crossbonez: REALLY
palette-cleanser: There is no need to raise your typeface at me.
crossbonez: sjdjcickgmsoakfb
palette-cleanser: ?
crossbonez: nothing dont worry abt it
crossbonez: im gonna go see if i can buy something beautiful for ¥200 
palette-cleanser: Many beautiful things in life are free.
crossbonez: you got an example to go with that inspirational quote?
crossbonez: duuuude?
palette-cleanser: I appear to be losing connection
crossbonez: oh my god dude
palette-cleanser: I can hardly read what you’re writing
crossbonez: thats not how that would even work
crossbonez: i cant tell if ur trolling me or not
[ palette-cleanser has left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 7:49PM ] 
[ yougimmethecrepes has replied to your message! ]
crossbonez: plz tell me ur just invisible
crossbonez: ur my one last hope and god is that saying something about how my standards have fallen
yougimmethecrepes: doing homework
yougimmethecrepes: you still peeing your pants over date night?
crossbonez: you still willing to give bad advice?
yougimmethecrepes: imagine me swiping all of my school work off my desk onto my floor because if my math grade didn’t ride on this I would have done that
crossbonez: aight
yougimmethecrepes: also my advice is fantastic shut up
yougimmethecrepes: okay, lets start easy. What’s the budget?
crossbonez: im in high school and not a part time model
crossbonez: my budget is negative
yougimmethecrepes: ooooh
yougimmethecrepes: got it
yougimmethecrepes: arcade? you can just use small change and stuff
crossbonez: we go there ALL THE TIME thats not a date
crossbonez: that’s like going to the ramen shop or something
yougimmethecrepes: uh……batting cages? Movie?
crossbonez: i cant ask him on a date and then just do shit we do normally! how is that a date???
yougimmethecrepes: How is it not a date?? You guys always have fun doing that, how is it less fun on a date
yougimmethecrepes: OH WAIT NO I got it
yougimmethecrepes: bathhouse
crossbonez: shut up no
yougimmethecrepes: hey, it’s not my fault you gave this absolutely no thought whatsoever
crossbonez: UGH I KNOW
crossbonez: WHY IS THIS HARD
yougimmethecrepes: YOU’RE MAKING THIS A PROBLEM
[ crossbonez has left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 8:25 PM ] 
[ memejed sent you a message! ]
crossbonez: no
memejed: before you say anything
memejed: jdcjdjnfdkdkf
memejed: dammit how do all of you type so fast
memejed: it’s like I don’t even know myself any more
memejed: is it my tiny hands
crossbonez: i do not want dating advice from you
memejed: well then it’s a good thing I don’t have any for you then ISNT IT
memejed: I just wanted to tell you that Akira just got home and he’s smiling a lot and it’s gross and weird and most likely your fault, so
crossbonez: oh that’s
crossbonez: nice to hear thank you jhgjfyjuh
memejed: he just told sojiro about the date and sojiro offered to grab him condoms hahAHAAHAH
crossbonez: OH MY GOD
crossbonez: I HOPE SO
memejed: >:(
memejed: I don’t even get why youre so nervous he’s obviously out of his mind happy to go out with you
memejed: whatever you guys do he’ll be down
memejed: just don’t do any stupid shit like try and show off or act like a tool
memejed: which I realize may seem daunting for you
memejed: but I believe u may have it in you, maybe
crossbonez: I just have no idea what to do without us doing the same shit as always
memejed: whats wrong with doing the stuff you guys always do? Routine is comfy
memejed: comfort is the enemy of anxiety
memejed: well, comfy, and a good pair of sweatpants
memejed: *and valium
crossbonez: you dont think he would mind doing shit we do all the time?
memejed: oh my god are ALL boys as stupid as you??? how has the species survived for so long
memejed: just hold his hand or something and he’d let you push him in front of the subway!! Like, that probably shouldn’t be your go to option, but just
memejed: he ALREADY likes you. you don’t need to impress him or anything
memejed: consider yourself lucky, because like, idk how you swung that
crossbonez: I agree with you too much to get mad at that
crossbonez: wow
crossbonez: akira agreed to go out with me, you gave me advice that wasnt steaming dog shit
crossbonez: maybe i should buy a lottery ticket lmao
memejed: LMAO ur luck stat isn’t THAT high yet
memejed: see if sojiro comes through w the condoms first
crossbonez: okay and NOW im leaving
memejed: BE SAFE!!
[ crossbonez has left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 9:22 PM ]  
[ HaruOkumura sent you a message! ]
HaruOkumura: Good, you’re still online! 
crossbonez: hahaha what happened to ur screenname?
HaruOkumura: The company’s social media adviser suggested I change it for professional purposes………..
crossbonez: lame
HaruOkumura: Yes apparently “BigBangIsPeople” is not an appropriate username for the incoming CEO of Okumura Foods.
HaruOkumura: I thought it was funny :(
HaruOkumura: But anyway! I’m glad you’re still online! Makoto texted me and told me about yours and Akira’s date and I wanted to say congratulations and I’m so happy for you!
crossbonez: thanks! tell makoto to quit snitchin tho
HaruOkumura: Will do! I just wanted to talk because Makoto said you were very stressed out and seemed sort of unprepared
crossbonez: im okay now i think
crossbonez: futaba helped me out
crossbonez: weirdly
crossbonez: i mean im still sweating all over myself and the idea of actually meeting up with akira for the date in question makes me want to gag but :) im fine
HaruOkumura: oh my :o
HaruOkumura: Have you decided what the two of you will do?
crossbonez: yeeaaahhhh i got some ideas i think?
HaruOkumura: I do as well!! Would you like to hear them?
crossbonez: hey i am always up for not thinking
HaruOkumura: That’s great!! Okay, what is your budget currently?
crossbonez: gkhskdfkjlghlrihvoirhgiu
crossbonez: kjghsiuergtiughpijiuprughtuislrhgiulth
HaruOkumura: Uhm?
HaruOkumura: Oh youre welcome! Let us know how it goes!
crossbonez: yeah sure if i dont die first!
[ crossbonez has left the conversation. ]
 [ SATURDAY, 02:41 AM ] 
[ JokersWild sent you a message! ]
JokersWild: Hey
JokersWild: I know youre probably asleep because it’s like fuck o clock in the morning and why wouldn’t you be
JokersWild: But I cant sleep because I made myself some antianxiety coffee when I got home haha
JokersWild: (futaba calls it estresso but I can’t call it that because it’s so clever it makes me mad I didn’t think of it first)
JokersWild: but I had a really good time tonight
JokersWild: and you seemed kind of worried all night so I wanted you to know that
JokersWild: and idek if you were worried because of us(?) or if there was something else going on and now I just seem like kind of an asshole for assuming it was about me
JokersWild: but whether it was or it wasn’t I had fun
JokersWild: and
JokersWild: I’m really happy you asked me out
JokersWild: and just…… you don’t need advice from anyone on how to like
JokersWild: woo me yknow?
JokersWild: I had notifications turned off but the number of messages in the group chat kept ticking up so I lurked for a second
JokersWild: I don’t know what anyone ended up telling you but you didn’t need it
JokersWild: you don’t have to impress me. I ALREADY like you.
JokersWild: so, that’s that
JokersWild: this coffee is very strong and obviously my inhibitions are non existent right now so I’m going to bed before this turns into a confession
JokersWild: or more of one
JokersWild: lets, like, do this again? I want to keep doing this with you
[ JokersWild has left the conversation. ]
 [ SATURDAY, 02:54 AM ] 
[ JokersWild sent you a message! ]
JokersWild: also oh my god thank you for not freaking the fuck out when that condom fell out of my jacket I SWEAR TO YOU I did not put it there and when I find out who did I am going to unmake them
JokersWild: okay goodnight
[ JokersWild has left the conversation. ]
116 notes · View notes
sainadazai · 3 years
When your crush is angry all the time
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"I don't think fire's all that bad, you know"
3rd person pov
As the sun hung high in the sky the h/t haired girl stumbled around the train station in search of a restroom. Y/n had never experienced the mundane tasks a commoner would usually persue on a daily. Things like public transit, or any transit for that matter, were an enigma to her.
So while elder men stared a little too long and young children pointed at her in recognition, she spun in circles like a lost puppy.
"Its just a fucking bathroom, should there be someone here to direct people or something! Ugh and whats with the school girl fetish, these old guy are creeps..." she mumbled to herself continuing to get more and more lost on the platform.
Meanwhile, the rest of 1-A were making their way to internships as well, Midoriya scrolled into some old guys house, Kirishima bumped into his metal replica, and Bakugou held his grump posture and nonchilauntly entered the top 3 heros agency. He was expecting to at least learn something from this guy, or gain real life experience with villains. He never anticipated being scrutinized for his personality. No shit I'm scary, Im trying to kill shitty villains not make teenage girls put a picture of me on their wall.
For the first day of this new challenged everbody seemed to be having a ridiculously mundane time. Not y/n, though. No our main character was going through it, once she made it to the restroom, she got confused by how easily the toilet paper ripped in her hand and spent 20 minutes trying to get at least one whole time out of the stubborn roll. Then, when she opened up her bag to view the new hero-suot her mother helped design...she found strings¿
She ended up having to look at an example picture and read a guide on how to put what where. It took an additional hour considering the tightness of everpiece of fabric and when she stepped out of the stall to look in the mirror, she deadpanned. How could her mother hate her this much? It was already a burden being so sexy, but this? This was crazy.
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She wasnt sure weather she should take a million photos, or never leave the bathroom and cry all day. However when her phone rang, a call from Mr.Woods agency, she realized how late she already must be.
In her rush, y/n also forgot about the creeps men and was recieving many stares, that went unnoticed. Until somebody had the audacity to touch her. It was just a ghost of his finger tips on the underneath of her ass that was no doubt on full display. That would not go accepted, as a girl who had turned her past trauma into nothing but a small personality traits, she wasnt scared. Still, as a woman who absolutely idolizes herself, or so she says, no one in this train station deserved the touch of her perfect, shiny, s/c skin.
The last error that secured her terrible first day was how y/n spun around and grabbed the mans fingertips. When she took a glance at him, he was smiling as if he had acomplished something. Boy was he wrong, only coming to realized so when the y/h girl suddenly had sprouted a vine from his finger.
He watched in fear as it began to grow and wrap around him, all the while the young girl he'd never met before let out a sickening aura that couldve suffocate him then and there. The vine continued to curl up around his middle and ring finger, slowly meeting the flash of his palm.
Once the growing stopped, y/n had almost decided to let him go. A part of her new that her plan wasn't well thought through, and he could be an innocent guy that accidentally touched her.
However, aggression outwayed logic and she looked him deep in the eye.
"You like using these fingers to touch things your not supposed to?"
"Shhh, dont worry, im just gonna make sure you dont go touching things that arnt yours, okay?" She made an aggresive fist with the hand not touching him and the vine squeezed in. Anyone a foot away would be able to tell, but the both of them could hear how his two fingers snapped and bent under the pressure.
With a satisfied grin at the whispering man, y/n decided he had learned his lesson. Wow look at that, and I didnt even need some manly hero to come save me. Atta girl y/n.
Little did she know that not only did her pro-hero boss come to look for her, but je also saw the whole disaster. He was not pleased to say the least.
Y/n pov
As the tree like man sat down in his office chair across from me, all I could do was look to my feet. I didnt feel particularily had about my actions, however, I did feel bad about being late.
While it is fun to be spontanious and act like theres nothing to lose, I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to control the earth aspect of my quirk. Ill never admit it if someone asks, but sometimes the only way I can sleep at night is knowing how strong my quirk is. Knowing that they cant hurt me if I stay strong.
Still, it just seems that as I grow older, the people trying to get to be get bolder and more powerful. Some might even say...they get smarter, too. Thats a scary thought; that if I want to stay alive at all I need to be constantly improving. I am not sure if I want to stay alive or not, but Ill be damned if dying or living isnt my choice.
Feeling the need to break the silence, I began my rant on all the reasons I had come up with that justify my actions. I was planning it on the way out here.
"Look, im sorry mr.woods. I know im not very heroic and shit, but when perverts to pervert things somebody has to do something, and its not like anybody else there would have scared a glance if I didnt save myself-"
"Your wrong."
"Huh- I wasnt done. Anyways i-"
"L/n you are wrong."
"Dude im trying to-"
"There was heroes on patrol, how else did you think i found you? There were real heroes ready to protect you, if you had simply shouted people would have been alarmed of such. I dont understand kids and their need to do everything alone." He rolled his eyes behind his mask and continued to stare at me.
"Excuse me but I dont think your in a place to comment on how I react to myself being touched. He was gonna get my skin dirty and for what, two seconds of his school girl fantasy. Ew."
"Your skin....dirty?"
"Yes, he is nowhere near my standards on someone who should be allowed to touch me...not even a brush of the fingers..ugh!"
"Alright well, I cant get you in trouble because then I get in trouble...so, tell me about your quirk while we go on patrol."
His chair sqeaked against the floor as he stood up and it slid back. Then he motioned for me to follow by painting out the door.
Relieved that I didn't have to talk about all the fake reasons people aren't allowed to touch me, and that I could finally get outside so my quirk would stop suffocating me, I was quick to exit the building.
I'm not sure if its the fact that ive only been using a forth of her, but my quirks side effects have been so shitty recently. To the point that our school nurse estimsted my new rate for being inside for an extended period of time was about three hours.
I havent actually combusted in years, but I've been close and god does it hurt. My chest starts to squeeze and I can feel all the energy drain from my body, then pieces of me start to get hold and cold at the same time.
"So what really is your quirk?"
I looked up at the hero next to me as we continued on down the street of the inner City.
"How much did Aizawa tell you?"
"I-he said...she has all the right elements? And told me I'd figure it out.." He scratched the back of his head.
I smirked at that. Who knew aizawa actually listened to the words I said. I was pretty sure after the whole sulking chrollos dick thing, he would have permanently tuned me out.
"Heh, that raggedy ann bastard" I smile smugly.
"So, what does it mean?"
"Ahh, okay so, did you go to U.A?"
"Um yes kid, why?"
Then im certain je knows of my family, explaining my quirk will be easier. God, this really is my favorite part.
I reached my left hand out, knowing he was right handedly and would respond well to it and then spoke.
"Hi, nice to meet you, im y/n l/n of the elementus royal quirk family."
Once he shook my hand I did a polite curtsey, as I learned in ballet to do that instead of bowing. Its much more fun to do this at family event, where I get to wear big dresses and pretend im important...but this'll have to do.
"The-i-oh shit..." He mumbled the last part in defeat, likely just figuring out what he'd gotten himself in to.
"So, im guessing you've got ...."
"Total control, yup" I confirmed.
"And you wanna focus on earth elements, like what flowers?"
I smirk up at him allowing my aura to put an intimidating facade.
"Actually I was thing more like venus fly traps" as I said traps I let my hands clap together mimicking the plant and bit at the air with my teeth.
He stopped walking and just glanced from side to side, waiting for me to start making sense again.
Until we heard some crying in the distance.
The two of our heads shot over and were met with a strange sight. There were three young boys, looked about 8¿ and a man, hero maybe? Crouched in front of them not looking all that nice. He had spike blonde hair, red eyes, gauntlets on his wris-
"Oh my god its bakugou, look sir! Thats the hot guy I switched schools for!"
his head slowly shifted from the kids to me and it seemed to only make him more angry. Then, once again I couldn't help but bask in the pure aggression...in his eyes.
They were red, fitting for the anger thry held, but it was beautiful. It was passionate, the way he could yell for hours about god knows what because he cares. He may care about petty things, or silly things, but he always cares so much. So passionately. That I can see it in his eyes.
"Oh my, whAt is this costume deary?"best jeanist spoke from ahead of us as we approach.
"Hi sir, sorry about the skin showing, my quirk is heavily enhanced the more my pours are exposed to the natural elements, especially oxygen. If I was more covered parts of my body would begin to go completely numb. Also doesnt my body look amazing! Im a lot more in shape since you saved me last"
I blamed happily at jeanist. Though we arent neceserilly close, he is definitely a great hero and has always been someone who easily sees through my façaude. Plus his fashion sense is wonderful and I often send him pictures of my outfits. Although he doesnt respond I know he sees them and if they were bad he would be mean about it instead of ignoring it.
"Well. It definitely gives your body..access to that. And the sword?"
Ahh...the sword that I liked to carry. It was now stored in its place on my back.
"Call it a good luck charm, plus, we cant rely only on our quirks, then we are just weak people with strong powers. Rather than strong people."
I was always one to put on a show for him, as I do for lost of pro heroes. Its a lot more fun to say things like your all serious and fancy and smart sometimes. Its my little inside joke with myself, like to laugh at how easily people are awed by it.
Like how even though children were still crying bakgou was staring at me face void of emotion, completely struck at my words.
Definitely not..staring at my body that was exposed. Not eyeing the tight strap that wraps my left leg, that he doesnt know is a funcional lasso.
Noticing him, im quick to avert my attention.
"Hey bakugou~"
"Tch you really went from shitty princess to slutty princess huh?"
"You really went from telling deku you'd be number one hero, to making kids cry on the street, huh?" I challenged
I heard the crying boys laugh a little, just the age reminded me of my brother, Im sure they have nothing in common, but I havent seen any of my brothers in quite some time so I suppose a small part of me was just projecting.
I hated that they were crying, though. Ussually I dont like kids, they are stinky and gross and the main reason people have been ruining my life up til now. However, noticing these three reacting to bakugou in a way I wish emotionally available enough for, it made me feel obligated to help them. Wierd, huh.
"Hey, did that guy use his fire all scary?"
"Yeah, he was gonna kill us"
"Fires scary."
I giggled a bit, I knew fire like the back of my hand. It was the first thing I mastered as a child and the way I see bakugou use it doesnt to the element justice.
"Hm, well, I dont think so...can I show you something?"
The kid in the middle, apparently the braver of them, lifted his gaze from the concrete to meet my eyes. Just as I crouched down to my knees in front of them he nodded up at me.
I smiled at this, proud that I earned his trust for...some odd reason.
My hands formed a cup shape in front of him and I focused my ears so I could hear the blood rushing through my own brain, like waves. This was how I learned to use elements singularly: by using my internally noise to block out everything else.
I first allowed a small line of fire to dance around, now bigger than a candle wick. Then through another, and another as the boy watched carefully. Not yet impressed his face was still caustious. However I continued focusing my energy, feeling my body, the air around me, the heat of the sun, even remember the passion from bakugous crimson eyes.
I as I did so the many small flames twirled and twisted within eachother forming into a beautiful blue and orange fluctuating flower.
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The boy looked into my hands mouth now agape, tears dried, fear gone. Then, again, for some reasons unbeknownst to me... I felt a sense of pride.
He tapped his friends so they would look up and I continued making my fire into different things, birds, planes, people. The kids were entranced.
I looked back to see the two pros staring at me with a certain level of pride mixer with shock. While bakugou seemed at a loss for words. God knows why this time?
"I don't think fire is all that bad you know..."
"Pft, yeah, I know kid," with that I threw my little flames above their heads and let the sparks fall down of them like shiny glitter. Then, overwhelmed with this horrible feeling in my chest. I retreatdd to my boss for the weak. Was that..happiness? Ew.
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yenneferw · 7 years
For the character thing: Oswald (Gotham), Max, Anne, Jack, Thomas, John, James, and Billy (Black Sails), and the Doctor :D (il your blog)
tAww thank you! :-D And thank you for all the characters! Sorry for answering this so late lol
Also I didn’t even realize I wasn’t doing it in order I just saw James’s name and I fuckin went for it lol oops
Aaaalso sorry it’s so long I have a lot of feelings
Oswald Cobblepot:
Why I like them: Oswald’s such a cute little fuck and he’s very devious and the underdog so I latched onto him early on and he’s one of the only things left about Gotham that doesn’t make me sad after all the queerbaiting 
Why I don’t: I really didn’t care for when they always had his teeth dirty that was,,,,,,,,,,, too much. Also some of his hairstyles have been a bit more questionable than others. Also the fact that he was made canonically gay just to queerbait like yay a gay guy but,,,,,,, meh 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): It’s been a bit since I watched it but the episode where he was pining over Ed and trying to tell him he loved him was a good one for him he looked cute and I liked his plight 
Favorite season/movie: I really liked his rise to power in season 1 and if I remember correctly he finally ended up somewhere in the end after all the shit with the gangs so that was really cool 
Favorite line: I can’t think of one right now but I’ll make up for it with my favorite Look ™ which is how he’s always able to look like he’s kind of on the verge of tears
Favorite outfit: Idk anytime he’s wearing a suit is good
OTP: Os and Ed obvs 
Brotp: Mmmmmm idk him and Ivy seem cool as friends even tho I haven’t watched in a while
Head Canon: don’t ask me headcanons,,,,,, i’m so bad at headcanons a lot of the time
Unpopular opinion: I don’t know the fandom well enough lol i’m bad at his
A wish: Nygmobblepot,,,,,, alas,,,,, which isn’t to say it’s bad to hold out hope but i’m so cynical and bitter :-/
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Death, heterosexuality
5 words to best describe them: clever, manipulative, ambitious, cowardly (but shh it’s okay he’s not always cowardly), vengeful 
My nickname for them: Os I love when ppl call him Os lol
James Flint:
Why I like them: do you want me to write a book,,,,, I love him so goddamn much it hurts…….. He’s just so smart and he deserves so many hugs, he’s a gay icon, he tries so hard to do right even tho he’s a fuckin murderous pirate, he’s a murderous pirate that likes his books and his tea and gardening with his best friend, his eyes are the prettiest things on god’s green earth….. love him 
Why I don’t: not applicable I refuse to insult my boy lmao
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Probably the one where Miranda died or the one right after bc Toby Stephens is such a good actor and also he fuckin burned the town down for hurting his best friend and??? goals. Or the last couple of episodes bc that shit iwth John………… and then the reuniting with Thomas………… wow
Favorite season/movie: I really liked his rise back to the top from season 2 bc it makes me sad to see him failing and he starts going on a mad and grieving downward spiral after season 2
Favorite line: “This ends when I grant them my forgiveness, not the other way around” I’m sure there are more bc his speeches are all beautiful (like the “there be dragons one”……. kill me) 
Favorite outfit: Everything he wears is perfect 
OTP: flinthamilton is literally the only thing that waters my crops anymore, although silverflint gives them a nice solid rain every once in a while and is hella valid too
Brotp: James and Miranda is so beautiful that I regularly cry about them but I also liked when James and Madi were teaming up
Head Canon: He and Thomas break out of the plantation and become feared pirates again, also he was dating John and Gates lmao
Unpopular opinion: He’s gay and not bi like not for bi erasure or anything but like he just gives me such a gay feel you know what I mean. And also I don’t think what he had with Miranda was really anything 
A wish: for him and Thomas to be happy 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for him and thomas to be sad lmao
5 words to best describe them: Intelligent, vengeful, loving, sad, amazing,,,,
My nickname for them: idk I don’t have nicknames I guess I always call him James and not Flint and it seems like a lot of people just call him Flint lol (also “lvoe of my life” does that count)
Why I like them: oh my god. oh dear i love her. When will your fave. She’s so brave and smart and loving??? like I called James loving but Max is on another level. She’s so protective of the people and the things she cares abotu and loves, and she’s so fucking smart. And she’s so brave to pursue everything she wants to pursue, like she’s a wlw of color in the 1700s and yet she still rules Nassau without giving any fucks about conventions and shit
Why I don’t: oh man is there a reason. I don’t like that she went to Woodes Rogers’s side for a while and betrayed Anne and Jack but I understand why she did so I’m not angry with her for it
Favorite episode (scene if movie): whenever she walks on screen,,,, but idk I can’t think of anything specifically but I liked it when she took over Nassau from Eleanor 
Favorite season/movie: I liked her arc in season 4 even if I really didn’t like all the decisions she made, and I really liked how she ended up in the end so probably season 4
Favorite line: she’s so smart and wise so like everything she says but also I really like her speech to Anne “I am so sorry for working so hard to protect the wrong things, for failing to see that there is nothing important that does not include you” 
Favorite outfit: that yellow dress oh my god! does anyone else remember that yellow dress! it was so pretty she looked so pretty! She has really good style in general but I love that yellow dress 
OTP: Maxanne
Brotp: Her friendship with Idelle is nice and also I like her friendship with Jack
Head Canon: again I’m so bad at headcanons
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think I do
A wish: For her to rule Nassau and continue dating the love of her life Anne Bonny and support her piracy and have her position in Nassau fully supported by everyone alive 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: death? sadness? she deserves literally the best all the time
5 words to best describe them: compassionate, perceptive, brave, honest, wonderfulbeautifulgorgeous i love her
My nickname for them:I don’t have one for her
Anne Bonny:
Why I like them: She’s amazing honestly I love her sailor’s mouth and I love her bravery and her principles and how logical she is. And I love how kickass she is and how she’ll do anything for the people she loves and I love when she stops being guarded around people and her face Softens, I’m gay for how she looks out from under the brim of her hat 
Why I don’t: I honestly can’t think of a reason……. ok I guess I don’t like that she got violent with Max in the beginning when she was having her gay crisis and like killed Idelle’s friend…….. but honestly reblog if you get murderously violent while having a gay crisis
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I can’t think of something specifically but like when she was with Max and they were just soft and dating that is my reason for waking up in the morning, AND when she saved the ship with the glass and all god wow i died
Favorite season/movie: Mmmm season 2 was prime maxanne season wasn’t it…….. good shit
Favorite line: I can’t think of any rn but wow every time she opens her mouth it’s a gift
Favorite outfit: idk generally her pirate outfit? and her hat is amazing
OTP: Maxanneeeee
Brotp: her friendship with Jack is something I would die for they make me so happy
Head Canon: I don’t know that I have any idk maybe that she and Max are still dating after the show ends?
Unpopular opinion: I don’t know that I have one about Anne
A wish: That she’s happy with Max and potentially Mark/Mary too if she wants to be
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Being unhappy,,, not being with Max or Jack,,
5 words to best describe them: strong, logical, angry, devoted, the world “fuck” 
My nickname for them: I don’t have one for her
Jack Rackham:
Why I like them: he’s so funny and I really like his goals and his arc like he starts out as this guy who just wants his name remembered and that’s still him in the end and I like that that goal doesn’t change, but he finally gets to be the single pirate captain in Nassau which is really cool for him, and he’s also super smart I love him
Why I don’t: I didn’t like his first reactions to Anne and Max, he was kind of a dick about it, but I’m glad that he eventually accepted them and got closer to Max and all
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I liked his scenes with Blackbeard and I also like his earlier scenes where he’s more comic relief-y and I really like when he gets to be a Pirate Captain Dude, that’s not an episode but I just like these particular moments with him. I really liked when that one girl at the Guthries’ was like “Do you know Captain Jack Rackham????” and he was like…………………….. i’ve made it guys
Favorite season/movie: Mmmmm honestly Jack is really consistently awesome throughout like so is everyone else but he’s really well-characterized and grows a lot throughout and I can’t really pick which season of him I like the best
Favorite line: there are so many “if you’re all going to act like children, then I will be your daddy” it’s not my favorite but it plagues me every waking moment of my life and I can’t ever escape it, to rogers: “you and I were neck and neck in this race til the end. But, jesus, did I make up a lot of ground to catch you,” and I really like his speech to Teach about Vane but I can’t find it for the life of me
Favorite outfit: man all of them, Jack Rackham is the most extra well-dressed man in Nassau
OTP: Jack and happiness…….. 
Brotp: if anyone answers this with anything other than Jack and Anne then I’m not sure they watched the same show like to each their own but I can’t imagine a life where their friendship isn’t my fuel
Head Canon: he had a major crush on Charles Vane. I don’t always love Charles Vane so I think he could’ve done better but he definitely had a crush on him
Unpopular opinion: again I don’t think I have one I”m not good at this
A wish: for him to be the most feared pirate around just like he wants to be i’m so proud of him
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for him to be hanged or something especially if it was in front of anne or for him to have to watch anne die
5 words to best describe them: cunning, ambitious, sarcastic, idealist, stubborn
My nickname for them: i don’t have one but like….. another love of my life….. actually everyone that anon asked me about is one of the lvoes of my life anon must know me well
Thomas Hamilton:
Why I like them: oh my heck he’s beautiful. He has such a good heart and such a good vision of the world. He wants things to be so good and the world doesn’t deserve him at all. He’s so caring and loving and gentle and understanding and he just wants to see a world where people aren’t afraid of him and his sexuality and people aren’t afraid of pirates because he understands that a lot of them are just people who society has really hurt like James turned out to be, he’s such a good leader and if England didn’t suck he could’ve done so much
Why I don’t: the wig that’s all that wig killed me like I don’t even like regular wigs but that big ass brown wig haunts me
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the flashback scenes even tho it’s very short they kill me. His smile as he looks at James. I too would go to war with society over that smile 
Favorite season/movie: lol i mean he’s really only in season 2 unfortunately for us all. That little bit in season 4 is revolutionary but season 2
Favorite line: I feel like I’m not gay enough if I don’t say “Know no shame” bc god can you get a better gay line than that I’m in love
Favorite outfit: anything but the fucking brown wig I’m sickened by that wig
OTP: flinthamilton is unbury your gays, straightbait, and overall beautiful so like………. gay icons
Brotp: his and Miranda’s relationship was not as characterized as James and Miranda obviously so I’m not as undyingly in love with them but they were super good and I’m sure they were just as good as James and Miranda but for obvious reasons that wasn’t onscreen as much
Head Canon: he becomes a pirate dude with James after escaping the plantation no one can convicne me otherwise
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think so 
A wish: for him to just live in peace and for him in another universe to actually get everything he wants out of life
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: what if he had actually died. my heart hurts. why did i type those disgusting words
5 words to best describe them: visionary, optimistic, sympathetic, intelligent, twink extraordinaire. that’s six words you say? how can you counter twink extraordinaire 
My nickname for them: my boy james’s SOULMATE
John Silver:
Why I like them: He’s so…………. like I like his self preservation and I fucking LOVE his characterization and his journey from selfish coward to selfless leader, he might be the best characterized character in this show like the show is really really good at characterization but John Silver obviously had a long way to go to become Long John Silver and He Did That. He’s also so sweet and soft sometimes and I love his curly hair
Why I don’t: I just………. my heart is always with James so when he sort of went the opposite ways I couldn’t help but be on James’s side….. like I still love him and understand his view……. but i’m sad
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I really like the episode where he starts talking shit at dinner to the entire crew and outing that guy for fucking a goat and I also really like the episode where he loses his leg and I really liek the last couple of episodes. I just like a lot of him ok he’s great
Favorite season/movie: I like the beginning of his Long John Silver story when he redeems himself to the crew in season 2 but I also like his coming into Long John Silver in season 4
Favorite line: oh my god he says a lot of good things but I don’t know who I would be if I didn’t say “I will stand here with you, for an hour, a day, a year while you find a way to accept this outcome so we might leave here together” and then the parallel speech to Madi…….. I’m alive and living and this is going to kill me
Favorite outfit: anything but his beginning blue jacket that jacket is the worst lol
OTP: silverflint or him and Madi
Brotp: before Billy…… was cancelled, him and Billy were good buds and I liked it
Head Canon: that he dated that one guy who drowned with the goat Muldoon or something 
Unpopular opinion: do people like his blue jacket? I hate it
A wish: that he can at least be happy with Madi at the end and their relationship is eventually fixed which I think the thing on the cliff alludes to
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: death…… sadness…….
5 words to best describe them: manipulative, secretive, loving, enduring, perceptive as fuck
My nickname for them: none but what if everybody called him Johnny
Billy Bones:
Why I like them: ok have you seen him. he’s so handsome CHRIST. But also he’s always like the voice of reason which is really nice up until season 4. I think I latched onto him bc I already really liked Tom Hopper because of Merlin but he’s also pretty strong in the face of torture and everything he stands for being turned against on his ship, even if it’s not always what I stand for
Why I don’t: season 4? I don’t know her. Also he doesn’t like James and I. would die for James
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I liked it when he was quartermaster for a bit he was a p good quartermaster in season 1 and I also liked the episodes where he “made” Long John Silver and Captain Flint
Favorite season/movie: Idk probably season 1 bc that is when things are still gentle…… innocent…….. good…..
Favorite line: the fuck tent line is iconic. “perhaps we can all agree to forgo, you know, just this once, a fuck tent” when will your fave
Favorite outfit: shirtless 
OTP: idk he definitely dated Ben Gunn js
Brotp: him and Gates
Head Canon: he is asexual as fuck have you ever met him? asexual biromantic. sorry i make the rules and I stick by them 
Unpopular opinion: this isn’t an unpopular opinion i’m sure but billy after s3 can choke. before s3 he’s fine. after…… don’t talk to me about that 
A wish:for him to come to his fucking senses and stop being a horrible idiot
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for him to stay a fuck lik ehe was at the end fo s4
5 words to best describe them: headstrong, loyal, sentimental, ideological, determined
My nickname for them: i dont’ have one but can you imagine if ppl called him bilbo 
The Doctor:
Why I like them: I mean this really depends on which Doctor you know? this one’s probably going to be long bc I’m gonna do a bit about all the new whos. So 9 I like because he’s very brave and determined in the face of everything he just lost and because he has such a good heart when he easily could have been so cold. And when he is faced with how he has hardened some, he always works on getting better and being a better person. also idfk but like christopher eccleston is all of our uncles who brings us the cool like $20 iTunes cards. 10 I like because he’s so loving that it kind of ruins him. Like that kind of is the way of the Doctor but he just keeps on loving and loving and loving until he’s traveling alone desperately looking for some fun and some companionship so he doesn’t have to feel the hurt of Rose and Donna and doesn’t have to feel how badly he misses Martha. He’s like. He’s like the guy that goes and gives you a giant bag full of shit that would suck if you just got it alone but in bulk like deodorant and tissues and socks and shit. 11 I like because he’s very fierce and fiercely protective but also silly and fun like I like how he can be bouncy and stuff and then the next moment he’s been quiet and scary or loud and scary or gentle and wise. 11 forgot to get everyone anything but he’s the main source of laughter so everybody pretends they’re not disappointed bc his gifts are usually cool. 12 I like because. Eyebrows. But also because he’s a lot different than other Doctors like hte Doctor tends to do morally ambiguous things sometimes but it feels like 12 is so much more morally ambiguous than others. He’s angry about everything that’s been done to him and he feels grief from things he hasn’t thought about in a while and it’s an interesting and different twist on him. 12 intentionally got everyone nothing and ate all the vegetables and left. why am i relating them to christmas? i’m materialistic 
Why I don’t: I don’t feel like going that in depth again but I’ll just say I don’t like how Moffat’s Doctors become what the story is about. The story I feel like is supposed to be about not only the Doctor, but the story and the companions, but Moffat’s Doctors are so much the centerpoint of the story that it loses some of the really really cool things from RTD’s era and some of the spirit of the Doctor. moffat is why my farm animals have all run away 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): this is really hard lmao. I’m gonna pick an episode a Doctor. 9- The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances. I like “Everybody lives!” that’s the best. 10- Midnight. That acting tho and really seeing 10 scared and helpless is something different and really cool. Also The End of Time bc it’s literally the best episode of anything in existence. 11- Idk I can’t really decide. Maybe “The Big Bang.” I love 11 but for the life of me I can’t ermember a fave ep. 12- I’ve onyl seen s8 and part of s9 but I like that one episode where the Doctor thinks he’s dying with Missy I can’t remember what it’s called
Favorite season/movie: 9 lol he only has one. 10- 2 or 3 I really can’t decide. 11- 5. 12- I’ve only seen 8 fully lol
Favorite line: that requires…… so much thought and so much work. They say a lot of cool things. The Doctor is all about speeches and one-liners lol
Favorite outfit: 11 has the best outfit ngl but 10′s is a close second
OTP: Rose and 10 obvs who doesn’t love them, I mean River and the Doctor have always been good, idk my otps for Doctor Who usually involve companions and their partners
Brotp: all the companions every single one of them I’m alive. have you ever met amy pond. have you ever met martha jones or donna noble. have you ever MET jack harkness 
Head Canon: I have……….. a lot I feel like i couldn’t type all of them up first of all the doctor is gay so jot that down
Unpopular opinion: mmmmmm I’m sure i have some but I can’tt think of them 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for 13 to be a straight white man or for Chibnall to be as bad as Moffat :-/
5 words to best describe them: genius, kind, hopeful, loving, vengeful
My nickname for them: I don’t know that I have any but I might that I’m not remembering
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