#Doppelgänger! au
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Vanessa & Vanita from my Doppelgänger! project
[Read chapter 1 here]
🐇Reblogs Highly Appreciated!!🐇
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an-albino-pinetree · 3 months
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I just wanted to doodle a bunch of bloody boys
Carnival!Jax (black and white) and Freakshow Carnival!Jax (Purple clown) - @sm-baby
Monster Labs Jax (Goggles and lab coat) - @etanow
Hotel!Jax (Sepia) - @welcome-tothe-harehotel aka me! :]
Doppelgänger!Jax (cartoon cat lookin ass) - me!
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aquafinnie · 3 months
That’s not my neighbor dog au! 1/3
F01 residents
F02 residents
F03 residents
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Bonus Peach Peach!
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crudaka · 5 months
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I drew more pages :D
This is an AU idea in which the Neighbors are robots created by the D.D.D. to lure/capture or destroy Doppelgangers. They still work their 'human' jobs in order to blend in.
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yandere-writer-momo · 4 months
Yandere Baki Head Canons:
All Yours
Yandere Katsumi Orochi x Fem Reader
Alternate Reality AU
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When (your name) had wished for Katsumi to return her feelings, she hadn’t meant to this extent. The man never left her alone for more than an hour. Her phone constantly rang with calls or messages when the Karateka would get a smidge of free time.
How was she to know that woman was genuinely a witch? A witch who transferred her to an alternate reality where Katsumi adored her? One where he was obsessed?
It was her fault for seeking that woman out for a charm to make her crush like her, but she didn’t think she’d be transported to another world when she rescued Katsumi from the flaming dojo all those months ago… did she die in her old world? Was this some kind of screwed up Isekai misadventure? The thought alone made her head hurt… just like this current call with the Katsumi of this reality.
“(Your name)? How about I bring you some takeout once I’m done with my class? I miss your face!” Katsumi rambled on the other end of the phone as you gave a stiff smile. You were head over heels at first about the attention you received from him, but it became old quickly. Even though this man was Katsumi, he wasn’t the Katsumi you adored. Nope! This version of him was like a ripoff version of him in a bad fan fiction.
“That’d be lovely. Thank you, Katsumi.” (Your name) knew he probably clicked his heels together on the other end of the phone when she said that. The man was so eager to please…
“Okay! I’ll get your favorite then, darling!” Katsumi continued to chatter. “I’m so happy you finally accepted my affection… I’ve been after you for years.”
Yes… in this reality, it was Katsumi who pursued rather than her. Was this how the Katsumi felt in her world when she’d show him affection? Overwhelmed and exhausted? God she felt like an even worse person…
“I appreciate you, Katsumi.” (Your name) replied in a soft voice. “Be safe today.”
“I will! I can’t wait to see you.” (Your name) closed her eyes and hung up. The young woman placed her face in her hands and softly cried.
This was her reality now and she needed to accept it. She needed to accept that she’d never go back to her old world and she’d never be able to apologize to the Katsumi there.
“I’m sorry, Katsumi… I’m so sorry.” (Your name) cried softly into her hands.
A few hours later and Katsumi was on her doorstep with a bag of takeout. A huge smile on his face when she opened the door. “(Your name)! I bought the goods, hopefully this will cheer you up. I noticed you’ve been a bit down lately…”
(Your name) gave Katsumi a soft smile to try to reassure him. “You’re always so thoughtful.” Why couldn’t her old Katsumi be a bit like him?
Katsumi’s face flushed as he bashfully kicked his feet from side to side. “Well, I try to have your best interests in mind. I just want you to be happy.”
And that’s when (your name) broke down in tears, the Karateka quickly pulled her into his arms. “Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you-“
(Your name) leaned forward and pressed her lips against his in a gentle kiss. A kiss that made her whole body shake while desperation consumed her. She felt like such an awful person for the way she exploited this man, but he always said the right words… he was everything she ever wanted. Was it wrong to indulge him?
Katsumi’s eyes blew wide open for a second before he jumped right into the kiss. His hands grabbed at whatever flesh he could reach as he maneuvered the two of them into her apartment. His foot shut the door behind him.
“Your lips are so soft and you smell heavenly.” Katsumi whispered against her lips, his forehead now pressed against hers. “Can we… can we continue in your room?”
(Your name) thought for a minute before she gave him a teary eyes smile. “Yes… I’d like that.”
And as their clothes were discarded with each step they took towards her room, she couldn’t help but smile.
If this was her fate, she’d embrace it. All she had ever wanted was to be loved, even if it was by this obsessive man. This obsessive man with the face of her first love.
“I don’t have protection… is that okay?” Katsumi asked with a blush, the man’s eyes anxiously scanned over your bare form.
“That’s okay.” You held your arms out for him. “I’m yours, Katsumi.”
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infinite-orangepeel · 2 years
my imagined account of how the party discovers steddie is a thing…
the party shows up fifteen minutes early to steve’s house for movie night and walks right on in bc ofc steve’s given them each a key at this point and normally they’re more than welcome to show up any time. except for like right now.
as they enter the living room, they’re horrified to find that their beloved babysitter is making out with some girl (they asssume) that happens to have dark curly hair and look a lot like someone they know very well. unable to see the mystery woman’s face, they loudly gasp and shudder at the drama playing out in front of them. decidedly speaking for the group—mike jumps the gun and on the verge of tears yells:
“nancy ! what the hell ? how could you do this to jonathan ? i can’t believe you ! mom and dad didn’t raise you this way !”
and in response—with grand theatrics and a heavy dose of attitude, eddie munson—their adored dungeon master—tosses his curls over his shoulder, pulls away from steve and addresses the children they share (not officially but still):
“THANK YOU ! finally, someone sees the resemblance—stevie, i told you. you totally have a type; curly haired, doe eyed beauties !”
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✨Dance with you✨
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velvetcake96 · 2 months
Torchbearer and Clancy modern AU ideas because the thought of these two just living their lives in a world without the bishop bullshit would be kinda funny.
- Torch has a job as a burn specialist. I was thinking like forestry technician but a burn specialist seems a little more fitting for some reason. Clancy was a little harder because yeah he could be a writer, but he could also be a journalist but that seems to boring for him… So he would be a forensic photographer. They usually have to write detail reports and it seems right.
- They would meet because Clancy has memory issues (which is like the parallel to seizing) which caused him to run out of his house because he thought his relative was someone else, run into a wall and ran into the other man where he was taking a break from a party he was dragged to.
-(In the works) But because of his memory issues to the point of partial disability, Clancy can’t live alone, so he has lived with different relatives in his life. (Now here’s the in the works part) He used to live with Nico, got worse mentally which made his issue worse so he lives with Keons who is still strict but is more caring.
-Torch hates his real name, he refuses to go by his real name to the point most don’t even know his name. Even introducing himself he calls himself Torch and uses the excuse that his parents were hippies.
- Like the guy who plays him, Torch drives a fucking motorcycle because I don’t make the rules. (However, Clancy think it’s fucking cool, but jokes about how he’ll one day take photos of the potential accident the man might get in.)
- Clancy bites, not exactly in a sexual sense but like a general thing. He bites when he’s angry, nibbles when sad, there are teeth holes in his clothes, save his sleeves.
Okay that’s all for now, thank you for reading my brain rot.
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dicktat · 18 days
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Take me back to Eden
…I need you to see me for what I have become.
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glo-styxx-doodlez · 3 months
Doppelgänger Jax is curious about those fangs...
My AU (Jaxula) with @an-albino-pinetree's AU (Doppelgänger Jax)
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Bonus of Amethyst and Doppelgänger Jax for fun:
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drew vanita with her piercings since i forgot in the initial drawing, and additionally a bit of a spoiler for the fic but you won't really get it unless you read it 😉
👥Reblogs highly appreciated!!👥
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tied-ash · 4 months
Ever since getting into Home Safety Hotline & That’s Not My Neighbor, I’ve developed an AU for both of them called the “Everything is Fine” AU
The AU for both is literally just. Everything is fine. Nobody’s dying, nobody’s evil— everyone’s just kinda chill. Doppelgängers kinda just get in and vibe, and entities are just nuisances instead of actual life threats.
This being said, here’s the EiF!Milkmen
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They’re kinda brothers in this AU.
Francis (the OG) is literally just a tired milkman. Y’know, the usual. Also, in this AU, he’s AroAce, and that’s the reason why he divorced Nacha. They still keep in touch, and he still loves her, just not in a romantic sense. He gets super awkward with even the slightest bit of flirting.
Frankie (the first doppelgänger) is basically just this fandom’s version of the doppelgänger. Bro’s a big flirt. This is the version without eyebags, so his personality is reflective of that: ie. he’s outgoing, flirtatious, and just the complete opposite of Francis.
The Hoon Man is… well, the Hoon Man. No one knows how he gets in, but he’s the silliest little guy in this AU.
Even though in this AU doppelgängers don’t really have ages, they started giving them some. Francis is the oldest, Frankie is the middle child (he acts like the youngest tbh) and Hoon is the youngest.
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Frankie has tried to flirt with Nacha and this is the result.
Also Nacha adopted the zipper version of Anastacha, so now she has another daughter that I have yet to name.
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evilwriter37 · 6 months
Holy shit. A Vigcup doppelganger AU!!!
We have our Viggo. Redeemed and survived triple cross. Then his doppelganger. Who is OBSESSED with Hiccup. Stalking, taking his things/trash, killing for him, kidnapping and torturing him. Like some super crazy fucking shit. Scaring Hiccup so much, he can't even look at HIS Viggo without thinking of the doppelganger. The image of him stuck to his brain. But what's scarier is that this man looks and sounds EXACTLY like his Viggo. Even down to the smallest of scars.
Reminds me slightly of a Teen Wolf plot line, ngl. @lifblogs, you know which one. (Also thinking of a Doctor Who plot line with Eleven now.)
That would be so incredibly messed up. Hiccup would be falling to pieces, both mentally and physically. The real Viggo, his Viggo, would do everything in his power to see this doppelgänger dead. But how could Hiccup ever trust that the right one is killed? How could he ever trust anyone ever again?
Oh, this would massively destroy everyone. What a thought!
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blobbei-art · 2 years
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Dear Doppelgänger…
A human Kasifer from a normal modern world gets visited by a magical stranger who looks identical to him and asks to take his place for a while.
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neskastree · 2 years
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This is Doppelgänger!Mari from Pyroanime2k16 and my Elbneif!Mari! Yay! He requested this commission - usually I don't post them, but this one includes a Mari from my AU, sooo...
Check his Archive out! Or his Blog c:
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—It has many names due to the legends that the inhabitants create, but I know it as Doppelganger, it is the last thing you will see before you lose your life. . .That is why you should not approach it.
—But Balan, why does something so dangerous exist here?. . .
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