#Dorset Birds
calochortus · 7 months
Check-In by Will Atkins Via Flickr: Hundreds of Swallows (Hirundo rustica) lining up at the Durlston lighthouse before taking off for warmer climes.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 4 months
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Necks, please
A colony of mute swans at the Abbotsbury Swannery in Dorset. There are around 600 birds at the swannery, which was established by Benedictine monks.
Photograph: Stephen Smith
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dansnaturepictures · 5 months
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Four of my favourite photos I took in April 2024 and month summary
The photos are of; an Osprey at Lossiemouth in Moray, Speckled Wood on dandelions by Lakeside Country Park in Hampshire, early spider orchid at Durlston in Dorset and view at Laggan Dam.
April was another momentous and splendid wild month for me with so much seen and many amazing places visited. My birdwatching year continued to go from strength to strength with some smashing spring species seen and my year list kept pace with where my others had been at this stage in a year being second only to the number I was on last year my highest ever year list. Spring delights Swallow, House Martin, Wheatear, Whitethroat, glorious Sedge Warbler, Redstart, thrilling views of Guillemot and Fulmar, Little Tern and Common Tern were key species added to my year list this month alongside blockbuster names Osprey and rare Marsh Sandpiper. Avocet, Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Sand Martin, Goldcrest, Blackcap seen and heard and my first Cuckoos heard this year were other highlights. Following the Lakeside Great Crested Grebes with their four growing chicks and a pair still courting and the new Winchester Peregrine pair was special again this month, as was seeing Greylag goslings and adorable Moorhen chicks at Lakeside. The month ended and the new one began whilst away on the incredible adventure that has been our Scotland holiday; it has been pure, tranquil, joyful and nourishing being out in wilderness areas surrounded and embraced by sensational wildlife both at the amazing cottage we’re staying in and the many fantastic places visited. By the end of April we had already seen many of the standout species of the trip including resplendent summer plumage Black-throated Diver and Red-throated Diver, majestic White-tailed Eagle, exuberant Willow Warblers a very welcome constant, Pink-footed Geese, Red Grouse, Red-legged Partridge, loads of Common Sandpipers, Little Ringed Plover, Knot, Hooded Crow, Kittiwake, amazing views of many Ospreys, Razorbill, Puffin, Common Scoter, Goosander, Goldeneye, Long-tailed Duck, Teal, Wheater, Sand Martin, Yellowhammer, Crossbill, Brambling, White Wagtail, Tree Sparrow, Raven, Skylark, Buzzard, Common Gull, Curlew, Lapwing and Oystercatcher.
It was a massive butterfly month for me too as the peak season moved through the early gears enjoying magical views of Red Admiral, Peacock, Brimstone, Speckled Wood, Small Tortoiseshell, Small White, Orange Tip, Green-veined White, Holly Blue and Wall Brown with many making the most of the wealth of dandelions out the front and at Lakeside. My moth year got going too with White-shouldered House moth at home and bright Brimstone moth at Durlston.
It was a marvellous month of mammals with Hedgehog at home, more Roe Deers in a strong year I’m having for them, Sika Deers on the way to Durlston and Grey Squirrels enjoyed. A massive part of the Scotland trip was exhilarating encounters with mammals, getting some of my best ever views of certain species; inside April this included stunning intimate views of Hares and Roe Deers around the cottage, an amazing moment as a Stoat ran through the garden, a dream encounter watching Bottlenose Dolphins at Spey Bay and Mountain Goats. Bees, spiders, Black and Yellow Cellar slugs and pill woodlouse were other highlights this moth. 
Flowers gripped my month of course too as the season really matured with cuckooflower, garlic mustard, wild garlic, early purple orchid, my first ever known sighting of green-winged orchid, early spider orchid, cowslips, bluebells, greater stitchwort, marsh marigold, wood anemone, milkwort, buttercups, lesser celandine, wood anemone, cuckoo-pint, red deadnettle, white deadnettle, yellow archangel, forget-me-not, green alkanet, speedwell and herb-Robert starring alongside the breathtaking dandelion scenes. Vetch, sea and red campion, thrift, hogweed and oxeye daisy (some more than others and largely down to personal perspective) were examples of the cycle of the floral year being slightly ahead again. In Scotland it was interesting to observe spring being slightly behind compared to home with daffodils and primroses still around in numbers among others. It was nice to enjoy the sight of fungi here and there in April including hoof fungus in Scotland.
I enjoyed two great social occasions this month, the Hampshire Ornithological Society’s Member’s Day and a talk from Megan McCubbin based around her book which I thoroughly enjoyed reading earlier in the year. Both were inspirational and eye-opening times where it was great to meet like-minded people something watching the Great Crested Grebes has allowed a lot too. Finally I enjoyed being out and looking out so much in April taking in my surroundings and taking in some wonderful vistas and epic sky scenes. Immersed in the splendour of the vast, open, rugged, mountainous and varied landscape in Scotland also including wetland, coast and forest we enjoyed some incredible and breathtaking views.
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richs-pics · 6 days
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Lone herring gull and cliffs, West Bay
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beebees-photography · 4 months
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Trip to see the Swans, Cignets, and Geese at Abbotsbury Swannery. Amazing place, beautiful. I definitely recommend a visit.
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saintsenara · 6 months
you said “the eleven-year-old riddle, for example, is written in a way which suggests he has an accent and uses words and expression which would be understood as working class”. Can you elaborate on what you mean? I love your meta btw. You are brilliant
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thank you for two tmr-related follow-up questions to the slughorn/snape bonanza meta, anons!
[and thank you for calling me "brilliant", anon no. 1. picture me kicking my little feet in the air and chirping like a cat which has just seen a bird outside.]
how is the eleven-year-old riddle shown to be common as muck?
besides the fact he lives in an orphanage.
it's things like this:
“You can’t kid me! The asylum, that’s where you’re from, isn’t it? ‘Professor,’ yes, of course — well, I’m not going, see? That old cat’s the one who should be in the asylum. I never did anything to little Amy Benson or Dennis Bishop, and you can ask them, they’ll tell you!”
while none of this is in a demonstrably non-standard dialect of british english [i.e. riddle doesn't use contractions like "ain't" or "innit", or say "i never did nothing to little amy benson..."] it's definitely a way of phrasing his speech - especially when coupled with the fact that this quote reads like he's speaking really quickly, and he's described as looking "furious" - which would be considered uncouth, especially in the 1930s. [not big fans of emotional volatility, the posh].
his refusal to speak deferentially to dumbledore - and the fact that when he's eventually induced to call him sir he is described as being "unrecognisably polite" - is a similar indication that he doesn't exist as a child in the sort of context where he's forced to perform more refined manners in order to get what he wants.
[the sixteen-year-old riddle is considerably more obsequious, because he recognises that the way to get things out of e.g. slughorn is to comport himself like his upper-class peers.]
and he also - which is iconic of him - calls mrs cole a bitch here. "cat" is a slang term for a gossipy or meddling woman - and while it doesn't quite have the full heft of "bitch" [you find it used with impunity by middle-class women in pretty much every piece of literature written pre-1950...], it's incredibly rude for a child to say it to a stranger who he assumes is a doctor.
riddle does also use non-standard english - for example, when he says of dumbledore's wand:
“Where can I get one of them?”
[the correct form would be "one of those".]
it's this which really hammers home - beyond the ways in which it can be inferred from the context of the setting and the scansion of his [and mrs cole's, they speak fairly similarly] speech - that he has a london accent which would be understood, especially when combined with his second-hand possessions and his general rowdiness, as working-class by the sort of people who otherwise seem to end up in slytherin.
exactly what accent this would be depends on where we think the orphanage is. the closest we come to locating it in canon is that riddle buys [or, let's be real, steals] his diary from a shop on "vauxhall road". this isn't a real place, but vauxhall is an area of south london.
but most people - including me - usually place it in east london [i like, as i've said elsewhere, to put it on dorset street in spitalfields, which is the site of one of jack the ripper's most brutal murders]. this would have him born within the sound of bow bells, meaning he'd have every right to call himself a cockney and would undoubtedly speak with a cockney accent.
the south london and east london accents are recognisably distinct from one another [and from north and west london accents], but they would both be understood as common in the time period, when both anyone born into an upper-class or upper-middle-class background and anyone who aspired to be thought of as having done so would speak with [something as close as they could to] received pronunciation.
why do i think slughorn remains chill until after riddle refuses his job offers?
riddle's conversation with slughorn about horcruxes happens at some point in his sixth year - the academic year 1943-1944. we know this because he's a prefect - but not yet head boy, because he's killed his father [his second victim - the riddles are killed in the summer of 1943, after myrtle is killed at the end of the 1942-1943 school year], and because it just makes sense from a narrative standpoint for this pivotal moment in his life to take place at the same time harry's own life is transforming.
my presumption is that the chat happens during the first term, and that riddle doesn't actually create the diary horcrux until afterwards - so let's say the conversation happens c. november 1943 [when riddle would still be sixteen - the age the diary tells us he is]. slughorn then spends a full eighteen months continuing to support and favour him - advocating for him to be head boy, attempting to set him up in prestigious jobs, presumably being willing to support his application to teach defence against the dark arts - after he's aware that he's not opposed to a bit of splitting the soul.
i don't imagine for a second slughorn would ever have turned him in - he is, after all, fundamentally a coward, and he's clearly worried that he'd get in trouble himself for discussing horcruxes with a pupil - but if he were properly troubled by the discussion i think his behaviour would resemble how he treats harry while he's trying to collect the memory: unfailingly polite and unflappably jolly, but still mysteriously unable to be cornered alone.
and - actually - i think this is the specific source of slughorn's shame over the incident, and it's why i really don't like the memory acquisition scene - "you have no idea how frightening he was" - in the half-blood prince film. slughorn is clearly rattled by the conversation, but he then seems to manage to convince himself that everything's fine and riddle was just being a teen show-off with a morbid streak.
[and the adult voldemort - for his part - evidently has no suspicion at all that slughorn took the conversation seriously enough to waver in his cowardice and admit what he'd told him.]
but riddle refusing to accept his help in securing a job - and, therefore, refusing to enter into the sort of patron-client relationship slughorn canonically establishes with pupils from non-elite backgrounds - is riddle indicating that he refuses to be restrained by the norms of wizarding society.
it's a big "fuck you" to slughorn from the perspective of social convention notwithstanding the other context - a presumed-to-be-muggleborn orphan asserting that he can make it in the world on his own terms without tugging his forelock to the pureblood elite - but it's also evidence that he has no intention of finding himself in a situation where slughorn can control him personally.
it means that slughorn finds himself in a position in which he can't dangle the threat of reporting him to the aurors for [conspiracy to commit] murder/taking an interest in dark magic we can presume is illegal unless riddle does something he wants. and it makes it impossible for slughorn to continue convincing himself their conversation was purely macabre curiosity.
slughorn can convince himself that the eighteen-year-old riddle - the polite and brilliant head boy who undoubtedly continued to attend slug club meetings without incident in the period 1943-1945 [since him being barred from such occasions would have tipped him off that slughorn was worried] - can still be treated in a way which has served him well since he started teaching, and can have his... odder aspects constrained by the pressure of wizarding social convention.
the twenty-year-old riddle - on his own in his knockturn alley shop, with its dark reputation, and apparently uninterested in settling down nicely under the thumb of a respectable patron - cannot be.
and slughorn is terrified of this - and the repercussions it has the potential to bring upon him - but he's also going to be offended by it -and i think it's really interesting to skewer his canonical dislike of being associated with death eaters a little by playing with that offence: i.e. that he's not only unimpressed because lucius malfoy's in azkaban, but because of the whole bending-and-scraping-and-saying-my-lord act.
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mental7anguish · 10 months
I would like to know mroe about that beaststars tadc au please
The basic set up is that they all go to college in varying years
1st year — Jax, zooble
2nd year — gangle, pomni, bubble
3rd year — ragatha
It’s kind of zooble and pomni centric at first with zooble sharing a dorm with her after pomnis last roommate went missing (they were a herbivore). They’re also forced to be around each other almost all schoolday because of zooble being a hybrid and other factors making the school force them to have a 'guardian' (they’re trying to seem progressive and don’t want to get any bad rep), so basically forcing pomni to be a caretaker for a person who doesn’t want or need one.
They are not happy and cannot stand each other at first
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The cast meet each other by having all joined a new circus club by Caine, that outside of customes has almost nothing to do with circuses lol, it’s more of an theater club but clowns. Like in the show he comes up with acts and/or adventures for them to do, where his intentions are to teach teamwork or whatever excuse he came up with to create it. The crew mostly joined because they get free stuff from it.
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The story is undercooked still, because at first I loved the worldbuilding in beastars and just thought the craziness of it was fitting for tadc. I do have characteristics and dynamics in my head, like pomni having trouble with taking control of her carnivorous instincts while ragatha doesn’t have any herbivorous instincts at all, or Jax and zooble being frenemies who somehow almost always find each other in the same place and have matching pendants (zooble around their neck and Jax on his ear)
Kinger is probably a teacher, I’d imagine that he would teach something related to bugs. I also have some ideas for the abstracted, but you’ll just have to wait to find out if I flesh it out bc I think this is long enough already haha. This au will definitely include some beastars craziness, don’t worry.
Lastly I’m just gonna make a list of the character species:
–pomni: cat, long–haired Scottish fold, but shaves fur short
–Jax: European hare + Flemish giant rabbit hybrid, the latter of which is mostly just the height
–Ragatha: Dorset horn sheep
–Gangle: Malay weasel
–Zooble: Hybrid, dog + bird + deer (don’t rlly have any specific species)
–Kinger: lion
– Kaufmo: also a cat
–bubble: Thresher shark (Ik in context this doesn’t make sense, but it’s my au so I’m gonna have fun with it)
– Caine: genuinely have no idea, I need suggestions please
So yea, I hope this gives more insight! This au also dips a little into ships, which hopefully people won’t mind.
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Totemic Composition with Walrus and Birds, c. 1970
stone and antler
First Arts
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Beautiful birds and mythologicalcreatures by Eliyakota Samualie (1939-1987, Cape Dorset)
“A Canadian Inuit graphic artist and sculptor, Eliyakota Samualie was born in a coastal camp near Cape Dorset, Northwest Territories. Since her father died when she was very young, Eliyakota was raised for many years by her maternal grandparents. She moved into Cape Dorset in the early 1960s to live with her mother. Though Eliyakota never married, she raised one adopted child until her death in 1987.
Eliyakota began drawing in the early 1960s while still living on the land. Her drawings were first translated into prints for the 1970 annual Cape Dorset collection. Eliyakota’s imagery consisted mainly of bird forms, occasionally combined with human, spirit, or flesh elements. Her drawings and the resulting print images are notable for their precision, stylization, and symmetry. Line and composition are tightly controlled; Eliyakota’s birds are not merely depicted, they are displayed.”
Taken from: “North American Women Artists of the Twentieth Century: A Biographical Dictionary” 1995. By Ingo Hessel
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mchlgayser · 2 years
𝐀 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 ft jude bellingham
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: You and Jude went on an un-plan date that turns out very well
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff / ✮
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: none
 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: I decided to change my style(?) like different from the previous one and I think I like this one better. But that aside, I hope you enjoy this one, a little inspo from my cutest friend @habuonlylikesu 🤞🏼🤞🏼 she helps me a lot!! This is her idea based on her dream, thx again babes MWAHH <3
(( my navigations ))
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'You want a drink?' Jude asked, and stopped the car by the gas station. You raised your head from the book and look at him 'Yeah sure, please get me a coffee!' It's been two hours now. Both you and Jude are on a road trip to Dorset.
It was your idea to visit Dorset after a long time because you wanted to fetch by the Lyme Regis Museum. Jude obviously could not say no to you, after all, it is indeed been a long time since you both go on a date.
You watch him walking inside through the mirror and went back to reading. Moments later, he gets inside and handed you a bag of snacks.
The ride wasn't entirely silent, there was a time when you'd put your book and strike up a conversation with him to keep him out of boredom, and there's a time when you shuffle songs from your playlist and sing along to them with the windows rolled down as the wind light brush against your skin.
Another hour passed, and you are almost at Dorset. You get your phone from the inside of your bag to call your friend who's a worker there 'Hello?' You heard a shuffle from the background 'Hey! I was wondering if you are at work now. Jude and I are going there today, you know because it's been a while...' You heard more shuffling before she finally answers 'Oh my God! I'm so sorry, I thought you were coming tomorrow! I forgot to tell you the museum is temporarily closed for today, they're moving stuff in and out. Gosh, I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you! Are you on your way?' You forcefully chuckle and your eyes move to Jude's 'Nah, it's okay we can find somewhere else to go...' She apologized once more and then hung up
'So...' Jude sighed, hands caressing the steel, and looks around 'Well I guess we can always go somewhere... Okay, I know where to go!' The time is almost 15:00 when you caught up with your destination.
The place wasn't crowded, in fact, only a few couples were there enjoying sites and planning routes. Since it was a weekday, there are not many people. Jude stopped the car after over ten minutes looking for a place to park the mobile and sough in contempt 'I hope you are fine with the beach?'
You were now at Durdle Door, a nice spot for you, a beach and clear blue water lover. Jude brings a mat that you didn't know he had and place it inside the basket.
'We can get through the stairs and went down to see up close!' He suggested, taking your hands in his and walking.
It was a nice, warm, and long walk. You two talk on your way there and just have your best time of the day, it was rather a surprisingly nice date even though it was un-plan.
You two went just near the seaside and far away from the public before he laid out the mat and sat down 'Come! Sit here and enjoy the breeze!' You take off your sandals and sat beside him, knees over your chest.
No utterance was spoken, just the sound of waves crashing and hitting rocks, the blue clear water matching with the sky, the sun peeping from behind the cloud, and the faint sounds of birds squawking.
You two sat there and just enjoyed each other actuality. After some time, you two found yourself cuddling to each other, you in front of him with your knees still to your chest and he had his arms all wrapped around you, occasionally leaving chaste kisses down your neck, to your cheeks, temple and the corner of your lip.
You checked your phone seeing that it passed seventeen, thirty, and the sun was about to set creating a dimmed light of orange hue and a tint of yellowish shade. The sky was painted with birds flying around in groups, the neverending comforting sound of the waves gushing hardly.
'I love this fragrance on you, is this the one I gifted you?' He asked in a whisper, you hummed, and gently placed your head over on his shoulder. His arms are securely around you, never letting go and sometimes he brushes his hand underneath your top caressing your side giving your body a delicate shudder.
The sun set entirely, the night sky embracing you with her warmth, Jude finally let go looking over at you with a lazy smile grazing his lip 'Should we leave? It's freezing.' You nod and get up to clean the place and left the place, hands in hands. The moon witnessed the scene and left with envy.
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red-flower-red · 2 years
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1/ Bird in flight, artist unknown, Hebron, before 1912, ivory
2/ Ptarmigans, Joanassie, Cape Dorset, 1960, black stone
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Chapter 38
30th August 1997
"700? You must be joking!", Camilla exclaimed, looking at her sister in absolute disbelief, but Annabel beamingly confirmed: "700, Milla. 200 more than planned." "And… have they all paid yet?", Camilla asked, still not convinced and anxiously. There surely had to be a catch somewhere. They had really put their heart and soul into the planning of this event, "an evening of enchantment, fascination and the unexpected", as it said in the official invitation, tickets purchasable for 100£ each. A follow-up to last year's soiree, a huge fundraising event for the NOS, set to take place at Talisman Antiques, Annabel’s business in Dorset that was housed in a former brewery, on Saturday, 13th of September. The acts were booked, the ticket money was in, donations had flowed in, the cheques had been banked, the catering organised, and as the excitement of the day grew nearer there was mounting speculation in the press that the Prince of Wales would attend. And he would, along with both his sons, as well as Thea, Tom and Laura - it'd be their big day, the first, official, public appearance as a modern, loving, blended family. It’d be their next and hopefully final step into public acceptance, smoothing the way for another big event that might be happening in the year to come… There was pressure on the Church of England to allow second marriages, especially after Princess Anne had got married for the second time to Sir Timothy Laurence in the Church of Scotland five years ago - certainly nothing that was possible for the future Head of the Church of England - but things had to be renews, and both Charles and Camilla were well aware that it all was under hot discussion so, if they were lucky, there’d be an opportunity for them to be husband and wife, rightfully, legitimate and even with the blessing of the Church of England, in the not too distant future. “They have, sweetie, so it’s all settled!”, Annabel declared solemnly, reaching for a bottle of champagne out of the ice bucket on the table, popping it giggling.” Cheers to you both and finally some brighter days ahead for all of you!”, she added, looking at her sister full of pride and joy. God knew what a long and painful way she and Charles had come and it was the most heartwarming thing ever to see them both and little Thea finally heading into the right direction of a happy future together. Nobody could possibly deserve it more.
“Alright, Bells, thanks for coming, and… for everything.”, Camilla candidly said to her sister, as she kissed Annabel goodbye at 10 pm. She took a taxi back to Stourpaine as she wanted to spend the last Sunday of the summer break with her husband and children at home, while Camilla was quite enjoying the few days on her own while Thea was joining her father and brothers in Scotland. Their relationship had improved so much over the past few months, it had been an absolute delight and of course she had agreed when Charles had asked to invite her to stay with them at Birkhall for a couple of days before school started again. William had been a sweetheart and very welcoming towards his little right from the start, the two of them had been exchanging letters and met a few times since their first encounter before New Year’s Eve one-and-a-half years ago, and even Harry seemed to slowly but surely have come to terms with it all and had been more friendly and open-minded towards both of them recently; at the beginning of the summer break, they had all spent a day together at Highgrove, walking around the gardens and estate, watching squirrels and birds, playing games and having a nice little afternoon tea picnic on the wildflower meadow. It had been wonderful and it all felt just right now, she couldn’t wait for their very special night to come only two short weeks from now… Naturally excited, but also blissful, grateful and full of sweet anticipation, Camilla fell into a deep and peaceful sleep at around midnight, right when the 31st August 1997 was creeping up…
The ringing phone rudely shook her out of sleep at 5 am and while she was tumbling through the house to answer the call which could only come from one person, she was already preparing herself for some heartbreaking news… Had something happened to the Queen Mother or Princess Margaret? Or maybe the Duke of Edinburgh? “Please don't let it be the Queen…”, she prayed as she finally reached the telephone down in the entrance hall, anxiously answering the call with a trembling but loving: “Darling?” Silence. She could not say whether it was one minute or several, or maybe only just a few moments that she only heard his uneasy breath and a quiet sobbing at the other end of the line and she became more frightened by the second. “Darling, what’s wrong?”, she tried again, almost in panic. Goodness, there hadn’t something happened to Thea in the end…? “She’s dead.”, he finally managed to say with a trembling voice, and Camilla’s heart clenched. “Who, Darling?”, she wanted to know, tumbling over to the living room in order to switch on the television. Whatever had happened, it would surely be on the news already. And while she was trying to find the remote control, her Prince sobbed heartbreakingly, before he finally announced: “Diana.” Camilla almost burst into laughter. This had to be a joke. Just yesterday afternoon they had been giggling about the pictures of her latest “summer romance” with Dodi Al-Fayed on a yacht somewhere - she couldn’t be dead. Married in Las Vegas perhaps, or pregnant with twins - but not dead. “There.. There was a car accident.”, Charles went on and, indeed, the BBC were bringing an exclusive, showing the most awful scenes of a completely damaged Mercedes that had obviously crashed against the walls of the Pont de l'Alma tunnel in Paris. “Oh my God…”, Camilla exclaimed in shock, letting herself sink down on the sofa. How the hell could that have come about? What on earth had she been doing in Paris?
“Darling, I… I don’t know what to do!”, Charles sobbed so heartbreakingly and desperately that it made her cry as well. “My sons… they’re orphans now!” He almost sounded like an injured animal and it took everything in her not to burst into tears as well. No, she had to be strong for him now. “Darling, listen. Your sons are no orphans. What happened is just terrible… but William and Harry are no orphans. They still have you. And you love them so much and will be the most amazing dad for them. You’ve already been ever since. You three will get through this together…”, she promised him though she herself had nothing but question marks on her mind right then. She hadn’t grasped the whole situation completely but she knew it would change everything for them. But that didn’t matter at the moment. “Darling… What shall I do? Shall I wake them up and tell them now? Shall I let them sleep?” He was obviously completely helpless and Camilla wanted nothing more than to pull him in her arms and hold him tightly. "Let them sleep, darling.", she suggested. "Let them have a few more hours of peaceful rest before…" …before their world will be shattered into pieces and their childhood would be over from one second to the other, she thought, but didn't dare say. Oh God, these poor boys. "You know, I… I might go to Paris and…bring her home.", he went on and Camilla agreed: "Yes darling, of course you might. That sounds like a good plan." "I will depart before lunchtime, Sarah and Jane will join me. My mother thinks I shouldn't go. But isn't that the least I can do to… honour the mother of my sons?", he sounded so desperate, it almost broke her heart. "I think that's a very kind and dignified idea." She really did think so. Of course, Diana hadn't quite made things easy for them and she had been especially angry after her interview, but never had she ever wished her dead for one second. She was still a mother to her young boys als this tragedy was just absolutely horrible for everyone involved.
"They're going to blame me!", Charles suddenly sobbed and Camilla felt a stab in her heart. She hadn't even thought about that yet. "Oh Darling, don't be silly. Nobody will blame you. Of course what happened is terrible but clearly not your fault. You didn't force her to go on that trip, did you?" "I didn't. But, you know, if… if we were still married she hadn't been there." "Darling, please. You're talking nonsense. I think you'd better try to rest a bit yourself, before you tell the boys, how about that?" "Y-yes, you're probably right…", he said. "But… darling… when I go to Paris… Can you please come and pick up Thea? I don't want her to be… you know… here with the others when I'm away, especially in this situation…" "Yes, of course, my darling!", she replied. "But you know how long it'll take me. 9 hours by car…" "Ah, no, darling, don't go by car. I'll let someone arrange for you to fly, privately of course. I know you hate it, but… Special circumstances, you know…" "Sure, darling. I'll be there. Always. I love you and I'm with you in this.", she promised lovingly before hanging up the phone, bursting into tears.
*Side Notes:
The planned evening at Annabel's business is real, every detail mentioned happened as described. There were indeed rumours about The Prince of Wales attending, as well as the young Princes. Tragically, following a certain event on 31st August, the whole thing had to be cancelled last minute. You can read it all in the Penny Junor biography from 2017: "Linda Edwards had telephoned Camilla the moment she heard about the accident to say they ought not to go ahead. She found her patron in a state of shock – desperately worried for the Prince and his two sons – and Camilla agreed: the evening couldn’t just be postponed, out of respect to the Princess it had to be cancelled. Camilla’s concern was that the charity wouldn’t get its money. But although they offered refunds to all 700 people who had bought tickets, very few asked for their money back and many more sent in additional donations. They raised £80,000 in all, but there was no party."
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Awww her nickname for him is Birdie? Where did that come from? Also spicy Sunday request: a continuation of asking him to not be a gentleman on the sofa a week before their wedding! 😍🔥
Her nickname for him is Birdie and it came about very simply: Birds Fly and so does Anthony.
They were laying on the lawn one day, stealing a moment when Kate was supposed to be having lunch, with Anthony's walker nearby and the sun shining down on them. Laying side by side, their fingers intertwined.
"What's it like up there?"
Anthony sighed beside her, nestling a little closer "It's nice, when no one's trying to shoot you out of it of course."
There was an uncomfortable swoop in her stomach at the thought of Anthony in danger, at the way they'd found him. Close to death and completely alone and she squeezed his hand a little tighter. "I always wondered what it was like. My Dad was a pilot but he..." She swallowed down the lump in her throat, "... He went back into the service when war broke out."
Anthony nodded, understanding what she was saying without having to say it, his arm wrapping comfortingly around her. "It feels like... Freedom, honestly. It's peaceful up there, quiet, and you can see the entire world laid out before you. Nothing but you and the birds. I'll teach you one day, if you like."
Her heart fluttered in her chest, "And how will you do that, lieutenant?"
Anthony scoffed, "One day, I'm going to get out of this little hospital, and I will have many more options to entertain you with, Nurse Sharma. I'll commandeer a plane, take you flying and show you how impressive I am, so you had best hold onto that little apron when I do."
Kate could hardly breathe at the thought of it, the promise in his voice that sounded like so much more than that. "I'll believe it when I see it, Birdie."
"Excuse me," Anthony nudged her, his ears bright red, "Did you not see me touch my toes this morning? I'm very impressive, I'm not sure how you managed not to swoon."
"I barely held on."
"I'd like to see Captain Dorset do that." Anthony dropped his voice into a poor imitation of Dorset's southern drawl. "Oh dear me, Miss Sharma, I could never even dream of being as impressive as flight lieutenant Bridgerton. What a superior aviator and man. Did you see his toe touch just now? Inspired!"
"You're ridiculous." Kate couldn't help herself from giggling anyway, "And He doesn't sound like that."
"Oh, that is exactly what he sounds like!" Anthony scoffed, "And you know it. Are you going to dance with him tonight?"
Kate shook her head, holding his hand tightly, "I don't think I'm going to go tonight. Edwina's desperate to dance with that... Bombardier... 1st Lieutenant Bagwell but... I don't think I'll go."
Anthony chuckled, "Oh your sister likes the Goose? Bless her. Do you want to know a secret about him?"
Kate narrowed her eyes, "Do I?"
"Oh it's very sweet." Anthony smiled lazily, "Little Goose is saving himself for his wife, he's never known a woman's touch."
"We shouldn't be talking about this." Kate said briskly, "And that's... very sweet."
"It is." Anthony agreed, "He's a good man, he'd be good for your sister. He wants to move here with his Mum after the war's finished."
"I'll have to tell Edwina." Kate sat up, suddenly very aware of how close they were lying, the heat of his body against hers and his open shirt collar under his braces. "Now, impress me again please, Birdie, touch your toes please."
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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29/09/23-Brownsea Island
Wildlife photos taken today in this set are of: 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8. Enchanting and charismatic Red Squirrels, it was an honour to watch these beauties running around including very close to us, feeding and caching nuts; seeing a huge amount perhaps the most we've ever seen on a day with six in view at once in the woods at one point which is extraordinary. This is always an immersive, uplifting and thrilling experiences seeing these extraordinary mammals and it was so pleasurable to get to do it a second September running and indeed go to Brownsea twice in a year seeing a squirrel briefly on that previous visit in May. And I really wanted to come here in our September week off as getting photos of Red Squirrels today means I've both seen and photographed Red Squirrels in England, Scotland and Wales this year an ambition I had in this unique year of visiting both Scotland and Wales for me. It felt amazing to do this and it's a real staple of the extraordinary year I've had being lucky to see this mammal in different corners of the country. 3. One of loads of Greenshanks seen on Brownsea lagoon also perhaps the most we'd ever seen at once with Teal a bird we enjoyed in great numbers and Moorhen behind, it was a joy to watch seas of these pristine waders. 4. A rosy Shelduck in the sun, it was good to see a few close by at the Avocet hide more great time spent with this bird I love this week and here this year. 5. Avocets and Black-tailed Godwit, the former a highlight again here. 9. Spoonbills another big highlight today, fine birds with Grey Heron. 10. A Pheasant we got close to at the area behind the church where we were watching the squirrels. 11. A bright Speckled Wood it was nice to see.
It was also fantastic to see well a majestic Osprey gliding over near the lagoon as we looked over Poole Harbour from high up in the nature reserve, yet another sighting this autumn and this year bringing me to a pleasing and unprecedented for me tenth occasion seeing one this year of this bird I adore. Other highlights today were top Raven views whilst watching the Osprey, Jay, Long-tailed Tit, Coal Tit, a fair few Red Admiral on the island and on the way over possibly migrating, Peacock (the butterfly and bird also around the back of the church as they often are, the first time I'd seen both in a day), Common Darter, Migrant Hawker, hoverfly, ant, Oystercatcher, Curlew and Dunlin seen together well, Turnstone, Cormorant, Great Black-backed Gull, Black-headed Gull and intimate juvenile Herring Gulls at Poole Quay before boarding the boat. Nice plants seen were St. John's-wort, dock, Michaelmas daisies and beautiful bell heather that looked a great colour. I enjoyed seeing spiders at home this evening and Goldfinches with possibly a Greenfinch, Collared Dove and Starling before going out at home today.
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###: HLMCOctober - 1
link to the masterpost
Introduce yourself and your MC
My humble self has been around in the fandom since February and was admiring everything from a distance. Thought, won't be here for long, you see. That until Aesop Sharp happened to my fairly serene life, and I've decided to try and yank myself out of the native language comfort zone to write something anything about him -- and subsequently, the MC of mine, Julia Wright.
I had an intro post about her, can be found here. Her inspo sheet:
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Her pinterest board:
A couple of gorgeous screencaps made by the gracious @phinik:
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Essentials only for trivia, because I have quite an extensive hc posts listed here (although, please forgive me: older posts may have outdated info):
Julia is of dutch/faroese descent;
Ravenclaw, through and through;
Her scar looks menacing and pain it may cause is as horrid;
Half-blood but-- let's just say she didn't know until Aesop happened to her life;
She is natural to Charms and Transfiguration magic due to her ancient magic, wyrdish abilities, and she spend a great deal of hours on potion-making (she went a long way from being mildly curious and enamoured with the discipline to it becoming her livelihood; spoiler alert, Aesop was a help but not the cause);
Her mood swings may be harsh and have many explanations to them (physical pain, mental fatigue, underlying stresses, etc) but all you need to know: she can be sullen, she can be hysterical, yet she always remains a goof, especially around friends;
She likes sparkly and glossy things, her assigned House bird is a magpie;
Julia is a cosy lesbian but will kick arses if necessary;
No bullying on her watch and no house elf slavery either (you can already imagine: her life isn't easy);
In her later, aftergrad years, she'll move to Wales to live alongside her throuple besties, Poppy and Imelda;
what else can I say: her foster-family lives in Devonshire and Dorset, her extended blood-family is spread across northern Europe and has-- spolier alert, long-standing family business;
Julia collects last names like they're pokemons. ^ ^
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master-john-uk · 7 months
For a change... this is a generally sensible and acceptable regulation which bans hedge cutting between February and September, in order to protect nesting birds and other wildlife habitats.
At my Dorset farm, most of the hedge cutting work is done in February, when little field work can be done... and October, after the harvest.
However, for road safety reasons some hedgerows may have to be trimmed during the summer months.
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