#Dot and Larry cartoon therapy
loganslowdown4 · 1 year
He said he’s very thankful for the birthday wishes today and he ain’t lion 😂🦁
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Also does this mean Larry and Dot will be in Part 3? 👀 Time will tell but I’m hoping yes! 💖
Also ALSO it’s Larry and Dot’s Appearance day too! 🎂 Happy birthday to them!
And the lion is LION 🥺🦁
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ts-replicated-au · 1 year
I'm sorry Kai, that sounds rough. If you're the only one managing the socials, what does everyone else do in the organization?
Well, since we're a small group we kind of all do a bit of everything, but Larry is the one who officially founded the nonprofit, so he gets to be the boss on like, paper. He and Dot are married and handle the more business-y side of things, and Dot in particular is a wizard organizer, so she keeps all the admin stuff sorted out.
Then there's Dr. Picani, who's sort of the co-founder? He and Larry got the idea to start the organization together, and he's the one who knows the most about the science and psychology of clones, which is a big help. He's our biggest asset in terms of educating the public about why clones deserve human rights, besides, you know, basic fucking decency.
Then you've got me and Elliott. I handle the social media and digital side of things, and Elliott is our secret weapon when it comes to scheduling demonstrations and stuff. They've got a...source, let's say, and are able to let us know when and where the most effective protest opportunities present themselves.
But again, we all kinda end up with all our fingers in all the pies. We have a few supporters, but we're the only five who are on this full time. Actually, none of us are on this FULL full time, we all have other jobs to keep our bills paid, except Elliott who's a full time student, and Dot and Larry don't actually get any paycheck like Emile, Elliott and I do.
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Thomas and the Chocolate Factory - Chapter 8
A Sanders Sides / Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Fanfiction
Summary: Remus Duke is the greatest chocolatier of all time, and after living the past few years a recluse, he decides to finally open his factory once again. And it's young orphan Thomas Sanders' dream to win a ticket and get to go! Will he win a ticket? And if he does, will he make it out alive?
The next morning at the orphanage was a blur. Thomas was desperate to get to the factory as quickly as possible, not wanting to risk being late. As soon as his alarm went off in the morning, he ran to the shower. Once he was done, he got dressed as quickly as possible, brushing his teeth at the same time.. He made sure to grab his ticket and put it in his pocket, so he wouldn’t forget it later. Then, he went downstairs, pulling on his shoes as he hopped down to the floor where Dot and Larry’s room was.
Knocked wasn’t the right word. He slammed on the door to Dot and Larry’s room. “It’s Thomas! I’m ready to go!”
The door opened, revealing Larry, pulling on a sweater vest, clearly having just finished getting dressed. “Bit early, isn’t it, kiddo? It’s quarter to nine, the tour isn’t until ten. No need to rush.”
“I know, but I’m really excited and want to get there early! Plus I told a friend I’d meet him there at nine…”
“Okay, okay, let me just finish gathering everything and we can get going. It might be a good idea to get there before a big crowd builds up anyway.” Larry stepped back into the bedroom, picking up his keys, wallet and phone, slipping them into his pocket. He pulled on his coat, stepping over to the bed. He leaned over Dot, kissing her head softly. “See you later, love.”
Dot smiled sleepily up at him, before kissing him back. “Bye, dear. You and Thomas have a good day, alright?”
“Will do,” Larry smiled back, before waving as he walked out the door. He looked down at Thomas. “All ready?”
“Mhm!” Thomas nodded.
“Then let's get going.”
The two headed downstairs, leaving the orphanage and beginning the walk to the Duke chocolate factory. With how close they were, there wasn’t any point in driving. The two talked as they went, most of the conversation being Thomas rambling excitedly about what he thought they’d see in the factory and what Remus Duke would be like. The whole walk, Thomas kept his hand in his pocket, holding tightly onto the ticket so he could be sure it wouldn’t fall out.
It didn’t take long for them to arrive. There were a few people milling around the factory, a couple of news crews setting up, but it was still too early for it to be very busy yet. None of the other ticket winners seemed to be there yet. However, someone else was…
“Nico!” Thomas broke into a run as soon as he saw his friend, waving to him.
“Hey, Thomas!” Nico smiled. “Did you hear the news yesterday about the last ticket being a fake? I got so mad when I found out! To think I’d given up when it was still out there…”
“Actually, about that, I have some awesome news!” Thomas pulled his ticket out of his pocket. “Look what I got!”
Nico’s jaw dropped. “... No. Way.”
“I found it last night! I found some money in the street, and I used it to get some chocolate, and the ticket was inside! So, uh, sorry our plans to hang out today have been ruined…”
Nico let out a laugh. “Thomas, you’re getting to go inside Duke’s factory! I don’t mind if we can’t hang out today, this is so much better! Heck, we’re definitely hanging out tomorrow so you can tell me all about it.”
Thomas smiled, nodding in agreement. “Definitely!”
“Wait wait wait wait! The last ticket was actually won?! Hey, Steve, get over here!” Remy Sleep came jogging over, standing next to Thomas, pointing for the camera man to set up in front of them. “Okay, when you’re all ready, count us in.”
Steve nodded, getting the camera in position. Larry hurried over, seeing Thomas looked a little overwhelmed at suddenly being thrust in front of a camera with no warning, standing just behind him. “It’ll be fine, Thomas, don’t worry.”
“3…2…1…” Steve nodded to Remy as the broadcast began.
The reporter immediately put on a smile. “Hey, babes, I’m here with a surprise broadcast to bring some unexpected news! The final ticket, thought to be lost after the fake claimant was exposed, was actually found! I’m here with the lucky final winner! Tell us all your name, kid.” They held their microphone up to Thomas, who gulped, trying to push down his nerves and smile.
“Th-Thomas Sanders!”
“And this must be your father?” Remy looked up at Larry.
“Oh, ah, no I’m not. I’m Larry Smith, I’m one of the care workers at the local orphanage.”
Remy’s expression immediately softened, smiling mask dropping to genuine compassion as they looked down to Thomas. “You’re an orphan…?”
“Y-yeah… But I’ve lived at the orphanage for pretty much all my life, and Larry and Dot have been the best carers ever!” Thomas smiled. “I couldn’t ask for better parental figures.”
“Aw…” Remy turned back to the camera, putting back on their charismatic persona. “Looks like we have a real underdog story here, folks. So, how’d you end up getting so lucky? What’s the story of how you won the ticket?”
“It’s nothing special really,” Thomas shrugged. “I was just walking home from school yesterday and found some money in a gutter, and figured I could use it to buy a bar of chocolate for the other kids at the orphanage. Then when I was leaving, I heard that the last ticket had been a fake, and I got curious and opened it… and there the ticket was!”
“Nothing special? Winning a ticket when you had such low odds sounds pretty special to me. You’re probably one of the luckiest kids in the world. So, what are you looking forward to most about the tour? Trying a bunch of candy? Meeting the other kids on the tour?”
“I am really looking forward to all that, but what I’m looking forward to most is meeting Mr Duke! I can’t wait to see what he’s like, and find out how he comes up with and creates all those amazing candies! I bet he’s incredible.”
Remy smiled - their smile looked a lot more earnest and warm than when they’d been on screen with all the other ticket winners - and turned back to the camera. “That’s been our interview with the surprise final ticket winner, Thomas Sanders! Keep watching and we’ll keep you updated on the events outside of the Duke factory. For now, back to the studio.”
Steve cut the camera, and Remy turned back to Thomas. “Thanks for the impromptu interview, kid. Have fun on the tour. And apologies in advance if I corner you for an interview afterwards.” They waved, before walking away with the camera man.
“Wow…! You were on TV!” Nico ran back over. “You’re, like, a celebrity now!”
Thomas blushed a little. “I wouldn’t say that…”
Larry put his hand on Thomas’ shoulder. “Sorry to cut your conversation short, but the crowd’s starting to build up now. It’s probably best if we go stand at the gates so we don’t get blocked away by the crowd.”
“Right,” Thomas nodded, before turning back to Nico. “See you tomorrow?”
Nico nodded. “Come round my house around midday. Have fun!”
Thomas waved as he and Larry walked away towards the large factory gates, standing just outside of them. The crowd was forming a semicircle around them, eyes and cameras trained on the boy with the golden ticket in his hands. It was a little overwhelming, but Thomas did his best to keep a smile on his face, wave and show off his ticket. I mean, this was a big day. He may as well help make sure people had good photos of it.
“Excuse me! Out of the way! Duke ticket winner coming through!”
The crowd parted as at the man’s voice, revealing third ticket winner Logan Beauregarde walking into the semicircle. He was wearing a blue coat, black knee high socks, and brown Mary-Jane shoes. As usual, he was chewing the gum in his mouth. Anton Beauregarde was with him, hand on his son’s shoulder, and he huffed as he saw Thomas. “Great, we’re not the first ones here… Well, come on, we need to make sure we get good photos.”
Logan nodded, pulling his ticket from his coat pocket and letting his father guide him over to a cluster of photographers.
Thomas looked up at Larry. “Do you think I should go say hi…?”
Larry shrugged. “It’s up to you, kiddo. I mean, personally… I don’t think I’d even bother with this kid, but it’s your choice.”
Thomas nodded, taking a deep breath and putting a warm smile on his face, before walking up to Logan. “Hi there! I’m Thomas, it’s nice to meet you!”
Logan raised an eyebrow and, despite being shorter, seemed to look down on Thomas. “I’m not here to make friends,” was all he said, before turning back to the crowd.
Thomas blinked. “Oh… w-well, I am! So, uh, whether you like it or not, I’m gonna be nice to you!”
Logan didn’t say anything or even look back at Thomas. Instead, he shuffled a little away from the other boy and closer to his father. Thomas deflated a bit, sighing, before walking back over to Larry.
“No luck?”
“Oh well. There’s the other kids you can try to talk to at least? That Patton boy didn’t look so bad.”
Thomas hummed.
“Out the way! MOVE! Daddy, why won’t they let us through?!”
“Patience, little prince, give them a moment to make a path…”
The crowd parted yet again, revealing Roman Salt. He was wearing a red shirt and matching skirt, a black ribbon around his waist tied in a bow at the back, with white knee high socks, and black Mary-Jane shoes. He also had an expensive looking mink fur coat. His father, Romulus Salt, was just behind, phone to his ear and talking into it. As he saw the two other winners, Roman froze, expression souring. He rounded on his father. “You said we’d be the first ones here.”
“I’m sorry, prince, but I couldn’t control the traffic.”
“Then we should have left the hotel earlier!” Roman huffed, folding his arms.
Thomas fiddled, walking over to the boy, a little more nervous and tentative than he was with Logan. “Um, hi there. I’m Thomas. It’s nice to meet you.”
Roman looked Thomas up and down, for a moment seeming almost disgusted by his old worn clothing, before offering his hand for Thomas to shake. “Roman Salt.”
Thomas smiled. Already going better than with Logan. He shook Roman’s hand. “So, are you excited for the tour?”
“Duh, of course I am. Who wouldn’t be?” Roman shrugged, before frowning as he looked over at Logan. “Well, apart from him… Seems more focused on the publicity than the tour itself. I honestly think it’s so unfair that he got a ticket despite barely caring! I mean, neither did that emo kid, but at least he bought a lot of chocolate and actually participated! That four-eyes only bought one bar!”
Thomas frowned at the harsh words, but decided not to bring up the fact Roman technically bought and opened no bars. Instead he just shrugged, saying, “I mean, I only bought one myself…”
“Yeah, but that’s different. You’re poor.”
Thomas winced, but again decided not to remark on the comment. “I wouldn’t say Logan doesn’t care about the tour. In his interview, he seemed pretty passionate about how Mr Duke makes candy, and the special prize at the end.”
“Everyone wants to find out how he makes candy. And the special prize doesn’t count, because I’m getting that, no question.”
“Uh huh…”
Thomas was rather thankful that the conversation was cut short as the crowd began to shift and move once again. A voice with a German accent could be heard inside calling, “Excuse me! Oh, sorry! Just need to squeeze through, sorry, excuse me…”
Eventually, Patton Gloop stepped into the semicircle, letting out a breath as he escaped the crowd. He wore a light blue polo shirt, with a grey cat hoodie tied over his shoulders, and khaki pants. Harley Gloop stepped out just behind him, smoothing the skirt of her dress.
Patton gazed up at the factory in amazement, letting out a small squeal, clapping his hands. Then, his eyes went to Thomas and Roman, and he hurried over. “Hallo! I’m Patton, it’s nice to meet you! You’re Roman, right? Oh, and you must be the person who won the last ticket, right?”
Thomas nodded, smiling at the other boy’s enthusiasm. “Yep! I’m Thomas, it’s nice to meet you too.”
“This is exciting, right? Gosh, I’ve always wanted to go to the Duke factory, and now I finally get the chance! I can’t wait to try all sorts of delicious candy…”
“You sure you need it?” Roman muttered, eyes glancing at Patton’s stomach. Patton flushed a bit, ashamed, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. Thomas frowned at Roman, before giving Patton a reassuring smile.
“I want to try a bunch of candy too! How about we go around and try stuff together? It’ll be fun to share what we eat.”
Patton blinked at him, before a small smile appeared on his face. “Really?”
Thomas looked to Roman. “Do you want to join us?”
Roman hesitated, before huffing. “... Fine. Just so I get to try more candy. I’m not going to give you anything I get for myself.”
Patton looked even more giddy now. “Oh! Should we go ask… it’s Logan, right?”
Thomas nodded. “Yeah, it is, but ah…” He hesitated. “I’m not sure if we should bother asking him. I tried to talk to him earlier, but he just told me he’s ‘not here to make friends’.”
“I’d feel bad if we left him out, though,” Patton said. “Maybe if all three of us ask him, he’ll agree?”
“I guess that’s worth a try…”
Patton grinned, before taking both Thomas and Roman’s hands and pulling them in Logan’s direction. Roman yelped in surprise, having tuned out of the conversation and being caught by surprise by the tug. When they reached him, Patton tapped on Logan’s shoulder. Logan turned, huffing a bit as he saw the other three boys, folding his arms. “What do you want?”
“Hallo, I’m Patton! The three of us were wondering if you wanted to hang out with us in the factory? We were planning on sharing candy with each other and stuff. It’ll be fun!”
“I’ve already made it absolutely clear, I don’t care about making friends and ‘hanging out’. My focus needs to be entirely on winning the prize at the end of the tour,” Logan snapped, and was about to turn away from them again, before he noticed Roman rolling his eyes and chuckling. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, just the fact you think you’re going to get the special prize. That’s already mine.”
“It is, is it? What, are you going to get your daddy to buy it for you?” Logan teased, smirking. “You can’t just throw your money at Mr Duke, it’s a competition. He’d never pick a spoiled brat like you. Unlike you, I actually deserve it.”
“Deserve it?!” Roman laughed. “Please, you only bought one ticket!”
“Says you, you didn’t buy any! Your dad got them all for you. You couldn’t even be bothered to open them yourself. I put in actual work and research.”
“Well, I heard rumours you hacked into Mr Duke’s computers to find the ticket! I don’t think he’ll appreciate that.” Roman folded his arms, a smug grin on his face. “I’ve got this in the bag.”
Logan’s face flushed a little, and he quickly stuttered out, “Th-that’s just a rumour, it’s not true! And if it was, I-I think he’d think it was resourceful and intelligent. Unlike you, who was lazy-“
Roman let out an offended gasp.
Roman gasped again.
“-and self-centred.”
Roman let out a final gasp. “Oh, I’m self-centred? I’ve never met anyone as arrogant as you!”
“I am not arrogant.”
As the two boy’s argument continued, Patton and Thomas shared a glance. After a silent agreement, they both turned and shuffled away.
“Guess I should have listened to you and not talked to Logan, huh…?” Patton chuckled awkwardly, before sighing. “Sorry…”
“It’s okay,” Thomas reassured. “It was nice of you to want to include him. And you didn’t know it’d lead to… that. And anyway, we can still have fun even if they’re busy fighting.”
Patton nodded, but still looked a little down. Thomas didn’t get a chance to reassure him further, when the crowd started to part yet again, revealing the final ticket winner to arrive. Virgil Teevee had the hood of his purple hoodie pulled up, hands buried in the pockets. He had black headphones on, a black graphic tee with a purple stormcloud logo, black ripped jeans and black combat boots. His mother, Linda Teevee, walked beside him, talking to him.
“Come on, honey, why don’t you pull your hood down so the reporters can take nice pictures?”
Virgil just grumbled, doing the complete opposite and pulling down his hood to cover more of his face as he stepped into the semicircle where the winners were.
Patton tugged Thomas’ sleeve. “Do you think we should go say hi to him? Or do you think he’ll just brush us off and we shouldn’t bother…?”
“I think it’s worth a try!” Thomas said, leading the way over to the emo boy. “Hi, there! I’m Thomas, it’s nice to meet you! And this is Patton.”
“Hallo.” Patton smiled warmly. “We wanted to ask if you want to hang out and share candy with us in the factory?”
Virgil looked between them both, his one eye that wasn’t covered by his purple bangs looking wide with almost fear. He didn’t say anything… before turning away from them both, pulling his phone from his pocket and staring down at it. His finger clicked the button on the side to turn the volume of his music up.
“Virgil, don’t ignore these boys, they’re trying to be nice,” Linda scolded. But she got no response. “Virgil!” Still nothing. She sighed, before looking at Thomas and Patton. “I’m sorry about that, Virgil’s a very… independent boy. It can take a while for him to open up to new friends.”
“That’s okay. The offer still stands if he wants to join us later.”
Linda smiled, nodding. “I’m sure he’ll open up more as the day goes on.”
Thomas turned to Patton, who looked pretty disappointed by Virgil’s rejection. He was about to say something, but was interrupted by a loud creaking. 
A hush fell over the crowd as the noise echoed. Even Logan and Roman stopped fighting, Romulus hung up his phone call, and Virgil looked up from his phone. The kids all returned to stand with the guardians, pulling their golden tickets from their pockets.
The gates of Remus Duke’s chocolate factory were opening.
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
So Eliott isnt in the newest Cartoon Therapy...? After their big moment in the last episode being them deciding to come back...? ok
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tstwitterupdates · 1 year
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[In response to a tweet by @ earlgreymylove making predictions about the next cartoon therapy, which included what Larry and Dot might do]
Thomas : Unfortunately, Larry and Dot won't be making an appearance in this episode! The Writers Room was already aware of this, but this episode will feature a new client! You should save these predictions for a future video where they'll be featured, tho!
@ erikbaijackson : Please tell me Elliot at least Zooms in to their appointment!
Thomas : Nope! This is a one-patient episode! More digestible to create on our end!
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ironwoman359 · 7 months
Sanders Valley AU???
So the "Sanders Valley AU" doc is a very sparse idea document that contains notes for a Sanders Sides Stardew Valley AU (I might have talked with @teacupfulofstarshine or @stormcrawler75 about this, I honestly don't remember, the document is two years old). The story would focus Farmer Thomas moving to Stardew Valley and befriending the local populace, helping the valley's pining residents confess their feelings for each other, all while falling hopelessly in love with the valley's resident hopeful author Elliot Nico. This is the casting list I made:
Thomas = Farmer 
Nico = Elliot
Virgil = Sebastian 
Logan = Harvey
Patton = Penny 
Roman = Leah 
Remus = Maru
Janus = Abigail 
Emile Picani = Emily 
Remy (Sleep) = Sam 
Kai (cartoon therapy) = Alex 
Elliott (cartoon therapy) = Shane 
Missy (Misleading Compliments) = Hailey (this casting is open to change)
Dot and Larry = Pierre and Caroline 
Main ships would have been Thomas/Nico, Analogical, Royality, and Dukeceit, all which become established over the course of the story, while Remile is already established. I had no plans for ships involving Kai, Elliott, and Missy, though I was open to the idea of a ship or qpp developing between them. Also, as stated, Dot and Larry would take the place of Pierre and Caroline, and I had thoughts of replacing all the villagers, including the kids, with Shorts characters. I never actually outlined any plot or anything, but that was the idea!
WIP Title Ask Game
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The Plan so far
So, this blog was a very spontaneous idea I had yesterday (very late in the evening). So I took some time to think it through today, as well as get some more lists from other Fanders.
The plan now is to first create lists for the separate facets of the Thomas Sanders fandom, i.e. Sanders Sides, Shorts Characters, Cartoon Therapy and Roleslaying with Roman. (I'm sorry that this means I need to split up Remy and Emile for now, we'll get to crossovers later.)
For that to work, I need a comprehensive list of characters first. So this is my call for your help! I'll put a list of who I got so far after the cut and you can reply to this post or send me an ask about more characters I can/should include!
I'm really happy with the positive reactions I got for creating this blog, thank you for your support! 💗💙💖💙💜💛💚
Sanders Sides:
Dragon Witch (unsure if I should include her but if I do, this is where she'll be)
I know King is most commonly used as a sort of fusion of Roman and Remus but for the purposes of this list, I will see him as an entirely separate character and as such include ships between him and Roman and/or Remus.
Shorts Characters
Remy - Sleep
Teal/Teagan - Teacher
Dayd - Dad
Pryce - Prince
Andy - Anxiety
Dice/Anton/Cedric - The Critic
Linda - Thomas' Cowlick
Missy - Misleading Compliments
Nathan - Crimefighter Dude
Detective Sanders (from this series which I found through this post by @loganslowdown4!)
Percy/Magenta - Printer
Harley/Hart - Heart
Immy - Immune System
Brian - Brain
Dean - Denial
Sabina - Spam Bot
Ishmael - Ice Machine
Jasper - GPS
Scot - Scam Likely
Wieland - WIP
Phaelan - Phone
Fane - Fan
Steven - Electric Stapler
Ace - Action Hero that can't catch things
Rian - Rain
Mike - Microwave
Nessy - Illness
Apollo - Sun
Jericho - Moon
Taz / Tucker - Task
Bouce/Boucy - The Bouncing Ball
Anton - Antagonist
Pranks - Disney/Pokémon Pranks
Asher/Rudolph - Christmas
Jasper - Thanksgiving
Jaana - January
Fabian - Feburary
Mara - March
April - April
May - May
Junie - June
Julia/Julian - July
Augusta/Augustus - August
Seth/Ember - September
Toby - October
Nove - November
Demetri/Odessa - December
Ariel/Ari - Aries
Leona/Leonard/Leo - Leo
Candace/Candy - Cancer
Phillipa/Pip/Pippy - Pisces
Schuyler/Sky - Scorpio
Tara - Taurus
Sarah/Sally - Sagittarius
Caprice - Capricorn
Gemma - Gemini
Virginia/Ginny - Virgo
Liberty/Libby - Libra
Quinn - Aquarius
Cartoon Therapy (as far as I know, all the characters in this series are adults)
Emile Picani
Mitchel (I don't actually know if that's how you spell his name)
Roleslaying with Roman
Roman of Reston
??? (Mike)
Bob Normie
Bard King
There are many more characters in the series of course, but I do not know which it makes sense to include here, so please let me know! Also if there is another part of the fandom I forgot to include entirely.
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monstrousparalysis · 1 year
Reasons a Roleslaying with Roman + Cartoon Therapy crossover would be a really really cool and fun thing:
Youngblood and Noise still have Issues, and a non-canon episode where they get therapy would be really sweet.
Roman scheduled the appointment for them and neither of them know how or where he found this place.
Roman and/or Youngblood joke about how this is just like the Communicave.
Either Roman and Picani are never in the same room (obvious fourth wall joke about Thomas being the actor for both) or Roman stays in the room with them and there's a joke about them looking really similar.
Seeing a drawn Noise when the rest of Cartoon Therapy's setup is live action would be both cool and really funny.
Picani's cartoon references when TV itself may not exist in Roleslaying's world would be great.
Not to ship Blood Red Song or anything, but imagine Picani finding out that Roman, Youngblood, and Noise are all together and making a joke along the lines of "it looks like this is a throuple's therapy session, then!", would that be cool or what?
Honestly, I'd personally way prefer it over any more Doc Janus-style references to Sanders Sides in Roleslaying.
The endcard is Dot and Larry entering the Communicave /j
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aroprincey · 1 year
if larry and dot aren’t gonna be in the next cartoon therapy episode then what’s even the point of watching it /j
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Expected Rating: Teen
Warnings: PTSD, child abuse, child neglect, physical and emotional abuse, discussions of trauma, abelism, homophobia, arophobia, self-hatred, intrusive thoughts (Remus-typical), panic attacks, emetophobia, illness, and hopefully that's it :*)
Characters: Remus, Roman, Janus, Logan, Patton, and Virgil. With kid!Remus and kid!Roman in flashbacks, and appearances from Thomas, Emile, Remy, and Cartoon Therapy characters.
Romantic Relationships: Background Remile and Dot/Larry, with possible endgame Dukexiety, Loceit, and Royality.
Summary: Sanders Academy of Art offers a wide range of programs for prodigious students entering high school. Prospective students face a harsh acceptance process, two separate auditions, and a whole lot of paperwork on top of the whole deal.
I, Emile Picani, happen to oversee these auditions, and the future education of six very special students.
The odds of these six boys ending up in the same dorm room for the next school year are astronomically low, but here we all are. When they meet for the first time, things aren’t exactly stellar, but! They still have plenty of time to win over the hearts of their new friends.
It would be nice if that were a little easier, but hey, working on your emotions takes time, and it’s not something all 14-year-olds are used to. They just happen to have… a lot of emotional problems.
Nothing a certain resident counselor can’t help with! (*cough*)
Facing a brand new school, no familiar faces, and enough combined baggage to fill the average commercial airplane is tough, but now, they have each other, an amazing school that lets them focus on their dreams. Perhaps things are going to work out better than any of them could have expected.
(AKA a shameless high school au where all these boys have autism, need therapy, or both)
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loganslowdown4 · 1 year
So I’m just going to throw this out there for future Cartoon Therapy episodes if Thomas and his team can ever get back former patients 😄🤞
Here’s some future Cartoon Therapy predictions!
☛If they can get back Larry and Dot: they have to have matching outfits again
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☛They will bring up the stolen Stitch doll again and/or finally return it to Picani, who will say that he knew they had it the whole time
☛Larry will mention his pop pop
☛Dot will say ‘Gee Minetti!’
☛It’s been a while so they might have a child now!
☛If they can get back Elliott: they definitely broke up with Mitchell and met someone new. They might still have issues with their dad.
☛If they can get back Corbin & Sloan: they’re definitely married now
☛If they can get back Kai: Kai is a top gamer now and has fully embraced their geekiness. Lauren is still their girlfriend and they support each other dearly.
☛If they can get back Sam: Sam finally makes friends at school and has quit their medical degree for art full time!
☛If they can get back Dalton: he has to show up again randomly trying to sell us sandwiches or something, I just miss Dalton lol
☛And Picani will of course play his ukelele again
Plus I made another bingo card!
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I just really like Cartoon Therapy lol
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 2 years
Hey! I was wondering if you’ve read a Janus fic where he’s like right out of an abusive relationship and he’s living with the sides (who he doesn’t have a good relationship with) until someone (I think Virgil) pushed him into a panic attack and they realize he’s been hurt.
it was loceit, and I think Janus’s parents were dot and Larry from cartoon therapy
I'm sorry, but that doesn't ring a bell.
Maybe someone of my followers knows
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Thomas and the Chocolate Factory - Chapter 7
A Sanders Sides / Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Fanfiction
Summary: Remus Duke is the greatest chocolatier of all time, and after living the past few years a recluse, he decides to finally open his factory once again. And it's young orphan Thomas Sanders' dream to win a ticket and get to go! Will he win a ticket? And if he does, will he make it out alive?
Thomas dropped his bag as he sat down at his desk, looking around at the half full classroom, more students occasionally wandering in. Some people were chattering, filling each other in what their plans were for over the Christmas holidays. Others looked close to falling asleep, tired after the long school day.
It had been over two weeks since the last golden ticket had been found, and many people were starting to run out of money to spend on chocolate. It had led to a general dip in enthusiasm regarding the contest. With the tour date only a day away, many people were becoming convinced the final ticket would go unfound, and Patton, Roman, Logan and Virgil would be the only ones on the tour.
Thomas fiddled with his pen, sighing a little. By this point, he had well and truly resigned himself and given up all hope. And not just about the contest.
He’d overheard Dot last night on the phone. She’d been talking, assumedly to the head of another orphanage, about arranging all the children to be transferred. It wouldn’t be long until he’d be told to pack up his things and leave his town behind. Leaving his school behind.
Leaving his newest friend behind…
“Thomas!” Speaking of, Nico suddenly ran in, dropping into the seat beside Thomas. “Did you hear?”
“Hear what?”
“The last golden ticket apparently got found!” Nico held up his phone. “It says the son of a millionaire in Paraguay found it…”
“It doesn’t surprise me it was someone rich. Sounds like they’re the only ones who can still afford Duke bars at this point,” Thomas sighed. “Has there been an interview yet?”
“Not yet, apparently it only just happened. That reporter probably hasn’t even boarded an aeroplane to Paraguay yet.” Nico put his phone away, before pulling out a Duke energy bar and holding it out to Thomas. It had become their thing now. Every day, Nico would give Thomas an energy bar.
Before today, Thomas had always opened it as soon as Nico handed it to him, filled with anticipation, wondering if there was a golden ticket hidden under the wrapper. The logical part of his brain said that the ticket wouldn’t be there, as the contest announcement had said the tickets were hidden in Duke chocolate bars, not energy bars. But he still was always a little hopeful.
But now the final ticket was gone. On top of that, he didn’t have much of an appetite. He simply tucked the bar into his pocket. He’d save it for when he needed it.
By the time the teacher entered the classroom, it seemed the news had spread throughout the entire class, as the mood greatly dipped. Sure, people had mostly already given up on the ticket contest, but they’d still had a chance. Now, there was none. None of the students could really be bothered to focus on discussing the reading they were supposed to do for homework.
Eventually, the bell rang. Everyone began to pack up their things, saying goodbye to their friends, or leaving quickly, glad that the Christmas holidays had officially begun. Thomas pulled his bag onto his shoulder, he and Nico walking from the classroom together. That was another one of their things - they’d started walking home together, Nico’s house being on the way to the orphanage.
“So, what are your Christmas plans?” Nico asked as they stopped at their lockers to pick up their things.
“I… don’t really have any,” Thomas sighed. “I honestly don’t know if I’ll still be here at Christmas.”
Nico blinked. “Oh… things are getting that bad…?”
Thomas simply nodded, before changing the subject as they finished at their lockers and headed out of the school. “What about you? What are your plans over Christmas?”
“My family’s going to visit my grandparents to spend Christmas with them. It’s what we do every year.”
“That sounds nice. I hope you have fun.”
“I’ll be able to tell you myself if I do. I don’t care if you go away, you know my address. You can write me letters! We can be pen pals!” Nico smiled.
“Mhm! You’re not getting away from me that easy. We’re friends now, and I don’t like losing friends.”
The two kept walking and talking, Thomas not feeling quite so grim anymore. Well, not until a familiar strong scent of chocolate floated by.
Every day, on the walk home from school, he had to walk past the Duke chocolate factory. And every day, it was torture. It drew out the deep hunger he felt and tried to will away, making his stomach growl painfully. And now, today, it represented another pain: lost hope. There was no more chance of winning an extraordinary opportunity that could bring some deliciousness to his life.
Pain had never smelled so sweet.
He hadn’t realised he’d stopped walking until Nico tugged on his arm. “Thomas? Are you alright?”
Thomas tore his eyes away from staring up at the large metal gates, nodding. “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, just… daydreaming.”
Nico frowned a little, looking up at the factory. He sighed, “It really is a shame the contest is over. You know, I was really expecting at least one ticket to be here, in this town. I mean, it’s the home of the factory. It just feels right for one to be here.”
Thomas just hummed, before turning and walking away. Nico jogged to catch up, falling back into step beside him.
The rest of the walk was quiet, and it didn’t take them too long to arrive at Nico’s house. As he was about to step inside, Nico paused.
“I was going to go to the factory tomorrow morning to see the winners all head in and see Mr Duke. Do you want to come with me? You can come round my house after and we could hang out! We can watch movies, play video games, eat snacks… It’ll be fun.”
Thomas nodded. “Sounds good. I’ll meet you at the factory tomorrow.”
“Great! Bye, Thomas!”
Thomas waved as Nico headed inside and closed the door. Then he turned, continuing the walk home alone. 
He tried his best to focus on his surroundings, worried that if he thought too much, all his bad thoughts would just flood in and become too much. He let his eyes focus on the houses, stores and people he passed, fiddling with the strap of his bag on his shoulder.
Until he came to a stop at a strange site. A large crowd inside the nearby candy store, all rushing to the counter carrying Duke chocolate bars.
But the contest is over, Thomas thought to himself. Why are they so desperate to buy chocolate? Had these people not heard? Why wasn’t the cashier of the store telling them?
He was about to continue home, when he saw something out of the corner of his eye.
Caught in the drain, a note. A bank note. Money.
He looked around to see if anyone was looking for it, but people were just walking past without a care. He leaned down, taking hold of the note, and pulling it free.
His eyes went to the candy store. His mind reminded him of that smell of chocolate outside of the Duke factory. Oh, how he’d love to eat a delicious chocolate bar right now…
But then he recalled the energy bar in his pocket, given to him by Nico. He already had food. Back at the orphanage, however, there were all the other kids who didn’t get food given to them by friends every day. Who’d do anything for a rare delicious sweet treat.
Yeah, that’s what he’d do. Go buy a bar for all the others to share.
He stepped inside, pushing past the crowd to the shelves of Duke bars, his skinny frame allowing him to slip by relatively easily. He looked through the different flavours, before picking out the Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight. He was pretty sure that was the one that most of the kids at the orphanage liked.
He slipped through the crowd again to the counter. Once he reached the front of the line, he slid the bar onto the counter. “Just this please.”
“Just the one?” the cashier asked, seemingly surprised - well, until he looked Thomas up and down and saw his worn clothes, at which point his expression softened. Thomas nodded, sliding the money across the counter too.
The cashier took the money, printing a receipt and handing back the bar with the small amount of change - not nearly enough to buy another bar, but Thomas could add it to the mostly empty piggy bank in his room. Thomas said a polite thank you, before turning and leaving the store.
As he left, Thomas slipped the chocolate and the change into his pocket, and pulled out the energy bar Nico had given him. Seeing all that chocolate had made him feel hungry. He ripped it open, digging in, savouring the delicious taste.
As he stood there eating, two passers by also stopped outside the candy store, one of them sighing as they looked through the window at the bustling crowd inside. “That faker certainly brought people’s eyes back to the competition…”
“Mhm. I still can’t believe it. How was he expecting to get away with lying about having a ticket? I mean, presumably they’d have to present the ticket tomorrow. They’d have been caught sooner or later regardless.”
Thomas froze, blinking.
The final golden ticket… was a fake? The actual ticket was still out there?
His eyes drifted to the empty energy bar wrapper in his hands. No ticket in there…
The chocolate bar suddenly felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket.
He reached inside, pulling out the bar. His hands shook a little as they fiddled with the plastic outer wrapper, pulling it off. The foil outer wrapper was all that remained, teasing him. His heart pounded in his chest.
He took hold of the foil, slowly pulling it back. He was scared to look, holding his breath, as he watched the brown surface of the chocolate being revealed.
And then a hint of gold.
His hands froze.
And then fumbled with the bar as he quickly ripped away the rest of the silver, a grin spreading across his face. He took hold of the golden paper, holding it in front of his face.
He started laughing. He couldn’t help it. The excitement was forcing its way out of him. He wanted to run, to jump, to scream.
He, Thomas Sanders, had won the final Duke golden ticket.
The people walking by, the crowd inside the candy store, all began to take notice of the boy laughing giddily in the middle of the sidewalk. They may have looked at him in confusion or disdain at first, but then they noticed the ticket in his hands. It didn’t take long for Thomas to suddenly be surrounded by a crowd.
If Thomas wasn’t so filled with excitement, he probably would have been overwhelmed by all the voices and faces pushing to see the ticket, yelling at him to hold it up. Some were yelling prices, trying to offer to buy the ticket for hundreds- no, thousands of dollars. Some even tried to grab the ticket away from him, but he made sure to hold on tight, hugging it to his chest.
“Hey, leave him alone, he’s just a kid! Get away from him!” the cashier from the store suddenly pushed through the crowd, taking Thomas’ hand and pulling him free. “Hey, kid, I’d get out of here if I were you. Run home, don’t stop ‘til you get there. And make sure you keep a good hold on that ticket, okay?”
Thomas nodded. “Th-thank you!” was all he could sputter out, vocabulary having mostly left him, before turning and bolting away.
He ran as fast as he could, still giggling, gripping tightly to the ticket so it wouldn’t go slipping from his grasp. He mentally thanked Nico for giving him those energy bars, knowing he probably wouldn’t be able to run this fast for so long if he hadn’t been eating them so much recently.
He turned down an alley that he knew to be a shortcut home.
Only to skid to a stop when he found his way blocked by a man.
The man had a bowler hat sitting atop his brown hair. His skin was pale, and he had a scar on one side of his face. He had heterochromia, one eye brown, the other a startling yellow. He wore a black jacket over a black suit, with a yellow shirt, black bowtie, as well as yellow gloves.
“Congratulations. Winning the final ticket the day before the tour was an exceptional stroke of luck,” he said with a smirk that unnerved Thomas, sending a shiver down his spine.
“Uh… thanks… I, um, need to get home now.”
“I just wish to talk for only a moment. And don’t worry, I have no wish to take the ticket.” The man took a couple of steps closer to Thomas. “My name is Arthur Slugworth, you probably know me. I’m one of Duke’s fiercest competitors. However, I’ve been struggling recently. I’ve heard tell of a new product Duke is working on called the Everlasting Gobstopper. If he releases it, I could be ruined. All I need is for you to take an Everlasting Gobstopper and bring it to me after the tour. I promise I will… compensate you heavily.”
Arthur reached into an inner pocket of his jacket, and pulled out a thick wad of money.
There must have been thousands of dollars there.
It could be enough to at least buy the orphanage more time…
“And this is just a fraction of what I’ll pay you,” Arthur said, putting the money back into his pocket. “I’ll be waiting here after the tour. See you then.”
He turned and walked around the corner at the end of the alley, leaving Thomas alone once again.
Thomas didn’t move immediately, waiting to make sure that man was a good distance away. Something about him just… it didn’t sit right with Thomas.
At the same time, the money… If he did as Arthur said, he could save the orphanage. He wouldn’t have to move away. He and Nico wouldn’t have to be pen pals, they could just stay normal pals.
He looked down at the ticket in his hands. Oh, whatever. He could think about that later. For now, he had to get home and share the good news with everyone!
He continued running, leaving the alley and heading off in the direction back home.
When the orphanage appeared in sight, he picked up speed even more. He skidded to a stop in front of the door, knocking hard, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he waited. As soon as Dot answered, he didn’t give her a chance to speak, running inside.
“I won! I did it! I won the last golden ticket!” he yelled, holding the ticket up. “I’m going to Remus Duke’s factory!”
“You what?!” Kai’s head poked in from the living room.
“Why’s everyone yelling?” Elliot appeared at the top of the stairs with other children and Larry.
“I… I think we need to gather everyone into the living room, dear,” Dot called up, and Larry nodded.
It didn’t take long to get everyone rounded up, all the children being instantly curious at Thomas’ yelling and excitement, showing everyone his ticket as soon as they entered the room. The excitement quickly spread to everyone else within the room, and the room filled with buzzing chatter, everyone wanting to have a chance to read the text on the back of the ticket. It took a while for the ticket to eventually be passed to Dot and Larry.
“One chaperone needs to accompany him,” Dot said, reading over the text. “You can go, Larry, I’m happy taking care of the kids for the day.”
“Are you sure? I’d be happy to stay home if you want to go.”
“I promise, I’m perfectly fine with staying. Plus, I can see it in your face, you’re just about as excited as all the kids about this aren’t you~?” Dot teased, nudging Larry gently, causing the man to flush a little.
“... Okay, maybe I am.”
Dot giggled. “It says you have to be there for 10 am sharp, so make sure you two get up nice and early, you two. Now, I’ll go see what I can make for dinner with what we have. I think today certainly requires something special.”
“Oh! Wait!” Thomas ran up to Dot, holding out the chocolate that had been in the wrapper with the ticket. “Can you put this in the fridge and share it out between everyone for dessert after? I bought it for everyone to share.”
“That’s very kind of you Thomas,” Dot smiled. “I'll put it away now.”
As she walked away, Larry patted Thomas’ shoulder. “Excited for tomorrow, kiddo?”
Thomas nodded. “Mhm! It’s going to be amazing! I can’t wait to meet Mr Duke! I bet he’s going to be so cool!”
That evening in the orphanage was the first in a long time that was just filled with unbridled fun and happiness. After dinner, Thomas shared the chocolate out between everyone, and they got out some board games to play. However, eventually Dot ushered everyone to bed, knowing they’d all likely get up early the next morning so Thomas could get to the factory.
Thomas smiled as he laid in bed, his ticket resting on his bedside table. Tomorrow morning, he’d be experiencing the best day of his life.
The orders of Arthur Slugworth were hanging around in the back of his mind. However, he tried his best to push his thoughts away, focusing on daydreaming about what the next day would bring…
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lilith-lovett · 3 years
Found Families - Home is Where the Hart is - Chapter Twenty Three
I am back (hopefully for good this time). I am in my second semester of University and because of the situation in the UK I am at home for the first couple of months but hopefully I will able to move back into my accommodation by the end of the month. Okay little life update over, I have a short chapter for you today but I honestly really like it, I had a burst of inspiration the other day so I decided to get this chapter finished. I was giving a lot of trouble in the beginning but I managed to get it done super quickly and here it is. I hope you enjoy.
Summary: Patton opens up
Word Count: 2841
Warnings: Past child abuse, past emotional abuse, homophobia, homophobic parents, anxiety, self-deprecation, food mention (If I have missed anything please let me know)
Logan repeated Patton’s words over and over again in his mind. Knowing Patton, it presumably wasn’t some insignificant comment. He often had secret meanings behind his words Logan couldn’t always decipher but he had began to recognise when they appeared. Patton had something else to say but felt like he couldn’t. Perhaps, Dot and Larry had told Patton of their conversation and Logan’s rather invasive questions about Patton’s childhood? Maybe he was upset with him for his prying? What had he done? He should have known not to ask questions? Logan should apologise and allow Patton to select an appropriate punishment for his behaviour. Perhaps, it wouldn’t be to late. Maybe, if he took ownership of his actions now Patton wouldn’t be so upset. However, Patton was entitled to his anger and Logan deserved it. Logan deserved to be punished. He did something wrong. His curiosity became invasiveness and he obviously hurt Patton and he needed to make it right.
Logan stood up from his bed and took a deep breath. Gathering his nerves and mentally constructing his apology. He looked to the bear sat limply at the head of his bed for courage but all it gave him was another reminder of everything Patton had done for him, not only the monetary contributions like the clothes and furniture he had purchased for him but the continuous kindness Patton had shown him ever since they first met and every day since. Patton had given Logan a home. An escape from the hell he was living. He needed to apologise. To explain himself and hope and pray it wasn’t to late.
Logan walked downstairs, seeing Patton making preparations for dinner tonight while Declan slept on the sofa, swaddled in one of the several blankets Patton decorated with and a toy clutched in his hand. Patton was singing along to a song which was playing on the radio so hadn’t noticed Logan yet and he didn’t want to disturb Patton but the longer he waited the worse he felt. Logan walked slowly towards the kitchen, a lump forming in his throat. He hoped Patton would turn around, saving him from this drawn out torture, the spiders crawling up his throat, preventing any words from coming out. After what felt like an eternity but Logan knew it had realistically only been a couple of minutes, Patton looked up.
“Oh, hello, Logan,” Patton said switching the radio off and giving Logan his full attention which made Logan feel worse. Patton was trying. He had been trying since the day they met. To understand all of Logan’s quirks and habits, his learned behaviours and rather unconventional ones for which even he didn’t understand but Patton always tried to and for that he was grateful. Logan wasn’t easy. He was aware of that fact above all others. Yet Patton despite his own clear struggles did everything in his power to create a safe environment for him, a home. But he could not allow himself to enjoy it, to show to his true gratitude and be normal for once but he had to go and ruin everything again. “Are you alright, kiddo, you look like you have a lot on your mind,”.
“P-Patton, I feel I must apologise to you,” Logan blurted out, hoping it would expel the horrible tension weighing on him. “For my meddling and invasive questioning, it was wrong of me to pry into your childhood and invade your personal privacy. You have been nothing but kind and accommodating to me and I will accept any punishment you see fit,”.
Logan’s breath caught in his throat as he finished, he hadn’t realised how quickly words had been exiting him until he was fighting for air. He finally glanced up at Patton, having had been staring at the ground throughout his speech. The shame he felt when looking Patton in the eye was too much to bare but the heavy silence present in the air was far worse. Patton’s expression was difficult to read, it often was for him despite others describing him as an ‘open-book’ or that he ‘wore his heart on his sleeve’ both idioms Logan struggled to comprehend. His eyes were wide and his mouth slightly agape indicating surprise but Logan failed to gauge anything further. Then Patton did something Logan hadn’t expected. He hugged him.
“Let’s sit…I think we need to have a talk,” Patton said in a soft, sombre voice, it was unlike Patton’s regular sunny disposition which only heightened Logan’s anxiety yet he complied and allowed Patton to lead him to the sofa.
 Patton lead Logan to the sofa, indicating for him to sit while he sat across from him. Logan looked at him quizzically but complied, none of the tension leaving his body as Patton hoped it would yet he wasn’t surprised. Logan was cautious by nature, Patton was sure he had envisioned…no convinced himself that this situation would go in an very different direction and was sceptical of the outcome. Patton had wanted to address Logan’s belief that he was always doing something wrong and he would be punished for simply existing in time, as he believed Logan wasn’t mentally ready for that conversation but his behaviour was extremely distressing and Patton didn’t know how they could carry on as normal with so much still unknown. Perhaps it was time. He had expected his words would strike a cord with Logan but what he hadn’t expected was Logan’s reaction, maybe he should have. Patton knew Logan’s mindset had been warped after years of abuse. Of course, his brain immediately went to the worse case scenario and convinced him he was to blame. He had experienced that same thing his entire life.
“So, I want to make something clear, you have nothing to apologise for, it is me who needs to apologise. I should have been more careful with my words, it wasn’t my intention to cause you any more stress so I am sorry,” Patton said as he observed Logan, his eyes scanned his own face as if he were searching. Searching for an ulterior motive in his words but from his confused expression he could not find any. “I’m being serious Logan, I should have been honest with you from the beginning. You’re so smart kiddo, I’m not surprised you figured out something wasn’t right,”.
“B-but, I shouldn’t have pried,”. Logan interjected, withdrawing further into himself.
“I’m not upset with you for asking questions, it is a good thing, I just wish you felt like you could come to me with them but I understand why you found it easier to ask Dot and Larry, the whole situation is still a little bit of a sore spot for me,” Patton confessed, he hadn’t expected to ever be talking about his childhood again. He attempted to avoid discussing it all costs much to Emile’s annoyance but he didn’t have many happy memories from that time in his life and would much rather forget it existed at all. But that wish would be hypocritical of him considering how much he encouraged everyone around him to be open and honest with their feelings. However, he seemed to struggle with taking his own advice. “But I am willing to answer any questions that you might have,”.
“Okay…Dot mentioned that you haven’t seen nor spoken to your biological parents since the day the kicked you out,” Logan stated bluntly, Patton flinched at the sudden reminder. “Why?”.
“Um…uh…well,” Patton stuttered, he should have expected Logan to immediately begin with the question he asked himself on a near daily basis up until recently but he took a breath and then another before shifting closer to Logan. “I think it easier if I start from the beginning. My parents weren’t exactly the warmest people, they were very traditional and conservative, they had a lot of expectations…for me especially. To do good in school, go to College, get a good job as a Doctor or Lawyer...marry a…women and give them grandchildren. A lot of parents want that for their children, they want them to live happy, successful and fulfilling lives but...for my parents it was a requirement,”.
“For them nothing was more important than image and reputation, they had theirs to maintain and I couldn’t do anything that would harm it. Like get a bad grade in school or date someone they didn’t approve of. It was a lot of pressure for a kid at the time and it was hard,” Patton continued burying his hands into his shirt as he recalled the painful memories. “I wasn’t the best student. I tried but my grades didn’t reflect the effort I was putting in but I still wanted to be a doctor. They were so proud of that. That their only son was going to be a doctor but it didn’t stop their expectations from growing.
“I didn’t end up getting good enough grades to pursue medicine, so I aimed lower, I wanted to be a teacher, something attainable that I was actually passionate about but they didn’t approve. We got into so many arguments about that. I didn’t want to disappoint them but it was all I was seeming to do,” Patton trailed off, it had been years ever since Patton had told anyone about his parents or his childhood. He hadn’t expected it to be so difficult to talk about. He could feel his hands beginning to tremble as he wound his hands deeper into his shirt, he felt a nudge on the side of his leg. It was Logan. Patton hadn’t noticed Logan gradually inching closer as he told his story, the gesture was so sweet it almost completely distracted him from the growing sadness in his chest. He continued. “I-I was just figuring out my sexuality, Emile and his parents knew, they helped me a lot even back then. I wanted to come out but they didn’t think it would be a good idea. I understood why, my parents were hyper-religious and extremely intolerant to anyone they considered ‘not normal’ but I guess I was holding out hope because I was their son that they would accept me…They didn’t,”.
“I think that was the worst day of my life…it was like they didn’t know me any more and the past seventeen years I did everything for them meant nothing. They kicked me out and I moved in with Emile and his parents. It took some time but I eventually got back on my feet and I never spoke to them again,” Patton finished with an exhale, slumping over as exhaustion overtook his body, when he glanced up Logan was still by his side.
“They never reached out?” Logan asked.
“No, I haven’t heard from them since that day, they disowned me,”Patton answered so many times in the first few months he prayed for his parents to visit or call or text him, something to tell him that they still cared but nothing.
“Do Roman and Virgil know?” Logan inquired.
“Little bits and pieces. They know that Dot and Larry aren’t their ‘real’ grandparents but they never questioned it beyond that, I never told them the full story,”. Patton explained Roman and Virgil never asked any questions about their extended family. Roman had been in orphanage since he was born and as such never knew anything about grandparents while Virgil’s biological family was isolated from the rest of their family so Virgil and Dee had no relationship with them. Emile, Dot and Larry had been apart of their lives ever since they entered Patton’s and viewed them as their grandparents so he never felt the need to explain. “Do you have any other questions, I want you to feel like you can ask me anything?”.
“Your parents were not kind people,” Logan said quietly, his head down-turned and his hands wound into his trousers.
“They were not,” Patton admitted. That was the first time he had ever said it aloud. He had avoided criticising or speaking badly of his parents despite the several conversations he had, had with Emile about this very subject. They made Patton feel horrible about himself, made him believe he could do nothing right and he would never be good enough for them. Yet he couldn’t admit to himself they were wrong.
“I apologise Patton, no parent should abandon you for simply being who you are,” Logan said Patton noticed Logan’s hands twitching every so often, as if he were trying to reach it out towards him. Patton had to restrain a squeal at Logan’s attempt to comfort him. “Family should accept you,”.
“Thank you Logan, it was hard to handle for a while but I have a new family now. Roman, Virgil, Dee, Emile, Dot, Larry and now you Logan. Family doesn’t have to be blood related, it is the family that you chose for yourself that is truly special. You deserve to surround yourself with people who support you and you feel safe and happy with and I have finally found that,” Patton said reaching out to take hold of Logan’s hands and he didn’t pull away from his touch. Patton squeezed his hands and Logan returned it.
“I am pleased you found it,” Logan said softly, before dropping Patton’s hands, Logan’s words made him feel somewhat sad. Once again he was distancing himself from the family. Patton knew it would take awhile for Logan to grow comfortable enough to truly accept that he was apart of the family but hopefully in a short while he would be to convince Logan that he was an irreplaceable member. “Patton?”.
“I’m not ready to talk about it yet,” Logan said his head hung low as his entire body tensed. Patton didn’t need to ask what Logan was referring to. He knew very little of what Logan endured at the hands of his parents and while he was aware of some of what he experienced during his years at the orphanage, having been present for Logan’s police interview, he knew it wasn’t the full story. Patton knew this was the next step for Logan in order for him to settle in fully, Patton could only do so much but Logan had been through so much hurt and pain this was only the beginning.
“That is okay, I’ll be here to listen when you are,” Patton responded stretching a tentative arm out, ready to withdraw it if needed but Logan moved into his open arms, pressing his cheek against Patton’s chest. Patton hugged Logan close, resting his chin on his head, rubbing the tension out of his body.
Patton couldn’t tell you how long they sat their, Logan wrapped up so small in his arms, all of his stress and worries dissipating from his body. Patton could have stayed there forever but a quick glance towards the clock forced him back to reality. How had it gotten do late? Roman would be returning from Elliott’s shortly and both Virgil and Dee would be wondering where dinner was. Patton glanced down at Logan, only just now realising he had fallen asleep, the deep frown lines had smoothed from his forehead as he softly snored. If only Patton had his camera but he didn’t want to disturb him. He knew Logan struggled to sleep, yet another issues they needed to discuss but now wasn’t the time. Patton glanced towards the clock one more time then back towards Logan. Perhaps it was a pizza kind of night.
It feels really good to be posting again and I hope I will be able to keep up with chapter updates but I am taking a lot of classes this year so I may be a little behind with updates. I have no intention of abandoning this series, I love it way too much. If you have any questions about the series or have a request for me please do not hesitate to send me an ask.
Taglist;  @i-do-not-dislike-fudge @poems-art-darkness-n-more @alex-cain @amber1594 @darkrainbow333 @falseh0od @lovingcreatorstrawberry @mason-does-a-thing @callboxkat @tacohippy56900 @anxiousangel121 @comicsimpson @harrypotternerdprincess @cobythinks @whatschooldoesntteachyou @fandomkitty8 @coloursintheblur @read-write-inspire-repeat @clinicalawesomeness @deceit-sanders-deserved-better @scared-ghosthunter @silverstarlinedart @winterrose42 @alotofstupidstuff @imalwaysthatoneperson @glitchybina @dumbgayemo @quietwords-loudthoughts @altruistic-skittles @thecrimsonstoryteller 
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yellowhearther0 · 4 years
ALIEN REMUS AU????? Do tell!!!!
!!!!! heck yeah alien boy remus lets gO quick warning that this got kinda long oops
remus is an alien, we know this.
he lives with dot and larry (his adoptive parents) and roman
remus can shapeshift, and when remus was first found by the familams he shapeshifted to look like roman so now they just claim to be twins
though for some odd reason everyone acts as if remus has been in their family since birth. none of them question this.
that being said roman, dot, and larry are the only folks who know remus is an alien
there have been multiple close calls where others nearly found out though, since remus doesn’t always stay in human form when he’s home -------
so for this au they’re in highschool i’d say?
i dont think this is v significant atm but remus and logan and patton are chaotic besties, and roman and virgil and janus are sassy besties and together they are all the chaos crew
there may be intrulogical ??? maybe. I may just keep this au strictly platonic but no matter what prinxiety specifically w i l l still platonic because platonic best friend prinxiety is what keeps me alive
a he m anyway (gotta remember this is remus-centric efkjae)
remus doesn’t completely know what he can and cannot do power wise other than shapeshift (and even then, he can really only turn human)
which leads to plenty of incidents at school in which something unexplainable happens, and suddenly remus is trying to fix something he’s not even sure how he caused
i think thats good enough for now? i hope that made some sense lamo, and sorry for making it so long lol
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pun-master-logan · 3 years
Building A Family
Summary: When Dot and Larry decided to become foster parents, they never imagined a year later they’d be caretakers to six, filling their house with angsty teens and rambunctious kids
“Dot! Larry!” Remus screamed off the top of his lungs.
The couple came rushing into the room.
“What’s the matter?” Dot asked, kneeling down to console the crying eight year old.
Remus sniffled. “Roman stole the toy I was playing with.”
Larry sighed. “Roman, come here, now.”
Roman trotted in, very clearly aware he was about to get in trouble.
“Remus wouldn’t share,” he said before any punishment could be dealt out.
“I was playing with it first!”
“You were only playing with it because you knew I wanted to.”
“Stop it, both of you,” Dot said, standing up. “There will be no fighting in this house.”
The twins quieted down.
“Now Roman, you can’t take a toy-“
“I didn’t take it,” Roman said. “Patton gave it to me.”
Dot and Larry shared a look.
“Patton,” Dot called. She looked back at Larry. “Can you take care of these two?”
“Yeah,” Larry said. “Come on boys, we have a lot to talk about.”
“This is your fault,” Remus muttered as they followed Larry out of the room.
Patton passed them as he walked in.
“Is something wrong?” He asked.
“Come sit with me,” Dot said as she sat down on the floor. “Look, Patton, you can’t go around parenting other kids.”
“I was just making sure they shared,” Patton said.
“I know things were hard at your last home-“
Patton stood up. “You said we never had to talk about that.”
“I’m sorry Patton,” Dot said.
Patton stared at his feet. “It’s okay.”
“If the other kids are having an issue, let them sort it out or tell Larry or me, you need to stop trying to solve it yourself.”
“I was just trying to help,” Patton said, his stare not moving.
“I know sweetie, but we don’t need you helping us parent, you’re eleven, we need you to be a kid.”
“I’m trying.”
“I know sweetie, I know,” Dot said. “If you want to help with something, you can help me up, I didn’t think this through.”
Patton took Dot’s hand and helped her up off the ground.
“WHAT ARE THOSE!” Larry yelled from the other room.
“I am not getting a break today.” Dot sighed and walked out of the room, Patton in tow. “Patton, go finish your homework.”
“It’s finished.”
“Go have fun then, let me take care of this.”
“Right, sorry,” Patton said, walking away.
Dot walked into the living room to see Larry standing in front of Janus, their newest foster kid. She walked up next to Larry to see Janus sporting some snake bite piercings he didn’t have when he went to school that morning.
“Oh my G-where did you get those?” Dot asked.
“My boyfriend did it for me, what’s the big deal?” Janus crossed his arms.
“The problem, young man, is that a random teenager put metal in your face,” Larry said.
Janus rolled his eyes.
“It looks nice though, doesn’t it Larry?” Dot said.
“Doesn’t it Larry?” Dot gave him a look.
“I’m going to my room.” Janus walked past them and down the hall.
“Metal...in his face...he could...infections Dot,” Larry whispered.
“I know Larry, but he’s fifteen and going through more than he should have to, I’ll remind him to clean it properly and we’ll keep an eye on it, if it looks like there’s an infection, we’ll take him to a doctor,” Dot said.
“None of the others did anything like this.”
“They all tested us in their own way.”
Larry pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re right.”
“You know what, let’s go out to dinner tonight,” Dot said. “It’ll be a bonding experience.”
“Are you sure, restaurants can be overwhelming for the twins,” Larry said.
“We’ll go to Dino’s, they have coloring pages to distract the twins and it’s a Wednesday, not a lot of people will be there.”
Larry grabbed his keys. “Alright.”
“Boys! Get your shoes on, we’re going to dinner!”
In a couple minutes, five kids made their way out the door and into the car.
“Larry,” Dot said.
“I’m taking care of it.”
Larry walked back into the house and into the room Janus and Virgil shared. Janus was on his bed staring at his phone.
“I’m not going,” he said, not looking up from his phone.
“Dinner isn’t optional,” Larry said.
“I’ll make myself something.”
“You’ll make yourself get into the car and enjoy a family dinner.”
Janus sat up. “You aren’t my family.”
“You want to be with your mom, I get it, I want you to be able to go back too, but until then, you’re stuck with us.”
Janus looked angry. He stared at Larry, but Larry didn’t budge.
“Fine.” Janus got up and followed Larry to the car.
“Alrighty then,” Dot said as they shut their doors. “Seatbelts everyone.”
The restaurant only had a few patrons. They were seated right away and Roman and Remus were given crayons and a coloring menu.
“Anything look good to you Janus?” Dot asked.
“Not particularly,” Janus said.
“Larry, why does Janus have piercings on his lips?” Patton asked.
“Mind your own business,” Janus said.
“I like it,” Remus said as he scribbled green across his menu. “Can I get my lip pierced.=?”
“Uh...” Dot and Larry shared a look. “How about we start with the ears and see how that goes sweetie.”
“If Remus is getting his ears pierced, I want my ears pierced,” Roman said.
The waiter came over to the table. “Are you ready to order?”
Dot looked around the table. “Everyone?”
There were shrugs and nods of agreement.
The waiter took everyone’s order. It wasn’t long until before their food was brought out, Dino’s was always quick with service.
“How are your classes going Logan?” Dot asked.
“Excellent,” Logan said. “My AP astronomy teacher assigned us to choose a planet and write an essay about it.”
“That sounds like fun,” Dot said.
“Sounds lame,” Virgil said.
Dot glared at the seventeen year old.
“Which planet did you choose?” Larry asked.
“Haumea.” Logan took a bite of broccoli.
“That’s not a real planet,” Roman said. “You made that up.”
“It’s a dwarf planet, and it’s fascinating,” Logan said.
“It’s dumb,” Roman said.
“Space is cool, stupid,” Remus said.
“Remus, we don’t say stupid,” Dot said.
“How about you Virgil, how’s classes going?” Larry said. “Your last report card showed improvement.”
“School’s school.”
Dinner went by a bit awkwardly. When they got home, the kids all went straight to their rooms, not talking to Dot or Larry.
“That could’ve went better,” Larry said, sitting down on the couch.
“Yeah.” Dot joined him on the couch. “I don’t know what’s going on with Virgil.”
“He’s not going to tell us.”
“Never does.”
Larry rubbed his face. “I knew kids were going to be hard, but not this hard.”
“Remember what Dr. Picani said: be patient, this kids are hurting and we need to be here for them, but we can’t push them.”
Dot put her hand on Larry’s leg. Larry held her hand. They looked at each other, finding calm in one another.
“We got this Dot.”
That moment was one of those rare moments of peace they occasionally got. It was nice.
“Larry! Dot!”
I might write more for this if people like it, I have ideas, but no coherent story in mind
I take constructive criticism
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