#Double Cross
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Double Cross is now available for Kindle pre-orders!!!
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Release date is 9th March.
Will be on Kindle Unlimited.
There will be a paperback version (but damn, physical books are pricey and most goes to Amazon so if you have an e-reader, go with that option!)
UK link:
If I can beg one favour... please, please leave a review, it's like currency but better!
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Thank you to #teamdoublecross for getting me over the finish line!!!
Thank you @caffiend-queen for all the help and guidance, would not have known where to start without you.
@maple-seed @lokisgoodgirl @mochie85 @caffiend-queen @nildespirandum @fictive-sl0th @jaidenhawke
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zoomar · 11 months
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Are you double-crossed by glues that "dry loose"?
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Have you played DOUBLE CROSS ?
By Shunsaku Yano
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Double Cross is a conspiracy supers game. PCs are Overeds- people with superhuman powers given by a virus, who fight monsters created by the same virus while risking transforming into such a monster themselves.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 7 months
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Double Cross
"You're in for a nasty butt-kickin'."
Artist: Jeff Laubenstein TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 2 months
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"We have the advantage, Major." "Yeah." "This is what your father died for? In the name of people who would lie and steal from those they would call friends?" "Well, I lied, too. Jumpers two and three execute. You didn't really think we had one ship, did you? Tell your people to get back. Nobody gets hurt. Jumper Two, prepare to fire on my mark."
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mjsthrillernp · 5 months
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I’m so excited! 🤩 It just came in the mail and I can’t wait to read it again! @campbellthompsonwrites It’s very beautifully done! 🥰😍
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eye---karos · 1 year
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men in skirts. thats it thats the post.
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ryunumber · 2 months
Zahra Sinclair from Double Cross?
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Zahra Sinclair does not have a Ryu Number.
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silencedvoices · 4 months
June of Doom Day 2
"It didn't have to be this way." | scream | double cross | made to watch |
Content: Creepy whumper, beating, some blood, implied kidnapping, forced to watch
"It didn't have to be this way." Whumper stalked towards Whumpee. All they could do was glare up at Whumper from their spot tied to a chair. Blood trickled down their face and their head spun from Whumper banging it into the wall.
Whumpee chuckled bitterly, "It really didn't. You could've just let me go in the first place."
Whumper grinned, "Yes, but where's the fun in that? I enjoy breaking you far more. Remember, it was your choice anyways. I keep you in exchange for your precious Caretaker's life."
"Well, hate to break it to you, but I'm gonna get out of here."
Whumper raised a brow, "You're so sure, huh?"
The door to the room opened and a bloody and bruised Caretaker was unceremoniously dumped onto the floor. Whumpee's eyes widened as Caretaker didn't move.
"Caretaker! Oh gosh! What did you do to them?"
"Don't worry. They're still alive. For now at least." Whumper smiled sadistically as Whumpee's face dropped even more.
"You- we had a deal! You promised you'd let them go!" Whumpee's voice wobbled as they held back tears.
Whumper chuckled, "Who ever said I was honest?"
"Please! I'm begging you. Let them go. You- can do whatever you want with me! I'll do anything, just please don't hurt them anymore."
Whumpee screamed as one of the people who brought in Caretaker kicked them in the side, fueling Whumpee's anger.
"STOP IT! They're already down! Can't you just let them be?" Whumpee looked away as tears started streaming down their face.
"Oh, don't be like that. We need you to watch the show." Whumper roughly grabbed Whumpee's chin, forcing them to look as Caretaker was beaten into the ground. Whumpee sobbed as Whumper whispered into their ear.
"Remember this all could've been prevented if you'd just listened. We did have a deal, but you weren't as obedient as you promised to be. Everytime you fought back you did this to Caretaker. It's all your fault and I'll continue to remind you of that until you don't even think about resisting. Do you understand?"
Whumper was filled with delight as Whumpee looked up at them with tear filled eyes and murmured, "I understand."
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ragatha in doublecross TF2
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My little family is growing!!
Crossfire available for digital pre-order now!!
They look sooo good together!
@lokisgoodgirl @maple-seed @mochie85 @caffiend-queen @nildespirandum @jaidenhawke @loz-3 @grymrayven @gruftiela @texmexdarling @blog-the-lilly @gigglingtiggerv2 @foxherder
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lulubelle814 · 2 months
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It's slow at work. So I'm rereading this book by @gigglingtiggerv2. Such a great book!
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kittydoesthings · 8 months
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continuing my eldritch god brainrot as per usual
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starliight-whump · 4 months
It didn't have to be this way -(villain!James - 1)
(June of doom 2)
“It didn’t have to be this way.”            
| Scream | Double Cross | Made to Watch |
This is the first part of a story I've been thinking about for a few years by now, in which James' career as a hero takes a turn when he finds out how corrupt his team leader is. I still need to figure out a hero name for her and a few other people, but I hope to get this story going now.
contains: Kidnapping, vaguely mentioned torture.
James tapped on the cloaking device on his suit and darkness spilled out over the fabric like a shadow; concealing the blue color. It really had been a genius invention for those times more discretion was needed, and when following a criminal through the city streets at night it definitely was. 
The target was suspected of belonging to a criminal network that had proven particularly hard to pin down and expose. It likely would have been relatively easy for James to bring the suspect into custody, but another person they'd caught had proven that questioning was futile so James had decided to try another approach; maybe that person could lead him to some place of importance. If not, well, then he would have to just bring the suspect in.
Quietly as he could, James followed the man through the dimly lit streets, making sure that he wasn't noticed by the man he was following. That led him to a building which from the outside looked rather unsuspecting, but hopefully this would be something useful. Just before the door closed James used his power, a blue glow dancing across his fingers, as he focused on the door and stopped it from fully closing and locking.
He waited for a few moments, then walked up to the door and entered the building, carefully keeping an eye out for anyone else who could discover him. Granted the dark camouflage from the cloaking device helped him blend into the shadows of the corridor but it did not make him invisible. This was a risky move especially since he was alone, but danger was just part of the job.
Suddenly James heard footsteps from behind, and he hurried a few steps down the hall to hide in what seemed to be some sort of utility or storage room to avoid being noticed.
“Stop crying, you brought this upon yourself. Did you really think that double-crossing the Sinclairs would work out for you?” A woman said, and to James' surprise the voice was very familiar. That sounded like Cordelia, the leader of his team. Sure enough, through the keyhole of the door James could see her coming down the corridor accompanied by Rigel, dragging a bruised up man with them. Neither of them were in their hero suits, but the fact that she was here with a clearly injured person was even stranger. What the hell was going on?
James watched as well as he could from his vantage point as she knocked on a door further down the hall which quickly opened. He couldn't see who it was from where he was standing, but he could hear a man’s voice. “Ah there we have the traitor.”
“Told you I could get him for you.” Cordelia smirked, and that sort of cold satisfaction was something James hadn't seen on her face before. What was going on? Why was she here, handing over some injured person to an unknown man? That wasn't how they did things.
“You did, and I never doubted you. You’ve been very good at keeping your promises and making sure your little heroes don't get too close to our business. Want to stay and help deal with him? Could be fun.” Chillingly enough, the man sounded amused, but Cordelia's reply was worse.
“Sure, I have time.” Cordelia walked into the room with Rigel, dragging the man in with her who still pleaded and seemed even more scared than before.
James' mind was reeling with what he'd just witnessed. Their team leader knew these criminals? Very well it seemed. She’d been making sure the team didn't figure out who they were? That was incredibly shocking. James really wanted to believe that she was playing the long game, that she was just going undercover to gather information but it certainly didn't seem like that. If that was the case, why had she been hiding that information from the rest of the team? No, something was very wrong here.
Quietly he cracked the door open and looked both ways down the hall to check to make sure no one else was coming, then stepped out of the room. James walked over to the door Cordelia had entered through and peeked through the keyhole. He needed to see this, to make sure this situation really was what it seemed to be. And unfortunately, that seemed to be the case. The man was tied down to a chair and Cordelia, Rigel and an unknown man in a suit were standing in front of him.
“I’m really disappointed in you, Rodger. You know what we do with traitors.” The man in the suit said.
“Really a shame,” Cordelia added and James' eyes widened as he realized she was wielding a knife. The man’s begging became desperate but turned into a bloodcurdling scream as Cordelia plunged the knife into his skin.
Horrified, James gasped and stepped back; utterly shocked by what he'd seen. Cordelia had always seemed kind and to value justice, this just didn't make sense. Another scream rang out and James stepped back further. He needed to call for backup, because as much as he wanted to stop this immediately James knew that taking on both Cordelia and Rigel as well as armed criminals wasn't the best idea. 
“What the fuck?!” A voice snapped James out of his shocked state and he spun around to a man with a gun pointed at him. Out in the open like this the cloaking device didn't do enough to fully hide him. 
Instinctively James flicked his hand out and a blue glow pushed the man aside. The gun went off with a loud bang, though it thankfully missed him. It definitely drew attention though because soon the door opened and Cordelia stepped out, bloodied knife in hand. “What’s going on?” She began, but stilled when she saw James. “Fuck,” she cursed. She made a motion with her hand and the little metal circle on his hero suit crumbled into a ball and fell to the floor, revealing his blue suit.
“Zenith,” Cordelia sighed. “You’re not supposed to be here,”
“I’m not supposed to be here?” James cut her off, voice raised. “I’m trying to do my job!” he'd never felt so betrayed in his life. How could Cordelia possibly justify this?
“James,” she began and James tensed. They weren't supposed to use their real names in public, that just further proved that she wasn't just playing a part here. “I can explain everything, this doesn't have to change anything. You can still do your job, just not here.”
James really couldn't believe what he was hearing. “You mean turn a blind eye?” His voice was incredulous. This was against everything he believed. How could Cordelia of all people, their team leader, be involved with something like this?
“Yes, exactly. You turn a blind eye to this, forget what you saw here and things can go back to normal. And for your silence, you’ll be paid very well.” Cordelia smirked, as if she was sure that would be enough.
Now James was offended, and he scoffed. “You think you can buy my silence?” Did she think his morals were so easily swayed by some money? 
“James,” her eyes narrowed and now there was a deadly sharpness in her voice. “It would be wise of you to accept my offer. I’ll give you one more chance to rethink this and make the right decision.”
Despite the clear threat, James shook his head and stepped back. He just couldn't go along with this, this wasn't right. No matter what she would do to him, James just couldn't go along with it. “No, this- this isn't right!” He reached for his communicator, he needed to call for backup right now!
Cordelia sighed, looking disappointed. “That's a shame. You were good on the team, James. But remember, this was your choice.” In a flash, she hurled the knife at him, using her power to control metal to direct it right at him.
The fight that broke out was nasty. James never got the chance to call for backup, Cordelia had broken his communicator and just like he'd expected, fighting Cordelia and Rigel as well as armed people was a challenge. He'd sustained some cuts and bruises and he stumbled back; body aching and his head spun. James grit his teeth and glared at Cordelia as he pulled himself together.
“Remember James, it didn't have to be like this.” Cordelia’s voice was sharp but smug, almost mocking. As if she was so sure she would win.
James breathed heavily. This was really, really bad. He had to get out of here, because this fight wasn't going well. And he had to warn the rest of the team. As Cordelia stepped closer, James' eyes flicked up to the ceiling. That could work… With quite a lot of effort James' focused his power on the ceiling which started to crack
“Oh no you do-” Before Cordelia could finish that the ceiling caved in. Some of the debris hit her but most fell on the floor between them, blocking the path. James whirled around and fled, managing to make his way out of the building
@juneofdoom, @uvanuva, @darkredrevolution
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mtg-smash-or-pass · 6 months
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