#Dr Raymond Stantz
gallwithapall · 3 months
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It looks so homely...i wanna GO HERE I WANNA LIVE HERE IM MENTALLY HERE!!!
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I'm screaming, I cannot contain myself any longer
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komotionlessqueenmm · 25 days
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Imagine # 1,062
Gif NOT mine.
Year posted - 2024
Rating - SFW
Reading time (roughly) - 5 minutes
I've been playing a bunch of the Ghostbusters game, and it honestly drives me crazy how messy it is at the firehouse. So this imagine way born from that pet peeve of mine. Enjoy. :)
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Walking up to the second floor of the firehouse, (Y/n) sat down her bag, looking around the large room she sighed softly. The place was a mess, as always. She understood perfectly well why the place wasn't always clean, they guys were busy, always busy. Especially after Peck shut down the containment unit, and released all the ghosts they had captured over the past few months. Walking into the kitchen and dining area, she began picking up loose trash and tossing it into the nearby trashcan. The trash was nearly half full to begin with, and after a few minutes of working, it was totally full. She pulled the bag out of the bin, tied it up, and sat it aside.
As she was putting a new bag into the bin, the boys came wandering up the stairs. Funny she hadn't even heard them pull in downstairs. They all greeted her tiredly as they passed by, going straight to their quarters. (Y/n) continued to clean up the littered trash, and the expired food from the fridge. A short while later, Ray come back into the common room. His hair still dripping from his shower. The others having showered and gone straight to bed. "You know you don't have to do all of this (Y/n)." Ray said as he assisted in gathering up the dirty dishes. "Well I am an assistant, and I assist where I'm needed." She smiled softly at her favorite ghostbuster.
"Yeah I guess, but this is our mess." He shrugged, smiling bashfully. "I'm happy to help Ray, besides you guys have your hands full as it is. Speaking of which, go to bed, I've got this covered." She insisted as she took the dishes from his hands, placing them beside the sink, and then preparing the water. "No I'm alright, let me help." He argued, standing beside her stacking the dishes accordingly. "Ray you've been working all day, and you're exhausted. Go get some rest." She smiled at him, playfully bumping her shoulder into his. "I'm not going anywhere." He stated in a playfully serious tone. "You're stubborn, you know that?" She smiled at him, but stopped arguing over the matter any further.
"People usually say that about Peter." Ray joked, effectively making (Y/n) snort with laughter. "Yeah and he definitely is, but apparently so are you." She mused, making him smile. "I wash and rinse, you dry and put them away?" (Y/n) offered as she set to work on scrubbing the dishes. "I think I can manage that." Ray hummed as he retrieved a clean dishtowel. "Well I sure hope so, we've got plenty to do here." She teased as she began rinsing the first sink of dishes. Once the dishes were finished, they picked up the last bits of trash, swept the floor, and then began hauling the trash bags out to the dumpster out back. "I'll get some groceries tomorrow morning." (Y/n) stated as they hauled out the last two bags.
"I'll go with you." Ray added as he tossed his bag in the dumpster, he then took (Y/n)'s and threw it out as well. "You don't have to do that, I can manage alright." She blushed lightly as Ray held open the door open for her. "I know... But I want to." Ray smiled bashfully, following her back upstairs. "Well in that case, I'd love the company." She mused as they stood at the top of the stairs. "Now you should go to bed, you need some sleep." She stated as she grabbed her bag. "I'd rather spend some more time with you." Ray admitted, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "And do what Dr. Stantz?" (Y/n) asked as she peered at him, their chests nearly touching from how close she'd moved towards him.
"M-maybe get some dinner? I-I haven't actually eaten since lunch." Ray stammered a little, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Home cooked, or takeout?" She asked. "Considering how late it is, how about takeout?" He asked, trying to sound relaxed, but looking anything but. "Sounds like a date, come on you can stay with me tonight, wouldn't want to disturb the guys." She smiled as his blush depend. "A d-date?" Ray stammered again, following her back downstairs. "If you want it to be." (Y/n) turned to him on the landing of the stairs. "I-I." He cleared his throat. "Do you want it to be?" He asked, again trying to act casual. "I'd love nothing more." She admitted, blushing a bit herself.
"Really!?" Ray beamed in visible excitement, again clearing his throat and trying to play it cool. "I mean... Then it's a date." He smiled charmingly, making (Y/n) giggle softly. "Good." She mused, leaning towards his face to kiss his cheek. Ray blushed deeper, following after her like a lovesick puppy. "Do you think..." Ray trailed off as they walked to (Y/n)'s car. "What is it Ray?" She asked curiously. "Would you maybe want to go on an actual date sometime? Like to a restaurant." He asked. "How about a picnic in the park? Restaurants are always so busy, and a picnic is more intimate." (Y/n) countered. "A picnic... Yeah that sounds really nice." Ray smiled at the thought. "Saturday maybe?" She offered, making Ray beam at her again. "It's a date." He hummed happily.
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Buy me a coffee sometime? ☕️
(Click the coffee for my Kofi link, IT'S NOT NECESSARY BTW.)
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mass-sponge-migration · 6 months
Granted this was cut from the movie but, uh... some extra Raymond Francis Stantz lore... just to refresh people and remind them he can put his foot down.
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Even if it's a kid at a birthday party.
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One of my favourite things about Ghostbusters is that at the beginning in the library, Peter introduces himself as Dr. Venkman and Ray as Dr. Stantz but then Egon as just Egon. Like why
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kollectorsrus · 1 year
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sxs-kav · 2 months
I saw Frozen Empire, so obviously I have to talk about it. Spoilers ahead.
Also disclaimer that these are my personal feelings, so if we disagree that's okay too!
So, overall I would rate the movie as good. Not my all time favorite in the franchise, I think that will always go to the original, but I enjoyed it. The story could have used a little work in some parts, but hey, nothing is perfect.
Favorite part of this whole movie: one Dr. Raymond Stantz, hands down. He is so cute as an old man-child whose enthusiasm hasn't waned the least bit over the years. Honestly, in Afterlife he seemed like he'd become cynical, but here his true nature really rang through. And I adore him being a mentor for Phoebe and the other younger characters, while also getting into mischief with them. That little sparkle in his eye when Phoebe asks "Aren't you retired?" No, Ray is never retired, he will always be ready to suit up.
I also loved in the police station when Phoebe was standing up to Dickless Peck, Ray had this face like he was so proud, like he could see Egon in her, memories of him saying "YOUR MOTHER!" 😆
The other thing I liked about the movie was the expansion of the Ghostbusters as a business, with the research lab. First off, I love that Winston, the one who didn't even believe in ghosts when he was hired, is now almost like the CEO of the company. But also, it opens up more possibilities for this new era and allows for more playing with the world building. Though I feel like it was a wasted opportunity to put in some easter eggs for TRGB. Unless the ghosts featured were in the (*shudder*) Q5 episodes, I didn't recognize any of them from the show. Then again, I guess they're newer ghosts so that wouldn't make sense, but maybe they could have been similar kinds of ghosts. Just as a small reference.
Other favorite parts include:
-The near-lesbian romance between Phoebe and Melody
-Ray smuggling the Mini Pufts from Oklahoma (because of course he would)
-Also just the Mini Pufts in general (why are they so violent?)
-The way Ray's face lit up when Peter came to the firehouse
-Peter being proud that Ray quit smoking
-Peter's unwavering faith that Ray's idea is good and will work, and saying they all trust him
-The library ghost (did they never go back to get her???)
-Gary saying the words to the theme song
-Janine in uniform!
-Slimer eating the pizza with the posesser ghost in it
Now, onto the areas that I felt were not as strong. First of all, I found it wild that Phoebe was being ousted by everyone without any kind of fight. She's the one that started the whole thing up again, she's got the passion, she's got the brains, she's got the glasses and the curls! Her mom says a grand total of NOTHING to defend her in Peck's office, and they all just accept that she can't be a Ghostbuster anymore. Yeah, they don't want to get sued, but it's just weird to me that they don't even seem like they feel that terrible that she got benched. Callie and Trevor are very callous about the whole thing. Only Gary seems like he gives a shit, and he's not even her dad. The way Phoebe's benching ended wasn't all that satisfying either. It would have been nice for the other three to maybe struggle a little without her, realize they need her to balance the team, and try to find a way to get her back. Winston was really the one that got Peck off their backs in the end, no thanks to anyone else (also, I'm pretty sure in that scene, someone in the crowd yells 'dickless' 😆).
Side note, I really don't like Callie's character that much. I think she's self-centered and doesn't seem to care about the kids' feelings unless the situation becomes dire. Maybe she does deep down, but mostly her attitude about everything stinks. Idk, I wouldn't care if she wasn't in the movie at all.
Anyway, back to the plot. I liked the idea of Phoebe's plotline. I wish they'd gone all the way and had her and Melody kiss, I really thought that was coming when she separated from her body. But I have an issue about that particular moment. The decision to suddenly put herself in the chamber like that seemed to come out of nowhere, at least I thought so. They made it like Melody was supposed to be the one tricking her into doing it, but she really never said anything to convince her. Phoebe just decided on her own to try it. I know she mentioned a couple of times wondering what it would feel like to be a ghost, but it wasn't a strong enough buildup to such a risky move. Honestly, when she asked Ray about him wanting to be a ghost, coupled with Winston saying Ray was going to get himself killed, I thought they were foreshadowing killing Ray (and thank God they didn't!).
They also hint at Phoebe specifically being the one that needs to be used but why? Anyone could have been tricked into the chamber and been controlled by Garaka for the chanting.
But moving on from that, the other issue I have is with the firemaster. He was a little too good at controling the fire after what, a couple of hours of practice? I think the character could still work, he could still be a quirky weird guy, but I think I would have made him more of a reluctant inheritor of his grandma's powers. Maybe he struggles with it at first and he figures he can sell the artifacts to Ray to get rid of the responsibility. Then later he can finally accept his fate to help beat Garaka when he starts believing in himself.
Those are the only major parts that I felt could have been tweaked. Besides that, I would have loved to see Slimer and Ray get a moment, just as a nod to their friendship in the show, but I guess they want to stick to one continuity. Of all the things they could have referenced from the show, though, it had to be the Junior GB 😆 It was just a throwaway line, but still, I don't want to remember they were a thing.
Tl;dr, the movie was good and there were a lot of parts I really enjoyed. For the parts that were weak, I'm confident there will be another in the future, so hopefully they'll keep improving.
Also, who the hell voted for Peck to be mayor? I bet he rigged the election.
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theyareweird · 8 months
1984 Ghostbusters: Ray Stantz —Aesthetic
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Dr. Raymond Stantz's Character & Personality
Ray is one of the original Ghostbusters as a handyman. He's also the owner of Ray's Occult Books. Ray is largely responsible for the repair and modification of the Ecto-1. He isn't particularly religious, but he does seem to believe in a spiritual realm of sorts. As such, Ray is one of the most dedicated members in the pursuit of studying the paranormal. Thus, he's incredibly devoted to the company and will do anything to get it started. In addition, Ray is regarded as the "heart of the Ghostbusters". He generally has a great level of ebullience when it comes to Ghostbusting and paranormal science which is unmatched by his colleagues. Ray is also more than eager to go anywhere it takes to study the strange and unusual. His optimism even spreads to being the most positive regarding the outlook of situations. However, bits of Ray's cynicism will surface on occasion.
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dutchessofcaladan · 2 months
Ghostbusters: Soul Resurgence
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4! The long awaited return of Louis Tully! And unfortunately...Walter Peck. The return of Mayor Dickless can only make matters worse for the Ghostbusters. As always, hope you enjoy and a big thank you to @phantomoftheparadise0002 for beta-reading this!
Summary: When the spirit of Sumerian sorceress Ahassunu, daughter of Vigo, possesses Alexis, the Ghostbusters must band together to determine the fate of the world
TW: Some language
“Mr. Mayor!” The reporter’s voices seemed to blend together as they all tried to get his attention.
“Yes, you.” Walter Peck relented, pointing to a random man in the second row. 
“What can you say about the tragedy that befell New York yesterday evening?”
Peck sighed. “For the past 41 years, I've been trying, albeit unsuccessfully, to shut down an organization that has fed off the hysteria that they themselves have caused the great city of New York. For years, they've plagued this city with faux spirits and used them as justification for their destruction of this city. Now they have killed more than 100 of our citizens. Good, innocent men, women, and children slaughtered in the streets of the city they called home. To this, I say, no more!” He looked directly at the camera. “I, Mayor Walter Peck, vow that today…is the beginning of the end for the Ghostbusters.”
Not a sound came from the Firehouse as the Ghostbusters sat at the table in the break room.
Ray's breathing was still labored as tears continued to stream down his face. First Egon, now Venkman. 2 of his dearest friends had died doing something he'd dragged them into. 
As if sensing his thoughts, Winston placed a hand on Ray’s shoulder. “It wasn't your fault, Ray.” He said, trying to comfort his friend. 
Shrugging his hand off with a scoff, he gave Winston a look as if to say “don't”. 
“Yes. It is.” He grumbled, standing up. “I brought Venkman and Spengler into this. They're both dead because of me.”
The rest of the group watched as Winston stood up, following Ray. 
“Ray!” Winston shouted, continuing after his friend.
Stopping on the landing of the ground floor, Ray turned back to face Winston. 
“What do you want me to say, Z?” He asked, furious. “That I played no part in what happened to Spengler and Venkman? Because I did! I'm the one who got us all interested in the paranormal! I'm the reason they're dead! If we hadn't created the Ghostbusters, they would still be here and Alex-” 
He stopped as a fresh wave of guilt and tears washed over him.
Taking a deep breath, he began to speak again. “I'm the reason we lost Spengler and Venkman. And I could very well be the reason we lose Alex too.”
Just as Winston was about to speak, a knock echoed through the Firehouse. 
Opening the door, Ray was met with a man in a suit, holding a piece of paper. 
“Dr. Raymond Stantz?” He asked. 
Ray nodded. “Yes.”
The man handed him the paper and turned back to his car. 
“What was that?” Phoebe asked, coming down the stairs, followed by the rest of the team. 
As Ray read over the document, he felt a red-hot anger build up within him. Looking back up at the group, he scoffed. “Dickless is suing us.”
Ray rubbed his temples as the lawyer for the persecution continued to ramble on. As he finished, the judge turned to Ray. 
"Dr. Raymond Stantz, do you have anything to say in your defense?"
Ray sighed. "Don't talk to me. Talk to my attorney." 
Standing up, Louis stated proudly, "And that's me!" Taking a breath, he questioned, "Your honor, may I address the court?" The judge nodded. 
Clearing his throat, he began to speak, pacing about the room.
"Your honor, in this lawsuit, Mayor Peck has accused my clients of creating faux spirits for the past 41 years. How would they have done so? To even be able to purchase the firehouse they use as a headquarters, Dr. Stantz had to take out a 3rd mortgage on his family home, which was seized by the bank when he couldn't repay his loan. How could they possibly have come up with enough money to obtain the supplies they would use to create these "faux spirits" Mayor Peck references? Also, how could they have created the spirit reported in the New York Library before the Ghostbusters had even been formed?"
As Louis went on, Ray and Winston kept a trained eye on the jury, who seemed to be hanging on his every word.
Some time later, it was time for the jury to give their decision. 
"Will the foreman of the jury please rise." The judge ordered. 
A young woman stood up, looking slightly nervous. 
"And what is your verdict, Ms. Foreman?"
"Based on the evidence presented here today, we the jury have found the defendants not guilty." 
"Good job in there today, Louis." Ray congratulated.
"Thanks." Louis said, his signature goofy smile appearing. "I was sorry to hear about what happened to Venkman." His smile dropped as Ray nodded solemnly. "So," he started hesitantly, "what's gonna happen with Alex? I mean, you guys said she was possessed right?" 
Ray nodded again as Winston came to stand next to Ray, acknowledging Louis with a nod. 
"Well, you could try that mood slime stuff again. Worked like a charm on that Vigo guy." Louis suggested.
Just then, a light bulb went off in Ray's head. As he ran towards his bike, he yelled to Winston over his shoulder, "Call Lars and tell him I'll meet him at the Paranormal Research Center in 20 minutes!"
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Brainwaves Bios: Doctor Raymond Stantz (1984)
The Heart of The Ghostbusters Doctor Raymond Stantz, PhD
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The heart of the Ghostbusters. Raymond is the one who is most interested in ghosts, and will often be the most interested in ghosts, and will often be the most excited when encountering something supernatural. He provides knowledge of folklore to compliment Egon's scientific knowledge when figuring out how to deal with a ghost.
"Everything was fine with our system, until the power grid was shut off by dickless here."
Full Legal Name: Raymond Francis Stantz
First Name: Raymond
Meaning: From the Germanic name 'Raginmund', composed of the elements 'Regin' 'Advice, Counsel, Decision' and 'Munt' 'Protection'.
Pronunciation: RAY-mund
Origin: English, French
Middle Name: Francis
Meaning: English form of the Late Latin name 'Franciscus' meaning 'Frenchman', ultimately from the Germanic tribe of the Franks, who were named for a type of spear that they used.
Pronunciation: FRAN-sis
Origin: English, French
Surname: Stantz
Meaning: Variation on 'Stanz', a habitational name from places called 'Stans' or 'Stantz' in Austria and Switzerland
Pronunciation: STAN-ts
Origin: German
Titles: Doctor, Professor, Mr
Nicknames: Ray, Francine (By Venkman), Frank (By Nova)
Age: 32
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human (Touched by the 'Psychic Realm')
Nationality: American Citizen. Born in America
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: July 1st 1952
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Non-Religious (Formerly Christian)
Native Language: English
Known Languages: English, Latin, Hebrew, Greek, Spanish, Arabic, Norse, Phoenician, Chinese
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Actor: Dan Aykroyd
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Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Cutchogue, Long Island, New York
Current Residence: North Moore Street, New York, New York
Height: 6'0" / 183 cm
Weight: 200 lbs / 91 kg
Eye Colour: Heterochromatic (1 Green, 1 Brown)
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: Once dyed his hair blond in college
Body Hair: Hairy
Facial Hair: Clean Shaven
Tattoos: (As of Jan 1984) None
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker, Smoker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed (Autistic)
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Affiliated Groups: Ghostbusters (Founding Member)
Friends: Peter Venkman, Egon Spengler, Winston Zeddemore, Janine Melnitz, Dana Barrett, Louis Tully (Sort-Of), Mars Teufel, Nova Teufel
Significant Other: None (Crush: Nova Teufel)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Silas Stantz (Deceased, Father), Joanna Stantz (Deceased, Mother, Née Gwerder)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Carl Stantz (36, Brother), Jean Stantz (30, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: Nicola Stantz (34, Carl's Wife, Née Woodrow)
Nieces & Nephews: Tyler Stantz (12, Nephew), Jacob Stantz (8, Nephew), Saffron Stantz (10, Niece)
Children: None
Level of Education: Engineering PhD, Metallurgy PhD, Astronomy PhD, Chemistry PhD, History PhD, Physics PhD, Parapsychology PhD
Occupation: Ghostbuster
Employer: Ghostbusters
Engineering Expert
Biologist (Micro & Marine Biology)
Marine Spongiologist
Architectural Knowledge
Occult Literature Knowledge
Nicotine Addicted
Prone to 'Shut Down's
Can be Controlled via Twisting His Ears
Susceptible to Possession
Backstory: In his childhood, Ray Stantz went to Camp Waconda. Sitting at the campfire and roasting Stay Puft Marshmallows became one of his fondest memory. In his adulthood, Dr. Ray Stantz worked in the private sector at one point but he was not adept at producing the results they wanted. By 1984, Ray's parents passed away and he inherited the home he was born in. Ray went to work at Columbia University and studied the paranormal phenomena with Dr. Peter Venkman and Dr. Egon Spengler. Egon and Ray were usually the first to interview case subjects, even people Peter called "schizos" no matter how far-fetched their stories were.
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gallwithapall · 4 months
Me- "Im so normal about that old man"
Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Trailer- "Hold my beer"
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mass-sponge-migration · 6 months
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He has no right to be this attractive.
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loiswasadevil · 6 months
Actual multiverse-believing selfhood-believing fictionkin here wondering why the timestamps on your comments are from 15 hours ago and not from 2014. Really. You're not in THAT universe right now, are you? Ok then. Even if you DID reality-shift, wouldn't that only be you? If you really did know everything about Family Guy, you'd know if something was a script or not. Either give up your trolling act or stop being a brat to everyone else. I think you knew damn well what the post was about and made the choice to act like a 10-year-old. That or you are an anti-kin troll. Leaning towards the latter, because those are usually the kind who make a big circlejerk amongst themselves all "oh hehe look at what the tumblrina kinnies believe because they're all 13 and stupid". Congrats, you played yourself. Signed, Dr. Raymond Stantz.
What the hell do you even mean? And No not right now I shift there literally all the time So i can go there at will usually And it's honestly fucked up of you to send me this at a time when i can't shift when im experiencing my catalysts do to Christmas Trauma and The Death of my Peter, When i DO reality shift If i wasn't lois I wouldn't shift there and take the place of Lois I mirror her when I shift. If i wasn't truly lois I would shift as A different manifestation and i wouldnt be in the Griffin house on Spooner Street That isn't how it works Educate yourself on kin and shifting. I'm not fucking trolling this is just my blog so if you don't like it Stay off and if you aren't a Family Guy Fan then STAY OFF. I don't even know what post you're Fucking talking about, I have a famous blog where I answer and post a lot every day so you can't be vague in saying "What THE post was about" What Post do you even mean? And Don't you fucking dare call me an Anti Kin troll when i've done more to uplift the kin community than you've done in your entire life because you need to hide behind anon.
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spxnglr · 2 years
November 21st, 1950: Egon Elijah Spengler is born in Cleveland, Ohio. He is the son of Malachai and Ruth Spengler.
May 28th, 1963: Egon graduates Solon High School, aged 12.
October 29th, 1966: After being accepted on a scholarship, Egon graduates from Columbia University with a Bachelors degree in Psychology, aged 15. He is the youngest student in the university’s history to do so.
October 10th, 1969: Having been granted another scholarship, Egon graduates from New York University with his first doctorate, in Physics, aged 18. Again, he is the youngest student in their history to do so.
End of 1969 - End of 1970: Egon takes a gap year. For at least part of this period, he travels to Sweden, where he researches Gjenganger and studies Draugr, picking up the language and its variant in the process. He also begins to research the phenomenon of Psychokinetic Energy. He is 20 by the time he returns to the US.
December 1st, 1972: Egon graduates from Cornell University with his second doctorate, Microbiology (A specialisation of Mycology), aged 22.
November 21st, 1975: Egon graduates from Columbia University with his third doctorate, Parapsychology, on his 25th birthday. During this time, he meets Dr. Raymond Stantz and Dr. Peter Venkman, who, like him, have been accepted on grants. He also works as a licensed coroner during these years, presumably as a way to earn extra income. His thesis for this doctorate becomes by far the most extensive and accurate study conducted on Pyschokinetic Energy, earning him the reputation of perhaps its foremost expert. He achieves this partially by constructing his own portable instrument that can measure it to an accuracy of 99.999% without the need for manually-calculated equations - the PKE Meter.
December 1975 to c.September 1984: Egon is a Professor of Paranormal Studies at Columbia University, having been immediately invited by them to form the department with Ray and Peter. They are dismissed in late 1984, and form Ghostbusters Inc. soon after.
June 26th, 1980: While he is a Professor, Egon graduates from the Massachusets Institute of Technology (MIT) with a Bachelors degree in Nuclear Engineering. It is around this time that he begins to develop equipment that is capable of capturing and containing ghosts and other paranormal entities - the Proton Pack, and the Ghost Trap.
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from-sea-to-skye · 1 month
Gozer: [after Ray orders her to re-locate] Are you a God? [Ray looks at Peter, who nonchalantly nods yes] Dr. Raymond Stantz: No... Gozer: Then… DIE! [Lightning flies from her fingers, driving the Ghostbusters to the edge of the roof and almost off; people below scream; the boys take a moment to recover] Winston Zeddemore: Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES"!
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aercnaut · 3 months
the rules are simple ! post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people).
lee scoresby ( his dark materials )
angus macguyver ( original 80s series )
elwood blues ( blues brothers )
wyll ravenguard ( baldur's gate 3 )
nicholas st. north ( guardians of childhood/rise of the guardians )
eric draven ( the crow )
cal kestis ( star wars )
lucas wolenczak ( seaquest dsv )
goodnight robicheaux ( magnificent seven )
luke skywalker ( star wars )
dr. raymond stantz ( ghostbusters )
alice liddel ( american mcgee's alice )
benoit blanc ( knives out )
arkin o'brien ( the collector )
dennis rafkin ( thirteen ghosts )
jack the lamplighter ( mary poppins returns )
ray and eric!
tagged by: @prcspcr
tagging: @nightmdic @hauntboxed @oakthcrn and you with the face reading this
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emmychee · 4 months
Fem/Autistic! Reader + Ray Stantz (PLATONIC)
(1,950 words)
May contain mentions of ableism (internalised included) and a minor wound. Sorry if this could contain some OOC, along with my little...headcanons.
The shrill horns of cars, trucks and taxis bring a loud chorus of chaos; the usual term when hanging around streets of New York on a dry spring evening. Just at half-past seven. Normal nightly hours.
The chaotic surroundings aren’t your thing being an autistic woman in a city you’ve settled in. But you mask it well, keeping a set face when in public… and let it out privately when it has been too much. Let the tears out so they don’t abuse you with their words. Some New Yorkers don’t bat an eye on you, even if you are not on the verge of shutdowns. Only a few get the point, and a few in fact understand you. Warts and all.
Tonight, is the night for your stroll to Central Park. The large telescope in your arms wobble as you try to maintain your stamina as you push past pedestrians. Not an eye batted. But that’s alright. You want to keep going to find a good spot for yourself to look at the sky. One of your favourite interests.
You stop at the crossing, waiting for the light to turn green for you to pass. Vehicles speed from both directions, not one willing to stop. But one did and the crossing is free for you to cross to the other side where Central Park is just around the corner. You stumble a little. The telescope’s weight challenges your stamina.
‘Excuse me, miss!’ Somebody declares with a rather authoritative air. ‘Do you have a license to carry such equipment?’
You feel the hairs on your arms rise. A license for a telescope? That’s new. Knowing to answer to authorities you swirl around, tensing up for the confrontation… only to confront a familiar face.
‘Oh, Ray!’ You let your shoulders sag, and you fiddle your hands over the telescope. You feel yourself laughing. ‘You startled me!’
Dr Raymond Stantz, the Heart of the Ghostbusters. He has clicked with you immediately way back and became tightly knit, despite him having to do a lot of dangerous work in finding the supernatural while you were busy practicing the arts or looking after his book shop in his stead. His six-foot frame towers over you, with his right hand shaped into a finger gun pointed towards you, but it is the playful heterochromia eyes (one green and one brown) that shows his amiable air.
‘Sorry, lil’ bean!’ He chuckles, which you respond with your own, hearing his affectionate nickname for you. ‘Whatcha doing out here?’
‘I’m off to the park for some stargazing. See if I can get a lot today.’ You fiddle over the telescope again. ‘Would you like to come? It’s fine if you can’t…’
‘Sure. I’ve just closed my bookshop, and ghosts must be laying low tonight.’
‘Yay!’ Your smile broadens, and your feet tap around excitedly. ‘I love to have some company.’
‘I thought you would.’ Ray eyes the telescope struggling in your arms. ‘Want me to carry that?’
‘Nah, I can handle it.’ However, your pace somehow cannot catch up, and you stop, lowering the telescope. ‘Well, maybe not so much.’
‘How ‘bout we carry it together? Like this: you hold this end, and I’ll hold this end.’
You mumble softly, moving your hands around the telescope’s legs while Ray handles the lens. You look around for any bystanders. Luckily none are aware. You’ve previously endured such situations, some vocally expressing their hostile opinions. Whether it be you flapping your hands or holding them like a squirrel would when on alert-mode. You would sense them ordering you to put your hands to your side, like a “normal” person would. But those matters have lessened when you and Ray became friends. His aura makes you feel comfortable.
Deeper in Central Park you two find a good spot to put down the telescope. Ray adjusts the legs, setting them in place. You wipe the lens with a tissue for any dirt. You tilt it towards the sky, only to find out there is something wrong.
You sigh. ‘Wonderful.’
‘What’s up?’ Ray asks.
‘I didn’t think it’ll be an overcast tonight.’ You glare at the thin sheets of cloud covering some of the sky. There are small specs of light from adjacent houses. ‘Not to mention there are still some houses with their lights left on.’ You crunch your hand over your hooded jumper. ‘Geeze, I’m so stupid.’
‘Aw, c’mon. At least there’s still some stars to find. I think that’s the Big Dipper over there. Or Ursa Major, aka, the Big Bear.’
‘Yeah.’ You nod. ‘It’s just one of the problems being in a city. You don’t get this much light pollution out in the wide-open spaces.’
You peer through the telescope to see the stars that have managed to creep from the clouds. ‘Ah, there’s Ursa Major. I can just about see it. Who would have thought that these little dots in the sky are humungous up there?’
‘Yep. Big balls of mostly gas, miles and miles away. They’ve got a lotta energy.’
‘And some are even bigger than the planets.’ You tilt the telescope up and down, before pulling it back up again. You step back and sit on the bench behind. In a second Ray sits down. ‘You got a favourite planet?’
‘Favourite planet?’ Ray repeats, his gaze shifting between you and the sky. ‘It’s gotta be Jupiter.’
‘Ah, the big boy!’
‘The big boy himself! Got a lotta moons to father, huh? Especially Io and Ganymede. Lots of moons. Saturn must be feeling that similar pain. That planet is good-looking with those rings of rock and ice. I like Jupiter cause it’s full of energy with its storms.’
You shudder. ‘I’d hate to find myself in one, especially from its red spot. It looks very angry!’
Ray chuckles and ruffles his hand over your hair. You duck into your hoodie, stifling a giggle from the welcoming affection.
‘What about you?’ He asks. ‘What’s your favourite planet?’
You fumble your thumbs together. ‘I like Pluto. Always loved Pluto.’ You shyly look at Ray nodding. His smile grows when you swivel about in your seat. ‘Always thought it was a funny but cute name for a little one.’
‘Especially for the lovable dog.’
You look up at the sky and frown. ‘Shame that it got demoted to a dwarf planet, as in NOT a proper planet anymore. They think it orbits differently than the other planets. Not to mention it’s smaller than Mercury. It’s like they just see it as a lame piece of floating rock… or something. Must be lonely up there, too.’
‘Yeah. Poor fella. Can’t believe they did that! Just cause they don’t think it’s a planet doesn’t mean it’s nothing special for us. Besides, it has its own moons, so it’s not alone.’
‘Like Charon?’
‘Like Charon. See? I know other things than ghosts!’
You smile faintly. ‘And Pluto is special, no matter what.’ You squeeze your hands over your hoodie. ‘I understand how Pluto must feel though, being different. Being different from being normal to anything or anyone. One point you feel like someone, and then the next they throw you aside. Like you don’t fit in. Like you’re not really a human being.’
You shuffle in your seat again. ‘People would shoot me looks whenever I stim.’ You choke, hearing your voice wobble. ‘Tell me that I talk too much on things I like. Or I’m too quiet and don’t say a lot. Or say I don’t “look” autistic cause I act “normal” at times.’
‘I get ya.’ Ray puts an arm around your shoulders. ‘I get ya. I’m always ready for a challenge with whatever the spirits give us,’ he snickers, adding, ‘and getting pay-check, no matter small, but gotta admit it ain’t easy. I put everyone in danger, and I slip up, too. Like the time a giant version of Mr Stay Puft marched round the city.’
‘A giant Mr Stay Puft?’
‘The marshmallow mascot I loved. A harmless being that just popped in there. Big mistake.’ Ray shakes his head sadly. ‘And Peter likes to grab my ear. He did it again this morning.’
You wince as Ray gingerly rubs over his ear. You can see a small red mark. He is too busy rubbing his other ear for a look there, but you are certain it’s just as sore.
‘I dunno why he’d do that. That’s mean!’
‘Awh, he means well, even if a bit of a pain. With friends like him who needs Gozer. Or Vigo. Or in Egon’s case, the Boogieman. Or with Winston, a minor demon.’
You nod, and then without hesitation… ‘Or even Mr Pecker?’ you add.
Ray laughs. ‘Yeah. Who needs HIM?’ Sighing, he leans back, clapping his hands over his knees. ‘Yeah. We’re not so different, aren’t we, Y/N? When you’ve told me you were on the spectrum, I felt a connection. That I have someone else to share a lotta stuff with, even if bothers the boys. Of course, you’re not as excited about ghosts, but…’
‘I know. But I always find joy when you come back with one, looking like a proud fisher with a great catch.’
‘Always a great catch!’
You look at your knees pressed together, listening to other people but cannot hear what they are saying. You look up to see them pass by, minding their own business. Pigeons leave for roosting on the trees, their fluttering wings are loud. A dog is barking somewhere. There’s a lot of noise tonight.
You put your hands on your knees, and almost immediately you can feel your eyes water.
‘Hey.’ Ray whispers, reaching his hand to wipe an escaping tear. ‘You alright?’
‘Yeah.’ You hear your voice wobble again, as you scrub your face dry. ‘This has been so… nice. Even if we didn’t see a lotta stars tonight, I’m glad I got to talk to you about something. Like about Pluto. But hey, it has a heart pattern. A very big one too!’
‘Yep. Just as big as yours.’
You look at Ray… and turn away, feeling a coat of blush on your cheeks. ‘You’re right. Just cause Pluto’s different than the others, now a dwarf planet, doesn’t mean it’s not something.’ You brave yourself to look at Ray again. ‘Cause I think it’s still a planet, just a smaller kind.’ You smile. ‘I love that little ninth planet.’
‘I think it’s special too. Just like you.’ Ray runs his hand across your shoulder. ‘Don’t bother what others have to say, even with your little stims. You’re you, and nothing else. Just like Pluto is… well, Pluto, for a little ex-planet.’
You lower your gaze shyly, and nestle against Ray’s side, wrapping your arms around him. ‘Thanks Ray.’ You whisper.
‘Always happy to help,’ Ray replies, ‘and hug.’
The evening grows darker, as you two pack up the telescope, and exit Central Park.  You look at your watch, it has just gone eight. The street outside has become slightly emptier, and yet it makes you tremble. Luckily, Ecto-1 is waiting on the curb once you have left the park’s perimeter.
‘Thanks again for hanging out, Ray.’
‘No problem, Y/N. Sorry if the sky wasn’t perfect.’
‘It’s okay. There’s always another time.’
‘That’s the spirit!’
You both climb inside Ecto-1, and Ray starts her up, roaring with life. The siren is not on, but the radio blares a song by Jackie Wilson.
‘Why don’t you join us in the firehouse for a coffee, and a takeout?’ Then Ray grumbles. ‘And Peter better not ask for Thai again.’
‘So, what do you fancy?’ You ask.
‘Wanna get a pizza?’
‘Sounds good.'
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