#Dr. Stone Dr. Xeno Houston Wingfield x reader
nishayuro · 8 months
✿Dr.Stone Masterlist✿
A/N: Here is the masterlist for my works for Dr. Stone please do tell me if there is something wrong with the links.
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Fluff (🥰), Hurt/Comfort (💕), Crack (😂), Angst (😭),
Headcanons (H), Oneshots (O), Fics (F),
WIP (✏️), Completed (🔒), Nisha’s Favourite (❣️)
➸ Masterlist
Ishigami Senku
Nanami Ryusui
Saionji Ukyo
Asagiri Gen
Nanami Sai
- Sai with a crush on reader in the stone world (🥰, H, O)
- Sai with a cosplayer s/o (🥰, H, O)
Stanley Snyder
- Celebrating his S/O's Birthday (🥰, H) - Stanley as your Mentor (🥰,😭, H, O) -Stanley with a teenage crush (🥰, O) -Being Stanley's Best friend (🥰, H, O)
-Stanley's Birthday (🥰, O) - StanXeno with a terminally ill lover (🥰,😭, H, O) -Stanley Fluff Headcanons (🥰, H)
Xeno Houston Wingfield
- StanXeno with a terminally ill lover (🥰,😭, H, O)
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narrators-journal · 3 months
bless u for doing the xenostan x reader poly living headcanons for that person. i really can only imagine them as a set so this was so beautiful to read. may i get some hcs on how theyd go about asking out or seducing someone?
Despite what’s going on with my cat, I don’t feel right just begging and vanishing, so I decided to knock this out real simple for now. I hope these are fun, and I hope you continue to enjoy my goofy ass thoughts on Stano!
When it comes to seducing someone, or asking someone out, Stan’s pretty organized about it.
He’s a military man, and he will treat it like a military operation lol
He’ll learn all he can about your interests, your perfect date, anything like that.
Of course, this isn’t some creepy shit, if he feels you two won’t mesh, he won’t try to date you. But if he takes you out, he wants it to be as nice as possible. So, he’s thorough.
Plus, looking into potential partners like this saves him some time and money, since he can usually gauge whether or not you two would mesh or have fun.
Xeno simply isn’t someone who dates much. He’s a bit of a workaholic I’d imagine.
That’s not to say he doesn’t have the desire to date, he simply lacks the silver tongued skill Stan has.
So, if Xeno asks you out or tries to seduce you, it will be blunt.
Of course, with how analytical he is, like Stan, it will be well researched. If he asks you out, it’ll be blunt, but he’ll mean that shit.
Just...don’t expect a lot of smooth talk and charm about it. He’s not Stan, he will probably talk a lot about unethical sciences over dinner.
As a pair, you are doomed.
They come together to be well-informed on your interests and tastes, and Stan is there to balance out Xeno’s caveman-esque techniques.
You’ve got Stan’s charm and humor, paired with Xeno’s intellegence and intrigue.
Xeno will probably keep you on your toes with his attitude, his conversation topics, and his slightly scary morals. Stan is there to charm and soften his best friend and provide more accessible humor.
So, in short, if they set their sights on you, and deem you datable, they’ve got a high ass chance of succeeding at that shit.
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ryusuisloveinterest · 2 months
Xeno and Stanley flirting with Senku's mom who is a doctor after they made peace with one another, either separately or together works!
-🧨 Anon
Hello 🧨 anon! Thank you for the request! I hope this was good for you. I kinda made it a little stressful and angsty ig??? but I picture senku’s mama protective so that’s what I wrote lol. Also Xeno’s is much longer than Stanley’s sorry about that. I hope you enjoy! 💕
Xeno and Stanley flirting with Senku’s mom 🩷
I don’t think Senku would revive his mom after he found out what happened to Byakuya. He doesn’t want to be the one to tell his mother what happened to his father. But eventually he had to wake you up, after all a boy needs his mother. When you found out what happened to Byakuya you didn’t dare cry in front of him (so that’s where he gets it from). You hold him in your arms and explain to him that you’ll always miss and love his father but he would want him to go forward and enjoy life. But as soon as you’re behind closed doors, you burst into tears, crying for your husband and how you could never say bye to him or tell him how much you love him again. But of course life goes on. Senku continues to work on his science and you’re there with him every step of the way. But you couldn’t just stand around and do nothing forever! You decided to do what you do best, help others! You opened your own clinic and became the first official doctor in the stone world! Of course on your off time you go and visit Senku in his lab, bringing him and his colleagues treats and whatever supplies they need, including Xeno and Stanley. Safe to say they’ve taken quite an interest in you.
Xeno first met you when the Time Machine idea first came into mind
Senku awkwardly walks in with you following, cooing at all the things he’s accomplished 
“Awww my little boy has grown so much! I’m so proud of you!”
Cue blushing Senku 
Of course this also makes Xeno chuckle 
“Is this your mother Dr Senku?” Xeno holds out his hand, “Dr Xeno. It’s a pleasure to meet you maam.”
Your smile quickly fades when he says his name, but you try to fake a smile
“Ohhhh so you’re the one that tried to get my son killed🙂”
He’s so taken aback
No one messes with mama’s boy
“Calm down ma I told you it’s all over now. He’s an ally”
You quickly remove your hand and walk past them. “He better be”
You then your head to face Xeno, “and you better keep your hands off my boy”
Oh he’s gonna like you
Every time you came over to the lab Xeno would try to start conversation 
“Any patients today?” “Your son just came up with a new idea for the Time Machine.” “I heard you used to want to visit the states.”
At first you would half ass your answers
“No.” “I know he’s brilliant, now where is he?” “Not anymore.”
But your slowly started to warm up to him, and I mean slowly 
“How was your day?” You asked him once. This was how you got to know each other better.
One day you walk in looking to give Senku some fruit you just bought
“SHIT!” You run to the scream and see a spilt concoction and a burn on Xeno’s hand
You set the fruit down and head over to him. You take out your water bottle and pour it on a towel, placing it on his hand
He smiles at the gesture
“I bet you didn’t think I’d be your patient today.” He teases
You chuckle, “nope, but you somehow always surprise me.”
Your bring out some ointments and continue to treat him
“I knew you were beautiful but you look like heaven this close.”
Shocked, You stop what you’re doing but quickly continue 
Xeno smiles and continues to watch you work 
That wasn’t the last you’ve heard of his teasing
“Welcome back Mrs Y/N. I smell a new perfume. I’m assuming it’s from Mrs Yuzuriha’s collection?” “You look so gorgeous today, as of course you do everyday, but you seem different somehow.” “I always like it when your hairs up.”
But one day he said it infront of senku. 
“Could you two stop being gross? I’m trying to work.” 
Senku thinks he hid it, but of course you catch it. the worry on his face
Pulling Xeno aside, you tell him, “do you know the reason senku wants this Time Machine to work? Because he wants his father back, and I want my husband back. I know my son, he’s worried that if he brings byakuya back that I’ll love you instead of him. Which wouldn’t be true!”
Taking a deep breath you continue, “but if for some reason my genius boy can’t find a way to do so, which I’m sure he can… I wouldn’t mind trying a life with you Xeno…”
You look him in the eyes, “just spare my son his worries…”
Xeno sighs and smiles, “of course, I mean I don’t want my greatest colleague to resent me. But I hope you know I’ll hold you to your word.”
Same as Xeno, you immediately all him out for trying to kill your precious boy
He honestly tries to keep his distance from you at first, he doesn’t want to cause a problem
Until one day he came back from hunting very injured
Xeno sent him to you as soon as he saw him 
Not being able to deny a patient you tell him to sit down and wait to be taken care of 
He didn’t say much except for a thank you and sorry for the trouble, but you didn’t mind at all
This became a routine for the both of you
He would come in with just a small cut or a nearly broken arm and you would take care of it 
He thinks you’re the most beautiful woman in the world 10000%, but when he walks in and catches you hurrying around with the necklace Byakuya gave you he keeps to himself
So for months and months he will make small talk as he kept visiting you
“How’s your day so far?” “Bet you didn’t have the same patient everyday like me 3700 years ago huh?” “I can see where senku gets hard work from.”
Every single day his feelings for you increased
One day he didn’t realize his words slipping
“You’re such an angel you know that? Always taking care of me. You should let me treat you for once.”
Your head snaps up
He’s too far in now
“I wanna take you out. Yknow grab a drink, actually talk and-“
“I’ll wait for my husband.”
He’s instantly quiet. He doesn’t dare say another word
You hold your face in your hands
“This Time Machine is a long shot. I know my boy is a genius and he can do anything he puts his mind to but I know some things aren’t possible.”
“Y/N I-“
“Please let me finish. I want Byakuya back more than anything in the world, but if he can’t come back… I’ll go on a date or two with you…”
You give him a soft smile
“Thank you, y/n. I hope whatever happens makes you happy,” he says as he takes your hand. 
“Thank you. And please don’t tell senku about this.”
“I promise.”
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themissinghand · 1 year
Dr. Stone: Growing Up With Stanley Synder
Note: Received a request from anon but sadly lost the OG request message. Thanks for the request though! Always open to taking requests, and for other fandoms as well! 
Summary: Headcanons of what it would be like growing up together with our favourite sniper king. 
Pairing: Stanley Snyder x GN! Reader! 
Warnings: Spoilers for the characters, but no canon plot. For anime watchers, don't search up Xeno or Stanley if you don't want to be spoiled!
Childhood Friendship:
Stanley Snyder has been friends with you since you were kids. It’s not really a choice, considering you two were practically neighbors, and your parents being friends with one another. 
Even so, Stanley felt like you two just clicked upon the first meeting. 
Stanley never thought you two would share many similar interests and hobbies.
Often, Stanley would spend countless weekends with you, playing sports, watching movies, discovering hidden gems in the city, and pranking others. 
Stanley’s family were incredibly supportive and happy that their son were getting along with you so well. So they often invited you to go over whenever your parents had work overseas.
They encouraged open-mindedness and respect between the two of you as you two sometimes fought and got mad at each other for little things. 
Stanley learned to apologize and forgive, how to be stern and patient, and be the kind and responsible “other brother” in your friendship
Back then, he was just your childhood friend.
Realization of Feelings:
Stanley began to realize his feelings for you when he was in high school. 
He found himself blushing around you and getting nervous when you smiled at him. 
He cared for the little things, and didn’t want to disappoint you when he got in trouble with his guy group.
Stanley became increasingly protective of you, always looking out for your well-being. 
He'd insist on walking you home after school and making sure you were safe.
Sometimes, he would even go out of his way to take care of you when you were sick.
Stanley developed a habit of calling you at night. Asking about your day, and tell you about his. 
He loved these late-night conversations, just you and him, sometimes sharing stories, gossip, dreams, fears, and secrets. 
Stanley found comfort in these talks, and it was during one of these moments that he admitted to himself that he had a crush on you, and can’t let you go.
Courting & Confession:
Stan isn't afraid to show his affection, like offering to carry your backpack or complimenting you about your looks, knowledge or personality.
He often buys you food and eventually became your personal professional driver.
Stanley reached out to his closest friend, Xeno, about his feelings, seeking advice on how to confess. 
Xeno encouraged him to be honest with you but also cautioned him to respect your boundaries in the case that feelings aren’t reciprocated. 
(Xeno was sure that it would be, that sneaky little Einstein)
One day, Stanley finally mustered the courage to tell you about his feelings. 
Stanley and you sat together under the beautiful night stars during one of your many weekend hangouts, and it was then he blurted out his confession. 
“Hey Y/N, you know, we've been friends for so long…practically since babies. You know you were really ugly back then.”
“Oh shut it, like you weren’t a brat.” A shared nudge and chuckle.
“Hey, there's something I need to tell you." 
"Yea? What is it, Stan?" 
"Well, it's just... ah screw it, I really like you. Not just as a friend. I mean, I like you a lot. More than I've ever liked anyone.” 
From your looks to your personality to funny moments and lovable times, his rant went on for a bit like a kid describing his favourite cartoon.
"Damn, I know it's probably weird to hear, and I understand if you don't feel the same way. But can you give me an answer soon?” 
Stanley closed his eyes and waited patiently for your answer. At this time, he really wanted to smoke.
"Stanley Synder, you dummy. You know, I've been feeling the same way.” Stanley felt a hand on his shoulder, waking him up. 
“I was just too scared to say anything."
"Yeah, really. I've liked you for a long time too, Stan. No matter how much of an annoying show-off and-." He pulled you into a little hug which cut you off, but you didn’t mind. 
The hug now felt a little differently than before.
You two stayed like that for a bit, relishing in the peace and quiet, in relief.
"So, what do we do now?" 
"How about we keep being us? We don't have to change anything about our friendship, just add a little extra something."
“Hmm, that sounds perfect.”
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snzhrchy · 1 year
don’t know if the dr stone fandom is even alive but i’m willing to take requests for it !! so hit my inbox w/ reqs :p
especially hyoga & tsukasa
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eleteo125 · 3 years
You're Hot (Stanley Snyder x Reader)
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R18 Stanley Snyder x Fem!Reader
AO3 Link
Summary: You were also a part of the DARPA tech expo where Dr. Xeno and Stanley were before the petrification beam hit. As you kept your mind active after all those years, you woke to a kingdom built from the ground up by none other than your colleagues.
A/N: I was so thirsty for this man that said thirst manifested into this very smut fic. We need more Stanley x Reader in this world this is my contribution😂 let me thirst in peace thank you
Word Count: 8,506
You were very concerned. As someone whose profession is to care for animals, the cases of stone swallows being found is concerning to you. It’s pretty easy to brush it off as those stone swallows being just that. But with how they’re found all over the place, your concern about them being actual swallows has a lot of backing in it.
Busying yourself by observing a stone swallow you came across is the only thing you could do right now for these creatures. So being contacted by someone outside of work is something that startled you. You cleared your schedule to focus on this subject. You stared at the ringing phone for a while before deciding to pick it up.
“Hello,” you greeted while also introducing yourself and your profession.
“Pleased to meet you, I hope this isn’t too sudden but I was hoping to ask for your cooperation.”
“Who might this be if I may ask?”
“This is Dr. Xeno. You might have seen my name associated with NASA.”
Well that certainly is a surprise. Never in your career would you have expected someone from NASA to ask for your help. Well listening wouldn’t hurt.
“Dr. Xeno how may I help you then.”
There was a moment of silence but somehow your intuition could tell that the person from the other end of the line was smirking.
“Regarding those stone swallows.”
“…I’m listening.”
And thus the start of a collaboration from two great minds started. Not long after, the two of you are staring at a piece of paper containing the fruit of your collaboration.
“How truly elegant.” Dr. Xeno said with awe painting his eyes. He turned his attention towards you “You’re invited.”
“DARPA is going to have a tech expo.”
“W-what would the DARPA need from a veterinarian.”
Dr. Xeno only held up the stone swallow as his answer. But it would seem that his answer is not enough for you. “Everything you need to know will be at the expo. I require you to attend.”
“Alright then. Hopefully when I get there I’m not too out of the loop.”
“Not to worry. Even my closest friend doesn’t even know a lot. In fact you might know much more than them.”
You only hummed in response.
Here you are in the expo with Dr. Xeno along with his friend whom he introduced as Stanley. You in turn also introduced yourself and he responded by observing you before giving a nod of acknowledgement.
Currently you’re waiting on Xeno as he organizes his things along with Stanley. And this left you alone with Stanley. Admittedly you’ve been stealing glances at him every chance you get. He’s a handsome man how could you not.
Unbeknownst to Stanley, you were very aware of the passing glances he was directing your way. You may be confident that he may also be interested but you can’t help but be a little shy of starting a conversation. This man is so pretty it’s in its own way of intimidating.
Stanley took notice of your reluctance to talk to him so he decided to take initiative, he pulled out his box of cigarettes then asked you “You don’t mind me smoking here?”
“Oh! Feel free I don’t really mind.” You smiled at him to assure him that you truly meant it. That startled you a bit, but this is your chance! You built up a bit of courage to talk to him. When you psyched yourself up to talk, you turned to him and was greeted by the sight of Stanley lighting a smoke. His hand covering the flame from his lighter in a practiced way. ‘HOW DO YOU EVEN MAKE LIGHTING A SMOKE ATTRACTIVE GODDAMIT!’ you panicked in your mind.
In the midst of your inner turmoil, Stanley proceeded to practice his routine with a lit cigarette in the end. But before pocketing the rest, he held the box out to you.
“Ah no but thank you, I rarely smoke.”
He shrugged and proceeded to pocket the box.
You took another glance at Stanley and sighed “You know what maybe I’ll take one.” You said defeated.
You heard a silent chuckle before holding box towards you this time with you taking one. ‘Damn looking at this man has got me smoking. Maybe because he’s smoking hot…..let’s stop there.”
You fully expected for him to hand you the lighter he used earlier, what you didn’t expect is him to gently hold your chin and direct your head towards him. You were frozen stiff but you can’t help but stare at him. He leaned towards you and touched his lit towards yours and held it there until yours were also lit.
Stanley smirked at you once he leaned away. His gaze lingered for a few more moments before he decided to walk away. Once he was at a safe distance, you snatched the cigarette on your mouth and threw it down the ground before stomping on it multiple times in fluster.
‘HE HAS SEX APPEAL TOO HOW IS THIS FAIR?!’ you took a deep breath to calm yourself. Once you deemed yourself calm enough, you neared the area where Xeno was preparing and saw Stanley there ‘Calmyourselfcalmyourselfcalmyourself’ you chanted to yourself as you walked towards him.
“Finished already?” he asked but you have an inkling of feeling that he’s fully aware of what happened.
“Ah I just smoked a little bit, I didn’t finish it.” You lied in vain because his response of a knowing hum tells you that he very much figured you out.
As he was smoking, you saw him trying to get a glimpse at the papers that Dr. Xeno’s handling.
“Curious?” you asked.
“Tsk, won’t even spill a syllable about it.”
“You’ll find out soon enough.”
Stanley blew out smoke that you could tell has some frustration in it. “Want a little hint?”
He turned to you very interested in what you have to say. “They weren’t statues.”
He only raised his eyebrow at that, but before he could even comment on it Dr. Xeno summoned the two of you to come where the rest are.
It is at that discussion that you found out that the thing that turned the swallows into stone could be a terrorist weapon. It is there that Dr. Xeno directed everyone’s attention to you. He took out the paper that contains the result of the research you and Dr. Xeno did. Brainwaves of the swallows that led to the two of you concluding that these swallows are alive and conscious.
You heard a lighter being opened and lit and saw that the source was Stanley lighting another cig.
“So things hit by this new weapon stand a chance of surviving if they force themselves to stay awake?” Stanley concluded which was on point to your findings.
You assumed that the friendship between him and Dr. Xeno is that of the brain and the brawn. But you’re stand corrected…that’s quite attractive.
Before you could go in depth on the subject, a bright light took everyone’s attention. You were too surprised by the light that you were still, the only thing that brought you to reality was Stanley’s loud voice.
“TAKE COVER GET BEHIND SOMETHING!!!” he essentially commanded. You were tugged behind him and Xeno, but more on Stanley since Xeno was shoved low on the ground.
As expected from a soldier: A quick reaction time and a duty to protect others.
Such authority and confidence behind his statement, he is indeed a commander. And so you did as he said.
You’ve been stuck in this darkness for what felt like thousands of years or maybe it actually has been thousands of years. Now you’re filled with a newfound vigor. You wondered how animals would evolve in that amount of time. You have to keep awake you have to see it for yourself.
When Stanley awoke, he wasn’t surprised to wake alongside Xeno and his subordinates.
Xeno chuckled “You would’ve think that after being stiff for that long would be painful when you were finally able to move.”
“Strangely enough I feel quite refreshed.” Stanley continued after taking a deep breath.
“Did your lungs recover from the lack of nicotine after all those time?” one of his subordinates named Maya teased.
“Now that you mention it…”
“You’ll get your precious tobacco once we have everything settled for now…”Xeno walked to a nearby bush and grabbed a leaf to cover himself “Food, shelter and clothing. Humanity’s essentials, then we’ll make our way up from there.”
Everyone grabbed something to cover themselves and coincidentally, Stanley stumbled upon you. Stanley was not one to ogle at anyone but you’ve definitely caught his attention ever since Xeno introduced you to him. He wouldn’t have minded to have a little bit of taste but decided against it since back then you were in a professional setting. And right now he uttered an apology when he caught himself staring at your stone figure.
He picked you up and brought you to what everyone decided to be their base and placed you near the other statues the others found near the area.
Xeno looked at the statues everyone gathered “There may be a slight time lag for some, but I suspect they’ll revive at any moment.”
And with that everyone got to work. And as time passed, their kingdom has grown in terms of advancement, but the population has remained somewhat stagnant.
Right now everyone’s life was routinary with their own task except for a setback. Everyone was looking at the ruined cornfields in front of them.
“Scavenging animals” Xeno concluded.
“Sneaky little things they are, even with a fence.” Stanley followed
“Sorry to add to your workload, but I’m gonna have to ask you to watch the field and get rid of the intruders until we find a better solution.”
“You got it.” Stanley agreed
“Huh?” Xeno asked in confusion
“Racoons, a bunch of ‘em.”
“We’ll just have to build a better fence then. Thanks for the report.”
“I’ll go back to watching the fields, try to make that fence asap this is quite a tedious job.”
“You got it.”
On his way to the fields, he passed the storage of the statues they found and heard stone cracking. He contemplated on ignoring it but decided against it since they wouldn’t want someone panicking running around that would be a bother.
Once he entered the storage, he was pleasantly surprised to find you half covered in stone.
You’re free! You’re finally free! You were about to celebrate but was interrupted when you found a familiar face staring at you. And in reflex, you covered your private parts.
“S-s-s-stanley! Hey uhm-what’s going on wha-wha-“ you stuttered in embarrassment with your current state.
You watched him open a closet and pulled out a set of clothes that he then handed to you. “Finally woke up from your 3700 year sleep finally huh sleeping beauty.”
You blushed at his nickname to you but you decided to just ignore it. “So it’s been that long?”
He nodded and stood up. “Get dressed; I’ll be waiting outside, best to introduce you to how things are now.” He said before walking out.
After dressing up, you took a look at the rest of the statues in the room. You wished them well before walking out.
When you got out, Stanley took a look at you. “That actually suits you, considering I just grabbed the nearest to me in the closet.”
“Why thank you, you’re not so bad yourself.”
He only smirked at you before turning around. “Off we go, we have to let Xeno know you’re up.”
“Ah, I guess him being the leader would make sense considering how he was when I worked with him.” You stated recalling him and his antics throughout the duration of your collaboration.
Your walk towards what seemed to be a palace, the view of the cornfield was also in your view. “Wow.” Even things inside the castle were awe worthy. You were too busy looking around that you didn’t realize that you have arrived in your destination.
When Xeno saw you walk in with Stanley, his eyes lit up in excitement. “You woke up in the most convenient time! We need your expertise.”
“Already?” Stanley asked
“W-well I’ll do my best to help then.”
“And here I thought it’d take a while for you to get used to things.” Stanley commented
“Ah I would just chalk it up to luck. So, what do you need me for?”
You blinked in confusion “That’s it?”
“I would’ve thought you needed me for the cows in your farm.” You said recalling the farm you saw.
“That’ll be your duty too, but for now this’ll be your first task. So think you can handle it?”
You blinked again in bafflement “I mean if it’s just racoons just plant squash around the field.”
It was now Stanley and Xeno’s turn to blink in confusion. “Racoons don’t like squash and often steer clear from it.”
“Oh. Such a simple thing. How truly elegant.”
And so you were put in charge with planting squash bushes around the field. And now that you’re working on it, you should’ve emphasized the fact that you’re a veterinarian and not a farmer. Just because you knew racoons don’t like squashes doesn’t mean you know how to plant squashes.
You could manage planting it but you don’t particularly have a green thumb and thankfully there are others who were helping you in this task. You turned to one of the people helping you and said “I’m surprised you volunteered for this work considering how you wanted the task to be off your hands from the start.”
You handed him a seedling to plant “Stanley.”
He chuckled at that “If this extra work means less work for me in the future then I’ll gladly put in the effort.”
“Well your effort is much appreciated then.”
You looked out to the group helping you before clapping your hands to get their attention. “Alright everyone, we’ve been at it since morning taking a break here would be appropriate!” you announced
As you said that, a lot of groans and stretching could be heard. Stanley was also included in this group except with the extra gesture of him taking a cigarette and putting it in his mouth. You quickly snatched the match from his hand before he could light it.
“Nuh uh big guy, I said break not a smoke break.”
He raised his brow at you and gave you a look. “Don’t give me that look,” you walked towards him and got up and close to him. “You need water and food not toxic fumes.” You said as you took the cigarette from his mouth.
Stanley smirked at your actions but was quickly dropped when he noticed your hand reaching to one of his pockets. He was quick to take hold of your hand. “What do you think you’re doing?” he asked squeezing your hand to get his point across.
You raised your other hand that has a box of cigarettes. “You can get it back when we’re done for today’s task. Consider it a reward for your hard work”
He stared at your figure as you walked away. “I’d rather have something else as a reward.”
You turned your head back to him in surprise, trying to confirm if the implication you just heard wasn’t just an assumption. The look on his face says that he is indeed referring to it like that.
Letting out a playful scoff, you turned your back to him “We’ll discuss your reward after this. Until then try not to fall for the siren’s call that is your tobacco. Think you can do that?” You may have taken a box from him, but him having a spare box is almost guaranteed.
“I can.” He stated matter of factly.
“Alright then.”
That was the last conversation you had with him throughout the afternoon. After everything was done for the day, you saw Stanley heading towards deep in the forest area. You decided to catch up to him to return his box of cigarettes. You have no idea how much work was put into making these so it’s best not to waste them.
Even when you tried your hardest to follow him, you eventually lost sight of him. You were mulling on the decision if you should trudge on or just talk to him the next time you see him.
Before you could even decide on something, a voice startled you into a jump. “Best not to wander in dense forestry, it only spells disaster.” You tried looking for the source of the familiar voice. Your line of sight ended up on the trees where a person with a strange armor was standing on a branch. It’s intimidating at first glance, but knowing that an ally was behind that suit of armor has you at ease a little.
“Well isn’t that the stuff of nightmares.” You teased
You heard a chuckle and then the armor opening revealing the person you were looking for.
“That’s the point, intimidation.” He said jumping down from up high,
“Oh it is very much intimidating not to mention your height.”
“You’re just short.”
“Hmph,” you playfully pouted before pulling out his box of cigarettes that you technically pick pocketed “You forgetting something?”
“You’d be the first to snatch my smoke from me. And from my mouth too.” He said taking the box from you.
“I like to believe that I have a pretty good read on people considering I’ve dealt with owners and their pets. And you read as if you were inviting me close to you.” You went up close to him again “Consider that payback to the stunt you pulled when we met. Lighting my smoke with yours, you as well have just kissed me instead of using a smoke as an excuse to get close to me.”
You expected him to have a witty come back or to just ignore you altogether. What you didn’t expect was his warm lips suddenly on yours. Hopefully your stunned state won’t give him the wrong message since you certainly are welcoming the gesture.
As soon as your stunned state disappeared, you were quick to wrap your arms around his neck. In turn Stanley placed a firm arm around your waist and pulled you tighter to him. You instinctively let out a small whimper from the gesture. Stanley found a newfound vigor spark within him as soon as he heard your cute noise leading him to push you against a tree and deepening the kiss.
When Stanley started to kiss on your neck, you were made aware that the two of you are still in the forest. So you tapped him to make him stop which he did with a look of disappointment and maybe a little guilt even.
You giggled at his expression. “Don’t worry your handsome little head about anything, I very much enjoyed it. Though I would enjoy it more if we were in a more…comfortable environment. Not to mention,” you knocked at his suit of armor “This bulky thing is getting in the way.”
Stanley stepped away and looked down at his armor agreeing that it is indeed uncomfortable for the activity they were about to engage in.
You leaned close to his ear and whispered “We can pick this up when we’re more comfortable.” and nipped at his ear a little before giving him a sultry look and walking away.
Stanley watched the sway of your lips before lighting a smoke “Back to work for me it would seem.” He stated disappointed.
The next day, work continued. In just four days your group was able to make an amazing progress on planting around the fields. If this continues you will be able to finish at the end of the week. Seeing everyone work hard has you-SWEATY STANLEY!!!
You were quick to turn your attention back to your task. You know you were equally sweaty as him, but you don’t think you have the ability to look good with this amount of sweat and fatigue displayed on your face. Unlike a certain someone who somehow manages to look like a model in the middle of labour.
As you were complaining about how good he looks inside your head, you failed to notice that you were staring at him. You watched as his muscles flex when doing something straining and how that one bead of sweat rolled down from his forehead all the way down to his neck and disappearing under his clothes. Him panting from exhaustion has you imagining those sounds in a different context. ‘Maybe these thoughts will stop if I got laid.’ You looked at Stanley and thought ‘Most preferably him’ your staring was bound to get Stanley’s reaction whose spatial awareness is off the charts. He turned to you and gave you a look that reminded you of the make out session before going back to work.
’Well he seems down for it.’
That day has been extra sunny so by the end of the day’s work, you want nothing more than a refreshing shower. It’s a good thing that the kingdom Xeno built already has a functioning bathroom. But…nothing is more refreshing than a dip in the river. You’ve only experienced it once but it was a pleasant experience, so you were low-key looking for excuses to do so.
Fortunately you found a river with a decent stream and was isolated enough. You’ve also been visiting this place to make sure that there aren’t any deadly predators residing near here. ‘Just a quick dip, then I’ll shower at my quarters.’
Before you could undress yourself, you heard rustling. You saw that the source of the noise was just Stanley.
“How is it that you always stumble upon me? Were you planning on peeping?” you teased
“I was following you.”
“Just making sure you weren’t doing anything funny.”
“You give me too much credit. As if I could topple the kingdom in my lonesome.”
“Just making sure. So this is what you’ve been up to?” Stanley asked looking at the river you found.
“I was checking the area to see if it’s safe. And if I were to take a dip now is a good a time as any. Considering how hot it has been this day.”
“Mind if I join you?”
“W-well no, but don’t you have a job to do?”
Stanley was already taking his armor off “Was just gonna patrol then that’s it.”
“If you say so.”
At first you were reluctant to take your close off in such close proximity of a guy that you’ve been having fantasies. Not to mention that make out session that none of you have brought up. As your thoughts ran a mile a minute, you were already in the process of stripping and the thing that broke you out of your focus was the cold water hitting your skin.
Your thoughts were instantly cleared once you felt the refreshing coldness of the river. Not long after did you hear another splash making you look in his direction but you were quick to cover your eyes when you realized that you two were equally naked.
Stanley chuckled at your actions “You know I never got to say sorry.”
“Huh? For what?”
Stanley swam a little bit closer towards you “I may have ogled at your stone statue form.”
At his statement, you got an idea, you just hoped you could carry it with much more confidence. “Really? Well that’s not fair.”
Your eyes were still covered by your hands but you could tell that the silence you received was just Stanley raising his eyebrow in question to what you just said so you decided to elaborate more “It’s not fair that only you got to look at me.”
Stanley took your hands that was covering your eyes and pulled it away taking a firm hold on it. “Look til your heart’s content.”
Just the sight of Stanley’s naked torso already has you flustered, but having him so close and him holding your wrist would be enough to get you to short circuit, but miraculously you were able to calm yourself, even by just a little bit.
What did break you though is him leading your hand to touch his chest “W-w-w-w-what are you doing?!” your face clearly red from blushing.
“I did technically touch you when I carried your statue away from when you were found.”
“Y-you don’t have to make up for that I’m fine with it!”
Stanley looked at you before letting go of your hand “Alright, then” he says. But despite him not holding your hand to his chest anymore, your hand stayed there. Stanley stood there waiting for your next move and was pleasantly surprised that you started to feel him up.
He took a step closer to you and laid his hand on your waist. When you made no sign of rejection he began to stroke your waist and slowly explored your body from your stomach to your breast.
On your side, the only thing you had the courage to feel was his chest and shoulders back and forth. You were a little scared to touch his abs because you know your curiosity will get the best of you and continue down.
You were too entranced by the fine man that Stanley is that you were surprised when you felt him grope your ass making let out a tiny moan. That seemed to drive Stanley to the corner because as soon as you moaned your lips were sealed by his and by now you two were sucking each other’s face. It didn’t take long when your tongues were already in each other’s throats.
You didn’t how long you two were kissing but you were very much made aware of your situation when you felt his fingers against your entrance. “S-stanley.” You mumbled against his lips surprised at the sudden action.
He hummed in response and placed his hand back at your waist. Stanley got in a few more kisses before pulling away. “Not up for it?”
“No I was just surprised. Um…” you squeezed your thighs together. Right now the only thing in your mind is how Stanley’s fingers would feel like in you. So you decided to be bold and take what you want.
Your hand reached for his and led it in between your legs. You felt him gasp at your suddenness but he proceeded to feel you up and gently inserting his middle finger in you with you moaning in delight. You could feel every single movement of his finger in you with him gently taking it in and out of you.
Stanley couldn’t help but be mesmerized with your expression, completely lost in the feeling. When he felt that you were ready for more, he inserted another finger and kissing you swallowing the loud moan you belted out.
You gripped at his back as a way to ground yourself to reality it was only when you heard him hiss that you realized you were scratching on his back. You were quick to switch your hold to his shoulders but your grip was still just as tight. “Heh, tight grip you got there.”
You failed to hear what he said because Stanley’s fingers made work in you and was already pulling out an orgasm from you. He buried his face at the crook of your neck your reaction to pleasure starting to make him feel very turned on.
He continued to pump his fingers in you to let you ride out the blissful feeling. He only pulled out once he felt you go limp against him. He let you rest against him giving you the chance to catch your breath. Once he felt that your breathing has steadied, he began to adjust your position. You could immediately tell what he was planning.
“Wait, no not here.”
Stanley kissed you and that got you to stop talking. He looked at you in the eyes when he pulled away “Relax, I’m not putting it in.” he ran his hand on the curve of your back caressing you “Help me out here. I can’t really walk around with a hard on.”
You thought about how to relieve him and the only thing you could think of is a hand job. You hesitantly reached for him but was stopped by him. Stanley had a different idea.
His hands found their way onto your thighs and guided them to close together. At that you figured out what he was planning and you blushed in realization. “What’s with the shy demeanor, don’t tell me you’ve never had a sexual interaction before.” He teased
“I’m not chaste, and don’t push your luck I can easily blue ball you, you jer—“
Stanley interrupted your outburst with another kiss, you really could get used to this. Maybe you’ll blab more just so he could do this again.
“Now I wouldn’t want that.” He said as he eyed your whole figure.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” he let you finish that statement before you felt him slide against you and in between your thighs. You’ve always wondered what thigh-fucking would feel like and you assumed that only half of the party gets to feel pleasure in the act. Safe to say that you were wrong and that just the feeling of him rubbing against you is turning you on yet again. Not only that but the feeling of his body rubbing against you and him panting on your ear combined together emphasized just how sexy the man truly is.
You gently took hold of his hair and slowly pulled him off your ear and look at him in the eye. Stanley’s piercing eyes was fully focused on you. Him staring at you with those intense eyes in combination of him panting and thrusting on you and the feeling of his dick rubbing on your pussy caused you to thrust your hips against him trying to reach for another euphoric release.
The sound of Stanley letting out a sexy groan from his beautiful lips was what came before you felt his hips thrust slow down and eventually halted. You peppered few kisses on his jaw down to his neck and giving kitten licks at the same time.
Stanley was sitting down under a tree next to the river smoking as he watched you get dressed. “Next time we should just go for it in one of our rooms. As sexy as the river was, it is pretty limiting.”
“There’s a next time?” you asked as you got done dressing
“Not up for it?” he smirked clearly testing you.
You pouted a little bit while mumbling “I don’t mind.”
“Looking forward to it then.” He said as he prepared to take off to his patrolling duty.
Unfortunately, the rest of the week has been far too busy for the two of you to ever do another rendezvous anytime soon. So there was a silent agreement between you two that as soon as the two of you are free you are to take advantage of that chance.
Stanley isn’t really sure if you’re doing it on purpose or you always have been this suggestive or maybe it’s just his horny mind that filters everything you do as sexy in his eyes. Either way his eyes have been glued to you as you did your job.
Speaking of your job, a week has already passed and the squash around the fields has been set with some even showing signs of buds considering that the seedling they have planted were prepared to do so.
So now he is in his usual role of looking over the corn fields. It’s not like they don’t believe in the method but it’s best to observe the effectiveness of the solution you provided. Stanley gosh darn hoped it would. This may be good target practice but not when he knows there are other things where he knows he’s more needed rather than this. The shortage of their population sure is a big problem. Too many jobs split into only a few people.
He refocused on the field when he saw a group of three racoons. He prepared his gun ready to shoot at the scavenging critters but paused when he saw the group of critters scatter away when they smelled the squashes.
Stanley smirked in victory after witnessing the scene “Not bad, not bad at all.” He stood up and cleaned up after himself and left to leave the spot he’s been stuck on for who knows how long.
Stanley entered Xeno’s lab and was not surprised that he was busying himself in whatever shenanigans he’s always up to. Like usual, Xeno was too absorbed in his task that he wasn’t able to sense him entering the lab. He gently knocked on one of the tables. He’s been lectured to not sneak up on him multiple times that he learns not to do so just so he could avoid such a boring lecture that can be summarised in a few sentences.
The small noise was able to rouse the scientist from his focus. He concluded that his visitor is none other than Stanley, who else would it be. “What brings you here, aren’t you supposed to watch over the field?” he said without looking up from his work.
“Not my problem anymore.”
“Huh?” that took his attention and finally looked at his friend. There was a moment of silence before he came to a conclusion. “Did the squash planting work?”
Stanley took out a new cigarette and put it in his mouth and lighting it up “Like a charm.”
Xeno broke into a wide smile “As expected from such an elegant veterinarian. Why she could rule the animal kingdom to our advantage!”
“Yeah good luck with that.” After huffing and blowing out a smoke in thought, he asked “Where is she anyway?”
Xeno looked at his friend with a teasing expression. “You looking to get your dick wet?”
“Not your business.”
“It will be if there’s suddenly a little one on the way to run around. We don’t really have the resources to nurture any children.”
“I’m more cautious when it comes to these things.”
Stanley’s words seemed to fall on deaf ears as Xeno started to voice out his plans “Maybe I should get started on birth control. Hook ups are to be expected after all especially with our numbers.”
“Do what you want, you’re in charge.” Stanley said before walking away.
“I’ll make sure to have it ready ASAP so you can have your fun with less worries!” Xeno shouted at Stanley’s retreating figure but the only answer he got was the door of his lab banging shut. Xeno laughed at that, it’s been a while since he saw him like that.
You were doing a basic check up on the cows in the barn, thankfully they’re all in good health and with no signs of any parasites, but you’ll have to propose the production of medicine for prevention of such situations. You were cleaning up your tools and felt that you were being watched. But the smell of smoke is a dead giveaway of just who was watching you.
“Nice seeing you here. It’s been a while.”
“Yeah.” Stanley blew out smoke and continued “Your first job is a success.”
“One of soon to be many.”
Stanley hummed in response. He looked at you and you were still fixing up your tools organizing them. As you do so, Stanley took the opportunity to take a good look at you. “Thanks to you I have fewer workload…and more free time.”
Him uttering those two words has got you pausing your activity and blushed at the implication of those words. “I’m…almost done here. After this I’m heading back to my place.”
“I could walk you back.”
“That would be appreciated.” You answered softly a little excited for what’s to come.
Stanley picked up your bag and carried it with him “Allow me, I could use the extra exercise.”
You took this chance to look at his physique and this man is just pure eye candy “Yeah right.” You chuckled.
“Gotta keep in shape. And I heard you have a very effective way of exercising, really takes the energy out of you.”
“Stop with the double entendres, we both know what we want.”
Stanley shrugged “You striked me as someone who’s cautious when it comes to these things.”
“And that thought didn’t come to you back at the river?”
“Point taken.”
You two stood at the front door of your place. You opened the door and invited him in. Stanley placed your bag to your desk as you instructed and was greeted by a mountain of papers and journals.
Stanley’s curious glance at your work didn’t go unnoticed “I’m documenting everything I know. I can’t just depend on just remembering things. Best to write down what I know rather than have my knowledge be tainted by the human brain.”
“Smart people sure do like to take things to the extreme.” He says reminded by how he was reminded by Xeno’s tedious tasks whether directed towards Stanley or to himself. Scientists. He made himself feel at home with him sitting down at the chair in front of your desk.
“Reading about a subject can keep things fresh in our minds, same as how you train your body to remember the same ol’ moves and not to get ‘rusty’. A very simplistic comparison but when talking about the foundation of both concepts it’s just as—“
Stanley took hold of your hands and pulled you down to his lap, sitting you there. You were startled out of you rambling and was surprised with the position you ended up in.
“Yes, yes good lesson.” He said and dived for your lips. Giving it the same treatment a he did before. He made sure to savour the taste of you and to etch the memory of your lips against him in his mind. It was very satisfying feeling every time you two are in lip lock.
You loved the way Stanley made use of his lips. Good to know his lips are pretty for a reason. As much as you enjoyed him exploring your mouth, your position on his lap isn’t exactly the most comfortable. Considering the fact that he just pulled you down and went to town.
Without breaking your kiss, you managed to change your position in a much more comfortable position, one where you were straddling one of his thighs. Once you were in a much more stable position, you wrapped your arms around his neck and return the hot kisses that he has been providing you. Soft and warm lips yet they’re strong and driven knowing what to do with confidence. A commander through and through.
Stanley tries his best not to ravage her at the first chance he gets, but the feeling of your pussy throbbing against his thighs is very much testing his patience, so hot and somewhat damp making the throbbing feeling more prominent against his thigh.
He caressed your waist slowly stroking it feeling up the exposed skin. Gently and slowly, he led your hips to rock against his thigh and the feeling of your softness has got him hard and gripping at your waist.
The feeling the muscle in his thigh was able to touch the right places down there and before you knew it, you were rubbing back and forth on his thighs just to get that feeling again. After a while, Stanley’s hands were tight on your waist and was guiding you to speed up on riding his thigh.
Just as you were about to speed up, you felt his hand smack on your ass making you moan against his mouth as he still has you in a tight lip lock. Stanley adjusted you in a way where your legs are on the side of his waist. And in this position, you can feel just how hard he currently is. Part of you felt pride that you were able to affect him in such a way from a man such as him. But another part of you is very excited and was very much anticipating on what a man of his calibre could do to you. And a small fraction of you intimidated from the size of him.
You started to rub against his hardness both of you chasing for satisfaction. The thought that only his pants and your panties were the only thing that’s separating you two spurred you to hump him with much more force.
Stanley sighed in satisfaction as he felt your soft pussy against his cock. If it’s this soft imagine what it’ll be like if he’s inside you. The thought caused him to suddenly thrust his hips upwards towards you. And that felt good. He held your waist again and made you rub against him for a few moments before thrusting up again. Stanley buried his face on your neck and started to suck on it as he repeated the process of him guiding your hips to rubbing against him and thrusting up.
Eventually Stanley ended up just thrusting his hips towards you, taking pleasure from the friction of his dick against your softness along with a multitude of hickies on your neck and chest. The two of you had no idea how long you two have been at it on this chair but you heard Stanley moan and shiver a bit before his thrusting has stopped. You placed a deep kiss on his lips running your hands through his now dishevelled blonde hair as he was still in the high of his orgasm.
Stanley took a few minutes of breather before he took hold of you and held you up when he stood up from the chair. He threw you on your bed and spreading your legs.
“Stanley—OH!” before you could say anything, you were interrupted by Stanley with his head in between your legs, his tongue licking at you through your panties. The combined wetness from you and from his saliva has you embarrassed making you want to close your legs. But your attempt was in vain since Stanley has a tight grip on your spread legs.
You felt Stanley’s teeth against your skin and felt him bite at your panties and pull it down using his teeth. He was able to take it off fully and was now looking at you as his face hovered over your pussy. His eyes locked onto yours. The predatory look has you turned on excited for what he has to offer.
Stanley took a long lick on you while maintaining eye contact. “Look away and I’ll stop.”
That made you whimper. Stanley continued to lap at you all the while looking at you, anticipating every single little reaction he could pull from you. It all ranged from you moaning every time his tongue flicked your clit, to you struggling to keep your eyes open to keep looking at him and to you squirming away from him trying to get away from the stimulation as you neared your orgasm. He drank it all in, taking satisfaction that every single cute reaction from you was caused by him.
It didn’t take that much effort to hold you down as he continued to eat you out in combination with the work of his fingers to bring you to the edge. It was the moment that he felt you try to push his head away that he knew that you were indeed nearing and lo and behold he felt your legs shake and go limp. He licked you clean before crawling back up and giving you a kiss.
“Take a quick breather, we’re far from done.” Stanley went and fetched a cup of water for himself and for you. He helped you up and took your cup once you were finished with it.
As Stanley waited for you to be prepared again, he was giving every part of you soft touches as he undressed you. Stroking your legs appreciating how they were wrapped around his head earlier, squeezing your ass, groping your breast, just feeling you up overall. And it did its job at turning you on yet again.
He kissed at every single hickey he gave you earlier and figured that you are ready. “Raring to go again?”
You settled for grabbing his face and kissing him to be your answer to his inquiry. The kiss soon turned into one where your tongues were in each other’s throats. Stanley broke the kiss to quickly undress himself and returned to exchanging wet kisses with you. You started to feel up his torso revelling at his well toned body that you were too shy to do back at the river but bold enough to do right now.
A loud lip smack was heard when Stanley pulled away from the kiss some saliva connecting you two. But you never had the time to dwell on such scenes since he was already acting on his desire.
He flipped you to your stomach and placed a pillow under you promptly elevating you lower half. Stanley groped at your ass and dived for your pussy licking at you yet again. Though this time he only did it until you were wet and aroused enough for you to be prepared enough for him.
Stanley inserted one at first pumping it slowly and adding a second and third finger as gently as he could as prep for what’s to come. After feeling how wet you were, he concluded that you were ready.
“What do you think? Think you’re ready enough?” he asked you to be just to be sure.
You wiggled your butt at him to entice him “Please…stop teasing me.” You whined at him your eyes glossy and slightly teary. A sight he never expected to have liked as much as he did, but he decided to shelf that discovery for another time.
Stanley gave a few kisses to your ass before biting at it gently and kissing the bite mark. He would then proceed to pepper small light kisses from your butt up to your back and shoulder blades and to your nape. Stanley took hold of your chin and guided you to his face and kissed you from behind. At the same time of the kiss, you felt the blunt tip of his start to prod at your entrance until he was halfway in and moaning into his mouth.
You took tight hold on your sheets as Stanley slowly started to enter the rest of him. Inch by inch pulling out a noise from you. It’s when he was fully sheathed in you that you let out the loudest one. And an even louder one when he pulled out and shoved it in you again. With each and every thrust has you moaning out and Stanley starting to find his footing and starting to let loose.
By the time he set a pace it’s one where every thrust was more powerful than the last with the speed that’s too fast for you to comprehend the pleasure of every thrust one at a time. The overwhelming feeling of him ravaging you almost has you screaming.
And you were about to but Stanley had the foresight of this happening and was quick to cover your mouth with his hand. He leaned down towards your ear and whispered “Best not to let everyone know what we’re up to.”
You managed to nod at him before Stanley started to roughen up his pounding even more the sound of your muffled moans driving him mad with pleasure. Too mad with pleasure that he almost—almost—forgot that he should be careful given the circumstances. He was brought back to reality when he felt you squeeze him inside you.
Thankfully, you came with a loud muffled moan on his hand and your whole body shaking momentarily from the orgasm you experienced. Stanley pulled out and pumped you with his fingers to let you ride out your orgasm.
Once you calmed down, he pumped his dick with his own hand chasing his own orgasm. Imagine his surprise when you snatched away his hand from his dick and was quick to replace it with your mouth. You gave his tip a quick kiss before putting as much as you could of him inside your mouth while also putting your tongue to work.
Stanley himself was very close to cumming so it only took a few bobs of your head until you had a mouthful of his seed. You pumped him with your hand a few more times before Stanley realized what he just did.
“Shit, sorry” he grabbed a handkerchief near you and cupped it underneath your mouth “Spit it out you don’t have to make yourself—“
Stanley’s worry was interrupted with the sound of you gulping. You opened your mouth wide to give him the view of his cum that used to be in your mouth gone and undoubtedly swallowed by you.
He only gave you an incredulous look with him still processing what just happened. Stanley’s expression quickly twisted into a serious one. He grabbed your chin to make you look at him. “Are you trying to turn me on again?”
You giggled “Maybe,”
Stanley kissed you and you were laid down on your back with his kisses smothering you. The intense kiss soon turned into a very soft exchange kisses between the two of you until it dialled down to the two of you pecking each other’s lips in each other’s arms. Soon enough you two were just holding each other on the brink of sleep.
Stanley sat up and started searching for his pack of cigars from the pile of clothes beside the bed. Before taking one out, he asked you “Mind if I smoke here?”
His question remained unanswered. When he looked at you, you were fast asleep. Stanley scooted over close to you and held you to him and falling asleep also.
When Xeno saw Stanley walk out of your room early in the morning, he would claim to not have seen anything. He really needed to get started on those birth control, who knows what happened in there. But for now he’ll trust Stanley to be responsible enough. Imagine his relief when you showed no signs of pregnancy the three months he kept close watch of you.
‘Good no brats.’ He thought unbeknownst to him, a ship full of said brats is to arrive at their country not in the far future.
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I wish there was more Stanley Snyder x reader fanfics available T-T
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nishayuro · 18 days
How do you feel a little angst but fluff with both Stanely and Xeno. Both them and reader have been friends since childhood, before the petrification reader got really hurt or terminally ill. They don't revive them till after the truces with Senku, he tells them about the healing property of the revival fluid. They went to go find them who they place in a secure place, hoping to see the one other person they cared about. I'm a sucker of both of them, either loving them as a romantic parther (all three) or just love for a very close friend/family. :D
Dr Stone Being StanXeno’s Terminally Ill lover 
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A/N: I am a sucker for this trope omg thank you for this. I reread the whole america arc to the end again just to remember the detailsss
Genre: Angst, Fluff
GN! Reader, Poly!Stanley x Xeno x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of cancer
(Dr.Stone manga spoilers ahead, but y’all have probably read it by now if y’all know who stanxeno are)
Date posted: 07/09/2024
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You met Stanley and Xeno in your elementary school, you three got along well and started being inseparable. 
You three grew up together, always being with each other and being present in each other’s achievements.
Whenever Xeno competed in contests, you and Stanley were there to support him. Whenever Stanley had a game, you and Xeno would be there to cheer on him. Whenever you had any performances, contests, or whatever you did, Stanley and Xeno would be there to support and cheer on you. 
Fast forward to your teenage years when you realised that you fell in love with not just one, but both of your best friends. 
Having the two just balanced each other out, it was impossible to not fall for them both.
Stanley and Xeno realised their feelings for you and each other after you attempted to date another person in order to get over them. 
That relationship made the two jealous, feeling as though your new partner stole you from them. They had more time alone together and fell for each other as well, but you were still the missing one in the equation.
When your partner ended up being a douchebag, they finally decided to confess their love for you at the same time, also confessing to each other. 
You three became a throuple since then. 
You three all reached your dream careers together, with Stanley becoming a Marine commander, Xeno a NASA Scientist, you a Biologist.
You and Xeno would comfort each other whenever Stanley gets deployed on dangerous missions. 
You and Stanley would often plan dates for the three of you whenever Xeno got too busy in his projects.
One day, you noticed a few symptoms, but decided to ignore them because you thought it was nothing serious. 
It wasn’t until you passed out and Xeno checked on you to realise that something was wrong.
They went with you to the doctor, and when you found out that you had cancer, it was as if your whole world crashed. 
Stanley and Xeno were no better, Stanley asked to be exempted from deployment for a while. Xeno then began doing extensive research to help you. 
It got to the point where you were confined and basically lived in the hospital.
Stanley and Xeno were always there with you, giving you words of security. 
You knew how much this hurts for the both of them, seeing you losing your life to your illness.
The day of the DARPA expo, both of them were called into work, leaving you alone at the hospital. 
You noticed a green light from your window, and the next thing you realised was you couldn't move. You thought you died then and there, mentally saying sorry and goodbye to the two loves of your life before your consciousness faded.
Meanwhile at the expo, when Stanley saw the green light, he immediately ordered everyone to get low and to not let their minds fade. 
During the 3,700 years, the two men thought about you a lot, how you were, where you are, or if they’ll ever see you and the other ever again. 
“Xeno…Y/N, I hope you both are alright…” Stanley thought as he busied his mind to not fade. He doesn’t know how long it's been, nor how long until he will be free again. Ever since the green light, he’s been thinking of ways to potentially get freed from his paralysis. His mind would sometimes wander to you, his last memory of you was when he and Xeno visited a day before the expo. You were getting weaker, he didn’t know how long you had left. If only he knew that that day could potentially be the last time he saw you, he would have stayed for longer. 
“7, 8, 9, 10. Y/N, Stan… I’ll find a way to get out of here and save you both. Y/N, even if it’s been over centuries, if there’s a chance of you still being alive, I’ll do all I can to cure you.” Xeno thought as he counted the seconds. That’s all he did, count to keep track of time and think of how he could survive in what will be a new era when he gets out. He’s recalling every piece of information he’s even known, forcing himself to never forget any. With all of the research wiped out, the knowledge will only live in his mind until he can write them down again. He’s keen on remembering the research for your cure, that could be his last hope.
When Xeno woke up from his petrification, he immediately did things to ensure his survival as he waited for the other people to get freed. 
When Stanley and the others woke up, they immediately built a base and gathered all the resources to survive, slowly building up the American colony. 
It took years for them to go from the stone tools to the upgrades that would help them live more comfortably. 
Each hunt for food and resources, Stanley would scour the statues, hoping to maybe find yours. 
One night, Stanley asked Xeno how they’ll go about finding your statue, or if your statue is even intact. 
That was one of the few times Stanley got vulnerable, the last time was when your cancer got worse. 
Xeno then pulled out a map of all the possible locations, taking into consideration where you were, how many years it's been, how the topography changed, and all of that.
It was at times like this when Stanley was glad to have Xeno’s scary intelligence.
When they successfully made vehicles and aircrafts, they sent out the squad to go look for you which was led by Stanley, they took a few weeks to retrieve you. 
“Alright, this is location no.10. Let’s go.” Stanley commanded, each of his people looked at each statue closely, looking for you. Stanley himself meticulously looked around for you, it was hard to remain calm when he was so desperate to find you. He was anxious, didn’t know what state he’d find you in, or if you could be revived.  “Commander! Take a look!” one of them shouted, alerting him. He rushed towards her and looked down at the hole. His eyes widened when he realised it really was you. “Y/N… we finally found you.” He spoke. 
He dug the dirt more to reveal that your statue was in pieces. His heart sank at the realisation that you can’t wake up on your own, that you were gone for good. He still decided to gather all pieces of you, in case Xeno would be able to magically heal you. He was silent the whole ride back to the base, his crew has never seen him this depressed. They knew him as a resilient commander who was afraid of almost nothing. When he got back, he brought your statue directly to Xeno.
“I’m back, I found Y/N.” Stanley stated, entering the lab. “Welcome back, how are they-” Xeno stopped as he saw the way Stanley looked, it was a negative look. “Their statue is in pieces… I… how will they revive…” Stanley sat, emotions pooling, tears threatening to leave his eyes. “I…” for once, Xeno was at a loss for words. His mind couldn’t think straight.  He expected this outcome, but a part of him hoped that a miracle could have happened and kept your stone body safe. Xeno went to hug Stanley as they sobbed together for the loss of their lover. They decided to keep your statue somewhere safe, arranged and put you back into your form. This was their last way of having something to remember you by. When days get tough, they’d visit your statue and just talk as if you were really still there.
When Senku and the Kingdom of Science fought against the American colony and kidnapped Xeno, Stanley was furious. He already lost you, he couldn’t afford to lose Xeno as well. 
The whole chase happened, and in order to defeat Stanley, they had to petrify the whole globe again. 
After the 7 years of Petrification, Suika was able to revive Senku who in turn revived the others and Xeno, forming a truce with him. 
When Senku told Xeno about the healing properties of the revival fluid, as well as how they revived a lot of the statues that Tsukasa smashed, Xeno was amazed. 
He realised that you had another chance at life. 
“Hello, sorry for the intrusion. Yuzuriha, correct?” Xeno walked into Yuzuriha’s tent where she was making cloth. “Oh, Xeno. Can I help you with anything?” Yuzuriha answered. “Yes, actually. Senku told me that you were able to piece back together smashed statues and were able to revive them, is that correct?” Xeno asked, eyeing the woman. “Oh, yes. I spent a lot of time glueing pieces back together before. Why is that?” She asked, curious as to where this is going. “I have a job for you, if you wouldn’t mind. Follow me.” Xeno said, leading the way with Yuzuriha following after. 
He brought her to where you were kept. He was glad to find out that nothing much changed in the 7 years that passed. “Oh, a broken statue?” Yuzuriha asked, kneeling down to inspect the pieces. They weren't as bad as the ones broken by Tsukasa, yours was much easier. “Yes, they were someone very special to both Stan and I.” Xeno answered, looking at your stone face. 
Yuzuriha looked back at Xeno and saw the soft gaze he held. “So, you want me to put them back together and get Senku to revive them?” She asked. “Just put back together for now. I think Stanley would like to be here when they get revived.” Xeno answered. “Ok, you can count on me, Xeno!” Yuzuriha cheered, running to get her supplies. It took her no less than 2 hours to get you all pieced back together. 
Xeno felt alone, despite having everyone around him, the two people he cherished were still in stone. He could revive you, but he’d want Stanley to witness it as well, he knew how much pain Stanley kept when he thought you were unrevivable. So he waited for an opportunity, maybe in the soon future, to negotiate Stanley’s revival and then yours. 
When the astronaut selection happened, they decided to revive Stanley. Bringing the idea to Xeno, his eyes widened and he turned around, not wanting the others to see his emotional state. “If we’re reviving Stanley, may I ask for another one to get revived?” Xeno asked after the agreement, to which Senku agreed after learning that it wasn’t someone harmful and it was someone who could be useful. 
When Stanley got revived, his only thought was that it was an important mission, and he was assigned to pilot the manned rocket. When that was set, he and Xeno were left alone. “Stan… let’s go see Y/N’s statue.” Xeno said, to which Stanley immediately agreed to. Part of him hoped that he’d see you in the flesh, but he was also scared to hope. When they got there, Stanley was surprised to see that your statue was intact and dressed, the lines the only evidence of the shatter. “That petrification device is one of a kind, you know. Its mysterious science is quite elegant. Who knew that the reason for humanity’s collapse can also be the cure we’ve looked for.” Xeno said, looking at you. 
“Wait… you mean…?” Stanley stuttered, eyes wide looking at Xeno. “See for yourself.” Xeno said, handing him a bottle which the other assumed to be revival fluid. Stanley slowly uncapped the bottle and poured the liquid over you. Soon enough, your stone cracked and revealed you, alive. “What… where am I… huh?” You spoke as you blinked, eyes getting used to the sudden light. “Y/N… you’re actually alive…” Stanley whispered, afraid that this was an illusion. “Stan…Xeno…” you muttered. Stanley immediately brought you into a hug, his emotions spilling out. He didn’t need to be stoic when it was only you three. 
“The petrification from the medusa has healing properties. Senku shared to me that it was able to revive one of their comrades after you had a run in with them. It also healed the injuries from the war.” Xeno shared, “what? What’s going on…?” you asked. “That’s a story to tell for later, what I’m trying to say is that due to the petrification’s healing properties, the cancer in your body is no more.” Xeno replied, shocking both Stanley and yourself. “Really?!” you exclaimed, getting up to hug Xeno. “I do feel more energised than before. That’s amazing!” You added.
They ended up bringing you to Xeno’s place, filling you in with what you’ve missed for the years you’ve been petrified, and what they’re up to now. You learned that Stanley was revived to be the pilot of the rocket, while that scared you, you had trust in Xeno and Stanley that they will make sure that this mission is successful.
“Everyone, this is Dr. L/N, one of the renowned biologists of the old world.” Xeno introduced you to the crew. “Great! We have a biologist to help out with the agricultural cultivation! I desire all the different kinds of plants!” The guy who’s name you learned was Ryusui shouted. You helped them cultivate crops and helped with the agriculture in the Kingdom. Partnering up with Francios and making the food more nutritious and more easy to obtain. 
It wasn’t a secret that Stanley, Xeno, and you had something going on, but it wasn’t announced either. The others would just see how the other two were so much more different when with you. You were the “light” of the three, making them trust the other two more. With you there, it feels as if the other two were tamer. That however was put to test when someone decided it would be a good idea to flirt with you despite your protest and obvious uncomfort. “Back off from our partner.” Stanley’s commanding voice boomed, “lest you want to become one of the testing dummies in an experiment I’m working on.” Xeno added. making the other person cower in fear, that was when they found out that you three were in fact official. 
When everything was settled and humanity was slowly rising back up and with the legal rules of old age gone, the three of you decided to get married and live as how you’ve wanted to in your old lives. You thought that your life back in the old days would end easily, with you succumbing to your illness and leaving behind your two lovers, but thanks to the phenomenon, you were able to restart and live a new life with the two loves of your life. 
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themissinghand · 1 year
Dr Stone: Young and Free
Requested by: @yumiko0987
Summary: In which Stanley and Xeno meets a Walking Encyclopedia that can stand side-by-side with them. Or a duo becomes a trio, and the puzzle pieces fit together.
Or Stanley falls in deep.
Pairing: Stanley Snyder x Female! Reader!
Note: Takes place in Xeno and Stanley's childhood, way before the petrification happened. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Spoilers for the characters, but no plot. For anime watchers, don't search up Xeno or Stanley if you don't want to be spoiled!
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Stanley has always been smart. 
Top of the class in both academics and physical capability, he was the perfect kid that everyone praised. 
Rather than feeling burdened by his excellence, he was proud of his work and proud of himself for his own accomplishments. 
So when the new semester of school came, Stanley continued to work hard as he’d always been. 
“I’m handing back the test.”
Everyone always watches the teacher to see who he’s going to return the first test to. After all, the first one to get it back is always the highest scorer. 
So of course, Stanley anticipates getting his test back first. 
Stanley immediately turned around in shock, it was someone he never saw in his class before. For the first time, his name wasn’t called first, and someone else got a higher score than him.
When Stanley got his test back, he swore to work harder to be the best once more. 
Is that guy Einstein? What the hell?! 
No matter what Stanley did, Xeno was always one step ahead. 
Sure he was superior in gym class (Xeno couldn’t even compare) but was Xeno’s head made of books? How is he able to get a perfect score on every test? 
He had to be cheating. There’s no way! 
“Xeno and Stanley.” 
But Stanley didn’t feel the same satisfaction as before. 
“Looks like both of us got a perfect score, Stanley. How elegant.” Also, why does he speak like he’s an old man? 
Stanley approached Xeno, curiosity burning in his eyes. 
"Hey, Xeno," he started, standing before him, "How do you do it? How do you know so much about everything?"
Xeno blinked then smiled, recognizing Stanley's genuine curiosity. 
"I've always had an insatiable thirst for knowledge," he confessed, and Stanley’s already wondering what ‘insatiable’ means. 
"But for me, it's about understanding the world around us. There’s so many unsolved mysteries and things that we as humans don’t understand. I just want to explore it all…isn’t it exciting? To find the answers to the questions that even scientists can’t solve?"
That when Stanley realized that Xeno wasn’t someone like him, no, he was much better than Stanley. Xeno was looking far far into the future, somewhere that Stanley cannot even imagine. 
It’s childish and stupid now that Stanley thought of it, while he was competing with Xeno, Xeno had much bigger plans. 
Ha. Stanley couldn’t help but admit it, Xeno is smart, much smarter than he will ever be.
Even so, Stanley couldn’t help but stick to him because he was curious to see where Xeno is going to be in the future, and he wanted to be beside him to see it.
“Stanley, look!” 
“Run you idiot!” Stanley had to pull Xeno out from the explosives’ range not once, but three times.
“How elegant, if only we could use the lab…” 
“Come on, let’s break in.” Stanley suggests, and although they were caught in the end, it was most definitely worth it seeing the science teacher get dosed with eggs and vinegar. 
Days become weeks and weeks become years. Now both were in their high school years where they truly became inseparable.
While Xeno remained at the top of every class, Stanley still had him beat in any physical activity. They never felt jealous of the other (okay, sometimes), but they worked as a duo for everything, from experiments to learning about the unknown, and to pranking others for revenge. It was a great time. 
One day, a foreign student joined the class in the middle of a semester.
“Hello, my name is (Y/N), and I hope to get along with everyone.” 
(Y/N) definitely stood out with her foreign looks and her Japanese background. Despite her differences, she easily fit in with everyone, in fact, she was captivating the entire school with her intelligence and charm. 
Not only was she hard working, kind, and social, she had no issues in trying out new things, or even introducing her culture to them. 
As well, for the first time, another person stood side by side with Xeno in the STEM competition. 
“How elegant. It’s a pleasure to another smart and curious individual, (Y/N).” She smiled and shook the extended hand. 
“Pleasure’s all mine Dr. Xeno.” She jokes lightly, gaining an amused laugh from Xeno, “It’s nice to finally meet the famous Einstein-reincarnate. 
Seeing both of them on stage, Stanley was suddenly reminded that he was not part of that picture. 
To think he would feel like this during such a happy occasion for Xeno…
“This is Stanley, my best friend who has helped me with my experiments, and someone I could not imagine without.” When Xeno introduced him to (Y/N) with such respect, Stanley’s self-depreciation seemed to melt away. 
Stanley should feel ashamed of himself really. 
That’s right, Xeno never thought of him as someone under him, but as his equal.
“Nice to meet you Stanley.” (Y/N) reached out her hand with a polite smile, and when he shook her hand, she continued, “It’s a pleasure to meet the Football King at school.” 
“Wha-” Stanley initially cringed, but felt embarrassed when Xeno chuckled and looked at him with a look of amusement. 
“Well, Dr. (Y/N) isn’t incorrect at all. Isn’t that right, Football King?” Stanley twitched a brow at the name. While they aren’t wrong, it sounded way too corny.  
“Ha…to think I’m getting bullied by the Einstein-reincarnate and the Walking Encyclopedia. This world is coming to an end.” 
When both of them laughed at his jab, Stanley was both surprised and relieved. 
Sure, his Football King title was going to be a thing, but so is Einstein-reincarnate and Walking Encyclopedia. 
(For a long long time)
After their conversation since the STEM competition, (Y/N) easily joined their group as the “third wheeler” as she would say often. 
Her addition to the team was so natural that it felt like she was there the entire time. She was like another Xeno, but at least her explanations sounded like English most of the time.
Of course, there were times where she would scream in Japanese out of anger, but that’s all Xeno’s fault. 
Stanley’s just making sure everyone is alive. 
It was really fun with another person in the group. 
Xeno seemed more energetic with another intellectual mind by his side, and Stanley felt more included in the conversation as she patiently explained everything in simpler terms. 
Through the ups and downs, of pranks and achievements, they stayed together as a group.
Just like that, a duo became a trio.
Before they knew it, they became roommates that lived under one roof.
“Hey Stan the man, I need you for a second.” 
“(Y/N), it’s literally 12am, what the hell?” Stanley was rudely pulled out of bed one night after his final championship football games. It was a long and competitive game but he and his team managed to win. 
As the quarterback on the team, he naturally played a big part in the victory, and he is currently not alive enough to deal with his best friends’ shenanigans. 
“C’mon, trust me, you don’t want to miss this.” (Y/N) dragged him down the stairs, though almost falling due to his weight. 
“I sure can.” Stanley yawned, “This better be quick.” 
“Yea yea, I got it, Football King.” 
When bright lights blinded him in the kitchen, Stanley got hit with a bunch of balloons and cheers. 
“Look who’s here, Mister Football King!” 
“Who says you can sleep by yourself you asshole!” 
“What the f-” A large glass of beer was shoved into his face. 
“If it weren’t for our Football King here, we wouldn’t have clutched at the end, cheers to our King!” 
It took a moment for Stanley to process everything, but when he finally came to be, his world erupted with bright colourful lights, loud cheers, head bumps, high fives, and alcohol splattering all over him. 
“Hey, if it wasn’t for the Walking Encyclopedia to suggest this, we wouldn’t be able to break in so easily with Einstein’s traps everywhere!” 
(Y/N) simply grinned smugly, whereas Xeno rolled his eyes (but Xeno was smiling regardless). 
“Hey, whoever drinks the most shots gets $500!” (Y/N) started and it riled up all the guys, including Stanley. 
The next thing they knew everyone was absolutely wasted including Xeno, who somehow got drunk from drinking very little. 
“I didn’t know you drink this much. Damn.” Stanley winced from his pounding headache as he lay on the countertop. Across from him was (Y/N) who was doing the same. 
Her cheeks were flushed, and her hair was all over the place, making her seem like a crazy cat lady. 
“Call it a tie? Half half?” While Stanley wanted to win due to his competitive nature, he knew that he would die if he drank any more. 
“Fine.” She laughed as her eyes became dazed. 
“Hehe, you’re one of us okay~?” She drowsily said, then put one hand on his head to touch his hair. 
Stanley was surprised at her sudden bold move, as (Y/N) is not one to hug or touch so carelessly. She would always wait for them to initiate the gesture before she would return them. 
But perhaps she is as drunk as him, and both didn’t care about anything in the world, so he let her play with his hair.
“Pretty…” She whispered, and Stanley felt embarrassment rush to his cheeks, especially if she complimented him looking like that. 
“You know…you’re one of us right?” She pushes his forehead slightly, making him roll back a bit. 
“Just because Xeno is Einstein, and just because I’m good at some things~ You are crazy smart too, and you can play football~ To me, you’re the best!”
She gave him a thumbs up before she giggles stupidly. 
“So don’t look at us like some lost puppy m’kay? Xeno loves you! And I like you very very much.”
Stanley’s mind is running at a million miles per hour, was this a confession? Who knew (Y/N) was so open and careless when she was drunk!?
Then she put a finger to his lips and winked. 
“It’s a secret okay?”
Before she could say anything, she fell asleep, leaving Stanley alone to process what the heck just happened. 
But, he doesn’t dislike this feeling, after all, he was familiar with it.
Since the moment their duo became a trio, he had always respected and admired her for her patience. She always made sure he was included in their talks, and made sure to make Xeno try out some of the things that Stanley liked to do. 
She was like a connecting puzzle piece, something that bridged the gap that Xeno and Stanley had.
“Idiot.” He poked her forehead with a drunk smile, and hoped that when they wake up tomorrow, they would remember. 
The next morning, when it smelled like vomit and smelly socks, he woke up facing (Y/N) who was sleeping peacefully beside him. 
Remembering last night, his face flushed in embarrassment, and he quickly hid his face in case his team mates saw him. 
“Oh Stan, I can see that you’re awake.” Stanley slowly turned to face the smirking Xeno freaking Houston Wingfield who sat on the stool like he knew everything. 
“So?” Xeno took a sip from his mug with a smug expression. At this point, Stanley knew there was no point in hiding. 
“Shut up. Pass me water.” Stanley stood up, noticing that some of his teammates left, but some were still knocked out. 
Xeno obeyed, his expression unchanging, as if waiting for him to say something. 
“Fine. You win.” Stanley gives Xeno $250 grumpily, and the other takes it without any hesitation. 
“I told you, she would confess first. Scientifically speaking, (Y/N) is more bold and-” 
Xeno still had a look on his face, as if he’s saying “really?”.
“So Stanley, my dear friend, when is it going to be official? I cannot bear to see this crush of yours last for eons.” 
“Shut up, I’ll confess soon.” Stanley looks away with his arms soon. His eyes soon naturally went to the sleeping girl on the floor. 
Stanley let out a laugh and shook his head before walking over to her. He knelt down and covered her with one of his jackets and sighed. 
“What am I going to do with you? Let’s hope you remember what you said, Walking Encyclopedia.” 
When (Y/N) woke up, let’s just say that she had a pleasant surprise, but was it really? 
When she remembers everything, and needless to say, maybe she had run out of patience too. 
And Xeno? 
He suddenly became the third wheeler that (Y/N) always joked about. 
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themissinghand · 2 years
Dr. Stone: Smokey Kisses
Summary: In which smoking is bad for you, but your kisses are just a as addicting.
Pairing: Stanley Snyder x Neutral Reader
Note: Sir, it's illegal to be this pretty.
Warning: Minor spoilers for the manga, and smoking (duh)
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"Kiss me."
Stanley obeys without a question. He pulls away his cigarette and leans in for a peck, too quick of a kiss for it to be satisfactory.
"Hey, kiss me."
He asks, but immediately kisses anyway with an amused smirk. This time, the kiss was somewhat longer, as if it was a shy lingering touch. 
The smell of cigarette and the bitter taste of tabaco was definitely different from the modern world, and honestly? It tasted terrible, Xeno ought to try harder.
But the two could care less.
"I told you to stop smoking those toxic fumes."
Stanley rolled his eyes, and instead, flips the other off with a middle finger and walks away.
He turns over his shoulder.
"You suck at kissing!"
He puffs out smoke and smirks.
"But you love my kisses anyway."
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themissinghand · 1 year
Hello! If your requests are still open, may i ask for a stanley snyder x reader? (fem, or GN) Where the reader is xeno's sibling? It's ok if not though. Just dont get pressured from the requests :) (also, if i may reccommend a manhwa, I suggest you try to read return of the mount hua sect if you like action and murim (it's rlly good trust me), or omniscient reader's viewpoint if you haven't read it already (my favourite) but if you like romance manhwa's with a medieval setting, either "your majesty please spare me this time" (unlike most romance manhwa's the mc in this one doesn't get over their hatred for the crown prince so quickly and and immediately falls in love with them. she's very conflicted and the emotions she feels are well written and she's not always "girlbossing" her way through. fantasie of a stepmother/stepmothers marchen is also a really good one.
sorry i went on a rant there, but thanks for thaking the time to read this and have a nice day/night!
Dr. Stone: "Who Did This To You?"
Requested by: Anonymous
Note: Hey! Requests are open! Thanks for your patience, I really appreciate it. I love to try and write different things so getting requests is exciting for me. This is a bit different from how I write but hopefully I did it justice. Also, thanks for your manhwa recs, I already finished the novel for ORV (literally my fav) and read the manhwa for Your Majesty Please Spare Me This Time. I read a bit of Stepmother's Marchen and Return of the Mount Hua Sect a while back but haven't caught up with it yet. Definitely down to write something for manhwa!
Summary: In which no one messes with Xeno’s sibling and gets away with it. Or there's tension between siblings and Stanley is just a puppy (or is he?).
Pairing: Stanley Snyder x GN! Reader!
Warnings: Will contain violence and swearing. Spoilers for the characters, but no plot. For anime watchers, don't search up Xeno or Stanley if you don't want to be spoiled!
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Jealousy is a mental cancer.
(Y/N) knows it well, especially since they have such an outstanding older brother named Xeno Houston Wingfield.
Unlike their brother, (Y/N) is a troublemaker, a free spirit, and most importantly, a fighter.
Instead of lab experiments and academic competitions, (Y/N) spends their time in the gym and fights street thugs that bullies the weak.
At first, (Y/N) hated their brother, for Xeno always, always cared more about his science experiments more than them, and had the love and attention from everyone.
Also, he always had his best friend Stanley around him to keep him entertained.
Stanley Synder was chill and abnormally attractive, so much so that every time Stanley greeted them, (Y/N) was blinded by his appearance.
So what if he looks good? He was annoying.
No matter how much (Y/N) avoided Stanley, the man would find them some way somehow, and it was frustrating to have a literal man-puppy follow you around!
So (Y/N) ignored both of them out of spite.
But one day, when (Y/N) heard loud curses and the sound of painful grunts from a suspicious alleyway (that they knew gangs and thugs frequent), they rushed in without a thought.
They assumed that the person getting bullied might be the old lady that sold shoes, or the nerdy student at school, or the little boy who saw something he shouldn’t see.
People who are too nice, too vulnerable, and too trusting of their own good.
However, this wasn’t the typical thug that (Y/N) beat up often, they were men dressed in formal suits with bats and batons in their hands.
“What the fuck are you doing?!”
“Who the fuck is this kid?” The smell of cigarettes drifted into the air.
“Get out of here kid, we’re not looking for a fight. It’s this kid our boss has beef with.”
The person they were beating up were also not what (Y/N) was thinking of at all.
They weren't nice, vulnerable, or naive.
So when the person that (Y/N) saw was their brother, slightly beaten up and wet from water, they felt another type of emotion.
But (Y/N) didn’t know why.
“What are you doing here, Xeno?!” (Y/N) clutched their hands into fists.
“Hey, you know this kid?”
“Yea, I know him damn well.” In the next instant, (Y/N) kicked a metal bat out of a thug’s hands and used it as a weapon to fight.
Panic and curses filled the air as people yelled out profanities. But (Y/N) was used to this environment, this situation of 1 vs too many.
“Hey kid. We don’t have any business with you. Just with that fake little NASA scientist behind you.”
(Jealousy is a mental cancer)
(Y/N) never back down from a fight.
“Xeno, run.”
“What? There’s a zero percentage chance that you will win, and a very low chance that I’ll escape anyway! It’s more logical that I-”
(Ignorance runs in our blood, Xeno doesn't know (Y/N))
“There’s a hidden shortcut.” (Y/N) whispered, “Ran back and then take a sharp left, there’s a narrow walkway but you’ll fit through. Then you’ll find an apartment door - knock on it and tell the uncle there that I sent you.”
“What?! How can I-”
“Don’t you always take the logical path? Then do it. Stop being so emotional. It’s not like you care anyway.”
((Y/N) couldn’t see it, but Xeno immediately frowned and a bitter expression appeared on his face for a solid second before he turned and ran.)
“Catch him!”
That was their cue.
In the middle of the all-out brawl, (Y/N) maneuvered their way around like a slippery little snake, avoiding thugs with parkour and fighting back like a wild animal. They threw punches that sent people flying and kicks that sent people tumbling to the ground.
“I know you, you’re that troublemaker!” (Y/N) looked up with an arrogant smirk, and wiped the blood off the side of their lips.
“Yea, I know.” (Y/N) dodged the swing of a bat, and kicked one of them in the balls.
Unfortunately, someone grabbed (Y/N) from behind.
“I got you now-” But little did they know, (Y/N) is not one to be captured so easily. By leaning backwards and kicking the incoming fighters, it sent both of them back from the inertia, enough for (Y/N) to break out of the hold and kick all of them to the curb.
With so many taken out, it was quiet enough for them to hear sirens in the background.
“Fuck! I’ll fucking kill you and your brother the next time I see you!” Seeing them run with their tails tucked behind their ass was satisfying.
“Ha, what a joke. There won’t be a next time.” It took everything for (Y/N) to not fall over from fatigue and explain everything to the police, then they provided the police with camera footage and recording so the police could hunt them down.
The police insisted on bringing (Y/N) to the hospital due to the various injuries they got on their body, but (Y/N) instead just said they wanted a ride home. With a little bit of convincing, the police eventually listened and did as they said.
“Another person jealous of Xeno huh? Not surprised.”
"Xeno Houston Wingfield was the one that called for help." (Y/N) didn't say anything to that but simply looked outside the window.
When (Y/N) entered the house, they immediately went to their room, disregarding the worries from Xeno, and their parents.
“Fuck.” A string of curses left their lips as they tried to treat themselves with a first aid kit. It stings like hell and it doesn’t help when they’re extremely tired.
“(Y/N), it’s me. Stanley.”
“Go away.” (Y/N) replied with annoyance, they don’t need Xeno’s pity or get blinded right now.
“It’s just me.” (Y/N) watched the door silently.
“If you don’t open the door, I’ll kick it open.” With Stanley's playful tone, it sounded like something he would do out of spite.
“Fucking- alright. Happy?” Exasperated, (Y/N) opened the door and dragged the annoying prick into their room, before slamming it shut, not caring if Xeno was there at all.
“You look like shit.”
“Thanks Sherlock.” Before (Y/N) could sit back on their bed, a hand reached out and grabbed their arm. With a forceful tug, Stanley spun them around.
“What the fuck-”
Sharp, predator eyes are what shut (Y/N) up.
For the first time in a long time, (Y/N) felt…nervous.
Stanley tilted (Y/N)’s chin up to get a better look at their face and the injuries from the fight. A hiss left their lips, but no words dared to come out when being stared down by those watchful eyes.
(Y/N) was both nervous and confused, just what was happening right now? What happened to the literal man-puppy?
But nothing came out of them in this tense atmosphere.
Stanley gently wipes away the streak of blood by (Y/N)’s mouth without saying anything.
(Y/N)’s heart skips a beat as Stanley finally directly looks them dead in the eye.
Stanley’s voice quiet and tense, their anger barely restrained.
“Who did this to you?”
It took a moment for (Y/N) to collect themselves.
“It’s none of your business.” (Y/N) tries to pry the hand away, but Stanley only tightens his hold.
“Yes it is.”
“Yea?” (Y/N) challenged, glaring at the older man, “And what are you gonna do about it huh?”
For a moment, (Y/N) saw an uncharacteristic violent glint in his eyes, bringing shivers done their spine.
“No one can hurt you and get away with it.”
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