#Dracula daily August 12
yousaytomato · 2 years
getting actually genuinely emotional about receiving word of Jonathan 😭💕 my boy !! My sweet boy who just wants to get home, who speaks so often and fondly of mina, who thinks of paying so others who can't afford don't go without, who assures Hawkins that the work is done and he's so very sorry for the delay, who has won over the hearts of those caring for him by being so sweet and aaaaaaahh 🥺❤️❤️
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trudemaethien · 2 years
I’m fucking wheezing:
Seeing from his violent demeanour that he was English, they gave him a ticket for the furthest station on the way thither that the train reached.
“This guy’s so crazy he must be English, MAKE HIM GO FAR AWAY” wheeeeeeze.
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cottoncambi · 2 years
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whitehorsevale · 2 years
Seeing from his violent demeanour that he was English, they gave him a ticket for the furthest station on the way thither that the train reached.
Okay, now I can see this was written by an Irishman
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ifwebefriends · 9 months
OUR BOY JONATHAN IS OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dracula-dictionary · 9 months
Dracula Dictionary, August 12th
brain fever: a nervous breakdown, due to extreme emotional distress, often with associated fever like symptoms
sanatorium: a facility offering long-term medical care or treatment
Klausenburg: german name of the romanian city Cluj-Napoca, unofficial capital of the Transylvania region
thither: in that direction
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unabridgedisbetter · 2 years
I’ve just been THINKING about everything going on currently with Dracula daily and just the thought of poor Jonathan, who started out so gentle and kind being VIOLENT at the train station and how he has a mental breakdown, slowly gaslighting himself because maybe it wasn’t real, maybe he just got paranoid, and the sweet little nuns praying for him and loving him and being frightened by what this young man murmurs in his sleep……..And then we have Miss Lucy Westenra about to embark on her happily ever after, enjoying a hot girl summer with her bestie, now struggling to breathe and understand the strange and frightening thoughts she has while asleep…plus this frightening aspect of wanting to be awake, wanting to be more aware but she just…CANT…And MINA MY BABY trying to shoulder all this worry and responsibility while hella sleep deprived, and sleep deprivation can really mess up peoples perception of things, especially on a young lady who probably had a good sleep schedule prior. And just…anxious about not knowing what to do for Lucy, and as Mina’s personality seems to be a doer how much pain she must be in silently watching everything from the sidelines when she would FIX IT IF SHE COULD……JUST AHHHHHH all the feelings of how GOOD this books is and the Demeter and the townsfolk and I love and hate it all at once does anyone else just want to go feral over a book that came out over 100 years ago just akdhtkljjjdwwkkkyyygosjfnjfff
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citrus-cactus · 9 months
Happy Long-Awaited-News-of-Jonathan, Mina-and-Lucy-Snuggle, and Mina-is-Short-for-Wilhelmina Day to all who celebrate!!!! :D
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ahumancharacter · 2 years
my boy Jonathan, practically on his deathbed with a violent brain fever: I hope my boss won’t be mad at me :(
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yousaytomato · 2 years
In relation to the letter today and the chronological format;
August 12th is the date the letter was written and, assumedly sent, not received. No one, outside of Sister Agatha et al. know the fate of Jonathan yet.
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crusadingeggplant · 9 months
It's Sister Agatha day!!!!
Seeing from his violent demeanour that he was English!!!!!
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ashleybenlove · 2 years
“Seeing from his violent demeanour that he was English, they gave him a ticket for the furthest station on the way thither that the train reached.“
It sounds like the Romanians were just like “oh fuck he’s English just give him a ticket far away from us!!!”
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your-friend-bram · 9 months
August 12
Jonathan! My dear friend Jonathan! It's so good to know that he survived. However, I can't help but fear this good fortune will come at a cost. Like, for instance, Lucy being left to her nighttime wanderings and stumbling across Dracula again.
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mysterythief · 9 months
Me, August 12th, upon seeing the words Dear Madam - I write by desire of Mr. Johnathan Harker: YES YES YES YES YES!!!!! MY BOY JOHNATHAN IS ALIVE!!!!!
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eyesfromhell · 2 years
Lucy, asleep, finding the all doors locked
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So here’s an intriguing thing: Bram Stoker was a Protestant, but we have yet another instance (only a few entries after the presumably Orthodox captain) of someone invoking the saints who is wholly sympathetic.  And not only that, the saints Sister Agatha is invoking make sense—calling on Mary and Joseph to help a young man return to the woman he intends to marry is very appropriate given that they’re the two most prominent saints who form a kind of power couple.  Stoker seems to have put a little thought into this.  Remembering that Gothic fiction as a whole tended to be overtly hostile to Catholicism, and especially the veneration of saints and icons, it’s just kind of interesting. I have more thoughts in this vein but I think I’ll save them for when our favorite Dutch polymath shows up and starts with his antics.
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