#Drarry/Romione/Harmony/Dramione all in one fic!
dewitty1 · 1 year
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Fic Recs Wrap Up - February 2023 (ノ゚∀゚)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
Vis-à-Vis-à-Vis by Vukovich @vukovich
Harry’s assignment was simple. Close out Draco Malfoy’s missing persons case so he can be declared dead.
But who’s making withdrawals from Malfoy’s vaults? How is a death omen-turned-Unspeakable involved? Is an organization known as the Moirai to blame?
Harry brushes it off until he can’t. Until The Prophet is flooded with sightings of dead people. Until Robards throws himself on his sword. Until Ron turns on his own family. Until Harry scarcely trusts his own reflection in the mirror and trusts the stranger in his bed even less.
Until all that stands between war and peace is Harry, a name plate, a stadium of murderers, and Draco Malfoy.
God save the Ministry. Rec Post
Harry Potter and the Chariot of the Sun by Philosopherscribe 
Hot on the trail of a Dementor-worshipping cult, Harry plays a dangerous game with an old enemy. Rec Post
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy’s Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by dustmouth, nerakrose, art by dustmouth,  written by  @greaseonmymouth
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who’s definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry. Rec Post
The Garland Gay by Vaysh
Draco Malfoy has it all – sex, money, power. But a family secret threatens to become the undoing of the successful head of Malfoy Bank. His troubles bring him to private investigator Harry Potter, who lost it all – girlfriend, Galleons, Auror career – over a tenacious obsession with a certain blond. Both become entangled in the vengeful schemes of a stranger from the past. As much as Draco tries to resist, in the end, he must make a fateful choice for the man he is destined to love. Rec Post
Eagles in Truro (Alt: That filthy one that snuck in a plot.) by Vukovich @vukovich
Hermione Granger just wants to get laid and maybe someday become Supreme Mugwump. Ronald Weasley just wants to build a dubiously-criminal empire and hug everybody. Harry Potter just wants… he’s not sure, but it might be Malfoy. Draco Malfoy just wants to survive the post-war world. And snuggles. A story about four lonely people in a mineshaft in Cornwall, and blasting a home in bedrock when nothing else quite fits. Hermione: Excuse me. This is a political thriller, but it’s also how I ended up in a really complicated relationship. Ron: It’s not that complicated. And it’s a love story. Draco: He’s right. Harry: You always side with Ron. It’s an action story. I got stabbed. Draco: Sorry about that. But you’re all wrong. This is art. And SMUT. All: Oh… Rec Post
My Best Friend, the Serial Killer by trishjames @thusspoketrish
Draco’s best friend and flatmate Pansy Parkinson is a lot of things: she’s beautiful, intelligent, doting, and a bit unnerving…but Draco loves her all the same, even if he has to clean up after her bloody – ah, messy romantic breakups more than usual. He doesn’t mind, after all, what are best friends for?
But Draco starts to question just how far his love can go when Pansy brings home her next victim – ah, boyfriend, Harry Potter. Rec Post
Here are a few more fics I've read recently that y'all might like to check out as well! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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By the Grace by lettered @letteredlettered
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
Away, Away by Aelys_Althea @aelysalthea
Abandonment didn't sit well with Harry. Not at all. After the calamity that was the end of the Triwizard Tournament and the dismissal of his friends over the summer, he decides: enough is enough. He's done. Done with it all. He just wanted to get away. But the Wizarding world, as it happens, isn't quite finished with him. No matter how far he runs, it always catches back up to him. Years after turning from those who left him, Harry is dragged back to that world once more. Many find him far changed from the boy who'd once known. Some - some very few - even like that change. Draco Malfoy just happens to be one of those chosen few.
In the Shadow of Your Heart by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) @lqtraintracks
And thus began the very strange circumstance of their fake dating in public and real fucking in absolute secret. It was, with no comparison, the weirdest relationship Draco had ever been in – which was to say, it wasn't one.
what husbands are for by softlystarstruck @softlystarstruck
To settle tensions between werewolves and vampires, Harry volunteers for a political marriage. But it turns out he's marrying Malfoy– cold, untouchable Malfoy, who he hasn't seen in ten years. Throughout contention and politics, werewolf pub nights and grudgingly shared meals, they have to make it work.
And in the midst of it all, Harry finds something he already gave up hoping for.
( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ I hope you enjoy these fics as much as I have! Happy reading, y’all! xoxo Carey  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*💜💙💚💛❤💗💕💖
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chaztalk · 2 years
Before I get into this, I’d like to provide some context.  The meme they are using is the one that I recently reblogged, basically depicting Romione and Dramione shippers are fighting about who “deserves” Hermione, meanwhile Harmony shippers (and other non-canon shippers) are in the background relaxing and indulging themselves in fanfics, not caring or partaking in the shipping wars.  Now, how I came up with this meme: first, Romione shippers are OBSESSED with Draco for some reason, so they compare the two (Ron and Draco) to show who’s better, which is just pathetic because Ron is 1000x a better person and I don’t need to write an essay to prove that; second, they actually write essays on Romione vs Dramione; and the Harmony and other non-canon shippers just no longer partake in the shipping wars anymore.
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You acknowledge that I correctly tagged a post, and yet I’m still a hypocrite.  That surely makes sense.
I just want to not to things regarding the second paragraph: One, my reblog contained a pic of a Romione saying, “Ron deserves Hermione more than anyone else”; two, this person has stated that Hermione “deserves” better than Harry.  Your sarcasm/attempt to deflect isn’t going to work here.  
“Who did Hermione choose in the actual story”?  Uhhh, it’s kinda hard for her to choose if she’s not in control of her character.  The author is.  It’s kind of funny how, in the previous paragraph, you were talking about how Harmony shippers “shove their non-existent ship down others’ throats” and yet here you are now, attempting to do the same thing, but with Romione.  Also, if Harmony shippers are “cry babies”, what does that make canon shippers complaining about the existence of Harmony shippers?
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.And this is a response to a comment I made on the post.  It’s outdated now, because I referenced how many favorites I got from it (48 then; 248 now).
Brian?  My name is Chaz, by the way.
Harmony shippers always trash Ron?  I don’t.  I literally made a post a couple days ago insisting that Harmony shippers should look how bad Romione is in Ron’s perspective.  I mean, there’s even Romione shippers that admit that Hermione’s abusive towards Ron.
Y’know, I recently made and posted a poll on here, asking what Harry Potter character they’d marry, and I added a 4th option (”None cuz none of them are real”).  I’m the only one that has voted for that option so far.  So, Hermione is far from being my “dream girl”.  And I’ve stated this several times on here that Hermione’s not my type (bushy hair, into politics, not being a sports buff, etc).
And all I will say about that last sentence is that it’s cringe and comes off as hating on short people.
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If you think that RobSt is the best Harmony fanfic writer, then you know absolutely nothing about the Harmony fanfic fandom.  First of all, I wouldn’t consider him a Harmony shipper since he does not exclusively write Harmony.  Secondly, RobSt fics are pretty popular, but that does not mean the best.  That’s like saying the best ship in the HP fandom is Drarry because there are like 13 of their fics in the top 20 on Ao3.  Thirdly, most of his fics have Harry and Hermione end up pretty quickly, which isn’t my cup of tea.  And lastly, most of these fics are from 6-14 years ago.  Can canon shippers never move on from the past?
SweetShireen, Untold Harmony, ProphecyMarauder45, Emmy_Award_Writes, MADharmony, and ladylaughalot are all better Harmony writers.
That is all.
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dramionediscussion · 3 years
I have a concern about Dramione fandom, which has been slightly troubling me lately. I am not saying that this is something that is going to happen, or is happening already. Naturally, I don’t think this is entirely unfounded either (hence why I am writing this), but I am just one Dramione shipper. If this doesn’t resonate at all, that’s totally fine! We are all aware of extremely boorish and fatuous anti-Dramione people, who troll, defame and accuse Dramione of being all sort of things. We are also probably all quite familiar with their claims about the ship and its shippers. You know, Dramione promotes racism, sexism, classism, unhealthy and abusive relationships, it’s all about bashing Ron, it’s just cuz actors are hot, we should all pay homage and tribute to canon relationships (and their shippers naturally), and offer respect and fawn over everything “canonical” for gracing us with all this HP bounty, and so on. This time I am not going to try to offer rebuttals, or deconstruct their arguments, or even psychoanalyze them more than absolutely necessarily. I am not even particularly upset about them (anymore). They are categorically wrong, their arguments are never insightful or thoughtful. Most importantly, they are disingenuous in their argumentation and especially about their own motives. I believe, the best course is ignore them totally. What I am afraid, that these endless arguments, relentless belittling, and even harassment of which they never seem to grow tired off actually might change Dramione shippers and community as well. Not in a conscious way, but constantly being on a defense can make people internalize some of these arguments. Or rather their premises and assumptions on which they are based upon. I don’t mean it, that Dramione shippers will suddenly wake up, and shout out that Dramione was actually all about abusing women all along, or anything like that. What I mean is, that people rather internalize certain assumptions, framing and logic chains, which are build into those arguments. In a defense, they start define what Dramione really means, what is ideal Dramione, what is acceptable or desirable in Dramione fics, in accordance of these attacks, by unconsciously defending their ship from slander. As an example, Romione people constantly accuse that Dramione is either all about mindless “Ron bashing”, and Dramione shippers rightly say that it’s not what Dramione is about at all. What I am afraid, that people might internalize the point, that “Ronbashing” is something truly heinous, and what should be avoided at all cost. And as a corollary to that, ideal Dramione fics are those in which there’s no conflicts between Ron, Draco and Hermione. Or the very least they are resolved in a conciliatory and harmonious manner. Or it is lazy Dramione writing, when Ron is “villainized”. Or another thing they say is, that Dramione just about glorifying and eroticizing abusive relationships. This might lead that some of us accept the framing, that describing or narrating something is totally same as promoting and celebrating it. If they accept it, then it’s quite easy to logically infer, that if Dramione is not defined by Draco abusing Hermione (it’s not), then it must be defined negatively as its opposite. Meaning that something cannot be genuine or accepted Dramione, if it contains an abusive Draco. Or as an induction from that, if a fic has an abusive Draco, it also must contain a redemption arc, and Draco has to change and make amends, and redeem himself as a person. That we start to define Dramione being really about redemption or redeeming, forgiveness, changing oneself for the better, etc (as contrary to their claim that its about abuse). Don’t get me wrong, I’d say the majority of Dramione fics contain a redemption story arc, and Draco either has changed or actively changes his views and behavior. It’s a common and wonderful theme, and almost all my favorite Dramione fics have those, and I like just for its own skae. Yet it’s not something what either makes or unmakes Dramione. There’s a minority of fics, in which Draco is never truly redeemed (usually a lust-filled obsession, with many many cognitive dissonances, which he never solves), and they are as Dramione as anything else, and some people enjoy writing them and some people reading them (or at least some of them). Also, a lot of gray areas, which can be quite delightful, thought inspiring and invigorating (and hot!).  Speaking for myself, I’d say maybe 1/20 of my favorite fics have this dynamic or something close to it. Maybe 33% are more in that gray area. It doesn’t do any harm, there’s nothing ethnically wrong about it, I never idolize that behavior. If Romione stans have problem with that, they can go away, cry and tell that Rupert Grint body pillow all their troubles, because I don’t give a damn. People don’t emulate or model their behavior or preferences from YA fanfics or smut in that sense in any significant numbers. If someone does, I am sorry to say, but you probably weren’t going to make it anyway. It’s the irl version of getting a comedy death in a video game, like if a smarter-than-average mushroom hypnotizes you and makes you walk into a bottomless pit, or something like that. Your problems are deep seated and numerous, which unless dealt with, will be triggered by just about anything. Its pure happenstance whether it will be Harlequin novels, Dramione fanfiction, urban legend your cousin told you, or whatever. This could go on, but seriously, Dramione shippers have nothing to prove or even argue with those antis. It’s just bottomless pit of resentment, what they twist into moral arguments, which they think will signify us as the worst kind of people, and they themselves as the most virtuous. Their antipathies are petty and personal concerns, in which they feel like the universe and the abominable cabal of Dramione shippers have cheated them out of all that attention, writers, fans, fics, and deference they feel entitled to. It’s natural for humans to cloak often even most pettiest and nonsensical slights and resentments into whatever moral or ethical language and arguments the society they live holds sacred. If we would be living in the 1600s, they’d be scouring the Bible for anti-Dramione arguments, and denouncing Dramione as unchristian and sinful. By their stated “moral standards”, there are a lot more “vile” and “harmful” ships out there, but they aren’t functionally bothered by them at all. So, unless really prompted, they don’t even bother to denounce them, little alone wage this never-ending crusade against them. That’s because they aren’t popular enough to trigger that envy and resentment (Hermione with basically any of the worst Death Eaters). Or they feel that they don’t compete in the same niche as their ship does (Drarry as an example). I wouldn’t be writing this, if this discourse with Antis hadn’t affected me as well. There was a time, I wanted to understand what they were about, and I read a lot of their grievances and internal discussions. While reading I couldn’t help but to be on a defense all the time. Sort of refuting and counter-arguing against their points in my mind, while reading their diatribes (I tried to start a dialog couple of times, but I was always totally ignored, which I am thankful for them in retrospect). Conditioning myself with that for long enough, I did notice that I started to feel a bit hesitant about certain tropes and Dramione fics I hadn’t before. I was thinking about Dramione like a defense attorney, excepting to be attacked from all directions. It actually took me quite long to figure this out, and how the bile of HP fandom had in subtle ways affected my sense and tastes without my really noticing.
Anonymous submitted: P.S. I wrote that previous submission, and I have to add, that I am not trying to say this is happening or pointing any fingers at anybody. There’s perfectly good reasons to not like any Dramione fic, as a Dramione shipper, in which Draco is irredeemable or evil. There’s perfectly legitimate reasons to prefer fics, which Ron is portrayed as a positive influence for Dramione. People can arrive to same conclusions or tastes from countless different routes and reasons. The negativity that the HP fandom and Romione shippers especially grace us just got to me in a way, that I wasn’t even cognizant about. It might be the case for others as well, if their own self-reflection so deems (or not).
I agree with every point you’ve made. While it’s obviously okay to discuss why you like Dramione (or any other pairing), people also need to remember that they don’t have to justify why they ship Draco and Hermione together or prove (especially to haters as they’re not worth anyone’s time) that their OTP makes sense because even if it makes no sense whatsoever, it’s still fine to ship it as long as you can differentiate between fantasy and reality. I don’t know about you, but when I started shipping Dramione, it was like love at first sight. I didn’t think if they made sense, didn’t spend hours trying to make a list of arguments for Dramione, I just suddenly loved the idea of them together, believed they belonged together, and that was and still is enough. I don’t need to justify why I ship them, and neither does anyone.
It’s true that in most Dramione fics, Draco gets redeemed. It’s also true that most shippers prefer fics in which Draco gets a redemption arc, but we have to remember that there’s nothing wrong with enjoying fics in which Draco’s irredeemable or his relationship with Hermione is toxic. I myself read such stories from time to time. I like a good Ron bashing fic every now and then as well, and there’s nothing wrong with that either because it’s all fantasy, it’s all fiction, which, I believe, most Dramione shippers are aware of and accept. Hopefully, it won’t change, and no one will ever try to tell others what should and shouldn’t be written or what is and what’s not allowed in a Dramione fic.
- AgnMag
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kelekiahshadya · 6 years
Valentine Fandom Meme
Happy Valentine’s Day, friends! This year I’m on time!
For Valentine’s this year, I wanted to do the same meme I did last year, but this time I did it with a new fandom. This is originally an ask meme, but since I never get asks, I’m doing it as a regular meme. Taken from courierhawk’s reblog; original questions from thevirdirthara.
Harry Potter series
Your favorite non-canon ship?
I have quite a few non-canon ships, but I think Lunarry (HarryXLuna) is my favorite. I’ve always liked their chemistry and friendship.
Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping?
I used to hate Dramione (DracoXHermione) on principle, but then I read a beautiful fanfic that made it more realistic for me.
What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)?
A Harry Potter series rare pair? Do those exist? Lol, probably Lunarry or Druna (DracoXLuna)? I don’t really ship rare things in Harry Potter—that I know of, anyway. I haven’t dipped into fanfiction for the fandom for a while. I don’t know what’s popular and what’s not anymore.
Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of.
Yaoi, yuri, and incest in general (also pedophiliac ships), but especially Snack (SeverusXSirius). I just, NO. I may not ship Wolfstar (SiriusXRemus) and Drarry (HarryXDraco), but at least I understand them.
What is your most fluffy + happy ship?
Probably Luneville (NevilleXLuna). No relationship is perfectly happy or fluffy, but I think these two have the most to be fluffy about as they support each other in their struggles.
What is your most angsty ship?
Probably either Dramione or Sevily (SeverusXLily). The circumstances required for these ships to work out are tough, angst-filled roads.
A non-canon ship that should be canon?
This one’s a little tough because it is technically kinda sorta canon in the movies, but Luneville because gosh darn, they are cute.
Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time?
This one is hard to say. Every ship I’ve ever shipped in Harry Potter has spent at one time or another time as a ship I did not ship. My shipping influence in YuGiOh really helped ground me in how I ended up shipping things in my other fandoms—coming to terms with my multishipping tendencies as well as my innate desire to ship the potentials for ships rather than just what canon put in front of me. In light of this, I think Romione (RonXHermione) is my longest-standing ship.
What ship represents the kind of relationship you’d love to have?
Lunarry. I really like the way they support each other and look after each other, and I love that they can be themselves around each other and accept each other, even those parts of one another that may be more negative. I think the most important part of a romantic relationship is friendship, and I think Luna and Harry have this as well.
Is there a ship that makes your skin crawl?
Like I said in the last Valentine meme I did, yaoi and yuri are uncomfortable for me, but incest and pedophilia will always make my skin crawl.
What is a character you can only imagine in one particular ship?
Is it cliché of me to say most of the married couples? I mean, I do ship Lily with more than one person, but other than that, I don’t really ship that generation much.
What is your favorite canon ship?
I have two, and it’s complicated. Of all my ships, especially canon ships, I have been back and forth the most on my feelings for Jily (JamesXLily) and Hinny (HarryXGinny). I sort of shipped them when I first started reading just because I was young and impressionable, and canon displayed them for me to see. Then I went through a period where I hated James and Harry and refused to love anything about their canon pairings, but then I matured, and now I love them both. The fanart and fanfiction for these ships are generally very cute, and I enjoy that.
Name a ship that deserved more content.
All of my non-canon ships XD *shot* Honestly, it would be nice to have been able to see more of Ronks (RemusXTonks) just because I felt like their relationship wasn’t ever fully fleshed out on screen. It also weirds me out that Tonks is only a few years older than Harry, but she still ends up married to someone Harry’s dad’s age.
Is there a ship you feel gets undeserved hate in fandom?
Depends on what corner of the fandom you’re in. Honestly, all of the ships in Harry Potter have hate somewhere. I don’t think any one of them is necessarily hated more than another. In fact, for every hater, there’s probably at least two huge fans.
What is the first ship you had?
If I know my child self as well as I think I do (which is that I believed canon was holy and everything in it was fact), then that would probably be Charry (HarryXCho), which is one ship I no longer ship all that much.
Is there a ship that made you realize something about yourself?
Not really. Most of my realizations about myself concerning shipping came from YuGiOh. As far as myself as a person, I don’t really know.
Is there a type of ship you always go for?
This answer is gonna be really similar to the one from the YuGiOh meme I did last year. Depends on the situation. I’m a sucker for strong female characters who could be paired with lots of guys because I’m such a multishipper, and I love cute fluffy pairings. I do like ships with interesting conflict, but the fluffy ones always get me, or even just the potential for fluff.
Is there a ship the writers have ruined for you?
If you’d asked me that about ten years ago, I would have said Jily, probably. Now, though, I can’t say that one exists.
Is there a ship the fandom has ruined for you?
Not really. Fandom tends to help me ship more things rather than ruin ships for me.
Have you ever created fan created content for a ship?
Let me think on that. I’ve never drawn any of my ships, but as far as writing goes, I’ve briefly mentioned Romione in one oneshot. The only other thing I can think of is that my Harry Potter OC is Harry’s younger sister, which makes her a Jily baby.
Favorite thing you’ve ever created for a ship?
Considering I’ve done basically nothing, does my OC count? XD
Is there a ship you’ll never admit you have?
No. I’m not ashamed of my ships. I admit that I don’t talk about some of them as much, but that doesn’t mean I don’t ship them or that I’m afraid to admit it.
Have you ever started shipping a ship because of the fans?
My love for Dramione can be blamed on the fans.
What is one scene you want to see happen for all your ships?
I still like the idea of a proposal for all of them, but weddings would be fantastic, too.
Is there a ship you wish you didn’t know existed? 
Anything incest or pedophilia.
Name a ship that ended like you wanted it to.
Hinny and Romione because they get married and have kids and are probably way cute families alskdfjlaskdf
Name a ship that deserved better in the end.
Jily or Ronks. I know, I know, without Jily’s bitter end, the series wouldn’t exist, and Ronks makes the orphan cycle come full circle, but gosh dangit, THEY DESERVED TO BE HAPPY.
Is there a character you have several ships for?
As a multishipper, there will always be characters with more than one ship. As far as several goes, though, not really in the Harry Potter series. In this series, probably Harry, but I only ship him with three girls: Ginny, Luna, and Hermione (though Harmony only in certain fanfiction). If you include crossover ships (which I do have because I can’t help it), then that is still Harry, though Hermione becomes a close second.
What is the ship you ignore 98% of canon for?
Sevily, though sometimes Dramione (except I don’t like the way some fanfiction authors bend Draco in order to make Dramione work).
Is there a ship you like but you dislike the fandom?
Sometimes Harmony shippers rub me the wrong way, mostly because they tend to slip into Ron bashing. I don’t love him as much as I used to, but Ron was my favorite character when I first read the series, and he doesn’t deserve as much hate as he gets (though I admit, I have read some pretty good fics that include a little Ron bashing).
I ship a lot less in Harry Potter than I do in YuGiOh, but hey, that’s alright. If you wanna talk ships with me, don’t be afraid to hit me up. I’d love to chat~ See you all next year probably with another one of these maybe? We’ll see.
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wizcrdingheadcanons · 7 years
Do you ship anything? (Wolfstar, Drarry, Linny, Dramione, Harmione, etc)
Oh Honey, you don’t know what you just got yourself into …
I ship ALOT of people together, let’s begin with my favourite - dramione (my otp, my life, my pride and joy), Hinny, Harmony, Linny, Wolfstar, Fremione, Lucissa, Scorlily, Remione, Sirius x Ginny and pansmione.
I also like these ships but I’m not obsessed with them like the ones above - Jily, Remadora, Ginny x Remus, Nuna, Scorbus, Drarry, Drastoria, Haphne, Dumbles x McGonagall, Bill x Fleur, Viktor x Harry and Tedoire.
WELL,GLAD YOU ASKEDI ship Dramione and Hinny,also Nuna!Jily for life,so happy it’s canon!I ship Bellatrix with Voldemort,don’t know what that ship is called.Oh,and I ship myself with Fred Weasley.Get over it.
YES YES OFC. Luna and Neville for starters. I mean they just have to be together. Kinda like Mia, I ship myself with Geroge Weasley hands down. I friggin love Ron and Hermione no matter what u say. soulmates. Same with Tonks and Remus.
I’m pretty much up for whatever! If done right I can ship almost anything, I read some stuff on Oliver Wood/Percy Weasley or even James/Regulus or James/Lily/Regulus and now I really love those ships! I even find a lot of fics (usually time travel which is a trope I love) of Tom Riddle Jr/Harry Potter and again when done right I just love it!
HELL YES I SHIP EVERYTHING so my otp is wolfstar but I also ship hinny, linny,drarry,dramione,jily,Neville/Luna,pansmione, bellatrix/voldy and a lot of other stuff I can’t remember but I basically ship everything except anyone/Snape or umbridge. They don’t deserve love.
Yes, I love harry potter ships! YAYA! My otps are wolfstar, jily, hinny, romione, luna/neville and linny! There is probably a lot more but, I’ll be here all day. I also adore rare ships too! But, I just can’t support snape, umbridge and voldemort with anyone! (just no!)
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