#hp otp
my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
My wife: Don’t you ever get sick of reading/writing about the same two people falling in love over and over?
Me: That’s…the whole fucking point.
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loz-tearsofahomo · 1 year
Are they gay for each other or just rivals? (just kidding they're always both you fools)
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lovisus · 1 year
College Dramione AU🦁🐍
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"Always got that nose stuck in a book Granger. Ready for our date?" Hermione startles and flips around at the sound of his voice.
"Malfoy? You’re early, I told you I needed to finish this poti-" She flicks her wrist to check the watch resting there and stops short.
"Merlin, I can’t believe I lost track of time like that.." Hermione grimly turns to the unfinished looking substance in the cauldron she’d been slaving over for an hour, and then to her boyfriend with a look of exasperarion. "It’s too pink, and its been stinking up the room. I have no idea how to fix it"
"I’ve never seen a potion defeat you like this. Would you like some help oh mighty bookworm?" Draco teases and steps forward to circle his arm around her waist. She pouts and pushes him back slightly.
"Oh ha ha. I’d love to see you try. Professor Snape only glorfies your Slytherin tush. Unfortunately the rest of us belong on his very long list of people he’ll send to detention over breathing too loud."
"Only Snape? Don’t you also glorify my tush?" Malfoy juts out his lip and tightens his grip around her. She snorts and pulls her arms around his shoulders in defeat, because of course he would only hear the part where she talks about his ass.
"Give me five more mi-" she starts to say.
"Nope, you need at least another hour to rectify that aboniation. The frog tongue is whats giving off that lovely fragrance by the way." he says and accentuates this point by wrinkling his nose.
"Oh so it’s not the sassy ferret in front of me insulting my potioneering skills?" she deadpans.
"Touché bookworm"
"I try" she grins.
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dawnstudies · 4 months
Everyone please, just hear me out:
*big inhale*
Thank you for coming to my ted-talk.
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tharmony · 10 months
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thevisitmaxxedfriend · 2 months
draw your ship like this:
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seleneprince · 5 months
Snape: Evan and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's-
Evan: Sentences.
Snape: Don't interrupt me.
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Dumping all these memes here because even after 20 years, I still ship Harmony ✌
Disclaimer: NO SHIP BASHING ALLOWED ON MY POST, PLEASE!!! I respect canon and canon ships! I'm just having memery fun lol
Harmony memes: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 1 month
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emotional range of a teaspoon
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soup-of-the-daisies · 2 months
it seems orion and walburga’s ‘expand the family tree’/‘breeding’-kink won. to reiterate, you horny horndogs who want to see awful aristocrats fuck!! and have an aristo-inability to acknowledge they’re just really horny!!! incredible.
ANYWAY here it is :) added a read more because it’s over 600 words and i don’t wish to be obnoxious.
“I want a baby,” she tells him, on the second day of their honeymoon.
Orion looks offensively handsome in the golden evening light of the French riviera, sweaty and sleepy and clothed as he is. The flute of expensive, ice-cold champagne is drained and set aside on the ornate bedside table; he takes a slow drag of his cigarette, pushes the smoke out through his nose.
“Isn’t that what we’re attempting to make?”
Make, yes. Once a day, at nine in the evening, like clockwork. Walburga squeezes the silk sheets in her hands, pushes it lower until she can kick it off with her legs.
“I suppose,” she answers, dragging one of her legs up. Her daring nightshirt drops, resting on her hipbone. The lace hemming tickles. She’s not wearing underwear; it would get in the way.
Orion politely keeps his eyes on her face, his expression not even hinting at any urge he must feel for ogling at her bare skin, her exposed pubic area. He is a man, and so he cannot feel any differently. His enthusiasm at having her is too obvious.
“Then why are you telling me this?”
Her jaw tightens. “I wish to be sure that we are on the same page.”
“But we established that we both want children before we were wed,” he answers, audibly confused. His head tilts, almost adorably, and a lock of his hair falls across his smooth forehead. “It’s in the contract.”
The sheer stupidity of her husband will kill her one day, Walburga knows, and they’ve been married for fifty-one hours exactly. Orion is a bright and talented man, but his difficulties with situational awareness and figurative sayings have vexed her since she first met him—he was six and she ten, and he did not understand that she and Lucretia wished to be left alone in their mischief until Lucretia spelled it out for him.
He’s only twenty-three. He cannot understand her hints. And she cannot say them, not frankly, even though she wishes to… because it’s not proper of her to be so brazen.
“So it is,” Walburga agrees, spreading her legs slightly. “You’re right.”
He’s already had her this evening; put his weight on top of her, buried himself inside of her and his face into her neck, pressed soothing kisses along her jawline until the soreness faded and her nails stopped scratching divots into his broad back. He does it well, probably. It feels nice.
It’s not enough.
“Maybe I just wanted to tell you again,” she says, in a fit of daring. “That I want a baby. With you.”
The confused tilt of his brow relaxes, and his eyes soften, and he almost smiles. The barest hints of his annoyingly handsome dimples appear on his cheeks.
“I want one with you too,” he tells her frankly. He vanishes the half-smoked cigarette with a flick of his nimble fingers. “A girl or a boy—doesn’t matter. As long as it’s with you.”
Her pulse gains significant weight to it, pulsing in her core and ears. She thinks she might faint. She thinks she might melt, or shake out of her skin. Leave it to Orion — annoying, introverted Orion — to say something so undeniably sweet and… and attractive, in such a curt and matter-of-fact tone of voice. How did Luc put it again, about that Prewett boy of hers? Jump his bones?
“Oh,” she says. “That’s nice.”
Orion’s smile widens slightly and he tilts his head once more, then leans in. Walburga quivers in anticipation, closes her eyes, and relaxes her mouth.
He kisses her cheek.
“I’ll take a bath,” he says, after he’s pulled back. “Do you want to wash up first?”
She might explode. She might do something horrible to him. She might tear him apart limb from limb.
Walburga tells him she’ll go first, throws her pillow in his stupidly handsome, oblivious face, and storms off.
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mischievous-thunder · 2 years
Remus: Your barking woke me up at 6 a.m. on my day off.
Sirius, scoffing: My barking saved you from being murdered today and yet you're so ungrateful.
Remus: It was just a plastic bag, Sirius.
Sirius, haughtily: Looked sketchy enough to me.
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lovelystargirll · 4 months
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I guess I know what I'm doing this summer
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Death, and Other Origin Stories
Chapter 28: A Potion for Joy
He didn’t remember falling into the dark and quiet of sleep, but suddenly his three mates were cheering loudly as the clock struck midnight above the mantle, yanking him from the deep pool of a sickly unconsciousness, his mouth tasting like saw dust and stale tea. Another blanket had been tucked haphazardly around him.
Bleary eyed, he sat up with baffled incredulity to see a half-dressed James slinging an uncoordinated arm around Peter and wetly kissing his ruddy face. Remus was just wiping his mouth from where he’d been drooling on the arm of the sofa when James was suddenly grabbing him.
“What the—” was all Remus managed in his exhausted stupor before James screamed “ Happy New Year ” at full volume and pressed his spiced mouth onto his, Sirius wolf whistling loudly. His shirt was unbuttoned and his face was flushed and his smile was big and bright. He smelled of cinnamon, vanilla and star anise. Like his skin might taste of it.
“I am not drunk enough to let you snog me, Potter!” Sirius shouted in warning, pointing the empty bottle of rum at James with one wavering hand and reaching for a cushion with the other.
“ What —” Remus repeated, dazed and confused in his exhaustion, wiping his mouth of the lingering bitterness of the spirit, realising just how sloshed his friends had gotten during his unintended nap.
Grumpy and tired and annoyed, he was suddenly feeling both isolated in his sobriety and somehow betrayed by their drunkenness.
“It’s New Years!” James was yelling in justification, launching himself at Sirius. In his inebriated foolishness, he miscalculated the distance and the force with which he lept and the two of them tumbled off the winged back chair with a loud thud and near hysterical laughter.
“C’mon, Lupin,” Peter was saying with a lopsided smile, swaying where he stood, his hand outstretched. Remus whinged and grimaced as Peter pulled too hard in helping him up, his hip aching something awful.
Sirius managed to worm his way out from under James and stumbled in an inelegant attempt to run to the stairs, James in hot pursuit, socks slipping comically on the wooden floor, shouting the benefits of platonic kissing.
Slowly, with aching bones, Remus shuffled his way to the stairs, listening to James yell dire threats of intimacy to the cackling admonishments of Sirius.
Remus toppled into bed with a graceless exhaustion, pulling his duvet tightly around his chilled body. Another wrestling match had commenced and James could be heard making exaggerated smooching sounds over the wheezing, cataplectic laughter of both Sirius and Peter.
And Remus, much against his will, felt an endeared smile break through his maudlin irritation as Sirius finally admitted defeat. James had whooped in victory before grabbing Sirius’s grimacing face and performing, what could only be described as, the least desirous snog Remus could possibly imagine.
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misscrimsondawn · 6 months
why do you ship Dumbledore and McGonagall when Albus is gay in the canon?🤔
Maybe I need to ask your permission about who I should ship and who I shouldn’t?
I know that Albus is gay. however, this information does not give me anything, since I have my own fanon, which I consider more logical. Albus and Minerva have many interactions in the books and have a special bond. This is enough for me to ship them. and for me this does not contradict the canon in any way.
Moreover, let’s take remadora and jily. James, like Remus, is straight in canon, but no one raises an eyebrow when couples like James/Regulus and Sirius/Remus appear. so why can't I ship Albus and Minerva? or can others do it because it’s LGBT? for some reason no one comes up when in fanon Minerva is seen as a lesbian and ship her with Poppy and Pomona, despite the fact that she was married to a man.
therefore, let's not be a hypocrite, hiding behind the canon and respect other people's ships
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t-o-m-i-o-n-e · 1 year
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pt. 1
i am lord voldemort
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seleneprince · 5 months
Unpopular opinion #3 (since people seem to like these stuff)
I'm gonna get hate for this but
Hinny feels forced and out of nowhere to me.
They had the perfect set up for a cute romance. Best friend's younger sister whom he's used to take care of, but suddenly she grows, doesn't seek his attention anymore and he slowly gets to know her as her own person instead of his buddie's sister. He find himself drawn to her and feels guilty about it for the typical reasons, only to realize she feels the same way, always has, and boom, their feelings finally clash in a passionate kiss after months of sexual tension and years of mutual pining. Beautiful.
Or at least that's what could have been if we saw them interacting more after the Chamber of Secrets thing, but we don't. Ginny practically dissapears after that, we only know of her through others' pov, and when she finally becomes relevant in harry's radar is when she's dating other boys and shows her skills in the quidditch field. Then suddenly, he notices how beautiful and funny she is, even though they're from the same house and they've surely seen each other often, either at the Burrow or around the common room.
They don't have a proper built-up, or any relevant interactions that hints at harry's interest in her, at least not enough to showcase the epic endgame couple they're supposed to be. It feels to me like the recurring trope that when a girl is in love with the protagonist long enough, she's bound to end up with him. Or the when someone is in love with you for so long, you must give them a chance.
I think one of the reasons it pisses me off so much is ginny's wasted potential. Because we could have had an amazing and compelling story about personal growth with a girl that, sick of being in her brothers' shadow and overlooked, finds the courage to forge her own path and make people recognize her for who she is, not as another Weasley. A story where, instead of fooling around to "make time" until her crush to notices her, she moves on from him and starts to date boys because she actually likes them and enjoys dating.
But no. Instead, all that development from her part is reduced to "hermione told me you might like me if i acted more like myself" "she told me to date other boys" bla bla bla
In conclussion:
Hinny had great potential as a love story, but it was done poorly
(REMINDER: This is just my opinion, and by no means i intend to force it unto other people or offend anyone. if you like hinny as a couple, good for you. I won't attack you because of it)
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