#Dresden Slate
itsuki-minamy · 2 years
Do you have your own theories of how the Dresden Slates originated?
Hi!^^ This is an interesting question. According to K's official history, the Slate was born out of a simple desire. The desires of the people, became a ring, surrounding each other, gathering and consolidating their power. The number of desires gradually grew, and the power of the newborn Slate continued to increase, because people never stop wishing.
The power of the Slate comes from wishes, which is why it is unlimited. Then, that power took the form of "Preces", and turned into "Kings" those who he considered could revolutionize or modify the world (for better or for worse).
I think that the power of the "Kings" depends on the variety of people's desires, perhaps that is why the red power is so destructive, it could be due to the accumulation of negative desires. Perhaps green power comes from the desire to change things and the future, blue from the desire to maintain order in the world, and so on. That's why, when the Slate was destroyed, they all gained powers. The power of their accumulated desires broke free from its solid prison and returned to every person in the world, temporarily giving them the power to do what they wanted, depending on their wishes.
That's why, at the end of "K – One Year Later", it is mentioned that the power could take another form, because if it already happened once, it could happen again. Perhaps another Slate is not created, but it could take another form.
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friendly-books · 5 months
Dresden files Cold days live blog
Dresden files Cold days
“Mab, the Queen of Air and Darkness, Monarch of the Winter Court of the Sidhe, has  unique ideas on physical therapy.” pg. 11
Mab and therapy don’t go together
Time to look up what The Cat Sith is
I already love Cat Sith and Harry’s dynamic
“The last time I was at a supernatural shindig, I got poisoned and then everything there tried to kill me. So I burned the whole place to the ground” pg. 31 Bianca party Harry’s rap sheet with parties is terrible. Why do people keep inviting him to parties. It never ends well.
“Wait for instructions. Follow instructions.”
“I’m not good at either of those things” pg. 33 Ha
Harry’s birthday!
“She’d been, ah, vajazzled” pg. 50 Ha
I love Harry’s telling off of Maeve
“I’m never really comfortable with parties.” pg. 58  Yep and I predict that this party going as bad as well as all the others disaster)
Eldest Gruff!
Oh no Eirkling isn’t he still trying to kill Harry?
“You are such a fanboy, Dresden.” pg. 65 Yep and who wouldn’t fanboy over Santa?
“Not till after Halloween. Enough is enough, I’m drawing the line.” pg. 66 Ha
Alright something is up. No one is telling Harry anything
Cool that Eldest Gruff used his ears to indicate where Sarissa went
“Ask the Red Court about it. Oh wait” pg. 76 Ha I probably shouldn’t have laughed at that
“Build a man a fire and he’s warm for a day.” I said “But set a man on fire and he’s warm for the rest of his life.” pg. 77 Ha and nice Pratchett reference
“I had one advantage: I was used to competing out of my weight class.” pg. 89 Yep
Go Sarissa!
“Kill my daughter. Kill Maeve” pg. 103 What
“Wait. Your job is…You’re BFFs with Mab?” pg. 115 Ha
Toot toot!
“One day,” I told myself “one brave and magnificent day, I will actually be cool.” pg. 129 Ha and I think you’re cool Harry
The Winter mantel sucks
“-but he’s still kind of a friend.”
Bob made a gagging sound. “Don’t get all sappy on me, Dresden.” pg. 141 Aw come on Bob I like Harry being sappy
“while Mab bestrobe me, her naked body strangling me, ranking my thoughts out through my eyes,”
“I shuddered and forced the memory away.” pg. 148 This is terrible please get therapy. If I say it enough times it’s bound to happen
“I know how to kill an immortal.” pg. 149 Oh boy
“It’s when the world of the dead is closest to the mortal world. Everyone-everything-standing in this world is mortal of Halloween.” pg. 152 Of course it’s on Harry’s birthday
“Is that going to happen to me?” pg. 156 Poor Harry you’re not going to turn out like Slate
I agree with Bob talk and trust your friends Harry
Go Toot Toot!
“I swear, this stupid town. Why does every hideous supernatural thing that happens happened here? I’m gone for a few months and augh. Be right back. Grrsdll frrrsl rassle mrrrfl” pg. 196 Ha
“I looked around. It wasn’t home, but…it was in the in the right zip code. And it was maybe the single sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me.” pg. 197 Aw :)
“You. Moron
You idiot.” pg. 212 Yes Thomas call Harry out
“Yeah,” I said. “I missed you, too” pg. 215 Aw :)
“If your new boss wanted you on the island, wouldn’t she just have told you to go there?” Thomas asked
“Seems like,” I said. “Taking her orders is pretty much my job now.”
Molly snorted
“Maybe I’ll grow into it,” I said “You don’t know.”
Thomas snorted softly” pg. 221 Ha
“Upon completion, I had dubbed it the Whatsup Dock, and Thomas had chucked me twenty feet into the lake, thus proving his utter lack of appreciation for reference-oriented humor.
(And I’d thrown mine forty feet out with magic, once I got dry. Because come on, he’s my brother. It was the only thing to do.)” pg. 223 Ha
“My brother is…geosexual.” pg. 227 Ha
“I don’t know what these are.” pg. 232 What Bob doesn’t know?
So the original Merlin built Deamonreach and Eb has his old journals
“The guys in the White Council who didn’t like me were going to turn purple and start frothing at the mouth when they found out.” pg. 252 Oh yeah definitely some frothing
“No wonder my grandfather had looked stunned when he’d seen what I done with Deamonreach. Or maybe less “stunned” than “horrified” pg. 252 Yep
“IT BURSTS FORTH FROM YOUR SKULL.” pg. 254 Oh no also that’s kinda like Athena. Is Bonnie going to be born in this book?
I love that Deamonreach also calls Molly grasshopper
“He’s one of mine,” I said in a hard voice. “You hurt him and you can forget me helping you.” pg. 256 Yay glad Harry protects Bob
“I respect the crap out of you,” Bob complained. “You want my help, and I’m telling you how. Now turn me around.” pg. 258 Ha
“So Lara got in bed with Marcone?”
“She tried,” Thomas said, “but Marcone kept it purely business. That’s two men who have turned her down in the same century. She was annoyed.” pg. 286 This is glorious! I want Harry and Marcone to happen purely for how funny it would be. Imagine if it happened how embarrassing it would be for Lara. Two men who turned her down in the same cemetery get with each other. Hilarious
Fix! Is Fix and Harry going to fight?
“You uh, looked kinda cozy, man. With Mab. On the stone table.”
Sealing a contract like the one with Mab isn’t something you do with an impersonal handshake. I felt my cheeks heat up. “Oh. You saw that.”
“All of Faeire did,” Fix said.
“God that’s humiliating” pg. 296 I legit winced when I read this. Ouch it’s terrible. I hope Jim puts this in here to show that what happened to Harry was bad and Jim addresses it. 
I hope Harry talks to Murphy and see Maggie
“Wait a minute…We’re his flunkies.”
“You, maybe” Thomas said sneering. “I’m his thug. I’m way higher than a flunky.” pg. 324 Ha
“What do you need?” Vadderung asked
“Advice,” I said “Of the price is right”
“And what do you think a significant price be?
“Lucy charges a nickel”
“Ah,” Vadderung said. “But Lucy is a psychologist. You realize that you’ve just cast yourself as Charlie Brown.”
“Aurg” I said” pg. 318 Ha
“I will accept your offer of one favor-and-a nickel.”
“I told you. I don’t have a nickel.”
He nodded gravely. “What do you have?”
I rummaged in my pockets and came out with the jeweled cuff links from my tux. I showed them to him.
“Those aren’t a nickel” he said soberly. He leaned forward again as he had a moment before, and spoke slowly. “What do you have?”
I stared at him for a second. Then I said, “Friends.”
He sat back, his blue eye all but throwing off sparks, it was so bright.
“Thomas,” I called. “I need a nickel.”
“What?” Thomas asked “In cash?”
Thomas reached into a pocket and produced a bunch of plastic cards. He fanned them out and showed them to me. “What about these?”
“Those aren’t a nickel,” I said
“Oh for goodness’ sake” Molly sighed. She reached into a pocket and produced what looked like a little old lady’s coin purse. Then she flicked a nickel toward me.
I caught it. “Thanks. You’re promoted to lackey.”
She rolled her eyes “Hail, Ming” pg. 320 Ha
“So if I go back in time and kill my grandfather, what happens?”
“He beats you senseless, I suspect” Vadderrung pg. 323 Ha and interesting that Vadderung knows that Ebenezar is Harry’s grandfather
“Birdbrains” pg. 326 Ha
Oh no Mac’s bar
“Thomas showed his teeth in a predatory grin. “I’m leaving bigger tips from now on.” pg. 336 Ha
“You will come with me”
“Isn’t that what Mab said. Harry?” Thomas quipped
I kept my hand shielded from Sharkface with my body and gave my brother the finger.
“Look, Spanky,” I said to Sharkface. “I’m a little bit busy to be tussling with every random  weirdo who is insecure about his junk. Otherwise I would just love to smash you with a beer bottle, kick you in the balls, throw you out through the salon doors, the whole bit. Why don’t you have your people contact my people, and we can do this maybe next week?”
“Next week is your self-deprecation awareness seminar,” Thomas said.
I snapped my fingers “What about the week after?”
“Apartment hunting”
“Bother,” I said. “Well, no one can say we didn’t try. See you later.” pg. 342 Ha
“You have no place in this watcher.” pg. 342 Oh interesting name for Mac
Very cool that Harry that punched Sharkface through his own fire
“Man, the yahoos I scrap with never seem to anticipate that tactic.” pg. 346 Ha
Outsiders come to play
“And you enjoy driving authority figures insane,” Thomas said
I shrugged “I watched The Duke of Hazzard at a formative age,” I said. “Of course I enjoy it.” pg. 357 Ha
“Victor Sells the Shadowman,” I whispered “Agent Denton and the Hexenwolves. Leonid Kravos the Nightmare. My first three major cases.”
“Yes” Lilly whispered “Each of them was tainted by the contagion. It destroyed them.”
I put my hand on the rail and leaned against it. “Fourth case. Aurora. A champion of peace and healing who set out to send the natural world into havoc.” pg. 373 Oh possession? And conspiracy? Since the first case!?
Why are we trusting Maeve?
“I want the throne.” pg. 381 I don’t buy Maeve never struck me as someone who wanted the throne. But the Fae can’t lie something is up and I’m suspicious. I need a bulletin board and red string go full conspiracy theory
Hmm I’m rereading this exchange. Lilly seems uncomfortable with telling the truth but Maeve doesn’t.
Okay the facts as we know them now
Mab wants Harry to kill Maeve
Lilly believes there’s a contagion that changes people
Lilly hasn’t examined Mab
Maeve has and claims Mabs infected
Outsiders are in this book
Harry isn’t infected
Could Maeve be infected and that’s why she can tell the truth? That would also explain why she wants to kill Mab. Could it have something to do with the Outsiders? I don’t have any strong evidence so it’s a bit tin foil hat theory so far.
Ace?! Why are you doing this?
“Be silent, mortal cow.” pg. 395 Rude
“Hey,” I said innocently. “Weren’t there seven of you guys a minute ago.” pg. 398
“Hey,” I said, in the same tone “Weren’t there six of you guys a minute ago.” pg. 399 Ha
“Any kind of iron gets under my skin, it seems to disagree with the Winter Knight’s bundle of awesome. Takes the gumption right out of me.” pg. 407 Oh interesting I wonder what other Fae traits Harry has now?
“Isn’t she Catholic?” Thomas asked. “Don’t they have a guy?” pg. 412 Ha and Harry is scruffy homeless Jesus
“Wow seriously, PT?” Butters asked. “How long?”
“Eleven weeks” pg. 412 I would have loved to see actual PT and not Mab trying to kill Harry
“Check out Dr. Marcus Welby, MD, here?”
“I’d  have gone with Doogie Howser, maybe” I said
“Split the difference McCoy?” Thomas asked
“You’ve been shot!” Butters repeated, exasperated
Thomas shrugged “Well. A little” pg. 416 Ha
Aw no one trusts Harry :(
Whoa there Harry let’s calm down. That’s definitely the Winter Mantle influence
“Translate that from nerd to English, please.” pg. 434 Ha
“I didn’t add in the third reason not to contact the Council-when they found out about my relationship with Mab, the monarch of a sovereign and occasionally hostile supernatural nation, they would almost certainly panic and assume that I was a massive security risk. Which would, for a variety of reasons and to a variety of degrees, be an accurate assumption. And now that I thought about it, given how my, ah, induction had been psychically broadcast to all of Faerie, there was no chance whatsoever that the Council didn’t know.” pg. 436 Why would Harry be a security risk wouldn’t he be more of an ally for both? Wouldn’t he make the alliance stronger? Also that’s  creepy that the White Council knows about how Harry became the Winter Knight
“And my body abruptly went numb and useless from my stomach down.” pg. 442 Oh no
So how does the Winter mantle and Harry’s paralysis work? Does the mantle negate the paralysis but Harry still has it?
“Toots jaw just about dropped off of his head. “Wow” pg. 446 Ha
“Celery,” she replied promptly, “Cheese. Green tea. But mostly celery.”
“How random“ pg. 448 Ha
“Ebenezar, when he taught me, had been very serious about making sure I learned the proper names of things” pg. 452 More Harry and Ebenezar lore!
“Titania” pg. 454 Oh is this the best idea Harry? I’m pretty sure Titania still wants to kill you.
“You who slew my daughter,” Titania said quietly. “You dare summon me?” pg. 457 Oh no
“Boink and let boink, more or less.” pg. 461 Ha
What is this talk with Titania?
“Flashy entrances” pg. 464 Ha
“Hell’s bells. Elder Gruff had spoken to my behalf? I owed that guy a beer.” pg. 466 That’s nice that Elder Gruff
Nemesis sounds scary
Harry’s grave
“If working the spell from your own grave on Hallo-freaking-ween wasn’t deathly” pg. 472 Spooky
“Mother Winter, I summon thee” pg. 473 Harry again is this really a good idea?
Yay Harry used his Will and Soulfire. So cool that Harry breaks the art k of Will from Mother Winter
“She lost her walking stick” pg. 492 Mother Winter had a walking stick?
“Two-thirds of the Winter Court will be under its influence.” pg. 495 If Mab really was under the influence then I feel like we would see that. And Mab seems normal for Mab
“Holy…Outsiders? Mab’s fighting Outsiders?” pg. 503 Really? This also leads credibility to my theory because it Mab was controlled by Outsiders then wouldn’t see have let them in already and if Maeve is controlled she’ll need Mab died in order to become queen and let them in.
“To protect all of you from the Outsiders, mortal.”
“Then why does Titania have hers?” I asked
“To protect all of you from Mab.” pg. 506 Interesting
“Welcome, Warden Dresden, to the Outer Gates.” pg. 511 Cool
“They’re a…they’re supposed to be a metaphor.” pg. 512 Ha
“You are the help”
“We’re in trouble” pg. 519 Ha
“It had obviously been uncomfortable for them.” pg. 525 It was only uncomfortable for Lilly
Oh no Harry’s friends
“kittykittykittykitty!” pg. 536 Ha
Whoa there Harry that’s the Winter Mantle talking maybe calm down
I love Mouse and Harry’s interaction! Mouse is the goodiest boy
“Mouse thinks Andi should be locked in the garage at night, until she learns not to get abducted.” pg. 550 Ha
So I’ve been thinking about how Maeve is probably has the contagion. I wonder how she got it? It reminds me of an infection. So who infected Maeve? Did…did Lea infect Maeve? She was incased in ice for a while back in proven guilty. But then how did she get infected?
“Client had lost a kid or something to some half-assed wannabe warlock. He had cheesy dialogue and everything, was gonna sacrifice the kid with this big cheap, spiky knife.” pg. 553 Ha and a call back to Thomas’s story. Looks like there’s two canon warehouses in all of Chicago. The street wolf warehouse and now this warehouse. :)
“I hadn’t burned down a building in ages.” pg. 555 Ha
“Hell’s bells. That looked awesome.” pg. 558 Ha
“Goddammit!” I snarled “I just got played again! I am so sick and tired of this backstabby bullshit!” pg. 560 Poor Harry
“That was interesting. Why hadn’t Mac been tied up? Or if he had, how come there wasn’t a mark to show for it? Either way, that was odd.” pg. 561 Interesting
So cool that Harry created an iceberg that lifted the whole building out of the water! Harry’s so powerful
“Butters turned toward Molly with absolute murder in his eyes.” “I hate this” Butters said, his voice boiling with anger” pg. 572
Whoa there Butters and Molly how about everyone chill and check on everybody for injuries
Yeah Ace has good reason to hate Harry
“She was there when I cut her mother’s throat. I don’t know if she was conscious, if she saw…but what if she did? In my head, I’ve  run this scenario about a thousand times, and if she saw me and started screaming or crying” pg.585 Poor Harry poor Maggie :(
“You embezzled funds from the White Court to get me a present?” pg. 590 Ha
Molly got Harry a duster! :)
“The Wild Hunt is coming” pg. 595 Oh no
“I’d just put a bullet in the Erkling on Halloween night.” pg. 607 So cool
“Tonight we hunt Outsiders!” pg. 615 Yeah! Let’s go!
“You want me to drive into lake.”
“You have to admit,” I said “it isn’t the craziest thing I’ve ever asked you to do. It isn’t even the craziest thing I’ve asked you to do tonight.” pg. 617 Ha
“Wizard please” pg. 623 Ha
“planted a kiss right on the mouth.” pg. 624 Yes!
“And I laughed. As if some freak who had never loved enough to know loss could tell me  about pain.” pg. 631 Yep
“Thrice I bid you thee! By my name I command thee: Tell me who you are?” pg. 632 Yes go Harry!
“Go ahead! I shouted. “Go ahead and eat me! And then we’ll see if you’ve got the stomach to keep me down!” pg. 635 Yes let’s go!
The Erkling is so cool
“The real Cat Sith wouldn’t be having this conversation with me, ya know. He’d have killed me by now.” pg. 645 Yep that’s not Cat Sith
Maeve has to be the one behind all of this because Molly becomes the new winter lady. It just took me till chapter forty four and 80% of the way through the book to remember that Molly becomes the next Winter Lady oops
“Like she did when you infected Lea.” pg. 647 :0 I was right
“I love nights like this!” he bellowed “I love Halloween!” pg. 652 Well I’m glad someone is having fun because Harry sure isn’t
“We were cruising down the surface of Lake Michigan, and it was chock full of monastery goodness-and we had just left the Wild Hunt.” pg. 653 Oh no
“You are so hot right now.” pg. 654 Ha and yay
“Warden,” he said
“Asshat” I replied” pg. 665 Ha
“You’re trying to recruit me?”
“The offer is made,” the Walker said. “We always appreciate new talent.” pg. 665 Harry is drowning in job offers
“I’m no one’s puppet,” I said
The Walker actually barked out a short laugh. “At what point have you been any thing else?” pg. 665 Ouch poor Harry
“Stay there. You will not be molested.” pg. 665 Was that really the word choice you used?
“What else did I have?
I had friends.” pg. 666 Yay!
“Get rocked,” I said, and pulled the trigger.” pg. 670 Yes!
“And for the first time in a decade the Winter Knight and Summer Knight went to war.” pg. 686 Yooo
“I felt sick, like I was fighting a blind man.” pg. 691 Ouch
“Lilly” I said wearily. “Listen to me. We’ve both been set up by Maeve.” pg. 699 Yep
Poor Lilly
Harry’s putting the pieces together
“Fix looked at me, dirty, naked, shivering, burned, bruised, covered in soot and ash.
“Fuck,” he said” pg. 710 Ha
“My daughter is in town” I said in a whisper
He blinked “You have a…?” pg. 711 Harry told Fix about his daughter?! Why? How many people now know about Maggie?
Yes good mud plan everyone.
“My dress? You were wearing rhinestones. And nothing else!”
Maeve’s face contorted in rage. “They. Were. Diamonds.” pg. 733 Ha and Sarissa and Meave have to be sisters
“Hell’s bells you’re identical twins”
“Not identical twins” they both said at exactly the same time, at the exact same tone of outrage. They broke off to glare at each other.” pg. 734 Ha and they’re twins even better
“Where is her love? Where is her fury? Where is her anything?” pg. 737 Poor Maeve
“Mab! Mab! Mab! I summon thee!” pg. 739 Harry is just summoning all the fae
“Cease. This. Rudeness. At once.” pg. 741 Oh Mab is mad. I love that Harry called Maeve’s mom on her
LILY! Ahhhhh what just happened? Is Lilly ok? She’s gonna live right? Right? She can’t just die. Where did Meave get a gun? Was Lilly shot in the head? What about Fix? Who would be the next Summer Lady if Lilly dies? What’s happening??
“Fire flicked to life over the late Summer Lady”
“Directly to Sarissa” pg. 745 Poor Lilly poor Sarissa :(
“Sarissa wasn’t the only Faerie vessel on the hilltop. She was simply the one Meave had been meant to see.” pg. 748 Molly
This is how Molly becomes the Winter Lady?!? So much death why?
“Then I thumped back the hammer on the little gun and put the barrel against Mab’s forehead.” pg. 753 Harry what are you doing? It’s so cool though 
“As far as your career as a mentor goes, you grew into much the same image as DuMorne.” pg. 756 Mab did not just go there. Harry should punch Mab. I should punch Mab let me at her >:( hiss Harry and DuMorne are nothing alike
“Deamonreach,” I said. “If our guest pulls that trigger, take her below and keep her there.” pg. 758 So cool!
“The one given to her by the Red Court at Bianca’s masquerade. That was how the Leanansidle was tainted-and your godmother spread it to Maeve before I could set it right.”
“Oh” I said. I’d been at that party” pg. 761 That party! It’s been over a decade in universe and it still has repercussions. It started in book 3 and it’s now book 14. That’s 11 books! Did Bianca plan for this to happen when she gave Lea the athame? Did Bianca know? What was her plan? Like her plan has backfired on her.
First the vampire war
Second half turning Susan which led to the destruction of the Red Court
Third the gravestone gift helped Harry in Ghost story
Fourth the Athame definitely cause problems for the fae but Lea hit her revenge
Did Bianca know that the athame would taint Lea with the Outsiders?
“I was mortal once, you know” pg. 761 Oh interesting
“You meant me to have the Wild Hunt.” pg. 764 So cool
“His face seemed leaner, and for that instant I saw Vadderung’s wolfish features lurking inside Kringle’s.” pg. 764 Ohhhh
“Stared closing up the minute she was done.” pg. 767 Oh interesting so Mac definitely isn’t human
Ouch Murphy and Harry’s talk :(
“So goddammit, don’t you start taking the highway to Hell. Because I’m going to be right there with you. All the way.” pg. 773 Aw :)
“But I can’t help but think that Fix is going to hold you responsible for some of what happened last night.” pg. 775 Yeah :(
“And it’s got nothing to do with facing Molly’s parents?
“And it’s got nothing to do with facing Maggie” pg. 776 Thomas calls out Harry
“Thomas ignored me and gave me a rib-cracking hug.” pg. 777 Aw hugs :)
“There was a storm coming.” pg. 778 Spooky
Final thoughts
Such a good book. I liked the fights. I thought the book was funny. Answered questions and gave me more. Poor Mab, Meave, Sarissa, Lilly, and Molly. No Bi Harry moments. Hopefully there will be more in the next book. I’m glad Thomas is doing better and he and Harry reconciled. I would have liked to see more actual PT. Yes I’m that sort of weirdo :) I liked Cat Sith. I don’t like the Winter Mantle. No dad Harry moments :( Presumably Bonnie will be born in the next book. Can’t wait to meet her!
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 months
NagaShiro where Shiro accidentally caught Nagare being alive when he was supposed to be dead:
Person A: “How the hell are you still alive?”
Person B: “Honestly, I’m just as confused as you are.”
The ‘accidentally’ part of that made me laugh, like Shiro didn’t mean to find Hisui alive it just happened okay. Imagine this like immediately post-ROK, when all the cleanup at the destroyed jungle hideout is still going on. S4 is handling most of it but Shiro does come down to have a look, maybe to help with removing the airship since that bit of mess is technically his fault after all. He’s looking into the crater where the Slate was and he has this weird feeling, like nostalgia tugging at him and he can’t explain it. No one is really looking at him so he grabs his umbrella and Mary Poppins his way into the destroyed hideout. While it’s mostly rubble there are a few places where things are intact and Shiro finds himself wandering around, looking at the remains of the Dresden Slate.
Suddenly he hears a noise and turns, umbrella at the ready. Some rubble shifts to the side and then Hisui Nagare sits up, rubbing at his head and looking largely intact besides some scrapes and bruises, and there’s a notable green glow where his heart should be. Shiro lowers his umbrella, totally shocked, and Hisui looks up at him for a moment before saying ‘Silver King.’ Shiro swallows his shock and asks how Hisui is still alive, Hisui pauses to take stock of his current condition before admitting that he’s just as confused as Shiro is. His heart hasn’t returned to normal and the rest of his powers seem to be gone but the power that kept him alive is still there. Hisui doesn’t know how he ended up here though, and walking over to him Shiro notices that there are what appear to be shards of the Dresden Slate by Hisui’s feet. Shiro quietly picks one up and murmurs ‘is this your way of saying we should give him a second chance,’ Hisui looks up at him curiously. Shiro says he doesn’t intend to let Hisui run wild again, however it seems like this is something else that he’s supposed to take responsibility for and in that case he can’t just run away. He holds out a hand to Hisui and asks Hisui to come with him, and to see if things can change.
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 year
New Flavors, Old Tastes
Rikio Kamamoto X Reader
Reader is Kusanagi's little sister, I know a lot of people didn't care for project K. I understand it can be confusing, especially since if you want to watch it chronologically you have to watch a handful of movies before the series. I grieved so hard for Mikoto, my sweet fallen king.~ I blame the gold king with everything in my heart, he should have never brought the Dresden slate to light. It was a shameless power move that cost the life of so many kings because of how it affects them. Silver King should have done more to stop it, instead he hid himself in the sky and ran from his problems. Thankfully he made the right call in the end, even if it was a bit too late in my opinion.
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(Y/n) smiled with a soft blush, approaching Kamamoto with a bag of chips in hand. The two were good friends, though the slightly younger girl wanted to be more than friends with her big brother's friend. Today she wore her favorite outfit, it was a (F/c) off the shoulder top as well as a pair of (F/c) short shorts. She was hoping to catch the male's attention, so far Yata had moved to the far side of the bar and was a blushing mess. The man on the couch with her brother and her king hadn't noticed her yet, she wasn't sure what they were talking about. She walked around to his side, the conversation seeming to lull a bit. "Hey Riki, Munoko came out with a new chip flavor it's (F/f)." Her voice was cheery, a soft pink covered her cheeks as she brushed some of her hair behind her ear as her free handheld up the bag. "Awesome, thanks (Y/n)!" He smiled sweetly as she handed him the bag, her blush deepening when their fingers touched. Mikoto had noticed and chuckled, Kusanagi was his best friend, so she was like his little sister as well since they had been friends long before he became the red king.
"Hey (Y/n), can you go in the backroom for me and count the wine bottles? I need to make sure we have enough until the next shipment." This was Kusanagi, the girl gave her big brother a sweet smile and nodded. "Ok bubba, I'll be right back." The king and the bar tender smiled and chuckled as she ran off, the giant teddy bear was too busy eating. Kusanagi had known of (Y/n)'s crush on Kamamoto for several years now, she had been trying to get the male's attention since he joined. "You know, (Y/n) really likes ya Rikio." Mikoto's low voice rumbled, catching the attention of the aforementioned male. Kamamoto had turned his full attention to his king, tilting his head slightly. "Well, we are friends. So, I'd hope that she liked me." The blonde had liked (Y/n) quite a bit but thought she was out of reach because of his weight, he was rather heavy set, and she was gorgeous.
Kusanagi chuckled, lighting a cigarette before glancing to Mikoto and back to Kamamoto. "No, he's right, (Y/n)'s had a crush on you since you got here. The girl is hopelessly in love with you, she's been trying for years to get your attention." Kusanagi nudged the blonde, he was fine with her being with Rikio. He knew the blonde wouldn't hurt her on purpose, plus he'd prefer it be someone in the red clan so he could keep an eye on them. "Well, I mean, she just seems out of my league. Your little sister is beautiful, have ya seen me? She'd be more interested in someone like Mister Mikoto or even Yata." He huffed a bit, eating some more of the chips as he thought about it.
He did like her, but what if they were wrong? He didn't want to make things awkward, after all they had to see each other every day. He huffed once more, though he lightened up a little when he noticed her making her way over with a paper. "Here you go bubba, I wrote down the numbers and what they were." She stopped at the side of the coffee table that sat between the couches, all 3 guys sitting there. "Thanks, I'll go log it." Kusanagi got up and went towards the bar, Mikoto stretched out on his couch and closed his eyes. (Y/n) smiled and sat beside Kamamoto, blushing softly as she looked down. "So how do they taste?" Kamamoto looked at her a moment and then down at the chips, humming softly. "They're pretty good, try some." He held the bag up to her, her cheeks darkening as she grabbed a chip and took a bite. Humming in delight at the taste, she missed the blush that grew on his cheeks.
"Hey (Y/n), can I ask you something?" He looked away, placing the bag down on the coffee table, the girl focusing on him as she nodded. "Of course, is something on your mind." Kamamoto had gone quiet a moment before turning towards her, looking at her a few seconds before he spoke. "What do you think of me?" His question caught her off guard, she needed a minute to think. The blonde didn't miss the deep red covering her cheeks, but he gave her time to think. "Uh... Well, I think a lot about you...! That's not what I meant; I mean I think highly of you!" She could die at the moment, looking to the side. "You're really nice, you have a great personality and are really caring." She fidgeted a bit, taking a deep breath. Kamamoto was blushing at this point.
He had turned to face her, but before he could say anything (Y/n) had placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before she looked down and began twiddling her thumbs. This made Rikio smile, his hand reaching over and gently holding hers. Neither had noticed Kusanagi watching from the bar, both forgot about Mikoto right across from them. They also missed how the male sat up to light a cigarette, Anna joining him to observe the quiet scene that was missed by most everyone else. (Y/n) smiled and gave his hand a squeeze, leaning against his shoulder and enjoying the moment. Nothing had to be said, Mikoto simply gave a silent smile before standing and leading Anna off somewhere. Likely to find Tatara and go get ice cream.
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workingchemistry · 1 year
It’s been a while since I’ve done a character playlist so! Here are five songs that are really giving me the Fox vibes right now.
Up first a Hozier song. All of the clones have complicated feelings regarding personhood and culture but I think Fox is probably one of the more conflicted. He and his brothers have stolen a language word by word and phrase by phrase. On the front his brothers at least get to paint their armor, but Fox and the Corries are forced into a sea of sameness and surrounded by more cultures than anyone else. I have feelings on cultural erasure as I live somewhere where eugenics was practiced until fairly recently and my grandmother’s dialect is dying out because it’s being deliberately stolen from the younger generations by parents who don’t want their children to face discrimination. It’s not as overt or serious as what other people face but I have complicated feelings on culture/assimilation and I’m projecting them onto Fox via a Hozier song.
Listen Fox is one of millions copy pasted on repeat to be slated specifically for death. Literally every line hits me personally but then when I extrapolate it to the idea of Fox and the other Corries trying to put on a good show for all of the front liners when they’re crumbling? Like this song really hits the “surrounded by people who love you and can’t see though the front you’re putting up and you don’t want them to see though it but that means you’re so incredibly isolated and it’s hitting crisis levels while on the outside you’re laughing and dancing” vibes.
I feel like this one is pretty self evident but… the clones were made to die. Like they’re canon fodder in the war yes, but beyond that the war is entirely pointless. They are not only made specifically to die, they’re made to die pointlessly. There is no meaning to their birth, their life, or death. Being on the home front means they’re fighting a slower war. They’re still dying but it’s slow and agonizing. They don’t get the adrenaline fogging their higher thinking, they aren’t forced into just reacting. They have time to plan and mitigate and it doesn’t work because they will all die anyway. Fox pulls away from his batch not to protect them, there’s no protecting them when everyone is going to die within years of discovering they can be people, he pulls away so they can die without ever questioning their purpose.
In the same vein of everything else on this list, it’s definitely got the vibes of Fox holding back hell through the worst coping mechanisms and putting a good face on it. It’s so bouncy but the lyrics are pretty hopeless. I feel like that’s who Fox is until maybe a year or so in. Eventually he just starts crumbling completely and can’t even put up the front anymore.
This one is from the POV of the ones who knew Fox on Kamino who are desperately trying to hold onto him while he pulls away. They know he’s falling apart but they can’t figure out why and they’re desperate and trying to hold onto hope so they can give it to him.
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zerotwentysims · 1 year
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Modern Family Mansion IX
Contemporary luxury family mansion for your Sims. This a second take on trying to blend in a modern house into the surroundings of The Crumbling Isle in Windenburg. Fully furnished CC build.
Main level : entry, cloak room, formal living room, formal dining room, 2 half baths, family seating area, kitchen, chef's kitchen, garage (skill building area), guest bedroom (with its own bathroom, would also be a great nursery), master bedroom (with its own living room, her/his bathrooms connected to each other through a walk-trough shower, large walk-in closet and terrace) and a outdoor deck with a seating area and kitchen garden.
Lower level : 5 bedrooms each with a private bathroom (one staged as a butler's studio), lounge area with a bar, games area, cinema, sauna, gym, wine room, full bathroom, half bath, office and laundry/utility room.
Basement : vault. This basement has 2 entries and is ideal for future expansions (perhaps a bowling area or nightclub).
Gardens : 2 pools, hot tub, seating areas and firepit.
Lot size : 64x64, designed for the Von Windenburg Estate lot in Windenburg. This lot looks also good on the Dresden House lot.
Packs used for the exterior/shell and gardens : Eco Lifestyle, Spa Day, Get Famous, Get Together, City Living, Desert Luxe and Island Paradise. Many others for the interior.
I won't upload a CC Free version since there too many elements in this build that just won't look good without CC in my opinion. On request I could send/upload the shell without CC though.
Available on the gallery, ID : zerotwenty-sims (please tick "include Custom Content", or download the TrayFiles directly below)
In case of any questions : please feel free to drop a line
Free CC used from following amazing creators:
ZeroTwentySims : Marble Walls Part 2, Basic Walls, Basic Glossy Walls, Basic Floors, Slate Tile Recolor and Fireplace strip (all included in the Misc CC Zip Pack)
KTA : Marble Floors 5, Marble Walls 3, Mural 25 Volume 2 and Panel 9
Nickname : Fireplace Stone
Sevarinka : Modern Ceiling Lights Set (Gamma and Beta), Jorden Living Chair and Wella Living Round Mirror
Harlix : Bafroom, Baysic, Baysic Bathroom, Harluxe, Jardane, Livin'Rum, Orjanic and Kichen
Harrie : Heritage, Brownstone, Brutalist, Coastal, Halcyon, Octave, Spoons and Shop the look
Felixandre : Berlin, Chateau, Colonial, Fayun, Grove, Shop the look S1 and S2, Florence, Gatsby and Kyoto
BrazenLotus : Within Reach
Blue Teas : Largo Dining
Cowbuild : Millionaire Living Room
Angela : Low Fence
FIW : Basic Waterfall Short Footprint
IllogicalSims : Simkea
LittleDica : Sleek Slumber Wallpaper
Peacemaker : Caine Living
Pierisim : MCM Bedroom and MCM Bathroom
Ravasheen : Uplifting Elevators
Simplistic : RH Rugs
Syboulette : Artus and Elevare
TudTuds : Wave, 2nd Wave, Beam I&II, Cave, EMA, IND, MIRR, NCTR and Vime
BreezeMotors : decorative cars (these are paid, optional)
SimFileShare : Misc CC Pack, contains my own CC + items that I coulnd't link directly
SimFileShare : Trayfiles
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ugakei · 2 years
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About “TEMPELHOF 1945”
This story has important meaning as an indicator why Yashichiro Takahashi (Black) introduced 'Himmelreich' and 'Schattenreich' idea through airship each named on.
Recognition deference of "King" between Adolf and Kokujoji has been shown in the storyline, later it links to the introduction scene in SIDE:GREEN (Novel), portrayed as a confrontation between Kokujoji and Hisui Nagare .
After Claudia Weisman’s death in Dresden bombing.
Adolf awoke as “Silver King” by the bombing / Sister’s death. (? vague description)
Kokujoji tried to make Adolf aware as “the king”, strongly requested his govern along king’s responsibility with superhuman power. However Adolf denied it for depression of his sister's death.
Kokujoji felt Adolf's denial was same as 'spoiled child' attitude, one the other, Kokujoji was well perceiving the meaning of 'to be a king' would be a journey to Hell - as lonely bearer of mankind's hatred and grudge.
Adolf's denial might not be accepted because the power was already activated with unstable danger, Kokujoji decided to kill Adolf with a gun for his relief, but it failed that Adolf blocked by the shield emerged under his unconscious.
Then Kokujoji and Adolf realized/confirmed a feature of the power that Adolf awaken was 'immortality'.
Leaking of 'Koenig Project' -the name that Weismann and Kokjoji were researching the slate- from German insider to Allies, Dresden bombing was occurred. Allies also intended to get some information of the project, Adolf was abducted by US Commando during Kokujoji absence in Beriln.
Commando took Adolf and escaped to mountain area in south central Germany.
Kokujoji reported the incident to Presidential office, succeeded to mobilize six companies from Heer, soon started chasing Commando.
Adolf, restrained by handcuffs, didn't try to escape by own, was just taken around with resistless mind, immersed himself in loop of reflection since the muzzle pointed by Kokujoji. Adolf wanted to believe in "rex" power that they could find a 'Methode' for 'Freude' of mankind, not a journey to Hell.
Commando soldiers were cornered and irritated for encirclement by Heer. Chief asked Adolf with expectation of his knowledge as a local people to search a place 30 members of Commando would be able to hide until Heer pass by, Adolf agreed. In that time, one of solider said "If only his sister survived, we would have a joy hiding time." Insulting Claudia was unforgivable, Adolf silently got furious, felt hatred, his power seeped out as enigmatic pressure to them. Sooner it was settled, but enough to give them fear.
Hiding Commando was a good target as Kokujoji expected. Under the proxy of annihilation with no recommendation to surrender from Presidential Office, Kokujoji and Heer carried out artillery barrage. Only Kokujoji had grasped Adolf's immortality. He bet on Adolf's decision to be the king in their danger, then fired.
During attacked, Adolf did not help Commando soldiers for his hatred mind. If he had tried them to be his 'clansman', they would had been able to survive, but he didn't and let them die. Adolf asked himself what was "a 'Methode' for 'Freude' of mankind" which he aspired. He shed tears and deeply despaired against himself.
Kokujoji found out Adolf alone before being secured by Heer, where he left the barrage area and was wondering around. Letting Adolf back to Berlin with no accusing, but Kokujoji just gave one question when after rescued - he made onigiri and served it Adolf fasted for several days - "Did you find some 'Methode' for 'Freude'?" (* This section supplemented in "K THE FIRST STORY by Rei Rairaku(Pink))
'Koenig Project' was completely dumped, nobody care of the slate would be sent to Japan by Kokujoji. Preparing for carrying out, Kokujoji and his man were going to move the slate from Tempelhof airport to Keel naval port. Also at the same time, Adolf was going to board his airship 'Himmelreich' and get out from his country from Tempelhof.
Before parting ways, Adolf asked Kokujoji that he really would be a king. Kokujoji replied the slate activation never stop and somebody would do for his/her unknown purpose if he dumped again. So he should be a king with controlling the slate for a better future. Adolf realized own despair against himself and his doubt for the king's power would become a hindrance for Kokujoji's way. Adolf perfectly gave up all the options for his life, said "For me, everything is over." But Kokujoji hadn't given up. " Let me ask you one last time, " he asked to go with, "Farewell here, Lieutenant.", Adolf replied as if to discontinue then step forward to board 'Himmelreich'.
"You do really escape, Weismann?" Finally Kokujoji threw his word which stabbed Adolf's mind for a long time after this. Adolf never looked back, flew off the ground and disappeared.
In original Japanese text by Black-san, we feel his expression is bit metaphorical and we have to read over each word carefully. (Sometime non-description has important meaning on underplot which will be related later.)
In this "TEMPELHOF 1945", timeline and composition are back and forth, make us confuse if we do not memorize the timeline what episodes originally are. So I lined up along their timeline in summary above.
I think there are some points requested to image for reading this episode as below.
There are concepts of Heaven and Hell throughout the story for describing of two character, Adolf and Kokujoji. (It takes over in the series thereafter)
Adolf's 'Immortality' haven't confirmed until Kokujoji would try to shoot Adolf.
Presidential Office accepted including A.K.Weismann would be killed in annihilation operation. Kokujoji took advantage of the operation as like, to let Adolf be the king by setting him in danger, to be free him from "Koenig Project" itself.
Despair with self-denial in Adolf himself is figured out as 'Isana Yashiro'. (Potentially avoid in Adolf's appearance, especially against Kokujoji up to K7S:CV)
Thanks for reading long content in my poor English. If you have some comments, pls do not hesitate to post.
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kuradoberijam · 1 year
Kusanagi and Awashima on a date. What's it usually like?
Honestly I feel like while a lot of their dates are at bar HOMRA they do often go out. That being said pre Dresden slate destruction their dates are tranquil for probably only about an hour before one clan or the other starts falling apart.
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slateofthesea · 2 years
The Slate of the Sea: Gold King
(Ao3) (Vibes)
Nothing was making sense... None of this made any sense. No matter how long Daikaku stood there on the sandy white beach explaining himself and their situation, they found themselves.  
"You're being ridiculous. We are not living in some fantasy novel; this is real life." How much Klaudia wanted to scream, 'have you gone mad!? Do you realize how insane this all sounds?'
"What I said has been hand-to-Ryujin the truth. I can prove it if you wish," Daikaku has always been a calm, collected man, always had a leveled head on his shoulder, even if his heart flutters uncontrollably around the love of his life. 
"If what you're saying is true. Then the legend clearly states if any selkie were murdered/killed, they turn back into human forms. Those bodies we put to rest yesterday were seals... not people."  Klaudia took a deep breath, rubbing her temples, hoping to stop this headache. 
"If the power of a king slays any mythological creatures-" The young sea captain scuffs at those words repeating out loud 'King' and mumbling 'ridiculous.' "We are standing on the beach of Tears, where many lives were lost trying to acquire one other half of their whole." 
"Either power is whole, or it's not. There's no in-between... my sister nearly drowns over this crazy fantasy you both live in. Do you understand that? Do you even!- Why are rocks floating? What is that soft humming sound? Why are your eyes glowing a golden color?" 
The Kokujoji clan could be traced centuries back. One could say or jest their family took root since the earth took form. With a family going that far back, many titles became attached to his clan. 
The first wife of the head of the family was known as The Magician, used to perform tricks, and was sly of the hand most commoners spoke. 
The second head of the clan's wife was known as The Enchanter, who used to play 'matchmaker' as another way to downplay her label the weak-minded threw at her. 
And so went down the line people would whisper behind the clan's back, every word they knew, sorcerers, Wicca, and finally, the new leader of the Kokujoi clan was known as The Mystic, with his unique ability to manipulate gravity itself. 
"I'm hallucinating, yes that explains- um... the stress from sailing through that storm, the emotional toll of witnessing the aftermath of poachers, my sister nearly dying, the sun beating down on us." Klaudia kept rambling, trying to find a sensible reason to explain everything. 
"Klaudia, you feel it in your bones that what I say is the truth. You remember seeing our grandmother standing in the shallow that night," As much as she tried to forget that night, she could not. The images of the two women standing in waist-deep water, holding hands, singing without moving their lips before two bright glowing gems came out of the sea by webs-like hands. "The Kings always follow their anchor. My grandmother served as your grandmother's anchor...power stabilizer might be the term you're used to seeing in those ancient texts." 
"I enjoy reading those ancient books that have many uncharted sea routes." It wasn't a lie; they only partially contained much other information. "Anchor or power stabilizer is not the wrong term. From what those books read, the sail could be a better term or lock and key. Those who came from the sea, or persons of the sea, are the key to unlocking or guiding the king's power." Klaudia finally surrendered to this fantasy as she sat on the nearby rocks. With all the evidence at her feet, it's hard to deny everything. 
"Misguided information has caused a war between the kings. The Seventh one of us believes forcing the seas- selkie, sirens, and even mermaids into his service will help locate-" 
"The Dresden Slate... a mysterious stone that grants aura to those it deems worthy, or so the legend states." Daikaku could have argued he was still getting accustomed to his king's ability as he allowed his entire body to be consumed by a gold aura. "You made your point; aura, kings, and sea folk weren't just myths. How long have you and my sister been working on this?" 
It was a fair question on Klaudia's part as it was now hard to hide their secret adventure anymore. "Possibly the same amount of years you've been doing your own research behind our back?" 
"Fair enough. What's our next step since if I leave you two alone; heaven knows what trouble you would end up into." So it's better to join in now before Klaudia is left behind. 
"Once we wake Addi, there's someone I would like both of you to meet." Daikaku led the way back to their camp, as Klaudia was initially reluctant to follow, "This 'he' person you asked about the other day. Is he not an average person?" Even if she knew the answer, Klaudia had to ask the question to get it off her chest. 
"He was the Colorless King's first victim,' The gold king paused for a moment before explaining himself more. "I was just named the head of the family. That night a small child washed up on the shore wrapped up in his dying mother's arms." He told Klaudia the grim tale of the selkie begging with her last breath to protect her son...naming their executioner 'The Colorless.' "My family raised him, educated the child until we could locate more of his kind. Hisui was only a child when we last met." 
Klaudia had to make him stop right there as her mind was going in circles. "Before you explain anything more, I may need a few drinks to clear my head." With so much unknown only one question kept bubbling up and out of her mouth. "So when do you marry your anchor?" 
That question almost felt like a dagger to his heart, impaling itself deep into his chest, twisting, and butchering his heart. Before Daikaku could respond, the sea captain ran past him, nearly shouting, "Who's that naked man sitting beside my sister!" 
"Oh, hello, sis," of all the things Addi could say to her older sister right now, she chose those three words... not explaining herself with a naked man...who was holding her hand, more like having a death grip on her hand. "Mmhmm, she's my older sister. I know she looks scary, but she can be kind... at times. Oh, you know, Daikaku,yes.. people look different as they age. No, they are not. I know you're right. They should be." 
It appeared as if Addi was having a one-sided conversation with herself. If Klaudia didn't do an in-depth study on every mythology sea creature using telepathy to speak, that ability was strictly for families and lovers. Klaudia's blue eyes shot back at the gold king, needing someone to explain everything to her now... right now. "Klaudia, I would like for you to meet Nagare Hisui," Addi paused before dropping a cannonball on her sister. "My husband." 
Holding up their interlocked hand to give the older twin more visual aid as Nagare said only one faint word. "Wife." 
"Congratulations, best wishes for a lifetime of great happiness." Daikaku bowed his head, giving his heartfelt wishes to the happy couple as Klaudia, on the other hand, stood there speechless. Blinking uncontrollably at this sight with her (I had no desire to be someone's wife, Lady of the house, or someone's mother), sister clung to her... to her... 
'Come on, Klaudia, say the word, and all will be fine... great even. Now say it!' Scolding herself for the lack of ability for not being able to say this single word. "Husband?" There she managed to say it... yes, it came out more like a painful screech, but at least it came out. "I'm going to die an old maid, and my baby sister just plucked her husband out of the sea like it was nothing." 
"Nagare says thank you for letting his kin rest, and there's nothing else here; the Colorless King took everything, no wait, everyone else with them."  Addi kept her attention on this beautiful slim-built man with messy dark green hair. 
"With the tide coming in, I suggest we take our leave. Gathering what we know and what we don't, he will be leagues away from us by now. I have to contact an old friend, who has been tracking the last king much longer than I have." With all of their research back at the villa, it was best to retreat to the former ground. 
"We agree with the gold king. Oh, so that's what you meant by a King. I see now. Yes, I think we can pull that off," The selkie still wouldn't let go of his wife's hand. "I won't leave you behind. I know your family didn't want to leave either. We can make a found family with the four of us." 
The Kokujoji and Weismann family's world turned upside down the moment the sun rose this morning... many things became clear as many remained in the shadows. For Daikaku, the burden was lifted off his shoulders as he no longer needed to hide who or what he was—the Gold King with the blood of sirens running through his veins. The blood of the sea guided him to remain anchored to his course, revealing its silent whisper to him, and showing him how to use his power to heal the broken and save the weak. 
If only this aura could give him the courage to face rejection.
As for the Weismann sisters, Addi came to understand the longing in her bones after hearing the saddest song the one night their family stayed at the Kokujoji castle on the very night Nagare washed up on the shore. The selkie didn't realize someone was answering his song. Someone heard his prayer, never to be left behind again. 
The fates wanting them to meet, need them to be apart of each life as destiny was not yet done with this strange couple. 
The young gold king couldn't help but smile, watching the newlyweds walk hand in hand across the ship's deck, teaching each other about the other world—the endless beautiful dark waters of the sea to the breathless evils of the life above. 
"Sister, you’re a sea captain, correct?" of all the dumb questions her genius baby sister could ask, she picked that one to find her voice again finally. 
"Yes, Addi. You know full well that I am. Father took great strife in teaching me how to fly against the waves." The sea captain kept her eyes on the sea, not liking the clouds forming to the east of them. "If we want to beat the next storm, we need more speed." Barking her orders to the crew. "What is it you want, sister? Please make your request quickly, then get yourself below the deck." 
"Marry us," Bluntly asked. No, Addi begged her sister to perform the sacred ceremony, almost acting like this whole thing was some stage play. "You're the captain, so in the eyes of the law, you can marry us." 
"No." There Klaudia said it, putting her foot down until her sister saw reason. 
"No? No, you can not perform the marriage, or the law won't allow it?" Addi pushes for the answer for a single-word reply. "Daikaku? Can not a captain or a Lord perform such a ceremony?" 
"Klaudia, please explain to us your reasoning." Now the young sea captain has three sets of eyes looking toward her, seeking an answer her voice might not be able to give. Klaudia could go into great detail about the typhoon brewing to their east needing her full attention if they were going to outrun it, or she could be simple and honest. 
"You can not marry someone you just met." Explaining more reasoning behind her single-worded answer. "Don't even drag Lord Daikaku into this. I'm the captain here; this is my ship until we dock. No one is getting married, and if they do so behind my back. I will sink this very vessel into the sea." 
"Klaudia, you can not be serious. In selkie-" The sisters bark and disagree with each other even as the storm is on their heels. Addi finally felt a familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach. "How long could you control the wind!?" 
"One does not control anything. I simply let the wind guide me." Klaudia always hated the words 'control.' It was like telling everything lesser than yourself that it should live life under your boot. 
The angrier the sisters became with each other, the more the wind- no winds, fought against the canvas sails. One gust of wind came from behind them, pushing them toward the coast, towards home. As the second wind came from the west, shoving them more into the raging storm. 
Ever since they made landfall on the Island of Tears, something felt off, like it was tearing their sanity apart. 
"I only want you to be happy!" 
"And I want to marry my happiness!" 
"Kings are such foolish creatures," Nagare spoke up. "Throwing their aura around like pebbles across some river." 
The very moment Nagare hands reached out for Addi, something changed inside her chest, something no words could describe. "Wait, I thought only life and death circumstances could awaken Kings- Oh, did I drown?"    
Spitting those words out carelessly in front of your older sibling will get you the same result as jumping into the ocean and holding a couple of cannonballs—a suicide mission. 
"Nagare, would you like to join me inside the captain's cabin to discuss the events of the attack-" Addi quickly corrected the gold King's choice of wording. "Slaughter." 
"Forgive my mistake, the slaughter." The two men left the sisters to battle out their pettiness as either one of them would give ground. 
"Much like before, he stole the younger one and used his king's abilities to slaughter anyone who resisted him." The selkie continued retelling the event as the Colorless waited until mid-day to start his assault. "The fog came first, just like you said it would. I managed to get some safe but not many, and his right eye is much darker than I remember." 
"Do you believe the sea witch is helping him?" The selkie shook his head slowly as the gold King sighed deeply. 
The sea witch could be dealt with without effort; a single death could cut off the Colorless King's power link until she was reincarnated. However, if their sacrifice were to the Syrens that something Daikaku was not experienced enough in, books clearly stated all Kings could slay the three, yet his siren blood told him differently. Only one King could kill such a dark creature, known to be the most ruthless and violent of the Kings. 
The Red King. 
Sadly for them, the last Red King passed away ten years ago during childbirth. Her descendants live deep within the Demon swamps, and few dare to adventure upriver. The Suoh family has quite an arsenal to them with the ability to unleash fire chaos upon any who dare to cross them. 
"They won't be born for some time," The Selkie finger kept outlining an area on the old map that covered the sea captain's desk. 
"They?" The gold kings question only to get the fair skin man to smile, knowing its best not to speak on such matters; even the ocean has ears and lips to whisper such tales into their enemies' ears. 
The Timeless palace made landfall hours later, looking as if it had been in war as some of the railings were missing, some of its sails ripped to shreds, and she was taking on water from the crack in the hull. 
"Welcome home, Nagare. You have to see the libraries, water garden, oh, and my research!" Addi rushes off the ship, pulling her husband behind her, disappearing into the crowd at the port, shouting to everyone she knows quickly introducing her husband to them. 
"I can't believe I agreed to marry my sister in the middle of a hurricane... of our own making. This King's ability will take some time to grow accustomed to. Could you give me lessons, Lord Daikaku?" Klaudia gave away her own pride, agreeing she only- and ever wanted Addi's happiness, but she refused to be seen anywhere near the newlyweds. Watching them cling to each other was enough to make anyone uncomfortable since the selkie needed to understand that if he was going to live among humans- well, half-humans. Clothes were not optional; they were a must. 
"As you wish, however, my lesson starts early, and I'm very strict."
"I'm not giving up my wine." The holder to the head of the Kokujoji clan heart declares, marching right into the tavern. After the two days she just had, a few drinks were past due. 
"Your Excellency, you have an urgent letter from Master Miwa," this said letter was one Daikaku knew was already on its way when they cast off for the island. 
Dear, Daikaku. I hope my letter finds you well. Please give my complete happiness to the newlyweds and my best to the new Silver Kings. I know they are prepared for what's coming. Ten years from now, the unique emerald will be among us. Its value does not go well for us, yet I urge you to do nothing...until the appropriate time.
As for the rubies, I will keep them safe for you until they reach a higher value. 
                                                                       Your friend,
                                                                           Ichigen Miwa
The battle for the slate was one of patience until all seven kings could come together; everything was out of reach. 
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ao3feed-ateez · 3 months
Worries Slowly Come and Kiss
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/fj0KuEQ by sacchu Roughly eighty years ago, an unknown entity unleashed the full potential of the Dresden Slate to the entire Sinosphere. A mysterious stone with little to no understanding of its origins, it is the source of what gives power to users of the Swords of Damocles. These chosen users are also known as Kings. When the Dresden Slate begins to crumble and more malicious forces threaten to ensue a revolution, chipping away at the already delicate nature of the relationship between the Kings, they must come together to protect the one person who may be the answer to the slate’s declining state—a twenty-five-year-old doctoral student Kang Yeosang. Or Yeosang is only six months into his PhD program studying archeological anthropology and the importance of religion, rituals, and the occult when a man with striking red hair, who calls himself the Red King, accuses him of wanting to destroy the world. Words: 3819, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band), K (Anime) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen, M/M Characters: Kang Yeosang, Park Seonghwa, Kim Hongjoong, Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Choi San (ATEEZ), Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Choi Jongho (ATEEZ) Relationships: Kang Yeosang/Everyone, Kang Yeosang/Park Seonghwa, Choi Jongho/Choi San/Jeong Yunho/Jung Wooyoung/Kang Yeosang/Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa/Song Mingi Additional Tags: Supernatural Elements, Superpowers, Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Found Family, Explicit Language, Kang Yeosang is So Done, Drama, Polyamory, Mystery, Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Future, Reincarnation, Soulmates, Sort Of, Rest of ATEEZ are kings, Kang Yeosang-centric, Dare I say yeosang harem, more tags will be added as I figure it out read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/fj0KuEQ
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Someone on my dash reblogged a bunch of “soldier, poet, king” posts and I have less than no clue what the hap is fuckening, BUT–
Seeing as I’m currently back on my bullshit about K Project and HOMRA specifically
I propose:
Soldier: Mikoto
Poet: Totsuka (obviously)
King: Kusanagi
“But Mikoto is the Red KING”, yeah, I hear you. And I don’t plan to argue that he is the Red King chosen by the Dresden Slate
But if you look at who’s doing the managing, who’s “reigning” HOMRA and who’s their commander in chief… Mikoto let’s Kusanagi have that spot
Mikoto wants to be a protector, a leader, but not the one to rule over his clan
He has no issue leaving that to Kusanagi and having him reign in all the chaos that is HOMRA
Considering a role-swap AU I read, I would actually go as far as to say that Mikoto takes on the burden of the King Aura, that he takes on the burden and responsibility, because he is a soldier. He wouldn’t let anyone else handle that strain, that burden, carrying that power.
Also, I have opinions (as always) and I’m kinda simping for Kusanagi, so I might actually post my rants here
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itsuki-minamy · 1 year
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* List of Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
As he ran through the dark passage, something bright opened again.
It was similar to the space where Mishakuji was located, but it was even higher in the ceiling and with countless huge cylinders. There was even a strict air, like an ancient Greek temple.
As he ran through the pillars, Shiro thought of Kuro whom he had left just now.
(Kuro. I believe in you.)
Mishakuji Yukari is a strong enemy. Perhaps his power will even reach the king. Facing the blade, Shiro did not confirm whether Kuro could win alone.
That's why he believes in him. That's the only thing Shiro can do.
At this moment, multiple members of the "Jungle" clan appeared from the front.
"There they are! Don't let them pass!"
The muzzle turned there at once. Looking at them, Neko who was running next to him, murmured.
"They won't defeat me!"
With the spirit, Neko drew a zigzag path, lowering herself like a four-legged beast. She jumped into the air and decided to drop the heel to the main Clansman.
"This is...!"
Other Clansmen quickly take the distance and aimed at Neko. However, they couldn't catch her literally jumping like a cat, and she was just thrown away.
At this moment, Neko's eyes were shining, and the sound of the bell echoed.
"Take this!"
"Jungle Attack!"
The Clansmen held their weapons and began to hit each other. Neko's reconnaissance operation skill and ability. Neko watched the Clansmen using their weapons to hit each other, and was satisfied.
Shiro ran again as he called after her. There isn't much time left. They have to get to the "Slate" as soon as possible.
Shiro suddenly saw that something strange was placed between the pillars.
A tatami with six mats. Kitchen with an old refrigerator. Various plaques in the Chabudai.
The appearance of a room, as if a family lived there, was left in a solemn underground space.
Hisui Nagare also has friends. The opponent has something that can be called family.
The fact that he knew sank into his chest.
But he can't stop. Hisui Nagare has a wish, and Shiro also has his own wish. That's completely understandable too. If there was something that could not be certified, there was only one thing to do.
Shiro and Neko arrived there.
A gigantic stone disk placed carelessly on the ground, the "Dresden Slate".
A relic that brings innovation and confusion to humanity.
And, as if to protect him, a solitary bird was there.
"It's here! It's here!"
The parrot made a sound. He had seen that parrot several times. He is a messenger of the "Green King" named Kotosaka.
Then, the young man with Kotosaka on his shoulder slowly stood up.
"...Hisui Nagare."
Hearing Shiro's words, the young "Green King" Hisui Nagare smiled silently. Neko nodded and snuggled into Shiro.
Nagare looked at him and silently opened his mouth.
"First King, Adolf K. Weismann, Isana Yashiro. Welcome."
Mishakuji gently narrowed his eyes as his sword flickered slowly.
Kuro's sword in front of him doesn't seem to be as shaken as before. Unfazed by Mishukaji's brilliant move, he is trying to discern the true nature of him.
Mishakuji freely admired that state.
"Good. Although it contains great power, it is as calm as the surface of a lake. I can see your growth."
In response, Kuro replied in a low voice.
"...I've finally begun to see it too. It may seem like your sword can change shape, but there is a core running through it. The core that sustains the strength."
Mishakuji chuckled and readjusted his "Ayamachi".
"It's a strange destiny. Although we grew up under the same "king", we each received different "kings" and now our paths cross this way. It's wonderful."
Once upon a time, when they were wielding swords together under the tutelage of Miwa Ichigen, did they ever think that something like this would happen?
At the very least, it is true that the current Kuro has become an attractive enemy. There aren't many people he wants to kill from the bottom of his heart.
Mishakuji was happy about that, regardless of his morals or his feelings.
"I guess it's time we found our King. Let's get started, Kuro-chan."
Mishakuji pointed the tip at Kuro, as if he was swearing.
"My sword is to fulfill the sincerest wish of the "Green King"."
Kuro also pointed the tip of "Kotowari" towards Mishakuji and muttered to himself.
"And I, to fulfill the wish of the "Silver King"."
"Oraaaaaaaaah, but what?!"
Yata was running the entire time, letting out a roar.
The map that was informed to him in advance has long since been forgotten by him. That's not to say he was running blindly. Yata already knew the coordinates he had to reach. The "warmth" he feels from Anna's supernatural network is directly beneath the presence of his friends.
But before he gets there, he will have to go through a maze.
From the darkness along the corridors, behind the barricades, from the walkways, members of the "Jungle" clan began to emerge. They really were a nuisance. Yata swung his staff to deflect the bullets they fired, smashing them, jumping over their bodies and moving forward.
"Yata-chan, have you arrived yet?"
"Yata-san, hurry up...!"
Yata's frustration increased as he received communications from Kusanagi and Kamamoto. He shouted, gritting his teeth and punching the members of the "Jungle" clan.
"I'm so excited that I keep running as fast as I can! Just wait a little longer!"
Anna's supernatural network also shares his sense of sight and hearing. Yata was well aware of the burden his late arrival placed on everyone else. Yata forced himself to take a breath, which was about to run out, and accelerated even more.
Suddenly, he heard that voice.
"I believe in Misaki."
He felt as if Anna's direct gaze was fixed on Yata.
Hearing that, Yata laughed. He thought to himself as he emitted flames from the tip of the staff.
(King believes in me. If I don't answer, it will be a lie!)
The staff slammed into the wall, leaving a trail of flames in the darkness. Even more clansmen wait beyond the toppled and exploded wall. Yata stood up and stared at them.
"I am Yata Misaki, captain of the "Homura" vanguard! Stay away unless you want to die!"
The unrest on the ground was already calming down.
The defeat of the "Gray King" had a great impact on the morale of the Green Clan members, and most of them retreated to their hideouts or were unable to escape and were captured by "Scepter 4". Some began to surrender voluntarily, showing no signs of resistance. Many people on the ground have probably already made up their minds. However, Awashima's expression never cleared up.
Reisi Munakata was looking towards the "hideout" when she called out to him with concern.
Blue sparks scattered intermittently on his back. An uncontrollable supernatural ability causes a short circuit, which manifests as a visible anomaly.
Without turning around, Munakata said to Awashima.
"...Awashima-kun. When the time comes, don't hesitate."
Awashima bit her lip and looked up at the sky.
A broken "Sword of Damocles" hovered directly above Munakata. Like Munakata's body, it emits numerous sparks and blue aura crystals constantly break off and disappear into thin air.
It wouldn't have been strange if it fell at any moment.
Awashima looked at him and put her hand on the hilt of her own saber. Pain, sadness, despair. He kept all those emotions inside her heart and thought.
(Just do what you have to do.)
All the other members noticed Awashima's deadly expression. Before they knew it, they were watching Awashima and their "King" from afar. No matter how fate turns out, they want to see it with their own eyes.
Then only one person noticed it.
The "Gray King", Tenkei Iwafune, who was lying on the ground, suddenly disappeared.
He maybe he used some supernatural ability, or maybe he crawled with all his might. The only person who noticed that was Gouki Zenjo, who silently closed his eyes and muttered to himself.
"...At least he has a place to die."
His first impression was that he was a much younger man than he had imagined.
To awaken the "Slate" and encourage innovation in humanity. He was a delicate and gentle man who did not seem willing to commit such a scandalous act. If he had not been surrounded by a powerful aura, perhaps he would not have been able to believe in him or even now.
The "Green King", who was connected to the "Slate", silently opened his mouth.
"Honestly, I didn't expect you to go this far. As expected."
"Because I also have a will."
Hisui Nagare tilted his head slightly at Shiro's response. In a regretful tone, he said...
"I'm your fan... that is, I'm a fan of the "Silver King" that you used to be. I have great empathy with the feelings you once confided to the "Slate". Do you want to join hands with me?"
Shiro shook his head without hesitation.
"I'm sorry, but I'll have to reject you again."
"...Now that I think about it, you didn't answer me why last time either."
Just as he was about to speak, Neko suddenly stepped forward and stuck out her tongue.
"Bleh, no! Shiro won't be your friend!"
Kotosaka, who remained on Nagare's shoulder, replied in a sharp voice.
"Shut up, you stupid cat!"
"Shut up, you idiot bird!"
Neko and Kotosaka looked at each other, growling and threatening each other.
"Ameno Miyabi."
Suddenly, Nagare called out to her.
Neko trembled. Hisui Nagare guards her true identity, the absolute secret that Neko tried to hide. Neko was afraid of that more than anything.
"Like me, you experienced the Kagutsu Incident. You are one of the few people who survived that tragedy."
Nagare easily revealed his true identity.
"Just as I woke up as a "King" when the "Red King" caused a burst of royal power, you also gained power and became Strain. And just as I lost my life, you manipulated your own memories and ended up living like a cat. We two are people from whom the "Slate" stole everything... and we got everything new."
Shiro looked at Neko.
Neko didn't exchange glances with Shiro, she just grabbed him tightly by the sleeve.
"In the course of life, people encounter many irrational situations. What matters is whether or not you can resist that irrational fate. Do you have that power? We encountered the Kagutsu Incident, but we overcame it with the power that gave us the "Slate". People should have the power to protect themselves and pave their way. The "Slate" will give them that."
Shiro flatly denied that theory.
"No. The power of the "Slate" is too much for humans to possess."
Nagare also immediately replied.
"Why? Don't you believe in people? If so, I'm disappointed. I'm disillusioned. You used to believe in people's potential more than anyone else."
"That's not true! I..."
"I don't understand!"
Only a little.
The discussion was interrupted by Neko's words.
Biting her lip and suppressing her fear, Neko still kept her eyes fixed on Nagare. She thought slowly and, as she did, she opened her mouth.
"I don't understand what you're saying. But Wagahai doesn't need a "Slate". Shiro, Kurosuke and everyone else can do without that!"
"Whoever it is, even if I'm a monster, I'll never disappear just because of that. So, I'm fine with that. That's all I need! I don't need anything else!"
"There have been bad things in the past and I think there will be more in the future. But what I want right now is not a "Slate". It's delicious food and someone who will eat it with me. That's what Wagahai wants!"
Tears welled up in Neko's eyes.
What is her "true identity"? Shiro still doesn't know.
He probably doesn’t need to know. Unless Neko wants them to know, there's no need to pry. What Shiro and Kuro want is the "Neko" of now, who is innocent and full of emotion.
Taking Neko's hand, Shiro looked at Nagare and said...
"Hisui Nagare. What people need is not a "Slate". It's just it... that's right. A chabudai. That's enough. That's my conclusion. The choice of the "Silver King"."
After a while of silence, Nagare suddenly said...
"...What a pity."
"Nagare! Don't be disappointed! Nagare!"
Encouraged by Kotosaka, Nagare smiled a little. He looked at Shiro and said...
"So... let me ask you something. Why did you come here, "Silver King"?"
"I came to destroy the "Slate"."
A slight sneer emerged from Nagare's smile.
"How? You should be the most aware of the physical strength of the "Slate". I would like to add that I will not let you touch it again."
In an instant, a green light illuminated Nagare's chest. In the blink of an eye, it enveloped his entire body, manifesting as an aura so powerful that he could feel it on his skin.
"I guess so..."
When he replied in a low voice, the slight sneer that had been mixed into Nagare's expression disappeared. Along with his warning, the green shrine that Nagare uses became even more intense.
"Now I can connect with the "Slate" and absorb its power inexhaustibly. If I feel like it, "Silver King", I can use your "immutable" power and my "alterable" power. I can overwrite it and even kill you. I am invincible."
"Still, you are resisting, "Silver King"."
"If you were me, would you give up?"
Nagare narrowed his eyes and kicked the wheelchair back.
That was the end of the story. From now on, it was not the time for conversation, but for beliefs and fist bumps.
Anna was the first to notice.
As the "Red Queen", she has a sensory capacity that far exceeds that of a Strain. Her higher perceptive powers sensed the existence of "it" before it manifested.
She turned her gaze toward the sky as if to check. In her field of vision, which only reflected red, "It" tried to take shape, not as a color, but as a figure colored by an aura.
''Silver'' and ''Green'', the two ''Swords of Damocles''.
Anna understood exactly what that meant. The two kings, Isana Yashiro and Hisui Nagare, finally met.
Slowly, impatience crept up her spine.
In a head-on confrontation, the probability of Shiro defeating Nagare is zero. In theory, no one could beat Nagare, who can draw unlimited energy from the ''Slate''.
There is no more grace left. If they don't carry out the plan immediately...
At this moment, the marble that Kamamoto was holding emitted a red glow.
"Anna! It's here, it's the signal!"
Anna gritted her teeth. Her excellent sensory ability felt that "it was not like this yet". All the marbles are not in the correct position yet.
At that moment, Yata and Kusanagi's screams echoed through the network.
"We're almost there! Just do it!"
"Anna, do it!"
She closed her eyes, she gave a sigh and when she opened her eyelids again, her doubts had already dissipated. She broadcast the proclamation of her as "King" to the supernatural network.
"From now on, we will gather all the power of the Red Clan and open the "way"...!"
A bright red aura came out from her folded arms. The aura turned into a flame, a shrine, and spread towards the clansmen like flames spreading across the plains.
Anna felt a burning sensation on her neck as the fourth "Sword of Damocles" appeared above her head.
Kamamoto, who was next to her, clenched his fist and shouted.
"No Blood!"
Kusanagi, who was deep underground, laughed in fighting spirit.
"No Bone!"
Yata, who was further down, ran with determination in his heart.
"No Ash!"
At their respective stations, the clan members (Akagi, Bando, Chitose, Dewa, Eric, and Fujishima) expressed their thoughts and threw the marbles in their hands.
Anna could see it in her eyes. Her eyes, which only recognize the color red, were able to see through "Homura's" red color through space. The red dots were connected in a straight line, forming a straight line.
She should have already abandoned her doubts. She knew she had to do it.
Still, she couldn't help but wonder if she could do it.
That flame. That red. The power of the King. Is it possible for her to control it?
(Will I be able to achieve things like that person?)
A few seconds of coma. The question that ran through Anna's mind, however, disappeared in the next moment. Someone was behind her.
It wasn't Kamamoto. Neither do the other members of the clan. His presence was clearly felt even from a distance.
Furthermore, the person behind Anna was much bigger than them. A bright, warm, soft and beautiful red.
Anna watched, unblinking, as his hand reached over her shoulder and took hers.
Anna's lips parted. Her voice overlapped with that of the man behind her, echoing her words.
"Burn them!"
The flames on both arms enveloped the marble in the air, as if it had a will. The exploding supernatural flame penetrated the ground and caused the marbles on the ground to explode, expanding further and swallowing the marbles below, increasing its power by doubling each time it was chained together. A huge column of fire engulfed everything from the first floor of the basement to the tenth floor of the basement, burning it to the ground.
Anna could see that enormous column of fire.
The flame of the King that she created with the power of all.
Anna looked back.
However, there was no one there. The shadow of his tall figure, the warmth she felt, the smile on his lips, nothing. There was no trace of his existence left there.
Instead, Munakata's face loomed near the exit from the ground.
Seeing a hint of pain in his eyes, Anna knew that Munakata had seen the same thing as her.
She met Munakata's eyes. Anna nodded slightly and lowered her eyes.
Then, remembering the man who was behind her at the end, Anna laughed a little.
The sound of an explosion echoed in the distance, and Nagare recognized it simply as the sound of a battle.
In various parts of the "secret base", clan members "Jungle" and "Homura" fight fierce battles. Naturally, the weapons given to the clan members included bombs, so he thought that was the reason.
By the time he realized that was different, it was too late.
The sound of explosions echoed at regular intervals, getting closer and louder. When he gasped and looked up, a waterfall-like flame had already broken through the ceiling and was falling onto the "Slate".
The roaring stream of flames engulfed Nagare's body and licked the entire hall. Kotosaka jumped into the air and the others deployed a supernatural shield to block the flames.
Nagare was the only one who was directly exposed to the flames.
If he were a normal person, he wouldn't have been left with even a speck of dust. Even a normal "King" would not have been able to survive unscathed.
Of course, Nagare was none of those things.
"Is this your plan?"
Despite being exposed to the inferno that was still pouring out, Nagare did not suffer a single burn.
Nagare said with a sigh.
"I am deeply disappointed. What is the point of doing something like this?"
He thought that Isana Yashiro's intelligence was on par with his, so he didn't want to think that such a foolish plan was a trump card. If he truly believed that Nagare could be defeated with the supporting fire of the "Red Queen", then he was no longer even a person to talk to.
And Shairo did not disappoint Nagare's expectations.
"...The path is already made."
Nagare looked up again at the words he murmured.
He could see the blue sky.
Nagare stopped breathing. The blue sky, the white of the clouds. And floating there, swords of various colors.
He felt as if his electromagnetic heart was beating rapidly.
"That's right."
The light of determination shone in Shiro's eyes. Determined to overcome or crush the difficulties before them by any means necessary. The formula for this already exists within Shiro.
In a lower voice, Shiro spoke of the method.
"I will destroy the "Slate" with a "Damocles Down"."
Mishakuji Yukari had never thought that his sword was as beautiful as it was now.
A flash of "excess" released from an impossible angle, free and flexible, is truly art. Mishakuji views his swordsmanship that way, not as a boast, but as a fair evaluation. A human-like swordsman who steps forward as if he were dancing and wields his sword as if in full bloom will not be able to take a single hit.
Yes. If you do not have the proper skill in using the sword, you will never be able to bring out the beauty of the sword.
That's why Mishakuji loudly praised his opponent.
"That's amazing, Kuro-chan! You've become so strong. You're almost on par with me now!"
Yes. Yatogami Kuro also became more beautiful than he had ever seen before.
Firm and solid as a rock, no matter how unexpected the blow, "Kotowari" will absorb it and unleash a devastating counterattack. His eyes never waver, always fixed on Mishakuji.
Ah, Mishakuji thought, with a tingle.
(I wish this moment could last forever!)
However, the reality is that that is not the case. Mishakuji knew this better than anyone.
The elevated "Ayamachi" and the lower "Kotowari" crossed each other. The surrounding auras repel each other, producing sparks and a sizzle.
Mishakuji smiled charmingly as he used one hand to relieve the pressure of his spit.
"But right now, you can't just be even. If you don't surpass me, you won't be able to go to your "King"!"
Biting his lip in frustration, Kuro shifted his grip slightly. When he released the amount of pressure that had been loosened, Kuro flexibly withdrew and readied his sword again.
Mishakuji raised his voice as he made his sword dance gracefully with just one hand.
"Come, show me!"
At that moment two lights exploded.
Silver and green. He could know it without seeing it, because it is the light of his King.
"That's from Nagare-chan."
The appearance of the "Sword of Damocles" meant that Isana Yashiro and Hisui Nagare were at war.
That in itself stirred no emotion in Mishakuji. If those two fight, Nagare will definitely win. There was no way that his "Green King", who was connected to the "Slate", would be defeated, no matter how many conditions were combined.
So what surprised Mishakuji was Kuro's reaction.
He took something out of his pocket. It is a single coin that shines silver. Gripping his tightly, Kuro muttered.
"That's right. My sword is to my King, Shiro. As long as I'm with him..."
Along with the coin, Kuro grabbed the hilt of his sword and silently looked at Mishakuji.
Mishakuji was impressed by that look. His eyes are like the surface of a calm lake, without haste or hesitation, just a determination hidden deep inside.
Kuro declared happily, mirroring Mishukaji in his incredibly deep eyes.
"Mishakuji Yukari. I will surpass you!"
Mishakuji let out a sigh and laughed.
The current Kuro is the strongest Kuro to date.
Yatogami Kuro is not Mishakuji Yukari. He operates with a completely different logic than Mishakuji, who acts freely and selfishly.
Kuro demonstrates his ultimate power for the sake of the King. For his Lord. It's for someone important.
That's why Kuro was the strongest at that time. To save the "King" who is in trouble, run to his side as soon as possible and defeat the enemy in front of him. He will expend all of his life force for that purpose.
Mishakuji couldn't help but be happy about that. He considers the last-minute exchanges of life and the brilliance of will that emerges to be the most beautiful of all.
Kuro kicked the ground.
Unconsciously, Mishakuji also started running.
Rounding to ''Kotowari''. Preventing, in return, he pushed "Ayamachi", repelling him. Sparks fly from tip to tip and the pressure on the blade emits light. A deadly dance with two swords, a thin line between life and death as if they were playing. As if he were playing in a paradise, Mishakuji was captivated by the moment.
And then, the end came without a hitch.
Kuro intervened. Two steps, three steps, the speed far exceeded Mishakuji's expectations. As he raised the spirit of division, he turned, as if half of his body was immersed in it.
Before he knew it, the "Kotowari" sword had pierced Mishakuji's chest.
''Ayamachi'' flew through the air and rolled on the concrete making a sound.
Before he could think of anything, the words came pouring out.
"That was beautiful..."
He collapsed and fell to his knees. Fever and pain from his shoulder to his chest. He could feel the blood dripping and coming out of his fingers.
His fingertips could still move, meaning he could still grasp the sword.
But he wasn't going to do that.
The decision has already been made.
This is the first time he has been defeated since he pointed his sword at Ichigen Miwa. He couldn't bear to see that great swordsman slowly lose his life to illness. He wanted to see his life burn in the midst of battle. So he doesn't regret what he did.
And now...
At this moment, his youngest disciple, who could only tremble, was about to surpass him. Mishakuji felt quiet satisfaction in the fact that no one else had cut him except the man who had inherited Miwa's technique.
His feet were shaking. Someone is fighting somewhere. Kuro looked towards the end of the hallway with an impatient expression on his face.
"Damn, it's started!"
Mishakuji muttered under his breath.
"...Kill me. And go quickly to your king."
Then, Mishakuji closed his eyes.
There was a pause.
Mishakuji opened his eyelids at the sound of the doorbell.
When he looked, he saw that Kuro had sheathed his sword.
Before Mishakuji could say anything, Kuro stared at him.
"In the fields and mountains the color may differ, but we are like noni seeds."
Yes, he recited a poem.
Mishakuji rolled his eyes. He remembers the poet Miwa's haikus without missing a single word. However, what Kuro said was...
"...I don't know that poem."
"It's my poem... Goodbye."
Without saying anything, Kuro turned his back on him and started running.
Mishakuji looked at his back in shock. The only thing he could do was record a single phrase and follow in the footsteps of his younger brother.
When he looked down silently, a slight smile appeared on his lips.
"Are you looking, Ichigen-sama? That child has finally become a full-fledged person."
He then he got up. Stumbling, he picked up "Ayamachi" and gently placed it in his holster. The time to exercise that will not come for some time. Now that all the battles are reaching their final stages, there probably isn't much he can do.
But that doesn't mean there's nothing.
"Now... the least I can do is get a new seed."
Mishakuji muttered that and started walking in the opposite direction of Kuro, looking for the stairs that led to the top.
The great hall was engulfed in flames.
The breath of the "Red Queen" blew from above, completely burning multiple armor plates and leaving large holes. In the distance you can see a blue sky and a sparkling silver tip.
Nagare turned to Shiro and glared at him.
"Are you crazy? Damocles Down..."
Shiro accepted that look head on.
"It's the only way to destroy the "Slate". Neither me, nor the "Golden King". Another person involved in "The Beginning" told me this option."
"Are you planning to turn this into a crater?!"
No, Nagare denied his own words. If Tokyo is caught in the "burst of royal power", it will not simply become a crater. The swords of all the "kings" present there could fall together. Their power is not just a metaphor, but it would be worthy of destroying this planet.
For a moment, Nagare doubted Shiro's character, wondering if he was trying to negotiate with the world itself as a hostage. But he shook his head slowly.
"Concentrate the enormous energy of the "Damocles Down" in a single point. According to the Second Methodology of the Schwert Regulation, it will cause a Hammer Resonance Effect. After calculating the degree of resistance of the "Slate", I discovered that its limit value, was theoretically the same as "Damocles Down". When certain conditions are met, the "Slate" and the "Sword of Damocles" will only annihilate each other.''
Nagare opened his eyes.
He only had a little experience with Schwert's control methodology. Weismann's deviation, the source of supernatural powers, and his crystal, the "Sword of Damocles", are normally phenomena that not even the "King" can do anything about. Although it can be observed, it is impossible to intervene, and the only way to prevent it from happening is to end the King's life. That was the conclusion of the first methodology.
However, the second method proposes another way.
Nagare punched the air. The hologram image that appeared instantly, along with dozens of data, showed that his prediction was correct.
"Impossible! He is pushing his own Weismann level to the limit!"
What the Schwert Control/Second Methodology proposes is that the "King" can voluntarily cross the critical point of the Weismann deviation. By deliberately dropping the largest energy body, the "Sword of Damocles", the power from it becomes directional. In that case, "Damocles Down" transmits energy as "penetration", rather than "diffusion".
The "Silver" Sanctuary is expanding. No reservations, no restrictions, to the point that even Nagare, who was directly connected to the "Slate", was overwhelmed. A dazzling silver glow overflowed from the hand that Shiro had placed on his chest, and in contrast, his expression began to distort in agony.
Neko next to him huddled worried. However, Shiro forced a smile and looked at Nagare.
"What do you think, Hisui Nagare? Don't you think this is some kind of message?"
"The "Slate" can only be destroyed when the "King" releases the sword of his own will. I don't know who he is, but it seems to me that someone who created the "Slate" is saying that."
He closed his eyes in silence and connected the words.
"If it is too much for you, you must destroy it with your own hands."
"I will not leave you!"
Nagare released all the power of him.
A green aura enveloped his entire body and a ferocious momentum coursed through his body. Nagare roared as he tilted his body downwards.
"Looking at Suouh Mikoto's case, it takes less than 10 seconds from the start of the fall to reach the underground! If I kill you before, the sword will disappear!"
Shiro slowly opened his eyes.
"...Try it."
The value indicating the Weismann deviation in the image exceeded the critical value.
The fall began.
Before he could confirm that, Nagare had attacked Shiro. An extremely fast, lightning-like strike aimed at the throat of the "Silver King".
A red Japanese umbrella blocked his fingers.
The two auras, silver and green, collide and annihilate each other while emitting a shockwave. Shiro who rules "immutability" is dedicating all of his power to defense. Even though Nagare was directly connected to the "Slate" and gained infinite energy, it took him three seconds to break it.
The Japanese umbrella broke into thousands of pieces and the pieces flew into the air.
Shiro's body was also swept away by the shock wave like a strong wind and fell to the ground. Now that he was helpless, Nagare pounced on him like an animal.
"This is the end!"
A fist that turned into electricity pierced Shiro's abdomen. Nagare's imagination of burning his internal organs and his spinal cord and killing him along with his life did not come true.
Shiro's appearance dispersed like mist, melting into the air and disappearing.
(Ability to recognize and manipulate!)
It took him two seconds to remember those words and find Neko trembling in his arms. 5 seconds left. It was more than enough. The "Silver King" has already exhausted his power. It takes less than a second to destroy the defenseless Strain.
Lightning claws fell on the two from above.
A single swing of the sword blocked him head-on.
Yatogami Kuro. He grabbed the hilt of his sword with both hands and gritted his teeth to block Nagare's attack.
Through the space between his clenched teeth, he shouted the name of his "King" with a voice that sounded like a roar.
Nagare frowned.
Yatogami Kuro is there. He stopped trying to think about what that meant. Now is not the time to think. That happened a long time ago. Now is the time to finish them off.
"You're in the way!"
At the same time as he shouted, the pressure of his supernatural ability increased even more. However, that prediction that only one clan member's sword would break for no reason turned out to be wrong once again.
It did not break. The sword held by Kuro, his colorless steel, still withstood the full force of the "King".
A silver aura enveloped that figure.
Taking a deep breath, Nagare looked over Kuro's shoulder.
Isana Yashiro woke up and enveloped Neko and Kuro in a silver shrine.
In that last moment of collision of destructive power, what passed through Nagare's mind was not impatience, but doubt.
"How? Why? They reject power, how can they be so strong?!"
Kuro, Neko and Shiro's eyes were staring at Nagare. The six eyes told him that if they fight, they would never lose.
At that moment, Nagare wanted to turn around.
Shiro, the reason they were there.
Why aren't the clan members who were supposed to be there to stop them?
Mishakuji Yukari, Sukuna Gojou, Kotosaka, Iwafune Tenkei.
For a moment, he could see them sitting around a tea table in their six-tatami "secret base," talking, fighting and laughing together.
At this moment, he suddenly exhaled.
A shock ran through his heart.
He has been dreaming about that for many years. Life outside the straitjacket. Breathe freely and fly around the world.
That was the heart. If you have the heart, you can do it. The dead can return to the living and fulfill the wishes of those who also died. Extraordinary abilities for all humans. The power to resist. Be king.
The heart that had heard his prayers was pierced by a sword.
Nagare learned that not through observation but through actual experience. A silver slash pierced Nagare's stone heart. The blood of the supernatural was spilled and the life that was supposed to have been recovered returned to nothing.
His knees buckled and he fell to the ground.
Hisui Nagare looked at the sky through his falling hair. An open well and the blue sky beyond.
The "Sword of Damocles" floating there disappeared.
Nagare murmured hoarsely.
"How unfortunate..."
Then, Nagare turned his gaze towards Shiro.
The tension and caution had not yet left them. That was annoying and Nagare smiled slightly. Nagare silently closed his eyes and said:
"But I'm satisfied..."
Those were the last words that the ''Green King'' Hisui Nagare said.
It was certainly visible to others.
After the silver sword fell and a shock and tremor resounded, the “Swords of Damocles” floating in the sky vanished one after another.
The test of being king, the crystal of supernatural power. It was in the heaven that he could not reach, even if he stretched out his hand, and it was about to disappear without him reaching it.
The "Red Queen" stared at that.
The sword, a symbol of the destiny that took from her family, but that also brought her something so precious, disappeared. At the same time, something inside her slowly...
"That disappeared..."
The words that Kamamoto murmured were also Anna's voice.
Disappear. The things that had bound them until now. The things that have brought them together until now. That will disappear.
Anna suddenly felt like someone was calling her and looked around her.
But she couldn't find it anywhere. That warmth and that beautiful red are no longer anywhere.
Feeling alone, Anna looked down and closed her eyes.
The "Blue King" watched the situation unfold with his usual calm.
Therefore, even when his "Sword of Damocles", a cracked symbol of power that seemed about to crumble, disappeared, he had no particular feeling about it. However, he simply said...
"It seems my life has been spared."
That's all she said.
However, Awashima, who was behind him, looked different. She dropped the saber she was holding and ran towards Munakata's back.
Awashima was crying. Relief and joy are on all their faces. Munakata saw that, smiled slightly, and said casually.
"Hehe. I was a little curious to see if you could kill me, Awashima-kun. Anyway, thanks for your hard work."
At those words, something disappeared from Awashima's expression.
Before Munakata's clear mind could formulate a response, Awashima opened her mouth to ask what that was.
"Captain. I'm sorry, but gratitude is not enough."
"Excuse me!"
Awashima's fist slammed into Munakata's cheek, sending his glasses flying and sending them crashing to the ground.
"Nagare! Nagare!"
Kotosaka descended and screamed in pain next to Nagare.
However, Nagare did not move. With a satisfied smile on his face, he lay on the cold ground, not moving in the slightest. The fierce energy that had overflowed a moment ago could no longer be felt anywhere.
Kuro asked, still not letting his guard down.
"Is he dead?"
Shiro looked down in pain and responded.
"He survived thanks to the power of the "Slate". That's why..."
Those words were drowned out by the sudden sound of an explosion.
All three were hit by tremors that made it difficult for them to even stand. A low, resounding explosion sound echoed and deafened their ears. Kuro and Neko shouted in unison as they helped Shiro, who has become unstable.
"What is happening?!"
"Meow! Earthquake!"
In response to the clan member's dismay, Shiro remained calm. He looked up at the shaking ceiling and muttered to himself.
"No, someone blew it up."
"Ah. I'm sorry, but I have to fix things."
Kuro held his "Kotowari" in the direction of the voice. It was a familiar voice, and its owner was the one to be careful of along with Nagare.
"Gray King", Tenkei Iwafune.
He slowly walked out from behind the pillar. Blood flowed under his feet. Iwafune muttered with a self-deprecating smile on his mortal face.
"I never expected that situation to change... it was a complete defeat."
Without Shiro telling him, Kuro lowered his sword. Iwafune already lost his fighting power. No, he may already be on the verge of losing his life.
However, Iwafune showed no signs of worrying about his situation and simply said:
"I have also ordered my clansmen to flee. You should leave too."
The sounds of the explosion were getting louder. Small pieces of concrete fell from the cracked ceiling. Kotosaka flew away while he avoided them and shouted alongside Iwafune.
"Iwa-san! Iwa-san! Nagare is...! Iwa-san!"
With a weak smile on his blood-stained lips, Iwafune looked at Kotosaka with a gentle gaze.
"Haha. You too, Kotosaka. Now. Go!"
Kuro had no way of knowing what Kotosaka was thinking.
He hesitated for a moment and then flew away with a sad cry. From the hole in the ceiling to the clear blue sky. As if he was chasing him, Kuro also stretched out his colorless hand and jumped, holding Neko and Shiro in his arms.
Just before reaching the top, Kuro looked back for a moment.
Iwafune held Nagare in his arms and looked at him. His lips, with a wide smile, uttered some words.
He couldn't hear him. Kuro and his friends went up. Iwafune looked at Nagare with his eyes closed as if he were sleeping.
The explosive smoke enveloped the figures of the two "Kings", and since then nothing could be seen.
That was the scene at the end of the battle between the Kings.
Amidst the roar of explosions and tremors, Kusanagi stood alone, staring at his feet.
"We won?"
Through Anna's supernatural network, he had already given an evacuation order. Most of the clan members in "Homura" should have been able to escape safely. Still, his role as Senior Official of the Reds was to wait until the last minute.
He still couldn't be sure what happened to the Silver Clan or the "Green King". They must be escaping alone, he thought, when he heard a voice behind him.
"Kusanagi-san! Let's run!"
It was Yata. Sliding his skateboard from the end of the hallway, he came straight toward him.
Kusanagi nodded silently and ran off with Yata. As Kusanagi headed towards the stairs leading to the upper floor, he couldn't help but ask Yata.
"What happened to Fushimi? Is everything okay?"
"Heh," Yata laughed. He looked back for a moment and then looked forward without hesitation.
"It's okay. It's okay now."
Kusanagi also laughed at his confident words. Yata-chan, who was good at running and going wild, had grown quite a bit. They ran together toward the light, feeling out of place.
Munakata's instructions were quick as tremors resonated from underground.
"All personnel, evacuate."
Awashima accepted that and gave orders one after another through the intercom. It was supposed to be a normal scene from "Scepter 4", but the only difference was that Munakata's cheeks were very swollen and his glasses had gone somewhere.
The members running back and forth are surprised every time they see Munakata's face. However, Munakata's attitude was calm. After forcing themselves to accept that it was probably his fault, the members returned to their jobs.
At that moment he felt a presence behind him.
When he turned around, a man and a woman were about to appear, trying to get out from under the solid ground.
Douhan Hirasaka's "Wall Breaking Technique". Feeling satisfied that he was able to witness the ninja's skills, Munakata looked at Fushimi, who was being helped by her.
Fushimi had the same dull expression on his face as always. As expected, he felt tired, but he was not proud of having brought that operation to success. He simply said, as if nothing had happened.
"Mission accomplished."
"Thank you for your hard work."
Munakata responded as if nothing had happened and looked forward again.
By the time they reached the ground, the noise of the impact had already subsided.
Kuro was the first to emerge from the sewer and, while helping Neko and Shiro, he quickly looked around.
It was an alley in the middle of nowhere. There were no members of the "Jungle" clan. Many people have already decided. Most likely they escaped or were captured.
Kuro breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to say that they were safe, he stumbled and fell to his knees on the ground.
"Are you okay?!"
He clutched his chest in pain and sat with his back against the wall. He looked at the worried Kuro and Neko and smiled weakly.
"It seems that I am also running out of strength..."
"What does that mean?!"
"The body I'm in is not my original body... Before the incident at Gakuenjima, the "Colorless King" changed our bodies... In other words, he was taking over the body of a strange boy."
Kuro and Neko gasped at the same time.
They knew it. Isana Yashiro is a temporary name and the current Shiro is not the original body of Adolf K. Weismann. Due to the plot of "Fox Mask", the mastermind behind the incident a year ago, he was trapped in his current body.
Shiro spoke breathlessly.
"I have been able to continue existing thanks to the immutable power of the "Silver King", but... that power has disappeared. Along with the "Slate"..."
"What? Hey!"
"What? Hey, Shiro!"
Kuro and Neko felt a horrible sense of loss at the same time.
If he was able to stay in this world thanks to the silver supernatural ability, what will happen to him now that the "Slate" is gone?
"I've been borrowing it for a long time, but I have to return it to the original owner..."
"That is...!"
With tears streaming down her face, Neko took Shiro's hand. Shiro smiled slightly and squeezed Neko and Kuro's hands tightly.
His palm was warm.
"...It's okay. I will definitely come back. Because I am your king..."
After that, he closed his eyes as if he were sleeping.
A silver light came out of Shiro's body. He disappeared as if he melted into space, leaving nothing behind.
"Shiro, wake up! Answer me!"
As they clung to Shiro and called desperately to him, his shoulders suddenly moved.
He stirred and slowly opened his eyes. Kuro opened his eyebrows and looked at Shiro's face with relief. He thought that he had regained consciousness and that he had not gone anywhere.
But it was different.
Shiro's gaze looking at Kuro was filled with fear and confusion. That is not the expression of Isana Yashiro that they know. Like a child who had never seen them before, he looked at Kuro and Neko's faces, and timidly opened his mouth.
"Who are you?"
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tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year
🤝 sender holds the receivers hand ( anna )
Nonverbal RP Starters | @valkyrrhic | accepting
The grasp on her hand startles Anna from her thoughts, her eyes drifting to the woman that must have appeared at her side mere moments ago. She didn't even notice, as lost in her thoughts as she was. The recent developments between the clans have left. She wishes to not sour the relationships between the Red Clan and the Blue and Silver Clans, however, as it stands... There's no way around it. She is yet to announce that she wishes to be affiliated with the Green Clan, to propose another discussion where perhaps they can come to another solution rather than destroying the Slate, but she very much doubts that the other Kings will agree.
Additionally... She won't force any of her clan members to follow her in this decision. Anna cannot bear the mere thought of it. Takehiko, of course, will remain at her side as the one who conveyed Nagare's proposal in the first place. Anna is certain that Kusanagi, Yata and Kamamoto will stay as well, in spite of any misgivings they may have ─ misgivings that she still has, as well. But what of the others? Some of them are discontent with her being the Red King, something which she cannot possibly fault them for. She is but a child, after all.
─ What of the future? What will happen to them should the Dresden Slate be destroyed nevertheless? But then what will happen if they are not destroyed?
She's made up her mind, yet the uncertainty of it all is eating away at the young King.
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Tentatively, Anna gives Takehiko a small smile, yet her gaze strays to her hand in her vassal's a mere second after. The only thing that is certain that, should they emerge victoriously, then she will not lose the connection she still has to Mikoto and Totsuka. And she will not lose Takehiko, either. Taking a deep breath, Anna's hold on the other's hand tightens.
"I've asked Izumo to arrange a meeting with the Blue Clan and the Silver Clan in a few days... I wish to inform them of the possibility of our affiliation with Hisui Nagare. And I want to tell everyone else tomorrow and... I want you to explain everything to the others." It makes sense, she thinks. Nagare approached Takehiko initially, after all, and if it's their comrades, then she's not too worried about any repercussions. With the other two clans, on the other hand... "I want you to be there for the meeting in a few days too, along with Izumo and Misaki, but... I'll be the one explaining our decision to them. I don't want them to know what happened between the Green King and yourself, at least not right now." They surely will find out at some point, but with the situation being as delicate as it currently is, Anna wishes to not put any more focus from the other clans on Takehiko than ultimately necessary.
0 notes
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Reading the new Zero Fragments chapter and I have Niki thoughts (ew, Niki thoughts). One of the things that struck me about this chapter is how much Niki seems like the…anti-Munakata, in a way? Like we know Niki was a genius and extremely talented but this chapter shows how he doesn’t really care about anything, nothing ever seems to catch his interest at all. Niki has no motivation for anything at all and even the things that do interest him may be temporary — I feel like the chapter very heavily implies that the reason he only comes home once a month is that he feels like he’ll get ‘bored’ of Saruhiko if he sees his kid every day, for Niki it’s much more satisfying to go a while without seeing him because this way he won’t lose his interest. Even the thing he’s most intrigued by in all the world he can’t see too often, because then it will become boring and he won’t be able to enjoy it anymore (and of course this becomes creepy when you remember he’s thinking of his child this way, that he loves his kid’s adorable despairing face).
By contrast we know that Munakata also has a high intellect but he seems to be insatiably curious about everything, even something as simple as surfing is interesting to Munakata simply because he’s never done it before. Munakata never gets tired of doing puzzles, never gets tired of learning new things, never gets tired of drinking his tea or trimming his bonsai, never gets tired of moving forward towards his goal. Niki is explicitly mentioned as being someone who in the process of growing up “did not experience the ‘expansion of objects of interest’” and that he was destroying things all the time, it doesn’t seem like he really had any familial ties at all. Munakata however despite being different from his family is still very attached to them and accepted all their affection even though he knew that they would never fully understand him (I was rereading Case Files a while back and I like how that novel put it, that people would say to Munakata’s parents ‘the kite has bred a hawk,’ and then the novel states ‘but the kite loved the hawk,’ that Munakata is different but his family deeply loves him anyway). It’s revealed in this chapter that Niki even went overseas for school the way Munakata did but where it seems like Munakata took the time to learn and broaden his education Niki just got bored and played around and was eventually expelled.
The story’s last line about Niki not ‘mixing with the ups and downs of destiny that secretly moved the Dresden Slate’ interests me too. K’s whole thing is about the idea of ‘bonds’ — characters are constantly being connected in different ways, a minor character in one story can become important in another, characters who never interact in the anime may have met beforehand regardless, everything is connected. But Niki exists ‘outside’ that, where his only real connection to all these bonds is through Saruhiko (and possibly Yata to a small extent, though even that’s due to the connection of his son). It makes me think a bit of Mikoto and that ‘outside the cage isn’t a place where humans can live’ — does Niki exist outside the ‘cage,’ in a sense? Like he’s not going to actually cause a natural disaster if he loses control the way Mikoto would but it strikes me as something similar. Mikoto stays in the cage because he has people he loves and wants to protect, and leaving that cage means leaving those bonds behind (and when the latch on that cage becomes irreversibly broken he chooses to die rather than escape, for the sake of everyone he cares about). Niki doesn’t care about anyone though, he just does things because he feels like it and he doesn’t care about what destruction he causes in his wake. I wonder if that then is part of why Fushimi was so afraid of Mikoto — even if he wasn’t consciously aware of it I wonder if Fushimi’s body felt like here’s a person who could be the same as ‘that guy’ if he let himself go, and he reacted instinctively to that.
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omskivarwrites · 1 year
Author’s note: This is another old prompt that I’d like to turn into an actual short story. I ran out of steam trying to figure out what to do next, and left a note for myself to watch more heist movies (which I never did), so this one cuts off rather abruptly. Still wanted to share, though. I like this one. 
Also, if you find any [text like this], that’s figure-it-out-later filler that I missed. 
Prompt: Letting go, 20s gangster, thief
“On my way to pick up Johnny.”
Harry slipped the phone back into the pocket of her uniform and shook her head. Normally she would leave it at home or in her car, but her client for this job was a micromanaging piece of work who wanted to know her every move. She’d tried to tell him that texting during a job was an unnecessary distraction that had gotten her caught more than once and left an incriminating paper trail, but he’d insisted that was one of the terms of the agreement. She kept him updated at all times, or he’d find someone who would agree to his terms. With the amount of money he was offering, and the not-so-subtle threat that the police would be informed who really stole the Dresden Green, Harry couldn’t say no.
No one said no to Tony Semenza.
Harry hadn’t taken more than three steps toward the door to the broom closet she was currently occupying before her phone buzzed. Again.
“Have a safe trip :)”
Rolling her eyes, Harry jammed the phone as deep into her pockets as it would go. At least she’d convinced Semenza of the importance of using a code. The idiot had honestly thought “the package” was vague enough to not be suspicious. How had the grandson of Marlon “The Knife” Semenza grown up not knowing the basics of avoiding jail time? The family must have had a seriously good and/or expensive lawyer on retainer.
Okay. One more time. Taking a deep breath (and pausing just before she turned the door handle to allow for another ill-timed text from her employer) Harry straightened her shoulders and stepped out into the hall.
The twenty-ninth floor of the Obelisk Hotel was empty, though Harry doubted any of the residents would have given her a second glance. No one ever really noticed housekeeping. Humming the opening bars of Edelweiss, Harriet pulled her cart out of the closet and headed to room 2810.
The door at the end of the hallway was flanked by two beefy men in ill-fitting suits and knock-off designer shades. One moved to block Harry as she approached.
“Turn around, ma’am,” he said.
“But I need to clean that room,” Harry said, putting on her most puzzled expression.
“You’re not authorized to enter. Turn. Around.”
Not authorized to enter? Pfft. Who did Maxwell Steiner think he was? His dad hadn’t been involved in politics for a couple of decades now. “Sir, the resident specifically requested that housekeeping clean this room right away. I think he said something about broken glass?”
She couldn’t see his eyes, but Harry was pretty sure the guard was narrowing them at her from behind his sunglasses. “Stay there.” He pressed a hand to his ear-piece and turned away as he spoke. All she could make out was a hushed murmur.
Harry glanced at the other, shorter guard. He watched her impassively, but beneath the cheap fabric of his suit he was clearly tensed for action. Good to see that Steiner’s budget bodyguards took their jobs seriously. If it came down to a physical altercation (not that she was planning on one) she was in trouble, but dedication to duty was a good trait to have. Even if that dedication was easily bought and just as easily sold.
The murmuring grew slightly louder, and Harry’s ears perked up just in time to catch, “Yes sir. Of course, sir.” The first guard turned back to her, his face the same blank slate it had been when she’d approached.
“Sorry for the trouble, miss,” he said. He pulled a keycard out of his pocket, unlocked the door, and held it open for her. “You’re cleared to enter.”
Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Harry muttered a “thank you” and pushed the cart inside the hotel suite. As soon as she was past the door it shut behind her with a muted click.
Harry had staked out the hotel several times in preparation for this heist. On average it took housekeeping half an hour to turn a room. Depending on the nature of the request, a call to housekeeping for something more specific could take anywhere from two to fifteen minutes. However, this particular mess she’d been called to clean up was all over the bedroom. Exploding wine bottles tended to stain everything and send glass shards flying into all sorts of places. This one was going to need special attention.
Humming again, Harry slipped on a pair of latex gloves. She had thirty minutes. If everything went according to plan, she would only need five.
Anyone with even a passing interest into the lives of spoiled politicians’ children knew that Maxwell Steiner always traveled with a portable safe. Never one to trust hotel security measures (a quirk that Harry fully agreed with — those safes were way too easy to break into, and apparently they let just about anyone hire on as a hotel maid) Steiner had a custom, top-of-the-line safe made just for him that went everywhere he did. Just what was in that safe was a mystery for the ages, or at least the age of smart phones and sex tapes.
Harry knew what was in the safe. At least, one item in it. And boy was it a doozy. She’d been hired to procure a lot of objects in her relatively short career — man, the stories she could tell that involved live animals and ill-advised uses of historical artifacts — but this one was big, even for her. Never in her lifetime did she think she would ever lay eyes on plundered Nazi loot.
She had to find that safe and get it open before that could happen, though. The logical first place to look was the hall closet, where most hotel safes were kept. And, logically, Steiner’s safe wasn’t there. Harry closed the closet door and was about to check the kitchenette when her phone buzzed.
“How’s traffic? :)”
God, those smiley faces were starting to get on her nerves. Guy couldn’t wait more than three minutes to check in on her, could he?
“Traffic is light, I should get there on time. But remember I told you I don’t like to text while driving.”
Sent. Seen. A response seconds later.
“That’s what red lights are for.”
Harry was starting to see red. Motherfucker was doing this on purpose. “Fine,” she muttered, moving on to the bedroom. If Semenza wanted to leave enough rope to hang himself, that was on him. This was a burner phone anyway.
The safe wasn’t in the bedroom. Nor was it in the kitchenette, or the living area, or the bathroom. Harry checked her watch. She was ten minutes in and her objective was nowhere to be found. Where the hell was that safe?
A curtain fluttered, pushed by the breeze from the open balcony doors. Harry frowned. Surely he wouldn’t be fool enough to keep his safe out there… would he?
At first glance it seemed he wasn’t that kind of fool. The only things on the balcony were a white wooden lounge chair, a side table, and a palm fern in each corner next to the building. But that side table didn’t match any of the decor inside or outside; it looked like a solid block of polished mahogany, completely out of place among the sleek modern metal and glass that dominated the presidential suite. Kneeling down, Harry could just make out a rectangular outline on the side. She slid her fingers around the outline, gently pressing against the wood in search of a button or other release mechanism.
There! The wood gave slightly under her fingertips, and a moment later a panel silently slid forward and to the left, revealing a black metal door with a combination lock set into it.
“Bingo,” Harry whispered. A slow smile crept across her face. With a quick glance back into the suite to make sure no one had come in, she set to work on the lock.
For all the fuss people made about Steiner and his safe, it was disappointingly easy to crack. As the final tumbler clicked into place, Harry finally allowed herself to breathe. She was almost done. After this job, she could quit stealing (for a while, at least). She turned the handle, relishing that satisfying clunk it made, and opened the safe.
A spray of dark fluid splattered her in the face and chest. Harry threw herself backward, sputtering and wiping at her eyes. A bitter taste crept onto the edges of her tongue; some of it had gotten into her mouth.
She sat up and looked down at herself. Blue ink covered her hands, arms, and uniform. She could only guess how much of it was on her face. Steiner was clearly more of a tricky bastard than she’d given him credit for. She certainly hadn’t expected ink packs in the safe.
The door to the safe was wide open, revealing… nothing. It was empty, save for a single slip of paper, folded and standing upright.
A paper addressed to Harriet Cohen.
With trembling hands, Harry took the paper and unfolded it. All it said was “Gotcha.”
Fuck. She’d been set up. And worse, she’d fallen for it. How could she have been so stupid? Was Semenza working with Steiner? And if he was, why—? Raised voices from inside grabbed Harry’s attention. Her eyes widened at the bulky figures coming toward her. She couldn’t talk her way out of this one. There was only one way to go.
Harry scrambled to the railing and dove over the side.
For a split second the feeling of free-falling drove all thought out of her brain, save for the single repeating refrain of oh fuck oh fuck we’re gonna die!!! Then she snatched the bottom rungs of the railing, and stopped herself with a jolt that made her stomach lurch and threatened to pop her elbows right out of their sockets. Her feet dangled helplessly in mid-air.
She tried not to think about how far below the street was, or how fast it would take her to hit the pavement if she fell. There wasn’t time to panic about being thirty stories up. All she had to do was follow the plan. If she followed the plan, she’d get out of this alive. Hopefully.
The voices grew louder as Harry shifted her weight
“Looks like she took the bait,” said Meatbag #1 from above. They were on the balcony now.
“I knew she would,” said a new voice. “A rat can’t resist nibbling when it sees a piece of cheese.”
Harry had never had the displeasure of meeting the man in person, but she’d seen enough celebrity “news” to recognize Steiner’s voice. Of course the dirtbag was here to gloat. She’d expect nothing less. Which meant she needed to get away as quickly as possible, before someone took two steps to the right and saw her hands clutching the railing.
Harry looked down. The suite below Steiner’s also had a balcony. She just had to drop down there. The only consequence of missing would be falling to her death. No big deal. She took a deep breath and swung her legs back and forth, building up momentum.
“Now where,” Steiner said, each word punctuated by the click of his heels as he strolled across the balcony, “did the little rat go?”
Swaying out over the street below made Harry’s head spin. She swallowed down the little whine of fear that threatened to leak out. Almost there. She just had to swing out a little further…
The footsteps were coming closer. No more time left. Harry gave one final kick and let go. She tucked her arms and legs in close to her chest, intending to roll as she landed, but she hit the floor flat on her back with a loud thud.
“What was that?”
The impact had knocked the wind out of her, but Harry at least had enough presence of mind to roll beneath the lounge chair. Struggling to breathe without gasping like a fish on land, she clenched her teeth and forced herself to breathe through her nose.
The click click click of footsteps. A pause that seemed to drag on indefinitely, every second marked by the pulse of blood in her ears. Harry tucked her limbs in as close as she could. Was the end of her ponytail peeking out from beneath the chair? Had she left a smear of ink on the tile? Steiner had to suspect she was down here. The only other way out of the suite was through the front door, and the guards would have caught her if she’d gone out that way.
Finally Steiner let out a sigh. “Nothing,” he said, unable to keep a note of disappointment from his voice. “She’s not out here.”
“Dunno where else she could be,” one of the meatbags said. “Only other way out is through the door, and we were out there the whole time.”
“Clever little creatures, rats are.” Steiner’s voice faded as he headed inside, but his voice was raised enough for Harry to catch it. “They’ll find any number of ways to escape a sinking ship.”
The balcony door clicked shut above her, and Harry let out the breath she’d been holding, exhaling like the air was exploding from her lungs. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to relax. The tile wasn’t exactly comfortable to lay on, but the cool stone soothed her sore muscles. She was just going to lay here for a little bit. Just long enough to catch her breath and let her heartbeat slow down to a gentle gallop. Then it was time to get back to work.
The job wasn’t over. It was just getting interesting.
* * * 
Suite 2710 had been rented out to one Jurgen Niemand for the last two days. (By some miracle Semenza had at least been smart enough to use an alias this time.) Sadly, in the interest of not drawing attention to herself, staying in the room wasn’t an option for Harry. (A pity, that. She’d have put room service through their paces and rung the bill up as far as she dared, since it was all on Semenza’s dime. Another time, maybe.) She had made sure she was responsible for the basic housecleaning for the suite, however, which gave her ample opportunity to stash any supplies she might need. Supplies like a change of clothes, for example. Or professional-grade theater makeup. Or wigs.
A quick, scalding scrub in the shower took care of most of the ink, though there were a few faint splotches mingled in with the freckles that dusted her nose and cheeks. A careful application of concealer took care of that problem. Her ruined uniform was dumped unceremoniously into a trash bag, replaced with black leggings and long-sleeved t-shirt. Free of that damned wig for the first time in two weeks, Harry’s head felt lighter than air and no longer itched like she’d rubbed poison ivy all over her scalp. She ran a hand through her short, tight black curls and sighed in relief.
Reluctantly, she pulled up the text conversation between her and Semenza. He wasn’t going to like this turn of events, but it was the kind of thing he’d insisted he be informed of immediately. And his reaction might help her figure out if he was in on the trap.
“Johnny wasn’t at his apartment,” she typed. “His big brother chased me off. Going to see if he’s at a friend’s house instead.” She hit send and hoped that the code wasn’t too obscure for Semenza to figure out.
A minute passed. No reply. That was weird. Normally Semenza was all over his phone. Frowning, Harry slipped the phone into her pocket. Then she shrugged and pulled her climbing harness out from under the bed. Whether or not her employer saw the message, she still had a job to do.
Steiner had been right about the rat metaphor, as insulting as it was. The house Harry had grown up in was plagued with rodent infestations, and one of the first things she’d learned was that for every mouse hole you found, there were guaranteed to be at least two more you didn’t know about.
What Steiner had neglected to mention, however, was that even if you cut off all their escape routes, rats would just gnaw their own.
The air ducts in this hotel, as one might expect, were all connected. Theoretically, all Harry had to do was get in at any point, and given enough time and effort she could find her way to the ducts above Steiner’s suite. That, however, would require more time than she had, and the noise of her crawling around inside a sheet-metal tunnel would alert Steiner and his guards for sure. So, instead, Harry was going to come in from below.
The vents in each suite weren’t big enough for a toddler to crawl through, let alone a fully-grown adult woman, but that was okay. Two days had been plenty of time for Harry to make her own entrance. As long as she was careful about not making too much noise, it was really no big deal to move the bed and cut a hole in the wall behind the headboard, right into the air duct. The duct that, if her calculations and memory of the hotel blueprints were correct, also vented into Steiner’s bedroom. She didn’t need to fit through the vent if she pumped the suite full of sleeping gas and entered through the front door.
Of course, having the logistics of her next step figured out was only half the equation. Steiner and his men would be looking for her, and whatever else Steiner was, he was not a stupid man. He would have realized by now that she was still in the hotel, and sooner or later (and Harry was banking on sooner) he’d either jump to the most likely conclusion, that she had dropped to the balcony below, or just start searching room by room in an effort to apprehend her. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t a police officer or hotel staff: he was Maxwell Steiner. If he wanted in somewhere, he’d get in.
And where the hell was the painting? If it wasn’t in the safe (was it ever in there?), where was it?
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arcanistsdelight · 1 year
What’s ‘thaumaturgy?’
In our world, thaumaturgy is a Greek word for performing miracles. Now-a-days it hovers outside of every day use as a vaguely defined catch all for magic.
In fantasy worlds, thanks to the vagueness of our real definition, the meaning changes a lot. It’s one of my favorite words to see in a novel because it offers a blank slate for an author to fill with their intent.
As Above so Below - in the world of Harry Dresden it’s used to describe the magic connection between like-things that a wizard can use to work some incredible spells.
In the Spellmonger series (the series I am mostly referencing in the case of my profile) it describes the deep, scientific study of magical processes. The characters in that series discuss magic like it’s the latest branch of physics, and it’s sexy as hell.
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