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Top 2 qualify, 3rd has a chance.
Music under the cut.
Edit: sorry, the pictures were the wrong way around, I fixed it.
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theyoterman · 4 months
bro is mad
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this was for the dummy! cover reasan and I made : )
go listen its so epic cool
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liemonaid · 2 years
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i fuckin made these. all of these. in 40 minutes. it all started with Scranton G Scranton and then…these.
edit: I have more made pls look at them in the reblogs
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Round Four
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midnight--umbreon · 9 months
once again i am asking for your personal opinions on toby fox making music
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romcommunist · 1 year
thinking back to when i was a sex educator and i missed the opportunity to call mutual masturbation "parallel play"
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inbarfink · 9 months
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humankk · 10 months
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...that are made in Flipaclip and gifmaker but uhh
I just realized Flipaclip can export as gif
Oh well here is another one I guess
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anyway, I made a thing, mostly as a test trying to sync this to the beat of Dummy! by just, google BPM from the internet, idk if it's accurate though, I don't even know if my calculation on frame number time thing even works but anyway
Enjoy this... unhinged guy I guess
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myuniverseinabox · 2 years
Made a lil animation meme of my boi Aaron :]
Here’s the YT version: https://youtu.be/W7_cxbyjXAM
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thefreaklovesmusic · 1 year
xinhua - Indie Mix (OFF, LISA, UNDERTALE, ENA)
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Azzy's music collection at the beginning of Chapter 1 includes classical, jazz, and religious ska.
In UT, Mad Dummy does "an armless ska dance" at one point in the Dummy fight, and the theme "Dummy!" is jazz.
In Chapter 2, we see that Azzy has a folder on his computer called "Epic Game Stuff!" which only contains a really bad MS Paint drawing of a winged creature.
Swatch says that Spamton stole his NEO form from a Lightner's discarded dream. The most common theories for the origin of NEO are that it came from either Azzy's MS Paint drawing, or Mettaton's design for a body.
Suggestion: Azzy may be close to the Blooks, which isn't too surprising, since Napstablook is a police officer and could very well have been an officer even when Asgore is still on the force; and besides, the Blooks live next door to Asgore. Is it possible that Azzy's winged creature was inspired by Mettaton's description of his dream body? Or, less likely but more intriguing, could Azzy have designed his winged creature at Mettaton's request?
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utsnail · 1 year
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Decided to do some little drawings of the Dummy cousins and Whimsum! I don’t hardly ever see da art of these guys, so I am making it my goal to make art of all the monsters of Undertale! …this is gonna take a while isn’t it?
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mysteryman-17 · 2 years
MAFIA BOSS ATK 20 DEF 5 * Ugh, again? * Why won't he leave me alone!?!?
Time’s End is an AHIT/Undertale crossover AU of sorts, taking place in the aftermath of a timeline where you lose the final boss fight against Mustache Girl. You can find the write-up here! In addition, you can find the write-ups for the Neutral Endings and TimeWarp Route Requirements on Google Drive! The logo for Time's End was designed by @bittybattybunny. She makes incredible art - be sure to check out her work here on Tumblr and over on Twitter!!
The ever-agitated Mafia Boss takes on a hybrid Flowey and Mad Dummy role. He already wasn't a pleasant guy before (being mashed into mush and stuck in a jar certainly didn't help,) but ever since Mustache Girl took control, his anger has been off the charts! Above all else, he wants to get his body back and have his revenge on the red-hooded brat, and he sees Bow as the *perfect ticket* to grabbing the Time Pieces unhindered. He is encountered several times throughout the story, even beyond Subcon Forest, with this meeting in the Nyakuza Hideout being the penultimate one.
Oh It's You
Your Contract Has Expired
You Are All Bad Guys (Part 2)
And here's the first of a fair few updates/adjustments to come. Incredibly happy with how this one turned out, was more able to effectively capture the vibe of unfathomably pissed off jazz that I wanted to in the V1. Hope you guys enjoy!
You can also listen to this track in high quality on my SoundCloud here!
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confetti-critter · 1 year
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GIRL it’s completely your fault that you didn’t read the description, don’t give them 1 star!
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Round Six: Final Revivals (1/6)
The song with the highest total percentage between all of the polls will continue.
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unideal · 5 months
hi, im henry and im 19. i never fucking learned to read i guess
im. really new to the selfship thing so i hope im doing this right lol.
my main selfship sona is macbeth (sinner 19) but i might occasionally post using sonas i didnt create specifically for selfship, like theo or val.
byi and tags below cut
before you interact:
i do not like proshippers. i do not like their ideals. i will not be friends with you if you are a proshipper, i will not interact with you if you are a proshipper. go away
maps, fuck off. same with pro-contact necros and zoos. leave
terfs, transmed, "gender critical": fuck off and explode. i am a trans man
dont bring queer discourse to this blog. i wont tag the words queer or fag. im aroace for irl people and generally refer to myself as gay in regards to fictional characters.
generally though i'm chill with tagging things if you ask!
f/o tags:
#unideal ideal - yi sang (limbus company)
#let's dance and die! - aida (limbus company)
#survival rate - pilot (limbus company)
#false apple shine - jia huan (limbus company)
#dummy! - shunsuke hayasaka (your turn to die)
oc tags:
#oc: macbeth
#oc: curwen
scenario tags:
#au: 19th sinner
#au: my turn to die
#au: modernized
tags for blacklist are just the blacklist tag, no "tw" or "//" added. example, gore would be tagged as #gore
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