#Dunken Donuts
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Lake Street and Dearborn in downtown Chicago in December 2012.
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Why is your profile picture Dunken Donuts
Because the MA flag has some not so great implications ( https://changethemassflag.com/ ) so I chose the next best symbol to represent the largest possible stereotypical cross section of the state. I'll probably change it once we get a better flag and emblem.
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oakensheilded · 5 months
School Drama Rant!!
I play cello in my schools orchestra in the advanced strings class, two people who are fake ass toxic ass friends lets call one Ky and the other Tay (both female ky age 14, tay age 12), so Ky is dating my I guess buddy lets call him Tjts (his initials) so ky and tjts ate dating but tjts has been hanging out with tay and calling her "love" and "timbits" even though she likes dunken donuts better and she's loves the white ass latte or frapuccino from Starbucks the fuck? anyways so ky used to sit at my lunch table and some info on ky and tjts they've fucked and ky has had multiple pregnancy scares I think like 4, 3 or 4 idfk and I honestly wouldn't have minded/cared if ky didn't wanna sit with us but she was fucking GLARING at us and so was tay and apparently tay says I always complain (which I don't i'll say something about being sleep-deprived because insomnia + sleep anxiety + other anxiety + ADHD doesn't make sleep easy)(I'm so proud of not many wrong spelled words so far, dyslexia isn't winning today) and stay says I'm mean to which I'm not and she tlks shit bout me eve though shes one of the worst bass players I've ever fucking met and I played with a base player who was on his phone almost 24/7 and he never paid attention and he played better than her the fuck and she says I play bad and I'm not confident in my music and I'm off beat when I'm not she needs to stfu so I mess up every now and then and I approach new and difficult pieces not timidly but like slower and not as confident because I never fucking played that piece anyways so we have theory since the three of them stay + ky + TJTS are always together now that they are a throuple and also stay says she is a lesbian but TJTS is a man so idfk know whats up with that but anyways, also she flirts with me all the fucking time and so does TJTS and honestly TJTS is 16 so technically if he dates TAY it's illegal at least based on what I learned if your a teenager it's illegal to date someone under 13 but yk he doesn't care bc he says "Game is Game" So yeah that what I have for now I might make another part of the rant sometime or maybe one of my friends will add to it who knows
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alan-p-49 · 9 months
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dumb idea but give a 12 page pdf as a prop for the next campaign and there's actual content and puzzles and clues on what to do in the adventure. I haven't started the other story but I'll put the story about the dragon down effigy after a read more for people with screen readers and those having issues reading the screenshot in general
Dragondown Effigy Goes Berserk Before Celebration!
In the week before the annual summer solstice holiday that every Waterdhavian knows as Dragondown, a wizard named Fozil Greenworm, also known as Prozac the Mischievous, casted a fly spell on the effigy of Grimnoshtadrano. It flew aimlessly from the Caravan Court where the artisans were working on the dragon effigies in the Southern Ward up the main streets in the Trades Ward. One cleric, who was trying to enjoy a cup of coffee at a Dunken’s Donuts, states, “I was just trying to drink my iced latte outside on a bench, and out came this green wooden dragon! It was flying and hitting signs and trees! I ducked under the bench so that I won’t get hit by that thing! Once it passed, I did my best to help anyone that was injured.” It took a couple of spell guards to dispel the magic and with the help of the Griffon Calvary, the effigy was carefully put back to the ground. There was only 25 people injured, including 5 dwarves and a half-orc, and there were no deaths.
Sergeant Wolfskin, one of the City Watch officers at the scene exclaimed, “These forms of spell casting vandalism and public misconduct have been happening more and more often. We as the City Watch just hope that these forms of misconduct only accelerate to this degree and no more.” Investigator Softfeather added, “These forms of misconduct appear to be tied to a secret spell casting society known as Al-Gebra. In all events such as this, the spell caster would leave a holographic card of the pentagon like symbol. None of the investigators or rogues that work for the City Watch been able to infiltrate any of their meetings.” Prozac the Mischievous has been apprehended and is now facing imprisonment up to a tenday.
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sml-x · 1 year
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SML Movie: Dunken Donuts!
Upload date: February 8 2O23
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Thinking about that post I saw earlier about how archeologists will look at our mugs. And like I have a mug with a dunkleosteous in the style of a dunken donuts logo. Will archeologists od the far future know what a dunkleosteous is? Will they know that our word for it is close enough in sound and syllable to a popular chain of coffee/donut shops? What will they think of my weird little mug with it's intertwining references?
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just-call-mefr1es · 1 month
you won’t believe what happened, I was just watching the last of us peacefully, and guess what I got a Dunkin’ Donuts ad, but they said Rizz in the ad
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newenglandfaerie · 1 year
the person in front of me in the dunken donuts drive through is listening to "what i got" by sublime with their windows down, and i can see smoke curling up out of the driver's side window, and somehow i get the feeling it isn't tobacco
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andouble · 2 years
i used to date a girl who lived in brockton and theres literally two seperate dunkin donuts right next to eachother on the same side of the street. a picture of it blew up on tumblr years ago i dont have a link tho
This doesn’t surprise me in the slightest, we just live like that around here, there’s four dunken donuts within five minutes of my house
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masoncarr2244 · 2 years
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SML Movie: Dunken Donuts!
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mxdotpng · 2 years
dunken donuts is so fucking disgusting like is it that hard to put any sort of liquid into ur donuts so they dont feel like im eating literal sand
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prismadog · 2 years
a guy called me "honey" today
I was leaving dunken donuts today (first time visit because I really wanted a hot cocoa) and I almost ran into a guy who was entering the shop and he said "ope sorry honey"
idk if it's because he thought I was a girl or not but either way, the softness in which he said "honey" just make me blush and filled my heart with such joy.
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vodka-and-fedoras · 2 years
Dunken donuts just ain't good like I know it's fun to rag on Starbucks for their liquid sugar but like at least it doesn't straight up taste like powder sugar??
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roadimusprime · 2 years
Trying to figure out how to have the, "please don't get in your car and come to my location just because I'm not at work yet and I left early and should be at work at this point, so you (See: your wife) were concerned or whatever so you checked where I was using the Ford app and decided to get in your car without at least trying to text or call me first." conversation
(Perferably I'd prefer that you don't do this at all, but beggers can't be choosers.)
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bamsara · 2 years
I’m lost at a casino. Gambling is illegal in my home state. I have never seen a slot machine in my entire life. I approuched a card table and I bet $5. The old couple next to me bet $200. The guy on my other side bet $150. I have no idea how to play and the dealer is walking me through it. I lost and then immediatly walked away in shame. I got ID’d 3 times by different walkers because they don’t believe im old enough to be here. An employee gave me a free dunken donuts cinnamoll roll because she felt bad for me 😭 😭 😭
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chutzpahhooplah · 6 years
You know those cravings where you can literally taste whatever it is on the back of your palate and your mouth waters? I hate those.
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