#Lake St
chaddavisphotography · 9 months
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Lake Street and Dearborn in downtown Chicago in December 2012.
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glorious-mischief · 1 year
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fannyrosie · 8 months
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Back in August, my mother, my sister and I did a three day roadtrip to Lake Placid in New York State, where the 1932 and 1980 Winter Olympics were hosted. We hiked and visited Adirondack natural wonders the two first days, but because my health was starting to fail me on the second day, we kept the third one for visiting the Downton Abbey costume exhibition at the Lake Placid Center for the arts.
On our way to the exhibit, we passed by the Pines Inn, formerly known as the St. Moritz Hotel, a hotel built in 1907. I had wanted to stay at that hotel, but my mom refused, saying it was in poor shape and looked haunted on the hotel booking sites (she wasn't wrong, but I love that stuff, as you know). I still insisted for us to at least visit it, and we sure did NOT regret it. We stumbled upon one of the concierges (or new owners, correct me if you see this!), and he loved my outfit so much that he gave us a tour of the hotel, including in areas closed to guests. He told us that Albert Einstein and the Kennedys had been guests at the hotel, that there was n*de sunbathing on the roof in the 1930s and that a lot of the furniture was original. Sadly, after the 80s, the hotel slowly went into decrepitude and abandonment, and many things got stolen and damaged. The new owners are currently working hard to restore the hotel, and it's indeed a lot of work.
Outfit rundown Dress: vintage Ingeborg (Pink House) Velvet michiyuki: vintage Hat: Rudsak with added brooch by Fuwari Gloves: vintage Shoes: old Clarks Bag: second-hand Vivienne Westwood Belt: thrifted Big British stamp brooch: second-hand Jane Marple Small marine cat stamp brooch: Via Carousel Anchor and crest brooches: vintage Earrings: old Dracolite
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𝔗𝔞𝔩𝔢𝔰 𝔒𝔣 ℌ𝔬𝔯𝔯𝔬𝔯 𝔅𝔶 𝔖𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔢 𝔐𝔲𝔯𝔭𝔥𝔶
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erikiara80 · 2 months
@greenfiend I was thinking about Lover's Lake in Joyce's room. The truth behind the curtain, something about what, imo, happened to Hopper and Joyce there in the past, and what will happen to Will and Mike in S5
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I found another connection. You noticed the blue and yellow sheets on Reefer Rick's bed
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Hopper also has blue and yellow bed sheets in S3, and his room has no door, only a curtain :)
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vestaignis · 7 months
Руины старой мавровской церкви Святого Николая – Свети Никола.
Ruins of old Mavrovo church Saint Nicholas – Sveti Nikola.
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Горный круглогодичный курортный городок Маврово уникален тем, что здесь есть две церкви, посвященные одному и тому же святому. Первая церковь, известная как Стара Св. Никола, Старый Святой Николай, был построена в 1850 году и служила священным местом около 100 лет, пока в 1953 году не была построена плотина и не было создано искусственное озеро- Маврово, по названию одноименной затопленной деревни , жителей котрой переселили на другое место. Местные говорят, что святой и сила Божья не позволят церкви полностью исчезнуть в водах Мавровского озера. Поскольку храм продолжает появляться, утверждают, что невозможно скрыть и забыть священное место.
В течение многих десятилетей старая церковь была частично затоплена озером, но засуха последних лет позволила добраться до церкви пешком. Ценные иконы из этого храма были временно перенесены в небольшую церковь, спрятанную на склоне холма -другую Мавровскую церковь, также посвященную Святителю Николаю, но известную как Римская церковь. Сейчас в ней сохранились иконостас, кресты, богослужебные книги и иконы из затопленной церкви.Существовали проекты возрождения старого храма, но от них решили отказаться.
The year-round mountain resort town of Mavrovo is unique in that there are two churches dedicated to the same saint. The first church, known as Stara St. Nikola, Old St. Nicholas, was built in 1850 and served as a sacred place for about 100 years, until a dam was built in 1953 and an artificial lake was created - Mavrovo, after the name of the flooded village of the same name, the residents of which were relocated to another place. Locals say that the saint and the power of God will not allow the church to completely disappear in the waters of Lake Mavrovskoe. As the temple continues to appear, it is argued that it is impossible to hide and forget the sacred place.
For many decades the old church was partially submerged by the lake, but the drought of recent years has made it possible to reach the church on foot. The valuable icons from this temple were temporarily moved to a small church hidden on the hillside - another Moorish church, also dedicated to St. Nicholas, but known as the Roman Church. Now it has preserved the iconostasis, crosses, liturgical books and icons from the flooded church. There were projects to revive the old temple, but they decided to abandon them.
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friendlessghoul · 2 months
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Joe Keaton, Lou Anger, Buster Keaton, Alice Lake, Natalie Talmadge, Roscoe Arbuckle, and Al St. John during the filming of, A Country Hero.
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vox-anglosphere · 9 months
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You don't have to go far in the Lake District to become mesmerised
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justbusterkeaton · 5 months
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Buster’s first appearance in a film with a train doesn’t look like it had a happy ending for his character, but it clearly didn’t put him off working with trains in the future.
It’s also the first film Buster’s dad Joe was finally convinced to appear in.
A Country Hero (1917) is unfortunately still a lost film.
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byler-alarmist · 1 year
I am now consumed by visions of potential Little Mermaid (1989) inspo for S5
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kateclassique · 3 months
✨Mademoiselle De Neuf ✨
On this day in 1998, Star Trek: Voyager “The Killing Game” aired, thus creating this short-lived yet stunning look on Seven of Nine. Did you know that her costuming was inspired by 40s actress Veronica Lake? 🩶
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chaddavisphotography · 10 months
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A street musician on the corner of Lake and Lyndale in Uptown Minneapolis on August 24, 2023.
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tchaikovskywife · 4 months
Data and Lore in the Enterprise’s production of Swan Lake
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the-great-anteater · 4 months
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(Favorite Vanderboom Moment Day)
Demons are burned by the sun's rays
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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T'Pel/Uhura - our dear poll winners!
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richs-pics · 9 months
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Fish rising and female mallard
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