#Dustin can't believe they told him they were dating like that
artiststarme · 1 year
No Steves Allowed!
Okay guys, I decided to the DnD one first today but I'll probably end up posting the parent fic today too. I've never actually played DnD so if this doesn't make sense, let me know! I hope you guys like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments.
Eddie wasn’t a big fan of rules, or setting boundaries, or partaking in any form of mass conformity. When he made his DnD club, he wanted it to be a safe space for all the outsiders and outcasts to relax and enjoy their high school years. (And join his DnD campaigns so he could torture them but that was neither here nor there). However, there was one rule that was non-negotiable and grounds for immediate character damage and death. 
There was to be no mention of Steve Harrington. 
It didn’t matter if he was your partner in chemistry for a project or if you were complaining about his crony bumping into you in the hall, no one was allowed to mention him by name or otherwise as soon as Eddie stepped into the drama room. This confused the original Hellfire members as well as their successors but everyone conceded eventually. Especially when mentions of Steve brought about the painful and horrific deaths of their characters. 
Gareth, the little shit that he is, tempted the rule the most, even still. Even after all of the characters he’s lost (one named Stephen that was beheaded by a griffin carrying a blade from a fallen half-elf soldier and several others that tried to work the name ‘Steve’ into a background story), he still liked to poke the bear at least once a campaign. 
“Galahad, it’s your play. What course of action will you take to persuade the innkeeper into allowing you and your friends a place of slumber for the night?” Eddie asked him, his voice firm and powerful as he enveloped his Dungeon Master persona. 
He already regretted giving him the chance to speak after he saw a slow smirk spread across his face. “Well, dear Dungeon Master, I think I’m going to go back to the bar and collect my friend Stephen Nicehair. Then I’ll use his looks and luscious locks to seduce the innkeeper into giving us beds.”
Eddie could feel his left eye twitching in annoyance. ‘Stephen Nicehair’? That’s the best Gareth could do?
“As you turn around to go back to the bar, you hear the innkeeper release a battle cry. He drops the pillows in his hands to reveal a cursed dagger with an obsidian blade. The previously friendly man plunges the dagger into your chest without hesitation and twists it in your heart to deliver maximum pain. Roll damage.”
Gareth sighed but rolled his dice, “six.”
“As the life fades out of your eyes, the innkeeper leans in closer to your face and whispers, ‘no one tries to outsmart me in my inn’. You die just as you lived… Pathetically. Galahad the Bad is now dead, existing on the floor of the inn in a pool of blood with the dagger still protruding from his rib cage. Your party is now cursed by the Goddess of Death because your blood was spilled on the cursed obsidian blade. ‘Til next time, boys.”
The entire Party was silent for a moment in shock until Dustin loudly erupted. “What the hell was that?! The innkeeper? Eddie, he’s an NPC that was supposed to offer us shelter after saving the town, what the fuck?”
Jeff shook his head at him and patted Dustin’s shoulder, “hey man, Eddie really doesn’t like it when people break his rules. It’s better not to question the consequences.”
“What rules?” He turned to Eddie to point an accusing finger at him. “You said that you hated rules because they forced conformity onto people outside the mold. And all he did was say he was going to get his friend Stephen to help!”
Eddie’s eyes flashed dangerously as he leaned in closer to Dustin. “Roll for initiative and persuasion.”
“Roll Henderson!” He screamed. 
Dustin sighed brattily but rolled the dice as directed, “fourteen for initiative and ten for persuasion with my modifier.”
Eddie grinned at him maniacally. “Elric steps up to the innkeeper to try and appease him of his anger only for the man to pull another dagger from his cloak and slice it across Elric’s neck. You can feel the warmth of the blood spill down your front and feel some of the traitorous liquid bubble into your mouth and through your lips. You can’t breathe and can only gurgle a single question. What do you ask?”
“I ask him why he killed me!” Dustin said, a mixture of alarm, shock, and outrage in his voice. 
Eddie leaned in close to him, the evil glint in his eye still fully present and terrifying. He switches his cadence to match the hoarse voice of the innkeeper and says, “‘You can’t speak of Stephen or any of his aliases and stay in the world of the living.’ Elric falls to the ground and bleeds out all over the floor. The innkeeper steps over your useless body and says to your Party, ‘It’s a no to the shelter, take the bodies of your compatriots and leave or face the same fate.’”
Mike looks pissed and Lucas looks shocked at the turn this relatively happy session took. Meanwhile, Jeff and Grant were busy alternating their glares between Gareth and Eddie. Dustin just looked flabbergasted that his bard was murdered so callously by what he thought would be an innocent NPC.
“Alright, let’s pause there for now and we’ll pick it up next week. Some of you have new characters to make. Also, as a reminder to the senior members and a precaution for the new members, there will be absolutely no mention of Steve Harrington. Thank you, you’re adjourned.” Eddie spoke and waved them off. 
“What? But Steve-”
“I said adjourned, Henderson!” And from that moment on, Steve wasn’t mentioned at Hellfire. The kids slipped up here and there, especially given their hero worship of the guy but no one said his name aloud again in fear of losing another character. But then Eddie experienced the Spring Break from hell, found out that Steve Harrington was actually a pretty good guy, and started dating him.
The rule posed a problem once Eddie was finally able to talk Steve into joining a one-shot campaign. It took months of dating and illicit promises to get Steve to make a character, honorably named Steeb Munsington, and sit down with all of Hellfire to play. 
“So how’s this supposed to work? Are we just ignoring Steeb the entire campaign?” Lucas asked him.
“What why? Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something?” Steve looked adorably alarmed and glanced concernedly between Lucas and Eddie. 
Lucas patted his hand from his seat next to him. “Eddie has a rule about bringing you up during a session. If we mention you, our character gets serious hit points. No offense man, but I’m not taking that chance.”
Steve turned to Eddie with a hurt look. Oh shit, he had to fix this quick. 
“Obviously it’s void now! Obviously guys, shut up.” He turned to Steve. “Don’t worry Stevie, that was a joke.”
“Oh was it a joke when you murdered Elric the Bard for questioning Galahad’s unfair demise?!”
“Henderson, shut your mouth right now or you can kiss Kalston the Killer goodbye right now.” When he opened his mouth to argue, Eddie cut him off again. “The rule is clearly void now! I only had the rule in the first place so you guys wouldn’t be able to tease me about my crush on Steve. Now we’re dating so it’s fine. The rule has been discredited, no more capital punishment for mentioning his name.”
“You’re dating?!” Dustin screamed in shock. Eddie sent a panicked glance at Steve who was glaring at him with his arms crossed over his chest. He wouldn’t be getting any help from him. 
“You’re gay?” Mike muttered in bafflement. Wow, nothing got past that kid. 
“You murdered eleven of my characters because of a crush?” Gareth shrieked, his face turning red in anger.
Will stared at the two of them in shock while the rest of the Party raised their voices in uproar. He was completely frozen while insults and accusations were thrown, thankfully more due to the fact that Eddie had gone on a rampage as DM rather than them being gay. How were they not focusing on the gay comment?
“Not just a crush anymore, he’s been my boyfriend for months! And if you had stopped violating my rule, they wouldn’t have died! Anyways, let’s let bygones be bygones and move along with our campaign. We only have eight hours to get this done today before the sheep have curfew.” Eddie clapped his hands and grinned. 
Jeff shook his head at him and Grant muttered angrily under his breath. Gareth, though, exploded. “You murdered a shit ton of my characters for even saying words that sounded like Steve! And now you just want us to move along because you’re dating the guy now! Congratulations by the way, we all noticed you seemed happier lately. Steve, if you hurt him, I’ll kill you like he killed all of my characters for even saying your name. What the fuck, Eddie?!” 
“Jesus Christ, it was a long time ago! If you drop this, I’ll give everyone extra XP to start, okay? Double.” Gareth was still glaring at him. “Triple.”
“Fine but deep down, I’m still pissed off.” Gareth muttered. 
“Noted, now let’s start. Stevie, I can help you out if you need it. Steeb is going to do great, I’m sure. I’m not above torturing my friends when it comes to you, okay?”
“Eddie!” Everyone besides him and Steve yelled. Ah yes, this was going to be a good gameday indeed. 
Permanent tag list: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 4 months
You meet Eddie Munson, the guy who your brother Dustin idolises. It does not go well...
Why did you have the insanely stupid idea to drive your brother to Hellfire Club tonight? You could have been with Tiffany and Chloe watching Breakfast Club for the millionth time or Nightmare on elm street. Gossiping about cute boys or anything else than this.
Except you had agreed to drive Dustin to his dumb club and he hadn't stopped talking your ear off about d&d and Eddie Munson and whatever else came into his head.
You adored your little brother but the two of you were so different in the things you liked and most people were stunned when they learned that the two of you were even related.
Dustin ploughed on about Eddie and you struggled to keep up. You hadn't met the guy your brother idolised, of course you had heard of him. Everyone in Hawkins had heard of Eddie 'the freak' Munson but the two of you ran in vastly different circles.
Naturally you were a little curious about him, he was the leader and dungeon master of the Hellfire member club, you vaguely knew of what the dungeon master did in d&d, Dustin had tried to teach you about the game a few times and certain things had stuck in your head.
"Please be nice to Eddie. He's so cool and I don't want you embarrassing me in front of him" Dustin begs and you're slightly offended by this, you were always polite to Dustin's friends, even when the little nerds got on your nerves.
"I'm always nice" Dustin snorts at this and you glare at him. Butthead.
"I think you'll like Eddie, the rest of his friends are cool too. Besides it will get you out of the house and stop you moping about Jacob" you wrinkle your nose at the mention of your ex.
Jacob was ancient history as far as you were concerned... He really was a self centered asshole and you're glad you didn't take months to figure that out. You were still upset that he turned out to be such a douchebag.
You pull up at Hawkins High and Dustin rushes to get to the drama club. Okay, so the two of you were a little late... Like over ten minutes because Chloe called you and was having a crisis about what to wear for her date with Taylor but that couldn't be helped?
"Eddie likes people to be on time, I can't believe you made me late" Dustin huffs and you follow him inside, trying to tune out his attitude.
"Henderson, care to explain why you're late?" A voice snaps from where the rest of the team are seated. This must be Eddie, he's on a chair that resembles a throne and is clearly the person in charge.
Your eyes flicker over his ring clad hands, the leather jacket and curly brown hair. Big brown eyes narrow at your brother who's pink cheeked and stammering.
"Uh, shit...uh sorry Eddie" Dustin throws you a contemptuous look but you're too busy looking at Eddie.
He really was very attractive. Unfortunately he opens his mouth again and that thought vanishes like a puff of smoke.
"Spit it out Dustin. We don't have all night and I'm already behind which I'm pissed about, you little butthead"
Butthead? Hey, who was he to insult your brother. Only you got that honour.
"Excuse me, exactly who do you think you're talking to?" Eddie's gaze meets yours and they widen for a second. Then he smirks. He even has dimples which makes him even hotter.
"This is between me and Dustin. What's it to you?". He asks and it's so cocky that you march right up to him and Dustin groans.
"I told you not to embarrass me" he whines and you ignore him and focus on Eddie who's watching you with an amused look on his face.
"That butthead is my brother and I'm the only one who can speak to him like that" you snap and Eddie's grin widens.
"I didn't realise Henderson had a sister and that still doesn't explain why he's late" you ignore the way your stomach clenches when Eddie appraises you.
"That's my fault so yell at me. My friend had a few problems" Dustin rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, like finding an outfit for her date was a crisis" you shoot him with an icy glare and he quietens. Eddie's eyes crinkle when he smiles and he puts his hand on his heart in mock horror.
"Oh no, not the dreaded date outfit conundrum" you grow a little flustered and you scowl. Seriously this was the guy that Dustin adored? Steve, now you could get why Dustin worshipped Steve but seriously, this guy?
"He's great isn't he?" Dustin grins at you and you gape, were you the only one here who thought Eddie was a cocky asshole? A very hot one but still an asshole.
"Oh he's perfect...a perfect pain in the ass" you reply sarcastically but mutter the last part under your breath. Eddie still hears it and laughs as he settles back on his throne.
"You sure she's your sister Dustin? Seems she needs to remove the stick from her..." The guys laugh hesitantly and you level one last vicious glare at Eddie before you storm out.
"I'll pick you up at nine thirty Dustin" you call back to him and Eddie's voice follows you out.
"I miss you already princess"
Ugh. Asshole.
I might make this a series, we shall see 💞
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upsidedownmvnson · 4 months
♥️ Hi!! Can we get a cute lil story with Buckley and Harrington trying to convince reader that eddie is into them, two oblivious jealous dorks in love? Would love this!!
"Squish that cup anymore and you're gunna be wearing your drink," Steve said, sliding up beside you by the pool table.
You were all in Steve's basement, drinking to celebrate the end of an era, yours, Nancy's and Robin's graduation. But all you could focus on was Eddie, and the girl he'd been talking to this whole stupid party.
"Yeah, well," you sighed, chugging the entire content of the drink, "problem solved."
Robin snorted, sliding up on the other side to flank you. "You know they're talking about the chem homework."
"Since when does Eddie care about homework?" you mumble, wishing you had more drink in your cup.
"He doesn't," she said, "but Dustin told him that making you jealous was a good idea."
"What happened to easing them into it?" Steve asked, cocking an eyebrow at Robin.
"That was easy, I could've called them a dummy."
"I think you just kinda did," Steve said.
"Do you guys need me for this or...?"
"Look, maybe you should go over and talk to him," Robin said, bumping your shoulder with her own. "and then you wouldn't have to feel so jealous."
You nearly choked. "Jealous? Who is jealous? I'm glad actually. I think it's great, Eddie should be talking to girls at parties, it's like... it's so great."
"Okay, you can't really think we believe that." Steve laughed, watching the girl touch Eddie's arm, and noticing how your fist clenched by your side.
"What do you want me to do? He doesn't want me," you said, "he doesn't want me."
"Okay, now I'm going to call you a dummy," Robin sighed, she turned you to face her, and with a slight shake of your shoulders she said, "I can't take it anymore, you both love each other. It's so obvious. And you're so... oblivious!"
"We can make this happen faster, you know. Play mind games," Steve said.
"I don't want mind games," you scoffed.
"Okay, not mind games per se, just uh, evidence, we'll call it evidence. Just trust me, okay? Bet I can make him come over here in under a minute." Steve smiled, and then wrapped his arm around your shoulders. Robin chuckled, and found a place with Nancy on the other side of the room. Steve kept his arm around you and leaned close to your ear and whispered, "stop looking confused, smile and look down."
Out of sheer curiosity, you did. You chuckled, his breath tickled your ear. And you tried not to glance over at Eddie.
Eddie couldn't even pretend to care about what this girl was saying anymore. Dustin was an idiot for convincing him to try and make you jealous. It was juvenile, really. When you chuckled, he was barely in control of his feet as he walked away from that girl without saying anything, and felt himself be carried over to you guys.
"What're you guys talking about?" he asked, watching as Steve slid away from you.
"Nothing really," Steve said, laughing. "Oh - chips are empty again, I better go host."
As Steve walked away, Eddie took his spot, leaning beside you.
"Was it really nothing? It seemed... flirty."
"Uhm, actually... he said he could get you to come over here in under a minute. He did it in about 20 seconds."
Eddie glared over at Steve, who's back was turned. He bit the inside of his lip, "well, I didn't like it."
"You're right, it was stupid. I told him I didn't want -"
"No, I mean I didn't like him touching you like that."
"Oh," you said, not knowing what to say.
Eddie looked nervous, but he took a deep breath and said, "I was trying to make you jealous. But I probably should've just told I..." he took a slow breath, "I want to take you out sometime. Like a real date... if you want that?"
"Yeah," you blushed, looking at your shoes and kicking nothing, softly with the tip of your toe. "I want that."
And Eddie didn't say anything else, just intentionally bumped his pinky against yours... blushing lightly when he did it back.
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apomaro-mellow · 11 months
Steve sets up a fantasy themed scavenger hunt around Hawkins (not super obvious tho, you know the type of people in bumfuck Indiana) that ends up at skull rock where Steve asks Eddie to be his boyfriend (: (they've gone on a few dates all ready, but this is him trying to make it official)
Right up until this moment, Eddie thought things were going well with Steve. They had gone out a few times (discretely, not even their friends knew) but behind closed doors the relationship had progressed quite well beyond chaste kisses.
So he was a little confused as to why Steve asked him out, only to not be at the video store, ready to be picked up after work.
"Where's Steve?", he asked Robin.
"He's already gone, but he left this note for you~", she sang.
"A note? Why didn't he call?"
"Because this is more romantic", she grinned.
"You know?"
"And the sky is blue."
Eddie read the note. All it said was 'Mind the dragon's breath'. Eddie looked to Robin, who was smiling like she already knew the answer. Well, he could solve a riddle or two.
"Looks like I'm on a quest."
Obviously there wasn't a dragon in Hawkins. But there was a burger place on main street that had a new menu item, fries topped with the spiciest chili sauce, even had jalapenos on top. Steve had ordered them and was sweating by the third bite, Eddie finished the rest with ease. And it just so happened that Will and Dustin worked there. He drummed the counter as he ordered the fries. They put it in a to go box, with another clue on top.
'Consult the Lady and her council'
The Lady must mean Erica. And Eddie knew that this Saturday, she was meeting her girl scout troop in the community center. He knew because Steve had to reluctantly fill in as den mother whenever all the other moms were busy.
Erica's clue led him to Mike and Lucas, which led him to Jonathan, which finally led him to Nancy. He was surprised that she was in on the game, but he supposed he did hear that she used to play D&D before.
The last clue brought him to Skull Rock, where at last, Steve was waiting. He had a bouquet of flowers.
"I can't believe you got everyone to play along."
Steve shrugged. "I told them I had someone special and I wanted to introduce them to everyone."
Eddie's eyes got wide. "You...you told them? About us?"
"Yeah. I hope that was okay. I think at least our friends should know who my boyfriend is."
Steve held out the flowers. "What do you say?"
Eddie grabbed him by the waist and kissed him, crushing the bouquet. "I say you've raised my expectations for your marriage proposal."
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
eddie x cheerleader
they had a fight , eddie cant focus so he canceled hellfire
he still stays after school so he can watch her performance
he sees her smile is so fake
and even while shes performing he sees tears dripping out of her eyes
so he starts crying too
but once shes done performing , he follows her and gets on his knees and apologizes
Hopefully this is what you were looking for!
Angst with a happy ending :)
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Eddie Munson had his beliefs and refused to change them. He was stubborn and hard headed. Quick to be defensive and claim he is always right. Even if that meant putting his pride in front of his relationship with his girlfriend.
"Eddie it's just this is my last performance of the season and you haven't been to a single one since we got together. I know you hate sports, the jocks, and the atmosphere but can't you do it for me, just this once?"
The same argument again. The couple have been fighting about Eddie going to one performance, just one, before her cheerleading season ended. Always hurting when all the cheerleaders smiled at their boyfriends who watched in the crowd, Y/N wanted that. She wanted to feel supported too.
"I don't get why we have to fight about this. I told you I hate being around those people. And I have hellfire tonight, I can't just cancel that for your dance." He scoffed, arms crossing in a defensive manner. Arguing quietly in the hallway while the rest of the school was in class or the lunch room.
"it's not a dance! It's a performance, which you wouldn't know since you never bother to come." She spat, her own arms crossing in front of her. "look I get it, the jocks are assholes and treat you like crap. But I've been doing my best to make them leave you alone. All the girls on my team adore us because you make me happy. They even ask for you to come. Do you know how embarrassing it is to watch every boyfriend in the crowd cheering for them? They all have someone to look for in the crowd, someone to smile at and run to when the game is done? I have no one out there Eddie! I'm the only one left on the court once we are done." She explained, trying her hardest to keep her tears in her eyes. She could not ruin the make up she spent hours doing for her last performance.
"oh now you are being dramatic, not every girl on that team has a boyfriend sitting there." He tried to defend, ignoring the pain in his chest imagining her standing there alone, wishing for him to just be there.
But Eddie could not go against everything he believed in. He already was a hypocrite for dating a cheerleader, he couldn't break down his pride even more. Not when he preached to his sheep about the venom of popularity.
"I don't even know why I still try. Enjoy your club asshole, I'll find a ride with Chrissy." She spat, ponytail harshly swinging as she marched past him, a shove in his shoulder. Not a single word she said went through his brain, just right out of his ears. Too stubborn to even be there for her. Maybe she just needs to pull the plug on them? Was the disappointment worth it every time?
Eddie sat at the lunch table, hearing the boys talk about how excited they are for the campaign, Eddie couldn't match the atmosphere.
He felt so fucking bad. The way she looked like she was going to cry when she walked past him was stuck in his head. He tried to shrug it off, focus on the campaign at hand.
He couldn't, he cancelled hellfire the second all the boys walked in.
"I just don't have it in me." He sighed as he sat at his throne.
The boys watched their leader placing his head in his hand, obviously in distress.
"that's fine Eddie. Take the time you need. We'll just go watch the game? Lucas is playing! Plus it's Y/N's final game." Dustin said excitedly, he's secretly been dying to watch her perform, hellfire always landed the same days as games so he never got to see her.
When Eddie first dated her, Dustin was the most supportive. He didn't give a shit if Eddie liked a cheerleader after all the talk he preached. She was different, it was easy to tell.
Eddie's head snapped up at her name.
"you want to watch my girlfriend?" Eddie questioned.
"duh! I've been dying to see the routines she's made. They sound totally badass but it's always the same as hellfire nights so I never got to go." Dustin shrugged. Having no idea his words were stabbing Eddie even deeper in his heart.
The boys raced out of the room, heading to the gym to catch the game and apparently Y/N's performance.
Eddie truly was the only one who still held on to his words of the popular world. His club didn't even give a shit he was dating a cheerleader, all excited to watch her perform. Now he felt like even more of an ass. Simply refusing to watch her because he was scared of what his club would think of him for going back on his words. An excuse that had no truth behind it.
The boys found the only open spot on the bleachers, quickly filling it with their bodies.
Mike, Gareth, and Jeff quickly searching for Lucas but Dustin was searching for Y/N.
A huge smile on his face when she spotted her stretching, head down not bothering to look at the crowd. Dustin waited for her to look up just once so he could wave, but she never did.
By the time Eddie quit his pity party he got up, collecting his backup and walking to the gym. He walked in the doorway, searching for an open seat but the gym was packed completely. He sighed and leaned against the wall. Maybe if he was a good boyfriend and showed up on time, he'd have a seat.
Eddie realized he was catching the end of the game. The cheerleaders were finishing their last routine. Eddie felt even more like shit, he missed the whole thing except for the final damn flip. Truly never once seeing his girlfriend do something she loved. He watched her closely, a smile of hers usually fixed everything. But the smile she had wasn't real, it looked fake and painful. He could see her blinking rapidly, a sign she was holding back tears. Eddie found himself blinking just as fast. Trying to ignore the burn in his throat.
He stood against the wall for the next ten minutes of what was left of the game. Once he heard the final buzzer go off, he watched as everyone cheered. Lucas was thrown in the air by the team. Eddie felt himself smile at one of his sheep getting supported, maybe the jocks weren't that horrible.
His smile quickly fell when the basketball team moved over, now seeing his girlfriend packing up her bag, alone. Eddie looked to the bleachers to see, in fact, every single cheerleader kissing their boyfriends. His shoulders somehow slumped even more, she wasn't lying. She was the only one on the team who had no one to congratulate her.
Eddie for once decided his pride wasn't worth it. He dropped his backpack on the floor, gathering as much courage as his pathetic body could manage. He went to move but stopped when he saw Dustin running to her. Hugging her from behind. He laughed a little as she jumped and screamed. "That fucker and his little crush."
Feeling arms wrapped around her was the last thing she expected. She jumped and screamed as she turned around.
"OMG DUSTIN!" she screamed trapping him in a bear hug. Dustin didn't even care that she was sweaty, hugging her tighter as she hugged him harder.
She looked over Dustin's shoulder to see the rest of hellfire behind him with big smiles.
"holy shit. What are you guys doing here?" She was confused, the campaign in no way could have been finished. Eddie kept them for hours in that room.
She couldn't wipe the smile off of her face though. Her heart is warming, she had people in the crowd that came to see her.
"Eddie was in a bad mood so he cancelled, so Dustin of course said we needed to come watch Lucas but I think he wanted to see you more." Mike joked.
Y/N laughed as Dustin's cheeks flared red.
"that's adorable." She squealed kissing his cheek. His face turned even redder, completely burning.
Y/N wishes that the good feeling lasted a bit longer, because now she realized, hellfire was cancelled, the boys were here, and Eddie wasn't with them.
Dustin knew once he saw the look in her eyes change what she was thinking.
"I think he went to the bathroom." Dustin quickly lied, not wanting to hurt her more with the truth that her boyfriend never showed up.
She nodded fast, not believing a word Dustin said. She knew Eddie, and Eddie did not show up.
"well I have to go change and head home with Chrissy. Thank you guys for coming. It means a lot." She cried happily, throwing them in a group hug. Waving goodbye as she walked to the locker room.
Dustin was racing out of the gym, marching to the parking lot for a specific van.
"did she ask?" Dustin jumped hearing a voice behind him, turning around to see Eddie against the school wall smoking a cigarette.
Dustin marched up and threw it on the ground.
"seriously Eddie? You are out here smoking instead of being with her?"
"I know okay? I was going to go but once I saw how happy she was when you all were there, I feel like I didn't deserve to ruin her moment."
"Eddie you wouldn't have ruined it. You would have made it better. She wanted you there. Now forget your goddamn stupid pride for one second, take out your balls, and make it up to your hot girlfriend that is way out of your league!" Dustin demanded his finger smashing right into Eddie's chest.
If Dustin wasn't saying something so true, Eddie might just have kicked his freshmen ass for talking to him that way.
But he was right, so Eddie nodded and turned to walk back into the school. His backpack was still in the gym so he walked to grab it. Stopping in his place when he saw Y/N searching the gym floor in a panic.
Eddie walked up behind her, the floor creaking underneath his sneakers.
"Chrissy did you find it? I need to find that ring. Eddie is going to kill me." She panicked, searching under every chair.
"I don't think he'd kill you. He definitely deserves to be killed though" He said. Watching her body freeze as she turned to see him standing there.
She stood up fast, dusting off her skirt. She never got to change, once she made it to the locker room she realized the necklace she wore with Eddie's ring on it was gone. The necklace she wore to every game underneath her uniform, just to have him there somewhere.
"I didn't mean to lose it." She panicked
"I don't even know which ring you are talking about. I promise it's not that big of a deal." He tried to make her feel better.
"NO IT IS A BIG DEAL. It's the only thing I have to pretend you are here with me and I need to find it " she demanded, back on her knees searching the floor.
Eddie couldn't believe how much harder each blow got in his gut. It was like watching a bomb destroy every building one by one. He was watching her fall apart more and more, all because of his pride.
He kneeled to the floor in front of her, grabbing her hands to stop her searching.
"I'm here now." He tried
She yanked her hands free
"doesn't matter now Eddie. I'm graduating and will never cheer again. At least now you won't have to listen to me fight to get you here "
He deserved that, he knew he did.
"I'm really fucking sorry." He whispered, sitting across from her.
"whatever Eddie." She said, following his actions. Sitting with her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms tightly against her legs.
"no I mean it. I have been the most shitty boyfriend ever. Hellfire should never have come before you. My pride should have never been more important than you. I fucked up and I fucked up bad, I know that. The second the boys all cheered I cancelled hellfire and went to the game, I realized I was the only one stuck on my words. None of them cared I fell in love with you. They didn't care if you were a cheerleader and that I was a huge hypocrite. It was all in my head. And I should have been here to be there for you. You deserved to feel as special as you did tonight at every game. I made it to the end. I know that doesn't count for anything. But I am so happy my boys were there for you, when I was too proud to be. I don't even deserve you to even think of keeping me around. You should honestly dump me in the most cruel way possible. Slash my tires or something." He joked, smiling on the inside when she laughed, wiping the tears that were falling down her eyes
"but if for some reason you are just as dumb as me, and still allow me to be around you. I would really love to make this up to you." He finished, hand searching for hers once again. This time she didn't move it away.
"I might just be even more dumber than you are because I love you too." She joked, pushing her shoulder against his. He laughed with her, wiping his own tears.
"doesn't mean I forgive you though. You made me feel really shitty and I need some action to back up your words."
"absolutely baby. I totally understand." He said. Relief filling his body, he has one more chance.
"if you are up for it, I have the rest of my night open. Why don't you perform every single routine you came up with for me?" He offered.
A huge smile stretched on her face
"you really want to sit here as I do over like 15 routines?" She laughed
"as long as you keep the outfit on." He winked. Another smack to his shoulder but the way she smiled warmed his heart.
He has a chance to fix it, and he wasn't going to ruin that.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975@ago-godance
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hornyhornyhimbos · 1 year
to the person who anonymously asked about cowboy!steve and reader's future, this fic is not that. the fic you asked for will be coming very soon 🫶🏻
"Honky-Tonk Badonkadonk" ~ S. Harrington
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Summary: A certain cowboy and his girl start reminiscing, what with all the things they have planned for their new bar. But maybe, just maybe, they get a tiny bit sidetracked along the way.
Pairing: Bull Rider!Steve Harrington x AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 2,674
Content Warning: MINORS DNI (18+ content) 69-ing and wall sex, semi-protected piv sex (reader has an IUD but they don't use condoms), oral both!receiving, fingering f!receiving, cum swallowing, creampie, slightly public sex but not really, nicknames (princess, sweetheart, cowgirl; cowboy, daddy one time), multiple orgasms for both steve ans reader, mentions of squirting but it doesn't actually happen, explicit language, takes place in a bar, probably more because this is filthy as hell
Extra Notes: this took me so long for no good reason, i am so sorry y'all
Originally Written: 04/25/2023 - 05/12/2023; re-written 06/12/2023 - 06/13/2023
Beta Read By: @writer-in-theory (ilysm!!)
filthy fridays can be found here!
stranger things masterlist can be found here!
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You took one last look around what was once known as The Lucky Shot, nostalgia flowing through your veins.
The bar was finally starting to look like yours and Steve's, though you nearly shed a tear when he began to paint over the four-leaf clover mural you'd come to love. You were quite sad to see the old place go, but your heart warmed as you thought through all the new possibilities.
Only one piece remained from the old furniture, the little white sofa along the far wall, right next to where the dartboard previously hung. Steve had insisted on leaving it there for when the two of you needed breaks during your renovations, but thus far it had been abandoned.
As if on cue, Steve’s lips met your bare shoulder, placing a delicate peck beside the strap of your tank top. His hands settled on your hips, his voice exhausted and thick as he said, "Come on. Let's take a break."
You were inclined to argue with him. After all, the more work you did, the closer this bar was to being finished. Steve's fan base had been excited for an opening date ever since he'd announced the making of Harrington Brewing Co. Or whatever the two of you decided to name it.
You'd both gone back and forth on what to name the place ever since you'd signed the papers, but nothing had stuck yet. So, until then, you'd settled on Harrington Brewing Co.
Pulling you out of your thoughts, Steve guided you over to the couch, trailing kisses along any bare skin he could find. Sure, your fiancé always craved physical touch, but something about his gestures made you skeptical, wondering if he wanted those kisses to lead to more.
His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you down onto the leather sofa. He let out a content sigh as he kissed your hair, holding you as close as humanly possible. "Can't believe we have a place that's officially ours."
You let out a sigh of your own, a wide smile taking over your face. "I know," you replied, craning your head to face him. "And just think, in a couple months, we'll be signing the papers on our first house together."
Steve's thumb drew small figure eights across your stomach where your shirt had ridden up. "I can't believe you actually want to live with me until the day I die."
"Of course I do," you told him, planting your lips on his for a long overdue kiss. "It's not every day the world's sexiest cowboy asks you to marry him."
As silly as it sounded, it really was true. A national magazine had named Steve 'sexiest cowboy of the year' and you had yet to let him live it down. Any chance you got to mention it, you'd bring it up immediately. Once, when his best friend Dustin had called, you'd even answered the phone with, "You've reached the Harrington residence: home of the sexiest cowboy alive!"
He pulled you back in for another kiss, his hands planted firmly on your hips as he rolled you over. You knew this was the moment those little gestures had been leading up to, but for some reason, you couldn't force yourself to care. You just kept on kissing him.
You could feel his hard-on bump your thigh when his hips rutted, his hands moving to your ass as he rutted them a second time. You moaned as your own hips shifted, his length pressing against the front of your shorts.
"Baby," you said against his lips, "are you ready to call it a day? Head home?"
Steve's lips chased after yours, working your bottom lip between his teeth. He managed to shake his head as he pulled away. "No. I want to take you right here on this couch."
Your heart thumped so loud it made your ears ring. On the one hand, you'd always been kind of curious about public sex. On the other hand, you really couldn't tell if Steve was being serious. "Steve, anybody could-"
"Babe, it's not like anyone's gonna come in here. The place doesn't even have an 'Open For Business' sign. Besides, Harrington's Honky-Tonk isn't exactly in the town square."
You knew by the sharpness of his words that he was joking when he'd called the place by that name, but something about it felt exactly right. "That's it! That's what we'll name it. Harrington's Honky-Tonk."
"We are most definitely not naming it that, but if agreeing gets me one step closer to having my dick shoved inside you, I will gladly agree."
You rolled your eyes, your lips landing on his for a triumphant peck. "Thank you. Now, do that thing you were doing a minute ago."
His brows furrowed. "What?"
"Dirty talking and making me feel like the luckiest girl alive."
His hands gripped your waist, pushing you down against his hard-on. You gasped as he brushed against you, the friction of his jeans absolutely painful through the sheer material of your shorts. "You are the only one who has ever gotten me this hard, you know that?"
Of course you did, he reminded you every time you found yourself in a position like this. "Uh-huh," you managed, your breath caught in your throat.
"I think you should be the one to do something about it, yeah?"
You nodded, slowly moving your hand to the fastening of his jeans. His hand gripped around your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. "No, no, not yet. I want you to cum first. Sit on my face, princess."
You cocked an eyebrow, your hands moving back to the button of his pants. "Who said we can't do both at the same time?"
"Shit," he chuckled, lifting his hips to help you pull his boxers and pants down. You didn't think Steve's cock could get any prettier, but something about the way the natural sunlight was shining around him on that couch… it had your mouth watering. "Have I ever told you I love you?"
You maneuvered yourself higher so you could remove your own bottoms. "A couple times," you smirked, moving to hover above him.
You slowly lowered yourself onto his mouth, his tongue immediately going to work. His hands met your hips, helping you find a steady rhythm against his mouth.
His tongue lapped at your hole, and you were already feeling weak. A sigh left your parted lips as you lowered your mouth onto his cock, your lips fitting around the head like the perfect puzzle piece.
He moaned against your clit, the vibration only pushing you further toward the edge. He left kitten licks in all the places you needed them, eliciting a whine from your lips that was silenced by his cock.
Steve lifted your hips, his mouth parting from your cunt. Your body ached with need, and you nearly pouted around his cock when he removed his mouth. "I meant what I said." He paused in between sentences to kiss your core. "I want you to cum first."
"Well, cowboy," you said, traveling one of your hands down to his balls, squeezing them in the way you knew he loved. "We'll just have to see about that."
The further into your relationship you got, the more of a competition it was to make each other cum. Whether that be you making Steve cum the hardest or him making you cum more than him, the two of you seemed to have a little competition going. Not that you were complaining. He'd made you squirt three times in one night just last week. Who were you to say anything?
His tongue plunged in and out of your hole, creating the perfect pace. You moaned pornographically around his length, your hand squeezing at his heavy balls. Your hips rolled against his face, no doubt soaking the mustache he'd been growing out. This was by no means the first time he'd eaten you out with a mustache, yet somehow, the sensation got even better every time it happened.
Your hips rutted time and time again, chasing down your high. He worked his tongue in heavenly figure eights, drinking up every drop your body had to offer him. Want filled your entire body, burning in your fingertips and curling your toes. You forced the rest of his length into your mouth, coming apart as you whimpered around it. Your cunt fluttered on his tongue, Steve's hips canting in response. Nothing got Steve off quicker than you cumming on his tongue. You knew his release was right behind yours.
He worked you through your orgasm, suckling softly on your clit and holding tight to your love handles. A muffled string of moans tumbled from your lips as you fucked your mouth with his cock, your hand fondling his tight balls. With one last thrust of your mouth, he came undone, his load shooting down your throat in warm spurts. You milked his cock, swallowing down everything his body would give you.
Your spent body fell flush on top of Steve, his dick still halfway hard as you held him in your hand. His chest rose and fell underneath you as he attempted to catch his breath. "Cowgirl, you find new ways to amaze me every day."
"You're not so bad yourself, Stevie." His cock twitched at the nickname. Your fingers traced circles around his thigh, a content sigh escaping your lips. "You ready to call it a day yet, cowboy?"
"Not yet," he answered. "There's one last thing we need to do before we leave. Up."
At his instruction, you pushed yourself off the couch, tugging your shorts back up. Steve wrapped his hand around yours, stopping your motions. "Who said it had anything to do with your clothes being on?"
Heat rushed through your cheeks as he stood and, in one swift motion, had your legs wrapped around his waist. He backed you up against the wall, the bricks digging into your skin but somehow managing to only aid your senses. His lips met your neck, nipping and sucking at the pulse point. One of his arms managed to hold your body up while the other moved in between your bodies, his thumb catching your clit in a round of intoxicating circles. Your lips fell into an open 'O' as noiseless gasps and moans fell out.
"God, you're so pretty," he whispered against the shell of your ear. "Can't believe I haven't done this yet."
Your brows pinched together in both confusion and pleasure. "D-Done what?" you managed to ask, words seeming utterly impossible as he worked at your core.
"Christened this bar with you," he answered. His lips all but attacked your neck again, teeth nipping at the sensitive skin. One of his digits teased your entrance, and your hips canted against it.
You let out a moan, though confusion had fully taken over your face by this point. "Christened the bar?"
He nodded, licking over a newly purple spot on your neck. "We've owned this bar for a whole two weeks and we haven't fucked in here yet."
"Is that what you call this, Harrington?" you attempted to tease, but even you knew it was a pathetic attempt. Your voice bordered on strangled as you said, "Pretty sure fucking involves having something inside me."
His finger finally made its way inside your aching hole, the breath nearly being knocked out of your lungs. "Yeah? How's that, sweetheart?"
A string of moans tumbled off your tongue, your back arching against the bricks. "Oh, Steve," you sighed, your eyes screwing shut at the pleasure.
"Hey, baby, you think you can keep those pretty eyes open for me?" he asked, his tone sweet like he wasn't actively shoving a second finger inside you as he spoke. "Need you to see the only man who can make you feel this good."
You all but pried your eyes open, meeting his lust-filled irises. His fingers pumped in and out of you at the perfect pace, and soon, you were on the edge of cumming a second time.
He flexed the digits inside you, brushing your G-spot every time they moved. You moaned his name like a record stuck on a loop, your eyes watering as your second orgasm approached. His mouth melded to yours, catching you in a sloppy make-out session as he drove his fingers even further inside you. You'd died and gone to heaven, that was the only real explanation as to how this man could make you feel so damn good.
Euphoria took over your body, his fingers working your spent hole as you tried poorly to catch your breath. A string of profanities and whimpers fell from your tongue as he removed the digits, holding them to your mouth. You licked and sucked on his fingers, hypnotized by your taste.
He met your lips with a juxtaposing soft kiss, his hands moving to hold both sides of your face, his thumbs gently caressing your cheeks. "Did so good, baby."
"Steve," you teased breathlessly, though it sounded more like a moan. "You still haven't properly fucked me yet."
"So greedy, princess," he teased back, lining himself up with your entrance. "Just can't get enough of me, can you?" He slowly pushed inside, and you fell limp against his chest. "You alright?" he asked, half serious and half playfully.
You managed to nod, heavy breaths and quiet moans falling from your parted lips. "Need you to help me out here, please," you all but begged.
He chuckled, meeting your forehead with a soft kiss and slowly pulling out of you. "Good girl," he cooed, gradually sliding his cock back into you. "Telling daddy what you want, yeah?"
It wasn't often that the two of you indulged in your daddy kink, but when you did, it never ceased to make you feel like the most special girl in the world. Your hips somehow found a way to pick up their pace again, rocking against Steve's at a delicious pace.
His hands helped guide you, your bodies practically fusing together as you met each other in the perfect rhythm. He twitched inside you as you pulsed around him, his lips trailing kisses along the skin that your tank top didn't cover. Your hands held tight to the hair on the nape of his neck, moans vibrating along your breasts.
His orgasm came first, his thick seed shooting inside you as he continued working you on his length. "Fuck's" and "Shit's" tumbled from his lips and his hips canted, his thumb moving to rub frenzied circles on your clit. Your climax burned through your body, eyes crossing as he abused your hole. You chanted his name like a mantra, like it was your lifeline.
Steve held you close as he lowered you down the wall, his lips meeting your forehead with a juxtaposing softness. He chuckled against the crease between your brow, "Thank god for IUDs, right?"
You let out a soft, shaky giggle as you reached for your panties. Your hands trembled, failing to get a good enough grip to pull them up.
Steve caught your struggle, giving you a playful smile and pulling your underwear and shorts back on for you. He zipped up his jeans with quickness, then held your hand and led you toward the door. His lips connected to your bare shoulder, the softness grounding you for a moment. "Let's go home, yeah?"
You wobbled back to his truck, your chest still heaving as you processed all that had just happened, his cum still deep inside you. He pulled the door open for you, a smirk settling on your lips as you eyed his ass. "You wanna know something, cowboy?"
He chuckled at your expression, knowing that tone all too well. "Yeah?"
Your hand met his ass, grabbing the curve of his jeans. "I think that is why they call it a honky-tonk badonkadonk."
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-> taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @rupsmorge @writer-in-theory @esoltis280 @liberhoe @wifeyreid @serenity-lattes-reads
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bambirex · 2 years
Steve legit doing what he said Dustin to do in season 2 to Eddie ignoring him but not really working out and getting frustrated about it but still ending together because of Dustin
Warnings: none
Steve looked absolutely miserable, face down on the bed, and with a pillow over his head. He completed the image with a pitiful whine that was slightly muffled under the pillow.
Dustin found it hilarious, to be honest.
"I can't believe it's not working," Steve groaned, "it's a legendary method! And he's just... he's completely unbothered!"
He finally removed the pillow from his face to be able to breathe. He ran an anxious hand through his hair, looking up at Dustin with the eyes of a kicked puppy.
"Maybe it's only working on girls?"
Dustin snorted. "To be fair, I don't think it's working on anyone, Steve."
"Do not question my dating advice!" Steve huffed, pointing a finger at Dustin. Dustin shot him an amused glare.
"Come on now, this I pretend I don't care about you thing is clearly not working, Steve. You gotta come up with something else."
Steve cursed under his breath as he threw himself back on the bed. He had no idea how else to make Eddie interested in him. He was completely lost.
Dustin knew that Steve was completely lost. Therefore, he realized they needed his method to get the ball rolling.
Now that he had a girlfriend, Dustin was aware that Steve's dating tips were very much outdated, and that the only way one could secure a date, was to be honest.
So, that was what he did. For Steve.
Steve quickly fixed his hair when he noticed Eddie coming closer. Then, he leaned against the railing behind him, trying to act as nonchalant as possible.
"Hey," he greeted Eddie, making sure his voice didn't waver in excitement. "What's up?"
"Well, Dustin told me you wanted to see me," Eddie replied. There was an almost cheeky smile on his face. "And that you wanted to tell me something?"
"What!? No, I..." Steve spluttered, his cheeks turning red. What the hell did Dustin do this time!?
Eddie waited patiently, looking very much entertained. Steve gaped at him like a fish out of water, his brain only offering white noise.
Then, Eddie pulled something out from behind his back.
"I guess he told me to get you this, so you could feel a bit more like talking," Eddie said with a grin. Steve stared at the bouquet of flowers in Eddie's hands, suddenly wondering if a human could die from embarrassment.
"I... I... had no idea, that Dustin would..."
"Play match-maker?" Eddie chuckled. He fiddled with the petals, suddenly seeming a bit shy himself. "Well, he told me you didn't quite know how to show me you're interested in me, and that you probably wouldn't outright tell me, so... Steve, I had no idea you were into me. You were so distant."
"I thought I was being clever," Steve admitted, suddenly ashamed. "I thought that acting uninterested would make you like me."
Eddie laughed, shaking his head. "Absolutely baffled by this line of thinking, but I'm glad Henderson made me aware of this. So..."
He shoved the bouquet into Steve's hands, who barely caught it before it hit the ground.
"See you later."
After a moment of hesitation, Eddie kissed Steve on the cheek, then quickly turned around and disappeared before Steve had a chance to say anything in his defense.
Well, shit. It seemed like an old dog could still learn new tricks.
But he was still going to kill Dustin.
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lab-trash · 10 months
This probably exists but who cares
A fic where Eddie lives (maybe something like El helped him live even tho she didn't know who he was) and he makes it back to Hawkins.
Only, he can't really show his face. He ties his hair up, slaps on a hat and sunglasses, and makes sure to dress so unlike himself that no one would ever think it was him.
He decides not to tell the party and such. It wasn't the right time. And besides, him living and anyone knowing that would slow everything down.
Not that anyone believed Jason killed his own girlfriend anyway; most people believed Eddie framed him and then went on the run. After all, they never found the body.
But Eddie still needs to live his life. The only person who knows is his uncle. He lives with him. But what a boring life it is, cooped up in whatever room.
He goes to the arcade, and to family video, and a few other places.
Either way, he ends up running into a few familiar faces.
Thankfully, Max is blind and can only hear his voice. Will had never met him, so when he went back to his seat a couple yards away, it's not like he told Mike it was Eddie. Dustin was concentrated on a game when Eddie spoke to him. Robin didn't even look at his face.
But Steve... Steve should recognise him, right? Especially once he fell back into his flirtatious patters. Steve had to have known it was Eddie, even if he showed no signs of it.
But one of the times Eddie asked him out, he learned the truth.
"Look, I'm sorry, but I just can't date anyone right now."
"Why not?"
"I'm... getting over someone."
"Your last breakup was like three years ago."
"We didn't break up. He died."
"He... what?"
"I never even got the chance to ask him out. We were doing something dangerous and he ended up not making it. And it's been months now, but every time I think about dating someone, I just think about what could've been. So, I'm sorry. But I can't."
So now the question lingers in Eddie's head. Is it worth all this hiding if it's hurting Steve?
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
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Thanks @simpforsauron for the prompt hope you enjoy ❤️
Steve took a deep breathe before entering the diner, when Dustin told him that Nancy wanted to talk to him about us Steve had been very reluctant. He loved Nancy sure, but he didn't want to get back together with her and now that her and Jonathan had decided they were better as friends he was worried Nancy was trying to relight the old flame.
He saw Nancy had arrived before him, sitting in a booth looking nervous. He sat down across from her, "Look Nancy you know I love you but I don't think that we shoul-"
"I think I like girls, Steve."
Well. That certainly wasn't what Steve was expecting.
"I know that Dustin said that you wanted to try again with us but-"
"Woah woah woah, Dustin told me that you wanted to try again?"
"That little troublemaker!"
"Wait you like girls?"
"Yes, I think, well I still like guys I'm pretty sure, I know I liked you, but well, recently there's been this girl and well I know that you were cool with Robin so I thought you'd be cool with this."
"You can like both Nance, it's ok, I do too, apparently it's called being bisexual."
"Yeah, saw that in the library, so, you know how I'm feeling?"
"Yeah, there's um, there's been this guy recently."
"Is it Eddie?"
"Yeah, is it Robin."
Eddie and Robin had started going to the diner for a weekly "be sad over our straight crushes" meeting. Milkshakes made it better they guessed and it felt good to talk about them to someone.
"I can't believe you're in love with my best friend, Eddie."
"Hey you're in love with my best friend so we're even."
Right now though they wished that they'd gotten ice cream instead of milkshakes, because there in the window was Nancy and Steve smiling at each other.
"Are they getting back together?"
"They sure look like they're on a date."
"He's so pretty, Nancy."
"You've said that ten times today, Steve."
Nancy had started visiting Family Video more often lately and now the two of them were watching Eddie and Robin argue over whether Rocky Horror or Little Shop of Horrors was better.
"Hey I had to listen to you wax poetry about Robin yesterday."
"Shut up."
They'd decided that the adults needed a party without the kids for once. They were all sitting around Steve's living room all a bit tipsy and some of them a little buzzed.
"Truth or Dare, Nancy."
"Dare, do your worst, Steve."
"Kiss the prettiest person in the room."
Robin had rolled her eyes while Eddie looked dejected both thinking this was just an excuse for them to kiss each other and reveal their relationship that had become painfully obvious.
Nancy turned towards, Steve.
"Yes, Nancy?"
"Could you move so I can get to Robin."
Steve smiles getting up and walking over to sit next to Eddie while Robin goes wide eyed and red.
"Is this ok?"
Nancy kissed Robin softly on the lips.
"I've been wanting to do that for awhile."
"What? But aren't you and Steve back together? Wait aren't you straight?!"
"No and no, Steve and I are just friends and um well I worked out I'm bisexual, if that's ok."
"Ok! Of course it's ok, could you maybe kiss me again?"
Nancy goes back to kissing Robin giggling.
"Sorry man, I really thought you'd managed to get back together with her."
"No just friends. I ah well, I kind of have my eye on someone else."
"Oh you do? Who's the lucky lady, Stevie?"
"Just some metalhead I know."
"Oh. Oh."
"That ok too?"
Eddie doesn't answer Steve instead choosing to turn towards Steve kissing his soundly on the lips.
The next week all four of them went to the diner together.
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puppy-coded · 2 years
Prom Night{D.H.}
✰ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Upset Dustin.
✰ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Dustin Henderson x fem!reader
✰ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1k words
✰ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Dustin's upset that he has to relive the Snowball but he met a pretty girl so all is well.
✰ 𝐀/𝐍: This is completely self-serving because I was alone during both my prom nights.
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"Dustin? What's wrong?" Steve asked as soon as the curly-haired boy closed the door.
Dustin wiped his eyes on the sleeve of his blazer and looked up at Steve. "Can you take me home?"
Steve was taken aback by the voice crack of his little brother... er... best friend and leaned on the console. "What?"
"Steve please take me home," Dustin practically begged.
"Why?" Steve asked, concerned for his friend. "What happened?"
Dustin sniffed and hunched over, holding his head in his hands. "It's like the Snowball," He summarized. "Except now it would be embarrassing if a chaperone danced with me instead of cool." He said, running his tongue over his teeth. He had no idea why he was feeling like this but Dustin hated it.
A lot.
Steve put his hand on Dustin's shoulder, attempting to be supportive. "Hey Dustin, man. You can't go home, it's barely been ten minutes," He tried reasoning.
Attempted support.
"All my friends have people to dance with and no one will even look at me." He told Steve loudly, his voice cracking once more.
"Dustin, that's their loss." Steve encouraged. "You're a good kid alright? Nice hair. Great suit. You look like a million bucks."
Dustin looked mildly amused. "Are you seriously recycling a speech right now?" He asked, trying to suppress a laugh.
Steve gripped the back of Dustin's neck and patted his chest before Steve told him the plan. "I have tissues in the glove box, you're gonna wipe your tears, you're gonna go in there and be yourself and have fun."
"But Steve-" Dustin tried, curling his finger back into his fist when Steve shut him down.
Dustin grabbed the tissues from in front of him and cleaned his face just as Steve had told him to.
"Now go in there and have fun! You'll regret it if you don't," Steve said. He felt like a dad but didn't know how else to get Dustin back inside.
"Steve-uh!" Dustin complained.
"Dustin-uh!" Steve mocked back.
"Fine I'll go."
Dustin had walked back into the Hawkins High gym and saw you in your pretty dress on the bleachers. It hurt his heart. You were so pretty but you just looked so... sad.
He walked up to you and waved, speaking up when he realized you weren't paying attention to him. "Hey."
You jumped and looked up at Dustin. "Hi."
Dustin bounced on the balls of his feet and tried to think of something to say that wasn't stupid. "Havin' fun with the- uh- chips?"
Tried to think of something.
"Oh yeah." You nodded sarcastically. "Best friends." You smiled shyly.
"I'm Dustin." He introduced with a smile. You're so funny...
"Yeah, you're in my math class." You reminded him. "You ask me for a pencil everyday."
"Oh my gods I am so sorry." Dustin panicked, mentally slapping his forehead. "That's embarrassing, can't believe I didn't recognize you."
"At least you're not treating me as invisible. My best friend and her boyfriend are making out in the bathroom right now, definitely pretending I don't exist because why wouldn't they."
Dustin finally sat down next to you on the bleachers. "I know how you feel. All my friends have dates and they're off on their own."
"I haven't even been here five minutes and I wanna go home." You replied, putting your elbow on your knee and resting your head in your hand.
Dustin smiled and suppressed a laugh. He felt the same way. "I just came from my friends car trying to convince him to take me home." He nodded thoughtfully. "He wouldn't. No matter the convincing and telling him I'm reliving the Snowball."
"Snowball?" You turned to look at him with a puzzled look.
Dustin looked equally puzzled. "Yeah from 8th grade?"
"I wasn't here then. I'm from Indianapolis, just came around my sophomore year," You explained.
Dustin's puzzled expression quickly morphed into an ecstatic one. "Whoa! That's so cool!"
"I know!" You responded happily. "I miss home but it's... good for me to be here or whatever," You huffed playfully.
"You're, uh, gods..." He struggled, trying to think of your name. "Mel? No not Mel. Gwe- Gwen doesn't sound right either," He groaned.
"It's (Y/N)." You giggled.
Dustin pointed at you and nodded exaggeratedly. "Yes, that."
"It's been nice talking to you," You told Dustin sincerely, getting up from your spot. "But I think I'm gonna go to my friends car and run her gas out trying to keep myself warm."
A slow song came on and Dustin had a light bulb moment. "Before you go how about just one dance? Then we can say we danced with someone to our friends if they ask and we can feel better about ourselves?" He suggested, trying not to sound nervous.
After your dance you and Dustin came up with the bright idea to get a snack from around town in your fancy outfits.
Steve saw Dustin and was ready to take him home when he realized he was laughing... with a girl. He decided to not ruin that for Dustin.
Dustin needed a night of laughter with a girl, according to Steve. For his self-esteem.
But Steve knew it wasn't a self-esteem thing. You two seemed to click even though he couldn't see you two that well.
He knew he'd be seeing you around with the party for a long time.
✰ 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @sw34terw34ther @masivechaos @duchess-of-mischief @magic-is-beauty @rhydianissuperior
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 7 months
Billy asks you out but you have no idea its because Jason paid him to and it's for revenge against Hellfire.
Eddie, is pissed about your date but his protective side comes out when he finds out what happened.
Reader is Hoppers niece in this story. She can be adopted or through family, it's up to you. 💕
Jealousy, protective Eddie, fluff. Minors dni, 18+ don't copy, translate or repost my work.
Season four Au, Billy is alive.
Tonight should have been a good night. It was your first date in a while and you were hoping it went well. You should have realised it was doomed from the start, especially as it had caused you and Eddie to have a really bad fight.
He wasn't happy about your date with Billy and an argument between the two of you erupted during lunch two days ago, you hadn't spoke to each other since then.
It made sitting at the Hellfire table very awkward and poor Dustin had given up trying to get the two of you to talk to each other.
According to Eddie there was no way that Billy had changed, he'd only hurt you, etc. You were a believer in second chances, though maybe you should have been more wary just like Eddie said.
Billy had taken you to see some new horror movie and invited you to hang out with a friend of his after.
The minute that Jason showed up at the end of your date alarm bells rang in your head. He walked right up to Billy and handed him a hundred bucks, sneering at you and then turning back to Billy.
"Wow. Well done dude, this went better than I thought" Jason laughed and Billy had this stupid smirk on his face.
It was a bet Billy explained. A hundred bucks to date you, cause some friction with Eddie and then let you find out, humiliating you. It was Jason's idea for revenge on Hellfire, it left you feeling sick to your stomach and Jason's laughter followed you along the way, as you raced out of the movie theatre.
Now you were back at home. Tears running down your cheeks and your heart aching, you can't believe you were so stupid to give Billy a chance. Not only were you humiliated but Eddie wasn't speaking to you either.
The thought of facing Jason tomorrow at school made you toss and turn all night, however you were determined to get back at the asshole one way or another.
Jason's smug smirk at seeing you first thing soon disappeared when in art class your paint supplies accidentally went over his lucky letterman jacket.
You adopted your most innocent expression when the teacher asked you if it was an accident, acted flustered and said you were sorry to Jason.
When the teachers back was turned the apologetic expression vanished from your face and you smirked at an enraged Jason.
"Paybacks a bitch huh?"
That felt really good. However your good mood vanished as soon as it was lunchtime. Eddie was still grumpy and the tension between the two of you was awful.
Between this and the disappointment that your first date in ages was just a stupid bet, you were feeling close to tears. All it took was Gareth turning to you, giving a nervous glance to Eddie then asking how the date went for you to almost crumble.
"I don't want to talk about it" you mumble and Eddie looks at you for the first time in days, folds his arms across his chest and huffs annoyed.
"Jesus h christ, so you ignore my advice and it turns out exactly how I thought it would?" his tone chips away at your bruised heart and you meet Eddie's gaze.
You try to act nonchalant but the facade quickly fades and your lip wobbles, the ache in your chest hurting again. The anger leaves Eddie's eyes immediately.
"It was a bet okay! So you were right Eddie. Billy is still an asshole and he got paid by Jason to humiliate me" you snap and gather your stuff not wanting to hear Eddie say I told you so.
If you were being honest some part of you deep down only went on this date to see how Eddie would react. For a while you suspected he might have feelings for you.
Obviously you were wrong. He didn't want you that way. Maybe he was wondering why Billy even wanted to date you in the first place.
Whatever. You didn't need this shit from him and promptly walked away from the Hellfire table.
Eddie couldn't remember the last time he had been this mad. The very feeling coursing through his veins, had propelled him to seek out Jason and he found the asshole laughing with one of his douchebag friends.
"Hey Munson, you ask your friend how her date went last night? Jason throws the jibe at him, smirks and fist bumps his friend.
His amusement only lasts for a few seconds because he soon sees the look in Eddie's eyes, the one that sends him scampering back and turning paler by the minute.
"You stay away from me freak. I mean it" Eddie ignores him, moves closer to Jason and glares at him.
"Let's get one thing straight Carver. You wanna mess with me then fine, you don't use my friends to do it. Especially not her, understand?" Carver isn't so cocky now, merely nods as his friend hightails it in the other direction.
"Why do you think I went after her freak. She's like your weakness or something" Eddie stills as Jason's words hit him. The thing is the douchebag wasn't wrong.
"I mean it man. You hurt even the tiniest hair on her head I swear you'll regret it" he pushes him away and then stalks off making plans to deal with Billy next.
The opportunity presents itself the next day when Billy as per usual came to the trailer for his weeks supply of weed, "a little something to deal with living in this shithole town" Billy would say and in all honesty Eddie agreed with him.
Well until he decided to fuck with you. Now as far as Eddie was concerned, Billy Hargrove could go and fuck himself.
Just the sight of him coming into the trailer with his signature smirk and an expectant look, set Eddie's teeth on edge and then Billy makes it worse, subtly rubs in what he's done.
"Got a windfall this week Munson so hit me with the good stuff" Eddie has to dig his nails into his hands to stop himself from doing something stupid, like lunging at this smug asshole. He can't believe Billy would have the fucking audacity to be so boastful about what he done.
Not that he expected that Billy would give a fuck about hurting you but he figured there might be guilt or some shit. His jaw tightens and he shoots Billy a dark look.
"Yeah there's nothing here for you dude, you're cut off" he stares coldly at Billy, who looks offended that Eddie is refusing to give him anything.
"You can't do that Munson, I'm a paying customer so give me my fucking weed" the harshness in Billy's tone barely effects Eddie, he's too pissed at what Billy has done to give a fuck about how angry this douchebag is.
"I don't want it man. You think you can hurt my girl and I'd still sell you shit? You're lucky I don't beat your ass, might land me a broken arm or some shit but it would be worth it"
Billy snorts "All of this for her" he points to you and Eddie swears, he didn't realise you had arrived and had heard everything, standing at the trailer door looking stunned.
"All of it. Now fuck off dude" he gestures to the door and Billy scoffs and marches up to him.
"You know I could tell the chief all about your dealing and shit. He'd fast track you to jail and you'd be exactly like daddy" Eddie's fist tightens at Billy's threat but he ignores it, the asshole is talking shit.
"Go ahead. Sure Hop would love to know that you messed with his niece and humiliated her. Bet you'll be right at the top of his Christmas card list dude" Billy's eyes widen, then he swears and storms out of the trailer.
Heat gathers in Eddie's cheeks as you walk over to him. The look on your face has him feeling out of sorts, with a desperate need to take you in his arms and kiss you senseless.
But you only saw him as a friend didn't you? That's why he was such a douchebag this week, yeah because of Billy's reputation and he was scared you'd get hurt but also because he was so fucking jealous.
Not that he'd ever tell you how he felt. There was no way he was having that conversation with you. Fuck, now that would be mortifying.
So imagine his shock when you kiss his cheek, so very near his lips that it makes his brain short circuit for a few seconds and he's genuinely stunned.
"Maybe next time we could try a real kiss" you suggest and Eddie comes to with the biggest beaming smile on his face.
"I'd like that princess. That's why I was such a dick this week. I'm sorry, I was jealous that you went a date with Hargrove when I've been wanting to ask you out for months"
He feels like he might explode when you trail your hand up his chest, he's eager to kiss you, touch you and make you his.
"How about you take me on a date right now Eddie? See I figured out that there's no one I'd rather be with than you. Took me some time to realise that but I don't plan on wasting anymore time"
Your words are like music to his ears and the grin doesn't leave his face when you move closer to him and exchange your first kiss.
And just like that you and Eddie were exactly where you were supposed to be.
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shares-a-vest · 2 years
I can't stop thinking about Eddie practically skipping along as he leads Steve around a library so here, have this.
One of the first places Eddie takes Steve when his name is cleared and Hawkins is back to relative post-apocalyptic normalcy is the library.
"So Eddie is taking you on a date... to... the library?" Robin asks, perched on a trolley in Family Video as she offers absolutely no assistance.
Steve huffs as she shoots Max (waiting for Steve to find a misplaced copy of The Little Mermaid - one of her comfort movies, which no one knows about except him and he's sworn to absolute secrecy) a confused look.
Max mouths, "shut up" and Robin merely gestures for her to continue wheeling her around on the cart.
"It isn't a date, even though yes, we are dating. Just two dudes going to the library," he explains, face growing hot because he knows anything he says will dig him in deeper.
He rolls his eyes, mostly at himself and braces for more questions, thoughts and teasing. Yes, it was a date. He can't help it if Eddie proudly declares every damn date they are going on to the whole group. Robin shrugs, a sly smile creeping across her face.
"Sounds pretty damn nerdy, Harrington."
And all Steve can do is shake his head and continue looking for Max's movie as he moves further down the aisle and away from this conversation.
So what if this is their Friday date night? And a 'nerdy' one at that? His boyfriend basically holding his hand and taking him on a field trip to the Hawkins Public Library all because he has some kind of crippling intellectual anxiety from being surrounded by brainiacs?
Steve had admitted (or more, it was a moment of over-sharing word vomit) to Eddie he struggled with reading books, quickly becoming overwhelmed by the task and falsely believing he simply wasn't that smart. Just like his parents told him. It wasn't any of his friend's fault. They were all super smart, genius-level weirdos and, as time went on, Steve just started to feel like he was all muscle and body. No brains.
But Eddie, with kind eyes and never one to call Steve dumb, said he could help him with all that. Which, up until now, only involved Eddie reading to him in the quiet of their respective bedrooms. All the while Steve snuggled into Eddie's side as he dramatically recited a book with his fingers carding reassuringly through his hair.
And so Steve finds himself in the library later that afternoon with Eddie standing before him, holding out a book bag and a newly minted library card. Turns out Eddie had organised it beforehand because of course, he is chummy with the librarian (her name is Ethel, she's married to old man Barney Harris who owns the laundromat and they have a toy poodle named Biscuit).
"Here you go!" Eddie grins, buzzing on the spot as he shakes the items in his hands for Steve to take them. "A wonderful world of knowledge awaits you! Now, on with our library date, noble Prince Stevie!"
Ethel shushes his uptick in volume.
Steve furrows his brow, worried.
"Can you..." he looks down, trying to ignore Robin's words and Dustin's later confusion (aka, harassment). "Come with me? I have a list."
He reaches in his back pocket for the note he’d spent days making, the piece of Family Video-branded notepaper all crinkled.
"Wouldn’t have it any other way!" Eddie says, taking the note and unfurling it. He looks it over and holds it up over his face to cover his giggling grin. "Can't believe I'm at the library with Steve Harrington."
Steve smiles wide, "You are such a dork".
Eddie leans in painfully close, dimples on full display, "You like it."
He links his arm with Steve's excitedly and marches them off into the nearest aisle.
Steve decides on a just few books from his list, even though Eddie quickly locates all twelve of them, leading him along and holding his hand in between book stacks. He's still worried that he’ll inevitably baulk at the whole idea if he’s left home alone without his favourite reading buddy for any length of time.
At that nagging thought, Steve pauses as they walk to the car, Ethel having moved them along at closing.
"Will you still read with me?" he asks sheepishly.
Eddie frowns, sadness flooding his eyes. He pauses at his car door and quickly rounds the Beemer so he can cup his hands around Steve's face.
"Of course!" he insists, thumbs rubbing reassuringly at his cheeks.
He looks Steve over and smirks.
"I gotta say, Steve, seeing you hand over that library card to borrow books..."
He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and all Steve can do is laugh, mostly at his dorky, nerdy boyfriend. But maybe also a little at the fact that one of the best dates he has been on was going to the goddamn library on a Friday night.
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heavencasteel420 · 8 months
I was feeling a bit stuck on my main WIPs, so for fun I wrote a couple of lines/paragraphs for each of my other story ideas (the proper ones where I have a general sense of the story's shape, not the shitpost ideas like "Chrissy turns into a car?"). Here are the ones for my Cute/Normal story ideas:
Nancy Wheeler Can't Win (no UD AU, Nancy-centric)
Sometimes, Nancy thought her life would be easier if she were dating Jason Carver instead. Not better, necessarily. She didn't like Jason nearly as much as Steve; he was kind of pompous and, although he technically looked way more like Tom Cruise, she couldn't imagine ever finding him as sexy as she did Steve. She couldn't help but notice, though, that Chrissy Cunningham didn't have to be one person on Saturday night and another on Monday morning.
Life During Wartime (companion to above, centers on Will and Jonathan)
"I can't believe I'll be the last one to get girlfriend," Mike lamented as he and Will biked home from school. It was a perfect September afternoon, neither too hot nor too cold, and the first leaves were turning yellow. "First Lucas and Max, then Dustin and Suzie, now you and Megan. I'm going to die a virgin."
"We could all still die virgins," Will pointed out. "I don't think Lucas and Max are doing it yet, and Megan and I definitely aren't. And we're not even sure if Suzie is real."
Horse Girl (Stoncy, summer 1985)
The thing about being an asshole, Steve thought, as he listlessly scooped butter pecan ice cream for a couple of sixty-something ladies, was that it took a long time to catch up with you. For instance: the thing he'd spray-painted on the theater marquee about Nancy almost two years ago. Sitting on the hood of his car outside the 7-11, he'd resigned himself to her shunning him forever. He'd even gone to apologize to Jonathan first so he could put off seeing the cold disgust on her face. Then, one month later, she'd taken him back, accepting his apology as a matter of course. Maybe that should've been his first clue that something was wrong.
It's All a State of Mind (AU where Hopper-Byers siblings are psychic carnies/confidence artists in the 1930s)
"Heather likes you," El pointed out a few days later, after they'd settled in. They were in the dining tent, digging into some beef stew. "You could get close to her."
"Keep eating and forget what Murray said," Jonathan told her, although he couldn't summon any harshness to back it up. This was the best meal that he or the kids had eaten in months. "Heather puts up with me. She doesn't want to get close to anyone, either."
Heather Holloway was an aerialist, a pert dark-haired girl who'd joined the circus to get away from a home in some ways worse than the one that Lonnie had provided him and Will. She was friendly to Jonathan, but that was probably because he'd shown no interest in getting inside her drawers.
"So you admit it," Will said smugly. "We wouldn't mind if you got married, you know. So long as we liked her.
From the High to the Low to the End of the Show (S1 AU where the teens are in their late twenties)
"Doesn't it piss you off?" Fred asked her. "That he can just waltz in and get a job because he's 'so talented,' when the rest of us had to work hard and do it the right way?" "Eyes on your own paper, Fred," Nancy said, in a chipper tone that she knew would annoy him. She agreed with him, to a point; she never would have been hired at the Hawkins Post if she'd gone to night school instead of IU. At the same time, she'd heard the other guys say that she'd only gotten the job out of pity. Fred wasn't one of them, but she was running on three hours of sleep an half a bagel, so she didn't feel like being nice. "Why would Holloway care about college? Byers has something he wants and he's willing to pay for it."
Tomorrow May Not Be Your Day (pre-S4 Jancy breakup, probably no Vecna, eventual Jargyle)
"I'm sure you'll work it out," Mom says. She smiles at him anxiously, and he knows what he should do. He should mumble agreement, accept this bit of comfort. Pay her back with white lies of his own: that the distance isn't really a problem, that she didn't kind of screw him over by moving them all across the country. That there's no reason to worry about him, because he's going to figure things out with Nancy and somehow make Emerson happen. "Yeah?" he asks instead. "What if I don't? What if this is it?" It doesn't come out as a plea for reassurance, either. That would be humiliating, maybe even futile, but at least everyone would understand what he was doing. Instead, it comes out as a challenge.
Let the Broken Hearts Stand (companion to above, Nancy's first year at college, eventual Nancy/Carol)
"Look, I was friends with Steve for, like, ten years before he ditched me and Tommy," Carol says, taking a drag off her cigarette, "but he was definitely the bigger asshole in your relationship." Nancy laughs, startled. Carol grins uncertainly, then offers her the cigarette. She accepts. "Like, whatever, you're a totally embarrassing drunk, and you didn't have the balls to dump him until you were sure you had Byers eating out of your pussy, but--" "Jesus Christ, Carol," Nancy said, turning bright red, but Carol waved her off. "Fine. Va-gi-na. Lady garden. Cavern of feminine wonders. Whatever Emily Post says to call it." Carol cackled as Nancy struggled to look disapproving. "My point is, he was also a fucking prick."
How Will You Make It on Your Own? (Stonathan no UD college AU, the context is Jonathan and Samantha have broken up):
Because all the theater freaks were shunning him, Jonathan sat with Barb and Nancy at lunch. "You'll get back together," Barb said glumly. It was unclear whether she was trying to reassure him but was too stressed out about Mathletes to manage a cheerful tone, or if she was predicting an outcome she disapproved of. "You'll ignore her, she'll call and sort of say sorry, and, because she apologized first, you'll fall all over yourself saying that it's all your fault, and that she's right that you should both move to New York City and live in a condemned building and wear garbage bags instead of clothes." Well. That answered his question. "I don't think that's going to happen," he said, contemplating the peanut butter cracker he'd spent the last half hour eating. "It feels different this time."
Oh, I'm Bound to Go (companion to Drive All Night)
Will wasn't sure who figured it out first, him or Mom. When the money first started coming in--so much money, enough for Mom's medicine and Will's new shoes and more food than he could ever remember having--he asked why they couldn't just live with Jonathan in the city. Surely Indianapolis had enough piecework and odd jobs for the two of them. "He's living in a boarding house, sweetheart," she said, keeping her eyes on the chicken she was cleaning instead of his face. "There's no room for us." Maybe she'd known it was a lie all along. But Will understood Jonathan better than anyone, knew how his lies looked and sounded. On paper, he couldn't hear the too-bright home or watch him disappear behind his eyes, but the wrongness came through all the same.
I Know It Breaks Your Heart (Tommy-centric, mostly future fic)
Tommy didn't need anyone to think that he was smart except for Carol, who understood without explanation that he didn't have to act like a nerd or a circus freak to prove that he was clever. It just felt shitty, sometimes, that Steve clearly thought of him as a dumbass. Steve, who had no bullshit meter and maintained a B-minus average with more effort than he liked to admit. It was annoying, but, more than that, it struck Tommy as greedy. Steve was taller, more handsome, more impressive on the court and field. He put people at ease. He could've let Tommy have something.
Raised on Promises (El's life in California, gen)
No matter what Joyce says, and no matter how nice Will and Jonathan are about it, El still feels embarrassed by the toys. Jonathan doesn't play with anything, except sometimes for the hacky sack Argyle gave him; he just listens to tapes and smokes. And maybe that's because he's almost grown up, but Will is her age and he gave away all his D&D stuff to Erica before they moved. He does art now, which isn't playing. Grown-ups do art, too, sometimes even as a job. The girls at school don't play with toys, either. They have fun like she and Max did last summer: dressing up and messing around with makeup and hanging out at the mall. Only the girls here aren't as nice, and Max isn't here to show her how to act her age. So she finds herself building little towns out of blocks and shuffling around a bunch of plastic dolls.
The P is for Perfection (and You Know That We Are Freaks) (Joyce doesn't move the family to California and El becomes a cheerleader)
"I heard she was raised in a cult," Amanda whispered to Chrissy, as the freshman girls lined up. "Chief Hopper knocked up some hippie and only found out when she died a couple years ago. And then he left her with Joyce Byers when he died. Not really an improvement, if you ask me." "Shush," Chrissy said. She was already getting a headache and the yelling hadn't even started. "You don't want the other girls to hear." Amanda muttered that it was common knowledge, but Chrissy tuned her out and studied Jane Hopper. She was on the tall side, with a lean and strong-looking frame. No flyer, but she could be a backspot or a base. She had curly brown hair pulled back in a scrunchy and a pretty, guileless face. She was dressed okay, in a baggy light purple sweatshirt and white leggings, but there was an air of offness about her.
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morganwrites12672 · 2 years
I have a request for Eddie Munson well kinda 2 of them, okee #1 vampire Eddie where maybe he feeds on the reader for the first time he takes it a little too far cause she tastes so good, angst to fluff? #2 where reader and the gang go back to the upside to retrieve Eddie's body only to come back and find evil Eddie maybe he kidnaps reader and she somehow is able to snap him out if it, again angst to fluff ?
Okay! I am going to write them both on here, I will add separate headlines!
Eddie Munson x Reader #1
Eddie moans at the taste of you. The bat attack had almost killed him, but somehow he became a vampire. No one else who was bit received the same effects.
He had been getting anxious, and wanted to try you. He could eat normal food but he needed to have some blood every few days to keep him healthy
You feel slightly lightheaded. All of the blood loss was going to your head. You would be fine, Eddie would know when to stop.
Eddies fangs dig into your skin, it doesn't hurt much. You feel faint. Little black spots start appearing in your vision
"Eddie, Eddie stop," you say feeling faint as his fangs move from their spot on your neck.
"Y/N? Baby, are you okay?" He asks with worry as you sit down on the couch and take a sip of your soda.
"Yeah, not so much so time ed's," you mumble as Eddie turns into a bat and cuddles into your neck.
Eddie Munson x Reader
He was dead. Your lover was dead. Eddie had sacrificed himself to the bats.
You hold back tears as you walk through the upside down with Robin, Nancy, Steve, and Dustin. This would be hard.
You find the spot Dustin said Eddie would be. He isn't?
"What the fuck?" Dustin mutters. You see the blood spots on the ground, kneeling down they feel warm.
"Fuck!" You scream as something grabs you from behind the neck. Eddie.
"Eddie put her down!" Steve yells aiming his bag at your lover. he wouldn't be able to get a clear shot without hurting you.
"Edward Munson," you say your voice more stern, it doesn't work. He has to be worked out of the trance.
"Ed's? Remember when we would make campaigns together? When we made cookies the first year we started dating for Christmas? They were a mess. They tasted like chocolate and cinnamon," you remind him and feel his grip waver.
Steve and the other watch you anxiously. they can't believe what they are seeing. Eddie doesn't have any major injuries, his eyes have a vecna type glow.
"I told you I loved you under skull rock," that worked. You feel Eddies grip on your neck fall as he spins you around to hug you.
"And I told you I loved you, and then we spent the night in my van. You had told your mom you were at Nancy's house," he smiles as he kisses you.
Nancy rolls her eyes. The amount of times she had to cover for you and Eddie..she nearly got both of you grounded when you both used the other for an excuse.
"I still love you," Eddie whispers as he takes your hand. You whisper it back as you all get the hell out of the upside down.
Sorry it wasn't that great! It's my first time writing Vampire Eddie or anybody who was under vecnas mind control!
Request are open! Likes are liked but reblogs are needed!
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helfireclub · 2 years
𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓵 {Eddie Munson x FEM OC}
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7| Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 (18+) | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 (18+)
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Chapter: A Substitute
Lucas was having this big basketball tournament on Saturdaynight.
Which fell directly on the same evening as the Hell fire club's last get-together before Mike was going to his girlfriend in California.
And what probably would be the last hell fire club 'cult of vecna' Dnd session.
Eddie was furious and told Dustin and Mike to find another substitute for Lucas.
Which they were trying to do.
Mike was running around the school asking his sister Nancy.
Who had been turning him down directly because she was so so busy with the school news paper.
Dustin was on the phone calling family video.
'Just move your date this one time!' Dustin was telling in the phone.
'Come the fuck on.'
'What, to hang out with you and Eddie ' the freak' Munson? ' Steve replied.
'I hear about him plenty the last 2 weeks so please.'
'Uh, yeah, I'll pas.' Steve said.
'You're just jealous cause I have another older male friend.' Dustin said proudly in the phone.
'ew. Ugh Whatever.' Steve replied.
'Besides, I mean , I really dig this girl.
I think she could..
Who knows maybe she could be the one.
Oh, I got some customers, call you back bye.' Steve said as he hung up the phone.
'No you can't I'm at.. ' Dustin said but Steve had hung up.
'school.' Dustin said as he walked away from the phone putting up his middle fingers.
'What was that?' Lilly said laughing as she put down her headphones walking to Dustin
'Steve.' Dustin replied while rolling his eyes.
'I know right, he's being an ass the last couple of days.' Lilly said with a smile to Dustin.
'You're telling me.' Dustin replied but a small smile appeared on his face.
'Oh wait there's Max!' Dustin replied as he ran over to Max.
Lilly walked after him.
She was looking around when she saw Chrissy looking around and walking to her.
'Hey..' Chrissy started.
'Hey! You feeling a bit better?' Lilly asked her putting a hand on her shoulder.
'Yeah I'm fine now, but it happends every now and then, they call it anxiety?' Chrissy said not really believing her own words.
'But euh, what happened to Jason?' she said looking up.
Lilly saw the glinster in her eyes so she knew Chrissy could laugh about it.
'Yeah it was kinda weird, he didn't really believe I would come to him for you, and started talking smack about me.' Lilly explained.
'So..' Lilly said raising her eyebrow and trying to look innocent.
Chrissy smiled.
'Damn, he's so nice to me, but he can act like a real prick to other people.' Chrissy said scratching the back of her head.
'But I think Eddie is waiting for you, you can just cross the tracks behind the school and follow the pad to the small woods.' Lilly said pointing.
'It's fine, he's cool.' Lilly said reassuringly throwing her hair forward so she could bind it up in a ponytail.
To which Chrissy's mouth fell open.
'Lilly omg!' she said as she took a step closer.
'What even is this a murderscene?' she said looking up to meet Lilly's gaze.
'I promise he does that only to me.' Lilly said pulling her hands up in self defense.
'Also don't tell anyone I just said that.
I'm here a month I don't need to reputation drug dealer girlfriend.' She said with a smile.
'Freak is good enough.'
To which Chrissy genuinely laughed as she gave Lilly a hug and walked away towards the place Lilly had told her about.
Lilly walked after Dustin who was talking to Max.
'If I play do I get one of those cool t-shirts?' Max said to Dustin.
It looked like she was really excited and Dustin was getting really happy to.
But the sarcasm was falling of of Max and Lilly noticed that trying to hold in her laugh.
'Yes!' Dustin said excitingly
'Really?' Max replied now the sarcasm was dripping of of her.
'Everyone gets a T-shirt.
We make 'em ourselves, and if you.. ' Dustin stopped mid sentence.
'You're being sarcastic.' Dustin said.
Lilly burst out in laughter and Max high-fived her and went off with her skateboard.
Lilly and Dustin sat down at the entrance of the school.
'I hate high school.' Mike said as he joined them.
'What's the matter guys? Tell me.' Lilly dropped on them.
And they both told the story about Eddie telling them to find a substitute.
'Damn he really is pyscho.' Lilly said shaking her head.
She stood in front of the two.
Dustin was looking her up and down.
'Isn't that Eddie's tshirt?' Dustin suddenly asked.
'What? No don't be ridiculous..' Lilly said waving it off.
'I love Black Sabbath, I bought it myself.' She said crossing her arms.
'And those bruises in your neck.' Mike said.
'Nancy had them all the time when Jonathan was still around.' Mike said as the both of them jumped up.
'Lilly is there something you're not telling us.' Dustin said as he raised his eyebrow to her.
Lilly let out a big sigh.
'ugh whatever.' She started.
'You guys are way to smart.
But yes, Eddie and I are kinda seeing each other.' Lilly said softly.
'But don't tell him I told you that.
Then these won't be the last I'd be having to hide from my mom.' Lilly said as she pointed to her neck.
'But Lilly didn't you tell us you used to play DnD?' Dustin said his arms crossed a smirk on his face.
To which rolled her head back
'Ugh fine.' She said
'But don't tell him yet, I want it to be a surprise..' Lilly said with a smirk.
'I need to go tho.' Lilly said as she saw Robin coming up.
'See you, tomorrow guys.' Lilly said smiling as they walked away.
Tumblr media
Chapter: A night you won't forget. {18+}
WARNING: Sexual content up ahead.
If you don't want to read it, that's fine for the story!
It was late and Steve was driving Lilly around.
'I can't fucking believe I'm doing this.' Steve said while driving his eyes focused on the road.
'It's because you love me.' Lilly replied as she put on of her feet on the dashboard.
'Jesus Lilly put that off' Steve said pushing her leg back down on the ground.
'Really Steve you can be no fun.' Lilly said with a smile on her lips.
'Well I'm getting more worried by the second of you and Eddie.' He said as he was taking a turn.
'Why. I'm fine, did he kill me and dump me in a ditch?' Lilly asked as she looked at Steve.
'I mean look a the girls your dating, they could be a serial killer to.' Lilly said rolling her eyes.
'He still could go all Ted Bundy on your ass though.' Steve said. As he stopped at the trailer park where Eddie lives.
'He could, but so can you Steve Harrington. ' Lilly said with a wink as she threw the door back.
Steve rolled down the window.
'Lilly I'm serious. Call Robin if anything is wrong I come and get you okay?' Steve said.
And that made Lilly's heart melt a little, he was such an older brother.
'Thanks Steve have fun with Brenda.' She said with a smile before turning around and walking down to the trailer park.
She saw a car driving off and then spotted Eddie's van.
So she knew where to go.
Lilly knocked on the door.
She had done her best on herself this time.
Her hair was still wet from the shower.
She was wearing a skirt with stockings and a sweater.
The door flung open and Eddie stood in the door way.
He was wearing black jeans and a motorhead tanktop.
Showing off his tattoos.
Lilly let her eyes adjust at the light from inside.
'Ah princess right on time~' He said as he helped her step up in the trailer.
When she looked around she saw his uncle was just as much as an metalhead as him.
The trailer was hanging full with caps of bands he or the both of them were listening to.
A huge stereo and well a couch and some stuff.
'Isn't your uncle home?' Lilly asked as she turned around to look at Eddie but he was gone.
'Eddie?' Lilly asked again as she walked to the place he stood before he was helping her in.
The door to a room was open, it was next to the kitchen.
'Not funny Eddie.' She said out loud when she walked in the room.
It was a mess and she saw a guitar hanging on the mirror.
Band posters everywhere.
When she suddenly got pushed.
She fell forward and of course landed on the bed in the room.
'For fucks sake Eddie I'm here not even 5 minutes and you start tripping and teasing me.' She said as she turned over ready to fire more of these comments at him.
But she was silent when she turned around.
He stood there behind the door a smirk on his lips.
Eddie walked over towards her.
'What's that lost your tongue? Because you're gonna need it tonight sweetheart.' He told her.
She gulped looking at the tall curls that were falling on his shoulders.
He had lost the tank top so he was standing in front of her only wearing pants.
'Lilith I asked you a question didn't i?' He asked her.
'Yeah i. I euh. I heard you.' She said locking eyes with him.
'Good' He told her as he sat down on his knees.
' I do think you're wearing a bit to much.' And in a matter of a second Eddie's hands were beneath her sweater pulling it over her head.
Gentle with her long hair so he wouldn't jank it out.
When he threw the sweater on the ground Eddie stood a little surprised.
She was wearing nothing underneath it.
'Did you have plans or something?' Eddie asked amused.
'Oh shut up you, like you didn't have plans.' Lilly said as she narrowed her eyes.
'Oh no no.' Eddie said as he got her face between his hand. Squashing her cheeks together.
'I told you this morning in the classroom I didn't like that.' He looked in her eyes.
To which Lilly's whole big mouth small heart melted right away.
'Yes you did.' She answered looking to the side breaking eye contact.
'My eyes are up here sweetheart.' Eddie said sternly.
Lilly looked back up into his eyes.
'Good.' He said as he then slid her back on the bed whilst kissing her lips.
To which Lilly directly deepened the kiss by putting her hands around his neck.
Eddie pulled his head back.
'who told you to do that?'
'Sorry.' Lilly said directly, In her head she was fighting a battle.
She didn't have to agree to this behaviour they were equals and she was not letting him boss her around.
But on the other hand she loved this about him.
His eyes peering through hers, she melted to butter with him.
'Good.' Eddie told her again.
He then actually deepened the kiss and pushed her down completely on the bed.
He was hovering over her, his hand slowly trailing over her arm up towards her neck.
Making Lilly shiver and a stocked sound came out of the back of her throat.
Eddie broke off the kiss and slowly went down to her neck.
'You really were rocking those Hickeys at school today.' He said as he nibbled on her collarbone.
'Thanks, what did you think of yours?' Lilly asked a devilish smirk appearing on her lips.
But Eddie was giving her a fast response by fastly pinching her nipple.
Lilly hadn't thought of him doing that, but it felt like a spark was running through her goosebumps were appearing on her skin and she let out a stocked moan.
'To answer your question Lilith.' Eddie said as he sat up.
'I needed to explain this to my uncle today.'
It was a hickey right underneath his jawline.
'Look's hot if im honest, Want some more~' she said as she stuck out her tongue to him.
'You stay down.' Eddie then told her and bit in her neck.
Making Lilly whimper.
He then slowly went down to her breasts.
Eddie took one in his hand and started slowly massaging it. for the other he had other plans.
Lilly made a squirm underneath him.
'Did I tell you to move?' Eddie asked as he looked up through the dark locks of his hair.
To which Lilly nodded no.
'Then don't move.' He said and he went back to her breasts.
He was sitting over her.
Put her legs on both sides of him.
He let one hand slide slowly down over her stomach.
Softly touching her.
'Eddie?' Lilly softly asked.
'Speak up Princess I don't hear you.' He said as he let go of her nipple on which he was softly suckling.
'Can I moan?' She softly asked putting one of her arms over her face.
So he couldn't see how red she turned
'Princess.' Eddie said as he came up letting go of her and softly grabbing her arm.
'We don't do that here.'
'There is no shame in being aroused.' Eddie said as he kissed back towards her neck and slowly to her lips.
He bit in her bottom lip.
To which she let out a moan.
'good. Moan for me Lilith.' Eddie told her his voice getting lower.
She could feel he was aroused to, but she didn't want to be a brat and interrupt him again.
He then did a fast power move.
He was kissing down the valley of her breasts and down to her navel.
His hands were squeezing in her thighs and slowly up towards her hips.
Eddie was fast and in just a second he had pulled down Lilly's stockings.
Lilly did not even have time to comprehend.
He was snaking his arms around her thigs holding them steady.
Even tho he was basically trapping Lilly in his arms, he was softly kissing the inside of her thighs.
Lilly had stopped squirming but this feeling was phenomenal.
When she felt his lips leave her thigh she let out a sigh in protest.
But in a matter of a second she had her hands up in his hair.
Eddie had shoved her thong to the side giving him full access to her real private parts.
His breathing shifted and he slowly digged in.
Making long hales alongside her slit.
Teasing her like crazy.
'Eddie...' Lilly brought out.
'Not yet princess.' Eddie said while she could feel his voice vibrations against her.
But after a second of ten, he digged in slowly and teasingly licking her slit.
Making long hales or fast short ones.
He was holding her down by her hips.
His nails digging in her hips.
Lilly had bucked herself up tangling her hands in his hair.
As she let out a real moan this time.
He was not done yet, Eddie Munson had lots of tricks up his sleeve.
Eddie had found her sweet spot and he started softly sucking on it.
Which made Lilly buck up her hips, Making Eddie double down on them.
Lilly let out a really loud moan when he started suckling on her.
'Eddie... ' Lilly brough out again.
But he was determined and didn't even react.
'Eddie.. Please..' Lilly brought out between her moans.
Which made him let go of her hips. And getting up from beneath her skirt.
'What's that Princess?' Eddie said as he stood up loosing his pants.
Lilly couldn't help but stare.
He was having a real tent situation there.
Lilly was panting but their eyes locked in a second.
'Fuck me you're hot.' Eddie said as he walked over to the bed and as soon as he reached the bed Lilly pulled him in.
She directly kissed him again. And he lost his underwear before laying down next to her.
His hand on the back of her neck.
'Princess..' Eddie said slowly.
'I'll ask you this 100 times but are you okay with everything?' he was reassuring her that she could back out if she wanted.
To which Lilly lifted up his chin.
'God I wished you fucked me back in that lake house.' Lilly answered their eyes locking.
'I can't think about anything else.' She said softly as she reached for a kiss.
But stopped right before his lips.
She could feel him opening his mouth and then pushing her to him with his hand on the back of her neck.
'God I wish I fucked you this morning, I've been thinking about it all day.' He said with his voice low.
They kissed again and it was sloppy.
When she heard the sound of a wrapper.
Eddie never broke the kiss his hand did however leave her neck.
So she knew he was actually putting it on.
He then shifted herself and Lilly laid down on her back.
'Eddie.. ' Lilly whispered.
'Fuck me please.' Lilly whispered in his ear.
'God fuck Lilly.' He cursed as he positioned himself and snaked one arm around her back and the other on the back of her neck.
As he slowly pushed himself forward.
Lilly let out a loud moan, while putting one of her hands on his shoulder and the other on his back.
He hold steady for a second once again seeking eye contact with her.
Lilly nodded to him and she clashed her lips on his.
He slowly started moving himself and Lilly couldn't help it but the sounds were escaping her lips.
When they broke the kiss He dug himself in her neck.
And Lilly laid her head back on the bed.
Her other hand leaving Eddie's shoulder grabbing the matrass, as he picked up the pace.
Leaving the position they were in he sat back on his knees pulling her up on his lap.
So he could reach even more deeper inside of her.
He loud out a low moan followed by him backing his head back and closing his eyes.
While Lilly couldn't help but moan even louder he was reaching even deeper.
'Fuck.. .' Lilly cursed a loud
Trying to find a rhythm in her racked breath.
'God Lilith.' Eddie exclaimed.
As he bowed over her his head once again buried in her neck.
Eddie picked up the pace to an unhuman speed.
Lilly could fell he was close his breathing was getting uneven.
'Eddie please..' Lilly moaned.
To which Lilly came up with her own brilliant idea, the whole searching eye contact thing. She reached her hand to his hair and pulled his head out of her shoulder.
As they locked eyes.
'I'm going to cum..' Lilly brought out
'Me to Princess.' Eddie exclaimed as he grabbed her hips and continued his insanely speed.
When Lilly went over the edge she arched her back to which Eddie grabbed the small of her back and pushed himself in deep.
As he came himself.
Lilly was a sweaty moany mess as she fell limp on his bed.
And when Eddie pulled out he took a few minutes to collapse on top of her.
Then he stood up and pulled up his underwear.
'Give me a second.' He said before walking out of the room.
To which Lilly sat up.
Looking a bit sad, she wouldn't mind cuddling with him till she was picked up by Steve.
In a few minutes he was back with a bottle of water and a few towels.
He also grabbed a shirt out of his closet.
And gave it to her.
'Here come on let me help you.' He said as he pulled the shirt over her head and gave her the bottle of water.
To which she gratefully took, and when she was back a bit of water had been running down her chin, drinking straight from the bottle that wasn't even that weird.
A few drops had been falling on her shirt.
To which Eddie was staring.
'Eyes are up here Munson.' Lilly said with a smirk.
She gave him the bottle of water but Eddie licked the small bit of her chin.
Before putting the bottle away.
He laid back in bed and opened his arm for her to lay in.
To which Lilly smiled and jumped in his arms.
'Thanks Eddie.' Lilly said with a smile kissing his nose.
'Anything for you Lilith.' Eddie replied as he snuggled his nose in her hair. 
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alba8688 · 2 months
Love hurts
Chapter 40
Word count:2946
Dani’s pov
"Miss .Henderson, what a pleasure to see you ." Miss.Odonell walks over to where Eddie Nate and I were celebrating our happiness.
But now my happiness has gone to fear and I think Eddie notices because he pulls away from me still with Nate in his arms .
"Miss.O'donnell's hi." I walk over to her "what brings you back ?"she ask crossing her arms over her chest .
"I -I brought my son to see Um Dustin ...But he was busy and Eddie came to tell me ." I don't know if that was a good lie .
But I really hope she believes it .
"Oh ,ok I see ." The bell rings signaling Eddie has to go back to school .
"Well it was nice seeing you ." She says politely
"Mr.Munson class ." She says sternly before walking away .
I really hope she didn't see Eddie and I kissing . I know I'm not his teacher anymore but somehow the fear was there and I don't know why .
I walked back over to Eddie. I felt awful for lying .
He doesn't deserve that ,but he knows I don't meant it in a bad way or it doesn't mean that I'm embarrassed of him because if it were for me I would post it on my social media and tell the whole world how happy Eddie Munson makes me .
Eddie pecked my cheek before leaving to class and I told him that I'll wait for him at my moms house to go to Wayne's afterwards but he told me that we should go check the mattresses first  because he wanted me to move in ASAP he didn't want to miss a minute of my pregnancy .
I told him that it was too early for any other symptoms. I don't think the baby would be moving right now or would it ?
Nate wouldn't move that much when I was pregnant with him . I was always scared and Liam and I would always rush me to the E.R but it turns out he was sleeping or like they say he was a bit lazy .
Ate always gave us a scare during the pregnancy either he wouldn’t move or I would bleed or I would be in a lot of pain .But I’m after all that pain my baby came out healthy and that’s all it mattered.
So I said my goodbyes to Eddie and watched him go about into school .Somehow I had this awful
Feeling inside of me and a voice telling me
That everything i was doing was wrong because I was dating someone who was in high school.someone who was younger than me .
I know it wasn’t by much but people
In this town talk too much .
I needed to the right thing .
But what was the right thing to do ?
So Now I will head home to let my mother know or maybe I'll just do a dinner this weekend and invite Wayne over as well as Steve to let them know the news .
Hopefully my mother and Wayne take the news well ..
I went back home and I felt like I could breathe again as soon as I walked in the door because I felt I was holding in my breath all the time I was talking to Miss .O'donnell's even though it wasn't for a long time ,for me it felt like hours .
Hopefully she doesn't tell Eddie anything  or doesn't get suspicious of us .
I mean it doesn't matter anymore right because I'm not his teacher ?
I honestly don't understand how everything works ,hopefully I did the right thing and not get myself in some legal problems .
Maybe we should make it official to the public until after Eddie graduates  .
Maybe I'll talk to him about that later .
But now I need to start packing Nate's and my stuff because Eddie wants us to move in by this weekend .
I mean I don't have a lot of stuff to pack here with my mom. All of my stuff is in a storage room.
Fuck and I haven't told my mom I was moving in with Eddie yet .
Great, I should tell her today .
Ozzy and Nate passed by me running to Dustin's room. I know what he was going to do; he can't stop playing on his PlayStation .
That reminds me of me. I love playing as well but I rage so much and start telling other players shit ,so I stop playing. Maybe I should start playing again to pass time right now that  I'm not working .
Or maybe I should get myself another job that doesn't involve me working in the high school with my boyfriend .
That's a weird sentence that I  would never say
I looked for my mom but she wasn't home so I went to my room and lay down but then  decided to set up my gaming system to my tv in my room and started playing one of my favorite games online.
I hadn't even noticed Nate and Ozzy had walked in my room. They were both in my bed watching Movies on his tablet .
I hadn't even checked the time either but I continued playing raging like crazy.
"That's fucking bullshit I fucking shot him!!" I shouted into my mic
"Yeah go fucking help your boyfriend!!" I shouted i fucking hated campers and snipers .
I started getting a bit better damn I had forgotten how good it felt to play online fuck it felt good it was like a rush of adrenaline ,it was my own little world that let me escape from my real problems .
Why did I stop playing again?
Oh yeah because I get mad easily .
"Fuck you and your boyfriend!!" I shouted into the mic again "fucking campers "
The door to my room opened but I didn't pay attention to who it was. I was too into the game lost in my own trance killing player after player .
Laughing and cursing everytime I killed Someone.
"Those are some cute headphones ." I heard a familiar voice. I took off my headset and Eddie was leaning against the door.
I got up jumping into his arms "hi baby ." I coo
"Hi sweetheart." He smiled and kissed me back ..
"Thank you I love them ." I pick my headset and show it to him .
It was a pink headset that had ears that turned on colorful light.
"Where was all this all these time ?" Eddie ask
"Well I never had time to play when I was working so it was just in my closet sleeping waiting for me to come back to the darkside ." I giggle
"You're such dork ." He Pecks my lips
"Momma can I stay with grandma while
You go shopping With Eddie ." Nate said sleepily ,he was half asleep laying down in bed with Ozzy .
Ozzy was already snoring and Nate had his eyes half open.
My poor babies were tired I had them walking all over the mall looking for the perfect gift to tell
Eddie about the pregnancy .
So I'll just let them rest but first I got to let my mother know hopefully she is here already .
Eddie told me he had brought Dustin with him from school so I just told Dustin to watch Nate and Ozzy until my mother got back .
I called my mother letting her know Eddie and I were heading to the store but Nate didn’t feel like going and of course my mother said yes to taking care of Nate she loves him more than me .plus She told me she was already on her way so Eddie and I headed to the Mattress store to buy a new Mattress for us.
Furniture store
"This one is nice ." Eddie says flopping on a mattress then making a face "nevermind is too hard ." He stands up and walks over another mattress that looks like it was one of those massaging ones and had a heat temperature.
"Jesus Christ !! Is this the price ?" Eddie whisper shouts at me showing me the tag of the mattress "what the fuck does it do?" He makes a funny face making me chuckle "does it help me move when I'm you know ." He humps the air, making me gasp.
"Eddie !!" I whisper shout
"Well if I'm buying a mattress for this price it should be worth it ." He says for only me to hear .
He immediately forgets about the price and jumps on the mattress and finds the remote for it and starts messing with it .
"What the Fuck !! This thing is vibrating!!." He says excitedly "Jesus Christ it moves from one side look!" He shows me moving his side of the mattress up and down
"I guess you found the one you want then ?" I ask him
"Sweetheart, fuck I wish I could take it but it's way over my spending limit ." He stands up from the mattress and walks over another that looks cheaper .
"Yeah I can't offer this one either ." I heard him mumble
I walk over to the mattress Eddie had liked and check the price tag .It is  pretty expensive but I know he likes it and I know he is not gonna tell me he wants it .
I was debating whether to buy it or not ,it wasn't because I didn't have the money trust me I had the money but I promised Eddie I wasn't going to waste a lot of money on him on stuff he didn't really need .
But I mean he does need a new mattress and other things I can make an exception right.
I mean is something he needs.
I grab one of the price tags with the mattress info and walk over to the cash register to pay for it .
Hopefully Eddie doesn't get mad
Eddie pov
Fuck I can't even afford any of this fucking mattresses,why are they so fucking expensive is there one like for twenty dollars ??
What kind of mattress would I get for twenty dollars?
Maybe we should keep looking at other stores but I don't want to look at other stores because that meant we were gonna take more time for Dani and Nate to move in with me .
I should really decide on a mattress here but I don't mean to sound cheap or anything but I'm broke as fuck and I don't want Dani wasting  her money  on me .
I know she has told me she doesn't care but I don't want to feel like I'm a charity case .
"Eddie ." Dani makes a beeline to me with a big smile plastered on her face .
"Let's go get other stuff you and uncle Wayne need at the trailer my treat ."she takes my hand and we start walking out of the store
"Hey ,what about the mattress ?" I ask looking back at the store
"They're taking it tomorrow early to your house ." She says without looking at me and rushing to her side of the car.
Excuse me ?
What does she mean they are taking it tomorrow ?
I open the door to the car and get in "what do you mean ? Did you buy it ?" I ask her .
I don't know why I even bother asking because I know she did .
I know she had the money to buy whatever she wanted ,she didn't need me to take care of her because she had her own app thingy with Liam that made good money .
But somehow I felt like I was the one that was supposed to be spoiling her with gifts ,she deserves everything in the world .
There was no way I could ever pay her back for everything she has done for me or the gifts I've received from her .
Like fucking New York as a Christmas present!!
Who the fuck gives those kind of presents !!
I can barely take her to Indianapolis for a weekend.
Maybe she deserves to be with Liam .
But no!! Why the fuck would I think like that she chose me and she is having my baby .
"Eddie ." She said softly getting me out of my thoughts
"Yeah ."I responded looking out the window . I hadn't even realized we were moving .
"A-are you mad ?" She ask keeping her eyes on the road
Am I mad?
Not at her but at me because it's taken me 3 years to graduate for being an idiot and wanting to skip classes ,not taking fucking school seriously .
If I should have done better maybe I could have gone to college and give her a better future for her Nate and baby Munson.
But those where my plans now ,I was hoping to tell her soon I was thinking of taking her out in a date and let her know I made an application for college here at our local college and I was accepted .
But I'll just wait to let her know .
"I'm not mad sweetheart ,but you know I don't like you wasting money on us ,you know I don't care about material stuff ." I tell her honestly because in reality I don't give a shit where I sleep .
But im not gonna lie that mattress was awesome who would have thought that you could be sleeping and your own fucking mattress can massage you .
I wonder what mattress she got ?
"But you know that I don't care ,that everything I do comes from the bottom of my heart. I don't do it for you to pay me back, I do it because I love you ."
"I know sweetheart ." I placed my hand in her thigh, squeezing lightly, "So which mattress did you get ?" I ask, trying my best not to smile and hoping it was the one that vibrates.I'm sorry but I get too excited. I've never had some fancy ass shit like that.
"You'll find out tomorrow baby ."
"Dani, please tell me !!" I begged her
"I'm not telling you you'll find out tomorrow ." She smiles
"Fine ." I crossed my arms over my chest "but I'm
Buying the duvet shit you wanted ." I tell her not looking at her
"Fine with me pretty boy ." She chuckles
The rest of the afternoon we went to different stores. I have never spent so much money like we did today. I don't even want to ask if she had any money left because she probably did .
She bought so many fucking candles I don't know for what ,but to be honest they all smell pretty good..
After all the shopping, we stopped at Dani's house to pick Up Nate and Ozzy then headed to mine. Wayne was cooking dinner for us today.I wanted to tell him about Dani being pregnant but Dani said she was making dinner on Saturday at her moms house  and she was going to invite Wayne and Steve to tell them The great news .
I still couldn't believe she was pregnant. It was something I honestly didn't expect. I mean I did see myself in the future getting married and maybe having two kids and a dog .
But I never expected it to be so soon ,plus she had that thing in her arm that was supposed to prevent pregnancy. I guess that shit didn't work .
But either way I couldn't be happier. I was going to be a Dad ,the smile grew on my face just thinking about it ,just thinking of the tiny little human growing in Dani's tummy .
I moved my hand from her thigh to her tummy ,she still wasn't showing she didn't even look pregnant but there was a tiny little blob in there somewhere .
"Are you crying ?" Dani asked while making a stop at a red light ,I hadn't even noticed I was crying my stupid eyes betrayed me .
"Maybe ." I chuckled trying to hide the sob that wanted to come out. "I'm Just really happy sweetheart ." I lean in to peck her cheek .
"I love you Ed's ."
"I love you too sweetheart ."
Once we got to the trailer we got Down some of the stuff Dani had bought for the trailer ,Wayne was over the moon when Dani told him she had bought a new Coffee maker a fancy ass shit that I didn't understand instead of putting coffee on the top you put a little tiny cup that had the coffee in there ,I tell you all this new electronic shit are so difficult .
But Wayne loved it saying it was just like the one at the plant .
She also got him a new microwave because she saw the time she came when,that we didn't have one.
I sarcastically told her she might as well buy the stove and fridge on the way .
And I regret it because now she was checking if the stove and fridge work probably.
She was honestly too good to us .
I've never met a person who actually cares for me and my uncle .
She even sent somebody to check the wiring of the trailer a few weeks ago ,but she didn't tell me anything. Wayne was the one that told me and now we have new wiring .
I honestly don't know what I did to deserve her .
But the whole time I felt like shit because I couldn't give her the life she deserves,I mean she even bought her own house, something that I should be doing .
But no I'm stuck in high school for the third fucking time .
Jesus H!!!
But seeing the way she is with everyone not only with my uncle but her mom makes me be a better man .
One day I promise I will give her everything she deserves .
Next chapter
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