#EARN 200$-300$
totally-italy · 5 months
Wherefore dost motivation hold deep hatred for me?
As the heading probably implies, I am currently lacking a lot of motivation, which is truly sub-optimal because I literally have my Italian GCSEs this week and I literally have not revised. Moreover, my End of Years are fast approaching and I have my French GCSEs in three week's time. Help.
Consequentially, even though my history teacher still refuses to believe that it is a word, I have decided to turn this into one of those posts where my dopamine literally just relies on the number of notes that I recieve. As promised, @the-red-planet-mars, the floor is yours you have been tagged.
Please don't spam the comment section.
You can tag a maximum of 5 people.
Please don't spam reblog.
10 notes: I will actually plan my English homework so that I can then do it without having to ask for an extension. It is due on the day on which I have two of my Italian papers.
15 notes: I will update my 'Aeneid' notes so that my virtual document is up to date with the translations that we have done in class. I should technically also revise the themes and how Juno is portrayed, but we don't talk about that right now.
20 notes: If I haven't done this yet, I will create both a Spanish Quizlet with all the vocabulary I need to learn and I will create a Latin one for all the vocabulary from 'The Aeneid' that I need to know.
25 notes: I will plan, in English, different things that I could say for the picture for my French IGCSE oral. Also, this is a picture I will be using for my Spanish End of Years, so that is doubly helpful.
30 notes: I will do an Italian listening paper though I will listen to it at a faster speed than what is asked because otherwise I will literally get so bored and lose all will to live.
45 notes: I will finish researching Virgil and the historical context.
60 notes: I will practice Latin and Greek vocabulary on Quizlet every day after this week, for at least 10 minutes each day for each language.
75 notes: I really need to do this. I will make a poster with how to form different tenses in Italian.
100 notes: I will do an Italian Writing practice paper. This is going to cause me so much suffering. Help me.
120 notes: I will actually write down different expressions, including idomatic phrases, that I could use to describe the picture for my French IGCSE oral.
130 notes: I will make physics notes on energy.
140 notes: I will make notes on quantitative chemistry.
150 notes: I will make a poster with how to form different tenses in French.
155 notes: I will watch the AQA videos on the Cold War and make notes on them.
170 notes: I will do a practice Spanish listening paper.
200 notes: I will practice Latin and Greek vocabulary on Quizlet every day after this week, for at least 30 minutes each day for each language, including a written vocabulary test.
230 notes: I will do a practice Spanish reading and writing paper.
250 notes: I will do a practice Latin translation and ask my teacher if she happens to have a mark scheme.
270 notes: I will do a practice Greek translation and ask my teacher if she happens to have a mark scheme.
300 notes: I will finish my RSP notes on Crime and Punishment.
350 notes: I finish my Biology notes on reproduction.
380 notes: I will finish my RSP notes on Religion and Life.
430 notes: I will look through my history notes on Germany and finish them in accordance to the AQA book.
520 notes: I will do a practice Greek language paper.
530 notes: I will do a practice Latin language paper.
605 notes: I will actually write down different expressions, including idomatic phrases, that I could use to describe the picture for my Spanish End of Year oral.
720 notes: I will finish my RSP notes on Buddhism.
850 notes: I will make full notes on the Cold War.
Honestly, if you have even bothered to read through all of these, you have absolutely earned more respect that I thought I was capable of giving to a single human being. I technically have a lot more things I should do, including re-reading Things Fall Apart and actually making complete maths notes, as well as notes for the sciences, but I doubt I will never get this many tags anyway.
Edit: It has been five minutes and I already got 14 notes. I am actually terrified of this site. What in Tartarus? Y'all are crazy and I love you so much.
479 notes · View notes
thisisnotthenerd · 8 months
the ratgrinders' potential levels
cannot believe i was right about the xp reqs. the bad kids & the seven get 'special treatment' (milestone leveling and saving the world), while others have to work with xp. which tells you a lot about why people fled during prompocalypse.
ok getting into the algebra now: the rat grinders have gone into the far haven woods every day for the last two years, for 3 hours after school, and 9 hours/day on weekends. presumably they keep this up during the summer.
they have supposedly defeated 80,000 or more of three types of creatures: rats, spiders, and twig blights. there are some variations to what these could be, so here's a list of what this could encompass, assuming the ratgrinders are not facing creatures over CR 1.
giant rat: CR 1/8, 25 XP
swarm of rats: CR 1/4, 50 XP
giant wolf spider: CR 1/8, 25 XP
swarm of spiders: CR 1/2, 100 XP
giant flying spider: CR 1, 200 XP
giant spider: CR 1, 200 XP
ice spider: CR 1, 200 XP
twig blight: CR 1/8, 25 XP
needle blight: CR 1/4, 50 XP
thorn slinger: CR 1/2, 100 XP
vine blight: CR 1/2, 100 XP
razorvine blight: CR 1, 200 XP
thorny: CR 1: 200 XP
the full list is a little difficult to do calculations on, so let's condense it. assume a quarter of the 80000 creatures were CR 1/8, a quarter were CR 1/4, so on and so forth.
how much xp would they earn? how much would they level for the amount they ground? grinded? for?
critical assumption here: in the games i've played, we've always done milestone or zeroed out xp with each level, i.e. after earning 300 xp to get to level 2, you have to earn 900 xp to get to level 3, not 600. this analysis assumes that you have to earn the next levels xp reqs on top of your current total. i'm including the xp chart here to clarify:
level 1: 0 XP, +2, total 0 XP
level 2: 300 XP, +2, total 300 XP
level 3: 900 XP, +2, total 1200 XP
level 4: 2700 XP, +2, total 3900 XP
level 5: 6500 XP, +3, total 10400 XP
level 6: 14000 XP, +3, total 24400 XP
level 7: 23000 XP, +3, total 47400 XP
level 8: 34000 XP, +3, total 81400 XP
level 9: 48000 XP, +4, total 129400 XP
level 10: 64000 XP, +4, total 193400 XP
level 11: 85000 XP, +4, total 278400 XP
level 12: 100000 XP, +4, total 378400 XP
level 13: 120000 XP, +5, total 498400 XP
level 14: 140000 XP, +5, total 638400 XP
level 15: 165000 XP, +5, total 803400 XP
level 16: 195000 XP, +5, total 998400 XP
level 17: 225000 XP, +6, total 1223400 XP
level 18: 265000 XP, +6, total 1488400 XP
level 19: 305000 XP, +6, total 1793400 XP
level 20: 355000 XP, +6, total 2148400 XP
if we went cumulatively, based on the number of creatures the bad kids have defeated, they'd be getting up there in xp. we know they've had opportunities to defeat creatures outside of the quests that we've seen, given the oneshots. thus, i'm going with the second explanation, because otherwise the ratgrinders would be 19th level, and i don't think they are, because it would make any pvp setups super unbalanced, which are neither fun to play nor watch. this puts them on a little more even ground and emphasizes the amount of work it takes to xp grind to level against milestone leveling.
for the CR 1/8s: assuming roughly 20,000 creatures, they'd get 25 XP per, which means 500,000 xp. that's cumulatively enough to get to level 13, on just those creatures. divided 6 ways, assuming the ratgrinders have 6 members, it's 83,333.33, which is enough to get you to 10th level cumulatively and 8th non cumulatively.
this scales up to the 1/4s, 1/2s and the 1s since the xp gains double for each challenge rating rather than plateauing as they do at higher levels.
for the CR 1/4s: 1,000,000 xp. that's cumulatively enough to get to level 16 on just those creatures. divided 6 ways, assuming the ratgrinders have 6 members, it's 166,666.66, which is enough to get you to 15th level cumulatively and 9th non cumulatively.
for the CR 1/2s: 2,000,000 xp. divided 6 ways, assuming the ratgrinders have 6 members, it's 333,333.33, which is enough to get you to 19th level cumulatively, and 11th level non cumulatively.
and for the 1s, 4,000,000 xp. well over what you'd need to get to level 20, on just the CR 1s. divided 6 ways, assuming the ratgrinders have 6 members, it's 666,666.66, which is well over 20th level cumulatively, and 14th level non cumulatively.
using this estimate and adding all of this up, each member of the ratgrinders would have gathered enough xp to be level 20 cumulatively, and level 17 non cumulatively.
obviously the actual numbers would scale differently; initially, they would likely have to tackle these creatures as a party, but over time would take care of them individually. this is a bunch of kids doing the intro to class assignment for every assignment for two years straight.
level 20 seems extreme for the aguefort adventuring academy; let's scale it down a bit. the creatures specifically mentioned are probably giant rats, giant wolf spiders, and twig blights, based on the descriptions from jawbone.
all of these are CR 1/8, or 25 XP each. 80000 would give an xp total of 2,000,000, which would put each of the ratgrinders at around 11th level, a little higher level than the bad kids at the moment. however, since their fighting prowess scaled up, and they're probably going out in elmville and actively hindering the bad kids in some way, that level is very likely to increase.
what we saw in the episode
now the sticking point is mary ann rolling a 35. we know she got some kind of transmutation buff. a little tricky wording from brennan; fabian had enhance ability on, which is a transmutation spell. he did not say it was enhance ability.
mary ann is a barbarian, so she already gets advantage on athletics if she's raging, which i assume she was. the buff probably wouldn't be something that grants advantage.
assuming the lower estimate of 11th level, mary ann would get a +4 proficiency bonus, and i'm assuming she has 20 in strength, so +5 to her strength based skills, for a total of +9. at the high estimate of level 17, she would have a +6 to her proficiency bonus, which would give her a total of +11 to athletics. this is still not high enough to get a 35, even on a nat 20, which brennan would have declared if he had rolled one. she could conceivably accomplish this with the brawny feat, which allows for expertise in the athletics skill, which would give her a +17, meaning she could hit a 35 on a 18.
or, the buff was something like skill empowerment, which is a 5th level transmutation spell that gives the target expertise in a skill that they already have proficiency in. this spell is available to bards and wizards, among other classes, both of which we presume are in the ratgrinders. ruben could have cast skill empowerment on mary ann and given her bardic inspiration (lower estimate: d10, higher estimate: d12), both of which would have enabled that 35.
judging by the implication that she could not accomplish that feat without some kind of buff, i'm going with the latter explanation.
anyway i did too much math for this to not go in the stats series, or the school series. so this will be added to the spreadsheet later.
i hope this is useful.
427 notes · View notes
chopstick-heartes · 1 month
Doing one of these because I need encouragement because I’m starting to get discouraged about life
If this gets:
10 notes: I’ll drink more water
20 notes: I’ll fix my bed
50 notes: I’ll give away the schoolbooks I’ve had for two years that are just sitting in my closet (Done!)
100 notes: I’ll work harder to earn more money to replace my headphones (they’re like 4 yrs old) (HAHAAAAAAA DONE)
150 notes: I’ll tell my parents how exhausting it makes me to perform certain basic activities (FJCKING DONE)
200 notes: I’ll talk to my parents about their dismissive attitude of my mental and physical difficulties (DONEEEEEEEEE)
300 notes: I’ll talk to my parents about allowing me to cook for myself (if I cook I have to cook for the whole family which seriously discourages me from doing it and now I won’t cook unless forced to)
400 notes: I’ll talk to my mom about her barging into my room without knocking first or waiting for me to say it’s okay
500 notes: I’ll do a full clean of my room
600 notes: I’ll ask my parents if I can open commissions to make myself some more money 
700 notes: I’ll try to get a cashapp 
800 notes: I’ll try to fix my sleep schedule
Doubt this is gonna make it past 20 notes but I can hope
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novella-november · 19 days
Here's a WIP list of my ideas for a full year of monthly writing events!
If you have any suggestions *please* feel free to send them in :D
Not everyone has free time to do a full 30k in November in particular, and the key of learning to write consistently...... is consistency!
Writing in earnest for just one month out of the year doesn't give you much practice, does it?
But 30k every single month can be exhausting an daunting!
So, here's my WIP proposal....
January [15k total / 500 each day]-- Public Domain-Day Dash -- On January 1st, pick a brand-new Public Domain work, read/study it for a week while brain storming, then spend the next three weeks writing 5k words to make by the end of the month a 15k word short story, adapting that PD Work into another genre / time period / etc. February [20k total / ~714 Each day ] -- Freedom February -- Black History Month. Each week, write 5,000 words each week celebrating freedom from tyranny in all its forms. March [9,300 total / 300 each day] -- Spring Equinox -- Each day, write 300 words based on the concepts of warmth, renewal, rebirth, changing of the guard, etc. April [8k total / ~285 per day] -- April Fools -- Each week, write 2k words of a comedy short story, to end the month with 8k words of comedy. May [6,200k total / 200 each day] -- International Workers Celebration -- Each day, write 200 words about a character in your line of work (or a nonfiction diary/article) and what you enjoy about it and how it keeps the world turning, or saving the world in some emergency, then take some time to relax, you've earned it! June [15k total / 500 each day] -- Pride Month -- write 500 words each day, either fictional or nonfictional, about queer history, pride, solidarity, or intersectionality. July [15.5k words total / 500 each day] -- Disability Pride Month -- Each day, write 500 words about your favorite genre, from the perspective of a disabled character (or a character with your own disabilities), and what kind of accommodations they use in their daily lives, without magically erasing their disability. August [15.5k words total / 500 each day]-- Alien August -- Aliens have invaded! Pick your favorite genre, and each day, write 500 words of that genre, with a plot that gets interrupted by an alien visitation! September [60-100 Pages / 2-3 each day] -- Scripting September -- Each day, write 2-3 script pages for an audio-drama, stage-play, or movie/tv show, to end the month with a 60 to 100 page script. October [20k total / 714 each day] -- Ominous October -- A choice of themes will be decided on before October, two options for each week, and everyone will write a 5k word short horror/spooky story each week, that all get posted on October 31st / Halloween
November -- Novella November [30k total / 1k each day]-- Write 1k words a day to reach 30k words by the end of the month. You can write a 30k word novella, use it as the start of a larger novel, write a series of short stories (such as writing a 7.5k word short story per week), etc. [30k total / 1k each day] December -- Don't Touch It December [6,200k total / 200 each day] -- this is your month of relaxation! Write just 200 words per day about anything you enjoyed / are proud of from the past year, and what you are looking forward to in the future! [6,200k total / 200 each day]
If you prefer to focus on just the longer challenges and spend the other months editing, we can also have mirror events each month for different ways of editing with community support!
Things like Beta reader swaps, doing cover mockups, localization help for those not writing in their first language, etc!
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carnalcervidae · 4 months
Ok imagine this. You’re chatting online with a gainer and they say they really want to be 300 pounds. Pretty good goal weight. The post a lot about how they want to be massive, constantly listing people who are 500 lbs as “goals”, and such. Nothing out of the ordinary. You tease him and motivate him to gain more and more. All goes well. He’s eating massive portions, you watch him earn extra stretch marks, etc. Until one day he tells you he’s disappointed with how slow his gains have been.
He keeps hearing other gainers talk about gaining 2 pounds a week, and he can only manage that much in about two months. He says he’s eating 5000 calories a day and doesn’t know what he’s doing wrong, that he’s only 189 pounds. Looking at his pictures, you’d think he’d have to be extremely short to only weigh that much. At his size he looks bigger than any 300 pound man you’ve seen. You try to keep him motivated and tell him to maybe shake up what he’s eating to be more fattening. Try more carbs, more fats, fry your veggies in butter and cream, etc. Try this 4000 calorie gainer shake every day, i’ll send you extra money for treats.
He finally hits 200 pounds, and he’s looking unbelievably massive. He says he’s proud of where he’s at and feels massive, didn’t expect such a small number to weigh him down so much. He says he’s broken furniture and has nearly gotten too big for the shower door. You compare this to your own 270 pound ass, and it’s like he’s living on a different, much tinier planet or something. But he’s huge! He’s like twice your size! Then something occurs to you. You can’t believe you never asked. You ask, was he weighing himself in pounds or in kilograms? He says, there’s a difference? I thought pounds was just english for kilo, he says. You say they’re different scales entirely, that a pound weighs less than a kilo. You ask him how much he weighs. He says 205 “pounds”. You ask him to figure out if his scale ways in pounds or kilos. Kilos, he says, it’s written on the back. You do the math for him. You say he’s 450 pounds. He’s overshot his weight goal by 150 pounds.
He says he still wants to hit 300 “pounds”, of course. You think of how much furniture he’d break at that size.
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revive-the-fandom · 1 month
The Dragon Hunters
First, to cover everything we learned of the Hunters excluding Johann's involvement:
The Hunters have been around for "generations" which according to wiki is 20 - 30 years per generation, making the hunters at least 40 years old, likely older. We know this because Ingar Ingerman's techniques have been used by Hunters for "generations".
(The fact that Fishlegs is unaware of Ingar's existence implies that he was either ancient, and "generations" refers to great-great grandparents or older, or that Fishleg's family broke away and purposefully forgot/didn't teach/lied to their children of their true family origin)
This age of the Hunters was also implied by Viggo, whose grandfather is mentioned as being either Hunter or Hunter adjacent many times in the series. Him playing as the Marauder and not the Viking Chief in Maces and Talons also suggests that he was a Hunter.
Making the age of the Dragon Hunters closer to 80 years. This is calculated using the average age for Httyd Vikings having children being 25 (Valka was 20, Stoick was 30 their average is 25, Hiccup and Astrid were both 25 when Zephyr was born) + Ryker and Viggo (the youngest known generation) being at least 30 or older.
This also makes Viggo a nepo baby/inheritor of the Hunter's legacy/throne/chiefdom etc rather than simply the best tactition there (this is of course, ignoring that Ryker is actually first in line as it seems that until RTTE he was happy for Viggo to take charge, possibly even waiving his claim for Viggo - or in a less happy circumstance, was forced to waive the chiefdom by his parents/grandfather).
as for the dragon eye:
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it's belonged to Viggo's tribe for centuries, and Viggo feels slighted by the loss of it. So we know that this is personal to Viggo's family/tribe regardless as to whether Viggo's tribe is the Dragon Hunters, is what became the Dragon Hunters, or if it was only the ancestors of a few Dragon Hunters (Ryker and Viggo).
This brings the possible age of the Hunters up to 200 - 300 years, as long as Berk has been settled/fighting Dragons. Or this is just their origin, when Viggo's clan settling in the region before becoming full blown Hunters.
we also know that Viggo knows the ins and outs of the Dragon Eye's construction, more so than even Ryker.
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so it's possible that this information was passed down through the leadership of the Hunters, or more specifically, to the inheritor of Viggo's tribe's chiefdom. Both suggest that Viggo's grandfather may have been the one to impart this knowledge onto Viggo, as we also have the implication that Viggo inherited his intelligence (and love for Maces and Talons) from his grandfather.
The Dragon Eye going missing also seems to imply that the Hunters were felled/disbanded/forced into exile at some point, and Viggo and Ryker are only just now restoring them from the ground up - possibly in their grandfather's name. This is also where ym headcanon that Viggo at least used to live in/grew up in York/Jorvik comes from, as it would explain his english accent (ok, in the context of the show.. not real life as this accent wouldnt exist).
we also get a little insight into why the Hunters had this dark age/disbandment through Viggo's fall from power - the Grimborn's have no loyalty/regard for others and a short violent temper:
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and viggo's focus on only his own pride
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which is more than likely what killed them - the people rising up or abandoning them. which is technically what happened to Viggo, both through Ryker's betrayal, and the Hunters leaving him for dead.
Ryker's betrayal makes more sense when considering that he was the people's man.
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the Hunter's purpose, why they exist as a group, is to earn money. there is also additional themes of conquering the unconquerable, power and control, and genuine service to a people threatened by beasts.
The Hunters may have originally formed as a warrior group that worked as a sort of pest control, their methods for dragon killing are better and more refined than any other villain we see in the series, including the movies and grimmel as the movie villains seem more interested and successful in capturing and forcing dragons into a slave army than they ever are in killing anything.
the Hunters may then have begun using, or even spearheaded the use of dragon parts in clothing, materials, weapons etc. which might have earned them more money than pest control, leading to them using auctions and markets as their primary source of income.
their use of dragon root seems to be standard knowledge + practicality as Berk knows what dragon root is they just didn't refine it or use it in the same way.
their ships are confusing as they're mulltihull ships that are more in line with what Drago sails than what the vikings sail. this is confusing as Drago's ships are destinctive because he comes from elsewhere in the world and has travelled far to reach Berk. the Hunters ships seem to be stolen from Drago's fleet. perhaps suggesting a raid or battle, or even defection - but this doesnt fit with Krogan's arrival and their attitude towards their "buyer" (Drago).
To me the ships seem to be a bit of an oversight. an inconsistency that wasnt supposed to be thought about because they were just recycling assets (in the same way that Ryker is a recycled Drago design).
so s4 ends with the death of the Hunters in Shell Shocked: Viggo and Ryker are fighting each other and the majority of the Hunters have fled to Ryker's side (he is the people's man after all). Ryker is killed, viggo is injured presumed dead, the Hunters are all but destroyed (again)
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months go by and Krogan gathers up the remnants of the Hunters and forces them (penalty of death) to become his flyers.
Krogan's motivations are to bring success to Drago, in rtte's instance this seems to be through providing a Bewilderbeast for Drago.
Krogan seems to have thought that the Hunters are his best bet for finding a bewilderbeast, or gathering the resources to do it himself. He's known as a big buyer by Viggo and Ryker, so has only met them briefly if at all. He seems to have scoped out the Hunters in Auction Heroes and Midnight Scrum and decided that Viggo and Ryker are below him.
Krogan then apporaches Viggo and explains how he's usurped the Hunters and trained his flyers.
Krogan then offers Viggo the resources to recover the Dragon Eye from the volcano so that Viggo can keep ahold of his tribal artefact and potentially rebuild his empire, in return for his help in finding and capturing the King of Dragons/Bewilderbeast. Krogan gets access to Viggo's intelligence, and Viggo gets access to Krogan's resources.
Viggo's motivation seems to remain power, wealth and pride.
Viggo and Krogan crucially neglect to follow Ryker's example, they don't care for their men or armies, which ultimately leads to their downfall yet again:
Viggo obviously has his epiphany moment where his worldview is flipped and he learns to respect dragons, perhaps as a reflection on his relationship with his brother, and how his brother chose companionship and loyalty over wealth and power.
Krogan's armies are repeatedly defeated via their singetails not being loyal to the flyers.
Viggo dies as part of his redemption and Krogan is murdered for not realising his.
which explains the Hunters and everything we know about them excluding Johann. but now lets add Johann into the picture:
given all we know of the Hunters and the implications from Viggo that he inherited the leader position or revitalised it, it's unlikely that Johann was the "true" leader or secretly the leader of the Hunters. That position remains with Viggo and Ryker.
and we know that Krogan is both working for Drago and has usurped the Hunters through force. so Johann has no part in that either.
Johann himself says that he's paying them, so there's no loyalty to him outside of money.
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there's so many issues with Johann so let's just start with his statements in In Plain Sight
Johann reveals his motivation is to find the King of Dragons which he believes is the key to his wealth and power
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so all Johann wants is power and money, which he thinks the King of Dragons will get him. it's unclear if Johann plans to sell the bewilderbeast to Krogan (who gives it to Drago) or if he's oblivious to Krogan's motivations and just thinks he's there for the gold he's paying him.
I think it might be the latter because in King of Dragons Krogan betrays him twice, attempting to kill him. first by not warning him to dodge the bewilderbeasts ice, and then by stealing the egg and fleeing and leaving Johann to fight the bewilderbeast and hiccup and toothless alone.
Johann claims to have been working against the riders since Breakneck Bog
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which happens in the first ever season, Riders of Berk, and is only Johann's second appearance, which I believe is an oversight from the writers as his first appearance 8 episodes prior had him sell poisonous flowers to Mildew who poisoned the dragons on Berk. was he not also behind that? that was actually much more villainous than Breakneck bog as he spent that episode begging them not to go there, stranded at sea, and then he loses all of his wares and gold.
this tirade against the Riders is more suspicous as his third appearance has him sneak the Berkians onto Outcast Island to rescue Hiccup.
his fourth has him stuck in a frozen sea, rescued by Hiccup and Toothless and then stranded on Berk with the speed stingers until the ice thaws.
his fifth has him sell smokebreath infested metal to Berk from Dagur. which, again, is more villainous that Breakneck Bog as it destroys Berk's armoury and comes directly from Dagur.
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Johann also facilitated Dagur's escape, but, once again got stranded at sea. it makes you wonder just how good of a swimmer he is to have this much trust in his plans to incorporate getting stranded this many times.
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these two I have less complaints about in the "bad plan" department but they do cause some bumps with the "when did Johann ally the Hunters" question.
His speech to Hiccup, mentioning Breakneck Bog, suggests that he's been involved since Riders of Berk, when they were 15 - 16 yros. but his reaction to Viggo and Viggo's reaction to him in Last Auction Heroes is extremely weird if this is true:
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theres no need for any of these theatrics if they're in league with each other. if they are in league with each other here then Viggo should either be expecting Johann, and understand that the Riders are likely plotting something. or he should have some sort of communication with Johann that suggests they know each other, or that Johann can't talk freely else he'll blow his cover.
the way this scene in Auction Heroes plays out makes it seem as though Viggo has no idea who Johann is, and that Johann is still playing the long game by being deep undercover.
so when did Johann and Viggo actually join up?
I believe Dagur joined sometime around Have Dragon Will Travel as that's when he gets the dragon proof metal, which is associated with the Hunters alone.
Heather likely joined soon after.
but Johann doesn't seem to start acting suspicious or in league with the Hunters until s5, in Sandbusted. as his last appearance in s4 is Dire Straits, where he is the only survivor and near victim of the submarriper.
if he was in league with the Hunters at this point, why would he sail directly over the submapripper, planted specifically by the Hunters. if he was in league he could have just watched from a distance to check it was working, or have the Hunters themselves check.
Sandbusted has him send the Riders on a mission to find what's killing the merchants (sandbuster) which could easily be a trap set by him to separate the riders and get them killed off (hiccup specifically).
Dawn of Destruction has him separate Hiccup and Astrid from the Riders and the Edge immediately before the flyers attack. which also works perfectly fine for someone in league with them.
everything in s5 works towards the plot twist that Johann is secretly working with Viggo and Krogan. so it seems most likely that Johann joined between s4 and s5, after Ryker's death and the Hunters disbandment. He may even have paid Krogan to build the flyers and recruit Viggo to help him track down the King of Dragons.
He would need Krogan to bring skill and ruthlessness and to be a leader more interested in the results than the game. Viggo to bring his knowledge, experience and most importantly the Dragon Eye to track down the King of Dragons.
This would explain why Johann seems so out of the loop in Dire Straits and Auction Heroes, as he wouldn't have been allied or privy to the Hunter's plans. and he would still be undercover from Viggo and the Hunters as a whole.
His actions prior to this, such as Riders, Defenders, and Have Dragon Will Travel were likely his own plans, independent of anyone else's influence (and yes, i still think they're stupid plans as he ends up stranded at sea, losing massive swaths of his wealth which we have established is his entire motivation, and needed rescues from dragons a fucking lot).
the outlier here that I struggle to fit in is Edge of Disaster, as he pulls the Riders away from the Edge right as the Hunters attack. this happens in s2, long before he theoretically join in s5.
my best guess is that the Hunters, possibly with Dagur or Heather's help, were trying to use Johann as a distraction. Johann, being intelligent and hating the Riders might have seen this opportunity and "fallen" for the Hunter's trap/distraction - this might have involved the Hunters herding him towards the Dragon Nest.
However, this doesn't explain why Johann wouldn't blame the Hunters for forcing him into the Dragon's path, as it would take the blame/suspicion off of him for writing to Hiccup that he was under attack by the Hunters.
so to recap:
the Hunters likely evolved from Viggo and Ryker's clan, they may have stolen their multihull ship design from a section of Drago's army at some point. the Dragon Eye was created and their grandfather likely held a chief/leader position before the original Hunters were destroyed, likely because of the Grimborn's lack of loyalty to their crew and/or family. The Dragon Eye was lost and the Hunters disbanded, Viggo and Ryker ending up miles from home, possibly Jorvik.
Viggo and Ryker re-establish the Hunters, with Ryker giving Viggo the leadership role. They pick up allies in the Archipelago, Dagur most predominantly, followed by Heather, who recount to them that the Dragon Eye has been found and is being held by the Riders.
Viggo and Ryker then begin their war with the Riders, but Viggo falls into the same trap his ancestors did and forgets to value his crew or family. Ryker usurps the Hunters with the crew's support, but it ends in disaster and Ryker is killed, the Dragon Eye lost and Viggo injured.
Johann realises the potential of the Hunters now that they've disbanded and pays Krogan to recruit Viggo to use the Dragon Eye and rebuild the Hunters (under Krogan's command) to find and sell the King of Dragons.
or at least, that's the best that I can understand the Hunters?
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archiveikemen · 3 months
"The Real Vow to The Jet-Black Bride" Collection Event
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Event Run Date
16.06.2024 (12:00) — 06.26.2024 (22:59)
*All timings are in JST
Stories Available (In Order)
Jude Jazza — ECB Card Story, Liam Evans, Roger Barel, Victor, Alfons Sylvatica, Harrison Gray, Elbert Greetia, William Rex, Ellis Twilight
Further details under the cut.
Event Details
Receive luxurious rewards by participating in the event ♪
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Early Reward (Silver) — 560 Times: Jude 4★ Card + Story
Ranking Rewards
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Players in Rank 1-100 for the suitor will have his signature on the event limited 4★ heart.
※ The card CG is the same as the one that can be obtained via hearts accumulation, the only difference being the presence of his signature.
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Top 500 → Mini Character w Engagement Ring
Top 200 → Suitor Exclusive Tuxedo
Top 100 → Suitor's Signature on the 4★ Card
Top 3 → Physical Copy of Wedding Vow
Other Rewards
Obtained via accumulating hearts during the event.
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200 Times → Butterfly Effect in His Colour
300 Times → Wedding Veil
400 Times → Wedding Dress w Bouquet in His Colour
500 Times → Wedding Vow CG
800 Times → 4★ Card + Voice Lines
※ The contents of the wedding vow differs with each suitor.
How The Event Works
Read the main story, clear intimacy checks and avatar challenges, and complete escorts to earn hearts! You can also buy 1000 hearts from the item shop at 2,200 coins per 100 hearts, the shop resets daily.
Event rewards include cards and stories limited to this event only!
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bigcutiebonnie · 3 days
I’m curious how much does it cost to keep your fat belly stuffed or keep it fed for the entire day moment you wake to moment you hit a food coma at night. All those take aways all the cake doughnuts and shakes.
200- 300 per week (minus takeout). Most of the money I earn from modelling goes on food, new clothes & hard wearing furniture. For example, I had to buy a reinforced bed & special mattress which cost £3000 in total. This was needed after I broke so many beds.
Feederism is so expensive, I imagine it one of the most expensive fetishes out there. I wish more people would understand this & not say idiotic things like ‘That model is just in it for the money’ unless you are a feedee funding your own gains, you have no idea the actual cost of everything.
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Why 18th-Century Queer History Matters
[homophobia cw]
I learned early on that that sex worker and LGBTQ+ rights are linked, but as usual, I didn't realize how far back that history stretched.
It is poignant to learn we have always seen each other as community. This article is about the queer community building social spaces for themselves in 18th-century England. The queer community and sex workers naturally gravitated to each other. We were all criminalized for a reason.
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I think of the fight against FOSTA-SESTA (2018); Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P Johnson founding and maintaining STAR with earnings from sex work (1970); and seeking each other out to form a safe space in the 1700s. That's over 300 years of solidarity.
The reasons we were arm in arm 300 years ago haven't changed much. How similar does this - 17 raids from 1726-27 in England - sound to the raids that were regular occurrences in NYC in the 1960s, 200+ years later? How similar does this sound to where we might be going?
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The other thing I take away from this: The more I learn, the more I realize I was denied in history class. Queer-only spaces were common enough to be their own category in 1709. 1709! I never want to hear anyone imply we sprang into existence in 1969 ever again.
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Ending this post with this quote on found family. Do you ever cry thinking about our queer ancestors who built community in a society that wanted to legislate them out of existence? I do.
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Homosexuality in 18th Cent. England (cited in the Wikipedia article on Molly houses)
18th Century Molly Houses – London’s Gay Subculture
Sylvia Rivera, Marsha P Johnson, & STAR
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natolesims · 1 year
MY HEART IS YOURS | A Sims 4 Legacy Challenge
Written by @natolesims AKA @dustbon
I did a thing! This challenge is based on the mexican telenovela "Mi Corazón es Tuyo" (My Heart is Yours) where the main character, an exotic dancer, ends up working as a nanny for a millionaire by accident. I used to watch it every single afternoon with my abuelita and since I was feeling nostalgic, this challenge came to life. Hehe.
This is a 10 gen, story-driven challenge with detailed objectives and dynamics for each generation. I hope you like it! I'd love to see if you play it, so feel free to tag me or use #myheartisyourslegacy
Rules under the cut! Or if you prefer it, here's the Google Doc~
Adult themes are included in some generations. You’ve been warned.
There might be some aspects of the gameplay that might not be included in the game by default (for example, earning money as a nanny or a dancer). If you play with mods, feel free to use how many you’d like to enhance the experience! 
Alternatively, you can always make your own twist and interpretation of the challenge, its features and rules. It’s your gameplay, so have fun and do your thing!
Since the story revolves around wealthy families, I’d suggest to create / download  some rich sims or households if you’d like to have more options.
You can skip, add new or change the order of the generations.
No cheats allowed besides freerealestate or funds modification (according to some situations)
I created this challenge considering multiple aspects of the game and its DLCs. If you’d like to change or substitute something, go ahead!
Each generation is a bit specific, so I’d suggest to play on normal / long lifespan or pause aging whenever you consider necessary.
Again, have fun!!
You are an orphan who learned to survive on your own at a very young age. After years of working as an exotic dancer you finally managed to buy your own little house, but you lost everything unexpectedly. In an act of desperation, you asked for a large loan from your horrible boss who has you trapped in their grasp and  the money they gave you is still not enough to get by... so you signed up into an employment agency to get the expense off the ground. As if it weren’t enough, they mixed up your papers and now you've been hired as a… babysitter? Are you kidding? Welp, thank goodness you love children.
Traits: Good, Family-Oriented, Loyal
Aspiration: Super Parent / Big Happy Family
Skills: Max dancing,  charisma and parenting 
Job: Make-believe nanny and part-time exotic dancer. 
Move to an empty house and set your funds to 0.
Alternatively: Move to a furnished home and destroy everything through an "incident" (you can cheat for this) and break all the plumbing. You can’t fix those items, only replace them after you get your loan money.
Have a night job as an exotic dancer in a local club. None of your day job clients should recognize you while you’re working at the club, and vice-versa.
If you have mods that fit this situation, feel free to use them! Save the tips you earn :) 
If you play this vanilla, disguise your sim and send them dancing to a club each night. You'll earn $200 per day if performance.
Ask the nightclub owner (your boss) for a loan of $8,000 simoleons. You’ll have to keep dancing there until:
A) You earn the money and pay your debt, or
B) You’ve been working in the club for 1 in-game year, but then you can’t keep the money you’ve earned from dancing.
Optional: Consider paying $1,000 for a renovation permit and another $1,000 for plumbing and electrical installation per story.
Start a day job as a nanny. You’ll earn $300 per family.
To do so: Meet sims with children and visit them often to take care of the kids. You can only help one family per day.
Alternatively: You can choose a particular household to be working for. The wealthier and more kids, the better.
Give your sim the always welcome trait so you won’t have issues with cooking and stuff. 
For super wealthy families: You can build a room for yourself in their homes or use the visit room if they have one, but you can’t move your sim into their households at all. You’ll still have to work at the club at night and work on rebuilding your little home. 
Befriend all the kids of the families you’ve worked for.
Fall in love with the head of family of the wealthiest household that hired you. To marry your potential spouse, you must:
End paying the nightclub debt
Finish rebuilding your house again :)
Become friends with the live-in services, if they have (butler, chef, maid, gardener, etc.)
Max your friendly relationship with each kid the love interest has. Only then you can start building a romantic relationship with them.
If they already have a spouse, make them your enemy and have the love interest divorce them. 
Have as many own kids as you can. 
You come from a rich family that cares for its wealth with fervor. You did everything your parents and your parents' parents taught you: work hard, make money, have an heir and make even more money. You always felt that working was the only purpose of your life… but now that you are older, you realized how wrong you were. Now that you're old, loades, and your family can fend for themselves, you have the opportunity to do everything you couldn't in your youth.
Traits: Materialistic, ambitious, loner.
Aspiration: 1) Mansion Baron and 2) Inner Peace
Skills: All the skills needed for the career of your choice, mixology, dancing, wellness and a hobby of your choice (as an elder).
Job: Business (Investor Branch) or Salaryperson (Expert Branch)
Go to university and get a degree that’ll help you get a jump start on the career of your choice (options above).
University can be tedious and long to play, so I’d suggest using a mod that makes the terms shorter :)
Reach the top of your career as a young adult. 
Marry a wealthy sim out of tradition and have only one child. That’s our heir.
Have a so-so relationship with your kid and your spouse.
Your spouse should die as an adult (you can cheat for this).
Focus on making all the money you can while being an adult. If you can get fame points while you’re at it, perfect.
Once you reach elderhood, have a life crisis and embrace a new “you”.
Change your traits to: Romantic, adventurous and goofball.
Change your aspiration to: Inner Peace.
I’d strongly suggest to turn aging off so you won’t die of old age.
Enjoy life! Be self-indulgent, go partying, pick up new hobbies, make new friends, visit new places. 
Try getting the emotional mindful moodlet often.
Find true love with a humble sim significantly younger than you. 
The next heir must disapprove your new relationship.
Have a child through pregnancy or adoption with your new partner. Move out of the family home and go live with your new little family.
Focus on being an excellent parent and spoil the little one rotten until the last of your days. 
Your father lost it and messed up his life's direction... and stained the family’s values. You carry your last name with pride and you’re determined to put it back to its former glory by doing what you do best: working. You will rescue the company that your father nearly ruined, return wealth and good fortune to your family and lead an exemplary life, whatever it’s the cost. Your children constantly complain about how absent and cold you are, but they are too young to understand the importance of your priorities. They will thank you one day.
Traits: Proper, Ambitious, Perfectionist.
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Skills: All the skills needed for your career only. You’re not interested in anything else.
Job: Business (Management Branch)
Always excel as a student.
Don't have a social life.
All sims you meet (except the future spouse) must stay as acquaintances.
Always turn down any kind of social invite.
Never throw a party of any sort.
Never celebrate a birthday, not even your own. 
Go to university and study communications at U-Brite. At uni you must:
Enter the secret society.
Enter the debate guild.
Graduate with honors.
Meet the love of your life during your time as a student. Your spouse must:
Have good traits only.
Belong to a wealthy family.
You can only marry if you have a full romance bar.
Also: no woohoo before marriage!
You two must live in the family home / manor. Refurnish it with  expensive items, fine art and decorations if it isn’t.
Have a butler. If you play with mods, also have all sorts of live-in services. If not, hire a scheduled gardening, maid and nanny service via the phone.
Don’t have any kind of pets. Not even fish.
Fill up your sim's fun need by doing "boring activities". For example:
Only listen to the talk radio and classical music stations.
Only watch the news and the weather channel.
Don't tell jokes.
The only game your sim can play is chess.
Only read non-fiction or skill books.
You get the idea by now :)
Dedicate your entire existence to your career, completing your aspiration and your loving partner.
Earn fame points through situations or interactions related to your career only.
Get the workaholic lifestyle and live accordingly.
Have as many children as you can with your spouse. After the last family slot is taken, your spouse has to die unexpectedly (you can cheat for this)
After your spouse's demise, change two of your traits to: Hot headed and gloomy.
Have a rocky relationship with all of your children:
Try to limit your interactions with your children. Have the helping sims (butler and nanny) take care of them.
Develop the strict family dynamic with every single child.
All of your kids must be top students and gain the good manners character value trait.
Your kids must have a tight schedule: School, after-school activities, homework time, limited playtime, music lessons (for girls), sport lessons (for boys) and early bedtime. If they develop a dislike for an activity, accept it but they’ll have to do it anyway.
Marry a co-worker as an adult, but do not love them. On the contrary to your loving spouse, they must only have negative traits. Bonus points if they have the hates children trait.
Start a recurrent affair with one of your service sims.
The next generation starts when the heir is a teen. 
You grew up in a large family that seemed more like a military company. Being the smartest of all your siblings, your father always sought to train you in such a way that you would take his place when time comes, but you don't want to be remotely like him. You are still young and you have enough time to change the course of things. You want adventure, you want love, you want happiness and wealth… but the pursuit of hedonism may not help you make the smartest decisions.
Traits: Genius, bookworm, snob
Aspiration: 1) Nerd brain 2) Serial Romantic
Skills: Logic, writing, research and debate, fitness
Job: Law career (Private Attorney Branch)
Be the typical nerdy teen. Embrace the stereotype at its fullest.
Always excel in school 
Complete the nerd brain aspiration as a teenager.
Frequent intellectual lots like libraries and museums.
If you can, become a valedictorian and/or achieve early graduation.
Start a romantic, toxic relationship with the first sim who is constantly rude to you.
Your sim has to still be a teen.
Break-up and get together again frequently.
Enter the U-Brite Communications program as your parent did, but drop out shortly after. You want something else in life. 
Improve your physical appearance and start working out. After your makeover, change your bookworm trait for the self-absorbed trait. 
Move out on your own, live the party life and date around! But keep coming back to your toxic ex.
Don’t have any source of income after moving out.
Have an accidental pregnancy with your ex, but don’t take responsibility for the baby. 
Have another accidental pregnancy with one of your affairs, and also don’t take responsibility. 
This other sim must have the good or cheerful trait.
After spending all your simoleons on parties and vice and, go back to the family home and enter the Law career to become a private attorney. 
After getting your life in order again, look for your previous partners and decide to take care after the kids they had with you. 
Don’t have any more kids after that.
Start building up both romantic relationships again, but keep them in the shadows from one another. Never make a final decision.
Write books as a hobby, but only publish: non-fiction, poetry and biography books.
The least disciplined child will be the heir.
You grew up in a millionaire family that has everything you could imagine, but somehow you always felt like you didn't belong to it. There is a certain indomitable spirit of adventure within yourself and when you came of age, you decided to fully embrace it. Your parent disapproves and would rather have you not prefer an unstable life of artistic adventure to the safety of a well-established profession... but he has no place to tell a you a thing, knowing the kind of life he led in his young years. Leaving all the responsibility of the house and the family business to your half-brother, you packed your bags and took the first plane to the jungle.
Traits: Active, creative, loves outdoors.
Aspiration: 1) Jungle Explorer 2) Mt. Komorebi Sightseer, 3) Beach Life and 4) Archaeology Scholar.
Skill: Selvadorian Culture, Archaeology, Fishing, Fitness, Singing and Guitar.
Job: Freelance photographer.
Always be a laid back, cool type of person. 
Frequent museums and parks as a kid and teenager.
Once you graduate high-school, travel the world to become a nature photographer! Think of a globetrotter-ish kind of generation:
1: Selvadorada. 
Build a luxurious villa as your jungle home (you’re still a millionaire, so no problem with this). You’ll frequent it a lot during the generation.
Complete the Jungle Explorer Aspiration.
Once you reach level 2 of the photography skill, you can travel to the next destination:
2: Mt. Komorebi
Complete the Mt. Komorebi Sightseer Aspiration.
Visit each festival.
Once you reach level 3 of the photography skill, you can travel to the next destination:
3: Sulani
Complete the Beach Life Aspiration
Max the fishing skill.
Max the photography skill.
Be a flirt and have multiple lovers across the worlds, but find true love with one in particular.
Optional 1: have this sim travel with you as a companion.
Optional 2: have your half-brother fall in love with them as well.
Complete 3 collections of your choice.
Become famous by publishing your photographs.
After ending your stay in Sulani, your half brother must die (you can cheat for this). You’ll have to go back to the family home and take care of the generational fortune.
Keep traveling often to Selvadorada, the world you like the most. Work on completing the Archaeology Scholar Aspiration during your short visits. 
Decide to settle down with the sim you fell in love with and form a family of your own. 
Have lots of children.                                     
You don't understand the tendency of past family heads to get rid of a life full of all sorts of comfort. Dirt? Ew. Luxury and fame are everything to you, but since you were young you had a problem with your appearance and awkward personality. But you know what? That is going to change. You are not interested in a boring company or looking for love: you just want to shine as bright as the sun.
Traits: Self-absorbed, materialistic, high-maintenance.
Aspiration: World-Famous celebrity.
Skills: Charisma, mischief, acting.
Job: Social Media (Internet Personality), Actor (optional)
Be the “ugly duckling” of the family while growing up. 
Have the socially awkward trait as a teen.
Have your first puppy love as a pre-teen / teenager, but be heartbroken. Never believe in true love after that. 
Have a bad relationship with every single family member. 
Move out on your own to a luxurious home as soon as you become a young adult and cut ties with the rest of the family, previous friends and acquaintances. You’re on your own now. 
Have a radical image change after becoming independent.
Enter and reach the top of the Social Media career as an Internet Personality. Only then you can enter the Actor career if you wish. 
You can only actively work as a Young Adult.
Start building your own fortune through fame and gold-digging. 
Have an accidental pregnancy and use it to your convenience. Keep the baby. 
Never develop the parenting skill
Have a bad relationship with your kid
Mold your child to your image. They must be conventionally beautiful.
Your child must be well educated and skilled, but have terrible character value traits.
If you marry, become a widow everyone shows their sympathy to. Keep being a gold digger after that and never remarry.
Quit your job(s) right after entering the adult lifestage and spend your fortune as if there were no tomorrow. 
The next gen starts when the heir becomes a young adult. By then, you must be broke and have lost all your fame.
You always meant an instrument for your parent, even before you were born. Thanks to them, you are an expert in the art of manipulation, seduction and performance. You are beautiful, intelligent, cold and calculating. Such confidence and mettle has carried you far from childhood, but now that you're an adult, it's time to think big and not make the same mistakes as your stupid parent... even if it means carrying them around for the rest of your life. Now, time to choose a victim to pay the family debts and live a perfect life.
Traits: Evil, hates children, hot-headed.
Aspiration: 1) Drama llama, 2) Mansion Baron
Skills: Charisma, logic, writing, acting, research and debate.
Job: Salaryperson (Supervisor Branch)
Be the perfect, spoiled brat your mother made you since childhood. 
Always have a pristine image, even if you’re broke as hell. People doesn’t need to know your family is in bankruptcy
Become the unreachable, popular meanie in highschool and embrace those vibes throughout teenagedom, but never start a serious relationship. 
Complete the Drama Llama teen aspiration.
Move out on your own as a young adult, but have the previous heir move in with you shortly after to live at your expense. Your parent:
Cannot get a job or have any source of income of any sort.
Has to have the slob trait (you can cheat this),
Has to follow every whim related to their personality, and
Has to spend $5,000 simoleons by the end of each week. If you don’t have the money, add it to a “debt” list you must pay. 
Enter the salaryperson career (Supervisor Branch)  and reach the top of it quickly as a young adult. As soon as you reach it, get relaxed and don’t pay much attention to your career anymore.
Optional: get an university degree that’ll help you get a jumpstart. If you chose to do this, you’ll have to study at home, ask for all the scholarships you can and graduate with honors (of course).
If you get the workaholic lifestyle, go to coaching to get rid of it. 
You must choose only one ultimate spouse candidate.
They must be attractive (to your sim), successful and ridiculously wealthy.
They must be already in a serious romantic relationship of any sort with another sim.
Bonus points if they have at least one child. 
Once you decide on a love interest, develop one-sided feelings for them and do everything in your reach to gain their favor, but they should never love you.
Get to marry your love interest one way or another. Move your sim and the previous heir into their home and enjoy your new fortune :))
Once you marry, adopt your spouse’s last name.
Have only one own child: the result of a one-time affair with another sim.
Use mean interactions only with every child you meet (even your own), any “low-class” sim you meet and service sims. 
Gain the Twisted Heart reward trait.
You've lived in a bubble all your life. Despite having a lousy relationship with your parent, they have given you everything you wanted and more: a good education, luxury, travels and gifts. You have always tried to fulfill their expectations and desires... until you met the love of your life in someone you would never have expected. After a terrible argument with your family, you decided to run away with your love and start a new life from scratch. The plan sounded good in your mind, but then you realized that you don't know how to do anything other than being cute.
Traits: Good, Clumsy, Romantic
Aspiration: 1) Admired icon 2) Soulmate 
Skills: None in particular
Job: None in particular
Be the stereotypical perfect, beautiful and shallow rich kid. 
Have a bad relationship with your parent, but respect their authority.
Try not to do activities that make you gain "useful" skills (or any skill). Focus only on having fun and enjoying life.
Complete the Admired Icon aspiration in your teenage years.
Have your parent arrange your future marriage with a wealthy sim and start a forced relationship with them, but reject their romantic advances often. 
Enter university in a conventionally well-respected degree program. Become engaged with your current partner at the same time.
Find true love with a service sim.
They can be either one of your household's employees or a NPC like the mailman, a street vendor, a mixologist, a firefighter, etc.
They must be poor.
They must have the creative trait.
They must be a single parent. 
Keep your affair with the service sim in secret until a family member, a close friend or your partner discovers you. Only then you can break your current engagement and escape to live with the love of your life.
Move your sim with their new partner and their child, but bring no simoleons or material goods whatsoever in your inventory.
You can only move to a Needs TLC starter apartment or a starter home with the Gremlins and Grody lot traits. 
The lot or apartment cannot be pretty when you first move to it.
You cannot move out of it on this gen.
Drop out of university but don't get a job. Your spouse must work as a starving artist (Painter career level 1) and don't let them get promoted. 
If you play with mods, keep them in the service career they were when you met them.
Spend all the household's funds on useless things.
Optional: Everytime your sim breaks anything (even the plates while washing them), cheat -$100 simoleons of the household funds.
Get a job only when all your services are cut down after not paying your bills.
You should go through all the basegame careers before deciding on a permanent one. You may start with part-time jobs, then full time careers. 
After you decide on a career to stay, focus on developing the necessary skills for it. When you reach level 3, your spouse can finally work on their artistic career.
If the spouse sells their art, they can't gain fame out of it.
Have only one own child after your household has a stable income. 
In your family there was never a lack of love, but money definitely was a problem. Your parents made an effort to give you everything that was within their reach, but the truth is that you could never shake off the itch of having something more… something “big”. The thing is that working seriously is not your thing. Never has been, in fact. However, you have brilliant ideas that you just have to materialize with the right investment. But first, let’s go to the party everyone’s talking about.
Traits: Lazy, party animal, noncommittal
Aspiration: 1) Live Fast 2) Party Animal
Skills: Juice fizzing, dancing, entrepreneur skill.
Job: Odd jobs
Be a terrible student and surround yourself with lots of friends.
Complete the Live Fast teen aspiration. Then, drop out of high-school but keep living with your parents.
Gain the Irresponsible character value trait.
Earn money only through odd jobs or in-game activities that doesn’t require "intellectual" skills (like writing, programming, painting, etc.), but have Juice fizzing as your main interest.
Frequent party lots every single night like bars, clubs and lounges and spend at least $500 simoleons each night on bar drinks.
Accept every party invite you get, no matter who they are or what your sim is currently doing. 
Meet a love interest in one party night and start a relationship right away, but don't commit to it:
Never take the initiative to go on dates with them, only accept their invitations and make them pay for everything.
Be unfaithful.
Ask them for loans and crash their place frequently to take care of your needs (eating from their fridge, using their shower, etc).
Only visit them to woohoo if your fun levels are low.
Have unprotected woohoo often (try for baby instead of regular woohoo or use mods for this)
Have an accidental pregnancy with your partner and get excited by it. 
Once the baby's born, you'll have to take care of them and your partner will have to dump you and lose all contact. You can then move out of your parents' house.
Now that you're a parent, take your side hustles more seriously and even get a part time job if you decide to, but keep partying at nights and spending most of your earned money on vice.
Don't have any more kids and try to nurture your child as much as you can.
Have an unexpected death while the heir is a child.
When you were little, you listened with amazement to all kinds of stories that your father told you about the adventures and misadventures of your ancestors. That’s why you have always been a dreamer who wants to achieve success and, above all, to know true love, but that is something that only happens on TV. It seems life had other plans for youm and the only thing left is to work hard and try to move on with a smile.
Traits: Good, foodie, music lover.
Aspiration: 1) Master Mixologist 2) Soulmate
Skills: Mixology, DJ mixing, cooking and baking.
Job: Culinary career (Mixologist Branch)
Since you'reunderage, move into a shelter or an orphanage.
Once you become a teen, dropout of high school and earn money through odd jobs and buy a dj mixing station. Only then you can start working in secret as a freelance dj in local clubs and bars:
To do so, create an alternative persona or character your sim must disguise as whenever they're on a show. 
Save all the money you earn through tips.
Don't gain fame.
Once your sim becomes a young adult, join the culinary career and help out at the shelter/orphanage until you have enough money to move out on your own, but keep presenting as a dj each night.
Buy and move to the starter home the founder fixed.
Present yourself regularly at the bar your founder worked at as a dancer, and also work as a hired mixologist some nights. You'll earn $300 per night.
If you have mods that adjust to this, feel free to use them!
Have 10 failed relationships throughout your Young Adult lifestage. Give up on finding love after your last relationship.
The relationships will only count if you get to become boyfriends or more and get to break up, divorce, cancel engagements or separate through other circumstances. 
Once you become an Adult, fall madly in love with a sim you meet in one of your work nights. This sim:
Must be an elder.
Must be visiting the lot you're at for the first time.
Must be super rich. 
Start a sugar-ish relationship with your love interest. Have them gift your sim money ($1,000 simoleons) everytime they see each other. You decide if they keep, donate or sell the gifts.
Break up with the love interest, but get back shortly after and get into a serious relationship.
Only then, start working on the soulmate aspiration with this sim.
Move in with the elder sim only when you have a full romance bar.
If the elder sim has family, make them disapprove of your relationship together.
Wait a minute… isn't the story kind of repeating itself?
You decide what happens next ;)
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askagamedev · 1 year
Lately I’ve noticed a bit of, let’s call it pushback, against the upcoming release of Baldurs Gate 3 and Larian Studios, by developers and studios alike. From your perspective as a game developer yourself what is this all about? Why are they calling BG3 an anomaly and making it sound like Larian hasn’t earned the praise they are getting? Why all the attempts at what sounds like trying to discredit their work?
The unfortunate truth of the matter is that the discussion I've seen from devs is subject to signal decay when in an environment where the most maddening and viral takes are the ones that get amplified over accuracy or educational takes. The various "hot takes" I've read were traced to the observations of [Xalavier Nelson Jr. about BG3] and I have to say - after reading his original thread, I am very much in agreement with him. Baldur's Gate 3's success is absolutely not a template that can be easily repeated and is very much an anomaly.
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You can tell a lot about a game by the number of developers in the credits and the length of its dev cycle. If you multiply (number of devs) x (months of development) x ($10,000 per month per dev), you get a pretty good estimate of a game's overall budget. BG3 started development in 2017 and had a team of over 300 developers working on it. 300 devs x 72 months x $10,000 = approximately $216 million USD. "Step 1: Secure $200 million in funding to develop your game" is absolutely not a business plan that is feasible for 99.9% of indie developers.
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This also goes for other circumstances beyond their control that managed to favor them. Larian was incredibly successful in raising funding during early access, but they are one of a tiny fraction that made it. Larian got incredible word-of-mouth promotion from their fans while thousands of amazing indie titles languish in obscurity on Steam. Larian managed to secure a major license that is extremely well-regarded - not exactly an easy feat to replicate. Each of these various circumstances ended up a win for them and every single one of them was necessary to obtain the success they did.
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This isn't to say that Larian doesn't deserve praise for their success - they absolutely deserve all the praise and more. They managed to deliver a fantastic high quality game and I laud them for it. It is a tremendous accomplishment and I am happy for their success. What I will never agree to is saying that this is the path others should follow, because I believe that Larian managed to capture lightning in a bottle. All of the ducks had to line up just right for them to succeed like this, and any of the major factors in their success could have gone very very wrong for them through no fault of their own and sank the project partway through. Larian managed to win and they deserve huge amounts of praise for it, but it is in no way an easily-repeatable formula for success.
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nananarc · 3 months
Gonna disclose my income as a freelance artist because I feel like it might give some perspective. And mostly bc I'm feeling a bit burnout and I want pity points ok? Lol.
Context 1: For sake of simplicity, all figures are net income (minused all fees, charges, insurance, benefits, etc)
Context 2: I live in a big city in Việt Nam and the cost of living is relatively low. A salary of 1000$/month is considered really good for someone living alone with one pet, no family or children, no debt or other liabilities. Entry level jobs usually start at around 200-300$/month.
Let's start in 2021 because that's when it can be considered when I started doing art professionally.
In 2021 and 2022, I was juggling between art school, a part-time online side gig, building social media for my art, and of course try to get commissions. But coms were few and far between, mainly because I didn't have an online present before and I only hang in relatively small fandoms. So all I earn through side gig and art were only some change, in total avarage to about 40$/ month. Some months made up for no income months.
In 2023, things starts to be a bit better as I get more confident in my skill, but coms are still few and far between and months with no income is still common. Side gig was few and far between too and pay less. Overall I'd say it goes up to about 80$/month.
This year 2024, art school is done, I can finally do art full time. But I was severely burnout because all the accumulated stress since waaaaay before catch up with me and i couldn't cope anymore. I have to spend a lot of time resting instead. Fortunately, I received a decent amount of coms each month, and the new patreon surprisingly got a few supporters (I fully realistically expected it to sit at 0 for at least a year). Overall, I have an 8 hours 4 days work week: 4 hours a day on com and managing social media and other stuff that actually makes money; 4 hours a day on my own projects and personal indulgence that doesn't directly make money. As of now, my income is about 180$/month.
You are probably wondering how the fuck do one live like this in this economy.
It's because my family is middle class and can afford a freeloader like me in their house, receive their pocket money and tuition fee. I'm privileged.
But of course my family isn't rich and if just one catastrophic event happens to us, we'd be in bad shit. I'm constantly in anxiety of money, work, and the future. It doesn't help that I'm late 20s and many people around keep reminding of how I'm not making money yet still leeching off parents. It doesn't help that, for years all i hear about art is it will just lead to failure and no money.
But still, I am thankful of my family for letting me stay here. And all my friends and supporters for giving me money oc lol, but more importantly, believing in me more than I ever do in myself. I read all of your little tags, your keysmash and compliments, and I keep them all dear to my heart, and I went back to them everytime I need motivation. I can't see where my future as an artist will be, but I cling to your support and love as the will to keep going. Thank you all so, so fucking much. I'd have been literally dead in a ditch somewhere without you guys.
Anyway, idk, I've always been adamant about wage transparency (especially in a corporate setting) but I rarely see this in freelance artists. except to flex, to promote the hustle culture, or to sell some courses they made. Most of us don't want/can't subscribe to the grind and have nothing to flex either. All we have is this shit economy. I'd wish we could have been more open about this and many of us wouldn't have to feel so lonely and despair all the time.
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mrxadreamin · 3 months
GACHA MECHANICS: Nu:carnival vs What in "Hell" is Bad?(Part 1)
When it comes to characters that we love and adore, we want nothing more than to be able to obtain them. No matter what it is, whether it be their designated/signature weapon, their skin, or even the character themselves, we try to obtain through means necessary. For most gacha games, we either "roll" or "pull" for them for a certain amount of times until they "come home." Now for most players, they need to save up their currencies to a certain amount because half the time they come home by a lucky or by pity. Now although it takes most of players effort to save, what if the game itself helps their players save enough to pull for who or what they want in a pull and how does accommodating them help boost sales and consumption? Well, the best prime example here is Nu:Carnival? How did their mechanics allow them to thrive and how were they able to build both community and financial status?
NOTE: some parts of this essay is just an overview of how the currencies/pulling/banners work so feel free to skim to the thesis of each paragraph. Thank you and please enjoy reading!
Spirit Gems/Contracts vs. Greater/Lesser Keys/Solomon Seals
Like any gacha game, we have dailies, we complete the dailies, we get rewards. As someone who has played Nu:Carnival since their release(or rather a few months after and got back into it since), I can easily say that earning gems in that game has never been more easy. As long as the player does at least five tasks(leveling characters, fighting for coins or leveling potions, etc.) they earn 100 gems. At times, we also earn contracts, but since contracts are a little more hard to come by(they are earned through either daily logins, rewards, or through ecoins) so to help players, they are given spirit gems. About a year ago, we are able to buy 10 contract once a month on a discount using spirit gems and convert them into a contract bundle(10 in 1).
In WHB, we have Great and Lesser Keys of Solomon which are either earned through achievements, login, or likeability. They can also be bought at the shop, to which costs about less than 198 about 50 and for lesser keys cost about 1980 for 30. Solomon seals are a little more harder to come by because they're either earn through achievements. Luckily, we are now given the option to earn them through the dark sanctuary by defeating the three seraphim(Grabiel, Michael, and Raphael). Unfortunately, we usually earn about two or three in the more difficult stages, so it's the more common solution to fight the bosses daily.
In terms of banners, when it comes to Nu:carnival, it's 1 contract bundle = 10 pull first then if the player runs out, they pull with spirit gems which is 6,000 = 10 pull. For WHB, there are at least four banner types: Greater Keys Banner, Lesser Keys Banner, Solomon seals and Nightmare Pass(will get to Nightmare pass a little later...). The Greater Key Banner is designated for devils/artifacts ranked under A, A+, B, and/or S while Lesser Key Banners are for devils ranked under A+, B, S, and L. For lesser keys banner the ticket is usually 50 keys = 10 pull and for greater keys, it's 30 keys = 10 pull. Solomon Seals banner, the ticket is usually 500 seals = 10 pull(half is 250, but again correct me if I'm wrong;;) and this banner is dedicate to L ranked characters that player can pull exclusively before they are moved to the lesser key banner, where they can pull for an L ranked character, BUT it's 50/50 that they will pull for a character that they did not intend to. Now, you're probably thinking: "Mira? What is the point of this extra information" well here it is: accumulation.
As previously stated, we have to save up to pull for character we want. In Nu:carnival, players can save up to 10 contract bundles and/or 60,000 gems which for 200 pulls and that's already pity(sometimes 300) and again, gems are easier to earn through dailies, reward, shop, etc. Whereas in WHB we would have only one lesser/greater key earned through rewards, or logins. Luckily, we can also get them through the pancake house(however, seeing the update maybe a tad more difficult..). In one month, player can earn up to 3,100 gems in Nu:carnival, and yet in WHB we can earn at least 100 or 150 greater keys through likeability and keep in mind, about 50 greater keys = 10 pull, and 30 lesser keys = 10 pull. 220 x 50 = 11,000 keys for greater keys pity, and 150 x 30 = 4,500 for lesser keys pity.
ACCUMULATING in Nu:carnival is more friendly towards F2P than WHB is due to their rewards and even if plays need to spend money, they don't need to spend so much on ecoins due to existing amount that they already have, sohitting pity won't necessarily be a problem for them because they can get them back through time. Although the pity in Nu:carnival is a harsh, they way the games allows for players to gain more spirit gems is compensation in itself. For WHB, they are, again more gracious with their pull so players can pull for a much as they want, but once those keys are gone, it will take more time and effort to regain all those keys and as a result they sometimes to have to spend pocket money to gain more keys through guilty gems(how does that work? I'll mention that in a little bit). On the other hand, there are other ways to regain them!
Sorcery Gems vs. Guilty Gems/Nightmare Pass
HOO BOY, here comes the part nobody likes, but let's slow it down first. In Nu:carnival, we have sorcery gems to which players can buy through ecoins or earn though rewards. Although the for each sorcery gem, players can convert them into spirit gems. One sorcery gem = 200 spirit gems. This also helps in accumulating because 10 sorcery gems is already 2,000 and players can chose to spend between $15-$100 for sorcery gems.
Now for WHB we have guilty gems to which are the rewards that easier to gain through achievements and through the shop as well. To go more in depth, we have blue guilty gems to which plays can buy with ecoins and later convert them into red guilty gems. Players, once again, can buy Lesser or Greater Keys of Solomon using red guilty gems and through the pancake shop.
In addition, we have the evidently least favorite child of the bunch: Nightmare pass. Essentially, they are currencies used to unlock rewards in the Nightmare Pass Banner and can be earned through purchasing at the shop or through the Dark Sanctuary(more specifically the holy coin portal).
Now here's the kicker, the nightmare pass comes into two tiers: the freebie, the advance, and superior which is usually between $40 and above. usually the advances about $20 which plays can pay to unlock small rewards, while the superior ranges between $40-$60. The problem lies more with HANDLING the nightmare pass. In past events, we have As we all know the news, the newest Bath!Beelzebub is to be earned through nightmare pass.
Sooooo, what's got everyone in a riot? Well for one: Beelzebub, our beloved king of Abyssos is now behind a paywall specifically a paywall of $48(you have to buy both advance AND superior to unlock all rewards to get Beel).
When it comes to general gachas characters, they are earned through pull ticktes, but this case, we have the nightmare pass, to which we would have to buy directly. Here's a chart of how much ecoin bundle would cost
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In this case, we would have to spend about $53.94 to get the full 2,834 ecoins that alone is for the Nighmare Pass.
Even accumulating nightmare coins takes a lot of time in comparison to getting spirit gems in Nu:carnival, even then we would get around 50 to 100, while we earn about 1 or 3 nightmare coins anytime we fight in Dark Sanctuary.
That alone has already gotten everyone to throw the boat over because this is the second time, rather fourth time that PB has put an L raking character behind a paywall, the first the angels, then Juno/Ppyong, then Lucifer, and now Beelzebub...
Now what does Sorcery Gems have to do with Nightmare Passes? Simple, and I will reiterate again: accumulation and oh yeah, saving. As we all know, Both WHB and Nu:canrival are porn games, so the main demographic are adults ages 18 and up. Meaning, said adults are working, and in the states, paychecks are bi-weekly, SO imagine buying 20 sorcery gems for $17.62 + $7.20? That's about $24.00 every paycheck. Due to that fact, players can save up to how many gems that want per paycheck for future reruns in Nu:carnival. I mean, it's alot to spend $100 all at once, but the sorcery packs are there forever whereas nightmare passes are only open when there's a nightmare pass banner.
Not to mention the one thing that sorcery gems and (red)guilty gems have in common is that they can be converted into gacha currency (sorcery gem = spirit gems, guilty gem = lesser/greater keys of solomon). The only difference is that guilty gems can be converted into two types of keys, and it's more likely that we can convert guilty gems to greater keys since lesser keys cost about 3 for 198 and 1,980 for 30(which is equivalent to a 10 pull)
What fueled the fire even more is that PB has removed the original pancake house, which allowed for players to convert their tealeaves to pancakes and then use said pancakes to get lesser keys TO WHICH is the daily limit is 30. So imagine having to pull only 30 a day in comparison to earning 100 spirit gems every day? Pretty hard, but the rate for WHB isn't as high as Nu:carnival. Point is, it was the only way that players can get gacha tickets WITHOUT having to spend money, which makes it easier for F2P, but now that it no longer esists, or is bound to be removed completely, players would have to resort to buying guilty gems, to which the most players can get is $35.25 for 392 blue guilty gems + a bonus of 67 gems...how generous...
Part 2: The Electric Bugaloo!
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dragonflycap · 1 month
4 Trade Ideas for Caterpillar: Bonus Idea
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Caterpillar, $CAT, comes into the week pushing over short term resistance. This move comes off a touch at the 200 day SMA for the first time since November and 38.2% retracement of the last leg higher. It ended Friday over the 50 day SMA with the RSI rising through the midline and the MACD curling to cross up, but negative. There is resistance at 341.50 and 351 then 363 and 372.50 before 382. Support lower is at 335 and 330 then 325. Short interest is low at 2.2%. The stock pays a dividend with an annual yield of 1.67% and has traded ex-dividend since July 22nd. 
The company is expected to report earnings next on October 29th. The August options chain shows biggest open interest at the 340 then 325 put strikes and at 330 on the call side. The September chain has open interest from 360 to 250, biggest at 290 on the put side. The call side is biggest at 330. The October chain is biggest at the 310 put and then 390 call strikes. Finally, the November chain, covering the earnings report, is big from 300 to 290 on the put side and builds from 320 to a peak at 380 on the call side.
Caterpillar, Ticker: $CAT
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Trade Idea 1: Buy the stock on a move over 339 with a stop at 325.
Trade Idea 2: Buy the stock on a move over 339 and add a September 330/320 Put Spread ($3.15) while selling the October 380 Call ($3.00).
Trade Idea 3: Buy the September/October 360 Call Calendar ($4.00) while selling the October 300 Put ($3.55).
Trade Idea 4: Buy the November 310/340/360 Call Spread Risk Reversal (25 cents).
If you like what you see sign up for more ideas and deeper analysis using this Get Premium link.  
After reviewing over 1,000 charts, I have found some good setups for the week. These were selected and should be viewed in the context of the broad Market Macro picture reviewed Friday which with the first week of August in the books, sees equity markets showing resilience with a rebound from an ugly start induced by growing narrative of recessionary fears.
Elsewhere look for Gold to continue its uptrend while Crude Oil consolidates in a narrowing range. The US Dollar Index continues to drift in broad consolidation while US Treasuries consolidate in their downtrend. The Shanghai Composite looks to continue the short term trend lower while Emerging Markets consolidate under long term resistance.
The Volatility Index looks to have settled after a spike to 4 year highs removing the pressure on equity markets for now. The SPY and QQQ ETF charts continue to look strong on the longer timeframe. On the shorter timeframe both the QQQ and SPY have reset on momentum measures but also have a lot of upside work to put in before they are looking strong. The IWM is now just in consolidation mode again after a failed break higher. Use this information as you prepare for the coming week and trad’em well.
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ringneckedpheasant · 6 months
I miss getting those little punch cards everywhere to earn like. a free ice cream cone for every ten you bought or whatever. unless you do their stupid “buy starbucks 3 days in a row to get 35 stars” things all the time or pay using starbucks giftcards you’d have to spend $200 there to get a free drink. cake pop inflation is at 300% since 2017. the actual inflation rate since then is 26.89%. sorry to be all old man yells at cloud but why don’t places give free cookies to kids anymore like how fucking miserable to spend almost $4 just to get a little treat for your kid who doesn’t want to be shopping. the profit margin on those breakfast sandwiches was already like 60% when I started working there. what a world we live in.
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accol-fics · 9 months
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Happy holidays to @momecat ! Here's your gift for HBOWarSanta23!
Up 1200 and Up
Summary: This wasn’t just a stress response. There had been seeds of this in Nate’s psyche long before things had gone to shit here in the desert. Since that first meeting, Nate always kept Brad in his line of sight. His situational awareness always included Brad’s position.
12 stories about finding meaning in a meaningless war.
Brad/Nate. Rated E. 7800 words.
Day 1, Oceanside. Nate was stiff from the flight. Deep purple bruises earned at jump school ached on his hip and shoulder.
He checked in with Command, dropped his duffel at his temporary bunk, and was out the door in his PTs. Under the 5 and down to the beach, he ran until his body was loose and hot.
Later, in the showers, a tall, blond man nodded approvingly toward the fresh, raw marks along Nate’s left clavicle, tapping his own faded scars. Nate’s jump school pinning hadn’t yet healed. A thin trickle of red washed away under the spray.
“That's a low priority to pass on?”
The muscles of Nate's forehead and brows bunched into a scowl. His frustrated words about his CO’s ineptitude were out of line. He knew it, but saying them aloud was a pressure-relief valve that kept his sanity intact.
“Personal feelings, sir,” Brad said, echoing Nate's chastisement of him only minutes earlier. His smirk was audacious.
The commiseration and, indeed, Brad's sass were appreciated. Peak comedy, Nate thought, was an inside joke revisited at just the right moment. Brad grinned broadly at the eyeroll Nate failed to fully suppress.
Speaking of safety valves. Turns out Brad is an effective one.
Still, it took a while for Nate to realize how tense his fingers were on the butt of his M16. Bravo Two was tight, competent. They could handle the lack of armor crossing the breach point. They'd be alert. They were trained to adapt to the unexpected.
He flexed his hand, loosening his grip. Nothing good comes from perseverating.
“Hitman Two Actual, this is Two One Alpha. Interrogative.”
Brad's voice came over the radio. Nate blinked away the unproductive tension in his gut and picked up the handset.
“This is Two Actual. Send it.”
It was not surprising in the least.
From behind Two-Three’s vehicle, Nate saw it clearly: Brad apologized to Baptista for overreacting on comms.
It was an olive branch extended to repair a relationship. It was for the morale of the platoon. It was to put things right between himself and a colleague. And it was obviously what Brad Colbert would do in this situation. Of course he would apologize.
He continued to both surprise and not surprise Nate. Absent in him was the typical Marine hypermasculinity that dictated the posturing of other men. Brad had elevated himself above all of that. Nate wondered if it was a conscious decision. Probably not. Calm efficiency fit him too well. The intensity of the emotions in his eyes, however, showed the respect he had for their men and the Corps.
Nate watched him walk away and he wondered what Brad’s internal voice sounded like. Was it a stream of excerpts from the Art of War? Maybe it was Kierkegaard stripped of the religious aspects. Or was it simply staccato bursts of necessary info on the ROE? It was fascinating to imagine the way Brad’s mind worked.
Nate would never truly know, of course. Just like Nate’s own inner voice was unknowable to anyone else. They held their thoughts too close to their flak vests here. An icy veneer was mission critical (as evidenced by Dave’s cracking front and crumbling command of his team). It was impossible to imagine either Nate or Brad releasing their tight hold on their thoughts and verbalizing them, even under the blanket of night, even in the safety of Oceanside.
Nate blinked. He realized with a jolt where his thoughts were taking him. He drank from his canteen and shook it off.
He was glad Brad was his TL.
“We're 30 klicks west-northwest of Basra, and 30 klicks south of Al-Kurna.” Nate gazed north over the marshy lowlands.
Brad was at his shoulder on the low berm. Nate had no doubt Brad had their map coordinates committed to memory. He had a natural eye for that kind of thing. An admirable skill.
Nate continued with his voice hardly over a whisper. The history of this place deserved that gesture of respect.
“Al-Kurna sits at the confluence of the Tigris and the Euphrates. It's the cradle of civilization. Sumer, Assyria, Babylonia. All of them right here.”
The reeds moved in the low breeze. Christeson was tapping out a beat on a fuel can while Stafford and Garza took turns sing-rapping verses of hip-hop songs Nate didn't know the names of.
“How many wars has this place seen over the millennia?” Nate mused.
“And now we perpetrate one more,” Brad observed.
Nate felt Brad's eyes on him momentarily. Or perhaps he imagined it. He didn't look to verify.
“Has Poke been proselytizing within your earshot?” Brad asked. He sounded amused. “He was saying something similar back at Matilda.”
Nate grinned. He hadn’t heard anything from Espera on this topic, but it didn’t surprise him that he would have opinions on the matter.
“Did you know the wheel was likely invented in this area?” Nate asked.
“Humvee tires leaving tread marks in the wake of donkey carts. A noble legacy.”
“Noble.” Nate tried the word in his own mouth. A week ago it would have tasted better.
A few moments spent in the dusk’s dwindling light. The history here weighed heavily on him. They owed this place a debt of gratitude.
“Brad, we just waved them off,” Nate breathed. “Trucks of armed men and we waved them off because they weren't uniformed. The whole of our observations… the trucks, the weapons, their posture. They were irregulars, but they were combatants.”
Now Brad’s gaze was definitely on him. Nate hazarded a look and found Brad studying him.
“Clearly Command hasn't heard your history lesson, sir,” Brad said with a smirk in his voice. “Or they did and were distracted by the Whore of Babylon analysis I assume you included.”
Nate looked down at his feet to obscure his grin. “Al-Kurna has an old jujube tree that is purported to be the Tree of Knowledge from the Garden of Eden.”
“Like I said: whores.”
500 .
“Hey, LT,” Gunny said, rousing Nate from his sleep.
Nate had no idea how long he’d been asleep for. He was lucky to grab an hour of shut eye per day. It wasn’t sustainable, but it was what he got.
It was still dark. The moon was up. That was Nate’s only gauge of the current time. He’d sat down in his victor after the 2100 Zulu briefing with Trombley and the rest of Two One Alpha.
“Sorry to wake ya,” Gunny said softly.
Nate rubbed his hand across his face. “It’s fine.”
“That’s the thing. Not sure everything is fine.”
Nate jolted upright and started opening the door. Adrenaline took its accustomed place in Nate’s veins. “Did the boy not make it to shock-trauma?” Shit.
“Whoa, whoa,” Gunny soothed. “It’s not like that. We don’t have that word.” His face was soft, concerned.
Nate sat back in his seat. The tension hadn’t fully left his body. “What is it?”
Gunny clearly was parsing his words before speaking. He took a few moments to respond. “This is weighing on Brad. I haven’t seen him like this before.”
“Like what?”
“Less than mission ready.”
Nate’s eyebrows went high. “Thanks, Mike.” And he meant it.
Brad was on watch while the rest of his team slept under the cami net nearby. On the perimeter of the airfield tarmac, Nate walked over and stood next to him.
“I thought you were sleeping,” Brad eventually said.
“Your fairy godmother woke me up.”
He left it at that for a long time. In the far distance, soundless flares of smoky explosions were a constant reminder of where they were. Above them, the night sky was cloudless. The platoon had gone to red lights at sunset for security, but it had the added benefit of making the stars vibrantly visible. The Milky Way angled from horizon to horizon. It was a momentary escape to take it in.
“Mars is up,” Nate said eventually, looking toward the faintly red planet twinkling up there.
“Hm?” Brad said. He appeared to try to follow Nate’s line of sight in the dark without success.
“Here,” Nate said. He moved to stand behind Brad, and he pointed over Brad’s right shoulder so he could sight off of Nate’s arm. “Do you see it?”
Brad’s body radiated warmth in the night air, a fraction of an inch from Nate’s. His cheek was close to Nate’s exposed wrist.
“I’ve got it now. Apt.”
“I thought so too,” Nate said, moving away to stand alongside Brad again.
“If we were living inside your history lecture, would Mars be a harbinger or a boon?” Brad asked.
Nate smiled. “I suppose that’s in the eye of the beholder.”
“Then I say it’s neither. Too superstitious. Can’t deny the poetry of it though.”
Silence surrounded them again. Nate thought it was less heavy than when he’d first joined Brad here.
“These are the moments I hope I remember from here,” Nate said quietly.
“Mm,” Brad concurred.
“Sir,” Pappy asked, “has any thought been given to destroying the weapons and ordnance that are sitting over there?”
Nate nodded. “Actually, that did come up, but it seems the battalion's supply of C-4 is now unaccounted for. The battalion supply truck we left last night? It is a smoldering heap of twisted metal and failed hopes in the trustworthiness of the Iraqis we are striving so hard to liberate.”
Patrick’s left eyebrow rose, and then he shook his head in exasperation.
As Nate and Gunny walked away, he thought he heard Pappy say something to Lovell like, “The LT is starting to talk like Brad.”
“Espera,” Nate called. “Have Two One Bravo start resupplying the platoon from that cache.”
“On it, sir,” was the response.
“Mike, would you enlist Two Three to help on that? I need to make a pit stop.”
On his way to the designated latrine area behind the dilapidated hangar, Nate replayed his words in his mind. A smoldering heap of twisted metal and failed hopes. He had zero trouble imagining them coming out of Brad’s mouth. Maybe Pappy was right and Nate was taking on Brad’s cadence. Or maybe they’d always had this in common.
Nate came to a stop in the shade of the building, his thoughts sapping the momentum of his body.
He wondered suddenly what it would have been like to meet Brad at Dartmouth. It’s strange to imagine Brad anywhere without the sun beating down on him, let alone in the misty north end of the Appalachian Trail. But the idea of him in a rugby shirt or coming in from the cold of the ski slope wasn’t too hard to conjure up. Maybe Nate would’ve passed freshman chemistry if Brad had been in it with him, challenging him and mocking him with puns that included both Arrhenius and Aeschylus.
Or perhaps Nate would have met Brad in California instead. Nate in his early ‘90s Saab and Brad on his motorcycle, both parked at the climbing gym.
It’s fortunate you’re about to ascend this wall, Brad would have said, because the only option your liberal ass has when showing up in that piece of shit, socialist welfare state, pile of scrap, so-called car is to go up and out of the miserable existence you’ve clearly fallen pitifully into. And then he would have complimented Nate’s climbing form and how the harness framed his glutes just right.
“Deep thoughts, sir?” Brad appeared next to him in the Iraqi shade.
Nate had been so deep in his fantasy he hadn’t seen or heard him approach. His cheeks burned like he’d been caught saying all of those things aloud. It was like he’d been interrupted in the middle of a combat jack, the thought of which made him cough awkwardly.
Brad handed him his canteen, and then leaned his shoulder against the wall. He waited until Nate had taken a drink and handed the water back.
“Thank you, sir,” Brad said.
“For what,” Nate asked, a rasp of embarrassment still in his throat.
“Joining me and Mars on watch last night.”
Brad’s blue eyes were intense when Nate met them. Pale brows and lashes. Sun-reddened skin along his nose and cheekbones. The five o’clock shadow that Sixta would ream him out about if it didn’t get taken care of. A flicker of a thought of how it would scratch against Nate’s palm was shoved away before it fully formed in Nate’s mind.
“Did it help?”
Brad held their gaze intently. Nate’s heart thundered in his ears.
Finally, Brad gave a nod. “Very much.”
“Where’s the line between insubordination and trying to manage upward?”
Nate asked the question rhetorically. He knew how the regulations defined insubordination: Willful disregard of a superior officer’s lawful order . Every Marine knew that definition. It was taken out of their hides from day one of boot camp and reminders of it happened every single day. Particularly in theater like they were now, the pecking order was clear.
When Captain Schwetje had invited the enlisted men to share their opinions with him, the only one with the fortitude to say what he was thinking was Doc. He got away with it on the technicality of the Captain asking for candid feedback, and on the fact that every Marine protects and respects their Corpsman, especially one as competent as Tim Bryan. No one else was going to feel safe from being NJP’d for disrespect of a commanding officer. Especially not when Schwetje asked for feedback in front of Griego’s opportunistic eyes.
But no one had asked Nate’s opinion on anything. Nonetheless, he was exerting his will in contradiction to his Captain’s orders again and again. In his core, Nate felt like he was making the best and safest choices for their platoon in their constantly non-ideal situations. But the Corps’ system wasn’t set up for Lieutenants to defy their Commanders. Not even in Recon, with its need to be nimble, where decisions were made on the fly, was flagrant insubordination ignored. Not even when one’s superior was arguably incompetent and the lawfulness of their orders could be questioned. Not even then.
Brad leaned against the front bumper of Nate’s humvee, contemplating Nate’s question. He bumped his shoulder against Nate’s and left it there.
“Fretting is unproductive,” he said reasonably. His directness was what Nate needed. “You can’t unfuck Encino Man, and you’re doing what this company needs you to do.”
“Tell that to Godfather.”
“I will if I have to.”
“No,” Nate said sharply. “This is my situation. I’m not getting the rest of you… I’m not getting you, Brad, mixed up in this. Let me take care of it.” Even broaching this topic with an E-5 was inappropriate, but this was Brad.
Brad exhaled, annoyed. After a thoughtful pause, he told a story.
“When I was a teenager, I took a job with the grounds crew for the county. Mowing lawns, planting flowerbeds, painting municipal buildings. It was mindless, but it paid well in a seventeen year old’s opinion. There was a team of us that worked together. Me and a couple of guys who went to the other high school in town. Our manager was this blustering, self-important guy in his thirties, constantly on a weird power trip. Spent a lot of time reminiscing about being a star football player.”
Brad gave Nate a meaningful look that was readily interpretable as Schwetje.
“At one point, both of the mowers we usually used were down for maintenance at the shop across town. Some guy on the county board had a shitfit about the baseball field’s grass being too long, ruining his runny-nosed brat’s T-ball game. Instead of getting between us and that board member, our manager let all of that stupidity roll down on us. All of us got fired the next day.”
Brad’s body was a long line of support next to him. Nate could hear the moral of the story coming.
“You, sir, are not that guy. You are shielding us from the worst of Command’s inanity. Hitman Three doesn’t have an LT like you, and they’re the worse for it. Every one of us will have your back because we know you have ours.” Brad’s voice crescendoed to the end of his parable.
Nate turned to look at Brad. They were too close, and Nate’s eyes flicked down to Brad’s mouth. It was only for a fraction of a second, but Brad caught the motion. Of course he did. Nate leaned back, turning to look forward again. Safe. Appropriate.
Brad didn’t chase him. How could he here? It was impossible. Nate wouldn’t compound his issues with Command by engaging in conduct unbecoming with his Team Leader.
Brad pressed his knee against Nate’s and left it there.
“New map sheets,” Gunny called out to the team leaders.
Nate was already waiting for them at the hood of his victor. His flashlight was trained on the paper spread across the flat surface, tracing out the route they’d take at dawn.
The men arrayed themselves at Nate’s sides for the briefing. Brad stood furthest from Nate’s position and met his eyes with an intense look. The tiny hairs at the back of Nate’s neck prickled. It was fear, yes, but not fear of Brad. Rather, it was fear of what the look meant for them here.
Nate looked to the map for respite.
“Later today we’re pushing forward to here.” Nate put his index finger on the location on the map. “Goal in the 24 hours after that is to assault through to here.” He extended his middle finger to the second location.
Brad shifted. Nate glanced up. Brad’s focus was entirely on Nate’s hand and the map. His expression was unreadable in the low light.
“Take your copy back to your teams. Make sure your drivers know the route inside and out.”
Pappy, Lovell, and Espera grabbed their copies and headed back to their teams. Gunny went with them, quietly discussing tactics with Pappy as they walked.
Brad, however, lingered.
“Sir, a few questions about the AO,” he said.
His words were cover. Nate knew it. Nate responded in kind.
“Yes, Brad? Your team will be on point, so now’s the time to get any concerns addressed.”
Brad moved around to the front of the humvee, standing close to Nate’s right side.
“Here,” Brad said, pointing at a position near the MSR. “Am I to understand we’re pushing past this town without stopping? There is a school marked on this map, and Fedayeen has been holing up in schools. Should we recon it, sir?”
Nate slowly moved his own hand back to the map, placing his finger a hair’s breadth from Brad’s.
He cleared his throat. “I like your idea, Brad. I’ll run it past Godfather.”
“I have other thoughts I’d like to ask you about.” Brad’s voice was barely above a whisper.
He closed the distance between Nate’s finger and his own. Nate knew the touch was coming. Brad had telegraphed his intent. Still, the electric jolt of it cascaded unexpectedly through Nate’s entire body. He exhaled sharply.
“I’m open to that line of questioning, sure.”
Nate gently squeezed Brad’s index finger between his first and second fingers, scissoring around the length of it. Brad pressed his hips firmly against the front grill of the humvee, body taut.
“Is it our wisest option, sir?”
“Reconning first is always the wisest option.”
Brad’s thumb and forefinger felt the perimeter of Nate’s fingertip. The side of his thumb ran over the smooth flat of Nate’s nail. Nate clicked his red light off, throwing them into full darkness.
“As you say, sir, it’s good to be thorough.”
They stopped short of entwining their hands fully. Even here in the dark, there were constraints. Nate didn’t want constraints. He wanted his hands on more than Brad’s fingers.
Then Brad’s mouth was near Nate’s ear. His breath tickled Nate’s cheek when he said, “I remember when we first met. The showers at Pendleton. That bruise on your hip.”
Nate inhaled. Brad smelled like shaving cream, like he’d just done his daily ablutions. Nate imagined the feel of Brad’s smooth skin against his own, how it would feel against his neck. He was so close to that target as it was.
“It’s gotten me through many a dark night,” Brad rasped.
“Fuck,” Nate breathed. “Brad. I don’t know how to do things by halves.”
Brad chuckled. “I’m counting on that particular trait.”
Frustration lanced through Nate. He couldn’t touch Brad how he wanted. He couldn’t run his platoon how he wanted. He couldn’t trust his commanders like he wanted.
Was this a combat stress response? Shit.
No, it wasn’t just a stress response. There had been seeds of this in Nate’s psyche long before things had gone to shit here in the desert. Brad was right. Since that first meeting, Nate always kept Brad in his line of sight. His situational awareness always included Brad’s position.
“Fuck,” Nate breathed again. He yanked his Sharpie from his vest and uncapped it with his teeth. Shoving up the cuff of Brad’s blouse, he scrawled an N on Brad’s right forearm in the dim light. It was barely recognizable as a letter.
They both knew it was a mark to stake a claim.
“Now you have my marked skin in your mind’s eye, and I have yours,” Nate hissed. “My initial will be there every time you touch your cock from here until the end of this fubar-ed op.”
Brad swallowed thickly. “Aye aye, sir.”
Time expanded to infinity.
Nate could see every tracer like it was taking a Sunday stroll. A bullet ricocheted off Two One Alpha’s victor a mere foot from Nate’s shoulder, and it felt like it crawled past him. Every rivet in the tan armor was visible to him. Every round from Hasser’s Mark-19 put out a tongue of fire that lingered in front of the muzzle, each like a miniature dragon dancing in the moonlight. Strangest of all, the long, slow moments were silent, like Nate was living in a space beyond the speed of sound.
Time compressed into a second.
Faster than Nate could comprehend, an RPG exploded into the berm at his 6, and then another up ahead almost at the humvee wheels. A blinding cloud of dust came up and Nate had no idea if microseconds or minutes had elapsed.
“Back up and over the berm, then hard right. Clear a path,” he had yelled to Two Three.
He had dodged around shrapnel in the road to Two Two and had yelled the same. He knew he must have done it, but the slinky of time expanding and contracting had wiped it from his short-term memory.
It was seconds ago, minutes ago, years ago that Brad’s voice had calmly come over comms: “There are men in the trees.” It had been followed by the snap of his M4 firing, and by the sharp drop of Nate’s stomach. Brad’s vehicle was on point in an ambush.
The comms had awoken with yelled commands. All of them overlapped and became garbled in the firefight. Nate’s rifle was in his hands, against his shoulder, looking down the sight, finger pulling the trigger. The cacophony was profound. Training took over for every single one of Bravo’s men.
Two Two had a man go down. Nate couldn’t wait longer. They had to retreat. He ran into fire and lost time to the adrenaline.
Breathing took too long. Running took too long. He had to get to the vehicles in front and get them turned.
Finally, pressed against the side of Brad’s victor, time normalized. He had no idea how long it would stay this way, so he called out.
Brad’s M4 paused. Through Reporter’s window, their eyes met. The look was anything but silent, but no words were exchanged. It was beyond language. Simply a feeling that said “ I had to…” or perhaps “Not before we...” or perhaps simply “This is my duty.”
A bullet pinged off the doorframe. The casing spun into Reporter’s lap and he yelped.
Nate awoke from the momentary hypnosis of Brad’s gaze. It had only lasted a millisecond.
“Go! Go! Ray, back and hard right. Go now!”
Nate sprinted after them, chasing the pop pop of Brad’s M4.
Gunny’s face was ashen when Nate returned to his vehicle. “Sir, that was fucking stupid. Thanks for doing it, but don’t do it again.”
Mike was right. It was stupid to run out into live fire. Stupid, but fully and completely necessary. Nate regretted nothing. He knew, though, that he’d crash from this flood of adrenaline eventually. Perhaps an hour from now, maybe two, Nate would feel nauseated or like his muscles were all jelly. He hoped they were through with this push when it happened. He couldn’t afford to be less than 100%. There was no way he was letting these guys down.
With Bravo Three between them and the bridge, Two regrouped.
Brad stepped out of his humvee, back rigid and fingers still tight on his rifle. The muscle in Nate's jaw twitched involuntarily. Overuse. Too much clenching of his teeth. They'd just survived an ambush. Muscle spasms were a victory.
“Why are you bleeding?”
Nate shone his red light at Brad. He clicked it again to make the light white. It was too bright, like a muzzle flash at midnight. He tugged Brad next to the canvas side of the supply truck.
“I’m not–” Brad looked down at his arms and legs, trying to spot evidence of an injury.
Nate pushed him upright and swiped a dusty thumb over Brad’s cheekbone. It came away red.
Brad’s fingers shot up, touching the place and looking at his own reddened fingers in the flashlight beam.
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing. Your eye is an inch from there, and I’m not planning on cas-evacing you today,” Nate said, annoyed.
“Doc,” Nate called, snagging the medic as he hurried by. “Hand me some gauze.”
“I’ll handle it, sir,” Doc replied, starting to divert to Brad’s aid.
Nate held out a hand to stop Doc’s change of direction. “Give me the gauze, Tim.”
Doc looked hard at Nate, and then at Brad. Brad’s eyebrows rose as Doc handed over the medical supplies.
“Clean it good, sir. It would be a shame if we had to amputate Colbert’s pretty face.”
“Copy that,” Nate said, setting to work cleaning the blood away from the scratch. He was making a mountain out of a molehill, yes, but this was his best TL.
For the second time tonight, time stood still. Brad let Nate tend to his wound. Nate used the time to forget about how fucked up the last seconds, minutes, hours had been. The feel of Brad’s cheekbone beneath his fingers was calming.
“Game face?” Brad asked when Nate smoothed an unnecessary butterfly bandage over Brad’s cut. “You ready?”
“Let’s go.”
“From an armchair in Iowa, assaulting that bridge would've seemed foolish. From where we stand on this roadside in Iraq, the lunacy of it will eat away at our confidence until we’re ineffective,” Nate said in a low voice.
Frustration oozed out of him. Saying these things aloud was necessary. He wished there were other lieutenants to vent with. His men shouldn’t have to bear the burden of Nate’s frustrations.
Gunny, Brad, and (surprisingly) Kocher stood in a tight cluster with him.
In his Texan twang, Gunny said simply, “It’s a goat fuck.”
Kocher spoke up. “You’re saying what we all think, sir. You’re just doing it in a measured way. Expressing legit concerns is a helluva lot different than…”
Clearly Kocher was reluctant to invoke Dave’s name in front of Nate. But Nate felt Dave’s unhinged panic hiding in himself too. The deeply buried urge to yell and break things to make it clear to someone, anyone how fucked up things have gotten.
“Look, I’m not here for you guys to blow smoke up my ass,” Nate said. “I’m not fishing for compliments.”
“In that case,” Brad grinned, “are you open to insults?”
Gunny pointed over his shoulder back toward their humvee. “I’ve got a whole list I’ve been making,” he said with a lopsided grin. “First on it is: Knows too goddamn many Dave Matthews songs.”
“Fuck all of you,” Nate chuckled. “And thanks. Have you guys eaten recently?”
“Have you?” Brad retorted. Brad’s righthand fingers tightened and released. Nate imagined his sharpied initial stretching and relaxing as Brad’s forearm muscles flexed.
“Good. Just what I need,” Nate replied with an eyeroll and a grin. “First Mike nags me about everything under the sun. Now you?”
“It’s because we both disrespect and despise you, sir,” Brad said with a wink.
The group broke, going to find their rations. Brad strolled back a few minutes later eating a makeshift peanut butter sandwich.
“What do you suppose Alexander the Great ate while he was conquering vast swaths of this fair country?”
“Figs. Flatbread. Fish,” Nate responded while he rummaged through his MRE. He pulled a bean and rice burrito out of nondescript brown packaging and ate it cold.
“Ah, yes, the Three F’s.”
“I’d be happy for anything fresh with a capital F,” Nate said. His MRE contained a fruit cup that reminded him of elementary school lunches. He hadn’t liked the texture of them then either. Still, the Vitamin C beckoned.
Brad chewed contemplatively. “Tabling the discussion of our presence here as a reflection of America’s imperialistic undertones, it’s interesting to think about how much territory Alexander the Great conquered in a matter of a few years.”
Nate wondered if Brad would be open to a discussion of American imperialism at another time, because Nate had thoughts on the matter.
“I read that priests told him not to enter Babylon that last time. Bad omens. He died there shortly thereafter,” Nate said.
“So, like ol’ Alex, we should’ve listened to our prognosticators? I prefer to think he disregarded their advice because it was superstitious bullshit.”
Nate nodded. “Agreed. Having Aristotle as one’s teacher effectively guarantees becoming a lover of logical thinking.”
Brad tipped some trial mix into Nate’s palm.
“I’ve always been more of a Plato fan,” Brad said. He popped a cashew into his mouth, followed by a raisin.
“What appealed about Plato?”
“ Logos , thymos , eros . Logic, spirit, desire.”
Nate raised his eyebrows in question.
Brad shrugged and ate another nut. “Feels like an Occam’s Razor explanation for the way humans work. Shit gets messy when the three get imbalanced.” He gestured around them to the barely armored humvees. “Case in point. This place is 99% thymos, and 0% logos.”
“And the other 1%?”
Brad looked intensely at Nate and didn’t answer. He tossed the remaining nuts in his mouth, smirked a little, and walked back to his team.
That was the most fulfilling meal Nate had eaten since California.
Later, after dark, Nate called Bravo Two together for a briefing. Schwetje’s message from Godfather had been received by Nate loud and clear: Both of them better get in line before they both got court-martialed. Nate cared more about his men's safety than his own, but he did have some level of self-preservation. And he still believed in the principles of the United States Marine Corps. He'd joined up because he wanted something transformative, something that might kill him, or leave him better and more capable. Nate was getting the message that this included humility.
Nate swallowed his misgivings and toed the line.
“What we did, running and gunning through those towns, was all part of the plan. Of all the Marines in the First Division, the General selected us to be the instrument of long range strategy. We led the feint to Al Kut. We tied down two Iraqi divisions, saved untold numbers of US soldiers. You should be proud.”
As the men parsed Nate's words, several skeptical looks were directed at him.
“Why didn't we go into Al Kut?” Garza asked. He wasn't the only one with the question. He was just the first to ask it
“The General's plan wasn't about taking the city. It was about making the Iraqis think we were going to take it. To be clear, the focus has always been Baghdad.”
“We did all this shit because we took a wrong turn?”
Grumbling was starting up
“Gabe, that's not what I'm saying.”
When he dismissed the meeting, he felt like he'd betrayed them. It was one thing telling Godfather a white lie about exploding espresso makers. It was another thing entirely feeding his platoon a bunch of psy ops.
Brad left with a scowl.
Later still, thymos won over logos when Griego usurped Nate's command and fucked with Two’s men. Nate had never thrown a punch out of anger, and here he was, on the precipice.
Brad's wolfish, hungry smile at Nate as he walked away was much more validating.
Baghdad was as much of a clusterfuck as anywhere else they’d been.
Entering the city, civilian life looked strangely normal. Produce sellers, tea drinkers, and cigarette smokers just watched as the company drove through their streets, like circus wagons had just rolled into town and Recon was the strange sideshow. A day earlier, Nate would've been apoplectic with so many people so close to their vehicles. Muwaffaqiyah was too fresh in his memory.
They were billetted at a cigarette factory formerly owned by Saddam’s sons. The concrete structure gave a sense of safety, like they’d entered the walls of a fort. Castle towers reached to the sky around them. But Navy sniper rifles cracked every few minutes, a car bomb sent smoke billowing up by the front gate, and One Five was shooting helicopter-deployed missiles into nearby highrises.
The city looked normal at first blush, but SNAFU was a better description. Situation Normal: All Fucked Up.
When night soon fell, Brad circled around to Nate’s vehicle.
“Sir,” he said quietly, tapping Nate’s shoulder to rouse him from the early stages of sleep.
“Am I dreaming?” Nate asked groggily.
Brad huffed. “Of me? Not this time, sir. May I have a word?”
“Sure,” Nate said, opening the door and stepping out. He rolled his shoulders to stretch. “What is it?”
“In private, sir?”
Nate was immediately alert. He searched Brad’s face in the low light. All he could make out were the downturned corners of his mouth. This wasn’t a flirtatious housecall. Brad needed something serious.
“Of course,” Nate replied.
They walked inside the factory, away from where the humvees were parked and away from the sleeping Marines, away from the perimeter surveillance. Nate led Brad into the room he’d briefed the platoon in, up some stairs to what appeared to be a manager’s office. Blinds on the windows and a lock on the door were useful. Nate engaged both and then clicked his flashlight to red mode and put it on the desk.
Harsh shadows turned Brad’s furrowed eyebrows into deep black lines on his forehead.
“I am requesting mast on behalf of Eric Kocher and Daniel Redman,” Brad said formally. His shoulders drew back until his back was perfectly rigid.
“Fuck,” Nate breathed. “OK. Yes.” The ramifications started spooling through his mind.
“I’m sorry for bringing you into this, but I can’t let this go. What’s happening to them is not right.”
Nate rubbed his forehead, squeezing his temples. “It’s fine. We’ll figure it out. We’ll read Gunny in, then take it up to Schwetje as a unified front. It’ll work.”
Nate looked back at him. Brad’s face bore too many expressions to fully interpret. Gratitude, anger, regret.
“Goddamn it,” Brad said, clearly frustrated. Not at Nate, but at the situation they found themselves in. “I did not sign up for the Marines to get wrapped up in politics. How did we get here? Two fucking incompetent COs and an Ops Chief who spends every waking minute stirring the pot. This is Recon. We’re 0321s. Nate,” he exhaled hard, getting himself under control. “Sir, if this will endanger your position, I’ll go directly to Schwetje for mast.”
The thought had indeed crossed Nate’s mind. Putting himself into the middle of this even as a nominally neutral party was a sticky situation. Schwetje would throw all of them under the bus at Griego’s urging just to keep his own head above water. Loyalty among officers felt… like it should be real, even though Nate felt more loyalty to the enlisted men he commanded than he did to the command structure.
“I honestly have no idea how this will play out. Every time I think I know which way the wind is blowing, it switches. It’s like pounding in tent stakes during a shamal.”
They locked eyes then, remembering the dust storm that ripped through Matilda. Their shared memory of Schwetje digging his rucksack and bedroll out of a foot of yellow sand was too amusing to ignore. Both of them snorted, and then laughed, and then were doubled over with guffaws. These were the laughs one has when there is nothing left to do but laugh.
Brad clapped Nate on his shoulder as they gasped for breath.
“I needed that,” Nate said.
Brad nodded. “Me too.” His hand remained on Nate’s shoulder.
Nate wished he could see Brad’s face this close without hiding in the dark. He put his hand on Brad’s arm.
“I don’t know if I can solve Kocher and Redman’s problem, but I’ll try.”
“I know,” Brad said quietly. “You’re the only thing here that I have complete faith in.”
Nate stepped closer. “That’s a tall order, Brad.”
“Not for you it isn’t.” Brad’s breath whispered along his skin.
Fractions of an inch separated their lips. Nate’s fingers curled into Brad’s sleeve. His other hand gripped at the webbing of Brad’s belt at his hip. One of Brad’s fingers had found the skin at Nate’s collar. The feel of his skin on Nate’s made him gasp and push into the touch.
This position was compromising, but it gave plausible deniability. They weren’t so entangled that discovery would mean credible evidence for a DADT discharge. Nate hated that regulations were front of mind now of all times. But he couldn’t deny that the added tension made this feel so much more intense.
Brad panted hot and damp across Nate’s lips. Nate pushed his thumb inside the waistband of Brad’s pants and rubbed circles into the firm flesh he found there.
Their noses bumped together, but never their mouths. The air gap between them heated from their proximity, but they didn’t let themselves advance. It was their Rubicon.
Nate slid his hands around Brad’s body, pressing against Brad’s lower back, feeling the curve descending to his ass. He imagined the flex and push of those muscles if they fucked. He imagined the long expanse of Brad’s pinked, sweat-glistening skin.
Their cheeks slid together. The faintest hint of stubble grabbed on stubble. In the crook of Brad’s neck, he smelled of baby wipes and dust and musk.
Below, in the warehouse, voices rose up. A patrol.
Still they didn’t push apart. They held onto each other more firmly for another heartbeat, and another, and another.
Finally, Brad stepped back. Even in the red light, his cheeks were clearly burning as intensely as his eyes were. He slowly and conspicuously adjusted himself in his pants and hungrily watched Nate do the same.
Nate didn’t know if he could have this – have Brad – but he was sure as hell going to try.
The human mind’s quest for equilibrium will smooth the edges off threats and thrills alike.
Nate wasn’t an adrenaline junkie. He knew people who skied backcountry trails, free climbed, dove with sharks. He simply joined the Marines, a wholly different type of thrill-seeking. By the time they had Baghdad in their rear views, Nate’s body and mind were strung out on too much adrenaline for far too long. The edges had been smoothed off everything. He felt thin and papery and beyond ready to be done with the frustrations of this place.
He was glad to have his feet back on Californian soil. The safety of home meant some of the excitement of living could outcompete OIF’s ever-present thrill of death via ambush.
He gave himself a week before he knocked on Brad’s apartment door.
Brad was barefoot and in board shorts. His left hand curled over the top of the door and he grinned broadly in welcome.
“I was wondering when you’d come to finish the job.”
Nate smiled. “Finish it? I’m here to get it properly underway.”
“Don’t let me interfere with a well-conceived plan.” He stood aside and gestured Nate inside.
Nate could feel Brad’s eyes on his ass as he toed off his sandals and walked into the kitchen, depositing a grocery bag on the counter.
“You did a supply run? Let me guess: no adult diapers or baby wipes this time.”
“Very astute assumption.” Nate began pulling every vet’s luxury – fresh fruit – out of the bag. “I brought the F’s.”
“Nutrition is of utmost importance for stamina.” Brad pulled two beers from the refrigerator and handed Nate one.
Talking would be required at some point. Nate wasn’t going to re-up (which he hadn’t revealed to anyone yet), but Brad was a career Marine and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell would be a part of his professional life for the foreseeable future. Nate didn’t know if Brad wanted a one-night stand or a quiet relationship. Either way, the conversation would happen later.
Nate took a long drink of beer. Brad watched him, and Nate watched him right back.
“Shower?” Nate asked, by way of starting the proceedings.
Brad reached out slowly for Nate’s hand. This was something they’d skirted. A touch like this would bind them to each other. Clearly he was giving Nate time to divert if it was still off the table. The opportunity for an out was appreciated, but Nate was here for a reason. No flinching at this point. Brad’s fingers hooked around Nate’s and tugged.
“This way,” Brad said.
In the last week, Nate had spent hours in his own bath. The dirt of war needed time to fully wash away. Perhaps that’s why he suggested this as their first encounter. It would feel like a luxury, and it might feel like a clean start, free of all the shit that made their time in Iraq hard.
Brad pulled his shirt over his head in a smooth motion, abandoning it on the bathroom counter. He reached into the shower to turn on the water, letting it warm. The glass of their beer bottles clinked when Brad took both and placed them on the high windowsill inside the shower.
As he did, Nate began unbuttoning his shirt. Some day, Nate hoped, he’d undress for Brad and it would be an intentionally slow tease. Now Nate’s pace was slow simply because it felt good to be unhurried.
Brad’s keen eyes drank in the motion of Nate’s fingers. As the collar spread wide and Nate’s clavicles were visible, Brad’s eyes traced their lines and the healed jump pin scar there. As the placket fell open, Brad’s pupils widened as he took in Nate’s chest and the hair that descended below his beltline. Nate continued downward to the button of his shorts, and to the zipper.
Brad cleared his throat when Nate thumbed his fly wide. “Commando. Very efficient and somewhat presumptuous.”
Nate pushed his clothes to the floor and stood before Brad in the steam. Both of them had dropped weight in Iraq. Their cheekbones stood out more sharply. The hint of ribs framed their chests.
He stepped closer to Brad. Like in Baghdad, their lips were a breath apart. Now, however, Nate could read every expression in Brad’s eyes in the daylight. The blue of his irises was a thin ring. His lashes fluttered when Nate slowly laid his hands on Brad’s hips. Without the bulk of Brad’s uniform in the way, Nate felt greedy. He took his time, moving his hands at an achingly slow pace just to feel Brad’s exhale stutter. When Nate found the drawstring of Brad’s shorts, they both had begun to harden.
The instant his shorts hit the tiles, Brad surged forward. He crossed their point of no return with enthusiasm and purpose. The kiss was crushing and desperate. Brad looped a strong arm around Nate’s waist and walked them backward into the shower spray. Heat and moisture surrounded them, drenched them in a way that couldn’t hold a candle to the way they kissed. Physical. Claiming. Seeking and finding.
Brad’s palms flattened against the wall beside Nate’s head, caging him in. Forehead to forehead they panted.
“I want…” Brad began and then paused. He changed his inflection and repeated himself with finality. “I want.”
Skin was slick beneath the running water. Nate used it to his advantage. He explored the curve of Brad’s biceps and the gentle roll of his abdominal muscles. The N he’d heatedly scrawled on Brad’s forearm was only a memory now. Nate nipped at the skin there, and followed it with his tongue. In return, Brad sucked the lobe of Nate’s ear between his teeth. He slid his thumb across Nate’s erect nipple. He found the round of Nate’s ass and groaned as he squeezed.
The sound of Brad undone was something Nate was sure he’d never tire of. He wanted to learn every iteration of it starting now.
He took handfuls of Brad’s hips and pushed their pelvises together. Their cocks slid and bumped and caught on each other as they thrust. Nate inhaled every one of Brad’s gasps. He bit and took and gave and gave and gave everything to this man in his hold.
Brad tensed in his arms and came with Nate’s name a whisper against his lips. Nate gasped and followed Brad into that ecstasy.
Later, in the bright daylight of the California evening, they lay together in the clean sheets of Brad’s overly soft bed and shared a very fresh, very juicy, very crisp apple. Nate studied the curl of pale hair on Brad’s chest. He made note of how the ink of Brad’s tattoo crept around the left side of his waist. He scratched his fingers through Brad’s short hair and watched Brad’s eyes drift closed at the sensation.
Eventually, Brad joked, “This is some Tree of Knowledge shit.”
Nate laughed, “Which of us is the Whore of Babylon in this relationship?”
“Hard to say, but you do have those very fuckable lips.”
“Well, Brad, you do have a point there,” replied Nate, licking those very lips and sliding down the bed to respond to Brad’s challenge.
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