MCU characters as Phineas and Ferb quotes:
Peter Q: Space is cold and unforgiving...like my father!
Peter P: Huh. That parkour training actually paid off!
Peggy: Cute doesn't win the war, kid.
Rocket: Zzzzzz... But, your honor, how could I have robbed that bank if I was already wearing the prison jumpsuit? It just doesn't make any-- *gasps and wakes up* Somehow I want to finish that dream to find out if I'm guilty or not.
Scott: It turns out "entomology" is the study of insects. Go figure.
Bucky: I was sure my arm would grow back, but it never did. *taps his left arm which makes a metallic sound* See? Pure titanium. It's a fact.
Steve: Are we ready to get that "Reckless Disregard for Life and Limb" patch? / An absolute law without hope of appeal? That's despotism!
Tony: Eat your heart out, Howard Hughes.
Howard: The flying car of the future, today, is still pulling a bit to the right.
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puutterings · 2 years
a circle that cannot be quite squared
        “I must hurry back to my own shack,” said Mamise, rising.       “You stay right where you are. You’re goin’ to eat with us.”       “Not to-night, thanks, dear.”       She kept no servants of her own. She enjoyed the circumstance of getting her meals. She was camping out in her shanty. To-night she wanted to be busy about something especially about a kitchen — the machine-shop of the woman who wants to be puttering at something.       She was dismally lonely, but she was not equal to a supper at Jake’s. She would have liked a few children of her own, but whe was glad that she did not own the Nuddle children, especially the elder two.
ex The Cup of Fury : A Novel of Cities and Shipyards, by Rupert Hughes; Illustrated by Henry Raleigh (1919) : 211 : link (Cornell copy, one of several via hathitrust)
The book was made into a film : wikipedia : link and is synopsized (and criticized) in Frederick Palmer and Eric Howard, Photoplay Plot Encyclopedia (1920) : 78 : link
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  frontispiece, captioned — “It would be nice to be married,” Marie Louise reflected, “if one could stay single at the same time.”
the frontispiece illustration (and language) from this passage —
      She sighed “Good night!” and wished she were not so cantankerous. The closing of the door shook her whole frame, and she made a step forward to call him back, but sank into a chair instead, worn out with the general unsatisfactoriness of life, the complicated mathematical problem that never comes out even. Marriage is a circle that cannot be quite squared.       She sat droopily in her chair for a long while, pondering mankind and womankind and their mutual dependence and incompatibility. It would be nice to be married if one could stay single at the same time. But it was hopelessly impossible to eat your cake and have it, too.       Abbie, watching from her window and not knowing that Davidge had gone, imagined all sorts of things and wished that her wild sister would marry and settle down. And yet she wished that she herself had stayed single, for the children were a torment, and of her husband she could only say that she did not know whether he bothered her the more when he was away or when he was at home.       When Davidge left Mamise he looked back at the lonely [236] cottage she stubbornly occupied and longed to hale her from it into a palace. As he walked home his heart warmed to all the little cottages, most of them dark and cheerless, and he longed to change all these to palaces, too. He felt sorry for the poor, tired people that lived so humbly there and slept now but to rise in the morning to begin moiling again.       Sometimes from his office window he surveyed the long lines at the pay-windows and felt proud that he could pour so much treasure into the hands of the poor. If he had not schemed and borrowed and organized they would not have had their wages at all.       But now he wished that there might be no poor and no wages, but everybody palaced and living on money from home. That seemed to be the idea, too, of his more discontented working-men, but he could not imagine how everybody could have a palace and everybody live at ease. pp 235-236 : link
Henry Patrick Raleigh (1880-1944) — see Mr Geo Neo at Illustrator’s Lounge (8 March 2016) : link also (sadder story) James Gurney (Dinotopia creator), “Henry Patrick Raleigh, Illustrator” (11 January 2014) : link  
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hey!! do you have any multi-chapter zutara fic recs?
DO I?! 
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Okay before I start, here’s a link to my original masterpost of fanfic recs. A lot of the masterpost is made up of one shots, but I do have some great multi-chapter fics on there as well. 
Once Around the Sun by eleventy7 (RATED K+)
Oh MAN. If you’ve been following me for a little while, you would know that this is my ALL TIME FAVORITE Zutara fanfiction. HOLY. CRAP. It’s so good. Taking place shortly after the end of the show, this post war fic is the slow burn we all deserve. Starts K//at/ang and M/a-i/ko, and it beautifully highlights the flaws of both endgame ships without demonizing either Aang or Mai. AND we get an amazing Ursa and an AMAZING Azula. Sometimes if I need a pick me up I just read the last two chapters and sob at the beauty.  
Fall of the White Lotus by Boo-82 (RATED T)
Do you love soap operas? Do you love sweeping romances? Do you love the idea that the entire Avatar-universe would be DESTROYED if Katara and Zuko didn’t fall in love??? If yes to any or all of those, than this fic is for you. An epic of a post war fic, this story could take the alternate title of ‘Road Trip of LOVE: A Zutara Story’. Has some Taang on the side, so if that’s your thing you’ve got that added bonus. 
Such Selfish Prayers by andromeda3116 (RATED T)
Didn’t you hate how in the comics Katara became a shell of herself who did nothing but wait on Aang hand and foot? Yeah, so did the rest of us. So here’s a story where Katara’s just chilling, watching the acolytes, and is like “Uhm wtf am I doing this isn’t me”, leaves Aang, and goes on to change the world because she’s that awesome. And yeah, Zuko just happens to be a part of her epic world changing. So beautiful. 
Our Fortunes Together by NomDeGuerre (RATED M)
Like arranged marriage tropes? Love slow burn? Well here have both of them in the SAME FIC. Yep, that’s right, a slow burn arranged marriage fic. Really awesome AU where rather than be banished, Zuko has to suffer with Azula and Ozai after the Agni Kai, and the slaughter of the group he tried to save is blamed on him. His final shame is being married off to a member of the Southern Water Tribe, our babe Katara. Excellent story. 
i didn’t know i was lonely (’til i saw your face) by raisindeatre (RATED T)
brb just sobbing over the beauty of this modern AU. I don’t like modern AUs. But I LOVE this one. It’s just… the best thing ever. Honestly. It’s so fluffy and cute and I’m blushing right now writing this summary for it. It’s the "I hit you with my car and was the only one to visit you in hospital" AU none of us knew we needed from Zutara. Also anyone else think of The Raven Cycle when they hear this song? Just me? Alright sorry this is a zutara fic rec I’ll stay in my lane
What Fortunes Lent by lewilder (RATED T)
Even So is one of my all time favorite one shots, but What Fortunes Lent by the same author is also an amazing worthwhile read. In this AU, the Southern Raiders mission comes when Katara is older and they take her prisoner rather than kill Kya. There are so many moments where you’ll clutch your heart and just want to cry but the ending is just beautiful if not horribly ambiguous… absolutely all around lovely fic. 
Southern Lights by colourwhirled (RATED M)
Now, I don’t really like drastic AU’s. They just aren’t what I’m typically interested in reading. But this one, oh man. I’m so in love and invested. It takes place in a universe where there is no Avatar (but there is Aang) and Sozin successfully conquers the world. The worldbuilding is FANTASTIC, characterization is amazing, and at this moment the plot is really picking up and getting interesting. Slow burn is absolutely fantastic in this story, and I’m so excited to see what happens. What I love the most is hints of events that happened in canon are sprinkled throughout, giving this feeling that some events are always meant to be, even in drastically different scenarios. 
Brightest Nights or Darkest Days by Kittenshift17 (RATED M)
I want to give a warning with this one. This Zutara fanfiction will not be for everyone. This author is mainly a Dramione writer, and you can absolutely see that in how she writes the dynamic between Katara and Zuko. If you love Zutara but hate Dramione, you probably will not like this. However, as someone who likes both, I can say that this is a really well written season 2 AU and in the last update we just got an interesting addition to the plot that appears to be here to stay. 
HOPEFULLY these will keep you busy for a while. Happy reading!!! 
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I think about the phrase “Eat your heart out, Howard Hughs” on a daily basis
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blankdblank · 4 years
Hobbit Soulmate Pt 26
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Five feet off the ground in a grand jete you could catch the sliver of light backstage hinting that another person had snuck into your set. All week among the other cast members from Elektra Jennifer Garner took to watching your dance numbers thrilled to see just how talented the littlest of the extras actually was off set. For Daredevil in café’s you had been building some interest as a stray kitten had taken to you. A slipped pet here and at the first roll of thunder the kitten came onto set through the fake street and into the café luring attention from the other extras and main pair of actors at its trot to your costumed self to climb to your shoulder and burrow in your hair. Spending each day since following you about until you took it home to the ranch with you to keep it safe.
Hours you had been here and this was the third number you had filmed, out of the eight numbers you were doing well on time and were due for another before being sent home for the others to film their roles on the secondary sets. Again Richard was in the audience, merely with a camera aimed at him recording his reactions while his gangly self ‘snuck’ into the shows that the ringmaster would end each number by shouting at you.
Changing again you sat on your makeup chair pressing your thumbs into the sides of your left hamstring feeling the same twinge you had felt for the past two days. Inches from tearing your muscle the filming of your non dance scenes in the first half of the film had been recorded after a slipped chord from a fight scene for Elektra had you on the verge of tears and on a crutch to rest your leg. The doctor had cleared you to work, unlike the other stunt man who fractured his collar bone when his wiring failed as well. For what you loved about the film the endless strain of the ballet side of this had you deciding that your last touring show for ballet was just that, your last. Another film could be tolerated but the endless weeks of shows would have to stop if it could end up weakening your body in other roles requiring you to be at your peak.
Everything hurt but with a helping of some heating cream the muscle loosened up and you were able to complete the day. Once changed however if your decision hadn’t already been made you felt relieved to find a voicemail on your phone from your grandparents hoping that you would focus on films before you did face an injury like your grandfather had nearly lost his own career to. They fully agreed dance films were acceptable but the near possible break or worse to your leg had them rethinking their plans for you knowing the pain of those injuries all too well.
Wrapped with a heating pad and elevated in an empty chair the leg rested while you watched Richard and your father pull dinner together. Again Richard glanced your way asking, “Feeling better?”
“Little bit. Oh, I got a call earlier.” That had the pair looking your way, “Babu and Babushka about my leg, suggesting I retire from performing ballet.”
Your Father settled a hand on the counter, “Wow. Never thought I’d hear that.”
You shrugged, “They remember their own injuries and with it being my lower leg that could have been worse they think it best if I stick to ballet films and not full touring shows.”
Richard, “Are you okay with that?”
You nodded, “Funny thing is I was thinking it through the morning, and then on lunch I got the message.”
Your father nodded, “Have you called them back?”
“Not yet, no they said they had to be up early for a fundraiser. I’ll call them on their tomorrow at a reasonable hour.”
Richard nodded and asked, “Any word from Lee yet?”
“Uh, nope, after that screen test thing he said he was off to the airport.”
Your father asked, “To where?”
You shrugged, “No clue. He is a man of mystery this month and up to something. I hope it’s a role ‘cuz he’s been a bit, not off but just, distant I guess since hearing about the filming here.”
Richard chuckled saying, “My guess being he’s planning on visiting. Oklahoma’s not far, right?”
Your father shook his head, “Bout half a day drive depending on how far you want to go. Does he know where we live?”
“I, don’t know. Think so, he mentioned sending a snow globe or something.”
Your father chuckled and said, “We’ll keep an eye open for any teens lurking about.”
While days were spent filming nights were all your own. A special request while word you had worked with Howard Shore in the last minute drop of the uncooperative sound crew you were hired. Now on top of acting, singing, playing the violin and dancing lead the score was now yours. Though it didn’t come out of nowhere as you had provided the music for the dance numbers while in the first rehearsals before filming when the former crew had all but refused to grant the director anything to work with beyond a metronome beat. Just like before hums were not foreign on set and even Richard found himself joining in while you kept notepad on hand to write down all you had popping into your head.
Distraction was needed while word spread that Daredevil would be split into two films, one for him and another for Elektra and there was so much doubt on how little your part would be dwindled to if visible at all. Alternating day and night shoots often found you here in the music room, up with violin in hand or at the piano playing to a cassette recorder singing along the words you came up with. In Russian, French and Gaelic you would sing with a fourth you hummed, both operatic and lullabies to barely over a whisper. Each helped through with lyrics by Richard and your father when hearing you were stuck.
The best song though, the one you loved came out like air and sent chills down the spines of all who heard it on the business side of the film beside the beaming Director, even in the rough cut needed to be rerecorded in an actual studio. Down Below, My Bedfellow, the name of the soaring signature song played in your ride away to the new future at the end of the film. A duet with Richard he worked his way into by bringing over his cello he had sent for from England weeks prior to sit up and play with you, adoringly filling in more blanks on the song from his own heart. More time, that was what it was, even when joined in on by your father who copied note for note the song as you wrote it notes and all, simply beaming at the love song dripping with the love and adoration you shared on and off the screen. Soon enough it all was re-recorded in studio topped off with a full choir your family was all to eager to join to bring your project to life alongside the full orchestra to fill in the rest of the score as well led by you.
All this while you were given more snippets in Daredevil, even to the point where you were in the background at the big fancy party right before Elektra’s father is killed. Fittings for that however put your groggy humming self in the path of Colin Farrell alongside another for your stewardess costume, an extra role making you a blonde and granting you a couple lines at least confirmation by the Director you would not be cut at least entirely from the division of the original film. Also confirming that in said groggy interactions with Colin you had made another friend who was altogether impressed on how you could go from napping to bright eyed and bubbly for the action call at the drop of a hat. A friendship ending with a trading of emails, due to his frequency of changing his number, when schedules split you up again making lunches or dinners as a group were impossible to manage.
Sure enough while you received the third call of the day concerning the About A Boy premier the next day the doorbell had your head tilting to the door that your father had stood up from his place reading on the couch while Richard toweled off from his shower to wash off the makeup from his neck and face. “Oh man.” The words had you smirking but not as much as the voice saying them.
Softly you sighed hearing the voice through the phone still speaking to another in the room for the third try to somehow argue that you would somehow be able to fly out to England and make the premier anyways starting in ten hours. They hung up promising to work some magic making you roll your eyes and toss your phone onto the couch by your feet to lay your arms over your face tilting your head back a moment onto the arm of the chair you were lounging in after work. “Long day?”
Easing your arms down your head turned in your lifting twist to stand up for a hug from Lee, who melted around you, “There you are, trying to be all sneaky.”
“Hey,” he said pulling back, “How else am I supposed to keep you on your toes?” After stealing a glance at your father on his way to the kitchen, he whispered, “You never said he was so big, and your uncles are all the same size, went to the big house first and they sent me here.”
“Well they won’t eat you.” You giggled out making him smile wider at you, “You drove all the way here?”
“Yes, only have a week off,”
Your father came back with handfuls of sodas he passed one each to the two of you and sat down again in his former spot luring Lee to sit on the end near your chair, “Good, if you need a place to crash you are welcome here. Got the spare Murphy bed in the office.” Glancing your way he opened his soda asking, “Everything alright on the phone Pumpkin?”
“Ah, just someone trying to reverse the rotation of the earth so I could somehow make a flight to London and be there for the premier in ten hours while also being on set tomorrow out here. Said they’d work some magic.”
Lee chuckled asking, “Which premier is this one?”
“The one with Hugh Grant, About A Boy, I’m just one of the random single moms he dates there barely a week I doubt I’ll be a huge blip on screen. Anyways there’s one in New  York in two weeks if they insist while I’m off out there for the Enough film with Jennifer Lopez.”
Lee, “You’re working, how could they be mad for you missing it?”
You shrugged again taping your nail on the top of your soda, “Who knows. Highly doubt I could have any significant chunk of the film with a week of footage. I mean, there’s Hugh, the kid, the kid’s mom and a future girlfriend, Rachel something. That’s the main cast. Love interest number four, can’t be that-,”
Richard came out and smirked patting Lee’s shoulder, “Had a hunch you were dropping in on us.”
Lee grinned at his move to claim your soda and open it for you, to spare your fake nails still on from the set, then pass it back on his way to get a drink himself and sit down between Lee and your father. “How could I miss a chance to see you guys again. And I do have to say,” looking at you he said pointing at you, “I’ve seen Lord of the Rings five times. Can’t help it and can’t wait for it to be out on tape.”
Richard chuckled, “You and me both, and eventually there will be an extended cut edition as well with extra scenes I am waiting for.”
Lee smiled at you asking, “How is filming going? Leg better?”
“Yes, much better. Filming is good, another week left.”
Lee wet his lips asking, “When is it out?”
“Early next year. Certainly be a film to add to my books.”
Lee chuckled, “Hey, I played burlesque dancer, so, not that odd of a choice.”
You nodded giggling, “Oh yes, ballet dancing Selkie.”
Your father said in your sip on the soda, “Certainly original.” Making you smile lowering the can.
“You are coming?” rolled onto your side your eyes cracked open registering Jennifer Lopez’ voice.
“This about the premier?”
“Ya, you had that job but you’ll be off then, right?”
“Yup, just flew into New  York last night.”
A sharp exhale sounded through the line as your face settled into your mattress while Richard shifted to rest his head on your back cuddling closer again refusing to miss a moment of your final week together before he was due back in England. “Oh that’s good. How’d your flight go?”
“More of a rollercoaster than a flight. All bumps and then there was some hail, had to land in Tennessee and wait two hours to continue on to New York.”
“Oh that sucks,”
“Not really they have nice ribs there. How’s it with you? Heard you had a tv thing, Letterman?”
She chuckled, “Yes, been crazy with the press for this thing, but work is work. When are you doing press for yours?”
“If I do, maybe the winter. Which winter in Russia should be lovely. Have to enjoy sweater weather.” Making her chuckle again.
“Yes, yes you do.” After a moment she asked, “I heard something, you, don’t have an agent yet?”
“No, agent’s want money and I don’t get paid for last year’s work for another couple months until the first film is out of theaters and the others staggered for the same.”
“You don’t have any money, like, at all?”
Weakly you chuckled replying, “My rent is paid through the year, cash saved for my phone and food, just don’t have retainer fees level cash. Rich’s agent though tends to share what he hears about me for London work.”
“Like for couple jobs?”
“Not yet, but that’s what he’s aiming for. People there know I know him so I helps to draw attention to Rich too.”
To the continued use of his name he pressed a kiss into your back and nestled closer lifting the covers to help fight the next draft blowing through the apartment. “That’s good. I just want you to do well.”
“I know, thank you for that. I got people, just not big people. Tons of tips flow my way.”
You could almost hear her smirk in asking, “You got people?”
“I got people. Everybody has ears Jen.”
“Oh I know that. Always gotta be careful what you say and to who.” Making you smirk as she missed your point meant to mean that your latest tips had come from a delivery guy you went to school with who fired you a message for what the latest job he went to was looking for in a female lead. It was an interesting part but the request of swallowing a live octopus for the audition had you tapping out when they insisted it was the big marker for the female lead you were assured to be perfect for.
“Yes, from what I hear I do have to ask how is your fifth love child with your seventh fiancé?” Making her laugh at the combination of all the titles in the gossip rags, “I do hope I’m invited to this wedding you’ve skipped me for the last three.”
“I promise you, I get married you will be right up front… Hmm?” She asked someone else near her who said something making her pause to say, “I gotta go hun, but I will see you on the red carpet.”
“Yes you will, have fun.”
“I will, you too hun. Bye, Bye.” Hanging up allowing you to set down your phone and sigh settling back into your mattress.
Behind you Richard rumbled groggily, “You missed the best part sharing your people bring the best snacks.”
In a giggle you rolled over and he eased you down with a loop of his arm around your side planting his lips warmly on yours, “Some people don’t realize how helpful delivery guys can be for big tippers and old schoolmates.” Claiming another kiss then settling your forehead against his to get a bit more sleep with your still drowsy teddy bear clinging tight to you.
Clad in a simple indigo velvet short sleeved dress over black tights and your glittery heeled ankle boots you stood fixing your hair into a ponytail as Richard fashioned his tie. Nice and simple you dressed for the About a Boy premier and shouldered your phone to fix your mascara answering the call confirming the car sent for you was downstairs. It had been relentless with several confirmations this week you were indeed free and shouldering the crème clutch with cute accenting folds in the fabric over the top flap. Right off Richard claimed your hand locking up to walk with you to walk down to the car. With a grin you kindly greeted the driver who looked you over then flashed an awkward grin to Richard who shook that off and climbed in after you keeping hold of your hand.
Everyone you seemed to talk to shared a sense of relief. Hugh especially once Rachel, who you hadn’t met on set had come to greet you after having heard about you, came to greet you, leaving an interview to do so. “There you are,”
“Why do I feel like I’m in the Principal’s office?”
To that he chuckled and shook his head patting your arm, “Not at all. Simply, we heard you were working on another international film.”
“Yes, sorry, it was the last week of filming. I didn’t think you would miss me at the premier.”
“Miss, how could we not miss you?” His gaze shifted to Richard who was now grinning to himself and his hand outstretched, “I’m sorry, where are my manners, Hugh.”
“Richard,” naming himself in their hand shake that dropped to Hugh’s mouth opening.
“Richard, yes, Jaqi talks about you nonstop.”
“Not nonstop,” you replied bashfully.
Hugh nodded teasing you, “Yes non stop, often had to stop her on set forgetting her lines and gushing about her handsome Mate she couldn’t wait to get home to.” Hugh’s name was called and he said grinning at you both, “See you inside, have to go and keep talking about myself.” Turning to his interview again leaving you to be met by Nicholas and Toni, the mom and son in the film you spent so much of your blip with.
Nicholas hurried over and drew a giggle from you in his tight hug, “You’re here! They said you were working on a film!”
“Finished that last week, sorry,” Toni folded around you in the hug you patted her side on at the extent your arm could reach, “Hey Toni. It really couldn’t have been that bad.”
Sighing back her answer she said, “We missed you. Wasn’t the same without you. It’s a great film. You’ll love it.”
Nicholas said, “You did very well, bit odd hearing you without the accent though.”
His eyes shifted to Richard making you say in an adorable pat on his middle making him smile adoringly at you, “Oh, yes, this is Richard.”
Toni drew in a breath, “Richard! Of course!”
“I was not that bad.” You muttered making him chuckle through her handshake seeing you brush your curled bangs from your face.
Toni said, “Of course not,” then nodded to Richard who chuckled again easing his arm around your back at the group of aids hoping to move you onwards.
Walls of flashes captured your pose snuggled at his side resting your hands over his on your middle, later to be taken as a sign to hide a possible bit of jewelry on a certain finger before you were pulled aside for a brief interview followed by your rejoining Richard to head inside. Lowly in the dark of the theater leaned in you whispered to yourself, “It’s a decent part.” Not for the quality but how big your role was, not just another love interest but one of the connecting characters to blend his dating life into meeting the mom and son eventually becoming a family to Hugh’s character. On top of your lap Richard’s hand folded knowing you felt bad for missing the premier for your blip of filming that somehow now was irreplaceable if cut out to make the plot work how it did.
One after party somehow led to an interview from the magazine and papers at the first premier with that duo of writers eager to complete the cast interviews that was fully grateful you agreed to complete the full set. You guessed it had to be the management of the film who had shared the news because everyone knew you were working on some international film that they now were dying to see what had kept you from the suspected successful hit of a film with such a big star in the lead and amazing actresses to boot.
Unique was the word you used to describe the film hoping to not drive people off by describing it and thrilled to the core Richard, who was seated beside you got a snippet and a few questions as well he wondered how it would play out into this article. Either way he was excited to see if they would make the cut and if so what others would say on what was printed. Keeping you close through to your walk back up to your apartment again parting only to change and drop into bed to sleep before his flight the next day.
Cutouts of the articles on the film were added to your collection and in a long sleeved grey dress over black tights and the same glittery heels you were ready for the premier of Enough. This one you knew for a fact to be a blip yet all the same again you went and smiled for the pictures both alone and in the group picture for the full cast two seats from the aisle you were seated and in a slip out to avoid the first beating scene you went to the toilet. Leaned up against the wall you pulled out your phone needing a distraction for a few minutes and at the voicemail notification you clicked on it and listened to Peter’s voice playing over the line.
The simple reminder for your flight date and travel information came with his adding, “Gimli, I can’t wait for you to be out here again I have something I wanted to speak to you about. Just, uh, call me back when you get this and confirm you’ll be here on time, or hopefully your on time which is a few days early. Stay safe, Gimli, love you and hear from you soon.”
Quickly you dialed back flashing a grin to the woman washing her hands as you walked to the other end of the room. “Hey Peter, out in New York, I know I’m written as flying out in two weeks but Dad flew in last night and we got a good deal to fly in a week early if that’s good for you. I gotta get back, but, love you, see you in a couple days when we land. Bye.” Hanging up you stuck out your tongue a moment fighting the feeling it had tried to stick to the roof of your mouth and went back to find your seat again.
Domestic abuse films were never easy for you to sit through, you hadn’t faced it personally but a woman you used to work with and one of your friends in High School nearly didn’t make it to graduation for how bad their home situation got. All the same Jennifer played it well and even though it was a bit predictable that Slim would choose to kill her husband it was still a good film and although a bit deflated you still went to the after party to try and perk up again before heading home to sleep.
Straight across the headlines on the paper you took with you to the airport had the new cast of King Kong to begin filming in the next year. Devouring each detail you read through the article mainly telling you what you already knew of Peter’s devotion to the hope of one day filming King Kong. He had miniatures and even a script from a try years prior he shelved to work on Lord of the Rings when things didn’t work out. Colin Hanks, Jack Black, Adrian Brody and Naomi Watts were among the names you could recognize alongside Jamie Bell and Andy Serkis, the rest were vaguely hinting to possible actors the names belonged to.
While all your mind could circle on was the listed story of Ann Darrow’s life, a down and out girl working Vaudeville to try and survive the Great Depression hoping to one day work with her favorite writer who ends up on the adventure of a lifetime. The quote from Peter stating her as a girl from the big harsh city of New York, naïve with a strength she wasn’t aware of yet to be tested soon. Remembering Naomi from The Ring you couldn’t help but be a little hurt for losing the role no doubt you wouldn’t have gotten anyways. Sure as it was being filmed in New Zealand this would be another extra role film for you. And you supposed in your turn to the side to take a nap after tucking away your paper and curling around your father’s arm that this would be another epic that would leave you far from noticed on screen for the work you put into it.
Pt 27
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea ​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​, @mariannetora​, @shes-a-killer-kween, @ggbbhehe4455, @xxbyimm (Hobbit x oc)
X all Rich. A - @abiwim, @deepestfirefun, @thestorybookmistress
X Lee P - @tigereyesf
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eyesfixedonthesun22 · 5 years
The Cocoanut Grove
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Summary: Nestled within the iconic Ambassador Hotel lies the infamous Cocoanut Grove Club. In the 30′s and 40′s it was the place to see and be seen for starlets and celebrities. If you asked Bucky, he couldn’t give less of a damn.  Pairing: Bucky x Female Reader Warning(s): Post-Endgame. Cursing. Kissing. Suggestive situations but nothing explicit. TW: Anxiety. Word Count: 3,231 Beta Reader: My darling honey bun, @supersoldiersruined-me Notes: Congrats @buckmesideways22 on 2k!!!! Prompt “You’re a slave to pleasure” is bolded. This is my first post-Endgame fic. Some of my favorite scenes in the movie The Aviator take place when they’re in this nightclub during its heyday. Something just made me want to write Bucky into the setting. I’m also obsessed with art deco elevators. We have a ton of them in Chicago and they always take my breath away. 
Bucky’s eyes shoot a squinting glare at the offending object before him. His suit hangs freshly pressed on the cedar hangers in the closet. It’s a medium weight wool. Charcoal grey with subtle blue undertones.  A quality garment to be sure; but he could think of nothing he’d enjoy less than putting it on right now. A monkey suit. That’s what they called it back in the day. He’d much rather continue the evening in his boxers lounging in his hotel room.
A knock on the door interrupts his staring match with the single-breasted monster. Before he can call a greeting down the short hallway, he hears the mechanical whirr and click.
“No room service, please. I put the do not disturb sign-”
“Put on some damn pants, Barnes!” Sam hides his eyes in horror and plops down on the bed as if he owns the place. “I don’t need to see your little soldat.”
Normally Bucky would shoot some equally snark laden comment back, but the stress of the evening has him feeling tongue tied. He chooses instead to pelt Sam a few times with the overstuffed hotel pillow before shuffling to the bathroom. His toes recoil at the sudden contrast between the plush carpet and the cool marble tile.
“Why are we doing this again?” He calls back into the bedroom. “Steve isn’t here to play dad and it’s not like…”
He was going to say it’s not like Tony is here to force us. Despite the time that has passed it still feels wrong saying the words out loud.
“Don’t even think about bailing. Fury and Pepper are downstairs already.” Sam must have been sent to prevent him from escaping.
Bucky looks toward the gilded art deco mirror and glares at his own reflection. He was doing a lot of glaring it would seem and the night had hardly begun.
There’s an array of products arranged on the tray with marble inlay in the same sunburst geometric pattern as the mirror. Surely Pepper’s doing. She’d sent over the suit as well. He picks up a glossy black tin which claims it’s hair product and smooths back his hair. His muscle memory from the 40’s helps him tame the brunette locks into something more manageable. Crap. His hair is too long to do the simple slicked back formal style he used to rely on. A good three inches of his brunette locks trail limp and awkward at the base of his neck.
Glancing back down to the tray for some help he sees a package of hair elastics. He snatches one off the package and begins again. He tosses his hair roughly and sections off enough for a small handful at the crown of his head. With rusty skills but determined focus he manages to tie the small section into a braid; securing it with the elastic. His heart clenches. Natasha taught him how to braid. He turns and looks over his shoulder to get a better look. It was shoddy work at best. He was certain she would make him comb out the braid and redo it neater, but she wasn’t here to scold him. He did it anyway to quell the voice in his head. It’d have to do.
The Avengers compound in upstate New York had been rebuilt after the destruction and battle with Thanos. Most of the daily operations, training, and Avengers work was conducted there. Bucky split his time between the compound and the shared apartment he had with Sam in Brooklyn. Bucky belonged on the East Coast. It was in his blood. He’d made a home there with his therapy dog and Sam. Steve checked in when he could. Bucky took only the missions he felt were manageable. It was a good life.
He had been dragged west, away from that life, for a job in California a week prior. Something about a trafficking ring. When he had completed his final check in for the mission, Fury had sent him to 3400 Wilshire Boulevard. “Between Catalina Street and Mariposa Avenue” he remembers the text message had said.
Bucky assumed it was a safehouse where he could collect himself post mission, clean up, and catch a flight home. He couldn’t have been more wrong. When his cab had pulled up to the address, he double checked with the driver it was the correct spot. He stared at the pure white curved sign which read The Ambassador Hotel.  Maybe Fury had wanted to treat him. The hotel certainly looked like an upgrade from some of the safehouses he’d stayed in. Doubtful. A bellhop politely tried to relieve him of his bags. Bucky began to protest (tug-of-war) with the man when he saw the familiar face of Pepper Potts hurry from the entrance.
“James! Fury said you were on your way.” She glances at the bellhop who still had his hands clasped on Bucky’s duffle. “Would you drop that? Was traffic bad?” He doesn’t remember what stuttered answer he gave her as he reclaimed his only piece of luggage.
Before Tony had gotten roped back in for the Thanos battle, he had purchased the iconic Ambassador Hotel from auction. The city of L.A. had planned to demolish the building and sell its lands to the highest bidder. Tony decided to snatch it up and renovate it back to its former glory. It was his passionate side project. Pepper was out west helping to promote and ensure the launch party went smoothly. That all sounded swell, but he still didn’t understand why he was there.
“Tin Man!” He hears the exclamation as Pepper leads him to the front desk. “Looks like they roped you into being another celebrity guest.”
“Who’s watching-,” he starts, thinking of his shaggy Newfoundland back home. The therapy dog accompanied him on as many missions as possible but this one hadn’t been suitable.
“Peter is pet sitting the beast.” He knew Sam’s comment was all in good fun, nevertheless his heart clenched thinking of their homey apartment. He would give anything to fall asleep with the weight of his mutt across his chest, both of them spilling over the sides of the sofa.
Dressed in the freshly pressed suit, he continues to imagine home to calm himself while making small talk with Sam in the elevator down to the ballroom. The club is called Cocoanut Grove. Pepper had given them a tour earlier. The hotel and its club had been something of the hotspot back in the 30’s and 40’s. Names like Charlie Chaplin, Katharine Hepburn, Howard Hughes and Ginger Rogers were thrown around. It would appear those incredibly famous people had come to see equally famous people and be serenaded by musical guests like Sinatra and Bing Crosby. Bucky didn’t care. He didn’t care much for famous people then and certainly cared less for them now. Having to masquerade around as if he was one of them, simply because he was an Avenger, seemed laughable at best. Torture at worst he thought.
“Don’t get in your head, man. You’re such a stick in the mud when you’re in your head.” Sam nudges Bucky’s elbow a bit. Despite the teasing tone he knows Bucky is anxious. “We’re here to be seen. We don’t have to do anything. Have some drinks, eat some free food, have a good night. In and out.”
The doors to the club are coated in frosted glass etchings of palm trees and coconuts which surrounded the club name. The tropical theme was over the top if you asked Bucky. But he was happy with soft chenille blankets and some take out. The party’s luxe pre-war theme was a bit outside his current desires.
Walking through the doors of the club was like being zapped back in time. All the women wore beautiful, period appropriate frocks and gowns in silky metallic tones. Clusters of people gather under the curved arches of the ceiling. The floral motif on some of the walls make his head swim. He turns to look at the dining area instead. It’s dotted with small collections of circular tables in the sunken dining room. He and Sam make their way down the central staircase; Sam leading the way. Bucky thinks he hears Sam talking but he’s distracted. Women with ornate headpieces sit on large wooden swings which hang from the ceiling. Their swings trail shimmering tassels over the dining area like shooting stars. Everything is busy.
“I have someone I want you to meet.”
Sam can’t have said that. Bucky glares at the live band playing swing music at top volume. The large stage is framed by fake palm trees and a parquet dance floor. There’s the occasional flash and pop from the old timey photographers someone hired for the event. The cacophony of sounds has him on edge. All the noise must have distorted Sam’s words.
“Dude!” He wheels around. “I have someone I want you to meet!”
Bucky opens his mouth to protest but the woman is already standing beside his friend. Sam’s arm is slung over her bare shoulders. The emerald gown’s square neckline skims the underside of her clavicles. The moderate neckline is contrasted by an off the shoulder detail and a low drape of the silk down to the small of her back. Bucky finds himself jealous of Sam’s hand. He wonders how soft her skin would feel under the pads of his own fingers.
She brings her tumbler of amber liquid to her blood red lips with a sideways smirk. Could someone be jealous of liquid? Jealous of a glass?
Bucky was.
The flash of a pink tongue to corral a stray drop of bourbon from spoiling her perfectly painted lips had him hypnotized. He hadn’t heard her speak and he wanted to know everything about her.
Sam had made quick work of the introductions and sneakily exited. By the time Bucky had realized he’d been abandoned with the mystery woman, Sam was already across the ballroom shooting the pair finger guns and a wink.
“You always play the glaring stranger card or is that special for me?” He blinks. “The gaping mouth is a nice touch.”
The sound of her laughter rings in his ears. For those brief moments the pops and flashes of the camera, the bellowing swing band singer, and the muddled buzz of all the surrounding conversations dims. All the unpleasant sounds, smells and sights disappear. It’s just her. The gentle clink of the ice in her drink. A glint of light off her teardrop earrings. A waft of her warm enticing perfume. He comes to his senses.
“Sorry. I’m not a huge fan of events like this.”
“Me either. Tacky and overwhelming most of the time.” She interlocks her arm with Bucky’s and begins to walk the pair of them over to the bar. With her standing closer, he could detect more subtle notes in her perfume. Vanilla with a hint of citrus? “Tell me why you hate them and I’ll buy you a drink.”
“It’s an open bar?” He asks.
“Oh hush.” That giggle again. “Pick your poison, sir”
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed since the introduction. He didn’t care. All the anxiety he had felt at the beginning of the night had made its exit. He felt light. No. Exuberant. It was her. It had to be. The conversation was flowing in a way which usually only happened after months of getting to know someone. Hunkered down in a secluded corner of the jade accented bar she had rid him of the usual walls he put up. The pair talked about anything and everything. He knew he should be introducing himself to people and making rounds if he wanted to do his job “correctly”. But he didn’t. Not if that meant prying himself away from her side.
She raps her knuckles to signal the bartender for another bourbon. While she’s waiting for her beverage, she unclasps her clutch and fishes out a gold compact. Bucky watches as she removes the pouf from the powder and presses away invisible imperfections in her makeup. Her middle finger swipes down the center of her cupid's bow to make sure her lipstick stays in the lines.
“You’re staring.” He should look away or apologize. The intoxicating proximity to this magical woman and his own drink have him feeling bolder than earlier in the night. “Though I suppose that’s an upgrade from the glaring I was getting earlier.”
“You are just hitting on all six cylinders, aren't you?” The last words are mixed with a grin and chuckle.
“Are you trying to seduce me, Mr. Barnes?” Her heavily charcoaled eyelids blink twice before she stares at him over the top of the compact. For a moment he thinks he’s in trouble. Too forward. “You wanna get out of here?”
He knew he didn’t want to leave her side, but the idea of this woman taking him up to her room nearly made him faint. Sam would never let him live that down. The armpits of his suit felt tight and too near his now damp skin. He wanted to respond but his mouth refused to make words.
“And we’re back to mouth gaping.” Her laughter brings him back to reality once more. “We don’t have to. But this schmooze fest is just beginning. It’ll go well into the early hours of the night. Thought I’d give you a chance to escape.”
Where did Sam find this woman, he wondered. She somehow made him oscillate between fumbling idiot and suave crooner the entire night. He wished he could say he hated it. Needing a second longer to collect his thoughts, he clasps her hand in his and abandoned the bar for the elevators.
The mirrored doors of the elevator close. He’s not sure how it happened but she’s nestled into his side. His palm rests on the gentle curve of her hip. The coolness of the silk doing nothing to quell the burning heat radiating off his skin. The two of them lock eyes in the golden reflection. Neither moves to press a button.
He slides his hand off her hip.
Silk. Silk.
Both palms rest on the bare skin of the small of her back. If the skin there is any indication of how soft the rest of her is, he’s in for it. The two stand chest to chest with a sliver of space as a buffer. She leans towards the button panel trying to press the correct number.
He playfully swats her hand away and punches the button for the second highest floor. She quirks her brow. From the number alone, she can surmise his room is far nicer than her own. Given his connections, it makes sense.
“Trying to impress me, Barnes?”
“Maybe a little.”
His grin is boyish and charming. His play for the button has closed any space between them. The swells of her breasts rub against his chest with each breath.
“I wanna learn what pleases you. I wanna learn everything about you.” His hands trace invisible patterns against her sensitive skin. The words are cheesy. Clearly a line well-rehearsed in a past life. The tone makes the emotions genuine and sinful. “Would you let me do that? Would you give me that job?”
His hand cups her chin waiting for a response. The sigh he lets out when she presses her lips to his tastes of bourbon and caramel. His calloused palms pull her into him now having his answer. Despite the renovations, the building is old and the elevator slow. Bucky’s grateful. When the elevator dings, the kiss has turned feverish and deep. He braces the door open with his metal arm and walks her backward off the elevator towards his room.
He fumbles for a moment, attempting to get the keycard out of the inner pocket of his suit jacket without his lips leaving hers. No such luck. He groans in frustration at the lack of her taste on his tongue. It’s mitigated by the pepper of nips and licks she places along his neck. He holds the card up to the sensor.
Flashing red light.
He slaps the card back against the sensor with more gusto. She sucks at a soft spot behind his ear. Tingles shoot down his spine. She had him ringing like a tuning fork.
Flashing red light.
Lips never leaving his skin, she snatches the card from his hand.
Press. Green light. Click.
The two of them burst through the door ricocheting like a ping pong ball against the walls of the hallway. She shimmies his jacket off and drops it somewhere near the door. He’d have to dry clean it before returning it to Pepper. He’d feel guilty if she wasn’t occupying every damn thought in his brain. His shirt, along with his shoes, is thrown off in the living room of the suite.
Standing at the foot of the king bed her delicate hands rip his belt off and push his pants to the floor. She turns away from him. He’s confused. Has he done something wrong? Some invisible offense?
“The zipper, Bucky.” She hisses impatiently.
His fingers skim over her heated skin as the zipper glides lower. The emerald silk pools on the thick carpet. He feels like the wind is knocked out of him when she turns to face him once more. Her lingerie hugs every curve and dip of her body. He’s never seen something so sensual and enticing. She pushes him back into the rich duvet. He wants to devour her. He wants to study every inch of her skin and learn every sound he can pull from her.
He wants to stop.
She straddles his lap and grinds against him. The breathy whimper which tumbles from her lips almost makes him change his mind. He whispers her name into the shell of her ear.
“Darling…” It comes out choked and stifled. She stills her hips. “Can we pause.”
She rolls off of him and awaits an explanation. He can see the hurt in the depth of her eyes.
“I had an amazing time with you tonight.”
“No but. I don’t want tonight to just be tonight.” She meets his eyes. “If we continue how we were, I’ll never see you again. I want more than one night.”
Her lipstick is smeared but the grin is radiant.
“Can we order some room service, get comfy, and watch a movie?”
“You’re a slave to pleasure, Barnes.” She pecks him on his sensitive, love-bitten lips. “One condition… only underwear.”
The heavy bedspread is littered with a large pizza, at least a dozen tacos, various confections, and a litany of other junk food. The opening credits of some movie are playing on the large screen. Bucky should be engaged in the plot. She’d promised him he would love the movie. Instead, he’s staring at her. Not glaring. He’s not sure if he’s ever seen something more beautiful. She’s surrounded by a nest of pillows. Her chandelier earrings still dangle on her ears and she’s clad in her strappy, lacy lingerie. Her makeup is a certified mess. She’s sipping the chocolate malt she had stolen out of his hands after he said it was delicious. This was a sight he could certainly get used to.
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Episode 18: Make King Falls Great Again
Sammy:Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to a very special daytime broadcast with Sammy and Ben.
Ben: We are live at the Main Street park celebrating a very special day with what looks like the entire town.
Sammy: I gotta tell ya, while I've got my doubts about the veracity of the claim today -
Ben: Don't.
Sammy: Let me finish...this defiantly brings a smile to my face and warms my heart to see this massive turn out. So many familiar faces...and voices. This is a big deal...
Ben: Yeah, Sammy, it is a big deal. Can you name another town in history that's been voted best small town in america 7 years straight?!
Sammy: Legit? Or just by the Chamber of Commerce? 
Ben: ... that's besides the point.
Sammy: I think that'st he actual entire point, Ben. This is propaganda. 
Ben: Don't! 
Sammy: But very lovely propaganda, no less. 
Ben: Don't go all "conspiracy theorist" on me. You don't even believe half the stuff that walks right on through our radio station door! 
Sammy: You know what, you're right. I'm just gonna punt this care package of sense and reason right out the door and instead celebrate our towns storied history like a patriotic citizen. 
Ben: That is good to hear. 
Sammy: You're ridiculous. 
Ben: It is what it is man! Regardless of who voted on this, I believe it is the best small town in america. 
Sammy: And you know that is what really counts. 
Ben: You see that parade, Sammy? How can you be pouting over statistics with a parade like that?
Sammy: It was a beautiful parade. I'm not completely sure that the day-time strippers from Sassy's House of Ass should have been along side the rest of the floats, but... not my call.
Ben: I will concede you that point. Although! A big shout out to Karen's Craft Corner for best use of paper mache on that stripping pole. 
Sammy: *chuckles* Folks, I know you aren't used to hearing out voices in the daytime, but if you are in the area, you should really come on down. It's a hell of a party here. Fair type atmosphere, there's balloons for the kids, lots of heart stopped cholesterol laden treats. 
Ben: Plus! The official coronation starts in less than TEN. FRIGGIN'. MINUTES people and you don't wanna miss it. So put some stank on it, and high tail it downtown.
Sammy: (monotone) So... I know that I have to introduce the mayor.
Ben: (mimicking monotone) Can you please hide the excitement from your voice, Sammy? We don't wanna cause a panic.
Sammy:*chuckles* As I was saying, I know that's coming up in just a few minutes, but you do have a guest for us before -
Ben: YOU KNOW IT. This is really special. 
Pete: (in the distance) King Falls AM? I can't believe those two jokers are still on the air! I say, we boycott! Rally everyone! Storm the tower! *starts chanting* Take them down! Take them...everybody, everybody, come on now *still chanting alone* Take them down! Take them down!
Sammy: Who the - Pete Meyers?!
Pete:...no. No, uh, it's - oh hey guys I didn't see you broadcasting there. 
Ben: Whatever, Pete. Why don't you put your leash back on and go hang out with Howard Ford Beauregard. 
Pete: The third! I don't know why you don't acknowledge it. It's important, it's part of the name. And... I can do what I want.
Sammy: Let it go, buddy. Uh, you were saying about the guest...
Pete: Shows you! He ain't even here, anyway.
Ben: Oh,right. What was I thinking? Vampires hate the sun, right? Of course he wouldn't be here, my bad. 
Pete: Right! I mean...no- wha? No! Vampires? What?
Ben: Exactly! You heard it here folks! Another King Falls AM exclusive. Howard Beauregard's own gardener confirms -
Pete: Sensationalist liberal media! (voice fades as he walks away) I am never watching you broadcast in the park ...
Ben: GOOD! 
Sammy: Hey, Ben? 
Ben: Oh, uh, right right. Uh, you aren't gonna believe this, Sammy. Seriously, we are in for a real treat. Joining us right after this commercial break? I'm literally shaking look at this. 
Sammy: Alright, enough suspense Ben! Reel in this fish. Also, please say it's Merv the station owner.
Ben: Come on, Sammy, I can produce guests. I can't produce miracles. 
Sammy: Worth a shot. 
Ben: Good luck with that. But, uh, anyway, right after the break - King Falls very own *mimics drum rolls* RICH MCGUFF FROM RICH MCGUFF'S LEATHER BOUND BOOKS.
Sammy: ... you just used that much build up - 
Ben: Dude, you have no idea! Rich McGuff does not come out in public. He's like King Fall's own Howard Hughes. I can count on one hand how many times I've actually seen him in my life time. 
Sammy: And you got him?! That is pretty impressive, Ben.I guess.
Ben: They say he has the essence of a 1980's Tom Selleck. And the libido of well, uh... like uh, a young Tom Selleck.  
Sammy: So one could say he's the young Tom Selleck of leather bound books? 
Ben: Oh man he's gonna love that! Can I tell him, do you mind?
Sammy: But does he have the mustache?
Ben: Sammy... if you've ever seen a more elegant mustache than Rich's? Well, *scoffs* then, you're lying. Because it's magnificent. Spellbinding, even. 
Sammy: Right after the break?
Ben: After the break! 
Sammy: That was your cue to go to break, Ben.
Ben: Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about that glorious, sculpted facial hair. You know I couldn't grow a mustache like that in a million years...
(sounds of crowd cheering and clapping suddenly)
Sammy: We are on schedule, right? 
Announcer over loud speaker: King Falls Own... Dusty Reynolds!
Ben: We are - uh - you know what? Let's use the power of technology to jump over to the main stage where Dusty Reynolds is about to perform. He can sing us to break!
Sammy: Sounds like a plan.
Ben: King Falls, we'll be back live from the Best Small Town America celebration in Main Street park right after the smooth sounds of my personal friend, Dusty.
Dusty: *starts strumming guitar* *in country voice* ♪Javier the pool boy, you have ruined my life. You used to clean my filters now you're banging my wife. Oh, Javier, hey Javier... I hate you. Donald Trump said you should go back where you came from. And after seeing you with my girl I don't think he's so dumb. Hey Javier oh Javier... I hate you. Wish that you would just disappear! Oh man I wish you were dead. And when I think of you and Gloria I wanna put a gun to my head. Oh Javier, hey Javierrrrr. I (censored) hate you ♪ *crowd cheers*
Ben: Oh, uh- sorry about that. Here's a word from our sponsors.
 *Upbeat Piano music*
Hi. I'm Sammy Stevens from 660 on the radio dial. The kind folks at the Chamber of Commerce know that our elderly friends at the King Falls Geriatric Center can't make it down today. Especially after the handicap ramp closures... so please enjoy an afternoon with your favorite King Fall's ivory tickler, Ed Shambley. Ed is graciously taking the day off from Nolan's Drugstore to come play from his self released smash, "Peanuckle Shuffle". From what I've heard there's no better way to get ride of the colostomy bag blues. From "Uh-oh I Can't Get Pp" to " I Think My Grandson Stole My Savings Bond" Ed Shambley will keep the King Falls Geriatric Center rocking, rolling, and mall strolling to the hits. Happy 7th Best Town Small in America, ladies and gents. 
 Sammy: Welcome back to King Falls that's 660 on the AM dial. We've got a -
Emily: Hi, Ben! Hi, Sammy! 
Ben: Hi, Emily!
Sammy: Hi, Emily! Come on up here. The lovely Miss Emily Potter is making her way up to join us. *quietly* Hey Ben are you sure she's gonna be okay to be around Rich McGuff?
Ben: Oh, good point. I'll make this quick. 
Emily: Hi, guys! Are you live? 
Sammy: We are live. How are you doing today, Emily?
Emily: Oh, I'm just having a great time! These kind of things is exactly why I love King Falls so much. It really is the best small town in america.
Ben: See, Sammy?
Sammy: Well now I'm sold.
Emily: Well I just wanted to tell you two hi and good luck with your special daytime show today! I hope it goes swimmingly. 
Ben: *clearly flusted* Aw, thanks, Emily.It's really sweet of you..,.
Emily: Don't mention it. I'm just happy I don't have to stay up so late to talk to you.
Sammy: *softly* Ohhhhhhh.
Emily: Uh, I - I mean, the show. To listen to the show. I-I love you guys. I, well, I mean - I love, uh, the show. I love the show, and you guys. 
Ben: I'm happy to hear your voice too, Emily. 
Emily: Sooooo, after your broadcast, do you maybe wanna come to Frickards with me?
Ben: YES. Wait- what?
Emily: See, Greg Frickard came by the library booth earlier and asked if I'd like to have dinner after everything is wrapped up at the ceremony. Annnnnd I was hoping you'd come with me?
Ben: That son of a...Frickard. 
Emily: But, y-you don't have to. If you don't want to...
Ben: Oh! I mean, of course I do! It's just...a frog place? I don't really -
Sammy: It's not a conflict of interest, Ben. You know that Granny Frickard's Froggery is just one of our amazing SPONSORS here.
Ben: *dryly, very monotone* It's a delicious place to eat. Put's some pep in my step and... some hop in my heart. 
Emily: So... is that a yes? I...really can't tell. Are you alright?
Ben: I'd love to go with you. Anywhere. Even a - 
Sammy: Ahem.
Ben: ... the best froggery this side of saddle creek.
Emily: Great! So, it's a date! Just come find me after the show. Bye, Sammy. Bye, Ben!
Ben: Did she say date? She said date, right?
Sammy: It sounded like she invited you to a date. 
Ben:... Frickard. 
Sammy: Ben, I don't wanna alarm you, but there is a heavily mustachioed gentleman walking up behind you. 
Ben: Oooohohoho! Oh man, oh man. Okay, okay. King Falls I am so proud to introduce Mr - 
Ernie: *heavy typical New York mobster accent* Heyyyy ya Ben. Hows yous guys doin?
Ben: Ernie Salcedo? 
Ernie: From Ernie's mufflers! How ya doin, pally?
Ben: I...uh...
Sammy: Hi, Ernie! Uh, nice to meet ya, sir. 
Ernie: Nice to make your acquiescence or..what have yous, Sammy. 
Ben: I'm sorry, Ernie, we were just uh expecting - 
Ernie: Rich McGuff! Yeah, he couldn't make it down to the thing, eh, he had some little thing to do somewheres else. 
Ben: Uh, why are you here? 
Ernie: Ohhhh, Rich and I go way back to this one thing that we did for this one guy. Long time ago. 
Sammy: Uh-huh
Ernie: It's a long story you might say. I can't really get all into the encompassing details and what not. Long story short, Rich can't make it. He's, uh, a little tied up/
Ben: *nervously high voice* Like actually tied up? 
Ernie: You're a funny guy, Benny. 
Ben: *same high voice* Uh-huh
Ernie: It's a compliment. Some cultures, when a compliment is paid, the complimented might give some appreciation back...
Ben: I - uh- th-thank you so much Mr. Salcedo... do you want actual money? I-I don't have my wallet on me, but - 
Ernie: Haaaa, this guy. You gotta watch him! He's a regular Don Rickles.
Ben: Ha... is that a compliment?
Ernie: You're almost too funny, Benny...alomst. 
Ben: Uh, uh. Th - uh, thank you, Ernie. You - you are a very large...broad shouldered...intimidating man. 
Ernie: You're a sweet kid. 
Sammy: Well, thanks for letting us know, Ernie. Ernie from Ernie's Mufflers, ladies and gentlemen. For all your... muffler needs?
Ernie: No problem. I gotta go see a guy about a thing anyway. You stay funny. Benny. 
Ben: *whispering* Is he gone? Please tell me he's gone.
Sammy: Are you okay over there, Ben? 
Ben: He didn't leave a fish anywhere, did he?
Sammy: He's gone, Ben. I think your safe?
Ben: Jesus...
Sammy: So, no Rich McGuff? 
Ben: I forgot after running into the Godfather - uh, Godfather of muffler... things?
Sammy: I think the term your looking for is "whosies whatsies" 
Ben: I really wanted to talk to Rich McGuff too DAMMIT.
Sammy: Well, let's just hope that Rich is alright. Maybe you can snag him for the 8th annual next year, Ben.
Ben: Don't get cocky about it, man. There's no guarantees we'll get it again. 
Sammy: Something tells me that it's a lock...
Ben: Phew! Okay...I'm okay, folks! Uh, Sammy? Uh, you better go get ready to announce -
Sammy: *monotone* Mayor Grisham. 
Ben: Yeah, but try to have some excitement in your voice? That'd really sell it. Like you actually like the guy. 
Grisham: How ya doin fellas? This is a fine day. How's your mom, Ben?
Ben: Oh man! Such a great day to be part of King Falls, mayor! Thanks for inviting us to host the uh -
Grisham: Yeah...that wasn't my call. It was originally Storm Sanders, but since he's-
Sammy: Please say off the reservation -
Grisham: That's completely culturally insensitive, Sammy! Have some tact. Since Storm is....ummm, not available to us today...the Chamber of Commerce insisted we go with...you.
Sammy: Believe me, Mayor, we are just as thrilled about this as you are. 
Grisham: Right. I'll see you up on that stage, Sammy. Please make it short and sweet. I've got an announcement to make.
Sammy: Oh, so I should totally throw away the 8 pages of compliments I wrote for ya. Oh, all that hard work right down the drain.
Grisham: Yeah yeah yeah, good stuff, Stevens. 
Ben: Uh, Mayor, before you go, would you mind giving the listeners at home a sneak peak of your announcement? I mean, most of the town is here and they'll hear it live. Could be a cool little thing for the station. 
Grishman: You know what, Ben? I think that's a good idea. A great idea, even. You think this might help mend this mutually hurting bridge between King Falls AM and myself?
Sammy: Mayor? We'd love to get the scoop if you're willing to give it to us. 
Grishman: So, we're good? 
Ben: Water under the infrastructurally unsafe bridge. Sammy?
Sammy: Mayor, if you're happy, we're happy. 
Grisham: That's the spirit! 
Ben: So, Mayor Grisham, after the coronation in just a few short minutes, you're making an announcement? 
Grisham: Absolutely, Ben. After today's crowning achievement of King Falls being the best small town in america and for the 7th year in a row, I don't think there's a better time to let the citizens of this wonderful town know that I'll be running, once again, for mayor in 2016.
Ben: Oh, wow! This is big news! This is a real scoop! This is - 
Sammy: A load of horse (censored) !
Ben: WHAT?
Grisham: Excuse me?! Stevens?!
Ben: Uh *laughs nerviously* uh, what Sammy meant to say is that -
Sammy: *matterly of factly* Is that this is such a load of - 
Ben: Sammy!
Grisham: Jesus (censored) Christ, are you serious right now, Sammy? Are we on the air, Ben? Alright, you guys are "Punking" me, right?
Ben: Uh, w-w-we are... live.
Sammy: So, mayor Grisham, you're announcing your bid for the seat you already hold at the town wide celebration that, let's face it, is far from legit. 
Grisham: Are you- are you doing this right now? What happened to water under the bridge?
Sammy: That bridge literally collapsed under the load of manure you are planning on dumping on to it. Do you announce something special like this at every made up King Falls event, or is this just something special?
Grisham: How dare you! 
Ben: Mayor *laughs nervously* Sammy's been taking a lot of cold medicine. You know how the old 'tussin makes ya loopy! He doesn't even mean this...
Sammy: What did he announce last year at the sixth annual best small town in america celebration? 
Grisham: If you must know, smart ass, we announced the- the uhh -  
Ben:  *slowly like it's just starting to hit him* He announced the 2.5 million dollar add on to the already newly remolded city hall...
Grisham: I..I'd have to - I'd have to talk to Riley first and get the figures - 
Sammy: And what about the fifth annual fest - 
Grisham: You know what, we're done here - 
Ben: Mayor Grishman announced 20% raises for all the King Falls county government employees.
Grisham: Again - gentlemen, I...I need to speak to Riley - I need to figure out these figures. You- you know it may have happened -
Ben: *sadly and softly* This is a sham...
Grisham: Are you happy, Stevens? Is this what you want? To ruin this town for everyone? Bring your big city conspiracy and your trash talk radio to my town? Are you happy?
Sammy: I think anyone that has this much problem with checks and balances is probably shady and worth looking into. 
Grisham: You're a real piece of...work, Stevens! 
Sammy: Coming from you? That means absolutely nothing. 
Ben: Uhhh, whoa, uhh, I know this probably isn't the best time, but you two gentlemen are needed over at the main stage for the presentation and ribbing cutting.
Grisham: One word about this, Stevens. One utterance of your conspiracy fueled hog wash, and I will... AHEM. Ahem. 
Sammy: Oh, I'm sorry, please continue to threaten me live on the radio waves. What was that?
Grisham: Listen up. You listen good. You have you little slice on sensationalized lies with your 12 listeners on AM radio. You stick to the damn facts and go announce King Falls as the best small damn town to live in or, so help me, I will have Sheriff Gunderson drag your ass outta here for preemptively inciting a riot! These people deserve it!
Sammy: And you of course. 
Grisham: You're absolutely right. I love my city! Unlike yourself. Do your job for once and I'll do mine. You two disgust me. And don't think I won't write Merv a strongly worded letter after this! 
Sammy: Yeah, good luck finding him.
Announcer over loud speaker: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a real treat for you - 
Ben: *sighs* Sammy, you should probably go do what ya gotta do...
Sammy: You know that I'm not doing this to - to paint the town in a negative light, right? 
Ben: I do! I really do, but... do you know how much this town needs this? 
Sammy: I do. And I love this town, I love these people. And maybe knowing the truth behind things is hard, but..I'd like to think it's better than living with the lie of it all. This isn't some BS proclamation by the Chamber of Commerce or a marginalized and power hungry schmuck that makes this town what it is... it's the people. It's the town. That's what makes King Falls great, and they deserve to know that.
Announcer over loud speaker: From King Falls AM, 660 on the radio dial, let's hear some applause out there! Mr. Sammy Stevens from the Sammy and Ben show!  (crowd cheering and clapping) Oh, uh, my apologizes, Mr. Mayor,... yes, of course... uh, sl-slight change of plans, ladies and gentlemen. Please welcome back to the stage, Mr. Dusty Reynolds!
Ben: What the?!
Sammy: Oh, I'll be back. POST MY BAIL, BEN!
Ben: Wait, what? Sammy! Uh, oh- okay. That was Sammy leaving. He's heading over to the - yup! He's running up on the stage, there...
Grisham: You're done, Stevens! DONE! I'M GONNA RIP YOUR (CENSORED) HEAD OFF!!! 
(Crowd gasping dramatically ) 
Ben: Oh! Mayor Grisham just punched Sammy in the face! What the - (lots of censoring and fighting coming from the stage) Hey! Oh - oh - okay. Sammy just got- Sammy just- ohhhh. That's a suplex. Pretty sure that was a suplex. Sammy and Grisham are on the ground. This is literally like the end of Lethal Weapon. Except no rain... and neither of these men are proficient in mixed martial arts. (more screaming from crowd) HEY! DON'T! Oh, Mayor Grisham just went for a - a round house kick. And Sammy, nope - that - Sammy didn't even have to duck that was a terrible kick. No! Sammy! No, don't- don't- ooooo. How have they not broken this up? SOMEONE BREAK- SHOULD I BREAK THIS UP? (baby starts crying) Wh-where's Troy?! 
Grisham: Someone cut their feed! Cut it! Cut the feed now! 
Ben: I'm not even being biased, I think he's just angry Sammy had that headlock on him so long. La-ladies and gentlemen, I better - 
Announcer: *nervous laughter* There's just horse-playing, folks. Right? Right guys? (more screaming and commotion from crowd) *Sighs* Somebody get the hose. Dusty! Play your damn song already! Best small town in America, my ass...
Dusty: (singing over crying babies, screaming crowd) ♪ Came up to my trailor when I was out of town, lord he took my smile and turned it upside down. Cause I caught you having sex with a rodeo clown. from the size of his shoes, I just can't compete ♪
(Sirens from police cars pulling up - music fades) 
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knightsoflight · 7 years
Chapter 1
Three young people must fight the darkness to survive. Warning: Fowl language and intense/uncomfortable moments. DO NOT REPOST!
"Let's go!" Said a young woman wearing a black trench coat with a green and purple striped shirt. She had black spiky hair and she was long and thin just like her friend. She was that of black and Hispanic heritage with ebony skin. When she spoke it was full of energy. Her eyes were an olive green.
"This girl is my friend, Tenna Green. She's the only friend that managed to stay beside me the longest. She and I have been friends, not long since I graduated high school. We live a few rooms from each other in an apartment complex. Her best qualities are cooking, bugging people to hang out with her or to go out and at the very most, be a great friend. She's loyal through and through."
"No!" Her friend, a girl with pink hair in pig tails replied.
"Come on, Devi!" Tenna said "We haven't went out in about weeks! I'm serious, you're starting to give off this creepy Howard Hughes vibe..."
"Really?" Devi sarcastically replied "I thought it was longer. It couldn't be long enough!"
"And this this is me. My name is Debra Dynast but I hate my name so I changed it to "Devi" since I was a kid. I'm what you would call one of those "struggling artists". I work for a company as a designer. I design anything from posters to covers, whatever and in both digital and traditional means. I prefer traditional but there was a demand for using digital, so I learned digital just to keep up with the job. When I'm not working for work, I'm painting for myself and myself alone.
Why I'm struggling to be alone? Well, you'll find out soon enough. I can't just tell you everything, you know?"
"Oh, come on Devi." Tenna replied to her friend. "You need to live a little!"
"I stopped wanting to live years ago..." Devi replied but then broke down after a while of Tenna just staring at her and said "Fine, I'll go! But in return I'll kill you afterwards."
"YAY!" Tenna said in her overly cheerful way.
"Spooky!" Replied her small familiar, a toy plush skeleton doll who squeaked to let him out of her trench pocket.
"See, Mr. Spooky is glad you're coming too!" Tenna replied. "Say, what about your little friend?"
"Tenna, we've been through this..." Devi said "She's not my friend. She's just proof that I'm going insane and I told you no magic!"
"But how come you can hear voices?" Tenna said.
"Cause I'm going insane as I said!..." Devi said. "Now drop it and lets go! You wanted to go, now lets get this done and over with..."
"Okay..." Tenna replied. "Crabby..."
"Okay, I gotta tell you at least this bit...Lately, there has been this little voice in my head...At first I thought I was going insane, especially when this little voice takes the form of this little doll that looks almost like me...It's like one of those plush chibi rag dolls, but with screws for eyes. I would hear this voice in my head, since this one incident that ended tragic with my last boyfriend. At first I thought I was going crazy, until my dear friend Tenna, showed me Mr. Spooky.
Apparently, anyone who can use magic, gain a doll like familiar born from their hearts. Tenna has magic in her blood, being on her mother's side, she came from a long line of witch doctors and shamans and such. So apparently, this thing was a part of my heart in the form of a familiar. I dunno if it's magic in my blood or just something I gained, but whatever reason, I didn't want to be apart of it. Least around that time."
They went into a brown car and drove off into the city. They stopped by at a Chinese Restaurant  called "Eat or Die". It was a hole in the wall type place. Kinda small but decent and clean, least a bit cleaner than some restaurants near by.
After getting out of the car, Devi sighed "Oh god...The world...."
"Oh shut up, hermit!" Tenna said "You'll like it here. No one works here. Everything is automatic."
"Well I like the name..." Devi replied with a small smile.
"Yeah, it use to be eat or don't, but they weren't making money."
As soon as they entered, they were greeted by an automatic voice that said "Welcome, please be seated...OR DIE!" The last bit startled Devi a bit. Tenna was just more enthused as she said
They sat down near the window in the restaurant and Tenna asked "Okay, now that I used my super ninja skills to take you and get you into a comfortable state of mind, mind telling me what's wrong?"
"You know what's wrong..." Devi said.
"You're afraid of your powers..." Tenna replied "There's nothing to be afraid of!"
"Yes there is!" Devi told her friend. "I mean, don't you find it weird that we even have these powers and these weird creatures?"
"Well, to me it just means we have magic in our blood." Tenna said "And so we got powers and now we get to use em. Instead of being afraid of them, why not just accept it and practice it, so you can have control over it?"
"You don't understand, Tenna..." She replied
"That's not just the reason why you're afraid of yourself, is it?" Tenna asked.
Devi looked at her oddly and sighed.
"Oh come on, Devi!" Tenna said "I'm your best friend! You can tell me anything!"
"Yeah, you're my only friend." Devi replied with a cool smile.
"More the so reason for me to help you." Tenna replied with a smile. "I mean, why are you so afraid of accepting this?"
"Well..." Devi replied
Devi~ "Long ago while I worked at a book store, I met a somewhat strange young man. Well strange was putting it mildly, as I would have found out, but we somehow clicked. We were both painters with a passion, but at the same time something told me that there was something strongly off about him. His name was Johnny C. Kestral and instead of going by "John" or his full name, he went by the nickname "Nny". Yes, like "knee" the joint. I told you, he was eccentric.
He had jet black hair, pale skin, wore a lot of black and leather, was tall and long with green eyes. There was something mysterious about him, but not the cool, calm, collect kinda guy. He was outgoing and laid back, but something just came off of him as odd. Not just because he wore the same kinda dark outlook as I  and the whole "Nny" thing, but just over all.
He was like the wind, something I could feel and be around, but slips out of my grasp when I tried to hold on. And just like the moon, he would disappear sometimes. When I tried to grasp just what he's all about, he disappears as quick as a gale and yet, he was like the moon. Mysterious and yet captivating. He would go off on his own for a while, sometimes for weeks and just come back without explanation.  I just wanted to know more about him. He had a charm that, to this day still works, despite what happened. Childish, laid back, simple yet wondrous and so mysterious.
If I knew what I know now about him...I wonder if I would still have welcomed him in my life.... to try to save him...?
While we watched the city from a large hill, upon a mountain road, he asked me what makes a person who they are and what would happen if they lose their most defining trait? He said he asked that because he hadn't drawn anything in a while."
"Hmm..." Devi said calmly as she looked up at the sky and smugly with a smile said "If I could never paint again? Not possible! For me, to not paint, is to not live! I'd cease to exist!"
"Or maybe you just feel like you're dropping into insanity, trying to keep it back with your abilities."
"Nope!" Devi replied, thinking he was just joking about it.
“I guess that’s just me...” He whispered.
“Oh, no nothing!” He said with a smile. "The fix is probably obvious. Maybe, I just need to stand back, look at the situation from a different perspective..."
"Maybe not." she said. “I mean, look at the city. It looks so pretty from a far but look closer and you see the ugliness of the human kind.”
He took a deep breath and smirked “You honestly think that?”
“Hmm?”  Devi looked confuse.
“I dunno, you have such feeling about you that makes me feel happy. It’s just kinda weird hearing something that harsh, from someone that gives me such a feeling.”
“Johnny...” Devi said in surprise.
“But I guess that’s what makes us alive.” He replied with an upbeat tone. “The good and the bad, the salt and the sugar. All that stuff...”
Devi let out a giggle and said “Yup!”
His hand became shaky and he felt nervous for some reason. He looked at his hand in slight worry.
"Is there something wrong?" She asked
"Oh, nothing!" He said and looked up at the stars. "Please...let me have this night to feel good." He thought to himself. "Where I’m not a warrior. Just a civil human being."
Devi ~"We were having a nice time. I thought maybe there could be a chance for me to be with someone."
"But I thought wrong..."
After a moment long moment of quietly looking at the sky, something became wrong with Johnny.
"Kill her..." Said a strange voice in his head.
"What?" He asked it.
"Kill her! " It said again.
"But why?" He asked it.
"She has the power hidden within her that can possibly destroy you!" The voice said in his mind.
"What!? No way!?" He shouted
"No way what?" Devi asked
"Uh..." He said "Nothing..." He jumped off the car and felt his head pounding.
"Johnny, are you sure you're okay?" She asked
"Yeah..." He replied.
"If you don't kill her, she will destroy you!" Said the voice in his mind.
"She's just an innocent girl..." He said quietly as he put his palms to his head in agony. "Leave her be..."
"Do not question us, Johnny!" Said his thoughts. His hand began glowing a purplish glow, as he held his hand tightly as if he was losing control of it.
"I will not kill her!" He screamed
"Johnny, what's wrong?!" She said as she jumped down from the car and walked toward him. A look of worry on her face as she came close to him.
"It's nothing!" He yelled at her.
"This is certainly not nothing!" She told him. As she touched him, he pushed her away.
"Don't you DARE touch me!" He said with madness in his eyes. Dark form of energy fired all around him.
"What's going on?!" She yelled "What's happening to you?!"
"I'm sorry..." The fading voice of Johnny said as he stretched his hand out and what looked to be a sword made out of purple dark aura and matter, shot out of his hand. He raised it over his head as if to hit Devi with it. "But now I have to kill you!"
Devi looked at him frighteningly and raised both hands "No!" She could feel a strange energy pulsing from her body, as he took the energy sword and slammed on her. However, the strange energy pulsing from Devi was protecting her from the attack. Suddenly the energy from Devi pushed forward and blasted Johnny away!
She looked at her hands afraid of what she just did. She took off and never looked back. She eventually got home and locked herself away.
*Flashback ends*
Devi ~ "Not long after that, was when I started hearing that tiny voice in my head and started seeing her..."
As they walked out after getting done eating, Tenna began trying to talk to Devi again.
"Well okay, that does explain a lot why you confined for solitude for so long." Tenna replied "But you can't just stay in solitude for the rest of your life. I mean, you got powers, instead of keeping that all inside, you should learn to use them."
"But I don't wanna use them!" Devi said "I mean don't you ever wanted to be normal again?"
"Who said we were ever normal to begin with?" Tenna asked smugly.
This made Devi's just drop and put her palm to her face and said "Okay...good point..."
"Besides, maybe if you practice them and who knows, maybe that voice that you keep hearing is your familiar, trying to speak to you. If the voice is a familiar, maybe it just wants to be your friend." Tenna said
"She's not my friend..." Devi said "You never heard Spooky talked to you before he appeared, did you?"
"No, but that's because I didn't push him back or anything. He just was born from my heart, least from what my family said. He appeared one day and we've been friends ever since!"
"It's almost sickening how you accepted it so easily...." Devi replied annoyed and then got serious again. "That little voice.. won't shut up about this strange 'darkness' that's supposedly coming."
"Darkness?" Tenna replied
Mr. Spooky popped from her shoulder pocket and went "Spooky?"
"Yeah..." Devi replied "She keeps ranting on about this darkness. She won't tell me what she means. I'm not too sure even she knows. If she's going insane then I feel that I might be too. She keeps saying I'm the only one to stop it."
"I see..." Tenna replied, not really sure what to make of it.
As they kept walking, Tenna began to ask with a grin "You know what you need?"
"Don't say it...." Devi sighed.
"You need to get out more!" Tenna replied
"ACKKKKKKKK!" Devi replied.
"I'm serious!" Tenna replied "You spend way too much time being cooped up! You wonder why you're going insane! I know I would be going insane if I didn't get out much."
"Yeah, I don't think so..." Devi replied sarcastically "Tenna, you say that all the time!"
"That's because it's true..." Tenna replied "If you're not going to practice your magic, well, get out more and see if that helps. Socialize, get some fresh air! Keep your mind off of stuff and maybe that little voice will shut up or at least calm down....Maybe she's a part of you that's frantic because you don't socialize much or get out often."
"I don't need to socialize with more people, especially since that thing keeps popping up. It might pester me during a conversation and besides...People are sick beings." Devi said this coldly. "Why would I need to socialize with the likes of them? They're nothing but breathing organisms that take up air."
"Oh come on!" Tenna replied as she pat Mr. Spooky on the head. "Quit being a Debbie Downer!"
She looked at them uncertain with herself. She and her friend walked out in town.
"Maybe, try mingling might help.." Tenna replied in a cheeky way.
"You mean go on a date with someone..." Devi replied in a revolted fashion "And that is not gonna happen either! I'm bad at dates and most people I dated were jerks...OR psycho killers! I gave up on that along time ago!"
"Come on... Okay, so your date with that Eddie dude wasn't so great, considering he kept thinking about sex and not clearly on the road. Least you lived....And your last date was a psychotic spooky dude, that wanted to kill you for.... some... reason....You lived! It doesn't mean all guys are all bad!"
"Oh, I know that for sure..." Devi replied as she remembered a tender memory..."Believe me, I know not all guys are bad..."
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@NAC you had a list of books on your old page of recommended readings...but I can't find it now. Could you repost it?
I assume you mean this one ( I have this list on my web page with links included for the public domain stuff I could find…I try to keep it updated as I think of new things or find new ones.)
Young adult/childrenThe Little Prince by Saint-ExuperyWhere the sidewalk ends by SilversteinElla Minnow Pea by DunnSophie’s World by GaarderThe Great Good Thing by TownleyThe Jungle Book by Kipling Bridge to Terabithia by DiamondThe Westing Game by RaskingLillies of the Field by BarrettFlowers for Algernon by KeyesThe Wrinkle in Time Series(Wrinkle In Time, Wind in the Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet)  by Madeleine L’EngleThe Dark is Rising Series by Susan CooperThe Tripod Trilogy by John ChristopherThe Hobbit by TolkienCoraline by Neil GaimanEyes of the Dragon by Stephen KingThe Original Shanara Trilogy (Sword, Elfstones, Wishsong) and Landover (Magic Kingdom for Sale, SOLD!, The Black Unicorn, Wizard at Large, The Tangle Box) by Terry Brooks by Elizabeth GeorgeThe Witch of Blackbird PondAdventures of Tom Sawyer by Twain 
Literature Winter’s Tale, A Soldier of the Great War, Freddy & Frederika by Mark HelprinShakespeare (Especially Othello, King Lear, Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night, Tempest, Henry IV parts 1 & 2, Henry V, sonnets) Iliad   Odyssey   by Homer (I like the Fagles translation)Sophocles–Oedipus Trilogy ,  , Philoctetes , Women of Trachis Orestia by Aeschylus  Medea by Euripides Victor HugoLes Miserables The Hunchback of Notre Dam by Hugo A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens To Kill A Mockingbird by LeeWuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Complete works of Faulkner ( esp.The Sound and the Fury, Light in August) by FaulknerHoward’s End by Forster Diary of a Young Girl by FrankThe Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne Catch 22 by HellerGone with the Wind by MitchellFrankenstein by Shelley The Portrait of Dorian Gray , Importance of Being Earnest , An Ideal Husband by WildeThe Time Machine by Wells A Raisin in the Sun by HansberryNight by WieselThe Glass Menagerie by WilliamsThe Devil’s Disciple by ShawA Man for All Seasons by BoltCyrano de Bergerac by Ronstad (unless you speak French only the Hooker translation)Dracula by Stoker Inherit the Wind by Lawrence and LeeMagnificent Obsession by DouglasSilas Marner by George Eliot Decameron –Boccaccio A Modest Proposal—SwiftSelf-Reliance, The American Scholar, Experience—EmersonUp from Slavery—Booker T. Washington
PhilosophyA History of Knowledge by Van DorenThe Cave and the Light by HermanPlato (Euthyphro ,  Apology , Gorgias , Crito, Phaedo , Symposium , Republic )Aristotle (Metaphysics , Nicomachean Ethics , Eudemian Ethics , Politics , Rhetoric ,  Poetics )The History of Philosophy by CoplestonDiscourses on Livy by Machiavelli Ethical and Political Writings of St. Thomas AquinasAristotle for Everybody, 10 Philosophical Mistakes, The Great Ideas, How to Read A Book by AdlerCicero (On the Gods , On Duties , 1st and 2nd Philippics Superheroes and Philosophy edited by MorrisBuffy The Vampire Slayer and Philosophy edited by South
HistoryHistory of the Ancient World, Medieval World, Renaissance World by Susan Wise BauerThe Forgotten Man, Coolidge by ShlaesHistory of the Peloponnesian Wars by Thucydides John Adams by McCulloughFrom Dawn to Decadence by BarzunPlutarch’s Lives Cicero, Augustus by EverittLetters of John and Abigail Adams Washington by Ron ChernowThe Glorious Cause by Robert MiddlekauffLost Enlightenment by StarrReagan’s War by SchweizerPatriot’s History of the United States by Schweikart and AllenThe closing of the Muslim Mind by ReillyThe Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
Economics/PoliticsWho Really Cares  and The Road to Freedom by Arthur BrooksThe World is Flat by Thomas FriedmanDave Barry Hits Below the Beltway by BarryDemocracy in America by de Tocqueville  The Law by Bastiat The Upside of Down by McArdkeSpirit of the Laws The Federalist Papers Adam Smith (Theory of Moral Development , Wealth of Nations )My Journey by BlairThe Conscience of a Conservative by GoldwaterLocke (Second Treatise of Government , A Letter Concerning Tolerance )Parliament of Whores, Eat the Rich, On Wealth, Peace Kills by O’RourkeIn Defense of Globalization by BhagwatiNovus Ordo Seclorum by McDonaldBasic Economics, Civil Rights by SowellThe Next 100 Years by FriedmanThe Mystery of Capital by de SotoThe Road to Serfdom by HayekCapitalism and Freedom and Free to Choose by FriedmanNew Threats To Freedom edited by BellowA Philosophical Enquiry into the Sublime and Beautiful; Reflections on the Revolution in France  by BurkeThe General Theory by KeynesThe Origins of Political Order, Political Order and Decay by FukuyamaBourgeois Virtues, Bourgeois Equality, Bourgeois Dignity by Deirdre McCloskeyCapital by Marx The Conservative Mind by Kirk
Other nonfictionPower of Myth by Joseph CampbellThe Universe in a Nutshell by HawkingFreakanomics by Levitt & DubnerThe Art of War by Sun TzuScratch beginnings by ShepardThe Tao of Physics by CapraShadowplay by AsquithHuman Excellence by MuarryThe Better Angles of Our Nature by Pinker48 Laws of Power by GreeneThe Story of Western Science by Bauer
Pleasure readingMan in the High Castle by DickBeat to Quarters, Ship of the Line, Flying Colours by ForesterThe Road to Gandolfo, Bourne Trilogy by LudlumBig Trouble by BarryEaters of the Dead, State of Fear by CrichtonRed Storm Rising by ClancyI, Claudius by GravesThe Walking Drum by L’AmourGates of Fire by PressfieldThe Scarlet Pimpernel by Ozcry It and The Green Mile by KingThe Agony and the Ecstasy by StonePillars of the Earth by FollettThe Historian by KostovaGrail Quest by CornwallThe Thirteenth Tale by StterfieldLamb, The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove, Vampire Trilogy, The Stupidest Angel and Fool by Moore
Sci fi/Fantasy Mists of Avalon, The Forrest House by Marion Zimmer BradleyThe Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan (et. al)Dune Series by Frank Herbert (et. al)The Sword of Truth Series by Terry GoodkindWorks of Robert Heinlein (esp. Stranger in a Strange Land, Puppet Master, Starship Troopers, Moon is a Harsh Mistress, and Double Star)Good Omens by Gaiman and PratchettWatership Down by AdamsEnder’s Game by CardAmerican Gods by GaimanAnthem, Atlas Shrugged by RandHitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Adams1984 by George Orwell2001–Clarke
Spiritual The Robe by DouglasLost Horizon by HiltonGod Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita by YoganadaThe Second Coming of Christ by YoganandaThe Tao Te Ching (best to read at least two translations)The Alchemist, Veronica Decides to Die by CoelhoAutobiography of a Yogi by YoganandaEvidence of the Afterlife by LongA Course in MiraclesThe Messengers by IngramThe Celestine Prophecy by RedfieldLife before Life by TuckerJonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions by BachSiddartha by HesseKoranThe Book of CertitudeHoly BibleBook of Mormon
PoetryThe Prophet, The Broken Wings, Song of Man by GibranLeaves of Grass by Whitman  (esp. Preface, Song of Myself, I hear America Singing, Corinna’s Going A-Maying,When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer, O Me! O Life!, O Captain! My Captain!)Works of Tennyson (especially The Lady of Shalott, Ulysses, Charge of the Light Brigade, For I dipped into the Future, In Memoriam A.H.H., Crossing the Bar, Ulysses)Works of T.S. Eliot (especially The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Wasteland, Hollow Men, Preludes-, Four Quartets)Divine Comedy by Dante (I like the Mandelbaum translation) Metamorphoses by Ovid Hesperides and Nobel Numbers by Herrick  (esp. To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time, Argument of his book, Delight in Disorder, To His Conscience, Upon Julia’s ClothesFaust by Goethe Part I  Part II Works of Sappho, Hafiz, Rumi, Li Po, Tu Fu (best to read several translations)Tagore (esp. Gitanjali)Spencer– Amoretti (Sonnets 1,8, 10, 35, 37, 67,68, 70,75, 79)Sidney —Astrophil & Stella (Sonnets 1,6,9,15, 31,39,45,52,69,71,72,87,89,108)The Passionate Shepherd to His Love—MarloweThe Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd—RaleighShakespeare’s Sonnets (all them)Meditation 17, Holy Sonnet 10, The Bait—DonneTo a Mouse, To a Louse, Auld Lang Syne. A Red Red Rose–BurnsThe Lamb, The Tyger—BlakeRime of the Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan—ColeridgeShe Walks in Beauty Like the Night, When We Two Parted, Darkness, We’ll Go No More A Roving, When A Man Hath No Freedom to Fight for at Home—ByronA Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing—PopeThe Measure of a Man—UnknownInvictus–HenleyPrayer of St. Francis of Assisi—Unknown (but probably not St. Francis)Ozymandias, The Flight of Love, To—, —ShellyOde on a Grecian Urn, La Belle Dame Sans Merci—KeatsSea Fever–MasefieldMy Last Duchess, Andrea del Sarto, Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister—BrowningSonnet 43—Barret BrowningRemember, Up-hill, Echo, Promises like Pie-Crust, Lord thou thyself art love,—C.G. RossettiSudden Light, The House of Life, Soul’s Beauty—D.G. RossettiThe New Colossus–LazarusSecond Coming, Sailing to Byzantium, When you are Old, Lake Island of Inishfree—YeatsDo Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night—ThomasWork—Angela MorganThe Highwayman–NoyesCasey at Bat—ThayerJabberwocy, Walrus and the Carpenter, The Hunting of the Snark–CarrollDream Deferred, I too sing America– HughesThe Road Not Taken, Birches, Mending Wall, Fire and Ice, Out, Out–Frost
Short StoriesWilde (The Carterville ghost , The model millionaire , The nightingale and the rose  )Poe (Masque of the Red Death . Tell tale heart , Cask of Amontillado , Fall of the house if of usher , The Purloined Letter ,The Thousand and Second Tale of Scheherazade  , Pit and the Pendulum , Mertzengerstein , The Duc De L’omlette , The black cat , The Murders of the Rue Morgue , Van Kempelen and his discovery , Mesmeric revelation )Hawthorne (My Kinsman Major Molineux , Young Goodman Brown ,  Rappacini’s Daughter , Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment , The Snow Image , The Minister’s Black Veil , The Maypole of Merry Mount , The Celestial Railroad , Sister Years  , The New Adam and Eve , The Artist of the Beautiful )O. Henry ( Lickpenny Lover , The Gift of the Magi ,After Twenty Years , The Last Leaf , The Cop and the Anthem  , The Clarion Call , The Skylight Room , The Buyer from Cactus City , The Duplicity of the Hargraves , The Furnished Room , Witches loaves , The Third Ingredient  , Spring time a la Carte  , The Green Door , By Courier, The Romance of the Busy Broker, One Thousand Dollars, Tobin’s Palm)Lovecraft—(The Cats of Ultar , The Outsider , Beyond the wall of sleep , Hypnos , The call of Cuthulu  , Dunwich horror , Dagon)EM Forrester (The Other side of the Hedge , The Machine Stops )Edith Wharton –The fullness of life Collins–Mr. Lismore and the Widow Bradbury—Exiles, Sound of thunderHans Christian Anderson –( In a thousand years  , Little mermaid )Ambrose Bierce–Occurrence at owl creek bridgeConnell–The most dangerous game Thousand and One nights–Aladdin and his magic lamp The necklace by Maupassant Anthony Hope–The Philosophy in the Apple Orchard Doyle (The Red Headed League , Scandal in Bohemia)Gilman–The Yellow Wallpaper Harrison Bergeron by VonnegutThe story of an hour by Kate Chopin The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Rikki tiki tavi by KiplingThe ones who walk away from Omelas by Le Guin  Bartley the scrivener by MelvilleThe lady or the tiger by Frank Stockton Abbot–FlatlandJericho Road by Henry van dyke Henlein– (The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, All you zombies, By his bootstraps, Waldo, Beyond this horizon)Philip K. Dick (We can remember it for you wholesale, Paycheck, Second Variety, The Minority Report, The Golden Man, Variable Man)William Faulkner (A Rose for Emily, The Tall Men, Shingles for the Lord, Shall not Perish, Elly, Uncle Willy, That will be Fine, That Evening Sun, Red Leaves, A Justice, A Courtship, Lo!, Ad Astra, All the Dead Pilots, Wash, Mountain Victory,  Beyond)Mark Twain (The celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County,  Diary of Adam and Eve)Washington Irving (Sleepy Hollow, ,  The Devil and Tom Walker  )Gelett Burgess–The number Thirteen , The MacDougal street affair  Lord Dunsany– The bureau d’exchange de Maux , The Exiles club , The Sword of Walleran  The mortal immortal  byMary Shelly The Adventure of the Snowing Globe By F. AnsteyThe Sleeper and Spindle by GaimanMark Helprin (Katherine comes to yellow sky, Ellis island,  Tamar)
PodcastsThe History of Rome, Revolutions
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blogmojodojo · 7 years
10 Greatest Films of Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio was born in Hollywood, in 1974.  He started his career as a child with parts on television series such as Parenthood and Growing Pains.  His first film role was in the not so auspicious Critters 3.  Things suddenly became a lot more promising when he was cast opposite Robert De Niro in This Boy's Life.  He continued to work steadily in films, but his life changed forever in 1997, with James Cameron's Titanic, which until 2010 was the highest grossing film of all time.  From this point, DiCaprio became a lot more selective about his roles.  He has worked with the top directors in the industry, including making five films with Martin Scorsese.
10.  Django Unchained (2012) - Leo's first time playing a villain, and he plays a nasty one.  A really nasty one.  One that gets to speak Quentin Tarantino dialogue.
"Django, and his friend in gray here, Dr. Schultz, are customers. And they are our guests, Stephen. And you, you old, decrepit bastard, you are to show them every hospitality. You understand that?" - Calvin Candie
9.  Gangs of New York (2002) - It's a statement of the quality of DiCaprio's performance in this film that it can even stand out in the shadow of Daniel Day Lewis's mad Bill the Butcher.
"When you kill a king, you don't stab him in the dark. You kill him where the entire court can watch him die." - Amsterdam Vallon
8.  The Departed (2006) - Martin Scorsese directed this film about two young men that are the same but opposites.  Damon plays a gangster embedded in the police force and Leonardo DiCaprio plays a cop embedded in the mob.
"You sit there with a mass murderer. A mass murderer. Your heart rate is jacked, and your hand... steady. That's one thing I figured out about myself in prison. My hand does not shake... ever." - Billy Costigan
7. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) - Watch this movie and the performances of Leo and Johnny Depp are so good, that you'll likely not notice the movie itself isn't that great.  They both outshine the material.  This may be Leo's best acting performance.
"I'm having a birthday party, but you're not invited, but you can come if you want." - Arnie Grape
6.  This Boy’s Life (1993) - If you can go toe to toe with Robert De Niro and come out looking good, you're a good actor.  The movie is the story of a boy and his mother (Ellen Barkin) and their experiences living with a domineering bully (De Niro).
"You can dream of a moment for years and still somehow miss it when it comes. You've got to reach through the flames and take it, or lose it forever. I took it. So did my mother. We never looked back." - Toby
5.  Inception (2010) - Leo is rather restrained in this one, but it works well as he serves as the grounding point while the surreal story and visuals swirl around him.
"Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange." - Cobb
4. The Aviator (2004) - Martin Scorsese's epic examination of the eccentric millionaire Howard Hughes stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Hughes and Cate Blanchett as Katharine Hepburn.  It takes chutzpah to play one of the best known and greatest actresses of cinema, in a film.  Blanchett does it beautifully.  For this role, she won a Best Supporting Actress Oscar.  Leo did not win an Oscar, but his performance is certainly worthy.  He portrays Hughes across a broad spectrum of life - from focused and ambitious youth into older madness.
"You have called me a liar and a thief and a war profiteer." - Howard Hughes
3.  Titanic (1997) - Everyone in the world has seen Titanic, so I hardly need to introduce it.  It's a pretty simple love story, but set on such a grand scale by director James Cameron that it impacted a generation.  As Liam Neeson's character says in Love Actually: "We need Kate, and we need Leo.  And we need them now."
"That's what everybody says but, with all due respect, Miss, I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship here. Come on. C'mon, give me your hand. You don't want to do this." - Jack
2.Shutter Island - Teddy Daniels and Chuck Aule, two US marshals, are sent to an asylum on a remote island in order to investigate the disappearance of a patient, but Teddy uncovers a shocking truth about the place . One of the best thriller movie .
1.  Catch Me If You Can (2002) - Spielberg, Hanks, and DiCaprio.  Leo plays real-life conman Frank Abagnale Jr.  In the 1960s, Abagnale pretended to be a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer.  He moved from place to place, preying on the natural respect people have for people in those three professions, cashing fraudulent checks and living the high life.  Leo is very convincing as the conman and charming enough to con the audience into rooting for his character.
"Yeah, but there's no crease in the paper. When your mom hands you a note to miss school, the first thing you do is, you fold it and you put it in your pocket. I mean, if it's real, where's the crease?" - Frank Abagnale Jr.
Romeo + Juliet, Marvin’s Room, The Great Gatsby,The Wolf of Wall Street, The Quick and the Dead, J. Edgar, and Blood Diamond were also considered for this list.  What would make your list?
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antonioblevins-blog · 7 years
3 Complimentary Examples Of Service Overview Characters
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Espresso Quotes
Official Website: Espresso Quotes
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• A good espresso to me is a little bit salty; you just become used to a good taste. Anytime I go into a new place and they don’t clean their machine properly or the water temperature isn’t right, it tastes awful. – Andrew Bird • American coffee can be a pale solution served at a temperature of 100 degrees centigrade in plastic thermos cups, usually obligatory in railroad stations for purposes of genocide, whereas coffee made with an American percolator, such as you find in private houses or in humble luncheonettes, served with eggs and bacon, is delicious, fragrant, goes down like pure spring water, and afterwards causes severe palpitations, because one cup contains more caffeine than four espressos. – Umberto Eco
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Espresso', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_espresso').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_espresso img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Been trying the soapy water and instant coffee method. Works somewhat, but boy it tastes terrible. I don’t know how you guys can stand it. I’m going back to milk and espresso for my cappas. – David Lynch • Can we just call them storm spirits?” Leo asked. “Venti makes them sound like evil espresso drinks. – Rick Riordan • Coffee arrived and the espresso was excellent, like an aromatic electric fence. – Ben Aaronovitch • Coffee which makes the politician wise, and see through all things with his half-shut eyes. – Alexander Pope • Coffee?” Santangelo calls down to us. We both look up. He,Ben, and Raffy are hanging over the side. “Is it espresso?” Anson Choi asks behind us. “Freshly percolated,” Ben answers. “You should see the gadgets they have up here.” Anson Choi aims a begging look at Griggs. “You want to sell out over a coffee?” Griggs asks him with disgust. “They’ve got muffins as well,” I tell them. “Double chocolate chip. His mum made them.” Griggs gets up and holds out a hand to me. “Truce. – Melina Marchetta • Compared with other Americans, journalists are more likely to live in upscale neighborhoods, have maids, own Mercedes and trade stocks, and less likely to go to church, do volunteer work or put down roots in a community. Journalists are over-represented in ZIP code areas where residents are twice as likely as other Americans to rent foreign movies, drink Chablis, own an espresso maker and read magazines such as Architectural Digest and Food & Wine. – John Leo • Espresso consumption is an aesthetic experience,like tasting a vintage wine or admiring a painting. – Andrea Illy • Espresso is a miracle of chemistry in a cup. – Andrea Illy • Espresso is to Italy, what champagne is to France. – Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
• Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after. – Anne Morrow Lindbergh • Having acquired an espresso machine as good as a solid e-61 and a very good grinder, your incremental dollars will be best spent on either buying truly badass coffee, or setting up a roasting setup yourself that with lots of effort will allow you to produce high end roasted coffee. – Ken Fox • I bought an espresso maker and coffee maker and make them myself every day. – Utada Hikaru • I do, but I don’t like doing that. I would do it out of hate or anger. I would do it because some- one was pushing my buttons, but really I don’t want to break my back in some European city while everyone else is drinking espresso. I only do it because someone refused to pay for the shipping, or something like that. I don’t want to let a whole city of people down. – Josh Smith • I get energy from meditation practice and from eating healthy fresh food, only one cup of espresso in the morning, and not drinking too much. – Richard Simmons • I got hooked on espresso when I visited Italy at 18, but these days I prefer a ‘flat white.’ It’s like a small latte with less milk – they’re popular in Australia. – Hugh Jackman • I know there are other writers who sit down religiously every morning, they take their espresso, they put a clean sheet of paper there and they sit looking at that paper until they’ve finished or covered at least a number of those pages. No, I’m not like that. I have to be ready. It has to gestate it for quite a while and then it’s ready to burst forth. – Wole Soyinka • I like the Valentino store in Rome.Because in Rome when I’d be riding my bike, that store is right next to the Spanish Steps, and it gets so crowded there, so I could sometimes duck into the Valentino store and go up to the top floor and have a little espresso and just relax and take it easy. – Owen Wilson • I love coffee. I love a midday espresso on set, just for the energy. – Carrie Brownstein • I probably have about four or five cups of coffee a day. I make myself an espresso macchiato when I wake, which is a shot of espresso and just a dollop of steamed milk. Then, if I’m going to do some work at home, I would make myself a French press. It’s the best way to make conventional coffee. – Howard Schultz • I used to have two double espressos a day. I gave that up, had headaches for five days but now I’m feeling great. – Hugo Weaving • I usually get up not before 9. I have a huge library – I’m a big fan of Scandinavian crime fiction – so I’ll usually take a book and go off to one of my favorite bistros for a cappuccino or espresso or maybe I’ll have some lovely smoked salmon for breakfast. – Anthony Geary • If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee. – Abraham Lincoln • If you’re a Kanye West fan, you’re not a fan of me, you’re a fan of yourself. You will believe in yourself. I’m just the espresso. – Kanye West • It was her first book, an indigo cover with a silver moonflower, an art nouveau flower, I traced my finger along the silver line like smoke, whiplash curves. … I touched the pages her hands touched, I pressed them to my lips, the soft thick old paper, yellow now, fragile as skin. I stuck my nose between the bindings and smelled all the readings she had given, the smell of unfiltered cigarettes and the espresso machine, beaches and incense and whispered words in the night. I could hear her voice rising from the pages. The cover curled outward like sails. – Janet Fitch • Leo: “So…giants who can throw mountains. Friendly wolves that will eat us if we show weakness. Evil espresso drinks. Gotcha. Maybe this isn’t the best time to bring up my psycho babysitter.” Piper: “Is that another joke? – Rick Riordan • Now-what’s our game plan?” Coach Hedge belched. He’d already had three espressos and a plate of doughnuts, along with two napkins and another flower from the vase on the table. He would’ve eaten the silverware, except Piper had slapped his hand. “Climb the mountain,” Hedge said. “Kill everything except Piper’s dad. Leave.” “Thank you General Eisenhower,” Jason grumbles. – Rick Riordan • Once I had a potentially heart attack-inducing eight double espressos in one day. I think my assistant secretly swaps my coffees for decaf as she doesn’t want me to die of caffeine overdose. – Steven Soderbergh • Sleep is critical to me… at least eight or nine hours a night. I start to slow down my body and my mind at least 30 minutes before I get into bed. I don’t watch any disturbing or invigorating TV at night. I also get energy from meditation practice and from eating healthy fresh food, only one cup of espresso in the morning, and not drinking too much. – Jane Fonda • Starving to be skinny isn’t my thing. When I don’t eat, it affects my mood! On-set, I fuel up with small meals and I’m always grabbing high-protein snacks, like almonds. Chai lattes with espresso also keep me going. – Nina Dobrev • The magic of espresso is that it’s only made with 50 beans. – Andrea Illy • The quintessential expression of coffee is espresso. – Ernesto Illy • The voodoo priest and all his powders were as nothing compared to espresso, cappuccino, and mocha, which are stronger than all the religions of the world combined, and perhaps stronger than the human soul itself. – Mark Helprin • Their offense is shakier than Katherine Hepburn after an all-night espresso bender at Starbucks. – Dennis Miller • There are certain aspects of acting that I don’t like. I’m not a person who loves being on set. I mean, I know people that have their espresso machines in their trailers and they like being in there and they put pictures on walls. But I don’t like it. I don’t like sitting around. – Joaquin Phoenix • To espresso or to latte, that is the question…whether ’tis tastier on the palate to choose white mocha over plain…or to take a cup to go. Or a mug to stay, or extra cream, or have nothing, and by opposing the endless choice, end one’s heartache. – Jasper Fforde • To me, every kitchen appliance is useful and nothing’s overrated. When I look at my little espresso machine, I don’t see coffee. I see a steaming valve as an opportunity to make amazing creme brulee. – Grant Achatz • Until now, I’ve been a kind of binge-writer – I’ll carve out five or six hours on a weekend day and make a large container of espresso and just bang out a lot of words. – Lev Grossman • Waitress!” Hedge called. “Six double espressos, and whatever these guys want. Put it on the girl’s tab. – Rick Riordan • We are too often double espresso followers of a decaf Sovereign. – John Ortberg • What I don’t like is breakfast in the morning. I have a double-espresso cappuccino, but no food. – Wolfgang Puck • What’s it like to be a baby? It’s like being in love in Paris for the first time after you’ve had three double espressos. – Alison Gopnik • When I first discovered in the early 1980s the Italian espresso bars in my trip to Italy, the vision was to re-create that for America – a third place that had not existed before. Starbucks re-created that in America in our own image; a place to go other than home or work. We also created an industry that did not exist: specialty coffee. – Howard Schultz • When somebody is a little bit wrong – say, when a waited puts nonfat milk in your espresso macchiato, instead of lowfat milk – it is often quite easy to explain to them how and why they are wrong. But if somebody is surprisingly wrong – say, when a waiter bites your nose instead of taking your order – you can often be so surprised that you are unable to say anything at all. Paralyzed by how wrong the waiter is, your moth would hang slightly open and your eyes would blink over and over, but you would be unable to say a word. – Daniel Handler
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jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
Espresso Quotes
Official Website: Espresso Quotes
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• A good espresso to me is a little bit salty; you just become used to a good taste. Anytime I go into a new place and they don’t clean their machine properly or the water temperature isn’t right, it tastes awful. – Andrew Bird • American coffee can be a pale solution served at a temperature of 100 degrees centigrade in plastic thermos cups, usually obligatory in railroad stations for purposes of genocide, whereas coffee made with an American percolator, such as you find in private houses or in humble luncheonettes, served with eggs and bacon, is delicious, fragrant, goes down like pure spring water, and afterwards causes severe palpitations, because one cup contains more caffeine than four espressos. – Umberto Eco
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Espresso', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_espresso').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_espresso img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Been trying the soapy water and instant coffee method. Works somewhat, but boy it tastes terrible. I don’t know how you guys can stand it. I’m going back to milk and espresso for my cappas. – David Lynch • Can we just call them storm spirits?” Leo asked. “Venti makes them sound like evil espresso drinks. – Rick Riordan • Coffee arrived and the espresso was excellent, like an aromatic electric fence. – Ben Aaronovitch • Coffee which makes the politician wise, and see through all things with his half-shut eyes. – Alexander Pope • Coffee?” Santangelo calls down to us. We both look up. He,Ben, and Raffy are hanging over the side. “Is it espresso?” Anson Choi asks behind us. “Freshly percolated,” Ben answers. “You should see the gadgets they have up here.” Anson Choi aims a begging look at Griggs. “You want to sell out over a coffee?” Griggs asks him with disgust. “They’ve got muffins as well,” I tell them. “Double chocolate chip. His mum made them.” Griggs gets up and holds out a hand to me. “Truce. – Melina Marchetta • Compared with other Americans, journalists are more likely to live in upscale neighborhoods, have maids, own Mercedes and trade stocks, and less likely to go to church, do volunteer work or put down roots in a community. Journalists are over-represented in ZIP code areas where residents are twice as likely as other Americans to rent foreign movies, drink Chablis, own an espresso maker and read magazines such as Architectural Digest and Food & Wine. – John Leo • Espresso consumption is an aesthetic experience,like tasting a vintage wine or admiring a painting. – Andrea Illy • Espresso is a miracle of chemistry in a cup. – Andrea Illy • Espresso is to Italy, what champagne is to France. – Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
• Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after. – Anne Morrow Lindbergh • Having acquired an espresso machine as good as a solid e-61 and a very good grinder, your incremental dollars will be best spent on either buying truly badass coffee, or setting up a roasting setup yourself that with lots of effort will allow you to produce high end roasted coffee. – Ken Fox • I bought an espresso maker and coffee maker and make them myself every day. – Utada Hikaru • I do, but I don’t like doing that. I would do it out of hate or anger. I would do it because some- one was pushing my buttons, but really I don’t want to break my back in some European city while everyone else is drinking espresso. I only do it because someone refused to pay for the shipping, or something like that. I don’t want to let a whole city of people down. – Josh Smith • I get energy from meditation practice and from eating healthy fresh food, only one cup of espresso in the morning, and not drinking too much. – Richard Simmons • I got hooked on espresso when I visited Italy at 18, but these days I prefer a ‘flat white.’ It’s like a small latte with less milk – they’re popular in Australia. – Hugh Jackman • I know there are other writers who sit down religiously every morning, they take their espresso, they put a clean sheet of paper there and they sit looking at that paper until they’ve finished or covered at least a number of those pages. No, I’m not like that. I have to be ready. It has to gestate it for quite a while and then it’s ready to burst forth. – Wole Soyinka • I like the Valentino store in Rome.Because in Rome when I’d be riding my bike, that store is right next to the Spanish Steps, and it gets so crowded there, so I could sometimes duck into the Valentino store and go up to the top floor and have a little espresso and just relax and take it easy. – Owen Wilson • I love coffee. I love a midday espresso on set, just for the energy. – Carrie Brownstein • I probably have about four or five cups of coffee a day. I make myself an espresso macchiato when I wake, which is a shot of espresso and just a dollop of steamed milk. Then, if I’m going to do some work at home, I would make myself a French press. It’s the best way to make conventional coffee. – Howard Schultz • I used to have two double espressos a day. I gave that up, had headaches for five days but now I’m feeling great. – Hugo Weaving • I usually get up not before 9. I have a huge library – I’m a big fan of Scandinavian crime fiction – so I’ll usually take a book and go off to one of my favorite bistros for a cappuccino or espresso or maybe I’ll have some lovely smoked salmon for breakfast. – Anthony Geary • If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee. – Abraham Lincoln • If you’re a Kanye West fan, you’re not a fan of me, you’re a fan of yourself. You will believe in yourself. I’m just the espresso. – Kanye West • It was her first book, an indigo cover with a silver moonflower, an art nouveau flower, I traced my finger along the silver line like smoke, whiplash curves. … I touched the pages her hands touched, I pressed them to my lips, the soft thick old paper, yellow now, fragile as skin. I stuck my nose between the bindings and smelled all the readings she had given, the smell of unfiltered cigarettes and the espresso machine, beaches and incense and whispered words in the night. I could hear her voice rising from the pages. The cover curled outward like sails. – Janet Fitch • Leo: “So…giants who can throw mountains. Friendly wolves that will eat us if we show weakness. Evil espresso drinks. Gotcha. Maybe this isn’t the best time to bring up my psycho babysitter.” Piper: “Is that another joke? – Rick Riordan • Now-what’s our game plan?” Coach Hedge belched. He’d already had three espressos and a plate of doughnuts, along with two napkins and another flower from the vase on the table. He would’ve eaten the silverware, except Piper had slapped his hand. “Climb the mountain,” Hedge said. “Kill everything except Piper’s dad. Leave.” “Thank you General Eisenhower,” Jason grumbles. – Rick Riordan • Once I had a potentially heart attack-inducing eight double espressos in one day. I think my assistant secretly swaps my coffees for decaf as she doesn’t want me to die of caffeine overdose. – Steven Soderbergh • Sleep is critical to me… at least eight or nine hours a night. I start to slow down my body and my mind at least 30 minutes before I get into bed. I don’t watch any disturbing or invigorating TV at night. I also get energy from meditation practice and from eating healthy fresh food, only one cup of espresso in the morning, and not drinking too much. – Jane Fonda • Starving to be skinny isn’t my thing. When I don’t eat, it affects my mood! On-set, I fuel up with small meals and I’m always grabbing high-protein snacks, like almonds. Chai lattes with espresso also keep me going. – Nina Dobrev • The magic of espresso is that it’s only made with 50 beans. – Andrea Illy • The quintessential expression of coffee is espresso. – Ernesto Illy • The voodoo priest and all his powders were as nothing compared to espresso, cappuccino, and mocha, which are stronger than all the religions of the world combined, and perhaps stronger than the human soul itself. – Mark Helprin • Their offense is shakier than Katherine Hepburn after an all-night espresso bender at Starbucks. – Dennis Miller • There are certain aspects of acting that I don’t like. I’m not a person who loves being on set. I mean, I know people that have their espresso machines in their trailers and they like being in there and they put pictures on walls. But I don’t like it. I don’t like sitting around. – Joaquin Phoenix • To espresso or to latte, that is the question…whether ’tis tastier on the palate to choose white mocha over plain…or to take a cup to go. Or a mug to stay, or extra cream, or have nothing, and by opposing the endless choice, end one’s heartache. – Jasper Fforde • To me, every kitchen appliance is useful and nothing’s overrated. When I look at my little espresso machine, I don’t see coffee. I see a steaming valve as an opportunity to make amazing creme brulee. – Grant Achatz • Until now, I’ve been a kind of binge-writer – I’ll carve out five or six hours on a weekend day and make a large container of espresso and just bang out a lot of words. – Lev Grossman • Waitress!” Hedge called. “Six double espressos, and whatever these guys want. Put it on the girl’s tab. – Rick Riordan • We are too often double espresso followers of a decaf Sovereign. – John Ortberg • What I don’t like is breakfast in the morning. I have a double-espresso cappuccino, but no food. – Wolfgang Puck • What’s it like to be a baby? It’s like being in love in Paris for the first time after you’ve had three double espressos. – Alison Gopnik • When I first discovered in the early 1980s the Italian espresso bars in my trip to Italy, the vision was to re-create that for America – a third place that had not existed before. Starbucks re-created that in America in our own image; a place to go other than home or work. We also created an industry that did not exist: specialty coffee. – Howard Schultz • When somebody is a little bit wrong – say, when a waited puts nonfat milk in your espresso macchiato, instead of lowfat milk – it is often quite easy to explain to them how and why they are wrong. But if somebody is surprisingly wrong – say, when a waiter bites your nose instead of taking your order – you can often be so surprised that you are unable to say anything at all. Paralyzed by how wrong the waiter is, your moth would hang slightly open and your eyes would blink over and over, but you would be unable to say a word. – Daniel Handler
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patheticphallacy · 6 years
Another instalment of ‘how cheesy can Connie get’- MY FAVOURITE ROMANCE FILMS.
I have watched a lot of films- a large amount of them romances- so I figured I’m kind of a burgeoning expert on what romances are actually good, and which are overrated [sorry, The Notebook just isn’t as great as people like to say].
While some of these may not technically be romances straight up, the romance elements are my favourite parts, so I’ve placed an emphasis on that in this post.
Before Sunrise dir. Richard Linklater
This is the first installment in a series of films following the same couple. In Before Sunrise, a French student and an American spend a night together in Vienna getting to know each other. It’s very pretentious, but I swear, you’ll fall in love with these two without even realising!
When Harry Met Sally dir. Rob Reiner
Truly an Iconique film starring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan as best friends, starting from the first time they meet [making a trip to New York together after the graduate] and picking up several years later when they bump into each other again. It’s honestly very wholesome, if you ignore the weird age gap where they try to make Billy Crystal seem younger but in reality just making him seem even older. 
Ever After dir. Andy Tennant
Ever After is a retelling of Cinderella set in France, following Danielle [Drew Barrymore] who begins to break free from the confines of her abusive stepmother after meeting the charming Prince Henry. This is one of my all time favourite period movies, besides Pride and Prejudice, and I adore it. Put Your Arms Around Me is a BOP, and that scene where Danielle picks Henry up still gives me life. Also Leonardo da Vinci is in it? It’s dope. 
The Edge of Seventeen dir. Kelly Fremon Craig
Hailee Steinfeld KILLED me with her performance in this film. She plays Nadine, ailing teenager whose childhood best friend- and only friend- starts dating her older brother Darian, leaving her alone and struggling to find a new place for herself. Nadine has an adorable relationship develop with Erwin, whom I love and adore with all my heart, and this works perfectly for people looking for a film that examines all kinds of relationships- brother and sister, mother and daughter, friendships including those with teachers- as well as how damaging losing your loved ones can be.
Tangled dir. Byron Howard, Nathan Greno
Disney peaked when they created Flynn Rider. Rapunzel finds herself setting out of her tower to see the floating lanterns on her birthday, helped by a chameleon, a horse, a bunch of ruffians, and Flynn Rider, thief and love of my childhood self’s life. Their romance is ADORABLE.
Wall-E dir. Andrew Stanton
After Earth has been abandoned for 700 years, waste lifter Wall-E is the last robot left and, after so long alone, has developed a personality. After meeting EVE, sent on a scanning mission to find life on Earth, Wall-E follows her across the galaxy and makes an impression on everyone he meets along the way. If you didn’t cry at the final scene between Eve and Wall-E in this, you don’t have a heart!
Pride and Prejudice dir. Joe Wright
As much as I love the BBC adaptation and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, this one trumps all. It’s a classic! Elizabeth Bennet [Keira Knightley] meets Mr Darcy at a ball. He sticks his foot in his mouth, repeatedly, while Elizabeth deals with her own family drama. It’s adorable, and Matthew Macfadyen is a national treasure for playing Mr Darcy as such an anxious and socially awkward guy. Keira Knightley is, as per usual, beautiful. 
UP dir. Pete Docter, Bob Peterson
I can’t even write about the relationship in this without crying. I’m crying as I write about how I won’t write about it. If you haven’t watched this, watch it. I want someone to love me this much one day. 
Beautiful Thing dir. Hettie MacDonald
The reason there aren’t more LGBT+ films on this list is that I’m planning a whole recommendation series in June and July for PRIDE. This one is a special one, though. It’s the first LGBT+ film I ever watched, following Jamie and Ste, two boys who live on a council estate who fall for each other. It’s so fucking CUTE, you have no idea. Shirley and Kim from Eastenders are in it! It’s iconic and so, so British. The final scene is the reason I want Dream a Little Dream to be my dance song at my wedding one day. 
Four Weddings and a Funeral dir. Mike Newell
Who cares about Hugh Grant when there’s literally every other relationship in this film? John Hannah personally came into my home when I was 11 years old and made me sob like a baby, and continues to do so every time I watch this. It is really sad- fair warning- but it’s so moving and has some great approaches to relationships.
10 Things I Hate About You dir. Gil Junger
YOU’RE JUST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE…………….. this is the only version of Taming of the Shrew that matters, and that includes the original play, because nobody loses sight of who they really are for the sake of romance. Bianca Stratford can’t date until her older sister, Kat, does. In comes Patrick Verona who, after being offered money, agrees to date Kat, and proceeds to falls head over heels for her. I cried so much at the English speech scene, you have no idea!
Dirty Dancing dir. Emile Ardolino
This is the only progressive sixties set movie we need. Teenager Baby goes to a resort with her parents for the summer, and finds herself growing closer with Johnny, the resort’s dance instructor. Their relationship is beautiful. It’s surprisingly healthy, considering other movies set in this era [Grease, I’m looking at you], and I love how much these characters bring each other up with their love and show each other how valuable they really are. WHOLESOME. 
+1: 13 Going on 30 dir. Gary Winick, which I literally only just watched, and adore, and I can’t believe I only watched this film for the first time aged 19! 
+2, I guess: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang dir. Shane Black, the king of all buddy cop romances, lets be real. If Harry and Gay [it’s really his name] aren’t actually dating in the final scene of this film, I’ll eat my whole hat! I dare you to watch this and say I’m imagining these two are dating the whole time. Exactly like The Nice Guys. 
  And those are my picks! I love romance, especially romance films, so I’d really dig it if you recommended me some.
Thank you for reading, and happy valentine’s day!
Film Friday//Favourite Romance Films Another instalment of 'how cheesy can Connie get'- MY FAVOURITE ROMANCE FILMS. I have watched a lot of films- a large amount of them romances- so I figured I'm kind of a burgeoning expert on what romances are actually good, and which are overrated .
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growlink · 6 years
The Associated Press Health & Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content in this story . — The next generation of biotech food is headed for the grocery aisles, & first up may be salad dressings or granola bars made with soybean oil genetically tweaked to be good for your heart. By early next year, the first foods from plants or animals that had their DNA "edited" are expected to begin selling. It's a different technology than today's controversial "genetically modified" foods, more like faster breeding that promises to boost nutrition, spur crop growth, & make farm animals hardier & fruits & vegetables last longer. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences has declared gene editing one of the breakthroughs needed to improve food production so the world can feed billions more people amid a changing climate. Yet governments are wrestling with how to regulate this powerful new tool. After years of confusion & rancor, will shoppers accept gene-edited foods or view them as GMOs in disguise? "If the consumer sees the benefit, I think they'll embrace the products & worry less about the technology," said Dan Voytas, a University of Minnesota professor & chief science officer for Calyxt Inc., which edited soybeans to make the oil heart-healthy. Researchers are pursuing more ambitious changes: Wheat with triple the usual fiber, or that's low in gluten. Mushrooms that don't brown, & better-producing tomatoes. Drought-tolerant corn, & rice that no longer absorbs soil pollution as it grows. Dairy cows that don't need to undergo painful de-horning, & pigs immune to a dangerous virus that can sweep through herds. Scientists even hope gene editing eventually could save species from being wiped out by devastating diseases like citrus greening, a so far unstoppable infection that's destroying Florida's famed oranges. First they must find genes that could make a new generation of trees immune. "If we can go in & edit the gene, change the DNA sequence ever so slightly by one or two letters, potentially we'd have a way to defeat this disease," said Fred Gmitter, a geneticist at the University of Florida Citrus Research & Education Center, as he examined diseased trees in a grove near Fort Meade. GENETICALLY MODIFIED OR EDITED, WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? Farmers have long genetically manipulated crops & animals by selectively breeding to get offspring with certain traits. It's time-consuming & can bring trade-offs. Modern tomatoes, for example, are larger than their pea-sized wild ancestor, but the generations of cross-breeding made them more fragile & altered their nutrients. GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, are plants or animals that were mixed with another species' DNA to introduce a specific trait — meaning they're "transgenic." Best known are corn & soybeans mixed with bacterial genes for built-in resistance to pests or weed killers. Despite international scientific consensus that GMOs are safe to eat, some people remain wary & there is concern they could spur herbicide-resistant weeds. Now gene-editing tools, with names like CRISPR and TALENs, promise to alter foods more precisely, & at less cost, without necessarily adding foreign DNA. Instead, they act like molecular scissors to alter the letters of an organism's own genetic alphabet. The technology can insert new DNA, but most products in development so far switch off a gene, according to University of Missouri professor Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes. Those new Calyxt soybeans? Voytas' team inactivated two genes so the beans produce oil with no heart-damaging trans fat & that shares the famed health profile of olive oil without its distinct taste. The hornless calves? Most dairy Holsteins grow horns that are removed for the safety of farmers & other cows. Recombinetics Inc. swapped part of the gene that makes dairy cows grow horns with the DNA instructions from naturally hornless Angus beef cattle. "Precision breeding," is how animal geneticist Alison Van Eenennaam of the University of California, Davis, explains it. "This isn't going to replace traditional breeding," but make it easier to add one more trait. RULES AREN'T CLEAR The Agriculture Department says extra rules aren't needed for "plants that could otherwise have been developed through traditional breeding," clearing the way for development of about two dozen gene-edited crops so far. In contrast, the Food & Drug Administration in 2017 proposed tighter, drug-like restrictions on gene-edited animals. It promises guidance sometime next year on exactly how it will proceed. Because of trade, international regulations are "the most important factor in whether genome editing technologies are commercialized," USDA's Paul Spencer told a meeting of agriculture economists. Europe's highest court ruled last summer that existing European curbs on the sale of transgenic GMOs should apply to gene-edited foods, too. But at the World Trade Organization this month, the U.S. joined 12 nations including Australia, Canada, Argentina & Brazil in urging other countries to adopt internationally consistent, science-based rules for gene-edited agriculture. ARE THESE FOODS SAFE? The biggest concern is what are called off-target edits, unintended changes to DNA that could affect a crop's nutritional value or an animal's health, said Jennifer Kuzma of the Genetic Engineering & Society Center at North Carolina State University. Scientists are looking for any signs of problems. Take the hornless calves munching in a UC-Davis field. One is female & once it begins producing milk, Van Eenennaam will test how similar that milk's fat & protein composition is to milk from unaltered cows. "We're kind of being overly cautious," she said, noting that if eating beef from naturally hornless Angus cattle is fine, milk from edited Holsteins should be, too. But to Kuzma, companies will have to be up-front about how these new foods were made & the evidence that they're healthy. She wants regulators to decide case-by-case which changes are no big deal, & which might need more scrutiny. "Most gene-edited plants & animals are probably going to be just fine to eat. But you're only going to do yourself a disservice in the long run if you hide behind the terminology," Kuzma said. AVOIDING A BACKLASH Uncertainty about regulatory & consumer reaction is creating some strange bedfellows. An industry-backed group of food makers & farmers asked university researchers & consumer advocates to help craft guidelines for "responsible use" of gene editing in the food supply. "Clearly this coalition is in existence because of some of the battle scars from the GMO debates, there's no question about that," said Greg Jaffe of the food-safety watchdog Center for Science in the Public Interest, who agreed to join the Center for Food Integrity's guidelines group. "There's clearly going to be questions raised about this technology." SUSTAINABILITY OR HYPE? Gene-editing can't do everything, cautioned Calyxt's Voytas. There are limitations to how much foods could be changed. Sure, scientists made wheat containing less gluten, but it's unlikely to ever be totally gluten-free for people who can't digest that protein, for example — or to make, say, allergy-free peanuts. Nor is it clear how easily companies will be able to edit different kinds of food, key to their profit. Despite her concerns about adequate regulation, Kuzma expects about 20 gene-edited crops to hit the U.S. market over five years — & she notes that scientists also are exploring changes to crops, like cassava, that are important in the poorest countries. "We think it's going to really revolutionize the industry," she said.
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chanaelkins568-blog · 6 years
Dealing with A Nick In The Garage Door.
That is actually a blast to get an auto. Along with the attraction from autos and steering the popularity from vehicle electronics market more and more pie and some passion passing by cars and truck proprietors, the cars and truck will definitely be participating in a "manufactured home", like listening to music throughout the automobile, enjoying Films, drinks on ice, to fulfill these demands, and also generally have a series of automobile vehicle electric installment. All-natural skin maintain any type of skin tone, including black women, is no more away compared to your kitchen area. The vehicles installed Germany of this duration suggested the economic wonder the country was actually appreciating as it built itself up observing the end from the 2nd World War. Vehicles through this modern technology mounted correspond via on-board devices that may obtain cautioning notifications approximately, for example, road fasteners, visitor traffic crashes, harsh climate, and other threats. Gift be that small or even large, be this cars or even garments is actually consistently a distinguished gesture. Responsible for the wheel, the 1.6-liter turbo motor (175 horsepower and also 195 extra pounds from twist) found in the Minimal as well as Ultimate trim levels was actually punchy sufficient to provide me the self-confidence required during the course of stoplight takeoffs that I wouldn't be left behind by various other motorists. How you can pull cars utilizing mapping approaches Component 1. Often traveling is actually not fun, due to the flight terminal, constant hold-ups and also long lines, making travel 20beautylook19.info difficult. This is a terrific time out for simply the price of parking the vehicle. Vehicle shows are actually not simply for men, today you will certainly find family members that really receive delighted to see most any kind of cars and truck show that relates to community and also there are actually a lot of folks that you can count on to clear out from condition only to view one. EVERY Doble is unique (only 41 E-Series cars and trucks were actually ever before produced from '24 to the firm's end in 1932), however this particular automobile is actually REALLY unique, since this is actually the Doble that Howard Hughes possessed. Larvae trip through various interior body organs and can often locate their way to the eyes or mind. The primary reason for electricity stealing or even eating is actually a lack of hookup to ones own personal electrical power or even heart, for if you had a hookup to on your own on a further level you would possess no should make use of people for power. I adore this photo along with the kid appearing so intently at the learn collection. I will definitely be using this auto as a weekend car as well as for convenience, so the annually usage could be between 4,000-6,000 miles each year. Companies from vehicles offer their cars to your business holder as lease as well as they are actually within a deal. This implies the car is still spinning onward towards the motor vehicle before that. Managers will possibly obtain used to this, yet the very first few opportunities that takes place, this could be startling. Search for new cars and made use of automobiles at Investigation autos and also trucks through make and model, market your made use of vehicle, and acquire aid with automotive lending.
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