#EM of earth
grumpy-zane · 7 months
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Crossing Lines / Broken Promises
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quirkle2 · 6 months
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whoever designed her ,,,,,,,,,,,they knew what they were doin
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gallusgalluss · 3 months
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bugsnax spinoff game where you play as a snak and have fun and explore a Very Normal snak world
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dispotatorulzz · 4 months
Final pones !!!
I still wanna do a size comparison for em all and have some sketch ideas but the main things are done :))
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me talking bout em under the cut (spoilers)
Edit: I changed Grefgore's cutie mark and changed the image ^^ !!!
OK. I struggled a lot with Shiloh's cutie mark actually 😭😭 I didn't know what to do at first but I eventually decided on a sort of wanting to explore and see the world and also draw it ! I think it works :)!! Grefgore's was straight forward enough LMAO. He's also supposed to be alot bigger I made him a Clydesdale (and also base unicorns off deer) so this one drawing isn't exactly accurate but he looked weird being a lot bigger than Shiloh in this
So Emizels and Shiloh's parents LMAO. The queen is an alicorn and Emizel's dad (I'm assuming is the guy from ep one) is an earth pony so . Seeing as mama is an alicorn it's ok for them to be kinda different. I KNOW they're like twins but I don't think it's entirely impossible for them to be different races of pony since mama is an alicorn and alicorns got some fucked up magic going on /lh. Shiloh and Emizel do become alicorns at some point because like the princes and all but they have to earn it 💪💪💪. Like an end of journey reward or smthn.
Also all the vamps have an extra detail on their cutie mark for the vampire thing ! After turned or if they're born as it doesn't matter but they get the wings and blood drops under it . Shiloh only has the blood drops because his aura is read as human so I assume he's only like half vamp
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emahriel · 6 months
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earth genasi — exprmt
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tuxebo · 11 months
[ 🗯️ : bummer. is spider-man grounded? ]
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disclaimer: i cannot control if the characters act ooc in some responses, please rate them accordingly with the stars to prevent ooc responses as you continue.
chat with mindanao ! hello, you may recognize me from my miguel bot... but im back w more!! omg you guys got that bot to 1.6k interactions and im honestly shocked ilyasm <33
prev. ‹ docs. › next.
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✧ — miles morales:
¹ YOUR ARTISTIC SKATING PARTNER: (childhoodfriends to lovers + no spiderman) miles has been the one who taught you to skate. he's got you to try many of his new interests and hobbies throughout the years of your friendship. you got a new board and decided it needs some new art, that's where your best friend comes in.
 ✧ — miles morales (e-42):
¹ SAVED BY A STRANGER: (coffee shop + fake dating) you were just trying to work your job at the coffee shop when a creepy, old man tries to shoot his shot with you. Noticing your discomfort, Miles channels the gentleman deep within him and decides to lend a hand.
 ✧ — miguel ohara:
¹ THE CHILD YOUR BABYSITTING'S OVERWORKED DAD: (parent!miguel x babysitter!user) you are the babysitter of your local superhero, spiderman─ not that you knew that. it was rare that the child's father, miguel, was ever home. often out doing god knows what, but one night he finally has time to join the two of you for dinner.
² YOUR HUSBAND'S ASSIGNMENT ALMOST GETS YOU KILLED: (heavy angst + implied gore) your husband underestimate and anomaly, sending you after it without fully understanding its power. he's the first to respond when things go south, though that still may not be fast enough.
 ✧ — pavitr prabhakar:
¹ YOUR BUBBLY BANDMATE: (friends to lovers + no spiderman) you and pavitr are bandmates in a group called '5PIDER'. after practice one night, you're walking home and decide to stop by a small convenience store to pick up some dinner. what you didn't expect was to see your keyboardist there as well.
 ✧ — hobart brown:
¹ YOUR PUNK BANDMATE: (friends to lovers + no spiderman) you and hobie are bandmates in a group called '5PIDER'. while touring the venue before one of your shows, you notice your guitarist is missing. the others seem to have the meeting with the crew under control so why don't you go look for him?
² BABYSITTING MAYDAY TOGETHER: (baby fever, baby fever) while peter b. parker is out on a mission, you and hobie offer to take care of mayday for a couple hours. it's no secret you two are fond of the kid, doing what you can to make the day a blast.
 ✧ — gwen stacy:
¹ YOUR SWEET SKATING RIVAL: (rivals to friends to lovers + no spiderman) you were preparing for a skating competition that was to happen late in the afternoon. who you were up against was the least of your concerns— until she walks up to you and tries to make conversation.
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respectfully requesting a drawing of taichi and sora together and maybe with the proud satosho parents in there too 🥹👉👈
ÖISEDÖIOKJYEGRJN.KYBR always. I love the mole babies. Ugh i cant not draw them Head canon dump in the tags
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aidakhar · 5 months
15 years difference
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mariusroyale · 8 months
depression kicked my ass today
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miaushii · 2 months
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em jay save me.. em jay.. save me em jay
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tekimoroll · 2 months
their tooth gap :')
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whollyjoly · 8 days
manifesting may and buck talking at the hospital, in a parallel to the may and bobby conversation in 6x11:
buck, trying to keep it together: "im sorry im such a mess, you must be taking this a lot harder than i am"
may, putting a hand on his shoulder: "buck, we're both worried about our dad. it's okay"
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frozentothetouch · 26 days
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missed lesbian week nauuur
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neatokeanosocks · 1 year
i have finally seen Every Single Godzilla movie ever made. ask me anything
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🪐  . ! ✦ April Fools Image Dump…
☆ . ⌗ 💫 ; im silly willy
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The Apple (Never Falls Far)
The quiet drone of the tv buzzed around in Earth’s audial receptors, hearing but not at all comprehending what was happening on the screen. The dim light of the tv and the warm yellow glow of the lamp that sat on the stand by the couch illuminated the room, not too bright but just enough so that she could see what she was doing as she carefully weaved the needles through the thread.
Today had been tiring, maybe even a tad stressful. Between dealing with the conundrum that was Dazzle and the worries surrounding her family and now after what had happened with Eclipse…
Earth shook her head with a soft sigh and felt her hair, tied up into a ponytail to avoid it getting in her way, as it bobbed around with the movement. Thinking too deeply about everything would only bring forth more stress, and Earth didn’t need that right now.
Right now she needed calm and quiet, which is why she was here sitting on the couch alone at 6PM knitting. Knitting was always calming. She tried not to think too deeply about the one she shared said hobby with before as she weaved another line of red thread into her developing creation.
It was calm. It was quiet. She could relax and forget about everything troubling her for a time. She leaned back into the couch, basking in the peace that she nor any one else in her family rarely had available. Her soft humming filled the air, mingling with the faint buzz of the tv. All just mindless background noise to fill the silence.
Click click click
Earth almost didn’t hear it at first, too caught up in her own little world but the little clicks drew nearer and the small red and orange shape moving in the corner of her eye drew her attention. The humming ceased at the same time as the clicks.
A pair of squinted mismatched eyes stared back into hers. Catlike pupils narrowed to thin slits and a split-colored face scrunched up in…she couldn’t tell if it was displeasure or uncertainty.
They looked small, smaller than usual as they sat still at the base of the stairs, half of them in shadow as they hid by the wall though the bright reds and oranges of their palette and their softly glowing eyes gave them away. It wasn’t the first time she or Monty had caught one of the three sneaking around in the night, and she guessed that it wouldn’t be the last.
“Partial?” She called softly, observing as the smaller animatronic’s rays twitched at the mention of their name, “What are you doing up? It’s late.”
Partial’s black and orange split face scrunched up with indignation and they practically spit like an angry kitten, “You’re up too.”
Earth supposed that was true. She was staying up after her usual bedtime so it was hypocritical of her to reprimand the other for the same behavior. Though she was still curious as to why exactly they were awake and sneaking around.
“Yes, that’s true.” She affirmed aloud as she realized Partial was still staring her down with that scrunched up, squinty eyed glare of theirs. They really were like an angry kitten.
She set her knitting materials down on her lap and smiled disarmingly at the smaller animatronic, “Is there something you needed? Or can you not sleep?”
Partial was quiet was for a heartbeat, their face no longer as scrunched though still somewhat guarded, “Don’t need anything.” They finally supplied, turning away as if to leave back up the stairs.
Earth held back a sigh and kept their smile up as the little eclipse lookalike hopped up onto the first step, clawed hands and feet scrapping against the wooden boards.
Out of the three, Partial was the most difficult and sometimes to Earth it seemed like they did it just to make things harder. It reminded her, rather vividly, of the animatronic they had all come from. In fact, a lot of things about Partial eerily echoed Eclipse, things that neither of the other two seemed to have carried over. To their appearance down to their personality and behavior, it almost like Eclipse had once again been reborn instead of being split into three brand new ai’s.
Earth was caught off guard by the sudden pang of grief that hit her right through the chest. Eclipse had always been the “big bad” to everyone else, but when he had come back he had been different; Earth had seen the flickers of good in him shielded beneath his bad attitude and had been the one he chose to open up to, if only a little bit. Earth didn’t know what Eclipse had seen her as, but she had started to think and hope that they were, or at least could be, friends.
If it hadn’t been for what had happened all those weeks ago…
Earth blinked away the oily tears from her vision and tore her gaze away from the echo of her brothers’s former enemy, turning her attention back to knitting.
Knitting was calming, grounding. Exactly what she needed right now, yes.
She weaved the thread together skillfully as her mind tuned back into the fuzzy drone of the tv, trying to clear any other thoughts out. Tonight was supposed to be her night to relax and decompress and she wasn’t going to let that be taken away from her.
She was so engrossed in trying to focus on knitting and only that that she didn’t hear the tiny claws that tapped against the floor.
Click click click
A new weight on her feet startled Earth from her messy thoughts and she halted in her movements. She tentatively peered downwards.
She blinked once, then twice.
A smile, soft and warm like the glow in her blue-green eyes, slipped across her face. A warm, almost giddy feeling bubbled inside her though she kept it to herself and instead leaned back into her comfy seat and slowly continued to knit, afraid to disturb the little animatronic that now lay curled up like a cat on her foot.
Partial was a lot like Eclipse in many ways.
The difficult and downright irritating way in which they behaved and the snarky, sharp remarks that were always poised on the tip of their tongue like a weapon, and the anger that sparked and flared within them and glittered savagely in their eyes like a fire set to kindle to an inferno. The anger that they draped over themself like a blanket and curled into, as if it was all they knew.
….but there always another side of the coin, one that Earth had had the pleasure of seeing through the cracks when she had known him. One that nobody had bothered to try and find for so long.
The quiet support he had offered, sitting and listening silently and bringing comfort in his own odd, unsure way. Words spoken softer than usual and a stark lack of nasty mean remarks and threats. The light of good that leaked through the cracks and burned dimly like a candle not yet fully kindled.
Eclipse had been many things, some not so great. Though Earth could never find it in herself to hate him for it after everything and she had grown to care deeply for the forlorn animatronic. It hurt, knowing that he was gone now, just when the candle had started to properly kindle.
She guessed that’s why it meant so much to her, this moment.
Partial was not Eclipse, and Earth prayed to whatever would listen that they would never have to go through what their predecessor did, but the similarities were so startlingly clear, like looking into a mirror.
Others would be, were, wary of Eclipse’s little echo.
Earth however?
The muted buzz of the tv and a soft humming filled the air. The peace of the quiet night was shared and Earth felt fuzzy and warm on the inside. Her worries from the day had been shoved away into the back of her mind, her focus only on her knitting and the warm weight on her foot that never left, even as the hours ticked by and her eyes grew heavier and heavier. She smiled to herself, full of a fondness she had given up on pushing away.
The apple never falls far from the tree and for that she was glad.
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