brayanksc · 5 months
Album de los 2010s (EMPO)
No sé por qué EMPO dejó de publicar sus álbumes recopilatorios de sencillos de DJs.
Eran la segunda maravilla de la Electrónica. Recopilaban las mejores canciones y te enterabas de todo lo que sucedía en este mundo musical. ¿Ya no existe EMPO o qué onda? 😠🤐
Es muy difícil encontrar esto que hacían porque hay muchísimos DJs que no son Mainstream, muchos remixes y productores. Te pierdes entre tanta oferta. 😖
-Brayan Ksc (E. B.)
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a-typical-nightowl · 27 days
🪷 Empo Knight 🪷
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I finally finished his design, and it only took me several months,,,
Some design notes:
- Empo Knight is based on the Japanese Emperor caterpillar/butterfly because it was too adorable not to base a Kirby oc on
- I went with flower motifs because caterpillar but also because it's pretty.
- Originally I was gonna have it only pink but the butterflies have purple wings and it ended up being a better colour combo
- Black armour to make the rest of the brighter colour pop
Nothing much else to say about him otherwise, he's just a pretty knight :3c
I will add his weapons later when I draw it
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freelancershahin · 1 month
Dorit Roest About Business, Impact and Strategy @Luba_Fateeva
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kajmasterclass · 3 months
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emmabeme · 8 months
Embracing Elegance #FeminineGrace #ElegantEmpowerment #RadiantWomanhood #GracefulStrength #FemininePower #EmbracingElegance #EmpoweredFemininity #GlowingConfidence #InnerBeauty #CelebratingWomanhood #GracefulJourney #EmpoweredGrace
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beauty detox power funciona - beauty detox power ajuda a emagrecer barriga - beauty detox power
O Poder do Beauty Detox: Transformando Seu Corpo de Dentro para Fora
O Beauty Detox Power emerge como uma revolução no mundo dos suplementos, oferecendo uma abordagem inovadora para a queima de gordura localizada e a promoção do bem-estar geral. Em forma de cápsulas meticulosamente formuladas, este suplemento utiliza uma combinação única de ingredientes naturais para desencadear a otimização do processo de queima de gordura, proporcionando benefícios abrangentes que vão além da perda de peso.
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Benefícios Abrangentes para a Saúde:
Queima de Gordura Localizada: Um dos principais benefícios do Beauty Detox Power é sua capacidade de direcionar a queima de gordura localizada. Os ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados trabalham sinergicamente para atingir áreas problemáticas, onde a gordura tende a se acumular mais persistentemente. Esse processo permite uma modelagem corporal mais eficaz e resultados visíveis ao longo do tempo.
Pegue o seu Beauty Detox Power agora e sem demora! Deixei aqui embaixo na descrição desse vídeo o link do site do produtor de Beauty Detox Power, corra lá e pegue o seu!
Redução do Peso Corporal: Com sua eficácia comprovada, o Beauty Detox Power se torna um aliado valioso para aqueles que buscam reduzir seu peso corporal. Ao impulsionar o metabolismo e acelerar a queima de gordura, o suplemento contribui para uma perda de peso gradual e sustentável.
Controle Glicêmico: Além de seus benefícios relacionados à perda de peso, o Beauty Detox Power também desempenha um papel crucial no controle glicêmico. A estabilização dos níveis de glicose no sangue é essencial para a saúde metabólica, e este suplemento age como um facilitador desse processo, promovendo uma resposta glicêmica equilibrada.
Aumento de Foco e Concentração: Surpreendentemente, o Beauty Detox Power vai além dos benefícios físicos, estendendo-se ao aprimoramento mental. Usuários relatam um aumento significativo no foco e na concentração após a incorporação regular deste suplemento em suas rotinas diárias. Essa sinergia entre mente e corpo destaca a abordagem holística do Beauty Detox Power.
Aumento do Desempenho Físico: Para aqueles que buscam melhorar seu desempenho físico, o Beauty Detox Power oferece uma solução eficaz. Ao impulsionar a energia e promover a eficiência metabólica, o suplemento prepara o corpo para um desempenho físico aprimorado, seja nos treinos regulares ou nas atividades diárias.
Aumento da Saciedade e Controle do Apetite: Um dos maiores desafios ao buscar uma dieta saudável é o controle do apetite. O Beauty Detox Power aborda essa questão, promovendo a saciedade e ajudando a controlar o apetite. Isso cria uma base sólida para escolhas alimentares mais saudáveis e equilibradas.
Quando Verei Resultados com o Beauty Power?
Um aspecto notável do Beauty Detox Power é a rapidez com que os resultados começam a se manifestar. Ao final do primeiro mês de uso consistente, muitos usuários relatam uma perda de peso significativa, geralmente em torno de 4 kg. No entanto, é importante ressaltar que os resultados podem variar de acordo com o organismo de cada indivíduo.
A combinação de queima de gordura localizada, redução do peso corporal e outros benefícios oferecidos pelo Beauty Detox Power cria uma experiência holística para quem busca transformar sua saúde e forma física.
Ingredientes Naturais que Impulsionam o Beauty Power:
O sucesso do Beauty Detox Power reside na escolha criteriosa de ingredientes naturais com propriedades nutricionais excepcionais. Entre esses ingredientes, destacam-se algas, vitaminas, minerais, fibras, aminoácidos e fitonutrientes. A inclusão desses componentes essenciais forma uma fórmula única que não apenas otimiza a queima de gordura, mas também melhora a saúde global do organismo.
As algas, ricas em nutrientes essenciais, contribuem para a saúde metabólica e desempenham um papel vital na regulação do intestino. As vitaminas e minerais fornecem o suporte necessário para várias funções corporais, enquanto as fibras promovem a saciedade e ajudam na regularidade digestiva.
Os aminoácidos, blocos de construção das proteínas, são fundamentais para a manutenção e reparo dos tecidos corporais. A inclusão de fitonutrientes confere propriedades antioxidantes ao suplemento, auxiliando na desintoxicação do corpo e na prevenção de danos celulares.
Em resumo, o Beauty Detox Power não é apenas um suplemento para perda de peso; é uma combinação sinérgica de ingredientes naturais que trabalham em conjunto para proporcionar uma transformação completa da saúde, promovendo não apenas a estética desejada, mas também o bem-estar geral do corpo e da mente.
O Beauty Detox Power emerge como uma ferramenta poderosa na busca por uma saúde otimizada e uma forma física desejada. Seus benefícios abrangentes, que vão desde a queima de gordura localizada até o aumento do foco mental, o destacam como um suplemento multifuncional. Ao incorporar ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, o Beauty Detox Power se destaca como uma escolha inteligente para aqueles que buscam uma abordagem holística para aperfeiçoar sua saúde e beleza. Como sempre, os resultados individuais podem variar, mas a eficácia geral deste suplemento é evidente na satisfação dos usuários que experimentam suas transformações positivas.
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piplupfin · 2 years
Hewwo? Who's this? owo
I realized I should probably make an introduction, now that I expect a little more blog interaction?
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Hi!! My name is Ethan, I'm a young Pokémon enthusiast born and raised in a little mountain town in Sinnoh :] I started traveling very young and I collected 6 region champion titles under my arm before coming back home to pursue further education.
I am an avid Pokémon collector and I participate in several Pokédex projects across regions. Precisely working on one is how I discovered my passion: Pokémon husbandry!! I started dabbling in breeding back during my Kalos trip and I've been working for breeders, nurseries and other organizations since. I have done some IV projects before, but what I truly enjoy is producing and raising working mons. Ever wondered where those police growlithe come from? I helped to hatch a good number of them!! Selective breeding and proper socialization and training are essential to have pkmn that are good at their job and that they enjoy it. It's a fantastic and very fulfilling job!! I have had to put it on hold now, as I'm currently studying at a pokehospital school and specializing in surgery, but I'd love to come back as soon as possible.
As a trainer and collector I have a pretty significant number of Pokémon, but right now you can find me chilling at home with my best bud Empo the Empoleon, our cuddly beast Saskia the Arcanine and the hyperactive Mapsa the Breloom. Soon to join us is Catnip the Furfrou :D
List of tags used:
I would love to interact with yall!! Don't be afraid of asking me anything or just saying hi when you pass by!! :D
#real pokemon - for all rp unreality posts
#ethan rumbles - personal tag for my rambling
#pkmn fellas - presentations of other trainers and pokemon enjoyers!
Posts with my pkmn mentioned are tagged as #p: + the name of the mon :)
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imiya · 11 months
can you provide better screenshots of the other empo horsies from the app pls ? :3 id like to draw them but dont play the game
Idk about "better" because I'm not on my computer rn but here's all the screenshots I took yesterday of the edgy models (yes they are called that in game)
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I need to do another post ugh hang on
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danwhobrowses · 5 months
Okay so we are doing a very rare third post about the events of Critical Role campaign 3 episode 91 so avoid if you still haven't watched it because there will be spoilers again
Right. So I'm not gonna talk more about the Reincarnate vs Stay Dead debate with FCG, I still prefer Reincarnate for reasons I put in my last post but now I'm gonna talk about the other route, if FCG stays dead, what becomes of his remains?
It is almost ironic that a PC death happened a few episodes after Matt created the Ruidian custom of making weapons from a loved one's remains, something Ashton and Fearne were quite intrigued by, so I wonder if the Hells would do the same - in a way carrying a little bit of FCG with them to continue the fight. Outside of his loot it's hard to tell what the Hells can use, if it were me I'd have each of the Hells have a bracelet from his hair at the least, but the rest would probably need to be left in the hands of tinkerers to create things that may enhance the Hells' combat; maybe a conductive whip for Imogen to use for her more lightning-based magic for instance, I can also see Ashton fixing FCG's head onto their outfit or hammer and Chetney and Laudna maybe making little FCG dolls for each of them too.
Loot-wise I had to look at the wiki to remind myself of all the stuff FCG had on them, as well as see what Otohan had but outside of the backpack and swords it wasn't quite descriptive at this point, and even then there's no guarantee it'll all be undamaged from the blast, but there were some notable things that could end up in the Hells' hands to use. I feel like we're all in agreement that if FCG doesn't come back that Ashton keeps the Coin of the Changebringer, perhaps even have it affixed to their hammer so to feel like FCG is still fighting with them. The full extent of its magical properties were not shown outside of the Yes/No question and 1 bout of Lucky per day, but on Ashton's hammer the daily reroll might end up being helpful, though they are not a fan of the gods a little FCG-aided divine buffing could go a long way. Other than that, Ashton probably should claim the two Potions of Possibility FCG had, my earlier post mentioned my belief that Otohan's backpack should go to them because Dunamancy (I didn't however mention how echoes can work as temporary meat shields for Ashton to better negate enemy attacks that'd otherwise be aimed at the party) and the logic is the same here, Matt would probably have to try and balance Ashton's Dunamancy and Titan buffs so to not take all four potions (or more, think Fearne and Orym have one too right? *checks* oh and Laudna so that's 7 potions!) at once but those seem to be key loot Ashton should keep a hold of.
Outside of combat FCG would be helpful in using Identify when the Hells came across new objects. While Chetney has Grim Psychometry to do something similar, the Goggles of Object Reading that FCG used could be taken by Imogen - which in turn may provide Laura and the fandom a means to canonize glasses on the character - along with the Staff of Dark Odyssey that she has used before.
Fearne is another who could hold the Staff, but I find it unlikely. She would probably take the rod used to plane-shift to the Fey Realm, in a way being a key to home if she needs it. I can see her taking the Ivory Branch as well, albeit temporarily until a new healer presents themselves, due to the +1 Spell attack and +1d4 Healing. She might keep the Ruidian mood ring but I feel like that wouldn't survive the blast, same with the recipes FCG collected, though it'd be nice if someone were able to carry on his memory that way; Fearne, Ashton or Orym would be likely candidates for that.
Laudna would perhaps be able to use most of the scrap remains of FCG for her constructs, perhaps a little buffing for Pate is in order plus she doesn't use Sashimi often. Chetney only really works in wood so he probably won't take the remains, stuff such as his saws and propeller could be used to empower Laudna's own creations, maybe even the fake legs too.
One weapon I think will not end in Laudna's hands however is the Grapple cannon, which could suit either Orym or Chetney. Orym is the better candidate to use it though, given the 20 Dexterity compared to Chetney's 14, additionally there is the +1 Mithril Half-Plate Armor, which could be an improvement for either.
If Orym were to get both I could see it being a trade for Chetney not getting anything, in turn granting Chetney both of Otohan's swords to use - since Orym may want nothing to do with her equipment given her role in killing their family. Otherwise I can see Chetney maybe grabbing the saws ahead of Laudna, maybe the goggles but he does already have the monocle, and any utensils he can repurpose for crafting. There is also the possibility of him getting the Aeoran Scrambling Devices that we know little about, maybe adding a little 'this wouldn't happen if it were wooden' catharsis for Chet if he used them on machines.
The only other thing that is left from FCG are the bolt thrower and the All-Minds-Burn drugs. The latter could go to anyone but Ashton, Fearne and Imogen are more likely (she still needs to plant that seed), the bolt thrower could go to Laudna, she never used Bor'dor's slingshot with the Draconic Rune that Prism added to it, or to Chetney to fire a chisel. His coat he designed like FRIDA's would probably be kept for her to be given too. Outside of that the only other specific loot we currently know from Otohan is the Fake Treshi Ring for Scrying (not its official name), which won't be of use to the Hells since the next time they get close to a major enemy they will be fighting, but perhaps it could be placed in the hands of Liliana Temult, either to keep track of her or to plant on Ludinus so the Hells can track his movements instead.
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byakuyasdarling · 7 months
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*Bya uses Hisui//an Goo.dra. I also imagine his Luc.ario is interchangeable with Aegis.lash.
If you want to learn more about them (story-wise and their DEISGNS) - here is the post.
I changed Bya to being a Ghost / Steel specialist and Vivienne to being a Dark / Fairy specialist, while S/I remained Water / Psychic.
Their aces are the first 'mon I have listed. Each of them has an easter egg to the others' teams (in terms of type specialisation - for example, S/I has Empo.leon (secondary steel = Bya) and Garde.voir (secondary fairy = Vivienne).
All of them would use trickroom (because it is my favourite stratgey ever LMAO) WHEN NECESSARY. S/I = Garde.voir and Lat.ias ; Bya = Mimi.kya and Chan.delure ; Vivienne = Spirit.omb. S/I also uses 'mon I have used on a competitive team at some point.
As some basic gimick-strategy stuff, S/I would use "Critdra" surf with Gastro.don, which boosts its SpAt through Storm Drain (Empo/leon can also do this). La.tias and Gyra.dos have levitate + earthquake synergy. Bya would make use of Basca.legion being his last 'mon to make use of Last Respects. The other options are just solid overall.
I think it would be neat for their central theme to revolve around the concept of two - they will only engage in double (or multi) battles with you, specialise in two types, etc.
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shield-o-futuro · 9 months
Autora me conta vc viu the marvels?!?!?! Vc gostou??
Vou ser sincero eu não esperei muita coisa não e no final eu sai amando aquele filme! A vilã me decepcionou muito mas as três marvels com certeza foram o ponto alto desse espetáculo!! Eu amei a Monica como sempre sendo a Diva sensata do rolê e ela explorando os poderes dela fazia o filme ficar mais profundo sabe? Como se ela estivesse amadurecendo no meio do filme e a gente estivesse junto fom ela! Mas eu acho que todas as três estavam amadurecendo durante o filme e isso foi tão lindo!
A Kamala roubava as cenas sempre pq é isso que ela faz kskskksk eu odiava a miss marvel pq achava ela muito sem graça nas hqs mas eu to amando ela no MCU a história dela, a cultura dela, as interações dela com os outros personagens ksksks eu amei tudo nela!! E ela indo atrás da Kate foi o meu surto do dia! Ksksksk
E confesso que não fui muito com a cara da Carol no primeiro filme, não sei eu não conseguia me conectar com a personagem, mas nesse agora eu paguei com a lingua, onde ela ia eu passava o pano pq sendo bem sincero esse segundo filme arrasou na capitã! Ela foi mais humana mais profunda e sincera com ela e com os outros, eu vi uma capitão tão poderosa e tão frágil ao mesmo tempo e isso me conquistou tanto!!
MAS É ÓBVIO QUE EU ASSISTI THE MARVELS !! A Carol é minha super heroína favorita então é claro que eu fui assistir ashasuhasuhu eu gostei muito do primeiro filme ( tá no meu top 3 de filmes favoritos do MCU ), e eu sabia que ia acabar gostando do segundo também, porque além dela teriamos a Kamala e a Monica que eu também adoro. E o filme não me decepcionou, na verdade, me surpreendeu muito !! Cara, eu achei um filme muito divertido e leve, era uma coisa que eu tava sentindo falta asashuhashsuhuash e uma coisa que eu AMEI é que nesse filme, mais do que no primeiro, eu tive a sensação de que se aproximou muito dos quadrinhos dela. Recentemente eu terminei de ler todos eles, e a vibe foi a mesma, e eu achei isso completamente maravilhoso!
Eu amo a Carol em qualquer mídia, mas confesso que eu também achei ela um pouquinho melhor nesse filme. Como eu disse, parece que ela se aproximou mais do que ela é nos quadrinhos, e eu achei isso incrível, mas como já disse, eu amo a personagem e gosto bastante da atriz, então eu gosto dela tanto no 1 quanto no 2 filme. Eu já tinha me apaixonado pela Monica em Wandavision e eu amo ela nos quadrinhos, então eu realmente fiquei muito feliz de ver ela mais empo no filme, eu queria muito ver um filme só dela, porque acho que tem muita coisa pra explorar com ela ( especialmente depois daquele final 👀 lol ).
Quando a Kamala……MINHA QUERIDA KAMALA !! Como não amar essa garota ??? Na moral, a personagem é perfeita e a atriz é igualmente. Até hoje eu acho que a série dela é a série mais subestimada de todo o MCU, porque é a mais legal de todas as séries e muita gente não assistiu ou não dá valor, o que é realmente bem merda, porque ela merece o mundo ashashsuahuashu  E assim, vou ter que discordar de você, porque ela nos quadrinhos é muito parecia com o que vemos no MCU, pouca coisa muda, eles são muito bons também !! Eu já li todos e agora estou lendo os novos, e continuo amando a Miss Marvel porque ela é perfeita <3
Sobre a vilã, a gente já tá cansado de saber que os vilões do MCU não são lá essas coisas, mas até que gostei dela. Os motivos dela eram bem sólidos e justificáveis, uma pena que ela não teve uma participação mais, mas enfim….
Queria muito ter visto mais uma vez no cinema, mas a vida não deixou, então agora to esperando ansiosamente pra assistir de novo, porque The Marvels já se tornou um dos meus filmes favoritos do MCU e eu não to nem ai pra opiniões contrárias ashuashuashusahu
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a-typical-nightowl · 8 months
I'm finally getting around to a kirby knight oc that I've been wanting to make
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His name is Empo Knight and he's based on a Japanese Emporer Caterpillar
Yes the ":3" face is constant
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saficswrites · 6 months
Heather/Nephenee, first kiss.
Heather and Nephenee are going to be a couple in my long form Tellius project I’m working on, and while we’re definitely not at that point yet this prompt is actually amazing characterization practice and I also love them, so thank you so much for suggesting it!
I’m kinda worried this request was going more for cute first kiss but this ended up going the horny first make out sesh direction, really hope that’s ok.
I’ll put the fic and the ao3 link below the linebreak in case you’d prefer to read it there, I really hope you enjoy!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54963727 Turntable
Nephenee was tall, she always had been, just like her ma was. Broad shoulders and strong arms from a life of tending to her family’s farm, it had been easy enough to go from the pitchfork to a lance.
How many men had she faced down to defend her home, tall enough to look them dead in the eye and strong enough to come out victorious time and time again.
But here like this, damn near pinned against the wall and caged in by Heather’s body she felt tiny, her heart beating in a way she didn’t truly understand.
Heather was tall too, but Nephenee felt dwarfed, the few inch gap between them seemingly multiplied by their current positions.
Goddess, she hoped she wasn’t blushing, she never had felt much of anything for men but that didn’t mean she was into women!
Did it?
“Look at me sweetie, you can keep those pretty eyes on me, right?” Heather all but purred, her voice falling beautifully low.
It always did lower slightly when she was talking to Nephenee, of course she had noticed that, how couldn’t she?
But this was different;
Nephenee could practically feel the rumbling vibrations in the air between them, feel shivers trail across her body leaving goosebumps in their wake as something almost seemed to flip deep inside her.
All of a sudden she felt dizzy, and warm, far too warm. Goddess she was blushing wasn’t she?
A noise sipped from her lips, a breathy little whimper disguised as an exhale that she could barely recognize. Had Heather been so close the entire time? Nephenee could practically feel the damp warmth of her breath on her skin.
It felt… nice.
Heather… did feel this way towards women, didn’t she? This way… towards her.
Was Nephenee reading this right?
“Goddess some part of me must have the same affliction with how worked up I’m getting.” She rambled awkwardly, not even realizing her mistake.
“You cute little sheltered farmgirl…” Heather chuckled lowly, her words painfully smooth.
Was her skin as soft as those words sounded?
Wait… had Nephenee been saying things aloud?
“You don’t have to be scared, or anxious. I’ll protect you sweetie.” Heather cooed, leaning in slightly to graze the tip of her nose across the skin where Nephenee’s neck met her shoulder.
She inhaled, audibly, and Nephenee felt as though she just might faint.
“You smell nice.” Heather whispered.
“Aw no I- I’m sweaty as a beast of burden right now.” Nephenee stammered, feeling a bead of sweat run down her forehead.
“And why’s that, hmm? You haven’t exactly exerted yourself today…” Heather giggled, tongue flicking out to just barely ghost across the sensitive skin. “Taste nice as well.”
“I- I don’t know, no, you… you know why!” Nephenee gasped.
“No idea what you’re talking about cutie.” Heather husked leaning in towards Nephenee’s face.
It was Nephenee who took the initiative, hands burying themselves in the taller woman’s blonde hair as she clumsily pulled their faces together.
The first kiss was brief, an almost chaste brushing of lips that lasted mere moments, but Heather’s were warm and soft in equal measure, addicting in that single instant.
It was intoxicating.
Nephenee needed more.
Her hands in that beautifully soft hair tightened as she pulled Heather back in, all gentle pretense abandoned the moment she saw the hungry smile on her blushing face.
Nephenee smiled; big, mighty, flirtatious Heather blushing from a single touching of lips. It was empowering in a way she never knew she needed.
Goddess these feelings were something she might never be able to let go of, Heather really had dug her hooks deep into her.
It was a good thing then that she felt the same.
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kajmasterclass · 4 months
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bigmoneyshave · 9 months
Getting my head shaved #hairstyle #headshave #woman #buzz #buzzcut #empo...
Shave it off,Shave it Off!
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balaclavacharles · 1 year
Please stop laughing at my misery, one day those typos will lead me to real trouble 😂
If it does, I will protect you with my own body but till that time, I will be absolutely losing it over your empos 😂😂😂
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