spookyratking · 30 days
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festering-bacteria · 1 year
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some more shippy drawings :33 some polycule stuff n some w/ just abe n confucius bc i haven’t drawn just them yet.,,.
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martian-astro · 2 months
Astrology community is filled with people who have this superiority complex, like "people focus too much on money and future spouse, look how mature I AM, I focus on other, more important things😔", I agree that being obsessed with them is wrong, but it's okay if some observations give a sense of comfort and security to people as long as they realise that their own efforts matter just as much. Also, the unemployment rate is increasing, the rent for a 1 bhk is + 1,000€, groceries have become expensive AS FUCK, what else do you want people to talk about if not money, stupid dipshits. If reading about "indicators of being rich in astrology" makes people happy, then LET THEM BE HAPPY, WHO CARES 😭😭
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fishyupmywishy · 26 days
I’ve been seeing some fics/ideas both on AO3 and on here where Chloe is in an abusive/toxic relationship and Red saves her from it. No hate to those bloggers/writers (I’ve read one on AO3 and bookmarked it immediately cuz it was so good) but it seems extremely out of character for Chloe to ever be with someone who would mistreat her.
From what we’ve seen in the movie, Chloe doesn’t hesitate to fight against someone she believes has done her wrong, and she’s clearly strong enough to fight back so there’s no way she’d let someone overpower her. Plus, her parents literally have the most perfect love story ever, she knows what pure romantic love is supposed to look like, and she would back away as soon as she realizes that it wasn’t the perfect picture her parents are.
So, I suggest, instead of making Chloe the helpless maiden, let Red be.
Red has been sheltered since the day she was born, and she has absolutely no idea what love is or how it’s given or received. Any idea of love she has is from her mother, who, evidently, manipulated her and emotionally abused her. She’s seen to want love, so it makes sense that if it came in the form of pain, she wouldn’t know how to react to that because she’s finally loved, even if it’s not ideal.
Chloe, being the charming knight she is, would swoop in and save Red from whatever misery she put herself in to just be happy for once.
And then they live happily ever after.
The end.
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suja-janee · 5 months
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I love Lucy Maclean, she’s such a sweetheart
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shardkn1ght · 1 year
Heelo<3 I wanna just say your Hueso raising Leo art is free serotonin😭❤️❤️. Most au separation fics involve Leo being raised by draxum or big mama, and while I like them, this is a breathe of fresh air😭. Leo speaking fluent Spanish and being raised in a healthy environment with a caring father that isn’t splinter? Gimme it all😭❤️❤️
Btw, I feel like it would be really sweet if Hueso taught Leo how to play guitar, and Leo applied that to him flirting with usagi sksjdbbffndkjf like, he’d snatch up a guitar out of nowhere and play a few strings in front of him hahaha
Omg hiiii!!! First of all, I love your art so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️ And yes I definitely agree! We need more wholesome separation aus! 
I really wanted this story to be a story about loving families and growing up free of worries and responsibilities. And don’t worry! This story will stay happy and fun, and I wouldn’t describe the ‘angst’ as angst, more like a little hiccup in the story.
And I think you are very right about Hueso teaching Leo guitar!
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btw what theon went through is what thousands upon thousands upon thousands of slaves still go through in essos. so, do you still feel pity for the slavers that were crucified? do you still pity the slavers killed when daenerys freed the unsullied?
i ask these questions, and yet i know that there are still many people who believe that the violence against the slavers wasn’t justified, or believe that it was simply “too much” or “not fair.” truly… what an insane hill to die on.
maybe these people should spare more empathy for the formerly enslaved instead of wasting time making up excuses (that are not supported by the text) for why the slave masters' deaths were somehow not justified 🫶
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rickybaby · 6 months
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Daniel leaving the Optus event
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vynnyal · 1 month
This is a pretty good point in the wip to share this, methinks :]
Map part for the hole dwelling map, starring... Not my ocs! I wanted to use ocs, but I don't have any-- so I just used the characters from a fic I was reading at the time 😂
Turns out, the symbolism was so much fun to twist into the 11 seconds I had to work with, I ended up going way more complex than I meant to. If you wanna read the fic this was based on, please do!! And tell the author I said hi! :D
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triglycercule · 2 months
nightmare's gang but they're one of those youtube family channels that extorts the kids. HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT
i mean cmon man managing his multiversal takeover scheme must take a lot of money. nightmare needs a source of income. so what better than to torture and extort his gang even more. he makes them behave and act entertaining for the camera because if not they get beat and punished. he has cameras everywhere in the castle for content and to monitor everyone. people online are worried about the "kids" on the channel because they are CLEARLY being abused and exploited. nightmare gets a feast of negativity from these peoples' worries. now do i think that he would be cruel enough to force his gang to act like children for this channel?? i dunno,,,,,,,, perchance (YOU CAN'T JUST SAY PERCHANCE)
idk there's definitely a lot more than could be done with this stupid idea. but i just think,,,,,, i just think it would be funny,,,,, think about it,,,,,,,,,,
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vapolis · 7 days
I know this is most likely never, ever gonna happen but I can just imagine Quinni (my Merc) lecturing Barbie (the doggie) about parental responsibilities whilst puppies just nope around the floor all cuz little miss mam decided to get frisky with the rottweiler down the street.
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pseudophan · 25 days
Dan gets really defensive everytime they mention the topic of dating and love in general which makes me uncomfortable. I think thats why people are saying the video was off bc that’s exactly how I felt too idk dan pretending he thinks phils is so gross (hyperbolic) he can’t come up with three compliments made me cringe so bad i had to stop watching
if only there was a reason dan might be hardwired to play everything like that off as a joke. look i understand being uncomfortable by it or whatever but you guys will just have to live with it i guess, not quite sure what anyone else is supposed to do with that. you'll get over it or dan will get over it we'll see what comes first, i'm gonna continue to enjoy the videos in nuanced peace though
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behold, an expert on ducks
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konigsblog · 27 days
I'll never understand the hatred towards people who enjoy König's character. 😭
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1pcii · 8 months
oh, you like the idea of zolu or find the fancontent cute but can't bring yourself to ship it because you HC Luffy to be aroace? (ignoring that asexuality and aromantisism exist on a spectrum. and that QPR's/relationship anarachy are a thing). should we tell everyone??? should we throw a fucking party???
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solargeist · 1 month
A small inbox fic for Runaway nun au :3
Also, since you mentioned in a previous ask that Grian "reveals" to Xelqua that he's a guy, I'll assume that Xelqua thought that Grian was a girl, and will thus refer to him as a "she" and "Sister Grian" in this ok? :D
Xelqua was confused. Why was Sister Grian looking so terrified and dragging him out of the convent? Xelqua didn't want to go. He liked it here. Everyone here were nice. They cared about him when no one else did. They took him in when no one else did. He was all on his own before the convent took him in. And he was certain that the same was for Sister Grian. He had heard that most of the nuns in the convent were orphans who were taken in and raised in the convent.
So why was Sister Grian so set on leaving? And in such panic? And taking him with her?
"Sister Grian, I don't-" Xelqua began.
"Xelqua, we don't have any time!" Sister Grian insisted, taking a firmer hold on Xelqua's wrist and continuing her way to the entrance of the convent.
"What do you mean?" Xelqua pressed, trying to fight back. "Why won't you explain anything to me?"
"Xelqua, please." Sister Grian stops and turns to look at him. "I know that you're scared, but you have to trust me."
"No!" Xelqua protests and tears his wrist from Sister Grian's grip. "I don't understand what's wrong!"
Sister Grian crouches down infront of Xelqua, looking at him with a gaze that was filled with so much fear and concern that Xelqua halts.
"Xelqua, I know how scared and confused you are, I really do. But if I stop know, even for a moment, they'll find us."
"Who will find us?" Xelqua asks.
Sister Grian hesitates. "The others, you know, Mother Aerther, Sister Flora, Brother Kit, you've met them before."
"But why would that be a bad thing?" Xelqua frowns. "They're all nice! To everyone! They like you a lot! Espechially Mother Aether!"
Sister Grian winces. "I know, I know." Xelqua knows that she doesn't mean it. "But this is something that you don't know."
"Then why won't you tell me?" Xelqua argues.
"Because we don't have enough time!" Sister Grian yells. She never yelled before. Sister Grian was always so quiet and reserved.
Sister Grian notices how Xelqua flinches at her suddenly raising her voice. "I'm sorry... But I'm scared and confused too... This is something that I didn't even think that they'd be capable of actually doing."
Before Xelqua can open his mouth, Sister Grian intterupts him. "I'll explain later, okay? But, please, trust me for now, okay?"
Xelqua hesitates. He does trust Sister Grian. Sister Grian is one of the nuns in the convent that he likes the most. But he doesn't want to leave. He wants to stay here.
But, somewhere deep inside, Xelqua knows that if he and Sister Grian parted ways, none of them would like it.
So Xelqua decides to trust Sister Grian, even if he doesn't want to. "Fine." He huffs. "But if this all turns out to be a giant mistake, I'm not forgiving you!"
An obvious wave of relief washes over Sister Grian's face and she picks him up, mutter a "Thank you" as she does. Then she starts running. A second later Xelqua realizes why she was running.
Sister Grian wasn't only running to get out of the convent, but also because the building was on fire. Xelqua's eyes widened in horror, and he started squirming in Sister Grian's hold.
"Wait!" He yells. "The others are still inside the convent! They'll die!"
But Sister Grian keeps running. "Don't worry about them, Xelqua." She reassures him. "I'm sure that they'll survive."
Xelqua takes one last look over Sister Grian's shoulder and stares at the burning convent, the first place that he called home, the first place that so many called home, going up in flames. Xelqua wants to turn back, he wants to drag Sister Grian with him.
What if the others thought that they were stuck inside the burning building?
He wants to go back with Sister Grian and reassure them that they were alright. He really wants to. But the way Sister Grian had pleaded with him to come with her made him silently watch from Sister Grian's arms as the burning convent, and the paniced screams of the others, the abbot yelling out orders to stop the burning, the faint worried call for Sister Grian and him who are nowhere to be seen, get further and further away.
this rly is a horror movie actually, Grian has to balance all his own emotions and Xelqua’s while trying to keep them both safe
I like how everything is unveiled to him, rather than being told anything directly
Xelqua’s whole world is turned upside down in one night : (
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