#ESP bc there are so many ppl i wanna get 2 know better but its also like
coconox · 4 months
whb QoLs that i would like to see
boredom post lol, just dumping my thoughts into the void of what id like to see be added in whb but probably will never happen 🫠
1. separation of character and artifact banners
pretty self-explanatory. w the roster being huge and it only increasing from here there needs to be a distinction btwn characters and artifacts. im sure many ppl atp have gotten tired of the false hope they get when they get the gold glow from one of the kings at the beginning only to find out that its just one of his sig 💀💀
1.1 for patches w 2 l-rank debuts, have the selector work even before you hit pity
i get having the selector for if you reach hard pity, but its a bit greedy for it to apply only when you wasted so many seals (esp when f2ps dont get as much seals as they should). i would like the chance of knowing im guaranteed that char from the beginning even when i get the char early
1.2 if there exists an artifact banner, let there be a selector for which one you want to pull for
same logic as prev points. the rosters getting huge and ideally id like to have smth guaranteed for when i do my pulls
2. update characters' skill descriptions to be more specific
theres too many "[dmg/healing] is proportional to [some stat]." i want to see what that actual proportion is, like "dmg is proportional to x% of stat" where x is some number. or in skill menus theres "increase passive effect" like just tell me what youre specifically increasing in the passive !!!! i shouldnt need to actually lvl the passive to figure out whats changing, it should be stated from the get-go
3. have someone at the very least proofread the text
now i've seen my fair share of typos in games, hell, i literally play one where they couldnt even spell their own game name properly during the earlier yrs of its release lol *cough pgr cough*, but for the most part theyve resolved that issue and simple typos are easily spotted and fixed, but ive never seen there be this many typos or language switches mid-sentence. literally just 1 thorough proofread couldve easily solved most of these grammatical issues.
4. better optimization
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im sorry but this is getting to like hoyo lvls of optimization w the fact that whb, which just hit half anni a month ago, is getting close to the amnt of storage an almost 3 yr old game has is wild to me (completely disregarding the fact that pgr has 3d models, l2d cgs, etc). imo, the amnt of storage whb holds should be around or even lower than what neural cloud has (which mind you, also has 3d models and l2d art 😭😭)
incoming very weird comparison but vanilla minecraft, a game that gets regularly updated, both on pc and pe take less than 1 gb
literally improving the optimization would make the game more accessible i.e. get more players to play since it wont take up a lot of storage !!! as someone who used to have 64gb or less on my phone, i could barely play any games on it bc nowadays they unnecessarily take up so much storage
5. add more daily/weekly tasks
keep the 9 daily requirements and 32 weekly requirements the same, just give more tasks for each so that we arent strictly set on doing specific ones. id like to see more stuff like "battle any stage x amnt of times" (emphasis on any, not a specific stage) or "interact w the lobby character at least once," just really anything that doesnt involve investing in a character or artifact. i feel like im wasting resources from lvling chars i dont wanna lvl, + we dont get enough tears per week to properly invest in so many characters at once.
giving more breathing room to hit the 9 and 32 achievements would put less stress on me cause then i'll know that if i cant complete one task, i can just do another and still be able to get all the rewards obtained for the week. im sure a fair share of ppl atp have missed out on getting all the weekly rewards bc they accidentally missed 1 daily task which is painful
5.1. get rid of the lvling artifacts weekly requirement and lvling characters requirement
briefly mentioned it prev but wanted to make its own section. its useless, especially when i ald have the artifacts that i need lvled up. its a dumb requirement that makes me waste mats and pulls just so i could lvl some artifacts properly.
6. get rid of the rng boxes and make them selectors
5.2 increase the daily/weekly rewards
dailies (w pancake shop): 9 tears, 7 key boxes (rng)
weeklies: 4 tears, 5 red keys, 2 yellow keys, 50 seals
i dont think i need to explain much here thats like scraping the bottom of a barrel for important mats/gacha currency
they suck. i do not want resources to be gacha too
7. make all shops cheaper
self-explanatory. everything is too expensive (esp in red gems shop) and therefore is borderline inaccessible unless if you hoard mats or 💳
7.1 add the ability to convert red gems to seals
red gems have very little use now ever since seals were introduced. id like them to have some important use if we keep getting a certain amnt of them every week. we can covert them to red/yellow keys, so by that logic we should also be able to convert them to seals too
8. get rid of uncommon/useless currencies
pretzels, artifact enhancement stones, and blue guilty gems are the 3 that come to mind. ik pretzels were originally supposed to be from the friends system, but that was removed a bit after launch and still hasnt showed up despite pb promising itd be launched around this time. aside from that the other 2 serve little to no use, as artifact stones dont lvl up the artifact all that much and blue gems died when seals became a thing
9. auto-clear for story stages
i mean that after getting a perfect clear on a stage, then have auto-clear be an option. since candy boxes are farmable through story, i end up falling asleep or getting bored of having to sit through fighting the same stage like 20+ times a day. this is honestly one of the more nit picky ones in this list lol, i just play the stages in the bg while i do other stuff but ideally id like to get stuff done asap
10. make lvling characters cheaper
we only get 13 tears a week from dailies + weeklies + pancake shop. assuming you start from scratch and want to get to char lvl70, it takes 3 weeks to get there without the help from other shops. thats almost a month for 1 character, it shouldnt take that long to invest in someone (it also shouldnt be that expensive 💀)
if we're getting such low numbers of essential materials per week, decrease the character lvl prices to reflect that. or alternatively, increase the number of mats we get per week to easily lvl characters
10.1 increase the character lvl cap to 100
40 tears for one level is not worth it, having the cap be 100 would make it feel like its worth it (not really tbh, its still real expensive when lvl70 provides more than enough to clear all content 💀)
10.2 add a resource stage for pies
getting pies only through shop (rng boxes btw) and events isnt enough to compensate for how much skill lvls cost. either decrease the skill lvl prices or increase the pie income to balance it out
11. have the ability to backread txt msgs before choosing a reply
self-explanatory. the game doesnt allow you to backread before choosing a reply which sucks :/
as someone who usually cant process txt after reading it once i kinda just sit at the replies like :/ girl i forgor what he just said and i cant go back and read so i'll just leave and re-enter the chatroom again ig
12. have the game automatically lock l-rank artifacts as soon as you get them
ik theres a lock feature, but you need to lock all artifacts manually. id rather the game lock l-rank artifacts for me once i get them so that i dont accidentally recycle them when cleaning out my inventory and then i manually unlock them later if i want to
13. give seals, keys, or just any sort of general gacha currency as compensation rewards
receiving only ap feels like a slap to the face, and seals/any other currency would only be given out if there was smth that was severely (and i mean very severely) hindering everyones gameplay. the ap given isnt even that much either which is like rubbing salt in the wound
14. decrease ap requirement in stages
considering stages can go up to 32ap as a req (given this is only seen in events, the usual hovers around 25 but my point still stands), you cant really do all that much if the cap hovers around 250 (give or take, i havent seen anyone w 300ap yet so 250 im considering is the avg rn for endgame players). w each stage at highest difficulty being 25-30+ap, we essentially only play like 10 stages max before needing to wait.
1 solution ppl would have in mind is to just buy the 300ap from red gems shop or buy more ap from selecting the ap counter directly to get more for the day, but i want smth thats more accessible. i shouldnt need to pay w some currency to get literally the bare necessity of being able to play this game.
i think keeping all stages at 15ap is perfect, hell, even 20 would also work since w 250ap you can get more than 10 runs in one session
15. make the battles less reliant on needing certain l-ranks
this is just smth ive noticed when testing out stages w other chars or just playing realm of seraphim lol, but theres a huge imbalance w l-ranks vs s and a+-ranks. theres also a huge imbalance when it comes to the classes too (i'll get to that in a bit)
take beel's camp for example, there is no one in beels camp that can essentially mimic or closely mimic what beel does kit-wise (dmg ik will be different cause lower ranking and all). imo, the go-to non-l-rank alternative for beel isnt even from his camp, its from belphegors !!!! (if you didnt catch on im talking abt andrealphus lol)
or take mammon for example, no one in his camp (as of making this post) deals dmg on ult, they only either shield themselves or take the hit for ppl on the team, which tends to do more harm than good.
element-wise, take juno for example. juno being an l-rank fire unit significantly changed how fire team worked, i.e., you can actually use that team to clear most story content now (minus water enemies lol). that should probably put into perspective of 1. how l-ranks are a bit too important in this game and 2. how unbalanced light as an element is compared to every other element
15.1 give us more tanks and healers
i need yall to see how crazy our current roster is
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(dont mind the title of the table lol its from the spreadsheet, also for reference if ppl see this in the future this is pre-lucifer (victory))
why do we have so many close-rangers??? so many marksman????
we have such little supports (tanks + healers) that it makes me fully convinced the gameplay pb wants to achieve is full on dps and not yk a well-balanced team w dps AND support. dont get me wrong if players want to full on dps that is totally fine by me, the issue im having is that the devs appear to want a full on dps team, completely ignoring the idea of how to properly balance a game where they also introduce supports. of course there are marksman/close-rangers that can support i.e. buff the team (juno, dantalian, ronové, phenix, the list of examples goes on), but im specifically talking abt the classes in general. for the most part, marksman and close-rangers are usually dps while tanks and healers are usually support.
if youre gonna introduce supports in this game, 1. have more than just 1 tank unit for each non-light element, 2. make the healing be higher than 1% of a char's hp, 3. have an equal amnt of tanks and healers as close-rangers and marksman.
the fact that if you dont have mammon as your designated tank or lucifer as your designated healer, youre essentially screwed over is wild to me. their camps' s/a+-ranks should be able to hold just as well without their kings. satans camp is the perfect example of that. chars like minhyeok (who is quite literally mini satan kit-wise lmao), gabriel, leraye, nostalgia leraye, hell even ppyong (the a+-rank ver, not juno lol) are all perfect alternatives for if you dont have satan and that is amazing. we currently dont have that for supports and i genuinely hope thatll change in the future
this game is very, VERY far from being at least somewhat balanced in my eyes. i really do wish for the best w this game but man as someone who loves to dissect gameplay down to the numbers, seeing all this gets real frustrating for me from time to time.
anyw thats all for now– this was a bit of a rant more than anything lol
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jackienautism · 10 months
briefly talked abt this w/ my friend (hiii @kilowattsons) (dont read this if you dont want too many spoilers) after i FINALLY watched saw (2004) w/ them but i just. i jsut. ii..
throwing my SMG followers a bone rn. but hear me out hear me out. laura and travis + amanda and john parallels. esp in fanon context
I JUST. to preface this i KNOW that amanda canonically refers to john as her father, but that ddef doesnt make the relationship any better fdgkfng butOKAY OKAY. HEAR ME OUT
it pisses me OFF how (outside of that dumbass batch of ppl that ship them ...) fans REALLY tried to make travis out to be some sort of uncle figure for laura and thats just ..... not how things work? kdfgnf no matter HOW you spin it, their relationship will NEVER be healthy, unless you wanna have something so DEVOID of canon, which is just annoying. like. at that point just make up your own characters DSFKGNFDGK LIKE. travis and laura will not and can NEVER have a relationship where things arent icky or bad. and if you say otherwise youre just too indulged in fanon and i recommend playinmg the fucking game again
but the same goes for amanda and john yk... it jjust. their relationship is MEANT ot be one of toxicity and whatnot. its not MEANT to be healthy. but (and i see this a LOT) ppl love to paint a picture that shows them in this normal and loving relationship and to me its jsut ???? dont get me wrong i ENJOY seeing these characters in happy and normal contexts, but sometimes its just.. it becomes so far from canon that it becomes almost .... ignorant? like youre purposely avoiding the canon material and making things that only YOU wanna see? if that makes sense? which, once again, there is no problem with. i of course indulge in stuff like this from time to time as well but its just .... this is fucking saw we're talking abt. its not meant to be happy or w/e
the only reason WHY this relationship exists is bc of the saw world and the in world contexts. outside of it (if everyone and everything were cookie cutter and happy and not Bad) there wouldnt be a need for john to have amanda and for amanda to have john. bc in a "happy" case, john woudlnt have lost his child. and amanda woudlnt have a shitty relationship w/ her father. the NEED for them both wouldnt exist if everythign were ideal
i hjavent rly looked for it much but the whole "jigsquad" thing is just sooo ..... like. i dont want to be mean ! and i get ppl can do whatever they want w/ the media they consume ! but ! it annoys me kdfngfg bc realistically nothing in this world is healthy and its sort of annoying when ppl make it out to BE healthy. like. thats the whole appeal of these characters and their relationships. theyre MEANT to be bad for each other. theyre MEANT to be toxic. theyre NOT meant ot have a normal relationship! and writing it as such defeats its original purpose!
ok back to travis and laura . like. first things first travis being a cop and locking her and max up for 2 months already deters them from having a good and meaningful and normal relationship lmao . but at the end of chapter 9? he manipulates himself and his situation to get laura to help him in his family bullshit. aka . killing a person she knows absolutely nothing about. shes not a shitty person, so of COURSE shes goingn to say "sure" to the person tthats practically begging for her help. and in this line of events, she can even be killed! like! and travis should fucking know this! hes willing to use this girl hes traumatized for his own gain! to solve HIS problems! its fucked up
and do i even need to say how john used a girl hes traumatized for his own gain? its written all over the movies brother. and in canon, he DOES end up killing her! he leads her to her demise! yes i kn ow hoffman's note is essentially what lead amanda to her demise but. john is the one who put this all in motion and who wanted to test her again despite beating her test in the original movie. and for making it through the bullshit of saw ii
but yeah. long story short. ppl making it seem like that these 2 duos have good familial relationships is so just errrghhhh . in laura and travis' case, this is NOT the answer to being a normal person and not shipping them. they shouldnt have a relationship at all realistically lmao. and the same goes for john and amanda, even if amanda canonically relies on and sees john as a ffather figure. if it werent for their pasts, they wouldnt need each other
basically what im saying is that. travis and john traumatize these girls then eventually uses them to further their own agendas, which get them (or can get them) killed. and yet fandom LOOOVES to see them as this normal healthy familial dynamic and it pisses me off and and and
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pinkwright · 1 year
⚘ ˏ`୭̥* tv tag game
— list 8 shows for your followers to get to know you better. tagged by the lovely @ncllcraines
disclaimer : i dont rlly watch shows but i'll try u guys... n feel free to recommend me something too ! i'll watch anything rlly but i'm esp fond of thriller/mystery/crime ! <3
1. my name — han sohee was just brilliant in this, jiwoo is me i am jiwoo; we r literal mirrors of each its true. this show is so spectacular i could talk about it for hours omfg.
2. flower of evil — i would recommend this to everyone like this shit is fantastic, one of the few series i can say i likes beginning to end; just phenomenal babes like no way (one of my fave couples its true).
3. the world of the married — girl dont even get me started, this was actually fucking insane; i finished it so quickly it was that good n the cliffhanger like omfg.
4. the witcher — one of the first series i actually keep up with bc its just soo fucking good; would have never gave series a chance if not for this show tbh (dont even speak to me about henry leaving).
5. all of us r dead — absolutely loved this; i rewatch it all the time, the otp was so cute n fitting; i cried so many times u guys.
6. happiness — this is the series that made me favour thriller w/ a little romance simply bc the otp was so fucking adorable; i loveee them.
7. alice in borderland — hm i am absolutely n unhealthily w/ the first season, the second was enjoyable too but the first is just untouchable.
8. sweet home — watched this for kang but ended up loving it for the plot + minsi (srsly need her 😩), like i cant wait for season two it was soo so stellar.
9. the sandman — the cinematography was so gorgeous n the cast was perfect; i just love the idea of this series, it was rlly refreshing.
thats all i can think of rn i havent watched anything in a while (im still trying to finish season one of the glory n finally start watching peaky blinders 😭)
taglist : i would tag ppl but i dont wanna annoy yall (its the anxiety😍) but feel free to do it n tag me so i can read them ☺️ !
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aroacerick · 2 years
{ prev was the-sleepiest-of-all , valentine-the-beloved , favorite--daughter }
🌗 { INTRO POST } 🌓
{ ♡ im XYZ! (aka a few other things) ♡ }
{ ♡ im a minor (6teen) !!! ♡ }
{ ♡ two spirit, and native american !! ♡ }
{ ♡ hyperfixated on dsmp!! ♡ }
{ ♡ c!connor enthusiast and c!quackity apologist ♡ }
{ ♡ in many fandoms + communities, but youll find more dsmp content!! ♡ }
{ ♡ artist / writer !! (send me prompts) ♡ }
{ ♡ thats about it!! heres my fandom list , byf/byi, and extras !!! :D!! ♡ }
🌗 { FANDOM LIST slash things im into } 🌓
{ things in pink are the things im super into!! }
° • ~ AJR !!!!!!!
° • ~ DSMP!!
° • ~ connoreatspants + jschlatt (chuckle sandwich, smplive, etc.)
° • ~ minecraft in general
° • ~ bojack horseman ❤
° • ~ House MD
° • ~ sailor v <3
° • ~ supernatural + doctor who
° • ~ sailor moon!!!
° • ~ space
° • ~ puss in boots the last wish
° • ~ marvel!!
° • ~ adult animation ! (rick and morty, inside job, bobs burgers, etc.)
° • ~ musicals !!!!
° • ~ sanders sides
🌗 { EXTRAS } 🌓
~ posts r normally random!! i talk a lot so expect thoughts that r all over the place
~ pumpkin duo, quackcicle, tntduo, karlnapity (basically any ship w/ quackity)
~ send me asks ab what i write for!!! i can give u headcanons if u want!!! or write something for u!!! just hmu!!
~ i am super duper cool!!
~ big c!connor fan !!! (and c!quackity)
~ same thing w/ art!!! i wanna get better ahaha
> my dni / trigger list is NOT public for my own saftey, but if we are close, you can ask for it /gen (although, while i believe my triggers arent others responsilibity, if i do tell you, i ask that you do be careful with what ive named around me.)
> 21+ dni (unless I know you and you've confirmed beforehand) I don't like adults following me!!! I'm a teen and just fuck around on this blog, so it's a little weird to me if a bunch of old ppl are following me
> i am dyslexic. i misspell things all the time, unless we are close you are Not allowed to make fun of me for it. same thing with how i read numbers (i have dyscalculia)
> while my dms are open, please Do Not be weird about it. i don't want weird messages or anything.
> don't be rude to me! i block people very easily.
> i Do like u, and i care ab you, but please do not vent to me. esp if i dont know u that well. i get overwhelmed easy, and im not good at comforting. (ofc if i offer go ahead!! and there are exceptions 2 this rule, like my partners and close friends)
> dont send asks about my dad!!! its not silly goofy, i miss him and i didnt hate his guts!!! condolences are welcome, but dont be an ass :/
🌗 { LAST NOTES } 🌓
if u wanna dm me for my discord!!! i am so active there ^_^
i swear i am super nice i seem a little mentally ill but just ask my friends i am so awesome
also u can ask for my other socials!!! i am also super active on tiktok and love getting new followers LMAO
thats it ^_^ btw u can always send asks!! i love getting asks!! (if anons are off, its bc im getting harassed </3, just dm me if u want 'em back on :D)
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shifthours · 2 years
OK I THINK ITS A RLY COOL (I MEAN NOT COOL BUT) THEORY I don't think it will happen in canon but the idea of will becoming a villan also makes a ton of sense bcs vecna was like oh I wanna build the perfect world and he tried to get el to build it with him but she was like fuck off and banished him 2 the upside down BUT as you can see with vecnas family home being the upside down, he can kind of manipulate it to be what he likes BUT maybe he needs help (why he was trying 2 recruit el before) and MAYB vecna could sort of sense wills powers forming or his potential for powers forming in season one, which is why he stalked him amd kidnapped him, trying to absorb his power. It wld also explain why the world froze in the time that will went missing bcs vecna wanted to make his own world out of the world they already had, he can just make a small scale copy of one town and start to build his own world in the upside down, and then after absorbing wills power could spread back out into the real world (another theory i have was vecna wanted to bring will into the upside down to truly awaken his powers, not absorb them but make them stronger so he could use will later) BUT will gets away blah blah, but will still has a very strong connection with the upside down (which may have been intentional on vecnas part!!).
Flash forward to season 4, vecnas doing his thing cursing ppl whtever, and we know vecna preys on those with traumatic memories (WHICH WILL HAS WAYYY TOO MANY OF!!) and maybe when will gets vecna'd, vecna doesn't try to kill him but instead tries to talk to him, convince him to look at his life in a different way (the same type eof speech he gave el when he was trying to get her 2 joi him). He might reveal to will that he is capable of using powers like el's and that together they can make a better world with no more suffering in the boxes society puts them into and yk what I feel like that type of speech might hit will harder than it hit el (ESP IF BEFORE WILL GETS VECNA'D, MAYBE HE OVERHEARS MIKE AND EL REUNITING AND IS LIKE WELL SHIT BCS HE THOUGHT HE HAD A CHANCE THERE). When vecna gave his speech to el she was just a kid, she didn't know about the world, she didn't really have things or people she cared abt just a sense of good and bad within her, but otherwise that's it. Meanwhile Will keeps getting beaten down over and over since he was a kid, lonnies abuse, bullying all through his life by everyone, getting taken into the upside down, not being able to escape the horror of the upside down bcs it keeps attaching itself to him (possession, him feeling whenever it's near), and now when he's trying to be happy again everyone around him is in danger AND his best friend/crush (WHO HE JUST GOT BACK and probably thought there might b smth there) is probably going 2 ignore him again now that he's reunited with el.
AND if you think about it, he's never truly opened up abt this shit 2 anyone his entire life. Whenever somebody asks him if he's okay or if somethings wrong he always lies and says it is WHEN ITS NOT. He has all those memories and feelings and thoughts roiling inside of him with nowhere to go and I think joining vecna would be like a release for him.
Vecna reinforces all these thoughts, like yes the world is an awful, awful place, but you and me, with our combined powers can fix it, make it however we want.
And I think will, in pain from reliving the traumatic memories as vecna makes them appear, as well as having his judgement of the real world temporarily clouded by vecna, would join forces with him.
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volfoss · 3 years
how about ranking bucciarati's team?
regret to inform you that ur gonna get a very long answer bc i have passionate feelings about them all! also trish is in this bc she is part of the team and no one will tell me otherwise and will also include some rambling bc it is me and i have so many feelings towards these characters and none of them r cohesive
under the cut just in case (post writing yes it was long)
Giorno Giovanna:
way way more complex than ppl normally give him credit for (i will not go into feelings on how a majority of the fandom treats him unless ppl want me to then i will in fact make a very long ranty post and will not be stopped)
mildly op (esp at the beginning with how hes kind of able to just use his stand really well w no problems altho i think thats true of most of the jojos that we have seen animated?)
i am emotionally attached to him and want to give him a big hug
hes just a kinda goofy kid and is maybe a bit not good with figuring out hey this is a semi dangerous situation maybe i shouldnt be taunting him (leaky eye luca for example)
has the actual best theme
i love how he works off the rest of the team so well (even w members who do not like him)
is in my top 3 jojos i love this kid sm i would adopt him if he was real
Bruno Bucciarati:
the fucking way his character develops from licky man to best dad material is my favorite thing
his outfit is so so so good i would die to wear it
in general this man is one of my fave jojos characters and i get a lot of comfort from him
hes just really neat and has a good taste in music
he did his fucking best and i will always love him for that
imo the way that his death was drawn out was genuinely one of the most heartbreaking deaths in the entire series and fucks me up each time i think of it
i feel like he really is the one to hold the team together in a way that everyone feels cared for and saved
def has a savior complex tho for sure
dilf but im ace
also manga superiority bc he either makes the stupidest faces or looks very nice (anime has a lot of weird animation in regards to his face) and also because its lingerie there instead of a tattoo that changes thickness and placement every second
Leone Abbacchio:
guilty pleasure liking man
i am obsessed with his vibes and wish to become him
i cannot physically express just how much i love him but hes one of my faves of all time (not obvious by my theme at all wdym)
i miss his manga palette but also the colored manga isnt my beloved but also black lipstick abba
hot take maybe but anime abba looks better than manga minus the lipstick debacle
hes so so tall and i will steal his height in a nice way
his past man his past it fucks me up
his death fucks me up normally but when i was rewatching recently, i saw he gave this tiny lil smile after helping the kids get their ball and i could not take it anymore
him and brunos relationship (canonically and out of canon too) is one of my favorites in the series
also fandom hot take as i guess i am doing those for everyone- but ppl either have him as cosntantly trying to murder giorno or being like good son and v out of character, and it is really weird? not sayign that ill do better when i write them but also like im convinced some ppl havent seen the show or smth
i will steal both him and bruno and marry them both <3
this man is beloved i love him to death
Pannacotta Fugo:
i cannot spell his first name to save my life
also fandom take- ppl make him constantly only angry boy all the time and it really irks me. ik araki did not give him 2 much to work w in terms of canon personality but its frustrating
the light novel purple haze feedback is so so so good and adds sm to his character and i really like it for that!
fugo is one of those that imo deserves a lot and didnt get that
genuinely the vibes between how he treats narancia is v interesting to me, like its clear he cares about nara but nara not doing great w math really frustrates him
i love their interactions and how he is genuinely a kind person at times
the manga colors r superior here, my strawberry boy <3
i just really love and appreciate him a lot and wish that ppl gave him more love
i keep getting assigned him on kin quizzes
very smart good boy
ALSO ok fugo did not do any wrong by leaving
unsure if thats a hot take but i genuinely dont blame the character one bit for leaving and again purple haze feedback really delves into that and why he did it
if ur a fugo fan go read it
his past is really upsetting esp in the anime i will cry over it
his stand is adorable and i wanna hug it
his vibes r fun and i wanna gift him strawberry dangly earrings
Narancia Ghirga:
this boy i am also adopting (i am adopting most of them sorry)
i really hate how ppl act as if hes stupid bc bad math skills do not equal stupid like did ppl not see the fight w formaggio??
the way he just fucking dove into the water after the boat and how brunos face went all soft and happy it will never not make me cry
he is constnatnly making me wanna cry if i think too much about him for 2 seconds i love him sm
how can anyone not adore him when he set an entire street on fire yk
hes just happy despite his past and it makes me sad i love nara sm
torture dance is one of my favorite memes from the show
ALSO ok the way he died so suddenly absolutely broke me bc the remaining team members r really just seeing everyone die in front of them so quickly
his goofy and laid back moments r my fave
i love just how loyal and caring he is to his friends
his stand is really cool and again the fight w formaggio was so fun to watch
Guido Mista:
probably my least favorite member of the team for a semi good reason:
the jokes towards trish are really really uncomfy and how fugo doesnt wanna be involved but he is pushing him to do something that makes him uncomfortable did not make me like him a lot
hes goofy but not goofy enough for me to be ok with the repeated jokes about that esp in the body swap episode (ik it was supposed to be funny but it just felt off)
his vibes r good but i wish we got to see his hair
the fandom interpretation is normally pretty good of him overall?
despite not loving him a lot, i really enjoying writing for him (one day might open up headcanon requests or smth but unsure)
hes someone id wanna watch movies w but his taste in movies and mine r very different
love how he and his stand get along
honestly has very very good comedic potential
i really like how he and giorno interact as the series goes on (in a platonic way i need to clarify that i love their friendship)
again him in purple haze feedback was really interesting
probably a 5/10?
Trish Una:
beloved and deserved better
her first outfit in the manga > outfit in the anime
actually in general i believe in manga trish superiority like her hair in the manga looks so cool
her stand her stand her stand i love sm
if u dont include trish in the group i am murdering u <3
fandom gripe is how people either pretend she does not exist or has the trish first introduction thing where shes using her defense mechanisms and acting a bit spoiled
OK but her in purple haze feedback!!! mild spoilers but how bruno was taking care of her post the ending of vento aureo makes me so happy each time i think of it
very mad that she canonically didnt really get an ending and yet again PHF my beloved actually gave her that
how spice girl starts out as a stand thats helping her thru a very stressful situation is so cool and i love it
DAD BRUNO DAD BRUNO DAD BRUNO *frothes at the mouth*
but more seriously how she leans on bruno and begins 2 trust him and nearly point blank is referring to him as a father figure always fucks me up
esp because of the resulting fight afterwards
and the very ending of the arc that ends w bruno being like bye gonna go in the clouds and look ethereal now, oh man it makes me so sad
bc giorno is the only one that knew what happened and people that were closer to bruno due to knowing him longer didnt
i wanna see how trish coped w that personally
despite being introduced not at the beginning i think her arc and character in general were as well paced as it could be!
finally done! sorry that took so long but oh man i have so many feelings towards these guys its not even funny
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seokmatthewz · 4 years
Tumblr media
hello!!! it is ur resident woojong-loving fool, irida!! 💕💕 2020 was a shitty year but thank you for following me throughout it!! i am very annoying and bad at talking to people but i hope tht someday i can befriend as many of the wonderful people below as i can (if i haven’t already!!) below the cut are my wonderful mutuals (+some people who i don’t know if we are mutuals but ily!) thank you so much for all your wonderful content, and i hope 2021 is great to you!! mwah!!!
beloved moots if there’s a ‘☆’ beside your name there’s a lil note for you at the end!! but thanks again to all of you for making 2020 a little bit better!!
# - g
@99yh ☆, @absix ☆, @aka-ika, @alltoateez, @angelhyunjin, @ateezartblog, @ateezgf, @atinyz, @baejoonyoung ☆, @berryjaellie ☆, @choi-san, @choisanii, @choisans, @city127, @creker, @dreamboydongmyeong, @dumbbelle, @glossiers, @gncds, @go-saeng ☆
h - k
@haknew, @halahala, @hanbinist ☆, @hanbotaged, @heartsbang ☆, @himeaegyo ☆, @hongjoonim, @hongjooong ☆, @honjoong, @hoyoungy, @hueningkais, @hwisgf, @hwiyyoung, @hyunsung, @jaemtens, @jinlix, @johnni, @johntography, @jongupseyeliner, @junhee, @jwy, @kdongyoung, @konjoong, @kqtiny
l - r
@ladymaysworld, @leeseungjuns, @lilacwoo, @lkeonhee, @lovehui ☆, @mnkyeung, @nkamotoyuta, @oceanofaurora, @ongnielkangs, @park-seonghwa ☆, @prettyseonghwa ☆, @punksand ☆, @re-ika, @renjvn, @rotigf ☆
s - z
@san-hwa, @sanshine-on-a-cloudy-day, @seongshwa, @seonqhvva, @seungyoune, @shuhuas, @songmingki, @songmingkis, @sonqmingi, @subaek, @taeks, @taenho, @toaction, @ultchris, @wabisaba, @woo-san ☆, @wriggleygutz ☆, @wuuyoung, @xiaocity ☆, @yejiis, @yooyongha ☆, @youngjo, @yunhc, @yunhohs, @zangse, @zero-fever, @zhxngcl
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
nini - missus nini my sweet fairy pal!!! it was nice chatting with u a bit more this year!! we continue to b bad at msging each other KLFDKL but it is always nice when we do nd it was nice to complain to u nd bicker a bit!!! hopefully 2020 gets us the cute fairy/nymph/witch gfs we deserve!! lysm madam !!
han - han!!! my favourite clown ever ik i say this lots but i rlly cannot believe it’s only been a few months since we became friends bc i talk to u constantly KJFLDSJK it’s been so much fun talking to u and getting to kno u this past year!! our convos are always so entertaining and funny whether it is clowning u abt ur taste or us mutually bonding over ppl we don’t really like or me trying to get u to stan a group i always love to chat with you!! excited to watch more iconic dramas like mr. heart with u in the new year i love you!!!
alice - alice madam!! one of my most talented moots ever u r so cool nd all ur sets nd gfx are so gorgeous!! its so fun to interact with u from time to time (be it to clown u or get clowned), love u lots ma’am and i hope 2021 is fantastic for u!!
millie - MISSUS MILLIE!! my beloved pal nd wonderful hypewoman u are so cute and wonderful and iconic and it always makes me happy to read your tags and send you asks!! you are so funny and sweet and great and i’m so happy we r pals!! hope we can chat even more in the new year i love you the most!!! mwah!
kashi - kashi we have been moots for only a little while but i had 2 include u bc it was such a good time sending u asks for the stay secret santa!! u are so talented and sweet and i hope i can get to kno u more in the new year, esp since we seem to have so many fandoms in common!! u have impeccable taste mwah!! luv u!!
tori - tori u haven’t been on tumblr as much recently nd i miss u!!! hope tht u come back occasionally when ur a bit less busy bc ur always a nice nd funny presence on my dash!! love u the most i hope ur rats nd ur chickens are doing well as well as ur other pets!! mwah!!
karen - my beloved funky canadian pal!!! i am GOING TO MESSAGE YOU SOON I SWEAR I AM JUST SO BAD AT IT FJDKLKL missus karen we have been thru lots together and i trust you a lot and i’m really happy to have a friend like you who i can just say shit to without judgement!! you really are such a kind and wonderful presence even when we don’t interact for a while!! you sweet funky gal i love you!! i hope we can meet up again sometime when things are safer!! mwah!! happy new year!!
bia - wifey!!! my sweet beloved fellow jongho enthusiast i hope u are doing super well always even when we dont msg as much!!! seein u on my dash is always a good time and i am always wishing u well!! i hope we can talk more in the new year ily sosososoooo much!!! (also r u watching hyunjun’s drama JFKDSK i saw u talking abt it nd if u are we shld chat bc i am watching it too mwah!!)
lyna - LYNA MY OLDEST MOOT!! i love u sm nd i luv tht we still follow each other even tho we aren’t really in the same fandoms anymore!! u are always so kind and sweet whenever we interact and i always hope you are doing well and staying healthy!! i love u!!!
natali - nat!!! we haven’t interacted too much but we bonded a bit more this year and that is progress!!! ilusm madam all of ur sets are so pretty and wonderful and u are such a nice presence on my dash i hope we can talk more sometime soon!! mwah love u!!
yaz - yaz ik u dont use tumblr anymore but it feels wrong to make one of these and not include you in it FJKLDSKSL you know i love u more than anyone ur my beloved sweet wonderful platonic soulmate and i am always wishing you well i love you the most ever and i hope we are friends forever and always!! mwah mwah mwah!!
wren - king thank u for following me for yet another year when all we do is put random men on each other’s dashes DSKJKLD hope ur staying safe and hydrated and that u are doing well ilu !!! mwah !!!
sim - SIM MADAM MY BELOVED ANGEL PAL!! we don’t talk as much but i can’t pass ur url and not write u a lil note!! whenever we talk it’s always so fun FSDKLJSJDK even tho we are not in the same fandoms anymore i love u lots and ur presence on my dash is so pleasant and sweet!! hope we can talk more in the new year and even if we dont i hope ur new year is fantastic!!
vivi - vivi!!!!! it was so fun to chat with u a bit throughout this year and send u anons!!! u are such a pleasant and lively presence on my dash and ur gifs are so wonderful and pretty i hope we can chat more in the new year mwah!!
kurtis - bro so sorry u r still following me in the year of 2020 heading into the year of 2021 JKLFDSKL thank u for putting up with all the random kpop boys i put on ur dash i absolutely love u nd i hope ur always doing well and staying healthy!!!
siya - madam!!!! ilu!! ik we haven’t chatted much but i wanna talk to u more!!!! u seem so neat nd funky and ur always so funny when i see u chatting nd interacting w ur other moots!! hope we can become good friends and clown together some more ilu!!!
damian - my beloved fellow playm boys (or like. whatever they are now KJFDLK) stan!! we do not interact all that much but i am always hoping tht ur doing well and i hope we can interact more in the new year!!! all of our boys debut 2020 pls!!!
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goodgluework · 3 years
thank you @communistcharliekelly 4 tagging me!
1. why did you choose your url?
bc its a funny response to ur friends making you a bird with teeth sculpture
2. any side blogs?
i have a main! but it v boring and i wanna keep it separate bc of irls who follow me there lol
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
since early 2013 i think
4. do you have a queue tag?
not rlly if i queue somthing its just the letter Q
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I rlly like sunny! i saw some fanart and realised there was a bigger presence on tumblr than i thought so i wanted to join in :)
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
charlie boy looks so soft in the pic...and they are nb so.
7. why did you choose your header?
bc im funny and the gang is gay!!
8. what's your post with the most notes?
im p sure its this one. Fair I think
9. how many mutuals do you have?
like ab a dozen? ish? for this blog at least. i cant wait to get to know them better and be buddies :)  (w those who wanna)
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shit post?
yes. all the time ajsshdg
13. how often do you use tumblr a day?
it rlly depends? like on average 1-3 hours a day but dispersed in segments
14. did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
in my younger years i would reply to hate mail for my scott pilgrim opinions akdhfhdhd
15. how do you feel about the you need to reblog posts?
very silly lmao
16. do you like tag games?
Yes I do! Sometimes I feel anxious about who to tag tho, I don’t want ppl feeling left out
17. do you like ask games?
Love them! I’m obsessed with answering questions esp about my opinions lol
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Well Newt (who tagged me) has that trans up meme that’s at like 50k or sumthn if that counts lol Other than that? I have no clue
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
Nope! Def happy 2 be friends tho :)
I’m gonna tag @anon-ee , @deereynoldswife @dumbbitcho and @ocularpatdown and anyone else who wants to!! ill even add ur tag if it makes u anxious
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
How did I find your blog? I was looking for soft Kuroo content on google. And your soft birthday hc’s for him came up. And that’s also how I found tumblr
What was the first story of yours that I read? That Kuroo piece ^
Roughly, how long have I been following this blog? Well I found that piece shortly after it was posted so…. Around the beginning of December 2019 I think. Got a tumblr a few months later and you were the first person I followed (had you in my bookmarks bar before that! (still have you in my bookmarks bar and when I share my screen in classes there are occasionally questions. I ignore them))
What’s something I’ve noticed about you personality wise? You’re really clever and funny. But you’re also sweet. But because you’re clever you have no hesitation in setting up and enforcing your boundaries, and I really admire that strength and confidence.
Have we ever interacted, either by PM, ask, or in the comments? What was my perception of you? YES!!! PM, SOOOOO many asks, comments, and you sent me an ask. And reblogged it. And I cried. A lot. My perception: you’re lovely and I want to h*ld your h*nd ….please.
What’s my favorite story of yours? Oh how to choose. Firstly, I’m a nb, biracial, bisexual. Honey, I’ve never made a choice in my life. But let’s try here. Anything you’ve written for Tsukki. Literally all of it is gold. Fight me. I was going to write “especially [piece title]” but I LITERALLY CANNOT CHOOSE ONE. Your Bokuto nightmare piece. Your Kuroo angsty fight. Your Tendou dealing with S/O with parents who yell piece. Your Kinktobers. Your Futakuchi and Mattsun pieces. And your Terushima pieces. Ugh. I CANNOT CHOOSE. OH AND YOUR STREAMER KENMA!!!!!! OKay just… all of it. I can’t choose. I tried, and I failed, and I’m willing to admit failure.
What’s a story I’d love to see you write? I don’t want to say this… because it hurts me… but I just KNOW you’d write brilliant angst. Some of my fav pieces of yours are pained beginnings with happy endings. That fight with Tsukki after a bad day at work. The pieces I mentioned above (nightmare pieces and fighting pieces and angsty home life ha.. ha.ha.ha.). That Oikawa one where the reader wakes up in bed without him and thinks he left. You write these gorgeous atmospheres and descriptive, visceral feelings, and if you chose to use it for evil…. You could get evil shit done. You’re SO powerful. So I want to read it… but also…. I don’t. I’d love to see you write ABO like you mentioned a while back or just see you explore a cutesy soulmate AU or something. I think you’d be really good at writing an AU where you hear what the other person’s listening too. I feel like you’d be so good at making me feel something for someone who was in another city. (think this would be cute with Tsukki cos he’s headphones boy, OR terushima because I like the dynamic of someone flirty, who clearly cares about looks, falling for someone he can’t see) ANYWAY….
Favorite pairing you write for?/fav reader insert? Tsukishima x reader. It’s my fav self-ship. (but also Mattsun, Bokuto, Oikawa, Tanaka, and Akaashi because you write them SO WELL!!!!)
Have any of your stories helped me through a hard time? Of course. Your self-harm piece came at a time I needed it. Iwaizumi’s in particular saved my life. But also your Tendou dealing with S/O parents who fight… came right when I needed it. Also starting college… was hard.. And reading and rereading your fluff really pulled me through it.
Have any of your stories hit closer to home? YES (see above).
Do I genuinely like your blog, it’s aesthetic or posts? It’s overall feel? It’s content? Yes. The aesthetic is, ngl, a wee bit basic. But I kinda love that. And the feel? It feels like home. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Your blog is my safe space. So, yes, I love. It’s content? YES. OF COURSE. Your personality probably could have kept me here even if your content was kinda shit, but I follow you RELIGIOUSLY because of your content. So yes. I adore.
Is English my first language? Kinda??? I grew up in a trilingual household so I kinda learned three languages at the same time while growing up. But no, I don’t need to translate it in my head. Because English was one of the three.
Anything I want to share? Yes. Please keep being kind to yourself, caring for your mental health, enforcing your boundaries, loving Akaashi, and just generally being you. You’re so lovely as you are, and I hope you continue grow, but never change. Also I’m sorry about all your work stuff…. It literally makes me feel sick. And I hope you find a job where that’s not tolerated, or that your work finds a better way of protecting it’s employees. I know you know this, but none of it is your fault. I just hope things improve. AND I love you… a lot. And I’m so proud of you hitting 9K and you deserve so many more followers because your pieces are just... GORGEOUS. I can’t wait until I’m at Barnes and Noble in a few years and I can pick up a hardback copy of your debut novel. I’m so excited to say “I knew Em Akaashi (which is your legal name as far as I’m concerned) before she was so popular among the masses.”
so ive been trying to figure out the correct and worthy way to reply to this ask since the moment i got it......because its so fucking sweet and kind and amazing and pure and perfect and i just dont know how to use WORDS to explain the way it makes me feel so.......i will just reply in bullet points in regards to every question u answered to make it a lil easier :D
- the fact that u found my blog on google ....... like this may be odd and a very specific thing but before i made this blog i always hoped that 1 day my fanfic would pop up in google searches bc thats ALWAYS how i found fics when i was reading them religiously and i felt so much ENVY!!!!! LIKE I WANTED TO BE THERE I WANTED MY FICS TO B POPULAR ENOUGH TO POP UP ON GOOGLE.....that may sound very selfish but its true......so thats just very cool to me... :]
- u’ve been here for so long omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺 if anyone in ur classes ever asks jus promo my blog like its nbd 
- thats so sweet what 🥺🥺🥺 i try my best to advocate for myself and be confident for myself.....ive spent far too much of my time being silently uncomfortable because i was afraid of pushing someone’s buttons seeming rude.....but NO MORE!!!! i know what upsets me, i know my triggers, i know what i dislike experiencing, and im never gonna let myself be anxious or uncomfortable for someone else’s sake, esp if theyre being rude 2 me. i would say its less strength and confidence and moreso me attempting to take control of my anxiety in the places i can (aka on the Internet) bc i am SICK OF ANXIETY ATTACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
- BBY no dont CRY!!!! im racking my brain trying to think of who u are i wanna know so bad so i can thank u personally for being the kindest person in the world n so i can send u more asks >:(........MY HAND IS URS TO HOLD!!!!! dont tell akaashi tho 
- OMG my TSUKKI pieces.....hes so hard to write why ;-; thank u so much im so glad u enjoy my works<3333
- NOT ANGST NOT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!! pained beginnings to happy endings are my specialty.....IMAGINE me writing a sad ending like i CANT!!!!!!!!! ive only done it a few times and it is so Difficult.....YALL ARE SO LUCKY IM NOT EVIL!!!!!! ive had this idea for an angsty akaashi fic that i think about and write in my head every night before falling asleep and it Hurts and i wanna write it but i also can’t make myself :D ABO would be very fun but i genuinely do not know how to explore the concept while making it feel like it’s Written By Me.....u know what i mean? same with soulmate aus, i really dislike writing them because theyre just boring to me like they all feel the same everything’s been done for them.....which is FINE!!! but i write enough cliche stuff as it is HAHA, a long distance type soulmate au could be fun and interesting but ldr’s trigger me bc of a past relationship so </3 but hey maybe someone else could use the idea!!!!!
- gotta love tsukishima <3
- im rlly glad my writing could be there for you friend, one of the biggest reasons i write fanfic (and write the kind of fics i write) is bc i know firsthand how much reading sweet stories abt ur comfort characters can help u through the shittiest times - i just wanna offer ppl some support and happy feelings and love cuz sometimes fanfic is the only time we can find those things (and theres nothing shameful abt that either if anyone bullies u for reading fanfic i will fight them)
- I KNOW MY LAYOUT IS LAZY AND BASIC AS FUCK AND THAT IS BECAUSE I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT LMAOOOO so im glad u think its ok...... like i dont have the patience to create a fancy ass layout that actually works are u KIDDING ME??????? I COULD LITERALLY NEVER plus i kinda like that its just the basic kinda ugly boring default layout like it makes it simple and easy and i feel like it brings focus to the only thing on this blog that i care about which is my writing, i rlly only care about the content here and not aesthetics jdbljdabsdk that blue background will be there til i Die......i adore u more btw 
- WHOA trilingual what the hell ur so cool tell me more 
- you have my word, friend, that i will continue to do all of that so long as you do the same. take care of yourself, be kind to yourself - i know u can do it, ur so kind to others and u deserve to be kind to urself, too so this is the part that genuinely brought me to tears because *sappy dumb shit ahead* ok look ever since i can remember the one and only thing ive wanted to do with my life is become an author ...... dreams of book covers with my name written on them and words in pages written by me and fanart of my characters and going into my local bookstore n seeing my book there....these thoughts all haunt my fucking brain because i want it SO BAD!!!!!!!! so bad that it makes me CRY!!!!!!!! ive never wanted something more and just!!!!!!!!!!!! idk how much u meant that part but holy fuck!!!!!! i hope so bad that one day i can send u a free copy of my book as a thank u for being the person u are. u have all my love friend, every last bit of it <333333333
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enderspawn · 4 years
🎼 (I can’t find the correct emoji lol) exile arc tommy?
Oh boy! (opens up breakdown playlist) /hj
Montreal – Penelope Scott
Sleep with a Baseball Bat – Cosmic Johnny
Brother – Gerard Way
breakdown under cut, tw for suicidal ideation on the first song esp
1.       Montreal – heehee hoohoo suicidal/depression thoughts baby!!
I mean in short this is tommy saying he wont Survive exile. The intro of the song lists when the singer would be home from college/school and that “another 90 day summers gonna take [their] fucking life” which is rlly just. Tommy not gonna live THAT long in exile.
“And I would rather die And let me make it clear It's nobody's fault But I think we all know That I won't make it to Montreal”
So the thing here is that its “nobody’s fault” bc on one hand it is that he doesn’t blame tubbo but worse he doesn’t blame DREAM. Its just meant to happen, its not bc of anybody, yknow?
“And I would rather die I'll jump before I'll fall And I'm having lots of fun But I won't make it Montreal”
Mans tried to jump to his death before he “fell” whether bc of dream or an accident, hes makin the active CHOICE to end it rather than just waiting. Even w the fun he’s having w dream, he’s miserable and he knows he wont make it to see lmanberg again
“You like to talk about the future As if it's real And when you tell me that you love me I can almost feel it”
Dream keeps promising him stuff for the future. Maybe he can visit to see the tree, maybe he can get another visit, maybe he wont be alone. But tommy doesn’t care, its all fake to him (which like, it is so good for him but fjkdlsjf)
“It's not that it's a bad plan No, the plan fucking slapped I was so excited you don't know how bad I wanted all of it The coffee shop, the weather, the apartment But I don't want anything anymore I don't know, I guess I just got bored”
Okay so. Tommy kept trying to get shit together to leave, right? He wanted to go back so bad and have this domestic life w his friends but in the end he just got so downtrodden that after his shit got blown up he was so ready to just GIVE UP.
“And I don't wanna die I don't wanna get left behind But it's better half than none I hope to god you have some fun”
He doesn’t want to be in this situation, he still CARES abt the lmanberg crew but in the end hes been told that they’re happy WIHTOUT him. He’s not angry at them, not anymore, he just wants them to be happy bc he isn’t.
2.       Sleep with a Baseball Bat – tommy and dream relationship baby!!
“And every time you wake up Thinking this could be the day Well something, something just”
Every day in exile he had no real plans. He just had to exist out there alone and hope someone else came. This IS the day he can do…. Something. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t have a goal.
“And when your love is an anxiety attack Don’t settle for that, don’t settle for that And when you wake and find the claw marks in your back Sleep with a baseball bat, sleep with a baseball bat”
Hes been manipulated into thinkin dream is his friend, that dream “loves” him but it makes him miserable! Hes paranoid and stressed and falling apart!! Boy!!! Fjdsklfj
“Siena says you’re getting used But something’s broken in your head And you can’t run away when you need to”
The other ppl who visited him, like ranboo, KNEW something was happening and that he was in a bad place but tommy had been manipulated by dream so much that he couldn’t process it. No, dream couldn’t be bad, dream was his friend, right? He couldn’t leave exile, dream would be upset. Its all what DREAM wants, not tommy.
“Hey, space cadet Are you still floating round the rock That you spent so much of your life trying to get away from? And does it at least look different from up there?”
OKAY SO ONE. SPACE CADET? THAT’S CLARA BABY!! TWO: he spent ALL his time on this server fucking fighting dream, trying to “get away from” him. But now hes stuck “floating around” with him as his “friend”. The last line feels sarcastic and bitter but like. FUCK it hits, yknow??
“It might take a couple tries till you believe it But love is real, you’ll figure it out, you’ll live to see it But you still have to take a couple of falls And you can’t make an omelet without breaking your balls So batter up Is your bed made? Is your helmet on?”
HAPPY ENDING POG!! HE STARTS HEALING!!!! HE STARTS REALIZING DREAM WASN’T HIS FRIEND!!! He still “falls” and relapses into wanting dream w him but hes so much better!!! Also,,,,, “is your helmet on” w the turtle shell helmet (eyes emoji)
3.       Brother – IF TECHNO AND TOMMY NOT BROTHERS WHY THIS SON—(gunshot rings out)
Okay so on a serious note this song is abt addiction and while I don’t want to take away from that Serious Topic, it Does relate but w tommy dealing w his ptsd of dream
“And brother, if you have the chance to pick me up And can I sleep on your couch To the pound of the ache and pain? Oh, in my head 'Cause I'm awake all night long To the drums of the city rain”
Hhrhnrng staying at technos place to hide from dream and get better a lil JFKDLSJK. Also “the drums of the city rain” is referenced a LOT in this song but like. It keeps him up so,,,,,, dream JFKDLSJF. Mans barely ever slept in exile so it WORKS okay jfkdlsjf
“The lights we chase The nights we steal The things that we take to make us feel this (To the drums of the city rain)”
This is him and techno livin together!! Like in the first chorus you could see lights we chase being tommy finding techno’s place, then later it’s the lights of lmanberg as they sneak in. the nights they steal is both just time spent together and also straight up the times they stole shit JFKDSLJ. “the things that we take to make us feel” is the gapples tommy always eats so that he can feel safe (also, bc in the og song this is PROBABLY abt drugs and potions are drugs in universe so. Arguably getting a potion effect from the apple means it is Also Drugs? Fjdkslfj)
“I can't go back I don't think I will I won't sleep tonight as long as I still Hear the drums of the city rain”
Go back to logstedshire or lmanberg you ask?? The answer is yes. Both. He feels like he doesn’t belong in lmanberg and logstedshire is too traumatizing for him to return at this point. As long as he “hears the drums of the city rain”, or is thinking of dream, he Cant Sleep:tm:
“Does anyone have the guts to shut me up? 'Cause I believe that every night There's a chance we can walk away So hold on tight Because I won't wait too long In the drums of the beating rain”
Okay so hear me out but. This is just tommy and dream. “I believe that every night theres a chance we can walk away” is tommy hoping desperately for dream to let him go home, to walk away from logstedshire. He never will be permitted, not really, but theres a chance that tommy clings to. He wont “wait too long” while out in exile and stuck w dream bc hes desperate and miserable (also fun fact these analysis is basically me just pmv’ing shit in my head and rambling vaguely abt it but like. Listen,,,, flashback verse jfkdsljf) ALSO. The line “does anyone have the guts to shut me up” in relation to exile!tommy is just VERY important to me. Mans was so quiet and afraid to speak up when in exile.
“'Cause the nights don't last And we leave alone Will you drive me back? Can you take me home? (To the drums of the city rain)”
Following up that last paragraph, this is still in flashback. The days end and dream leaves again, making tommy alone. He asks if he can go back, if he can see home and lmanberg and everyone. But echoing the “to the drums of the city rain” after home CAN imply that “home” has become logstedshire WITH DREAM even tho it keeps him up and aaAAAAAHHHH
I swear this ends up okay and techno + tommy focused fjkdsljf
“Faces I don't know I am tired in the glow”
He feels isolated from everyone during his exile and lashes out at those who visit, to the point he feels like they’re all more or less strangers and “faces he doesn’t know”. Being tired in the glow is, imo, him over the lava.
“Of the freezing club Keep me breathing Don't make the lights come back Can you take me home? We all need this When we leave alone”
Hhhngg okay so tommy breakdown time! Hes in techno’s house (the freezing club) and is just pleading for techno to help. Don’t let “the lights come back” (lava again maybe? He doesn’t want to be Like This?) and just wants to feel like hes at home because hes just left exile and hes Messed Up Over It
“Remember when you and I would make things up? So many nights, just take me down To the place we can hear them play I miss that sound 'Cause now we don't sing so loud To the drums of the city rain”
OKAY SO THEY MAY NOT BE CANON FAMILY BUT WILBUR REMEMBERS SPARRING W TECHNO AS A KID AND PHIL IS HIS CLOSE FRIEND SO THEY STILL KNEW EACH OTHER AS KIDS SO SHUSH FJSDKL. Tommy just wants things to go back to how they were, before everything. When things were easy and they were kids just having fun. He misses it. Before exile, before lmanberg, before dream. But it doesn’t matter, because they’re stuck in this now. With his brother dead and his closest friend being the man who killed his best friend and helped blow up his country. Again, the drums of the city rain is dream. Because of his influence, its all different.
Hhhngngngn this is too long so I wont go into the last outro bc you can interpret it a LOT of ways, esp depending on how you want to Pace this song w the exile arc. But like. The analysis is THERE if you really wanna push it/animatic it babeyyy
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steponmepinkjun · 3 years
oh right yall actually call it mcdonalds over there thats crazy. way too many syllables. but yeah while we know felix as the bright and cute boy who becomes friends with everyone, theres no way he'd be able to keep that up in customer service. no one can. mf will instantly revert to the dark and intimidating image they tried to give him in the earlier eras bc of his deep voice. ppl pull up at the drive through and he just goes "hi ok what do you want." even the brightest people i know dampen as soon as they step foot into a maccas they work at, that shit is soul-sucking. that being said i do see him having fun bullying the managers into liking him bc thats what the eshays do and somehow it works. they just be a shit but get away with it cause theyre hot. i see this so vividly you dont understand maccas!felix was real i swear it
HYPEBEAST WANNABE HOODRAT THATS IT THATS ESHAYS straight up better wording than i could explain it lmfao. BUT YOU SEE IT NOW LIKE i hate eshays and i love my boys but i See It. besides teenagers are constantly tryna be people theyre not just to fit in so its not really a stretch for such a drastic change to happen in their personalities like it couldve totally happened i can see it. except chan left aus at like 13 so he was probs actually just an eshay in the making that never went through the full conversion LMAOOO
OK BUT LIKE THATS SO VALID OF YOU QUEEN... KNOW YOUR WORTH.... thats not stupid at all imo i actually feel the same for the most part. like yes i get all sulky when i realise people dont like me or whatever but thats only bc i Know im that bitch and i Know im worth it. worth more. i be all "hhuuu i want an s/o :((" but as soon as someone Breathes in my direction im like hmmm youre okay and objectively worth my time but i can do Better. can i actually do better? who knows! i dont go outside often enough to find out my ass is unemployed w like 2 friends lmAOoo but thank you, the reassurance does help, esp from a stranger on the internet who isnt like. incredibly biased LOL "I have genuinely spent the better part of several days looking forward to you possibly sending me more messages" that shit hurted. on god that shit hurted im !!!!! glad i could make your days at least somewhat more entertaining, you've definitely made mine. i laughed way too hard at your descriptions on how youd go off at a bitch who tries to slander the homies lmAOOO i felt that shit in my soul tho like if ppl hurt me ill be like well fuck you too bro but ppl even just give my friends a slightly less than ideal vibe i will physically manifest in their doorway at ass o clock in the morning and make sure they'll have nightmares about me for the next six years. genuinely considering jumping bitches for the homies at some point but quickly remembered i am a Noodle and will get my ass kicked. this is why i wanna take up martial arts no one will be able to stop me then. im here for skz bodyguard sara tho like go clock some sasaengs bitch!! ill hold your hoops girl go gettem!! in my experience skz havent actually had many bad sasaeng cases like most groups - probs bc theyre one of the few that dont really shove the whole 'boyfriend image' down your throats, cause their target audience is wider than just young women - but ppl do be getting real creepy w their families n shit like. chris's sister got a tiktok and shes still a minor and people were making some creepy ass comments about her and some even fucking shipping her with felix which is straight up disgusting, so like i might just take up hacking as a side gig so i can drop the addresses of these bitches and all the bullies who gave chan shit in school and you can go ham. team effort 🤝🤝
YOURE 5'8??? ok thats tall for me but thats literally like an inch taller than chan and felix GIRL you are not the giant you think you are. okay maybe if you wore platforms. you give me the energy of someone who would wear those like massive ass platform stripper heels just to assert ur dominance over them weak ass "alpha male" type guys who constantly need to be the tallest in the room. thats very powerful energy u got there im jealous, my 5'2 ass gonna be looking like an angry kitten tryna square up to someone and steal their kneecaps. how changbin is like short as hell for a cis dude and still manages to give off such strong vibes is a mystery to me. give me your secret, seo changbin. -felix bi anon
I s2g I pull up to the drive thru and see Felix and suddenly I'm a sugar momma w money to spare 😂 suddenly I'm "lemme treat you" vibes, suddenly I'm "lemme take you away from this life" energy, suddenly I'm talking him away from the deep fryer like I'm hostage negotiation, suddenly I'm picking him up after his shift and taking him to the Olive Garden on some "see honey, you ain't built for this hustle, you a classy broad, lemme show you the finer things in life 😌" ordering another $2.50 appetizer like I'm Somebody jshwjwjsjjd no but like ACTUALLY.... I S2G I have met, worked with, and cherished retail!Felix many times over my many years in crustomer service and I KNOW he's the cute lil burnout who won't hesitate to help you with closing duties, is always down to take an extra break w you to smoke you out and is universally beloved by all customers but absolutely hides in the walk in cooler every chance he gets. Retail will suck the fuckin soul out of you in the worst way I s2g, but I think Felix would be the type that's sweet as hell on the outside, but the second he's in the break room he pops OFF 😂 in that sense we'd def get along. Everyone needs their Sunshine Coworker. Personally I see Felix as the type that would be soo good at commission based retail, like he smiles and you melt, so you just get put under his spell immediately. He's also pays so much attention to detail that'd he'd know every detail of every product and be a killer salesman. And the idea of Felix just walking around all casual-like in a suit while he's selling fancy watches or some shit 😳 wit his lil bougie ass lmfao. And I just know that 3Racha work at Chipotle or somethin together and are CHAOTIC AS FUCK. Like the manager tries their hardest not to schedule them together because they're so off the rails together 😂 or probably like a skate shop or something.... Yeah very much that. Hyunjin would work at Sephora or the Guerlain or Tom Ford counter at a high end department store and you cannot change my mind. One time i saw someone say that if Innie wasn't in skz he'd be unemployed asf and I was like DAAAAMN WHY YOU GOTTA DO MY BOY LIKE THAT 😭 JUST CAUSE HES AN AQUARIUS SO HES A LIL SPACEY AND CHAOTIC LMFAO LET HIM LIVE 😭😭😭
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OK no like on God I would actually have to smack a bitch for that kind of shit. His little sister?! Like Jesus fuck people are SICK AND TWISTED, SICK AND TWISTED... I'VE HAD IT OFFICIALLY.... I literally always forget any of them have siblings like in my mind they all crawled out of a little dewdrop-covered flower in a fantasy land forest, the idea that they are Actual Humans that were like born n stuff conflicts with how perfect they are, my gene pool could NEVA. That's so fucked though like.... Please some people really do be reading way too much fanfiction, that's straight up weirdo behavior, thats goon shit. That's get your ass beat with a quickness type shit, that's really "I will physically punt you like a fuckin football straight out your own window so you can be forcefully made to touch some fuckin grass" shit. I feel like I do love a lot of aspects of fandom, and I've been around the block and then some fandom wise (I was a part of the OG twilight fandom before the movies even came out... I have seen some DEMONS.....) but I def can't engage w most people in kpop fandoms. There's just like a weirdness to the amount of total disconnect w reality that they seem to think is normal behavior. A lot of weird performative activism shit that's totally unrelated to the topic, like I literally came out here to have a good time, not watch yall force some lil kid to speak on an issue they're not qualified to speak on and then attack them for being ignorant... And a lot of these people are KIDS, like straight up 14 year olds out here starting drama and mess. And don't get me wrong, I'm a messy bitch that lives for drama! But to come out w the most unabashedly psychotic and chronically online take of all time, and then when someone checks you for being a fuckin weirdo to scream "I'm a minor and your bullying me!!!" first of all if you don't get your ass on the fuckin school bus 🙄 why the hell you online when you have math homework? Take all the energy you're pouring into the internet and pour it into your school's yearbook committee or somethin, worry about your GRADES before you worry about your bias, child 🙄 and then it's hella animosity cause I'm "too old to be a fan" like baybeeeee, I don't know how to break this to you, but who do you think has the money to buy all this merch? You think they set these price points with your parents spare change in mind? You think your allowance is what pay their bills??? You think you're bankrolling the whole operation with your lunch money???? Peep the merch that costs one of my whole paychecks after shipping and tell me I'm too old to be a fan 🙄 it's not my fault that these idols couldn't hug you even if they canted to cause they'd catch a case, whereas I've been alive long enough to cook them dinner and give them life advise. I am SAGE, I am WISE, ya buncha fetuses 😂 And the idols that are my age? BAYBEE if you think Wonho gonna holla at a high school girl you are absolutely 1000% trippin 🙄 but I digress, cause I go feral for that man, oof 🥴 very much WOOF WOOF BARK BARK for that mans. But anyways. Yeah lemme find the names of anyone who was ever mean to the boys and suddenly it's "Alexa, play 'Pull Up' by Cardi B."
LMFAO THATS LITERALLY SO FUNNY CAUSE LIKE when I used to go out on the town n whatnot 😌 back in my stunt queen days 😌 I used to wear either these huge platform creepers covered in 2inch spikes that were sharp as hell, or I'd wear these 8inch stripper heels 😂 cause make no mistake, there's a reason strippers wear them, they comfy as HELL and even when I was drunk asf I never tripped or fell over lmfaooooo. Honestly tho like it's very much Leo energy for Changbin. I felt in my soul he was a Leo before I looked up the boys signs, he just has absolute "the world is a stage and I am THE lead role, bitch, whether you like it or not, yall can't TAKE ME" energy it's insane. I mean, as he should, like, it's very justified. They all embody their signs so well it like trips me out. I die for it, but I also die because of it. How they get anything done with three fuckin virgos tho, I will never understand 😂
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primsycoldbottles · 4 years
☕️ on magical girl animes... what do you believe could be improved on in this epic genre? i for one want to see a magical girl transformation where they look exactly the same, but they pull out a bazooka- this is the entire transformation
i think magical girl animes could be improved a million times over like. god there r some things in mga that just like. seem minor when u hear abt it and then when u actually experience it its like..... get out of my house pls i think that the outfit transformation is actually a huge part of the genre and one of my fav things abt it (but i mostly think thats just cuz i like pretty clothes). but i do think more magical girls deserve massive weapons that either compliment their personality or completely oppose it but in a way thats rlly funny (ie a really quiet/soft char having a gigantic fucking hammer to whack shit up with)... i think the transformation aspect of mga is like.. kind of the idea of an idealized self + the anonymity theyre supposed to have while fighting bc majority of the time its like highschool girls kicking ass after english class or whatever and if they get found out it could mean the end of the world (literally kshflhdsf) as for being improved? i think that there needs to be more characters that, while having an assigned colour, arent just... the aspect that colour embodies. like. i wanna stop seeing pink magical girls have their only personality trait being peppy or a blue one having their single personality trait being calm or smart.. they need to be more rounded!!!!! so much of the time the minute a trope is created ppl dont bother to explore beyond the box that is that single trope bc they know its a fixed idea that ppl already like but at a certain point it just gets repetitive and boring... i want more interesting characters damnit!! i wanna see small magical girl groups having mixed colours so u can mix those tropes and dont have to have a million characters just to have single personality tropes included i also think things like gender and femininity within mga could be.... dealt with better. i think there should absolutely be more masculine dressing girls or completely gnc ppl should be characters and that masculinity isnt seen as a bad thing???? like. i understand the message of “being feminine isnt bad and being a girl isnt a curse” but it always comes at the loss of having a general interest in traditionally masculine things is just.. not allowed.. or its only allowed if its for the purpose of being like Haha this character is so sporty!! how quirky uwu :// this is a personal thing within heartcatch precure but i rlly wish itsuki was allowed to enjoy traditionally feminine things like cute plushies n whatever without having to completely give up being masculine ever?? like. they should be allowed an androgynous outfit scheme (i would say i want them to be a canon gnc or he/they/she magical girl but.. anime isnt there yet and i know it) this is legit becoming an essay so i guess ill just say 1) no more fan service its gross no matter what gender u do it with. esp since most mga have fanservice and so many of the ppl (aka adults) of mga fandoms forget that the chars are almost all teenagers (esp the precure girls are fuckin 14 omg) and get real creepy real quick... 2) gender exploration should be done more and i think more chars should be masculine even in their magical girl transformation outfits (also more boy magical protectors pls <3) aand like. 3) more mixed tropes (also more white/black colour themed magical girls pls) and not being afraid to go outside of the assigned colours usual personality type
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iniquity-fr · 5 years
i said i would elaborate on my thoughts/lore i guess re: dragons n shapeshifted (humanoid) forms and like.. social rules and whatnot around all that.... and then i wrote a ridiculous amount of notes abt the whole thing, oops.
separated into key sections but still very rambly and stream-of-thought overall, bc, when do i not type..... weird. words are eternally difficult for me and thoughts are a struggle to articulate, but i hope any of this.. makes sense? obviously this is largely abt my own clan/dragons/headspace/etc and not like. headcanons about other ppl’s stuff in general or anything like that haha. this is a LOT to read thru so if u actually go thru the whole thing a) wow thank u so much wtf b) perhaps give it a like so i know how u feel. not required but very very appreciated. :^) also deep apology to anyone for whom the read more breaks or something, oh god.
a tl;dr/basic overview
everyone can shift to humanoid/gijinka/person-shaped forms, differing based on their actual look as a dragon
most day-to-day life within the clan is in shifted forms, partly bc of Convenience, partly bc there’s a lot of Social Rules abt being on relatively equal footing w/ one another and keeping things fair and whatnot
using your dragon form to hurt not-dragon form people or even using it to harm smaller dragons is considered a terrible crime, and harming others while they’re mid-transformation is considered the ultimate taboo.
shifting 101:
everybody can shift between dragon/humanoid (gijinka.. however u wanna word this.... yall know what i Mean) form w/ different results--some more dragon-looking and/or generally monstrous, some looking fairly normal/basically like People, But In Rainbow Colors And With Horns. some may keep tails and/or wings or other things like that, but that isn’t especially common
smaller breeds tend to be shorter, bigger breeds tend to be taller, but there are exceptions & outliers! 
shifted forms tend to be pretty 'set' for most dragons, all obviously dependent on their looks as an actual dragon. their shifted form reflects their dragon form, and they can't make drastic changes to their form like changing entire facial structure/shape or body type or overall coloring.  however, dragons with stronger magic abilities/connections/powers/etc usually tend to have more freedom of their own form and may be able to change certain features at will--not entire faces or body shapes, but things like hair, nails, sometimes even patterns from genes (esp. tert genes)
dragons that are like, deity level or otherwise some sort of not-entirely/not-actually-a-dragon all-powerful creature or w/e usually have MUCH more freedom to change their form completely, if they so choose.
transformation is at will (and cant be done or undone unconsciously... ie a sleeping-in-shifted-form person is Not gonna turn back into dragon form in their sleep) and happens fairly quick for most, usually no long&slow weird animorph-esque thing, though it isn't all in a flash either--usually! once again on the "dragons with More/Better Magic Skillz" concept, a very magic-powerful dragon can usually shift much quicker than others. a "finger snap puff of smoke boom you're done" level of speed is Very Rare, but not unheard of. dragons who are either very young or simply not very talented w/ magic may take longer than others. the largest & smallest breeds also take a bit longer due to having to shrink down/size up every time. all this said, it never takes more than like, 15-20 seconds at Most, and even that range is considered Very Slow. it’s a short window, generally!
things like injury or sickness can make shifting difficult, but typically only like........... basically if you're literally dying you're probably not gonna be able to do it. having a broken leg or the flu shouldn't impact ability much, but bleeding out in the boneyard? ain't gonna make it work, buddy.
idk how clothes work lmfao. they just shift with the dragon i guess? sure. let's go with that. all clothes are magic now. i don't think EVERYTHING through, ok?
ok cool but Why Shift:
shifted forms make for much easier living-together-in-a-big-clan, especially in situations (like my own clan itself) where everyone lives in, y'know, buildings. houses and castles and churches and whatnot. it takes a lot more effort and resources and whatnot to build a house big enough for imperials to comfortably live in in dragon form than it does to just build a regular-sized house that a spiral & a ridgeback both can settle into & live comfortably in in shifted form or smth, yknow. it’s easier to accommodate people than dragons! 
communication & relationships can also be easier to deal with if you are all Relatively Close to the same size range. less leaning down or flying up to try and talk to your friend/coworker/partner/rival/whatever. part of this is also influenced by The Rules About Being On An Even Playing Field We Will Get To In A Moment
for many dragons its just easier to do things like art, music, crafting, writing, or working w/ small & delicate things, etc etc when you have proper hands and lot funky dragon claws. much of the more mundane reasons for these forms is just For Convenience's Sake!
that said, obvs. certain things are easier/preferred to stay in dragon form to do--traveling, for one, since, y'know, Dragons Can Fly, Usually. hunting & gathering is usually done in dragon form as well, though not 100% of the time. maybe u want to be a big and powerful dragon to go take down wild animals for food but just like, chill out w ur buds in person-shape to go have a relaxing fishing trip by the lake. it's up 2 u really.
sometimes dragon forms are preferred for fighting in general, esp against beasts, or if you are a lone dragon trying to protect yourself from threats, etc. in the case of smaller breeds especially, they can also be preferred for making a quick escape instead! (sometimes this is seen as Cowardly to do, but yknow, it’s an Option.)
aaaaaaand now we can get to The Rules which is where things become less abt convenience & common sense and more about my own........... we can call it lore? i guess? sure. it's lore. ok.
The Rules:
all the "for convenience" reasons aside, there are many largely unspoken but VERY important social rules regarding shifting and when you "should" or "should not" be in which form. within my clan/characters/headspace/etc etc it's all just sort of a known thing/smth ur raised knowing, there isn't like, an actual rulebook or smth anyone has to figure out. 
much of these rules are about being on an equal playing field, both socially & in battle. the social rules are much more important & strict within clan living areas, ie. the walls of cities and whatnot. things can get more loose & informal if ur like, out travelling thru the wasteland or wilds or whatever.
it's considered VERY rude to enter/generally be inside buildings in dragon form, usually, unless you're just like... popping in real quick to deliver smth or say hi or whatever.. and you can fit inside said building... and know the ppl there and whatnot... etc...... if you dragon out while already inside somewhere that's usually seen as like, a threat of some sort. due to how much construction & architecture & living spaces are shaped and whatnot, it's deemed unnecessary to bother with dragon forms inside the clan's walls in general, but especially within buildings, bc jesus christ dude ur gonna hit the ceiling or break stuff with your wings or something. be polite.
social interaction in general, esp. when Formal or in work/work-like settings, is seen as something usually meant more for shifted forms... some dragons who are very close, ie family & mates, can be fine in dragon form around each other, bc of the mix of informality & Trust. typically, if you want to have a conversation with someone and Not be seen as impolite or even hostile, shifted form is key. this falls back very much to the fact that dragons come in such VASTLY different sizes, from imps down to faes, and it's seen as unfair and often threatening to present oneself as a giant monster to whom others have to talk to, or as a tiny little creature either down on the floor or flitting around the room. shifted forms have about as much height/size variance as we do as humans, which can be A Lot, and some individuals can be even smaller or bigger than regular people bc Hey Its Fantasy, but generally speaking no People-Shaped height difference is going to be as crazy as dragons' can be.
basically, if you walk into the throne room or the church or anywhere Important & Protected and you're not in shifted form, you WILL be seen as either physically threatening the leadership or as an extremely arrogant & disrespectful fool. walking into shops/businesses in general as a dragon makes you look like you're trying to like, rob the place or smth. even just moving about the streets of the town as a dragon is weird, rude, and will make people uneasy. not to mention it’s potentially destructive!
everything comes back to the idea of being relatively similar in size/shape, in being close enough to equal in ability, strength, weakness, etc, barring the obvious difference that yes some people are stronger/more trained than others, some better at magic, etc etc. it's all about fairness!
this is all MOST IMPORTANT when it comes to FIGHTING........ bc obviously a very large dragon can just squish the bones of a very tiny dragon like nothing...... things like formal duels etc everyone knows OF COURSE this meant for shifted form, it's just an inherently known thing. if u fight with honor u fight shifted.
this even extends to the point that outside city walls, if someone's going to pick a fight with you, you Should still be duking it out in shifted form. it's such an important & revered rule that it's even usual for bandits and such out on the roads to attack travelers while in their own shifted forms. only the worst of all criminals cross the line--from the average petty thief & pickpocket up to professional hitmen and honorable assassins, it's rare to see even career rulebreakers break these rules. it’s That Serious
using your dragon form to attack someone who's shifted is seen as like, a completely horrifying and heinous thing to do, a sign of true cruelty and mercilessness. using your dragon form to escape from people is often seen as a cowardly and weak thing to do, unless ofc ur just like, small and afraid and get fuckin jumped by some big tuff dudes, yknow. being in a real & honorable battle means fighting in your shifted form.
the Ultimate Taboo however is hurting--especially killing--someone while they're mid-transformation, due to the fact that the process--while, as stated previously, is Very Short--leaves someone completely vulnerable and unable to defend themselves. transformation takes focus and action, and you can't really attack or dodge or anything while changing from form to form. the strength and speed and complete lack of hesitation required to end someone's life in the small window of time that it takes to shift is a terrifying thing to behold. killing someone midshift while in your own shifted form is especially weird & scary and means everyone is going to be afraid of you forever, basically, because. dude. holy fuck. how & WHY did you do that.
obviously the Normal reaction that Nice & Good dragons feel knowing someone who has crossed that particular line is, yknow, fear and resentment and seeing them as someone who is heartless and completely evil and terrible. to be avoided at all costs, if not outright arrested and executed for such a thing, in other places where ppl are like. ultimately good & caring abt one another and whatnot. but that ain't my clan babey!
aaaaaand finally a wrap-up w a lil bit abt my clan full of shitty devil babies and how these rules impact their lives hehehe
though the clan is VERY strict abt the larger social rules regarding shifted forms vs. dragon forms, thats more for formality's sake & a part of the clan's entire thing of being like........... full of/ruled by morally bankrupt weirdos and villains and chaotic neutrals mostly And Yet all putting on the show & appearance of being honorable high-status nobles & academics and whatnot. among the court in particular it's all Very Important bc everyone has to behave like stuffy uptight formal folk very often. also their section of the clan home is like, a very compact city w/ narrow streets and stuff, so obviously no one Can just. walk around as a big giant dragon.
a few examples of dragons Breaking The Rules in more 'minor' ways include: -outlaw, who has absolutely 0 issue using the small size of his spiral form to break into houses & businesses and steal shit, or using it to slip away from authority figures and zip off and fly outta there. or to just be able to hide from authorities more easily. -fissure, one of the kings, a guardian, will occasionally use his dragon form as a threat display if anyone shows too much hostility towards his clan. threaten him and his people and he WILL threaten you back big time. -silhouette, royal guard captain, also a guardian, will do the same thing, though she reserves that for people found along the outskirts of the city walls. -sepulcher takes things the other way around--he enjoys the challenge of fighting&killing things 100x his size and if a dragon tries to harm him when he's in his shifted form he gets VERY excited!!!!!
the 2 worst culprits confirmed so far are the high priest, leader of the clan, scary rotten plague cult wyrmwound-worshipping bastard himself, fhtagn......... and the friendly, chatty, fashionable tailor, needle.
the skull mask fhtagn wears is fashioned from the skull of a half-transformed dragon. to have not only crossed the line of killing a dragon mid-shift but to wear a part of them as one's most striking attire that they're never seen without is a truly terrifying sight to behold for most... those of kinder hearts than this clan would see him for the disgusting & dishonorable bastard he is because of that alone, but the clan members--especially the church, of course--revere him for this. fear & horror go hand in hand with love & adoration among the congregation, so of course they love their mercilessly masked priest.
needle does not allow too many people to get a good look at his "trophy room" but it is... certainly something to behold. stitched & stuffed bodies of people killed mid-shift make up his favorite taxidermy collection, and he likes to think of this as.. some form of art. though very private about it, he's still fiercely proud of his collection. go out and bring him such a body yourself for him to work on and he'll love you forever!
anyway that’s it for now. this post is fucking long. i never write this much what fucking possessed me.
if u made it this far i wuv u. thank u :’)
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*clears throat* *pulls up powerpoint* *shuffles speaker notes*
okay kids strap in this is gonna be long probably. im gonna add a read more so hopefully that works, otherwise i am,,so sorry,,
w that lets begin
so. lets start w the basics
season 1: didnt like him. really didnt like him. i have Issues w suicide as a topic in general so when he baited midoriya he lost any fondness i couldve had towards him. then his actions durnig the battle training? hes a fcukin maniac. but i enjoyed learning more abt him as a character so whatever. i thought his confrontation w midoriya in the aftermath of that was,,interesting
season 2: still dont like him, but his eventual coming arnd during the final exam made me more open to him. also sports festival was,,,interesting, ig. i thought it was interesting how he wouldnt accept the win; if he was the same character he was in season 1, he wouldve taken it, i feel like. but he didnt. so hey, growth smwh
season 3: i thought i didnt like him, but then he got kidnapped and i got a case of the shakes(tm) until he was rescued. i rlly vibed w midoriya screaming and crying while he was kidnapped. cut to the provis license exam:
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(excuse my crying abt aoyama lmao)(and also the fact that i used to call bakugou “bakugon” yes i know thats not his name yes i did that bc i didnt like him and i think im funny as shit). then,,,the scene. kacchan v. deku 2. uhh i was vibing w him honestly. hes a mood,,,regrettably,,,until he beat midoriya at least
season 4 (so far): pls stop yelling, regrettably relatable gremlin
now lets dive into what all that means huh
i dislike bakugou for the following reasons.
- suicide-baited midoriya. not only that, but he tormented him for years simply because he couldn’t get over his own private feelings; midoriya did nothing to deserve his scorn. literally nothing.
- beyond even that, is still a prick to most everyone he meets; he’s short and irritated and won’t give anyone the benefit of the doubt (at least not as first). 
- even now, he still has issues giving respect or even just being decent to both people he knows and people he doesn’t.
- speaking of, he has never ever apologized for his previous actions. not even after he finds out he’s wrong (like when midoriya tells him he never, ever, looked down on him). he hasnt even really apologized via action rather than words if you wanna try that route with me. he might be better than he was, but he refuses to acknowledge that he was ever wrong in the first place and thats not functional
- hes so focused on “winning” as a concept. it doesnt matter if youre supposed to be an ally to him; if he perceives you as being in his way, he’ll do his damnedest to fucking destroy you. he has few genuinely heroic qualities (not to say he has few good qualities, just few heroic ones); hes just strong and determined, but he’s a case study of how those qualities can be twisted as all fucking hell
- hes so proud. he is s o fucking proud. he has such an issue with pride that i cant fucking handle it sometimes man
i like bakugou for the following reasons.
- he has grown. he might not have said anything to anyone about it, but he has grown as a person since the series started
- he does have morals and he sticks to them. they might be basic things such as “dont be a villain” but theyre. something and he stands by them. hes not a slimy snake is what im saying
- hes funny. when he isnt actively bringing others down, i actually enjoy the screentime he has, bc its really funny, esp when he’s interacting w his friends and theyre having visible fun messing arnd w him
- this particular reason is hard to phrase so let me just. try and word vomit it correctly. i didnt expect him to be capable of blaming himself for smth like all might’s retirement. but he was and i,,,it adds layers to his character that i appreciate a lot. so its not that i like that he feels guilty abt it, but what it means for his character
- his interactions with kirishima. its proof that he’s learning how to be better, slowly but surely, and how to care about others properly. its sweet, genuinely and wholeheartedly
- hes not always rewarded by the narrative, and that makes him much more human to me, which i really appreciate. the biggest example i can think of is that he didn’t pass his provisional license exam on the first try. i think he’s gonna have a low point eventually, but hopefully, from there, he tries to build his way out into a better life as a better person
its just...very complex. he reminds me of myself, or at least a person i used to be. he actually reminds me of a couple combinations of ppl i used to be; just like bakugou, ive had smth similar to both a superiority and an inferiority complex in the past so its djkfjkdjnk,,,regrettably relateable,,,,,,not at the same time like he does but yknow the feeligns and how they clash are still there
but yeah. its bc he reminds me of myself i both hate him and like him.
like he reminds me of aspects abt myself i h a t e. i have issues w pride, i used to be a huge jerk (not to the degree he was, thank god, but i have a conscious now so when im reminded of how i used to be in like elementary school, i feel ashamed and since bakugou hasnt fucking,,,acknowledged,,the abuse he put midoriya through yet,,i get angry with him)
and the one guilt episode we saw him have reminded me of a very dark time in my life (2016) and its just. oh no. so thats where the anger fizzles out because i cant hate that more than i just feel pity abt it
in contrast, its bc he reminds me of things i hate abt myself that i have high hopes for him. i crawled out of the hole i was in; i made it through the stages of being a prick and then being thrust into a guilt-induced depression. im certainly not a good person, but im much better than i was
so just,,im already proof that ppl can change, but,,,,if i had a character to cling to when doubt came creeping in, i think that wouldve be great. i know im not the only one that feels like this. if bakugou can make the right turnaround, i think he could mean a lot to a bunch of people, me included
obviously the turnaround would have to be done right (and he better fucking beg for midoriya’s forgiveness) but i have hope that it can be
he has a long way to go, both in action and in word. but i am hopeful for his development. he reminds me of many things i hate about myself, but also to push on despite those things. my feelings about him are complicated due to that
yea. heres my book report sir djknkjnsknfjkn
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elijahfitz · 5 years
and introduction.
meet elijah.
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hey guys! im lina! im 18 and im in the cst timezone. im currently a freshman in college and ive also been rping for like 6 years now ( i started on the neopets chat boards. if thats not an embarrassing fun fact idk what is ) but i havent rped since this summer since school was and still is kicking my ass. im really into musical theater, marvel & dc, and disney! i also used to be a lifeguard at a great wolf lodge for 2 years so if u want any funny stories about stupid children, or even just wanna be friends, lmk! im also SUPER sorry this intro is so late. i was gonna do it yesterday but then my friends wanted to hang and it kinda went downhill from there. im actually posting this like 20 min before i have a lab practical so i wont be able to reply until late tonight, but like this post to plot or anything!
some fun facts abt elijah:
he was adopted when he was around 3-4? he was abandoned and left on the back of a merchant cart headed to corona, where he was then discovered and then put into the local orphanage since no one was sure where he came from or who left him. all he had was a stuffed bear (named wooly), a basket of water and fruits to eat, and a letter that explained that:
his name was elijah
he was 2 (born on february 28th)
his parents couldnt care for him, so they hoped he would be found by a kind soul who could either take care of and love him, or else get him to someone who could
they loved him and only left him in the hopes that he would have a better life
he lived in the orphanage for almost 2 years and the few months before the 2nd anniversary of his arrival, rapunzel & eugene visited the orphanage that eugene grew up in and fell in love w/ eli, promptly adopting him soon after. he barely remembers anything about his abandonment and time in the orphanage, but always wanted to find his birth parents and let them know how he turned out. he kept the bear and basket in his room but carries the letter around with him in his wallet wherever he goes.
his full name is elijah frederic fitzherbert. he was given the middle name frederic in honor of his grandfather.
but, he much rather prefers eli. doesnt mind formalities but insists on people who know him to call him by his nickname. except he HATES being called “highness” bc he thinks it sounds stupid. he wont get upset per se if u keep referring to him as “your highness” but he will get annoyed
he very much wants to fulfill his role as “corona’s golden boy” by contributing back to his people. he worries for the kingdom more than he worries for himself and is always trying to prove that he is worthy of being a prince rather than just some random kid who got lucky enough to get adopted. most of his days are spent doing modest favors and helping out the townspeople or visiting the villages surrounding the kingdom.
when he’s in the castle you can almost always find him in the kitchen! boi loves to bake and cook. he loves the way food can bring joy to everyone. he often makes goods to give to the townspeople or the kids at the orphanage, where he volunteers at least every 2 weeks when hes not busy w prince stuff.
has an acute fear of disappointment. he feels so much pressure to prove his worth that came from growing up thinking if he did anything wrong he’d be sent back to orphanage, esp since his parents had another child. they wouldn’t want or need him anymore. he mostly got over this when he broke a vase when he was 12 and tried to run away from home, except he fell out the tree that he used to climb out his window and broke his leg lmao. his parents assured him that no matter what he did they would still love him and never abandon him, and his dad also taught him how to climb trees and roofs without dying (much to his mom’s chagrin). even tho hes pretty much over it, it kinda lingers subconsciously. thus, he overcompensates in everything he does and gets overly anxious about small problems
growing up he thought the stories that his dad told him about his past were so cool, despite the fact that he would almost always only hear those stories when he was being taught lessons of what he shouldnt do. he used to run around pretending to be flynn rider and his dad played along, planning play heists for them to do together (think scott & cassie in that one scene from ant man and the wasp) but they stopped when eli hit that age where he thought it was embarrassing to play w his dad. but, it really helped him bond w eugene and help him work on his coordination bc eli is CLUMSY AF
eli legit trips over nothing at least twice a day.
he bonded w his mom through art tho, which eventually turned into aesthetic desserts and meals! thats another reason why he loves baking and cooking so much.
when his 1st sibling was born when he was 5 at first he was jealous. he didnt get much attention at the orphanage due to the fact that there were so many kids and he was just starting to get used to the idea of having parents didnt have tons of kids always trying to win their affection and attention. he thought having a little sibling was the worst thing in the world and would hide from his parents bc if they couldnt find him they couldnt send him away. he hated his sibling.
until he met them. the second he saw their chubby face he was hooked. he swore that he would do anything and everything for them. and that continued when his parents adopted his other siblings as well. he absolutely adores them and acts like the protective older bro role
thankfully, with such a large age gap eli never rlly had to go through any of those petty squabbles that siblings usually have. he was always pretty protective of them tho and would fight when he thought they were being reckless and dumb out of his own fear that if they got hurt he would be an awful big brother (again, fear of disappointment)
he loves to travel bc his mom would always take him to these extravagant kingdoms and on these amazing sightseeing trips
this boy is hopeless when it comes to love. i can imagine lots of ppl liking him on top of all the ppl throwing themselves at him bc royal, but him being completely oblivious and thinking that no one likes him.
he had rlly bad ADD as a kid but its gotten better as hes grown. he still occasionally struggles w executive functioning tho and always gets rlly frustrated when he cant focus or remember
like i said earlier, clumsy af. no coordination. the only athletic ability he ever had was horse riding and running
that said he has a horse named may (short for mayonnaise. dont ask
he likes music a lot. prob learned piano at a young age
he probably is at the party bc royals? idk
EDIT: although (currently) unknown to eli, his true birth mother is maleficent. when eli was 2, his birth father took him away from her and had her suppress eli’s natural born powers. his father realized he was unfit to care for him, so he was the one who abandoned eli.
wanted connections!!
obv his parents and siblings? i mean cmon
one ( or both???? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) of his birth parents!!!!! they dont have to know that eli is their son or mayb they do and are too scared to tell him, but being trapped together will eventually make it revealed
childhood friends! people he met when he traveled w his mom or met at royal social functions? i rlly also want friends that he would hang w at all the royal galas and stuff and they would go do dumb stuff like look sneak out and look for secret passages of make bets of who could dump more crab cakes into the stuffy duchess’ purse when she wasnt looking
people who know him solely through his family
someone who likes eli and eli legit has no clue, no matter how much they flirt and drop hints
people who hate eli! or even just dislike him, which makes him upset bc he doesnt like the idea that there are ppl who dont like him in the world. mayb bc sometimes he gets super highstrung when things arent going how they should b and he like lashed out at them once or something. maybe they hate his parents and on principle hate him. idk
someone who was w eli in the orphanage
past relationships? i feel like hes never rlly had a bad breakup tho, its just that they prob just didnt work out. hes also bi so they can b any gender. hes still looking for his otp
idk, legit anything. send me those plots man
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euphoriecs · 5 years
gemini and taurus for when the sun falls, andromeda and ursa major for world end club, and apus and caelum for you!
!!!!!! thank u so much for the asks !!!!!!
Gemini - What inspired you to write this project?
i was rly inspired to write when the sun falls by several things !! namely the neighborhood that i live in bc im 99% sure its haunted at night, and a lot of different anime that ive been watching !! wtsf is also inspired by a couple of kpop mvs like the hyyh series + spring day by bts nd pentagon’s demo series as well as som Very Very Very vague ‘all in’ by mx inspo !!!
im personally rly drawn to imagery/themes like running, finding ur own family nd overthrowing ppl of power :D
Taurus - Tell us why you hate your project.
hMMM this is a tough question ,, mainly bc im in that honeymoon phase w wtsf,, but i think . if there’s something i’ve definitely struggled with concerning wtsf that has made me go “hoooOOOOOO i hate u” ,,, its maybe trying to create a convincing fictional town in california ,,, where i’ve never been GHJSGS not 2 mention ive never rly grown up in a small town ??? its always been a city , so im constantly worried i just wont nail that small town feeling . i think as i develop wtsf more , there’s bound 2 be things that have me struggling nd feeling like “hecc time 2 delete” but as of right now , i’m in a rly good place where i dont hate (mostly) what im developing !!!
Andromeda - Describe your main characters
wORLD END CLUB MY FIRST WIP …… on a HUGE backburner right now bc im just . TOTALLY unsatisfied w the characters which is FUNNY but !!! the mcs im keeping around are definitely the kang siblings so i’ll jus talk abt them KJHGS
so lets start w !! doyeon kang !! the oldest brother !!!! i dont remember how old i made him yeet but he’s very ,, he always tries to be a positive nd funny presence bc he hates the idea that anyone could worry for him , u know? he rly leans into the belief that he’ll be fine if he acts like he’s fine, nd is honestly more pressed to care about what happened to rena . he’s rly Aware of his surroundings bc he doesn’t want a repeat of what happened six years ago, when rena was snatched away from their street bc he was too focused on banging some bolts together . he’s also rly … Decent , w his ability to teleport . but he can b reckless w it at times which is what led to an accident that cost him his arm .
rena ,,, my sweet Babie,,, she’s very ?? quiet . nd spending 6 years as an experiment (and as one of the few successful ones in the early phases) has led her to become rly wary of ppl . but ?? that hasn’t rly stopped her drive to take down the corporation that turned her into smth else . she used to be very cheerful nd happy nd was literally sunshine personified nd she still can be like that !! but it’s a lot more muted nd kept 2 herself or ppl close to her . i think what makes her such an interesting character 2 write is that the world has been so unkind to her and her brother , but she doesn’t believe she should act the same (nd honestly, if she wanted 2 do bad things, she could !! nd it would be destructive !!) nd instead she pushes to help so no one else has to go thru what she went .
Ursa Major - What scene are you looking forward to writing?
oh my god ,,, i’ve had this kind of like ,, scene just floating around in my head . of rena nd doyeon meeting again for the first time in a Long time , nd i see it as a rly tearful ,,, we’ve both changed so much , also icb ur alive that’s wild … honestly there’s nothing rly set in stone here ,,, but its smth im looking forward to writing bc #sibs …
Apus -  What’s the hardest part about writing for you?
getting ?? things down ?? nd then being happy w it ?????? like there are so many little drabbles nd stuff where i slam the idea down nd then delete it all bc im like thats garbage u can do better . nd then i just never do it . bc if its not Perfect the first time , me, hovering over that delete: hhhheeeeeee !!!!!! which is Also why i have a huge issue w rereading what i’ve written . i hate it KJHGJS like i literally will Never ever willingly reread smth i wrote , bc then i pick it apart nd jus delete it all . 
Caelum - Do you write outlines? Why or why not?
i uSED TO NOT WRITE OUTLINES SKJHEJSHJSK nd i’d have ideas for SUPER LONG FICS … ND I’D WRITE THE FIRST CHAP ND POST IT and then bc i had no idea where i was going w said fic i’d jsut abandon it . but i write outlines now . i live nd Breathe outlines . i feel like esp for me , where i’m constantly buzzing w new ideas nd possibilities nd scenarios, its so so so helpful for me to have an outline nd to know where im going with this idea nd how i want it to end . nd my outlines are pretty flexible too, so if i wanna change smth up i can !! anyways yes i do write outlines i think theyre extremely important esp since i have one (1) brain cell and she can’t work too hard or she dies
constellation asks !!
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