#feel free to ignore if you like tho haha
77ngiez · 8 months
byt i think that theyve wised up to my tactics like, i ran away from them on these dope ass electric scooters (sadly discontinued now) or just literally running away. for years. cause unlike the baptists they will not take "i'm not interested" for an answer ant least not quickly
but now they're cahsing me on hoverboards. htye just upped the game
kinda genius of them ngl. maybe i should reach out to president nelson and get him to provide hoverboards for all missionaries
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0-hoony · 3 months
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operation : true love - how likely riize is to NOT confess!
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pairing : ot7 x reader! genre : crack + fluffff cw/tw : food mention + littol bit rushed n uneditted D: wc : im guessing maybe 400ish? -> update its 495!
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shotaro : 2/10 - cutie would plan out eveyrhting the moment he sees you and has that italicised oh moment - i'm talking your favorite flowers delivered by hand followed by your ideal date + lots of fairy lights/candles. trust me.) and woo you exactly how you deserve to be wooed <3 would get a little anxious about making everything perfect for you tho
eunseok : 7/10 - he'd lowkey be such a tsundere ... thanks to my talk w mai i'm fully convinced he's the Only academic rival to lover to exist. would for sure pine after you silently and end up confessing in the middle of an argument. you know like "why do YOU care who i'm going out?" "BECAUSE. i like you. okay bye."
sungchan : 192830429283/10 - im biased sorry. but you can't tell me you don't see best friend!him being so obsessed with you - like all your friends know it, hell even you know it but the guy himself refuses to admit. is so "we're besties!! it's natural for us to hug and hold hands and make out between classes in the janitors closet :D i mean what. i didnt say anything" coded like c'mon
wonbin : a solid 13/10 - i feel like he'd be really conflicted. like on one hand he'd rather you be the one to confess but on the other he wants to do like a huge romantic gesture and be the one to confess to you. i can imagine there being this one phase of time where he'd kinda start ignoring you to get you to reach out to him or wtv tactics the insta/tiktok girlies (gn) teach him too
seunghan : 5/10 - okay but i see him either just randomly blurting it out of nowhere over a voice call or while ur ft-ing ("hey this cat reminded me of u" "aww haha im in love with you" "WHAT") OR doing it via a more traditional, thought out kinda way ... maybe like making you a gift or writing you a love letter/song :(( <3
sohee : 4/10 - bbg is confessing to you so fast. he'd only do it once he confirms (multiple times) that you both like each other though. is immediately planning the best way he could confess to you. does all his necessary research, books everything in advance - goes all out to ensure there's no hitches, basically. him and taro probably share notes
anton : 11/10 - bro is Not confessing. you can feel free to tho he'll say yes obvi! as soon as he gains back enough conherence after he (half) faints that is. for sure the type to get you soso many gifts and he'd try to be so casual about it too "hey i got u a customized acessroies set with the fav flower/colour you like" "anton wtf" "uh no dw i had an extra hahaha". def gets u guys matching stuff a lot too
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notes : imma not be online for at least a day (shocker) so queueing this!!!! -> well that was a lie <3 + [m.list] song rec : LOVE ME BACK BY FROMIS 9 WEEWOO WEEWOO
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xxlady-lunaxx · 7 days
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Sanemi is ALWAYS the one cooking
I’m sorry but I can only see Giyuu fucking up scrambled eggs or something. Sanemi cooks (or bakes) like a professional
Giyuu having a bedhead (he’s adorable) and Sanemi waking him up by either:
throwing a pillow on his face
running his hands through his hair and a “good morning, shithead”
One or the other, no in betweens
Sanemi usually does the chores like laundry, cooking, etc (malewife<33)
Giyuu can do things if given clear instructions tho
Hmm showering together just as a habit
If either of them were mad at the other (or they js fought) before bed, they’ll probably distance themself on the futon
When they wake up they’re always cuddling though
ouugh yes they share a bed
(it was so awkward at first like “ok… i’ll have this side” but then they got comfy and steal each other’s pillows (so romantic smh))
Sanemi definitely holds a longer grudge
Giyuu gets upset if he gets ignore too long, though, and Sanemi eventually caves
Why do I feel like Sanemi would just take pictures or videos of Giyuu randomly
When he’s asleep, when he’s just woken up, when he’s eating, doesn’t matter
Because Sanemi’s in charge of meals usually, Giyuu only gets salmon daikon once a week (which is already a lot as is, but he begs Sanemi for it so…)
Sanemi used to braid/put up his siblings hair a lot and when the two are cuddling, sometimes he makes little braids in Giyuu’s hair, or pulls it up in a high ponytail (often Giyuu wakes up with braids and his hair gets a lil wavy when he takes it out later)
Giyuu’s the baby in the relationship you cant change my mind. He’s the little spoon; he’s being carried because he’s tired; he’s given breakfast in bed.
Sanemi honestly doesn’t mind (he’s used to this) but likes teasing Giyuu about it
Giyuu has a bow of Tsutako’s (he stole a spare) and wears it to formal places always. (job interview? bow. prom? bow. work? bow.)
Sometimes Giyuu helps Sanemi hang up the laundry but they somehow end up hugging always (Giyuu goes on the other side of the clothing line and ThEIr lEgS juST mOVed By THemSElf)
On weekends, when there’s nothing to do, Sanemi will just scroll through his phone and Giyuu watching TV
Giyuu can NEVER not fall asleep during a movie though. depends on the day but he’ll either fall asleep 20 mins in or half way through
Sanemi doesn’t really watch movies and just slowly turns down the volume then off to not startle him awake
I can see Sanemi just volunteering to babysit for their friends (for free<3) and just having a box full of children’s toys for when they come over
Giyuu once overfed a baby to near sickness (“I thought her grabby hands were for more :(“ - “YOU IDIOT, SHE WAS TRYING TO PUSH AWAY THE BOTTLE!!”) and was thereafter forbidden to care for the children (unless they were older than, like, 12)
After a stressful day at work, Giyuu likes flopping down on the couch and having Sanemi run his hands through his hair and hum a bit, maybe small talk
I think Giyuu is actually an open book and horrible at hiding his emotions (like canonically as a child he was like that, only the deaths changed him sooo) whilst Sanemi is better at hiding things
But like after years of living with Sanemi/js being with him, Giyuu has been able to see small telltales
When he’s lying, Sanemi’s eyes flick every so slightly away (so subtly that only a few have caught it before), when he’s upset, he’s a little clingier or his voice is calmer (though many people interpret it as tiredness), when he’s angry but trying to stay calm he’ll probably have a lot of clenched fists (his hand opening and closing x100) but behind his back haha
Why can I see them both as dry texters tho.
Giyuu tries to sound more upbeat by adding emojis/emoticons but overall it’s basically just “Ok 😁👍❤️😋😚✨🎆🎉🎊🎏🍩🔥” // 😭 yeah he doesn’t have a lot of people to text…
I can also see Sanemi being a little old fashioned in a way, idk… He knows perfectly fine how to use a phone and shit but for some time mostly sent letters (except for casual/small talk ofc)
ok that’s it i can’t think of anything else anymore!!
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zillychu · 5 months
Hi! Love the fire core au you have going! I saw one of your long hair phantom pics and I couldn’t help but fall in love with it! It made me follow your account for more! I was curious if this au was a platonic or romantic everlasting trio thing? The ‘wake up covered in bitches’ art honestly felt like it could be interpreted either way, so I felt like I had to ask. Phantom will be getting the love he deserves either way though~
(Feel free to ignore if it’s irritating that I asked this.)
Haha no worries you're fine!
Everlasting trio in this AU is very much "accidental queer found family polycule", with varying levels of platonic/romantic and sexual/nonsexual feelings between them.
These are my personal headcanons for them! You're welcome to make your own interpretations though, I don't mind :')
Danny is amab non-binary (he/him) asexual aromantic. (no he doesn't know much about this until after he starts re-integrating into society lol)
Sam is afab genderqueer (she/her) demisexual grayromantic.
Tucker is afab trans boy (top post-op)(he/him) pansexual panromantic.
(By the way, I'm still compiling a basic AU summary doc and I'm including info to answer everyone's questions they've sent in! So if I haven't responded I promise I haven't forget or am ignoring you I'm just very slowly chipping away at a more comprehensive post. I've gotten this question several times tho so I figured I'd answer it right away!)
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yu6mi · 9 months
₊˚⊹♡ Includes: Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya.
sypnosis: you're so sweet! planning the perfect date just for them and your friend. you're trying so hard to find their perfect match... sadly, he's way too head over heels for you.
A/N: so sorry for any grammar errors!! english is not my first language and tumblr is not making this any easier for me:( I used a grammar checker just in case tho! also, this originally had tecchou bc he's THE loml but I forgot what I had planned for him HAHA
Dazai Osamu
Dazai is usually a very hard person to read. During his days of working for the Port Mafia, he was taught how to mask his emotions and cover any sight of vulnerability. Protecting himself from enemies during fights with other organizations that searched for any sign of insecurity and uncertainty in his work.
But right now, his face was priceless. His eyes were almost as big as a plate, widened in astonishment. His mouth, agape with surprise, showed all of his conflicting emotions inside of his facade— a cute, small blush could be seen in his cheeks as his hands, who were prepared to coo at you and pinch your cheeks, had no idea what to do right now. Slowly finding their way deep inside his trenchcoat's pockets.
A hushed laugh erupts from behind him. Ranpo and Yosano have their hands on their own lips, trying to muffle the sounds of amusement that so desperately wanted to get away. Can you blame them? The scene was really enjoyable for them. Were you really that oblivious or did you just wanted to reject him softly?
He was so, so sure you were going to ask him out. It was a bit funny.
A breathy, nervous laugh escapes him before he coughs awkwardly, trying to stop his heart from exploding with feelings. "I— I'm sorry... Could you repeat that, please?" He inquiries, tilting his head just slighly. Taking out one of his hands to caress his bandaged neck.
You make a small nod with your head, a pretty smile on your face. Though, he believes every expression you make is gorgerous. "I asked if you were free this Saturday." You repeat. "My friend would like to start meeting new people and I thought you two would be the perfect match!"
He knew about his reputation. A pretty face and a charming personality made it easy for him to get into any woman's bed. But you thought that, despise all that womanizer actitude, he was great!
As you talked and rambled about how good of a couple he and that mysterious friend of yours would be, he couldn't help but grimace. His hard try of maintaining a friendly, unbothered expression was becoming harder. If only you knew that he only wanted you— ah, should he just tell you that he's not interested...?
But you have such a cute expression on your face! He can't just take it away... He doesn't know what to do right now. You look so excited with the idea of matchmaking, trying to make two hearts meet each other. Though, unaware that his is already taken by yours. Fluttering with everything you do.
"So?" He comes back from his thoughts as you gently grip his coat. Your smile is so contagious and sweet. Warmth spreading through his face as his fingers twitch from your hold. "What do you say?"
You're being so cruel right now... He doesn't want to disappoint you, but he can't bring himself to go on a date with someone who isn't you. His dark orbs look around the agency in search of a way to get himself out of this situation. Atsushi slighly tensed by the way their eyes made eye contact. And yet, he just turned around when Ranpo called for his assistance. Ignoring the silent plea for help.
"Ah... Well, I don't know..." Dazai began, looking at your face with a gentle, apologetic smile and a way too soft tone of voice. "I have a pile of paperwork that I haven't checked on for a long time. Kunikida will probably—"
"I already did them for you!"
His face and shoulders fall again, he really can't say no to you, can he?
Nakahara Chuuya
Chuuya blinked. Then blinked again, as if registering the question at his own pace. The pretty red on his cheeks was slowly disappearing, as if the surprise of your suggestion had erased any sight of his intoxication. "You... want me to what?"
A cute, small giggle erupts from you at that. One of your manicured hands covers your mouth to stop your smile from growing, while the other holds a glass of some fine wine. Chuuya's eyes are narrowed, observing the blush on your cheeks. Would it be weird if he said he wanted to bite them?
Your giggles slowly decrease. "It's okay if you don't want to," You say, slowly taking another sip of your wine as you interlock eyes with him. "I won't force you. I know you're a busy man." The last part of your words contains a teasing tone, almost like you're trying to playfully provoke him.
An exasperated sigh comes from him, his gaze averting between his glass of wine and your face. "It's not that..." He mumbles, frowning slighly at the words he wants to say but can't.
It's not a secret that Nakahara Chuuya is a very loyal man, something precious in a relationship. That's why you thought he would be a great match for your friend, insisting that he should go on a few dates with her to get to know her better. You were sure she would be his type! Or maybe it was really just the alcohol talking.
"Do you wanna see pictures of her?" You say as you set the wine on the table, your hand that was holding it now has your phone on it. Tapping your password and going through your photos.
Chuuya takes his time observing your face, you're doing this on purpose, right? You must be. Planning a date for him and some random girl. He blushes slightly when you move closer to him; your shoulder touches his, and suddenly, he feels way too warm.
"She's pretty, isn't she?" You say happily, showing a picture where you and your friend are smilling brighly. Yet, he can only focus on you. Your lips look so soft with every word your spill, your cheeks are pink from the wine, and your eyes seem like they have the whole galaxy in them.
He doubts he's ever seen someone as pretty as you.
Chuuya would stare at you for all the eternity and just admire everything about you. He would never get bored.
He smiles. "Yeah, gorgerous."
He only notices what he did when you laugh like a highschool girl. Your smile is way bigger now, and Chuuya knows that he can't say no.
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yurislotusgarden · 8 months
Hii! could I request ranpo and chuuya with a fem s/o who makes cute bento boxes for their lunch at work? (I was curious on how this would go, feel free to add any details you want!)
My bento!
ʚїɞ Separately! Nakahara Chuuya, Ranpo Edogawa, Sigma x F!Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ word count: 1764 (Chuuya - 537, Ranpo - 664, Sigma - 561)
ʚїɞ Have Sigma as an extra bcs my ass forgot it was meant to be Ranpo instead of him after I was done with Chuuya's part
ʚїɞ Tw’s: None! Just pure fluff, pet names are used (barely), reader’s gender is not specified that much
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Nakahara Chuuya!
ཐིཋྀ He loves the bentos so much, well more like the fact that you take time to make them for him
ཐིཋྀ Tries to always eat them
ཐིཋྀ Once, when you started making them, he didn’t eat the food because he was so busy that day, and when he had a little free time, Chuuya decided it was a better idea to go on a stress smoke break (He tries to limit smoking to the minimum he can if you don’t like smoking/the fact that he does it. He knows it’s because you care about his health)
ཐིཋྀ It ended with you fussing over him eating almost nothing that day and he doesn’t like causing you stress or making you worry so he makes sure to eat those bentos😭
ཐིཋྀ He may be an executive but this man is not embarrassed at all to eat those bentos in front of people, no matter how colorful or cutesy the food looks
ཐིཋྀ Food is food, he’s not gonna not eat cause you to worry just because the bento is one that doesn’t look like someone like him would eat
“Lad, may I ask where do you get those bentos from?”
It was a long time since Kouyou noticed Chuuya’s bentos, and she tried to ignore just how much she wanted to try one. The only reason why she didn’t is because she doesn’t know where he is getting them from.
The young woman looked at many shops in Yokohama and saw a few places with similar bentos, but it was easy to see that none of the stores were the ones where Chuuya kept getting his lunch from.
…She really wanted one for herself, especially with how obvious it was that they were delicious, kept quiet about it tho.
Chuuya turned towards the older woman, whom he came to see as an older sister over the years.
“They’re not bought from a shop.”
“You don’t buy them?”
“Not a single one of them. Actually,-”
Kouyou was confused. Where did he get a bento from every single day? She knows the younger of the two probably wouldn’t bother spending his free time making food for lunch definitely a day before, even if he did, it wouldn’t be so colorful or detailed. There were even rice balls decorated as bears and stuff, it obviously took time to make one. But if he wasn’t buying them,  then the only other option that came to her mind was-
“- [Name] makes them for me.”
“She does?”
“Yeah, and she’s yet to make one I dislike.”
It all makes sense now to the red-haired woman. You have more free time most of the time compared to Chuuya, and you were probably aware of the eating habits he had before.
The fact that you take time, quite a lot it seems if Kouyou was to guess, the bentos are even detailed, in a very cute style if she was to say, made a smile appear on her face.
“Mhm, you wanna try?”
“How could I refuse such an offer?”
The food was even better than she thought. Kouyou made a mental note to ask you if you would have a problem with making two bentos from time to time.
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Edogawa Ranpo!
ཐིཋྀ Another reason as to why he’s dating you -you give extra homemade sweets to the Bentos-
ཐིཋྀ He doesn’t even need to try to remember to eat it because he ends up eating it before lunch anyway -the reason behind you making more than one bento usually-
ཐིཋྀ He fucking boasts to everyone about the food😭
ཐིཋྀ “See what I have here? HAHA! Something you don’t and probably never will!” ← totally not Ranpo to anyone else -and totally not him to Dazai and Atsushi about the fact that they will probably never have homemade food like him-
ཐིཋྀ Don’t make the bentos with him in the kitchen unless you have prepared double the amount of food you plan to use. He uses any opportunity to snack on the not-ready-yet bentos
ཐིཋྀ BUT! He will share with you if he notices you’re hungry or just generally wanna eat it <3
“C’mon give me just a little piece!”
“Nope! [Name] made it for me! Make your own if you want a bento at work, Yosano-san!”
“I can’t make such a bento Ranpo-san!”
“Not my problem!”
With a pout, the brunette turned his chair away, trying to eat his food in peace. It’s one of his favorite bentos! You put his favorites in this one! The only thing he doesn’t like in it is the veggies which Ranpo would ignore or throw out but he knows that he won’t get his favorite candy made by you anytime soon if he does (the others will snitch if he throws them out, especially Dazai and Yosano they did that the one and only time he did so. He learned a lesson from that after you didn’t cook his favorite like you said you would that morning)
Ranpo could practically feel the eye-roll done by Yosano. “It’s not like it’s the only bento you had today.” It’s true, he ate a similar one 2 hours earlier. “Doesn’t matter. It’s my bento either way.” A sigh came from the woman.
And right when one would think his problem was solved, another arrived. 
“Ranpo-san! What an interesting bento you have there!”
“Go away Dazai. I’m not giving you a single piece of my food!”
“Oh c’mon! You can spare a little!”
“Nope! Especially not when it’s [Name]’s cooking!”
Seriously, can’t they leave him alone? He knows your cooking is good, everyone at the agency knows that! But he wishes that you’d never let Dazai taste your food. The bandaged man has horrible eating habits, you both know that, and yet he always tries to get his hands on Ranpo’s bentos. The audacity!
Ranpo could tell that Dazai's annoying mouth was about to open again before someone interrupted him.
"I can make bentos for you too if you like them so much, Dazai-san"
Isn't that his angel who came to visit him at his oh-so-tiring job? Lovely timing, if Ranpo was to say, but there was one problem.
Among ‘hello’s and ‘hi’s from others upon noticing you, gasps could be heard, from 2 men specifically.
"You would do that for me?!"
"Excuse me?!"
What is this?! There's no way that you’re gracing anyone else with the perfection that are your his bentos!
“Hm?” It’s easy to see for anyone in the room that you were confused.
“[Name]-chan, if you could be so nice, could I ask for a bento with cra-”
“No no no! Shut up Dazai! She’s not making you any bentos! In your dreams!”
In the end, while Ranpo and Dazai at first thought that you wouldn’t make the taller brunette a bento after your conversation at that moment, you indeed did as a surprise. 
The best detective in the world didn’t like that but he allowed you to after bribing him and reminding him that if you can get Dazai to eat, you will, no matter if Ranpo will allow you to make a bento for him or not.
Dazai's happy scream the next day could probably be heard throughout the whole building.
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ཐིཋྀ He didn’t think he’d be able to adore you more than he already does, and yet you found a way to make him do so
ཐིཋྀ He tries to eat the bentos every day but it isn’t that rare that he forgets about eating altogether when faced with a mountain of paperwork or problems in the casino
ཐིཋྀ He loves how they look and taste. He, at one point, will ask if you can teach him how to cook. Like not even necessarily a bento, just to learn since he doesn’t want the kitchen to end up in flames one day, he’s aware he sucks at cooking
ཐིཋྀ He probably would be a little embarrassed by eating it. Not because of how colorful or cutesy they are, but because of the looks he gets from people who see it. 
ཐིཋྀ The stares aren’t criticizing or anything, others just don’t expect that their boss/the manager of the casino would eat food that looks like that
ཐིཋྀ Someone was probably jealous because he has homemade bentos like that and they have some store-bought sandwiches 💀
“It’s mine actually. Sorry, I forgot to take this from here earlier.”
The man standing in front of the bar was shocked.
He’s been sitting there and drinking not too much for some time now. At one point he noticed the bartender taking out a bento from under the bar, the lid see-through enough to see the food inside. He has to say, the detail and overall look were very cute, it definitely took time to make it look so.
The man had thought that the bento was made by someone for the bartender (In his mind it was a fair thought as he didn’t think that one could buy a bento like that anywhere close to a place like this. Especially if you work there).
The slightly shorter man changed his thought upon noticing that the bartender didn’t touch the food he had taken out (later on the lunch break he took out something else to eat)
Around 2 hours after the lunch break, -the bento still untouched, he noticed- the man decided to finally ask, curiosity winning over after all the time spent at the bar seat.
“Excuse me, who is the owner of the bento? I couldn’t help but notice that it hasn’t been touched at all.”
And he really chose the worst time to ask that question didn’t he? Right as the person to whom the bento belonged to, came.
“I-It’s yours sir?”
“Yes, why?”
How is he supposed to answer? That he didn’t think that such a cute-looking bento -that if he could he would consider stealing, it looks delicious and definitely better than his sandwich- can belong to the ever so stoic and calm manager of the sky casino?
“No reason! Was just that curious, that’s all! after all, the bento was lying here for the past, almost, 3 hours by now.”
“Ah, understandable then”
The bi-colored-haired man turned to the bartender, who was already giving the box over to him.
“Thank you for keeping it here for me, Shuichi-kun”
“no problem, Sigma-san. [Name]-san also told me to tell you-”
Yeah, the man needs a break from the confusion and shock for the next week.
And Sigma? He’s just happy you leave the bentos somewhere he can take them from when you know he’s busy.
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Notes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
Do not copy or translate my works on/to any site
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wavypotatochips · 1 year
Hey I love your imagines sm and I was wondering could you do a jealous mbappe x reader so like kylian brings the reader (his girlfriend) to go meet the psg team and neymar is flirting with her and kylian gets really mad? Thank you
𝙎𝙝𝙚'𝙨 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 | 𝙆𝙮𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙈𝙗𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Kylian Mbappe x Female Reader
Word Count : 2k
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦: NOT YOU MAKING ME WRITE ABOUT MY POOKIE BEING THE BAD GUY OF THE STORY <//3 haha jkjk ( NeyNey is my babygorl tho) Im glad you like my imagines, thank you so much for the compliment !!! And as always, thank you so much for requesting & I Hope you like how I represent your idea ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚!!
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ REQUESTS ARE OPEN, currently covered in college work so as of now uploads MAY mainly be on weekends. Thank you for your patience c’: ♥
You've been dating Kylian for a few months now, and you couldn't be happier. Spending time with him always brings you joy, and he never fails to be sweet and attentive to your needs. Tonight, you have a special event planned - you're going to meet the PSG team for the first time, and understandably, you're feeling a little nervous. It's important to you to make a good impression on Kylian's friends, who are like a second family to him. 
The event is a party hosted by one of his teammates, and you've dressed to impress. You're wearing a black two-piece set, which fits you perfectly and accentuates your curves in all the right places. Your black crop top showcases your breasts, while your 90s low-rise Ruched Flare Legging Pants flatter your figure and allow your belly piercing to peek through. To complete the look, you've chosen a pair of stylish wedge heels. You've let your hair fall naturally, and you've applied smokey eye makeup to match your outfit, now feeling way more confident and ready to make a great impression on Kylian's friends. As you approach the front door and put on your earrings, you call out to Kylian, "Babe, I'm ready!" When you arrive, you see that he's already waiting for you, with a wide smile on his face. "You look absolutely gorgeous, my love," he says, wrapping his arms around you and giving your butt a playful squeeze. He suggests that it might be okay to be a little late, with a wink and a hint of something more suggestive. You laugh and playfully slap his chest, "Kylian, no! Let's go!" He pouts, but eventually relents with a playful "Okayyyy." You smile and give him a kiss on the lips, to which he eagerly responds. He opens the door for you, and the two of you step out together.
As you mingle at the party, you find yourself having a surprisingly good time. You've met and chatted with most of Kylian's teammates, except for  Neymar Jr. Although you're familiar with him from the headlines, you haven't had a chance to formally introduce yourself yet. Besides that, you've clicked instantly with a few of the other WAGS and have been dancing and enjoying the fantastic vibes all around. It's turning out to be a fantastic night. You are conversing with one of the WAGS and enjoying your drink when you feel a hand on your waist unexpectedly. When you look around, Kylian is standing behind you.
"Hey, babe," he says, leaning in to give you a kiss.
"Hey," you reply, smiling up at him.
As you turn back to your newly founded friend, you notice someone else looking at you. It's one of Kylian's teammates, Neymar, and he's giving you a flirty smile. You make an effort not to analyze his glance too much because you suspect he may be gazing somewhere else. You try to ignore him and focus on your conversation, but you can feel Neymar's eyes on you. Neymar did not see the kiss you and Kylian shared, so in his eyes you are a free woman. You glance over at Kylian, who is now standing beside you, and you can see that he's noticed Neymar's attention.
"Hey, Neymar," Kylian says, his voice cold. "What's up?"
"Nothing, man," Neymar replies, still grinning at you. "Just admiring this gorgeous lady here," he winks at you, “What's your name?”
Kylian's grip on your waist tightens, and you can feel his body tensing up. "She's not just any girl, Neymar," he says, his tone low and menacing. "Ela é minha namorada. Então observe-se (She's my girlfriend. So watch yourself)."
Neymar raises his hands in surrender. "Hey, man, I didn't know.. just relax."
Kylian glares at him for a few more seconds before finally letting go of your waist. You can feel his anger radiating off of him, and you're not sure how to calm him down.
"Let's go outside for a bit," he says, taking your hand and leading you towards the door.
Once you're outside, Kylian turns to you, his expression softening a bit. "I'm sorry about that, babe," he says, his voice apologetic. "I shouldn't have gotten so angry."
"It's okay," you reply, trying to reassure him. "I know you just care about me."
"I do," he says, pulling you into a hug. "I just don't like other guys looking at you like that. You're mine, and I want everyone to know it." Kylian regards you as his first love, despite the fact that he has had a few women prior to you. He loves you more than words can express, which explains why he occasionally exhibits some possessive behavior.
You smile up at him, feeling a warm feeling spread through your chest. You know that Kylian can be a bit possessive, but you also know that he cares about you deeply.
As the night goes on, you and Kylian continue to have a good time, dancing and laughing with your friends. But every now and then, you catch him glancing over at Neymar, his jaw clenched tight.
Eventually, Kylian excuses himself to go to the bathroom, and you're left standing by the bar with some of the other WAGS. You are admiring the bar and remarking on how nice it is to have a home bar. That's when Neymar comes over to you.
"Hey, sorry about before," he says, his tone contrite. "I didn't mean to upset Kylian like that."
"It's fine," you reply, trying to be polite. "He just gets a bit jealous sometimes," you let out a small laugh. 
Neymar nods. "Yeah, I can tell. But, you know, he doesn't own you or anything. You're free to do what you want."
You frown at him, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "I know that," you say
Neymar leans in a bit closer to you, and you can smell the alcohol on his breath. "I'm just saying," he says, his voice low and suggestive. "If you ever want to have some fun on the side, I'm here for you."
You take a step back, feeling a surge of anger and disgust. "Excuse me?" you say, your voice sharp.
"I mean it," Neymar says, his grin widening. "I can show you a good time. Better than Kylian ever could."
You feel your face flush with anger, and you're about to say something when you hear a voice behind you.
"Get your hands off of her," Kylian growls.
You turn to see Kylian standing there, his fists clenched at his sides. His eyes are dark with anger, and you can see the muscles in his jaw working.
Neymar backs away from you, holding up his hands in surrender. "Hey, man, I was just joking around."
Kylian takes a step forward, bringing his face just inches away from Neymar's. "Do you think it's funny to hit on my girlfriend?" he says in a low, dangerous voice. Neymar responds defiantly, "Oh yeah? And what if I do? Que porra você vai fazer sobre isso? (The fuck are you gonna do about it?)" You feel a wave of fear and tension wash over you, knowing that things could turn ugly fast - and to make matters worse, they're teammates. Both of them have been drinking, which has only heightened their anger levels, but you're hoping that things won't escalate any further.
Quickly, you nudge some of the other WAGS for help, and they promptly move to help you push in between the boys. Both Kylian and Neymar back away from each other without trying to push any of you aside, which is a relief. As Kylian steps back, his hands still clenched into fists, he calls out, "Apenas dê o fora daqui (Just get the fuck out of here)," his voice cold and unforgiving. The loud music drowns out anything Neymar might have been saying as he walks away, and you hope that he didn't hear what Kylian said or else he might have come back looking for a fight. Nevertheless, you're relieved that the situation has been diffused without any physical altercations.
"Are you okay?" Kylian says, turning to you and taking your hand. 
You nod, feeling a bit shaken. "Yeah," you say, your voice a bit unsteady. "Thanks for coming to my rescue." In theory, he did save you when Neymar started to bother you, so you're not sure whether to lecture him or not. You simply decide that thanking him is best.
Kylian pulls you into a hug, holding you tightly against his chest. "I'll always protect you," he says, his voice low and reassuring. "No matter what."
You feel a wave of gratitude and love for Kylian, knowing that he truly cares about you. But at the same time, you can't help but wonder if his possessiveness  feels a bit suffocating. When you are around, you don't want others to be on edge.
As the night wears on, Kylian stays close to you, his eyes constantly scanning the room. You try to let loose and have fun with the other WAGS, but it's difficult to fully enjoy yourself knowing that Kylian needs constant reassurance. You can't help but feel like you're missing out on the fun as you focus on keeping Kylian calm and avoiding any further conflicts.
Finally, as the party begins to wind down, Kylian pulls you aside.
"I'm sorry about earlier," he says, his voice soft. "I know I can get a bit jealous sometimes."
"It's okay" you say,  giving him a small smile. "I appreciate that you care about me, but I don't think threatening people is the best way to handle situations like that. While I'm grateful you came to my aid, it's important to remember that you're a public figure and your actions have consequences. I don't want to see you get into trouble because of me."
Kylian sighs, nodding in agreement. "You're right. Sometimes I forget that my actions have a bigger impact than just the immediate moment. I'm sorry for putting you in a difficult position, my love." He sounds regretful because he knew that before the mayhem erupted, you were having fun.
You reach out and gently caress his cheek to reassure him, "Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from….But of course, thank you for sticking up for me… and I still did have a lot of fun tonight."
Kylian grins, "Of course, anything for you. And just so you know, I'll always stand up for you. You're not just some girl to me, you're my girlfriend and I want to protect you."
You chuckle, "I know that. And I appreciate it. But let's try to avoid unnecessary confrontations in the future, okay?"
"Okay," Kylian agrees. "I promise to be more mindful of my actions if people try to talk to my soon-to-be-wife.”
You roll your eyes but can't help but smile at his infectious enthusiasm, “What am I going to do with you Kylian?”
“I don't know, maybe kiss me?,” he says in a playful tone causing you to let out a small laugh.
You lean in to give him a quick kiss. "I love you, Kylian."
"I love you more," he replies, gazing at you with adoration. "And I'll always strive to be the best partner I can be."
You could see Kylian's mood lighten up as he realized that everything was going to be okay. 
You two walked back into the party and only stayed for an extra hour-or so before leaving. As you two are walking up to your house, Kylian leans in, his lips brushing against your ear, "Thank you for being patient with me. I promise I'll make it up to you."
You smile, feeling grateful for the amazing man by your side. "You don't have to make it up to me, Ky. I just want you to be happy."
He squeezes your hand, his eyes shining with affection. "I am happy, because I have you."
Kylian stops and faces you as you both approach the front entrance of the house.
He leans in and kisses you, his lips warm and tender against yours. "You are my world, Y/N I love you so so much,” he murmurs before sighing, “What am I going to do with you?" 
You smile cheekily, “ I don't know, maybe kiss me?,” you say, mimicking him from earlier.
He smiles, nods, "Glady," and presses his lips once more against yours.
Love and affection filled the air as you both kissed each other, and you both realized that no matter what the future contained, the only thing that mattered was that you had each other.
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kame-writes · 2 months
Concerning the media overlords au:
First of all: I love it! Thank you for sharing the idea with us <33
Second: Does Alastor live in the tower with the other Vees? And does Alastor still move into the hotel? If yes, on a scale of one to absolutely how sad/pissed/jealous is Vox after receiving this info?
3. I'd like to imagine Velvette's fingers are constantly itching to get ahold of that handsome deer man, who doesn't know how to dress himself properly or trendy, and give his wardrobe an upgrade. Could you imagine this happening? (Maybe with lots of alcohol involved. So that he would at least temporarily let her experiment with his clothes. Bonus points if she is able to take picture too. Vox would obviously make himself some copies for.. private reasons...) Do you see my vision?? Can you see it??
4. Can Vox convince Alastor to do more audio features within their network? Like podcasts or interviews and the like? Or are they just screams as well? (I recently discovered a podcast about cooking, where each week they talk about one ingredient and explain a recipe with it. I think this would fit Alastor's preferences very well.. tho the ingredients might not be as commonly used now that I think about it... anyhow... now I can't stop thinking about Hannibal and Alastor hosting a food podcast.. oops.. sorry, but not really)
5. You mentioned that Husk still works in his casino, if he isn't needed. Do you have any headcanons for Niffty's whereabouts?
Anyway that's all for now! Have a lovely day/night! <33
p.s. Sorry if this ask is intrusive. For some questions it's pretty clear that I've already imagined something for myself that may or may not fit with your vision of this au. If you feel like I overstepped, feel free to ignore this or send me an alastor_fuck_u. gif :D
Im am very happy to have questions asked! You have no idea how many ideas i have and dont know what to do with xD
I'd love to see other peoples headcanons and ideas for this universe, if anyone does anything for it then please tag me so i can see ^^
This is gonna get long so I've put it under a read more
2: No one is really sure if he lives there or just works there. He HAS his own suite in the tower, but he's not always there when they go look for him, and not being able to find him is very a common occurrence, made more frustrating because he refuses to carry or awnser the mobile phone they forced on him. He hangs around in the common areas like the kitchen and living room sometimes. And if they do manage to rope him into something like a movie night its a huge hassle, because he will insist on a black and white or silent film if he HAS to engage with the tv, and Vel and Val hate those.
The whole top of the Tower is dominated by his large Radio tower though, its slightly seperated from the rest of the building, suspended above it with a staircase/ladder to enter the hatch. Valentino is usually not brave enough to check there for Alastor.
Its the same with the hotel. He does move into his own room there, but goes back and forth a lot, and doesnt have a schedule. Vox tires to pretend hes fine with it at first but often ends up the hotel to be a pain in the ass to Charlie, and getting kicked out by the staff of Alastor. Hes convinced himself that Alastor will lose interest sooner rather than later, and the others just tune out his whining at this point. No one buys it when he claims he didnt even notice Alastor was gone as soon as the Radio Demon gets back to the tower.
3: I may be planning to draw this haha He does let her dress him up ocassionally, he has a few differant suits he's approved of and kept, but does wear his original the most the time. Velvette has a line of 'Vintage chic' clothing that partly started as a way to get Alastor to agree to changing his 'ratty ass old man style' by appealing to clothes that were updated takes on his era. He still very rarely leaves the tower in anything but his own usual attire.
He does on rare occasions allow photos to be taken of him by the vees (and once, later on by charlie, under strict instructions that she keeps it to herself) but no video. And none under any circumstances are allowed on social media. He has blown up a few phones that have attempted, both the Vees and employees.
4: Alastor has agreed to be on a podcast a few times, but its rare, and only if its somehting hes really interested in talking about. It's one of the few modern things he approves of since its just a version of a radio talk show. Same with interviews, he keeps them even more extremly rare, and the mystery of the radio Demon keeps sinners in fear more than him being in the public. Vox always wants him to do more since the ratings sky rocket when Alastor features.
When Alastor has done an interview it is with his back to the camera, and sitting in a large wingbacked stupidly over the top ornate chair, that hides him from being seen, except maybe the top tuffs of his ears and antlers. And he doesnt reveal much about himself when he does. The chair is partly to hide him, and partly to stop the equitment form glitching too much. He likes to pulls faces and makes gestures deliberatly made to make Vox falter and look stupid on camera, since hes the only one who can see him in that chair.
He has teased on his own radio show that one 'lucky' sinner may get the chance to be on both a guest star on his radio broadcast AND a livestream if the mood takes. Valentino had to inform him that what he's referring to is called a snuff film
5: Niffty gets moved to the hotel pretty much full time once Alastor gets involved, Husk is a part time employee, but ends up spending less time at his casino as time goes on.
Valentino is happy Niffty is gone because she creeps him out, she ocassionally hung around his studio during work hours, especially if theyre doing a scene with 'bad boys'. Vox isn't bothered. Velvette is not happy, especially that Niffty is reduced to a maid/janitor for the hotel, and makes that very known to Alastor. Velvette loves Niffty, they are chaos sisters and work on very sketchy sounding potions together, and gang up against the boys.
Niffty is also a great seamstress herself and brings her designs to Velvette like an excited child showing off their latest art project. Almost none of these get used, but Vel has fun forcing models to parade around the studio and work in something Nifftys made, they often include bugs and bodyparts, Velvette finds this halarious.
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artemis32 · 1 year
Jrksnsk Ur yandere erasermic tho!! It's so good haha. Can I ask what do you think are the ways the reader can hurt them back? Because I noticed that your version of them is rougher(? Or maybe harder? I'm sorry I'm not good w/ words) than others (and I love both versions fyi!!)
So I'm just curious what kind of actions the reader can do to kind of get to them or hit them where it hurts, whether emotionally or physically haha. Like they're so shock or hurt that they can't even punish the reader for it- and if they do they're not that focused on what they're doing.
(bsksnsks I forgot but please feel free to ignore this if you're not taking requests rn or something 😭😭💜)
subjugation drabble v
this is such a delicious thought, i will run with it
subjugation masterlist
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So, to truly get to either one of these men, you really have to take some below-the-belt shots. No holding back.
If you're too kind or soft about it, they'll laugh you off as they usually do.
If you're harsh and rough about it, but not enough, they'll just end up annoyed and take it out on you.
You need to stun them to the point of silence, truly shock them.
It's not an easy feat, and if you give them any time to think over what you've done, you'll probably be in more trouble than you'd thought, but if you manage to properly get under their skin, then you've earned yourself some peace and quiet for a while.
And if you do a really good job, you might actually get them to reflect on what they've done - not that they'll ever let you go, they'll just apologise and give you a bit more leniency.
Now, let's get to it.
We've already established that calling them perverts or anything along those lines gets them super riled up, though not in the way you want. They become physically aggressive and aren't afraid to put you in your place if they think you've gone too far.
That being said, there are a few verbal jibes that can actually get under their skin, though probably not enough to shock them to a point where they genuinely have no idea how to react.
You could pay special attention to the fact that you were their student - don't outright mention it, but subtly allude to the fact that they were your teachers, people you trusted, long before you caught their eye. That'll give them pause, if only for a moment. After all, you're right.
Their feelings towards you are already wrong on so many levels, but add to that the fact that you were their underage student when they first met you? Regardless of the fact that nothing happened while you were their student, it strikes a nerve.
They, especially Hizashi, feel queasy for a few hours after that.
The best part is they can't even punish you for saying it, because you didn't actually say anything.
The option which will probably get you the lashing of your life.
You could mention their old friend.
How you found out about Oboro, they'll probably never find out. But regardless, you know about him, and their relationship with him, and you use that to your advantage.
Mention how disappointed your friend would be if he knew that this is what you've resorted to.
They'll be in too much shock to truly retaliate.
"What would he say? If he knew that his two best friends kidnapped a girl nearly half their age because they were just that pathetic?"
You might be expecting a backhand through the face, or a hit hard enough to send you flying, but it never comes.
They just stand there, shocked and appalled by your words, not even able to punish you for tone or your words.
(I'll probably write a separate drabble for this because damn, I love the potential with this piece)
A good old fashion kick to the groin should do it.
I'm not even kidding - if one day, you reach your limit, eager for even a mere two minutes of peace and quiet, and you decide to go for the nuts - well, whoever you hit will be down for a while.
They'll probably punish you for it, but that means admitting that you managed to pull one over on them, which they won't do. And, they're both well-seasoned pro-heroes. They should know better than to fall victim to a cheap shot like that, so it's completely on them.
Same goes for any head shots that manage to knock them out.
They aren't worried about you getting away, but if you manage to sneak up behind one of them and knock them unconscious - with an object or your own hands - they probably won't punish you, because again, it's on them for not paying more attention. They take it as their own punishment for their lack of awareness.
Plus, they'll never admit it, but the teachers in them are proud of how resourceful and smart you can be when you plan things like that out. It almost warms their hearts.
To them, you're more like a playful kitten than an actual threat.
Months of isolation and inactivity have made sure that any physical advantage you may have had, had melted away. It was difficult to maintain stamina or muscle strength when you were locked up inside for most of the day, and the fact that the two of them watched you like hawks whenever they were around didn't help either.
You couldn't do that much damage to them, at least not physically.
The cliché "when you hurt yourself, you hurt us too" is something they'd say (or at least, Hizashi would).
To be completely honest with you, emotionally manipulating the two of them is actually pretty easy.
They truthfully do feel bad about what they've put you through, but they'll never admit it. Yes, they feel bad, so some subtle emotional manipulation would work pretty well on both of them.
Some small mention of the life you used to have; of the longing you feel for what you've lost - it won't really amount to much.
But overtime, it begins to wear on them.
They know how much they've made you suffer. They know, and they feel remorseful. Not enough to grovel and beg, or let you go, but enough for it to weigh heavily on them.
If you hurt yourself to hurt them - emotionally, physically, or otherwise - well, it'll work. Probably better than you'd like it to, honestly.
Immediately after they find out, they'd be stunned, unable to muster any reaction beyond silence. It'd take them a while to process it, but they'd eventually come to terms with it. After that though, they'd hover even more than they already do. They aren’t typically the kind of people who like to coddle you, but they’ll go above and beyond to crowd your space and take up all of your time.
Hurting yourself in any way would definitely get the reaction you want.
That and, if you expressed any emotional ailments you had because of them. That in particular would hurt Shouta - he loves you, and to hear that his actions hurt you - it kills him inside. He does what he does to keep you safe and happy, so it hurts to hear first-hand that it does the opposites.
Like I said, immediately after you’ve expressed your emotional distress, Shouta in particular is the most likely to give you some space.
It’s more to give himself time to think, reflect on himself and his role in everything, but it works out well enough – you’ll get some space from him and his overwhelming presence, and he soaks in the worry and anxiety for a few days before acting on whatever he’s decided.
With Hizashi, it has the opposite effect. He won’t give you any amount of space. Unlike Shouta, who gives you some space for a few days before crowding you, Hizashi immediately overwhelms you.
Of course, in his mind, you feel this way because he hasn’t given you enough love or attention, so clearly the only way to remedy the situation is to overcompensate for what he’s missed.
To emotionally manipulate him, giving him the cold shoulder works surprisingly well. Considering this is a fully grown man, you’d think he’d be able to easily distinguish when you’re trying to manipulate him, but he doesn’t.
If you really want to add insult to injury, give Shouta all of your attention – go above and beyond with your affection. Hizashi will think he’s done something unforgivable.
Cue the begging and pleading.
Be careful with that route though – Shouta is smart enough to see through your antics, and if he sees that you’re trying to manipulate or hurt Hizashi with your games, he’ll shut it down immediately. And then you’ll have a punishment to deal with on top of the usual treatment you receive from them.
Balancing both men while simultaneously manipulating them is a difficult feat, but if you’re smart and patient, you’ll manage. And truly, the results will be worth it.
You’ll have space from the two of them, some much needed peace and quiet, and two mopey men eager for your forgiveness.
Don’t take too long to wrap it up though – their remorse and sadness will very quickly turn to irritation and anger.
After all, they’re in control. You shouldn’t get to dictate your relationship with them, especially not when they’re so generous and take care of your every need without so much as a thank you in return.
But yeah, that's how you can hurt them back.
Their reaction ranges from mild irritation to genuine shock, but no matter what you do, they won't let you go, no matter how sorry they are.
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mymxnfgh · 1 year
how lookism boys (if they were mlm) react to male y/n hitting on them or how lookism girls (if they were wlw) would react to female y/n hitting on them?
you can choose which one you wanna do :)
(im only asking bc your requests are open but if this makes you uncomfy, feel free to ignore)
hi anon! tysm for the request and it doesn’t make me uncomfortable at all! I would love to draw how lookism boys/girls react on male/female y/n hitting on them! it seems like such a fun idea! and you know what maybe I can add a few HCs next to the drawing too~ Im sorry if this took a bit longer than expected tho!!
Also I'm sorry but I kind of just roughly doodled everything but I hope it's still alright haha if there's anything you want me to add please tell me!!
How Lookism Boys would react on male y/n hitting on them
Daniel Park
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I think Daniel would be reaaaally really flustered!
But I feel like he wouldn't care about y/ns gender he would just think about how someone just flirted with him
he's such a cutie
like a small bunny
Johan Seong
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Please help him
Doesn't care about y/ns gender either I think Johan is the type of guy if he likes someone nothing else matters
doesn't show a reaction (may even ignore you)
but is really flustered inside
blushing blushing blushing askdkfkwkww
Jake Kim
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What more do I have to say he's Jake
I'm so sorry I can't draw Jake like a normal person
He's such a flirt
Probably even hit on y/n first
Why did I even put him on this list???
Samuel Seo
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He doesn't care, not because of y/ns gender but because he doesn't care in general doesn't matter who it is
Thinks y/n is weird but well...I'm sorry Sammy but look at yourself first
Alright thats all if you want me to draw more please tell me! I really had a lot of fun drawing these and tysm for the request! If you want to I can also draw the version wil the lookism girls (wlw) and/or add other boys because I kinda got lazy toward the end haha
Have a wonderful day!💕💖💗💓
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cranity · 11 months
hi hi! i love your art so much & specifically how you use shapes, especially when you’re drawing heads and faces. i was wondering if you have any tips about how to incorporate shapes this way! pls feel free to ignore if course!
Thank you! I was mulling over this trying to figure out an answer that makes sense. I usually go for what "feels right" which is not a great answer lol so come deconstruct my choices with me in real time--
When i'm drawing figures i'm never aiming particularly for realism when it comes to movement. I go for flashy, poster perfect-esque compositions, so if having Vash's coat-tails flit around him unnaturally don't make sense but it looks cool, then i'll go for it! I think i'm always looking for a solid silhouette so whatever pose the character is striking, you can tell what's going on. Finding the right balance between making a silhouette with too much vs not enough is not something I know how to explain, but something I believe is important! :']
I also tend to extend a characters "energy" outward:
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you can see in all these corners and edges everything points outward and even curves a slight bit away. I think this is one of the reasons people tend to call my art sharp/spikey! I don't tend to shade/render my work a terrible amount, preferring a flat graphic look most of the time or just playing with blacks (which is a whole shape language in itself) but when I do, all the shadows and highlights shapes tend to take on a spikey/lightning bolt shape even tho it wouldn't look like that in real life!
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It's just really pleasing to me and I like how it looks! The spikier something is for me, the better! If you couldn't guess at this point, starts/lightning bolts are my favorite shapes haha Another thing I tend to do is avoid is curved lines. They're definitely still there! But my flow is more jerky straight lines so that if I drew a circle in my style it'd look like a messed up pentagon with soft points, that basic rule in my art brings forth funky shapes that otherwise wouldn't be there if I was trying to stick to realistic shapes This probably didn't answer a lot ToT but I hope my rambles brought something to light, whatever that may be!
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butterfluffy · 1 year
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· how would these long-haired, blond men react if their s/o braids their hair?
⠀⠀➧ fluff | killer, b. hawkins, cavendish (separate) × gn!s/o!reader | headcanons + scenario
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none! the boys be slightly ooc though, and mistakes may be present.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are open! do send some requests for me to write!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes : being able to get your hands on their luscious hair is a privilege frfr. 😫💗
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Killer would NOT let you braid his hair, since he only trusts himself with his luscious locks, hAha.
But don't worry, eventually, he will let you do so, although he's a littleeeee grumpy the whole time, ehe.
You'll be needing to do a lot of pleading, and your bestest puppy eyes to get Killer to give in to your request though.
Will give you a light scolding if you comb his hair too harshly, or if you get them tangled, so ya better get a good job done, honey. 😐
“kil, can i braid you hair?” you ask all of a sudden, sparkling eyes glued on killer's beautiful hair that is still damp from the shower he took, while he, on the other hand—
“huh? no way...” killer, who is currently unmasked, retorted. piercing eyes squinted at your pleading ones, not showing any sign of giving in to your request.
“aawww, pretty please? i just wanna braid your majestic hair!” you beg, slipping a small compliment in hopes to melt killer's cold front, which surprisingly worked.
“you—ugh, fine. ya better do a great job though, or else ‘m never lettin' ya touch my hair ever again.” giving in, killer finally slumped down the floor, sat in front of you so that you could start braiding his hair..~
You can definitely confirm that his scolding and snarky comments are worth it after seeing the result of your hard work.
Bro looks hella majestic when he has his hair braided, frfr. 😫😫
Kil might ask you to braid his hair again next time if he likes your work. Might reward you a kiss, too. 👀✨💋😍😍😫💋💋😘💗💗🤭😍
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Wanna braid his hair? Sure, go ahead. He doesn't give a damn whatever the hell you want to do with his hair. He trusts you with it, since you're his lover.
Just don't you fucking dare cut, or fuck his hair up, or else you would wake up next to an enemy, and not a lover. 😀
Not the type to be grumpy ‘nd irritated when he gets hurt during the braiding session, but the type to constantly send you a glare and mutter a small curse, hAhaHahaHA.
Also, I feel like he'd guide, or help you in braiding his own hair. Cuz I think he braids his hair/knows how to braid hair. ☺️☺️
“hawkins..~? may i, uh, you know....” you muttered, shyly approaching your lover who lets a sigh escape his lips, already knowing what's on your mind despite not consulting his cards.
“yes, my love. yes you may braid my hair.” hawkins hums, approving your request that he foreseen by your obvious hint—which is constantly looking at his hair that shone brightly like gold under the sun, that is truly fascinating...
“thank you, hawkins~!” you chimed, happily skipping to your lover who was quick to let his hair down for you, and only you to touch, a faint smile on his face as he continued to read his book while you begun your work.
“mhm, always welcome.. do be gentle, though.” the man reminds, sending you a sly glare when he recalled how you hastily brushed his locks before, which he obviously isn't a fan of..
Compliments your work on his hair, good or not, cuz he loves how you do your best with it.
↑ Hawkins also secretly loves getting his hair braided by you, though it isn't a secret anymore, since it's obvious! 🤭
Will braid your hair, too, (if your hair can be braided). But only if you ask him to. :))
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Omg! Go ahead! Feel free to braid his hair anytime! He's totally fine with it, in fact, he's the one asking you to braid his hair! 💗💗💗
Just don't fuck it up tho (2), or he will not speak a word to you for an entire week. 😦
Cavendish owns the most luscious, majestic hair ever. Not a single tangle in there, so combing and braiding is gonna be smooth as hell.
He'll whine like an annoying assed child if he gets hurt though. 👽
“y/n~ i see you admiring my beautiful hair, and i bet you wanna braid it, yes?” cavendish notes, immediately noticing the special attention you're giving his locks, catching you in 4k.
“...yes. i do want to braid your hair, so, may i?” you ask for consent, which was quickly given by your lover who snickered, “of course you may! i mean, who wouldn't not want to braid my majestic hair? haha!”
“make me even more beautiful, my dearest. you can do that, right?” he hums, as you nod in response, receiving a kiss on your hand from cavendish who settled down.
“that's great, now, please do your magic. i'll reward you later, fufu~” he cooes, teasing you one last time before he shuts up to let you do your work, secretly admiring you the whole time.
↑ Yep, he admires you as you braid his hair, and of course, he also admires himself in front of the mirror he has before you two. + Yes, he will reward you afterwards with another kiss, and a dinner date. 😍🫶
Like Hawkins, Cavendish also knows how to braid hair, so sometimes, he braids yours, too (if your hair can be braided).
↑ Though before he met you, he doesn't know how to braid hair. Watched you braid hair once, and learned how to, so he could do braids, too. 😊
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© butterfluffy 2023
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rinsuniverse · 11 months
for this req i didn’t know who to choose so you can choose whether you want to write for woozi seungkwan or soonyoung! I’m a very quiet person and even when I try to raise my voice sometimes I’m not heard so eventually sometimes I just give up on what I’m trying to say, so what do you think one of those boys would do if they had an so like that? do you think they would try to speak up for their so or something else, especially since svt can be very loud… and make sure you’ve eaten today if you haven’t already!
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woozi with a quiet partner! ✧˖°.
this is cute concept and very very real
i myself am quiet (sometimes lmfao), and whenever people talk over me, i kinda just get quiet and give up
since you gave me the option, of course i'm going to choose woozi!
but seungkwan would be your personal megaphone and say everything you say louder so you'll be heard
and soonyoung will listen to you thoughtfully before yelling at everyone to listen to your great idea
woozi would be different since he's quiet and an introvert as well
imagine you're at the recording studio with woozi and the other svt members
the performance unit is in the studio, crowded together to record their song
and they're talking over each other and making jokes
and woozi's letting you take over the recording while he's in the bathroom
you're trying to tell them to focus, but they're laughing a bit too loud to hear you
poor thing
and you don't have the nerve to raise your voice at your idols
and it's not like you to raise your voice at all
suddenly, jihoon reaches over your shoulder and presses the button, sternly saying
"yah. y/n has been trying to tell you to be quiet, and you're too loud to even hear them. are you serious?"
all of a sudden, they're so apologetic and they acknowledge you
and you carry on helping with recording
even though jihoon is sitting next to you, scowling at his members for not respecting you
later, he sends them a text talking about how you're a quiet person and threatening them to always listen to you, especially when he's with you, or else.
for another scenario, you've brought jihoon to hang out with a couple of your friends
and your friends are talking amongst themselves
and you mention a joke for them to hear, but they're so distracted
and you try to say it again, but they still aren't listening
you kinda sigh and give up
but jihoon chuckles and goes, "haha, i guess they aren't listening. that was funny, though."
he makes sure you know he's listening to you
he's not the type to speak up for you, though!!
he might softly ask, "do you want their attention?" and reassure you
"i'm sure they don't mean to ignore you"
he won't mind speaking up for you if you ask tho!
woozi would love having a quiet partner
i can't stress enough how much he would love spending time with you where you both don't even talk and do your own things!
he is the type to get kinda pep talky? does that make sense?
like "you should be more assertive when you say things, you know? you deserve to be heard by everyone. you're funny and smart."
but he loves you for you!
he just wants the best for you!
i can't think of anything else for this idea, i'm so sorry :")
thank you so much for requesting again! feel free to request many, many more things! ✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧
(p.s. requests are still open! i specialize in woozi stuff, but i don't mind writing about other svt members! i can also do some nsfw if you want! so request whatever and as much as you want! ς(>‿<.))
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infiniteko · 5 months
Hello I am this anon: https://www.tumblr.com/infiniteko/739895336424914944/can-you-provide-advice-on-how-to-maintain-a
Thank you so much! I understand and know. Not I know this is kind of redundant and annoying so feel free to ignore this but when we say know our true selves. I know what know means. I am a very vivid maladtptive day dreamer I have even given it an image just because it’s fun tho it does not matter at the end of the day. Is it know as in know my hair is brown because I know or know my name because I just know. Or is it know like 2+2= four just bc we know that to be true in numbers or that the reason I don’t float into space is because of gravity though idk how gravity works only what it is. Or I guess I feel like it doesn’t matter haha, and is just an over-complication, maybe I just answered my own question. Still curious on your thoughts.
is "your hair" really "your hair"? Is "brown" really "brown"?
Know as in , unshakable Knowing. The most basic yet direct question is "How do you know you exist now?"
the answer is not because you are aware of a Body, no it goes deeper than that. Ask until it's clear. It's so simple and obvious, it's near impossible to overcomplicate this but if anyone manages to overcomplicate it, it will blow my mind
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mothman-can-write · 5 months
hi !!! i saw u said you were open for prompts, i mean this is kinda less of a prompt really, but like i loved that blackhill mission transcript thing you did a while ago and would be really cool to see some more stuff in the same vein ig ! but also maybe something like a kinda blackhill first meeting kinda thing idk !! i just love your work tho ! you really have the ability to make me feel all the emotions
OOOOO i just thought of this whilst writing this but maybe something like with clint teasing nat ab having like feelings for maria or something ?? idk i just love ur writing ! sorry these are kinda shitty hahah
NGL I took this prompt and mangled it in my hands. I heard first meeting and my brain was immediately like well that could go seventeen thousand different ways, so I sorta mashed in Clint's teasing to go along with it and made it a little more suggestive than outright shippy. Realistically, I think if Natasha is only meeting Maria for the first time, she's probably still in a place where she's not totally open to such self indulgent things as having a crush
Also, this isn't a mission transcript but I'd love to do more of them that one was really fun! I just don't really have any good ideas for the sort of things they'd have to talk about in the field besides dying haha
ANYWAY enough rambling, though you're all familiar with my inability to shut up these days. ~3k under the cut of Clint being a ballache and nat being sceptical but gay
The only person that doesn’t treat Natasha like she’s a project – or a live wire –  is Clint. He’d had his fair share of looking at her with those careful eyes, something behind them that made her teeth itch in her gums like some trained dog. He doesn’t do that so much anymore, not unless she’s in a particular state and doing a very bad job at hiding it. She likes him, she thinks. He might be one of the first people in her entire life that she can truly say she likes. 
Naturally, she finds herself in his quarters more often than her own. She lays on his bed as he works on something probably explosive enough to kill them both if he sneezes, and she ignores the pip of her emails as she braids a small strip of hair under her ear. She’s bored, if she’s honest, but she doesn’t want to waste her first free morning of the past fortnight on something so trivial as emails. Or helping Clint. 
“You not gonna answer her?” he says without looking up from his work. He holds it close to his face, something far too small in his tweezers. 
Natasha’s fingers pause in untangling her braid. “How do you know who it is?” 
He still doesn’t turn in his seat, matter of fact when he speaks. “You have a different tone for Hill.” 
“How did you figure that out?” She tries not to scowl at him, but she still isn’t used to feeling so see-through. Quite frankly, she’d like to be as opaque as possible, but she seems to have grown rather attached to someone with x-ray vision. 
Clint puts his miniature contraption down and turns to her at last. She’s not fond of the smile on his face as he leans over the back of his chair. “You’re not the only spy on the ship. Also, you weren’t trying very hard to hide it.” 
“Her emails are usually more important,” Natasha argues, not quite sure why she feels the need to defend herself on it. 
Clint grins ever wider. “I never asked why. I just thought you had a massive crush on her.” 
Natasha scowls fully this time. “I’ve never met her.” 
He shrugs. “I don’t know what’s in those emails.” 
“Shut up.” 
She reaches for her phone anyway and pointedly ignores the way Clint watches her. The email is much the same as they always are, telling her about meetings and progress and such. She’s overtly professional in every one, but now that she’s thinking about it, Natasha likes the words she uses – just slightly like she enjoyed reading dictionaries as a child. Very, very rarely, Maria will let something slip in her emails that is almost like humour, and Natasha doesn’t tell Clint that she actually does enjoy receiving emails from her just for the fact that she feels a little special when that happens. She’s heard the rumours; she knows not to expect giggles and grins when it comes to the Assistant Director. 
In the end, she doesn’t bother to respond to the email anyway and Clint has already turned back to his work. “Not in the mood to sext her back?” 
She scowls at the back of his head. “It sounds like Laura needs to watch her back.” 
“Oh, god,” he laughs. “Gross. Absolutely not. Not my type.” 
“What makes you think she’s mine?” 
“You need someone to match your weirdness.” 
Natasha wishes she had something to throw at him. She won’t admit that she intrigues her in small ways. She doubts she’s any different from every other CEO and government lead in the world, but some small part of her feels thankful to her faceless emails. She could’ve easily overridden Clint’s choice, could’ve had her put down before she could even think to beg for forgiveness. But she’d given her a chance, and she’d kept in contact despite her supposed overbooked schedule every day since. Maria held her life in her hands at one point, and she’d given her another shot at it. 
Despite everything, Natasha still doesn’t sleep well. Or, rather, because of everything, she supposes. One good month doesn’t erase a lifetime of bad – and she’s really a little hesitant to say that this month has even been good in many senses of the word. She wonders if the nights will ever get easier on her with time, or if she’s stuck with these hours of restlessness and sweat for the rest of her life. It’s not a nice thing to think about, and it doesn’t really do all that much to distract her from the shadows that still play behind her eyelids or the way the shapes of the room still seem to swim around the edges. So, she swings her legs over the side of her bed and scrubs at her face with her hands. She can appreciate, at the very least, that she isn’t handcuffed to her bed here. Somehow, that had been a hard thing to get used to. She still sleeps with one arm by the headboard. 
There aren't many things to do at this hour. Clint has told her countless times that she’s perfectly welcome to pester him at any time of the night if it would make her feel even minutely better. He says he understands, and she believes him enough from the way his past lines his own face, but it doesn’t make it any easier to put into practice. 
She doesn’t have a plan as she steps out into the corridors. She dresses like she’s going to the gym on the off chance that she might be able to sneak into it and punch something until she’s sweaty for reasons more tangible. She wishes the firing range was usable at this hour, but she’s sure that’s much less subtle. Still, there are some nightmares you can only really feel better by shooting at. Maybe she’ll bat her eyelashes into an hour or so at the targets tomorrow. 
She passes the odd agent as she trails around the corridors and considers that the ship never really sleeps entirely. There’s always someone on the night shift, always someone pottering around with something. She thinks it would be nice to work when it’s so quiet. Maybe she should ask about changing her hours. It might be a little soon. 
The gym isn’t so far from her quarters, and by the time she reaches it her shirt still feels sticky at her back and her stomach still feels like it’s alive in her ribcage. Her hopes are low enough to limbo as she presses her hand to the door, and she could almost sigh with relief when the door opens easily. She’s not against breaking in, but she likes to think she’s been doing a pretty good job of building a better reputation lately. Maybe not socially, but Maria’s emails haven’t managed to sound short lately – not since the last time she’d bypassed what she maintains was a criminally simple encryption on one of Clint’s jobs. 
The gym is utterly silent at this time of the morning, which is entirely unsurprising. She doubts anyone else sensible gets out of bed for another hour or two, let alone starts their training regime. Generally, agents are allowed the privilege of breakfast before they’re worked to the bone. Natasha’s never been a fan of food so early in the morning. 
She doesn’t really know when she fell out of the habit of scanning each room on this ship like someone will be waiting to haul her out of it, and she blames it firmly on her lack of sleep and nightmare slurred thoughts when she doesn’t notice the other body in the gym until it’s too late. 
“I did wonder,” someone says, and Natasha’s attention snaps to one of the benches on the far side, half covered from the entrance. 
It takes Natasha an almost embarrassingly drawn out moment to place her features, and she’s sure she only half succeeds in hiding her surprise into an intrigued eyebrow. The Assistant Director didn’t really strike her as the type to be in the gym when everyone is supposed to be sleeping. 
“Wonder what?” she asks instead of every other question that gnaws at her head. She stays firmly planted in the middle of the room. 
“Who would come in at this time.” 
Oh. She’s not wondering about Natasha. She doesn’t really know what that feels a mote disappointing. She hates it when Clint asks how she’s sleeping. Maybe she just doesn’t like lying to him. 
“I thought it would be empty.” 
Maria places her water bottle beside her on the bench and makes absolutely no move to stand up yet. Somehow, Natasha finds it unnerving, even if she’s taller here. “It usually is,” she says simply. 
Her eyes bore into her in a way that makes the back of her neck crawl. Something about her says that she’s calculating, that she’s looking at Natasha and breaking her down into little bite sized pieces. Natasha has never liked being dissected. Maria’s eyes are very blue. 
“Do you usually spend your mornings here?” she asks, if only to stop Maria from burning holes into her skull and reading her thoughts directly. 
It works, in the way that her gaze flicks away for the briefest moment before pinning her again in that same cool tone. “I guess you could call this morning.” 
“That doesn’t answer my question.” 
Maria’s eyes soften ever so slightly around the corners, and Natasha would almost call it a squint. “I’ve made a bit of a habit at this point, yes.”
She almost seems reluctant to admit it, and Natasha can’t help the way she wants to pick this woman apart. She has always liked puzzles, and people are just some of the more complex the world has to offer. She thinks she understands the rumours a little more now, even through this uncanny meeting. She wonders if Maria feels her own searching gaze as intently. 
Maria stands at last, and Natasha had almost forgotten how tall she is. She thinks she preferred it when she was sitting. “Don’t let me stop you,” she says, and Natasha is silently thankful for the way that answers her question. Again, not that she wouldn’t break the rules. It’s just much harder to make an excuse when the Assistant Director is the one who catches you. 
“I would’ve expected the AD to send me back to my quarters,” she notes, as forward as ever when it gets her information. She’ll admit this woman seems to be intriguing. She’s curious as to just why she’s indulging her so far. 
Maria’s expressions are all very small, mere suggestions of emotions that only make Natasha want to pick her apart. “That would make me more of a hypocrite than I already am,” she says simply, almost smiling. “Are you getting on okay?” she asks instead , and her eyes are on her like she’s deciphering her again. She’s closer now, making direct eye contact, and Natasha holds it like a game. “Besides the obvious, of course.” 
Natasha tries not to scowl. God, does she hate when people pretend like they know her. “What’s the obvious?” 
Maria raises one eyebrow ever so slightly, her expression caught somewhere to amusement. “Did the Red Room have you in the routine of training at four in the morning?” 
“Sometimes.” They both know that’s not the reason that she’s here, as much as Natasha wishes Maria didn’t. 
Her eyes are almost soft. Almost like she truly cares about her. Natasha doesn’t like to let herself believe the sort of things that might cost her later. “Half of the people on this ship struggle with it, Romanoff,” she says, nearly gentle in the silence around them. “You don’t have to be ashamed of it.” 
She can almost imagine her setting a heavy hand on her shoulder as she says it, though Maria remains in her own space. She’s still slightly too close for what Natasha is used to however, and it’s the first time she realises the darkness under her eyes. Her face is lined, something bone deep that she doubts ever goes away. It lends her a certain sort of…imperfection that makes her seem a whole lot more human. For everything she’s heard, though she knows to take gossip with a healthy grain of salt, she could almost imagine Hill to be some sort of robot, some living excel sheet. 
Standing in front of her, she sort of just looks like a woman who could do with some sleep. She looks like a woman who has spent the last who-knows-how-many hours beating out her own past the same way Natasha intends to. She won’t call it affection. It doesn’t mean Natasha likes the way she looks straight through her any more. 
“You have any tips?” she says, aiming for something playful. She really, really just wants her to stop looking at her like she can figure her out right here in the middle of the room. Maybe if she seems better than she is, she’ll leave her alone. She’d rather her conduct a genuine vivisection out on the boxing ring floor if she’s going to continue to examine her. 
She’s certain Maria almost smiles at that, a tug at the corner of her lips that is almost sad, almost conspirational. She shrugs ever so slightly. “Shooting things usually helps.” 
Natasha tries not to scowl like a child. As if she wouldn’t be there right now if she could get away with it. “I’m on supervised arms training.” 
This time, Maria does smile, though Natasha thinks she’d have missed it if she blinked. “Not from tomorrow,” she says plainly, and Natasha can only watch her walk away without another word. 
The door closes behind her, and Natasha lets herself furrow her eyebrows as deeply as she likes. She is overtly aware that she is not being let off of supervised training tomorrow. She’s aware that she has been seen as a weapon and an explosive since the moment Clint forgot that he was meant to shoot her. Somehow, she doesn’t think that Maria is one to tease. 
It makes it very hard to punch things as effectively as she’d like to when she can only think after Maria. She wonders what keeps her up at night. She wonders what else she does to get rid of the shadows. She wonders why on earth she would let her off of the hook so early. For all they know, Natasha might decide to defect back. She might’ve been biding her time until she could get a hand on one of those guns outside of the range. She’d never even dream of it, of course. She’d rather be supervised for every split second a gun is in her hands for the rest of her life than have to go back to her life before. She wonders just how deep Maria managed to dig. She wonders if she really is all that transparent after all. 
She finds herself in Clint’s quarters again as thoughtlessly as breathing. Every spare minute in her schedule that lines up with his, she’ll spend hiding from the rest of the world. This time, she’s sitting in his chair, her knees resting against the edge of his desk so that she can spin it slightly from side to side. Clint is behind her in his bunk, his arms tucked up behind his head and his eyes closed. It’s only 2pm. Natasha wishes she could have a nap too. 
“Is she always like that?” she says on a whim, her thoughts still stuck on tired eyes and snap decisions. 
“Like what?” Clint asks, completely brushing over her lack of context. 
“Ah, we’re back on Hill. Yes.” He falls silent again, and Natasha listens to his breath. “Hold on.” His eyes open and his head turns on his pillow to face her. “Did you meet her? When?” 
“This morning.” 
“You were at the range this morning.” 
“Before that.”
“You were asleep before that.” She doesn’t answer, and that tells him everything in as little effort as possible. “Natasha.” 
She doesn’t meet his eye. “It’s better than moping.” 
“You don’t need to mope. You can come wake me up.” 
“But then you don’t sleep.” 
“Tasha, do you really think I’m sleeping well either half the time?” 
She stays silent again, staring intently at the dimples Clint’s chair has made in the carpet. 
“How did you even find her?” he asks eventually, giving up the argument for the countless time. “She’s practically booked to the minute.” 
“She was in the gym when I got there.” 
“I’m going to skip over the fact that you’d rather punch something until you bleed than come and bug me. Was it worth it? Was she all sweaty and hot? Did you two finally canoodle in person?” 
She doesn’t dignify his jokes with a response, her thoughts plain in her expression. “I don’t think she sleeps well either. She looked tired.” 
Clint grins a little. “You paying attention to her face?”
Natasha scowls at him. “It’s normal to look someone in the eye.” 
“Mhm…” He retucks his arms under his head, settling back against his pillow. “It’s for sure normal to think about them all morning.” 
“She took me off of probation,” she says, almost in a rush, like maybe this will change the subject – maybe a little bit like she’s admitting something. 
“Oh you definitely have a crush on her. It’s like she’s trying to get in your pants. Remind me never to read your emails.” 
Natasha only squints at him, wishing once again that she had something appropriate to throw. The urge distracts her enough that she never does reject the notion. And when she finds herself imagining Maria’s secret little smile in those few and far casual emails, she decides that Clint doesn’t need to know. She’s not been given many chances in her life, and she thinks she could make space in her life for two instead of one. She wonders if Maria would ever want a gym buddy on long nights and promptly decides not to think any deeper into it. 
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susiecarter · 20 days
hi!! hope you're doing well!! just wanted to check in as you haven't updated your projects page in a while (not that you have to! but you're one of my fav writers of all time so just got worried) also, if you're seeing this, how goes the arranged marriage au? (and if u can sprinkle in some writing advice, that'd be great, tho srsly i feel like i'm asking a little too many things lmao so feel free to ignore)
/o\ :D Hi, anon, and thank you so much for checking in! No need to worry—I'm absolutely fine, I've just been ludicrously busy (my job changed somewhat at the end of last year and I acquired New Responsibilities; figuring out how to handle those and still have as much time as I need to write and to reply to comments has taken me six months :'D but I think I've mostly gotten the hang of it, hence me finally starting to catch up on my inboxes both here and on the AO3).
AND, ngl, I am absolutely delighted to hear that you were looking at the Projects page! :D That was honestly three-quarters me experimenting with the new theme I set up, haha (and the reason I threw a "last updated" date on there was 100% because if I got busy, I knew I was definitely going to start forgetting to update that sucker). I've updated it today, and the good news/bad news breakdown on the arranged marriage AU is: good news, I am still working on it; bad news, it is super not done. :'D I've got some other shorter stuff that should be done sooner than that (including some Bruce/Clark!), but I'm hoping to make that this year's Big Long Bruce/Clark Fic. Obviously I also have not made a whole lot of progress on some other things on that list :D but here's hoping I can fix that this summer!
As for writing advice, I've written a few posts in the past about my process, how I approach managing character identity, and my tl;dr thoughts on characterization, pacing, dialogue, and prose rhythm, if you haven't seen one or another of those! Honestly, working on my writing has been a real process of self-discovery for me :'D so I'd say my bottom-line "if you do nothing else, do this" of writing advice is: try things! Try different techniques, try outlining and not outlining, try doing writing exercises and not doing writing exercises, try sitting down to write a few hundred words each day and try only writing when you feel inspired to do it ... Everybody is different, everybody's brains and subconscious creative sources are different, and stuff that works for other people might work for you or it might not, but you won't know if you don't try it all multiple ways and see which approach feels the best to you.
Personally, I used to not outline at all, and I wrote the scenes that came to me in my head first and then went back to fill in the gaps—and that worked okay, it was fine, but as it turns out I'm MUCH better off when I outline every! single! time! and also my odds of completing a story I'm working on increase about 5,000% if I write it straight through from start to finish. I thought I knew what worked the best for me! I was wrong! :'D But I wouldn't have found out I was wrong if I hadn't decided to try outlining, and then decided to ditch how other people outline and outline in the way that worked for me, and then tried writing straight through, tried writing every single day and sucked at it BUT trying to write every day is actually good for me, it's just I have to let myself not do it if it's not working, &c &c. So, yeah, try stuff, don't get too stuck on doing anything one specific way, and sooner or later you'll figure out how you work, what gets your brain doing its best writing, and you'll be able to get it to do its best writing more and more often. :D
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