#ESPECIALLY linguistically
sick of people acting like bogans and eshays are the same when they’re clearly part of completely different social groups and behave in completely different ways
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inksandpensblog · 4 months
Dear Animator vs Animation fandom, for a long time I've kept my silence, but I feel as if I must speak out:
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That is not the pen tool. That is the pencil tool.
The pencil is what Orange uses anytime he draws.
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is the pen tool.
They are different. It's not like real life, where pencils and pens serve basically the same function in different capacities and are interchangeable if you know what you're doing with them. Digital pencil tools and digital pen tools do very different things and serve very different purposes.
As far as basic use, the digital paintbrush would make a far better substitute for the digital pencil than the pen would.
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Forgive me folks but if I see one more otherwise-phenomenal post calling the pencil a pen I'm gonna riot, this has been allowed to go on for way too long y'all are too good to be brought down by a detail like this.
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Theoretical Guy who is arguing that chat is a pronoun on the basis that "language changes all the time" but they specifically mean that the meaning of the word pronoun has in fact shifted to include basically all terms of adress. they never mention this in debates because they believe this to be an agreed upon idea on the pro side
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canisalbus · 10 months
I just recently started following you so i don't have the full lore of your murderous gay religiously traumatized doggos, BUT, from my understanding, they are Italian and i don't know what part of Italy they are from, yet i can't help headcanoning Vasco as Tuscan, while Machete is probably from some part of Veneto. And as an Italian who has heard Tuscans and Veneto dialet, well it's an hilarious mental image.
Vasco is indeed Tuscan, Florentine to be specific. He comes from a wealthy and influential noble family that has lived in Florence for centuries. He's proud of his roots, and it's usually easy for strangers to tell where he's from. He's a resonably successful politician and has worked as an ambassador and representative of Florence on numerous occasions.
Machete is originally Sicilian (ironically about as far from Veneto as possible), although he was taken to mainland at young age and has lived in several places since then, before ending up in Rome. The way I see it, he exhibits very little local color, his demeanor and (even though Italian hadn't become a standardized language yet) way of speaking are formal, neutral and scarcely give away any hints about his personal history, at least in the 16th century canon.
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waitmyturtles · 10 days
“Troye Sivan had words for straight people who have gotten ‘way too comfortable” discussing gay celebrities and their sex lives — especially those who are fond of throwing around the term twink.
‘This is a general note: if you say twink when you meant to say f@ggot, that’s still a slur,’ the Rush singer said in a September 15 TikTok video. ‘That’s like our word. I don’t think straight people should be using that.’”
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tea-earl-grey · 8 months
We're all familiar with how most of the Star Trek shows have their dialogue in that somewhat formal stilted manner that plenty of people have poked fun at but also it kind of makes sense in an era of universal translators that people would make a habit of speaking clearly and avoiding slang/metaphors to ensure their points are well translated. I know that was never the intention (and a lot of newer trek shows go for more informal dialogue) but hm. Food for thought.
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crabsnpersimmons · 15 days
LOL no worries, anon! 😂that's hilarious tho! permission to be crab! permission to be silly! haha!
it's persimmons! like the fruit!
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eri-pl · 3 months
Dear Feanorians and people who know Quenya:
How do I know which words do the Feanorian "th" and which words are always "s"? ("They're spelled with suule vs with silme" is not an answer: How do I know how they're spelled?)
Do I compare them with Sindarin and if Sindarin has "s", it's always "s"? Like, "estel" is always s, right?
Thank you.
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azurejacques · 4 months
Back to rereading the song of Achilles and I’m reminded of the ONE little plot hole that bothers me: chapter 12, Deidameia speaking
“No!” She turned to Achilles. “You are lying! You have betrayed me! Monster! Apathes!” Heartless. Lycomedes froze. Achilles’ fingers tightened on mine. In our language, words come in different genders. She had used the masculine form.
ἀπαθής (apathḗs) is a third-declension adjective in Ancient Greek, which means one very important thing- the masculine and feminine forms are the same. There isn’t any way I can think of that masculine gender would’ve been indicated in her speech here- she likely would’ve been using the vocative (a grammatical case which is used when addressing someone, commonly translated with 'O' in English, e.g. “sing, O muse…”) , so absolutely no article (not that I’d expect one anyhow, but you could devise some indirect construction I’m sure). She also would’ve used the 2nd person singular pronoun if she used one at all, which is σύ (sý), and only third person pronouns can have gender marked on them.
Point being- there’s simply no way I can think of that this would’ve explicitly been gendering Achilles masculinely- it would’ve been ambiguous. I’m especially annoyed since Madeline Miller is herself a classicist and apparently has taught Ancient Greek too! So I’d love to know if this was a mistake or what her reasoning her is lmao, because it feels like a pretty big mistake to me (but obviously is not something that most of her audience would spot).
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waitineedaname · 17 days
i have a linguistics question, especially for people who can read chinese: what register does mobei-jun speak in? with sqq and lbh there's a lot of formality, like the polite "this one" and "this disciple" or the even more formal "this master" and "this lord," but I'm skimming the airplane extras to figure out how mobei-jun speaks, and it doesn't look like he does the same thing? he seems to use first and second person pronouns informally? is this accurate or a translation thing? is it just because he's talking to sqh?
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sagechan · 3 months
Kageyama comes back from Italy and the first thing he says to Hinata when they step onto the court is "in te c'è già un'aria di frociaggine" and Hinata thinks he's saying "I love you" and he just goes "aw you too"
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markantonys · 23 hours
maybe the real reason they decided to change the timing of when galadriel's family is around in ROP is that they didn't want a celebrimbor, a celeborn, and a celebrian all in the same season
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diathadevil · 6 months
Ohhhhhh that ending so solidified the anime adaptation in and of itself and made it very complete as a story (a little bit saddened since it doesn't feel like there might be season 2 with the way the ending changed from the the manga's plot points, at least not anytime soon until we get to some other arcs in the manga!)
Also ngl I kept re-watching some of the sign language scenes with Yuki and Itsu just because of how PRETTY the animation was for it. This anime honestly impressed me with the details in animation.
Man the anime did such a lovely job with its adaptation. I'd love to see at least an ONA or something with Yuki and Itsu and the gang giving us sign language lessons. I need to see more of them ughhhh.
I love A Sign of Affection sm y'all. This is my 10/10 anime this year.
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sovamurka · 1 year
August van der Holt, my beloathed <3
author: the_loveyou
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rosellacwrites · 2 years
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sophieswundergarten · 7 months
I accidentally wrote "yeet" instead of "yet" when I was working on Reynie dialogue and now I'm obsessed with the idea of him saying it to mess with the others
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