#Eddie the terrible chef
stagefoureddiediaz · 2 months
7x05 promo meta
Thank you 911 for dropping those stills - its save you all from my terrible quality screen shots!
This was supposed to be a costume meta, and it is, but things rather got away from me so its got a bit of a mishmash of spec and the like in it! its probably incoherent but my brain is whirring!
Ok first things first - Firehouse!
Soooo whenever we've had firehouse scenes before between Buck and Eddie, the one not in uniform is the one receiving advice - Buck after he found out about Daniel, Eddie during the Black out etc. So I expect this scene to play to a similar theme.
The green jacket for Buck is an interesting one for me, green is all about growth - especially this shade of green. I think this scene will be the first time Buck and Eddie see one another in person - Buck perhaps re-apologising to Eddie, clearing the air, Eddie offering buck some advice (i don't know exactly what advice, but perhaps along the lines of not bottling things up and talking to him etc!).
The fact its a broadcloth jacket harks back to his shirt jacket from Eddies breakdown - that one was very red, so there's no direct connection to the meaning of that jacket from a colour theory perspective, but there is a wider theme connecting to the broadcloth - broadcloth is a fabric that was historically used for military uniforms (it still is) so the use of broadcloth has this element of going to war - unlike the red jacket that signalled danger and Buck going to 'war' to both get to Eddie and to then help him in the aftermath, this one is more likely to be a war related to Bucks 'bad behaviour' from the basketball game and I think and with the green of the jacket meaning growth, I expect this scene to show them on a more even footing - one where the one doesn't need to go to war for the other, because the 'war' is over, this is the aftermath now and Buck has grown (in the same way that Eddie was in green during and after his breakdown - he grew from that moment)
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Date night - for Buck and Tommy
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Firstly I want to mention the fact that Check theory is in overdrive for this scene - the check is literally everywhere - floor, tablecloths, walls, windows, the guy sat to the side of Tommy. Something is clearly going to happen that is going to lead to some sort of chaos. My money is on Check shirt guy suddenly becoming ill and interupting both dates (call back to Buck choking on bread would be chefs kiss imo as that was Bucks first proper date!!).
I originally thought his was the same shirt Buck wore when he was trying to donate sperm - however, turns out it isn't it isn't, this is a knit bowling shirt while the one from the sperm donation storyline was a knit polo (no buttons all the way down the front). I do think the remarkable similarity between the two shirts is relevant though. because Buck trying to donate sperm, was Buck trying to start a new life, but it was a false start when he was wearing the similar shirt (because the power was out at the clinic) and he is essentially doing the same thing here - he's on his first 'date with a dude' and is starting a new life as a bisexual man - only it seems he's probably going to try and hide it from Eddie - thus a false start in the same way his first attempt to donate sperm was. thing is, Buck was successful in making his donation in the end, so even if he has a couple of false start in this episode, he'll be successful in the end (see the end of this meta for the reason why!!)
Tommy is in brown (possibly a dark olive green, but it looks more brown to me at this moment in time!). Brown is of course one of Eddies staple colours, so we are continuing with the Tommy Being costumes as a version of Eddie!
But Brown is a colour of stability and strength - its solid ground. It's showing us that Tommy is completely comfortable in his sexuality (whatever denomination of queer he is as we don't know at this point!). Its also a colour of safety support and protection (its why many police and military uniforms around the world are brown - meant to invest a sense of protection - a reflection of what that job is supposed to be!). for me thats playing on the idea that Tommy is going to protect and support Buck on this date - Buck not wanting to come out to Eddie in that moment and Tommy supporting that and protecting Bucks right to chose when and how he gets to come out to the people in his life (and I adore him for that!) is my guess on why he's wearing brown here.
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Eddie and Marisol's date night
(as an aside - Bucks face in the still below is hilarious!!)
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I already mentioned the pink handbag in my 7x04 meta, but now we also have a pink skirt to add into the mix and its a ditsy print of two shades of pink, which not only further supports my pink and innocence theory about this season, but it also plays into how both Shannon and Ana were costumes as well - in lots of pink and in ditzy prints!!! Marisol (who doesn't even have a last name) is not long for the world of 911 - if it doesn't end in this episode, its gonna be over very very soon! She is going to essentially be an innocent bystander in whatever the hell is going to go down at this date night fun house we're about to see, whether her seemingly naive personality (well what little personality she seems to have!) plays into things as well, we'll have to wait and see!
The other aspect of this outfit that is making me laugh is the fact that the skirt is giving me 1980's/early 1990's teen vibes (not to out myself as old but trust me I had some just like this back then and I wouldn't be caught dead in it now as a grown woman!!) and the baby pink handbag looks like something an 8 year old would have to play dress up with - its all very childish and immature - naive one could say, and its suggesting to me that we're going to see some pretty childish behaviour from her at some point in this episode (we'll have to wait and see if I'm right!). The other aspect oof this childish style we're seeing on her plays into Eddies narrative of looking for magic and trying to recreate what he had with Shannon. Its for me one of the reasons why i think we have s2 Eddies hair back, especially this greased back version in this scene - its a nod to his s2 arc when he tried to recreate the magic with Shannon. Eddies journey is about learning that he cannot recapture or recreate that magic he had when he was young - that the love of youth - in all its innocence is not something that is sustainable or actually what he wants in the present. for me, him figuring this out is an important part of his wider un-repression arc and will allow him to move forward and learn that he needs to build a relationship on a stronger foundation that magic and innocence. That (ghost of a) second chance with Shannon ended up as a literal car crash (sorry to be blunt but it was a metaphor back then too!) so my feeling is that this is going to go the same way - and end in a figurative (at least) car crash.
As for the chain necklace! you can read my 6x15 metas for a fuller run down this one is the most comprehensive one (and theres some stuff lurking on other meta posts as well) but essentially every single one of Buck or Eddies girlfriends have worn a chain necklace (there is also a bracelet too, which I think Marisol wore in 7x01 but her scene was so blink and you'll miss it that I can't get a good still to be sure!) of this style - I never did get to writing the full meta on the chain necklaces I intended - the season 6 finale rather deflated my enthusiasm to do so, but I can talk about it here so, things worked out I guess!
Chains are a representation of incarceration, or of holding something back. they are a huge symbol of slavery and are used in derogatory terms when used to talk about relationships (the old ball and chain etc). This is why we see them on all the women connected to either Buck or Eddie, and never on any of the other female characters in the show - these women are essentially holding Buck and Eddie back, they are chains to be broken free of.
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Then we have Eddie in his white shirt! There are a couple of reasons I am completely in love with this choice! firstly is the most obvious, it paints things very black and white for Eddie and Marisol - they are opposites! In this context, the wardrobe department are deliberately creating that opposition between them - and in combo with that pink bag and skirt - things aren't going to end well for them.
Black is a colour that sucks light and colour from things (yes there is the concept of the little black dress etc for dating but thats more about timeless elegance and Marisol is not wearing a black dress!) that absorbs everything around it - you can see in the picture below how the black of her top is absorbing the colour while Eddies white shirt is bouncing it around and glowing with the red - its especially obvious on her sleeve which is partially sheer and partially matt - the sheer parts are picking up the light, making the black non sheer parts still look black.
The other reasons I am living for the Eddie in a white shirt of it all is the fact that it really highlights that red lighting - this use of red - in this setting at that moment - when it doesn't appear to be anywhere else in the scene and certainly not around Buck and Tommy - can only mean danger and anger. Its telling us that Eddie is not happy - jealous definitely (that look is one of jealousy!) its also hinting at underlying anger though. My thoughts on this is that its playing into Eddie having to face up to his feelings for Buck - that he understands them, and perhaps feels like he missed his shot
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The other reason I'm obsessed with the choice to put Eddie in a white shirt is this ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Because yes that is Eddie in white and Buck in dark blue, and yes that is the only other time we've seen Eddie in white in the entire show (excepting white shorts in fight club and even they fit the theme we're seeing here). Seeing them in the same colour ways here is very much giving Buck and Eddie divorce era 3.0 (fight club/lawsuit was 1.0 and the one above was 2.0) vibes.
Having dinner with Buck (or in the same space as Buck) and his current partner and the blue and white (and green that Tommy is wearing which matches the green that Taylor was wearing) is definitely a choice. This scene in season 5 was essentially a Buck and Eddie break up - 'move on Buck, I have' - we all know how that spiral ended - with Eddie digging in with his leaving the 118 and excluding himself from the firefam and Buck cheating on Taylor and asking her to move in with him.
thing is Eddie has form for doing dumb things when he feels under stress or pressure (asking Shannon to marry him again, fight club after her death and Buck suing the firehouse, leaving the 118 and not getting the help he needed until he had a major breakdown to name 3!)- so if we saw some kind of parallel to this scene - (this is especially in light of Eddie talking to Bobby about the job in this episode) where Eddie doubles down on a poor decision (don't know what but I'm currently speculating that its maybe asking Marisol to move in with him way way too soon - when he doesn't know her - hello episode title) in the same way Buck did with Taylor (because he is faced with the fact he could've had a chance with Buck after-all and is emotionally cheating on Marisol) and it plays into
I'm not saying we're going to be getting rid of Marisol in 7x05 (unfortunately) but I am saying the writing is on the wall for that relationship - there are too many costuming signs on both Eddie and Marisol for it not to be headed in the direction of ending. My guess from what I'm seeing with these costumes and that lighting, is that 'Ghost of a second chance' is when it will come to a head - it plays into the theming of Shannon redux and car crashes, learning from past mistakes before you repeat them.
And finally we're at Bucks loft!
Not saying this is at the end of the episode - I have zero idea where its going to land - every time I see a new still from it I'm more confused and decide its going to be at a different point of the episode!
Anyway, thats not important! Eddie is in his Buck 'date night' shirt - the one he wears when he has serious talks with Buck in the loft. thing that is different this time, is the fact he's in jeans rather than the green trousers he's worn on every other occasion. Something about that is making me feel like, while this scene is likely to be similar in that its going to be a serious talk, and I'm sure from the way it looks in the stills we're going to see Eddie reassuring Buck as we have in previous scenes, I think we might find this one is going to give us Buck and Eddie on a more even footing that we've seen before.
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I'm fascinated that the Christopher watch is not visible in the above still, but it's very visible in the below one, and in the other stills we've got. We don't often see it hidden under eddies sleeves - we usually see it more like we can see it in the date night stills - visible with the shirt slightly tucked underneath. haven't figured out if its going to be significant or not yet - I need to see the scene!
We do have to talk about the looks they are giving each other here though - especially Buck!!! because I mean!!!! its kind of giving me don't keep things from me again vibes!!
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I am very much loving that they put Buck in this jumper though! it is the one from the sperm donor storyline - when Buck tells Eddie, Hen and Chim he is 'responsible for creating new life.' I love this specific parallel because there is the play on the fact that Buck is now living a new life - that he's figured something out about himself - that he's creatinga new life forhimself - one where he is bisexual, and openly so (as we know he's going to tell people in this episode and hell he might be telling Eddie in this scene!). the other thing is that this light blue colour, throughout season 6 became a real representation of Buck journey of self discovery - all the way back to Lev at the happiness convention and his year of yes, right through to post Lightning strike Buck who was trying to wrestle with his death and his rebirth - the light blue here really ties all of this together beautifully
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Right thats All at this point - I'm sure my brain will conjure up other things once i've hit post, but for right now - I'm off to bed!!
@theladyyavilee @mistmarauder @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @bewilderedbuckley @spotsandsocks @bewitchedbewilderedbisexual@rogerzsteven @wanderingwomanwondering @oneawkwardcookie @leothil @copyninjabuckley @shammers86 @crazyfangirlallert @missmagooglie @katyobsesses @radiation-run @gayandbifiremenofmine @bi-moonlight @crazyaboutotps @princesschez75 @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @sherlocking-out-loud @satashiiwrites @lover-of-mine @yramesoruniverse @extasiswings @favouritealias @pop-kam
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copperbadge · 1 month
Europeans, I have some questions.
Do you know what ambrosia salad is?
If so, is the version you know of a) a normal salad or b) a "dessert" salad?
Do you know what Dirt Cake is?
If so, is that common knowledge in your region?
(What country/region do you live in, other context you wish to add, etc)
I'm working on the new Shivadh novel and I underestimated the comedic potential of Simon, a classically trained French chef who has been cooking for European nobility for thirty years, trying to set a menu for a graduation party with Noah, your average American teenaged garbage disposal, and Eddie, who is literally based on Guy Fieri. Reminds me of the bit in Infinite Jes where Michaelis mentions that Eddie and Gerald had him judge a debate about Hot Pockets and then confesses he doesn't actually know what they are.
(Context for the end of the snippet -- Hugo and Gwen are Simon's brother and sister-in-law, Claude is his young nephew.)
"Huh, okay, so are we doing like a salad theme?" 
"How do you mean?" Noah asked.
"Oh, just, you've got a potato salad and a pasta salad. I'd suggest a Jello salad for dessert but..." Eddie broke off at Alanna's horrified look. "That is what you will see on everyone's face," he said to Noah, pointing at Alanna. 
"Not so, I could do an aspic," Simon protested. "Sweet or savory, very traditional -- not this nonsense from American cookbooks from sixty years ago."
"American nonsense is kinda my brand," Noah pointed out. "Uh, I don't think we realized we were building a giant salad course but I am into that, actually. I'd like to discuss the Jello Salad," he said, and Eddie crowed delightedly while Alanna blanched, so Simon had to mediate a good-natured but extensive debate about gelatin in sweet dessert salads. 
It was an education; when he showed Hugo and Gwen what Americans thought ambrosia salad was, later, their horror was gratifying. It was a fitting prelude to his next exhibit, the Dirt Cake pudding cup, which made Hugo pretend to faint but -- even better -- fascinated little Claude so much that he insisted he wanted them instead of a cake for his next birthday. 
"He'll forget by the time the birthday arrives," Simon assured Hugo, who pretended to mop a sweaty brow. "And if he doesn't, I can elevate this. A light coffee mousse with chocolate biscuits -- drizzle with a sweet wine reduction -- jellied candy flavored with dragonfruit and blackcurrant."
"Can we put bones in the dirt?" Claude asked, already exploring his terrible American dessert options on his tablet. 
"Not human," Gwen said hurriedly. "That's a bridge too far for a birthday party, my darling," she told Claude. 
"Dinosaur bones?" Claude asked hopefully. Gwen and Hugo both looked at Simon. 
"Meringue, or marzipan," Simon pronounced. "Yes, that could be done. Well, my little gravedigger, we will see," he told Claude, tousling his hair.
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fionaswhvre · 3 months
Even if you view buddie from a platonic lens, Buck is still Christopher's father figure. Putting aside the fact that he is literally going to be Chris' guardian if something happens to Eddie, there are a lot of other hints/parallels in the show indicating their parent child relationship.
Like how Chris ran to Buck when he was upset with Eddie, similar to when Harry ran to Bobby (his stepfather) when he was upset with Michael (his real father).
How Buck is probably listed in the Diaz's emergency contact because he was the first person Chris called during Eddie's breakdown. Not anyone from their family, but Buck.
Buck was also helping Chris cook for his school project and was pretty much parenting him when he told him they cannot just have dessert for dinner. This shows that he's not just the fun uncle or Dad's friend to Chris. He is the bad cop sometimes too.
The entire parallel of Buck being Bobby's sous chef and Chris becoming Buck's. It also makes you think why they focus so much on Eddie being bad at cooking and Buck learning cooking from his father figure and teaching what he learned to Eddie's son.
In season 7, Eddie will go to Buck of all people for dating advice to his son. Not to Hen, Bobby or Chimney, who are in successful relationships and are also like family to Eddie. Even RG said that both Buck and Eddie are terrible at dating so why does Eddie ask Buck for help? It's because while Eddie is very close to everyone in the 118, Chris is the closest to Buck. Eddie trusts Buck for Chris enough to give him dating advice, something that is a very parent thing to do.
So even if you see Buck and Eddie as just good friends, no one can deny that Buck is like a second parent to Chris at this point.
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jadewritesficshere · 1 year
Eddie cooks and Steve doesn't is a rule in their house.
Eddie is an amazing cook. He sucks at baking because he always stops following the recipes, but cooking??? Eddie could be a chef with how delicious the food is. Eddie learned how to cook out of necessity, and quickly found he actually enjoyed it. Eddie just gets distracted and lazy, tending to go for the quicker options that are still tasty. Put everything in a crockpot and push a button? Sign him up! Throw everything in a stew and stir it? Hell yeah! if he imagines he's making potions for a group of travelers well who really needs to know.
Steve, on the other hand, can't cook. He burns every thing he has ever made. He never really learned how, as when he had to take home ec in school he spent most of his time talking to Tommy and Carol. His dad had told him cooking was "a woman's job"- Steve wishes he could go back to his younger self and punch him for ever listening to his dad's misogynistic bullshit (hell, he would even punch his dad). Steve stuck to sandwiches and cheap frozen dinners, but most nights he bought fast food. It was easy and he always had money for it. He always made up for it by being active in sports (and he wasn't a total fiend he knew enough about health, some days he ordered a salad and grilled chicken sandwich instead of a burger and fries. He always drank diet soda, claiming it was healthier).
Steve never realized Eddie could cook. Steve had lamented over how he's a terrible cook, to which Eddie replied "oh me too". So, Steve had decided to try and cook Eddie a meal for their date one night. Of course day of, he may have set the oven wrong. And he maybe didn't know to cut the potatoes for mashed potatoes and just stuck them whole in a pot with milk. Eddie had come over early and they were kissing when a beeping noise was heard. The smoke detector going off is what alerted them to something being amiss. Eddie had taken one look at the burnt chicken and the smoke rising from the oven and immediately decided Steve was never cooking again. His eye twitched as he had lifted the lid on the pot, seeing a whole ass potato sitting in milk that was sticking and burning to the bottom of the pot, and slowly lowered the lid. Steve had tried not to cry, unable to look Eddie in the eyes as they opened windows to let the smoke vent out. Eddie had kissed his forehead and went to the fridge to see what was available. Eddie ended up making cheesy scrambled eggs, pancakes, and ham. Steve was still upset, disappointed and mad at himself. He took one bite before freezing and then looking up at Eddie. "Does it not taste good?" Eddie had asked. "It tastes like...betrayal! You know I can't cook and don't even mention you're a fucking wizard in the kitchen?" Steve had mock glared at him. "Oh excuse me, well you shouldn't have betrayal," Eddie went to grab Steve's plate and narrowly missed the fork that Steve had tried to stab at his hand, "You can take this food from my cold dead body!" Eddie had went to say something but Steve hunched over it and said "My precious" before shoving food in his face like a gremlin. Eddie's heart had soared at the fact that Steve had made a reference to something he knew Eddie liked even though he never read the books. Steve's heart soared at the fact that they wouldn't have to live on fast food and thought thankgodsomeonecanactuallycookthisissogoodholyshit.
That was the date that cemented the rule that Eddie is the one who cooks.
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kenneth-black · 1 year
Maybe it’s my optimism and delusion but the last few episodes really brought a lot of things into perspective for me in regards for the buckley-diaz dynamic.
Like for starters, let’s talk about the scene where Buck is baking for chris’s class. We know canonically that Eddie is a pretty good chef now so he could easily whip up some cookies. The reason Buck is the one making them is just because 🤷🏻‍♂️ Like there are reasons why should be the one doing these kinda things other than chris wanted Buck to do them. Like they don’t “need” Buck but they are “choosing” Buck.
And also, the pointedly difference in relationship between Chim & Denny and Buck & Chris. There has been *multiple* instances where Chim has been injured terribly. Think of the stabbing, the rebar fiasco, the Chim and hen getting kidnapped by a madman incident. Why wasn’t Denny’s reaction to losing Chim focused even for one scene? Juxtaposing that with how desperately Chris wanted to see Buck when he got struck by lightning kind of makes things clearer how different their relationships are. Like they literally had to covertly break hospital protocol to get Chris into Buck’s room. Why spend that much screentime on it?
If Chim & Hen and Buck & Eddie are both pairs of platonic bffs, do you really think there would be such a stark contrast between these relationships?
PS. Sorry for babbling so much lmao 🤓
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tillystealeaves · 10 months
Y’all. On this day in history (1984), Metallica’s “Ride the Lightning” was released.
I… had some Eddie feels about it. I wrote this in an hour, so… hope y’all like it!
July 27th, 1984
Eight weeks after Eddie Munson was supposed to graduate high school. He was supposed to have marched onto the stage, flipped off the faculty that hated him, and walked away- away from the school and the town and… away.
Eddie loved his Uncle Wayne and he knew that the older man never begrudged the fact that he’d had to make space in his small home and his quiet life for his nephew. But it was time, he knew. Time to give Wayne his space back. Time to go to a place where his surname didn’t make him universally disliked. A place where he wasn’t the biggest Freak most people had ever seen. A place where it was more understood and accepted that some people were different, were “freaks”, were metalheads… were queer.
He’d thought about Chicago a lot, dreaming of their music scene and their Pride Parades that had been held since 1970. But in the end, he’d settled on Indianapolis. Smaller, so Eddie wouldn’t get too overwhelmed with the jump from a tiny town. Closer, too, so he could visit Wayne more often.
But now none of that was happening, because Eddie had gone and failed high school. He was stuck in this awful town and Wayne was stuck with a kid he’d never planned to have- and a kid who turned out to be a failure at that.
Of course, Wayne hadn’t said that. He’d said the exact opposite, actually. That it wasn’t a big deal. That Eddie could go back next year and succeed- “and you’ll already know the answers to the pop quizzes, so that’ll help.” He’d bought Eddie a milkshake on what should have been graduation night and he’d mentioned more than once that it was nice to have an extra year of snow shoveler/ amateur chef (which was a generous way to say that Eddie had been known to experiment with how to keep the most affordable groceries taste more exciting)/ handyman’s assistant.
Still, Eddie felt guilty. His uncle had sacrificed so much for him and Eddie hadn’t managed to make anything of himself at all. Besides, he knew money was tight and him hanging around the trailer and going to high school full time yet again wouldn’t exactly make things easier for Wayne.
Not that Eddie brought much to the table during non-school months either. He’d tried to get a job around town, but most things that hire teens with no experience were customer service positions- waiters or retail- and he’d been told more than once that he’d be bad for business. He had also asked at all the local mechanic shops. Eddie loved cars and between his uncle’s friends and some old magazines had learned a decent amount about how to keep them in good working order. But apparently when your dad’s in jail for grand theft auto, people don’t want you around their cars. (Yet another thing that wouldn’t have been a problem in Indianapolis.)
Rick, the weird guy he bought weed from had offered him a job a few months back, but Eddie hadn’t given him an answer yet. Not that he had any moral stipulation against the use of certain substances, but Eddie had told himself from a young age that he would avoid the revolving prison door that was his father’s life. Besides, he couldn’t imagine how disappointed Wayne would be if he were charged with some kind of crime… so no. Not yet. He’d try to figure out something legit first.
But for now, he was stuck doing the same thing he’d done pretty much every day of this absolutely miserable summer. Get woken up by Wayne coming home, take a walk and chain-smoke until it got too hot, then sketch out future D&D campaigns until Wayne woke up and he could practice guitar.
Except when he got back to the trailer, Wayne had gone out. Tonight was Wayne’s night off, so Eddie assumed he’d gone out to run some errands after getting a few hours’ sleep. (Night Shift life sounded terrible, Eddie thought for the ten thousandth time since moving in with Wayne.) He shrugged and decided to take advantage of the extra guitar-appropriate time.
When Wayne did get back, Eddie hung his sweetheart on the wall and went to ask Wayne if he needed any help unloading anything. Wayne shook his head. “Just had to head over to the next town to grab a few things. Speaking of-“
He said it so casually, like an afterthought. Eddie had learned years ago that Wayne’s kindness was often like that. Unassuming. Eddie wondered if it had anything to do with how he’d acted when he first arrived at Wayne’s, how sure he’d been that kindness wasn’t something he should expect. Wayne had never directly addressed it; he just kept being kind anyway until Eddie finally learned that things were just going to be different at the trailer, and all in good ways.
Wayne tossed a small paper bag at Eddie. “Picked this up for you at that store you like.”
An electric chair floated in the middle of a blue background, with bolts of lightning descending from Metallica’s iconic logo to the chair. Eddie had seen the cover art before- it had been on a promo poster in that very same store that Eddie liked.
Today, July 27th, Metallica’s second studio album “Ride the Lightning” had released. And Eddie Munson had a copy in his hands.
He knew, of course, that Wayne hadn’t just picked it up during errands. To be sure to get it today, he had clearly preordered it. He’d known the date. Eddie didn’t think that he’d mentioned it- and even if he had said that Metallica had a new album coming out, he certainly wouldn’t have brought up the specific release date. If he was being honest with himself, he’d tried to forget it was coming out at all. He certainly couldn’t afford it and he absolutely wasn’t going to ask Wayne, who had given him everything and who he’d done nothing but let down.
But Wayne wasn’t looking at him at all like someone who felt let down. Wayne was smiling, clearly watching his nephew try not to bounce around with excitement. “Thank you!” Eddie exclaimed, running towards Wayne and hugging him while still not taking his eyes off the album. “Oh this is going to be so metal. I read that one song-“
And off he went, talking a mile a minute about something that Wayne only vaguely understood. But the older man smiled ever more brightly as he watched the never ending bundle of sparks that was his nephew light up his once-dreary home.
Hours later, Eddie sat in his room after listening to the entire album twice and was now trying to figure out the chord progression of “Creeping Death”. Wayne poked his head in the doorway and once again gave Eddie that smile that had made him feel so very safe over the years.
“So how long until you can play the whole thing?”
Eddie laughed. One day, he told himself, he’d get his degree and get far away from Hawkins. But this life that he had right here? This was more belonging and understanding than he would ever find in the most accepting city on the planet.
This was home.
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honeystwiggypeach · 1 year
hey. i’m having a really tough fucking day. if it’s not too much to ask (don’t u dare feel pressured), could i have some eddie comfort?
i just need him to hold me. just his warmth cradling me. i want to hear his soft breaths and small utters of praise. i want his muscles arms wrapped snuggly around me, and i want to inhale his scent. just the delicious cocktail of cigarette smoke, leather, and his vanilla cologne.
Hello??? Bestie I’m so sorry I never saw the notification so I’m terribly sorry if this is like a late reply but I’m so sorry your day is going bad! I hope it gets better!(also hellooooo very much love how you wrote this request because it’s like chefs kiss with fairy dust on top and all!)
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Eddie x fem!reader(very sorry if you didn’t want fem!)
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When you hear Eddie walk into your house you don’t even bother getting up. You feel terrible.
“Y/n?” He calls and you let out a little hum. When he gets to your room he doesn’t even say a thing about how you didn’t reply to what he’d said when he walked in.
“Are you alright sweetheart?” He doesn’t force you to reply. That’s what you like about him, he doesn’t pressure you.
Eddie lays down in your bed beside you and you move closer and closer until he gets the hint, eventually he wraps his arms around you pressing your head to his chest.
You let out a sniffle and you take in his scent, it smells so comforting despite the stench of cigarettes, it blends nicely with his vanilla perfume and the leather smell that radiates from him and the scent reminds you of home.
“It’s ok” he tells you quietly as he kisses your forehead softly, “you did great” he tells you even though he’s got no idea of what’s happened today he still comforts you and holds you lovingly.
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I hope this was what you wanted and I hope that you have a better day, if you want me to write anything else let me know!!
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sunflowersteves · 2 years
fruity four saturday with sleepover at reader's and they make pot brownies 👀 and what if she dated one of them, how'd it go?
- ❤️‍🔥
HELL. YESS. I chose Steve bc I’m on a Steve kick rn I’ve been listening to djo non stop
only warning is pot :)
Eddie groaned as he watched robin grind the bud with a knife. “Stop! You’re doing it wrong, Buckley!”
He snatched it from her in a irritated manner, watching as her hands held up in defense. “You said to grind the weed, Munson!”
You and Nancy laugh with one another at the scene in front of you. You didn’t have a grinder at your house and Eddie didn’t think to bring his own—just the weed.
“Go melt the butter or something—i don’t know!” Steve pouts, stirring the butter with a white apron that says, “kiss the chef.”
“I’m already doing that, eddie! And Nancy already refused to let me do anything else.”
You walk up to your boyfriend, giving him a kiss on the cheek, “that’s because you’re a terrible cook, baby.”
He feigned a gasp, one of his hands on his heart. “how dare you! If I do say so myself, I make a fine bowl of cereal.”
Robin groaned, watching Eddie adding the weed into the butter. “Yeah, sure, dingus, it’s just milk and cereal. such a cook.”
Eddie and you giggle as you take out the strainer. “We’re almost done.” He drags out every syllable as he pours the buttery weed mixture into the strainer.
After making the batter and letting the butter refrigerate, you all finally were able to place the concoction into the oven.
You all sat on the couch, watching dragon ball to pass the time. You’re curled up next to Steve as he’s got an arm around you. he’s tracing patterns onto your forearm, absentmindedly humming a song.
You turn to him and give him a kiss. It was supposed to just be a peck, but Steve is following your lips and captures them into a searing kiss.
“Ew, can you guys be disgustingly cute somewhere else?”
Nancy nods over at robin, “seriously, it’s gross.”
Eddie just grins, “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m enjoying the show.”
you open your mouth to retort, but before that even happens, the ringing of the timer goes off.
All of you gasp, “the brownies!!”
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k4g3hika · 2 years
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you've called...
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"who the hell?!" eddie munson + f!housewife
when eddie munson doesn't find the need to tell the dungeons and dragons club members about his new girlfriend. so imagine dustin's surprise when he visits eddie's trailer and sees it looking impeccably clean.
"welcome home" eddie munson + fem!reader
eddie’s life is stressful, and then there’s you to fix it all.
“your secret is safe with me” eddie munson + fem!reader
eddie felt like a freak in his history class and when the teacher brings up a group project, he just wanted to bury himself deep into the ground. however, a surprise awaits him when he's partnered up with the preppiest prep in the class and he couldn't be more happier.
“love, y/n:)” eddie munson + fem!reader
being girlfriend is great. he loves you, and you love him by cooking and baking him all kinds of food. however, when he starts to un-appreciate the lunch you spend time making in the day, you go to teach him what happens when you make your s/o mad.
"not perfect" eddie munson + fem!reader
eddie isn’t a chef. he knew that. but he helps out when you ask him and tries his best…even though he’s a insecure of his skills.
"freak's got a staring problem" eddie munson + fem!reader
eddie cannot stop looking at you. not for anything bad! he just thought that you are the most beautiful thing to walk on earth. but will his habit bring fortune or conflict for him? it's terrible that this freak's got a staring problem.
“home wrecker” eddie munson + fem!reader
dustin has a teensy, tiny, crush on eddie’s girlfriend and will do anything to talk to her. maybe even bike all the way to their house after school, even though an impatient eddie waits for him.
"no.1 prankster" eddie munson + fem!reader
after seeing a prank from a movie, you think that it’s absolutely brilliant to play the same one on eddie.
“runaway princess” eddie munson + fem!reader: prt. 2 prt. 3
sit tight and be pretty, was what your parents always told you. follow the rules, and your life will run smoothly. but given the chance to run away with your forbidden lover, you just have to choose what makes you happy. even, if it puts either of your lives at stake.
“we’ll be just fine” eddie munson + fem!reader
i’m convinced eddie has no idea how to treat a girl. like, a girlfriend is probably the least of his concerns until he met you. the problem? he doesn’t know the difference between a friend, and a girlfriend. and that could possibly mean the end of your teenage romance.
“favourite mistake” steve harrington + fem!reader
steve harrington was aloof. one moment he was loving and another he treated you like you were garbage. but at the end of the day, you knew he loved you. even if he was dating ms. perfect, nancy wheeler.
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
Another Eddie and Penny coded tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR3yFcQ3/
You’re absolutely correct, Eddie would act like giving your breast milk to Penny in a bottle is a five course meal at a haute cuisine restaurant.
He’d remember exactly what you ate before you pumped so he’d know the ‘ingredients’ of it for when he’d serve her later and he would actually attempt a terrible, VERY shitty French accent every single time.
After he was done feeding her, if she’d spit up while he was burping her, he’d act so offended, absolutely appalled on behalf of his chef (you) because how dare she!!!!
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tsintotwo · 2 years
(Part 1/4)
Like a lot of us, I've been going through Tom Sturridge's filmography since watching Sandman on Netflix. I've watched a good amount of stuff so far, and I have Thoughts™ . Writing a few lines about him in each of the projects (because apparently this is a Tom Sturridge fan blog now??)
Now, you watch Tom in interviews and he is the DEFINITION of a cinnamon roll, so you would never think this- but this man has been absolutely wildin for over a decade. The projects he chooses? The roles he takes on? Half the time it's as if he's like 'if it's not excruciatingly dramatic, absolutely insane, and/or heart-poundingly, breath-chokingly sexy, don't even bother'. Also something else I think I figured out from watching these and Tom's interviews- it's possible that in his mind, wild/dangerous = seductive. So, anytime he's playing a character of that sort, he turns it on and immediately has intense sexual tension with everyone in sight. It's mind-blowing.
This is what I've watched so far:
Like Minds/Murderous Intent (2006)- Eddie Redmayne's first movie. Tom plays Ed's boarding school classmate, a psycho. He was 20/21 in this, unbelievably pretty, and nailed the 'devil with an angel's face' character to a tee. The chemistry with Ed is, predictably, insane. He says and does some seriously disturbing things in the movie. This was so early in his career too! It's possible that Tom's always been a 'choose the interesting project' person vs 'choose something that might make me a popular sweetheart' person.
Waiting for Forever (2010)- I have to say this first, I legit loved this movie so much. It strikes just the right balance between soulful and real, and the whole effect is incredibly sweet and touching. They don't make movies like this anymore. Tom's character is a very innocent type: naive and clueless to the extent of disturbing, but full of hope and belief. Tom is SO good in this. He plays it a bit slow and spacey, and captures the wide-eyed wonder and confusion of the character perfectly. *chef's kiss*
The Hollow Crown s2 (2012)- This was a series of BBC adaptations of Shakespeare's historical plays based on English kings. Tom was Henry VI, and I was fkn depres*ed for a week after watching this, no lie. Henry VI on screen is spineless, pathetic, and being manipulated left and right by every single person in his vicinity. The politics is nasty, the murders are brutal, and King Henry, 17, doesn't want any of it (but is still too much of a wuss to give up his crown so he clutches on religion instead). Tom, with his young face, long hair, gray cloak and his rosary that he desperately hangs onto, speaking of hope and heartbreak in Shakespearean lingo, just made me feel lots of emotions - terribly angry and frustrated with the king, then sad and horrified for him. It was draining. (The series overall is fantastic tbh.)
On The Road (2012)- Based on Jack Kerouac's novel, this movie is all sorts of nasty- drugs upon drugs, lurid sex, people treating other people terribly. Tom in this is sensitive writer boi in unrequited love with a fuckboy, and his personality is "we can take sexuality out of it, just hold me, man". I pray for the gays who will see this movie now because they won't survive Tom in this. (I mean I'm straight and I barely survived). The messy hair? Thick black-framed glasses? The hurt glances? Manic-pixie smiles? Teary-eyed, swollen-lipped monologue? (Edit: Scene) I'm f*cking deceased. (No kidding tho, I can't take movies that are so on-the-nose seriously and I skipped through it, and still Tom with his limited screen time managed to make me genuinely feel for his character. He was amazing.) Fun fact: The scene of him being bodily carried away for a threesome and proceeding to break the bed (literally) lives rent free in my head. No, I am not all right.
Far From the Madding Crowd (2015)- Adaptation of Thomas Hardy's classic novel. Tom plays Sgt. Francis Troy (opposite Carey Mulligan) and is a regular no-good rake. Listen, you'd think Tom with his sweet mouth and wispy facial hair couldn't pull off a moustache. You'd be wrong. He looks great. And he has that charisma that makes you wanna drive off a cliff for him even though you know he's an asshole. They made his character halfway decent tho, Troy is worse in the book. (EDIT: No they did NOT! I was skipping thru the movie and missed a scene lol. But I've watched the whole thing now and, yeah). And Tom switches vibes from sinister to emotional without missing a beat. What a goddamned treat watching this man is.
I'll stop now, and do the next installment on another 5 Tom projects (I guess Remainder, Mary Shelley, Sweetbitter, Irma Vep, Sea Wall/A Life? We'll see.)
(Edit: Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4, Part 5/ Bonus)
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copperbadge · 20 days
Still badgering away at The Chicken Salad War and I did not realize how delighted I was going to be by introducing semi-masc nonbinary Jes Deimos to gallant butch Ylias Lazaar. I don't quite know where their subplot is going to go if anywhere but I feel like it may be somewhere awesome.
"Mr. Lazaar," said a familiar voice, and she turned to see LeFevre at her elbow, looking pleased. "A great success for you, I think." 
"Seems to have gone all right, yeah," she agreed. "I heard you were going to crash."
"Alas, I could not -- I ended up invited," he said, grinning. 
"And you brought guests?"
"Ah, I didn't mean to bring the royal family down on your head so soon," he said, leaning in. "They are terrible gossips; I should have remembered when I told King Theophile that he would likely share the information. Still, His Grace Gerald is pleased you use his oil and His Grace Michaelis enjoyed the matbucha greatly."
"And you? No constructive criticism?" she asked. 
"Not tonight. I have never opened a restaurant myself, but I can understand this is your triumph! And in any case they are small quibbles. I will need to dine here more times before I speak," he replied. Someone tapped him on the arm, and he turned, then nodded at the person standing just behind him -- the one who'd been speaking with the old king a moment before. "Mr. Lazaar, may I present Ser Deimos, who came with His Grace. This is Mr. Lazaar, the chef of the hour. She/her," he added with a smile. 
Ser Deimos looked amused. "They/them," they said, holding out a hand. "We're honored to be able to attend -- I don't think we realized when Gerald told us he was going that it was your soft open." 
"It's my pleasure. Not everyone gets to feed the royal family on their first night," she replied, bowing over their hand. "And you're an ornament to any dining room." 
Deimos looked delighted. "Thank you, that's kind of you to say. If I'd known the food was going to be this good I'd have scared up a party. I have a lot of friends in from out of country at the moment."
"Well, we open reservations tomorrow morning -- but for the royal family, I can set aside a table," Ylias replied. 
"Don't, just yet," Deimos said, looking around. "I'm thinking more of a party. Could we rent the restaurant?"
"The whole restaurant?" Ylias asked, blinking. Simon looked smug. 
"If not, that's fine -- we'll take the offer of a table -- but my son's graduating next week, and we were thinking of a group dinner the night before. Simon here is catering the night of," they added. "It'll be twenty or thirty people, and some of them have been doubtful that Fons-Askaz could live up to New York, foodwise. Yes, I felt the same," they added, catching Ylias's expression. "The only thing Fons-Askaz can't offer that New York can is the pizza, and only because our Eddie hasn't got the time to open a pizza restaurant." 
"I hadn't..." Ylias fumbled slightly. "I'm sorry, we have a catering menu but I hadn't arranged any kind of contract for renting the space. It'd need to be a handshake deal and I couldn't quote a fee off the top of my head."
"Of course, I threw this at you with no warning. Here," they said, reaching into their pocket for a wallet and pulling out a card. "Email or phone is fine. If you can send me a proposal by Sunday, I can make a deposit on Monday. I'm comfortable with an informal deal as long as we have terms written out over email. If you don't feel ready, just let me know -- we'll definitely be back regardless." 
"I'll be in touch," Ylias managed. Deimos gave her a bow and a smile, and retreated to their table.
[Then, later]
As they left Plate & Press, full of good food and possibly slightly tipsy, Jes leaned against Michaelis's arm and said, "Holy shit."
He gave them an amused look. "Yes, the food was very good. Nice space, too. I can't remember the last time I had such a pleasant evening out."
"Well, yeah, but I meant the chef," they said. He glanced at them, frowning.
"The Lazaar fellow?"
"Lady, I think. Uncertain, actually. Butch, possibly. She/her but Simon called her Mr. Lazaar." 
"I noticed her, but I didn't see anything particularly unusual. Why?" 
"I love you to bits but you're hopeless," they said. "You really didn't think she was hot?"
"I don't form opinions about sex appeal, generally," he reminded them. "Present company excepted." 
"Well, she is hot in a very specific way -- like you, actually, sort of masculine and chivalrous -- and she called me an ornament to her dining room. I may have had a little moment." 
He laughed. "Oh dear, am I going to have to fight a chef for your favors?" 
"No, it's just nice to know I still got it." 
He kissed the side of their head, affectionate. "You're an ornament wherever you go, but I'll make a note to remind you of it more often. Seems she's making a stir -- Simon likes her also, I think. Sometime soon we're going to have to kick Gregory and Eddie out of the residence for an evening, and I think I'll recommend that place for dinner. Gregory loves Tunisian food and I think Eddie would find a lot to interest him."
"You just want to spend a whole evening cuddling babies," Jes said. 
"Joan and the twins all require the benefit of my wisdom on a regular basis," he said. There was a wolf-whistle directed at them from somewhere over their heads; some young wag, out on the second-floor balcony of a small hotel, clearly getting an early start on Pride. She waved a pink-and-blue flag in their direction. 
"You can't have him!" Jes called. 
"I was whistling at you!" the girl called back. 
"I'll take him," her friend offered from the chair next to her. 
Michaelis chuckled. "Drink some water, young ladies, or you'll be in no condition for the parade this weekend," he called. 
"Vodka's sixty percent water!" someone on another balcony shouted, and someone else yelled for everyone to keep it down, and the discussion went on without them. 
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sushywritez · 1 year
Stranger Danger | Older!Eddie M. X Fem!Reader | Two
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PLOT: Eddie is a loving single father and a busy man, he hires you on occasion to watch his child. Sometimes he wish he had the courage to ask you out, but one terrible weekend will prove to him he hasn't got much time.
WARNINGS: blood, slight gore, language, suggestiveness, angst, fluff, thriller, slasher, divorce, and adult humor.
Next morning Eddie had been pulled from his sleep bright and early, due to usual routine. Except he didn't need to be at the studio until tomorrow. He would be away for the next three days he'd be in the next town over filming a new album and helping produce the music. So domestic days like this were very rare.
So he decided for once he'd try his hand at home cooked breakfast. The kind that families would wake up to in those old 70's, 80's, and 90's films. From how well he knew you, Eddie remembered how much you loved biscuits. Biscuits with sausage gravy to be more specific. Well, how hard could it be to make?
Where it would surprise almost anyone. You knew that Eddie happened to be an excellent chef. It was part of that magical charm of his. Knowing how to prepare the most unique dishes was something that made him stand out from others.
As he stirred the gravy on top the stove he set the timer for the biscuits sitting in the oven, twenty minutes should do just fine. Knowing that you had commented on how coffee kept you going on early mornings, he remembered to prepare a pot. Sweet smells of freshly baked biscuits, sausage, and brewing coffee wafted through the halls. It had stirred you awake from your slumber. Before you woke up completely you took in all the smells, then pulled yourself out of bed.
You stumble sleepily into the kitchen. The sight of Eddie in the kitchen was surely swoon worthy. Long shaggy, dark curls, pulled back into a bun, towel slung over his shoulder, dressed in an old tee and sweatpants. The ones that hugged his hips and hung a bit low, it made you feel warm deep down.
Eddie turns around and smiles, holding a bowl of freshly made gravy he greets you, "Morning, early bird." You snort and walk over to him.
"Good morning, Eddie." You eye the gravy, "Who's all this for?"
He sets it down and smiles sheepishly, "Well, I know you had a hard night and I'd figure I could make you breakfast for once." He explained and you take a seat at the end of the table, Eddie standing over you. "I gotta take care of my girls once and a while." He comments and continues setting up the table.
Steve had shown up for his shift that morning at eight o'clock sharp, but as he pulled into the lot there were two more cars occupying the spaces. His boss Mike's vintage BMV was joined by to police cruisers. Shit. He mentally cursed himself. It had to be related to his little incident the other night and of course she had reported it.
Steve entered the place of business, bell signaling his entrance. Mike turned to glance at his employee along with the two officers. They all shared a look, before approaching him and Mike scurried off to the back. "Steve? Steve Harrington?"
Steve drops his bags and nodded, "Yes sir. That's me."
"Son, you'll need to come with us." The burly officer spoke first and Steve slowly held his hands up. "You Steven K. Harrington are under arrest, and will have the right to remain silent." He grips his shoulder and turns Seve around, gripping both wrists and cuffing him. "Officer Polinski, read him his rights. I'll finish here."
Back at the Munson Household
"This is amazing, Eddie. Absolutely perfect." You manage, covering your mouth as you spoke for politeness. Violet agreed clapping her hands out of excitement. After all, she was so used to pre-made meals or quick meals unless you cooked for her.
This was probably the first genuine meal he'd made in a while. "Daddy made yummy biscuits." She exclaims reaching over to scoop another bite into her small mouth. Violet had some gravy stuck to her nose and a drop on her cheek, definitely requiring a bath afterwards.
"Why, thank you." Eddie takes the compliment and goes to take another bite when the phone ringing interrupted their meal. Violet continued eating despite the interruption, but Eddie and (Y/N) were more concerned. They looked up from their plates, before Eddie stood up and excused himself from the table to answer the phone.
He caught it just in time on the fifth ring before it went straight to voice-mail. Glancing down at the Caller I.D. he noticed it was the Hawkins P.D. from their unique identification. "Hello?" He answered raising the phone to his ear and another voice greeted him.
"Morning, Mr. Munson. This is Chief Hopper with the Hawkins P.D. and I just need a moment of your time." The deep voice on the other end replied. "Did I wake you?"
Eddie took a breath and looked back at you and Violet. "No. No-Uhm," He shakes his head, turning his attention back to the conversation. Turning his back to the kitchen as to not worry you or his little girl. "You didn't. Didn't wake me, Chief." He replies slightly in disbelief, trying to understand the sudden need for a phone-call in the first place.
"Good, look let me start with an apology towards Miss (L/N)." Hopper spoke.
Eddie was confused, "To her? What for?" "Well, for the unfortunate experience she had with that boy, Steve Harrington." The chief reminds him and Eddie now understood. This must mean they caught him.
"So, they caught him?"
Steve looks back at the officers as he's escorted out of the van, sporting a new orange jumpsuit. Roughly being shoved towards the prison guards, now seeing as he was there problem from now on. The smell of the halls, the cells, it was horrible and filthy. This is the worst cell-block he heard the officers mention. This is what he deserved for his behavior. It made his blood boil.
"Yes. He's being transported to the big house now as we speak." Eddie smiled, he was relieved.
"So why the apology?" He asks then.
"We didn't handle the situation properly that night, but one of my officers, Hank, he uh saw the kid's record. So we got 'em."
"That's great, Sir. Thank you, I'll let her know." With that he hangs up and Eddie is immediately relieved as he sets the phone down. He sports a smile as he returns to the kitchen to deliver the good news. Only to find you hard at work over the sink cleaning up after him. God, what would he do without you?
He'd die.
Cell Block D Hawkin's Correctional
Steve huffed as the office tugged his wrists through the bars to uncuff him, but his grip was tight. The officer in question was smirking the whole time, "Hope you enjoy your stay. You've even got a room-mate, have fun." He sneered, before walking off, swinging the cuffs around his finger whistling the tune of some oldie.
"Well. Well. Well, look what the shit dragged in." That voice. He recognized it, Steve slowly turned and sure as fuck there he was. Billy Hargrove in all his shining, messy, and cocky glory. "Been a while, Harrington."
"Hargrove." He spat.
"King Steve." Billy spat back with even more venom, slowly approaching him before getting up in his face. "I've missed your dumb ass. So, what're you in for?" He asks circling Steve, who in turn watches him like a hawk.
He scoffs, "None of your business." Steve defends. Billy chuckles and steps back to take a seat on the right centered cot, manspreading and smirking.
"Come on, tell me your secrets and I'll tell you mine. Deal?"
"Fine." He gives in, "I'll tell you."
Life is about the choices you make or will make, you just have to make the right ones.
Tell me, do you?
@yaspillz @dahliamae @capricornrisingsstuff @aysheashea @e0509 @off-phelia @strangerthingsstories5255 @fujiihime @puppy-coded @damon-loves-pie @seratoninsickness @k0urti @thatlonelypieceoftoast @phantomxoxo @wittlewowa @rollergirlworldwide @allithewriter @gothguitargal @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @ali-r3n @harrys-tittie @yearwalker96 @lipglossanon @thepastdied @jessevans @dullsocietyy @littlelimb @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @3rriberri @corroded-hellfire @munson-blurbs
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voidpacifist · 1 year
steddie headcanons that are keeping me awake at midnight
steve and eddie never formally met until after chrissy died. they really only knew each other through a culmination of rumors and gossip, so both of them felt like colossal idiots when they got to know one another and just realized, oh, this is actually a really cool guy who i wanna get to know better once all of this is over
which means, of course, that eddie lives after the bat attack. he has to deal with new and unknown prospects like chronic pain and literal battle flashbacks but hey! he has his friend steve harrington who can relate on both fronts
it's how the two of them start hanging out more – both of them wanna make sure the other is being safe and doing self care and shit
eddie's love language isn't just gift giving – its handmade gifts. lots of sewing or homemade enamel pins. he of course makes a bunch for the whole party after vecnas defeat to commemorate in their own special, sacred way that they did it. they won. but he also makes a bunch more for just steve, and steve doest realize how special it is until robin is over one day and is just like
"you have a whole crate of eddies weird patches and pins and shit."
"yeah, so what?"
"steve...literally nobody else has as much as you do."
which then leads to steve exercising his own personal love language on eddie, which to me is quality time. steves an event kind of guy, and even when he pretends it annoys him, he drives eddie everywhere. new appointment for some medication for the nerves in his legs and left arm? no biggie. a cool movie just came out? name the date and time. this band you really love is coming to a town nearby? cool, let's hop to it
it's almost scary how at the drop of a hat, he's at eddies beck and call. it gets to a point where eddie has to remind steve that he has a life outside of driving eddie and the kids to places. he also really just doesn't want his boyfr best friend burnt out
eddies not a terrible cook by a long shot, he's just never had a big kitchen to work with before, so when he sees steves kitchen? he's all hands on deck trying to make the best fucking food he can think of
i adore the headcanon that steve is italian and an incredible chef as much as the next steve truther. but i also love the headcanon that eddie has mexican roots. put that together with him being good at cooking? oooh baby, is steve in for a treat
neither he nor steve are bilingual, but they'd both like to learn the languages of their respective heritages. if/when steves hearing starts going caput, they also start taking asl classes together (I imagine robin and nancy tag along with them to said classes. it's like they're all in school together again minus the drama and ridiculous social expectations)
eddie taking the time to learn more about basketball and hair and "jock" things because he sees how invested steve is in them >>
also steve venturing into new music and style horizons because he loves how confident he feels when he doesn't give a fuck about looking "normal," and eddie melting into a puddle because punk steve is so. fucking. hot. >>
steve putting stickers on eddies mobility aids if he uses any post vecna. also eddie doing the same to steve's hearing aids/glasses case, etc.
decorations during holidays being just simple ribbons and tinsel since the christmas lights are just...nope. eddie and steve buy a huge wreath for steves front door
steve and nancy teaching eddie some self defense with a baseball bat
eddie and nancy teaching steve how to do eyeliner
movie nights galore, and once a month going to see a new musical in indianapolis or chicago or whichever other big city is close enough to them to access without incurring time off of work or a massive dent in their budgets
going to see hawkins high performances too, because mike wheeler became a fucking theater kid
everyone knows theyre dating before they do, or nobody knows and neither do they. there is nothing smooth about how they finally formally label it, they both just kinda realize it one day
it's during truth or dare and everyone's zooted out of their minds and eddie and steve are dared to play seven minutes in heaven. nancy dares them. because if anyone's gonna pick up on it first, it's nancy
steve is actually the one to convince eddie that they need a cat, especially since steve found the little fucker in a ditch off the road sick and malnourished. guess what eddie names it
(it's not a hard guess. the cats name is ozzy)
cat dads. and then fish dads, because eddie is too high maintenance himself to take care of an animal that needs much more than feeding and occasional supervision, so he finds a fish at the pet store and scares the shit out of steve with it when he gets home from a family video shift
one movie steve and eddie both equally adore besides rocky horror is the addams family. eddies gomez to steves morticia
(this is all I can think of for now)
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banannabethchase · 4 months
Food competition show au!
Adam Page is originally cast as the dreamboat asshole kind of pretty boy, but he does a terrible job of delivering the lines production wants him to that make him seem like a villain. Finally they give up when he spends 20 minutes talking about how important it is for people to understand where their food comes from but also how much he loves his pet cows, Dulce and Leche. He becomes the comedy character instead, and ends up coming in fourth after a tragic souffle incident that gets him crying on camera because, "I'm more disappointed in myself, really. I could'a done so much better and I didn't." It comes out after the finale that he's dating Matt and issues a 200 word statement about how their relationship didn't start until the finale, when Adam was already kicked out anyway. Everybody is obsessed with them.
Adam Cole, on the other hand, was intended to be the puppy eyed sweet boy and instead is cut throat and makes one of the celebrity guest judges cry by insulting his recipe. He comes in second and only loses because the original celebrity guest, a movie star named Maxwell Jacob Friedman, was the surprise fifth judge and vetoed his win.
The judging panel is made up of Matt and Nick Jackson, owners of an LA fancy pants restaurant, Kenny Omega, celebrity chef, and Cody Rhodes, son of the designer of a gigantic popular fast food chain whose cooking style is elevating what's generally considered low class food.
There is an incident with Nick Jackson, line cook contestant Eddie Kingston, and Michelin star chef Claudio Castagnoli involving a misplaced ghost pepper prank, a gallon of milk, and somebody getting pantsed. It ended up so unintentionally raunchy it didn't make it on the show.
The winner of the series is Willow Nightingale, who is so goddamned charming she's able to finesse her away into making every single mistake she makes in the show look intentional. She burns the shit out of her Baked Alaska to the point where the ice cream was completely melted and turned it into a concoction of her own making to say it was on purpose in the semi finals and the judges never knew that's what she did until she giggled about it in the finale.
Send me a potential AU and I'll send you 5 facts from it!
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slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
Are there any new villians or characters that you are obsessed with?
Hmm, new villains... /: I've mostly been re watching stuff lately, but I do have a list of villains I don't really talk about but really want to!
Here it is! ^^ Bolded ones are the ones I'm REALLY REALLY into XD
Stuntman Mike, Death Proof
Look at him !! I could get lost in writing about a nasty creep like him. I want him to kiss me but I also wanna smack him; I dunno XD
Agent Eddie Zane, Man of the House
He's Bo-age Brian Van Volt (Literally the same year) and his character is a sneaky scoundrel who pretends to be the protagonists friend so he can get close to his daughter (And he calls her doll)- need I say more?? No, I don't think I do. Damnn.
Steve Abnesti, Spiderhead
Not gonna lie, I wanna write some really dark stuff for Steve.
Eleanor, Do Revenge
David Harris/Unknown, The Stepfather 2009
I love this movie so so much!! It always makes me want peanut butter toast, which is a little weird if you've seen the movie. David, though, oooffffff. He's so AWFUL. And he's got this shit under control, and his energy is so soulless, but ohhh boy, when he finally loses it?? I'm so obsessed. This is honestly one of my favourite movies and his character is played perfectly.
Suzie Marie Toller, wild things
Rusty Nail, Joyride
LakePlacid3!Reba, Lake Placid
Gary Sitterson, Cabin in the Woods
I don't know, there's just something cute about him XD He's not full villain, but I'm very very intrigued.
Helene, Tony, and Becky Le Domas, Ready or Not
Chef Slowick, The Menu
He's so sad, I just wanna give him a cuddle and encourage him to cook at a soup kitchen. He's the kinda character where you just wanna be his favourite person- the only person not expendable to him (Including himself!!).
Chase McKinney, Now You See Me 2
Detective Wayne Bailey/Kirsch, Scream 6
Warwick, Graveyard Shift
Another one I could write some really dark stuff for... :D :D :D Sorry, haha XDD
Alexis Butler and Val, We Summon the Darkness
They're so crazy. I wanna be friends (Or more) with them so badly XD I just love any crazy women in horror movies- we need more crazy women in horror movies. I just love watching them to be gross and terrible, theirs something cathartic about it.
Pearl, X + Pearl
Pelle, Midsommar
Norman Bates, Psycho
Brenda Bates, Urban Legend
Another crazy lady. Rebecca Gayheart just did so amazing as Brenda, and she's so much fun, and just... yeah. I love funny Slashers.
Mulgarath, Spiderwick
Have you heard his voice? Its Nick Nolte.
... Count Olaf... Series of Unfortunate Events
Look, leave me be. He's just so GROSS. I love gross, irredeemable villains that you know the writers really just went 'I am going to make this character so unlikeable'. Truly top tier.
Capricorn, Cockerell and Flatnose, Inkheart
I always thought Cockerell especially was pretty XD Kinda Otis B Driftwood-Style.
Dag, Barnyard
I MEAN?? Ugh. I'm sorry. I know he's a coyote. But he's such a bastard and I love it. He's been a favourite of mine since I was a kid!
Lady Van Tassel and the Hessian, Sleepy Hollow
I know one person especially will be happy to see the Hessian on here- XD
Velma Von Tussle, Hairspray
She's so mean... Agh. Haha XD I wanna write that Wilbur scene in the joke shop with reader in his place XD
The Colonal, Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron
Verosika Mayday, Crimson and Paimon, Helluva Boss
Nathanial Demerest, Wishmaster
The Trapper, Dead By Daylight
T.G. McCabe, S.W.A.T 2003
Little greedy coward that he is... I so wanna write for him XD
Please, anyone, if you're interested in any of these guys please tell me about it!
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