#Eddy Bellegueule
je-suis-ronflex · 25 days
Je suis en train de découvrir les œuvres de Édouard Louis, que j'ai sur ma liste de livres à lire depuis si longtemps, et comment vous dire que je chiale ma race en lisant En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule cette autobiographie est si belle et si touchante mais elle met quelques mega claques dans la gueule franchement si vous êtes un fragile comme moi c'est pas un bon bail genre je suis obligé de faire des pauses dans ma lecture tellement je suis choqué
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natreads · 9 months
2023 reading wrap up
I read 45 books this year, including one for work. I don't typically include those but I was working with the translation of a book and so it had technically already come out so I decided to put it on Goodreads. I have however not included it in this wrapup, so there's only 44 of them here.
Classics (8) 1 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 2 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 - ⭐⭐⭐
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath (reread) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin (queer, reread) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans (e, childrens) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Grey Woman by Elizabeth Gaskell (au) ⭐⭐⭐
Play It as It Lays by Joan Didion (modern) ⭐⭐⭐
The House of Hunger by Dambudzo Marechera ⭐⭐⭐
Slow Days, Fast Company by Eve Babitz (modern) ⭐⭐⭐
Teleny by Anonymous (queer) ⭐⭐⭐
Poetry (4) 1 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 2 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1 - ⭐⭐⭐
Dancing in Odessa by Ilya Kaminsky (e) ⭐⭐⭐
Closer Baby Closer by Savannah Brown (e) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Carrying by Ada Limón (au/ph) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Things You May Find Hidden In My Ear by Mosab Abu Toha (e) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Romance (2) 1 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1 - ⭐⭐⭐
The Duke and I by Julia Quinn (au) ⭐⭐⭐
Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston (reread, queer) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Non-fiction (10) 3 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 2 - ⭐⭐⭐
Letters to Camondo by Edmund De Waal ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Det är natten by Karolina Ramqvist (sv, e) ⭐⭐⭐
En bok av dagar by Patti Smith (tr) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
My Salinger Year by Joanna Rakoff ⭐⭐⭐⭐
A Kind of Magic by Luke Edward Hall ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Blir du ledsen om jag dör? by Nicolas Lunabba (sv) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Krigsdagböcker by Astrid Lindgren (sv) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Dagbok från 20-talet by Nicolas Lunabba (sv) ⭐⭐⭐
The Forster Cavafy Letters edited by Peter Jeffreys ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Greco Disco by Luke Edward Hall ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Fantasy (1) 1 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan (au, ph) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Contemporary (19) 1 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 8 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 9 - ⭐⭐⭐
Big Swiss by Jen Beagin (queer, au) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Kärlek i Seoul by Sang Young Park (queer, tr, au) ⭐⭐⭐
Andromeda by Therese Bohman (sv) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Min Far by Annie Ernaux (tr) ⭐⭐⭐
Göra sig kvitt Eddy Bellegueule Édouard Louis (queer, tr) ⭐⭐⭐
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami (au) ⭐⭐⭐
After Sappho by Selby Wynn Schwartz (queer) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Babetta by Nina Wähä (au, sv) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
My Policeman by Bethan Roberts (queer) ⭐⭐⭐
Rumple Buttercup by Matthew Gray Gubler (e, childrens) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Aftonland by Therese Bohman (sv) ⭐⭐⭐
Om uträkning av omfång 1 by Solvej Balle (tr, au) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Commonwealth by Ann Patchett ⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Adventures of the Seven Christmas Cards by Anthony Horowitz (au) ⭐⭐⭐
Vinternoveller by Ingvild H. Rishøi (tr) ⭐⭐⭐
Heartstopper volume 5 by Alice Oseman (queer, YA) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Stargate by Ingvild H. Rishøi (tr, au) ⭐⭐⭐⭐
In the Absence of Men by Philippe Besson (queer, tr) ⭐⭐⭐
Saint Sebastian’s Abyss by Mark Haber (au) ⭐⭐⭐
Additional info and stats under the cut:
e = ebook au = audiobook ph = physical (only used when I alternated between the audiobook and the physical copy) tr = translated sv = originally in Swedish
Childrens - 2
YA - 1
Middle grade - 1
Graphic novel - 1
Modern classics - 2
Translated - 8 (Korean, English, French x3, Danish x1, Norwegian x2)
Swedish - 7
Audio - 12
E-book - 6
Rereads - 3
Queer - 8
5 stars - 7
4 stars - 18
3 stars - 19
Owned - 30 + bought 1 as e-book)
Unhauled after reading - 8
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girafeduvexin · 10 months
Je viens de finir En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule d'Edouard Louis, et j'ai bien aimé, c'est très bien écrit, il y a des passages vraiment extraordinaires, notamment sur la violence, le harcèlement etc, après je ne sais pas si c'est un livre que je garderai tant en tête plus tard.
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philaet0s · 7 months
Hello! I have really enjoyed reading your fics on ao3! You are one of my favorite fanfic writers! Thank you very much for writing them.
For the writer ask game.
(Sorry if i come off as akward or something, I barely interact online)
Hi!! That’s so nice of you to say, thank you!! 🥰
(my phone refuses to show the emoji in a way that isn’t ridiculously big so I’ll write the questions without the emoji)
1. Who are your literary influences, and have they shaped your own writing?
I don’t know how to answer that question tbh because I’m not sure what “literary influences” is supposed to mean 😅 so I guess I’ll just rant about writers I admire, I like doing that
I can think of two specific writers whose work I’m really a fan of. The first one that came to my mind is Virginia Woolf because after 3 and a half years in university studying English lit, my brain is wired to think about English speaking writers first aha. When I read Mrs Dalloway for the first time I was blown away by Woolf’s writing style, the way she uses stream of consciousness is truly spectacular. I wish I could do that lol
The second one, and probably my favourite writer ever, is a French writer, Edouard Louis. I’m sure that one of his books was translated to English, not sure about the others, but I’d really recommend the novel that made him famous; En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule, or, in English, The End of Eddy.
His books are autobiographical novels in which he writes about different topics (growing up gay in a conservative, working class environment in the north of France, reporting a rape to the police as a man, the impact of politics on the working class, and more). I love his writing style because it’s very “simple” in the way that it is accessible. He says that he doesn’t want to write about the working class in a way the working class can’t read. I’m also really interested in the topics of his books, having grown up gay in a conservative, working class environment.
As for influencing, I don’t know how much they influence me. Perhaps Edouard Louis does in a way because reading his books made me want to add more elements about class into my stories
(I like joking that the man radicalised me, but honestly, the last few pages of his book Qui a tué mon père? would radicalise anyone, it’s a brilliant piece of political writing)
2. Are you a pantser or plotter?
After googling what pantser is, I can tell you that I am that! I usual have a general idea of the beginning, themes, and ending of my stories, and then I go with the flow for the rest. Once (for Live and Die) I tried planning everything, with a timeline and everything, but ended up not following that at all because I change my mind about things, or I think about an element that changes the trajectory of things, etc. I feel like a story is a living thing, it evolves as you work on it
3. What’s a headcanon that hasn’t made it to a published fic yet?
I’m thinking really hard about that question because I have put a lot of headcanons in my stories already aha, but I can’t find one specific thing, I’m sorry😅 I’ve been writing Snowbaz for so long, I’ve had time to cover my headcanons aha. All the ones I can think of I’ve already put in a fic
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man-reading · 2 years
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The End of Eddy by Edouard Louis
An autobiographical novel about growing up gay in a working-class town in Picardy.
"Every morning in the bathroom I would repeat the same phrase to myself over and over again ... Today I'm really gonna be a tough guy." Growing up in a poor village in northern France, all Eddy Bellegueule wanted was to be a man in the eyes of his family and neighbors. But from childhood, he was different - "girlish," intellectually precocious, and attracted to other men. Already translated into twenty languages, The End of Eddy captures the violence and desperation of life in a French factory town. It is also a sensitive, universal portrait of boyhood and sexual awakening. Like Karl Ove Knausgaard or Edmund White, Édouard Louis writes from his own undisguised experience, but he writes with an openness and a compassionate intelligence that are all his own. The result - a critical and popular triumph - has made him the most celebrated French writer of his generation.
An Encounter
From my childhood I have no happy memories. I don't mean to say that I never, in all those years, felt any happiness or joy. But suffering is all-consuming: it somehow gets rid of anything that doesn't fit into its system. Two boys appeared in the hallway, the first tall with red hair, and the second short with a hunchback. The tall redhead spat in my face How do you like that, punk. The gob of spit dripped slowly down my cheek, thick and yellow, like the noisy mucus that obstructs the throats of old people or people who are ill, with a strong, sickening smell to it. Shrill, strident laughter from the two boys Look, right in his face, the little pussy. It is dripping from my eye right toward my lips, ready to enter my mouth. I don't dare wipe it off. I could; I'd only have to lift my sleeve. It wouldn't even take a second, a tiny movement, to prevent the spit from coming into contact with my lips, but I do nothing for fear of offending them, for fear ...
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conatus · 1 year
Édouard Louis usa literatura para ter uma voz que lhe foi negada
Édouard Louis nasceu em 1992 e fez sua estreia literária aos 21 anos com o romance “O fim de Eddy” (publicado originalmente como “En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule” em 2014). Este livro descreveu a infância difícil de Louis como um menino gay em uma vila pós-industrial no norte da França, revelando uma comunidade devastada pelo vício, violência e homofobia. A narrativa de Louis foi recebida com uma…
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paoloferrario · 1 year
Edouard Louis, Metodo per diventare un altro, La Nave di Teseo, 2023
scheda dell’editore https://lanavediteseo.eu/portfolio/louis-metodo-per-diventare-un-altro/ “Una domanda si è imposta al centro della mia vita, ha catalizzato ogni mia riflessione, occupato ogni momento di solitudine: come avrei potuto prendermi quella rivincita sul mio passato, con quali mezzi? Le ho provate tutte.” É. L. Quasi un decennio dopo Farla finita con Eddy Bellegueule, il suo…
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queerographies · 1 year
[Metodo per diventare un altro][Édouard Louis]
Édouard Louis torna a parlare della sua storia e lo fa con un romanzo malinconico, lucido e affascinante. Una storia di apprendimento, di lotta e di metamorfosi per sfuggire alla povertà, alla violenza e all’esclusione.
Quasi un decennio dopo Farla finita con Eddy Bellegueule, il suo esordio divenuto un caso editoriale internazionale, Édouard Louis torna a parlare della sua storia e lo fa con un romanzo malinconico, lucido e affascinante. Una storia di apprendimento, di lotta e di metamorfosi per sfuggire alla povertà, alla violenza e all’esclusione. Il racconto del percorso lungo e doloroso che l’ha portato da…
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halipula-aika · 1 year
The whole phenomenon of translating accents and dialects in media is super interesting because at some point the translators start using previous translations as a starting point for how to translate an accent. Which gets super fun when society changes, so the same dialects and accents don't belong to equivalent classes/groups anymore.
Apparently the Finnish translator of En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule did this too, because in that book the extremely poor rural french working class speak like the Helsinki upper middle class.
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newswireml · 2 years
The Radicalization of Édouard Louis#Radicalization #Édouard #Louis
Illustration by Julie BenBassat. When his debut novel caused a sensation in France, Édouard Louis was just 21. The End of Eddy (originally published in 2014 as En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule) was an unflinching account of Louis’s difficult childhood as a gay boy in Hallencourt, a postindustrial village in northern France. In this world, the men were monstrous alcoholics, the women were trapped…
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toneelspeelster · 2 years
Hoi hoi, ik zag dat je een tijdje geleden een post had gedaan met foto's uit de voorstelling 'Weg met Eddy Bellegueule' en ik vroeg me af of jij een volledige versie hebt van die show. Ik zou die héél graag willen zien :))))
ik vrees het niet helaas.. had het toen live gekeken. sorry!! hopelijk met eline arbo nu als onderdeel van ita komt het ooit nog een keertje terug!
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coolladydot · 4 years
O istorie a violenței (recenzie)
Autor: Édouard Louis
Editura: Litera
Număr pagini:243
An apariție: 2019, București
Traducere: Alexandru Matei
Titlul original: Histoire de la violence, 2016
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Dorește și își urăște dorința. Acum vrea să se justifice pentru ce a făcut cu tine. Vrea să te facă să plătești pentru dorința lui. Vrea să te convingă că nu ați făcut ce ați făcut pentru că te dorea, ci că a fost…
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sous-le-saule · 3 years
《 Je me rappelle cette dispute avec la précision des événements que l'on crée dans sa vie à partir de souvenirs qui auraient pu être insignifiants, banals. Et puis, des mois, des années après, selon ce que l'on devient, ils prennent du sens. 》
Edouard Louis - En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule
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vriendenboekjes · 3 years
got the pamphlet for the national dutch theatre festival in the mail a couple of days ago and it's like [devil wears prada meme] julian hetzel got nominated? groundbreaking
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vickyfischer · 6 years
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#blondehair #blueeyes #redlight #studioview #oilpainting #portrait #workinprogress #wall #eddy #bellegueule #artonpaper #vickyfischer
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velvetandchampagne · 4 years
Édouard Louis, The End of Eddy (En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule, 2014)
I wrote a review of Edouard Louis's The End of Eddy, a book that I can't quite get out of my head. I've also been playing with Canv and Wordpress in order to revive my blog... any feedback welcome!
In this autobiographical novel, Édouard Louis retells his troubled childhood as a gay boy growing up in a rural working class family. In the first part of the book, he sets the background by relaying the daily life of the village and his family – a milieu he grew in opposition to. In the second part, he focuses on his sexual awakening and his attempt at escaping the village.
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Before I delve…
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