#Edgar Family Butler
bluarlequinno · 4 months
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deflatedcat · 2 months
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maid ishamael
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ohceeli · 4 months
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Make-up Tests for my Maid Ishmael cosplay.
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simvanie · 11 months
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7 Sins Legacy - generation 3 (sloth)
Cedia, Amina, and all the guests made their way to the reception after the wedding ceremony that Tomi, following in her parents' footsteps, had planned for them. Although Cedia had a brief moment of sadness that Luxor wasn't there anymore to see her get married, she was happy to see that her entire family had come to Sulani to attend the wedding. As usual, Edgar made his way to the piano and everyone danced into the early hours of the morning.
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(separate) Headcanons of the P4 and/or their fags (excluding Arden) having to take care of their younger child-age sibling please!
When the cricket tournament ended the day, and everyone already went home, they find their little sibling when they're cleaning up, in the pitch or hiding under a table and eating, not knowing they overstayed their welcome
And now they have to watch them until someone comes to pick them up, but the kid has to be carried or holding their hand, or they're going to wander off and the last thing they want is a child disappearing in their very big school full of stairs
that very last line is fucking sending me
I don't know why but it's making me laugh so much, so uh-
also this was too many for a headcanon set (my limit for those is 5 characters) so I did reaction-style instead, hopefully it's still what you're after!
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Ah, damn, he can’t believe he forgot about his sibling! Eh, well, to be fair, he’s pretty sure one of his parents was supposed to take the kid home, weren’t they? Although he could understand his father ‘forgetting’ a child, he can’t imagine his mum not realizing she left without them. While he might be a little frustrated, he still does what has to be done in looking after them until his mum gets there. He’d prefer to just hold their hand; if they insist on being carried, though, he’ll do it. It’s also possible one of his friends may end up holding the kid for a few minutes… at least his friends are trustworthy!
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Tsk… he knows this has to be his stepmother’s doing, because his father wouldn’t dream of leaving his sibling behind if he’d known. He’s definitely bitter about it simply for the fact that he already knows the woman is irresponsible; this is just the latest thing. Of course, the last thing he wants is his sibling wandering off into trouble or getting lost. Despite that this shouldn’t have happened, it has, so he’s going to carry them round till one of his parents shows up. Whoever shows up undoubtedly finds him good-naturedly trying to gently wrestle his glasses back from his sibling who’s trying them on.
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Oh, dear, what in the world has happened? Tsk, tsk, his poor little sibling, having been forgotten about! He’s not quite sure how it happened, but he’s glad they’re still here and safe. Munching away on something under a table. At least they’re alright, and he can wait for someone to come pick them up and take them home. It’s funny, because, well… even though this is his sibling, Joanne can’t help fawning over them! And Edgar thinks it’s precious, that his friend is willing to assist in looking after the little one. The child is his family, so he’ll carry them for a while… however… if Joanne would like to for a bit, there will be no complaints to be heard.
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… Oh. This. Is not good. He doesn’t blame Lizzie for letting it slip her mind to take their sibling with her, of course, it’s just… somebody should have noticed!! He’s quite worked up about it, though he does his very best not to let that cause him to run away with his emotions. This is a problem with a solution, and until that solution comes to pass (until his parents or Lizzie come to pick up the little one), he’ll do what he always does: the right thing. He gladly parades around with his sibling’s hand in his, keeping them occupied by showing them his favorite parts of the university. If he does that, they might not even realize what happened. The fewer tears and tantrums, the better.
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Goodness, this is quite the mix-up, isn’t it? Surely it wasn’t on purpose, so he has no ill feelings toward his parents. Things happen. One might assume he’s of a generally negative, poor disposition, but it’s actually not true, and never more obvious than when he’s trying to entertain his sibling. He smiles often whilst he’s holding them, and he never lets them out of his sight. Even when he hands them off to one of his friends for a moment, they’re back in his arms very quickly. Are there things he’d probably rather be doing, like painting? Perhaps. Does he still enjoy getting to spend time with his sibling? Of course. And until one of his parents shows up to collect the little one, he’s going to gladly soak up the extra time with them.
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This is… certainly not a good look, for him or his family. He doesn’t really think it’s acceptable that this happened; there’s just nothing he can do about it. All he can do is look after his sibling and try to figure out the best way to keep this from happening again. Although he will be visibly unhappy with his parents when they show up, it’s not because he has to take care of his sibling. He’s actually delighted to get to take care of them… it’s just that he can’t believe his parents overlooked that they were missing a child. Still, he keeps his sibling’s hand firmly in his, marching them around the cricket field in cadences that manage to be both silly and serious. If nothing else, he’s a very good big brother who knows how to make his sibling giggle.
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Oh! How unfortunate that in the bustle of everything, his poor little sibling was left behind! Normally his parents would never let that happen, so he knows it was a one-time accident. Plus, he’s positively tickled to get to spend more time with his sibling. He feels a little bad that they were hidden under the table and apparently still hungry with no one noticing! He’s fully prepared to just carry them around to keep them out of trouble, and also because he loves being close to them like that. He’s just so affectionate in general, as long as his sibling will tolerate it he’s overjoyed to cuddle them while walking. His parents will definitely find the two of them in the library, with Joanne eagerly reading one of his favorite (age-appropriate!!) books to his sibling.
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Tsk… the mere idea that something like this could happen means he and his family need better ways of keeping track. He has so many sisters, it’s easy for one sibling to get lost in the shuffle. Well, what’s done is done, so he’ll have to think of a way to prevent it from happening again while also looking after his sibling. He does feel lucky to have a while with them that his other siblings don’t get, and although he’s forever unsure how to deal with it, the fact that they cling to him when they’re scared means that something about him comforts them. He’s… glad he can be that for them. The only thing he can do is try to keep them calm, walking around with them. Initial surprise aside, it’s really not so bad at all.
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Aaaaah, no, his poor little sibling!! It’s alright, it’s alright, big brother is coming to the rescue immediately! He’s not particularly surprised that his sibling was left behind, in all the chaos of the day, but it’s his duty to look after them until someone can come take them safely home. Not only does he take his responsibilities as big brother seriously, he also adores getting to spend even more time with them, so this is a happy accident as far as he’s concerned. He carries them around and shows them every part of the school that he likes, and introduces them to all his friends. (He’s quite pleased that they give Maurice a kiss on the cheek!) When all’s said and done, once someone comes to get them, it’s most likely that Soma is placing his sleeping sibling carefully in Agni’s arms with one last farewell and smooch on the forehead. What a great day!
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bereasontopersistence · 2 months
Everybody's opinions on socks.
🪽 A.. piece of clothing that we can wear? I personally think it.. helps with the cold a little.
⏰ ...
[ He only gives you a smile. A rather.. unsettling one. ]
📕 Well, I guess I like wearing it when I get cold..?
⛓️‍💥 [ It only mutters under it's breath. ]
⛓️ Something we wear on our feet, I suppose..?
💢 Ridiculous...
⚫️ Why are you asking that? ...
💫 Even if I would want to answer that question of yours... even I cannot provide a serious response.
🐦‍⬛ Pardon?
🥩 Am I supposed to give a well-thought-out answer about a fuckin' sock?
🎀 I think they're nice.
⭐️ You come all the way to MY forest just to ask about a sock?
🔫 Scram.
🚫 ..s ..ocks? .. .
🌊 You chose to waste my time on an idiotic question.. who do you think I am, some clown. .?
⚡️ ...
🔴 And I thought I would be hearing at least a decent question...
🧹 Another thing to clean, yeah?
🧺 I don't know why you want my input on that.
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usachxxn · 5 months
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edgar family butlers 🧹🛎️
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mrsodacat · 4 months
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Ishmael (Edgar Family Butler identity) :]]
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zippidi-dooda · 6 months
Written 2yrs ago and haven't reread it (just posting here) so may be more cringe than my current writing. Yes, I had the mangas in hand as I searched for dates and details. Ready 4 new black butler season: my offering
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Gregory Violet x Fem. Noble Reader
The word "fag" will be mentioned in this story, but it only means someone who does a lot of things for a house's prefect.  Hope you enjoy.
2 June 1889
Dear Diary,
It is finally the 2nd of June, just two days before Weston College's interhouse cricket tournament. That means tomorrow the tournament eve's festivities will be held and I can once again meet my beloved Gregory at his school.  I hate that his school prevents me from seeing him often, but he seems happy going there and he sends me many letters with some of his lovely drawings, many inspired by the people at his school, so I suppose it's not all bad.  His house may not win the tournament this year, but I know that at least his house's match will be entertaining, as it is every year.  I wonder if he'll be busy drawing instead of participating again this year?  Or if he'll dance with me after the tournament ceremony tomorrow.  I usually dance with his fag [a fag, in this, means someone who acts similar to a butler towards the house prefect], Cheslock, or Scarlet Fox's prefect, Edgar.  They're both wonderful, but I'd rather dance with Gregory, he is my betrothed after all.  If he declines tomorrow, then I'll just have to drag him onto the dance floor.  It's very unlady-like to do so, but I must dance with him at least once before we're married.  And besides, I've seen some girls oogling him during the festivities in previous years, and I'm not fond of it.  They are either too shy or scared to actually talk to him, but that doesn't mean the same can be said for this year.  I know his heart belongs to me, but I can't help but want to make that clear to those ladies by dancing with him.  Yes, I've decided, I will dance with Gregory tomorrow, no matter what I must say or do to make it happen.
-Y/N L/N
3 June 1889
Dear diary,
Today was absolutely wonderful!  After each house and their players entered the Grand Dining Hall and the P4 lit the Flame of Saint George, the festivities began.  Well, after the vice headmaster fell down the stairs.  It was startling, he had blood running down his brow, but he walked around just fine afterwards.  He's always been rather clumsy, but I think this is the first time he's ever got himself hurt that bad.  I hope he's truly okay.  But, anyhow, I finally got to dance with Gregory!  I can feel his hand on my waist and in mine as if he is still guiding me across the Grand Hall's floor.  My heart is still jumping with excitement.  He was wasn't too thrilled at first and protested profusely, but Edgar and Cheslock convinced him to dance with me.  He sighed and, reluctantly, led me in a dance with a pout on his face.  But his frown soon turned upside down as we talked throughout the dance.  I told him what's been happening with me and vice versa.  He has such a lovely smile, I wish he showed it more often.  I'll figure out every small thing that makes him smile soon, and do my best to keep him happy.  Oh, and before I forget, I met the new housemaster and student of Sapphire Owl House that Gregory mentioned in his letters.  The new housemaster's very tall and handsom (and appears to be much younger than the other housemasters), and says such flattering words.  But, I can tell that his smile's fake and his words insincere.  He was trying to leave the ceremony early but was prevented from doing so.  As for the new student, he's short and cute, in a younger brother sort of way.  His house's prefect, Lawrence, and his rather large family were surrounding him, as well as Green Lion's fag, Edward, and his family, for a majority of the night.  According to what Gregory's said, and from what I've seen, the two are very popular.  Gregory thinks there's something suspicious about the pair, though.  I hope it's nothing to be concerned about.  Anyways, tomorrow is the start of the cricket tournament.  I won't be able to be with Gregory the whole day since he'll have to be waiting with and for his house to play, but I'll be cheering him on wholeheartedly from the sidelines.
-Y/N L/N
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serikaafuro · 4 months
Meet my Black Butler Oc, She is Edgar Redmond's older sister, Evelyn Redmond.
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Evelyn is 23 years old and, like the rest of her family, is known to be very beautiful and in fact, attracts so many men.
She is a graceful, elegant and calm woman, but on the other hand she is very overprotective, over-involved and worried towards her younger brother. Hence her dangerous side, as she will even disregard ethics for his sake.
Her first appearance was on the eve of a cricket tournament. Evelyn came with her uncle, Viscount Druitt, to meet Edgar. After she told him she was looking forward to the match, she and Lawrence's sisters had been a chat.
Even after the incident at Weston School came to light, Evelyn never blamed her younger brother. She consoled Edgar and suggested that if he was uncomfortable at home, he should go to his uncle's house until things cooled down.
She frequented the Sphere Music Hall after Edgar became S4 in the Blue Cult arc, but she was unaware of the anomalies there. By the time the newspapers exposed the evil of the Sphere Music Hall, it was already too late and she and her family couldn't contact with Edgar or any of the other three. She has been emotionally unstable ever since, and hates Blavat Sky so much that his mug shot in the newspaper was torn to shreds with a knife. She is also spending a lot of money searching for Edgar to somehow bring him back.
// I will post more about her other than these in due course.
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compassmili · 3 months
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Hunting cutlery's at the ready.
Some Edgar Family Butler Ishmael graphics... Replycon type things under the cut.
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yk-zaishi · 5 months
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Edgar Family Butlers
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soft-hardboy · 24 days
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waiter more ids please! theres a handful of new ones, all listed on his little document, but ill go over them here too!
Shi Association South Section 5 Kiya - Not very clumsy but prone to not being good at stealth due to his size and being prone to getting into arguments about tactics!
Pequod Second Mate Kiya - This one was literally a joke from a friend (@/alecto-class-nhp-nue) cause I joke about a Vengeance Trio Polycule (kiya, heathcliff, ishmael because their plots ya know) and I was told to swap Yi Sang for Kiya and i went "NOO!!!! YI SANG NEEDS HIS SMILE!" so this exists now also he has a sword made of mermaid teeth. it sings.
Acro Workshop Representative Kiya - This is his Canto ID, mechanical kit also mocked up by the above friend. Humorously, not a bad end ID in the sense of like N-clair or Ahabmael
Edgar Family Butler Kiya - He got put back into the hospitality industry after running away from it. Normally he wears the maid dress, but also he has the punching from the Wuthering Heights Butlers. It's very funny!
Kurokumo Clan Wakashu Kiya - My notes on him is that he refuses to wear the normal dress shirt and wears a sukajan instead and it pisses off everyone else hfjhjhjfjhfj
Liu Association South Section 4 Kiya - The joke here is that he's in the section with all the women!!! And uses a weapon!!! Also that he came to me in my dreams, still so confused about that
Seven Association Kiya - He's not an actual ID but the idea of a Fixer who is here exclusively to cook little tea biscuits is funny to me okay
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Okay. One of the ideas, I thought of...
Again based on a movie, I used to watch on repeat as a kid... Aristocats.
Dutchess would be either Sera or Adam (if Sera takes that role, I think it would be either her husband or mother as the cats' owner, if Adam, then Sera is their mother), while Lilith, Emily and Adam/Lute would be the kittens and Lucifer as Thomas O'Malley. Maybe Alastor could be Edgar. I have two versions of it. Pick one, you like.
1. Sera is/was actor in Opera, but now retired to spend time with her family, 18 year old son, Adam, and 10 year old triplet daughters, Lilith, Emily and Lute. Her husband, sadly, passed away few years prior, and Sera herself, not knowing how long it could be before she herself would pass, she decides to go ahead and write her will. House butler and, essentially, the kids' nanny, Alastor, overhears it and hopes he would get something out of it... but then he hears that Sera says her children would be ones to inherit everything. Angry, Alastor drugs Adam and girls with some sleeping pills and, at night, drives them away to unknown spot. Now, the four must find their way back home. Luckily, Adam meets a local, a young man of his age, Lucifer, who agrees to help them.
2. A couple, Sera and her husband, are retired actors in Opera, now just enjoying time with their three children, 16 year old triplets, Adam, Emily and Lilith. Ace, the husband, sadly, heard news of his health starting to decline. Doctors say it's nothing bad and it can improve, but Ace doesn't want to misstep, so he calls to write his will right now. He just wants to have it done before it's too late. Alastor, still butler and triplets' nanny, overhears that and that he plans to will everything to his wife and children, is pissed. To ensure this wouldn't happen, he again drugs Sera and the kids, before sending them away, so they now must find the way back... Lucifer still helps them, still Adam's love interest... but him and Sera also have a line, where she learns to trust and respect him, starting to look at him as a good potential partner for Adam and future son-in-law.
Basically... that. Tell me, which one you like more! :D
I think I like the first one best!
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Tumblr's favorite animated movie!
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Vote in the other polls! What fans say:
The Book of Life:
It's a day of the dead movie that came out a few years before Coco and crafts a simple yet elegant story about God, love, adventure and facing your family's scorn for the right to be yourself. The protagonist Manolo is by the creator's own admission a sort of self portrait, and Manolo going against his father's dreams of him becoming a bullfighter while Manolo wants to go into music are reflective of the creator's own tension with his father over being an artist. It's a very Mexican film in that Jorge Gutierrez, the director, specifically informed his creative team to not do one of those 'touristy research trips' and to instead ask him or the other Mexican staff members about cultural things. Also it's so fucking beautiful like look at it. There's this part where the Manolo is facing his greatest fear, the epitome of his family legacy staring him down, and for a moment nearly gives in to the pressures of his family name but chooses mercy instead of violence and saves the bull he was pressured to kill. Apologizing to it for all the pain his ancestors put its kind through for the sake of their bloody sport and in his mercy wins a chance at coming back to life.
It's an amazing film, from the beautiful artwork and animation, to the casting, to the overall plot. My favorite scene is probably when La Muerte yells "You misbegotten son of a leprous donkey!"
The Aristocats:
Jazz musician cats.
Great art/animation, great characters, great music, a great story. The kittens! Roquefort the mouse! The romance between Duchess and Thomas O'Malley. She -- an elegant purebred cat -- doesn't care that he's a scruffy stray. He -- after being briefly taken aback -- doesn't care that she already has three kittens who need looking after. The butler Edgar is one of the scariest kinds of villains, because no one knew he was one at first, and even when the cats knew it, he still had the trust of his mistress. Truly someone who deserved to be shipped off in a crate to Timbuktu. And the cats, man, O'Malley's jazz-loving friends. EVERYBODY *dances* EVERYBODY *blows trombone* EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE A CAT! *Goes to town on the piano*
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hurtfulbf · 5 months
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Edgar Family Butlers Don, Faust & Kromer
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