#Edible psychedelics
tumb0429 · 7 months
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fluorescentbrains · 6 months
i like to listen to podcasts etc with people talking about doing weird drugs because i’m the kind of person who gets really curious about weird drugs but would never actually try them myself. and one thing i’ve noticed is people will be like “yeah i was just chilling but then i got really scared and the ground fell out from under me and i thought i was dying” and i’m like i’m pretty sure that happened to me but during a panic attack. like my brain just did that for no reason. and then i didn’t even meet god or whatever
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businesscatfelix · 2 years
i’m always rlly confused by modern au interpretations of the blions where they do hard drugs bc i really don’t think they’d do anything in the company of each other harder than weed, and even then idk if they’re even cool enough to know where to get it.
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innerhideouttree · 2 months
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psycodreamzzzz · 5 months
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magicpschedlic · 7 months
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ideologyofone · 9 months
U were so real for that tag talking about how you got so high you thought your dog knew the superbass lyrics
Truthfully I think I was just looking at him and singing Superbass but in the moment tell me he doesn’t look like he knows the lyrics to superbass lmao
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william-scott77 · 1 year
Mushroom Gummies by Bloom
one pack of mushrooms Gummy by Bloom is made of one large gummy and is inoculated with 1.5 grams of active Psilocybin mushrooms. Micro-dosing can offer some special effects and greatly enjoyable therapeutic effects. Moreover, micro-dosing can also deliver a powerful and even reality-altering effect. Should, in this case,  one is driving or carrying out any other activities they are not recommended.
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ridragon · 1 year
So I think fly agaric mushrooms make me feel the best and more importantly most lucid out of anything I've tried so far, but unfortunately they taste awful enough for me to almost puke if I try to eat them without just bunching them up and swallowing them like pills with a drink (MY PARTNER THINKS THEYRE DELICIOUS....) oh well. Can't have it all I guess.
I haven't gotten any cool hallucinations tho. Just feel really silly and lighthearted and weird. I'm gonna try more tonight. So far low doses barely do anything to me tho, which is apparently normal for some people. Joy, I love being immune to happy chemical.
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mearchy · 1 month
The clones with drugs and alcohol - HCs
In no particular order. Obviously TW for mature themes.
Thinks of himself as a very responsible drinker, only occasionally indulges and usually when talked into it by his brothers.
Won't touch spice or any other drugs.
Able to be coaxed into shenanigans SO easily when drunk
Therefore his brothers have IMMENSE motivation to get him drunk when they want to pull Nonsense
Can also be a very sad drunk, I think. Please give him hugs.
Can hold his liquor... fine. His tolerance isn't great because he doesn't drink often but he's got engineered supersoldier metabolism so he holds up alright, to his relief.
Who do you think Rex got his responsible drinking and drug habits from?
Except Cody is the kind of mf who learned through EXPERIENCE.
His batchmates have stories about teenage drunk Cody that they are sworn to secrecy about on pain of death.
Drunk Cody is TWICE as ready to throw down and is five times LESS inhibited about bodily tackling someone with no regard for his own safety.
Cody can probably hold his liquor but wouldn't it be so funny if he couldn't. Marshall Commander two-sheets-to-the-wind-from-four-glasses-of-wine.
He's the guy who will make direct, unwavering eye contact (ha. just the one.) with you across the table as you're both taking a sip from your drinks and suddenly you're in a competition for who can keep chugging their drink until the whole thing is empty and he's so scary how is he DOING that-
Wolffe has a naturally competitive and snippy personality but I do actually think he softens more around the edges with a few drinks in his system.
Not in a sloppy way just smiling a little more and being more affectionate.
Doesn't like or trust any substances that aren't well known to him, won't touch anything other than alcohol.
Sloppy, loud, kind of peevish drunk. All the shit that's always simmering under his skin has an excuse to come out.
“Listen, man. We need to start a revolution. Why hasn't someone bombed the Senat- oh, they have? Shit, can I be in on that?”
Will drop space acid or smoke space weed but only if Echo does. And Echo is smart enough to know that the paranoia Fives gets when he smokes weed is not worth it.
Type of guy to run across some random person in the desert and take psychedelics with them and go on an intense spiritual journey where he communes with dead gods. And then he shows back up at camp a couple hours later having achieved six new levels of enlightenment looking none the worse for wear. Only ever tells three people about this.
Echo is the kind of guy to have an Excel spreadsheet of dosages so he can bake the world's most precisely engineered edibles.
It doesn't work anyway because Fives keeps sticking his fingers in the batter and now the damn ratio is slightly off, why would you do that-
Also cannot keep a secret for the absolute life of him so he cannot pretend to be sober and he must be kept contained while drinking/stoned illicitly.
Maybe a very loving drunk. Or very sad. I'm not sure.
You already know he's in the club taking shots dancing on tabletops with his shirt off.
Life of the party, BUT he also doesn't mind being the designated driver. Flyer? Designated sober friend.
Type of guy to cheerily carry his drunk, passed out besties home and dump them into bed.
He's actually an explosives expert not just an enthusiast and he’s kind of a genius and everyone forgets that until he gets drunk and starts writing the equations to create insane explosive devices on his napkin while enthusiastically explaining it to his friends.
Very high alcohol tolerance.
This man dresses like he's from Bangor Maine. I just know he was on that void planet smoking wild amounts of weed, and wearing Birkenstocks and a Patagonia puffer vest over a flannel shirt while doing it.
Thinks alcohol is a crutch.
World's most miserable drunk.
But also can act really embarrassingly flamboyant so he stays away from alcohol at all costs.
Heh... I should kill my boss heh... wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if ... haha if I just walked into his office with a grenade right now and pulled the pin... fine, fiiine, yes, stop yelling at me. I would neeever leave Thorn with that much paperwork.
Zero tolerance, complete lightweight, doesn't matter how often he drinks. Can't hold his liquor for shit.
He either does mind-boggling amounts of coke or he's completely 100% straight edge and always has been. Don't ask me how I know this.
He's so normal about alcohol I bet.
But he is giggling and kicking his feet and twirling his hair while talking to his brothers about Aayla and about the adventures of his men.
Absolutely incorrigible gossip.
Not braver after a few drinks just more prone to melting into a puddle.
Tried space MDMA once (spice?) just to say he did and hated it.
Uhhh if I do a part two it will include the bad batch and some other clones I missed.
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william-scott77 · 1 year
Mastermind Funghi Ba
If it’s your first time taking psilocybin mushrooms and you don’t know where to begin, look no further. We got the perfect entry trip to the otherworldly dimensions. our Funghi Bar is the perfect dose for a beginner who is looking for a solid yet forgiving first experience. Blended with 1.5 grams of high-quality psilocybin mushrooms. One can expect the effects to be very significant without being overwhelming at all.
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merrybloomwrites · 6 months
You Can Start a Family (Extra: Getting High)
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Summary: Y/N's never tried weed before, and has an interesting night trying it for the first time with the three people she loves and trusts the most.
AN: This is a story about people getting high, written by someone who's never been high. I did a fair amount of research, so I hope it's accurate enough to what people experience lol
Previous Chapters:
Main Story: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight ; Nine ; Ten
Sickfic Part 1 ; Part 2
Mitchrry Prequel
Fan Reactions
Holiday Blues
Mitchryy Reunion
Word Count: 2.8K
CW: Mentions of smut & daddy kink; drug use
It’s a perfect Friday morning. You’re sitting at the kitchen table of your LA home with Sarah, Mitch, and Harry. Sarah had surprised you all with a full English breakfast “just because” and you’re enjoying every delicious bite.
It’s so good that everyone is practically silent, no one wants to take a break from eating to say anything. You’re the first to get full so you decide to start up some conversation. There’s something you’ve been wanting to ask them but have been too shy to actually voice your question.
Deciding to finally go for it, you break the silence saying, “What’s it like to get high?”
Simultaneously, all three of them stop mid chew to stare at you, completely caught off guard by your question.
Harry composes himself first and after finishing his bite of food he says, “Well it depends on what drug you’ve taken.” You’re grateful for the way he responded, showing that they’ll take the conversation seriously and not as a joke.
It’s no secret that he and Mitch have done a couple different drugs in the past. It’s common knowledge that “She” was written by Mitch while he was under the influence of psychedelic drugs. And everyone’s heard the story of Harry biting off part of his tongue while high on mushrooms.
Harry has also mentioned having done coke once or twice, and that admittedly makes you a little nervous. You went through the DARE program growing up where you’d been taught that all drugs will ruin your life and kill you. So while you never judge others for occasionally getting a little high, it does make you somewhat nervous that something bad could happen when they do.
You voice your concerns to them, and they talk you through what drugs they’ve tried, what it was like, and how they ensure their safety while under the influence. By the end you’re feeling better about everything.
But you notice one thing they left out.
“And what about weed?” You ask.
“What about it?” Mitch asks.
“What are you guys like when you smoke it? Eat it? Whatever you all do with pot,” you clarify.
“The boys prefer to smoke,” Sarah answers, “And I don’t like smoking, so I’ll have some edibles if I want to participate.”
“We all get pretty mellow,” Mitch says to answer your question.
“You can be more mellow?” You inquire jokingly, referring to his generally calm demeanor.
“He just sits there all smiley,” Harry says.
Sarah laughs and adds, “Yea, until he starts getting extra horny.”
You blush thinking about what that must be like and then ask, “What about you two? What are you guys like?”
“Sarah gets very giggly. And chatty,” Mitch answers. “And Harry gets the munchies.”
“Seriously?” You ask. Harry, the person in this relationship who is most regimented about what he eats and rarely ever snacks, gets the munchies?
“Oh, for sure,” Harry answers. “All bets are off when I’m high. Calories don’t count,” he finishes with a shrug.
“I wonder what I’d be like,” you say quietly.
“Y/N, do you want to try it? We’d all be with you, make sure nothing happens,” Sarah says.
You sit silently for a moment, debating what to say. This was another goal of yours for this conversation. You want to try getting high, especially with the three of them, who you trust more than anyone. You had been offered weed at a couple parties before, and always turned it down, nervous that something could go wrong. But here? With Sarah, and Mitch, and Harry? Well, that sounds like it could actually be fun.
You nod and say, “Yea, I kind of do want to try.”
“Okay,” Harry says. “We can make that happen.”
After that, the conversation turns to other topics as you finish eating and cleaning up breakfast. Harry spends a good chunk of the day writing. Mitch helps him but heads to the grocery store in the afternoon. Meanwhile, you and Sarah work in the garden, getting it ready to put in some new plants.
Happy with your progress for the day, you head inside to take a shower. When you’re done and dressed you walk down to the living room where Sarah, also freshly showered, and Harry and sitting together on the couch. You join them, sitting beside Harry. He talks a bit about what he worked on so far and then you finally hear the door opening, alerting you all that Mitch has returned from the store.
All three of you join him in the kitchen, helping to put the groceries away. You get to one bag that looks different from the others, like it came from a different store, but it still just seems to contain some different snacks, namely chocolates and some gummy candies. You get a closer look and notice the little leaf symbol on all of the packages.
“Uhm, Mitch? What is this?” You know what it is, or at least, you’re mostly sure, but it feels like a good idea to actually confirm.
He looks over to see what you’re holding and smirks before saying, “Well that would be weed. Figured it wouldn’t hurt to grab some after our talk this morning.”
“Can we try it?”
“Sure,” he replies.
“Tonight?” You ask.
“Are you sure?” Sarah confirms.
“I mean, it seems like a good time. We have a free weekend, which never happens. And I don’t want to overthink it more than I already have.”
“Ok,” Harry responds. “After dinner if you still want to then these will be our dessert,” he says, taking the bag of goodies from you and putting it in a cabinet, far away from the rest of the snacks.
“Sorry it’s only edibles,” Mitch says to Harry. “Sarah doesn’t smoke, and I didn’t think Y/N would either. And you don’t like smoking alone so, yea.”
“Are you not joining us?” Sarah asks.
“Not this time, I want to stay sober just in case.”
“Look at you, going into daddy mode,” Harry jokes.
There’s a flicker in Mitch’s eyes at that, something you’ve never seen before. “Haven’t heard that nickname in a long time,” Mitch says.
“You haven’t earned it,” Harry replies, tone definitely cheeky, and a little suggestive. You tuck the encounter away in your mind, making a note to ask them about whatever that just was at another time.
Now that everything seems to be decided, you turn to start making dinner. With the prospect of a new experience on the horizon you need to do something that’s familiar to you. Sarah helps you cook, and the boys clean up after.
Once everyone is in comfy clothes you meet up back in the living room. Mitch is holding the chocolate bar and gives you a look before asking, “Still want to try this?”
“I do,” you reply. You’re excited, even if you’re slightly nervous about how you might act or if you might say something stupid while under the influence.
“Alright,” he replies.
Mitch opens the package, breaking off three pieces and handing one to each of you. He then passes the rest to Harry, saying, “You might want one more in a bit. It’s a pretty low dose.”
You pop the chocolate in your mouth, a thrill going through you at doing something you’ve always been told was dangerous. It’s silly to feel this way, knowing now that the likelihood of this having any type of negative outcome is extremely slim, but it still feels almost reckless in an exciting way.
Nothing happens for a bit, but you expected that. Harry ends up taking one more piece, and you wonder if you should as well. Before you can even ask, Mitch says, “No more for you, give it time.”
Sarah adds, “It’ll kick in soon, trust me.”
And she isn’t wrong. You don’t notice it happening, but eventually you feel different. Your body feels kind of tingly, and you’re smiling but you don’t really know why.
The next thing you know, you and Sarah are discussing the garden at length. The area you have set aside is totally not big enough. You need way more space so you can grow veggies and berries and like, three orange trees so you can make your own orange juice every morning. Harry gets up no less than five times to retrieve snacks from the kitchen and you discover you’re actually starving, which is weird because wasn’t dinner an hour ago? You’re never hungry so soon after a meal.
Some more time apparently passes, and you and Sarah are now laughing at a story Harry’s telling about his craziest fan encounter.
Suddenly you remember a comment from earlier and turn to Mitch. He’s sitting next to you on the couch, completely entertained by the antics of the three of you and doesn’t miss when your attention focuses on him.
When you don’t say anything for over a minute he gives you a confused look and says, “Can I help you?”
“Why did Harry call you daddy earlier?” You ask.
At this question both Mitch and Harry blush. BLUSH. You don’t think you’ve ever seen that before.
Mitch looks at your doe eyed, innocent expression and thinks for a minute how he’s going to explain this to you. He sometimes forgets that all your sexual experience has been with him, and there’s a lot you’re unfamiliar with. Sure, the fact that you have sex with three people at once might seem adventurous, but the sex you all have tends to be mostly very vanilla. Mitch watches your inquisitive expression as he figures out the best way to explain daddy kinks and dom/sub dynamics to you.
He decides to start by asking you, “Have you heard of daddy kinks before?”
Your eyes go wide as you realize that this is going down a sexual route. Sarah starts giggling next to you at your reaction and you pout before saying, “Don’t laugh at me, you know I was sheltered!”
“I don’t mean to, you’re just so adorable when you're all shocked and naive,” she replies.
Sarah then shifts on the couch so she’s laying sideways, her back against the armrest. She pulls you to her, so your back is against her chest. Mitch slides closer and Harry takes the seat next to him. You and Sarah both stretch out your legs over Mitch’s lap until your feet rest on Harry. You feel all warm inside, getting to be in contact with all three of them.
“Sorry for laughing,” Sarah says quietly in your ear. “You know how much we love teaching you new things.” You shutter involuntarily at her suggestive tone. She wraps her arms around your middle as Mitch says, “You never answered my question.”
“There was a question?” You say and start giggling. You search your fuzzy brain, trying to remember what he asked you, then trying to remember what you guys were even talking about.
“I asked you if you knew what a Daddy kink is,” he says, watching you closely in case you had another entertaining reaction.
This time your face goes serious, and Mitch can literally see the wheels turning in your mind as you come up with an answer.
After a literal minute of thinking you reply with a decisive, “No.”
“Okay. So, a common misconception is that someone with a daddy kink has daddy issues. And that could be the case for some people but that’s not really what it is. It’s about power dynamics. Like one person gives over control to the other person. And the one with control would be considered daddy.”
“Mitch, that was a fucking terrible explanation,” Harry says. “Y/N, did that make sense to you?”
“Not really, no.”
Sarah decides to take over and says, “Do you remember the night after one of the Wembley shows when we teased you on the ride home?” You immediately remember what she’s talking about and a shutter of pleasure runs through your body at the memory. “And when we got back to the room we edged you even more and wouldn’t let you come? And then made you come multiple times until you passed out?”
“Holy shit,” Harry says. “Why have I never asked about things you did before I joined? Fuck, that sounds hot.”
You blush at the memory and Sarah continues, saying, “That night, Mitch and I had the power. We were in control of your pleasure. You trusted us to take care of you. That’s what a dom/sub dynamic is about. And there’s different titles that doms go by, like sir and ma’am or daddy and mommy. Depends on personal preference.”
“And Mitch prefers daddy?” You ask. He huffs out a laugh and looks visibly flustered at this question, so you say, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Oh, he for sure prefers daddy,” Harry adds. “The first time I let it slip out, he came instantaneously.” Your body starts to heat up and you squirm in Sarah’s lap as Harry continues, “I’d asked him to restrain me and just take what he wanted. He went full daddy mode and didn’t even realize. One of the hottest things I’ve ever experienced.”
You can’t sit still any longer, so you move, your limbs uncoordinated due to the drugs and lust clouding your mind, but you finally succeed in straddling Mitch’s lap.
“I wanna do that,” you say.
“Do what exactly?” Mitch presses.
“I dunno. Everything. Anything you guys want to do. I want to give up control,” you answer.
“Darling, I don’t think you’ve ever been in control in bed,” Sarah says with another giggle.
“Okay but like, I wanna do it legit. Please, daddy?” You say with puppy dog eyes looking right at Mitch.
He groans, and you think you’re getting your way, so you move to kiss him and grind down in his lap. His hands grip your waist and frustratingly, they stop your movements.
“Look at me, baby,” he says, and your eyes dart back to meet his. “We can try it, but not now.”
“Why not?” You whine.
“Because you’re high and can’t fully consent. We all have to be sober to do this the right way. And there’s a lot we need to talk about first. We need to discuss limits, safe words, things like that. Okay?”
“Fine. But I won’t forget this.”
“Trust me babe, neither will I,” he replies, nipping at your ear and you give him a dirty look for teasing you.
“Now, why don’t we watch a movie?” Mitch suggests.
“Emperor's New Groove!” You immediately shout.
“What’s that one about?” Harry asks.
“Seriously? You’ve never seen it?” He shakes his head no and you look at the other two who confirm they’d never watched it either.
“NONE of you have seen Emperor's New Groove? That’s a fucking travesty.” They all burst into laughter since you never curse but this seems to be high enough stakes to earn the explicit word.
“We are watching it. Right now.” You jump off the couch, stumbling across the room to grab the remote. You plop back into Sarah’s lap, legs outstretched over the boys, and concentrate on putting the movie on.
Before you press play you say, “I have one very important question.”
“And what would that be, love?” Harry asks.
“Are there more snacks?”
Without a word he gets up and makes a trip to the kitchen, bringing back an assortment of treats.
You grab some of the chocolates and start the movie.
You’re all a giggling mess watching the movie, and you’re starting to get very sleepy by the time it’s over. Mitch has his work cut out for him, rounding the three of you up and helping you all get ready for bed. You cooperate with brushing your teeth and washing your face, but refuse to put pants on, arguing that it’s too warm and all you want is one of Harry’s t-shirts. You also refuse to walk from the bathroom to the bedroom, and Mitch steps in before Sarah can try picking you up while she’s still unsteady herself.
You’re basically dead weight in Mitch’s arms, and you laugh uncontrollably when he gently throws you onto the mattress. The night ends with all four of you together in bed, exchanging “I love you” back and forth repeatedly.
You fall asleep on top of Mitch, and he thinks back to how the evening went. He can’t help but smile at the fact that high Y/N is basically a combination of the other three when high. You laugh and talk uncontrollably like Sarah, snack like Harry, and get a bit more horny than usual like Mitch.
And he certainly won’t forget the conversation you’d had any time soon. He hopes the rest of you won’t either. As he strokes your hair and looks fondly at Sarah and Harry sleeping at his sides, he feels like today was a perfect day. And he can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.
AN: Thank you so much for reading! Requests are open so if you want to see anything specific, let me know!
Taglist: @akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@theekyliepage@numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry@ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess@houseofdilfs@shaquille-0atmeal-1@kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye@n0vaj3an@snwells@drunk-teens-doing-drugs ; @fdl305@creativelyeva@daphnesutton@selluequestrian@lovingfurypanda @stardream14 @tbsloneely@eversincehs1@boomitsallie1@rose-garden-dreamz @fictionalmensblog @buckybarnessimpp
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galaxywarp · 9 months
I just ate 44mg of edibles, lit a candle, and im about to get into my tropical beach themed bath bomb bath.
I told the guy at the dispensary that I have been using edible trips as sort of ,,,, healing psychedelic journeys. Which sounds so stoner but it’s true. I get high as hell and then have talks with myself that genuinely change and improve my mindset going forward as I deal with past trauma and process emotions.
So I basically asked the guy to give me something that would knock me on my ass. And then I took two of them.
also I didn’t sleep last night.
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slaytheprofessor · 3 months
"Well..." You exhale. "If he doesn't really know what he's doing, maybe I can talk with him. See if he'll see reason."
The Guide: ...
The Guide: You can certainly try.
Voice of the Rebel: Oooh. Just got chills.
Voice of the Researcher: *mutters* Oh my god.
The Guide: You head down the street in the right direction. You know instinctively where to turn, which signs to follow, which landmarks to look out for.
The Guide: Finally, you are standing in front of the library---a small, one-story space sandwiched between two taller buildings. The windows are boarded up, and a closed sign is hanging in the door.
Voice of the Rebel: Okay, so... do we, like, smash the window, reach in, and open it from the inside, then? Or do we just kick the door down?
Voice of the Researcher: Have you considered, oh, I dunno, just opening the door? It might not even be locked.
Voice of the Rebel: Uh, it's closed. That usually means that it's locked.
The Guide: Maybe attempt to open it before engaging in destruction of property?
Voice of the Rebel: Thought you said this place was abandoned, big guy! There's nobody to make a fuss if we do a little B&E action, right?
Voice of the Researcher: I've decided that I don't like you.
Voice of the Rebel: *singsong* Ask me if I care! Teacher's pet.
Voice of the Researcher: Hey, Guide, can I punch---
The Guide: No.
The Guide: And, by the way... the professor is, by nature, a clever man. He will lie, he will cheat, and he will do everything in his power to stop you from killing him.
The Guide: You can reason with him, if you want. But I would keep your guard up. And I wouldn't be quick to trust him.
Voice of the Researcher: We're still hearing him out.
The Guide: Yes, I know. You've made that clear.
You cross the street and open the door to the library, the creaking of the door and the ringing of a little bell sounding as you do. And when you step inside...
The voices in your head are quiet for a minute.
Voice of the Researcher: Okay, uh... what the hell am I looking at right now?
The Guide: *completely and utterly befuddled* The... the library is a patchwork of so many different libraries, blended together in an ill-fitting design that seems on the verge of falling apart. Is it an office space? Is it the interior of a cave? Is it a waiting room? Is it a lab? Is it a workshop?
The Guide: The library is all of them, and they are all the library. The only thing that's clear---the only thing that makes sense---is a pristine blade, perched on a desk that resembles an impossible object drawing more than a real, tangible thing.
The Guide: The blade is your implement. I wouldn't recommend going down there without it.
Voice of the Rebel: No coffee shop? Booooo.
Voice of the Researcher: We're standing in the middle of a fever dream, and you're worried about coffee?!
Voice of the Rebel: I mean, I obviously don't need to worry about edibles, seeing how trippy this place is. *laugh-snorts* Fuck me, I feel high already! Forget the coffee bar, this place rocks!
You allow yourself to ignore the fact that there is, apparently, a part of you that enjoys taking psychedelics. Because as confusing as this place is, the Guide has neglected to mention one thing.
Hovering above the wall next to the door---and it must be hovering, since nothing fits right in this place---is a mirror. Made of black glass.
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lolzychan · 2 months
here’s a list i made a couple months ago of drugs Homestar Runner characters would do
Homestar would be mostly against doing drugs and judge other people for using them but I can imagine Strong Bad tricking him into eating pot brownies and edible gummies at parties as a prank and unintentionally get him hooked on them because “they have me feeling real good!”
Pom Pom would also be against drugs but mostly because he takes his career more seriously than Homestar does. He'd be more into drinking alcohol than doing drugs
Marzipan would absolutely DESPISE drugs so she would probably scold Homestar for coming home smelling like pot for half an hour and make him sleep outside
Strong Bad would hit the kush with The Cheat and Strong Mad, regularly, because what else would you do besides check emails terrorize the town and play video games all day
Strong Mad would get confused and drink bong water
The Cheat would take LSD because he’s a dj at club technochocolate so of course he would.
(I also, for some reason, wrote down a whole thing in this notebook about The Cheat possibly even being a drug like those psychedelic frogs that you get high off of by licking them. its a funny concept on paper but makes no fucking sense in hindsight)
Strong Sad isn’t confident enough to do drugs, he probably sees them as intimidating. the only ones he really does are ones prescribed to him. tho i can imagine he'd lightly abuse some of his meds to get a high out of it, that, or Strong Bad would prank him with pot brownies too. Y'know what actually- scratch allat Lets just say he drinks wine in the dark and cries all night.
Homsar would drink bong water too but on purpose
Coach z would drink lean because h
Bubs is everybody's plug. he provides them with their shit and nobody truly knows where hes getting them from. whether its from some supplier abroad or he makes them himself in an underground lab like in Breaking Bad. who knows what all kinds of shit he's likely on
The King of Town would do bath salts, get knocked off his rocker and eat someone's face off
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Mushroom gummies being sold to promote brain function might instead contain harmful ingredients not listed on the label, including illicit psilocybin, the hallucinogen found in "magic" mushrooms, experts warn in new report.
Five people in Virginia, including a 3-year-old child, have been sickened by the gummies, University of Virginia doctors said.
The gummies claimed to contain the Amanita muscaria mushroom or a proprietary mushroom blend, researchers said.
Amanita muscaria mushrooms, also known as fly agaric, are not classified as a scheduled drug by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Science explains mind-altering effects of 'magic' mushrooms
Diamond Shruumz edibles recalled due to high levels of mushroom toxin
Americans show growing interest in microdosing psychedelics
But lab analysis found psilocybin or psilocin in 3 of 5 different brands of gummies bought in central Virginia gas stations and smoke shops. These "magic" mushroom chemicals are classified as illicit drugs by the FDA, researchers noted.
"While we anticipated that we might find some undisclosed ingredients, we were surprised to find psilocybin and psilocin, knowing that they are scheduled drugs," said researcher Lindsay Bazydlo, medical director of UVA Health's Toxicology Laboratory. "The consumer should be given accurate information about what substances are included in these products."
Other ingredients found in the gummies -- but not listed on packaging -- included caffeine, ephedrine and kratom. Kratom is an herb that produces opioid-like effects and carries a risk of addiction.
"People tend to equate 'legal' with 'safe,' which is not necessarily the case. These products are not regulated and can contain any number of unlabeled substances which, when consumed, can cause undesired symptoms," said researcher Dr. Avery Michienzi, assistant medical director with UVA's Blue Ridge Poison Center.
Four adults seen in the UVA Health Medical Center emergency room in September and November had consumed the mushroom gummies intentionally, researchers said.
But the child, seen this June, had consumed two gummies accidentally.
All were treated and released, but the child required an overnight hospital stay.
Researchers are warning that people who buy these mushroom gummies have no way of knowing what they're putting into their bodies, as the products are unregulated.
"Some packages will have QR codes showing that the products were tested in a lab and contain only what they are labeled to contain," Michienzi said in a university news release. "These have been found to be inaccurate."
For this study, researchers bought three brands claiming to have the same ingredients as the gummies that sickened the five patients. They also bought two other brands claiming to contain "mushroom nootropics" - a trendy term that implies a substance will improve cognition and brain health.
Symptoms caused by these gummies can include hallucinations, racing heartbeat, upset stomach and altered mental state, doctors said. Typical hospital drug screens will not detect the substances that were found in the gummies.
These findings were published Thursday in the CDC publication Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
More information
The University of California, San Diego, has more on Amanita muscaria mushrooms.
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