#Culinary enlightenment
tumb0429 · 7 months
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sentimental-sil · 1 year
one thing I learned 2day is while I may already know how to cook onions, that up until this evening I did not know how to caramelize onions.
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paninid · 2 years
It oughta be a never-ending premise for comedy that Enlightenment Era settler-colonialists funded extractive public-private partnerships for the sake of spices to improve their privileged culinary experience and now the descendants of their sensitive palates can’t hang.
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simmerkate · 8 months
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XTRA Interactions v2
If you have the older version of this mod please remove and replace with this one :) introducing the latest update to XTRA Interactions v2 for The Sims 4, now with positive and negative buffs for each interaction outcome, each with a 50/50 chance of occurring! Embrace the unpredictability of social dynamics as your Sims navigate through a diverse array of conversations, where every choice carries the potential for both positive and negative effects.
Foodies Talk (Pie Menu):  Your sim has to have the foodie trait
Engage in culinary discussions and experience the flavorful consequences. While sharing insights on "Discuss Food Documentaries" might leave your Sims feeling enlightened, debating on "Washing Chicken" could leave a lingering sense of uncertainty.
Discuss Food Documentaries:
Positive Buff: Food Cravings
Negative Buff: Food Guilt
Suggest the Perfect Wine:
Positive Buff: Wine Connoisseur
Negative Buff: Wine Snobbery
Swap Kitchen Disasters:
Positive Buff: Culinary Friends
Negative Buff: Cooking Frustration
Talk about Favorite Restaurants:
Positive Buff: Culinary Enthusiasm
Negative Buff: Dining Disappointment
Tell about Family Recipes:
Positive Buff: Heritage Connection
Negative Buff: Family Recipe Disrespect
Debate on Washing Chicken:
Positive Buff: Chicken Tips
Negative Buff: Wash Your Goddamn Chicken!!
Activism (Pie Menu):
Stand up for what you believe in and face the repercussions. Embracing "Female Empowerment" could empower your Sim with confidence, while discussions on "Social Justice" might stir up feelings of frustration.
Female Empowerment:
Positive Buff: Empowered Sisterhood
Negative Buff: Gender Bias Awareness
Stand Up Against Gender Inequality:
Positive Buff: Equality Advocate
Negative Buff: Gender Stereotype Pressure
Talk About the Living Crisis:
Positive Buff: Empathy Activist
Negative Buff: Crisis Fatigue
Talk about Social Justice:
Positive Buff: Social Justice Warrior
Negative Buff: Activist Burnout
Discuss Animal Rights:
Positive Buff: Animal Advocate
Negative Buff: More People Needed
Body Positivity Conversation:
Positive Buff: Self-Love Boost
Negative Buff: Struggling with Body Image
Health & Wellness (Pie Menu):
Nurture your Sims' well-being and explore the balance between mind, body, and soul. Engaging in "Mindfulness" might bring a sense of tranquility, but discussions about "Mental Health" could trigger feelings of vulnerability.
Discuss Fitness Classes:
Positive Buff: Fitness Community
Negative Buff: Fitness Comparison
Engage in Mindfulness:
Positive Buff: Mindful Serenity
Negative Buff: Mindless Distraction
Share Self-Care Tips:
Positive Buff: Self-Care Boost
Negative Buff: Self-Care Struggle
Share Skincare Routines:
Positive Buff: Glowing Complexion
Negative Buff: Skin Troubles
Talk About Mental Health:
Positive Buff: Feeling Supported
Negative Buff: Emotional Turmoil
There is a few Extra Interactions too : Indulge in the drama and mischief, but beware of the consequences. "Spill The Tea" could lead to a sense of camaraderie with friends, while "Throwing Shade" might result in strained relationships. There is all updated icons too.
Experience the ebb and flow of social interactions like never before with Xtra Interactions v2. Explore the nuanced dynamics of conversation, where every choice carries the potential for both positive and negative outcomes. Will your Sims rise above the challenges or succumb to the pitfalls of social interaction? It's time to find out in The Sims 4!
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Hi, there (again)!
If it's not too much trouble, make a second and last request, I can request
Pronto: (5) seeing their partner wearing someone else's jacket
With Trey, Silver And Sebek?
In case of passing me orders you can discard my order. Take your time and at your pace, bye 🌠🌌✍️💐
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5. Jealousy pt.1- seeing their partner wearing someone else's jacket
Hello again yourself! I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that this was the most popular prompt huh (゚ω゚;) Sorry I took so long to get back around to this one, I hope it was not too frustrating a wait I find it a bit difficult to wrap my head around Sebek.
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, Rook is a bit dramatic (Trey), light injury but nothing descriptive (Silver), some misunderstandings quickly cleared (Sebek). The rest of the event requests can be found here.
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"My beloved, hath thou truly forgotten me? Tis I! Your sweetheart!"
In a scene out of a particularly annoying, tropey rom com, the thought dead lover throws themselves into the... indifferent arms of a most unwilling extra around whose shoulders have been draped a lab coat to serve as a makeshift cape. Trey should be focusing on his strawberries, or maybe the grip he has on the watering can, but it is getting much more difficult to ignore the farce going on just out of his line of sight. Sure, Trey trusts you, he isn't worried you are going to leave him for Rook of all people he's just worried that you're uncomfortable. That's it. That's why he keeps glancing at the lab coat and not listening to the dialogue.
"Thine eyes doth not deceive thee?" You know you're supposed to put effort into line delivery, but you literally just got this script ten seconds ago so you hope Rook' expectations are low. "I hath been adventuring in a distant land these many moons, thinking only of returning to thee and thine-" your face immediately wrinkles "Rook I'm not saying this shit."
"Non non," Rook shakes his head, dropping character only for a second "You will not be saying them, your character will be saying them." He settles back into his role making doe eyes up at you as you swear you hear the sound of something snapping just behind you. Probably your patience.
"Thine eyes doth not deceive thee, I hath been adventuring in a distant land these many moons, thinking only of returning to thee and thine embrace." the script calls for Rook to dip you, but instead of Le chasseur d’amour you find yourself gently pulled back by your makeshift cape into the arms of a knight.
"Sorry," the "cape" falls to the ground as Trey spins you into a dip, complete with the lengthy kiss the script called for "but I don't have anything cool to say." And yet the way he holds you, the strain in his smile and the angry slit his eyes have slimmed to is very cool. Very rare is the sight of genuine frustration on Trey Clover's face, rarer still the glare. Rook is well and truly enraptured, and now it's your turn to feel jealous.
"Chevalier des Roses! I certainly hope I did not overstep-" That bastard is grinning, almost like he was deliberately trying to poke the bear.
"Of course not." Trey pulls you up, arm wrapped firmly around your waist. "I just need to get a new watering can from storage and was wondering if Yuu wanted to come with me." Ha "ask" as if he is intending on letting you go, his grip hasn't loosened one bit.
"I'm sorry we weren't able to be of more help, prefect." The kitchen ghost's mournful face looks painfully out of place, you're so used to seeing their big smiles you almost feel like you're the one who screwed up.
"It's ok, really! Please don't feel bad, I'm not going to quit just because we had one little accident." Technically, it was not a little accident, otherwise you would still be wearing your clothes and not a master chef approved chef's jacket, but in pursuit of enlightenment one must be willing to make a few sacrifices. If making coffee could be considered a culinary pursuit.
"I'm very glad to hear that," some of the ghost's usual pep returns, along with it his seriousness as an instructor "but no more attempts today, you hear me? Make sure to put a compress on your arm when you get back to Ramshackle and put some ointment on it. I'll never forgive myself if your burn gets worse." You give a mock salute, carefully cradling the single thermos of coffee you had managed to salvage from your lessons close to your chest with your non injured arm.
"Aye aye captain, I'll make sure to come back to pick up my shirt after I've changed." And you did fully intended to do that if you hadn't run into the exact person your little delivery was for on your way back to your dorm. Silver pauses when he sees you, with a strange tight look on his face you don't recognize that doesn't disappear as you get closer. If anything it gets worse, and he doesn't snap out of it even when you're directly in front of him.
"Silver?" You try one more time and he startles, face slipping back into his normal listlessness.
"Sorry, I don't really know what came over me." So he says, but his attention remains firmly fixed on the coat even if his look is passive. "I didn't realize there were Master Chef classes going on."
"Oh there aren't, I just had a small accident." You say, subconsciously reaching for your sleeve as if you can hide a burn by drawing attention to it. It's a reflex, much like Silver's reach, his fingers careful not to irritate the bruised skin. "Silver?" You ask, trying to find the words you need to reassure him.
"I don't like red on you." He says, so oddly serious it takes you a second to realize he isn't really looking at the burn, no his attention is on your chef's jacket and it's offensive Heartslabyul badge. "Sorry, I don't know what came over me... I should be more concerned about the burns."
"Funny," you laugh ignoring his embarrassment "I think green looks nice on you."
Sebek isn't very good at saying what he means. You know this, you love him in spite of this. It makes him feel very lucky, and he has no real problem telling people this. Silver was by far the person who heard him brag about you the most, even if he attempted to downplay just how happy he was to be with you it wasn't like he could hide very much from his friend. Which was what made this situation so... confusing. Hurtful even, Sebek doesn't have words for what he is feeling because "jealous" just feels petty but "distressed" feels pathetic. And he is neither of those things. In his opinion. Because being jealous is something insecure people do, and he is not insecure nor does he not trust Silver.
So why then why is he in so much physical pain?
"Hmph, I expect short sighted napping from Silver, but I was starting to expect better from you." Sebek can't tell who is more surprised that he isn't shouting, you or him. Hell, his tone is so normal Silver hasn't moved from his slumped position against one of the courtyard apple trees. You had been lying on the grass, waiting for him he knows as a fact even if his hammering heart is doubting it.
"Sorry, I couldn't wrap my head around some of the figures Crewel went over in class so I was up late studying." You sit up as you answer him, Silver's jacket falling off of your shoulders and taking Sebek's narrow gaze with it. "I guess I lost track of time."
"Did you ask Silver for help." It's a question but he doesn't voice it as one, there's genuine hurt on your face that pushes him back from anger into embarrassment and shame. You just look confused, looking down at the coat crumpled across your legs then back up at his still on his person and-
Laughing. You start to laugh and the lightest twinge of anger returns firmly setting his face into a cross between a scowl and a pout.
"H-hey I'm being serious. I'm Lord Malleus's retainer, diligent study is not something I will scold you for! I can help you stay awake!" His begging just makes you laugh harder, which should make him angrier but you're smiling. You are smiling and the silliness of the situation really settles on him. Sebek talks to Silver about you all the time, of course Silver would be just as worried as he would if he found you asleep on the courtyard green. There is no challenge to his honor or ability as a partner here, just the friendly concern over the partner of a brother knight.
"I know you are Sebek." You stand up, scrambling over to return Silver his coat before falling naturally into you place at his side and returning his smug pride to his posture. "Can I ask you some questions about those equations? I remember things better when I picture them in your voice."
"Of course!" Said voice booms back to life, the shout finally doing it's job in cracking Silver awake. "Make sure you don't take your eyes off of me for a second, Yuu!"
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someoneelsemaybe · 1 month
I need someone to match my freak but my freak is being unhealthily obsessed with spices. I just made the sickest most quotable analogy I’ve ever made comparing spices to colors and I have no one who will take this as seriously as me. That mccormick garam masala blend I picked up from my dad’s spice stock randomly has forever improved my culinary skills. The cumin and cinnamon are both such strong tastes that I associate heavily with certain dishes; cumin is burger and cinnamon is snickerdoodle, but the addition of cardamom… the coolness of the cardamom balances out the spicy sweetness of the cinnamon, making it recognizable for its true flavor disassociated from the deserts it is commonly used in. And this new flavor from the balanced cinnamon balances the cumin into a basic spice. The additions of coriander and black pepper just further add to the taste. Additive spice mixing is all I’ve been using, adding thyme flavors to red pepper flavors is all I’ve known. Garlic thrown in here and there. But now… now I’ve found the truth. I must continue forth—no. reconstruct my entire understanding of spice. using this new… subtractive spice mixing. Balancing is too powerful. I’m only calling it subtractive due to the analogy to light. I’ve been playing with crayons when light was there the whole time. I only needed the geniuses of the past—entire generations of spice knowledge from different regions, cultures, individual families—to properly propel my abilities. Now I must only piece together everything the I’ve learned. All of this because I got high from sniffing too many spices because I was trying to familiarize myself with them. Holy shit. I have truly become one with the flavors. I understand. The subtle intricacies. The differences between thyme and savory. How far from thyme oregano is. The truth behind chives. Cinnamon, cumin, cardamom. These spices shall forever be a symbol in my dishes. That of my discoveries today. I must experiment. The knowledge of light supplied by those geniuses. The garam masala blend from mccormick that is probably a gross oversimplification of what garam masala blends are actually like. I am sorry to those whose cuisine mccormick has made appetizing to the white people who buy them, but this knowledge has given me enlightenment. My eyes have been opened to the extent of seasonings. Pigments only reflect the light that is shown unto them, yet the pigments also decide what light to reflect. The flavors must be combined and balanced all the same in order to achieve the best taste. My brain is moving too fast. Once I’ve written a sentence I’ve moved on so far that I’ve forgotten what the subject matter is. I think I’ve calmed down. Highly recommend sniffing spices for hours. My breath smells of cinnamon despite only having smelled it. Save me. No dont. Let. Me. Cook.
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fmoe1997 · 5 months
Back at Team Dark headquarters, aka an undisclosed apartment building somewhere in the city, Omega has been alerted to an important new event.
"Shadow!" He exclaimed, then emerged from the kitchen a moment later with a pink apron tightly wrapped around his wide metal form.
In the living room adjacent, Shadow lay back lazily on the couch and watched the television, paying no heed to his friend's call. Omega stood patiently in the doorway and stared intently into the side of Shadow's head as he awaited some form of response. Eventually, the glow of his red eyes proved too aggravating to his sight, and Shadow finally turned to him.
"What is it, Omega? And why are you in an apron?"
Rather than answer either question, he stood up straight and asked, "Do you know what today is?"
Shadow gave a gruff sigh. "No, enlighten me."
"The current date is April 17th, 2024, or as it is known by Bat Conservation International, International Bat Appreciation Day."
Shadow nodded, not really listening to what he said, "That's very nice, Omega."
A beat of silence hung between them, with the only audible sound emanating from the television.
Omega then clarified. "Rouge is a bat."
"I am aware."
Another pause.
"I will be baking a cake for her for the next two hours, at least according to the recipe I found by Jonathan Blake on BakingLife.com. She won't be back for another hour after that. I would advise you find a way to show your appreciation, Shadow. She is a good friend."
Shadow closed his eyes and sighed, then looked back at Omega and gave him a soft smile "I know, Omega. Don't worry, I have something in mind already."
"Very good."
The lumbering robot turned around and marched back into the kitchen, letting the door swing shut behind him. While he prepared the aforementioned recipe, Shadow gave a quick glance at the door that separated them. Then he reached for his phone and opened up his messages.
A little over an hour later, the kitchen door opened again as Omega came out with
"Shadow, I have come to inform you the cake is complete! By streamlining the baking process I have optimized its total time by thirty minutes. I will have to inform the creator of this disco-"
As he shared his culinary achievement, however, he was interrupted as a purple lacey bra smacked his face. When it fell to the ground, his receptors analyzed the scene before him. Clothing had been strewn about the once-tidy living space, and his two friends were entangled with one another in a way he had been unfortunately exposed to multiple times before.
"Ah! Oh my, Shadow! You really know how to appreciate your bat!" Rouge moaned, unaware of the third party among them. Shadow, too preoccupied between her legs, remained equally ignorant.
Omega watched blankly for a moment before he echoed in an almost disappointed monotone, "Really? Right in front of your appreciation cake?"
I heard it was International Bat Appreciation Day today and felt inspired to write this
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henghost · 9 months
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Esteemed colleagues,
I am delighted to bring to your attention a truly remarkable revelation regarding Sylvester, a most delightful creation. It has come to our knowledge that Sylvester is actually crafted using the finest quality gourmet tangy cheese. This unique attribute lends itself to the ability of elevating even the most mundane of moments into extraordinary culinary experiences.
Once one fully grasps the extent of Sylvester's cheese-infused capabilities, its allure takes on an irresistible charm that captivates the senses. Furthermore, it must be noted that Sylvester possesses an undeniable zest that leaves a lasting impression.
We cannot help but express our gratitude to the Crown for providing the generous funding that has allowed our humble academy to nurture such enlightening discoveries. We are indebted to this support for the valuable knowledge we have gained.
Thank you for your attention and continued dedication to the pursuit of excellence.
Professor Hayle
The Academy and the Crown thank you kindly for your contributions. We will now eat him with crackers.
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viktormaru · 23 days
Hi chat streamer, chat got a New question: wtf do you mean bycheese strawberry jam sandwich. WTF kind of cheese do you eat with strawberry jam ? Your taste in food is a New mistery in my life, please enlighten me with your culinary knowledge and make my World bigger in flavors.
(also i thought of ice tea as soda, or oasis or this kind of things, but idk if its called another thing in english, as its not my first langage)
I dont know cheese names in english but queijo minas and mussarela go great with strawberry jam
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like fr, I will die on this hill this has been my comfort food ever since I was 5
We have a sweet called Romeo and Juliet which is guava sweet with cheese and this is basically that same concept
ahhh i see, I think a soda is a drink that has gas in it and is sweet. unless it has alcohol in it, then it is alcohol. In that case I do like soda but I like ice teas and juices more i guess
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akanemnon · 1 year
now we may all laugh at kris for being a skrunkly little moss eater, but have you ever even TRIED the stuff? if not, highly recommended, although it is and acquired taste, but it is not "wet and squishy" like you had described it once, and maybe its the moss im eating, but its more slightly moist with a hint of spice and dirt, but overall a distinctly mossy taste (also i tried writing this ask once before, but im not sure if it went through since it didnt seem like it, but if you have another ask that is strikingly similar to this one, dont reply to this one)
I might have eaten plenty of weird stuff as a kid, but moss was never on that list. Thank you, kind anon, for the culinary enlightenment.
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anartificialsatellite · 7 months
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Guilty Pleasure on AO3
Hetalia | Explicit | 27k | USJP
Warnings: Food kink, ish. Touches on topics of body image, shame, difficult relationships with food. Primarily internalized.
It's probably not great to get off on watching your friend eat when he doesn't know, right? Especially when his relationship with food is... Complicated. Still, there's no need to perform for an audience that's not present. Maybe we could all use a little indulgence from time to time.
Japan visits America at his summer cabin in the Rocky Mountains for a well-needed break. It's an enlightening trip.
Still, for Japan, something about the way America loved food felt different in a way that was meaningful. Given the complexity of his relationship with it and the ways in which his insecurities manifested so visibly there, there was something that felt quite special about getting to see him at ease and enjoying a meal without fussing about the carbs involved or borderline binging to make a point. When he was happy, America had a way of radiating infectious enthusiasm and Japan knew that he was not the only nation who found the excitement he displayed at their cultural exchange immensely gratifying. Certainly praise from the nations with the most celebrated culinary prowess was thrilling — he’d nearly melted the first time France complimented one of his bakeries, after all — but he could admit privately that there was something especially delightful about watching America wiggle excitedly in his seat over a particularly tasty mouthful of udon. He’d been accused more than once of favoring America unwisely — or if not favoring him, then letting himself be bullied into the appearance of it. On a professional level it… Well, it was what it was, but on a personal level? That was a more difficult question to answer. Certainly they were good friends, but Japan thought he felt a very normal amount of affection towards America. For… For the most part.
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faffreux · 7 months
Bruh I tried to click your “about” section and it’s frozen on here I feel like I’m being kidnapped. I could just press esc but hi . I’m eating pancakes with bacon right now. What’s Fawful’s and Jolligig’s favourite foods
LMAO?? Well I hope it was enlightening I guess 😭😭 but pancakes and bacon sound incredible rn!!
Both Fawful and Jolligig are gourmet foodies lmao it’s a mix of Fawful’s culinary background/expertise and Jolli’s experience in a cafe both with brewing drinks as well as baking small pastries! It’s one of the first topics they actually connect on!
Favorite foods, though? That’s an almost impossible question bc neither of them are picky eaters - they just want the food to be quality.
One of their favorite dishes to have together is Fawful’s shepherds pie, though! He adds his own twist to it and it has a plethora of exotic flavors not commonly found in your average one. Jolli is a massive fan.
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allkitchenthing · 1 month
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Welcome to our allkitchenthing family. If you are passionate about culinary items, then your ultimate destination is allkitchenthing.com. We are offering a wide range of top-quality kitchenware, gadgets, and cooking essentials like air fryers, fry pans, and pots. Discover our expert reviews, insightful guides, and tips to enhance your cooking experience. Our goal is to provide reviews that help you make a decision to purchase a product and enlightening advice to make sure every dish you prepare is a work of art. We invite you to browse our website and immerse yourself in a world where taste and accuracy are needed. Inquire about the art of cooking with confidence and style at allkitchenthing.com.
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melissamasakari · 1 month
Confessions you didn`t notice
Chapter six. Something fishy.
The dust on the road in front of my house has finally settled. I hope it will be quieter now. Won’t it?
“Hi kid! Why aren’t you going to Fishing Day?” Sam shouted to me from behind the fence whilst returning from training.
“I still have a distaste for fishing. So why should I go?”
“I see. That's bad. There will be no one to put our arrogant one in his place. He walks around, boasting to everyone about a HUGE fish he caught.”
“Arlo? Then I really should not go. He’ll just start teasing again. Why did he even go there?”
“Some kind of fly bit him, no less” or didn’t bite, but kissed him, and not a fly, but some kind of a bee. ‘Melissa’ means ‘a bee’, right?
“Have you had your breakfast yet? If you're not in a hurry, come on. Todays’ special is rice with a pumpkin.”
“I definitely have a couple of hours before my duty will call.”
We entered the house discussing work, news, clothes and everything. Suddenly my friend pointed her finger at the pillow on my couch.
“Wow. From whom did this come?” Sam asked.
“Huh? Is this important? Say, do you want some extra food?”
“I do. But don’t change, it’s important. I'm wondering who you're dating now.”
“In terms of? I'm not dating anyone. I would probably know that I have a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend, you know.”
“This just can’t be happening. Wait. You don’t know what this thing is, do you?”
“Just a pillow I suppose. Nothing remarkable as it seems. I don’t really like such things, but since it was gifted to me...”
“Then let’s do it the other way. Do you even like the person who gave it to you?”
“Well, we're good friends. He just came, brought this thing, said that I would understand everything and left. A couple of times later he tried to ask me out, but I had no time to talk about culinary.”
“Okay. So it was Django, and you had absolutely no intention of dating him, hadn’t you”
“Of course not. Why?”
“This ‘pillow’, as you call it, here in Portia stands for a confession of love. You give it to someone you like; if it is accepted, you are considered as a couple.”
“Why didn’t anyone tell me about this before?! In Barnarock everything was much simpler.”
“Do tell.”
“Well, look. There is desert all around, wastelands nearby. If you fiddle with such toys for a long time, some monster can surely devour your crush. Or someone else will be the first to make it...”
“And what's next?”
“Well. You just come and say “I like you.” It's scary, of course. But our people don’t really into ceremonies. Just open your mouth and confess. And wait. Refuses are casual. But sometimes people even got married the very next day. So if something happens there are will be no problems with the inheritance.”
“Damn it! I'm so sorry I didn't enlighten you earlier.”
“It turns out that now I need to return this pillow, apologize and explain everything, right? Or do I need to add some other symbolic crap to it?”
“A withered branch. But this can really offend him.”
“Well, let him be offended. Why couldn't he just tell me directly? Fantasized only God knows what!”
“How long ago did he give it to you?”
“I don’t remember exactly. At the beginning of spring, somewhere. I'm in trouble, right?”
“Looks so. Sorry, I should get back on the route now. Remy is probably already worried.”
“Okay. Thank you! Say hello from me.”
After washing myself and changing clothes, I went to look for the owner of the restaurant. The most logical place was of course the Round Table itself.
“Sonya, hello. Don't you fish?”
“No, I'll go tomorrow. Today I am in charge here.”
“By the way, about being in charge. Where did your boss go?”
“He’s probably hanging out somewhere in the crowd near the waterfall. Buys fish while it's cheap. Should I say him something for you when he gets back?”
“No, I’ll go look for him myself then. Thank you.”
After running the entire main street, I headed to the western gate. The less adventurous fishermen had already started to disperse. Just great. And it turns out that my endurance has noticeably increased. Looks like jogging with Arlo has its benefits. I’ll have to say thanks to him at the very least. Maybe he'll invite me again someday. Oh, I can see his red head at the Amber Bridge. Quite far from the waterfall. It’s convenient. Having caught my breath, I began to look around more carefully. It’s good that Django isn’t red-haired—he can’t blend in with the crowd so easily. I think I noticed him. Without attracting too much attention, I slowly walked to the right place.
“Django. Can I see you for a minute?”
“Anything for my princess!”He bowed ceremoniously and tried to kiss my hand.
“Don't shout like that, please. Let's step aside.”
“As you wish, my lady love.”
“There was a terrible misunderstanding,” I handed him the heart knot pillow and blurted out, “I’m sorry, I can’t accept it!”
“But you ALREADY accepted it, my beautiful maiden!”
“How should I put this? I had no idea what that meant. And you didn't explain anything to me. And the cultural code did not match.”
“You’ve been here for a year and you didn’t know anything about this tradition?”
“Absolutely nothing. In my homeland, this all happens differently. If you want, I can fetch a withered branch and make everything official.”
“It is not necessary. So you don't accept my feelings?”
“I didn’t even know anything about them until today. I would like to remain friends with you. If possible. You are a wonderful friend, and I don't want to lose you as such.”
“It's clear. Fine. But if you suddenly change your mind...”
“Hardly. Sorry. I like someone else.”
“It's a pity. Then I wish you luck,” Django deliberately slowly took the pillow from me, bowed, turned sharply and went about his business.
And here is this ‘someone else’ looming nearby. Strange, is the event over? I hope he didn't see anything. Or at least didn't hear the end of the conversation. Although, why not? Let him hear. He is not the only one to be the most popular here. Sonya has probably already told everyone that I am “dating” her boss. So that’s why she had such a sly look.
“Melissa! You missed all the fun!”Arlo shouted, approaching me. Here comes a HUGE fish. Wow, what a strange thing. Why are you dragging it to me?
“Don’t yell like that, you’ll scare away all the fish for your opponents. Or is this your cunning plan?”
“Almost everyone has already left. However, I never broke my last record. Check it out!”
“Isn't this one a jumping dancer? Otherwise I’ll go and complain to the judges that you’re cheating.”
“I'm not cheating. Wanna go for a walk with me?”
“Just take this smelly monster away from me, please, it stinks,” I sniffed pointedly.
“Yeah, you are right. And looks like I need to change clothes. Do you have time in the evening?”
“Depends on what you have to offer.”
“I promised you a haunted cave, how does it sound?”
“Hm. Okay. And will Sam not eat me because you haul all the work on her today?”
“I’ll definitely speak with her.”
“Fine. What time, where, what's about dress code?”
“Again, your hobby-horsing. It will be cool in the evening, bring a jacket. I can fetch you at eight. Or meet me at the bridge at seven.”
“Let's go to the bridge. I heard that after my last visit the difficulty in the cave was greatly increased. We could be stuck there for a long time.”
Having left the Dee-Dee at the desired stop, I noticed Arlo almost immediately. He slowly walked in circles not far from the bus stop. He wasn't even late. Nice change. But I also arrived early, so I wonder just how long he’s been walking here?
“Ha! You are a copycat!”
“No! You are! This is a uniform. Team uniform. You told me to grab the jacket. I only have one like this for spring,” and of course I put on the bandanna he gifted me, despite the fact that I was tired sick of learning how to tie it properly.
“I didn’t even think about it in that way.”
“Now you should. How long have you been waiting?”
“My patrol route ended here today. There was no need to wait.”
“Clever. Let's go in before someone gets ahead of us.”
“So you're wearing it” Arlo nodded while staring at my bandanna and smiled. “Yeah. For special occasions only.” “Like what?” “Like when I'm going out with someone I really like.” “Oh, how often?” “Let me count” I pretended to count on fingers. I could see growing concern in his eyes now. “Is it that so often?” He raised his eyebrows questionably. “Well. Since that specific person doesn't have much spare time to ask me out, this will be the first time, actually” “I see. Well, how is it going?” “You can see it yourself,” I waved my hand towards the bridge under construction. “Two spans done. One entirely mine”
“With your job you’ll turn into a complete recluse.”
“You could definitely say this about yourself, too, Mr Evasive. At least it’s not a problem to find me in my workshop. And sometimes the only way to communicate with you is through the commission boards, you know.”
“So it was you who drew the dirty pictures there?”
“What dirty pictures do you mean? It was a Slurpee!”
“So it WAS you. Definitely. When did you have time for that? And for what reason?”
“When I placed the order, of course. Well, it worked! You sent it out way before the deadline. For almost the first time, you know.”
“Why do you need so much blue leather? Do you have an underground studio?”
“No, I have a huge demand for jewelry boxes and photo albums. Liuwa, two tickets please.”
The cave which was familiar almost down to the last pebble, enveloped us with pleasant coolness. There was almost no smell of dampness, meaning that the ventilation system had already been reconfigured to summer mode. Well done. We went to the table and took Scare Soaker Guns.
“What mode are we going in?”
“You can say it yourself, but we're wearing a uniform. So I suggest a team mode. Two of us against all,” I definitely like the way he says it. It’s good that it’s dark enough here, and I don’t have to worry about my blushing too much.
“Ready? Launch it. Just don’t try to knock down this gate with your foot. It has roller rails.”
“Do you really think I won't be able to?”
“I think you will break it. And I'm the one who will have to fix it later. And drag you to the doctor. Don’t dawdle, let's go!”
We cheerfully bursted into a long wide corridor which was stuffed with traps. The opponents had not yet appeared, so it was enough time to notice activation signals, tripwires and other little things Not a problem. But airlock in front of the main hall (which I still stubbornly call the “generator room”) has abruptly been closed so we were forced us to weave between traps in a narrower passage.
“Don't push me! Tripwire at three hours.”
“Accepted. I'm lunching, get back.”
“There's a fork. Which corridor are we going into?”
“I'm all about playing around, so this way.”
“Smokey! Ugh.”
“Come here, catch your breath. I'll cover you.”
“Enemy, at nine! Cough cough.”
“Stripped off. How are you?”
“I've been sniffing a little. Not too bad. I’ll wash my face and everything will be fine.”
“Should we continue, or should you go outside?”
“Are you kidding? Such little thing won't stop me now.”
And finally, the hall. A large two-level grotto with a bunch of boxes, decorations, lamps and, yes, hostiles. Finally.
“Hey! Why are you shooting at your allies, aren’t ghosts enough?!”
“Sorry, I missed.”
“Bullshit. I won't believe it in my life. Behind you! Get down!”
“Two more. The left is yours.”
“Got it. To the top?”
“Be careful, there are balls rolling out under your feet.”
“Now we’ll figure it out,” I grabbed a stone from the floor and accurately threw it into the trap’s affected area. “Let's wait a little and we can go.”
“Good move. Let me in.” Arlo quickly ran up the inclined path and motioned for me to follow him. Wow, he looked so cool.
We quickly ran through another corridor, neutralizing a bunch of ghosts. We’re almost there. It’s even a little sad that it will all end so soon. Lost in thought, I fell into the stupidest trap right at the exit. I was thoroughly doused with water from the ceiling. A small thing, but unpleasant.
“Fuck! Well, my face is washed,” I said, shaking myself off.
“Sorry, I didn’t notice this tripwire. Let's go, I'll take you home before it gets too cold.”
“Oh don’t worry, the jacket isn’t particularly wet. And we haven't collected prizes yet.”
“Choose,” I examined the display case with souvenirs: candlesticks, figurines. Oh, plush ghosts. I already have a girl, but I don’t like the other one. Redheaded one is nice, though.
“I wanna redhead!” “You'll get your a redhead.” “Promise me” I stepped closer to Arlo. I looked straight in his eyes and grabbed his chest belt. I pulled it tight forcing Arlo to lean down to me. Then I pressed my lips against his. To my great surprise he didn't hesitate to return a kiss. So softly and tenderly that my mind gone boom. I really hope that this way he'll be able to figure out what's happening. “I'll help you carry it.” He broke away from me and just continued his last sentence as nothing has happened. I stopped him with another kiss. This was longer and surely deeper. He caressed my cheek with his palm but then he broke away again. “You're completely soaked wet. Let's go quickly before you catch a cold. It will be a shame to be sick all the next holidays.”
“Let's wait for the Dee-Dee. They are still running. And the station is not far from my home.”
That was quite an awkward ride. The jacket may not have gotten wet, but for some reason the shirt underneath was dripping wet. Oh yes. Friendly fire. Who knew that this garment was so translucent when wet? I had to zip my jacket closed and pretend all the way that I was incredibly interested in the window view.
Here is my fence gate – we’ve arrived.
“We had a great time. Thanks for coming.”
“Thank you for the invitation. Will you come over for dinner? It's salmon soup today.”
“Fish day? It sounds tempting, but I had to refuse. It's time to get back on duty.”
“It's a pity. And I should go and get warm.”
“Yeah. See you. Take care.”
Finally, hot shower. How great it is that I don’t have to be stringy with water here. Lathering up and standing in a cloud of steam I couldn’t help but wonder: “was this maybe a date?” In my opinion, very much so. Even if HE denies it later. Maybe he just can’t tell the difference without that stupid pillow, huh? So, I'll have to get it. It seems that Alice was making them. I'll buy myself a couple for decoration or something. But just buying and giving as a gift will be boring... If I ask directly how to make it, this will rise some unnecessary suspicions. Should I try to barter for a small batch? No, for the sake of just one little thing – that’s also unreasonable. All that remains is to reinvent. Perhaps this is even more interesting than building bridges. With these thoughts, I changed into pajamas and went to rest.
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pazodetrasalba · 3 months
De Gustibus
Dear Caroline:
Right now I am halfway through Marcus du Sautoy's Finding Moonshine (in the US it was apparently retitled as Symmetry). I found a very curious quote from/about Niels Henrik Abel, the unfortunate mathematician whose monument I visited, as if going to a religious shrine, a couple of years ago. The quote is as follows:
In fact, Copenhagen lacked the kind of mathematical stimulation he craved, but his visit did result in him meeting and falling in love with a young woman, Christine Kemp. Abel described her to a friend as 'not beautiful; she has red hair and freckles, but she is an admirable woman'.
Seeing the rest of the context of the letter would be enlightening, but given that he had fallen in love with her, the most coherent interpretation of 'not beautiful' I can make is that she wasn't what Abel would call conventionally beautiful (there's a specific reference to ginger hair and freckles; perhaps the northern ideal, then as now, was the pale, blue-eyed blonde?). But this made me think about the possibility of loving someone you do not find attractive. Intuitively, this feels preposterous. Your choices and tastes might be unconventional, but I think you have to feel attraction to someone to fall in love with them. Also, I am not really sure that you can retrain yourself in this area: you might find someone intelligent, admirable, an ideal couple from a pure rational, costs-and-benefits analysis while remaining unable to alter your reptilian instincts and your brain chemistry. But thinking about it more deeply, I really can't seem to put my finger on why it shouldn't be possible in theory. The metaphor that comes to mind is the culinary one: our sense of taste is adaptable, and there are lots of foods and flavors that are aptly described as an acquired taste. I remember the first time I tried Stilton cheese -and didn't like it at all-, and now I can't get enough of the stuff.
I'd imagine this is the sort of thing Rationalists would have tried some experimenting and life-hacking with. Still, given the dismal men-to-women ratios in those spheres, I'd guess their best bet would be to have extremely conventional tastes and not favor their in-group, as the numbers are so disproportionate they would just crush any other consideration. It feels like a bit of a Repugnant Conclusion for dating, which is something utilitarians are quite savvy about.
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Bloodlines of Fire
An Evening of Enchantment
Pairing : Shanks x Emma
Summary: Following on from the Vortex nightclub, Emma decides to take Shanks on a dinner date.
Word Count: 1795
Triggers: Flirting, talk of underwear and succubus activities.
Tag list: @short-honey-badger @hope31185 (Request to be added in comments or messages)
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Arriving at the restaurant, Luna Rossa a quaint and enchanting Italian restaurant. As they stepped through its ornate wrought-iron doors, they are immediately greeted by the inviting aroma of freshly baked bread mingling with the tantalizing scent of simmering marinara sauce. The interior exudes an ambiance of old-world charm, with walls adorned in rustic Tuscan hues and adorned with vintage photographs of Italy's picturesque landscapes. Serenaded by the soft strains of live acoustic guitar, adding to the romantic atmosphere. Each table adorned with a single red rose. Which doesn’t go unnoticed by Shanks.
Emma moved to grab his hand as they were shown to a table, forgetting that one didn't exist and turned her head to him as she felt the fabric of his coat in her hand. Shanks looked down at her holding his coat sleeve and laughed lightly. “Lead the way….” She blushed and grinned, walking through the restaurant to their table. “Nice place…” He was not dressed for the occasion nor the location, but he didn’t care. "Yeah, my family comes here all the time." She glanced back over her shoulder at him as they were shown to a cozy corner table. Shanks held her chair out for her; a gesture that didn't go unnoticed. She smiled appreciatively as she took her seat, feeling a warmth spread through her at his thoughtfulness. As they settled into their seats, the ambiance of the restaurant enveloped them in a comfortable cocoon of intimacy. Soft candlelight flickered on the table, casting gentle shadows around them. The aroma of delicious food wafted through the air, teasing their senses, and whetting their appetites. Shanks couldn't help but admire her as she sat across from him, her eyes sparkling with excitement and her smile radiant. Despite his unconventional appearance, she treated him with warmth and acceptance, which meant more to him than he could express. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by laughter. Shanks found himself captivated by her charm and wit, feeling a connection that went beyond mere physical presence.
“So, what do you and your family do for business to afford such places?” He took the menu that was handed to him and skimmed over the options. The menu at La Luna Rossa is a culinary journey through the regions of Italy, curated with love and expertise by the chef-owner, Giovanni. From handmade pasta dishes bursting with rich flavours to succulent seafood specialties and tender cuts of meat, every dish is a masterpiece crafted with the finest ingredients imported from Italy and sourced locally. "He's had many businesses over the years, currently I think it's finance or some kind of stocks. Mom is a lingerie designer."
"Quite the intriguing combination," Shanks remarked, his gaze flickering from the menu to his companion. "Mom's a former succubus," she explained with a sly grin. "So naturally, she had a knack for provocative attire." Shanks arched an eyebrow. "A succubus? Care to enlighten me? And you'd have to show me this attire sometime." His grin widened, and he peeked over the menu at her. "A succubus," She began, "Is a demon that thrives on feeding off people through... intimate encounters." Meeting his gaze squarely, she countered with a smirk, "If only you had X-ray vision, you could see for yourself right now without anyone here knowing."
"And your mother indulged in such activities?" Shanks inquired, setting the menu down and gave her body a quick glance before settling back on her eyes. "Are you teasing me now?" He grinned, his tone light. Emma looked over at him, her eyes shining in the candlelight held an air of seduction, she chuckled and lightly shrugged. "Perhaps and no, well, not anymore." Their banter paused momentarily as the waiter approached, placing a complimentary breadbasket on the table and poured some water into the large glasses already on the table. She glanced up at him, ordering confidently, "I'll take a glass of red wine and the surf and turf." Shanks handing the waiter the menu while keeping his eyes fixed on her, gave his order.  "Make mine the biggest steak you've got, medium, and I'll also have a glass of wine."
Shanks chuckled, shaking his head in amusement, and continued as the waiter left. "Well, that's certainly not a typical family history." She grinned, taking a sip of water as she leaned back in her chair. "No, it's not. But it does make for some interesting family gatherings." The waiter returned with their drinks, setting down the glasses of wine before them. "Your orders will be out shortly." He said with a smile before walking away. Shanks raised his glass, gesturing towards her. "To interesting family backgrounds." She clinked her glass against his, the sound ringing out lightly. "To never having a dull moment." As they took their first sips of wine, Shanks couldn't help but ask, "So, how does one go from being a succubus to... well, a regular mom?" She chuckled, swirling the wine in her glass thoughtfully. "It's a long story. Let's just say she found love in unexpected places." Shanks nodded, intrigued. "Sounds like a story worth hearing." She smirked, leaning in closer. "Maybe I'll tell you sometime. But for now, let's just enjoy our dinner." And with that, they settled into their meal, conversation flowing easily between them once again as they shared stories and laughter, all while the mysteries of her mother's past lingered in the air, waiting to be unravelled another day.
During their meal, conversation shifted back to the topic of lingerie. "Red... the colour, lace for the material, and the rest, well, I'll leave that to your imagination, whether it's a two-piece or a full set with stockings." His gaze lingered over her body for a moment, a grin creeping across his face. "Honestly, it's been quite some time since I've encountered a woman of such class as yourself." Leaning back in his seat, he observed her closely. She chuckled softly. "I may not always fit the mould of a traditional lady, but I do strive for a certain level of refinement. To me, it's simply about good manners." Shanks shook his head in disagreement. "Not at all. You're stunning and truly exceptional. A rare find with a heart of gold. A genuine treasure." Pausing as she reached for a bread roll, she gazed at him. "Well, that's a new one." She remarked with a smile, before taking the roll and settling back into her seat. "You forgot to mention dangerous, unpredictable, and too trusting, especially if he happens to be a charming gentleman." She added playfully. A grin spread across his face as he lifted his glass to his lips, pausing briefly before responding. "Perhaps, and likely more. Hopefully, I'll uncover all of that in due time." She casually nibbled on a piece of bread, watching him intently. "You really aren't fazed by anything, are you?”
"Life's too short to..." He maintained his unwavering gaze on her and Emma smiled in agreement. "Absolutely, it’s admirable." Shanks raised his wine glass in a toast towards her. She reciprocated with a gentle clink of glasses before taking a sip. He followed suit, taking a generous gulp before setting the glass down and meeting her eyes. She returned his gaze, curious. "Where are you staying?" His gaze moved from her eyes to her lips as she licked the remanence of the wine from them then back to her eyes as he replied. "Where you found us a few weeks back, but Beck has now secured us a spot in the harbour where we can begin rebuilding our ship." He explained, a hint of confusion flexed across her expression. "And you'll be staying where you're constructing?" She inquired, watching him polish off the last of his steak. "Indeed, why not?" His shoulders lifted in a nonchalant shrug. "We're accustomed to rough sleeping arrangements; my favourite spot is on the deck of my ship." He flashed her a broad grin, eliciting a chuckle from her. "How was your steak?" She asked, gesturing towards his cleaned plate. "Delicious." He affirmed, leaning back, and patting his satisfied stomach. "Cooked to perfection." She grinned. "This place does serve the best steak." Finishing her own plate and wine, she remarked. "I can see why." He agreed as he drank down his wine. "Would you like dessert? They have a fantastic chocolate cake here."
"Sure, I'd love to try that," he agreed with a nod. She smiled and signalled for a waiter, ordering two slices of chocolate cake. Shanks maintained a warm smile, admiring his new friend. She was beautiful and refreshingly direct, qualities he appreciated. Catching him staring, she chuckled. "Planning to stare at me all night?"
"Quite possibly. I find you quite beautiful," he replied cheekily, grinning at her. She smiled softly. "I suppose I'll allow it." The waiter placed two slices of cake in front of them. "I feel so lucky," he teased. She giggled and took a forkful of cake. He followed suit, savouring the taste. "This is divine," he remarked. She nodded. "Told you, best in the city."
"Probably the second-best dessert in the city." He joked, wiggling his eyebrows. She raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "You'll have to be the judge of that."
"I hope to." He said, taking a sip of his wine and peering at her over the rim. "Well, perhaps we could get out of here and head to my apartment?" Shanks gave her a nod, a smirk pulled at his lips. “I’d like that very much.”
"Alright, I'll arrange for a car to pick us up." She said, pulling out her phone to message her father's private car service. He chuckled. "I almost got hit by one of those cars earlier." She looked up at him. "Yeah, the key is to stick to the sidewalks and always check before crossing." Chuckling, she put her phone away. "The car should be here in 15 minutes."
"They were lucky I was feeling generous." He chuckled, rubbing his leg where he'd been bruised. She teased. "Would you have put your sword through the engine?" Paying for the meal, she got her purse out. "Or maybe kicked it across the bridge." He laughed lightly. "Do you have that kind of strength?" She asked, leaving a generous tip, and getting up. He nodded, finishing his drink, and standing up too. "Yes."
"Impressive," she remarked, taking his hand as they headed outside to where a black stretch car was waiting for them. "Miss Holst, where can I take you and your friend tonight?" The driver asked, opening the car door. "Home, please, Pete. And let's keep this from my father." She said, slipping him a hundred-dollar bill. "Yes, ma'am." The driver replied, tipping his hat as they got into the car.
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