#Edit: There was a little confusion so when I say “platonic” I mean as friends!
the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
How do you think the digital circus crew would react to a new member who genuinely to want to stay and doesn't want to leave at all?
TADC cast x reader who doesnt wanna leave the circus !
i lied about the previous post being the nights last post, imma spit out one more before i call it a night!! hope this is okay anon, this one may be a little on the short side; maybe.. i always write these notes before everything and forget to edit them accordingly
wrote this as general reactions instead of platonic/romantic/whatever relationship stuff! i like to imagine reader says this when the topic of trying to find an exit comes up... like imagine the atmosphere the looks the !!
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hey i mean, hes not gonna stop you from not leaving! caines part is a little weird, since ive seen so many theories on his whole deal and i like them all, i cant settle on just one idea and roll with it... i think he would be thrilled that you want to stay, though.. doesnt have to remind you there is no escape because youre not interested in it... i think he would casually ask why you dont want to leave, though, its not often he finds someone whos content, at least not content without the loss of hope
she was the one who brought up trying to find an exit, again.. she kind of just looks at you with confusion written all over her face. she asks you if you meant that you have given up on trying to escape. you assure her that you just dont want to leave, giving up has nothing to do with it. she just gapes her mouth, before closing. blinks twice, and just asks why. why stay in a program like this? you cant provide an answer that seems to appease her, though... definitely some weird and confused looks from her
she doesnt know what to think of it. ragatha herself has come to terms with her position. like sure if there were a plan to escape that truly seemed like it would work, i think she would jump on it and try to leave.. i dont think she would pry you for answers, she believes you have your own personal reasons
honestly i dont think he would care, assuming this is as i said in the note above where the topic of escape comes up and you guys arent dating or like best friends. i mean its your life and hes not going to argue with you, if you wanna be stuck in this shithole thats your business. oddly enough doesnt use it as ammo against you, though, and he bullies everyone over just about anything... maybe he cant come up with a cool nickname that makes sense, or otherwise find a way to make fun of you... but. idk
i think kinger would like to escape but i think he just accepted hes going to be stuck here forever. now if he had someone to fight for and be with and they wanted to leave, he would follow them. otherwise hes content with staying put because he doesnt have much incentive or desire remaining to leave. being there for years and seeing so many people fall does that to a person
very similar to jax, in the case that its your business, of course this is assuming you guys arent close to one another. theyre not going to lecture you on how to go about your life. nothing to say here that wasnt already said in jax's segment
gives you a soft and meek "but why" when you speak up to the group that you dont plan on leaving when pomni brings the topic up. you offer a shrug, or just say you dont want to leave. true utter confusion, and in a dark way believes that you prefer this world over the real one; even when your memories are smeared and burned, if any remain at all
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
Yandere Hobie and Miguel with a gn darling whose Aromantic
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Warnings: yandere behavior, ALL PLATONIC!
A/N: day two of posting! hope you enjoy <3!
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Hobie Brown: 
Has no problem with it and already knows about your boundaries. The minute you sit him down, tell him you’re Aro — he finishes your sentence with a smirk, and laughs at your sheer expression when he doesn’t react in a way you’d think. 
Extremely respectful, even as a yandere; already going out of his way to be respecting your boundaries and never brings up anything romantic, only plain Platonic uses. He makes sure your comfort and health comes first, and always seems to know what to say next whenever you two talk. 
Might as well have a label pin as Most Protective Best Friend™. Always knowing where you are, ensuring you’re taking good care of yourself, no idiotic or trash love interests will come near you when he’s around, and clings to you one way or another. Hobie loves to sneak in little touches when acceptable, especially if it’s around your shoulders or waist.  
Treats you like a younger sibling. Laughs when you make mistakes or piss off Miguel, teaches you guitar, sometimes spoiling you and giving you advice when needed. But his actions could be somewhat of what boyfriends do. He ‘pays’ for your food, surprising you with things that you’d least expect, and gives you tight hugs. Let’s not forget about the knuckle rubs on the heads too, and light kisses on your forehead.  
A man who you can rely on for support, help, and secrets. No matter what, he’s here for you, with open arms, and ready to give you the entire world if you asked. Hobie is more on the affectionate side, and with your permission, he likes to kiss your cheek and forehead platonically; nuzzling his nose as the two of you laugh. 
Sleepovers galore. Every other night, the two of you are in each other’s bedrooms, doing parallel play if you’re okay with it, and often showing you things he seems interesting. 
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Miguel O’Hara: 
Confused by the term, but when you take time to explain to him, Miguel is quickly on board and nods along; being awkwardly quiet as he takes in the information. He’s older, but is respectful. It may take him some time to understand, but nevertheless, Miguel will follow your boundaries. 
Not the best at showing his appreciation, especially if you prefer physical touch, or words of affirmation. Naturally, he gives you gifts, listening to you when you require things, and going out of his way to make sure you’re taking good care of yourself: making dinner, letting you use his money to buy whatever, and get enough vitamin D.  
More possessive than ever. Doesn’t like sharing, and likes keeping you to himself so that you can bother him. Even though he might give you the side eye, he frankly enjoys you talking about anything — especially if he’s working.
Everything you can expect from a romantic relationship is the same with Platonic, just considerably toned way up with him defending or protecting you. Miguel is haunted by the thoughts of you being hurt, which means you are by his side 24/7, which also comes with another talk: no dating. 
Not a huge fan with you going on dates, especially if it’s away from him. But, he’ll come to term with it sooner or later — but expressing strict rules he expects you to follow. Things like he has to meet your s/o immediately, know their background, and questions them on things about you. 
Will gently say ‘I love you’ at the most randomest times. Really tries his best to show his affection, and with his past, it’s hard. Whenever he says it, it’s almost like he didn’t mean to say it – the words seemingly passing through his lips as he looks at you lovingly. 
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, it helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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mrskenpachizaraki · 1 year
The Warriors Princess part 1
Hi everyone! This is my first fanfic! I hope you like it! Thank you for the amazing writers that inspired me. It’s not the best but I will have to edit later.
Tsuji & Shibaman x Ice’s younger sister x Platonic Ice and Diddy and Mighty Warriors
“You know this is a big deal right? The last thing you two need to do is make a fool out of yourselves.” Todoroki said from his normal position on the coach on the roof. Everyone was giving the two advice on how to act while meeting their girlfriends older brothers.
“Don’t back down from them.” - Yasushi
“Fight them to show you two are the best.” - Kiyoshi
“Don’t fight!!! Show them you have style.” - Nakagoshi
“What?!? No show how strong you are. Fight them!” - Nakaoka
“Maybe just be yourselves? That’s why your girlfriend likes you both, not for your ability to pick a fight.” - Tsukasa
“No! You need to show them that you can protect (Y/N)-chan. Fight them!” - Fujio
The group continued to throw out advice at the two which only increased their nervousness. The two really liked the girl so they didn’t want to mess it up. The only thing they really knew how to do right is fight and their music….. Maybe they should pick a fight with them.
“Okay everyone. Shut the fuck up.” Todoroki shouted, shutting the others up for a moment before they yelled back at him. He only sighed before he focused on the two.
“Do not pick a fight with her brothers. You guy’s already seen how she fights and that means she learned it from some where. Probably more deadly. You two pick a fight, you will be thrown back here beaten and with no girlfriend.” He told the two sternly, hoping they understood.
Tsuji and Shibaman nod at their friends words. They remember the day they met their girlfriend. They had been walking to their favorite restaurant when they could hear shouting coming from the side of the restaurant. When they looked they could see the most beautiful girl they have ever seen. (Yes they talked about it afterwards.) She had been surrounded by a group of men in black, but she looked bored. When they were about to shout at the men to leave her alone, she suddenly kicked two of them sending them flying into another two. She suddenly punched another in the face, sending him to the floor while another tried to grab her from behind before she flipped them off of her and snapping their arm. Before they knew it all the guys were passed out. (You can not tell me Ice and Diddy don’t train their younger sibling. I see not only them but the rest of the Mighty Warriors as well.)
The only thing they could say out loud was “Wow.” at the same time. This caused the girl to turn her attention to them. They could see the girl was tense still so they raised their hands in surrender to show they were not their to fight. This caused the girl to relax a little but not completely. The two introduced themselves and that’s when they met (Y/N). They asked her if she wanted to eat with them. A little confused, she said yes.
The three start talking and hanging out almost every day after school and soon enough Tsuji and Shibaman ask the girl out and she accepts them both.
After a few months of dating though she tells them her older brothers and their friends want to meet them. This brings us back to their situation today.
“I don’t want us to lose her though.” Shibaman states quietly, gently running his hand over the bracelet (Y/N) got him a few weeks ago.
“She actually accepts us. Not just one or the other, but both. She doesn’t expect us to do things for her. She doesn’t try to ditch one for the other. She just wants us. No one has ever just wanted us.” Tsuji added afterwards, gripping the necklace that (Y/N) has also gotten him at the same time.
Todoroki sighed, but he knew his friends were serious. When he first met (Y/N) he hadn’t been sure if she was with them for the right reasons but after seeing them all together and happy he knew they were right for each other. He also knew she was good because once Fujio meet her he was excited and talking with her without a care in the world. Tsukasa right behind him just listening, but would smile at a few come backs.
“Maybe we can follow you on the meeting. That way if something goes wrong. We can help.” Fujio suggested which was followed by loud agreement by the rest of the group ( Besides Tsukasa who thought it was a bad idea.) Todoroki couldn’t help the four head smack to himself at the suggestion, leaving a large red imprint on his forehead. Though the suggestion seemed to relax the two. Todoroki sighed.
“Fine, we’ll follow, but only for 30 minutes. If it seems like it’s going good. We’re leaving.” Todoroki stated causing the others to shout in excitement. “Where are you meeting her and her brothers?”
Tsuji pulled out his phone and opened his messages before looking at everyone else “Does anyone remember where the Funk Jungle is?
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bobastar · 2 years
hi! could I request a ej caswell imagine? I don't have anything in mind, but I would prefer it being in either season 2 or season 3!! I was thinking maybe the reader & ej could be best friends & maybe they both secretly like each other but that's all I got lol.
hi hi!! i hope you like this one (: not edited thoroughly 
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"You're a nerd Caswell," you said as you laid on his stomach, giving him a yellow skittle.
"Me? Nerd? Y/n/n, you're literally giving me yellow skittles because you don't like them," he said, smiling while eating the skittle you gave him.
"They're gross," you sat up, looking at him. "Hm..?" He looked up at you, a little confused.
"Lunch is almost over we should get going."
"Because other kids need the auditorium..?"
EJ groaned, shaking his head. "I don't wanna."
"eeejjj, lets gooo," you tugged on his arm hoping to pull him up.
"We don't even have the same class this period," he frowned a little, pulling himself up.
"Don't miss me too much," you smiled, as he helped you stand up.
"I can try.." He put his hand on the back of your head, bringing your head to his chest hugging you.
"Can you eat the yellow skittles while you're in class, I wanna eat them peacefully."
"Yes boss," he took the pack, smiling.
"See you after class?"
"See you," EJ let go of the hug, ruffling your hair before you walked out of the auditorium.
Elton sighed, looking at the bag of skittles. He contemplated if his feelings were strictly platonic or...could it be that he liked you. I mean, you've been friends for so long and maybe it should be that way. He sighed one last time, before walking out of the auditorium when the bell rang. He sat in his class, eating the yellow skittles. EJ kept spacing out, thinking of you...are the butterflies in his stomach from the anxiety he gets from accidentally saying the wrong thing?
He asked to use the restroom, setting the bag of candies in his backpack taking it with him.
As you walked, you had a specific someone on your mind. Well, that was until you ran into a tall structure. “Watch it, EJ,” you didn’t mean to say EJ it just slipped. 
“Hey, how’d you know it was me..?,” he tilted his head to the side as you looked at him. 
You laughed nervously, “lucky guess..” 
“Uh huh.” he softly smirked “You were thinking about me, huh?” 
“Noooo,” you tried to hide your smile, turning away slightly. 
“Right right..” 
He gently cupped your face, making you turn to him. “You don’t have to lie, Y/n.” 
Did EJ always look like this?
 It’s probably just the lighting..
EJ smiled, thinking about how pretty you are, he kissed the top of your head as you smiled. 
“Let’s go get food, we didn’t get to eat at lunch because you were ranting about-” 
“They are the worst! Speaking of, did you finish them?” 
“I’m working on it Y/n, patience sweetheart.” 
You rolled your eyes and held onto his arm as you walked out of the school. 
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gonzo-rella · 2 years
I Like You | Izzy Hands (ft. Jim Jimenez)
Relationship(s): Izzy Hands x gn!reader (romantic; mentioned), Jim Jimenez x gn!reader (probably platonic; possibly romantic)
Summary: When they catch you kissing Izzy, Jim has some questions.
Warnings: None! (Let me know if I need to add any)
Word count: 0.6k
(A/N: Excuse any glaring typos; I edited most of this at 2 AM. So, I wrote a set of headcanons where the reader is dating Izzy and is Lucius’ best friend, and it did really well (thanks for the support!). Anyway, I sort of had a similar idea where the reader is Jim’s best friend, partially because I wish that they were my best friend. Well, this could also be seen as a romantic Jim fic, if you choose to interpret it that way. Also, this is a ficlet and not headcanons just because I had an idea for certain pieces of dialogue which I really wanted to build on. Feel free to ask for more stuff based around this; I really like writing for Jim!)
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Jim usually didn’t pry into other people’s business. After all, they didn’t like it when people pried into their business. It was a rule that applied to you, too, even though you were closer with them than most.
Of course, rules never stopped Jim (not even their own) and they did think you were making a horrible, terrible mistake. Plus, they supposed that, were the worst to happen, they’d probably end up feeling kinda bad if they didn’t say anything to dissuade you from this colossal fuck up.
Unfortunately, they were never really one for tact, which is why, when they caught you kissing Izzy (in your guys’ defence, you thought no one would see), they cornered you later on and confronted you about it.
“What the hell are you doing with a guy like that dick?”
You blinked at them, confused by their question and disoriented from them dragging you into their cabin. The slam of the door was still reverberating against your eardrums.
They fidgeted with a sense of urgency and frustration. 
“I saw you. And him.”
“You’re gonna have to be more specific.” you replied. “We’re on a ship full of ‘him’s.”
“Oh come on. I mean you and Izzy fuckin’ Hands.”
Your eyes widened and, on instinct, you scratched your neck uncomfortably. They folded their arms.
“‘Oh’?” Jim repeated incredulously. “That’s all you have to say?”
Arms folded across their chest, they watched you expectantly, causing you to shift uncomfortably under their gaze.
“I... I like him?” you tried.
“Yeah. I could kinda guess from the kissing.” 
Heat rose to your cheeks.
“Why do you care?” you questioned.
“Because,” they shrugged. “I like you and you really like that asshole.”
“You like me?” you questioned. “I didn’t think you liked anyone- other than Olu, of course. I mean, I know we’re the closest thing you... ‘do’ to friends, but-”
They groaned. “Don’t change the subject. This is about you screwing around with that total asshole.”
A sigh escaped your lips. 
“We’re not ‘screwing around’,” you defended. “And he’s not a total asshole.”
“Could‘a had me fooled.” they snorted. “So, what exactly are you doing, then?”
You rolled your eyes with an exasperated huff; they were unfazed by your frustrated reaction. 
“Well, it’s more serious than ‘screwing around’.” you stated. “I don’t think we’re really labelling it yet. I mean, it only really started, like, a month ago.”
They stared at you like you had denied the existence of gravity. You couldn’t help but groan at their reaction.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
They folded their arms.
“You’re setting yourself up to get hurt by some dick whose every move creates a laundry list of people who hate his guts.” Jim explained. “Excuse me for not wanting you to fuck yourself over by fucking him.”
Upon processing their words (and deciding to ignore the latter comment), a realisation hit you that caused your demeanour to soften a little. Your irritation melted away. Their brows furrowed as they picked up on this shift.
“Look, Jim, I know how Izzy can be sometimes,” you said gently. “But, I swear that he won’t hurt me. If I thought he would, I wouldn’t have anything to do with him. You just have to trust me on this one.”
They just looked at you for a moment, seemingly formulating some kind of response.
The silence was finally interrupted by, “It’s not you I don’t trust.”
Sighing, you jammed your hands into your pockets.
“Fair enough.”
Jim scratched their chin.
“Then again, this has nothing to do with me.” they shrugged. “I can’t stop you, even if I think this is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen on this stupid ship.”
You suspected they had something more to say.
“Go on.” you prompted. “What’s the ‘but’?”
“But,” they continued reluctantly. “If he fucks you over and breaks your heart, there’ll be hell to pay. ¿Comprende?”
You knitted your brows. Of course, you could infer what they meant, though-
“Not really.” you answered. “Why would you do that for me?”
“I told you,” they said simply. “I like you. Simple as.”
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
I don't know why those anons that decided to attack me without the self respect to even go through my own blog are still bugging me so much but... I suppose it's just the confusion of experiencing hate for no reason. At least come at me not through someone else. My asks/anons are always open and maybe it bugs me but still. How icky. Like I wasn't even worth enough to hate me to my face (my blog. Whatever.)
In case anyone is confused on how some Tumblrs work- fan pages? They tend to only post about the things they're a fan of. I love more things than just Dom and Kells but you don't see me posting about much else. The same way Roxy separates her Kells page and 21 Pilots page but loves them both. Sure some people post about anything and everything but some of us have a focus and that's okay.
I love women, I love lots of women. I grew up on divas (the real originals, not the pop icons that exist now). I obsessed over Buffy, Charmed, True Blood, and Ghost Whisperer. I begged my own mind to see that obsession and try instead to be more like them. I tried. I tried so hard. My favorite book series isn't just by a female- it's hero is a heroine. Most of my favorite books are like that.
All my closest friends are women, online and when I got out more in real life. My mother is one of my favorite humans. My platonic harem my group of friends and my safety net here are mostly female. Just because I call out bad things when I see it and it so happens to be a woman doesn't make someone misogynistic. Frankly it's disgusting to say so and lessens the meaning of the word. People who act like that probably support Amber Heard. Saying women can't be called out for negativity or abuse isn't very feminist of you. It's basically saying women aren't actually equal.
I've been attacked on here by terfs before, I made the mistake of joking about equality in sports. Asking why trans people can't play in their group. I posed the question, why not mix all genders together and prove once and for all women are better and erase transphobia in sports but I had to delete it because I got attacked so much. It's probably still up on those pages... I think about it too frequently.
You can't have it both ways, you can't say 'equality' then say women can't be bad too. You can't claim to be better than men and then say trans women can't join your team. It doesn't make sense.
Maybe it's my AuDHD or something I don't know but when I feel mentally bad touched like that it doesn't go away for so long. It sets up shop in the back of my mind and picks away at it like acid. That's what hate feels like to me. Acid. I hear the bad louder than the good no matter how hard I try not to. But all of you have been so amazing. Thank you. Anyway, if you made it this far claim your Eeveelution. I made a little edit of how it felt to me the other night with Pokemon. Me the little Houndour being protected by all the Eevee/Eons 🖤
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madi2112 · 6 months
Just thinking out loud for a few minutes.
For the last 8 months My Crush has used a picture of her and I as the profile picture on her social media accounts.
An honor I was quietly thrilled about.
I never saw another person in that spot for her accounts previously. Only location pictures and the occasional posing with a Disney character.
Last night she changed the picture of us to one of her with Donald Duck.
I was a tad dissapointed, but after 8 months I figured it was going to happen sooner or later.
I did do something unusual (for me) and sent her a light hearted message about the change.
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After seeing a response like that is it any wonder I'm confused as all hell??
Right now we are just friends and only communicate occasionally. We have run into each other in person randomly on a regular basis.
In fact, the two message from March 2nd at the top of the screenshot make reference to that very subject.
After trading messages for about a half hour this little gem came up.
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The top of the screen is in response to an edited copy of the photo we took togather at Epcot I sent to her.
Please ignore the spelling errors. I get a bit nervously excited when I'm interacting with her.
Our conversation continue on about travel, her upcoming vacation to Japan and more.
Until she told me it was time for her to shower and get ready for bed!
Am I reading more into this then there is? Is my wishful thinking clouding my judgment? Is hope playing tricks on me?
I harbor deep doubts anything could happen. I'm more than 15 years her senior, a transwoman and I'm not even sure of her preference in partners.
Still maybe....
There is something there. Maybe she is as shy as I am. Maybe those messages aren't as platonic as I think they are. Maybe those very long tight hugs have meaning to them.
I hope so. Because just thoughts of those things squeeze my heart like nothing else.
I hope.
As Andy Dufrene says "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things"
Still the question is "What do I do next?"
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tplambies · 2 years
(context for this post can be found in this masterpost under communications re:boot!)
The actor who plays Frances (I’ll be calling them by their roles, not the names of the actors- too confusing) has played a lot of big roles since her involvement in Number Street and is a very well known actor! She's almost like the Meryl Streep of this au, being very versatile and having a lot of famous titles to her name. Her performance as Poppy went pretty under the radar, seeing as the show wasn't super popular and had a small budget- at least until the announcement that she would be returning to play Frances in the COMMUNICATIONS reboot of the show. Her hardcore fans started circulating clips of her as Poppy, several of which were meme'd and made into tiktok audios (as you do). This brought hype for the reboot that wasn't there previously, seeing as the fan community for the original show was fairly small.
A few interview quotes from Frances!
Q: What were your thoughts when you found out Poppy was cut from the reboot?
A: “I’m sad to see her go, at least for now. No spoilers! However, I do enjoy the new dynamic the Elsner family has now that they're child-free. Platonic marriage isn't typically explored in media, it was a very interesting direction. So as close as I hold Poppy to my heart, I’m willing to let her go to explore new scenarios with the rest of the family.”
Q: What inspired you when playing Frances?
A: “I was a little out of my element at first. I mean, there was no Frances last time I was an Elsner! But then on my first day on set, somebody asked me if I’d read ‘the comic’. And I went, ‘what comic?’, and they said ‘oh my god, the comic!’ And so they showed me this insane, crudely drawn comic about extreme versions of the Elsner family with time travel and psychics and spirits, oh my! It was the craziest thing I’d ever read. I'd have to credit the mind of that author for inspiring me. Beyond that, there were a lot of other actors I looked up to…”
Q: Will you be coming back for a second season?
A: “Unfortunately, I don't think Frances will appear in the second season, but I would love to come back as another character if I was asked. It seems the second season is going to defy all expectations.”
Q: What was your relationship with Henry off set?
A: “It’s quite funny, actually. I’d always apologize to him after dramatic scenes, as he really looked that scared! Henry is an excellent actor, and it was a pleasure to work alongside him. I can’t say much about our relationship off set, as we didn't often hang out outside of cast dinners and such.”
Q: And what about Nancy?
A: “Oh, Nancy is such a joy! I like to think I took her under my wing during this project. She has such raw emotion in her acting, I almost didn’t believe her when she said this was her first lead! She acted quite nervous around me at first, a bit intimidated I believe, but we warmed up to each other and became quite good friends. She asks me for lots of advice, always striving for perfection. Such a hard worker. She's precious.”
Q: And Ray?
A: “Oh my, he makes me feel old and young all at once. He wrote 'gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss’ on my mirror in lipstick a few days into filming. I had to ask him what it meant. I thought it was quite funny, although it is apparently outdated now. Times change so fast. To get back to the topic, Ray is an incredibly talented young actor with so much potential! He truly transforms into his character, it’s almost scary sometimes on set. We’re not in any scenes together, unfortunately, though he’s told me if we were we’d be an unstoppable “male and female manipulator duo”.
this definitely needs some more editing but I wanted to share the scraps lol
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leeyanyanyaaan · 2 years
one piece nerd - han jisung
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"one piece nerd."
han jisung & oc
• platonic/romantic/friends to lovers - your take on this lol
• fluff and crack
• no warnings (well, maybe excessive mention of one piece oops 💀)
• last edited: 22 / 05 / 2022
a/n: i'm sorry this is a very self indulgent oneshot JABSKSJS
if there's one thing you should know about lee ye-eun, it's her very obvious love for her favorite anime: one piece; most especially her beloved favorite character, tony tony chopper.
it was the first thing han jisung noticed when he first met the girl back when he first transferred to her high school; sitting at her desk in the corner, she was reading the latest volume of the series, so intently that he felt that talking to her would interrupt her precious reading time. he took note of the little chopper keychain and plush hanging from her backpack, as well as her wallpaper when it lit up from a notification. this girl really loves her one piece, he thought, but found it intriguing more than anything else. sure one piece may be one of the big three of anime, but most of the people he knew that knows the series were guys. it was surprising to see that a girl his age was such an avid fan.
hearing the girl sigh in content and put down her manga, jisung turned around to finally introduce himself as her new classmate. surprised that he had been waiting that entire time for her to finish reading, the girl blushed in embarrasment for having been seen in such a... geeky state, and shyly introduced herself as ye-eun. seeing that, well, she had just finished reading about it, jisung started off the conversation with the series. ye-eun was still shy with her responses at first, but as they continued talking, she was quick to get passionate about the series. this made jisung laugh at how cute she was, which ended up reverting her into an even more flustered, embarrassed mess.
and so began their friendship. through the power of anime. yes. lol jokes aside-
through this slightly odd encounter, they quickly grew close and remain to be even after six years, where jisung is now a member of stray kids, and ye-eun just a graphic designer. even after six years, ye-eun still loves her one piece dearly, and jisung loves her. loves her passion for one piece, he says. not, you know-
funnily enough, after six years, here the two of them were, in ye-eun's room as she was reading one piece on her bed with jisung beside her, watching her. surrounding the two of them were ye-eun's beloved chopper plushie collection, one of the centerpieces to her one piece decorated room. ye-eun put down her phone where she was reading from and faceplanted into her pillow, screaming in frustration
"oda! please! you can't leave me on such a huge cliffhanger like that man!" ye-eun lifted her head and rested it on her arms instead, sulking. "now i have to wait for what happens next for a week... well at least there was a really good chopper moment were he took center stage hehe." she perked up quickly.
jisung laughed endearingly; some things never change. ye-eun only turned her head looked at jisung... which later turned into intense staring. the longer she stared, the more uncomfortable jisung started to get.
"uhhh... yes?"
wordlessly, ye-eun reached to grab a chopper cosplay hat and placed it on jisung's head. she sat up and started squishing his cheeks, leaving jisung to be very confused.
"huh- yennie-ah???"
"han jisung. every time i look at chopper's photos, i can't help but be reminded of you. I MEAN, LOOK AT MY BABY. DON'T YOU SEE THE RESEMBLANCE?"
with his cheeks still being squished, jisung looked over at ye-eun's phone, an adorable chubby-cheeked-chopper beside a low quality candid photo of jisung with his cheeks puffed up as a side by side comparison... okay maybe there's a little bit of resemblance.
when ye-eun finally released her hold, jisung rubbed his poor violated face while she turned her attention back to her phone, adoring her favorite character. jisung rolled his eyes. maybe he should tease her a bit.
"hm, so if chopper is your baby, and i look like chopper, does that mean i'm your baby now too?"
ye-eun switched from 🥺 at her phone to the most judgemental eyes at him so fast jisung ended up laughing his ass off.
ye-eun harumphed. "you may be baby, but chopper's on a different level than you! both in visuals and sentimental value."
jisung makes a sound of indignance "has our six years of friendship meant nothing to you?!"
"i've known one piece for 15!"
jisung gasped and dramatically placed a hand to his heart "then i guess those six years shall end right here and now!"
then the two of them burst into contagious laughter, having to hold their stomachs from laughing so much.
"you maybe one huge ass one piece nerd, but watch me! i'll surprass your love for that anime one day! so don't even think about getting rid of me, because i'm never ever gonna leave your side!"
ye-eun continued to laugh at his cute declaration, giving him a side hug. "yeah yeah, not gonna happen, we'd be dead before one piece finishes 💀 but love ya too quokka."
a/n: are they just friends? lovers? friends that like each other but havent confessed yet? their relationship is completely up to your guys interpretation :)
AHASHDBKJA hi yes so like- this is actually from a skz one shot wattpad book that i started early in the year... which got discontinued (imsorry) 💀 and now that i've got tumblr to share my writing i decided hey why not get some of my old pieces to fill up my blog lol
idek if there's much stay that are one piece fans either TT but istg when it comes to one piece and skz in the same picture i freaking fangirl over chans CHOPPER MONEY BANK and seungmins CHOPPER DOLL HE GOT FROM THE CLAW MACHINE LMAO BYE
anyways, have a chubby-cheeked chopper before you go :) thank you for reading!
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basilly · 3 years
marriage? || p!bench trio x reader
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request: Ok ok this might be confusing, but what if reader was with ranboo and tubbo in their platonic marriage (not officially but still there) and they’re always ignored and left out so they starts spending more time with Tommy and like they decide to get married but platonically and it just ends in Tommy fluff
note: also let me preface, i know the tommy hating ranboo is a bit but uhh let me make this kinda angsty okay :D
pretend that this is for character/lore stuff
pronouns: they/them
warnings: uhmm none | angst to fluff ish
edited by: @sleepysoupi 
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it had been the three of you since day one, the iconic platonic marriage trio. always together, interacting on streams, platonically flirting on twitter, and never once letting the smile slip from your faces. there wasn’t a soul on the smp that didn’t know about your little trio.
or so you thought.
day by day, you felt the two of them slip away. they shifted, ever so slightly. their relationship became different. stronger, deeper, more connected. without you.
they had adopted a son. they hired someone to build their mansion. they called daily, and for hours on end.
of course they had invited you, you were one of their partners in the platonic marriage. nonetheless, it felt so wrong. so out of place.
you started to slip away from the two, just being around them made your stomach feel sick. 
it wasn’t as if they noticed anyway, no one did.
unbeknownst to you, tommy watched it all happen from a distance. he empathized, he knew. he understoof the pain you were going through, he too watched his own best friend slip away to ranboo.
he didn’t want you to go down your own sad path, so he decided to reach out.
tommyinnit: y/n vc 2
*y/n joins the call*
“hey tommy! what’s up?” “y/n lets hang out” “okayy- what do you want to do” “i was thinking- and you know what? we need another tower! made out of cobblestone!” “we have like four of those-” “but i want ANOTHER”
as the days went on, tommy slowly started talking to you more, eventually to the point you joined each other’s streams without having to ask.
“and so- oh hey y/n!” “hey tommy!”
you would be lying if you said tommy didn’t cheer you up. he brought you lots of laughs, distracting you from your troubling thoughts. he made you feel welcome, like you weren’t intruding. 
ranboo and tubbo had noticed your interactions as well. they weren’t blind, but they wanted to have whatever made you happy. they tried to reach you, but they were too scared to break your fun. so they watched from a distance, smiling with regret dripping from their teeth. they felt guilty- had they made you feel awful enough to make you leave?
whilst laughing along with tommy and his antics, he suggests something.
“y/n- maybe we should get platonically married”
pausing slightly, you thought of ranboo and tubbo.
they wouldn’t mind, right? i haven’t even talked to them in a while..
“we should- you’re now my platonic husband” “LET’S GO- platonic marriage pog”
the two of you enjoyed messing around and hanging out on the smp, avoiding badboyhalo and sam so you wouldn’t get caught.
“y/n let’s go over here and- oh..”
in your line of vision, came the very two bee and boo themselves. 
ranboo: “oh hey y/n! hello tommy!” y/n: “hi guys..” tubbo: “so what have you been up to?” tommy: “oh you know, making towers, uhm getting platonically married-” tubbo: “you got what?” y/n: “tommy-”
ranboo and tubbo turned to one another, knowing they had to say something and avoiding the conversation that the three of you were too scared to address.
ranboo: “y/n, we’re sorry.” tubbo: “yea- we didn’t mean to make you upset, we saw you happier with tommy and we didn’t want to say anything.” ranboo: “we miss you. a lot” tubbo: “we didn’t realize how much we left you out till you stopped hanging out with us- we wanted to make you this really cool room in the mansion, and it's not done but... it's there for you when you want to come visit.”
the apology was very sweet, and although it was a bit shocking, you couldn’t help but feel happiness bubble in your throat. you couldn’t be too mad at them, after all they were your best friends. they had also realized their mistake, rather than asking you what they did wrong and playing the victim card. 
y/n: “awh, thanks guys, i’ll accept the apology, i missed you guys as well- why don’t we all get married!” tommy: “what?? no- the fuck i’m not getting married to ranboo” tubbo: “why nottt :(”
you couldn’t help but giggle, loving the four of you together without awkwardness as an invisible partner that hung out alongside you.
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an: sorry this wasn’t as much tommy fluff, i felt like bench trio as a whole was a little better
taglist: @fluff-goblin @bozowrites @peachynightz-main @kai-was-here @xoxothornbudoxox @b3l0v3ds @truthfulsyncerity @forutheworld @losingvienna @luluwinchester​ @cr0wbonezz-wr1ting-inc​ @dreamiewrites​ @a-simp-for-block-people​ @dysfunctionalcrab​ @ella-ivanov​ @akasuki​ @bioluminescentfrog​ @brainsanalysis​ @momo-has-a-gun​ @korylyzed​ @etherealexsistence​ @sleepysoupi​ @notgeoreg​ @ialexabsuniverse​ @disastrousdream​ @inniterhq​ @bugthegremlin​ @spoonz​ @god1ngs​ @sabinanotfound​ @stuffforreferences​ @crybabyjabby​ @twitchchatvroom​ @mack4676​ @esylwen​ @notphilosopherstudentblog​ @dirty-candie @ohhonk @oh-mcyt
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reki-of-the-valley · 3 years
More Renga brainrot because that's all I do! - Pet names edition!
Langa calls Reki his Sunshine, but he says it in English to Reki doesn't get it. And Langa starts calling him Sunshine before they start dating so Reki doesn't click that it's a pet name
At first, Langa only uses Sunshine to refer to Reki when he's just talking to himself, mostly when he's tired or his head and heart are just fluttering with Reki Reki Reki
The first time Langa slips up, he's with his mom. They're out shopping, one of the rare occasions when they spend time together.
Nanako is going on about how she wishes she made more traditional Japanese dishes and meals, but she's so used to making western food that she never has any ideas of what to make or how they never taste the way she really wants them to when she does makes dishes from her childhood. Langa is nodding along - Nanako is used to her son being silent - but then he's talking so her full attention is on her son, especially when he's saying things like "I could always ask Sunshine's mom how she makes [insert whatever dish]"
There's a silence, then Langa feels the panic build up in him. "Wait! No! I mean Reki's mom! Not-!" Langa's biting the inside of his cheeks, so embarrassed. Nanako is grinning and she will be asking more about this whole "Sunshine" situation, to Langa's disenchantment
Langa is pretty good with concealing the whole thing, especially when he's only speaking Japanese. But it happens, he does slip up around Reki. It's after an especially thrilling yet exhausting night at S. Both as sweaty and tired, ready to crash, but Langa is hungry because he just burned so much energy. His mind is a blissful haze, somewhere between Japanese and English. That's how he ends up casually asking something along the lines of "Wanna go get burgers, Sunshine?"
He nearly doesn't catch his own words, and he wouldn't have thought twice if it wasn't for Reki looking at him in confusion. Panic once again. Because this time it's not his mom, it's not a stranger, it isn't in his head and heart. He called Reki Sunshine to his face. Reki was sunshine, yes, but saying it, it makes things real. It's putting his feelings out there for everyone to see. It's admitting to Reki that he thinks about him a little too much, a little too intensely, a little more than just platonically
But Reki is oblivious, because it's Reki. Reki who doesn't understand English. Reki who has a thousand nicknames for Langa. So for Reki, Sunshine is just Langa's equivalent of dude but in English, so he doesn't mind at all. And Langa is both extremely relieved and extremely frustrated
After that, Langa only uses Sunshine when he's praising Reki. It's unconscious, really, but it's fitting. And in a way, it's telling Reki he loves him, it's telling Reki that he loves him so much, enough to be giving him pet names. Reki is his summer sunshine, his morning sun, his light, but only in English. Langa can't quite say it in Japanese, in a language Reki understands. That's too much. Langa isn't ready to admit his feelings. Langa isn't ready to confess, not yet. Maybe never, but he is ready to call Reki his Sunshine in a language he's truly comfortable in
And this goes on for a while. Months of a secret pet name. Until Reki is getting ready for a race against Miya. No high stakes, probably something dumb like loser has to do the other's homework of choice (obvs it has to be reasonable, not like a whole essay or asking a middle schooler to do something he doesn't know like advanced math or whatever). Reki and Miya are bickering and teasing each other, friendly trash talk as they're used to at S. At least until Langa is coming along, wishing his Sunshine good luck. Reki grins because Langa is good luck to him. Miya is gapping.
"Sunshine? That's so gross, you slime! Of all the pet names you could choose, you go with Sunshine? And you didn't bother telling me you two are dating? How long have you been hiding it?"
Langa feels his whole insides twist. His heart stops. He feels sick. Miya is staring between the two. Reki is staring at him, frozen. Everything is wrong. This is not how Langa wanted this to go. This isn't how he wanted Reki to learn about-!
"Langa?" Reki's hand is squeezing Langa's arm. "Langa, you good man?" Reki is crouched down next to Langa. Reki - Langa can see the panic in his eyes, the uncertainty, the anxiety - is pushing all his own feelings aside, acting brave for Langa. Langa who never felt this overwhelmed until now.
Obviously, at this point, the race is postponed, Joe, Cherry, even Shadow, having gathered around to see what was happening. Miya is apologizing, but mostly unsure of what he did wrong. At least, he doesn't know until Reki is snapping back, big amber eyes staring the boy down and telling him that he isn't dating Langa. And Langa's heart tightens in his chest.
Joe is the one to clear the crowd, pushing everyone away to give Langa and Reki space. Cherry stays behind, but as soon as the two are calm enough, he gives them a curt nod before walking off.
The silence is thick and awkward, and Langa wants to die on the spot. He can't face Reki. Reki wasn't supposed to know about the pet name in the first place!
But then Reki's hand is on his, his smile soft, his eyes... Deep amber and looking at him in a way Reki's never looked at him. There's something in Reki's expression that makes Langa's stomach flip, his heart doing cartwheels in his chest.
"Hey, man, you good?" "I'm sorry." "What? Why?" "I shouldn't have..." "Is this about the whole Sunshine thing?" Langa nods. "Don't worry 'bout it, dude. And I mean, it's not mean. You're allowed."
That's when Langa notices it, the way Reki's thumb is rubbing his knuckles, the way Reki's looking at him, a light blush making his face glow, every freckle like a star against a sunset. That's why Reki is Langa's sunshine. Because he's beautiful, he's calming, he's the end of the day, the time to wind down and relax. Reki is a continual golden hour, with his grin and shiny eyes
It's now or never, Langa knows that. It's now or he'll have to die with that knowledge. It's now or Langa will never have another shot to see this beautiful view ever again
"I like you. I like you so much, Reki."
Langa feels Reki tense up, his fingers going rigid against Langa's. Langa sees how Reki's eyes widen, his shoulders freezing midbreath. But then he's grinning. And laughing. And nodding.
"Yeah, man? You mean it?" Langa nods hesitantly. "Man, aw, dude! That's- Yeah, yeah, okay, man. I mean- Aw, dude, this is so much harder than I thought... Of course you make it sound so easy to say, but like, man! Langa, dude, I like you too!"
Reki is grinning, wider than Langa's ever seen. So bright, like the Sunshine that he is. And at that moment, Langa almost blurts out that he loves him. (He has more self-control than that. One step at a time)
Reki refuses to let go of Langa's hand after that. They don't talk about what that means quite yet, what they are now, since they're still at S and it's noisy and this is a conversation they should probably have on their own, but Reki doesn't let go of Langa's hand and Langa takes that as a win in his book. Especially when Reki is pulling him up, dragging him back to their friends
Miya's got his hands stuffed in his pockets, not quite wanting to talk to the two, probably embarrassed about all the commotion he caused (he also probably got scolded by Cherry and Joe). He's only pulled out of his teenage pouting when Reki is ruffling his hair, reminding him that they had a beef
Both get ready for the race, everyone's spirits lifted once more. And Reki is especially pumped now. He's just missing one thing: his good luck charm
"C'mon! Say it! Please?" "But I said it before." "Say it again, please Langa?" "Fine, fine. Good luck, Sunshine. I believe in you."
And with the rush of adrenaline that hangs in the air at S, Langa finds the confidence to press a kiss to Reki's cheek, whispering "good luck, Reki" into the warm skin. There's an explosion of cheers and screams but Reki doesn't have time to linger onto the sensation of Langa's lips pressed to his cheek because the lights are already going, the race about to start
Edit: just a reminder that there is a fic version of this that can be found here!
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bozowrites · 4 years
*slams hands on the table*
I. Need. More. Platonic. Parent. Figure. For. Mcyt. Minors!
Could you do Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo with p! Reader, who is a big streamer and youtuber and like mentors them? Like reader found their channels really early on and decided to help, with editing, streaming tips and overall support?? Preferred female reader pwease :D
↳ Request above!
Characters: [CC] TommyInnit, Tubbo and Ranboo.
TW: seen more as a female reader 
A/n: *slams hands on the table back* agreed, darling!
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You found him when he had an average of 500 viewers.
Immediately you found a liking to his persona and crazy antics. So, you pressed follow.
He went ballistic seeing that follow pop up on his dash and he quite literally jumped off his chair and shouted the most random words in pure joy.
Parents thought he pissed his pants.
He sent a load of messages to you through Instagram and it was honestly adorable to see just how excited someone could be.
Few weeks into the friendship, you two started streaming together and you helped him manager his socials, video editing and even became one of his mods.
He has no trouble bragging to people how someone famous follows him, but he does really appreciate you and all the trouble you’ve gone through to ensure he has the best of the best programs for editing and the best stream transitions.
He can get a little clingy with you though ;-;
“Y/n! Woman! Join my stream! Join my stream!”
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When he had around five thousand followers, you found him streaming when you were looking for someone new to watch on one of your off days.
You found his antics funny and kept watching for the few minutes he was live before he said goodbye to his viewers.
You followed him right after, finding his socials and following him there too.
This didn’t pass him.
He saw that Twitter notification first and was in absolute excitement. He even got a someone to read it for him just to make sure he was reading it right.
He was.
After DMing you, he surprisingly got a reply and was even more ecstatic!
Few weeks into the blossoming friendship you had already helped his channel grow even more with nothing but advice. With your experience in the field, he took in all the advice you could give him.
He was honestly just over the moon when he made friends with someone who was one of the reasons for starting a channel.
He looks up to you so much and sometimes can’t believe you’re his friend. That he facetimes you. That you love him (platonic).
He wants to meet you in real life really bad.
“Can we have a bee farm together, Y/n?”
“Tubbo, I would love to have a bee farm with you.”
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He’s only been streaming for the last six months, so you had found him about one or two months into it. He was really sweet and funny, which lead to you following his Twitch.
Obviously, he saw that and so did the few hundred people watching him see it (he was live when you followed him).
He was so confused.
He literally loved you, watched every stream of yours and even owned some merch. So seeing that Yourusername followed you scared and excited him. He short-circuited and was a stuttering mess.
After the stream, he took his chance to message you on Twitter, saying thanks for the follow. Nothing major and whether you saw it or not, he didn’t mind.
You saw it.
And your friendship blossomed from there and you helped him behind the scenes of his streams. You gave him your best tips and how you had your setup done, which made his streams seem like he’d been at it for years.
You helped him pick his mods (you’d be one, but you couldn’t be active enough for it) and helped make his transitions and even gave him a few connections.
He wanted to grow on his own first before you and him streamed together. He didn’t want to piggyback off your fame before he made at least a few thousand followers himself, which you understood.
I mean, he was already known as the guy Yourusername followed.
Once he started posting on YouTube, you helped edit his videos by giving him the program and editing style you used. He took some of his own ideas, but also a few of yours.
He really loved you as a fellow streamer and YouTuber and really looked up to you, seeing you as his “Twitch Mom”.
Once you two started streaming together, people labelled you as his “Twitch mom” as well.
“Hey, Twitch mom, can I have a room in your house?”
“Of course, Twitch child.”
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enhas-bestie · 3 years
uni love [08]
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chapter eight : only downhill from here I guess 🙃
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you lock your phone and slowly slide it into your pocket, eyes intently trained on lee heeseung. you watch him fiddle with the strings of his hoodie, shuffling around nervously, and looking so extremely bashful as he speaks your friend and roommate hwang yeji.
the two of you had arrived at least ten minutes ago for your consultation with heeseung, and for those past ten minutes, he hadn't even spoken to you once. well, aside from the little greeting (if that's what you could even call it) when you walked through the door.
and you were glad, truly. it's not like you wanted to get told that your assignment was grade A trash anyway... but something was definitely up with the weird way heeseung was chatting yeji up. and you wouldn't call yourself the most observant person in the world, but you knew what someone with a crush looked like when you saw them.
and lee heeseung definitely had a crush on yeji.
good lord this is painful to watch, you thought as you painstakingly watched heeseung trying to converse with your friend.
"yeah-it's been a while... or actually... not a long while-- but still a while since we've seen each other. we should catch up!" you watch as a look of horror descends on his face as his brown eyes widen, "not like a date catch up- a normal catch up, like how friends do. wait - are we friends? probably not but i-"
"okay-" you interrupt , clearing your throat loud enough to get heeseung to stop talking. when he finally shuts his mouth, you're thankful, because as much as you don't particularly like him, you're not cruel enough to watch him make a fool out of himself any longer.
and yeji-- poor, oblivious and kind yeji, just turns her head to look at you. you see a look of realization crossing her face as she straightens up, "right, sorry! you probably want to discuss your work with heeseung. don't worry, I'll be waiting for you outside." she says reassuringly as she smiles and gives heeseung a final wave.
"oh and heeseung, we should definitely hang out sometime."
her tone is friendly and purely platonic , but you're pretty sure heeseung is floating on cloud nine, judging by the way he watches her in awe as she walks out the room. is he for real?
you have to clear your throat to break him out of his trance. but when he does, it's almost as if a switch has been flipped, and you're suddenly reminded why you never wanted to meet him in the first place. ah, yes-this was what you were familiar with.
his eyes narrow as he looks you up and down, and you nearly shrink under his gaze. the only thing stopping you from feeling intimidated is the fact that you just saw him blubbering like a fool a few seconds ago. ugh, I should have just let him talk yeji's ear off.
"what is this?" heeseung asks passively as he shoves his ipad into your hands. you're careful not to drop it, even though your mind tells you to do it out of spite. on the screen is the draft to the assignment you submitted days ago--the only difference being the multiple red scribbles, comments and arrows all over it. evidence of heeseung's editing.
you look up at him and smile awkwardly, "told you I needed help, didn't I?" and then you left me hanging and told me to go fucking read.
his eyes narrow further, and you watch him let out a breathless laugh, "right... now I know why you looked so familiar. do you think this is funny?" he asks seriously.
you only looked at him confused and let out an unintelligent "huh?" what does he mean by funny?
heeseung just sighs and shakes his head. it leaves you feeling even more confused, but you push it aside and gesture for him to take back his ipad, "look, I clearly need help here,, so you really don't have to tell me how terrible my draft is. just give me some...tips or something so I don't end up failing. "
heeseung looks at you unimpressed, hands crossed over his chest and lips pressed into a straight line, "tips or something? this isn't highschool where we hold your hand and revise the bare minimum every few seconds-the basic layout of a business plan is something you should be familiar with already."
you scowl at his words, "you don't get it, I'm not supposed to be in this course. I literally have no clue as to what the hell I'm supposed to be doing."
heeseung pauses at your words, a flash of confusion over his face, "what do you mean?"
"I mean I was supposed to be enrolled in a psychology program but my schedule got messed up. I'll only be able to transfer out next term, but for now, I actually do need you to explain to me what's going on."
"so that first day when you asked me to explain it to you..." heeseung looks at you slightly guiltily, "you weren't just doing it so you could talk to me?"
"so that I could talk to you?" you scoffy incredulously, "you're kidding right?" you can't even believe that you thought this boy was so shy and sweet looking when you first saw him. a deciever at it's finest, you thought bitterly.
"it happens a lot..." heeseung bows his head timidly, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
"right, I'm sure it does." you say irratably. you're more than annoyed now, knowing that the only reason he blew you off when you needed help was because he assumed that you were only doing it for your attention.
"so can you explain this to me now, please?" you ask curtly. you hope he'll actually help you this time, preferably as soon as possible so that you could leave and never see him again (or until monday, since that's when you had your next class)
"don't have to be so bossy about it." you hear him mutter under his breath, and you bite your tongue because you are not a confrontational person (no matter how much you liked to talk), but right now, lee heeseung was most definitely testing you.
"your main problem was the layout, the content was actually good," heeseung comments off-handedly while scrolling back and forth on his tablet, scrutinizing your work.
"yeah, yeji leant me her books." you say, watching as a smile takes over his face. oh, he definitely has a crush , you think.
"oh? that's why it's so good.. because yeji took the notes."
"can you just, like, ask her out or something?" you roll your eyes at him, "i don't normally give out relationship advice but you're kind of obvious, and it hurts to watch. "
heeseung's eyes widen as you speak, and he reminds you of a little kid who just heard a bad word for the first time, "you can't be that scared of asking her out, she's literally harmless-most of the time..."
"can we not talk about this right now? I don't even know you."
"or you know what," you say ,crossing your arms over your chest, "don't ask her out. you're not her type anyway." it technically is true. and while you're definitely sure that heeseung looks like everybody's type, but personality wise, yeji tended to go for guys with strong personalities. and while heeseung seemed irratating and maybe even a bit forward (*cough* rude) with you, you doubted he could match that energy with yeji.
heeseung visibly deflates at your words and although your find him irratating, it kind of makes you feel bad, so you add on, "but I'm sure you'd be able to win her over if you try hard enough."
when heeseung doesn't respond, you feel the atmosphere grow even more tense than it was before. you're on the brink of just walking out and calling it quits to spare yourself from the awkward situation you've just put yourself in, when he finally speaks, a spark in his eyes as he proposes to you a deal that will change your life forever.
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prev -> chapter eight -> next
synopsis : you have high hopes for your second year of university. so it’s a damn shame that your university’s administration messed up your timestable and put you in a business course you had no intention of being in. you’d think being assigned an attractive teaching assistant would at least make things a little bit better, but of course you were wrong once again. luckily, you’re allowed to swap modules in the new term, but only on the condition that you pass the business module. sounds good,, except for the fact that you’ve never done business in your life...but not to fear! TA Lee Heeseung promises to help make you pass your module.
you just have to set him up with his crush, Hwang Yeji.
p.s. do NOT fall in love with him :)
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gillianthecat · 2 years
scattered thoughts on censorship of queerness and "bromance"
I hate censorship on a moral and political level, but sometimes i really enjoy the shows that come out of it. I think I enjoy the detective work of trying to read between the lines, of figuring out the subtext. In general (although not exclusively) I tend to prefer art that is understated rather than blatant (in regards to anything; not just queerness or sex). +
In a place, like China, where there is literal state censorship I think my biggest reaction is admiration at how the show-makers manage to tell a queer story despite their restrictions. I feel like I'm on their side, cheering them on for telling their story against the odds. I feel like a co-conspirator with them.
One of the fascinating things that can emerge from working under censorship is when makers create a story that makes no sense unless you know it's been censored. This has the effect of highlighting the censorship and the thing being censored. I only watched a little bit of Advance Bravely, but that's what happened there. And, to me, the editing of the ending of The Untamed, where there were a bunch of confusing time jumps, seemed like a deliberate way to say "we're not allowed to tell you what really happened with them." +
In places without state censorship, like the US or Korea, I get more betrayed and angry, since the censorship is a decision the creators are making. With The Devil Judge, while I'm really enjoying the game of "look! its a romance" I think if (when) I get to the end and their romantic relationship isn't explicitly acknowledged I'll be pissed. That's going to feel homophobic.
Obviously there are a lot of pressures on creators outside of literal state censorship. Capitalism is real. Sometimes the creative team needs to bow down to the production company. Even without official censorship this may be the only way they can get their particular queer story out into the world. But it still pisses me off, and there's a frustrating feeling of, if only. +
I think a censored queer romance, where the creators are clearly intentionally portraying a romantic relationship but not overtly acknowledging it as one, is different from a "bromance" where the creators aren't intending the relationship to be romantic/sexual, but (accidently?) create something that is easy to read sexual tension/romance into. [i haven't watched much American media in so long, so i can't think of any specific examples right now, but i know there are gazillions]
I 'm sure I'm not the first to say this, but: I think bromances happen when they're set in a world that pretends queerness doesn't exist. Since as viewers, we do know that queerness exists, it creates this dynamic where any of the characters could be queer and the show just wouldn't tell us. This means that any connection or tension between two characters can just as validly be read as romantic/sexual as it could as platonic friendship.
On the other hand, if the world acknowledges queerness (in a real way, not just a token gay co-worker), then we can believe a character shown to be straight is straight, and a relationship shown as platonic is platonic. We know that Alonzo and Bertram are just playful bantering friends and aren't romantic, because we're shown Carlo and Daisuke overtly flirting in the next room. +
Are there any recent English language censored queer romance shows? (Where the relationship is clearly depicted as romantic, but the show doesn't overtly acknowledge it.) All I can think of is stuff that is either bromance/sismance (or whatever the lesbian equivalent is called) or stuff that is explicitly queer. I know these films/shows must have existed earlier but I can't think of any now. Anyone have any names for me? If it stopped, when did it stop?
Some of these are inspired by other people's writing but its all melded together so I can't credit anyone specific right now.
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tenthgrove · 3 years
Can I request the one where La Squadra thought the reader was pregnant (when she just actually visited her kid) situation for Bruno's gang?
Mother Mother- Bucci Edition
Team Buccerati x Reader (Fem), Platonic, SFW
Bruno Buccerati is feeling restless. He's not one to pry, but your behaviour lately is starting to concern him. Leaving the base for hours without explanation is no cause for worry in itself, after all, you're not obliged to inform him of your whereabouts 24/7 and you're hardly the only one on the team who does this, but together with the ceaseless obsession with cutting your finances, the uncharacteristic melancholy and the jolt of panic whenever your personal circumstances become the topic of conversation all add up to a bad picture.
The final straw for Buccerati came today, in which while passing you idly on the sofa he caught sight of the word 'parenthood' printed on the title of the leaflet you were reading. He didn't see the rest of what it said, but your guilty smile at being caught spoke well enough for itself.
Buccerati truly does feel bad about this, but with how defensive you become at even the smallest sign of confrontation, he sees no other choice. As he watches you depart your bedroom and head into the bathroom, he waits quietly for the rush of water from the shower, before sneaking into your unlocked bedroom unnoticed.
He will make clear, he thinks to himself as he pilfers through the loose paper on your desk for that leaflet, that he is not angry. If it's what your heart is set on, he isn't even that opposed to the idea of you raising the baby yourself. The squad is decently paid and their work isn't as dangerous or all-consuming as some, so they can manage. He even feels a little bit of excitement at the thought of helping you with your offspring. He's only doing this because it can't be healthy for you to conceal your pregnancy like this. Children have always been such precious things to him.
A pink leaflet flits off of the desk and Buccerati picks up his prize. He reads the title in full.
"Parenthood for the Parents of Hospitalised Children: What Doctors Advise"
Ahh. Now that changes things. Buccerati feels his heart sink at the sight of the stock image of a mother and father standing over the bedside of a sickly-looking girl. He guiltily returns the leaflet to its former place and tries to reorganise the paper as he found it, before exiting quickly.
Having learned his lesson well about making assumptions on too little evidence, Buccerati sits down with his phone book. There's a fellow on one of the intel teams who owes him a small favour, and it's time he called on it.
“Hello, it’s Buccerati, could you do something for me quickly? I need you to check the records of all the hospitals in Naples that hospitalise chronically ill children, and take a look through the names of the patients in the children's ward," he requests. "There's a specific surname I'm after, hang on, I'll find it for you." Buccerati racks his brains. If there's one thing he's certain your being honest about it's your real name. He pulls it from his memories and relays it to his friend. "No, no need to take any action once you find them. Just let me know the details, particularly of the illness. Very well, thank you," he concludes the phone call and hangs up. He leans back in the seat and sighs.
He barely gets half an hour to rest before the phone rings.
"Oh hello, that was quick. Did you find them? That's excellent. What did the records say?"
The agent relays his findings. Matching the surname he gave him is a little girl about 5 years old, currently residing in the hospital closest to Buccerati's base. The child is suffering from a frightful condition that, although rarely fatal with treatment, can leave sufferers in need of constant medical care for months on end, along with more minor support for years after.
The most concerning thing about the records is that the agent was able to find visitation logs attached to the data, and they all speak of a single, anonymous visitor with recorded visits matching perfectly with the dates and times of your disappearances.
Buccerati thanks the agent and promises to wire him a little money for his quick and extensive help. Hanging up, he broods deeply. He cannot simply allow your suffering to continue if there's anything, anything at all he can do to help.
He is broken from his trance by the sounds of panicked footsteps running in from the hall. He catches sight of Mista and Narancia sneaking in from the hallway, and is struck by the immediate impression that they are by all definitions, up to no good.
"What's the matter you two? You seem startled," he presses them patiently. He is met with two loud sounds of 'uhhhh'.
"Nothing Buccerati, we swear it!" Narancia promises.
"Yeah! In fact, we were just going to the shops and were arguing over what to get!" Mista backs him up. Buccerati rolls his eyes and smiles.
"Alright. Not too much sugar, Narancia? We don't want to find you being sick in the bathroom at two in the morning again, do we?"
"It's not me you have to worry about doing that now," Narancia mutters under his breath.
"Pardon?" Buccerati asks, confused.
"Nothing! We should go now!"
The boys immediately make their exit out the front and disappear down the street. Bruno tuts. Sometimes he thinks he'll never understand that lot. He smiles.
As he replays the encounter in his head, it occurs to him what that strange item poking out of Mista's pocket was. The leaflet from (y/n)'s room. Shit.
"Mista? Narancia? I think we should have a word please!" Buccerati shouts down the entry street. But it's two late, they've both disappeared out of earshot. Buccerati throws his hands up in despair, and returns to his room.
Abbacchio knows what he sees. Mista and Narancia go running down the street and about 20 second later, Buccerati goes out shouting. As Abbacchio watches Buccerati return to the house in defeat, he makes a decision. He's had enough of those kids and their petty little antics. If Buccerati doesn't have it in him to set them straight, he will.
"You look pressed," Fugo remarks as Abbacchio pushes past him in the corridor.
"None of your business. Mista and Narancia are up to no good and now I've got to go and find them," Abbacchio grunts.
"Narancia?! But he promised me he'd work on his assignments tonight! Little bastard, I'll kill him!" Fugo fumes.
"Will you now? Better keep up then," Abbacchio says, throwing on his coat.
It doesn't take them long at all to find Mista and Narancia. Indeed, they're cowering in the very first alleyway left of the house.
"We can explain," Narancia promises.
"I bet you can," Abbacchio mutters half-heartedly.
"Take a look at this!" Narancia urges them. He pulls a pink leaflet from Mista's pocket and rereads it himself. "It says 'parenthood'. We found it in (y/n)'s room. Does that mean she's pregnant?"
"Why in god's name were you snooping around in (y/n)'s room?" Abbacchio interrogates them.
"Furthermore Narancia, you can't read," Fugo adds.
"Well, for a start, Buccerati did it first. We just went in after him to see what it was he was looking for. Second, Mista read it for me, and he swears it says 'parenthood'. Isn't that right Mista?"
"Sure is," Mista affirms. "Look."
He flicks the leaflet in front of them and, sure enough, they all read the same word. Abbacchio and Fugo curse simultaneously.
"What the hell is their game, thinking they can hide something like this from us?" Abbacchio fumes. "Does Bruno think he's protecting her or something? He's a fool."
"If I may, Abbacchio, it is most uncharacteristic of you to speak ill of Signor Buccerati," a voice from behind protests. Abbacchio turns with a jolt to see Giorno standing at the entrance of the alleyway along with a very bewildered looking Trish. They each have a couple of shopping bags in their hands.
"Are you spying on me?!" Abbacchio shrieks.
"Not at all. I simply thought that going after dark would be a much safer time for Trish to do her shopping, so I was taking her out," Giorno explains. "I overheard your voices and came to investigate, but I really haven't heard much."
"(Y/n)'s pregnant and Buccerati's hiding it from us," Mista fills him in.
"Wait, I'm lost. Did Buccerati get her pregnant? Because if so, what in the actual hell?" Trish comments.
"Fucking christ. Could you imagine?" Narancia remarks. The group soon devolves into a mess of interrupted shouting.
"All of you quiet!" Abbacchio yells. He holds up his hands in desperation. "We are going to get to the bottom of this and we're going to do it now! We are going right home, and we are getting (y/n) to explain herself, whether she likes it or not. Agreed?"
You had an awful eery feeling getting out that shower would be a mistake. The last thing you expected tonight was being hounded by your dear teammates while you're half dressed and wet haired, particularly on such an outlandish concept as pregnancy.
"Slow down! What the hell are you accusing me of again?"
"You're having a baby and you aren't even telling us! Do you have any idea how much those cost?" Trish accuses. You don't even have an answer for that one, it's just so completely wrong there's no way to refute it.
"We aren't looking to judge, we just want to help," Giorno assures you, though his voice is drowned out by the rest of the rabble.
"I don't need help, I'm not having a baby!" you protest. Narancia opens his mouth.
"But the leaflet says-"
"What on god's earth are the lot of you doing?" Bruno calls from the hallway. "Why are you all hounding (y/n) all of a sudden."
"You think we don't know what you know, Buccerati?" Abbacchio confronts him. "You're complicit in this. You're helping to hide this- baby!"
Buccerati breathes deeply.
"Ah. I believe I know what this is about. Mista, I want you to take that leaflet you found and read the front page out to me. In full."
Mista complies.
"Parenthood... for the Parents of Hospitalised Children. Oh."
"You made the same mistake I did," Buccerati explains. "You saw the first word and immediately jumped to your own conclusions. But in regards to the full title I have carried out some follow up and have confirmed it is exactly what it sounds like. (Y/n) has a young daughter who is unfortunately quite sick at present, and she has understandably been taking time off to be with her."
"You know about her?" you exclaim in panic.
"Apologies (y/n), I was acting only in concern for your health. It was admittedly due to my poor caution that the others found out and, well, it went from there."
"Look," you protest, thoughts spiralling into panic. "I didn't mean for you to know. You said I could do what I wanted with my money so I did. There- there was no other way I could afford to treat her," you justify, tears starting to leak from your eyes. "Please don't kick me out. I swear this doesn't affect my work, all I need is a few hours a week to check on her!"
You collapse against the door in tears. The crowd goes into a shocked silence. Buccerati pushes to the front.
"Hey, hey, I'm not going to kick you out so don't worry," he promises. "I would never cut off a member of my squad like that, especially not when they have such a vulnerable dependent. We can talk about helping you with the money tomorrow, but now, let's get you calmed down okay?"
You nod through your tears. Buccerati guides you to your feet and leads you gently into the kitchen. The remaining group in the hall look at each other with pressed lips. Fugo takes the leaflet from Mista and reads through the front cover once more. He hits him.
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cafecourage · 3 years
The moment they realized they loved you. (Isekai Au Edition) Part 3
If you want more information on this AU here is the Link!
- It confusing and full of yearning.
- The Fae Folk are very affectionate in nature. Physical touches and platonic kisses are just normal. Hyrule growing up briefly with them had adopted this habit.
- You are like that as well so you’re the one to take care of Hyrule when he wanted affection. Since other then Legend, it’s awkward to ask the others.
- He finds however while he still asks/gives you affection. He gets more flustered and embarrassed when you initiated contact.
Admittedly Hyrule never had a clear understanding of Hylian social norms. Some things were easy to pick up when he was just traveling by himself. However, there was a lot that conflicted with Fae social norms. While yes, the Fae were more mischievous and could be borderline malicious, they are very affectionate creatures. Which was the one of many things Hyrule picked up when he was being raised by the Great Fairy.
Before you join the chain, he had to hold himself back from being overly affectionate with the group. Yes, when he had chances, he would give a quick side hug or ruffling of the hair for the younger Link’s. But nothing on the level of cuddles or small peaks on the cheek and forehead. You though! You were the one to lay the affection on everyone thick. Most if not every Hero has melted from all the complements and physical affection.
Hyrule was living his best life now with you! Cuddles are a must for the two of you. Especially when one another has been having a rough day. You’ve also gotten the others involved with this newly formed ritual. He just over all feeling comfortable and loved.
Which then leads to Hyrule’s issue. Slowly he began to feel embarrassed with every peak after he heals you. Then his heart begins to race when he is cuddled up resting his head against your chest. Even holding your hands became hard for him to stand! It felt so warm but also made him fearful. He was scared of losing you. Losing this warmth. This comfort. He wanted to keep it but scared that this feeling was to good for him.
“-and that’s what happen so far.” He was visiting the Great Fairy Cotera of Wild’s Era. He had visited her each time they visited Kakariko. Cotera gently hummed messing with his hair. “What should I do?” He looks up to the giantess worriedly. His small sisters surround him ether sitting on top of him or by his side.
Their mother hummed as she thought about his problem. “My dear sweet child.” She started after a long pause “this human… do you feel different compared to your other friends? Or with your siblings in the forest?”
Hyrule thought about it after a while shook his head. “No… I did used to feel embarrassed with the others but it was different. This is more… warm?”
“Warm?” She urges him gently to continue. “Do you hate it?”
“No…” he sounded like a child, fidgeting in his seat “I hate how anxious it makes me now.” You meant a lot to him. Hyrule knew you meant a lot to everyone too, but that normal! You’ve helped them all in some sort of way! Yet he was deep in that unidentifiable emotion towards you. He adores you. All of you. Even during your more impulsive actions he didn’t mind having to heal you. Of course, he would truly rather not heal anyone with his magic. Yet… with you giving his payment in kisses on the cheek or forehead… he can’t stay mad at you.
“Chin up little one.” Cotera lifted up his head “your feelings are valid and has a simple explanation.” Hyrule pouted slightly making her giggle a bit tapping lightly on his nose. “You my dear seem to love your sweet human.”
It was like a lanterned was just lit in a dark cave he was wandering in. Finally revealing a path out. Everything thing slowly explaining itself. “Oh…” was all he could say as he was comprehending it. His sisters were giggling at their brother’s expense causing him to blush. It all made to much sense.
“Roolie! Are you nearby?” He and the Great Fairy both perk up when they heard your voice. He stared up at the Great Fairy expectingly.
“Well?” Cotera nudged him off of the petals of her fountain. “What are you waiting for little one?”
- Well, that was embarrassing and he knows once he starts perusing you. The more his siblings of the forest will start to tease him. Not only that but the chain also catches on pretty quickly.
- He becomes a blushing and stuttering mess around you, not pulling away from your touch but leaning more into him.
- It will be a miracle if he confesses but he will! And he will do it in a more intimate manner though, with or without help.
- It took long to accept but filled with soft cotton fluff.
- Isn’t canon in the manga that the colors (minus Vio) straight up try to impress a girl they just met?
- Now I’m not saying he is like that now a days, but old habits die hard right. He probably doesn’t even recognize that he still does it.
- Honest to God the resident brain cell is the only one that new point blank what was happening. Having a “not again” moment.
It’s been a while since Four was back in his forage. He missed every second of it. The smithing process was the one hobby each color had in common. As Link they found it relaxing, something to get their mind off of things.
That morning was no different. Traveling on the road was stressful even for a seasoned adventurer. Traveling alone was boring which was the upside according to Red. It relieved them of responsibility Green was used to taking upon himself to carry. Blue was at least a lot calmer with having to be on alert all the time. Vio had pointed out this was mainly because of You.
The chaos came back full force. The same argument has been happening recently, it was about his feelings towards you. Now they all liked you as a friend. Four knew that for a fact. He was only six when he felt your presence and this situation, he was in was as if an imaginary friend became real! At least that’s what Red felt.
No matter if they were unified or separated, Four could trust you to help him out of even the messiest situations. So, what if some of those situations were caused by him trying to impress you? That doesn’t mean anything!
Just because Blue became a stuttering mess when you surprised Four with a flower crown just meant he was taken aback at your kindness! He isn’t good at showing his emotions. Yeah, so what about Green becoming a soft mess when you first showered him in praise and affection. Wouldn’t any person do that from someone that been through hell and back with them? It doesn’t count that Red craves your affection! He is like that with everybody and just because it makes him feel different it doesn’t count. Someone saves Vio from this.
Four was conflicted which is why he was working so early in the morning. They wouldn’t shut up about their own feelings. It was a chaotic mess inside his head as soon as he woke up. A weight on his back clued him back into reality “Good morning!” You while looking down at him smiling still holding on lazily. “How is the most beautiful person here doing?”
Ah. There goes most of composure out the window. Vio was the last one standing with Green and Blue almost hanging on. You loved to tease him and he was never able to get you back. “Don’t know how are you?” Four was really struggling to keep unified and calm. He was shaking because of the other three’s nerves. You stared at him wide eyed.
“Jeez look at you!” You give him a squeeze before finally let go of him “you’ve grown! If only you were that smooth towards Erune.” You teased.
The blush he was so desperately trying to beat down started to flare up this time out embarrassment. “Can we not talk about that?” Four could only cringe when he thought back at that bit in his adventure. Him and Erune have been close friends since then, but the colors were really trying to play the hero in front of the poor girl back then. Their antics truly were really not impressing anyone.
Green was really happy he grew out of it. Seriously it‘s not like Blue really cared about it anyway he was just a kid! Red was just happy that he got a long-term friend out of it! The audacity the others had was killing Vio. They are still just as bad and it seems like no one was listening to reason.
An explosion of emotions and thoughts collided in Four’s skull. Three denying their logical side’s claim all while getting thrown every instant in their faces by the odd one out. “Whatcha making anyway?” You were observing the short knife blade curiosity not seeing the other’s internal debate. Vio felt like he had to spell it out to each of them. Pulling up memories of their actions towards the outlander. Four struggled to focus on what you were saying but it was too loud!
“Woah there.” You turn him away from his project letting it sit safely on a cooler section of the work top. “Breath Link.” You where kneeling down in-front of him holding his hand. He focused on your warmth. The way you rubbed small circles on the back of his hand. On your voice that instructed him to breathe. In for four, hold for seven, let out for eight. Repeat. Slowly the divide melded back together. Soon the voices faded out. “There we go.” You whispered “good job Link.” Four stared back at you still tired from everything but nonetheless happy that your here with him.
Man, he loved you so much.
- It was definitely an I told you so moment.
- Four as a whole though is still struggling to come to terms with it, even though he had already admitted his feelings.
- Another case of: drown him in affection until he realized. Not because of him not believing you! It’s just you have four people in a trench coat here! If one is conflicted then four as a whole will feel that subtly.
Bonus (just Headcanons):
Wind (finding out that a Link has a crush on you)
- The little gremlin is going to have a field day! He was thinking about messing around but the other hero is doing his work for him!
- The only one saved from this Black Mail harvest is you. He does have a few things but you mostly let him off the hook when he gets in trouble anyway sooooo…
- Not the best wing man but he honestly isn’t trying. He is just enjoying the journey.
- He might be tempted to help if he was asked but there isn’t much he could do. You are his right hand after all! Why would he let your secrets go so easily?
- Imagine Wind just vibes with you when the other Link is trying their best and you literally ask if the other hero was ok since they are acting weird around you. It would take Wind a minute to get an answer because all he is thinking is: ‘are you dense?’
- Or on the flip side. If you know about their feelings. He would definitely be on board of helping you out. Again, you’re his right hand! Of course, he’ll help you! (Favoritism)
- Wind: “Don't worry. He likes your butt and fancy hair. I know. I read their diary.” (Y/n): “He thinks it's fancy?”
(Part 1) and (Part 2)
My First Request is now done :D! That was fun. Thank you Pinky and Star for the request <3
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