#Edith Meeks
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dare-g · 2 months
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Dadetown (1995)
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bacchanal-if · 4 months
Ooh I have an interesting ask related to the marriage!
We know Francis wants to protect MC and thinks the marriage is a bad idea and so on, though you told me after some time passes if MC is happy, then they will calm down in that regard.
But I'm curious... what if MC, especially a meek and sweet MC who was always obedient with their father and so on, ends up getting mad at Francis when they bring that up again (as in, how E is dangerous and what not)? What I mean by getting mad, is basically telling them something along the lines of "This is the first time in YEARS something truly good is about to happen to me, and the first time in my LIFE I'll be free from my father, and you want me to just escape from THAT?!"
Of course, that would be AFTER meeting E because it wouldn't make sense otherwise.
And yeah, as gentle as my MC is, I can actually imagine him reacting like that!
They are terribly hurt, for they only meant well, but if the MC truly believes this will lead to a better life for them they will try, however stubborn they may be about it. They can understand how the MC might think this way even if they find it deeply flawed. I will keep in mind having the option for the MC to be able to do this.
Francis is not afraid to challenge Edith/Edward when it comes to those they love, so behind the scenes they would absolutely have the "you better treat them right" talk which, knowing E, would fall on deaf ears because who is this person to tell them how to act?
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fukae-flwr · 6 months
Stained Hearts & Dark Desires
Chapter 4: New Looks
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Summary: Glimpse into the past shows a little what this temporary cure is. Edith collects emotions and prepares to run errands
Words: 3.8k
Warnings: self-inflicted magic pain, selfwell-being neglect,
Chapter 5
Ratings: MATURE 18+ (NO MINORS)
~Before the 7th year~
“Edith?” Anne called out from up above. Edith quickly raced up the stairs, making sure to close the basement doors behind her. Coming up to the surface, Edith walked around her growing garden that surrounded the stone cottage.  Right in front of the wooden door was Anne dressed in her usual. She appeared much healthier now, less pale, and gaining some weight. It was wonderful to know she was finally getting better.
“Anne! Glad you made it. I can’t wait to show you what I've got for you.” Edith practically bounced in place with excitement. 
“Gallopin gorgons, Edith! Have you slept at all!?” Anne panicked, pulling Edith closer to examine her more closely. Edith crinkled her nose as she thought of the last time she ate and slept.
“The fact it is taking you so long to recall speaks volumes.”
“I had important things to do. I’ll take a nap later.” Edith kindly shrugged her off. She couldn’t have looked that bad. Anne was just a worrywort.
“No. We are going into your house so you can sit down and relax for a moment.” Anne put her foot down like a mother hen. Edith knew better than to fight her on it, plus seeing Anne become this confident, strong-willed person was amazing. She could only assume this used to be how Anne normally was before everything. It wasn’t often, but it was slowly coming back.
“Fine, but I still want to talk about your progress.” Edith gave in and began to walk into the house. It was a cute stone cottage Edith bought just outside Pit-Upon-Ford. The cottage was just outside the hamlet but still close enough to be deemed part of it. The location was perfect; close to the forbidden forest to encounter dark wizards and far enough to not draw too much attention to herself. Exactly what she needed.
“Now sit. I’ll make tea.” Anne gestured to the long wooden table on the left-hand side of the door with two benches on either side. Edith quietly cast a spell to start up the fire in the dark fireplace across from the table. It was where she cooked, brewed potions, and stayed warm on cold nights. Anne was in the small so-called “kitchen”. It was the area next to the wooden stairs that consisted of cabinets and counter space. Edith hung most of her dried things there, such as herbs and jerky. Anne had been here plenty of times to know where she kept all her teas.
“Shouldn’t I be making the tea for you, my guest?” Edith rested her chin on her hand as Anne moved about like she owned the place.
“Let me, please. You’re this haggard because of me; this is the least I can do.” Anne spoke so softly, her meek personality resurfacing.
“Anne. You know that’s not true.” Edith began to rise to comfort her but was immediately halted from one stern look from her. Surrendering, she sat back down with a soft smile.
“I know you’re not doing it for me, but still. I want to help you in return, so let me do this.” Anne smiled and continued to prepare the kettle for tea. Edith couldn’t say much in return for that. Anne wasn’t entirely right, but wasn’t entirely wrong either. She wanted to help Anne because she cared about Anne, at least she did now, after having gotten to know her. The real reason she started to cure Anne, however, was solely for them. She wanted them to be happy, and their happiness included her. She had seen how much pain they had been in due to Anne’s curse. After everything, she was no better than Isidora.
“Well, you do make better tea than I do, so I guess I'll accept. Practically forcing it down my throat.” Edith grinned, feigning indifference.
“So what discoveries were you so excited to tell me about?” Immediately, Edith brightened at her reminder. She quite literally began to bounce in her seat.
“Right! Did you bring the locket?”
“Of course. You told me to never take it off.” Anne gave Edith an unimpressed look as she passed her to place the kettle over the fire on the hook.
“Yes, and that remains true. You can never take it off until I find a real cure.” Edith pointed at her, impersonating an authoritative figure the best she could. The only ones coming to her mind were the professors at Hogwarts.
Once the kettle was left to boil, Anne sat across from Edith at the table and pulled out a large silver oval locket from her scarf. The chain was thick while the pendant was very heavy and obvious for lack of better words. It matched appearances with the large empty respository under the school, only much smaller. The locket radiated with red ancient magic; it wasn’t overflowing, but small traces circled the pendant. Only Edith could see the traces, but it still wasn’t safe for the locket to be so visible. It needed to be smaller to be more easily hidden.
“There shouldn’t have been any issues, but anything to report?” Edith questioned as she examined the locket. It was a shabby piece of jewelry, not very pretty. She just needed something quick and big enough to hold a lot of magic at the time. She found someone who could take the goblin metal she collected and turn it into a necklace, no questions asked. To them, it was just some strange piece of jewelry made from goblin metal. But to her, it was exactly the thing she needed to create a mini repository with.
“It’s heavy, but if you mean the pain caused by the curse, then the locket has been working well. I hardly feel the pain. I get a few waves of body aches. Sometimes I feel like I have to sit for a moment, but then I’m fine an hour later.”
"But you still feel it." Edith bit her lip as she pulled out her wand. That needed to be improved on. She quickly conjured a quill and paper to take notes.
"Only faint whispers of it, like a cramp. It's much better than it was, Edith." Anne quickly explained, her voiced lace with concern. Anne may have accepted the locket as it was now, but Edith didn't. It needed work.
“Any feelings of losing yourself, emotionlessness?” Edith always checked, paranoid she might’ve miscalculated something, and Anne would wake up like Isidora’s father.
“None. I feel more myself than ever with every day that passes.” Edith released the small breath she had been holding. It was the same every visit, but it still eased her mind hearing it.
“Good. Well, I’ve improved the weight and capacity the locket can hold.” Edith beamed as she pulled out her new piece for Anne. It was a significantly smaller locket and much more fashionable for any occasion. The chain was much thinner for more comfortable wear, and the pendant was an oval-shaped locket magically wrapped by a golden snake. The snake was enchanted by herself, only opening to her magic; a security measure so it couldn’t be opened unless it was by her. Edith specifically chose the design to represent the two houses dear to her, Slytherin, and her own house, Hufflepuff.
“It’s beautiful, but will it hold enough with how tiny it is?” Anne gasped as she took it in her hands. Edith flicked her wand so all the window curtains would draw close simultaneously. She had to be sure no one just happened to witness something they shouldn’t. Not many people came to where her house was, but still, it's better to be safe than sorry.
“Despite its size, it's way more capable than the one you’re currently wearing. It’ll hold much more for longer, and it won’t weigh you down as much. Those whispers of pain shouldn't be a thing, but I'll check next time. We will still need to do monthly visits. Also, I still recommend not showing it off, but if you do, at least now it’s pretty to look at.” Edith explained as she mentally readied herself for what was about to happen. She felt like she had to psych herself up every time. 
“Are you sure you able do this? You look really tired. You’re supposed to be relaxing!” Anne tried to convince Edith. Anne hated this way more than Edith did, and she was the one performing the spell. Anne always tried to persuade Edith not to perform it; she usually said something along the lines of it being her curse to deal with, and Edith shouldn’t be putting herself through this. It was heartwarming to know she cared.
“I’ll relax after. Better to get it over with than procrastinate, kinda like studying for finals.” Edith joked as she sat up straight. Anne seemed unconvinced yet said nothing. 
Edith focused on the old locket, digging deep inside herself for the magic she was looking for. As if hearing its name being called, the magic inside her pulsed to life. She could feel it begin to writhe inside her, thrashing around excitedly. It sent tingles coursing throughout her entire body, a warmth exploding inside her. It was powerful, excitedable, and ready to be used. It was addicting how incredible it felt and how it made her feel. She had to focus ,though, make sure the magic didn’t take over, and overwhelm her. Once she felt she had grasped the magic well, she pointed her wand at the old locket. The familiar red ancient magic shot down her arm, leaving goosebumps to blossom all over her body in its wake. It crawled out of her wand towards the locket, a leech drawn to warmth. The second it made contact, the locket sprang free, and ancient magic shot above their heads. 
Anne couldn’t see the small chaotic cloud of black, red, and blue magic made from her pain, over their heads, but she could. It was like the mess of the destroyed repository under Hogwarts but on a much smaller scale. The cursed magic circled about seeming alive, looking for its host to enact its purpose. 
Edith knew during this process Anne felt a hollow pit form inside her. It was evident in her face as her eyes clouded briefly. Her emotions, magic, and everything that made her who she was, had been temporarily separated. It needed to be returned quickly before disappearing. Edith quickly forced the dark magic, created by the curse, to separate from the emotions and pieces that made Anne who she was. With the violent magic separated, Edith quickly called the curse to herself with a pull of her wand, luring it with her much more powerful ancient magic. A sailor to a siren’s song, the curse quickly followed after and Edith absorbed it, just as she had done the time before.
Once she felt the curse secured inside her, she took what remained, and returned it to Anne’s chest. The clouds in Anne’s eyes dissipated and life shined in its place once more. Her skin even brightened up, and she sat up straighter. The last thing was to ensure the new locket would collect traces of the curse’s magic when it activated. To do so, Edith pointed her wand towards Anne’s chest and searched for the feeling of pain. It was faint but she could feel the curse’s magic still tightly clinging to Anne’s magic. If she had to describe the feeling, it was like sticking her hand in a warm cloud that was alive and ever-moving but then finding lightning inside, attacking everything in its wake. It was that lightning she was looking for. 
Having found it, she carefully pulled a small piece of it out only for it to be drawn into the locket. The locket emulated what the curse was after, strong magic, allowing it to trap it inside without inflicting the pain it was meant to do on Anne. Unfortunately, that kind of magic had to go somewhere eventually, lest it go back to the original host. That would most definitely result in the pain being doubled than what it would have originally been.
“All..done!” Edith clapped her hands together, attempting to lighten the mood. There was always an awkward pause after performing the spell because they both knew what came next.
Edith, for now, felt great, amazing even. Anytime she absored magic, there was this sense of power and ephoria that can with it. At first, that is.
"Now...shall we have..tea?" Edith attempted to sound as uplifting as she had before performing the switch, but the curse was slowly starting to thrash in her. Her ancient magic had returned to its dormant state, but the curse remained trapped, needing to fulfill its purpose. It wasn’t that painful yet, just uncomfortable.
Anne just watched her cautiously. She always had this sad guilty look to her. It was very endearing yet unpleasant. If Edith didn't want to do this, she wouldnt have. Plus it was too late to stop now; they both knew this when they put the first locket on Anne.
“D..Do you..like the design?” Edith tried to breathe through the rising pain, keeping up the facade that she was fine. She was. This was only temporary. The curse would eventually do what it was made for, and then pass. So, yes, she was fine; she was going to be fine, like always. Her magic always recovered eventually, thanks to her ancient magic.
“Of course, but are you alright?” Anne quickly rose moving towards Edith, fully aware of what was gearing up inside her. Edith tried to nod, but everything became blurred as a searing white hot pain shot throughout her body. It felt like her inside had been enginted by fire, while her head throbbed. The pain Anne would have felt every day for a month from the curse just ripped through Edith’s entire body all at once. It was why she preferred to cleanse Anne’s locket once a month. The longer they waited, the more pain she’d have to absorb once they finally emptied the locket. She learned that the hard way when she first created the locket.
 She did her best to suppress the painful cries but it was futile. Everything was hurting. Thankfully Edith didn’t have to endure it for much longer considering her consciousness faded as it always did. She knew she was in good hands, so she wasn’t too worried.
~ * ~
Edith had sat in her room, rereading the phrase over and over again. Half faced ashwinder. Half faced ashwinder. It didn’t make sense. Every ashwinder she had come across always concealed their face. It was either the top half with a wolf mask of some kind or a fabric cloth on the lower half with some beastly mouth print. Edith knew Anne was smart so this had to be a clue of some sort to help her. If it was something as simple as a skull or mask, Anne would’ve put something else, she hoped.
Edith needed to send an owl to an acquaintance who made it his job to keep updated on the happenings of the dark side of the wizarding world. That often meant going to Knockturn Alley to send an owl not her own, plus she had a few things she needed in Knockturn. Which meant having to face those two again.
It had been a couple of hours, and they had remained in the study upstairs. She hoped they were working through everything in there to find something she may have missed. She had gone through every piece in there at least three times last night and yet was pulling at straws. She didn’t have anything on this half-faced ashwinder. Most ashwinders served Rookwood and she made it her mission to get rid of them. With the Masked Wizard practically hunting them down, they made an effort to be nowhere near her anymore. Most of Rookwood’s people were dead or in Azkaban thanks to her. Any remaining were likely deep in hiding, fearful of her; all but one, apparently. She was going to make them pay for this.
Determined to find this scumbag, Edith quickly changed into something a little more appropriate so she wouldn’t stand out in Knockturn. She quickly pulled out her striped black collar jacket and skirt. She made sure to get her hat that covered a good portion of her hair. She wore her hair in a way where her black hair or her hat could hide her noticeable white hair. Once she was ready, she exited her room with her bag and wand.
She made her way up the stairs, taking a deep breath to lock down all her emotions before opening the study’s door. She found both men looking in her direction from where they sat. Ominis opted to sit on the couch under the window, while Sebastian sat comfortably on the floor. She briefly took in how relaxed their appearance was; Sebastian in his white shirt and suspenders while at least Ominis had his vest and tie already on.
Sebastian’s shirt did nothing to hide his distractingly muscular physique. Ominis' seemed to accentuate his form as well, showing how much they had grown since she had last seen them. Where Ominis had a more elegant yet dark appearance, Sebastian had this rugged, and dangerous appearance. Both being something she found begrudgingly attractive.
“You’re dressed for an outing,” Sebastian commented as he raised an eyebrow questioningly. Edith just flicked her gaze towards him, then looked back at Ominis.
“As I said earlier, I have things to do. I assume you’ll be accompanying me, Gaunt?” Edith adjusted her hat slightly, as a distraction for herself. Both of them rose immediately in response.
“And where is it we are going?”
“I’m coming too” 
Ominis and Sebastian spoke at the same time. Edith let out an airy breath that could’ve been passed as a chuckle but was more in disbelief. Even after making it very clear he hated her guts, he still chose to follow her. She wanted space from him, and he didn’t want to be around her, so why was he insisting? Edith looked to Ominis and then back to him. Right, his lover was following the enemy into unknown territory. It left a bitter taste in her mouth, the unwanted jealousy.
“No. Three is too conspicuous. Someone needs to stay.” Edith stood her ground. She needed space from Sebastian. Both of them were too much to handle at this moment, especially Sebastian. She hoped he’d had enough of her too, and would do the sensible thing of staying.
“Three is suspicious? Tell me. Exactly where it is you’re going for a group of three to be deemed suspicious?” Sebastian interrogated stepping closer into her personal space. She stood her ground, refusing to be scared off by him.
“Knockturn Alley.” Edith shrugged casually. Sebastian and Ominis both tensed immediately at the mention of the well-known alley for dark magic. A place where the Ministry's dogs weren’t exactly welcomed, to put it kindly.
“Not happening.”
“Too bad. I need to go there.”
“You’re not taking Ominis to a place like that without me,” Sebastian growled, trying to intimidate her into giving up which he wasn’t doing. This was for Anne, and nothing was standing in her way, not even Sallow.
“You’d only draw more attention.”
“You’re not going.”
“I am going whether he comes or not. If I should die trying, then so does Anne.” Edith crossed her arms, undeterred. No matter how intimidating Sebastian had gotten, she was not relenting. 
“Are you threatening me with my sister?!” Sebastian was practically inches from her at this point. Hell, she could smell him with how close he was, and it started to distract her. That familiar woods and fresh parchment smell filled her nostrils, flooding her mind with memories of times they had been close in their seventh year. Melancholy moments that once filled her with joy.
“Enough you two!” Ominis snapped, separating the both of them, “Must you egg him on, Edith?” Ominis frowned, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Edith just huffed as she turned to pull out a polyjuice potion for him.
“I’ll be fine Sebastian. We need to continue looking for clues on Anne’s whereabouts. I assume this has something to do with that, right Edith?” Ominis warned, trying to calm down his protective partner.
“Yes. Yes. I need to send an owl to an acquaintance who may have some infomation for me.” Edith dismissed as she dug around her bag. She had increased the size so she could carry a great deal of things; it was finding said things that was the challenge sometimes.
“And you can’t send an owl here, because…?”
“I’m a dark wizard, Sallow. Can’t exactly use my owl for this kind of thing. Plus he doesn’t accept just any owl. He’s got himself to protect.” Edith reminded them. She sensed how uncomfortable they suddenly got by her making mention of her status in the wizarding world. They couldn’t have possibly forgotten that, right?
“Ah ha! Here you are, you little bugger!” Edith quietly exclaimed victoriously as she pulled out the small vial.
“And what is that?”
“Polyjuice potion. I make sure to have some on hand. Never know when you need to escape the Ministry’s deadly duo.” Edith smirked as she handed it to Ominis.
“Is that how you did it?” Sebastian crossed his arms crediously.
“One of the ways. Now drink up. I can’t be seen with an aurora. I’d lose all my credibility, not to mention my reputation would be destroyed.” Edith turned on her heels and began to walk down the steps to wait for him in the parlor.
Once he finally came down, Edith had to hold in her laughter. He was much smaller than usual with long brown hair tied into a low ponytail. He was now about an inch taller than her, almost the same height as her. His clothes hung on him loosely, closely mimicking a child wearing their parents’ clothes. Even Sebastian was getting a kick out of it.
“I’d like to point out a flaw in your plan, Edith. My clothes don’t fit.” Ominis declared, gesturing to the very baggy clothing. His voice was even different. Edith was grateful for it. His normal handsomeness was way too distracting. At least this way she could stay focused.
“I think you look great, Ominis. Real fun sized!”
“Careful, Sebastian. I could still very well beat your ass.”
“Right. Right.”
“Here.” Edith chuckled as she waved her wand and gave him more appropriately sized clothes. She gave him a simple black suit, on par with her own. Nothing nearly as high quality as what he had been wearing previously, but nothing so poor as to raise alarm either. It was to match her in some way to pass off they were partners in a way. A dark thinly striped collared jacket and slacks; along with an off white shirt, black tie and vest. It was perfect for blending in with more frequent patrons of Knockturn Alley.
“Now, your name is Ernest. You don’t talk, and everything will be fine.” Edith gestured to him. This would be fine. There really shouldn’t be any problems. It was just another day trip to Knockturn Alley.
“Who would ever name their child Ernest!?”
Ominis gawked dramatically while Sebastian just fought his growing amusement. Edith didn't know whether to laugh or sigh. Opting to ignore them, she began to walk towards the front door, when Sebastian grabbed her by the arm. Her arm suddenly lit up, sending chills up her arm and down her spine. She quickly turned to look at him, finding he was unbelievably close again. She couldn’t help the first thing she noticed was his lips. His very soft, full pink lips. Immediately she forced herself back to reality and looked up into his eyes. He was looking down on her to be menacing, yet her brain wasn’t comprehending it correctly. He held a serious expression, yet her brain was fighting off old desires she thought she killed.
“If you let anything happen to him…,” He started but Edith immediately interrupted.
“I won’t.” He didn’t need to ask her. She would never let anything happen to either of them. Fortunately for her, they didn’t realize how much of a weakness they were to her to this day. If they ever did, she feared they would be her undoing.
( •̀ヮ•́)
So I'm not the most skilled writer. This is all for fun, so I hope you're enjoying it too!!! Also remember this is a ominis x Sebastian x Mc fanfic, with mostly the boys focus on mc. I will do my best to add enough Ominis x Sebastian moments but they have an established relationship already. So if you're here for that...sorry I will not do them the justice they deserve ♡♡
Have a good day
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cielenruine · 3 months
[litrichean gu deas, cuimhneachan mu thuath] | I. procession and acquisition
They hadn’t ever discussed plans of what to do should one of them die, there wasn’t ever any need to. They were young, Sreng was docile and the capital and its plagues were oh so far away. He wasn’t sure what to do…and he didn’t know who to ask. The sea. She had always loved it. Even the icy seas that could only be enjoyed from mountain tops left a smile on her face no matter how many times they went. Despite their distance, she had always made at least one trip to the southernmost tip of Adrestia to visit her family. The first time they had gone, he had been so nervous. They had already decided and yet his heart still found itself bursting at the thought of not gaining her father’s approval. Lambert and Rodrigue would have had a field day laughing at the act he put on. She had told him to be honest with them…and he was. The difference between Faerghan and Adrestian nobility was already evident to him from a young age but experiencing it in person made him want to jump into the ocean. It had gone well though. Her father chided him for his nerves, commenting that seeing a man of Faerghus so meek would make any Adrestian’s day and he could only cower further.
Was love really such a powerful emotion? 
The trip was long, dreadful. He had decided all on his own, by the sea where she grew up…home where he had taken her from. There was nothing more he could do than to return her. Henri had already been sent ahead to break the news and notify them. He knew they would be greeted well…but he hadn’t expected to practically be pulled off of his horse and into a hug by her father. His composure slipped, his eyes watered and he held his head back taking a deep breath.   “I-I’m…I’m so sorry…if I hadn’t…if I hadn’t taken her away.” He wouldn’t cry, he had no right. His negligence is what killed her and her child. Yet Lord Fenja heard none of it, only held Matthias tighter, as if telling him it was alright.   “Edith…was happy. She was happy to go with you. There was not a regret she had when it came to you, Matthias.” His legs went weak and his voice, hoarse.   “That’s all the more reason…”
They had promised each other they’d live their lives the way they wanted. It had been a promise made before she even understood his position in the kingdom. He wasn’t keen on making everyone know…but when it had finally come time to tell her she had gotten upset with him   “Who cares what position you’re in? If you aren’t living like you want to, you might as well be dead.” “I’ll be sure to tell his majesty that when he gives me orders I don’t like.” Despite all that, here he was. Faerghus was not so kind, so forgiving, that it would allow such frivolity, such carelessness. Mistakes were death in a land like his. There was little one could do once they had set out on that path. Being in such a warm land now, during summer no less, the memories of her ingrained in his mind played out. As if understanding implicitly what Matthias’s condition was, her father had guided him to where their final resting place would be. A beautiful cliff overlooking the sea. It was lined with flowers he had only ever seen at the academy’s greenhouse, and yet they suited her perfectly. His knights had carried over the casket. He had done his best in relaying precisely what engraving should be on it and the result had been as stunning as he hoped. An Adrestian grave filled with a Faerghan casket. The story of her life had been inscribed along the sides and read just as a knight’s tale would have. Her enjoyment of those stories…reading them and going to the taverns to hear them from the source…it would have been wrong of him to deny her that. In spite of where she had been born, how she shivered even in the Faerghan summers, she had done all she could to acclimate and she had done it so well, it became easy to forget there was ever a difference between the two places. Once she had been lowered he  had quickly made his way back to the manor. He had been here enough to know his way to the common area at least. He had already cried so much, screamed at the goddess asking why such a thing had to happen and the answers had been silence. Only he could be held responsible for his choices. If he had been with her…maybe it would have been different. If he hadn’t been so cocky as to send her to the mountains and had instead chosen the sea…then maybe…it would have been different. “Must you leave so soon?”
 Her father had walked into the room and stood, holding something behind his back. He already knew the answer to that question. “..After the attack Sreng has gotten a bit…brazen. I’m lucky to be such good friends with the king that I could even ask for an entire moon to mourn…but I must. If I sat once again and let my people die while I did nothing, she’d be quite ashamed of me.” He could feel her hitting him on the back now. “We had never talked about what to do.” A hand pushed his hair out of his face and his eyes stared at the patterns on the rug. “She would have wanted to come home, be buried with her folks.” The old man, his father in law, had sat next to him and place a small box on top of the couch at his side. A hand came to Matthias’s back and a quick kiss had been placed on his head. The man smiled.   “Her home was with you, Margrave Gautier. There was not a day after you two returned to Faerghus that she did not call your people her own.” His attention turned to the box and he picked it up, handing it to Matthias.   “She made us promise, if anything ever happened to her…and you seemed to be lost,” he held the box out to Matthias who held it with careful hands. “You’d find more closure in these than anything we or anyone else could tell you.” He already had a feeling he knew what this was yet he still found himself opening it with timid curiosity. A box of letters…it was so compacted that even opening it has the ones on top spilling out into his lap.
 He set the box down and chose the one with the earliest date to read. ‘Ah~ the weather at Garreg Mach is so much better than Fhirdiad. I know I’ve not the strongest constitution…but to catch a cold every moon…it’s no wonder they train so much. It certainly did help keep warm. It’s only been two moons but things are already so interesting. I couldn’t find the time to write earlier because well…there was just so much.   To begin with, apparently the next king of Faerghus is leading the Lions this year…you know the reputation that Aegirs have, that guy is seriously so dense. Even after we lost, he challenged the king and his entourage to a private mock battle and had the nerve to tell me I had to participate. Of course, I did. Not for him but because I was curious. I’m well aware of my own strength, that guy seems not to be aware of his lack of it but with how disjointed the Blue Lions had seemed at first, it didn’t seem like it’d be hard to take them out if we played our cards smart. I couldn’t have been more wrong. The Blue Lions were fighting the entire time. It was funny at first, watching them battle like that…but then this guy who looked like a con man had somehow beaten the house leader and the atmosphere changed entirely. I realize now they were fighting to see who’d lead…and when it had been decided they fell into step as if second nature. When they finally told the servant who was helping proctor the fight that they were ready, I knew we were beat. Even if it had only been one of them, between the sly faced guy and the prince…we would have easily been felled. The youngest of them…Fraldarius ,I believe, wasn’t a problem at all but with those two protecting him, even I felt outmatched. The prince and the Fraldarius are obviously off the table. I know you told me not to worry so much about marriage prospects or the like but…I want to do my part for the family! I don’t think he was crested but…a man that can fell a king and then remain humble even as he orders him around…I think that kind of person is really useful, right?
  He personally singled me out when he had the space to the jerk but…his eyes. The glare in them was nothing short of pure hostility. To be a threat to a man so adept himself… ah I could hardly compose myself after.
  Next time I’ll definitely beat him…when I get strong enough, I’m going to convince him to at the very least employ with us. It’d certainly help when it comes to the matter of assisting the other houses with Brigid and Dagda.  My next letter will certainly be good news about my class mastery so please look forward to it father. I’ll be home sooner than you know it and we can walk along the beach just as we always do. I’ve sorely missed it.  
      ~Edith Fenja’
 Matthias couldn’t help the smile that had cracked on his face through the silent tears.   “She was horrid at hiding her interest. That could hardly be called a battle…and from the moment I beat Lambert her eye hadn’t fallen anywhere but on me…but I suppose that means I was staring at her just as well.” Some part of him felt a relief. He could hear her voice…see her face even just through writing. There were plenty of letters of his own that he’d had…but these to him…were new.   “Thank you, father. You and Edith have already done so much for me…for Gautier as a whole...I cannot repay you enough for your generosity…nor your daughter's life.”   He always enjoyed seeing the man smile and he didn’t disappoint now as he once more pulled Matthias into a hug.   “Live a life you won’t regret. Should you make decisions you feel you may, act as such that they have purpose.” The man pulled back for a moment and looked at Matthias. “Don’t come back here again.” There was a small noise that left his throat. He was confused.   “Your place is in the north…as if the son you’ve still got living. Adrestia is no place for you.” Lord Fenja stood up and his smile was the same as it ever had been. “You’re my son Matthias and I know it’ll be hard…I’ll continue our trade as faithfully as Edith laid it out, but forget about this place. You’ll only get distracted.”   He was a wise man. More than his own father, he had respected him, enjoyed the time they spent together, even if it had only been dreadful summers two two had spent inside playing one another in chess or exchanging the stories they’d gathered over the year. Matthias knew the man wasn’t saying it in jest, nor was there any hate or malice in his tone. It was for his own good. He had other things to worry about.   “Do you think she’ll forgive me?” Lord Fenja beckoned Matthias to stand and he did. What came next was a hug just as reassuring as the first.   “So long as you don’t come rushing to the goddess after her, I’ll have time to convince her should she not understand.” Despite the reassurance, he couldn’t find it in himself to hug back.   “To Miklan…what could I possibly say...I…”
 He had already discussed it with Edith. Miklan was young, barely old enough to even be checked for a crest…but Matthias was still his father’s son and had fallen into the hole that was deciding a suitable heir. He loved his son dearly and he was talented in his own right…but Matthias had not seen him fit. He had decided he wouldn’t do as his father did and pit his children against one another…but that hadn’t meant being lax with his choice of who succeeded him. If all went well with Lambert’s plans…they would have no need for the Lance of Ruin at all but until then…he’d have to at the very least prepare the next generation to properly protect Faerghus.   “She had told me. There is no easy answer when it comes to denying your children something they want…the best way has always been to show them…as for Edith…if he recalls her, recount her. Regardless of if he does or not, she’s within you…so simply do as you’d believe she wanted you to.”   “Had I not come…would you have still said the same?”  The smile he kept as Matthias gathered the letters to put back into the box told all.
It would be his last time in Adrestia. He had spent a week in Fenja in the aftermath. The beaches had been so different and the water so warm and full of life. As a personal keepsake, he had gathered a small bottle of sand. Lord Fenja had sent him off with things he and Edith had never managed to bring back home themselves due to their duties. Painting and portraits, sheet music and instruments he only knew in brief passing, and stories that should stand the test of time, no matter what region they did so in.
As he arrived back in Gautier, he already felt part of himself missing. She would have wanted him to be strong, to not falter any more than he already had. It was a long road ahead…to not brave it would be a disgrace to her honor.
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Ultimate Decades Challenge
Year 1303
Infant and child loss was not uncommon among peasant families in historical times. Unfortunately, due to various factors such as limited access to healthcare, poor living conditions, and inadequate nutrition, many families had to endure the heart-wrenching experience of losing their little ones. The emotional toll of these tragedies was immeasurable, as parents grappled with grief and the challenging realities of life. These sorrowful events serve as a somber reminder of the hardships and vulnerabilities faced by families in the past.
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During the unsettling times of the Middle Ages, Bridget navigated through various hurdles in her quest for herbal remedies for the consistent illnesses that their village experienced, striving to provide the best for her beloved family. As she embraced the joy of welcoming twin blessings into the world, her heart broke when her newborn daughter, Elizabeth, succumbed to the merciless grip of smallpox. This heart-wrenching loss would forever change the course of the Stonewalls.
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Hugh experienced immense grief after losing baby Elizabeth. The pain was beyond bearable, and his heart felt shattered. In addition to the overwhelming sadness, he had countless racing thoughts and worries. His child, Edith, had a twin sister, and he wondered about the long-term impact of this loss on her.
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Hugh, filled with love for his family, embraced Edith tenderly, aware of their fragile state. Determined to alleviate their suffering, he embarked on a job as an Artisan's Assistant, aiming to secure a better future for his children and future generations. His unwavering dedication aimed to spare them from the hardships he himself had endured as a peasant.
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Edith Aged Up! "Infants! A world of discovery, communication, and play is waiting to be attained!" Trait (Randomized): Wiggly
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Bernedicta plays an incredibly vital role in the family's healing process, particularly during Hugh's absence due to work. Despite the challenges they face, their precious little one, Edith, is thriving and filled with contentment. Bernedicta's profound nurturing nature truly shines as she lovingly sings lullabies to her beloved grandchildren, ensuring they experience tranquil slumber.
“Lullay lullow, lullay lully, Beway bewy, lullay lullow, Lullay  lully, Baw me bairne, sleep softly now. I saw a sweet and  seemly sight, A blissful burd, a blossom bright, That morning made and mirth among. Lullay lullow, lullay lully, Beway bewy,  lullay lullow, Lullay lully, Baw me bairne, sleep softly now. A  maiden mother, meek and mild, In cradle keep, a knavë child, That softly sleep; she sat and sang. Baw me bairne, sleep softly now Lullay  lullow, lullay lully, Beway bewy, lullay lullow, Lullay lully, Baw  me bairne, sleep softly now.”
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princesssarisa · 2 years
A Christmas Carol Holiday Season: "Scrooge" (1970 musical film)
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Here we find the first lavish big-screen musical version of A Christmas Carol. It clearly follows in the footsteps of another Dickens-inspired movie musical, 1968's Oscar-winning Oliver!: not only is it similar in tone and musical style, it was filmed on some of the same sets. In place of Lionel Bart, however, this score features music and lyrics by Leslie Bricusse (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Stop the World – I Want to Get Off, and more), who also wrote the screenplay. And the star is the unlikely Scrooge of 34-year-old Albert Finney, affecting a hunched walk and a croaking voice under considerable makeup and prosthetics to play the old miser.
In general the plot follows Dickens' book faithfully, but with a unique tone of wry and sometimes dark humor that sets it apart from other adaptations... yet which never crosses the line into parody or detracts from the serious themes. Marley's Ghost (Alec Guinness) has a particular sense of dry gallows humor about him, and the Ghost of Christmas Present (Kenneth More) trades his poetic speeches for a cheerful yet biting sarcastic wit. Bob and Mrs. Cratchit (David Collings and Frances Cuka) are a young couple in their early 30s instead of the usual middle-aged pair, Bob has a lively, playful personality in place of other versions' careworn meekness, and the mischievous humor of Scrooge's nephew, here renamed Harry (Michael Medwin), is likewise enhanced. On the more poignant side, the sequence with the Ghost of Christmas Past (portrayed as a stately elderly lady by Edith Evans) places special emphasis on young Scrooge's romance with his fiancée Isabel (Suzanne Neve) and the older Scrooge's sad pining for her. But most unique are the scenes with the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come (Paddy Stone), where Scrooge's poor debtors turn his funeral into a song-and-dance celebration, and where Scrooge plunges into his own grave and finds himself in a darkly comic version of hell. Little wonder that after he wakes up, Scrooge is so elated that he creates a grand musical finale in the London streets, dressing as Santa Claus to give toys to all of Camden Town's children and cancelling every debt that's owed him.
Albert Finney's attempt at performing old age is slightly cartoonish, but he still gives an engaging performance that captures Scrooge's wide range of emotions and transformative arc. The supporting cast of distinguished British names are equally strong, and Bricusse's songs – "A Christmas Carol," "Christmas Children," "I Hate People," "Father Christmas," "December the Twenty-Fifth," "Happiness," "You," "I Like Life," "The Beautiful Day," "Thank You Very Much" and "I'll Begin Again" – are full of charm.
In the realm of Christmas Carol musicals, this is a quirky one, but unforgettable, and it always brings a smile to my face.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @reds-revenge, @faintingheroine, @thealmightyemprex, @thatscarletflycatcher
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angrytheatremaker · 2 years
Horror Plays for October 31
Aside from The Phantom of the Opera, Little Shop of Horrors, The Rocky Horror Show, Sweeney Todd, Hamlet, Titus Andronicus, and the Scottish play, I thought it would be a nice change of pace to list off some lesser-known scary plays in honor of the occasion.
The Weir by Conor McPherson
Arsenic & Old Lace by Joseph Kesselring
The Pillowman by Martin McDonagh
The Turn of the Screw by Jeffrey Hatcher and Henry James
Deathtrap by Ira Levin
Wait Until Dark by Frederick Knott
2:22 A Ghost Story by Danny Robins
Rope by Patrick Hamilton
Ghost Stories by Jeremy Dyson
The Edge of Darkness by Brian Clemens
Edith in the Dark by Philip Meeks
The Innocents by William Archibald
Early Frost by Douglas Parkhurst
The Cat & The Canary by John Willard
The Bat by Avery Hopwood and Mary Roberts Rinehart
The Last Warning by Thomas F. Fallon
Let me know if you think of any other horror plays!
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ozu-teapot · 2 years
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Poison | Todd Haynes | 1991
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unholyplumpprincess · 2 years
Gonna write a fic rewriting Crimson Peak so Lucille and Thomas both fall in love with Edith instead and end up with a shared rich sunshine wife and them being her goth spouses
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ohtobealady · 2 years
Would you do 18.Family headcanon for our favourite couple?
Oh yes. Yes yes yes. Cobert &
The Family Crawley
Robert is through and through a people-person, HIS people. He is/was
a Mama’s Boy (TM)
desperate for his father’s approval, especially since they were quite different in personality. His father was rather quiet and stoic, he loved to travel and get away from Downton - Robert is very much not quiet and emotional, and he should never like to leave Downton.
loyal to his sister, even if they didn’t really get along THAT well all the time. Before ANE, I felt sure Rosamund was the elder sibling, but now that we know she’s not, I still think she’s only a year or two younger than Robert, making her around three-ish years older than Cora.
amazed by his slightly elder cousin, James. Amazed in the truest sense of the word: sometimes shocked at his crassness, sometimes in awe of his spirited whims. He loved him, really. It did sometimes feel as though his father and James were closer than Robert and him, but it didn’t bother Robert. His uncle was even more stoic than his father and used to intimidate him when he was little.
adoring of his little daughters, though uncomfortable around them. Now he doesn’t know how he’d exist without them. First of all, girls in general were (and are) a mystery to him; now add the fact that he felt he never held anything more pure and precious in his whole life when each was born. Until they became actual women, he thought they were thoroughly pure and precious. They were girls, after all. Girls are angels without any sharp edges or bad thoughts, right? The finer, fairer, and gentler sex. He knew a little of their personalities (Mary = determined; Edith = sensitive; Sybil = joyful), but that’s generally where it stopped. He felt too uncomfortable to be around them too often when they were babies. They cried, and it made him nervous and upset (what was wrong?). When they were just beginning to toddle, they’d fall or try to speak to him but he couldn’t quite understand what they were saying. (“What does one say to a nineteen-month-old girl, anyway? How are you enjoying the weather?”.) At age five onward, their world blossomed for him. They were funny and clever and loved to perform their plays for him. Sybil sketched him pictures, which Cora included in her letters while he was fighting the Boers. Edith showed him her poetry, which he thought was quite good! Mary rode out with him on her pony and eventually he taught her to hunt. He liked that.
Cora longed for a family she could feel close to. She wanted to be a mother more than anything else. She:
was never particularly close with her own mother. They were very different and Martha always seemed to expect Cora to be a little braver or sharper than Cora ever was. She was never meek, not by any means, but she was an introvert, something Martha didn’t understand. Martha also exhausts Cora — she sees her as a small-doses person.
adored her father, but left on fairly uncomfortable terms with him. He didn’t disagree with the marriage, necessarily. But he felt his treasured daughter was being taken advantage of, even in spite of her earning a title.
had a lukewarm relationship with Harold. He was younger than her by only a year or so, but he was always a bit of a grumpy little guy. They banded together against their mother, and they’d do anything for one another if it came to it, but Cora thinks he could be smarter. He makes poor decisions. And Harold thinks she was the favorite and a goody-two-shoes. (She was.)
yearned for a nursery full of babies. She felt a little less in charge than Nanny was of her daughters when they were small, and she hated that. Nanny intimidated her, which Violet assured her was exactly how it should be. (“Nanny knows best, Cora. It is her job to know best.”) She was happy to nurse her babies, and thankful the doctor recommended it for she knew Violet would never have allowed it. It was the only time she could be alone with them. She would slip into the nursery and talk to them and touch their little noses and hold their little hands, marveling at how perfect they were. She felt a little like an intruder, and she always found herself asking if she could hold them. It was another thing she hated. She liked to buy little dresses and adored to see them dressed like little dolls. As they grew older, she felt a little on the back foot. She didn’t know what to do in the mother-role for teenaged girls. Her own mother had been so overbearing. She would catch glimpses of her own mother in her actions (especially with Mary) and, feeling strange and guilty about that, would whisk them away to London for new frocks and take them to eat at a hotel, winking at them that it was “their secret.”
really, really, really wanted to have a son. After the Titanic went down, and before she really got to know Matthew, she went to London to a certain Doctor Ryder. (Rosamund had spoken of him in conversation, though she didn’t outright suggest Cora should go. She and Rosamund are cordial at best. She wanted to be close, and they could have been, but Rosamund felt a little resentment at Cora ranking higher than she did in the home she grew up in). Cora was still young enough to conceive, physically. And she had a small operation to remove scar tissue left by Sybil’s birth which had been quite traumatic. She never told Robert, not out of fear he wouldn’t understand, but because he took to Matthew much sooner than she did (her loyalty was to Mary), he believed in the honor of things, and because she didn’t want him to get his hopes up if nothing came of it. Something did come of it. Alas … She couldn’t bring herself to acknowledge that the miscarriage would have been a son, that the baby was a boy. She never talked about him to Robert because she couldn’t bear it. It was too awful. She did tell him she was sorry, though she didn’t verbalize what for. He knew, though, and dismissed it.
It was Robert and Cora who brought the Crawleys closer after that first year of marriage, with Mary, really. The Crawley family had always been loyal to one another, but something about the way Robert and Cora looked at Mary warmed the family from the inside out.
Their grandchildren are the absolute light of their lives. They spoil them completely rotten. Way too many gifts. Way too many games. Way too many hugs and tickles and giving them sweets with a “it’ll be our little secret” as Mary, Edith, or Tom sigh heavily. (Robert is MUCH worse than Cora in giving the children sweets; Cora finds this adorable.)
They have way too many photos of them all on every surface. Cora commissioned an artist to sketch and oil pastel all their cherubic little faces. Robert constantly suggests that they all come and stay at Downton for an extended holiday. Again, Edith and Tom sigh.
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bacchanal-if · 1 year
Hello author! So we the readers know which of the potential ROs are red flags, but would our MCs know as well? That is to say, would our MCs know what they're getting themselves into when possibly entering a relationship or is there a chance they could stumble in, unaware of the danger of their situation until it's too late to leave?
Hello! You are right that the readers will know which relationships are red flags, as I will give warnings when those routes are chosen. As far as the MC, the naive/world-wise stat would come into play here, as a naive MC might not know the darker sides of the others, and, personally, I like the idea of being able to play as a MC who falls into this frightening rabbit hole.
However - and here is where it gets harder to explain - I wouldn't like to force readers to have to stick to a RO that makes them uncomfortable, unless you the reader choose to make the MC stay, despite being unhappy (playing a meek MC for example), for that juicy angst. Though you can't change to a different masked character once you've chosen the route, you will still have the option to move your affection to Edith/Edward (yes, I know they are a red flag, but they are the lesser of two evils when it comes to The Uninvited Guest) or Tamsin/Thomas (so long as you aren't on Rabbit's route).
And then you will also be able to say "To hell with it all!" and declare your independence from everyone.
I recognize again that the romance in this story on the whole picture is a complicated one, but I hope it will make sense when you read it and make choices within each route.
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pixelofthepast · 2 years
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By the time the girls were left to settle into the dormitory, Edith’s mood had seemed to sour. She didn’t appreciate the little frown that had sat upon her sister’s face for the better part of the day, this was supposed to be a momentous occasion for Edith!
“Oh Louisa, must you mope about all day? You’re going to get frown lines from that expression on your face. Are you really so jealous of how partial Miss Tillman is to me?” Edith questions her elder sister.
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“I am not jealous of you Edith, I’m glad you have found a mentor in Miss Tillman,” Louisa assures, but she can’t help but be frustrated by her little sister’s naivety. Though she still hadn’t told her younger sister of her turning down Edward’s proposal. “But you are a young lady now, when are you going to realize that the universe does not revolve around you?”
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“This is supposed to be a special day for me, but you’ve managed to make it about you!” Edith fumes. “Oh poor shy Lou, so meek and quiet... like a mouse. The perfectly behaved girl,” She mocks.
Louisa could not believe what she was hearing, how could Edith believe this when she had been such a devoted sister to her?
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“I have spent the whole of my life at your whim,” Lou cries. “I have wiped every one of your tears, I have given ear to all of your gripes and complaints, been a constant companion and hoped for nothing in return. How can you be so thoughtless?”
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The two March sisters fall into tense silence, neither sure how to proceed. Sure, they had squabbled before, but they had never been so coarse with each other. When it became clear Edith wasn’t going to speak, Louisa bowed her head and quietly wished her younger sister well before leaving the dormitory.
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axdently · 2 years
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To Cerise Asinastra, the whole world looks like an open page. With a leap of faith, their ability of Paralysis Inducement grows a little stronger. They are a Brown Recluse Spider shade aligned to House Beltran. For Thirty years, they have survived a world of magic with both their Tender-hearted and humble nature. They work as a nurse and bluebell inn, but if they could change their fate, they’d want to save all humans.
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she is one of the youngest of Asinastra’s daughter’s. Sister to Sylvie, Jean Jacques, and a twin-like sister from another mister, Edith. 
she was always soft spoken, with a doe-y look in her eyes, but her family knew better than to misunderstand her for only her meek tendencies, when she gets upset it’s hard to calm her down.
when she was younger, she never traveled anywhere without a family member– she was extremely sheltered and closed off from humans. Jean Jacques stepped in as a protector early on and she looked up to him for the rest of her life, cherishing her brother.
It wasn’t until finally she was accepted along with her sister to an introductory wizarding school– at a young age. traveling to town with her older brother was a lot to take in. it scared her more than anything– everything was so new and busy
she soon finds a balance between city life and nature, though she prefers nature. she loves the sounds of bumbling creeks, buzzing bees, leaves crunching under her feet…
she’s quick to fall in love, but terrible at nourishing relationships
she keeps her head in books after her first love goes terribly wrong. her paralysis inducement spikes at the ripe age of 15. after almost killing her first love, she swears off all romance to focus on studies.
she still blames herself for that break up, as she should.
she’s got a regular old grandmother’s hobbies, knitting, sewing, embroidery, but she still calls her mother Mama.
her french accent is slowly fading, but it tends to peak out anytime she’s around family..
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Poison (Todd Haynes, 1991)
Cast: Edith Meeks, Millie White, Buck Smith, Anne Giotta, Larry Maxwell, Susan Norman, Scott Renderer, James Lyons, John R. Lombardi. Screenplay: Todd Haynes, based on novels by Jean Genet. Cinematography: Maryse Alberti. Production design: Sarah Stollman. Film editing: Todd Haynes, James Lyons. Music: James Bennett. 
Parody is often the sincerest form of appreciation, especially in the sections of Poison  labeled (in the end credits) “Hero” and “Horror.” The former takes on the true-crime documentary to tell the story of a boy who kills his father and then disappears; the latter smartly adopts the look and feel of old black-and-white horror movies in its account of a scientist's experiment gone awry. The third segment, “Homo,” is less parodic in nature, although it draws elements from prison movies to tell its story of an inmate's obsession with another man whom he had known in a previous incarceration. If you're used to the finesse Todd Haynes brings to his later films with big budgets and major stars, such as Far From Heaven (2002) and Carol (2015), the roughness of Poison may be a shock. But it's still a compelling and often disturbing movie. 
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