gravitascivics · 1 year
This blog, with this posting, continues its presentation of a political model, liberated federalism, by describing and explaining its last component, the studied association.  To date, it has reviewed the other two components, the community and participating entities.  By doing this presentation, the model depicts a liberated federal perspective of an arrangement of parties, be they individuals or collectives.
         Not all arrangements are associations.  The term association, as used in this account and as Philip Selznick[1] uses it, refers to those arrangements that are formal in that they are initiated by a compact or a covenant.  It is an ideal union of entities with federalist characteristics.  
Of course, the national, all-embracing association is the federal union of the people and states of the United States of America as designated by the United States Constitution, its compact.  That association as well as the associations that make up the state governments and the local governments are, in the ideal, communal democracies as defined by Selznick. The liberated federalist perspective views these public or private associations (such as ideal corporations) as serious commitments by the entities that comprise them.
The association has certain attributes:
 One, as stated earlier, is organized under the provisions of a compact or covenant laying out its structure, processes, and to some degree, its functions.  
Two, a qualified majority rule provision that aims at broad range consensus before acting.  
Three, a strong provision for guaranteeing the rights of minorities, be they individuals or groups, within conducting its processes and distribution of material values.
Four, a clear purpose or set of purposes for its existence that is publicly stated.
Five, a fraternal ethos that respects the dignity and integrity of each of the entities that comprise it and a felt commitment of inclusion for those entities.
Six, a covenant of reason upon which its moral standing rests.  The covenant of reason includes agreement over a deliberative process of decision-making, a provision of critical review of its decisions and actions, and a set of collective interests that reflects its purposes as well as its standing as an association.
 In addition, the association has an overarching responsibility to uphold the communal well-being of the community in which it resides.  To review and further explain these attributes, a short elaboration of each one follows.
         The compact or covenant refers to the formal agreement arrived at by the entities involved.  The entities of an association formulate a compact/covenant by the drawing up of such an agreement.  The agreement contains the elements identified by Danial Elazar, identified earlier in this blog as it described the model parochial/traditional federalism. In order to review Elazar’s characterization of a compact/covenant, the following two quotes are offered:
 Covenantal foundings emphasize the deliberate coming together of humans as equals to establish politics in such a way that all reaffirm their fundamental equality and retain the basic rights … Polities whose origins are covenantal reflect the exercise of constitutional choice and broad-based participation in constitutional design.  Polities founded by covenant are essentially federal in character, in the original meaning of the term (from foedus, Latin for covenant).[2]
 [The old covenants followed a recurring format or model which was] … an historical prologue indicating the parties involved, a preamble stating the general purposes of the covenant and the principles behind it, a body of conditions and operative clauses, a stipulation of the agreed-upon sanctions to be applied if the covenant were violated, and an oath to make the covenant morally binding.[3]
 But what about compacts?
Donald Lutz points out that the distinction between a covenant and a compact is that a covenant calls upon God to witness the agreement and a compact does not.  In the current more secular world today, the common form is to utilize a compact.[4]  In either case, the formulation of the compact or covenant calls for a bit of soul searching.  It demands that entities involved seriously consider the consequences of such an act, due to the nature of the commitment involved.
The entities must be fairly certain that they share enough moral understanding, commitment to founding values, and philosophic principles in relation to the purposes of the union so as to handle the inevitable internal disagreements and conflicts.  In addition, there should be at least some minimum level of emotional commitment among the entities since the union will most likely be for a significant amount of time.  
Therefore, compacts and covenants should not be drawn up for frivolous reasons.  As Elazar describes these unions, the commitment is for the duration of the concerns involved.  In terms of a national union and institutional arrangements as marriages, the commitment is perpetual or for a lifetime.
The next identified attribute, qualified majority rule, holds that a raw majority rule arrangement in collective decision-making format should be avoided.  One problem with such an arrangement is that there is a possible, if not probable, danger to minorities.  Majority rule should be limited by constitutional parameters or provisions, as stated earlier in this blog in regard to equality.  Each minority and each individual is entitled to protection from the majority.  
Basic rights, as identified by the Bill of Rights, serve as an appropriate starting point.  Citing Selznick again, the reciprocal advantage characteristic of this model – its reciprocal nature – calls on a meaningful reality that (1) allows an opportunity to improve one’s position significantly, and (2) sets up a cooperative mode of social interaction.[5]
This posting’s review will end here.  Next, this blog will address the purpose or set of purposes a covenant or compact sets out for a people to achieve.  This might, for good reasons, remind readers of the Preamble of the Constitution, the set of purposes the founders identified in the nation’s founding compact.
[1] Philip Selznick, The Moral Commonwealth:  Social Theory and the Promise of Community (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1992).
[2] Daniel J. Elazar, “Federal Models of (Civil) Authority,” Journal of Church and State 33 (Spring 1991):  233-234.
[3] Ibid., 244.
[4] Donald S. Lutz, The Origins of American Constitutionalism (Baton Rouge, LA:  Louisiana State University Press, 1988).
[5] Selznick, The Moral Commonwealth.
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nevver · 2 years
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Korn, Uli Westphal (because)
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389 · 6 months
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nanaluvbug · 1 year
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🧀🥪🌶️🥭 The Ravening War portraits  🧀🥪🌶️🥭
patreon * twitch * shop  
[ID: a series of digitally illustrated portraits showing - top left to bottom right - Bishop Raphaniel Charlock (an old radish man with a big red head and large white eyebrows & a scraggly beard. he wears green and gold robes with symbols of the bulb and he smirks at the viewer) Karna Solara (a skinny young chili pepper woman with wavy green hair, freckled light green skin with red blooms on her cheeks. she wears a chili pepper hood lined with small pepper seeds and stares cagily ahead) Thane Delissandro Katzon (a muscular young beef man with bright pinkish skin with small skin variations to resemble pastrami and dark burgundy hair. he wears a bread headress with a swirl of rye covering his ears and he looks ahead, optimistic and determined) Queen Amangeaux Epicée du Peche (a bright mango woman with orange skin, big red hair adorned with a green laurel, and sparkling green/gold makeup. she wears large gold hoop earrings and a high leafy collar) and Colin Provolone (a scraggly cheese man with waxy yellow skin and dark slicked back hair and patchy dark facial hair. he wears a muted, ratty blue bandana around his neck and raises a scarred brow at the viewer with a smirk) End ID.)
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70sscifiart · 1 year
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One of my favorites by Paul Lehr, used as a 1971 cover to "Earth Abides," by George R. Stewart. It's also in my upcoming art book!
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layla-keating · 1 year
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XO, KITTY — 1.09 “SNAFU”
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foodffs · 2 days
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Noodles with Lamb Sauce (Laghman, 新疆拌面) Xinjiang laghman features chewy noodles served with a bold and rich lamb and tomato sauce that is bursting with flavor.
Recipe: https://omnivorescookbook.com/recipes/uyghur-style-noodles-with-lamb-sauce
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taizooo · 13 days
映画『きみの色』山田尚子監督×はくいきしろい対談。嫉妬し合うふたりが語る、色と光の表現|Tokyo Art Beat
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lesserknownbots · 8 days
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CJ from Hello World (MSPFA) by phasedsun?
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gravitascivics · 1 year
This blog, which is in the midst of presenting a political model for the purposes of guiding civics curricular efforts, is set to offer the model’s second component. The first is the community and the second is participating entities.  The model is entitled liberated federalism.  This posting describes and explains this second component.
         Entities can be persons, groups, associations (both within and without government), local governments, state governments, regional organizations of states, the national government, or arrangements, including the United States and other nations.  One can ascribe to these entities ideal attributes.
         First, entities have constitutional integrity, i.e., they have moral worth which endows them with dignity and integrity as autonomous actors in the political arena.  They can make decisions, act upon those decisions, and be held accountable for the consequences of those activities.  They, therefore, have rights.  Entities, in terms of this model, are participants in some enterprise in which an arrangement with other entities has been formulated.
         Arrangements are formulated for some purpose or purposes. The entity is in relation with other entities within the arrangement under the auspices of some agreement. The agreement can take the form of a verbal statement, a contract, or a compact or covenant.  Each entity has certain attributes within the context of the arrangement.
         These attributes are:
 ·       Status refers to the degree to which the entity can be considered an elite. Leaders of the arrangement have high status; followers have lower status, non-active participants, usually, have even lower status.  
·       Conscience refers to the individual’s or collective’s ideal domain which contains the notions of desirable states in terms right and wrong behavior.  Of most relevance are the desirable feelings of right and wrong associated with the reasons for the arrangement.
·       Skills include listening, communicating, physical dexterity and athleticism, researching, and political (such as lobbying) skills, and other personality traits relevant to the role of the entity.  Personality can include humor, friendliness, tolerance, accepting disposition, assertiveness, and decisiveness.
·       Roles include leadership roles, followship roles, and other strategic positions.  This can lead to inquiry as to the appropriate types of roles that a particular arrangement should have and what kinds of entities should fill them. Primary in determining which roles and the kinds of entities that should fill them would reflect the purpose of the arrangement.
 Deserving special note is the attribute of character – a more encompassing attribute – that is, it deals with conscience.  It is considered not from its content but from its depth.  One asks in terms of character:  is the conscience of the entity one that is the product of a reflected process?  How well and thorough was that reflection?  And does the entity have the courage of conviction to act according to those reflected ideals? These are the concerns of character.
         Again, associated with conscience but to a more specific level, is what the interests of the entity are. This practical attribute is the list of relevant values, both of material and non-material types, held by the entity.  This attribute is also concerned with whether the interests are short or long term.  A moral perspective is more concerned with long term interests.[1]
         Within an arrangement there can be any number of entities.  Theory can be developed, and study can be conducted to determine the optimal number of entities, given the purposes of an arrangement (beyond the scope of this account). But whatever the number, there needs for a relationship to exist among the entities.  Federalist unions require that the entities, despite their varying statuses, enjoy equality among them.
         Donald Lutz points out that a basic characteristic of American federalism was a belief in the equality among parties that joined compact-al or covenantal associations and based on each member’s abilities to give consent. This notion can be expanded so that, as part of an extended republic, all states were given equal standing when joining a federal union of the United States.  Not all states enjoyed the same status, but all were equal under the auspices of the association.[2]  In like manner, the entities depicted in the model enjoy the same equality.
         The relationship among the entities also has communal links tying them together.  The links can include the elements of the agreement, emotional ties, shared resources, shared interests, and mutual respect.  All or any of these links would make the entities closer and more committed to accomplishing the purposes of the arrangement.
         Again, this relation has to do with what Selznick calls reciprocal advantage.[3]  This concern includes an understanding that a communal sense among the members of an arrangement increases the chances of success; it is sensitive to the whimsical nature of fortune and fate, and it avoids the disruption that a lack of dignity and integrity can cause any collective (communal) effort.
         The last aspect of the model associated with the entities is the relationship between them and the arrangement.  The entity has the obligation and duty to extend to the arrangement loyalty, trust, skills, and knowledge.  Of course, the nature of the arrangement will dictate the exact nature of these obligations and duties.  But loyalty, trust, skills, and knowledge have the very practical consequence of making success and long-term satisfaction of interests appreciably more likely.
         Any arrangement in which its member entities do not meet these obligations and duties to a minimal degree would find it very difficult to meet the purposes of its existence.[4]  This point is important in that it, in terms of day-to-day life, focuses on a basic difference between liberated federalism and the natural rights view.  The former, liberated federalism highlights these obligations and duties and the latter, natural rights, mostly dismisses them as merely the product of individual choices among the populace.
         Picking up on this attribute, in return, the arrangement has certain responsibilities to the individual entities; first, to guarantee the equal standing that an individual entity is entitled to.  This responsibility should be addressed by the arrangement’s policies, by-laws, and other governing attributes, and by the treatment of the entities in the arrangement pursuing its goals.
         Second, in cases when an entity is lacking relevant resources and skills, the arrangement, in relation to its resources and purposes, should make special allowances and possibly distribute some helpful subsidies in order to “level the playing field” among the entities. Public schooling can be seen in this light.  Selznick writes of derivative rights that one can and should associate with equal treatment.[5]
         And that ends this account’s coverage of the first two components of the liberated federalism model, the community and participating entities.  That leaves the last component, the studied association.  The next posting will begin addressing that component as it serves as the center of this model’s concern.  For the purposes of civics education, the studied association is the US government, a state government, or governmental arrangement at the local level (e.g., city government).
[1] Philip Selznick, The Moral Commonwealth:  Social Theory and the Promise of Community (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1992).
[2] Donald S. Lutz, “The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, 1639,” in Roots of the Republic: American Founding Documents Interpreted, edited by Stephen L. Schechter (Madison, WI:  Madison House, 1990.
[3] Selznick, The Moral Commonwealth.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
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nevver · 6 months
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Arts & Architecture, Sander Patelski
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theroyalweekly · 17 days
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The video released by @KensingtonRoyal is like nothing we have seen from them before. It includes William and Kate hugging on the beach, the 3 children talking down the lens of the camera, and the family playing games with Grandma and Grandad Middleton. --
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389 · 6 months
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
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AGUST D : DAECHWITA (大吹打) & HAEGEUM (解禁)  ⤷ movie posters | ig ; twt (click for hi-res)
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agustdakasuga · 1 year
The Way Of A Criminal: Chapter 4
Genre: Mafia!AU, Criminal!AU, Angst, Romance
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Your father was a stranger, you never knew who he was and what he did. But one day, someone knocks on your door, informing you of his passing. Now, you learn more about him, his life and the legacy you are expected to continue with the help of his 7 executives.
Story warning(s): This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed/gore, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking and gambling. This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. Please read at your own discretion.
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Instead of dealing with all this head on, you avoided it. You put everything aside and went on with life, spending all your time doing work, studying and doing your university projects.
Wonwoo noticed this and decided to invite you for a night out. Just a chill night with some drinks. Usually, you would decline, which is why Wonwoo has never invited you out. But you could use the distraction. Maybe being out of the house was good.
“Coming!” You ran down, fixing your earring. You didn’t really know how to dress for a night out like this so you picked a random dress. It was a dark blue, crushed velvet cocktail dress.
“Come on in.” You opened the door for him. Wonwoo smiled, bowing before removing his shoes to come in.
“This dress isn’t really motorcycle friendly, is it?” You let out an awkward laugh, going into the kitchen to get your phone that you left there to charge.
“I didn’t ride my bike since we might drink. I’ll call a cab.” Wonwoo said. He just stood in the doorway, unsure of what to do since it was the first time he was in your house.
“(y/n)?” Wonwoo suddenly called your name, stopping you in your tracks.
“You look great.” He smiled softly.
“Oh... Thank you.” You felt your cheeks heat up at his sudden compliment. He held out a hand to support you as you wore your shoes. After locking up the house, he escorted you to the cab that was waiting for you. And of course, Wonwoo opened the door for you to get in first, being the gentleman that he is. The car ride was silent.
“C-Can I ask you something?” Wonwoo threaded lightly. You hummed, nodding your head.
“I know you like your privacy and I shouldn’t pry but there were this rumours and pictures floating around about some expensive sports car and handsome guy picking you up. Is he one of them?” He asked nervously.
“If by ‘one of them’, you mean my father’s... employees. Yes, he is... or was. There are 7 of them.” You rubbed the back of your neck.
“Are they bothering you?”
“Can we not talk about this anymore? I just don’t want to have to think about it for a few minutes.” That came out a lot harsher and colder than you expected. But Wonwoo didn’t react.
“Sorry. I’m...” You sighed, not really knowing how to piece your words together anymore.
“I understand. Don’t worry about it. I didn’t mean to pry.” Wonwoo smiled comfortingly. Thankfully for you, the cab stopped outside the club. You looked at the long line outside that didn’t seem to be moving,
“Don’t look so worried. My friend put our name on the list so we can just walk in.” Wonwoo laughed. You both got out and he grasped your hand, giving your names to the bouncer. You were so stunned by his action that you just followed him without a word, letting him lead you.
“There’s a table there.” Wonwoo said in your ear on top of the loud music. You were still shocked that he was holding your hand that you just followed him.
“Phew, it’s crowded.” You said, casually pulling your hand away to check if you dropped anything from your bag.
“Yeah, that’s what you get for being here on a Friday night.” He chuckled. You stood at the table while Wonwoo went to get drinks at the bar. The standing table was thankfully at the side of the bar, which meant less people.
“Relax, you’re here to have fun.” You told yourself.
“Here.” Wonwoo got himself a beer and got you a cocktail. It was a nice refreshing drink with flavoured soju as the alcohol.
“Let me know how much everything is tonight and we’ll split the cost.” You told him as you took a sip.
“It’s okay, (y/n). It’s my treat, just enjoy yourself.” Wonwoo smiled. He clinked his glass with yours. Although this wasn’t your exact idea of relaxing, you were glad that the noise and the crowd made the place too loud that you didn’t need to start sharing your feelings. Wonwoo was a good friend but you just weren’t used to sharing so much about yourself with others.
After some drinks, you excused yourself to go to the toilet. But of course, there was a line. About 15 minutes went by without the line moving. You were about to give up when someone grabbed your wrist.
“(y/n) sshi?” You looked at the familiar face.
“Oh... Uh...”
“Yoongi.” He said, letting you go. You nodded your head. Other people in the line now had their attention on you and Yoongi.
“Come.” He nodded over to follow him. You didn’t know why you just went along, not even asking why he wanted you to go with him. You came before a staircase with two guards. But they parted ways upon seeing Yoongi.
“Sir.” They bowed respectfully as Yoongi cooly walked up, hands tucked into his pockets. You quickly bowed your heads back to the guards and caught up to Yoongi.
“You can use this bathroom instead. It’s cleaner and safer.” Yoongi stopped before a door.
“A-Are you sure?”
“If I wasn’t sure, I wouldn’t have went down to fish you out of the crowd. Take all the time you need. This is our own private bathroom so no one else is allowed to use it.” He explained. You nodded, bowing gratefully to him before entering the restroom.
The bathroom was a lot more opulent and grand, with black granite and gold trims. Like Yoongi said, it was very clean, unlike a usual club bathroom. It was definitely a boys bathroom with urinals but you just used one of the stalls.
“Hyung, why can’t I use the bathroom? I really need to go!” You heard voices outside as you were washing your hands.
“Only the 7 of us use it anyway. Unless... Do you have a secret guest in there?!” The person talking to Yoongi gasped as if he just uncovered something scandalous.
“Watch your mouth.” You heard Yoongi threaten.
“Sorry, I’m done.” You opened the door. But you didn’t expect Yoongi to be standing so close that you ended up bumping into his back.
“Oh, no wonder hyung was guarding the bathroom.” The male said. He didn’t mind you and just brushed past to use the bathroom. Yoongi moved you away from the bathroom door, not wanting you to accidentally get hit.
“Thank you. Is it okay if I just stay here for a few more minutes? You can go back to what you were doing before.” You asked timidly. Yoongi took one look at you and nodded. You didn’t need to tell him anything for him to know what you were thinking. The club was getting overwhelming. Yoongi never really liked coming too unless his brothers make him.
“Why did you come if you don’t like it?”
“A friend brought me here as a distraction. Plus, I’ve never really come to a club before.” You replied. Yoongi nodded his head.
“You don’t need to stay and accompany me. I’ll go back down in a bit.” You said.
“It’s okay.” He leaned against the opposite wall. You took your phone out to send Wonwoo a text, assuring him that you were safe and that he could go home first. But you didn’t tell him where you were and who you were with.
“Actually... I wanted to apologise. My brothers told me I shouldn’t have offered you a smoke the other time. I just thought it would help.” Yoongi looked at you.
“It’s fine. I honestly didn’t think too much about it. There were other things to think about.” You shook your head.
“Understandable. I’m sure you have your fair share of confusion and questions that come along with it. This is just the start.” Yoongi said. You didn’t let his straightforward tone faze you, nodding your head glumly.
“Well, I should go. Thanks for letting me hang here.” You straightened up.
“No worries. I’ll walk you down.” Yoongi followed suit. You walked behind him, not sure of the way to the exit. With your insistence, Wonwoo had gone home on his own. You did feel bad for abandoning him when he was the one that invited you out but you also didn’t want him to wait.
“Do you have a ride home?” Yoongi asked.
“I told my friend to go home first so I guess I can get a cab home.” You waved him off, getting your phone out. But Yoongi stopped you, his hand grasping your phone and covering the screen.
“It’s not safe and cheap to get a cab from here at this time. I drank a little so I shouldn’t drive. Hang on.” Yoongi waved over one of the bouncers.
“Use the company car and send her home then report back.” Yoongi ordered.
“Yoongi sshi, it’s really okay.”
“Get the address from her and make sure you see her entering the house before coming back.” Yoongi ignored you. The bouncer nodded and bowed, running off the get the car.
“(y/n) sshi, hyung.” You both turned to see Taehyung jogging over. He had a big, square-ish grin as he waved.
“Jimin said you were here and that Yoongi hyung was with you. Are you driving her home, hyung?” Taehyung tilted his head.
“I drank. So was gonna get one of the workers to drive her back.” Yoongi explained, standing back as he lit a cigarette to smoke. Taehyung nodded his head.
“I’ll drive you home. I didn’t drink since I am the designated driver tonight. Bring my car instead.” Taehyung called out. The worker bowed and ran back into the club. Yoongi decided to go in first after his cigarette was done, not liking being out in the cold. He shot you a nod while you bowed gratefully to him. While waiting, Taehyung put his jacket over your shoulders.
“Did you come alone?” Taehyung asked.
“No... I came with a friend but I abandoned him. Yoongi sshi was kind enough to let me hang out in the quiet area. So I told my friend to go home first.” You said. You didn’t know why you were explaining so much to him.
“This isn’t you scene, is it?” He teased. You pursed your lips and shook your head. The noise and the crowd just wasn’t comfortable.
“Sir.” The car stopped right in front of you. The worker came out, bowing and passing Taehyung’s keys to him.
“Here you go. Watch your head.” Taehyung opened the car door for you to enter. You sat inside, keeping the sides of his jacket close to you so it wouldn’t get caught in the door.
Taehyung confirmed your address before starting to drive. One hand held his head, elbow resting on the door next to him while the other hand was on the steering wheel. During the quiet ride, you fiddled with the hem of the dress, pulling it down every now and then.
“Are you cold?” He asked.
“No, I’m good. Thank you.” You replied softly. With your head leaning against the headrest, you looked out the window. The only reason you would be out this late usually was because you were working.
“Thanks for dropping me off again.” You said as Taehyung pulled up outside of your house.
“Any time.” Taehyung smiled. You unbluckled your seatbelt and got out of the car. But before you could walk further, Taehyung rolled down the window.
“Goodnight, (y/n)!”
“G-Goodnight, Taehyung sshi.” A small smile formed on your lips as you bowed your head and entered the house. Like the other day, Taehyung only drove off after he was sure you had entered the house.
Only after you entered the house and you heard Taehyung drive off, that you realised you had forgotten the return him his jacket. You removed it carefully, as if any movement would cause it to tear like tissue. You inspected it, trying to figure out if you should wash it on your own, and risk ruining the expensive material, or just send it for dry cleaning.
“Hi, Wonwoo. Did you make it home safe?”
“Oh, (y/n). Yes, I am home. I went home after you sent me that text. Are you alright? You scared me.”
“Yes, I am alright. I just found a quiet space to chill for a while so I didn’t want you to wait for me. I just got home. Sorry for ruining the night. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” You said, putting your shoes away.
“Don’t say that, (y/n). I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy yourself.”
“I did enjoy myself, Wonwoo. Thank you for bringing me out to feel better.” You laughed. After wishing each other good night, you hung up.
You took a shower and was feeling peckish so you made yourself some ramyeon. There was always ramyeon in the kitchen for when you or your mother needed a late night snack after working.
“I’ll have to drop the jacket off at the dry cleaners tomorrow.” You groaned tiredly, looking at the blazer that rested over the back of the chair.
Hoseok was one of the first ones to wake up. After a day of working and a night of drinking, the boys all usually slept in during the weekends. The moment his foot touched the bottom of the stairs, a maid ran over to him, bowing her head in fear.
“What is it?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Your workers are here, sir. They said that it is important for you to see them immediately.” She relayed timidly, afraid of making him angry.
“Send them in. And get my breakfast.” Hoseok shooed her away before shuffling to the dining room. Like any other normal person, he didn’t like having to work on the weekends.
“Good morning, Boss.” The 3 men put the crate that they were carrying down and bowed to Hoseok.
“This better be important for you to be here on a Saturday morning.” Hoseok said, not even looking up at them. He was more focused on the tray of food that the butler had placed down in front of him.
“The shipment is here early. We thought you would want to check it right away.” One of the men informed. Hoseok put his napkin on the table and stood up.
“Show me.” He commanded as he walked over. The men opened the box, revealing the contents inside.
“Very nice...” He picked up one of the items.
“Business on a Saturday morning, Hobah?” Yoongi came in. Hoseok’s workers bowed upon seeing the pale man enter the dining room. But of course, he didn’t even spare them a glance. He sat down in his allocated seat, waiting for the staff to serve him his breakfast. His breakfast was usually an iced coffee then his food 20 minutes later.
“Can’t help it, hyung. You want the best, you’ve got to work when others aren’t.” Hoseok laughed while Yoongi snorted at his comment. He placed the items back into the crate.
“Leave this here. I’ll show the others to see what they think. Good work. We’ll discuss the rest on Monday.” Hoseok said.
“Of course, boss. Have a nice weekend.” The 3 bowed, moving the crate to the side of the room before leaving the mansion. Hoseok took his seat across Yoongi.
“So hyung, I heard you had a little moment with the girl.” Hoseok asked.
“What moment?” Yoongi asked back, no emotion on his face as he sipped the last bit of his coffee.
“Jimin said you loyally guarded the door for her as she used our toilet. Even stayed with her in the hallway after to comfort her.” He explained. Yoongi rolled his eyes, his brothers really needed better things to talk about.
“I saw her the moment she entered, I’m surprised you guys didn’t considering how high our booth is. She needed to use a toilet and the queue was insane so I offered her to use ours. And I wasn’t comforting her, she needed a quiet place and I stayed with her. That’s all.” Yoongi explained.
“Well, that’s a lot more interaction than what the rest have got. Looks like she’ll warm up to you first.” Hoseok said.
“No, she’ll warm up to Taehyung first. He was the one that sent her home.” Yoongi dug into his food on the tray that the butler brought him. Hoseok hummed but couldn’t help the giggle that escaped him.
“What’s Hobi laughing about?” Namjoon came in. He had been awake for a while, opting to sit in his room to read the newspaper rather than come downstairs right away.
“No idea.” Yoongi replied, putting a chopstick of rice into his mouth.
“Ah, seriously, Hobi. I thought we established that we are not going to bring work into the dining room?” Namjoon tsked at the crate in the room.
“It’s fine, Namjoon ah. I’ll move it after breakfast. The boys needed me to inspect the goods, that’s all. Even risked bothering me on a Saturday to do it.” Hoseok waved the leader off. Namjoon shook his head with a sigh.
“Bring my breakfast.” He ordered as he took his seat at the head of the table. The butler bowed and left.
“I’m done. Going back to sleep.” Yoongi stood up and shuffled out of the room. The weekend was for Yoongi to catch up on sleep, it was normal to not see him for the entirety of the two days because he was just sleeping or resting in bed. Jin and Taehyung were the last ones that had breakfast. Jungkook and Jimin would sleep in until dinner time.
“Here. Take what is yours and leave the rest. I told you I would get things done.” Jin dropped the stack of files on the table. Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung shrugged, going through the pile to retrieve their things.
“So, hyung, did you find out anymore information about (y/n) when you did your stalking?” Taehyung asked.
“Yah, Taehyung! That was supposed to be confidential.” Jin hissed at the younger exposing him to the rest. However, the younger just shrugged.
“You’re running a check on her?” Namjoon raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not running a check on her... Well, at least not the background checks I usually do. I just wanted to find out about her to maybe try to connect with her in some way. She is a closed book.” Jin explained.
“So what if she is a closed book, I’m sure you can still find whatever you need on her.” Hosoek laughed.
“That’s the thing... She does not have much of a record except for her birth certificate and basic school details. Everything else either doesn’t exist or has been wiped.” Jin informed.
“Wait, you’re telling me there is actually information that you can’t find?”
“How do you know information has been wiped? She could have just not had that much of an eventful life so far. I doubt she can wipe her own records and she doesn’t seem to have a reason to do that.” Namjoon said. He didn’t know you but you didn’t seem like a skillful hacker that could wipe records.
“I know information has been wiped because I am the one who wiped them...” Jin admitted with his head slightly hung.
“Boss wanted me to wipe them. He was paranoid, especially when it came to her. So my task was to regularly wipe her records that were 'not relevant’. Hospital visits, stuff like that...” Jin gulped.
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You, who gave me their hand when I fell, now I'll hold it for you.
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