#Egyxos Kefer
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Art of the Brainrot and the Rabbit Samurai! I haven't forgotten about the AU I made with them!!!!
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darkcat8 · 6 months
Okay, I know that me and @gelu-the-babosa-multiversal I already talked about this, but in the au where kefer is Leo's biological father instead of Leo having the power control wind like exaton Leo Inherence both kefer's power of lighting and his mother's of to control plants.
@gelu-the-babosa-multiversal, my friend, if you see, tell me what you of this
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palatteflags · 10 months
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Shiryu from Knights of the Zodiac and Kefer from Egyxos based Ace, Bi, and Pan moodboard~ ^^ For an anon! Hope you like the look!
Want one? Send an ask! -mod Jay
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dark-raven-666 · 1 year
Do you have any funny/fluffy headcanons for Leo doing some activities with the Golden Army like a little brother who admires a lot his older brothers and sister XD
I can see Leo going to Egyxos when he has the time even when there is not a battle to fight.
Leo Walker headcanons (fluffy)
Warnings: none
It's already shown in the show that Leo would teach them to play basketball. Poor Leo, they don't really understand the rules
I see him asking Osiris/Hyksos for help with his homework and both of them are super confused, especially if it is physics or chemistry.
Osiris would be all proud of how he can manage chemistry easily and it will be a piece of cake. But it's not.
Now Osiris is questioning his life.
He would probably be gossiping about other humans. Especially Colin.
Leo uses slang words and Kefer is trying to understand what he means by "it is not slay" or "spilling the tea". No seriously, Kefer is wondering now why Leo is slaying people and spilling his tea.
I feel like Ramses would be like "yes, exactly" or "slay? ".
Ramses doesn't know what it means but he wants to seem cool to Leo. Leo knows this, because he uses these words at the wrong times.
Flying with Horus is also one of his favorite things to do. (Also shown in the show)
Now every time they do it they pray that no freaky rocks hit them.
That is all my silly brain could come up with.
I hope it's enough
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SIDE 1D: ROUND 1: Princess Peach (Super Mario)/Samus Aran (Metroid) VS Kefer (Egyxos)/Shiryu (Knights of the Zodiac)
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Propaganda for Princess Peach/Samus Aran:
This ship brought to you by Super Smash Bros.™
Propaganda for Kefer/Shiryu:
Art of them!
An ask about them!
Another ask!
More art of Kefer offering a frog~!
A moodboard!
Is completely random. The only basic reason to ship them is that their personalities are similar and have equal family problems. Kefer is also a god so he being in love with a knight that serves another god is just for drama.
Art Credit:
Peach/Samus art by @/kannra-orhara Kefer/Shiryu art by @/geluatekurama / @/gelu-the-babosa-multiversal (sorry your old URL is on the art; I'll fix it if they get to the next round!)
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Characters: Kefer x Shiryu
Fandoms: Egyxos | Knights of the zodiac
Relationship: romantic
Long last the dead fandoms 😭
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Characters: Keefer x Dragon Shiryu
Fandoms: Egyxos | Knights of the Zodiac
Relationship: Romantic
Submitted by @gelu-the-babosa-multiversal
Sorry, I don't know either of these shows... Though, I will say, looking for Shiryu pics, I found one of him enjoying being stepped on... Not sure if that's canon or not...
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kefer (egyxos) & ja-kal (mummies alive) platonic moodboard with warrior and king themes, and the colour blue
requested by: anon
- mod merida
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An Egyxos request!
How would Kefer react to Leo fighting Exaton for making him upset? (Even if Kefer probably won't like it, because, well, that man is really nice) how do you think he wpuld feel? And how would the rest of the Golden Army see this?
An excellent question!
And to be honest; not very good.
Kefer and Exaton have had their long-standing quarrels since before Egyxos went to a whole other dimension but there is some respect there. Any time they have had to team up in canon, they haven't been at each other's throats nor actively insulting each other. Exaton's been almost cordial in each instance. As combative as they are they are still brothers; arguments don't undo years of family.
Leo fighting Exaton over the issue of rage then is difficult. There's been plenty of times where Kefer has been tempted to do the same but he never has because that's his brother. That's his older brother who taught him how to master those moves that felt always out of reach. His older brother who, after Kefer's first mission as a prince, gave praise and a shoulder to lean on. Exaton is a villain now but he was a brother first.
None of this is mentioned to Leo. It's a sore spot as is and Kefer is not one to be that open with his heart, not when there's a kingdom of people who need him to be strong. What Leo hears is a solemn talk on not falling into rage. Egyxos has already lost a prince to rage. They will not lose their ally to it too.
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land-of-egyxos · 10 months
Kefer: Nice work! Leo: Thanks, Dad! Everyone in the room [just staring at Leo]: … Leo: Uh… Why's everyone staring at me? Apis: You just… You just called Kefer "dad". Leo: Wha-- No I didn't! I said thanks, man. Kefer: Do you see me as a father figure, Leo? Leo: NO! If anything I see you and everyone in this room as a BROTHER figure because none of you stops bothering me. Horus: Wait! So, you see us all as father figures? Leo: WHAT!? NO! You guys are misunderstanding-- Ramses: Well, we are the ones that protect you from Exaton, so we ACTUALLY are your parents in a way. Leo: No! You don't--- Hyksos: We also teach you new things, and we like to do it! Leo: Stop--- Horus: And lest not forget the fact that you get mad at those who hurt us! Hyksos: So what your saying is that you see all of us as your dads! Kha [who is just in the corner and hasn't said anything in like in hora]: … Wonderful. Leo [in defeat]: Oh god! Stop twisting what I'm saying!! Apis: HEY! Show your fathers some respect!!
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cloud-in-lazure · 1 year
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nataliric · 1 year
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Арт от  Нахолюй Обыкновенный.
Это арт к будущему фанфику. АУ по 18 серии, где Эксатон занял тело Кефера. Давайте расскажу немного об этой вселенной. (ау 18+ . Это альтернативная вселенная и в ней Лео взрослый парень, который уже несколько лет помогает сражаться с Эксатоном. ) 
В моей АУ у всех богов золотая кровь, и они крупнее и выше смертных людей. Все кто находится в Египтусе - божества, но по сравнению с Ра, который старше многих и сильнее, да даже с любым из Золотого воинства, простой гражданин будет слабым. Но все еще сильнее и выносливые, выше и крупнее, чем смертный человек.  
 Попал Лео в Египтус  в возрасте 12 лет все как в каноне. Все идет как обычно, но Лео на протяжение почти десяти (10) лет помогает воинам в борьбе с Эксатоном. Они стали его второй семьей.
И вот так многие годы он жил между своим миром в котором он учится на археолога и миром в котором живут боги и есть магия. К сожалению война с темным фараоном так легко и просто не заканчивается и ведется многие годы.
И следуя 18 серии, Эксатон под видом Кефера, заманивает Лео к себе, чтобы сделать своим и вместе с этим отобрать его силу, чтобы он больше не мог ему мешать и спокойно захватить власть. Одно из трех у него получилось сделать.
(в конце все будет хорошо, у Эксатона не получиться захватить власть. но Лео от этого не легче. )
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When I said that the brainrott is back is because is BACK!!!
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darkcat8 · 10 months
Ra: Awakens and take over as king
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palatteflags · 10 months
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Brothers/Found Family, Leo Walker and Kefer from Egyxos based moodboard~ ^^ For an anon! Hope you like it, I'm glad you like the blog :)
Want one? Send an ask! -mod Jay
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dark-raven-666 · 1 year
Oh hi me again lol
Egyxos AU ask!
What if in the ep "The Hidden Enemy" at the end Kefer and Exaton didn't managed to change their bodys back to normal. Having Exaton (still in Kefer's body) run back to the Dark Pyramid and leaving Kefer (in Exaton's body) trying to explain to the rest of the Golden Army what is going on.
The worst part is that Exaton would try to use this as an advabtage to ruin his brother reputation.
Leo would probably feel the most gulty of all because he was couldn't help his mentor and doesn't know how to help
Hard question but it will probably go something like this.
(Egyxos) The hidden enemy, bad ending
Warnings! : angsty.
The warriors in gold stood silently, giving each other glances of confusion.
Leo and Kefer who is stuck in his brothers body try to explain and they only get more confused looks.
"Listen to me! Me and Neith went to the dark pyramid! This is one of Exatons tricks! You have to believe me!" The last Pharaoh explains to the warriors in his best ability.
"How can we trust you?! You could have easily betrayed us and joined Exatons army! " out of the crowd comes a sound. The voice belongs to Kha, who seems not to believe a word Leo says.
"He's right Leo, we can't trust you right now" The warrior bird Horus speaks trying to be as understanding as possible.
"You have to believe him! It's the truth" echoes through the halls and out comes the owner of the voice, Neith "I was there with him, he speaks the truth".
The golden warriors once again glance at each other. Could it really be that their Pharaoh is in Exatons body?
"How do we know you speak the truth?" "How is this possible? " "is that Neith!? Could they both be traitors?! " the throne room is filled with questions and Leo, Kefer, and Neith cannot answer all of them at once.
"My friends, this is a trick done by Exaton. He stole my body to be able to take over Egyxos" the voice belongs to Exaton but the way he speaks, it must have been Kefer.
"Pharaoh?! Could it really be?!" Horuses voice echoes.
"Yes it is me, I apologize for not being able to protect you all" the Pharaoh speaks.
"Wait! How can we tell, that you see not Exaton pretending to be Kefer?! " the harsh voice of Apis sounds.
"There must be a way! Hyksos! Don't you have a device to help with this? " Leo says clearly panicked.
"I.. I unfortunately do not" the creator warrior says sounding disappointed.
"We must take this to the council!" Apis exclaims.
Once the warriors explain or more like try to explain the situation to the council, the council makes their choice.
"Leo the council agrees that you and Neith are traitors and work for the dark army. Neith will be imprisoned and you Leo will be banished from Egyxos and as of Exaton you will be imprisoned and taken to no mans land! " The once soft voice of Iside is now loud and clear.
Leo's bracelet is taken from him by the council as Neith is being "escorted" rather harshly to her cell.
The last Pharaoh looks on last time at his mentor and apologizes for not being good enough, then he is sent back home.
Kefer, is also imprisoned, he on the other hand doesn't make a ruckus with the guards. He knows it's all over. Leo will never return and he has to live as Exaton for the rest of his life.
Leo P. O. V
I flop on my bed very upset and as much as I try I can't get my mind off Kefer. "What will he do now?" "Is he to live like this forever?" "What about Neith?" "Will she forever be seen as a traitor?"
My eyes close and I drift off...
A. N
I hope this did not come out too angsty, and I really hope it is to your liking!
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gritsandbrits · 11 months
Cringetober Day 12: Niche Interest
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Two of my favorite things: Ancient Egyptian mythology & sentai motifs. They have their flaws but I love them anyways.
I also made a self insett for Mummies Alive: the Pyramid's caretaker Chesney, who wields the amulet of Princess Aida. Her patron is Hathor and I ship her with Rath.
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And to complement her I made a self insert for Egyxos too! A human woman who inherits Isis's power and eventually becomes Kefer's queen.
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