Characters: Kefer x Shiryu
Fandoms: Egyxos | Knights of the zodiac
Relationship: romantic
Long last the dead fandoms 😭
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Characters: Keefer x Dragon Shiryu
Fandoms: Egyxos | Knights of the Zodiac
Relationship: Romantic
Submitted by @gelu-the-babosa-multiversal
Sorry, I don't know either of these shows... Though, I will say, looking for Shiryu pics, I found one of him enjoying being stepped on... Not sure if that's canon or not...
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ghcstao3 · 10 months
cat shifter!ghost who will bite things unprovoked—especially when he’s bored—and who will never live down the time soap caught him repeatedly biting into a piece of cardboard with his fangs like it was a completely normal thing for him to be doing
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kendsleyauthor · 10 months
🍳Spice + Cozy + Captivate + Sunrise🍳
Promptober 2023
Shot in the Dark - Size Shifter AU (Jon and Sylvia)
~1000 words
In this AU, Jon lives in a house near the edge of the woods. After a run-in with a witch, he gained sizeshifting abilities and met Sylvia. She was shocked to find out he's human, and she's still wary of him. But also she's curious by nature and can't resist coming around for visits. 🥰
@marydublinauthor 🌸
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Sylvia’s visits were unpredictable, much like her opinion of Jon. He made a habit of leaving the window open so that she would always feel welcome to enter. 
Sometimes, she approached him straight away to ask him questions that only a human could know. Other times, she arrived without ever speaking a word to him—she’d simply find a perch out of his reach and make him wonder why she bothered to visit at all. 
It was as though she couldn’t decide how bitter to be about his lies.
Her visits rarely occurred two days in a row, so he stiffened with surprise when a buzz of wings entered the kitchen while he was preparing dinner. 
“Hey, Sylvia,” he said, his hand coated with flour and cornmeal.
She hovered in the archway and frowned at the bowl set on the counter before him. “What is that?” she asked rather than greeting him back. “Are you making bread? I thought you bought bread from the store.”
“Not bread. Something a little easier than that, actually.” He cleaned his hands off with a kitchen towel and smiled warmly, noting her hesitance. She had never arrived while he was cooking. “Shouldn’t be long. I can turn on the TV for you, if you like.”
“I know how to turn it on,” she snipped. But instead of retreating into the living room, she approached and sniffed the air. Jars of spices were open across the counter. Her wariness softened with curiosity. “What are you making, then? I’ve never smelled anything like that before.”
“Arepa con carne,” he said. Knowing she wouldn’t be able to try any, he swiftly added, “But I can nix the carne and put cheese instead. Would you like that?”
Her little face pinched with confusion.
“Carne is meat,” he explained.
“Oh. Like carnivore.” She shuddered. “You don’t have to change the recipe on my account. I already had my dinner—and it was delicious.” Still, her inquisitive gaze lingered on the jars and dough mixture like she could be persuaded to try something new.
“I was thinking about making it arepas con queso anyway,” he said breezily. “There’s never a bad time for comfort food.”
She narrowed her eyes, fully aware that he was fibbing. But she didn’t call him out on it. Darting higher, she found a perch on one of the upper cabinets and observed him while he finished the dough and started the cheese mixture. Sure enough, she was utterly captivated.
“Can I taste those?” she asked, pointing to the spices as he began mixing them in.
He held up each jar for her to take a small pinch from—oregano, parsley, cilantro, and Caribbean thyme. He firmly dissuaded her from tasting a handful of black pepper—though she relented, she was pouty about it.
“My mom taught me this recipe,” he said. “There’s something cozy about the simplicity of it.” He shaped and laid out three biscuit-shaped rounds of dough on the skillet, then looked up at Sylvia. “They can be any size, really. You want to make some?”
She pursed her lips. “You really didn’t have to change the recipe for me, you know,” she mumbled, face flushing.
“My mom also taught me to be a good host. Gotta make sure my guest is comfortable, and all that.”
She snorted, but she swung her legs off the top of the cabinet and flew down a few inches. “I’m more of an intruder than a guest.”
I was the intruder, he thought, biting back a wince. “You are always welcome here,” he reassured.
Tentatively, she dipped her hand into the bowl and pulled out a fistful of arepa dough. He grabbed his own handful and showed her how to stuff the dough and shape it into a thick disk. She bit her lip in concentration with an adorably serious frown, determined to be perfect on her first try.
Although she seemed embarrassed by her misshapen handiwork, Jon convinced her to drop the dough round on the skillet. 
“It’s better than most people’s first try,” he said.
Naturally, it didn’t take long for her morsel-sized arepa to cook through. He carefully removed it from the skillet using a single fork tine and set it on the edge of a plate for her.
Upon the first bite, her expression melted, and she stuffed the rest into her mouth.
“Jon,” she practically moaned. “Why didn’t you just cook for me from the start? I would have forgiven you much faster.”
His heart skipped a beat. Forgiven.
He chuckled weakly. “Come on, now—I tasted your food at the village. It’s so… different. I wasn’t sure you’d enjoy something like this.”
Although she gave an insulted scoff, there was a pleased smile on her face. “Are you saying I don’t have a sophisticated palate?”
“All I’m saying is I thought you’d spit out anything that wasn’t loaded with sugar,” he said matter-of-factly.
That earned him a tiny fistful of arepa dough tossed at his shirt. If he wasn’t worried about her going home covered in cornmeal, he might have returned the favor.
Sylvia proceeded to make several more bites suited to her size. She flew around him with surprising ease, even perching on his shoulder to give her wings a break while she watched him turn the warm dough over on the skillet.
Once Jon’s plate was filled, they made their way into the living room. From there, she expected she would leave for the night. But no. For the first time, she made herself comfortable for hours on end. Long after the plate was empty, they continued talking—about food, about family, about what was on the television.
The sun was rising by the time Sylvia said goodbye.
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tehriel · 3 months
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Hey name is Chance, and you can find her and me on Artfight
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starkers-lair · 6 months
I'm a master shifter
I'm a master shifter
I'm a master shifter
I'm a master shifter
I'm a master shifter
I'm a master shifter
I'm a master shifter
I'm a master shifter
I'm a master shifter
I'm a master shifter
Shifting comes naturally to me
Shifting comes naturally to me
Shifting comes naturally to me
Shifting comes naturally to me
Shifting comes naturally to me
Shifting comes naturally to me
Shifting comes naturally to me
Shifting comes naturally to me
Shifting comes naturally to me
Shifting comes naturally to me
I always wake up in the void state
I always wake up in the void state
I always wake up in the void state
I always wake up in the void state
I always wake up in the void state
I always wake up in the void state
I always wake up in the void state
I always wake up in the void state
I always wake up in the void state
I always wake up in the void state
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espadaiv-v2 · 2 years
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rose-teeth · 2 years
like sorry to say, blair white may be a conservative, but if most trans ppl nowadays were like her/him, we wouldn't have all these fucking issues
we can say hes still trying to play on stereotypes of womanhood to fit in, but at least hes trying to fit in, not make it all about himself, and doesnt feel entitled to sex segregated spaces, isnt delusional abt his bio sex, and regularly stands up for lesbains and detrans ppl, and doesnt die of offense at the smallest thing, and doesnt promote experimenting on children because theyre gender non conforming jfc
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garenso · 10 months
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icantdothistodaybruh · 5 months
just watched the first episode what the fuck I have so many questions
If you liked the episode pls don't read underline I don't want to ruin your day with my negativity
why the hell ending looks better then the rest of the episode??? I love it and all, they floating in the sky romantically and it's cute blablabla but why here they look decent and the whole ass episode they look like yassified versions of themselves who decided on that😭😭😭😭 the lashes are killing me the most I think I cannot look at them in close ups for the life of me they remind me of a fucking metalic shifer roofs
the opening I don't even want to talk about bro just wtf happend when they were making it. did ten different people with no idea of what kuro is about were pushed in a room and each made a part for a youtube mep? who was supervising stylistic choices?? was they ever even there????
I can tell that money was not the problem, in a sense that nothing about the episode looks cheap, there were no problems with the budget... so where so many poor artistic choices came from? There is nothing dark, gothic, mysterious or victorian left. And looking back at the opening for all I know I could be just watching some fantasy avatar anime with no clear identety. One episode is not much to judge by, but still is it even black butler anymore??
thank you for coming to my ted talk, that's all for now, I'll be crying and rewatching first seasons if you need me
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deancasbigbang · 1 day
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Title: For Your Love
Author: Itztigress3
Artist: Houseriot
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Dean Winchester/Castiel Winchester, Mary & John Winchester, Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore & Eileen.
Length: 61138
Warnings: Mentions of Non-Con, Violence
Tags: Alpha!Shifter!Cas, Omega!Shifer!Dean, ash spreading, explosions, Mary's A+ parenting, John is a good dad, Happy Ending
Posting Date: October 30, 2024
Summary: Cas didn’t know a trip to spread his father’s ashes would lead him to a green eyed omega. He didn’t know his boring life would suddenly become an adventure to make sure the omega was safe and protected. Dean had his whole life planned, up until he was fourteen when Azazel took him from his life. Unsure if he would ever see home again, he did what he could to stay alive. Until a blue eyed angel rescued him on a cold rainy night.  Can they overcome their demons and move on? 
Excerpt: He nodded, clearly engrossed in the book and not me. I went back to the kitchen and got the mac and cheese prepared in the pan. I just needed about five minutes in the oven to get all the grated cheese gooey. The tenders were almost done as well.  I rose up after putting the pan in the oven and the overwhelming scent of ash filled my senses. I turned to find an unfamiliar alpha standing between me and the back door.  There was a knife in his gloved hand, he wore all black clothing. He was slightly taller than me, average build, and had long stringy blonde hair. His eyes were currently red.  “We don't have anything you want. It's best you leave before my Alpha smells you. He's our pack Alpha.” Usually, feral alphas are just looking for food and shelter, and the threat of another alpha is enough to send them packing. But he just snarled. It was the sting from a needle in my arm that made me realize he was a decoy. I spun on the one behind me, with the same all black clothes but his hair was neatly clipped, eyes a light brown but had a predatory smile. “Young omega like you shouldn't lie. We both know your parents aren't home. Come with us, we’ll leave the squirt alone.” “Poughkeepsie!” I yelled.  I knew Sam would hear me, and would know this meant trouble and he was a priority to me. I grabbed the first thing I could get, which was a kitchen knife.  “Dee…” Sam's voice trailed off at my name.  “Get him!” Brown Eyes commanded. “Run, Sam!” I yelled.  I lunged at the one close to me, I heard the front door open and shut and knew Sam would outrun the guy. He was the fastest kid at school.
DCBB 2024 Posting Schedule
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cosmicdream222 · 9 months
Affirmation & Subliminal Audio Download: Master Manifestor & Master Shifter
I made some new aff tapes, these topics were the request of my bestie and I wanted to share with everyone.
These are similar to the original aff tape I made, but with different themes and different affs. I also updated the original to fix some typos in the text-to-speech. They aren't major but if you want the updated versions, they are available here:
✩Updated Self-Concept & Void Concept Affirmation tape Drive link✩
I also added a doc in the folder that contains a list of all the affs used in the audio!
Master Manifestor affirmation & subliminal
Contains master manifestor affs and askfirmations in "I am" and "You are" forms, plus a creator vaunt. Layered with Kottie's Subliminal Booster for rain sounds.
✩Master Manifestor folder Drive link✩
Master manifestor sub - affs are quiet, but still audible
Master manifestor sub echo - same as above, but with echo effect
Master manifestor affs echo - affs are louder, with echo effect
Master manifestor creator vaunt echo - the manifesting affs are quiet, with an audible creator vaunt (from my original tape)
Master manifestor Bambi vaunt - the manifesting affs are quiet, with an audible vaunt from blushydior/Bambi's famous post
All affs are written in the accompanying doc!
Master Shifter affirmation & subliminal
Contains master shifter affs and askfirmations in "I am" and "You are" forms. Layered with Kottie's Subliminal Booster for rain sounds.
✩Master Shifter folder Drive link✩
Master shifter sub - affs are quiet, but still audible
Master shifter affs - affs are louder
Master shifer affs echo - affs are louder with echo effect
All affs are written in the accompanying doc!
Enjoy 💕
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glitched-username · 2 months
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..★soo- , urh- I got a little concept regarding rottmnt G/t, thought about sharing it with you- if you don't mind.★
★M'kay- so combining the latest analysis that you made about Donnie being a size-shifter and the turtles heights in your 'Biblically Accurate Size' AU- I managed to cook up this (no, this does not only concern Donnie by the way) :
|⭐| What if the turtles were size shifters- who could only shrink, but wait- there is a catch. What if the absolute minimum of how small they can get depends on their species height. Like, once they reach said height- they won't be able to shrink any more.
|⭐| For instance, if Raph wants to get smaller- the absolute minimum could be 30 inches- since that is his accurate height, based on your AU at least. Same goes for the other turtles as well- such as, Mikey's minimum height is 5 inches tall- Leo's minimum is a foot tall, Donnie's is 9 inches- yeah, you get it.. I hope (—‹ —⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ..
★..erm. just a thought that has been spiraling around my head. I let you do what you want with it or smth, smth..★
★soo, bye for now-★
(I might return with a little idea regarding size shifting brains & brawn duo. erm. since Raph is technically a size shifter of some sorts- and Donnie does have the potential of being a size shifer. Though I don't have much in mind for this concept.. fuck =[[)
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SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO GET TO THIS! My brain has been mush the past few days 😔😔😔
Yes. Absolutely
Mikey 100% does it the most. To annoy older brothers, practice his "razzmatazz", and perfect cuddle buddy. Very "marketable plushie" coded. I just have a mental image of Mikey taking the place of whatever "sports ball" they plan on throwing around. He's already the biggest adrenaline junkie on the team and in the show, they already make it a habit of throwing brothers around like ragdolls so this is an entirely real possibility lmao
Donnie does it for science purposes like 99% of the time. Especially before he got his mystic goggles/powers. Machine is down but don't wanna tear it apart to get at the ONE section failing? Just shrink down and work on it there. The next 0.50% is when he's too overwhelmed and just needs to get small to hide from the lights, sounds, everything, just 'get me the hell out of here'. The last 0.50% is purely for personal comfort. Small bath turns into massive pools for the aquatic turtle to enjoy, warm human friend is suddenly a super warm and comfortable giant heated weighted blanket.
Leo is by far the most unpredictable. He'll do it to annoy Raph and Donnie and also LOVES how it can make him the center of attention. Leo is like the master of "I'm secretly craving affection but I'll cover it up with a cool guy persona who 'totally doesn't need hugs'!" April and his brothers will just carry Leo around like that one ferret gif:
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Post krang, however? That boy does NOT like shrinking down. It makes the room seem massive, never ending, cold like the prison dimension. And his brothers, normally a comfort, morph into large terrifying shapes, reminiscent of the Krang. But "EveRYThiNGs FiNE! DoNT yOU WorRY aBoUt 'ol NEoN LeON!"
Raph shrinks down the least. He's too big to enjoy the perks being small gets. Still too heavy to be casually carried around. Still too big to have a nice heated bath feel like a nice pond. Too spiky to have the same huggable qualities as the other two. Not to mention the only time he really feels comfortable is when they're all shrunk down at the same time because he's worried that he would not be able to help his family at the smaller size. But at the same time he'll have those moments where he wants to be small, to be taken care of, to be the younger brother. He'll never admit it but the others can always tell when something's off. They've figured out enough that while he can't really be carried or held like the others, Raph still makes a perfect lap dog/turtle and is perfectly happy to just flop down on someone's lap and enjoy the free scritches during chill hours.
Splinter thought he was hallucinating for the first couple years when the boys would just randomly change sizes until he actually caught the turtle tots shifting in real time. Then he just was like "yeah this might as well have been another thing Draxum did to their DNA"
Also I started writing a response before I reread the ask and noticed it said "could only shrink" so under the read more was my thought process before of how that would effect the growing part of idea 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
And to add on, what if it kinda works in the opposite way when they grow. Like the Scale for BA Mikey is about 1:10, so what if when he grew it was flipped so he's 10x the size instead of 10% (47 feet)
Same with the others. BA Raph is about 1:2.5 so 2.5:1 when he grows (15 feet). BA Donnie is a 1:7 scale so then 7:1 (37 ft). And BA Leo is 1:5.25 so 5.25:1 or 28ft.
Suddenly biggest brother is now smallest brother and the smallest brother, Mr. "more than happy to chuck himself off a building to do a cool trick" is now the SIZE of a building.
It think I'd be really funny/cool as an added thing.
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alrxiin · 8 months
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I personally see Ash as a dirty blonde, babe helping him bleach his hair every time to be perfect. Apparently, very stupidly didn't this time.
Also, this is pretty short but that's probably because I don't listen to Asher's playlist...I believe I listened to it once and never got to another video if his again LOL. (sorry Asher lovers, he's cute but just doesn't speak to me).
Fry your hair off
Asher x Babe (GN reader) || fluff
- "Stupid, stupid, stupid. Oh my God, what am I gonna do?" —
There was the mumbling mess of a Werewolf, Asher, panicking while pacing around the bathroom.
Despite Babe telling him so many timed to not do his hair on his own, seeing as he had no clue on how to really do it, he decided it would be a good idea anyways...
Now here he was, bright yellow and orange hair, regretting his questionable life choices.
He had to make the call.
- "Baaabe!" — They heard the muffled scream come from the bathroom just as they were finishing baking something for the both of them.
Rushing in, they only stopped in their tracks at the door when they saw the highliter-like hair on the Shifers hair.
- "Oh my God, Ash..." — Shighing, they massaged their temples.
- "I didn't want to bother you aaand...y–yeah, you can see." — He chuckled, trying to ease the mood.
- "Please, not another word. Dumbass." — They laughed, finally breaking the tough act when they took a good look at him, the bright yellow and orange hair clashing with his slightly tanned skin.
- "Let's fix you up, big boy. Where did you put the gloves?" —
Carefully and with mind of his current hair situation, they picked out a soft brown dye along with a toner that would level out the hair just right.
Ash only watched in awe, if course confused on "why they would pick a purple bottle to give him blonde hair???".
To no one's surprise, they mixed up a bowl of dye and put it on his hair. Not even letting him keep it on for longer, since he would then turn out brown haired... also giving him the shampoo to tone the hair into the right colour.
And just like that, Asher's hair turned out just how it have been so many times before, the prettiest ditty blonde hair.
- "How did this happen? You put purple in my hair!" — He whined, completely unaware on how color theory works.
- "Doesn't matter. What matters is that you don't look like a damn highlighter anymore... you dummy." — They chuckled, taking a hold of the Shifters face and running their fingers through his fairly soft hair. Gently caressing his freckled face with their thumb.
He only leaned in, doing his pretty much iconic little laugh, and wrapping his arms around his love.
- "Yeah yeah... please don't let me do this again." —
- "You'll do it again anyways, sooner or later." —
- "I know." — Before they could scold him any more for agreeing, he only pulled them closer and pressed a sweet kiss to their lips, erasing any previous angry words from their mind.
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
how tall do you think arue is 🥺🥺🥺
She's a shape-shifer so true answer is: however tall she wants to be!
As for the form we typically see her in in game - like 5'9? Succubi to me seem tall but she's deliberately trying to seem less threatening so I'd put her a little shorter than a typical succubi.
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z-arcane · 6 months
Rambly FYP post very stream-of-conciousness:
So, final year project update. Reframing the project as developing a selective beamforming scheme, based on prior works like OABF (on-off adaptive beamforming). There's some good literature that I need to chew through, so hopefully i can get my attention to stay on it long enough.
Current state is: I have a working adaptive beamformer, using particle swarm optimisation to change antenna element complex weights to form the far-field array factor that I want (treating elements as isotropic transmitters). It's convergence is a little funny, I need to verify that the particles are behaving in the way I want.
Next step is the introduction of the element selection (into groups of tiles). Elements with similar complex weights are grouped together. In a real antenna, these element groups are driven by the same RF chain (analogue phase shifers, feeding into individual RF amplifiers). This technique, while not producing optimal results, should (hopefully) produce adequate adaptive beamforming, with a reduced number of RF chains. The benefit of this is reduction of cost and complexity of the overall system.
Generally, I'm seeing some decent results and getting well into a good implementation. My next task is to define some figures of merit I can use to compare my technique to prior art (various LMS impls., MVDR, OABF, etc.) I've got some technical limitations, writing the simulator myself, so there's some interesting challenges here.
Antennas are cool and all but I still wanna do fusion instead. gaugh.
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creature-wizard · 2 years
Why do you assume everyone who sends you an ask about your beliefs is a new ager? You said a while ago that having different upgs is totally fine, yet when that anon told you about how your opinions and what you think to be correct can be wrong, you got all mad and supposed that are part of the new age, when they didn't even state in their ask what they were referring to. You really aren't an authority on whatever you call the things you post about. Just as you do, anyone can open a blog and post paragraphs about what's bad and good based on their perspective. ( I'm nor talking here about things like natzis and antisemites, everyone should know that it's not ok to hold these beliefs, but more normal things like the demon discussion and the shifting one) .
You'll probably say I'm a shifer or whatever is called, and I couldn't care less about this phenomenon. If someone wants to believe they travel to an imaginary place, how it is affecting you? You criticise everyone's beliefs, but when someone's telling you that you might be wrong or is in disagreement you get all fired up acting like everyone is dumb and you're superior to them just because you have different ways of thinking , opinions, and upgs.
Actually, they did specify. You just weren't paying attention.
Anon said, "you're just a nobody on tumblr who reads some articles and watches videos."
The articles and videos they're referring to are the ones I've linked from my pinned post and in my resources page, which are overwhelmingly aimed at addressing New Age beliefs rooted in white supremacy and eugenics, plus right wing conspiracy theories in general.
Additionally, this far from the only anon message I've gotten with this particular wording and complaints about me being a "whiny minority" or something. And guess what? In the others, anon was far more explicit in trying to defend New Age.
And if you bothered to actually read what I write, you'd know I wouldn't care all that much if you were trying to visit other worlds through techniques provided by the reality shifting community. I would, however, care if you went around telling people that it's been 100% scientifically proven to be a quantum phenomenon, and all of the blorbos you're meeting in the other world are 100% actual real physical people in an actual real other world that exists in an actual real other physical universe, because it's just not true. This simply has never been demonstrated.
The thing is? I don't think I'm "superior." I'm just a little more literate in some of these topics than some people are, because I put in the time and effort to learn. And you could be literate, too, if you had enough curiosity to research and learn for yourself.
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