#Electric Hair Brushes Factory
seventiesweetheart · 4 months
𓆩♱𓆪 ghost boy.
obsessed! patrick hockstetter x fem! childhood best friend! reader
WARNING. none much, this is purely fluff! but patrick is a teeny tiny bit of a yandere for reader.
A/N. haven’t written in while because of school but thank you so much for the 300 likes on my rafe fic! it warms my heart seeing people repost it sm <3 anyway, i know i’m really late but hope you like this, anon! might make a vance one soon :>
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the summer sun beat down on derry, its warmth failing to melt the cool indifference that patrick hockstetter felt towards the world around him. leaning against the graffitied wall of the abandoned factory, he watched the town's inhabitants with a sneer. they were all predictable, annoying, and utterly boring.
all except for y/n.
a smile tugged at his lips as he saw the girl approaching, her hair catching the light of the sun in a way that made his heart stutter. every one else perceived patrick as a mystery, just another one of henry’s best friends which fully meant he was not one to be messed with. but to y/n, he was her best friend since childhood.
"hey, patrick!" she called, her voice bright and cheerful, piercing through the monotonous hum of the town. she jogged up to him, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "you won't believe what i found today."
he watched her intently, his gaze suddenly softening. "what is it?" he asked, his voice low and only slightly gruff.
y/n pulled out an old, worn book from her (fav color) backpack. "look at this! i found it in the library. it's full of so many creepy stories about derry. thought you might like it."
patrick took the book from her, his fingers brushing against hers for a brief moment. he felt a jolt of electricity at the contact, but the girl was too oblivious, her attention already shifting to something else.
"thanks," he murmured, his eyes flicking up to meet hers. she was always doing things like this—thinking of him, bringing him things she knew he'd appreciate. it was part of why he liked her so much, part of why his feelings for her had morphed into something deeper, something a bit more obsessive.
y/n plopped down on the ground beside him, leaning back on her hands and tilting her face towards the sky. "it's such a nice day. why don’t we do something fun?”
patrick sat down next to her, the book clutched in his hands. he could feel the warmth radiating from her, the smell of her shampoo filling the air. "like what?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady as he caught a whiff of her scent.
she shrugged, her smile widening. "i don't know. maybe we can explore that old house on neibolt street? i’ve heard it's haunted."
patrick's lips curved into the mischievous smirk that y/n has grown all too familiar with. "sounds like a plan," he said, loving the thrill that danced in her eyes. he'd follow her anywhere, even into the deepest parts of a haunted house. anything to keep her close—to keep her as his.
as they stood up and started walking, patrick's mind comtinued to race with thoughts of her. y/n was the only person in this town who made him feel something other than disdain. she was the light in his otherwise dark world, the only person he could never afford to lose. and though she had no idea, he was determined to keep it that way—at least, for now.
because as long as she didn't know about his little crush, she wouldn't be scared away. and patrick couldn't bear the thought of losing her, his only friend and the only person who made his life in derry so much more bearable.
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meli-writes · 7 days
Little Miss Laser - Ch. 01
/// CW: attempted kidnapping within superhero kayfabe, kink and sexual references, mentions of transphobia and sanism. ///
Milly tried really hard to hold herself still. Her small-fry villain persona — Before you laugh, I'm still workshopping it, okay — calling for hand-me-down biker leathers that squeaked like hell, not helped by her then lacing it with ten different types of anti-super materials.
And there she was, slipping through Milly’s overly-obvious busted wall, right into her trap.
Oh— God. Is it okay to use that word? Because she’s— Oh fuck, her thighs have totally gotten bigger again.
Milly tried pushing her thoughts to the side, the ones about how the padded-rubber super-uniform hugged her heroic guest’s ass, about how she could probably justify petting those fluffy, brown curls later as an act of reassuring her soon-to-be hostage.
That wouldn’t be too much, right? Villainously-creepy but not actually-creepy.
She trod, unawares, onto a tiny fleck of electrical tape — that was far enough. Milly grabbed her helmet, flicked cropped-and-bleached hair over her head, and hastily clasped its front and back halves to her face, magnet-locking together with a click.
She pulled herself together, then around the corner, and then let Biker Hood step out.
“Love to see the punctuality, Little Miss Laser. You always are such a good girl for me.” Milly got the briefest glimpse of a blush before— Dvooom.
Searing, white light brushed over the helmet, and while she blinked instinctively, a few layers of UV-filtering had entirely dissipated the damage. Biker Hood held her posture while Milly was secretly screaming success in her head, it had worked.
It hadn’t been that hard to figure out — it was silly no one had seemed to try it before. It was nearly all of what Laser ever did, quietly dishing out photokeratitis — read: absolutely ruining your eyesight for weeks — from the rear while her teammates handled the real work.
That is if you even registered as bad enough to warrant multiple Little Misses, or just any other than Laser. Which was definitely never gonna be Biker Hood, but Milly was gonna change that all today.
Occasionally Laser would spit out enough energy to bust a lock or cut a teammate’s bonds, but that always exhausted her. Wiped her out, really. Her shoulders slouching down in this sweet little show of weakness. Fearful eyes checking if someone will spot it and catch you out Doll, fuck.
Step One of the Becoming-A-Major-League-Villain Plan just meant baiting out those blasts, wearing her down for Step Two. To that end, Biker Hood made a merry, mocking show of reeling her head back, “Ow, I think that almost hurt. Not in the mood today, Doll?”
She totally hated Doll — but wasn’t showing it. Just her cloying disapproval of Biker Hood’s as-of-yet undetermined nefariousness. “Where’s the factory workers, Hood. If you’ve done anything to them—”
Milly laughed. She really think I could be that dangerous? Wrong, but cool.
“Look around you, Little Miss. Dumb doll like you wasn’t even born when this place got shut down.” She tried to casually slip a hand into her jacket, fingers grasping for the matte plastic controller she’d stashed in there.
Dvooom. Left. Dvooom. Right. Dvooom. Left. Step One, in-progress.
The opening volley was predictable, Hood catching heat on her left shoulder. She could maybe have played into the ‘missing workers’ thing, if Laser really was that gullible, but it introduced a bunch of risks Milly hadn’t planned for. The goal was to annoy, not escalate.
The Little Miss was beginning to wear herself down. Getting a touch desperate for me, Doll? Biker Hood pulled her hand out, and flicked up the lid on an otherwise unassuming bit of kit. Laser’s eyes flashed, she knew what it was. And it was too late.
“Today it’s just you—” Click. “—and me.” Boom.
Laser dove forward — that’s right, get to the second mark, three seconds — bricks clattering behind her, blocking the only way out. Two seconds. Milly still made sure she’d be clear at the first mark, plan didn’t call for dropping building on her. One second. Just her Step Two.
Dvoom. Dvoom. Dvoom. Dvoom. Thonk.
Rainbows erupted out of Laser’s paws in a panic — fruitlessly trying to forestall the metallic crash of Biker Hood’s Doll-Suppressant Metal-Net Drop-Trap, pinning her to the ground. Even woven to a flexible mesh, it was damned heavy. But that wasn’t the point.
“What do you think, Doll? Took three weeks of stripping this building bare of old wires to make that. Copper, your totally-not-secret weakness.” The Little Miss’s gorgeous little wriggles gave out suddenly at that. Obviously because she knows it’s not worth trying.
Honestly, Milly had no idea how Laser even qualified for the Little Misses. The others were, as far as she was concerned, monsters. Inferno could melt through the depleted uranium of tank armour, Tremor had collapsed a villain’s lair on them before, Cyclone had literally cancelled out a tropical storm. Glacier — well actually, Glacier seemed chill.
Not a weakness between them — unless you counted Laser’s own or cruelly counted her as the weakness. They never cared about anyone like Biker Hood, who spent her time robbing betting parlours and dodging balls of mutant spit from guys in frog outfits.
She was so far beneath the pay-grade of a Little Miss she may as well be living in a pre-monetary society. Except Laser, putting herself in harm’s way, in Biker Hood’s way. Out to prove something by mopping up the city’s most loser villains. But, always failing on her.
Good, that was Milly’s in. No-one would be expecting it, someone like her capturing the cutest, sweetest, gentlest Little Miss. Putting her on camera in oversized copper chains, maybe break the innocent thing with a kiss. Just on the cheek, obviously, nothing more.
Just enough threat to force a massive sum be sent to Milly’s untraceable Panamanian bank account — The hedge-fund assholes all have one, or nine, why can’t I? — and to get her noticed as a proper, major-leagues villain.
Milly was in her own head about it, but Biker Hood had to crash the party for Step Three. Surrender. Laser had moved on from blasting wildly wherever her hands could wiggle to, and was now fumbling at her bracelet, squeaking out a cry for help.
Biker Hood moved to stand over her, chuckling to herself.
“Fern? Glass? It’s Laz. Please I—” It was sweet, scared birdsong.
She pressed her boot against it, giving Laser an earful of the sickening leather squish.
“I told you it was just us. Figured out the frequency a while ago, when you left one of your little bangles behind.” By left she meant desperately clawing on to Laser’s wrist when she tried to run, getting flashed, and being left there half-blind, communicator in hand.
Hood crouched down, tilting her head back for a maximally-dismissive downward glare. She lifted the net over Laser’s head, grasping her chin and pulling her close.
There was a new sort of fear in her eyes, a much more serious one. It worried Milly, Laser was finally getting that today would be different, but she had to make sure not to escalate.
“You’re going to listen to me very closely. That’s what gets you out of this safe, Doll.”
Laser’s eyes clicked with a sudden fury. Milly should have practised this step more.
She reeled back for real this time, bashing her head against a steel pillar and sending the helmet sprawling in pieces. And when her vision had stopped spinning she realised Laser had just melted through half the damn faceplate.
If she’d held on for just another moment my head would be—
Milly looked up, lingering plasticated fumes sending tears streaking through her eyeshadow. But there was a bigger problem than one near-miss. Laser had pulled herself up, glowing hands just sloughing the net off of her. Staring like a doll that didn’t want to be played with anymore. And Milly was now guessing that one blast wasn’t just a last-chancing trick.
Dvooom. Dvooom. Dvooom.
She rushed behind the pillar, grabbing the copper-plated baseball bat from Step Oh Fuck and tried to squeeze all her terror into it. Biker Hood wasn’t gonna cut it here.
She rounded back, bounded several paces, and— DVAM.
She was lucky she’d led with the bat. Unblinking her eyes, Milly quickly dropped the thing as it slagged off into two big pieces, dripping out a hundred smaller ones from melting metal wounds. Too close, again. But the same was true for Laser, who hadn’t been backing up.
Sorry, Doll. Thwack.
She decked the fuck out of her. Relieved the heat-proof bitch wasn’t also fist-proof, cringing though as she rapidly began to tumble and— Oh shit, she’s gonna fall on concrete.
Milly swerved her arms out, catching her but getting pulled down along with. Damn Doll, how much does your fucking ass weigh. But there wasn’t a moment to recalibrate to what the fuck Laser had just tried — straight to Step Four.
Pivoting her over she quickly shoved Laser’s hands into a linked pair of giant cylinders. Anti-Super Cuffs. It should shut her down regardless, but the internals were electroplated just to be sure. Which Milly maybe wasn’t quite so sure about anymore.
She flipped Laser back over, head lolling to and fro. Was this the cuffs? She hadn’t actually hit her that hard, right? Fuck, wake the hell up, please. Being unconscious — even for a few minutes — was bad news. Doll was supposed to be an affectation, not an aphorism.
“Hey— Laser?” Finally, a little squeak came out, Milly clutching the Little Miss into her arms.
Quickly she packed herself away, trying to front what was left of Hood. Whatever step she was on, it was time to seal the deal. “Ha! That net may have been impure, but you have no chance against my Pure Copper Super Bindings.”
“Oh god, Hood, I can’t—” She was squirming at the cuffs. God, please be working.
“There, safe in my grasp at last.” A little of Milly came out trying to emphasise that point, maybe some of the wrong part. “No hiding just how pathetic you really are.”
“I know, I know,” the Little Miss muttered. Milly had Laser’s gaze, other senses locking on as they flickered back to life, binding to her. “Worthless, useless without the team. Just trash they’re being forced to hold on to.”
Ugh, okay? Talk about turnaround, Doll. Maybe she was spoiling her too strongly — Milly wanted her to surrender, not have a breakdown.
“Woah, hey now. You are not worthless.”
“But— But you just said I was—” Pathetic. There were tears now, streaming from twinkling grey eyes, spilling over her mask. Breakdown it was, shit.
“I know, which you are. But that’s like— hot?” She tried looking away but Laser’s eyes were burrowing into her, hurting more than any blasts ever did. “You put on this face, and try to beat me, but never can and—”
Milly shoved Laser out of her arms and onto the floor.
“Fuck. No. Just go. I can’t do this anymore.”
“Wha— wha—” Laser trembled in surprise, twisting around to face her. “Do what anymore?”
“Well, the plan— plan was to capture you with the drop, tie you up, drag you somewhere safe for ransom. And then start breaking you mentally and stuff. But, like, slowly?”
Laser didn’t say a thing, just staring as Milly’s face buckled like a sinking ship. She was gonna make Milly finish — forcing her with those perfect, sobbing eyes.
“Okay, look. It’s a stupid idea, was a stupid idea. Fuck, what was I thinking.”
More agonised moments dragged by, like peeling sunburnt skin — compliments of the Little Miss — off her back. But, just as she was ready to dig deeper, Laser did it for her.
“You wanted to do it— slowly?” There were less tears now.
“Ugh, yeah.” Why the fuck are you following this line of questioning. “Like, pay attention to your needs and limits and stuff. I mean, obviously, kidnapping pushes some boundaries, but I’d make sure I wasn’t hurting you too bad. Threatening and—” Shut up. “—sexy, but like—” Oh my god, please shut up. “—not violating?” Milly you’re so dumb.
“Oh. Oh I—” Laser was blushing again. At the sweetness, right? Not the— Maybe she didn’t hate her.
“Look, Miss Laser—” Getting up to walk over to the wall.
“—it was a monstrous idea, okay. Realising that a lot in hindsight. But I’m way off it now.” Thumbing buttons on electrical gear hoisted there. “No more jammer, so like, call or go for help before your friends figure something's up and I gotta hold you hostage.”
“Yeah— Of course— Sorry.”
Why was she apologising for this—
“Wait, WHAT. Could you—” The binders clattered to the floor, one of them sprawling down a loading ramp with an aching screech. Another thing cut through like it was nothing.
“Oh, kinda yeah? But like, you were in my head and stuff. So I forgot.” She said it like she’d forgotten to buy more sugar, not—
“Shouldn’t that have exhausted you by now. And your weakness!?”
Laser sighed, annoyed but sympathetic to her oafish, would-be kidnapper. “Copper? Come on, Hood, that’s super fake. What other Little Miss even has a weakness.”
Milly was searching for a comeback, and not finding one. “So, could you just do this the whole time? Not just today, but like—” she flailed her hands around wildly.
Guilty and puppied-up eyes answered her. “Yeah.”
“Was I ever actually in control there or— No, how come people don’t realise this?”
“They do.” It was utterly matter-of-fact, she’d answered this before. “Try searching ‘little miss laser truth’ or ‘little miss laser fake’.”
Milly pulled out her phone, rushing to key in the code before Laser could see the wallpaper. After a few more moments she had a video playing.
What’s up WHITE STATUE NATION. It’s your king AristotleOfAthens6572 here, a hard man out to save the West from—
“Skip, like, 60 seconds. It's always this kind of shit.” Laser knew exactly what was coming.
Today I’m uncovering for you the secret horror the woke media won’t tell you about Little Miss Laser, or should I say LITTLE DICK LASER. You see HE isn’t—
Milly paused. “Think I get it.”
“Yep. That er— preoccupation keeps them busy. Puts off anyone more serious.”
Laser grabbed one of Hood’s helmet fragments, effortlessly carving something in with the tip of her finger. “Hey um— sorry I got a little heated earlier. We could chat more about this another time? And like, if you still wanna break me outside of this then maybe—”
“Send me a message sometime?”
Okay, Milly got it now. Neither of them was in control. This girl was— Oh, she was out of her mind. She reached out to take the fragment, there was a phone number lasered into the surface, dimly visible black-on-black.
Summoning a foolish moment of confidence. “And here I thought my kidnapping idea was fun because you were Little Miss Innocent.” Laser looked a little brusqued up by that one.
“Still am— and will be.” Milly got the threat, Laser’s glowing hands were a useful clue, and she remembered her dangerous panicking earlier.
The glow faded.
“But like— outlets are good. I deal with— a lot of stress. That’s why I’ve always liked you.”
Hold on. She likes me?!
Before Milly could bluster an objection she was gone. A clean, round hole left in the steel shutters. There was evidence to clear up, and valuable gear to bug-out with, but first— Milly was saving that number, muttering to herself what the fuck is going on.
Milly sat down at the breakfast bar — vest strap fallen off her shoulder, stubby ponytail missing half her hair — and nursed her third increasingly-caffeinated attempt to re-energise after the last six hours.
Was that their sixth meet-up, or the seventh? It was bleeding into fights too, that wasn’t helping. Laser had asked within five minutes every single time, though at least waited for Milly to start messaging first. She really wasn’t sure it was a good idea to say no now.
So Laser had turned up, looking at Milly messily stuffing week-old vegan pizza down her gob, and utterly unfazed by the butched-up mess had slipped off her trench coat to reveal a sexy, halloween knock-off of her own uniform.
It gets logged when I take the real thing out, and then I’d have to, like, file a report. Giggling at her own mischief while Milly gawked in horror at the suggestion on how to use it.
Laser did not stay over. She napped, and Milly never dared wake her up, but always dodged before it got too late. It’d be a report to file. Good thing, because Bri would have killed her.
Bri who was sitting across from her right now, a thorough contrast in appearances. Two-piece suit with hedge-fund-asshole tailoring and locs painstakingly straightened into what every HR department would call ‘workplace appropriate’ while insisting they took DEI very seriously.
She was ready for today’s job, and Milly was not.
“Milicent, you’ve been delaying this job for weeks. If it doesn’t happen today, it doesn’t happen at all!” She’d avoided telling Bri the reason for a while, failing to notice how the insatiable Little Miss had devoured her runway. “You have to explain what’s up with you.”
“I’m uh- I’m kinda seeing this girl?” Understatement of the fucking millennium, Milly.
Bri was too sharp for this. “Okay, that’s nice, but that shouldn’t knock you out like this.”
She was not going to get it. She was going to kill her. Bri was a lightweight, admittedly one of the best criminals in the city, but as far as superheroes were concerned — superheroes like the Little Misses — she wasn’t their problem. She was boring, competent, white-collar about it. And she tolerated Biker Hood so long as it kept Milly focused and useful.
She did not get the supervillain thing. It was profoundly anti-thetical to her goal of make money and bug the fuck out to Australia or Austria or wherever’s nice and far away.
“So you know that Little Miss I encounter a lot — Laser?”
Milly cringed, she could audibly hear dots snapping into alignment in an instant, that and the thundering of Bri’s eyes rolling into the back of her skull and then out onto the floor.
“I may have been working on a plan to kidnap her, and it sort of turned into— an arrangement?”
The first time they met in an alley, Laser pretending to be lost while Milly was there to predate on her. Strappy dress showing off her shoulders, Laser pinching her fingers together, awkwardly trying to pull-in and hide the breadth of them. Mostly, it served to push her trembling tits together, made Milly want to eat them.
“Go on then— fucking do it you bitch.” That's right, give me that last bit of will, Doll.
Milly had grabbed her by the throat, pushed her against the wall. Laser being tougher than a baseline person gave her plenty of room to be mean.
“Oh— God— Okay— Wait!” Sputtering out panicked begs, none of them safewords. Phew.
“What is it, Doll? Can’t take it already?”
“Look, maybe we could— talk about this? Maybe I just open my mouth too much.”
That was bait. Milly could look in her eyes and see just how badly she wanted it. Milly just had to find the right reply, it’s not like she had a script. She would a few times later.
“You do, don’t you? Don’t worry — I know how to make very good use of that.”
Afterwards, Milly was definitely the one who felt used. Staring vacantly at a motel wall-clock for three hours with only Laser’s contented little sleep-squeaks breaking the silence.
At one point, her arm unconsciously slipped on to Milly’s face, and it took all Milly's will not to scream out in startled shock. Just quietly muttering to herself — What the fuck is going on. What is wrong with this girl. Oh god I have to keep her happy.
When Laser woke up she had cheerfully got herself dressed, thanked Milly for the time, barely noticing she was only capable of smiling brokenly and muttering “Yep, sure!”, left some money for the room, and then just fucking left like it was the end of a coffee date.
“What— Do— You— Mean— You— Tried— Kidnapping— A Little Miss— And now she’s fucking you?!”
Milly was about three feet deep now, matching the inch-length of heels Bri was more than metaphorically stabbing through her ribcage while she paced around, dodging Milly's phone lost on the floor, wildly gesticulating face and hands in increasing disbelief. “I thought you were a top too!”
“I am! And she is fucking me. Absolute freak, okay, Little Miss Psycho.” That one felt cruel, cruel in a real way, not in a scene way. But justifying a fuck-up to Bri took work, and she could silently apologise to Laser about it later.
“She’s a Little Miss — why would you ever not think that!”
Oh, I’ve been thinking about it plenty.
Tits pressing against me when she sleeps. Outfit downplays the fuck out of them. They were way bigger than I thought was possible. That’s not transphobic is it? I don’t wanna be—
"Because she was the quiet one! Demure, ran support or handled low-leagues like me, only did press when she wanted to shout-out no-kill shelters in need of kitten fosterers.”
Bri stopped and stared at her for that, clearly signalling that was an oddly-specific flavour of defensiveness and it was a bad look. “You never pick on the quiet ones.”
“Yeah. And it turns out she’s functionally the most powerful Little Miss with maybe no actual limit on her abilities, and her weakness is fake—”
“Milly, anyone could have told you that was fake. Did you try—” Bri clicked herself on to pause, nearly bringing her hands together as if to pray for rescue from this clown-show-slash-nightmare, trying to refocus on the actual, foundational way Milly had fucked herself.
“And now you know that Milly! And now I god damn know that.”
“I think her real name is even—”
She’d not given Milly a burner but instead her actual, personal number. Meaning she was either too naive to know how dangerous that was, or she knew and didn’t care because it wasn’t dangerous to her. Bri was definitely mouthing both in her head right now.
“Look, I know. I fucked up okay.”
Bri came back to sit at the bar, visibly evaluating the cold leftovers as an analogy for Milly.
She wasn’t satisfied — not even slightly — but she was in her fixing mode. At least still caring enough to try get her out of this, if Milly bothered to listen. “Okay, what the hell are you planning then? You have to get away from her.”
“Ugh, I know. But she is cute.”
“Milly!” Oh my god, you’re not listening to me are you? Bri thought. She would advise, but after this she was getting a new partner. Supervillain technical expertise or no.
“And she’s so into being my kind of freak, you know. This girl is into everything. Peril was just the start. Since then she’s asked for hypno, somno, and like every kind of pet play.”
Of course Milly knows what all of these are called, Bri now peeking at the half-assembled, homemade shock collar that pooled their car keys with a different eye.
“And like, she cries during scenes and if I stop to check-in she just smiles at me and says Yep. All good. Please continue! Bri, it’s so hot.”
“Milly, she’s gonna kill you in like a month, tops. And me too if you tell me anything else.”
“Nooo— Alright, fine, I’ll stop seeing her. Need a new phone though. And hideout.”
Milly was squatting in another abandoned factory, secretly tapping into the utilities of the hedge-fund-occupied redevelopment next door. Bri and her had plastered up a corner like it were a live-audience TV set, perfect for the sitcom present-Milly was experiencing, setting up enough scavenged and flat-pack furniture that it felt cosy. And private.
“No. No. No. We cannot recreate my attempt to kidnap you.” She was trying to keep a playful tone, but this felt absurd even for this girl. Standing there, thighs fully bared, cleavage added to the costume thanks to incredible artistic license from the underpaid designer. Bulge.
Not-a-chaser. I-can-find-it-hot-normally. If I’m only into girls and into this then it’s cos it’s hot as a girl thing. Dont-fuck-this-up-Milly. She will laser you.
“The fight scenes were cool, but— Fuck. I’m trying to move on from that Laz, cos you know if I’d really done it it’d be unforgivable.” Laser could clearly see how it was still worrying her.
Looking back over the couch, curls flopping with her, she tried to reassure in a way that still wasn’t letting up at the idea. “I think it’s okay— Hood, I woulda been alright.”
“You’re only saying this because you’re secretly Little Miss Lusting-For-Biker-Mommy.”
Laser just giggled. Yep. All good. Please continue! She was a mathematically-absolute masochist and had completely refused to accept any of Milly’s self-condemnations about it.
Please just let me feel like an asshole about this. Crashing her head into the channel-back.
“Yeah, but also because the moment I didn’t like it I could have just bisected you like a lunchbox sandwich. Make sure it’s not too hot, so like, your guts spill all over the floor—”
Milly had peeled her head up slowly, staring at her from only a few inches away.
What the hell is even wrong with you.
“See, I’m tough.”
Laser’s little smiles could feel a lot more sinister now. Milly tried convincing herself it was just Laser trying to prove a point. “I know exactly what I’m doing. I’m not really that cute, I just pretend about this stuff so people take it easy on me.”
Her eyes darted away a little, needing the visual space to dump what came next.
“Cos then, for the most part, I don’t get all the comments about resting-bitch-face, video essays about using my powers wrong, or like the death-slash-rape threats that Trem and Cyk are always getting.” God, even Milly could sympathise with a Little Miss for that.
Laser was starting to pull away, but before she could Milly nipped a kiss on her forehead, eliciting a delicious squeak that kept her in her place.
“I still think you’re cute.” And what the hell is wrong with me.
Laser liked that, didn’t want to agree with it, but liked it. “I know, but— freak.”
Milly nodded her forehead against Laser’s — totally trapped now, peering up nervously as Milly tried to reassure her in turn. “You can be weird and still cute. I prefer it.”
“Yeah but like—”
Struggling to find the words. Or struggling to contain too many of them.
“I know it keeps me safe but— I think I just wish people saw me being sweet and innocent as part of my strength, not something that spites it.”
She peered back into Milly’s eyes, crying for rarely unhorny reasons. “There’s no right way to be when you’re me. And like, everything that means and stuff.”
Milly thought she got it, but didn’t want to say that in case she was wrong and fucked it up. No, instead, she vaulted herself over the couch, errant boot accidentally trampling one of Laser’s feet, an elbow sent sprawling into her face.
“Ow, ha ha. Stop!”
Big, lesbian biker oaf was a role Milly could play, unintentionally or not, to perfection. Laser liked it a lot. “You know Doll, I think the world is really lucky you haven’t heel-turned. You would make an unstoppable villain.”
“I know,” she said, dishing out an actually trademarked grin. “Maybe you should try corrupting me into one?”
Milly glanced at her phone, before tossing it loosely on to the carpet.
“Six hours till my co-worker’s here. Let’s see what progress I can make, beloved captive.”
(Masterpost) / (Next)
originally written on cohost 16/11/2023, in response to Making-Up-Magical-Girls' prompt:
Magical Girl Who Has The Villain Right Where She Wants Them
and Making-Up-A-Villain's add-on prompt:
Villain who is in danger… of having a very good bad time
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
It’s morning here so I wanted to wish you a good morning. I hope you have a wonderful day and you know what a treasure you are for allowing all of us to be insane and horny in your ask box.
While I was driving to work this morning a song came on which - up until now - I didn’t realise was super problematic (English is not my first language and when it was first released in 2011 I didn’t speak a lick of it) but we do love problematic stuff for Dreaming, don’t we?
All things the singer wishes for his love to be kinda fit unhinged Dreamling, but what stuck with me was I often wish that you had feathers, I'd keep you in a giant cage / All day long I'd sit and watch you, I'd sing for you and that would be okay
To imagine Dream as this magnificent creature with wings is all too easy. They’re huge and dark as night. When he moves them and the light hits them just right, you swear you can see entire galaxies of stars reflected in them. But it’s not just the creature’s wings that are mesmerising, it’s the creature, too. Its skin is alabaster white, lithe muscles move underneath with every spin and turn the creature performs in the air. On his head there’s an unruly mop of pitch-black hair, that looks as downy soft as his wings. His lips are pink, perfect to be kissed and he has the most mesmerising electric blue eyes. It’s breathtaking and when Hob sees him for the first time- He knows he must have him.
He has no idea what the creature is, how to approach it and let alone how to capture it, but Hob is nothing if not determined. He finds an old, dilapidated building, nestled in a valley, far away from civilisation. He thinks it might be an old factory, but nature has already started to reclaim it and it’s hard to see. It’s unimportant anyway because this place is perfect for his needs.
He starts building a large cage, more than large enough to house twenty of his mysterious creature, wide enough to he can unfurl his wings without the tips brushing the metal on either side. He lugs wood around, fabric, supplies, every day for weeks and months and after a year, it’s finished: a gilded cage, furnishings fit for a king but a cage nonetheless.
His own quarters are done up as well. They are much more simple but it doesn’t matter anyway. Step one of his plan is complete now and he goes on to step two.
He will capture his creature.
With his bow slung over his shoulder, he sets out to where he saw him first. It’s quite a trek, but he made sure that his hideout would be far away from the creature’s usual grounds.
When he sees Dream again, it’s like a punch to the gut. It shouldn’t be possible, but he might be even more beautiful now that Hob hasn’t seen him in a year than he had been before. And Hob waits. Day in, day out he sits and watches. The creature has friends - or family? - that sometimes join him in the sky, but bar a few occasions he always seems to isolate himself from the rest of them. He’s up there first and leaves last, soaring through the sky long after the sun has set.
Which is when Hob takes his chance. He shoots.
The arrow hits its mark as intended. The creature, caught in the middle of a swoop close to the ground, plummets.
Hob hides his bow and rushed to the side. “Are you hurt?”, he asks, even though it’s perfectly clear Dream is. “Let me help you.”
As was his plan, Hob takes Dream back to the abandoned factory. He laced his arrow with a sedative, so Dream won’t wake during the long track back. He’s heavy to carry but Hob manages and his heart soars when the door of the cage shuts with a decisive click of the lock.
He’s caught him. He’s well and truly caught his mystic creature.
The wound on Dream isn’t fatal, but it’s bad enough that he’s out of it for a few days. Hob takes good care of his treasure, nursing him back to health. During the day he goes out to hunt with traps and a knife, no bow in sight, never a bow, and to collect fruit in the forest. He feeds Dream until he can sit upright and look around. He dresses an redresses his injury until he can stand and take the first wobbling steps after two weeks lying down.
Dream doesn’t speak, at least not in a language Hob can understand. His delicate fingers clutch the bars of the cage and he seems to plead with Hob, but Hob just smiles and watches him. Even here, in the dim light that falls through the patchy roof, and with wings that start to look a little worn from lack of care, Dream is still the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
He starts bringing back gifts from his hunting trips, little things he thinks might cheer Dream up, who has taken to moping in the corner. He steals a silk robe now that the air has a slight chill to it at night, so Dream won’t be cold. He gifts him a brush-
Dream doesn’t use it on the hair on his head, but rather on his wings. It looks like he’s struggling to reach all the right places, so Hob takes the brush from him to help. The moan Dream lets out when Hob brushes over the scapulars isn’t one of pain but one of pleasure. So he continues until Dream is writhing and shaking and pleading underneath him- Dream comes from this, arching his back gracefully, his cum soiling the silk robe Hob has gifted him. It’s a breathtaking sight. Hob cleans him up before he leaves, taking the robe with him. It smells of his creature and he presses his face to it while he lays back on his own bed, hand around his prick.
It becomes a ritual of theirs after that. Dream tries to retreat every time Hob steps into his cage, but he relents as soon as Hob starts to brush his feathers. He’s face down on the bed and within minutes he’s rubbing his aching cock against the covers for a little relief, fighting the urge to reach for Hob. He acts like he doesn't want this, like he doesn't crave Hob's touch, but really--
And Hob, as soon as he leaves the cage, he’s divesting himself of his clothes, watching Dream’s wings flutter through the aftershocks while he gets himself off imagining how it would feel to kiss those wings while he fucks into him over and over. Maybe next time…
Love, 💄
Oh, darling 💄 anon!!!! This is an absolutely flawless concept and you've captured it so well with your words!!! I can't stop imagining a beautiful winged Dream soaring through the skies all day. Of course Hob would be enamored, driven to madness by beauty. If Hob hadn't caught him then surely someone else would, someone who would treat him far worse.
That's what Hob tells himself anyway. He is so good to his creature, he takes such care over his welfare. Brings him nice things to eat and makes sure he's beautifully groomed. Of course he must see to his creature's other needs too. Dream obviously craves touch and needs to cum as frequently as a man might. Hob is only being kind by helping him...
Dream meanwhile, lives in a kind of in-between mental state. Knowing that this could be so much worse, yet yearning for freedom. Why can't he stop himself from giving in to his captors warm, clever hands? He's afraid of his own feelings. Each day he promises himself that he'll try to escape, and each day passes without an attempt...
Yes, it's a strange life, but Hob is so happy. And his creature seems... content? More so each day. He no longer mopes in the corner. He leans in to Hob’s touch. And each day he grows more and more beautiful. If Hob let him go, he would be more vulnerable to another capture.
Better to keep him safe, then. Besides, Hob knows that once he finally fucks him? His creature won't want to leave. He'll want to be pampered and loved and fucked forever. And Hob fully intends to give him all of that and more.
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Day 101
Title: “I Still See Those Stars”
Features: Jiyoo (Dream Catcher) | Seola (WJSN) | Seulgi (Red Velvet)
Word Count: 2,609
Inspiration: angsty one shot starters - "It really hurts."
Tags: Apocalypse/Dystopian AU | Angst | Open Ending
cw// blood
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(I actually think this might turn into a full flic. There's a little more backstory regarding Hyunjung and a continuation for Seulgi and Jiyoo. I'll keep posting WIPs for the time being. Enjoy this little excerpt for now!)
(Minor context that will be in the full version: I haven't fully developed the story, but this is taken place some time in the beginning of an apocalypse. Just from a little research, it seems that electricity and satellites would still be working, especially in bigger cities. That's why my characters are still using them.)
“It really hurts.” Yoohyeon wants to follow up with another snarky comment, but finds herself completely winded after saying those three simple words. She lets out a gasp and attempts to cover it with a chuckle.
Doom washes over Minji and ferociously drains into the car seat below them. Yoohyeon wasn’t one to bluntly voice her pain. She was only like this in dire situations. Minji checks the gash on Yoohyeon’s side. Fighting her tears, she puts pressure on an area that was still bleeding and ignores Yoohyeon’s wince.
“We’re only twenty minutes away from the nearest encampment.” Hyunjung presses down on the accelerator.
Minji knows she needs to stay positive, but the logical side in her couldn’t help but think of the worst case scenario. What if the next encampment was already run over by a mob of monsters? What if it didn’t have medicine or food? They were running out of backup plans and extra supplies.
The weak woman puts a hand over her girlfriend’s fist. Not wanting to look at a bloody bandage, Minji looks back up at Yoohyeon and brushes away some stray hair.
What if she lost Yoohyeon?
“Stay strong.” Hyunjung’s timely advice is directed towards Yoohyeon, yet looks at Minji through the mirror in the sun visor.
Minji hates it. Twenty minutes was a long time. So much time, with little to do. She could stare out the window to calm her anxieties or stare into the love of her life’s eyes in case it may be the last time she does so. She could think about what her life will be like in a new base or reminisce about her college days with her girlfriend before this biological warfare started. Twenty minutes in this universe could be nothing or everything. Should Minji help look into other encampments and check radio signals or should she comfort the person she loves the most and mentally prepare for the worst?
She looks out the window to check for any signs of refuge. They were driving on a road that was right in between farmland and the city. Unfortunately, there were no signs of activity on either side. The factories were far out and didn't promise resources. Scavenging city buildings was risky and they already showed signs of abandonment. “How far out are we?” She isn’t coherent enough to think of a plan, but she could at least brainstorm something. The other passengers can put together the pieces.
Hyunjung looks at the GPS. “I’d say less than 30 kilometers.” Minji hates how unsure she sounds, but understands any satellite device has a growing margin of error in terms of accuracy. Time will only tell when cell towers and the electric grid will start to fail like in the movies.
Due to its damaged suspensions, the truck shakes rather violently as Hyunjung runs over some carcasses. Minji wants to scold her for driving so fast but still feels a wave of anxiety when Hyunjung slows down to an appropriate speed. The internal battle irritates the leader, making Minji hate her desperation for a safe haven.
Yoohyeon grunts. The aggressive shaking caused her to bleed out again. Minji fumbles around for the first aid kit. After making so much noise, Seulgi reaches behind them to pass on a clean bandage.
Minji dresses the wound. Thankfully, it’s not deep, but it’s undeniably sizable. “You’re gonna be okay, Yoo.” The patient reaches up to bite on her first. Minji hates seeing her in so much pain.
“Make a left at the intersection,” Seulgi commands in a low voice. Hyunjung follows her orders.
“Do we know anyone at that encampment?” Minji continues distracting herself.
Thankfully, Seulgi doesn’t hesitate to respond. “Our main point of contact is Kim Taeyeon.”
“Kim Taeyeon.” Minji ponders over her name. “Why does that name sound familiar?” Uncertainty hasn’t ever been a stranger to Minji ever since this horrid adventure started, but she wished there wasn’t so much of it at a time like this.
Seulgi visibly gulps. However, she knows not to test Minji’s patience. “Taeyeon-unnie took Joohyun-unnie into her care.”
It’s a rather bitter memory.
This Taeyeon-person seems trustworthy, but considering Joohyun’s fate…
Minji doesn’t like how there hasn’t been a single odd in their favor.
Still, she pushes for answers. “How do you know we can trust her?”
Seulgi bites the inside of her cheek. Even Hyunjung glances over to check on her. “Taeyeon-unnie took Joohyunnie in without any question.” She pauses to brace herself and to push back the affection. “I understand what happened to Joohyun-unnie, but we all know that was out of our control. I’m still grateful that sunbaenim took her in without question and treated her as best as she could.”
Minji can hold onto Seulgi’s hope, but continues to dig for a peace of mind. “And what if she’s not there?”
“I was in contact with her yesterday. They still have control over a communications tower and haven’t had to resort to using a backup power generator. They seem to be doing fine.” Seulgi’s defensive nature is a rare occurrence and tips Minji off.
“That was before the attack.” Minji sounds a little more volatile than she ever wants to be. “What if she’s not there? What if they were affected, too?”
Seulgi sighs. She doesn’t know how to give an answer that an angry Minji will accept.
This time, Hyunjung steps in. “The next camp after is another 12 kilometers from Taeyeon-ssi’s base. Hyojung-unnie and Hyunwoo-oppa are there. I haven’t contacted them, but their base camp is pretty big and I’m pretty confident that they’re still there. We’ll radio in when we get close.” Her supposed backup plan still had holes in it, but the concept was enough to ease some of Minji’s worries.
In the back, Yoohyeon takes a shaky breath. Minji immediately consoles her.
Hyunjung looks at her backseat passengers in the rearview mirror. “You think you can hold up, Yoo?” She won’t be able to see, but Yoohyeon smiles.
“She’s holding a thumbs up.” Minji lets out a chuckle.
It’s enough to keep the driver going.
“How about you?” Hyunjung lowers her voice and looks towards Seulgi. “Are you doing okay?”
Seulgi hesitates. Her silence is enough of an answer.
The tension in the car is rather unbearable, so Hyunjung rolls down her window and turns up the music. She mentally prepares herself for what she’s going to see—who she’s going to see. It’s a lot to think about and she may never be ready to return, but knows she doesn’t have a choice.
At least there’s a hint of excitement. That’s gotta count for something, right?
Trying to stay awake amidst the silence, Yoohyeon looks out the window and notices the Lotte World Tower. She smiles. “We’re on our way home.”
The message was a little too obscure for Minji’s comfort. Was Yoohyeon starting to see The Light ™? “What do you mean by that?”
Yoohyeon continues to stare out the window. “Everytime I took the bus home from uni, I knew we were close to home when I saw the Lotte World Tower. Don’t you remember?”
Minji doesn’t remember, and she’s about to lie, but suddenly remembers bus rides with Bora and Siyeon and finds comfort in the past. She wonders if her other friends are there. She wonders if they’re alive. She wonders if she can go home.
The car stops. Minji looks outside and sees that they have reached a bridge.
Hyunjung turns in her seat to crack her back. “It’s a rather long line, but the coast is clear and at least things are moving along. She pauses to take a deep breath. “We won’t be moving for a while. I’m going out to stretch and—” to brace myself. Hyunjung doesn’t complete her thought. “Is that okay with everyone?”
Seulgi looks back, mostly for Minji’s approval. She senses this magnetic pull between her and Yoohyeon that is just begging to be satisfied and mentally scrambles a way out of the car as well. “I’m going to check our inventory.”
Hyunjung unbuckles her seatbelt and scurries out. “Knock on the window in case you need something. I won’t go far.”
The driver’s window and the back door are open, but it’s the most privacy Minji and Yoohyeon have had in a long time. Minji allows herself to decompress, but tries to keep her emotions at bay. She can’t relish in relief until they pass this bridge.
“Minji-yah,” Yoohyeon weakly calls out to her.
The owner of the name looks down at her girlfriend and squeezes on her weakening hand. “We’re almost there, Yoo. Just wait a little more.”
The injured woman pitifully smiles. “Do you remember the time we went stargazing after finals?”
Minji doesn’t like this one bit.
She doesn’t like how Yoohyeon sounds tired of clinging onto hope. She hates thinking that Yoohyeon is resorting to their time at university to stay optimistic. She doesn’t want to remember their happiest memories at a time where it might be her worst one.
Yoohyeon chuckles. Even if her eyes were jaded, that smile peaked through the windows of her soul. “I was exhausted, but you pulled me out of bed and drove an hour out. You held me as we stared into the sky.” Despite her diminishing health, she forces herself to talk. It’s something she wants. It’s something she needs.
Minji remembers that day. She doesn’t think she’ll ever forget the moment she finally confessed to Yoohyeon. Yoohyeon doesn’t have the energy to retell the story in detail, but Minji probably doesn’t need it.
“Can I tell you a secret?” Although faint, there’s a hint of mischief in her smile.
Thinking this is Yoohyeon’s way of lightening the mood, Minji plays along. “What’s that?”
It takes a moment for Yoohyeon to respond. Be it the fact that the adrenaline is no longer numbing out the pain or the reality of Yoohyeon digesting the idea of exposing the truth because she might not have the chance to do so at their wedding, the younger woman musters up some courage. “You were so upset about all the fog at the top of the mountain.”
Minji giggles out of embarrassment. “Yeah. You tried to make me feel better by saying you saw a shooting star.” She stares out the window. It was barely past noon. If only Minji could wish on a star, she’d pray for Yoohyeon’s safe recovery. “I know you were lying, but you were persistent that you saw it.”
Yoohyeon’s smile is so beautiful yet painful to witness. “You’re right, I didn’t see a shooting star that night.”
She pauses to catch her breath. When she closes her eyes, memories seem to flash in a span of seconds. Yoohyeon does see the day they actually went to see a meteor shower. She remembers wishing how she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Minji. Oh, how unfortunately short that time might end up being. It’s a shame she never got to give Minji the ring she bought considering how their apartment was blasted over like the rest of the neighborhood. Just like the star she bought, the ring was only a form of symbolism in their relationship, but it was better than nothing.
After a long period of silence, Minji caresses her. “Save your energy, Yoo.” She presses a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Rushing back into consciousness, Yoohyeon decides to push through. She opens her eyes. Minji’s face is full of concern. Yoohyeon wishes she could simply wipe away all of her worries, but knows that’s only possible if she were to stay alive, so she tries to stay positive. “Minji, I did see stars that night though.” She reaches towards her girlfriend to caress her cheek. Even if this memory may be short-lived, she wants to ingrain it in her heart along with the other ones that she’s collected throughout the years. They longingly stare into each other’s eyes. “That night, throughout university, through this apocalypse, right now, I still see those stars.”
Minji doesn’t understand Yoohyeon. She doesn’t understand how she can be so gentle and poetic and caring and romantic at a time like this. She doesn’t understand how through all this pain, she tries her best to rid someone else’s.
It breaks Minji’s heart even more.
She grabs Yoohyeon’s hand and gently kisses each knuckle. At a time like this, she wishes she could give Yoohyeon every romantic phrase every language could offer, but when words fail her she does her best expressing herself physically. “I love you.” It’s the best thing she could muster up without falling apart. It’s short and sweet and doesn’t measure up to how she’s feeling, but she knows it’s enough.
Yoohyeon continues, “Your eyes were the first thing I fell in love with. I liked a lot of things about you, but once you finally confessed to me, I allowed myself to dangerously fall in love with you. Your eyes were the first of many things.”
It’s the tip of Minji’s emotional iceberg. Tears break free past her ducts. They don’t go far though. Yoohyeon won’t allow it. She knows Minji hates when that happens. She does her best wiping her tears with her thumb.
Actually, she understands why Yoohyeon is like this.
Just like her, loving her girlfriend was easier than loving herself. Loving Minji was easier than fighting for her own life.
What she doesn’t know is that Yoohyeon has been brainstorming this speech for years. It’s a shame because Yoohyeon wanted to say this at the altar with Minji and all their friends, not while she was bleeding out in a dead friend’s car with two of Minji’s roommates. It’s the best she can do in this apocalypse and as long as said apocalypse is going to last, she’s going to keep wishing she could give Minji the better they deserved.
Minji grabs her hand and kisses each knuckle again, this time a little more slowly and one by one. Yoohyeon is saddened by the fact that she can’t feel the sensation anymore.
The adrenaline is definitely running low. A wave of exhaustion hits Yoohyeon and she’s not sure if she can fight it anymore. “I love you.” Yoohyeon blurts out.
This time, Minji can muster up some words. “I love you, too, Kim Yoohyeon. I love everything about you. I love everything we’ve shared, even this damn apocalypse. I’ll love you ‘til the end of time, even if that may be sooner than later, but you deserve to hear it.” She continues peppering Yoohyeon’s hands with kisses. The words are still not enough, but she knows she needs to say it.
It’s bittersweet. The words are comforting, yet dampen her spirits. At least she knows that Minji will always be there for her. “Hold me?” Even if it were to be the last time?
After staring into each other's eyes for a moment, Minji looks down to check on Yoohyeon’s wound. The most recent bandage has a small peak of blood, but nothing as bad as Yoohyeon's initial gash. A little cuddling doesn’t seem to hurt.
She unbuckles her seatbelt and shimmies closer to Yoohyeon. Not wanting to move Yoohyeon too much, she wraps an arm around Yoohyeon’s shoulders and pulls her close.
They stare at the unmoving tower. It’s not as sparkly as the stars Minji promised that fateful night and Hyunjung’s yelling isn’t as romantic as cicada chirps, but with the way Minji holds her close and whispers her profession of love to her, Yoohyeon falls just like the first time.
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
A Stein & Her Human Lover
A Halloween Fic
Pairings: Thora Stein(Frankenstein Oc) x Esmeray Daring(Human Oc)
Warnings ⚠️: Monster Calling, Crying, Short Circuiting, Screaming, Limbs Falling Apart, Huge Age Gap(Thora is 180 & Esmeray is 19), Height Difference (Thora is 7'4 & Esmeray is 5'12), Pitch Forks & Torches, Harvest Moon, Lightning & Thunder, Stitches & Blood
Pet Names/Nicknames: Little Human, Handsome, Beautiful, Sweetheart, Tori & Esme
Word Count: 2,230
Your Beauty Never Ever Scared Me
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It was a stormy night on October 31st. Thunder cracked in the sky while lightning struck. Kids were dressed up in all different types of Halloween costumes as parents passed out candy in the small town of Oakdale. There was an abandoned factory not too far outside of the small town. A girl named Esmeray had always visited the abandoned factory but no one knew why except for someone who lived in the factory. When she was 5 her parents had died in a tragic death and everyone said it was her fault when it wasn't. So since then every Halloween night she would go to the abandoned factory and visit the person well thing that lived there.
She swerved through kids as she walked down the streets of the town towards the abandoned factory as she hugged herself since it was chilly outside. She was carrying a basket that had food, water, her dairy and a sketch book. She arrived at the abandoned factory a couple minutes later and walked in. "Thora where are you at" she shouted and heard her voice echo through the abandoned factory. She walked farther into the factory and stopped in front of a closed door that said laboratory when she heard noises coming from behind it. She smiled before slowly opening it trying not to disturb whoever was in there. She shut the door behind her and walked farther into the room. She stopped when she saw a tall figure sitting on an exam table. She watched as the figure pulled on something with her teeth and realized her arm was hanging loose. "Oh did your arm fall off again" Esmeray said making the figure look up. The figure had sea green skin and a sky blue eye while the other eye was white. The figure had silver hair with white & black streaks in it. They had stitches all over their body to keep their limbs intact. They also had bolts on their neck that usually attracts electricity to them.
"Oh Esme Sweetheart god look how you have grown" the person said in a raspy voice making Esmeray laugh as a faint blush crossed her over her face. Esmeray walked over after taking a couple deep breaths and placed the basket down next to the figure. "What happened this time Thora" Esmeray said as she took hold of the figure's arm and started stitching it back together. Thora just stayed quiet as she watched Esmeray stitch her arm back together. After Esmeray had finished she looked up to see Thora looking at her already. Esmeray shook her head before trailing her eyes all over Thora's body to see what she was wearing.
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"Don't you have any other clothes besides this I think it's time you wear something different" Esmeray said as she stepped back. Thora stood up and towered over Esmeray. "No way my creator gave these to me and besides I look good in them" Thora rasped out. Esmeray looked up before rolling her eyes. "You're lucky I wash your clothes every week or they'd be smelling really bad" she shot back causing Thora to look down at her with a raised eyebrow. "You're lucky i care about you or you'd be dead by now" Thora shot back as she straightened her shirt out that had three buttons undone. The black corset that hugged her waist perfectly made the shirt more open which caused Esmeray's face to flush. Before Thora could say something to make Esmeray more flustered since she loved to tease her, Esmeray grabbed the basket and took her diary out along with the water & sketchbook before holding the basket out to Thora. "I brought some food for you" Esmeray said as she looked away. Esmeray felt Thora's hand brush hers as she took the basket. Esmeray pulled away before quickly walking over to one of the desks and sat down.
Thora just watched in amusement at how flustered she could get Esmeray in just a couple of seconds. She never had felt any type of human emotions at all before she met Esmeray. Thora was basically just a robot before she met Esmeray. But when she met Esmeray when she was just a little kid in the same abandoned factory they were in now, everything changed when Thora saw a little girl crying as she ran into the abandoned factory. After standing there in the shadow just watching she decided to show herself. So when she stepped out and the little Esmeray ran up to her she immediately felt sparks fly through her. That day she swore to protect Esmeray with her life even if she was just a creation a scientist made for fun.
Thora snapped out of it when she felt something hit her in the head. She looked over towards Esmeray to see her staring curiously at her. "What were you thinking about I couldn't get your attention" she heard Esmeray say and just shook her head as she smiled. "It was nothing you don't need to worry about it" Thora said and Esmeray frowned not believing anything she said but didn't ask questions.
Thora was working on a blueprint when she heard Esmeray talk. "Hey handsome I got a question" she heard her say. Thora furrowed her eyebrows and gripped the pencil she was holding tightly. "Thora did you hear me I need to ask you a question" she heard Esmeray say and her eyes widened in shock. She let go of the pencil she was holding which was now broken before turning around to face Esmeray. "Did you just call me handsome" Thora said shocked and Esmeray froze as they stared back at each other before Esmeray's face turned bright red. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to it just came out I'm really sorry" Esmeray rambled on causing Thora to roll her eyes. "Could you just shut your mouth for a second" Thora said with her arms crossed. Esmeray immediately shut her mouth as she looked at Thora. "I don't mind that you called me handsome to be honest I liked it" Thora said as she looked away from Esmeray. Esmeray just looked at Thora for a couple seconds before snapping out of it and smiling. She saw the bolts on Thora's neck jolt with a bit of electricity causing her to chuckle. "YOU'RE BLUSHING" Esmeray shouted and Thora's eyes widened in shock as she looked at Esmeray to see that she was looking down at the bolts on her neck. She covered the bolts as they sparked with more electricity meaning she was flustered. "That's adorable" Esmeray said and Thora glared at her. "Don't be mad it's adorable" Esmeray said and Thora rolled her eyes as she lowered her hands. "You better watch yourself little human" Thora scoffed out making Esmeray blush at the nickname. "I hate you" Esmeray huffed out before turning around and going back to whatever she was doing. "I hate you too" Thora said but that was not even true it was a big fat lie. Thora absolutely loved Esmeray with all her heart well mechanical heart. Esmeray didn't know how much Thora loved her. Whenever she'd visit Thora thought her legs would immediately give out when her mechanical heart skipped a beat or two. What Thora didn't know was that Esmeray felt the same way. They kept it a secret from each other since they didn't know if the other felt the same way.
"Esme" Thora said as she turned around to face Esmeray who turned around at the same time. "Is something wrong" Esmeray said as she stood up and immediately made her way over. "No no it's just that the basket is empty & I'm still hungry" Thora said and Esmeray smiled. "Alright I'll go back into town and get more food" Esmeray said before grabbing the basket and rushing out of the factory not noticing the person that was hiding listening to everything. The person headed back into town as well and called a town meeting while Esmeray made some more food.
When she exited her house she went back in and shut the door as she saw people holding torches & pitch Forks walking through the streets. She was confused at first until she realized they were going in the direction of the abandoned factory. She tried opening her door but it wouldn't budge so she started pounding on it. "LET ME OUT" She shouted as tears started forming in her eyes. She rushed over to one of her windows and opened it before hopping out. She started running after the townspeople who were already far ahead. When she got to the factory the moon was high up in the sky & it was an orangish yellowish color. She saw some of the townspeople standing outside of the factory and ran towards them. She shoved past every single one of them and they yelled after her but she didn't care. She went straight to the laboratory but didn't see anyone there. It was completely destroyed though making her worried. She checked the rest of the factory before going out through the back door which led to the forest. "Please please don't be hurt" she cried out as she ran through the forest. As she was running she heard the townspeople shouting.
She came to a clearing and saw the townspeople surrounding Thora who was on the ground missing one of her arms and legs. She ran forward and shoved past them to get to the middle. "Tori" Esmeray shouted and Thora looked up to see her running towards her. Thora's eyes widened in shock when she saw Esmeray. Esmeray collapsed in front of Thora who looked up at her. "Esme" Thora said and Esmeray nodded as she cupped Thora's face. "Esmeray get the hell away from that thing it's a Monster and it's hideous" one of the townspeople said and Esmeray looked over at the man before looking back at Thora. "Am I really a hideous Monster Esme" Thora said as she felt tears in her eyes. Esmeray shook her head before speaking "Your beauty never ever scared me" she said before pulling Thora into a hug. Esmeray felt tears fall down her shoulder before Thora went limp into her arms. "I'm here I'm never letting you out of my site again" Esmeray said as she held onto her handsome Monster.
Thora's eyes fluttered open and she turned her head to look around the room realizing she was back in the laboratory. She bolted up and looked around to see everything was fixed and put back in its place. She took the charging cables off the bolts on her neck and stood up. She looked down at her right arm which was now a mint green as well as her left leg. She lifted her arm around and turned it left & right to see different patches on it. "You're finally awake, took you long enough" she heard someone say. She looked up to see a man with a grey beard standing in the doorway. "Who are you" she spoke and the man just smiled. "You don't need to know that but someone has been waiting awhile for you" he said making her confused until he told her to follow him. She followed him throughout the newly built factory until they walked out. Thora shielded her eyes from the harsh sunlight which shined down on her. "Where are we going" she said and he kept quiet making her frown.
She realized that they were near the human village when she spotted people walking around. She stopped in her tracks causing the man to turn around. "Don't be frightened it's alright come on" he said before walking behind her and shoving her towards the town of humans. As they walked through the town everyone stepped out of the way before waving or saying Hello making Thora really confused. They stopped in front of a small house. The man knocked a couple of times before the door opened. "can I help you Gre-" Esmeray stopped when she looked up. She met Thora's eyes and teared up as she dropped the bowl she was holding causing it to shatter to the ground. Thora smiled before waving "Hi beautiful" she said and Esmeray jumped into her arms wrapping her legs around Thora's waist. Thora wrapped her long arms around Esmeray's small body making sure not to squeeze her too hard. "You're finally awake I missed you so much" Esmeray sobbed into Thora's blazer. Thora looked at the man and he mouthed that she was asleep for a whole year and it was the day before Halloween. Thora felt Esmeray pull away before sniffling. "I thought you were gone for good" Esmeray whispered out and Thora smiled softly before whipping Esmeray's tears away with one of her hands. "I'll never leave you sweetheart" Thora said right before Esmeray smashed her lips against hers. Thora immediately kissed back and they pulled away after a couple seconds. "I love you handsome I always have and I always will" Esmeray said causing Thora to smile. "I love you too my beautiful human" Thora said and Esmeray buried her head into Thora's neck tightening her grip around her making sure she wasn't gonna lose the person she loved the most again.
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🏷️: @angelicsupernova
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teejoin · 25 days
2 in 1 Multi-Function Styler & Electric Hair Straightening Brush for Wom...
📺 New hairdressing product release! Let's take a look at the amazing features of this premium LED digital display heater! ✨
🔹 HD LED DIGITAL DISPLAY: Clearly display the temperature and status at a glance. 🔹 RAPID HEATING: no more waiting, enjoy a high-speed heating experience. 🔹 MCH/PTC heating technology: ensure even heating and better results. 🔹 360° rotating power cord: flexible operation, easy to use. 🔹 One-hand adjustable temperature: easy to adjust as you like. 🔹 60 seconds auto shut-off: safe design, use more peace of mind.
📊 Product Parameters:
Rated voltage: 110-220V Product power: 48W Rated frequency: 50/60Hz Temperature range: 160-200℃ Product size: 3003138mm Weight: 340g
🎶 Instructions for use:
Short press the power switch to turn it on, long press it for 2 seconds to turn it off; After turning on the power, you can adjust the temperature and turn on the cold wind function. One key to switch the cold wind, enjoy the comfort at any time. Temperature adjustment: short press the power button, quickly select 160-180-190-200℃. 3 seconds unoperated lock key, double click to unlock.
💬 Tell us in the comment section, which is your favorite feature of this product? Don't forget to like and share!
📩 Click on the shopping link for more product information!
YouTube: @teejoin-smartappliances  
Website: https://www.teejoiniot.com/
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awesomeforever · 1 year
DUBLIN, Jan. 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Personal Care Appliances Global Market Report 2022" report has been added to  ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. This report provides strategists, marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the global personal care appliances market. The global personal care appliances market is expected to grow from $18.22 billion in 2021 to $19.31 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.0%. The personal care appliances market is expected to grow to $24.32 billion in 2026 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.9%. Reasons to Purchase Gain a truly global perspective with the most comprehensive report available on this market covering 12+ geographies. Understand how the market is being affected by the coronavirus and how it is likely to emerge and grow as the impact of the virus abates. Create regional and country strategies on the basis of local data and analysis. Identify growth segments for investment. Outperform competitors using forecast data and the drivers and trends shaping the market. Understand customers based on the latest market research findings. Benchmark performance against key competitors. Utilize the relationships between key data sets for superior strategizing. Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable high quality data and analysis Major players in the personal care appliances market are Koninklijke Philips N.V., Conair Corporation, Dyson Ltd., Havells India Ltd., Helen of Troy Limited, Panasonic Corporation, Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc., The Procter & Gamble Company, The Wahl Clipper Corporation, Vega Industries Private Limited, Yongkang Xinji Hairdressing Appliance Factory, Braun GmbH, Norelco Consumer Products Company and Johnson & Johnson. The personal care appliances market consists of sales of electric personal care devices by entities (organizations, sole traders, and partnerships) that are used for personal hygiene, personal grooming, or beautification. Personal care appliances refer to devices that facilitate personal care applications including hair care, oral care, and hair removal. The main types of personal care appliances products include hair care, hair removal, oral care and other products. Hair care appliances are used for hair care on the human scalp, and to a lesser extent facial, pubic and other body hair. There are many types of hair care devices are available such as hair dryers, hair straighteners, curling brushes, hair clippers, curling irons, hair setters and others. The different distribution channels include online and offline for end-users including male and female. North America was the largest region in the personal care appliances market in 2021. Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the forecast period. The regions covered in the personal care appliances market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East and Africa. The increase in the e-commerce industry is expected to propel the growth of the personal care appliances market going forward. The e-commerce industry refers to the transactions of sale of products online. E-commerce helps in easy promotion and sales of products to customers. For instance, according to India Brand Equity Foundation, a government-based promotion agency, the e-commerce market in India reached $52.57 billion and $67-84 billion in 2020 and 2021 respectively and is expected to reach $350 billion by 2030. Therefore, the positive outlook of the e-commerce industry is driving the personal care appliances market. Technological advancements are a key trend gaining popularity in the personal care appliances market. Companies are emphasizing launching new technologically advanced products to capture significant market share. For instance, in January 2021, Panasonic, a Japan-based conglomerate company operating in personal care appliances launched a new hair dryer (EH-NA67-W) for all ages and gen
ders. The newly launched EH-NA67-W uses patented nanotechnology to reduce hair damage from daily brushing. Also, in August 2020, Philips, a Dutch conglomerate company operating in personal care appliances introduced a brand new Hair Clipper 3000 series under the male grooming category designed with advanced Dual Cut and Trim & Flow Technology. The newly launched Philips Hair Clipper delivers maximum precision making it easy to get a salon-like haircut at home. In November 2021, Edgewell Personal Care, a US-based consumer products company acquired Billie Inc., in an all-cash transaction at a purchase price of $310 million. With the acquisition, the Billie brand complements and strengthens Edgewell's position in the women's shaving category, by adding to a portfolio of strong brands including Schick Intuition, Hydro Silk, and Skintimate. Billie Inc. is a US-based consumer brand company offering a broad portfolio of personal care products for women. The countries covered in the personal care appliances market report are Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Korea, UK and USA. Key Topics Covered: 1. Executive Summary 2. Personal Care Appliances Market Characteristics 3. Personal Care Appliances Market Trends And Strategies 4. Impact Of COVID-19 On Personal Care Appliances 5. Personal Care Appliances Market Size And Growth 5.1. Global Personal Care Appliances Historic Market, 2016-2021, $ Billion 5.1.1. Drivers Of The Market 5.1.2. Restraints On The Market 5.2. Global Personal Care Appliances Forecast Market, 2021-2026F, 2031F, $ Billion 5.2.1. Drivers Of The Market 5.2.2. Restraints On the Market 6. Personal Care Appliances Market Segmentation 6.1. Global Personal Care Appliances Market, Segmentation By Product, Historic and Forecast, 2016-2021, 2021-2026F, 2031F, $ Billion Hair Care Hair Removal Oral Care Other Products 6.2. Global Personal Care Appliances Market, Segmentation By Distribution Channel, Historic and Forecast, 2016-2021, 2021-2026F, 2031F, $ Billion Online Offline 6.3. Global Personal Care Appliances Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2016-2021, 2021-2026F, 2031F, $ Billion Female Male 7. Personal Care Appliances Market Regional And Country Analysis 7.1. Global Personal Care Appliances Market, Split By Region, Historic and Forecast, 2016-2021, 2021-2026F, 2031F, $ Billion 7.2. Global Personal Care Appliances Market, Split By Country, Historic and Forecast, 2016-2021, 2021-2026F, 2031F, $ Billion For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/ezj6l3 Media Contact: Research and Markets Laura Wood, Senior Manager [email protected]   For E.S.T Office Hours Call +1-917-300-0470 For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call +1-800-526-8630 For GMT Office Hours Call +353-1-416-8900   U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907 Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716 Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/539438/Research_and_Markets_Logo.jpg View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/personal-care-appliances-global-market-report-2022-by-product-distribution-channel-end-user-and-region-301729366.html SOURCE Research and Markets STM's charts are a tough read, but let's see what they say when all the pieces are put together. MIT David Austin Professor of Management, Marketing, IT and Data Science and 'The Hype Machine' Author Sinan Aral discusses how big of an advantage Microsoft has regarding its recent investment in ChatGPT. You can see the entire interview here. Key Video Takeaways 00:11 On Google being "shook" 00:23 On the "existential threat" of ChatGPT to Google Let's check out the charts for clues as the company is set to report earnings Thursday. In this daily bar chart of ADM, below, I can see that prices have struggled in the $95-$100 area. Prices have weakened in December and January and now trade below the declining 50-day moving average line and below the declining 200-day line. (Bloomberg) -- US natural g
as futures fell below $3 for the first time in 19 months amid an abnormally mild winter that’s helped spark the worst selloff among the country’s commodities.Most Read from BloombergHindenburg’s Short Sell Call Shaves $12 Billion Off Adani StocksUS Confronts China Over Companies’ Ties to Russia War EffortTech-Led Slide Fades; Tesla Whipsaws on Earnings: Markets WrapJosh Kushner Is Richer Than Trump After Billionaires Back His FirmUS and Germany Set to Send Tanks to Ukr Get ready for gas prices to rise again going into the spring. A gallon of driving fuel could go back above $4, according to GasBuddy head of petroleum Patrick De Haan. Carvana (NYSE: CVNA), a fast-growing and disruptive online used-car retailer, is one such enterprise that wishes 2022 had never happened. While the shares continue to bounce around quite a bit, Carvana's current market capitalization is about $1.2 billion. Enter Carvana. Yahoo Finance Live anchors discuss a Morgan Stanley call on Tesla stock ahead of the EV makers latest quarterly results. ‘The Hype Machine’ author and MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy Director Sinan Aral speaks with Yahoo Finance Live about the popularity of AI though ChatGPT, the risks that come with AI, and how it could impact Google. According to their market capitalization, Prologis Inc., American Tower Corp. and Realty Income Corp. are the three largest real estate investment trusts (REITs) traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Market capitalization is the figure you get when you multiply the number of shares outstanding by the current price — it’s the market value taken as a whole. It’s important to institutional investors and traders who like to see ample liquidity in the stocks they’re involved with. Some large money w Dutch and U.S. officials will meet in Washington on Friday to discuss potential new controls on exporting semiconductor manufacturing gear to China, with a deal possible by the end of the month, according to two sources familiar with the matter. The Biden administration in October published wide-ranging export controls, including measures tightly restricting Chinese access to U.S. chipmaking technology, as part of an effort to slow Beijing's technological and military advances. The Netherlands is home to ASML Holding, the world's leading maker of lithography equipment, which is critical for making semiconductors. Electric bills will likely keep rising this year even as overall inflation eases due to low domestic natural gas supply and higher operational costs. (Reuters) -Albemarle Corp on Tuesday called for lithium prices to remain high indefinitely in order to help the mining industry develop new sources of the electric vehicle (EV) battery metal and fuel the green energy transition. The push for higher prices by the world's largest lithium producer is likely to exacerbate the growing tension between EV manufacturers and mining companies that supply the materials crucial for the all-electric shift, with high metals prices threatening EV profitability. For 2023, Albemarle expects the price it receives for its lithium to jump 40% over 2022 levels. Top-performing real estate investment trusts (REITs) this month include VICI Properties, Gaming and Leisure Properties, and Iron Mountain, which have risen as much as 70% in the past year while the Russell 1000 has fallen 13%. Schlumberger, Halliburton and Baker Hughes see opportunity in the Middle East and Latin America in particular. In the daily bar chart of IDXX, below, I see a base pattern and an upside breakout and rally. The On-Balance-Volume (OBV) line is showing strength in January after a long sideways move from May. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) oscillator is above the zero line but shows some narrowing that needs to be monitored. The weekly OBV line has been improving since October. Rhode Island Sen. Jack Reed asked the Federal Trade Commission to open an inquiry into "deceptive practices" and "potential price gouging" as egg pric
es have jumped. Traeger (COOK), The Honest Company (HNST), Genius Brands (GNUS) and The RealReal (REAL) have been focusing on superior product strategy and prudent capital investments. (Reuters) -Chevron Corp on Wednesday said it would triple its budget for buybacks to $75 billion, the oil industry's most ambitious shareholder payouts to date, as high oil and gas prices pad profits. The oil industry has been facing calls from investors and the White House to put last year's record earnings from sky high energy prices into more drilling, acquisitions, or to reduce prices for consumers. Chevron on Friday is expected to report profits for 2022 doubled to $37.2 billion, according to estimates by Refinitiv. Access to space technology leads to diversification in end-market users, which bodes well for the Zacks Satellite and Communication industry. Global security threats and increasing defense budgets might aid Iridium (IRDM), Maxar (MAXR) and EchoStar (SATS). Amazon Pharmacy Chief Medical Officer Dr. Vin Gupta speaks with Yahoo Finance health care reporter Anjalee Khemlani about Amazon's new prescription drug plan, how it will work, and who it is meant for. source
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alliedcreation · 1 year
Shaving cream Market Everything You Need To Know Forecast, 2023-2032
Shaving cream comes under the category of personal care products and is used for shaving of hair. This cream provides lubrication as the main purpose of the shaving cream is to soften the hair for easy shave. Shaving creams are generally available in tubes and are applied on the skin with the help of shaving brush. It has gained lot popularity worldwide as it is very important product for men’s grooming.
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COVID-19 Scenario Analysis: 
The closure of factories due to COVID-19 led to decline in the production of the shaving cream in the industries. This not only affected the scale of production but also the growth of these industries.
The online platforms, shops, and retail stores were shut due to lockdown observed worldwide. This affected the trade of these products which in turn hampered the sales of shaving creams in various countries around the world.
Shaving cream is a necessity in every household, therefore, the growth of the market is expected to increase post COVID-19
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Top Impacting Factors: Market Scenario Analysis, Trends, Drivers, and Impact Analysis
Surge in demand from teenagers and adult men for personal hygiene and proper grooming, introduction of new technology to drive the market, and increase in consumer spending on personal care are some of the major factors that contribute toward the growth of the market.
Growth of the distribution channels and easy accessibility to e-commerce websites help products reach to wider population. Increase in number of salons is expected to boost to global shaving creams market. However, introduction and increase in adoption of electric trimmers and shavers in the market hamper the growth of the market.
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The global shaving cream trends are as follows:
Innovative Products
To gain the maximum consumer base, major players are continuously launching innovative products in the domain of shaving creams. Innovation in terms of ingredients used in the shaving cream like cocoa and black carbon is expected to boost the market growth in the coming years. 
Regional insights:-
The key markets for shaving cream are Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Asia, Latin America and North America. The growth of the market in these regions is due to huge and growing population coupled with their increase in purchasing power of cosmetics and personal care goods. 
Key Benefits of the Report:
This study presents the analytical depiction of the global shaving cream industry along with the current trends and future estimations to determine the imminent investment pockets.
The report presents information related to key drivers, restraints, and opportunities along with detailed analysis of the global shaving cream market share.
The current market is quantitatively analyzed to highlight the global shaving cream market growth scenario.
Porter’s five forces analysis illustrates the potency of buyers & suppliers in the market. 
The report provides a detailed global shaving cream market analysis based on competitive intensity and how the competition will take shape in the coming years. 
Questions Answered in the Shaving Cream Market Research Report:
What are the leading market players active in the shaving cream market?
What the current trends will influence the market in the next few years?
What are the driving factors, restraints, and opportunities in the market?
What future projections would help in taking further strategic steps?
 Shaving cream Market Report HighlightsAspectsDetailsBy Type
Pre-shave Cream
Aftershave Cream
By Application
By End User
By Distribution Channel
Convenience Stores
By Region
North America  (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe  (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, Russia, Rest of Europe)
Asia-Pacific  (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Rest of Asia-Pacific)
LAMEA  (Brazil, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Argentina, Rest of LAMEA)
Key Market PlayersEdgewell Personal Care, Beiersdorf, Malin Goetz Energizer Holdings, Gillette, Johnson and Johnson, L'Oreal, Colgate-Palmolive, Unilever, Barbasol, REVLON
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wonkypete · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COPY - Monster High Frankie Doll, Dawn of the Dance Series, GOLD ELASTICS.
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2topnews · 2 years
10 ways to reduce climate change
The gas contains heat that causes an increase in the temperature of the earth’s surface causing sea levels to rise. This can cause pollution of aquifers and farmland, and an imbalance in the ecosystem. We have been implementing a lot of macro measures to prevent climate change and protect the environment. However, you can do the smallest things right at home to contribute to preserving the living environment.
Let’s explore10 ways to reduce climate changein this article!
1. Reconsider your diet
Agricultural and industrial land is very harmful to animals and the environment as a whole. These industries pollute the air and water. You can start solving this problem individually by doing the following:
Stop eating meat. Did you know that to produce 0.5kg of meat, factories use 9 m3 of water?
Buy food from local farms. This will help reduce air pollution in two ways: you don’t have to travel long distances to buy things, and goods don’t have to travel a long distance to reach your kitchen.
Grow vegetables at home. Even if you have a small apartment and not a house with a garden or backyard, you can always grow tomatoes and greens on the windowsill.
2. Invest in start-ups that protect the environment
You can support eco ideas today to save the planet tomorrow. Even just 10 USD is enough. Today, there are many startups with the goal of making the planet cleaner and better.
3. Always think about water
Today, nearly 60 million people face food and water crises due to global warming. How can we maintain water balance?
Set up a water system in the bathroom for reuse. The water will be filtered and used in the toilet to flush.
Turn off the water while brushing your teeth, washing dishes, or washing your hair. The earth and wallet will silently thank you.
Use solar energy to heat water.
4. Planting trees
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Buying seedlings on the market is not the only way to do it. If in the fall you walk along a grove, park, boulevard, or just a street lined with oak, chestnut, and pine trees, don’t be lazy and stoop to pick up some seeds, maple seeds, or Chestnut.
At home, plant an oak tree, a seed, or a chestnut in a plastic cup or pot. When transplanting young plants, it is important not to damage the roots. The sapling must be kept indoors for about 5 years, after which it can be safely moved out into the fresh air.
Do you think this seemingly silly act helps save the ocean in the middle of a global disaster? If so, imagine that if only 1% of the population of our planet planted at least one houseplant, our air would filter 74 million more trees than it does now. It makes a difference!
5. Using crafts
Food: Try to cook without using semi-finished products as much as possible. Also, buy the big ones to reduce the amount of waste.
Body products: You can make your own shampoo, hair conditioner, cream, and toothpaste. Only coconut oil can replace body cream and face wash.
Products for cleaning: Glass cleaners, bathrooms, ovens,s and other cleaners can be cleaned using only natural ingredients. Just use baking soda and vinegar!
6. Protect flora and fauna
Due to the progress of mankind, all kinds of animals have lost their habitat. Perhaps you have seen birds bathing in oil tanks, or deer wandering the outskirts of settlements simply because they have nowhere else to go. If you have some space, be hospitable to animals in need. You can make your home more livable for animals by doing the following:
Do not use pesticides.
Hang a birdhouse and a drinking bowl that always contains clean water and food.
Let snakes, spiders, bats, and other creatures live. The existence of these animals means that your ecosystem is healthy.
Use an electric or manual lawn mower, not a gasoline-powered lawn mower.
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tlhairbrush · 3 years
The inner buckle has been particularly popular in the past few years
It is so beautiful, how easy it is to provoke a man. The black hair color always gives people a kind of obedient feeling. This kind of hairstyle will look more layered. Let’s take a look! This kind of short curly hair with a lazy breath is too suitable for summer. With short bangs, the facial features become more three-dimensional and natural.
The fluffy sides have a layered feeling. Some girls are generous, some are sexy and feminine, and some are cute or literary.What hairstyle is more cute? Many people will like the second paragraph~ Everyone's temperament is different. Cute girls can choose small curls perm! This short perm with Liuhai on the eyebrows looks particularly fashionable and cute, and it is most suitable for girls with cute styles! Bobo head does not need to worry about being outdated at any time. 
This flat and oblique bangs inner buckle hair is full of Japanese sweet style, and it looks really cute with flat bangs. Small curly hair is not something ordinary people can handle, but cute girls are especially suitable. This Mona Lisa curled perm looks particularly fashionable and feminine, and at the same time it is full of exotic style. The short hair with thin bangs and inner buckle bob head is very cute. effect. It looks pure and lively. 
Coupled with an air bangs will be more cute! Partial or middle points are more goddess. Girls with big eyes and small people will look cute with this short hair, which can set your temperament more unique. Cute girls always look cute, and such Electric Hair Brushes Factory girls feel particularly energetic. Bobo head is a particularly friendly short haircut, suitable for a variety of face shapes and people. 
The inner buckle has been particularly popular in the past few years, giving people a sense of calm atmosphere, and at the same time, the inner buckle also has the function of 'advanced', which can be used to modify the face shape. This perm hairstyle is particularly charming. This hairstyle is very age-reducing, suitable for women of all ages!
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straighteneres · 3 years
The designed hair does not have its own personality
It is designed with outward-turned lines, and this kind of curl also has good curls. It is currently the most popular long hair styling in winter. The key is that it can also reveal the breath of age reduction in the mess. The designed hair does not have its own personality.
Curly Long Hair Hairstyle Pictures Girls go to the barber shop every three or four months to give their hair a look, but every time they deal with their hair, the Chengdu Hairdressing School in Sichuan learns hairdressing and comes to Tony to cover the hair, so when they go to the barber shop There is no independent opinion. 
The fashion trend of hair styles, when doing hairstyles, the barber will be asked to follow this fashion trend Girls with curly long hair have long hair and seem to have a lot of hair volume. Girls with big eyes, who look very beautiful, chose this new style with bangs and curly long hair. It's divided, and matched with a black jacket, it looks very fashionable too. 
This new style of big curly long hair hairstyle only needs to simply pull the back small hair to one side, so that it shows the girl even more. Such a long and flowing hairstyle will indeed add to the temperament of the daughter. They are all bad street styles. This electric hair brush Factory long curly hairstyle is very simple to put on, plus beautiful hair flowers, Such 2019 curly long hair will surely get hot. However, girls’ faces are very long and thin, and they look very beautiful. Girls with big eyes, who look very beautiful, chose this new style with bangs and curly long hair.
 Some smart girls will look at the 2019 big curls first. A girl with long hair chooses this kind of big curly long hair style. Ladylike temperament. They all follow the advice of the hairdresser. This way you will be very ordinary. This long curly hairstyle is very simple to put on, plus beautiful hair flowers, Such 2019 curly long hair will surely get hot
0 notes
sonofdorn-vii · 3 years
Sir Ferrus ‘The Iron Man’ Manus sat hunched low over his drawing board. The room was dim, the early morning light not yet reaching the ceiling-high windows of his chambers. A small electric lamp with a shade worked in different shades of amber glass illuminated his efforts, freehand drawings for a new gearing system. His curious clockwork hands ticked and whirred quietly as he worked, the dexterity in his iron fingers belying their manufactured nature. How he came by his marvellous hands, whether by design or necessity, was a mystery as much to him as to any other soul curious enough to ask about them.
He sat perched on a high stool of plain black iron, stripped to the waist; the braces for his woollen breeches dangling around his hips. The skin of his remarkably strong body was pale, like fresh marble, with veins like dark silver running beneath. The muscles of his back and shoulders were defined clearly, his impressive hairless physique maintained through manual labour, but gifted to him by breeding.
He brushed a lock of black hair back over his left ear and looked back over his shoulder, almost shyly. The room was a well-appointed bedroom, high on the mezzanine level of his factory. The outside windows looked east across the river; the curved inner windows looked out over the factory floor, his domain.  Plush velvet drapes were drawn for privacy, making the room appear like any well-to-do Gentleman’s sleeping chamber. A pair of brandy balloons next to the decanter on the nightstand, clothes left carelessly on the rug by the fireplace. The memory of breathless passion and unequalled intimacy.
A large four-poster bed of dark stained mahogany took up much of the far wall. The sheets, black Chinese silk, were rumpled around the most perfect being he had ever seen. His friend, lover, brother, whatever you wanted to call it lay on the bed, deeply asleep and breathing softly. Ferrus loved seeing him this way, as only he was allowed. No pomp and ceremony, no dazzling smiles and calculating looks with his astonishing violet eyes. Just him, the Viscount Fulgrim.
His face, so beloved of Society photographers and artists was guileless and innocent in sleep, like that of a young boy. His skin, pale like Ferrus’ own, had a singular luminosity even now in the lamp light. Silver hair, matching perfectly shaped eyebrows, tousled and unkempt across the silk pillows. The eyes, those impossible eyes, closed blocking out the world. The skin around them a shade darker, edging toward purple. His cheekbones, sharp and defined, any woman would kill for.
Fulgrim’s full lips parted slightly, a small frown creasing his brow as he dreamed dreams in vivid technicolour. Ferrus allowed his gaze to linger on his lover’s body, his abdominal muscles taught and perfect, like the rest of him. Ferrus felt his heart beat faster as his eyes found the black silk sheet barely covering his lover’s manhood. Knowing what was beneath; its utter perfection, the need he felt for Fulgrim growled in the pit of his stomach.
He smiled and turned back to his work. He always felt inspired after a night with the Viscount, truly inspired in a way he’d never felt before. Of course, his machines and devices were famous across the Kingdom before they’d met, but Fulgrim had a way of pulling more from him, more than he’d ever felt possible. His designs since had transcended science; gone beyond engineering.
They had become art.
The Viscount Fulgrim was his Muse, he realised suddenly. Ferrus longed for his gaze, a smile, a light touch on the arm. The unparalleled ecstasy of their bodies entwined.  He craved it like other men needed water. To be seen by Fulgrim, truly SEEN was like feeling the sun on your face for the first time.
The perfection of Fulgrim was legendary, like his reputation as a decadent Society fop. But nobody knew the real him. The Big Show, the gorgeous clothes, the scandalous behaviour, the illicit substances. It was all an act, Ferrus knew now. The REAL Fulgrim was asleep in his bed, exhausted by his own manufactured persona. He was safe here and, Ferrus vowed silently, he always would be.
Ferrus would never judge him, never mock, never ridicule. Never get drunk and leave the party with some society sweetheart. As Fulgrim, sharp of mind and sharper of tongue, would likewise never make Ferrus feel inferior for his own failings. Shy, withdrawn, quiet. The very opposite of Fulgrim’s reputation, Ferrus had learned at an early age that trust was a difficult thing to come by. Bullied mercilessly at boarding school for his hands, his size, his intellect, his name. Children are the cruellest of tormentors and will turn your worst fears against you; Gorgon they called him. Ugly, unloved, unlovable. His quietude and sensitivity immediately targeted as clear evidence of his homosexuality, before the other boys really understood what that meant.
Well, it turns out they were right about that, Ferrus thought, reaching for his pocketknife and sharpening his pencils again. For the first time in his life, Ferrus felt a contentment he’d never known. The secrecy of their relationship was a small price to pay for what he got in return. Those in Society would never understand, but Ferrus didn’t care. He wanted neither their permission nor their acceptance. He had his beautiful Phoenix and needed nothing else.
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Fallout 4 Random Companion Headcanons
Wrote these a few years ago, too nervous then to share them.
-Ada was built in 2268. She's about 21 years old.
-Her first memory is of seeing The Mechanist in front of her. Then she watched as The Mechanist removed their head and smiled.
-She's Isabel's first project. 
-Her voice was originally supposed to be more synthesized and robotic, but the more human sound was easier for Isabel to work with.
-Ada prefers to travels in groups with 3-4 people, knowing fully well a robot is a higher target for scavvers.
- Her base body was constructed from many different trial runs of the "ADA" project.
-She's programmed to remain indifferent but the nagging voice in her programming says to do good things in order to to aid other people.
-Ada appreciates the effort Sole goes through to upgrade her body. She doesn't think it's necessary and she's somewhat sentimental about her original form.
-She finds Codsworth's attachment to Sole strange. Almost too human, those Mr. Handy's.
-Cait loves baths. Bubble baths with bath bombs and even a little rubber ducky. Only Sole knows this.
-The rubber ducky's name is Codsworth. Will not explain why.
-Can fire a rifle over her shoulder behind her. (Annie Oakley style)
-Hates Jazz music. Says it's too slow and calm. Really dislikes it because she's uncomfortable slow dancing with anyone.
-Allergic to feathers. Rad chickens make her sick to be around.
-But once the feathers are removed, the chicken has been cut up, and cooked with some veggies and a loaf of bread, loves it.
-Chicken soup is her favourite dish. Only likes Sole's chicken soup though. Will not eat anyone else’s.
-Shot put would be her favourite sport. Throwing a heavy metal sphere a very long distance is goals.
-Codsworth can speak 8 languages. Including: English, Spanish, French, Japanese, German, Italian, Polish, and Swedish.
-Can recognize almost every written language and translate but lacks the programming to speak every one.
-Nate/Nora got him two years before Shaun was born.
-Sole did minimal repair work on him, and offered to polish him every time he got a dent or scratch.
-He always accepted the polish offer. Very wary of Sole doing factory repairs on him. Would prefer professionals doing the delicate work.
-Always celebrated Nate/Nora and Sole’s respective birthdays. For 200 years.
-When Sole called him "Family", he felt an odd electric pulse through his core processor. He decided to call it a skipped heart beat.
-Calls synth Shaun "Sonny", and "Young Master Shaun".
-Makes Sole's favourite meal when they come back home from Vault 111.
-Will ask to take over if he catches Sole doing chores.
-Hesitates when he has to bring up Sole's spouse knowing it's a touchy subject.
-His favourite friend of Sole's is Nick. Thinks Nick is a good role model for synth Shaun.
-Curie, like Codsworth can speak 8 languages. However, after becoming a synth, she can only speak about 4.
-Curie loves the feeling of velvet. Collects pieces of velvet clothing. 
-Once wore a velvet cape around because she loved the way it draped over her shoulders and fluttered when she walked.
-Has sensory phases. Music, nice noises, soft materials, different foods, perfumes, etc. Collects whatever makes her senses happy.
-During the "feeling phase" her favourite feeling was holding Sole's hand. Loved running her hand over the surface of water. And velvet.
-Talks out what her feelings are with Piper. Piper explains to her what the "spin spin spin" in her head meant.
-Favourite smell is fresh baked bread. Bakes bread with Mama Murphy every weekend.
-Favourite sweet food is mutfruit pie. Will badger Piper to make it with her.
-Curie's motor functions are still new. Sometimes she misses what she was trying to grab and fumbles.
-Danse is a horrid mechanic. You'd think spending time in the BoS and dedicating time to auto repair with Ingram. Can't put a toaster together.
-But Power Armor is a piece of cake. Can't do much with pre-war tech, yet fixing power armor is as easy as making breakfast.
-Like all gen 3 synths, he loves Fancy Lad snack cakes. He'd share whatever box he'd find with the squires around the Prydwen.
-Scribe Haylen would volunteer to work alongside Danse on all his scouting missions.
-Danse found out Deacon was the one who stuck the dildo to his power armor. He made sure Deacon's wigs were the same bright purple color the very next day.
-Loves country music. When a traveling courier stops by and shares their western/country music, he actually dances. 
-Has a heart for kids. Even Billy. 
-Leg bouncing habit. Can't bounce his leg in power armor but as soon as he's out, his leg's jittering.
-Deacon is in his late 40's. 
-Did not lie about his wife and the University Point Deathclaws.
-Enjoys learning about Pre-war culture, spends free time with ghouls asking them about the past.
-Sole can fool him easily about prewar facts though. 
-Has incredible luck with the pie claw game. Has won 8 times while traveling with Sole.
-Loves making silly bets. "I bet I can skip this plate across the lake at least 1 time." Proceeds to throw the plate at the water horizontally. 
-Doesn't hate Danse. He will pull pranks on him though. Once stuck a dildo on the back of Danse's power armour. 
-His hair grows quickly so he has to shave every day.
-Shaves his head, isn't bald. Shaved head works better with his pompadour wig. 
-Doesn't like mutfruit. Says it's too acidic and hurts his gums.
-Has a rifle-shaped scar on his forearm. Will tell a different story for it every time.
-Once drank a dozen Nuka Cola Quantums on a dare. His pee glowed for a week.
-Tried going vegetarian once. ONCE. Found out being vegetarian means eating no meat or dairy products. Had to have Sole explain that, while gross, radroach could technically be  considered meat.
-Is kinda clumsy. Always bumps into counter edges and stubs his toes on bits of debris.
-Doesn't lie about his family. And when Sole calls him family, promises to never lie about family again.
-Gage juggled skii balls to entertain the last Overboss, Colter.
-He enjoys small shooting competitions with MacCready, Sole, and X6. All four are sharp shooters.
-Fastest learner. Spent an entire week learning how to cook Sole's old recipes. He can cook them better than anyone with the exception of Codsworth.
-Hums when he works. 
-Had a one night stand with Nisha. Ended so bad, he avoids that area of the park at all costs.
-Hates cats. Had an awful run in with a rad lion. Radiated Mountain Lion that tore a scar deep down his back. 
-Does routine maintenance on the rides in the park. He knows how everything works there. From social hierarchy - to the intricacies of the Vault Tec: Among the Stars ride.
-His favourite flavour of Nuka Cola is Nuka Cola Victory. Rare to find but easily the best.
-Record farthest shot is a bean can from 410 meters. 
-He's a lightweight. Only two beers and he's buzzed enough to sing along with Red-Eye.
-Will tell a different story every time if anyone asks about the eye patch.
-Hancock is a history buff. Loves learning about colonial era civilization. 
-Has spent days with Kent Connolly researching Silver Shroud information. He knows more about the Silver Shroud than any other companion.
-Has had a fling with every person in Goodneighbor at least once. Even Kleo. 
-At least in a sexual way, he is extremely open minded. Welcomes new experiences and new information given anywhere anytime.
-Had a decent childhood with his brother. He remembers tending to the mutfruit trees with him and eating every other piece they picked.
-Adores pickles. Would sit and eat an entire jar of pickles just because he loves the cronch so much.
-All time favourite chem is Mentats. Loves making intellectual jokes while high as a kite.
-Does not know what a lot of pre-war expressions mean, but enjoys saying them and hearing them from Sole.
-Is a master at repairing clothing. How else does the frock stay in such good condition? He tends to it every night.
-As far as euphemisms for ghouls go, he likes "beef jerky".
-Longfellow met Hannah while out hunting. She blasted a trapper's head clean off, and he fell harder than the trapper's body.
-He spent his youth training, hoping to become a Brotherhood soldier one day.
-And then he met a vertibird full of them. They called Far Harbor a dump while gathering supplies there. Officially decided to cease all training.
-Managed to take down 17 Mirelurks in 3 minutes. 
-Holds the record in Acadia for alcohol consumption. All records involving alcohol consumption.
-He's really fit? Longfellow could and has bench pressed Sole. 
-He only did so because Hancock and MacCready wouldn't shut up about it.
-Loves singing old shanty songs and dancing with Sole. Only when no one else is around though.
-After the events at Far Harbor, he decides to go sailing along the coast. Wants to see the world more.
-MacCready does brush his teeth. He brushes his teeth regularly. He started brushing after he left Little Lamplight. By that point the damage was already done.
-Lucy was the one to convince him to brush his teeth.
-He can't stand the smell of lavender. Lavender candles, lavender lotion, etc...makes him feel  nauseous.
-He named his sniper rifle, "Lucy"
-Won't drink brahmin milk with cereal even to Sole's encouragement.
-Is very well read. Vault 87 had many educational textbooks hidden among the super mutants.
-MacCready was the longest lasting mayor in L.L. He was mayor for 6 years.
-He has no idea what television is and is afraid to ask any pre-wars about it.
-Wary of all ghouls, both feral and normal. He's not bias to non-ferals, but he is a little uncomfortable.
-Had a crush on Lone Wanderer when they first visited L.L. Mac told Joseph and he made fun of him.
-Nick has an oral fixation. Smokes out of habit and having the familiar feeling of a cigarette between his lips feeds into human nostalgia.
-His right hand is missing skin because he fidgets only his right. Whether it was picking at the fraying plastic or rubbing the fake skin raw.
-He lost the chunk of neck skin after Myrna accused him of working for the Institute. Tore off a chunk to prove he wasn't a perfect person or an infiltrator synth.
-Ellie was the first person in Diamond City to wholly accept Nick as he is. She asked to work with him as soon as he decided to stay.
-Piper and Nick have jam sessions where they have heavy debates about Diamond City law enforcement and criminal misuse of power in the capitalistic society of pre-war USA.
-Met Dogmeat under an overpass. He handed the dog a snack cake and scratched his head. They've been close pals ever since.
-Will "sleep" around Sole. He'll lay down and manually put himself into "sleep mode". Any unnecessary functions will shut down. He lets his thoughts take over. All Sole hears is the faintest fan whir.
-Piper plans Sole's 211th birthday. She goes all out, collects balloons, bakes several cakes with Codsworth, makes everyone attend and threatens anyone who would act up. "It's Blue's first birthday out here, you WILL behave!"
-Knows how to make mutfruit preserves, mutfruit pie, mutfruit jam and jelly. Makes it for Nat constantly.
-Has a notebook dedicated to little tidbits of info about Sole.
-Nat is exactly 8 years, 5 months, and 25 days younger than Piper. 
-Piper has interviewed every person in Diamond City. Made a game of it with Nat at first, then she just kept going with it.
-Piper has awful shorthand. Almost as bad as Curie's shorthand. Still illegible. 
-Piper's handwriting is so bad, Nat does the writing for the paper. Piper writes the final draft and Nat copies it, and sends it through the printing press.
-Despite bad handwriting, Piper is very eloquent. Can make a super mutant sound like good date idea or convince anyone how the mayor might actually be a synth.
-Her favourite of Sole's friends is Kent Connolly. Would gladly dress up and act out Silver Shroud episodes with him and Sole.
-Preston has insomnia. Cannot sleep well. Has had insomnia since Quincy. 
-Can sleep well if he's sleeping beside someone.
-Has a box under his bed of little knick-knacks children have given him over the years. Can't bear to get rid of the kid's gifts.
-He actually likes all of Sole's friends. Even Strong.
-Hates coconut. Once found an Almond-Joy while scaving and couldn't finish it to save his life.
-All time favourite candy is Peanut Brittle. Hard to find but gnawing on the hard chunks is somewhat soothing to him.
-Loves back rubs. Giving and receiving but only from close friends or lovers.
-Once accidently drank a bottle of perfume. MacCready told him it was a bottle of fancy expensive wine. 
-Sturges and Preston are the closest of friends, no less maybe more.
-Strong knows how to jump rope.
-But double dutch is a mystery.
-Before Sole, he only ate meat raw. Sole taught him how to cook it.
-Also lacks patience to cook, but slowly learning.
-Strong was created in Vault 87 after the bombs dropped but remembers nothing from being human.
-Doesn't understand bubblegum. Will always swallow it after a few seconds of chewing.
-Likes having poetry and plays read to him. 
-Sleeps holding Sole or having Sole laying across his stomach. 
-Loves fire. The smell, the feeling of heat against his hardened skin, the taste of charred meat, and watching the embers fly up and turn to ash.
-Strong can read, but chooses not to because super mutants discourage any educational behavior. 
-Likes the sound of clacking keys on a terminal. He'll turn one on and mess around with the keyboard just to hear the different sounds each key makes.
-He can't decide if hand-to-hand combat is better than using guns.
-X6 doesn't like using plasma. He thinks the plasma is less accurate. 
-But laser weapons are his jam.
-Spends excessive amount of time augmenting his weapon. 
-If Sole helped, he would be "happy". Would never say it, but a tiny smirk would pop up on his face for half a second.
-Will collect Fancy Lad Snack Cakes. Hoards them in his bedroom in Sanctuary and in the Institute. 
-Sole found his stash and X6 blushed for the first time when they confronted him. 
-He called Sole "Mom" instead of Ma'am once. She won't let him live it down.
-He called Sole "Dad" after hearing Shaun call him "Dad" all day. He won't let him live it down.
-Actually likes kids. Won't show emotions, get down to their level, or speak to kids. But he doesn't hate children. 
-Especially likes synth Shaun. He taught synth Shaun how to use a laser pistol. Shaun found out and put X6 on probation for a month.
Bonus Vault Tec Rep and Kent Connolly under the cut.
Vault Tec Rep
-Rep spent a couple decades learning how to draw. Loves drawing from life. Mostly draws people. Occasionally draws ferals, mutants, and various animals.
-Was engaged before the war, lasted about 2 years before she died of cancer.
-His favorite food was and still is a well grilled medium rare steak.
-A total neat freak. Every space he uses as a homestead has to be thoroughly cleaned of any bacteria, ticks, dust, dirt, radiation residue, etc
-Teased in school for his red hair. "Rusty" was his least favorite nickname.
-He's extremely susceptible to pet names. Doesn't have to be anything sexual or romantic, just pet names. He blushes like a starstruck starlet.
-Loves love. Romance and old-timey corny love stories. He like to woo his partner. Flowers, chocolate, dancing, movie dates, hand written poems, you name it. 
-He misses his old red hair. Years of being a brunette and he's a little bitter about his hair.
-Least favourite part of The Wasteland is amount of bodies he sees on a daily basis. He saw about zero bodies a day on average before the war. Even in Goodneighbor, the average has risen to about 4 bodies a week. 
-Favourite part of The Wasteland is the ability to just go anywhere. After realizing he didn't have any obligation to stay any specific place, he just traveled around for a few decades.
-His father worked for Vault-Tec, and when he graduated high school, he was given a job immediately. 
-Didn't hate it. Didn't love it at first, but he had a real knack for selling.
-He never had an office in Boston HQ. He got the van, and got a sweet bonus for being top salesman, but never his own office. 
-Despite being top salesman, he was only allowed on the first and second floors. He didn't find out till after the bombs dropped that the basement and third floor up had the plans for the various vaults in the area.
-He can't apologize enough to Sole. After thinking on it and checking out vault 111 by himself, he truly feels sorry for what happened.
-Sole gets him a set of steak knives for Christmas. They're homemade by Sole. They tell him he's earned far more than a knife set, but if that's what he's pining for...
-He treasures it so much, he rarely uses them. Just before he leaves for work in the morning, he checks them over and admires them.
-He and Sole have spent days just telling each other pre war stories. He almost knows more about Sole than Piper does. And he's a little proud of that fact.
-He gets along best with, of all people, Deacon. Good sense of humour and always interested in pre-war info.
-Second best is Piper. A nice lady who snoops too much, but does treat everyone with respect and tries to remain unbiased.
Kent Connolly
-Kent was 23 when the bombs dropped.
-He was sleeping in on the Saturday morning when he heard the air raid sirens.
-Hid in his house's basement till the sirens stopped. 
-And then the radiation sickness took over. 
-It took him about 3 months to turn ghoulish. Quicker than most. 
-He dislikes Goodneighbor - the town as a whole. The people are fine, the resources are serviceable, and the safety assured is nice. But he hates how back alley it feels.
-Misses his family the most. They weren't the best, but they made him feel loved and important.
-Speaking of which, Kent had a huge family. I'm talking brothers, sisters, cousins for days, aunts, uncles...he remembers family reunions as huge gatherings chock full of food and kids running amuck.
-Maybe, just maybe, he enjoys seeing Sole all dressed like Shroud a little too much. He's a big fan.
-Once spent 4 grand on a mint condition Issue no. 3 Silver Shroud comic just to find out it was a forgery. Never got that refund. :(
-Writes really well. But only writes Silver Shroud fanfiction. Piper almost convinced him to help write an article about how crime differed before the war and after the war. But he turned her down.
-Nick has agreed to dress up as Shroud if Sole dresses up like Grognak or Mistress of Mystery. But only if Sole dresses up too.
-Irma refers to him as her son. Amari will not say the same, but she also doesn't protest.
-He used to work in comic book shop. (Of course he did.) 
-He writes self insert Silver Shroud fanfiction all the time. After the events at the hospital with Sinjin, the Shroud in his fanfictions suddenly start using Sole's pronouns and is described as physically similar as Sole.
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minsyal · 3 years
The Fugitive: Finding Home, Pt. 4
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Karl Heisenberg x Reader
Warnings: strong language, Resident Evil-esque violence and descriptions of gore, and dark/sexual themes
Summary: A once-in-a-lifetime trip turned dark. You’re quickly exposed to the sinister and mysterious world of a cursed village under the control of dark leaders. How long will you last and will you ever return home in one piece?
The Fugitive: Finding Home Masterlist
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It was a few days prior to Alcina’s curt meeting with you. Meandering about the hallways, you straightened pictures, dusted shelves, and adjusted curtains to hang just as the Lady liked. It had been awhile since your last clash with her, the last being the awkward dinner between brother and sister. Heisenberg had been lingering in the hallways, always narrowly avoiding Alcina as she moved from room to room. He was like a kid sneaking about the school when he was supposed to be in class.
Making your way down one of the velvet lined halls, a hand caught your arm, tugging you into the shadows of the sharp corner. Another covered your mouth, smelling distinctly of silver and oil. “Shh.” He hushed, hot air brushing over the tips of your ears. “Don’t make a sound.”
He moved with ease, slipping backward into one of the many secret passageways that the maids used to stay out of the main halls. How did he know this was here, you ignorantly asked yourself, ignoring the fact that this was like a second home to him. Planting your feet firmly on the ground, he kelp a finger to your lips and moved his other from your arm to your waist. You wanted to slap him. Encounters with him had been growing more frequent as the weeks went on. He seemed to be everywhere when you found yourself alone. He’d pop by for only a moment, keeping you on your feet.
“We had a family meeting.”
You waited, hair rising at the nape of your neck as he continued.
“You’re going to be offered something.”
His grip around your waist tightened.
“Don’t accept it.”
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Somebody had been lurking around the grounds, he could feel it. The sensation was something he’d grown accustomed to. Afterall, having electricity coursing through ones veins isn’t exactly normal. Soft steps of booted heels walked cautiously over the forest floor just outside the factory’s gates. It wasn’t the lycans. Movement was easily distinguishable. If the steps were heavy and in fours, it was likely one of the wolf beasts that patrolled the exterior of the factory grounds. If they were wheeled, the likeliness of it being the Duke delivering goods was high. But these, these steps were different. They were alarmingly delicate.
Spurred on by curiosity, he found himself riding the slow-moving elevator upward to the surface. Whoever it was, he intended on scaring them into never seeking the place out again. Often, children or teenagers who were becoming increasingly distant from their parents would disregard any warnings and attempt to go to the factory. He’d scare them, they’d run off and only return in a body bag at some later date.
He was surprised to see who it was.
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“I am getting so fed up.” You aimed the pistol in the direction of yet another lycan as it hunched over, approaching with small forward movements. “Can’t you idiots just,” you shot it, stirring it up, causing it to rush, “fuck off!”
With a loud bloody scream, it crumbled to the ground alongside the other that had attacked minutes prior. One of the beasts had already given you a nasty wound to the shoulder nearing the place where you’d been shot a month preceding. Nothing to wrap it with and no time to stop, you had to forego any bit of medical treatment.
The day had gone down hill like a tumbling boulder after you left The Duke. Lycans lined the forest, unwilling to move out from the trees, but ready to pounce should you step closer. Yellowed eyes locked onto you, keeping close watch, almost guiding you to where they wanted you to be. The townspeople wandered about, their chatter of zombified nonsense was enough to drive you over the edge.
“Mother Miranda” this, and “Mother Miranda” that. It was positively shocking that there were so many people left in the village given the amount of bodies you’d seen strewed about perched in any barren place. They were downright maniacal here, playing right into the lunacy that spewed from Miranda’s mouth. Men were tied by the wrists on crosses, their legs missing, their bodies stuffed, to appear as scarecrows. Was stuffing a pair of pants and a shirt really that much more difficult?
After a few hours of traversing the Romanian backroads, you grew tired. It felt as though you were moving in circles, pathways blended into one that held striking similarities to ones you thought you’d crossed before. A group of men sat on one of the docks of what looked to be a Reservoir. They conversed loudly, their voices carrying great distances telling tales of a large beast that lurked through the murky waters.
It seemed like you were nearing the village outskirts when homes became sparce and villagers disappeared altogether.
“Here I was thinking you were burnt to a crisp.” Heisenberg’s chest was almost pressed to your back, an occurrence you’d grown used to by now. The heat radiating from his body permeated the thin material of your shirt, a false safety accompanied the uneasy chill.
Twirling where you stood, you beat a hand against his upper body, your gun dropping from his temple. Your finger left the trigger. God, he was lucky. He chuckled.
“As far as anyone’s concerned, I’m lying dead in that storage room.” You dropped your hand from the surprisingly soft material. The man never strayed from his cartoon-like fashion sense, no doubt he’d chosen something that was comfortable.
“I’m surprised you could pull that off. I honestly thought you took my advice as a death sentence.” His hand grazed your bleeding shoulder. The blackened crisp of hardened blood and puss was crushed beneath his fingers as he retracted. “You should get that looked at.”
Dead eyes met his, spurring on his amusement like a bull in a rodeo. “You know, I thought it would be more fun to let it get infected.”
“Whatever you want, sweetheart. Don’t come crying to daddy when your arm has to be amputated.”
You cringed at his use of the rather taboo word. “You said something similar last time you helped me.”
“I suppose I did.” He turned on his heel. “Come on.”
Unsure of where he was leading you, but much preferring being by his side opposed to out in the cold, you followed.
“Home sweet home.”
Gray doors stained with times cruel hand opened, scraping roughly against the cracked concrete of an entry room. It was...rather humble. The exterior resembled that of a run down or abandoned factory in the urban districts of a dying city. Broken cars, rusted bikes, and large sheets of metal lay against one another in a neglected pile that seeped further into the ground earn morning.
“Nobody visits.” He stepped through the threshold, discarding his oiled hammer against a white-topped table that sectioned the room in two. It was a wreck. Deflated and torn tires sat around in crowds of garbage, trinkets were stashed on shelves, and planks of wood were stacked in various places. To the rear of the room was another, blocked by a large metal door with prison-like bars as windows. To the left, a light illuminated what looked to be a laundry area of sorts. “So, I don’t bother keeping the place tidy.”
“You live here?” You followed behind, keeping a close distance in this profoundly new place. In contrast to the castle, this was a dump. No wonder Heisenberg held such disdain toward Alcina, she lived in luxury while he lived...well, here.
He gave a thoughtful hum as reply, pushing past the scrap door as the two of you descended a short staircase. The next hall was eerie to say the least. Dead wires twisted overhead giving the appearance of snakes dangling just above eye level. A single light was positioned against the wall, only allowing for viewing of the back half of the hallway. Beyond that, you couldn’t see.
You were cast from his attention as if he hadn’t been seeking you out ever since you entered the village. His head was welded forward, the only time it strayed was from a habitual glance at the various doorways leading god knows where. Everything from his taught posture to his slunken disposition screamed conflict. Beneath his glasses, his nose scrunched, and his hand found itself scratching relentlessly at his beard. Each breath that left his lungs felt as though it was laced with acid. His throat burned, and not just from the bitter taste of tobacco. Yet, a tiny string tugged at the back of his mind controlling him like a marionette. When he saw you, he felt something, but he couldn’t quite place his finger on what that something was. It was the exact opposite of the feeling he had when Alcina had told of your death. That was painful, uncomfortable even. A weight had dropped from his throat to his stomach, causing his limbs to feel weighted. This feeling was light.
Bringing you here, to the factory, may have been the wrong decision.
But then, what would have been the right one?
“So, what do you do here?” You inquired, sight following the shadows of white light that disbursed from the corner.
This room was more quaint, and set up in what could be described as a homier feel. Lighting remained minimal, leaving blackened areas in the corners where the fingers of brightness could not reach. A shrine-of-sorts was made up in the back of the room. Pictures similar to those of the villagers’ homes and Castle Dimitrescu hung cluttered together on the garnet brick wall.
He was snit, pure annoyance at the pictures itched and crawled up his back, pecking at what little control he felt he had. “Eulgh.” A miffed grumble played on his lips as his hand disappeared behind a hanging cloth, tugging something before it fell unraveled over the photos.
“Anyway,” Heisenberg started, removing his hat and glasses. His hair was greyer than you initially thought. Strands of dark brown could still be isolated, but for the most part his hair was silver. “Have a seat, and tell me...how’d you do it?”
“Do what?”
A rusted folding chair was offered. You felt utterly out of place, even more so when your mind wandered to the castle. There you’d known your fate, you’d known of what was expected of you, how to get along, and the complete layout. Here was a mystery. The women at the castle spoke rarely of Heisenberg. They’d not comment on his outwardly individualism nor his appearance. How they didn’t find him entrancing was an enigma.
“Escape, of course.” He clicked his teeth, shedding the dirtied trench coat from his shoulders to reveal the long sleeves of a yellowed tan shirt bundled around his elbows. “You had Alcina fooled.”
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You had prepared what you needed in there.
The room was one you were often assigned to as the other girls disliked the “creepy” skeleton that lay flat against the cobblestone floor. Barrels of assorted foods that the Dimitrescu’s rarely ate sat undisturbed, some filled with ripe apples, others with rotting corn. It was a getaway of sorts, a place you could get off your aching feet even if for just a moment. After the horrors you’d witnessed in the village, you didn’t mind the company.
After Alcina’s ultimatum, you went straight to the storage room only accessible through the hole in the wine cellar or a door that led to the east wing of the castle. Slabs of bloodied meats had been delivered just hours prior, all stacked in woven baskets, waiting for transportation to the kitchen.
Your company, the Dimitrescu victim, lay in the center of the room. The chunks of reddened meats lay over top the arms, legs, and torso area. Gunpowder was not a normal commodity within the castle’s walls, but you managed to scrounge some up from one of the old barracks. Dried leaves and lint were stuffed in every crack you could manage. The more you thought of it, the dumber the plan seemed. Surely, the Lady or someone else would realize it wasn’t you. They’d be smarter than that, right?
The room was as you left it when you shuffled your body through the tunnel opening. Stripping of your maids’ clothes quickly, the dress soaked with the fluids escaping the rare muscle, the headscarf lay flat against the ground near its skull.
You ditched the short heels, pulling your old boots over your feet, not bothering to lace them up. A thin line of gunpowder was sprinkled around the “body,” a match waited at the hollowed-out doorway you planned on leaving from.
“Then what?” Hatred spewed from her lips. She was growing frustrated, there was no way she’d fit through the opening, and to her knowledge the room had only one exit that led back into the castle.
The squeeze was tight, but doable. With two flicks against the rough wall, the match ignited. You moved further out and tossed it into the room. A fake scream of agony escaped your lips as you watched the room engulf in flame. Alcina boomed with anger yelling of how furious Mother Miranda would be.
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“She fell for that?” His upper lip lifted in a look of disgust. “What a fucking idiot. She’s been gutting men long enough now that she should be fully aware bones don’t just separate from muscle.” With a final crescendo of his voice, he fell back to a normal volume. His, now ungloved, fingers pinched harshly at the skin between his eyes. “If they find out you’ve lived, you know what’ll happen t’ you, right?”
You shook your head truthfully.
“I assume they’d kill me.”
“Bingo.” A metal chair let out an awful noise as he flipped it backward, straddling it to rest his folded arms across the frame. “But,” he enunciated the “t” and shot a finger in your direction, “I don’t think it’ll be in that dungeon.”
“Alcina mentioned an experiment.”
“An experiment, indeed.” His chin rested on his forearms. “Wasn’t going t’ be pretty.”
“You told me to not take the deal.”
He nodded, picking at the inside of his lip. “I did. Theyhad big plans for you, darlin’.”
“They...does that include you?”
He thought for a brooding moment, rocking his head from side to side as he chewed at the inside of his cheek. “No.”
“That didn’t sound convincing.”
“I mean,” he straightened his back, “I am one of them, but I’m not one of them.” The fast moment without response had him on edge, he didn’t want you to get the wrong picture. “You see, I’m not here to play Miranda’r any of the others, little game. I’m a son in title only... and I’d do anything to get under their skin.” You craned your neck as his face lurked closer. He was standing now, almost kneeling, just inches from you. “Even if it means housing a fugitive.”
“So what?” You breathed slowly, “You’re going to force me to live with you now?”
“Ah ah ah,” he wagged a finger in your face, “not force. But rather,” your heartbeat picked up as he moved further in, trapping you between the rear of the chair and his body, “encourage you to stay.” His hand rested against the seat of the chair; his thumb was danced on the hem of your jeans, his nail grazed at your thigh. He was maddeningly good at this.
You didn’t want to say it, knowing it was only going to egg him on, but your words and festering curiosity got the better of you.
“Well,” goosebumps trailed up your arm as a featherlight finger crawled from your wrist to your shoulder, landing at the base of your neck. “I have my ways.” Hot breath coasted over your ear.
He shot backward quickly leaving you flushed a bright shade of pink. This was the effect he wanted; the reaction to his actions he desired. You looked flustered. Your body was stiff from pent up anticipation only for nothing to come.
“Anyway, you’d not fare well out there at this point. The entire village has vilified you. They’d want nothing more than to hunt you for sport. You already know what Miranda wants, and if you still managed to escape that, the lycans would get t’ you. You don’t want to be out there when they let them loose.”
In a few brief steps, he had crossed the room to open a tarnished cabinet. “C’mon.” Grabbing something from within, he tucked it into his pocket and made for another door that had been hidden in the midnight shadows. The man had quite the affinity for cigars, you thought to yourself as you noticed what he had taken. It never seemed like he finished them. “I’m not going to wait forever.”
Before the door could slam, you were on your feet, following behind as he made his way back to the room you entered from. The factory was much larger than he put on, that much you could tell. A quick tour of the living area was given. He was, once again, surprisingly normal.
The top floor of the factory, sealed behind that large metal door, contained a few rooms that had no apparent flow from one to the other. Wooden floors were stained the color of Cyprus, a wood with slight red hues that swirled into yellows and browns. Small slits for windows lined one wall, allowing for the illusion of a deepened hall. Metal appliances were set about in no special order, and the kitchen sink climbed high with glass plates and bowls. You recognized one from the castle.
“Bed’s there.” His lips parted as he took the cigar between his fingers. “Food is stored there.” He motioned to a small room to the back. “Bathroom is there. All the necessities.”
A cabinet door opened on its own. He’s just a man, you reminded yourself. “Now,” he pulled a chair out at the kitchen table and waved his hand, indicating he wanted you to sit, “let’s look at that nasty bite you’ve gotten.”
Heisenberg had a startlingly gentle and steady hand. You’d expect different from a man with toughened callouses lining the base of his fingers and round the hook of his thumb. Hair darkened the back of his hand, only disturbed by a small patch of roughened skin from a burn he had gotten while working.
“No bandages.” He rummaged through another drawer. “Guess this’ll have to do.” The awful tear of fabric made you turn your head, spotting him as he ripped through one of his green t-shirts. “What? I promise, it’s clean.”
You winced, recoiling at the gritty feeling of a wetted towel against your shoulder. The cigar that hung slack from his teeth was left with bite marks, pushing some of the tobacco out and onto the floor. It didn’t bother him.
“Why have you been helping me?” Alcohol poured over your wound, eliciting a yelp that paired with a strong snort on his end. The leaden sting and was immediately soothed by the same salve he had given you at the castle. Two fingers smeared a generous amount over your skin, replaced by the green shirt scrap he had collected.
“Entertainment.” He knew it was a lie.
If he wasn’t an engineer, or builder, or whatever he did in his spare time, he’d make for a great medic. The man had you bandaged and sewn up just before the sun broke the horizon, leaving behind the dimming night.
“Eat.” He commanded, throwing a broken piece of bread from the loaf he bit a chunk from. “Here.” Leaning to the countertop, he snatched a portion of cured meat and offered it to you.
“Thanks.” The meat looked somewhat fresh, the smoky aroma of garlic lingered on your fingertips.
“Pork.” He said between bites, mouth still full as he spoke, “I think.”
You hoped.
Taking a tentative bite into the meat, your shoulders fell lax. It was, in fact, pork.
Karl watched you from where he stood against the countertop, he had shed yet another layer sometime in the evening, only wearing a green t-shirt and his pants. What was he getting himself into? If Miranda were to find out you’d lived, she’d surely have search parties out looking. Her selfish desires blinded her to any shred of humanity that could have possibly squeezed its way into her blackened heart. He didn’t want to see anyone else fall into her trap. It was that he didn’t want any other siblings to deal with, he assured himself. Nothing more.
That was the problem with you.
You came stumbling into the town like an American idiot, with a bimbo in tow. He had spotted the two of you from a distance. He expected you to conform immediately or meet a swift demise like the others always had, dawning new names and personalities dictated by the ever-ruling Mother Miranda. But you hadn’t. Now, here you were, bloodied, beaten, and put through mental obstacle courses, eating dinner with him as if it was a comfortable Friday night in. As if he wasn’t one of the monsters that he was trying to save you from.
“Karl?” You pulled him from his thoughts.
“Hmm?” Blinking a few times, he hooked his finger through the handle of a glass, bringing it to his lips then offering it to you.
“What is it?” He smiled when you took it from him, drinking without waiting for an answer. A haughty chuckle dueted with your constrained choke. The acidic liquid burnt your throat, leaving a blazing trail in its wake. It was alcohol.
“You’re too trusting.”
“It looked like water.”
“It’s tuică.” He took the glass from you and downed the rest. “Or as you Americans would call it, moonshine.”
“I’ll add AA meetings to your ‘to do’ list.”
After eating, he somehow managed to shed another layer, leaving him shirtless. The bread he had been eating was discarded on a cutting board that had seen better days. It would stale overnight. You weren’t sure that would bother him, though. The meat was rehung from a rope that danged from a shelf above. He had left the glass on the counter. Heisenberg moseyed over to the bed that he had pointed out earlier, kicking his boots from his feet in a rather ungraceful fashion, leaving a trail of shoes and socks behind.
The bed was… something. Two twin-sized mattresses were pushed together to form a queen. He was a creature of habit. On the left-side, the mattress slumped from the years of sleeping in the same position. The right was still full and bouncy. Wool blankets lay against the mattresses, acting as bedsheets. On top of that was a blanket of cotton and polyester. It looked to be unwashed and made for a king-sized bed or larger.
He flopped into the bed, scratched at his beard, and closed his eyes as if you hadn’t just spent the day together. He had his routine set in stone, apparently.
He raised a brow but kept his eyes closed.
“Where do I sleep?”
His brow lowered and a thought tugged at his mind. If a leaderboard existed for pompous smirks, he’d never be dethroned from first. The blanket was thrown from his body, allowing for a spot next to him on the other mattress.
“I suppose I can share.” He was happy with himself, a smile painted on his face. “If it’s for you.”
Part 5 - Turning Gears
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limecordial · 3 years
Abandoned places and discovery's. Abandoned factory part 1.
Cw attempted murder, description of blood, threats of blackmail and stuff that could trigger paranoia.
You blow some loose hairs out your face as you adjust your backpack, you had been hauling ass through the wilderness for half an hour hard to believe that dog walker who had told you about this place. You hold your phone tightly ready to speed dial someone in case it was a murder trap or something. Brushing past some ferns and ducking through the trees you squint in the mid day sun, shielding your eyes you take a look around. Then you saw it, the glint of metal in the sun. Smack bam in the middle of nowhere a factory that had quite obviously seen better days next to a decent sized lake. Holy shit that dog walker wasn't full of shit.
You take your backpack off and fish out you camera bag. The cam corder inside wasn't great but it was serviceable for snooping around abandoned places with. You make you way down to the factory while taking a few sweeping shots, you had almost full charge and 4hrs worth of memory man this might be a 2 trip place though, looked pretty big. Snooping around the outside of the building now you were looking for a way in, there were some ladders which looked fine but you didn't want to try it making your way around the back you found what you were looking for. A service door to the platform on the lake, you had a crowbar for situations like these. Sure some people think it's breaking and entering, but who cares. Better than leaving these places just to rot.
You put your camera away and get out your crowbar. No need to film something that'll get you in hot water. Looking closely at the door you realise 2 things 1)that really is a solid metal door and 2) there definitely wasn't stairs behind that door. Groaning you trying to crowbar the door open anyway since you were there. The lock gives way easy but the old door screeches open slowly, 'must be the rust' you think to yourself. Getting the door open you see, yup that's a service ladder you were right. Sighing you put away your crowbar and get your flashlight out and mounted it to your shoulder strap on your backpack. You didn't have a working headlamp currently so hopefully this one won't get you killed.
You grab the ladder and start climbing none of the rungs seem rusted, which was a miracle. As you climbed higher you began to notice the telltale hum of electricity like machines warming up.
"Ah shit this place isn't fully abandoned is it?" You were over halfway up so you deliberate on whether to take your chances or not, the ache in your arms makes the choice easier. You were going to take your chances with getting your wrist slapped by some workers rather than taking your chances with your quickly tiring arms and this ladder. You climb in a more determined manner hum of electricity getting louder and if you squinted you could see some light filtering in from what you really hoped was the exit off this ladder.
As you get closer the minutes seem to stretch out the humming of electrics leaving no doubt in your mind that this place wasn't abandoned and ache in your arms making things drag. You could see it's an open hatch now the dim light filtering in a soft blue. Just 12 more rungs, 8,6,4, come on you could taste solid ground. You grab clamber out onto the metal floor breathing a sigh of relief. You didn't fall and break your legs and every other bone in your body, nice.
Looking around from your position on the floor while you catch your breath you take note that the electrical hum is a lot quieter here. Surrounded by inactive conveyer belts and some stuff you don't quite recognise. You take note to study automated factories later sure it's not really your corner of engineering knowledge but it would make the video easier to commentate. Gasping softly you remember the video sitting up you take your camera out setting it up so that the video didn't look too awful. While you were faffing with the settings you hear something move behind you, you really hope it's rats running across some loose metal or something. You stand up just in case, you hear it again but from two different sources now. Oh boy you really hoped it was rats. You start walking knowing better than to stay still in a potential found footage horror movie, deeper into the factory yeah but you weren't going to chuck yourself back down that shaft there had to be a safer way out.
The noise is behind you now three sources that you could identify, shit. You break into a brisk walk the noise gets more consistent. You decide to run. The factory starts to spring into life around you mechanical arms making grabs for you from the darkness as your shitty flashlight does little to help. Something cuts across your hand as you stumble out the way of another attempted grab you, you drop your camera. Grabbing your hand and feeling blood ooze out between your fingers you numbly take note of the shallow cut, long but not going to leave a scar or anything. You continue rushing down the corridors whatever the fuck this saw house horror was it was getting more accurate. You burst into another large room lined with conveyor belts there was already noise going on in front of you that meant more arms, you decide to vault over one of the conveyors in front of you.
Big mistake. The conveyor turns on abruptly and sends you off balance you tumble to the floor, you think you could hear someone say "Ha. Finally". You roll over quickly trying to right yourself but an arm slams down on your right forearm and another onto your throat. You choke winded and pinned. Glancing around in panic you look for anything to fend these off of yourself with to your despair your crowbar was nowhere to be found. It must of been knocked out your bag in the scuffle. Hoping that you weren't going insane when you heard that voice you try the last thing you can come up with as you weakly try to pry the arm off of your throat with your left arm. Bargain, although at this point it may as well be begging.
"Look I don't know if anyone is listening, but look if I can do anything that doesn't result in me dieing in this decrepit factory," you choke as the claw round your neck tightens, but then loosens enough for you to talk "I'll do it OK?" you manage to finish rasping out. The fact that this creepy factory seemed to be letting you speak and seemed to react to you insulting it was insane. I must be loosing my mind you think absently. You hear a rather petulant 'tsk' from somewhere in the room.
"Honestly what could you offer me? You're just some sad raider hoping to find something that you can make away with and sell."
"Seriously dude? You think there's anything worth taking here?" you feel the claw round your neck twitch dangerously, "Everything here is in a state. The amount of money to repair some of this is more than its worth."
" Oh sure and you know everything about this place from what? Some fleeting glimpses while running for your life. Ha."
"I'm a godamn engineering student."
" I doubt one worth much." you wish you could get whoever the fuck this was for that. You yank on one of the digits around your neck with some more vigour trying to pull it back like you would trying to break a man's finger. It creaks but you make little progress you start talking again to try and buy some time.
"You know I explore abandoned places like this as a hobby." you yank on the claw again as you speak.
" I'm not stupid you know. I can see you doing that." the claw round your right arm squeezes tight enough to make cry out. " And it's not my fault that you have a death wish. "
" They're going to knock this place down. Not to mention come looking for my corpse so, fuck you. " you hiss and clench your teeth through the pain. You wait for whatever this is to break your arm and then your windpipe. All you're met with is silence, you hated waiting for your doom like this.
" Whats taking you so long? "
" Shut up I'm thinking."
"Oh you can to that?" that earned you a slam against the floor. You wheeze winded from the rough handling and spend a few moments catching your breath. Those few moments where all whoever was in control of the factory to make up their mind.
"You said you were an engineering student? Well here's the deal, you work for me under my strict guidance in exchange for your life and hey you'll learn way more under me than under whatever 'teachers' your currently learning from. So what do you think?"
" Deal. Even though you haven't given me much of a choice. " The arms release you and you start to get up slowly, you were sore as hell. Just as you were about to stand up straight and start walking you feel yourself being picked up roughly and lifted from the floor. You curse and flail about as you're carried off.
"What you thought I'd trust you enough not to run? Ha, hilarious." the voice sneered. You glared looking around to find the source of the voice to find somewhere to direct your ire. You noticed that the source changed regularly which means it must be coming from the pa system which means whatever fuck wit responsible for this was in the control room wherever it was. You refused to entertain that the factory itself might be aware and able to talk that was just insane paranoia.
You find yourself dropped to the ground again soon enough. Standing up and brushing yourself down you notice that you were in some sort of main foyer to this place. An impatient ahem draws your attention back to the mess at hand. You stand up straight to indicate that you're listening.
"listening? OK, good. Make your way over to the other side of the table and you should see a body slumped against the wall, bring it onto the table, carefully." he emphasised the word carefully like you were a dumbass and boy you were going to get him for it. Following his instructions though you saw the body he was talking about, a robot with a heavily cracked screen for a face and one arm. It looked like it had been mauled by a bear if you were honest, at least you were sure it wasn't in any kind of aware state judging by the damage. Crouching down you look over it some worn writing catching your eye. You could hardly make it out but you recognised what seemed to be some kind of letter the number 0 and another number that was worn across the middle so you couldn't tell of it was a 3 or an 8.
"You done gawking?" you sigh and grumble at the impatience. Gripping the body around the sturdier areas you lift it up as best you can. Only to nearly drop it again. This thing was heavy, not immovable but heavy as hell. You steel your nerves and lift again having a bit more success then the last time. Ignoring the complaints ringing around the room you manage to get it on to the table set down as gently as you could manage. You knew that you were going to feel that tomorrow if you made it that far. Glaring up at the ceiling while catching your breath you hope you get your point across.
"Ugh, fine. Whatever. Go into the room over there should still be some usable tools in there. I'll guide you through the rest." Still winded and sore from most of the night you do as he says without much protest. You took your time looking over the tools cursing when you remembered the cut you had gotten. You must of left a trail of blood all through the place like a horror movie. You rip a strip off your shirt in order to make a makeshift bandage and wrap it round your hand. You groan knowing that all these injuries are going to make doing this not only miserable but harder. Grabbing the tools that looked to be in good condition you made your way back into the room with the body lieing out on the table. You couldnt help but feel like you were about to do some sort of autopsy.
True to his word he did help you through the process, remaining surprisingly businesslike through most of it despite his previous behaviour. Some of the plates where warped and hard to remove due to whatever powerhouse of an animal that tore into it but with some cursing and perseverance you manage to open up the chest. You followed through with his guidance looking over the parts as he took note of the damage, all of the parts seemed similar enough to what you were used to but also different like if you went into someone's home and moved everything slightly to the left. Over the course of this strange autopsy you also noticed the limitations of the factory's reach, it seemed that the arms could only reach halfway into the foyer and any other arms that were here and out of sight weren't functional. Which explained why they needed your help, you couldn't help but wonder why this specific construction was the first thing that he wanted you to work on. With a decent amount of parts from the chest removed and laid out carefully you thumb your makeshift bandage in thought, blood was starting to leak through.
" Ew, gross." you glare up at the ceiling.
"Look go home and take care of that wound I'm not having you bleed all over the place."
"You're the one who gave me it." you walk away from the table and into the middle of the room deciding to pace about.
"Well I'm the one telling you to take care of it. Here," you just manage to catch your backpack as it's flung in your face "I expect you back tomorrow," you get your phone flung in your face this time not managing to catch it with your hands. You don't remember dropping it either he must of took it when he grabbed you. "And I expect you not to tell anyone about this." you nod wanting to get out as soon as possible, like fuck you were coming back. Putting on your backpack you ask
"Am I free to go now?"
"Sure, whatever," you hear what sounds like a door opening behind you "but use the front entrance from now on OK?"
Throwing one last dirty look out behind you you briskly walk out back into the fresh air. You notice that it's now night immediately, grumbling you look for a safe way down from the elevated platform you were on. As much as you don't like the look of the rickety metal ladder it's your only way down, you take it making your way slowly back to solid ground. Making your way back to your car as fast as possible you make a mental list of things to do: first warn the local authorities and press of a dangerous old forgotten factory, leaving out all the stuff that made you feel like an insane person, second get a new phone there was no way this one wasn't bugged. Taking your phone out you wonder if you should break it now just incase when you see a message from a strange contact show up, the contact name showing as P03. Opening it up dread settles into your bones.
"Hey just so you don't get any ideas. I have all your private information. I also will know if you try to break this phone."
Pace slowing as you stare at the screen in horror your mind races. Surely he can't get any signal out there you're fine, he's bluffing, if you're info does get leaked it will be just some miserable paperwork right?
" I'm not bluffing by the way. I'm deadly serious. I'm also perfectly capable of incriminating you." you stare at the screen in horror.
"Got the picture?"
You nod forgetting that you were reading text for a moment
"Good" you look at the message on the screen that came up before you even could begin to type and realise that you were being watched through the camera.
"Oh fuck" is the first thought that slips past your lips. Quickly putting the phone into sleep mode it's shoved into your back pocket as you jog to your car.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fucking, fuck" you chant getting into your rented car. Setting off for your shared house that you split rent on, you pray that your housemates won't ask questions while you try to figure this out.
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