#Electricals items
industrygoods · 2 years
Find the Best Electricals Items Online - Industry Goods
Electricians are always looking for the Best Electrical Items because they are dealing with electricity. Visit the Industry Goods online store where you can get the Best Electrical Items Online at an affordable price. Follow the link below to get the Best Industry Goods https://industrygoods.in/collections/electricals?page=2
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which-item-poll · 2 months
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narbevoguel · 7 months
Probably someone posted about this already
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But Drifter will show a different item in her character select animation, and I think that's incredibly cute. I know there's more, but she was insistent on these four during my screencaps.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 1 year
“It’s a draw.”
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malwarechips · 8 months
i think scavengers cook their food
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dndtreasury · 9 months
Staff Collection by Talmanah Project
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amethystsoda · 5 months
People really need to learn to be more chill about who uses the electric carts at stores and perceived visible and invisible disabilities.
I’ve only used carts twice for my sprained ankle, but I probably should be using them every time at big stores so I don’t hurt it worse.
The first time, the only nice person about it was an elderly black lady who called me sweetheart and told me to use it for whatever reason and not apologize and I almost cried 🥹🥹
Tonight (the second time), I had a lady audibly say to her teenage daughter “why does SHE need THAT.” My ankle brace for the sprain isn’t super visible, but even if you can’t see it YOU SHOULD RESPECT SOMEONE’S NEED FOR ASSISTIVE DEVICES.
Be kind out there and remember that people’s disabilities or illnesses may not always be visible, but people always know when they need a little extra relief or assistance.
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ohmygodthemuppets · 11 months
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sonic-adventure-3 · 1 year
this is already essentially true and effects nothing so i’m just gonna believe that mobians all have special access to their very own personal hammer spaces
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1800duckhotline · 4 months
yesterday i also watched the movie "poor things" and i have several thoughts about it , most of them not enthusiastically positive, but i have a soft spot for franeknstein-like scientist/doctors with a passion for giving a new sort of "life" to creatures and who are misunderstood as "monsters" despite doing what they do for a pure unadulterated Lust for Life. thats just something im Always drawn to. That's dragica, and to some extent, salice as well
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I managed to pull this together in the middle of an Absolutely Horrible work day! Yay! (Writing this is probably part of what got me out of a stress and caffeine induced panic attack) Unfortunately I didn’t get it edited on time to post on time, but Hey! It Exists :D Anyway, people should write more characters having autism shutdowns. It’s very frustrating being barely able/unable to talk (I am autism btw)
Anyway, this one’s very environmental. I feel like the timespace distortions in PLA could have been a LOT more horrifying, and I’m here to deliver! Warnings: animal attack (again), uuuuhh what do you call this.. time and space are being bent and torn around him and it is some sort of cosmic horror or something idk what that term means exactly I just know it’s what comes to mind, but uuuh yeah this one’s kinda tame actually.
All of mine so far have been pretty tame, let’s be honest. I promise I can write other stuff we just haven’t gotten to the Good Stuff I Have Planned yet
Day 5: Reckless
Takes place some time after the battle atop Mount Coronet. (After day 4 of this event, far before day 3, which happened before days 1 and 2)
Volo should have known this would happen when a strange energy started to fill the air. He should’ve known this would happen when sparks started to fly.
He thought he had more time before it did, thought he could pick a few more berries from this tree and run.
He should’ve known better than to test his fate, especially in a distortion that he had indirectly caused. Arceus has a sense of humor, after all, and Volo is no stranger to the cruelty that fate seems to love to bring him.
Scents from past and future flow into the air, and he can hardly breathe, stumbling as the ground morphs and shifts under him. One moment, he’s standing on the grassy hill, and the next, a structure he doesn’t understand appears out of nowhere, trapping him inside.
He scrambles his way out a window and brings his fingers to his mouth, whistling as loud as he can.
But Toge doesn’t come. She can’t hear him in the storm.
I could die here.
The realization sends chills down his spine.
He’s been confronted by his own mortality plenty of times in his life. It’d be a surprise to hear someone hasn’t, really, in a world as dangerous, as cruel as this one. Wild Pokémon attacks that aren’t immediately deadly can still be incredibly dangerous later, after all, and there’s a myriad of other dangers in this world.
Volo happens to be particularly good at getting himself into bad situations, and fate has always seemed to be especially cruel to him. He’s faced death plenty of times.
But it’s never felt so close.
He could run from murderers and wild Pokémon. He managed to strike a deal with Giratina when they met, he learned everything he could forage so he would never starve, he had even escaped the wrath of a particularly powerful zoroark, which is an impressive feat, considering the fact that even the normal zoro put plenty of people on the death toll.
But he can’t run from this. Not when he can’t breathe and the ground itself doesn’t seem to work as it should, flickering in and out of existence at the drop of a hat.
He curses himself for his stupidity as a terrified steelix shrieks, a sound like boulders tumbling down a mountain. It’s moving too quickly to see where it’s going, barreling straight towards Volo.
He just manages to dodge out of the way, ducking and rolling behind a tree- but an electric attack hits him, and he shrieks as his whole body jolts from it, falling to his knees.
It’s hard to move, he’s shaking, his muscles are spasming.
He can’t run.
I’m going to die here.
Something falls into his hands, a strange device. Some sort of bracelet, with a thick, flat face.
It lights up as he touches it.
He frantically presses back against the tree as an alpha raichu steps forward, holding the strange device up.
He’s about to move to throw it in desperation-
And then something he touches on it creates a shield of pink and blue energy, surrounding him just as the raichu tries to hit him with a Thunder.
He can breathe.
Volo scrambles to his feet, catching his breath. “Is this- some sort of shield..?” It moves with him as he walks- no? It’s moving with the device.
He scoops it off the ground, shaking his limbs out to try to get the rest of the electric attack out of his system, and he sprints towards the outside of the distortion, carrying the device with him. The ground materializes beneath his feet, holding steady even as it breaks around him, and he thanks fate for finally giving him something good.
Some attack hits the shield, and he yelps as he’s thrown, but he isn’t hurt by anything except his own bad landing. Scrambling back to his feet, he runs the rest of the way out, jumping through to the outside of the bubble of distorted land just as the timespace storm starts to swirl.
Terrified pokemon shriek as they’re swept into it. Volo nearly throws up as he sees human remains inside, swirling with the rest.
And, in a flash, all of it is gone, leaving no sign of what just happened but specks of shimmering pink dust, floating softly to the ground.
He’s in a cold sweat, shaking as he stares at where he was almost swept away. The trio would RUN INTO these. For FUN, to collect the things inside.
What the HELL is wrong with them!?
He takes a few shaky breaths, collapsing to his hands and knees. The device makes a clicking sound as it wraps around his hand, but he pays it no mind for now.
Okay, I’m okay. I’m alive. I’m okay.
..I have nobody to blame for that except myself. I shouldn’t have stayed when the storm started to gather. And for what, a few handfuls more of berries? That wasn’t worth the risk!
He stares at the strange device, which has moved to his wrist. There’s numbers on the front, though he’s not sure what they’re for.
It’s a miracle I made it out. And it’s because of this wondrous device..
It’s locked itself around his wrist somehow. He can’t see the locking mechanism- it looks like a clean band, aside from the face. The only sign as to its origin is some strange lettering on the side, though he doesn’t really recognize the characters. He knows he’s seen them somewhere before, though.
With some experimentation, he figures out he can move the device up and down his arm, but he can’t take it off. It’s comfortable no matter where it is, fitting perfectly to his skin, but it won’t go over his hand, despite obviously having the capability of doing so.
Okay, he’ll deal with that later. He stands, making his way back to the little camp he’s set up.
He’s still feeling a little stiff with the after effects of a fairly mild electric attack paralysis, but he’s not too hurt- he must’ve not been hit too bad, thankfully.
Volo sits at camp, dumping out his bag and counting the supplies he’s managed to gather.
If he finds a way to preserve the food, what he has gathered today will be enough for a few days. So the progress towards what he and his Pokémon need to survive the winter is slow, but it is progressing.
The extra berries he grabbed are enough for two extra meals for Toge, so there’s that, at least.
Was it worth the risk? No, not in the slightest. Not when he can easily gather that safely.
But does it make him feel a little better about it?
He looks up as a shadow falls over him, quickly moving to catch Toge as she flies into his chest. “Hey!”
She squeaks happily, shaking her bag- and that’s the sound of a bunch of apricorns. He can also see the leaves of a few different edible plants and medicinal herbs sticking out.
Volo smiles, cuddling her close. “Thank you, sweetheart,” he murmurs, burying his face in her feathers with a quiet sigh. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
A young woman leans over to look at the alert, brushing curly red hair out of her eyes. “Oh! Well, that explains where he got his watch.. That is a dangerous paradox, wow. Very lucky it didn’t break anything. Dialga must have helped..” She sighs, tapping a few buttons on her watch and sending a quick message to Management. “..Dragons. I need to figure out how Eclipse got it off so I can update the security systems.. What a bother.”
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moxievoxi · 11 months
Every hobie brown fic has him living in an apartment and like, no. my friends he is a homeless punk teen hiding from the cops in a capitalist hellscape. My boy is not paying rent, my boy is living in abandoned houses and warehouses- jumping between places as needed and crashing on friends of friends couches. How do I know? Bc I literally grew up living in punk squats/communes in the 90s/00s. 
Just a pet peeve of mine.
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baileyboo2016 · 10 months
i’m crying laughing at the list of things my school says NOT to bring
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cringefailroboguy · 2 months
Me: Okay, getting out of the house, I'll be on my way
Brain: Did you shut down the electricity in the house?
Me: Why
Brain: if you don't shut down the electricity your house will burn down and your grandma and dog will die a brutal death and it will be your fault because you didn't shut off all the electricity in your house and you will also become homeless because your house will be burnt down due to your own lack of attention because you didn't shut off the fucking electricity
Me: Ah you are correct, that is very reasonable
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dndtreasury · 8 months
Arkano Elite Visor by Griffon's Saddlebag
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