#Eli plays BALDUR'S GATE
terranatior · 8 months
Moon Lesbians are my new favorite characters I'm SOOOOO!!!!
Wanna write a drabble with my Tav just being so awed over their relationship and happy that he got to help reunite them :')c
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itsangrynar · 1 year
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Don't you dare forget the sun, love
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thelionheartedo3 · 1 year
a song in the air
summary: Nate's been gone for two very long weeks when Ely receives a nighttime visitor.
pairing: Nate Sewell x f!Detective
rating: gen
wc: 2.4k
A look to the closed door tells her the light is off; not a necessity for someone who could see in the dark, she thinks, especially with the night light plugged in by the sink. (That had been deemed a necessity after she had first moved in and banged her hip on the counter so many times she had had a semi-permanent bruise until she got the damn thing.) Only two people have a spare key to her apartment—and somehow she doubts Adam’s used his to come use her shower in the middle of the night.
[read the rest on ao3]
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waterdroid · 1 year
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Tried to play like 20 minutes of Baldur's Gate 3. It looked like crap and my laptop got so hot you could fry an egg on it </3 sad. ANYWAYS here's a portrait of the charcter I played, Eli! She's my frist DnD character, but Edgier™! don't let her angry face fool you she's a sweetie <3
If you enjoy what I do, please support me on Ko-fi!
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fourraccoonsinacoat · 7 months
FourRaccoonsInACoat Masterlist
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Thanks for stopping by my masterlist, I am thrilled there are people who are interested in my writing! You may be asking, did I really create a logo for a nonexistent book series that only exists in the BG3 universe and features Malta the crime-fighting cat, all for the sake of a gag?
Yes. Yes I did. I will speak no more on the matter.
My fanfiction is centered around Baldur's Gate 3 and explores the romance between Astarion and the Dark Urge. The Durge MC in my works is based on my first BG3 Durge, a female half-drow warlock named Eli. I currently have one ongoing chapter fic, as well as a few one shots that all take place in the same universe.
I write fanfiction for myself as a way to decompress from life and because I enjoy sharing my stories with others. It legitimately makes my day when someone is entertained by my writing, so thank you for every comment, like, message and kudo. Much love and appreciation to you all!
Also, if you're here for BG3 Incorrect Quotes, follow that link for the masterlist.
AO3 Account - All of my works are crossposted to AO3.
Ongoing Work
Head Full of Ghosts:
Current Rating: M
Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Eli has spent a lot of time combing through her fractured psyche, trying to piece together any semblance of facts about who she was before she awoke on a mind flayer nautiloid. In all that self-reflection, she has concluded there are two things she is very good at. Killing people and drinking.
Neither of which is proving very useful as she tries to navigate interpersonal pitfalls after being appointed leader of a ragtag group of maladjusted misfits who are trying to source a cure for the illithid tadpoles in their heads. As if that isn't problematic enough, she's also having to contend with the growing affections between herself and the group's resident vampire spawn, Astarion.
Between fanatic cultists, goblin raids, murderous urges and cryptic memory loss, Eli figures a relationship is the last thing she ought to get herself wrapped up in. And from what she's seen of Astarion, the cavalier rogue seems to have his own breeds of specters haunting his steps.
Neither one of them has any business mucking about with romance. But, neither one of them is particularly good at staying away from things that entice.
One Shots
In chronological order:
Fall for Me ---> Faint of Heart ---> Midnight Prayer
Fall for Me
Rating: E NSFW18+
Astarion wakes from a nightmare and goes to Eli, seeking reassurance as he struggles with the denial of his feelings. The last thing he wants to do is give someone else control over him, not after he’s so recently regained a taste of freedom. Over the past 200 years, every relationship Astarion was involved in had been nothing more than a means to an end, with Astarion either playing the role of manipulator or the one being manipulated. Attachments were leverage, giving someone a hook they were able to dig their claws into in order to gain ground. Isolating himself from connecting with others was how he had survived.
This, however…this was different. 
Rating: M
Faint of Heart
Somewhere along the way, more and more truth has begun to slip into the words Astarion has been using to charm Eli into his bed. He's not sure when it started, but sometime between their passionate nights and hard fought days, genuine feelings began to stir.
It all comes to a head after the crew stages a prison break out of Moonrise Towers. Now, during a rare evening of respite, Astarion is determined to make a confession, regardless of his fears over the fallout.
Rating: M
Midnight Prayer
Neither Eli nor Astarion knows what they're doing when it comes to romance. Their combined histories with healthy relationships adds up to an unsurprising total of zero. Astarion once admitted to Eli that he couldn’t remember ever bedding the same person twice. And Eli…well, she can't remember anything, frankly. Her memories of past lovers are nonexistent…at least…
At least until today. Today, when they’d finally met the infamous Enver Gortash.
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ex-textura · 5 months
Hi hello! Any fun facts you would like to share about your characters? (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
[i'm sorry this has taken me so long i've been picking away at this since you sent it 😶 apologies for the verbosity, but you got me started and i couldn't stop lmao]
I have SO MANY facts I want to share about my characters 👀 are they fun? ehhhhh. They sure are facts.
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The big scar on Auric's face is from his sister's ex. He was jealous and abusive and the one time he flew into a rage in Auric's presence, he stepped in and took the hits so she could run. He almost died then. When he woke up his head was in her lap, he was surrounded by blood, and the abusive ex was dead.
He and Gale settled down after the events of the game, got married, and opened a tavern outside of Waterdeep with his sister and her love, Halsin. They have a teleportation circle in the basement connected to Gale's tower and they basically treat it like a guest house. They've also set up a place for Astarion in the basement so he can stay there whenever he's handy. He still doesn't really like Astarion, but his sister pleaded and he couldn't say no.
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Ciaran collected every poetry book, love letter, and diary he could find once he started to get feelings for Gale. He also bothered everyone in the party constantly(Gale included) about what love is, how do you know that's what you're feeling, what do you do about it? He had no frame of reference for love so the whole thing was completely foreign to him. He was like an alien trying to learn human customs. He thought he was being sneaky.
Now that he's no longer trying to die all the time, he's taken up painting and gotten pretty damn good at it, too.
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Jinx is 43 years old. Technically.
His skin used to be more red, but a wild magic surge turned him blue and the colour never totally faded.
He's demisexual
Fully incapable of picking up when he's being flirted with. He doesn't think he's handsome, or ugly. He's just Jinx.
He'll try literally anything once, so he let Astarion bite him, and then let him drain him because he'd never been bitten by a vampire before, and never died before. He turned him down for sex though because "I've already had gay sex before :) thanks though!" Astarion is still reeling from that one.
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Amaris is one half of a splintered soul. They grew up with their other half as their best friend and had no idea.
The illithid abduction went funky and rather than just scooping them up into the nautiloid, it shunted them into an entirely different, mirrored reality. It wasn't until before the push on moonrise that they learned the truth.
Their best friend and other half had a massive crush on the infamous Gale of Waterdeep that they used to give her hell about all the time. Until they met him, and fell for him too.
Luckily, due to alternate universe fuckery, they each got a Gale and everyone is happy.
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Naught is something of an urban legend to people who travel the roads outside Baldur's Gate. He hunted highwaymen with the help of his birds Quothe and Madge. Known only as The Raven on account of the only warning of their presence being a ruffle of feathers and the cry of ravens before the arrows would start flying.
He took payment for his heroism in money, food, or sex. Whatever was on offer.
Before they hit Baldur's Gate and rented out the Elfsong they hadn't slept in a bed in over 10 years.
Their boyfriend was teaching him to read before the fire that killed him and sent Naught on the run. As such, the lad still can't fucking read.
Apparently their type is nerds who are older than him.
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Jack married his ex-wife when he was 18.
Has two kids - a son and a daughter - and a grandchild on the way.
His job in the city was general labour. Lifting, fixing, building, cleaning. Anything that paid.
His ex-wife, and therefore his kids, are dwarves. He's 6'5. There's a bit of a height difference there.
He plays the drums.
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Ilztaufein is a name he gave himself after escaping the fall of Ched Nasad.
He'd only been training as a wizard for about 10 years when he left. Still though, he thinks he's hot shit and won't hear otherwise.
The only wizard he thinks is better than himself is Gale. Elminster is a nobody in his eyes.
He's 5'4!
For all his big talk he's kind of terrified of women and will automatically obey any order given to him by any of the women in the party. Except for Shadowheart..who he killed......And Mystra... who he's got plans for.
He's been researching the gods after hearing Mystra's order for Gale's sacrifice. He wants to usurp her.
Most of his work on the surface has been in and around Waterdeep, and he's been to Blackstaff Academy a number of times in that time, in disguise, trading information.
He doesn't understand how humans age.
He's never seen a cat in person until they entered Last Light. He's obsessed with them (they're regal, vicious, fancy little bitches. Just like him). The first time he sees one with fur he's going to lose his damn mind.
He's never been with a human before. It's only been drow and the occasional surface elf. Gale's body hair is magical to him and he's not at all subtle about it.
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He's 6'2.
Muse more or less adopted Flair - his partner in crime - when they were still teenagers. He saw this homeless kid trying to flirt with him after one of his shows and, like one might with a pet, decided this one was his and took her in. He taught her everything he knew about flirting, manipulation, and getting away with it.
Astarion clocked them both as thieves right away when they met Gale and immediately started trying to use thieves cant to communicate to each other that he was the perfect mark, and whose turn it was to do the flirting.
They caught on that Astarion was on to them later, so Muse was tasked with distracting him, lest Astarion rat them out or, worse, take their mark out from under their noses.
Absolutely devastated when Astarion started using the same tactics on him that he'd used on his targets and that shit actually worked.
He's really bad at the whole...feeling your real genuine emotions...thing. He's been writing songs about Astarion trying to sort out his feelings, rather than..yknow. talking to anyone. at all. ever.
He got really mad at Flair when she started giving Gale expensive items so he wouldn't explode. He voted to send the wizard to the underdark cause he wasn't worth the trouble.
He smells like patchouli and vanilla.
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xiema · 5 months
Since I made the post with he Imperial DnD night, I was thinking of playing baldurs Gate 3 with them as much in-character as possible, without reloads. And Since i never completed a run, (couldn't resist the urge to create new characters) I thought that it could be actuall really funny.
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Thrawn: Bard/Druid
Eli: Babarian/Fighter
Faro: Rouge
Pryce: Cleric of Tiamat
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creepling · 1 year
-- no racists, anti-LGBT+, TERFs, xenophobes, fatphobic and misogynistic people. or just anyone who has hate in their heart. my blog is a safe place so, politely, fuck off.
-- any minors/ageless blogs DNI. i am an adult that writes adult content, and i do not feel comfortable with minors interacting with me.
-- blank blogs also DNI. this cess-pit of a site is full of bots and i'm not taking my chances. plus, it is restrictive interacting with blogless accounts and i like to do that with my followers.
-- if your account involves proana, ed, self-harm, TERF, right-wing politics, or loli/shota, high chances i won't fw you.
-- my fanfics will consist of dark content, smut and kinks. i tag my fanfics accordingly so DO NOT READ if you are uncomfortable with those subjects. please curate your own online experience, and you are free to block me to avoid my content; i won't take it personally.
-- fiction does not equal reality. i may write about certain things, but that does not mean i condone it irl. take that into consideration when reading my fanfics.
-- also have to drop the "i have a life outside fanfiction" type thing, but we all do. i may fall into inactivity from time to time, and that is okay. please do not demand me of my writing for your own consumption. remember i am a real person and deserve to be treated with respect.
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-- i am a majoritly x reader fanfic writer, but i do ships from time to time.
-- when writing reader i keep fem/gn in mind depending on the work. if you request male reader i'll try my hand at it, but full warning i haven't written male reader before.
-- my inbox is always open, but does not necessarily mean requests are open. i am always patient with my works and each request i accept might take a while to complete.
-- if you send a request, please state what you want in the piece. most notably the scenario and fem/gn/male/gen reader. the work will depend on how much i can write and what inspires me, so it can either be a one-shot, drabble or headcanon. i will state at the beginning which one it ends up being.
-- i also have the right to decline requests i do not want to write. whether that be because i do not think i can do it justice or it goes against my rules. if i decline your ask, it is never personal.
-- please refrain from duplicating asks, i always feel bad when i write a request that another writer is also working on. it makes things awkward.
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age gaps (all 18+), breeding, breath play, cuckholding, corruption, dubcon, dacryphilia, drug use, degradation, femdom, fear play, knife play, kidnapping, mask kink, masturbation, monsterfucking, noncon, overstimulation, pegging, power dynamics, praising, s*x pollen, stepcest, spitting, somnophilia, voyeurism.
age play, bestiality, eating disorders, foot fetish, furry, gender dysphoria, race play, smut involving anything with high schools/minor's spaces, suicide, self-harm, scat, vomit, vore (no hate to these categories btw, it's just not my thing).
(reminder these are only for smut and dead dove fanfics, all fluff/angst categories i am fine with)
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THE BATMAN - batman/bruce wayne, edward nashton/the riddler, selina kyle/catwoman.
BALDUR'S GATE III - astarion, gale, shadowheart, karlach, haslin, wyll.
DANONATION (PAUL DANO CHARACTERS) - dwayne hoover, eli sunday, edward nashton, jay (okja), pierre bezukhov, calvin weir-fields, klitz.
HORROR SLASHERS - michael myers, jason vorhees, bubba sawyer, ghostface, tommy slater, candyman, brahms heelshire, bo sinclair, vincent sinclair, lester sinclair.
THE LAST OF US - joel miller, ellie willians, abby anderson.
MIDNIGHT MASS - paul hill, sheriff hassan, riley flynn, erin greene.
RESIDENT EVIL - leon s. kennedy, claire redfield, ada wong, jill valentine, carlos oliveira, ashley graham, luis serra navarro, alcina dimitrescu, karl heisenberg.
SUPERNATURAL - sam winchester, dean winchester, azazel, bobby singer, ava wilson
THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE GAME - johnny slaughter, sissy slaughter, hands slaughter, danny gaines, leland mckinney, sonny williams, julie crawford, connie taylor, ana flores.
THE BEAR - richie jerimovich, sydney adamu, neil fak, marcus
X-MEN - wolverine, cyborg, beast, rogue, gambit, magneto, nightcrawler, morph, pyro, storm.
(all subject to change!!)
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gxldencity · 1 year
Tbh its funny bc I already imported my Ryder twins to dnd awhile ago and keep popping up as NPCs in my campaigns / ive played as Clara in one shots before. Thus they're prime candidates for bg3 lmao. I just have to adapt their story to the baldurs gate canon
Clara is an evolved Gabby. She's a Gabby who said fuck you Dad and fuck you Jean Eli. I'll do what I want and I'll PROVE it. She's anti academia lmao and the system in general (but she hasn't realized that yet). She would find Gale annoying at the beginning and finds both Lae'zel and Shadowheart's blind devotion to their goddesses to be silly. She ofc would get along best with Karlach and would also date Karlach not just bc tall buff woman (but that's Part of it) but bc karlach also said fuck you to the system.
Eli is also an evolved Jean but in a different kind of way. Like he's a lot less angry at the world lol in part bc Eli made the most of the unfortunate situations he's been served. No one would hire a necromancer so he'll Just be an underground healer. I mean he took anatomy and health classes in first year of wizard school lol. He also embraced academia and actually went back to wizard college to do his wizardry masters and would've been a grad student when the nautiloid got him. Anyway, gets along best with Gale. The worst nerds you can put together in a room. Their foreplay is just 4 hours of wizard nerd shit.
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lazymoon-doodle-zone · 4 months
LazyMoon/LaiziMoon/Moon | 11th May | Ibispaint
Status : Send help, my work is killing me
Welcome to my secondary blog, where I draw and doodle some stuff but have no place to post in my main or other secondary blogs. Mosty Undertale AU related because that's my current fixation, ranking in 1st place (one day when I feel like drawing other stuff I will post.) 
But I do sometimes draw my OCs
Current Fixation: (Top 10)
(Suddenly, coming back to after 5 years)
2. Sky COTL
(I played this since it released date)
3. Transformers
(Robots, that’s it. Bumblebee and Blurr are my favorite. 3rd is Megatron)
(Hahaha, I like to crucio other students (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡)
5. “Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG-” (I’m letting you all guess this one)
6. Dungeon Meshi 
(I like alot anime but this is the anime I watch rn, so yeh)
7. DnD- related stuff 
(Can ranged between me and my friends campaign or me and my sibling’s - or any game related to DnD, like Divinity or Baldur’s Gate)
8. Stardew Valley/Harvest Moon/My Time at Portia/Story of Season/Rune Factory 
(hehe farming game, they all share the same space) •̀⩊•́
9. Identity V 
(I don’t play much anymore but it’s here because Eli my beloved ❤︎)
10. Aotu World
(Still mad they closed the Global Server (ノ`□´)ノ⌒┻━┻)
No NSFW pls
Please send a ref of who you want me to draw
Will only draw anything related to my fixation, pls refer to the list above
No spamming request - please I’m slow at drawing and doing stuff unless my brain decided to go hypermode
I won’t draw:
Heavy sci- fi stuff (I can’t draw that well, (╥﹏╥))
Realistic things 
Again, NSFW stuff
intimacy(?) (I can do platonic stuff but for some reason everytime I wanna do romantic drawing, I end up making it funny, I’m sorry, I’m a coward (っ ͡ ͡º - ͡ ͡º ς) )
Main Blog : [HERE]
Others Blog : 
RevenantTale AU
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terranatior · 9 months
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The Meow Meow
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paradoxoflucidity · 7 months
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hello? has this message reached you? if you have seen this, then there is somebody in the dream world who is calling out to you ; they are wishing to meet you once again.
PARADOX OF LUCIDITY is a 18+ multifandom role-play group based on Discord. P.O.L focuses on the aspects of having fun while writing with a world built around your characters. Our rules are more laid back and emphasizes the joy of writing with others exploring your characters in a new situation. Won’t you join us?
rules | masterlist | discord invite
( ACE ATTORNEY . ) - ,ema skye , miles edgeworth , klavier gavin , justine courtney , any characters from ace attorney series .
( AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER . ) - any characters from avatar the last airbender .
( BALDUR'S GATE . ) - any characters from baldur's gate series, any characters from baldur's gate 3 .
( BANG DREAM . ) - takamatsu tomori , kaname raana , shiina taki , any characters from bang dream .
( BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA . ) - izuku midoriya , toshinori yagi , todoroki shoto , eijiro kirishima , hanta sero , any characters from class 1-a .
( BUNGO NO STRAY DOGS . ) - doppo kunikida , akutagawa gin , fyodor dostoyevsky , nikolai gogol , braum stoker , sigma , any characters from bungo no stray dogs .
( CHAINSAW MAN . ) - power , aki hayakawa , any characters from chainsaw man .
( DEATH NOTE. ) - any characters from death note .
( DEVIL MAY CRY. ) - any characters from devil may cry .
( ELSWORD . ) - any characters from elsword .
( ENSEMBLE STARS. ) - hokuto hidaka , suburu akehoshi , makoto yuuki , izumi sena , hiiro amagi , kaoru hakaze , any characters from ensemble stars .
( FAIRY TAIL . ) - any characters from fairy tail .
( FINAL FANTASY . ) - zenos yae galvus , any final fantasy characters , any scions of the seventh dawn
( GENSHIN IMPACT. ) - tartaglia , xiao , any fontaine characters , any characters from genshin impact .
( HONKAI STAR RAIL . ) - any honkai star rail characters .
( HORIMIYA . ) - tooru ishikawa , any horimiya characters .
( HYPNOSIS MICROPHONE. ) - rei amayado , rio mason busujima , samatoki aohitsugi , any characters from hypnosis microphone .
( IDENTITY V. ) - any survivors from identity v .
( IRIS . ) - father tyrant .
( KISEKI / TRAILS . ) - elie macdowell , randy orlando , tio plato , noel seeker , wazy hemisphere , any special support section members .
( LEAGUE OF LEGENDS . ) - kayn , jinx , ekko , talon , lux , soraka , diana , leona , samira , jayce tails , zed , sona , heartsteel members , any characters from league of legends .
( MYSTIC MESSENGER . ) - saeran choi , any characters from mystic messenger .
( ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. ) - any original characters .
( PARADOX LIVE. ) - allen sugasano , hajun yeon , naoakira saimon , yohei kanbayashi , shiki ando .
( PERSONA . ) - zen , makoto niijima , haru okumura , sumeru yoshizawa , morgana , any phantom thief/persona 5 characters , any s.e.e.s/persona 3 characters .
( PROJECT SEKAI : COLORFUL STAGE. ) - kohane azusawa , hanasato minori , kiritani haruka , hinomori shizuku , kagamine len , kagamine rin , arata tono , taiga kotaki, rui kamishiro , any 25nightcode vocaloids .
( REVUE STARLIGHT. ) - karen aijou , mahiru tsuyuzaki , tendou maya , claudine saijo, junna hoshimi , nana daiba , kaoruko hanayagi , futuba isuragi .
( SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI. ) - yuko takao , isamu nitta , chiaki tachibana , any shin megami tensei characters .
( TALES OF . ) - any tales of berseria characters .
( TOUKEN RANBU . ) - tomoegata naginata , taikogane sadamune , monoyoshi sadamune , any touken ranbu characters .
( TOWER OF GOD. ) - any tower of god characters .
( TWISTED WONDERLAND . ) - sebek zigvolt .
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dragonsfell · 7 months
my other dnd OCs / past PCs I plan to do a proper BG3 involvement, but in general
Yassarra -> act 3 findable only
Eli -> potentially act 2
Corakesh -> possibly act 1
CK is unique in that I am maintaining ebereon as planet (like toril) exists in the astral plane and mix in some spell jammer stuff, and the kalashtar are like the gith in the sense of coming from elsewhere, so she'd be a major foreigner to faerun and toril, and many things are not the same as eberron is steampunk-ish/industrial in setting
So like she'd know and be quite familiar with gith and lae'zel would probably recognize a kalashtar and think it quite odd for one to cross the astral sea considering their connections to dal quor and connection got quori which I think would be a very interesting experience for tadpole infected individuals to meet and be like why the fuck can I connect when there is no tadpole and that's just how psionic individuals, also individuals be so intertwine because the emperor would probably freak out cause dreams and sleep are different for kalashtar, and the idea of corakesh and kesh being able to interact with the tadpole people's dreams and.give you a heads up about the emperor could be fun canon divergence/au ideas to play with
Eli, my idea is that he may possibly know aylin, and be an ally of aylin's that she can like call forth cause aasimar knowing each other is fun to me
Yassarra pretty much only makes senses for her to be in act 3, in Baldur's Gate, due to her status as one of the seven merchant princes from Port Nyanzaru which marketplaces would put Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate (the whole of swords coast) to shame and her plot/story I have for her is that she's attempting to bring further order and good to her home. And was there on Harper business (she's a secret harper) but you know finds out about the doppelgangers and the idea of her and Jaheira knowing each other, and being the two mature women, who are all sass and secrets; but Yassarra would be able to lend aid and also have unique interactions due to her deity having interactions with dreams as well, being a literal serpent that feeds on fear and causes nightmares
Anyways, hello to the five of you that follow me, my hyperfixation on high fantasy and dnd/bg3 is real. Thank you for following, hope to write with you, and that my ocs interest you as much as my canons. I'm also all here for any of your plots and give your babes the mega power juice if you want.
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holdingbag · 1 year
a bag of holding of original characters.
fantasy / baldur's gate iii based. low to medium activity; low to medium effort as far as aesthetics go. follows back from charlatann . by stella ( 25+ / CST / he/him ). find rules on main blog. muse list below cut.
ANIKI ANGEMONT. second born to the angemonts. mephistopheles tiefling with lavender skin and short pointy horns. very sulky and antisocial, which makes her terrible for any socialite plays her parents might want to use her for. her soft footsteps lend her to be quite the rogue, though. curious affinity for rodents and insects. assassin rogue / storm sorcerer. she/her.
CERRAN. looks like a pretty average human guy when you first meet him. easy-going, with a crooked smile and a rambling story to go with every occasion. it's said he was able to win an archfey's name off them in a game of cards, but he doesn't confirm nor deny this. most concerned with his traveling troupe of thespians and other such performers. carries a banjo with him, and is never seen without a cowboy hat. ranger. he/him.
ELIHANA ELI STORMCLAW. half-elf raised by three of the strongest motherfuckers she's ever met. she's learned bits and pieces from her herbalist mother, her battle mage mother, and a retired battle master mother. all of that's come together to make an eager eldritch knight fighter. she/her. (multiple verses)
KARMA. more to come! dark urge background <3
LEILATHA GRYM. wood elf with some...interesting hobbies. despite growing up within a grove of ancient trees older than her grandparents, her interests turned towards things more...on the dead side. hopes to become a necromancer strong enough to bring anything back she pleases. perhaps those do involve dragon bones. don't pry. necromancer wizard. she/her. (multiple verses)
LUCKY LOVEHEART. ohhhh bitch. mephistopheles tiefling with green skin, purple eyes, lovely bleach blonde hair -- and a penchant for lying. dabbles in insurance fraud-like schemes, believes strongly that he can talk himself out of anything. kinda mean. very interested in fucked up lieges who collect poison and are definitely NOT werewolves. college of whispers bard. he/they. (multiple verses)
SAFFYRE. half-elf with grey skin and no shoes they don't believe in them. grew up on the outskirts of the emerald grove. vague memories of two out of three of her parents -- a mage and a sailor, madly in love -- but takes most after their tiefling guardian. loves pranks and talking to the moon in the middle of the night. circle of the moon druid. they/them.
VIKTORI DHELMASS. an older drow who's...starting to grow a bit tired, admittedly. used to fight quite vigilantly in the underdark, even going so far as to lead an army under lolth's name. after a particularly harrowing battle she decided to retire, and try to find her estranged son. kind of...ended up...doing the adventuring thing again but it's okay! this is going to be the last one, no matter what happens. battle master fighter. she/they. (multiple verses)
0 notes
fourraccoonsinacoat · 7 months
Head Full of Ghosts: Chapter 3
Pairing: Astarion x Dark Urge
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Summary: Takes place during the events of Baldur's Gate 3 and explores the romance between Astarion and the Dark Urge, as well as the friendships and relationships she has with her companions. Plus, everyone gives shit to Gale about his cooking. Tags: Slow Burn, Angst, Pining, Humor, Violence, Friends to Lovers, Developing Friendships, Developing Romance, Spoilers for the Dark Urge and BG3 in general, Dark Urge as Original Female Character Rating: Mature (Will eventually be Explicit, just not there yet.) Current Chapter Count: 3/? Read on AO3 Current Word Count: 13,050
Author Notes: I'm finishing up the fourth chapter and realized I never uploaded this chapter to Tumblr. So here we are! Getting this fic back on track and should have the next chapter up soon.
Chapter 3: Monsters
“You know she is a hag, yes?” Lae’zel’s severe and even voice cut through the sticky swamp air like a hot knife through a wedge of Durinbold cheese. 
The bog was a foul place, both in atmosphere and in smell. The air was thick with humidity and an ever-present smell of wet rot. Trees sagged and bent at jagged angles, their tired limbs wilting in the gloom, and a thin fog seemed to permeate every corner of the swamp. A hazy light filtered through the tree canopy, casting blotchy shadows upon the muddy ground. 
The path the four companions were following sank into marsh every several yards, forcing the group to pick their way through mire and muck. The slog was slow, and there was much complaining. Especially from one particular high elf who no one had told not to wear freshly polished leather boots. 
“I am like…seventy percent sure she is a hag, yeah,” Eli answered as she carefully stepped over a rotted tree limb, half submerged in murky filth. “I mean, she’s entirely too eccentric to just be a normal human, right?” 
She looked over to Astarion for support, who was currently trying to rub some manner of sludge off his doublet.
“She certainly isn’t playing Three-Dragon Ante with a full deck, if that’s what you’re getting at,” Astarion replied coolly before throwing up his hands and huffing in irritation, the stain unyielding.
Lae’zel hummed for a moment, considering. “Gale is eccentric and a normal human, is he not?” she questioned, amber eyes fixing on their resident wizard who, at the moment, was trying to free the hem of his robe from the clawing grasp of a gnarled tree root.   
Eli sighed. “Gale has a magic bomb capable of leveling entire cities in his chest. I would not call that normal.”
“You wound me, Eli.” Gale responded in a good-natured tone as he tugged his robe free and the group began moving once more.
“You consumed an enchanted bracer yesterday at breakfast,” Eli quipped, recalling the morning fondly. Karlach had been fascinated, quickly trying to get Gale to absorb several other items from their camp hoard and asking him if he “took on their powers,” as she put it. 
Eli chuckled at the memory before concluding, “You’re as deranged as the rest of us and it’s not up for debate.”
Their little group really had become a hodgepodge of oddities over the past few days. Karlach was settling in well, because where else would she fit other than with their traveling sideshow which included a vampire who could walk in the sun, a warlock who was recently transformed into a part-devil by his patron, an amnesiac with the compulsion to murder anything that looked at her crossly, and all the rest of them. 
Eli was starting to wonder if she had a penchant for picking up emotionally constipated strays. They were all kind of outcasts in some way or another. People just trying to get along in a world that had kicked them in the teeth and tossed them out with the garbage. She still had no idea why they’d all just sort of accepted her as their group’s figurehead, but she was beginning to feel a certain affinity for their gang of misfits. They were all fighting battles both within and without, and Eli couldn’t help but feel a certain kinship with people who were struggling with their own personal demons, just as she was.
At least as the day wore on her constant headache had faded to a dull throb, rather than the brain splitting white-hot pain she’d been experiencing. Her memories were still lost, and whenever she tried to call upon them she was only met with flashes of red violence. Images of mangled bodies, ruptured limbs, stringy viscera…it all melted and jumbled together in a confusing blur of chaos. Her dreams were no better, and her nighttime raids on the camp’s supply of books and wine were no secret among the party. Both Shadowheart and Karlach had even joined her on separate occasions. Hells, she’d have a proper book club up and running soon.
“So,” Lae’zel’s stern voice brought Eli out of her musings. “You trust this hag?”
“No,” Eli nearly spat the word out in a laugh. Auntie Ethel, as she called herself, was a lot of things, and trustworthy was not one of them. Astarion’s assessment of Ethel as ‘positively demented’ was accurate, and hags were not known as an honest sort.
“Good,” said Lae’zel, slightly drawing out the word in approval. “Lest I remind you that the only way to remove a ghaik tadpole is a Zaith'isk.”
Eli could feel the gith’s eyes on her and she did her best not to bristle under what she was sure was a judgmental stare. “I am aware,” Eli said, trying to sound unfazed and relatively certain she was failing miserably.
Lae’zel continued to press. “And a Zaith'isk can only be found at a gith creche.” She laid emphasis on the last two words, as if she were pointing something obvious out to a very dimwitted child.
Eli felt the back of her neck and ears start to go warm as irritation stirred in her chest and tightened her shoulders. The throbbing headache at the back of her skull began to growl. 
“You don’t say…” Eli replied, quietly pleading to whatever deity she couldn’t remember worshipping to please just let her have the rest of the day without feeling like her brain was on fire. 
“I just did say.” Lae’zel shot back, drawing a sidelong glare from Eli.
Eli liked Lae’zel. For the most part. When she wasn’t threatening tiefling refugees or complaining about the lack of spice in Gale’s cooking. Though, to her credit, Gale’s food was kind of bland. 
The gith fighter was blunt, stubborn, opinionated, fierce and one hell of a talent when it came to steel and blade. Eli appreciated Lae’zel’s steadfast loyalty and belief in her people’s culture, and even felt a slight pang of jealousy for it. It grounded the warrior and gave her a perspective from which to view the world, something Eli did not have. Culture, family, heritage…they were the building blocks of a person. Even if a person rejected or outgrew those foundational aspects of themselves, they still provided guiderails – or at the very least an anchor for one’s identity. 
Without those things, Eli felt adrift and directionless in a vast and swirling ocean, constantly beaten upon the rocks before being dragged back down to drown.  
“Explain to me why we are seeking this hag who you do not trust and who cannot remove the tadpole,” Lae’zel said, driving at a point Eli knew was coming and one she wasn’t sure she had a decent argument against. “Instead, should we not be pursuing a more productive course of action?”
Eli sighed, rubbing at her temples as her headache began to mount. “I’m curious,” she responded rather lamely. 
“I see,” Lae’zel said with a tone that indicated the gith was wholly unimpressed by Eli’s reasoning. “So, the situation at Emerald Grove continues to escalate, goblins continue to terrorize the Sword Coast, the druid healer remains missing, and the tadpoles in our brains remain unremoved.” Eli internally cringed at the chiding way in which Lae’zel spoke. “But, let us humor your curiosity. What is the worst that could happen?”
The question hung in the air uneasily. The worst that could happen was…really fucking bad. Everyone could die. Eli and her merry band of misfits could all turn into mind flayers. The Grove could fall under the absolute rule of a tyrant and racist. And the Sword Coast could get fully and aggressively fucked. Why was this all her problem, again?
“Lae’zel, was that sarcasm I just heard?” Astarion chimed in, and Eli felt a pull of appreciation towards him. He probably hadn’t meant to run interference between Eli and her interrogator, but she was thankful for it all the same. 
Truth be told, there was a small part of her that hoped Auntie Ethel did have a solution for their tadpole troubles. While they weren’t the most honorable of sorts, hags were rather enterprising and shrewd. And given the nature of their unconventional problem, an unconventional solution would more than likely be required. Besides, if things went south, they could just kill her. That seemed to be a particular specialty of their group. 
“Sarcasm often accompanies truth,” Lae’zel said with a pointed tone. 
Astarion chuckled lightly and Eli felt something not unlike faint affection flutter in her chest. She very quickly shoved it down into the black hole within herself where all the things she didn’t want to deal with went. Nope. That wasn’t good. That was the very last thing she needed right now. 
It had been happening more and more since the night she’d made a complete fool of herself, drunkenly asking him if they were still friends. Still friends. Gods, she was such a loser, and Astarion surely thought she was a total basket case after that encounter. But, every now and then, he’d give her a smirk or say something that caused a laugh to bubble up, and then that weird and endearing feeling would creep up and holy shit was this not the time or the place! Besides, that man had more red flags than a circus, and it wasn’t like Eli was a bastion of sanity, so together they’d be about as functional as wet hot garbage. 
“How profound,” Astarion continued, oblivious to Eli’s distressing mental spiral. “This little jaunt in the swamp does seem to be a rather unhygienic deviation from more pressing concerns.” 
The appreciation she’d felt for him earlier poofed away, and Eli glared. “I will turn this whole party around if you all don’t stop your complaining!”
Astarion’s eyes lit up with delight. “Oh, please do! I worry the putrid scent of squalor and anguish is never coming out of my clothes.” He ran his hands down his doublet, trying to smooth out some wrinkles, and sighed in an overdramatic fashion.
“I, for one, am looking forward to seeing Ethel again,” Gale chimed in as they continued to trod down the muddy path. All of them would be washing muck off their clothes for days. “Fey and the like often have access to magic that even a wizard of my caliber cannot wield. This deviation - as you put it, Astarion - could prove very advantageous if we play our cards right.”
Eli resisted the urge to glance over her shoulder at Astarion, who had surely just rolled his eyes so hard he could see up into his own skull. She could practically feel the disdain radiating off of him and pointedly kept her eyes ahead, scanning the dreary bogland for any sign that they may be nearing Auntie Ethel’s dwelling.
It took Astarion all but two seconds to quip back at the wizard. “Gale, your opinion is like the filth on my boots. Unwanted and irritating,” he said with all the cheer of a muddy wet cat as he paused to kick some grime off the bottom of one of said boots.
“It is a wonder any of you have survived this long,” Lae’zel said, glowering at Astarion as he continued to preen. 
“We are a rather astonishing group, aren’t we?” Eli asked with a small smirk, glancing back at the gith.
Lae’zel just rolled her eyes.
Eli was glad for the banter, as it provided some distraction from the pulsating headache growing behind her eyes. However, as they rounded a bend in the path where the trail began to climb upwards towards the interior of the bog, snaking away from the swampy shoreline, Eli was struck with a surging agony that flashed white hot throughout her head. She doubled over, the heel of her hand pressing into the ridge of her brow as a hiss escaped from behind her clenched teeth. Her stomach churned angrily, a hunger rising from deep within that neither food nor drink would satiate. Her head felt as if it were shattering into fragments, her conscious self being pulled apart at the seams as something else tried to push its way to the surface. Something feral, and frenzied and starved.
From somewhere behind her, Eli thought she heard Gale muttering a question. She then felt a hand on her shoulder and wanted nothing more in the world than to seize it and dig her nails into the supple flesh. She wanted to smell the crisp metallic tang of blood in the air as her fingers peeled back skin as if she were pulling the rind off a particularly ripe fruit, bloody pulp exposed and raw. The thought of her fingers sliding between muscle and skin, slick with blood, feeling fibrous sinew tear away and hearing the wet squelch and pop as she degloved flesh from limb…   
Fist clenched, her nails dug into the palm of her hand as she fought to keep control. A pleasurable shiver ran down her spine as her mind entertained depraved thoughts, and for a moment she thought she may vomit where she knelt. She was not herself. Her mind was splintering with a hundred craven desires…she wanted to walk across fields of ruptured bodies and feel the viscera turn to jam between her toes. Her muscles tensed and she flinched away from the hand, standing in a near delirious state and muttering some nonsense about “needing a minute” before stumbling off into the fen. 
Eli needed to put distance between herself and her companions. At least for the moment. At least until her head cleared. She slogged through the wetland, unfocused on where she was going, until she felt a dampness seeping through her boots. She stopped and blinked, trying to wrench her consciousness back from the brink. As her sight cleared and the world around her came back into focus, Eli found herself standing ankle-deep in water near a riverbank, looking out over the vast and gloomy expanse of the Chionthar River - the opposite bank obscured by fog. 
Sloshing her way back to shore, Eli stepped back onto somewhat solid ground just as she heard a rustling in the thicket. Her eyes shot up to see Astarion picking through the snarl of brush and weeds that bordered the muddy shoreline. His expression was one of exasperated frustration, brow furrowed and mouth pulled into a grimace, as he tugged a booted foot free of the clinging bramble. 
“Gods below, this entire place needs to be tossed into Avernus,” he grumbled as he plucked a bur off his doublet and flicked it to the ground. Astarion then glanced up at her, crimson eyes guarded, although Eli thought she caught the glimmer of something else in his gaze…a flash of something softer. But it came and went like a spark catching alight then burning out just as quickly. “Are you…alright?” 
His tone was hesitant and uncertain, as if he were unused to the concept of asking after someone else. Astarion had an edge about him that never seemed to dull, as if he were always acting under the assumption that those around him would lash out at any given moment without warning. Eli wasn’t sure why, but she felt as if she recognized that particular brand of uneasiness. It was a tension that came from an impartial distrust of anyone and anything. A response to a life lived in a constant state of conflict, always ready for fight or flight. Something gnawed at the far recesses of her mind, tugging at a memory she couldn’t quite grasp. She understood that feeling, though she did not know why…
“I think I am. Now, at least," Eli said, rubbing at her eyes as her headache growled but remained tempered. Her mind seemed to be clearing and realigning itself to the present, no longer at risk of breaking and letting loose whatever atrocity lay coiled up inside herself. “You didn’t have to follow me out here. I just needed a moment to collect my thoughts.”
Astarion eyed her and raised a brow, disbelief apparent on his face. “My dear, whatever just happened in that pretty head of yours is not nearly as frivolous as you’re trying to make it seem.” 
Eli winced internally. He was right, of course, and it wasn’t as if she had been subtle when she’d walked off aimlessly into the bog after being doubled over and obviously in pain. Hell, given how she must have looked in that moment, he’d probably followed her to make sure she didn’t trod blindly into a sinkpit or end up ensnared by some flesh-eating swamp ficus.
She sighed and ran a hand absentmindedly through her silvery hair. “I just don’t want to worry people,” Eli conceded. “We have enough to deal with, without adding my violent mood swings and absconded memory to the mix.” She spread her hands out, as if the gesture could represent the absolute shitstorm they dealt with on a daily basis.
Astarion considered her for a moment, expression thoughtful and impassive, before he shook his head with a small smile. “I believe you were the one who pointed out earlier that everyone in our weird little group is ‘deranged,’ as you put it.” He emphasized her choice of wording with a gesture of his hands, pantomiming plucking the word out of thin air.
The action brought a soft smile to her lips. She enjoyed Astarion’s embellishments and dramatics. The elf had a flare for the extravagant that she found both endearingly silly and strangely alluring…
Nope. No. Stop it. She shoved that twinge of attraction back down into the deep dark hole within and refocused herself. “Yeah, well, one of us needs to at least act somewhat sensible,” Eli quipped with a smirk. “Can’t have Zevlor and his lot figuring out how truly unhinged we all are. We may not get paid,” she said the last bit with more than a little fake indignation. 
Astarion played along, pretending to be scandalized and clutching his nonexistent pearls. “Now that would be a tragedy. I have every intention of hiring a witch at the first opportunity to hex Gale’s cookpot so it will only produce boiled squid,” he said cheerily. “I’m assuming that won’t be cheap.” 
Amused with himself, Astarion tipped his chin up, smirking at Eli with all the wiliness of a fox. For her part, Eli just rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop a grin from spreading on her face as she imagined Gale, flustered and put out, ranting about the juvenile use of magic. 
A thought occurred to her, then. Something unbidden and completely inane, but one she latched onto desperately. It was a joke that had bubbled up from the deep recesses of her broken memory, and though she had no idea where she heard it or in what context, she was delighted at the prospect of finding something among the rubble of her ruined mind. It set the tiniest flicker of hope alight within her that maybe, eventually, she may be able to recover more. 
Eyes bright, and with a reserved sort of hopefulness stirring in her chest, she gave Astarion a genuinely dorky grin and blurted out with all the self-restraint of a toddler; “What do you call a magician who cooks?”
Surprise overtook the elf’s face, and he tilted his head curiously with a small laugh, thrown by the sudden and highly abrupt tangent. Before he could speak, however, a snap sounded in the brush behind the pair. Both Eli and Astarion turned to find a man, tall and well built with slicked back hair the color of burnt coffee. His mouth, framed by a neatly kept goatee, was turned down in a grimace, jaw clenched, and in his hands the man held a very large crossbow - loaded and aimed in their direction. 
“I’d think twice before you get much closer to him, miss,” the stranger warned, eyes darting from Eli to Astarion as if he expected the elf to set upon him any second. “He’s dangerous.”
Eli frowned at the stranger, fingers curling reflexively into the beginning gesture for her Eldritch Blast incantation. “And yet you’re the one with a crossbow pointed at me,” she said warily, watching the man’s fingers for any twitch or movement on the trigger. 
Next to her, she could feel Astarion stiffen defensively, but he remained quiet. Had the stranger not had a crossbow bolt aimed in her direction, Eli would have been more curious who he was and his connection to Astarion. Due to his comments, she assumed he was aware of Astarion’s vampirism, though she couldn’t be certain. Her curiosity, however, would have to simmer in the face of their current predicament. 
“Call it a precaution,” the stranger said before tipping the crossbow in the direction of Astarion. “You know what he is? Vampire spawn.” He said the last bit as if it was supposed to be some revelation, venom laced within his words. 
Eli studied the tip of the crossbow bolt, noting how the sharpened edge glimmered faintly in the hazy light. Silver? She glanced back and caught the man’s eyes with her own, a growing dislike darkening her expression. 
“Old news, my friend,” she said with more than a hint of antagonistic sarcasm. “Known that since I met him.” 
This drew a somewhat startled noise from Astarion, whose gaze she could suddenly feel turn to her. “You did?” he asked with a genuine note of surprise in his voice. 
Astarion had not admitted to being a vampire spawn until the night Eli caught him creeping in on her as she slept, hungry and poised to bite. Up until that point, though, he’d done a rather poor job of concealing his nature. What with the bite scars on his neck and his pale, almost pearlescent, complexion. The fact he could walk in sunlight was an oddity, of course, but given that she’d just flown through Avernus on a mind flayer ship after having an illithid tadpole inserted into her brain, a vampire traipsing about in the sun wasn’t even the weirdest thing she’d seen that day.   
She chanced a quick sidelong glance at Astarion and quirked an eyebrow. “Well, yeah. It was kind of the worst kept secret in Faerûn. Shadowheart and I even had a bet about who you’d try to bite first.” Eli still owed her a bottle of sweetwine, come to think of it.
She shook the thought from her head and turned her attention back to the stranger who still had his crossbow trained on them. “Mind introducing yourself before you start a fight you’ll regret?” she asked, watching his body language for any sign that he may back down now he knew Eli was fully aware of her companion’s condition.
The stranger glared at her, and Eli sighed. Another day, another fight with some ignorant douchecanoe who was wasting the last moments of their life antagonizing her. That darkness inside of her, the thing that craved slaughter and whose language was only violence, shifted restlessly like a dog in a cage, pressing at the barricades with a cruel need. She fought to push it back, but gods she could imagine her hands tearing into his gut, ripping dying organs from the yawning wound, warm and wet. The iron scent of blood in the air. The agony twisting his face as he writhed. It would be beautiful brutality. 
Her headache was mounting once again, and through the throbbing pressure she heard the man say; “You can call me monster hunter.”
He braced his crossbow, targeting Astarion, and Eli was moving faster than coherent thought. She felt a force collide with her left shoulder, nearly knocking her off balance, and then the world melted away into a manic savagery that was both achingly familiar and terrifyingly transcendent. 
Flesh would rend. Bone would snap. And her hunger would be sated. For now. 
The headache faded, and Eli was suddenly aware of a thick and deep pain radiating from her shoulder. Her mind swam dully, like a bobber struggling to stay above water as forces tried to pull it down. She felt…tired. Dazed. 
Why was she on the ground? Was that her blood spattered across her bracers? Why was Astarion yelling?
“Godsdamnit! Why would you do that!” 
Something jostled her, and the pain in her shoulder flared. She groaned and tried to turn her head towards Astarion’s voice only to find she was propped up against him. He was kneeling next to her, a hand braced against her back to keep her seated upright while his other hand pressed into her shoulder. She grimaced, trying to ignore the searing agony rocketing down her left side, but found herself unable to focus. 
She looked up into Astarion’s face, head bobbing to the side, and squinted at him. A range of emotions flitted across his face as he looked down at her. Anger, frustration, exasperation…all common day-to-day expressions for the snarky and uppity elf. But there was something else, too. Something in the clench of his jaw, the tightness of his lips and the way his sharp, clear eyes stayed fixed on her. Concern…
“Do…what?” she asked, confused. 
Eli continued to watch his face, thinking dully about when she’d ever seen him worried and coming up with nothing. Well, she wasn’t in a great state of mind at the moment and kind of just wanted to go to sleep. She was probably just forgetting…
Her mind drifted…eyes closing wearily…
Astarion shook her gingerly and she let out a noise somewhere between a hiss and a growl. “That bolt you idiotically decided to jump in front of was laced with poison! Do. Not. Fall. Asleep.” He pressed at the wound on her shoulder and her eyes wrenched back open, pain flooding her senses and slamming adrenaline into her system.
“Fucking rude!” she yelped. 
Then, the pain was fading and a slow numbness was creeping down from her shoulder. It felt cold and soothing, and she was so tempted to just relax into it and fade away. Her head dropped and came to rest against his chest, eyelids fluttering closed again. 
“I think I just like to annoy you…” she said weakly, then gave a hiccupping sort of laugh. 
Astarion was trying to jostle her out of the daze again, only this time there was no pain and she felt too content to open her eyes as her head rested against him. 
“Eli! Eli! Shit!” He sounded so far away. So far…far…away…
“What do you call a magician who cooks?” Astarion asked, a hint of panic coiling around his words. 
From somewhere very distant, Eli remembered she hadn’t finished telling him her joke. A small laugh caught in her throat as she thought about it…but she really didn’t feel like talking right now. Gods, she wanted to sleep…
Astarion was shaking her again. “What do you call a magician who cooks! Eli!”
Fucking hell, he was loud. 
Eli groaned and tried to lift her head. Too heavy… 
…she needed to finish the joke…
“A…saucerer…” she said lamely, then laughed, head still slumped against his chest. She’d have to tell Gale…
There was some muttering, then a feeling of being lifted. The ground was gone. Her arms sagged. 
“You will not die,” she heard Astarion say from miles away. “You will not die because that was just awful, and it will not be the last thing you ever say."
Eli smiled to herself. She was hilarious…
Everything went dark.
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mz-elysium · 2 years
new new intro
Greetings, I’m Ely, mid-twenties, [GENDER REDACTED]*, and when I play a good video game I think “damn, this should be a novel”.
And, then I go to my keyboard and commit word crimes.
Elysium at AO3
Some of my repeat tropes are:
soft scifi/fantasy (just let me technobabble the laws of magic pls)
divinity, apotheosis, doomsday prophecies, gods, religion
gothic horror
“when is a monster not a monster. oh when you love it”
grey morals, anti-heroes, personal horror, corruption arcs
“honour is my prime virtue and fatal flaw”
cranky antisocial lesbians with mental illness
nasty bastards who somehow end up being heroes
how diversity interacts with scifi/fantasy settings**
intrigue, politics, lies, betrayal
sprawling ensemble casts
grimdark in a hopepunk way (aka “angst with a happy ending”)
main project, rn
⟐ Wormwood [Vampire the Masquerade]
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The undead lie and scheme for power, in the skyscrapers, grottos, and wastelands of their cities. Humanity is their victim. Within them, lives the Beast of humanity’s darkest nature as the vampire’s instinct. Boredom breeds cruelty. Generations of domination and brutality become law, from the noblest clan to the lowest. Love corrodes into betrayal. Power corrupts. Only the most ruthless have a chance at immortality, as the last bastion of the Anarch Revolts falters and subsumes to the will of Camarilla courts.
Whispers speak of the Final Nights, as something more than vampires stirs in the night. 
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hibernating projects
⟐ The Architects of Destiny [Destiny]
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After a mythological Golden Age, humanity has all but fallen and the dead god known only as the Traveler hangs in the sky. The Last City of humankind is protected by Guardians, supersoldiers powered by the Light and risen from the dead — and the last defense of the Sol System against invaders.
The Darkness does not come as an invading army, though. It comes wearing familiar faces. It promises greatness. One fireteam finds themselves facing alien gods of flesh and machine, and the Darkness itself before it can bring about a second Collapse.
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⟐ Daughter of Murder [Baldur’s Gate]
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Since her first kill in self-defence, Thalia has led a cursed life of death, murder, and loss. Those she loves remain at risk, as unexplained powers begin to develop with in, drawn from an inner spark. Lost in the outside world, she attempts to vanish into a nondescript life as a mercenary.
Fate has other things in mind. If she is unaware and has no intent on harnessing her heritage, others will. The prophecy of the fabled Lord of Murder and his progeny will come to pass.
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*afab, “im a woman i guess”, “bisexual?”
**if you’re looking for own voices, im just a bi woman with severe grief and occasional depression and anxiety who does research
***homepage templates by CAVALIERFOU
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