#he has freckles your honor
itsangrynar · 1 year
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Don't you dare forget the sun, love
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sophistired18 · 1 month
Random kryk hcs bc why not!
-Kuroo definitely fell first but kenma was the one who pointed it out: "Kuro, for hating this guy as much as you do, you sure don't shut up about him"
-Kuroo feels betrayed by his keen observation skills bc now he cant help but notice how yaku's eyebrows scrunch when he's frustrated or how his tongue sticks out when he's focused. The worse thing is he can't help but think its cute. This puts him in a dilemma bc this is the guy he's supposed to hate.
-yaku on the otherhand can't help but think kuroo is an absolute jerk who won't leave him alone. (He eventually thinks of kuroo as a close friend, but he's still both of these things)
-I've already said this before, but they definitely always sat together on the bus (kai never wanted to get in between them)
-When they got in a relationship, they never told kai but they knew he definitely knew. (They both had cleanup duty after class and Kai was wondering what was taking them so long. He found them kissing in the class and he just sighed turned around and acted like he saw nothing)
-Yaku's toes get cold at night, so he shoves them between kuroos legs
-Kuroo loves kissing yaku's freckles. (It was the biggest revelation to him when he saw yaku's freckles all over his body when they were changing in the lockeroom first year. He has never been the same since and now he makes sure to let yaku know how much he loves them)
-Kryk didn't like their seniors much, so when they were becoming 3rd years, they talked abt what they were going to do better. Kai suggested they do a team morale kind of thing, so kuroo and yaku nerded out and made up the "we are blood" anthem in chem class
-Yaku likes pulling down Kuroos tie to kiss him. Kuroo is a masochist so he doesn't complain abt the neck pain
-Although one time when they were secretly making out in a cramped storage closet for like 20 minutes, kuroo came out of it with his neck sore since it was super uncomfortable bending down for so long in a tight space (he beared with it bc of the heat of the moment but now it was really catching up to him). Yaku refused to kiss him for 4 days until he caved to Kuroos pleads that 'it didn't hurt that bad'
-Kuroo gets jealous easily, but he never thought it would ever be towards the team. Usually he's chill and only ever treats his juniors well (for the most part) but one time when they were all changing in the lockeroom, Lev saw a big freckle on yaku's back and poked at it out of curiosity (bc he's an idiot) and yaku shrieked and proceeded to scold at him. Something in kuroo snapped (bc he's the only one who can touch yaku's freckles) and he was extra strict and relentless on correcting Lev's blocking. This made everyone alittle confused on his behavior, not bc Lev didn't deserve it (he needs to get better anyways) but bc he was acting differently: "Hey, don't you think Kuroo-san is acting a bit harsher to Lev than usual? Its like he and Yaku-san switched places..."
-When Yaku gets jealous, he's more silent about it and refuses to admit it, usually he acts like nothing is wrong. But kuroo knows that a silent yaku definitely means something is wrong so he pokes and pries until yaku finally decides to tell him. Eventually they get better at communicating this.
-Yaku is usually more reluctant on physical affection, but when he makes the first move, kuroo swears his heart will explode
-Sometimes Yaku nonchalantly says blunt compliments to Kuroo without realizing what he said: "We should come to this beach again. I like how the sunset looks on the water. It reminds me of your eyes" and kuroo will just sit in confused shock and fluster. Yaku will ask him what's wrong and Kuroo will be like "DID YOU JUST COMPARE MY EYES TO THE SUNSET??" and then its yaku's turn to fluster and try to take back what he said. (Yaku's bluntness is his greatest weapon that just so happens to stab him in the back too)
- Yaku gets fixated on Kuroos slender hands and when their fingers are interlocked, he'll complain that it shouldn't be possible his hands are that big compared to his and kuroo will just say "maybe its just that your hands are too small" and then yaku bites his finger
- Yaku also always steals a bite of food from his friends or juniors, which makes kuroo realize Yaku doesn't really steal his food and when he offers yaku his food, yaku usually declines. This makes kuroo get a little sad and he offhandedly brought it up to kenma who just looked at him weird: "Kuro, usually people get sad when other people steal their food, not the other way around." Kuroo had enough and decided to confront yaku about why he never steals his food, and yaku just says "Because you have the worst taste in food" and kuroo just sulks. Yaku just laughs at him until he finally admits the truth: "You big idiot, why would I wanna steal from the person I love?" (Kuroo doesn't get upset anymore but he always gets super happy now whenever yaku accepts food he offers to him)
- Yaku's favorite spot to sleep is on Kuroo's chest, and its the only time he'll acknowledge the fact that he appreciates their height difference so that he can feel kuroo's limbs totally surround him when theyre cuddling. He'll definitely never admit that to kuroo though.
For timeskip i have a ton of diff hcs on how they navigate that, but lemme know if anyone's interested in hearing me ramble abt that!
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lukasdoodles · 2 years
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Headcanon that throughout his training and boxing career Mac enjoys being a teenager and bothers Doc for candy or soda lol
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zorosdimples · 10 months
zoro’s trying to ignore me & ace is eye fucking me <3
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girlrotterr · 3 months
Milk Of The Siren.
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captain!abby x siren!reader Summary: Captain Anderson is among the most skilled, effortlessly navigating countless ships. Yet, even the finest sailors aren't immune to the lure of sirens' hunger. a/n: new series for you angels!!! super excited for this one!! (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) ⇢ part two𓈒ㅤׂ 𓇼
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˳༄꠶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
A human laid before you, unconscious.
Her milky skin glimmered under the soft moonlight, her body reflecting the silvery glow. She was drenched, her clothes soaked through with seawater. Sand was plastered around her face, sticking to her skin like a constellation of freckles.
what a disturbance..
It was already past midnight, the only illumination coming from the moon and stars above. Their light dancing on the surface of the water, and the gentle glow of jellyfish drifted the sea. You had sought this place for solitude, yearning for some time alone. The cave lagoon was your sanctuary, a place where silence was a constant companion and disturbance was a foreign concept.
But now, that tranquility was shattered. The human's presence was an intrusion into your sacred space. This lagoon, with its crystal-clear waters and echoing silence, had always promised peace. 
You emerged from the water, your movements graceful and deliberate. Your sleek, iridescent tail shimmered, casting ethereal patterns on the cave walls as it parted the waves. Each movement sent ripples across the surface, water cascading down your body. Your hair, the color of the midnight sea, clung to your back,  your eyes. deep and mesmerizing, locked onto the human with irritation. 
The soft sound of waves lapped against the shore, the only noise in the otherwise still night. You hovered over her, studying her face. She looked peaceful, almost serene, despite the obvious turmoil that had brought her here. Her chest rose and fell with shallow breaths, and you could see the faint pulse at her neck, a sign of life amidst the stillness.
Hovering down, you brushed a strand of wet hair from her face, feeling the softness of her skin. She was fragile, a stark contrast to the strength you felt coursing through your own body. This human had no place here, in your sanctuary, disturbing the delicate balance of your world. But there was something about her, something that stirred a feeling you couldn't quite name.
You took a deep breath, inhaling the salty sea air, and let it out slowly. 
"Captain Anderson," Isaac said, shaking Abby's hand in a formal greeting.
Abby returned the handshake firmly, "Isaac," she replied with a nod, taking a seat opposite him. "What brings you to seek me?"
Isaac smiled, a hint of admiration in his eyes as he leaned forward. "You've earned quite the reputation, Captain. Your skill and courage on the seas are well known,." He paused, leaning back in his chair. "I have a proposition for you. We have a cargo that needs to be sailed out to Europe, and I can think of no one better suited for the job than you."
Abby's expression remained composed, though inwardly, she felt a flicker of intrigue. Sailing across the Atlantic was no small effort, even for someone as experienced as herself. "Europe, you say?" she mused, tapping her fingers thoughtfully against the arm of her chair. "That's quite a journey..."
Isaac nodded. "Indeed, it is. But I have every confidence in your abilities. The cargo is valuable, and I trust only the best to ensure its safe passage."
Abby inclined her head, acknowledging the compliment. She had earned her title through years of hard work and determination, rising through the ranks from a young deckhand to a respected captain known for her sharp instinct. Her ship, The Siren's Call, was renowned not only for its speed but also for the loyalty of its crew.
"As always, Isaac, I'm honored by your trust," Abby replied finally, her tone reflective of the weight of the responsibility he was offering. "When do we sail?"
Isaac smiled, relieved by her acceptance. "The Siren's Call leaves at dawn. I'll have the crew and provisions ready."
Abby stepped aboard The Siren's Call at the break of dawn, greeted by the familiar salty breeze. The crew bustled about, preparing the ship for departure.
As Abby made her way to her quarters to stow her belongings, she felt a hand clap down on her shoulder. Turning, she found herself face-to-face with Ellie Williams, a fellow hunter and friend from her days ashore in jackson. Ellie's auburn hair was tied back, her piercing green eyes sparkled with mischief.
"Well, well, if it isn't Captain Anderson herself," Ellie teased, flashing a mischievous grin. "Off on another grand adventure, are we?"
Abby chuckled, giving Ellie a playful shove. "Always."
Ellie nodded knowingly. "Oh, I know all too well. Heard you're sailing for Europe this time. Quiteee the journey"
Abby nodded, "It'll be a challenge, no doubt. But Isaac trusts me to get the job done."
Ellie raised an eyebrow. "Isaac, huh? That old son of a bitch is at it again!" She leaned closer, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "Any chance you'll find a European lady out there?"
Abby rolled her eyes with a smile. "Not likely.”
Ellie laughed, her laughter echoing through the corridor. "Well, you let me know if you change your mind. I've got some contacts who could arrange a meeting."
“I'll keep that in mind.” Abby shook her head,  "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a ship to prepare."
Ellie grinned, stepping back to let Abby pass. "Don't forget to send me a postcard!"
With a wave, Abby continued on her way, her mind already shifting back to the tasks at hand. She settled into her role aboard the Siren's Call, overseeing final preparations and ensuring everything was in order, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. 
The sea was waiting. 
As the Siren's Call cut through the Atlantic waves, Abby kept a vigilant watch, her eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. The journey had been smooth thus far, the ship sailing true under her expert command. But just as the sun began its descent toward the horizon, a haunting melody began to drift through the air.
At first, Abby dismissed it as a trick of the wind, but soon, the melody grew stronger, more intoxicating. It was a song unlike any she had heard before — ethereal and enchanting, weaving through the air like a delicate thread. A chill ran down her spine as she realized what it was: 
The song of sirens.
Glancing around, Abby saw her crew entranced by the music, their eyes glazed over, their movements sluggish as they were drawn toward the source of the melody. Panic surged within her as she fought against the mesmerizing tune, her hands tightening on the wheel to keep the ship on course.
"Keep steady! Fight it!" Abby shouted, her voice cutting through the enchantment like a knife. But the sirens' song was relentless, its allure growing stronger with each passing moment. The Siren's Call began to veer off course, its sails catching the wind erratically.
The ship was now beyond her control, rushing dangerously through the waves. The laughter of the sirens echoed hauntingly in the air, mocking their victory. 
“Captain, we're losing control! The ship won't respond!"
"Damn it!"  Abby gritted her teeth, her mind racing for a solution. 
She knew the tales of the sirens, their irresistible songs luring sailors to their doom upon jagged rocks. Abby steadied herself against the wheel, trying desperately to steer away.
But it was to no avail. 
The ship's structure collided with rocks, splintering wood and tearing sails. The world began to whirl as Abby was thrown overboard, the icy waters enveloping her in a shock of cold. Debris and bodies floated around her, the cries of her crewmates drowned out by the relentless roar of the sea. With a desperate stroke, she struggled toward the surface, fighting against the pull of the sinking ship.
Moments later, Abby's head broke through the surface, gasping for air as she scanned the scene…
The Siren's Call was rapidly disappearing beneath the waves, its masts jutting awkwardly into the sky before vanishing into the depths. The sirens' laughter echoed in the distance, a cruel reminder of their deadly allure.
“no...” Abby weakly whispered as darkness crept on the edges of her vision.
“Ngh..” Abby jolted slightly awake, her eyes fluttering open as she groaned softly.
You instinctively backed away, giving her space to gather herself. She looked around, disoriented and clearly in pain, her body stiff and bruised. Confusion clouded her expression, and her gaze struggled to focus on you through eyes still adjusting to the dim light.
You remained cautious, observing her cautiously as she blinked. 
"What has brought you here?" you asked, your voice tinged with a hint of anger. The disruption she had caused to your sanctuary was annoying enough. 
Abby didn't respond immediately, her eyes still trying to focus on you. She seemed caught between fear and fascination, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she struggled to find her voice. The bruises on her skin stood out starkly in the moonlight. 
"There is no place for you here, human," you snapped, your tone firm. 
The rules of your world were clear — humans were outsiders, their presence a disruption to the delicate balance of your existence beneath the waves. 
"You're... one of them," she whispered weakly, pointing a trembling finger in your direction. Her voice trembled, her gaze fixed on you.
Yes, you were one of the creatures of the deep, Your kind had legends woven around them—stories of enchantment and danger that humans whispered. For centuries, your kind had existed in harmony with the sea, guardians of its secrets and mysteries.
But Abby's presence had disrupted that harmony.
A debate stirred within you, a conflict between duty and desire. On one hand, your instincts urged you to follow the rules of your existence—to remain hidden, to protect your kind from the intrusions of humans. But on the other hand, there was a temptation—an urge that whispered of a different kind of need.
Abby's voice broke through your thoughts, her plea tinged with desperation. I don’t mean to intrude.."
Her words hesitated, exhaustion and pain in every breath. You could sense her vulnerability, her body moving with fatigue as she struggled to maintain her composure. The moonlight bathed her in a soft glow, casting a shadow that danced across her features.
In that moment, you saw her not just as an intruder, but as a fragile soul in unfamiliar waters, seeking refuge from the storms. A flicker of empathy stirred within you, a longing to ease her suffering and offer her safeness Yet, there were potential consequences—disrupting the balance that kept both your worlds apart.
With a conflicted sigh, you made your decision. "I will return," you said.
Abby's eyes widened slightly, a mixture of hope and fear flickering across her face. You could see the relief in her eyes, but you knew your reasons for helping her were far from kindness. If she recovered, she would leave your lagoon, restoring the peace and solitude you so cherished.
You slipped back into the water with effortless grace, your body merging seamlessly with the liquid embrace of the lagoon. The cool water flowed around you as you swam deeper, your mind racing with thoughts of what resources you could gather to help. Food, water, perhaps some herbs to tend to her wounds—all necessary for her recovery.
The underwater world welcomed you, its familiar sights and sounds a comforting balm to your conflicted heart. Radiant creatures lit your way, their soft glow illuminating the path through the darkened depths. You swam swiftly, your movements a blur of silver and blue as you navigated the corridors of your aquatic home.
First, you headed to a nearby kelp forest, where you knew you could find nutrient-rich seaweed. With practiced skill, you harvested a generous bundle, tying it together with a strand of your own hair. Next, you sought out a freshwater spring that bubbled up through the ocean floor, filling a small, hollowed-out shell with the precious liquid.
Eventually, you made your way to a hidden grove where medicinal sea herbs grew in abundance. You carefully selected a variety of leaves and stems, each one known for its healing properties. The weight of your decision still hung heavy on your heart, but the act of gathering these resources gave you a sense of purpose, a way to channel your inner confusion into something useful.
With your resources secured, you turned and began the journey back to the cave. The moonlight still shimmered on the water's surface as you emerged, carrying the gathered resources in your arms. Abby was where you had left her, her eyes closed, her breathing slow and steady. She looked even more fragile than before, a difference to the strength you could sense within her.
You approached quietly, setting the bundle of seaweed and herbs beside her.
"I have returned," you said, your voice a whisper. Abby's eyes fluttered open, and she looked at you with a mixture of gratitude and lingering fear.
Gently, you handed her the shell filled with fresh water. "Drink," you said, guiding her hands to the makeshift vessel. Abby complied, sipping the cool water with obvious relief. You could see the color returning to her cheeks, a sign that she was beginning to regain some of her strength.
You showed her the seaweed. "Eat." you instructed, tearing off a small piece and offering it to her. "It will help you recover." Abby hesitated for a moment, then took the seaweed and began to chew, her expression softening as the nourishment began to take effect.
You turned your attention to her injuries. You crushed the medicinal herbs between your fingers, releasing their healing juices, and gently applied them to her cuts and bruises. Abby winced at first, then relaxed as the soothing properties of the herbs took hold.
You backed away, observing her. Abby's eyes met yours, and for the first time, there was a spark of trust in their depths.
"Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the gentle lapping of the waves.
You stared at her for a moment, torn between your desire for solitude and a new connection that could bloom. Her presence was a disturbance, yes, but also a reminder of the world beyond the sea, a world you had long ago distanced yourself from.
You nodded, “The sea will watch over you."
Abby finally began to take in her surroundings. The beauty of the cave lagoon struck her with a sense of awe. Moonlight filtered through the entrance, casting a silver glow over the water. The walls of the cave were adorned with vibrant corals and sea plants, creating an otherworldly atmosphere that felt both magical and serene.
Her gaze shifted to you, the mythical being who had both frightened and saved her. You were a creature of ethereal beauty, your scales glistening in the dim light, your movements graceful and fluid. There was an undeniable allure to you, a magnetism that drew her in despite the fear that lingered in her heart.
But with that awe came a profound conflict. The sirens, your kind, were responsible for the tragedy that had striked her crew. Abby’s thoughts turned dark as she remembered the screams, the chaos, and the horror. Her shipmates, her friends, had been lured to their deaths by the enchanting songs of the sirens, and now here she was, under the care of one of those very beings.
How could she feel anything but hatred for the creatures responsible for so much pain? And yet, as she watched you move with such grace, as she felt the gentleness in your touch, she couldn’t deny the complexity of her feelings.
You noticed her conflicted expression, the way her eyes flickered with something you couldn’t quite place. 
“You helped me...” Abby spoke, her voice tinged with suspicion and curiosity. “Your kind... they killed my crew. Why didn’t you just leave me to die?”
You hesitated,  “I seek solitude,” you replied, “Your presence here disrupts that. If you heal, you will leave, and I will have my peace again.”
Abby’s eyes narrowed slightly, but there was a hint of understanding in her gaze. “It’s for your own sake.” she murmured, more to herself than to you. “Well, if that's the case, thenn you will have to help me leave." 
"I have helped you enough," you replied, your voice tinged with reluctance.
Abby's expression hardened "I can't simply swim to land," she insisted, her voice growing firmer. "I need to construct a boat—a small one, quick to build yet sturdy enough to carry me and the supplies I'll need until I reach safety."
You grumbled to yourself, the request catching you off guard. Helping Abby construct a boat meant prolonging her stay—something you had hoped to avoid. 
Reluctantly, you nodded. "Very well," you conceded, your voice resigned. "I will gather what you need."
A faint smile tugged at Abby's lips, teasing and amused. "Good," she replied, her voice teasingly soft. "I suppose I should rest now. It'll make you grumble less."
Perhaps you should’ve eaten her.
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flor4de4amor · 5 months
𝐬𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐮𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞!
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you’re abby’s favorite bartender at her favorite dive bar. she doesn’t take to kindly to people disrespecting her best girl.
warnings: alcohol is mentioned + slight violence
click for palestine! read before engaging with my acc+work
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Abby is a regular at your bar. Well, regular is a kind way to put it. At this point, she lives in the dive bar. She’s head over heels for you but has decided obnoxious flirting every happy hour, and a sliver of your attention will suffice. 
Her routine is simple:
Order a beer. From her favorite bartender of course. If anyone offers to serve her it’s deny, deny, deny. She can only accept alcoholic content from her best girl.
Shoot some darts, play some pool, chugging contest. Blah, blah, blah. It’s only fun if she sees you sneaking glances from your station, shooting you a wink while she engages with her team. She likes seeing how flustered she can get you with a thin-lipped smile and wink alone. And the answer is very flustered.
Once she’s seen you steal enough glances, it’s time to go back to the bar and bother you. Sure, order another drink. But, also, flirt with the gorgeous girl serving her. Is that a new shirt? Your hair looks so pretty tonight. She loves the necklace you’re wearing, situated real well between your tits. 
Then stay on the barstool, all night, up until she’s one of the last patrons in the bar. Even though,  she’s gotta be up running drills quite soon after your shift ends. But it’s worth it. If she can make you laugh at least once.
Every time. Without fail. That’s Abby’s routine, and tonight was no different. 
Well, except for the fact that there was some asshole bothering you while you worked. Doesn’t he know that’s her job? Only she can bother you, she’s the only one who does it right. Besides, you looked annoyed while he was talking to you. You never looked annoyed when Abby flirted. Always brushing your fingers on her bicep, giggling as she flexed, giving her a hard time for flinching after a shot. You relished in her attention even. You looked like you wanted to throw up while this guy was talking to you. Abby personally, wants to throw him a punch. Instead, she rolls her eyes and fiddles with the toothpick between her teeth, before calling you over to her. The night’s still early, maybe he’ll back off. She hasn't gotten her slice of your attention yet, so she refuses to let that be cut short. 
“Hey, princess!” She uses a hand motion towards you. Your face lights up as you walk towards her freckled face. You hadn't spoken many words to her all night. It was a relief to see the pilot in her designated stool. 
You throw your towel over your shoulder and place your hands on your hips. “How can I help you, Captain Anderson?” Your tongue pokes between your lips, a coy smile protruding.
Abby rolls her eyes. “I hate when you call me that.” She sighs playfully, “I only let my favorite bartenders call me Abby y’know.” 
You place your hand over your heart, flinching, “Silly me thinking I was the only one.” 
Abby whistles lowly at you. “None of them are half as pretty as you, baby.” She watches as you turn your head to the side shyly. She’s already got you flustered and the night’s just begun. She hasn’t even started throwing darts and flexing muscles with her squad yet.
It’s your turn to roll your eyes now. “Promise?” you flirt shamelessly, curious as to what she’ll say.
“Scout’s honor princess,” she kisses three of her fingers and holds them up.
You laugh at her actions. Only Abby can have you laughing at work. In a sticky bar, tight shirt, and light hangover still cascading over you. “Okay, Abby,” You say her name sickeningly sweet. She almost bends over to her knees. “What can I get you tonight?” She smiles, tapping the paper coaster on the countertop, pretending to think. “I’m gonna go with the usual tonight babe.”
You smile, “Boring but expected.” You go to grab a glass and fill it up with ice as a deep baritone fills your ears. “Princess,” the man calls. This new customer was evidently, not privy to the unspoken rules of the bar. He winks at Abby expecting some comradery from a nickname alone. As if friendships are built off disrespecting women. 
You cringe at the nickname and don’t reply. Your legs only move to that call when it’s your favorite captain calling you.
“Oh c’mon don’t be that way.” The man continues. “What? You want a different nickname?” Abby’s jaw is clenched so tightly, that she's sure her molars have cracked. She’s clenching her fist to the point that the white of her knuckles is apparent. 
“She doesn’t respond to that,” Abby replies to the asshole. “She’s got a name.” This man is new sure, but definitely an idiot. He’s choosing to continue squaring off with the Abby Anderson. You know better. You wouldn't disrespect her even with all the alcohol in the world flooding your system. You’ve seen her in a bar fight. She’s never lost.  
“What is this your girlfriend?” He laughs drunkenly. “I mean I’m into that sort of thing,” he snorts to himself. “Why don’t you give us all a little kiss?” He continues chuckling like he’s some world-class comedian. Though, Abby doesn’t seem to find him funny. 
She runs her hand over her face. She looks at you for a moment. “Princess,” she leans in whispering, “How many bar fights in me until you said I was banned?”
You lean closer to her, whispering back, “I don’t think I’m allowed to ban the champ.” Smiling cheekily at her. She winks and clicks her tongue. That’s all she needs as reassurance to kick this guy’s ass.
She gets up from the stool, walking closer to him. Though Abby oozes dominance, when she’s standing over you it’s hard not to shit your pants. She places her hands square atop this guy’s shoulders. “I’m gonna give you just one chance to apologize to my pretty girl or else you’re gonna be banned.” 
The man brandishes off a drunk grin that’s missing two front teeth. “Ban? Me? Ban me? Nah.”
Abby rolls her eyes, “So that’s a no?” She doesn’t even give the guy a chance to answer before punching him straight in the jaw. “See someone else has had the common sense to knock two teeth from that ugly mug of yours, what’s a few more?” She mutters to herself.  There’s slight commotion, but it dies down quickly with the rest of Abby’s aviator squad coming quickly behind her. Beers still in hand, foam coating a few mustaches they ask her what happened. She wrings out her hand, “Go take his picture for the wall of shame and dump him outside.” She huffs, watching her lieutenants follow her orders.
Abby comes to sit by you in her same old worn-down barstool. She smiles as you give her a bag of ice for her hand. “What number fight is that?” You ask her softly and playfully.
“For you or in this bar?” She’s got that look in her eye, nothing but trouble.
You roll your eyes, “Don’t answer a question with a question.” You being to make the drink you never got to give the dirty blonde.
“You’re bossy tonight,” she muses, accepting the drink once you hand it to her, chugging quickly. “Fighting makes me thirsty she muses.”
You repress a smile, crossing your arms over your chest. “So Captain,” you drag out the tightly slightly. Watching as Abby raises her eyebrow at you.
“Princess,” she replies with an edge to her voice. 
“When’re you gonna bite the bullet and ask me out? Hasn’t total endless flirting with me gotten boring?” You lean against the bar top, cleavage spilling from your low-cut top. 
“How about now?” Abby works hard to make sure her eyes don’t come to your spillage. She works overtime in doing so even. It’s torturous.
You hum, “Beating up drinkies doesn’t count as a date you know?” You smile at her, propping your face against your hand.
“Our first date wouldn’t be here,” she smiles toothily. “If that’s the case, we’ve had plenty of dates while I sat in this barstool. We’re married even.” She grins at you.
Your tongue licks your lips, “Moving fast, aren’t you? Focus on the first date, Anderson.”
“Yeah get used to saying that last name, ‘cause it’ll be yours,” she clicks her tongue and winks at you. “How about I come to grab you this weekend? A nice dinner, me you, and no drunks up your ass.” 
“Does this mean I’ll finally be seeing you out of that old navy uniform Anderson?” Your smile captivates your face as you tease her. Only you would make fun of her while she’s trying to ask you out.
She rolls her eyes. “I don’t go home on the first date.” She teases, laughing softly, ‘cause it’s far from true.
“Liar,” you call her out on her shit, carefully grasping the glinting dog tags that lay around her neck. You pull her in for a kiss, for a moment there’s cheering. You know it’s from her rowdy lieutenants. You smile against her lips and pull away. “I’ll see you this weekend?” You say looking at her loved face.
“Sure thing princess.” She’s stunned. “You know what? Put a round on my tab, for celebration.” She reaffirms.
“No doubt captain,” you smile mocking a salute.
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divider by @aqualogia
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sukunasteeth · 2 months
Idk why but I think that Sukuna's s/o would be like, some kind of freelance or professional artist who'd use him as her reference/live model since he has a good built and whatnot without him knowing lol idk why but I just thought it was a cute idea and I wanted to share bc you're like my most favourite writer here on Tumblr who mains Sukuna and there aren't a lot of them so basically–ily and I hope you day or night is going well!!
This came into my inbox so long ago T.T Please forgive me for taking a minute to get back to you but I wanted to write a little snippet for this one cause ily. Anon you are so sweet!! I'm so honored to receive this little message. Thank you for sharing your cute idea with me T.T I hope you enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed getting this message <3 Thank you for reading
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You knew he would tease you.
You knew the moment he happened to see inside your sketchbook was the moment his ego became truly untamable. It was the moment that any ounce of mystery you had left crumbled into the shape of him.
If he knew that you studied anatomy by watching the way his muscles move under the laundry room lamp while he folds up your clothes at night. If he knew that your sketchbook was basically just a love letter written to the way his hands form around yours. Or the way his back muscles glisten with sweat when he comes home from his morning runs. If he knew that you had studied him so deeply that you could map him out down to the freckles that nobody else knows about, you're sure you would hear about it for the rest of eternity.
Which is why this morning, when you happen to wake up before him and see him fast asleep in the perfect position, you can’t help yourself when you grab your notebook and a pen and crawl back into bed with him. 
He was still curled up around your absent figure, his head tucked against the pillow and lowered just right so that his nose would have been pressed into your hair. Your current lesson in anatomy was his back, which you had an ideal view of. The muscles- perfectly symmetrical on either side, tightening and releasing under golden skin that's been kissed darker by the sun. And in the center: the valley of his spine, each notch a favorite place of yours to kiss. 
Every time you draw Sukuna, you fall in love with a different part of him. You admire him until all that’s left of you is nothing but a racing heartbeat. 
Racing especially when you happen to peek up at his face to confirm he was still asleep and you find his lion-like gaze already settled onto you. 
You’re trying to act natural. Immediately folding the cover back over your sketchbook and turning slowly to try and slip off the bed without him noticing. 
Maybe he’s still half asleep. Maybe he didn't register you-
And he's already grabbing onto your ankle before you can even get an inch towards the edge of the mattress.
You don't know why you're not expecting him to ruthlessly drag you back to him, but you squeal when he tugs your knee out from under you and has you face-planting into the sheets. Sukuna doesn't seem to mind your squirming as there is no pause or hesitation in his movement. He barely even seems half awake when he lazily crawls over you and seats himself onto your hips, effectively stopping you from even thinking of an escape route.
"Why are you already running?" He yawns, his eyes slivered in a combination of suspicion and sleepiness. 
You try your best to appear innocent, clutching your sketchbook for dear life. This was the closest Sukuna had ever come to it while you were sketching him and it instantly had a sweat breaking out on the back of your neck. Despite your determination to remain unsuspecting, your voice catches when you reply to him, "I-I'm not running."
And that's all it took. One stutter, one second of hesitation, and Sukuna's eyes are widening in a flash as his pupils hone in on your expression. He always knew your tells, knew instantly when you were trying to lie to him. He took pride in it actually. It’s the reason you’re already half accepting your fate. 
His energy buzzes with excitement as he recognizes apprehension in your gaze. His smile flickering with anticipation.
"Oh?" He murmurs, closing in on your airspace. You can still smell the scent of manzanita wood in his shampoo from his shower last night. "And why are you nervous?" His voice is a silky hum.
"I'm not nervous." You whisper, trying to shrink backwards into the bed, trying not to provoke the bear.
It was too late. He’s been awake all of one minute and he was already going to play with you. 
"You know," Sukuna clears the sleep out of his throat, "This thing has been getting more attention than me lately.” You hold fast when his fingers wrap around your sketchbook and tug gently, as if to prove a point with how tight your grip was on it. “Why is that, I wonder?"
"Nothing gets more attention than you." You mutter, your dry look only worsening when Sukuna's smile grows all too knowing. “I’m just… trying to finish a commission for work.” 
"Do you usually blush when you’re working on a commission?" 
"Oh god,” You groan, “please drop it I beg of you."
“You first.” He challenges, tugging on the book once again. “I’d like to see what’s so important.”
“Sukuna-” You let out a surprised laugh when he wraps his hand around your wrist and starts to pry your arm away. “Waitwaitwait!”
There was no use in trying to win in a game of tug of war with him. Even though he’s just woken up, he’s impossibly stronger than you are. And while he’s usually carefully aware of that fact when handling you, he had no problem mercilessly grabbing your fighting hands into one of his own and pinning them uselessly above you. 
Your pleading falls onto deaf ears. Sukuna grabs onto the book, but before he can open it you manage to say just the right thing. 
“It’s private!” You squeak.
Sukuna pauses, his surprised eyes meeting yours like you had just called out your safe-word.
You know that you had probably just made him twice as curious as he was before about your notebook, but you weren’t ready to face the embarrassment of him finding out what was inside of it yet. It wasn't the time.
He rolls his eyes and before he releases you, his free hand reaches up and he gently flicks your nose. You flinch and he follows up the sting with a chaste but soothing kiss. 
“Cheater.” He mutters in defeat. With nothing left to toy with, he finally crawls off of you and heads towards the bathroom without another glance at your sketchbook. Before he passes the threshold, he leaves you with a request, but you can tell by the tone of his voice and the taunting smile he gives you that it was more like a new rule.
"No working in our bed after business hours, please."
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Little Things You Do That OP Men Love (SFW)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
Ft. Katakuri, Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Ace
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He loves watching you eat with him, whether it’s donuts or just some other snack he likes how your cheeks get almost as big as his when you relax and stuff your face
He enjoys watching you try to fight him. You tend to throw hands with him a lot in a playful way, he’s a big mf so he really doesn’t feel much when you climb, slap, punch or kick him. He views it very cute when you do it when you get jealous or pouty.
To add on to that he loves how you were never afraid of him. Of course it took him sometimes to get used to the affection you gave him, and honestly he thought you’d leave after he showed you his teeth, but you fell more in love with him and he will always cherish you for that
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He loves how easy it is to make you laugh. He loves your laugh so much. When he first heard it he did such a wide smile, Robin swears up and down the first time he made you laugh that’s when he fell for you, but Luffy never understood why she said that. He tried everyday to hear you laugh at least once regardless if you hate it or not. You look best when you smile.
The way you always share your food with him. I mean yeah there are many things you do for him and sharing your food is one. He loves eating with you and bonding over food. He secretly likes when you feed the food to him too.
The way you take and wear his hat. He has only allowed very few people to wear/hold his hat but he only gives you the privilege of taking it when you want. You look better in it anyways.
The way you run and hug him when you see him. He is a touchy person naturally so when you first hugged him he literally could have melted in your touch. He thinks you’re so soft and smell SOOOO good. Many times after hugging Luffy he keeps his body wrapped around you.
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He loves the way you talk. Whether you have an accent or not your voice gives him a peace of mind. You never yell at him or belittle him with your words. If you both aren’t bantering with each other Everything you speak towards him is all love and affirmation and he wouldn’t change it for the world
He loves how you admire small things about him. You always compliment his freckles, his hair, the way he dresses (even if he barely wears clothes) you’re just so positive around him. He does a small crooked smile when you do it.
The way you say “I love you.” To him. You’re one of the first few people next to his brothers and WB to show him what love really was and when Ace first heard you say that to him he cried.
How carefree you are around him. He notices the way you are more reserved with other around, but when you’re alone with him you are the complete opposite. Ace appreciate you have that kind of trust to be that vulnerable around him.
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Yes he loves everything about you BUT the one thing he loves the most is how your eyes light up every SINGLE time he walks into the room. Being played by so many women and not desired by many of them the fact that you’re probably the first to have a genuine happiness to have him around makes him feel so honored and loved.
The way you look at him has him on his knees. It’s similar to the first one, but sometimes you have this small low lidded gaze he can’t look away from. You make his cheeks on FIRE with that look! It’s not even intentional and he doesn’t even think you know but when your chin is rested on your hand and you watch him in admiration he gets so shy.
The way you touch him. He’s a touchy guy too, but how you sometimes fix his hair, adjust his tie, or even tie his shoes gets him going—-not ALWAYS in a sexual way but in a way where he will drown you in “I love you’s” for the gesture
He loves watching you talk about things you love to him. There were so many unknown and interesting facts about you he has learned while talking to you, you’re so expressive and fun to speak to. Some days when he isn’t having a love fit he just enjoys having a long and deep conversation.
How patient and gentle you are with him. You never have hit Sanji, pushed him away, cursed at him, or anything. You’ve always welcomed his lover boy antics and him as a whole. You’re so understanding when he screws up somehow that he believes one day you may leave him if he don’t get his act together, but you reassured him nothing could make you love him any less.
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How you motivate him, he doesn’t tell you of course but seeing you focused on getting stronger gives him the courage to keep going
The way you snap back at him. We all know this mf loves to make smart remarks but when you first clapped back he was so attracted to you . You don’t back down from talking crap to him and he loves that so much
The way you hold him., whether he admits it or not after a love making session or just when you both are sleeping he loves when you pull him into your chest and hold him tightly. Your touch is one of the few things that helps him have a sound mind and make him smile
When you fight, he does get a liiittllleee turned on seeing you work yourself up because you get so cocky and angry while fighting enemies, but he likes how quick you are on your feet (remember that scene where Zoro asks if Chopper is ganna be okay and he says yes and Zoro says “That’s my man” Akbshssskj he says “That’s my girl” to you when you fight )
How you trust him always made his heart flutter. You’re more than capable of fighting on your own, but it’s those moments where you don’t bat an eye to when an enemy is about to attack and you don’t worry because you know Zoro will come to your rescue. He’s asked you why tf do you act so careless when he is around but you smiled and told him, “Because I know a swordsman that will protect me.”
Ego boost.
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tiredfox64 · 5 months
Can you write about a female reader that is being bullied by other clan members because she's not considered pretty and doesn't have a nice body and tease her the Smoke would never have feelings for her, so the reader becomes depressed and volunteers to go on a dangerous mission thinking she won't come back only for Tomas to step in and go with her so he can be closer to her?
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
Prior notes: I’ve been taking some fat naps. It’s not important but y’all know now
Pairing: Tomas x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: That foundation was 45 dollars put your head up!
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Why are they so mean to you? What could you have done to deserve their ire?
You thought the Shirai Ryu would be a more accepting and safe environment. It’s not the clan itself, it’s the people in it. A mix of different people with different personalities. Yet they treat you like an outsider. A freak even. Especially the women.
They saw how you would look at Tomas. Such love and affection in your eyes when you got a glimpse of him. He’s so nice and caring while also being incredibly skilled and strong. How could you not fall for that face? Or even that voice. Hearing his voice made you feel warm every time. When you heard his cute chuckle it made you feel good about whatever you said.
Those nasty girls put you down the moment they realized you liked Tomas. First it was your face. Somehow they would see acne scars that, according to them, made you look messed up. They weren’t even that bad, barely noticeable. But after that you noticed them much more. Freckles, moles, dimples, no matter the unique feature on your face they would say it looked unnatural and ask ‘who were you trying to fool’.
Their comments about your body were the worst. It fluctuated between people. Some said you look like you were starving yourself. Some said you look like you were eating for the whole clan. They treated body hair as if it were unnatural as well. There was nothing to be happy about when it came to a happy trail according to them. And stretch marks? Apparently nobody has those. Not on their chest, their stomach, or their thighs. What a lie. A bunch of lying, hypocritical bitches.
What hurt the most was when they told you that Tomas would never like you. That all those conversations where you two would laugh were all smoke and mirrors. He was only doing it to keep the peace and not seem like the bad guy for rejecting the loser of the clan. He would only find them attractive because they were better. Better looking, better skilled, better overall. You are just the background character getting in the way of what was supposed to happen. The background character doesn’t get with the hot guy.
You were hurt, you won’t deny that. You always thought you were beautiful no matter what. But they all made you think you were ugly, a beast. You didn’t actually have a chance with Tomas. You were just bothering him this whole time.
So you pulled away from him, avoiding any sort of contact with him. You even tried your best not to be seen by him. That depression hit hard for you. You felt so alone and isolated from everyone else. There was no other home to go back to. You’re stuck in this hell hole. A hell hole where you won’t find love and you will be shamed for anything and everything about you.
There is only one way to leave and that’s to take the dangerous mission. The mission that no one wants to take because they fear they will never return. That’s what you want. If you’re going to leave you rather leave by the way of death. Death by choice, leave with honor.
You were wrong. Everybody was wrong. No one had the right to assume Tomas’ feelings and desires.
He was disappointed that he wasn’t seeing you much anymore. It felt you just got up and disappeared. He couldn’t even get a glimpse of you anywhere. Not even during training or walking around the temple. When he would ask other clan members some would agree that they haven’t seen you either or some said they just saw you but only for a moment. He got really suspicious when those same girls who were bullying you would wave the topic away as if there were other important matters at hand. Tomas wouldn’t give them the time of day. He would walk off with a pout, sad that he hasn’t heard your sweet voice in so long. Maybe Kuai Liang would know.
When Tomas asked his brother whatever happened to you he told him that nothing happened to you, you’re just preparing for a big mission. Of course he asked what kind of mission. Kuai Liang hesitated, knowing his answer would enrage Tomas. He admitted he was sending you on a high risk mission. A mission that involves you getting close to the Lin Kuei. He was right to think Tomas would explode because he did.
“How could you send her out there?! Do you know how dangerous that is? She could get killed!” Tomas protested.
“She volunteered, I did not force her hand. She was the only one willing to do this.”
Kuai Liang believed you were doing this out of braveness and commitment. You hid your true intentions well. He was clueless to the situation between you and Tomas and how you have been avoiding him. Tomas could sense the bs however. This was not like you. Not that you weren’t brave but who in their right mind would willingly go into something like this on their own. That’s a suicide mission at that point. Tomas couldn’t and wouldn’t let you do that!
“Then I will go with her as well! We can’t send her out there on her own.” He volunteered to go with you.
Kuai Liang was very hesitant. Even just letting you go was a hard choice for him to make. But they needed the info on the Lin Kuei. He will admit it was a wrong choice but it might not be bad if Tomas goes with you as well. He nodded before speaking.
“Go get ready now. She will be leaving soon.”
You had all your equipment ready. Your weapons were sharpened and your mind set on something. Try your best to complete the mission. And if things fail and you are on death’s door, accept it. Either way you will leave or come back with honor. You took a deep breath and with a big step you-
“You’re not going by yourself.” You heard Tomas’ voice.
He grabbed onto your hand to prevent you from going. He pulled you back so you were right next to him. You were shocked to see him here. You didn’t understand why he was stopping you. He looked like he was preparing for a mission too. Before you could ask what he was doing he spoke up again.
“Why would you think it was a good idea to go alone? I know you’re brave but this is way too risky to do by yourself. You should have asked me to come,” he sighed before looking forward, “Well, we are already prepared. We should get a move on.”
This was shocking to you. Not only did Tomas willingly find you but now he was holding onto your hand. He held it tight like he was worried you would run off and leave his side.
He was. You were running away from him all this time he can’t let you go. He’s been wanting to talk to you for so long. Get close to you and find some sort of excuse to touch you. But you’ve not just been avoiding him, but everyone in general, like they were the plague. He doesn’t even care if he gets an explanation he just wants to talk to you again.
“You look very pretty today. I mean you look pretty every day but I thought you should know you look pretty, heh.” Tomas struggled a little but he hoped you got the point.
You didn’t, not because you were ignorant or missing signs you just didn’t believe him. Those girls really messed with your head and made you think everything he says to you is a lie. He sounded convincing yet your mind just wouldn’t accept it. You were afraid of being hurt even more. If you did die you don’t want to die with anymore of a broken heart.
Tomas’ heart aches when he didn’t get a response from you. You even turned your head away from him. He almost thought he was bothering you. He would have let your hand go but he was more afraid of losing you than bothering you. So he kept holding on and trying to talk to you.
“Did you sharpen your weapons? You do it so good. I might need you to sharpen my karambit if you don’t mind.”
Still nothing from you. You were hurting more than you were before. You wanted to talk but your mind was at war with your heart. You held your tears in but they threatened to burst out of you.
Tomas saw right through you. He saw that you are struggling but with what he doesn’t know. You’re more reclusive. Even your clothes spoke that. You looked like you were trying to hide your body more and even your face. You never wore a mask before. Why were you hiding all that beauty from him?
“I’ve missed talking to you. It was nice to have a break in my day where I could talk to someone about anything other than the clan. I’m sorry if I did something to scare you away. I don’t like doing that to people I care about.” He spoke softly to you as if to make you understand how much he cares.
You couldn’t. You just couldn’t.
Your heart was hurting and so was his. He just wants to be close with you again. If this is all he can get for now so be it. He wishes it was more, much more than this. You wished you could believe him again. See him as a man who could love you. You wished you could look at yourself and love who you are. You do and you hate that you let those pricks alter your belief.
In moments of weakness like this it gives others the perfect opportunity to strike. And that they did. As your two were having this mission to gain more info on the Lin Kuei, they too had orders to gain more info on the Shirai Ryu. There were more of them and they ambushed you both.
Tomas let go of your hand and took out his karambit to defend you both. This was a shock to your system and you took too long to get your kunai out. You defended yourself to the best of your abilities. Kicking and striking whenever you could. It wasn’t enough and they knocked you down. In that moment you realized that you didn’t want to die. You couldn’t tell if you didn’t want to die in an ambush or didn’t want to die in general. You were horrified and your eyes expressed that greatly to the assassins. You put your arms up to defend yourself one more time.
All you heard after was Tomas yelling ‘no’ before seeing a bunch of smoke burst in front of you. A bunch of slashing and grunts could be heard but you couldn’t see anything. When the smoke cleared all you saw was Tomas standing in front of you with all the assassins dead on the ground. There was about ten of them and he took them down in seconds. He helped you up before holding your face to check for any injuries.
“Oh god, are you hurt? Did they injure you in any way. Are you okay?” He asked as he pulled your mask down so you could breathe better.
He asked if you were okay. You knew he meant physically but you needed to hear it mentally. Those tears that have been building up this whole time slipped out slowly. He realized that there was more to this than he had imagined. He brought you into a tight hug as one of his hands went into your hair and the other rubbed your back. He whispered to you that it will all be okay and that he doesn’t want you being alone in this.
You missed him so much. You missed his touch even if it was minimal before. You can’t stand being away from him again. It doesn’t matter what those girls say you have as much right to be with him as anyone else does. No matter what you actually are you know you love him. You don’t want to die anymore. It won’t help your soul. He doesn’t want you dying either. He missed you. He needs you. You’re so special to him not even for your beauty but your personality. He would never want a girl who would drive someone to their death. That’s dishonorable and cruel.
“Come on, let’s go back. I don’t want you getting hurt anymore.” He whispered as he took your hands again.
Before you could protest by saying the mission won’t be fulfilled an opportunity opened. There was one Lin Kuei assassin left alive. Tomas was about to end his life before he begged for mercy. He said he will tell them everything but just let him live. Looks like you two didn’t have to go far for this solution.
Tomas dragged the assassin back while keeping you close. When you two returned Tomas gave the captured assassin over to Kuai Liang. He was surprised but was happy that no one got hurt in the end. And seeing that the person was willing to talk that means the mission was accomplished. He thanks you both and told you both to rest up.
Never once did Tomas let go of your hand. He wanted you close and safe even if you guys were back in the temple. Even if you don’t tell him immediately what was wrong before he was glad that some progress was made. You were looking at him again with that softness he loves.
“Let’s get you comfortable, alright? Then after that we could talk just like we used to.” He said as he walked you to your room.
You nodded and for once in a while you smiled again. You felt that warmth in your body. Whatever those girls said before was a lie. You can see that for yourself. Everything they said was a lie.
The truth is that you love Tomas and he loves you. There is nothing fake about this. And there will never be even if those jealous idiots try to say otherwise.
You are beautiful and loved. Don’t forget that.
After notes: 🍊…🦊 WHY IS MY BOLD AND BRASH PAINTING ON THE FLOOR? WHO WAS BOUNCING OFF THESE WALLS? ARE YOU EATING MY WORK AGAIN? I think I’ve manifested foxes in my town. They don’t come here and they shouldn’t. Next thing ya know the deers and vultures will come back. I don’t want to square up with a hawk again…I never did that. Adiós!
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kisakis-boyfriend · 9 months
Idk if it's fit the theme but m reader x fremi? Where's fremi moved in reader's place and he experienced winter for the first time? Like he's used to the depth of the sea and now all he sees are snows, wanna take him to watch movies but his focus are always landed on the snows so I offer him to play w the snow mybe make a snowman:0
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Pairings: Freminet x male reader
Warnings: SFW, male!reader, fluff, teasing, shoving snow under someone's clothes
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The first time that the diver experienced heavy snowfall was rather cute. Freminet's rosy cheeks peeked from underneath his scarf as he tipped his head up, staring at the descending snowflakes in awe
It was like he couldn't even hear you; lost in the moment entirely. You stood just a few steps ahead, staring at your partner — the angel that he was as he became gradually covered in powdery snow. Freminet's eyes blinked slowly and his hands opened up, palms facing the sky while the cold flurries kissed his skin, melting after a second on the warm surface
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“We're gonna be late, babe. Your siblings are going to wonder where we've been if we don't leave like right now.” You half shouted to your partner who was standing in the middle of your front yard, kicking around a chunk of icy snow
When you turned around to hurry him along again, he was muttering under his breath. Something about playing in the snow? It was hard to hear him, soft-spoken as he is, but especially so under multiple layers of clothing
Upon further questioning, you were able to get him to confess his thoughts. Freminet really wanted to experience all of those fun activities you mentioned before, when you talked about the snow and your childhood. “We'll have a snow day tomorrow, Frem. I'll clear our schedules and we can do whatever you want, promise.” You offered, though the sad expression on your partner's face caused you to cave rather quickly...
“Hmm...I think this one needs to be bigger.” Freminet said, eyeballing the ball of snow that would serve as the base of your snowman. He does have a point... As of right now, the torso is far larger than the bottom snowball. If you leave him like this he'd probably collapse and become a snow-pile-man...
Using both of your arms, you scooped up a pile of snow, carrying it over to your snowman base and packing it in together. “Much better!” You said in unison, giving each other a confident nod
Freminet has the honor of decorating the head. Using some pretty rocks and seashells to create a smile and purple eyes out of two gorgeous shells, and of course using a large carrot as the nose! It was also Freminet's idea to gift the snowy fellow a cozy scarf and one of Lyney's old top hats; giving the snowman quite a dapper appearance
While he was focused on carefully embedding the items in the snowman's head, you subtly grabbed a small handful of snow and snuck up behind your partner–
“Waaahh!!” Freminet screamed, jumping a bit when the icy substance came into contact with the small of his back. “H-hey! Why did y-you–?”
You laughed so hard that your sides began to ache, bending forward and grasping at your ribs. Freminet wasn't entirely amused, whining and jokingly calling you a ‘mean boyfriend’ 🥺
“Sorry, love. I just wanted to see your reactions,” you said between laughs, “you're too cute when you get flustered like that!”
Flustered?! Him?!
Freminet froze — feeling uncomfortably warm despite the freezing temperature outside
“Aw, there's those pretty red cheeks that I love so much!” Freminet's hands immediately flew to his face, covering his freckled (and apparently beet red!!) cheeks and turning on his heel swiftly
“You're so mean...” He whined under his breath, yet smiling when he felt familiar arms wrap around his torso, pulling him into a tight hug
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httpsserene-main · 2 years
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‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ late night flying ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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notifications ☽︎: feelings of inadequacy, stress, near death experiences, na'vi body descriptions, fem!na'vi!reader, sully's being teases
developer's notes ☽︎: hey i did say it would be out around this time :/ i'm doing my best. first work on tumblr since like 2016 be kind i'm supplying my thirst. i was just checking the word count to paste it here, and i genuinely thought lo'ak's was shorter than neteyam's, i was wrong 💀 prepare yourself, it's a novel lmao and yes this is a reminder that i consider these drabbles. also if you find yourself loving this work send me an ask for a request and i'd be thrilled to fulfill it!
much love, <3 kirby !!!
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⋆☾ NETEYAM SULLY - 1.8k words
it’s difficult for neteyam to have the time and energy to be an impulsive and disobedient kid like his brother. he spends most of his time shadowing his parents learning how to lead or chasing after his younger siblings and making sure that in their shenanigans they don’t get hurt. so, most of the time he’s only disobedient when he’s making sure his siblings are safe, which is honorable and cute. neteyam is also disobedient when he finds himself wanting to spend more time with you.
the fifteen years neteyam has been living, he’s constantly had people tell him that he’s a perfect son. that he’s smart, compassionate, strong; that he's going to be a great warrior–and a great olo’eyktan. however, he hasn’t heard that he’s the perfect son from his parents, but he doesn't have to hear it to know that they’re thinking it. he sees in how they scold lo’ak after another stupid stunt he pulled, “why can’t you try to be more careful? or, better yet, less reckless?” his dad would ask. neteyam knows the only thing lo’ak heard is, “why can’t you be more like your brother?” and it’s starting to be the only thing neteyam hears too. when he was younger he probably wouldn’t care so much about the jealous and now defeated looks lo’ak throws his way, but recently, neteyam is feeling every molecule of pressure from the village, his siblings, and his parents to continue being perfect. it doesn’t help that lo’ak has seemed to become resigned in his role of irresponsible-impulsive-brother, too, it only magnifies the pressure on neteyam to be better.
spider, lo’ak, kiri (and even tuk!), tease him for being a “goody-two shoes,” an english phrase their father had taught them. and today neteyam has had enough of hearing it. he woke up early with his father to prepare their ikran for patrol, sparred with him for hours, had his bow and flight technique nitpicked by his mother, and now he has to supervise his siblings scaling the mountains to make sure they don’t die exploring without the permission of their parents. and when they all tease him for being a “goody-two shoes,” for not wanting to venture further, he snaps. neteyam hisses and stalks his way over to the edge of the mountain, “whatever. go ahead and get involved in some dangerously stupid situation that you can’t get yourself out of and when i’m not there to save you, like i always am, have fun calling mom and dad to save your ass! and i’ll make sure to be back to enjoy seeing your dumbassess getting yelled at for your lack of brain cells, as usual.”
he calls his ikran, initiates the bond, ignores the calls apologizing and telling him to stop, and takes off into the sky. neteyam flies for what feels like minutes to him–feels the wind cascade through his braids, the cool air rushing across his skin, the sun battling the breeze to warm him, the complete understanding between him and his ikran, not needing to a single word or thought to guide. as he’s gliding through a spattering of small mountains and makes out your form and ikran ground atop of one, his curiosity gets the best of him this time, and he lands next to you. 
you’re on the ground leaning against the body of your ikran, it’s wing shielding you from the strong rays of the sun, keeping you cool. the freckles on your smooth blue-toned skin are glowing a soft white under the shade of the wing, a false replication of night. your legs are comfortably stretched-out and crossed in front of you, along with your arms crossed over your chest, your head and back resting on the warm ikran. as neteyam walks closer he sees your chest rising and falling slowly, eyes gently shut, and a look of bliss on your face. he sighs, relieved, greets your ikran with a bow of his head, and gets a welcoming coo of acknowledgment and a head shake in return, jostling your body and causing you to rouse. 
a soft groan leaves your lips, ears and tail flicking in displeasure, before your eyes flutter open and drowsily make contact with his own. you blink a few times, making a small sound of confusion, “huh?”, and your hands come up to rub at your eyes, as if seeing him here is a figment of your imagination. neteyam smiles, a warm laugh escaping him, amused by how adorable you are, even though he disturbed you from your little nap. his amusement lets you know he is in fact real, his laugh awakens the butterflies in your stomach, and your tail hides in embarrassment at being caught hiding (by him, of all people) away from everyone else, as your cheeks darken into an indigo-tinted blush. 
you shyly make an effort at eye contact and fail as you try to explain your situation to him. “i was just–”, he waves off your voice and states with a small smirk, “no need to explain yourself, it’s not like you’re in trouble with me.” you shrug, muttering a few deprecating words to yourself and are about to stand, when neteyam sits next you. he pulls his knees to his chest, arms wrapped around himself, chin resting on his knees, sighing deeply, eyes fixed ahead on the skyscape, his strikingly handsome faced furrowed with anger? stress? hopelessness?
your eyes widen, shocked at how small he manages to look. it’s incredibly rare that he allows anybody to see him this vulnerable; he’s usually impeccably composed–attractively confident and sure of himself–but the idea that he’s allowing you to see him like this is a privilege you will not take advantage of. you scooch closer to him and place a gentle hand on his shoulder and softly ask, “are you feeling okay?” there’s silence for a while before his lips parted and shut, hesitating, before he shook his head, so faintly it was almost unnoticeable. you nodded, “ do you want to talk about it?” and received a verbal response this time, “no.” with a light rasp to his voice. with another nod, you delicately squeeze his shoulder and offer comfort, “then we will not talk about it. but, if you ever find yourself needing someone to talk to, you can always come to me. the circumstances do not matter. if you want advice, i’ll do my best to advise. if you want me to simply listen, my ears will be open. if you want to sit in silence, ill sit silently with you so you are not alone.”
neteyam turns to you in disbelief at the sincerity within your words, and surprises himself with how close you are, faces only inches apart. your eyes widen and you lean back a little bit, hand slipping off his shoulder, but the earnest look in your gaze remains, trying to gauge his response to your pledge. neteyam shakes his head at you, a happy scoff escapes his lips, and he calls you stupid for resigning yourself to a one-sided promise. you put your hands on your hips and tilt your head at him, not falling for the insult. “all that matters to me is that you have someone to speak your true feelings to and not allow them to eat at you from the inside out.” neteyam observes the seriousness in your eyes, the way your ears are turned towards him, the way tension coils in your tail, the way your eyes shift from his to the ground as if you’re just now considering the possibility that he may reject your offer.
neteyam stands, and nods affirmatively, tail flicking, “okay. i do not wish to talk about it. but now as my newly designated comfort person, you have to fly with me.” he offers you his hand, and gently raises you to your feet. you giggle at him, head tilted up to meet his eyes, “there has to be a better title besides ‘comfort person’ but i’ll take it! uh…are you going to let go of my hand so we can get flying?” neteyam drops your hand, and scratches at his head, now it’s his turn for his cheeks to turn indigo. you mount your ikran, and call down to him with a smirk on your face, “trying to race?” neteyam laughs at you, goading, “when i win, don’t hurt yourself trying to eat my dust!” you kick-off getting a head start, and neteyam is quick to mount his ikran and follow you into the sky.
the challenge you had set began with adrenaline-pumped blood, heavy breathing, sharp turns, dives and peaks, free-falling, frivolous chasing after one other, the lead switching between the two of you often, screams of glee and awe when one of you pulled off an unreal maneuver–and turned into cruising instead of racing. eclipse had long since passed, somehow going unnoticed by you and surprisingly, neteyam. your gliding had turned into intertwining flight paths–swirling, flipping, mixing, turning, all synchronized as if it were a dance you two had practiced many times before. neteyam finds himself distracted from guiding his ikran, as his whole thought process becomes consumed with the image of you.
the bioluminescent freckles twinkling on your face in an unknown pattern, and he wonders if his match yours. the way you let your eyes drift shut, how your head is tilted back, how your arms raise and spread into the air as your ikran coasts through a flip in the air. a soft smile remains constant on your lips as you fly, and grows larger when you open your eyes again and turn to him. you pick up speed to overtake him, and set the path through a few cliff sides, while neteyam raises his hand to his face and realizes that he’s been grinning like a madman the whole time he’s been with you. when you two escape the maze of terrain, he coasts right next to you and sees the moonlight hit your lithe body at the perfect angle and allows himself to accept the fact that he’s falling in love with you. and then his heart drops into his stomach, his ikran shrieks and comes to a sudden stop, wings flapping frantically to remain in the same space– sending you and your ikran into a panic, as you quickly turn back to him, and worriedly question him, scared at the paled look on his face.
neteyam buries his face into his hands and silences your bewilderment by pulling a hand from his face and pointing into the sky, finally bringing your awareness to you guys messing around way past eclipse. you eyes widen and your mouth drops open, a groan of despair escaping you, and you look at neteyam, and both of you say,
“we’re so dead.”
and as you two start to race home, debating whether or not to lie about how you guys ended up losing track of time this badly, neteyam can’t help but think that any punishment he receives from his mom and dad wouldn’t matter, in light of the discovery he made today. the fact that he’s falling in love with you, and the fact that he doesn’t want to do anything to stop it.
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⋆☾ LO'AK SULLY - 2k words
lo’ak’s just finished being scolded by not only his mother and his father, but also his grandmother after his latest stunt of nearly killing his younger sister, tuk, unintentionally of course. how was he supposed to know that she was going to sneeze and fall off the vines connecting the mountains plummeting to the ground only to be saved by neteyam on his ikran…again. in his anger of being banned from patrolling and flying for two weeks he sulks into the jungle and comes across you.
lo’ak retreats into the jungle after being dismissed by his father, angered and simultaneously exhausted. it’s like his parents think that he purposely tried to kill his little sister–why would he want that?? and at the bare minimum, why don’t they scold tuk for tagging along and blackmailing him all the time? “if you don’t take me, i’m going to tell” she’d singsong at him. even though he’s breaking rules anyway, they should at least tell tuk not to partake in it with him. 
he wasn’t even planning on getting in trouble today! tomorrow,he was supposed to join his parents and neteyam on checking the borders of their land, and he just wanted to share the news with his ikran. so when tuk wanted to come along to see the ikrans, he thought nothing could possibly go wrong, they’re all grouped next to their main dwelling in the mountains. he helped tuk climb to the top, and they both greeted the flock and made their way to his mount. he bring his hand to his forehead and gestures towards the animal, and tuk does the same. the ikran leans towards tuk and snorts at her gently blowing stray grass on to her face. she shrieks and giggles freely–happily, and lo’ak gently laughs at them as he bring his hand to pet the playful animal.
tuk mimics her older brother and gently pats the ikran on the snout a few times before she becomes distracted at the others milling around uninterestedly. she goes off to examine a few juvenile ikrans and lo’ak prods her, “hey! make sure to stay where i can see and hear you!” tuk nods vigorously and begins to play with the babies. lo’ak watches over her quietly for a few minutes, trying to determine whether or not any of the birds are going to try and swallow her whole, and nods acceptingly after witnessing the mature ikrans grumble and waddle away from her instead of attacking her. 
with his sister’s safety secured he turns around to face his ikran (his ears still pinned in her direction) and forms the tsaheylu with his ride–amber pupils blown wide as the bond is initiated. lo’ak loses himself in his thoughts, illustrating them for the animal, and is only shaken from it when he hears his sister sneeze, which is quickly followed by a bone-chilling shriek. his body snaps around so quickly that his braid rips from the bond, and he see his little sister fall in what seems like slow-motion. lo’ak screams her name as she falls over the edge, and instinctively reconnects with his ikran and flies over the edge to try and catch her. he’s diving straight down, gaining on her but not quickly enough for the panic and fear to subside in his chest. he’s reaching out– his hand a few feet apart from tuk’s, and he misses the first grab, the second grab, and then her body is snatched out freefall and into neteyam’s arms. 
lo’ak levels out and speeds towards them, tuk clinging onto their brother–head buried into his chest, sobs wracking her tiny form. neteyam’s hand cradles her head, and he turns to lo’ak ready to yell at him, but the expression on his younger brother’s face stops him. there’s fear in his eyes, tears running down his cheeks and he keeps trying to wipe them away but he can’t seem to stop himself from crying. neteyam smoothly guides his ikran right next to lo’ak and gently detaches tuk from his body and into his brother’s who hesitantly accepts her onto his saddle. she clings on to him crying erratically, broken “sorry’s” falling from her mouth in between sobs, and even as lo’ak comforts her pulling her close and rubbing his hand down her back in a soothing manner, the look in his eyes betrays him; that’s he's feels undeserving of her apologies. neteyam gently rubs lo’ak on the back, and does nothing besides giving him an understanding nod, and coasts in front of him to lead them home. 
“my parents only heard the fact that tuk fell, and not the fact that i feel like shit for letting that happen to her!! it’s like they genuinely think that im putting her in dangerous situations on purpose! like i find some sort of satisfaction in it! i’m not a psychopath, i’m her brother! i care about her safety more than my own! i’d literally die for tuk!” he rants to you. he stumbled across you sitting on a river bank sharpening your knife, and as soon as you saw him you cringed at his expression and asked a simple, “you going to tell me what happened this time?” and now hear you are, listening to lo’ak repeat the same argument against his parents’ for what had to be hours. you glance at the sky and see the sun beginning to bridge the horizon, eclipse will fall upon you two soon. 
for the first time you interrupt and ask, “did you tell your parents that?” lo’ak throws his hands up in the air and begins pacing back and forth exasperatedly claiming, “i tried!! multiple times! and they just spoke over me–they didn’t want to hear it! even neteyam came to my defense trying to explain for me, and they dismissed his words too!!” your eyes widened as you said perplexed, “they ignored what neteyam had to say?” lo’ak screamed, “yes!” in complete disbelief. 
“and now you’re banned from flying,” you clarify.
“and patrolling.”
you nodded at him, “well it could be a lot worse—”
“what??! what do you mean a lot worse?! this is terrible!” he cried out.
“they could’ve banned you from flying forever,” you smirked at him.
he sighs, a petty little “not funny” escaping from him, and you laugh, letting him know that you thought your joke was funny enough. you watch him continue to pace, his body language still unsettled (you just can’t determine if it’s from his punishment, or not being enough to save his sister), his fingers rake through his braids tugging and pulling at his scalp frustratedly, and you’ve had enough when you see the deep blue skin on his hands start to lighten with the force and grasp he has on his hair. you intercept his path, place an unyielding hand on his chest holding him in place, and with a firm look on your face you demand, “stop tugging at your hair like that. you’ve spent so much time growing these pretty braids it would be a shame to see you rip them out of your own skull.”
lo’ak freezes, eyes wide and locked onto yours, as he releases his braids and his arms fall limp at his sides. he’s not sure if he stopped because he was listening to your instructions, or if because he short-circuited when you called him pretty (okay, you called his braids pretty–it’s a miniscule difference). you state confidently, “if you are not allowed to fly for the next two weeks, that does not mean that i am not allowed fly. which means that you are allowed to fly with me.” lo’ak balks at your bold statement, “uh…” hesitantly calling out to you as you step away from him (your hand just now falling from his chest, yes he noticed) and summon your ikran. he goes, “uhhhh, no! nope! i do not think that is what that means at all!” you climb onto your saddle, and plead, “lo’ak, please let me try to make you feel better. they won’t be wondering where you are until eclipse, and we only have a couple hours left before we lose daylight. fly with me one last time until you really can’t?”
he shifts his weight, battling with himself before he sighs and allows you to help him onto the back of the saddle, “alright, but only until eclipse, okay?” you cheer, and commence a quick take off, causing lo’ak to shout and hurriedly wrap his arms around your waist, and how is this the first time he’s noticed how small you are compared to him. you continue to direct your ikran upwards and into the clouds bringing him further away from his troubles on the ground.
your waist is enveloped completely by just one of his arms, and in order to make the ride more comfortable he pulls his hands backwards and just grasps carefully at the sides of your waist instead, his fingers almost close enough to touch across your stomach. it seems you’ve just become aware of the situation and he feels your breath catch, and stomach tense, but you say nothing, content to avoid addressing it and let him handle it. he sees the deeper shade to your cheeks and smiles boyishly and he knows that you know that he’s cheesing at you, but you refuse to acknowledge his amusement, keeping your eyes fixed forward but the blush becomes noticeable on your ears, and begins to spread to your chest, and he can’t stop himself from audibly laughing. in retaliation, you command your ikran into a sharp flip, and lo’ak’s gasp interrupts his laughter, and he tightens his grasp on your waist to stop himself from sliding.
when you level out it appears that night has finally overtaken day, but the both of you are too busy squealing internally at the fact that his agile, strong, trained, veiny hands are gripping your waist. the bioluminesce begins to sparkle over your body, and he merely leans back to get a better look at you. you turn to look at him and see a soft smile on his face, his eyes overflowing with feelings he has yet to speak with you about; and nevertheless, you understand completely, and you’re sure it’s reflected at him in your own gaze. you shyly face frontwards again, recognizing that you embarrassed yourself enough around him today with bold words and touches, but lo’ak does not let you hide for long. he scoots forward completely, no longer worried about maintaining the space between you. his chest envelopes your back and he leans forward to gently place a fleeting kiss on your cheek, your breath catches again. instead of teasing you as before, he pulls back–dropping one hand to the body of your ikran and allows the other to wrap across you more firmly, his hand pressing against your abdomen encouraging you to rest against him, and you breathe deeply, allowing yourself to be embraced. his chin goes to rest on your head, and you allow your ikran to guide you home, fully at ease in lo’ak’s arms. 
lo’ak gently offers, “let’s spend a little more time out here. just you and me, together.” you begin to half-heartedly reject, reminding him of the circumstances of his punishment and curfew. he waves you off, “it does not matter, you said it yourself. they can’t ban me from flying forever, what’s another week of grounding to the two i have already?” you twist to make sure of his decision, before nodding and turning around again, settling yourself even deeper and more comfortably in his hold.
you suggest to your ikran to take the longest path home.
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© killakirby - piracy and plagiarism are not allowed. no reposts on any form of media.
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hoshologies · 1 year
ur aftercare drabble with mark is making me so soft🥹🥹 if it’s alright can u also write abt inexperienced reader who is having her first time with mark?
send me a kink/scenario + an idol (txt, svt, skz, enha hyung line, or nct dream) and i’ll write a drabble
warnings. afab!reader, making out, suggestions of sex (primarily f!receiving oral and penetration) smut is under the cut. minors do not interact.
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your favorite thing about mark has always been his willingness to accomodate and make you comfortable. in any other man, this would be the absolute barest minimum, but mark approaches it like it’s the greatest honor that could ever possibly be bestowed upon him: he asks for your permission on everything, he tailors every date to your personality and interests and comfort level, he even waited for you to express interest in wanting to go beyond holding hands and hugging (though, in his excitement, your first kiss together ended up being a little messy, but it was sweet nonetheless). most of it stems from your inexperience; mark is your first real boyfriend and you want to make it work, so he’s been kind and patient with you, allowing you to set the pace.
like he’s doing right now, letting you settle yourself on his lap, your hands drifing across the soft expanse of his chest and stomach, places on him you’ve never seen before. he’s the only one in a state of undress; he told you that this can take as long as you need it to, so he didn’t rush to take your shirt off in the middle of the makeout session that had started in the middle of a movie, no long forgotten. your fingers trace, memorize every dip in his skin, every freckle, every mole newly discovered, and you feel him growing hard under you, hot and insistent in a way that stokes your own fire behind your navel.
he pulls your mouth to his again, a little bashful under your exploring gaze and looking for a way to get your eyes off him for a few moments so he can recollect himself. somewhere in the midst of it, his fingers, which had been resting dutifully on your lower back, dip under your sweater and you shudder; not in a bad way, though, because you like the feeling of his calloused fingertips against your skin. when he pulls away and looks up at you with his brown eyes wide and glassy, pleading, you nod and let him take your shirt off of you, all reverence and worshipful.
and then not long later, he’s got you on your back, your head resting on his many pillows. your shorts and bra have joined your abandoned shirt on the floor next to mark’s bed. like you, he’s left only in his boxers and when he looks up at you from between your legs, one hand on your thigh and the other toying with the hem of your underwear, you think you just about die on the spot.
“i know this is all new for you,” he says, tilting his head to the side just so. he looks inquisitive, earnest, like your pleasure and comfort are the only things in the world that matter to him. “so can i tell you what i want to do and you can decide if you want me to do that? because i just… really, really want this to be good for you.”
you nod and smile at him softly, a gesture he returns before he starts listing off, his eyes trained on you and gauging your reactions. you’re fighting off the mortification of being naked in front of a boy for the first time ever, of hearing him tell you that he wants to taste you, wants to feel you around him when you come. every part of you burns with embarrassment, but when he asks you with a gentle voice “is that okay? do you wanna try?” you really cannot bring yourself to tell him no because if you’re going to experience this with anyone for the first time, you’d prefer it with mark, who already treats you like a deity.
so you don’t. you tell him yes and he smiles. and he thanks you.
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© hoshologies 2023. do not translate, copy, or repost my work on any site.
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mjjune · 4 months
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as requested/voted on for my 1k follower celebration! thank you so much to everyone who voted and who cares enough about this story to want to know more 💕
artists featured: check them out!!!
@neapaulatan, @ichimakesart, @littlestpersimmon, @akiwitch, @vacantgodling
below the cut is a full image description and twtr's taglist! reply here or message me if you want to be added ✨
[Image Description:
A Comic Sans WIP intro of 9 slides with dark gray background and various images.
Slide 1: Title page with a dark background of green leaves with the title "TWTR: a comic sans wip intro as requested by my followers <3"
Slide 2: "So WTF is TWTR?" with an image of illustrated art of a forest scene with a tree growing through a cottage in the background, a silvery ax with a dragon design sticking out of the earth in the foreground. The slide reads, "a retelling, sorta, more of a sequel ! the prologue is a little red riding hood retelling, and the rest of the novel is the aftermath. red is not so little anymore. the wolf is back for blood and the woodsman has to finish what he started 6 years ago." In smaller font, a note in parentheses says, "and no i will not tell you what twtr stands for. it’s an ongoing joke now that half my betas still didn’t know what it meant even though it was on the signup sheet 🫠"
Slide 3: The Story. Has an illustrated gif image of the woodsman facing away from the audience, his cape blowing in the wind. He has an ax in his left hand, a raven sitting on his right shoulder in the woods. the slide reads: "the woodsman, an outsider, saves a little girl from a legendary beast, only to find out that she’s?? whoops?? the nearby kingdom’s princess and only heir??? so naturally, if you were the queen, and some strange outsider dude pops out of the evil magical forest with your 10yo daughter claiming he saved her from The Wolf™ ... uh, yeah, that’s sus. he’s arrested and has to prove (via dark shit i won’t go into) that he’s magic-free before he can join kingdom society."
Slide 4: Yikes, then what? Has a banner image of the woods with a cloaked figure in the center, fog rising from the bottom, with a raven with glowing eyes in the corner. The slide reads: "over the years, he works his way up to become red’s personal guard. he has his first real friend of his entire life?? 🥺 until the wolf shows back up, working its way through the kingdom devouring people. avery must kill the beast once and for all before it gets to red. as he tracks it, though, he uncovers lies that go deep not only within the kingdom, but his own past. he finds The Wolf™ in the woods, where it offers him a deal: the truth, for red. which will avery choose??? 👀"
Slide 5: Wait so who are these people?? Has 3 icon images of the main characters. First is "Avery, The Woodsman. known for being short, baby-faced, and a man of few words; mysterious past prior to saving red and joining the kingdom." His icon is an illustrated profile view of a short dark-haired tan-skinned man with freckles and a bit of scruff and a serious expression. Second is "Red, Princess Anara. the spirited heir to the throne; angry that she’s not included in royal affairs and wants to learn everything." Her icon is illustrated art of a young girl with blue eyes, red hair in a braid, wearing a dark hooded cloak looking at the audience. Last is "The Wolf™, a monster of legend, rumored to be immortal that lives in the dark forest surrounding the kingdom; the size of a room and devours people whole :P yum yum." Its icon is a dark image of a wolf with glowing white eyes looking at the audience.
Slide 6: Surely there are other characters, MJ??? Slide is plain with a bulleted list of info, which reads: "Honorable Mentions: MAGNUS, the elite guardsman who trains avery and has a complicated history (an unintentional fan favorite); QUEEN ETIENNE, the queen of the kingdom and red’s mom; "GRANDMA", an elderly woman who red liked to visit (secretly) in the woods and was devoured by The Wolf™."
Slide 7: Also Featuring. Slide reads "a badass ax, hand-crafted by avery’s long-deceased parents; giant trees the size of houses; giant burrowing lizards; religious coercion :); magic metal; magic plagues; magic soup; intimate platonic hair braiding; cute child cameos; southern hemisphere world (aka the north is warm and the south is cold)". To the right is an illustration of avery's ax, a dark handle with silvery ax with an etched dragon design.
Slide 8: Ok, but is it gay? with small parentheses note: "how dare you ask me this honestly." Bullet points read: "unfortunately this is classified :) (tbf even in the book i keep it loose and open to interpretation), but here are some themes which may or may not be queer: “(unconscious) true love’s kiss breaks the spell” except does it tho???; princess “uninterested in courting”; handsome shy wallflower guy gets asked to dance by 100 girls and declines them all (think cullen from dragon age lmao); shapeshifting as a metaphor for... things :); found family / family doesn’t have to be blood / adoption; lights vs. dark not being a clear-cut good vs. evil, nuanced morality etc.
Slide 9: Art credits! Slide reads: "a HUGE thank you to all the artists i’ve commissioned! they’re all linked below! check them out! in order of appearance: dark forest scene by neapaulatan; avery cape gif by ichimakesart; foggy banner and wolf icon (fan-made); avery icon by littlestpersimmon; red icon by akiwitch; avery’s ax by vacantgodling. Below the credits, it reads, "Thanks for reading! and as a reminder, all my works have a taglist! if you want a notif every time i post about this wip let me know :)"
End Image Description]
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@aether-wasteland-s @annetilney @artbyeloquent @ashirisu @bebewrites
@cljordan-imperium @dogmomwrites @dustylovelyrun @elijahrichardwrites @eventideintrigue
@faithfire-writes @flowerprose @forthesanityofstorytellers @ghafasinej @helioscenic
@isabellebissonrouthier @jamieanovels @lexiklecksi @little-mouse-gardens @marlowethelibrarian
@marrowwife @mr-writes @macabremoons @perasperaadastrawriting @phantomnations
@tate-lin @thyroidhormones @verba-writing @vsnotresponding @wildswrites
118 notes · View notes
achaoticeternal · 2 years
summary: since your shared childhood, aemond and you have always shared a close bond. word count: 2.4k warnings: canon typical language and violence. bullying.  a/n: this is a fem!reader who is a noble lady and ward of the Queen. reader is Otto’s niece/ Alicent’s cousin so you could also imagine this with a Hightower!Reader. this was inspired from the song seven by taylor swift. i love both soft and mean aemond, you can try and pry him from my hands
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The library was strangely silent today. It was always silent, apart from the rustling of pages and the occasional whisper. Yet, today it was a weird difference.
Helaena sat to your right, reading over a field journal she had found about arachnids. Though you despised seeing the pictures of the spiders and scorpions, you knew they delighted the young princess. Currently, nothing in the gardens or the maester’s study had intrigued her as much as the eight-legged fiends did.
In front of you was a book that briefly talked over the history of the Reach, most fondly writing about Oldtown, your home. With Lord Otto being your uncle, his daughter, the Dowager Queen, now took you in as her ward so that you would be raised in proper society. It had been a high honor to live and be educated amongst the royal family.
Typically, you were an avid reader, being able to finish such a short novel in less than an hour. But the lack of a certain prince’s presence left you feeling uneasy…
However, the door to the library opened to reveal Aemond with his mother at his side. Both of them looked upset, yet it was Aemond who was crying. Clearly, something had set him off from his usually soft demeanor.
“Aemond!” You announced and moved quickly to talk with him.
As you approached him and the Queen, you curtsied before comforting your friend, “What has upset you, my prince?”
Aemond scrunched his nose, the light freckles of his face moving too, “My brother… my nephews… I hate them.”
“Aemond, we do not say such things,” the Queen corrected her son, before dismissing herself to attend to Helaena.
Your eyes followed her until you were convinced that she could no longer hear the pair of you whisper to each other, “What happened? What did they do to you?”
Aemond shook his head at first, not wanting to relive the moment. But he did want to tell you because you always knew how to comfort him. You were a far better friend than any of his family or the sons of the nobles that visited the capital.
“They said that the dragon masters had found an unclaimed dragon. A dragon that I could bond with and fulfill my destiny to be a dragon rider,” Aemond’s lip shook as he spoke, “But they gave me a pig! A pig with wings!”
As soon as you noticed the crack in his voice, you threw your arms around him, pulling the prince into a tight hug. You did not say anything to him… simply allowing him to forget about the incident.
“Their words do not matter, because they are only words. You are the finest among them,” You softly attempted to console your friend, “You have studied and trained much more than any of them. One day, you shall have a dragon, a great dragon.”
“What if I don’t? What if I never become a dragon rider?”
His vulnerability made your chest ache for him. You wished that others could see Aemond as you saw him. Gently, you rested your hands against his forearms, “You are a prince… And even if they are foolish enough to ignore that. My loyalty and friendship are vowed only to you — you are my prince…”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
With the matter of Driftmark now settled, the entirety of the Targaryen family was gathered in a private dining room for a feast. It had been many years since everyone was together for a meal, so you understood why the King had wished for such. It left you to now sit between your uncle, the Hand, and your prince, Aemond.
Currently, everyone was laughing or paying tribute to other members of the family. It was heartwarming to see the royal family coming together and actually enjoying themselves.
Yet, Aemond sat by your side, clutching his goblet. He only laughed at some of the snide comments that Aegon made, occasionally acknowledging the jokes from his uncle Daemon as well. You reached out a hand to playfully snatch the pitcher of wine that sat in front of his plate.
“Refilling your chalice again, my lady?” Aemond questioned you.
“It has been quite the day, my prince,” You giggled to yourself, “Indulging myself for a night might do me some good.”
As you lifted the chalice to your lips, your eyes made contact with his violet one. With a smirk, you began to sip the red liquid while maintaining his gaze. It was only when you lowered the cup that Aemond’s gaze flickered to your lips, now stained red from the wine.
“Do you ever wish to indulge yourself, my prince?”
Both you and Aemond knew there was a deeper meaning to your words. However, Jace suddenly stood to his full height while Aegon continued his torment. At this action, Aemond also quickly stood, eyeing Jace as if he wanted the young prince to act out of fashion.
Instead, Jace made a toast to his uncles — a toast to their shared youth. Then Jace lead Helaena to dance, which was far more innocent than his mocking tribute.
You immediately noticed the shift in Aemond’s disposition from the tribute. His jaw clenched, defining his side profile; while his knuckles began to turn white from his grip on his napkin. Gently, you rested your hand atop his, soothing the skin with your thumb.
“Ignore him,” You attempted to console him, “They only mean to anger you. Do not allow them the pleasure of seeing you so upset…”
A chuckle sounded from across the table. It came from Lucerys, as the servants placed a pig at your end from the table. Aemond’s eye flickered from his nephew to the pig and finally to the chalice.
Aemond slammed his fist on the table as he stood, raising his chalice, “Final tribute.”
You glanced up at him, silently begging that he control his anger. He looked down at you, but looked back to Aegon with a smirk, “To the health of my nephews… Jace… Luke… Joffrey…”
Tension quickly began to fill the room, drowning everyone under its waves. A part of you prayed to the Seven that Aemond would just bite his tongue this once. That he would sit down and have a laugh with you or ask to be excused for the evening.
But Aemond continued on with his tribute, “Each of them handsome, wise… strong”
The devilish smirk played at his lips, and while you usually enjoyed seeing Aemond like this, you wished for such torment to end.
“Come, let us drain our cups to these three strong boys—”
“I dare you to say that again,” Jace spoke heatedly from his spot next to Helaena. Both Alicent and Rhaenyra attempted to cut in and silence their children, only for the boys to speak over them.
“Why?” Aemond crossed away from his seat, standing rather proudly, “Twas only a compliment. Do you not think yourself strong?”
Before another word could be said, Jace viciously approached his uncle and delivered a right hook to his jaw. Only Aemond’s head turned, and not a drop of wine spilled from his goblet, still in hand. The sudden fight caused a great commotion to come from yourself and others.
The next thing you saw was Aegon pinning Luke to the table, and Aemond easily shoving Jace to the floor. The Queen yelped at her sons to quit, as guards seized the younger boys.
“Aemond!” You spoke crossly, grabbing his arm.
The Queen moved to his opposite side, glaring up at her son, “Why would you say such a thing before these people?”
“I was merely expressing how proud I am of my family, Mother,” His gaze looked from his mother to you, as he tugged his arm out of your grip, “Though it seems my nephews aren’t quite as proud of theirs.”
Daemon quickly stepped in between his nephews and his stepsons, glaring between both groups. As Rhaenyra bid her sons and their betrothed to go back to their chambers, Daemon turned to meet Aemond’s glare. A sigh escaped Daemon as everyone else in the room awaited for something to occur.
It surprised you, how similar Aemond was to his uncle. You wondered to yourself if the Rogue Prince was once as strikingly handsome as Aemond was. Of course, you had heard the stories, but it was hard to imagine anyone being more handsome than your friend and prince.
“To your rooms,” Alicent looked between all of her children and you, “Now!”
A moment later, Aemond looked to the door and began making his exit. Swiftly, you curtsied to the remaining members of the royal family before fleeing after the prince. It would be better to calm him now than allow his rampage to continue.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“What desire filled you to act like such a cunt?”
“I simply complimented my nephews-”
“You know what you said, what you implied… do you wish for your father to have your?” Your brows furrowed as he crossed away from you, “or for your uncle to take your head like he did Vaemond’s? You can not be so childish!”
Aemond moved away from you, his anger wishing to get the best of him. Even if his nephews had upset him so, you could not justify such words and actions after the King’s departure from dinner this evening. You stood diligently, waiting for an apology or even a plain response.
“Childish?” Aemond straightened his posture as he spoke, “Childish?”
Finally, the blonde-haired prince spun around to face you. His jaw clenched, just like his fist. You could see all the rage, the desire to scream at you, his eye glaring at you while reflecting every emotion that whirled inside him.
“Childish, that is your claim? Hmm?” Aemond sneered, “Childish is what I would call Aegon as he continues his drunken vices or the lords of the court who think silly words and flowers to tempt you into a marriage. No, childish is something I would call my bastard nephew, Lucerys, while he laughs at a pig being placed in front of me at supper tonight!”
Just as a tear escaped from his violet eye, Aemond turned away from you. You could tell from the tension in his neck that he despised sharing such thoughts with you.
“I… I understand what—”
“No, you don’t understand!” He shoved your hand off his arm, “You are a fine lady of the courts, I am a Targaryen Prince! A prince that no one in this damn family seems to respect.”
With a sigh, you began to approach him again… You were much softer and gentler with your tone and movements. At first, you placed a hand at the top of his back, rubbing simple circles to comfort him. Once the tension left his back, you tucked your arms around his waist, hugging yourself close to his frame.
“I respect you, my prince.”
Immediately, your words began to calm him, his breath evened out into fuller breaths. Then, you took your cue to continue to calm his spirit. “You are a Targaryen Prince, the most accomplished of them all. You ride the largest dragon. You have trained both mentally and physically to be the best of them. And if they don’t care about that,” You removed yourself from him and moved to stand before him. You gently intertwined your fingers as you gazed up at him loving you, “I care about it. You have my respect, you are my prince…”
Aemond’s hands squeezed tighter at your words. Though his demeanor had not shifted, you could tell that your words had affected him. He thought for a moment more, nodding as if agreeing with him.
“You have always been loyal to me,” His brow raised, “Why?”
You bit your lip in contemplation. There were many ways to answer the prince’s question. With a sigh, you began to answer him, “Since we were children, I could see your potential. Your very being exudes a type of power that Aegon nor your nephews will ever have. You are the best of them, and I have always seen that. You deserve the world and more in my eyes.”
Aemond was silent, and only a hum of contemplation showed that he had even acknowledged what you had said. Then he dropped your hands, his brow furrowing. You took this as a sign of dismissal. It was understandable that he would like to spend the rest of the evening alone.
Your steps were light as you made your way to the door. The tension from earlier has dissipated and allowed the natural sway of your gait to return. As you approached the exit to the chambers, you were stopped.
“My lady?”
At his request, you turned to face the man, “Yes, my prince?”
“Exactly how long have you known me?”
“Since we were… seven? Whenever Queen Alicent requested that I serve as her ward.”
“And how long have you been in love with me?”
Suddenly, all breath abandoned your body. Your jaw dropped in shock at his statement and a wave of nerve brushed over you. All words and movement were lost upon you, so you stayed frozen in time.
Aemond, however, seemed quite amused at your shock. His typical cool and devilish manner had returned to him as he began to stalk toward you. A smirk played at his lips as he continued his teasing, “I apologize, did you not hear me well enough?”
“Huh…” You pressed your back to the door, “I-I’m afraid I don’t understand the sentiment behind your question…”
“It is a rather simple question though,” Aemond rebutted, “How long have you been in love with me?”
A few quick strides later, Aemond stood before you, leaving no escape from his gaze. He would get an answer, one way or another, “My lady, did you think your affections would go unnoticed by me? By my mother?”
“I… I…” A blush crept over your face. How you wished to cower away and into your private chambers, wishing the conversation had never made the shocking turn.
“Speechless, are we?” Aemond smirked, dipping his head to your height, “I hope you are not so speechless when I ask your Lord Father to take you as my wife.”
At his words, your heartbeat increased once more, confusion evident on your face, “Wife?”
“Ah, she speaks…” Aemond tutted, raising a hand to cup your jaw as he admired your features, “Yes… my wife… I assume that you would enjoy such. Of course, you can still continue to prattle and dote on me as you do now.”
A giggle slipped past you at his teasing words. Finally, the realization of it settled in, “Is that eagerness, my prince? If it was, I would think you quite enjoy, if not even desire my affections.”
“That I do,” He chuckled to himself as his nose brushed against yours, “I desire you, the object of all my affections.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
please like, reblog, and/or comment if you enjoyed and would like to see more aemond or hotd content.
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zorosdimples · 2 months
Every ten years, two young adults from your village are offered to the King of Curses as human sacrifices.
The selection process is random—or so the elders claim, anyway; you suspect that mere happenstance isn’t the reason why the chosen ones are always orphans. What’s the harm in throwing away the lives of those who have no social status or home? Who will mourn their loss?
On a somber morning, inky clouds a funerary shroud over the earth, you aren’t surprised when a procession arrives at the door of your master’s home, announcing that you have the honor of serving the village this year. Unable to so much as gather your few belongings, you leave the residence immediately, heart heavy with foreboding.
The next several weeks are a blur. You reside in an old temple on the outskirts of the village where you begin the purification process. It is there that you meet your companion on this journey to premature death: a fellow orphan named Yuuji. To your knowledge, you have never met him before; you’re positive that you would remember him if you had—he’s too striking to forget.
Yuuji is tall and broad, his skin sun-warmed and tawny, freckles smattering his shoulders and face. His eyes are swirling pots of honey, smoother and richer than any you have ever seen—is the golden nectar as luscious and sweet as they claim? The shock of hair atop is head is a coppery gold, more befitting of royalty than a poor farmhand.
But perhaps his most distinct features are the identical, crescent-shaped scars that rest beneath his eyes. You wonder how they got there and what they mean. Are they an omen? A generational curse? A mark of death? You may never muster the courage to ask him, though, as the day of your offering is tomorrow.
The wind whips the hem of your silk robes, the chilly air seeping to your bones, a shiver wracking your frame. You wobble to you knees before the shrine as you begin reciting the sacrificial rites—the elders standing back at a safe distance—waiting for the King of Curses to claim you. Your heart is a storm: sorrowful rain, vengeful thunder, thrilling lightning. Amidst the chaos of your thoughts, Yuuji grasps your left hand, his palm dwarfing your own.
“It’s going to be okay,” he whispers.
You glance at him in your periphery; a smile tugs at the corners of his lips. What makes you so sure? you want to ask. The words are on the tip of your tongue as his scars open to display another set of eyes a bloody claret, dark tattoos creeping across his face and limbs. He speaks with a gravely voice, much deeper than he ever has before:
“This isn’t the end, brat—it’s just the beginning.”
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exilethegame · 9 months
Do you have a list of the ROs and like a description of them :( can't find it
I have one floating about somewhere, but here's an up-to-date one! :)
Vethna Mevnrael (they/them) Appearance: 5’9, skin the color of bronze with long wavy hair that’s only a few shades darker than their skin. Their eyes are a greyed-out blue-green and glow in the darkness due to magic. They wear a deep v-neck black gown with golden embroidery, an outrageous amount of rings and jewelry, and their signature wine-red lipstick. Background: Vethna hails from Vygrand-- otherwise known as the sworn rival land of your home country. Where you have been raised to resent most, if not all magic, they have been raised to thrive on it. You don't know much about them-- just that they're on the run from someone, something, powerful, and you're the only one who can protect them. That, and they have a whole lot of gold... almost as much as they have secrets.
Nikke Ivante (he/him) Appearance: 6’0, pale green skin and covered in iridescent scales. Purple bags sit under his pale green eyes, which, like all mythosi, glow in the darkness. Wears smudged black kohl across his eyes. His hair is long, half shaved, and braided, mostly black with streaks of white. His tongue is forked and his sharp fangs often protrude from out past his lips. His arms are covered in tattoos of snakes winding downwards, and on his neck sit geometric tattoos. Background: Nikke has been sent to kill you or kidnap you-- you're not entirely sure which it is, and you don't intend to find out. He's crude and sarcastic and overall a brute. He doesn't seem to take his own life seriously, nonetheless yours, and you have no doubt he's going to capture you or die trying. Hell-- maybe he'll just kill you both while he's at it... you know, for fun.
Jost Ivante (she/her) (Not romanceable in demo yet) Appearance: 6’0 with pale green skin and iridescent scales. Her features are sharp and she has multiple piercings, the most notable being her bridge piercing and snake-bites. She has tattoos down her arms and on her neck in geometric patterns. Her hair is waist-length and slicked back and filled with braids and tokens, and just like her brother, is streaked with white. While she wears dark paint over her eyes, it’s done in a manner much neater than Nikke’s. Background: Jost is Nikke's identical twin sister-- and, if possible, she's twice as mean and just as rude. She's more ruthless than her brother, but she doesn't quite have the fighting power to back up her venom-laced threats and taunts. Nonetheless, she fights dirty, and if you want to beat her, you're going to have to be smart.
Amilia Von Clamile (she/her) Appearance: 5’3 with snow white skin and blood red hair that’s poorly cut and uneven, coming to her chin on one shoulder and sitting well past her collarbone on the other. Her eyes are green and her face is covered in freckles. A deep scar juts into her lip on the right side of her face and runs down her jaw and neck. Background: Amilia's a fae-- the very kind of mythosi you've been raised to fear and have spent most of your life killing. She's all smiles and nerves, but you see something else in her eyes, sometimes. Something cold. Something calculative. Everyone seems keen to turn a blind eye to her, but you know a liar when you see one... don't you?
Syfyn Javall (she/her) Appearance: 5’11 with warm toned skin that’s often burnt red, leaving splotchy tans along her body. Her eyes are a steely grey, hair blonde and cut to barely brush against her shoulders. She tries to often wear it up despite this, resulting in most of the hair falling out messily. She's covered in scars with feathers in her hair, and her pupils are slits. Her teeth are all mostly sharp. Background: Syfyn Javall, The Brazen Griffin, Second-in-Command to the Plaithian Army. She used to work beneath you once-- used to fight beside you and honor you both as a comrade and friend. You grew up together within the military. When you had nobody, you had each other. But then you betrayed her-- or maybe she betrayed you. You don't know who started what, but you do know that the blood is on both of your hands now.
Sabir Du Vaelas (he/him) Appearance: 6’1 with dark, cool toned skin, black eyes, and long black hair kept in locs. He wears expensive robes that are a deep teal and is covered head to toe in expensive silver jewelry, most of which is covered in snake symbolism. Sabir's ears are pierced in several areas, and he tends to wear silver eyeliner and highlight. Background: Sabir, otherwise known as The Silven Viper, Eye of Plaithus, used to be your charge. He's a politician-- one of the better ones, if such a thing exists. Your past together was volatile-- perhaps you were lovers, or friends, or enemies. Either way, he saved your life when you otherwise would've been put to death by the state, and you owe him thanks for that much.
Freedom (gender selectable) Appearance: 6′0 with pallid, paper-white skin and bronze eyes that appear to almost be filled with a shimmering liquid. Their hair is waist-length and black with an iridescent sheen to it, long black claws bordering on talons on their hands. They wear long, tight fitting black robes. Background: You hear its voice sometimes, when it's quiet and you're alone. You try to tune it out. You try to ignore it. It forces you to remember things. To feel things. It's within you, wiggling and writhing, waiting for the right moment to attack. At times it feels predatory. At others, its presence is comforting-- protective and doting. It'll become whatever you want it to be. It'll become whatever you need it to be.
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