#i wanted to smooch karlach :( .........
gender-luster · 11 months
playing baldur's gate isn't enough. i need to kiss my whole party on their foreheads
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vir-dirthara · 1 year
mod that allows you to hug your companions and tell them you're proud of them
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mystery-moose · 6 months
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Here's a snippet of "alternate meeting":
She was hurt. He could tell even before he noticed the tiny drops of blood on the hardwood. Partially because she should have caught him by now, should have rounded on him blade at the ready before smiling that smile that warmed his chest and telling him that she’d clocked him ages ago and saw right through the mask he was wearing. Instead, she was in the bathroom, washing her hands under too-hot water, breathing a little harder than she should. He made sure the first sound she noticed was his voice. “Princess.” She spun, and even injured, she was fast — her knife was pointed at him exactly where he stood in the dark bedroom, harsh white light bleeding in from the bathroom. Briefly, he saw her the way any other might: a desperate animal, claws out, backed into a corner. But she recognized his voice, and the muscles around her eyes softened. The predator, soothed, faded away.
I don't usually go in for pre-canon AUs, especially in ongoing works that aren't complete yet, because I feel like... I don't have all the toys in the toybox to play with yet? And I tend to want to stick to canon as much as I can, for whatever its worth. But I've seen a few other people tackle this idea and some of them inspired me. It's definitely a way to focus in on the relationship between these two without that pesky kid and dog getting in the way!
Beyond that, I think it's a really cool idea to bring focus to things Twilight wants outside of the domestic. In canon, it's obvious he wishes he could be Loid Forger (and to an extent Loid Forger isn't really a mask at all) but I also love the idea that he might not actually want a simple family life with a simple civilian woman, but just... someone who understands him. Understands why he does what he does, has similar thoughts or feelings or experiences or background. The thought that he might still have found that with Yor under very different circumstances tickles the irony part of my brain.
Also it let's them meet on equal footing and display competency to each other, and since that does a lot for me personally I have to imagine it works for them too.
ANYWAY now here's "indulgence"!
"Gods, this is nice," he murmured. Karlach sighed, her hands playing with his, squeezing, tracing his fingers. She felt the softness of his palms as much as the brass scales on the backs of his hands. Her tail encircled and stroked his shin, and her feet tapped against the tops of his, doing a little dance. She always had so much energy when they went to bed together, energy he usually had to thoroughly expel from her in very satisfying ways… but tonight, he could tell this was all she wanted. He was happy to give it to her. “It is, isn’t it?” she said, laughing softly and kissing his palm. “Creature comforts.” “Mmhmm.” He nuzzled the back of her neck, closing his eyes. If he closed his eyes, it felt (and smelled) a bit like embracing a campfire, though a fair bit more pleasant. “Necessities, more like.” “You really are a bit of a ponce, aren’t you,” she said with a chuckle. “I am not,” he replied, feigning offense as he tickled the bottom of her foot with his toe. He felt her jump a little and it warmed him almost as much as her engine did. “I simply prefer the indoors to the outdoors. What’s precisely wrong with that?” “Pretty boring, really.” She elbowed him gently in the stomach. “Life happens outdoors.” “And I’d rather ‘life’ didn’t protrude up into my shoulder blades when I’m trying to sleep. Or seep through my tent when it storms. Or get into my bedroll and lay eggs. Or—” “Alright, alright,” she laughed, turning her head and looking over her shoulder into his eyes. “Baby.”
...so you can tell where the title came from!
I didn't really have a direction or a structure for this when I started it (the real reason for the title) but as I got further, I started to think about a selection of bedtime moments between my Tav (Sevistur the dragonborn paladin) and Karlach. The first time they sleep next to each other, the first time they sleep with each other, the first time they share a roof, the first time they share a bath or a bed. A sort of timeline of expanding boundaries and deepening intimacy.
I think the general thrust of it would be Sev coming to grips with how much he cares for Karlach, and then how much he needs to solve Karlach's condition, with him very quietly deciding what he wants to do about it. The thing is, he knows she doesn't wanna argue about it, so it's gotta go pretty much unsaid for most of it, living mostly in his interiority up until we get to the end, which has to take place in either Avernus or the epilogue. I haven't quite gotten that far!
I definitely want to, though. Karlach is easily my favorite romanceable NPC in years, and in a game that also includes Shadowheart that is saying something. It always makes me feel a bit strange to write an OC romancing a canon character, but that's kind of the whole point of BG3, and I like them too much to let that weird hangup of mine stop me, so here we are!
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thenugking · 4 months
tagged by @the-lastcall for for this couple picrew, made some smooches for my bg3 guys
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Val & Astarion, Eiryn & Karlach, and Lee & Wyll
tagging anyone who wants it (lmk if you want me to edit this to @ you!)
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waterdroid · 1 year
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Tried to play like 20 minutes of Baldur's Gate 3. It looked like crap and my laptop got so hot you could fry an egg on it </3 sad. ANYWAYS here's a portrait of the charcter I played, Eli! She's my frist DnD character, but Edgier™! don't let her angry face fool you she's a sweetie <3
If you enjoy what I do, please support me on Ko-fi!
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acealistair · 1 year
desperately wish i could draw, i can envision the cutest series of pictures with cosette + all the other party members with the theme being platonic kisses (plus one romantic) ;v;
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g0thiclem0nade · 8 months
Fricken wyll looking all sad when I tell him goodnight like boy I’ve tried to convince you to cuddle in a past life you said no so now I’m gonna avoid feeling embarrassed for asking
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goinbhaalistic · 8 months
While I'm here yapping I need to once again scream a little about my launch BG3 experience with Gale.
I had gone into BG3 knowing Astarion and basically no one else, because I'd had a friend who played a little bit of pretty early EA who adored him - so honestly the game kinda fell off my radar up until the launch date was announced then I scrambled to look into it.
I had a vague idea of the other companions due to seeing them in promo material, but I had tried to stay away from any spoilers for myself and avoided watching too much EA footage.
I had thought that I was going in with Astarion as the end goal romance. (This happened anway, due to my curse which I will explain in a second.)
The SECOND I saw Gale and the literal first few sentences this man uttered I knew this one was The Blorbo and I was just about ready to chuck Astarion to the curb. He has a cat. He is very clearly austistic just like me fr fr. He cooks. He's kind of a goofball.
He's perfect.
I get to the Weave scene. I'm elated. Having a blast. Suddenly I have to roll.
I pass the first roll.
I do not pass the second.
Annnddd despite all the bugs with launch Gale that basically locked me out immediately after and I did not get a single line of romance path related dialogue after this. Not in Act 1. Not in Act 2. Not in Act 3. About halfway into Act 2 I triggered Wyll's romance scene and did the kiss - then Astarion's triggered directly after so I basically flipped a coin and went with Astarion anyway.
Meanwhile everywhere I looked (and even with friends) Gale was having his buggy horny hell era and I was internally screaming. :')
I still have The Curse where I have to save scum every time I do the Weave scene because I literally always fail one of the rolls. Always.
ALWAYS. Even if I have bonuses - I will magically roll a 1. It's hilarious.
So now I'm doing my Honour Mode run and I absolutely do have Gale as the romance goal but I'm terrified LMAO.
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
forgive me for not being here ;; i played b.g3 for too long and ended up with a headache ;;
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waluigisgaybf · 1 year
not romancing Karlach with my current Tav- and having just a fling with her feels sad cause idk I love her sm and she’s so sweet and genuine- if I kiss her I’m gonna HAVE to fully commit
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dekariosclan · 1 month
Attention Galemancers: Gale thinks you are wonderful
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In celebration of Galemancer week, this post is dedicated to all my fellow wizard-lovers 💜
We’ve talked plenty about how much we love Gale—but in this post I want to talk about how Gale Dekarios loves us, too. Very, very much.
From Astarion-to-Gale pipeliners, to the gamers who played BG3 not intending to romance anyone, to players who thought they’d just play the game casually and mayyybe smooch the hunky Druid elf guy or hot fiery lady, we all played BG3 thinking we had a pretty clear idea of how it was going to go—only to find ourselves rizzed by the wizard.
But we didn’t just choose Gale—Gale chose us.
Remember, Tav does not initiate the romance; Gale has to choose to start the weave scene. So if you’re reading this and you’re a Galemancer, it’s because Gale wanted you to be one.
That’s right Galemancers: Your Pixel Husband©️ took one look at you/your Tav, liked you immediately, and told the other romanceable companions, ‘I beg your pardon, this one is mine.’ The rest is history.
Gale loves us just as much as we love him—and this goes for ALL GALEMANCERS, no matter how your romance went:
Did you go into the game already liking Gale and actively wanting your Tav to romance him? Then Gale applauds your excellent taste. It’s one of the many reasons he chose you! To like so many things about him, and right from the start…he thinks your generosity is quite wonderful.
Did your Tav choose another companion first, and only romance Gale later on/during a second play through? No matter. He knew that you would come to your senses eventually! (just like he’s sure Minthara will appreciate him at some point…) He just had to be patient. It’s fine; you were worth the wait, after all.
Did you get Sneaky God Gale and have to re-do your run/start a new one to get your human proposal ending? Gale knew from the start that you were special—and that you would love him enough to replay the game and fix any bad outcomes. He knew you would do whatever was necessary to correct his path so he could marry you! Seeing you do all that for him…well…it only makes him want you more.
Did you encourage Gale to become a God & have him ascend your Tav, too? Then GodGale is beyond thrilled he chose you. Like he says in the human epilogue: ‘I could spend an eternity in your company.’ Now he can finally do that! (One small request—please keep his ambition in check, but do allow him to continue to troll Raphael as often as he likes.)
Did you romance Gale, but have your Tav go to Avernus with Karlach to help her? Gale always knew you had a heart of gold, and that’s one of the reasons he chose you. A little distance & time won’t hurt a bond like yours—and he’ll have his hearth & home waiting for your return.
Did you read online guides to do Gale’s & Tav’s romance correctly and get the ending you wanted from the start? What divine calculus plucked you from the heavens and thrust you into Gale’s arms? He knew you were studious and detail-oriented from the moment he met you, which is why he chose you! To know you studied so hard in order to get a good ending for him…none have loved him so purely before.
— — —
In short: Gale Dekarios doesn’t toss the ‘L’ word around lightly. He only picks someone to be a Galemancer if he truly thinks they are wonderful—and that’s not just anyone.
In conclusion: Galemancers, you are wonderful!
Now go enjoy the rest of this week with your well-earned and well-deserved pixel wizard—who chose you 💜
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stars-and-inkpots · 11 months
Hellllooooo! I was wondering if you could write headcanons for the bg3 girlies and how they’d react to being smooched all over their face. If you want to do only one character I’d like to request Lae’zel. (I’m literally starved for Lae’zel content. She’s so bbg)
I am so happy to get some requests for the girls, I love them so much ! I hope you enjoy, and thank you for requesting !
Kissing their Face | Headcanons for Karlach, Lae'zel, and Shadowheart
word count: 560
If anyone else is around, she pretends she hates it. 
She’ll push you away, and groan like it’s the most disgusting thing to her. 
When it’s just the two of you though? 
She still tries to act like she doesn’t like it, but it’s so obvious she does. 
You can feel the way her cheeks flush at the attention and how it only grows the longer you pepper kisses across her face. 
In all honesty, she is so touch-starved, though she will never admit this. 
So having you in her lap so she can hold you while you kiss her quickly becomes one of her favourite things. 
At the end of a long day while you’re both sitting in your tent, Lae’zel surprises you by pulling you into her lap, moving you so you’re facing her. She won’t actually ask for what she wants, so it takes a few minutes before you realise she wants you to kiss her. So you do, but then you keep pressing kisses along her jaw, across her cheeks and across her forehead. Kissing each one of the markings on her face. Tracing the scars with kisses. You can feel Lae’zel relax, the tension of the day finally leaving her. 
By the time you’re finished, she’s looking up at you like you’re everything. You do your best to memorise her expression, because you have never seen her look so soft. 
Karlach loves all kinds of physical affection. 
The moment she’s able to touch you without risk of burning you, she’s almost always touching you in some way. 
So needless to say, she LOVES having you cover her face in kisses. 
She loves picking you up and holding you while you kiss every part of her face. 
She’s smiling the entire time, laughing with the sheer joy of getting to be close to you. 
Karlach’s hands under your thighs, holding you up while you hold her face between your palms. Each kiss you press against her skin is a reminder that she’s free now, to love and to be loved, to do whatever she wants. And what she wants right now is to bring you to your tent so she can return the favour and cover your face in kisses too. 
(Bonus points if you’re wearing lipstick and she gets to see all the lipstick marks after)
Shadowheart actually really likes it because she likes the attention. 
She’s a bit embarrassed about it at first, but with each kiss she’s smiling more and more. 
Eventually, she gets to the point where she’s more than happy to seek you out when she wants attention, and will do so often. 
She’s more than happy to sit there patiently while you kiss across her face, kissing each faint freckle that dusts her cheeks. 
She likes to sit in your lap while you kiss her, something she will do unannounced in the evening. 
You’re sitting in your tent reading when Shadowheart appears at the doorway. She simply takes the book from your hand and sets it beside you before settling herself in your lap, wrapping her arms around your neck. She smiles, coy and confident. You can feel her smile grow when you kiss her. You kiss her lips, then across her cheeks, then her nose, everywhere you can, and then return to her lips once more.
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autistichalsin · 1 month
Gameplay changes I'd make to BG3 if I was in charge:
(Under a read more bc this is an insanely long list)
Ability to make party changes without going back to camp; I.E. "hey Lae'zel, go back to camp and tell Karlach to come here."
Able to see companion approval at all times even if they're not in the party
Able to make checks with any character, not just Tav. You used to be able to do this to an extent by having other characters do conversations, but when they made it so Tav was prioritized back in patch 6, they changed it so that even if you click with another companion, it switches to Tav. Ideally they would fix it so that if the conversation triggers automatically, it prioritizes Tav, and if you deliberately start a conversation with another companion, it recognizes that you wanted that.
Better item sorting. "Most recent" actually sorts by when you acquired the item.
Ability to text search for an item if you know its name.
Ability to mark an item as a favorite so you don't accidentally sell it/drop it/send it back to camp.
Quest items don't count against your weight total.
Quest items that are no longer relevant are no longer marked as quest items.
Either allow for character leveling past 12 (Even if class leveling is limited to 12) or adjust the difficulty across the board so you scale more evenly. Act 1 becomes a bit easier, act 2 remains about the same, act 3 becomes a lot harder. I should not hit the level cap early in act 3.
Alternatively, at least give a reward in lieu of XP when you hit the level cap. Items, gold, a points system that lets you use excess XP to buy additional spell slots/wilshape charges/rage charges/bardic inspiration, something.
Story mode; battles are disabled, allowing you to solely explore and focus on the story elements.
Dark Urge as a companion.
Ability to change who your unfortunate murder victim is, outside of Alfira and Quill. Maybe it's Zevlor, or Rolan, or Kagha.
More recruitable evil companions. Kagha, Wulbren, and Ethel are a good start.
Halsin recruitable in act 1 or at least no later than the start of act 2.
More reactivity for story developments after act 1, particularly in act 3 when it drops to little comments here or there.
More reactivity for Dark Urge story elements in particular, especially everything related to the Orin fight.
Ability to fast travel to quest-related markers.
Ability to hook up your companions. Let me smooch Halsin but hook up Karlach and Wyll, or let me romance Wyll while hooking up Halsin and Astarion!
Change point and click lines for characters to reflect story developments (resist Durge should sound less unhinged, Lae'zel shouldn't reference Vlaakith after turning away from her, etc)
Let your love interest answer questions about you during the love dryad test. You can select the right answers beforehand, and then they'll answer right or wrong depending on a bit of approval and a bit of luck/dice rolling. Halsin, of course, will automatically know you fear krakens.
Fighting Gortash at the coronation is actually an option that doesn't break the bridges and doesn't disable fast travel into Wyrm's Rock once he's defeated.
Give the gnomes the ability to fix Karlach's engine, or at least work on a prototype.
Option to speed up or entirely skip enemy turns, coming back to you and giving you a brief recap of who was hit and for how much damage/what status effects. This would make the courtyard, in particular, less of a slog. I should not be able to finish my turn, take a pee break, and come back to the enemies still attacking.
Ability to make it more clear what your relationship with Halsin is in a polymance- keep it as a one night stand/physical relationship, make it a poly romance with your other partner as your nesting partner, or even make it a throuple. Similarly, if the latter, add scenes of your partners getting to know each other better, kissing, etc.
Don't tie so many plot events to long rests while stressing that the player needs to hurry to avoid ceremorphosis. Either drop the facade that there is a rush, or make these plot developments happen outside of camp.
Consequences for using tadpoles beyond one (possibly two as of patch 7) dice rolls. Make it so using too many will cause you to squid, no matter what.
Ideally, bring back the plot that was teased in act 1, where instead of being the Emperor, you Dream Guardian was your tadpole, trying to seduce you to let it take over.
Better balancing for Rangers at higher levels, as as it is now, you basically have to multiclass them to get any decent use out of them. After level 5 any additional levels spent on Ranger are wasted.
Improve Eldritch Knight and Arcane Trickster to use the class's standard stat instead of int or wis for their spells.
All wildshape attacks minus three of the four myrmidons should count as unarmed for the purposes of tavern brawler and other similar things that buff unarmed attacks working.
Make the Emperor/Orpheus a fully autonomous party member, allowing you to give them equipment (and allowing them to use potions/spells they didn't already have on hand) during the final battle.
Fix pathfinding for characters you don't control, and especially fix them automatically jumping back to the other side of a gap just because you had to switch to a character who wouldn't make the jump before.
Improve Fly so that it is better than Jump outside of like 2-3 levels.
Some kind of enemy-rush mode where you see how long you can last against all the bosses in the game would be amazing.
Ability to either return to the city and finish up some quests before the epilogue.
New game plus.
Origin Halsin and Minthara.
The game does a better job of remembering that Halsin isn't tadpoled, and also does a better job of not always assuming that if you're in a poly relationship with him, you want the other partner prioritized for literally every scene.
Resist scene for Minthara and Halsin.
Recruitable Aylin and Isobel. Ideally, you can also romance them and become their third.
Dye preview, as well as clothing and armor previews.
Armor scales in weight with your size, so the same armor put on a small character will weigh less than the same armor on a large character, allowing little characters more options.
Druids automatically revert to human form for cutscenes, then return to wildshape after without losing a charge.
Orin can kidnap any character, including your romanced companion, but to compensate, there are less steps needed to access the Temple of Bhaal.
The kidnapped companion is not guaranteed to be unharmed even if you save them; depending on how long you took, they might have been badly tortured and receive a status debuff that lasts several days.
Faith-leap trial is fixed so that you can actually solve it without either a guide or cheesing it.
Let Wyll dump Mizora as a patron, then become an Archfey warlock with Thaniel and Oliver as his patrons. Wyll then becomes a nature defender.
More autonomy for Wyll in his quest. You can't make the pivotal choices of his story arc for him, and instead, your ability to convince him is tied to dice rolls that have a DC scaled to your approval, like for SH.
Able to take Scratch and Owlbear home in the epilogue, instead of only being able to send Owlbear with SH, Halsin, or you if romanced to either.
Let Karlach stay in the House of Hope if Hope lived, allowing her to live in Avernus without having to constantly fight and fear Zariel.
More interesting Speak With Animals conversations. They drop dramatically after act 1, and by act 3 there are very few times I use the spell anymore, just to talk to the kitties.
Able to cast certain spells (I.E. Hero's Feast) on all recruited characters, not just those in the active party.
54. Fix the morality system for Paladin oaths so that it's more clear what actions will break your oath ahead of time.
55. Give players more chances to fix things if a character turns temporarily hostile. I shouldn't lose a vendor, quest, etc for good because of a failed persuasion roll. There should be one more chance to fix it.
56. More deities for players to choose from; if not for Clerics, at least add more at the Stormshore Tabernacle. Ideally, allow even other classes to talk about having a favored deity, as most in the Realms do, and it would be interesting to, for example, be a Ranger, worship Mielikki, and have dialogue with Halsin, Jaheira, and Minsc.
57. Act 3 gets more unique music instead of largely reusing tunes from acts 1 and 2.
58. More companions so that every race and every class has representation.
59. Elves act more elven. Halsin and Astarion can have conversations in Elvish. Arnell is not confused by Shadowheart choosing her own name.
60. Free healing by Halsin. He is a world-renowned healer and would be great to see him use it more. Also, more shown of him researching medical conditions, helping sick/injured civilians in Baldur's Gate, etc.
61. The Shadow Curse breaks as soon as Ketheric dies or Thaniel and Oiver are reunited, whichever comes later, so the player can see the lands not influenced by the curse. Move the cutscene that plays on leaving the lands to this point, just without the bit of the party leaving the land.
62. Ability to save Art Cullagh so he won't die shortly after the game ends.
63. After you defend Halsin's portal, you get to play a side-quest where Halsin fights through the Shadowfell, finds Thaniel, and fights his way back. OR, you can delegate the portal defense to your other party members, and join Halsin in the Shadowfell to help him find Thaniel.
64. Introduce a weather system and a day/night system.
65. When you knock out a character using non-lethal attacks, the character is actually treated as alive, letting it be used outside of Minthara, Minsc, and Alfira.
66. Scene of Withers telling the players who he really is. Dark Urge players can become Withers' Chosen after they reject Bhaal, while Tav and non-Shadowheart Origins can be it from earlier on, maybe a scene early in act 2, and Shadowheart can be it after turning from Shar.
67. The Dark Urge's Urge manifests in battle, causing them to sometimes waste an action torturing a victim who's already been downed, or to turn hostile on allied characters.
68. More references to the Dark Urge being chronically ill as a result of their brain injury- this is brought up periodically in act 1 and then dropped for the most part. This could even lead to scenes of romanced characters comforting them when they have a headache or fainting spells.
69. More intra-party conflicts besides SH and Lae'zel, and the possible Halsin-Minthara ultimatum. Let the evil characters get angry at Gale for wasting magical items and try to kick him out.
70. Implement the Halsin-Minthara ultimatum, but don't make it an ultimatum; instead Halsin simply signals his intention to leave, and if you want him instead of Minthara, you bring up sending her away. Also make it clear that the Absolute still hunts Halsin for what happened in the Grove and for fighting Ketheric 100 years ago, showing that even without a tadpole, he has stakes in this too. Also make it clearer that Minthara is severely triggering his past trauma with all her pro-slavery talk, possibly causing him to gain a status debuff if he's near her. That way people will stop demonizing Halsin there will be more of a feeling of balance in the ultimatum.
71. Ability to rescue children (particularly the orphaned ones in act 3) and bring them back to camp for Halsin and/or Jaheira to mother.
72. When you're in the final battle, the companions who aren't fighting at your side are instead on a sidequest evacuating the city and fighting the midnflayers who are terrorizing the citizens. Alternatively, just for this one battle, you can bring all your recruited companions with you (it would certainly help make that courtyard fight more balanced if you aren't using invisibility potions).
73. Platonic paths get just as much weight as romantic ones. You can become Karlach's best friend forever and go on friendly outings with her. You can train with Lae'zel. Etc.
74. Setting for romance/sexual encoutners/offers to be turned off entirely.
75. Explorer difficulty allows you to multiclass still.
76. More quests for evil players.
77. Every romanceable character has at least one action that will cause them to break up with you, and every companion has one that will cause them to leave the party (outside of sinking approval to -40).
78. Option to turn on a "confirm action" button, so that accidentally clicking on an item in red that's right next to a communal use item doesn't get you aggro'd.
79. Optional choice to add in random encounters.
80. Reintroduce class-specific tadpole powers from Early Access.
81. Ability to help people in the city more; you can offer refugees shelter at your camp, feed or pay all beggars, etc. Telling the rich they suck for not helping is great but I want to be able to do more.
82. Sidequest for that Druid who's trying to save the dying tree in Baldur's Gate, ideally with special Halsin and Jaheira interactions.
83. More conversations like the one with Halsin and Jaheira in act 2, where controlling a character lets you talk to another and unlock special dialogues you don't otherwise get.
84. The circus is now a proper carnival, including magic-fueled rides, treatos, and a tunnel of love. Also, the Bhaalists are trying to interfere with the rides and get people killed, which you have to stop.
85. You have the option to tell owlbear cub that you don't want to give him the potion to make him grow faster because he deserves to stay a cub and grow naturally.
86. You can give companions little gifts, like SH with the night orchid. You can give Halsin his pipe back.
87. You can choose to join a companion in the endgame even if you haven't romanced them. You can move to Halsin's commune or keep Astarion company in the Underdark.
88. Ability to evict companions from your camp at any time, with a corresponding chewing out from the companions who stayed unless you have a really good reason for it.
89. Bring back the datamined bits where companions who left your party would later show up in the courtyard battle, tadpoled (if not already) and under the Absolute's control. (Maybe with a scene showing how it happened, including the tadpoling for Halsin and Jaheira who wouldn't have been infected before).
90. Bring back the datamined scenes from the morphic pool where the netherbrain would make the party have hallucinations corresponding to their insecurities. Including the option to comfort them after, especially your romanced partner.
91. Optional ability to cook meals yourself, maybe with a little cooking minigame like Pokemon has. Different foods can give you different status benefits the next day.
92. Ability to travel back to any act at any time before the final point of no return.
93. Act 1's point of no return is either entering the Underdark or the Mountain Pass, or entering the Shadow-Cursed Lands, but not either entering the Shadow-Cursed Lands from the Underdark or entering the Mountain Pass.
94. A gardening mechanic for edible plants and such would be fun, so you could have a steady supply of camp supplies and certain alchemy ingredients. Especially mushrooms since Minthara literally has her own mushroom farm.
95. Camp library so you can keep all your books, notes, and letters in one space to read without cluttering up your traveller's chest.
96. Alternatively, there are multiple traveller's chests for different items. Armors and weapons in one, scrolls, potions and other magical items in another, food and alchemy supplies in another, etc.
97. Ability to take care of and comfort characters who've been poisoned, infected with contagion, etc.
98. Let Halsin, SH, and the player cuddle more animals.
99. Every class gets a unique camp follower a la the Oathbreaker Knight.
100. Vendor of common things (animal speaking potions, some alchemy ingredients, camp supplies) in camp for the whole game.
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xthescarletbitch · 6 months
For the fic thing, you already know I'm going to ask for Karlach, "taking it slow"
oh, i got you. 😉
once again, kinda 18+ ahead.
staying true to that title, i’d write about karlach just wanting to take things slow and savor the moment with you.
you’ve had plenty of moments when you were so needy for each other that you tore off your clothes and got it on, but karlach wants to take her time. she wants to relax and enjoy the moment as it presents itself, ensuring that everything is addressed and no inch of skin is left untouched.
maybe it’ll take place after a nice date by the campfire where she attempts to make you some dinner (she fails, but it’s okay; there’s backup food). things progress, and suddenly you’re kissing by said campfire, getting a little too touchy in such a public area.
you ask your girlfriend if she wants to move to the tent, to which she hesitates to answer because she knows what’ll happen—she may lose control. the moment she puts her hands on you, she knows it’s over…but no, not this time. she pushes it from her mind and continues kissing you right there on the bedroll by the campfire, relishing in the heat of the moment.
she has you laid on your back while she hovers above you with her arms keeping her up, her thigh sneakily between your legs. she’ll move it a little bit to give you some sensation, but she doesn’t want to rush into anything just yet.
after several moments of passionate making out, you finally move to the tent. you’re already aroused enough to take her right then and there, but you’re surprised to see her take things slowly. she’s very romantic in the way she does it, kissing your hand that she held on your way to the tent, then scattering more smooches up your arm, to your shoulders, neck, onward… covering your face in wet kisses before gently laying you down on your sleeping mat and removing your clothes without a rush. you’re bare below her, and she takes a moment to admire the sight.
“gonna worship you tonight, baby.”
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cha0ticlesbian · 2 months
I wanted to give shadowheart and smooch but Karlach and Astarian were being judgemental so I made this:
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backonrepeat · 11 months
I know most everyone headcannons that the Dark Urge and Gortash fucked nasty pre-game, and while I'm 100% there for their toxic couple shanenigans and kinky dynamics, please consider this alternative: They were not fucking pre-game. Gortash was still completely infatuated with Durge and Durge still admired Gortash greatly (as per the infamous letter). So, no sex but tons of UST during their villainous get togethers (and poor Ketheric wishing for the sweet release of death after having to deal with the two idiots making cow eyes at each other).
Then cannon happens, Orin lobotomises Durge, and Gortash is left alone to mourn. When the time for the coronation comes, he's obviously delighted to be reunited with his crush, amnesia and all, and that's why he's like *that*
After that display (and the whole "favourite assassin" and "nearest and dearest"), Durge reaches the same conclusion we all did: they and Gortash were definitely fucking before Orin happened. And they are confused because he's a bad guy, and he betrayed Karlach, but at the same time he looks and sounds familiar, and maybe in their scrambled up brain Durge still has a faint memory of affection for him, and can't help but find the man attractive. Cue, plan to seduce Gortash to get information and/or ensure his cooperation.
Like, imagine Durge meeting with Gortash privately and just, going full on seduction mode, all "oh, Enver~, let's be allies" and smooching him within like 5minutes of entering the room.
Gortash obviously knows something is up, but at the same time he is getting what he has wanted for so so long and just goes along with it. Maybe the amnesia was not such a bad thing? Like Ketheric is dead, Durge seems keen to dispose of Orin as well, and he now gets the alliance AND sex on top of it?
(Bonus: this is redemption Durge, and they are more affectionate and sweet, and although Gortash really doesn't want to like it he's a poor touch-starved bastard and starts enjoying the softer touches despite himself)
This can then go either the silly route (two emotionally stunted morons playing the seduction game until they both catch feelings real bad) or the tragic route (where Durge betrays and kills Gortash, and it hurts so much more because of it)
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