lakeviewcellar · 4 months
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"What are you hunting? Never mind, I don't want to know."
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The funniest thing about this family tree I'm making is I've inadvertently made Elrindir, Lilynwe, and Anoriath the losers of the family. Like I'm giving all three of their younger siblings spouses and children and the three of them are just like. Elrindir is having an affair with the most pathetic man in Whiterun. Lilynwe is head of a crime organization and would rather die than interact with a chid. Anoriath cannot speak to women outside of the market stall to save his life. Cringefail eldest children.
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sedgewicke · 8 months
So, lilson's Sons of Nirn NPC replacer has these adorable softboys for
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And Elrindir:
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I gotta use them somewhere—I can't not—but they just don't fit with my image of the Whiterun Meat Bros. So I gotta pick some other Bosmer who I can (attempt to) reassign these to...
And I am sorely tempted to use one of them for Enthir.
Just imagine. It's your first day at the college, you're putting up some Relatable Interest posters, when this little twink catches your eye...
And then he opens his mouth:
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dawns-beauty · 1 day
The Elves of Whiterun Hold
You may have seen my way earlier redesigns of Anoriath and Elrindir: basically I just tweaked them again to be a little to be more in line with the rest of the elves in the series
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Anoriath is a devotee to the Green, so I gave him antlers and sharpened teeth. I also tried to make his outfit Green Pact-compliant, being fully made of leathers and fur.
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Elrindir, unlike his brother, has adapted more to the Nord lifestyle, and sports a common Skyrim hairstyle and beard.
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Jenassa now has a fantastic bug-leg decorative scar (provided by @lorkhaji!) and new earrings
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Irileth now has a true warrior-'do, plus some piercings. With the Spell Knight Armor CC installed, she will recieve some a gorgeous glass set.
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I gave Athis some more Nord-like warpaint, as an attempt for him to try and blend in a little with the other Companions.
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Nimriel is a really minor Bosmer NPC who works on Severio Pelagia's farm. I gave her a simple overhaul.
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skyrim-forever · 2 months
Okay theory time, who ordered the hit on Anoriath during the Dark Brotherhood questline?
If you kill him his brother Elrindir will be negative to you so probably not him... was it an upset customer? Someone who thinks Skyrim belongs to the Nords? Was it Elrindir after all?
What we thinking?
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star-lit-mist · 1 year
Maybe some Vilkas and Farkas hcs?
(I write and post about elves too damn much-)
- while in wolf form they chase each others tails, this is not an opinion it’s a fact :)
- Farkas has the brawn while Vilkas has the brain (this isn’t really a headcanon for those who know)
- Farkas likes flowers, he makes flower crowns in his free time out of boredom, Vilkas thinks it’s funny.
- Vilkas actually likes flowers too- don’t tell his brother.
- Have fought each other over some damn boiled cream treats.
- Farkas snores softly while Vilkas sounds like a giants rampaging through the city- woke up half the damn town at one point.
- Both visit and tease the living hell out of the Bosmer brothers, Anoriath and Elrindir. (I lowkey ship them- don’t ask me why bc I don’t even know-)
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umbracirrus · 5 months
WIP Wednesday 💛
Wednesday again!!! I've been trying to work some more on the next chapter for The Perfect Storm, because this Friday marks a year since I posted the first chapter!! I'm honestly so so happy that I'm still working on it now, after years without the heart to write, seventeen chapters in with many more to go!
Some more festival shenanigans with Elyse and Balgruuf, inspired by my discovery that one of Balgruuf's primary skills in Skyrim happens to be archery.
Elyse groaned quietly as her arrow feebly clattered to the ground some feet before the target, and Balgruuf had to stifle a laugh as she started muttering to herself quietly. All that he could hear was her blaming both the cold and the bow, pale wisps of air dissipating around her as she grumbled. He had never expected her to be the sort of person who took losing or failing badly, but given how stubborn she could sometimes be… perhaps it wasn't as far-fetched as he had first thought.
Unfortunately, she heard him trying to conceal his amusement, and she continued mumbling for a moment longer before staring at him. “I saw that, and it isn't funny! This was a fluke, there’s only two bows I can use properly, and this isn’t like either of them!” she huffed, before taking a deep breath, walking over to him, and thrusting the bow into his hands. “How about you try? If my attempt was so amusing, then that must surely mean that you can do better than me.”
He barely had the chance to protest before she had more or less pushed him onto the mark indicated on the ground to shoot the target from. “Elyse, I wasn’t laughing at-“ He stopped speaking when he saw her hands on her hips and the raised eyebrow that she was giving him. “Oh, for the love of... Fine.”
Seemingly satisfied with his decision to go along with her demands, she called Elrindir over to ask for three more arrows.
It had been a while since he had used a bow himself, so he didn't have any high expectations of what he would be able to achieve, but… well, Elyse's arrows had barely made it halfway to the target. He was confident that he could manage at least a bit closer if he hadn't allowed himself to get too rusty in his abilities.
Balgruuf could feel Elyse’s eyes on him expectantly as he took one of the arrows he had been given, held the bow up, positioned his hands and arms, before letting the arrow loose. It sailed through the air, passing over the scattered arrows from her failed attempts, before embedding itself into the target. It wasn’t quite on the centre, but was decently close enough all things considered.
A quiet tut came from his side. “Show off. Probably just luck...”
The same happened with the second arrow. It was much closer to the edge of the target, but the wind had ended up picking up and no doubt had an impact on his aim. Elyse inhaled sharply at the very moment the arrow had landed, and from the corner of his eyes he could see her start fidgeting.
When the third arrow landed on the target she didn’t audibly react, but when he turned to face her, she had a dumbfounded stare plastered across her face. That look was quick to turn into a pout accompanied by her folding her arms over as he started laughing once more. She genuinely didn't take losing well at all.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Flynt: *tongue repaired but still blind, enjoying an evening drink with the other bosmer in the drunken huntsman* Nah no more for me lads, I’ll head off after this.
Anoriath: well make sure you come back tomorrow night too, with the number of deer you took down I owe you another 10 rounds at least.
Elrindir: How you can shoot better than the both of us despite being blind I’ll never know.
Flynt: heh, it helps you two are so busy bickering all the time I can tell where you are and what way you’re facing so I try to shoot between you~
Anoriath: probably for the best then. Or my brother might take a second arrow to his rump.
Elrindir: and even then, he’s blind, you were drunk. You have no excu- *pauses as a number of other wood elves enter, all dressed in garb of the green pact, and all of them eyeing up flynt* …Come in, have a seat I’ll be with you in a moment. *smiles at them but never drops his gaze, watching as they walk to a table near the door and whisper to each other, all of them still eyeing up the blind wood elf*
Flynt: *finishes his drink and gets up with a stretch* Aight mates, I’ll be off. I’m sure taliesins worried about me again. *picks up his crossbow and sword before waving to them as he walks to the door, ears pricked to attention, very much aware of the wood elves eyeing him up*
Anoriath: Be seeing you flynt. *smiles before joining his brother in watching as the other bosmer suddenly get up and follow flynt out* …Grab your bow.
Elrindir: Go get his husband.
*a few minutes later*
Flynt: *smelling the pact of the green lingering behind him, bosmer draped in leather and hide, the smell of the woods and fermented milk alcohol… no where near as sweet or as clean as Auri… no, they smelled rancid… they smelled like the letter his mother had sent… she’d done something to anger them… they were here for him* hm… *looks in the direction of his home before purposefully walking towards the city gate and out toward the fields, the smell following him, closer and closer… then surrounding him when they think he’s alone* huh? Whose there? *smirks hearing one jump for him having fallen for his fake out* Got you- *reaches for his sword only to feel it missing, and a set of arms grabbing him from behind and clawing at his armour as two others pounce on him trying to rip off his clothes*
???: *holding his sword and trying to keep him steady* Hold still Nirren!!
???: Were bringing you home Nirren!!
???: hurry up and get his clothes on him!!
Flynt: *realising his mother must have killed this Nirren person and they’re trying to replace him by kidnapping him* Oh youre that kind of pact followers! FUS-
Taliesin: *running from the city gates following Auri as she follows the smell* IM NEVER LETTING HIM GO OUT ALONE AGAIN!
“RO DAH!!”
Inigo: HEADS UP!
Everyone: *stops and looks up in time to see one of the pact followers land on one of the cobblestone walls of the city, breaking their neck upon impact and dying swiftly*
Taliesin: *runs to the edge of the look out and looks down to see his now half naked husband desperately fighting off 3 more of them as they keep piling onto him… only for Auri to suddenly dive in and take two out hooking them with her bow string and holding them steady as Lucien takes their heads off with his sword* FLYNT!!! *drops down and rolls before charging the last one and taking them to the ground* GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY HUSBAND!!
???: HES OUR BROTHER NOW! SHE KILLED OUR BROTHER! HES TO BECOME OUR NIRREN! *draws their dagger and goes to stab him, only for Kaidan to slit his throat* Gghuh-gaarggh- *drops the knife and pushes Taliesin off of him before desperately staggering towards flynt with his other arm outstretched, only to drop a few feet from him, dead*
Auri: *helps flynt to his feet and dusts him off* There are parts of the pact even I do not agree with…
Flynt: … *nods sadly and walks past the bodies to taliesin* bee…
Taliesin: *swiftly embraces him and holds him tight* Shhh… I’m here…
*a few hours later*
Flynt: *seated by the fire, holding the letter his mother had sent him, telling him how she was leaving Valenwood and hoping to find him, and to write to her so they could ‘reunite’* …
Taliesin: *dressed in his night robe, quietly walks over and sits beside him* do you want me to write a letter back to her?…
Flynt: … *leans forward and tosses the letter into the fireplace before walking to Taliesin and climbing into his lap, hugging him tight as he starts to cry, finally showing his response to nearly getting kidnapped and taken advantage of again, all because of his mother* I don’t ever want to hear from or about her, ever, ever again…
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jiubilant · 2 years
Ohh irileth and janessa? Genius pairing! Please can we hear more about them together
they have a convoluted and somewhat shady history—jenassa is frank about the time that she spent in the morag tong before taking up mercenary work. irileth on the other hand is notoriously tight-lipped about the life that she led before fighting alongside balgruuf in the great war. but she and jenassa can communicate with a glance and move with a wordless accord that suggests to onlookers that they've known each other for a long, long time
they're private people—jenassa because she finds it best for business to keep up an air of dangerous mystique, irileth because she's naturally gruff and aloof and doesn't like questions—so for most of whiterun whatever's between them is only a matter of speculation. balgruuf knows. lydia of course knows because irileth and jenassa raised her. brothers anoriath and elrindir of the drunken huntsman (where jenassa lodges) also know because there's no way the jarl's housecarl frequents their tavern just to drink their swill
one of lydia's fondest memories is accompanying them on hunting trips when she was small. out on the trail her very serious mothers laughed a lot more. jenassa taught her to shoot with a steady hand and irileth taught her to lay traps and to skin, joint, and clean what they caught. at night she'd fall asleep by the fire nestled between them and listening to them talk in hushed and gentle velothis
jenassa is a terrifying climber and has been spotted a few times walking the rooftops towards dragonsreach at night (irileth lets her in through the window. this is normal for them)
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skyrim-said-that · 1 year
Some of my favorite lines for you!
"Ah, how my heart soars to look upon a sister/brother Bosmer!" -Elrindir when the dragonborn is Bosmer
"I hope your parents are proud of you. They have a lot of reason to be." -Old ladies when they're nice to you
Literally anything Captain Veleth says because I love his accent but especially his conversation with Dreyla "Iz it becuz of ya faaaaahthaaah?" I know you don't know what any of that means because you haven't played dragonborn but trust me it's so funny
Oh speaking of dragonborn, Neloth has this great line when he sends you off to kill his ex-apprentice "Be sure to come back with and amusing story of how Ildari died" which i mostly love because he says "died" in such a weird way its so great it sounds like he's trying to do a trump impression with a british accent
oh i love that first line, i got it in my lavinia playthrough. i love a lot of the lines that are just mer and beast races just going wow i am so happy to be in the company of someone like me like they are the sweetest lines.
i also love that line bc in any case ill always just think of paarthurnax and be lie ykw? he is proud of me.
JFKSJKFLAS i was about to be like idk who they are but you beat me to it. and you know its not for lack of trying the dlc is 100% broken lmao
man i love that neloth not only needs you to kill this guy but hes also like you better make it interesting bc im bored and need a good story
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scarecrowshindig · 6 months
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mareenavee · 1 year
Hii!! Talon for the dragon themed ask. If this was already asked, then something else that you really want to answer
Hello! Thanks so much for the ask (:
Talon: share a snippet that tugs at your heartstrings- can be sad or happy!
I'm going with a slightly longer fragment of Chapter 6 from my fic, The World on Our Shoulders. It features Nyenna and Athis for a change and it was a silly, fun scene to write (: The whole chapter is already published!
Up by the Gildergreen, Nyenna was rotating her shoulders again, sore from training with Aela, as always, and from their battle today. Athis could do with being out of his leather armor, if he was being honest. The autumn was getting on, and it didn’t do the best job of keeping out the cold. He preferred heavy armor, anyway. It would be time to switch into steel. He’d ask Farkas about it in the morning. He yawned hugely as he started to climb the stairs to the Wind District. Nyenna stopped and clutched at her stomach which had just made a very loud, very obvious gurgling sound. Athis chuckled.
“Too hungry to go on,” she said with a laugh. She pressed the back of her hand against her forehead as if she was a maiden, fainting in the summer sunlight. She did begin to sway and Athis quickly braced her back after taking the rest of the stairs two at a time. To be fair, the smell of roasted meat wafted down around them. He could hear chattering coming from the training yard behind Jorrvaskr. A feast had already started.
“It’s the last Loredas of the month. Anoriath and Elrindir have the bonfire going. I’m sure everyone’s already there, at this point. Free food is always good food,” Athis suggested. Nyenna shot him a sly look.
“I’ll never make it! I’ll waste away to nothing!” she jested. It was a matter of a few feet, but alright.
“I see the work day is not over,” Athis said with a mock-exasperated sigh. He threw up his hands. She giggled. He scooped her up into his arms and she looped hers around his neck, stealing a kiss at the same time, which he happily returned.
“ATHIS!” she shouted, right in his ear. He startled and almost dropped her. “What is this!?”
Her fingers had curled around a copper chain he was wearing. He felt his face flush entirely and all at once. He grinned sheepishly. She pulled the Amulet of Mara out from under his armor. Farkas had brought one back, pretending it was a huge joke, but Athis kept it to spite him. He had been meaning to travel to Riften to get an authentic one, anyway. He hadn’t been wearing it long, but this was the first time she was noticing. This one had the telltale intricate knotwork hand carved into the copper, and it was set with a smooth bit of jade. She ran her fingers over the metal, the enchantment on the thing lighting up with each pass. They were starting to attract a bit of an audience, he noticed. He tried to ignore how sweaty his palms were feeling about now. He set her down gently. She held onto the amulet with both hands.
“Hulda told me what this means,” she said quietly. She looked at him, bright orange eyes glimmering in the flickering firelight of the torches here near the Gildergreen. Heart hammering in his chest, he unclasped the necklace and took it in his hands, feeling the magic coursing through it. He grinned widely. He clasped it again and slipped the chain over Nyenna’s head. She inhaled sharply and covered her mouth with one hand. She looked up at him, blush creeping across her own face and ears. There was something of a mischievous sparkle in her expression that he cherished beyond anything. Oh, he could look at her just as she was for the rest of his life. He could be whisked away to Sovengarde, more or less, in a moment, and he’d have died a life fully lived. To have been in her arms at all was enough. She made him feel less alone, after so long and so much struggle. They could build something beautiful together. He hoped. Better to ask and be sure. He was still grinning, and no longer cared a whit who saw, or who had comments or jokes to make on the matter. He was happy. Actually happy. And he loved her with all his heart. It may not have been a long time, but it felt right. And so he’d worn the pendant. And he had hoped. And here she was, an Amulet of Mara in her hands.
“Well?” he asked, after a moment.
“You want to marry…me?” she asked with a giggle.
“Won’t lie. I do,” Athis answered. He felt his face get hot. Other people were shushing each other up near Jorrvaskr. A few people had even wandered further down the stairs to better spy on them. “What about you?”
She gasped and all but danced in place. She held onto the amulet with both hands, staring at it just for a moment. She let it fall to her chest. She looked him right in the eye and beamed.
“Of course, of course!” she squealed. She threw her arms around his neck again and he embraced her back.
“Then it’s settled. It’s you and me, love,” Athis whispered, squeezing her tightly before lifting her up and spinning around. There was a huge roar of applause behind them, as the Companions and a few townsfolk there for Anoriath’s event celebrated with them. Athis laughed deeply, embracing his soon-to-be wife. They walked back up to Jorrvaskr, hand in hand, into the crowd of merry friends and feast-goers.
It felt like the odd day was redeemed, after all. He hadn’t exactly planned this. There had been bets with his friends on how long it would take for her to notice the amulet. It hadn’t been long at all. But now they could begin their lives together. He couldn’t remember ever feeling this way before about anything or anyone. She had come into his life entirely by accident, and she had rebuilt parts of him that he forgot existed. Oh, he loved her. He pulled her in close as they stood outside the mead hall and kissed her deeply. She placed her hands on either side of his face. He didn’t care if the warpaint smudged. He didn’t care if everyone in the Hold could see. She was his. And he was hers. And that was really all that even mattered.
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Was inspired by @esdithequeen to make a character dynamic web of my own with all my OCs and relevant NPCs, except mine is far less coherent lol
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Uh, I'll type up the words under the cut
Oh my god I spelled Aneis' name wrong 🤦‍♀️
Names in purple are Team Dragonborn
Names in red are Dark Brotherhood
Names in blue are Theives Guild
Names in green are (ex) Companions
Names in pink are Unaffiliated
Aneis < - > Murza = sisters-in-arms
Murza < - > Endurys = married
Endurys -> Aneis = Muse
Aneis -> Endurys = divines, how are you still alive
Aneis < - > Teldryn = married
Teldryn -> Endurys = playfully gives him shit for being a Hlaalu
Endurys -> Teldryn = lowkey scared because he's a Redoran
Murza & Endurys -> Dire = adopted son
Aneis -> Dire = hell yeah you funky little half-daedra
Teldryn -> Dire = lets him play with fire
Teldryn < - > Reyvi = studied under the same sword master, used to be as close as siblings
Reyvi < - > Dessa = married
Reyvi -> Lilynwe = refused the contract to kill their brother
Lilynwe -> Reyvi = spares them in the raid on the sanctuary
Lilynwe < - > J'hulieta = BFFs
Lilynwe < - > Brynjolf & Lilynwe < - > Vex = toxic love triangle turned V-shaped polycule
Lilynwe < - > Anoriath & Elrindir = Siblings
Lilynwe < - > Aneis = hunting buddies
Aneis -> Erik = funded his start as a mercenary
Metja 🔄 Erik 🔄 Idgrod the Younger = triangle polycule
Metja -> Aneis = stole the totems of Hircine from Aela for her
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sheirukitriesfandom · 2 years
Skyrim Asks
@purrpletartan tagged me a while ago but I was too focused on the next chapter of my fanfic. Sorry, but thanks for the tag regardless😅
For this questionnaire, I decided to focus on my dragonborn, Rethul Balasi.
1. Favourite Tavern
Early on Rethul spends a frightening amount of time at the Bannered Mare, annoying Hulda in the process. He loves Whiterun and many of its inhabitants (Especially Elrindir, Anoriath and Uthgerd), so the Bannered Mare is his primary destination if he needs a room. For drinks and company, it's the Drunken Huntsman.
However, if the Ragged Flagon counts, that's his no. 1 spot overall. Rethul is well connected with the Thieves Guild and he loves stopping by to play cards with some of his friends.
2. Favourite Drink
Rethul is a wine guy through and through. While he normally grumbles about Skyrim wines, he loves San's spiced wine.
3. Travel Companion
He spends a lot of time with Lydia—much to her dismay as they don't get along. On a similar note, he and Rashkan also don't really get along while travelling together. Rethul tends to annoy all his travelling companions and overall prefers to travel alone.
4. Wealthy or not?
Rethul used to be rich but plummeted into poverty when he fled to Skyrim. It's only after his defeat of Alduin that he comes into some wealth.
5. Worships the Aedra or the Daedra?
Rethul worships whoever is most convenient at the moment. He was raised following the reclamations but due to his parents' strictness on the topic developed a slight resentment towards active worship. That being said, he's not above participating in religious rites if invited.
Later, his membership in the Dark Brotherhood technically makes him serve Sithis but Rethul would rather it didn't.
6. Biggest Fear
For a long time, Rethul is terrified of the Dark Brotherhood, who he thinks are after him. When he later joins them, that changes. His greatest fear, all things considered, is a loss of freedom—especially in the metaphysical "Your soul belongs to x for all eternity" way. It's why he's terrified of Sithis and the Night Mother. He didn't get along with Astrid, but he preferred the more "worldly" Brotherhood.
7. Pet Peeves
Bad table manners and noisy eating.
8. Do they like being dragonborn?
NO. Rethul's not a fighter and he'd much rather spend his life gambling and drinking.
9. Favourite faction
Favourite is a difficult choice. Despite being part of/close with the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild, they both are also most likely to murder him/screw him over if he steps out of line. All in all, Rethul really likes the College of Winterhold. They're friendly, helpful idiots nerds who're likely to leave him alone if he fucks up.
10. An object of sentimental value
Rethul's big earring was his journeyman's work. He sells several of his earrings & piercings throughout his story, but that one has to stay at all cost.
11. Hobbies
Rethul comes from a family of jewelmakers and although his part in the family business never went anywhere (except jail), he retained a love for the craft.
Rethul used to be addicted to gambling. He's over it but will occasionally indulge in a game of cards or dice. He also knows many card tricks.
12. Favourite city
Riften because of the food and fantastic business opportunities. It's also far away from Solitude meaning fewer imperial soldiers. Whiterun and Falkreath are runners up.
Tagging: @elavoria @nostalgic-breton-girl @friend-of-giants @the-sunlit-earth @dumpsterhipster and the people where I'm not sure if they have/want to talk about their Skyrim characters (seen you mostly post other TES games; just adapt the questions ^^;) : @katastronoot, @alma-amentet and @chance-lachance , @littlegalerion
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dawns-beauty · 8 months
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Anoriath and Elrindir, looking a little less basic hopefully
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thalwhore · 2 years
Saw the "top 10 skyrim characters" post floating around and I respect it so hard but I need to be horny on main at least once a week or I'll actually die SO
Top 10 skyrim characters I'm horny for:
1. Lord Harkon: Come on now, a big, monstrous, evil vampire? He can fuckin get it any day of the week homie. Screw Serana I wanna date her dilf father.
2. Ondolemar: Honestly my favourite Thalmor in the game and he's??? Actually kinda nice once you do his quest?? I also may just be biased because I read some cute fics about him idk.
3. Alduin. No I will not provide an explanation. I am a monsterfucker and that's all you're getting.
4. Farkas: Werewolf husband, himbo, so so sweet. Enough said I'm just very horny for him.
5. Alvor: By the eight if this man wasn't married!!! He is so lovely and he's a BLACKSMITH??? You just know mans is strong as hell. He's so domestic. Alvor baby leave your wife for me pspspsp.
6. Elrindir: A bosmer hunter?? Kinda nice but also with a bit of sarcasm to him??? He's hot leave me be.
7. Madonach: Listen lads, it's no secret I'm horny for orcs. I would quite happily join the Forsworn if I got to [REDACTED]
8. Brynjolf: I'm scottish, have daddy issues and he calls me Lad. I'm gonna pick his fuckin lock and nobody can stop me.
9. J'Zargo: Hhhehhee silly Khajiit man, rivals to lovers type beat, I feel like he'd be fun to top.
10. Tsun: Have you seen the lad? He's so fucking huge. I am going to. Climb him like a tree. No man is safe from my hornyness and that includes ones with godly duties.
These are in no particular order its just as I remembered them all. Also everyone's free to participate lol, I just can't be arsed tagging
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