#Emanuel Christ
slack-wise · 11 months
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Christ & Gantenbein
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craigwhitey · 2 years
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Verse of the day. #Jesus #God #BibleVerse #christianmessage #jesuschrist #jesusfreak #religion #GodsNotDead #bible #holy #righteousness #spiritual #blessed #christ #emanuel #christianblogger #christianity #christian #christianlife #christianman #christiandad #christianliving #christianwomen #faith #grace #truth #offer #followme #choosejoy #godsloveministries https://www.instagram.com/p/CpyLx-PyRqr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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loudlylovingreview · 5 months
Virginia Raguin: Artists created images of Christ that focused not on historical accuracy but on reflecting different communities
‘Christ of the New Jerusalem’ − created in 1915 for the Uranienborg Church, Oslo, by Emanuel Vigeland. Michel M. Raguin, CC BY In 1915, Norwegian artist Emanuel Vigeland, one of the most respected Scandinavian artists of his time, created an image of Christ with golden hair and fair skin.  Vigeland was well aware of a widely popular Bible illustrated by French artist James Tissot showing Christ…
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paulwwayne · 1 year
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+++ Tuesday Blessings +++
+++ Blessed Is The One Who Trusts In The Lord +++
+++ Emanuel, "God Is With Us" +++
teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Matthew 28:20 KJV
+++ The Lord Be With You +++
Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
Deuteronomy 31:6 KJV
+++ The Lord Is Near +++
I have set the LORD always before me: Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
Psalm 16:8 KJV
➕➕➕ AMEN ➕➕➕
Min. Paul Wayne
Blessings+Love+Peace ✝️💜☮
#holyspirt #christian #blessings #emanuel #GodIsGreat #bible #saved #holy #IAM #IAMWorldwide #faith #trustgod #prophecy #Godswill #grateful #GodsKingdom #godwithus #peace #GodsElect  #jesusisking #jesusislord #LoveGod #rejoice #Jesus  #jesuschrist #destiny #thelordisnear  #TheWordOfGod #Godbless #blessed
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marcella-delaney · 2 years
The Absolute in that sun is the Human Being. It is our Lord Jesus Christ, including both the divine source and the divine-human manifestation. Since the Absolute, which is absolute love and absolute wisdom, was in him as his soul from the Father, therefore divine life or life in itself was in him. None of us is like this. The soul in us is not life; it is merely a vessel for receiving life.
Emanuel Swedenborg, Survey, § 119
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01444410 · 2 years
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yrrj777 · 2 years
Subscribe and download FREE! God Bless!!! A Rendition Of A Traditional Christmas Song Performed in More Contemporary Mild Rock Style..
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leewoof · 2 years
According to Emanuel Swedenborg, who is the man Jesus, born of a woman, who died and then was resurrected?
According to Emanuel Swedenborg, who is the man Jesus, born of a woman, who died and then was resurrected?
The title is a question recently asked on the website Christianity StackExchange, here. After several quotations from Swedenborgian sources, the questioner asks: Did the Lord (God Almighty) incarnate as a human in the body of Jesus of Nazareth? Does this mean that Jesus did not have a pre-incarnate existence in heaven? So who died on the cross? And is it up to humans to earn their salvation by…
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tododeku-or-bust · 9 months
Once again, the thing that amazes me (negative) the most about Black centrists adoring Joe Biden is that historically he continues to sell our community out and y'all still "invite him to the cookout" (a phrase I hate atp but that's another post)
That situation at Emanuel AME confirms it even more for me. Because how are you sitting in a church where a white supremacist gunned down your peers for his violent ideology, shouting "four more years" over a man... that is doing nothing... to stop an entire false country running on white supremacy... gunning down people for its violent ideology.
Like, that's you! That's you!! You're the ones they'd be gunning down! How you see a man standing at the pulpit, standing against everything literal Jesus Christ, a man from Palestine, would be for?! He is literally aiding in bombing your savior lmao Make it make sense!!
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arc-hus · 11 months
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Swiss National Museum, Zurich - Christ & Gantenbein
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melit0n · 10 months
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TW for Christianity, just incase.
So, because I grew up having religious ideals dumped into my head from a young age, I'm one of those unfortunate people who manage to see religion in almost everything, so, guess who's back with another religious rant in relation to another band again! Me.
Okay, so, this hand position is almost always used in interpretations of Christ, like in the shown painting of The Scared Heart of Christ (of which I believe is by Emanuel Dite, however the first rendition of the painting is by Pomeo Batoni). It has the connotations of peace, blessing and forgiveness. Plus, the fingers spell out 'IC XC', which was a widely used four letter abbreviation in Greek for Jesus (IHCOYC) Christ (XPICTOC); of which means, obviously, salvation.
Let alone the saint-like halo they've put over his head. Halo in of itself means golden and it's whole reason for being round is to represent the circle; absolute perfection. The halo is always used in depictions of anything holy and or God-like, no matter the religion.
In the most Biblical way possible, Metal Hammer has presented Vessel as something utterly holy; either Saint like or salvation itself. They've managed to do that with a simple photo and I think that's so fucking cool. Either that or I'm trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
Credits: left photo taken from Metal Hammer's limited edition cover of their new mag, right photo is Emanuel Dite's rendition of Pomeo Batoni's The Scared Heart Of Christ.
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pb-dot · 2 months
Film Friday: The Fifth Element
I've had One Of Those Weeks, and my participation in the writeblr summerfest has put me in a retro mood, so fuck it, let's talk about my childhood favorite movie. Before Luc Besson's The Fifth Element I don't think I had favorite movies. I loved 'em all, but then this absolute chaos of a space opera came along and showed me the wonders of obsession. Maybe it was the confidence of the worldbuilding, maybe it was 90's Kung Fu Waif extraordinaire Leeloo, maybe it was how unashamedly horny the whole affair was? I couldn't tell you, but the thing worked for me. So join me, why don't you?
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As far as alien conspiracies with an interest in earth goes, you could do a lot worse than the Mondoshawans. These big steampunk-looking lads are working against the propechied coming of a great evil, and the perfect being, The Fifth Element, who is destined to defeat it. When something big, spooky and fiery manifests in the universe exactly as the mondoshawans predicted, future earth welcomes the mondoshawans back to deal with this entire business, were it not for alien mercenary interlopers who blows the entire thing up.
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Now, this being the future and all, humans salvage enough of the assumed perfect being to reconstruct it. When the perfect being turns out to be a naked Mila Jovovich, this comes as somewhat of a surprise to humanity, but assuredly not to the audience. Leeloo, as the kickass nymph is called, flees from her re-creators and stumbles into the flying cab of one ex-millitary schlub Korben Dallas, played by Bruce Willis. A plot of shenanigans, mixups and crossing and conflicting plots ensue as Korben and Leeloo race to recover the four elemental stones needed to save the world from the vague space evil thing, at times frustrated by the machinations of arms manufacturer and full-time Bad Person Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg (Gary Oldman.)
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While the plot isn't what I'd call particularly complex, it is fun. The shell game of impersonations and near misses to get Korben and Leloo to the planet Floston in particular is fun, although it does saddle us with noted eccentric radio fuckboy Ruby Rhod (Christ Tucker.) There is this re-occuring note of Korben just kind of being along for the ride while Leeloo takes on most of the main character duties. Sure, they kick roughly equivalent amounts of ass in an absolutely preposterously "90's cool" fight scene and a very of-the-era shootout, respectively, but other than having the unpleasant task of extracting the macguffin stones from a side character, Korben is largely reactive, and you can see a fair bit of the late stage die hard movies where John McLane is an action movie badass first and an everyman in the wrong place at the wrong time second if at all, in K-man's role here. Now don't get me wrong, I can watch In His Prime Bruce Willis do cool action shit all day, but the lack of pluck does undermine his character's achievements a bit. Watching 1988 John McLane coming out of a fight scene mostly in one piece by the skin of his teeth feels astounding, watching 2007 John McLane take down a helicopter by launching a car at it hardly breaking a sweat just can't compete.
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As for Leloo, ah, yes, Leeloo. This role, it seems was Mila Jovovichs in to the action scene, where she found a very Kate Beckinsale-esque niche as an action gal. Now, she looks like a stiff breeze could carry her away, but kung-fu girl power being what it is at the time, where there is a will, there is a way. With Jovovich I kind of always feel like there's a will. The roles aren't often all that flattering, Leeloo has this childishness to her in her non-ptsd moments that makes the building romance with Korben perhaps feel a bit... icky? Granted, she is a perfect warrior and at least 300 years old if we include her (apparent) genetic memory, but I do find myself wishing they'd gone more for elven agelessness instead.
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This has all been very critical I feel, so let me underline how goddamn fun this movie is. The Diva Dance scene alone is worth the price of admission for the sheer indulgent spectacle of it, Zorg is a fun bit of future corpo villainy although he doesn't really interact with the main plot much, and although "love is the fifth element" is about as aggressively of a 90's note to end on as is at all possible, the earnestness with which it is delivered is almost enough for me to feel anything about a Bruce Willis performance and that certainly isn't nothing.
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Also looking at The Fifth Element feels like a type of Sci-Fi we don't get enough of these days. It's old school B-Sci Fi with an unusually high budget. There's world building here, but not the kind of "bursting at the seams and spinning out into a million expanded universe" world building that is seemingly mandatory in the metatext-obsessed world of today. This is one french pervert deciding that he wants to make a big dumb movie about aliens and spaceships and saving the world, and going about to do so. It has rubber masks, it has needlessly sexy flight attendants on a journey that'll be undertaken in cryosleep, it has inherently villainous shape-shifting space orcs. It's not here to explain itself for one goddamn moment so take your franchise wiki-making ass elsewhere. Granted, it didn't make much money from what I hear, so there's maybe a good reason we don't get movies like this any more, but a boy can dream can't he?
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craigwhitey · 2 years
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Verse of the day. #Jesus #God #BibleVerse #christianmessage #jesuschrist #jesusfreak #religion #GodsNotDead #bible #holy #righteousness #spiritual #blessed #christ #emanuel #christianblogger #christianity #christian #christianlife #christianman #christiandad #christianliving #christianwomen #faith #grace #truth #offer #followme #choosejoy #godsloveministries https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-4IjIyGeq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theblissfulstars · 6 months
The historical Spiritualism vs Modern New Ageism
The word “Spiritualist” is thrown around quite frequently on the Internet as a catch-all term for Pagans,Occultists and Folk practitioners. However, the term is not an umbrella term at all, and actually originates from the Spiritualist movement of the 1800s.
The Spiritualist movement is said to have been deeply inspired by the Theologian Emanuel Swedenborg who wrote "The Heavenly Doctrine", after supposedly receiving a vision from Jesus Christ himself, illustrating the nature of the afterlife, and that all good souls live together regardless of Faith. This universalist perspective was widely rejected by the majority of Christendom but gained traction with various groups such as the Quakers and Shakers and created the foundation of radical acceptance that spiritualism would be known for.
The Spiritualist movement can be accredited to the Fox sisters in the mid-late 1840s, a group of sisters who claimed mediumistic abilities who had physical evidence that they could communicate with spirits on the other side. In fact, the day I am writing this, is considered the day Spiritualism really emerged. March 31st 1848 Hydesville New York, the three sisters established a channel with the dead, with a spirit that communicated through “rapping” or tapping on wood rhythmically and systemically.
This religious movement would grow because of the radical foundation of equality, abolitionism, and a feminism so profound, suffragettes even found them intolerable.
Catching the eyes of disenfranchised Quakers early on who felt their church had not done enough in the way of women's rights, abolitionism and genuine community care, many Quakers were smitten with the structure, ideologies and practices of the movement. Women at the time we're not permitted to speak in public, let alone lead a religious service or be spiritual community leaders of any kind, In the spiritualist church, the majority of trance speakers (working class young girls who would do public speaking on various topics possessed by the spirits of the dead), mediums and faith healers were all female.
Along with female spiritual leaders, the worship style of the Spiritualist tradition was loose, and they organized in learning circles known as Lyceums. Some Spiritualists did create active Ministry, with full churches, holidays, and baptisms and you can even find old hymnals from the churches online.
This egalitarian attitude towards women, a genuine and consistent track record with the pursuit of equality in gender relations garnered a poor reputation among the greater population.
Along with its incredibly abolitionist narrative, and an earnest pinning for racial equality and the end of slavery in the US. Spiritualism was one of the first religious institutions in the Americas to seek to make the conditions of Indigenous Americans better. Spiritualists claimed to see native American spirits at their seances who were embittered and distraught with their displacement and the poor treatment of their ancestors. The spiritualist church sought to rectify this.
Characterized by the belief in the ability to communicate with the dead, and radical equality, You can see why the religion did not take off.
The doctrine of spiritualism was formed largely through mediumship and the interrogation of various spirits and entities from the other side as the "ministry of angels" was paramount to its development. Ideas such as reincarnation, faith healing and the ability to see the future became integral aspects of the Religion.
Offshoots of the religion continue to exist to this day particularly through Spiritism or Kardecism, a branch of spiritualism that sought out to reconcile Christian dogma and belief with a spiritualist conception of reality. This form of spiritualism became especially prominent in the Caribbean and Latin America and is known as Espiritismo. Spiritualist doctrine found itself quite amenable to Latin American and Black Diasporic beliefs and was easily folded into religions and beliefs already centered in the veneration of the dead and those who came before.
Spiritualism in layman's terms is a coming home to the plurality of the divine.
Spiritualism was despised by the likes of the Theosophical Society and Hermetic order of the Golden Dawn. Helena Blavatsky in particular, a co-founder of the Theosophical Society disliked it in particular and spoke strongly against the religion.
Interestingly, the modern-day New age movement, while borrowing to a degree from spiritualism regarding especially terms such as Spirit Guide and Spirit Team, takes very little from actual Spiritualist or Spiritist dogma and lends itself more to Theosophy which is about the reappropriation of Eastern philosophy and mysticism through a western lens and New Thought Christianity.
This movement wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for the Reformation taking place at the time which is where a schism between the social attitudes of culture and society were at odds with what the church could deliver at the time.
As stated earlier, remnants of the church do remain despite the brevity of practice such as the National Spiritualist Association, International Spiritualist Federation, Spiritualist National Union and Metropolitan Spiritual Churches of Christ.
So I ask again, are you really a Spiritualist?
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marcella-delaney · 2 years
For our part, it is universal to the Christian faith that we believe in the Lord, for our believing in him gives us a partnership with him, and through this partnership comes salvation. To believe in him is to have confidence that he saves; and because only those who live good lives can have such confidence, this too is meant by believing in him.
Emanuel Swedenborg, Survey, § 116
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santoschristos · 1 year
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I tried with simple words to explain this beautiful symbol, giving a boost for a deeper search, because if you discover your true essence, you yourselves will be qualified as Heroes.
The Sacred Cup represents the "Female Receptivity" that is, the Uterus where the two Principles are found, being the Passive container, while its content is Solar and Active. This means that we are ahead of two Opposite Principles, one Magnetic and the other Electric, we find thus the right condition to produce Light, Light equivalent to the manifestation of the Son, the second Person of Trinidad. Or also, The Divine Presence of Emanuel, aka The Paraclito.
It makes me laugh when I read that the Santa Cup is hidden in a certain place, as if it was an object that can be possessed as something private. Glitch! The True Grail is found everywhere, but deprived of the Precious "Blood of Christ, being this the result of an Alchemical Operation, which only a few connoisseurs of the Mystery will be able to perform.
At this point, I can assure you that they are the Women the Just Guardians of the Holy Cup, being the True Containers, and those who will award the Hero by giving them the possibility to be reborn again, unifying the two Principles of Creation, to lead him to a Single Unity.
So this Cup, contains the Christ Fire, Fire that renews all Nature as it was written on the Cross: "I. N. R. I. "On the contrary, the Man, is symbolized by the Sword and the Spear, phallic symbols per excellence, that radiate and sow the Lunar White Power, mixing with the Solar Fire, celebrating in this way "The Chemical Marriage" between the two Sun and Moon Luminaries. These two opposite polarities flock together and when they join together they form a Perfect Circle, called by Hermes: "THE IMMORTAL CIRCLE OF GOD"
It was so that the Knights Temples through their Heroic Lives, they transformed into Guardians of the Real Secret, but in the shadows acted the enemies of the Light, who were envious of the real and spiritual power of these, created falsehoods and annihilated them.
As it always happens that someone survives keeping the secret and passes to the Chosen Few this fabulous Arcano: DRINK BROTHERS AND LIVE...
In my humble opinion, every woman is a faithful Guardian of her Holy Cup as Jesus of the Holy Grail of Magdalene was, his wife..!
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