#Emilia LeBlanc
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where league of legends girls place in the girlboss-wetcat spectrum
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blackrosesmatron · 8 months
"You… who are you, really?"
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....................................... "Why spoil the surprise?"........................................
Indie RP acc for LeBlanc: The Deceiver from League of Legends universe. Not affiliated with Riot Games.
Highly selective - mutuals only || NSFW (MDNI) || Multi-ship & Multi-verse || OC and Crossover Friendly
Written by Abhorsen
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jerichocopuffs · 8 months
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𝕹𝖔𝖝𝖚𝖘 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖐𝖘 𝖇𝖞 𝖏𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖞
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫-𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
🗡 A Voice whispering in the Shadows ~ Swain, character study
Jericho Swain was never one to believe in myths or fairy tales, nor was he fascinated by occult teachings. But ever since he was a little boy, he heard something whispering in the shadows. He believes it's only childish imagination, however, the whispers follow wherever his conquests lead him and he hears them after each battle. When he nearly dies in Ionia, he finally realizes that the whispers belong to an ancient and powerful demon prowling the shadows of the empire. Defeated and cast out, he sees no other option than to seek out this demon and try to wield its power for the good of Noxus.
🗡 The Emperor - Swain ~ Swain, character study/backstory
"I was born a patrician." A tarot card-themed oneshot, featuring Swain as The Emperor and how the concepts the card represents are depicted in his story, as told in six episodes.
🗡 Empire Above All ~ Darius, canon exploration
Darius set his right foot on the first step, still conflicted but determined to proceed. He was going to demand answers from Swain and give him a chance to explain himself; it was the best he could do, not only to show respect for an old colleague, but also to allow him to finally make a decision for the good of Noxus. The soldiers greeted him with quiet nods of respect as he passed them, making him wonder if Swain and his allies were expecting him. Either way, there was nothing Darius could do about it. The only way was going forward.
🗡 A Shadow's Musings ~ Talon, character introspection [drabble]
At first they thought they were separate blades, fated to strike one another down. But maybe they're two edges of the same knife, different, yet bound and always together.
🗡 Twinkle, twinkle ~ Kled, character introspection [drabble]
Kled remembers a certain yordle he once knew.
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𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
🗡 I never knew you cared ~ Swain/LeBlanc, Swain-centric longshot
They have known each other for many years, both as enemies and as lovers. When Swain searches a Black Rose hideout, he discovers some of LeBlanc's secrets and reconsiders the true nature of their relationship.
🗡 Realization ~ Swain/LeBlanc, LB-centric character introspection
For countless years, men and women alike had been mere pawns to her, tools to get whatever she wanted. Never had she allowed herself to feel anything while she lied, seduced, deceived, bewitched and betrayed her targets. Until now. Or: Emilia LeBlanc realizes what it is that she truly wants.
🗡 Surprised to see me? ~ Swain/LB, sword and sweet oneshot
Swain comes home from a long day of work, only to find a lovely surprise waiting for him.
🗡 Battle plans ~ Swain/Darius, short and spicy oneshot
Swain explains his plans for an upcoming battle to his generals. Darius has trouble focusing.
🗡 Late night negotiations ~ Swain/Vladimir, short and spicy oneshot
Swain asks Vladimir to cooperate. Vladimir is more than happy to show how cooperative he can be.
🗡 A Grand General's Vacation ~ Swain/Darius, Swain/LeBlanc, fluff & humor
After losing a bet with Draven, Swain agrees to go on vacation for once and takes him and Darius to a seaside hotel outside the capital. All he wants is to have a peaceful and relaxing evening to himself, but his fellow Noxians have other ideas, and no matter where he goes, the political opposition is never far away.
🗡 Drabble Collection: High Command Husbands ~ Swain/Marcus Du Couteau, friendship & romance ficlets
Throughout their lives, they've been comrades on the battlefield, political allies or even lovers, yet always each other's best friend. Or: Drabbles I wrote for one of my favorite niche ships instead of sleeping. Ship name by yours truly.
🗡 A rainy night ~ Swain/Marcus Du Couteau, friendship & romance oneshot
In which Marcus comes over for a surprise visit and Jericho enjoys his company more than he would like to admit.
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𝐍𝐨𝐱𝐜𝐨𝐧 & 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
Warning for NSFW and triggering themes such as violence, dub-con/non-con, power dynamics, etc; please heed the tags on AO3.
🗡 Disciplinary Action ~ Headmaster Swain AU, Swain/multiple, smut oneshot
Headmaster Jericho Swain decides that his co-workers and students alike have gotten away with too much for way too long. Luckily, he knows exactly how such misbehavior can be corrected with appropriate strictness and the right kind of discipline.
🗡 submit ~ Swain/reader, Darius/reader, prisoner of war!reader
You're captured by Noxian soldiers after being defeated in battle and brought before the Grand General himself.
🗡 and serve, you will ~ LeBlanc/reader, Swain/reader, Darius/reader, Draven/reader, captive spy!reader
Your mission was simple: Attend a soirée and find out more about the mysterious Black Rose. What you hadn't expected was to be caught by the Black Rose's leader herself and brought to the Grand General's palace for entertainment.
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demacianpuppet · 1 year
Some thoughts regarding the Katarina comic...
I just had a random shower thought (™).
In the third issue of the Katarina comic, it is stated that Katarina was not only sent to kill Jarvan the Third but also Lux.
That fact seemed weird to me. Sure, Lux is from a noble family and a powerful mage, but she is not really a threat to anyone. She doesn’t have real political power.
Until I realized something: this was literally a few hours before her betrothal to the crown prince would have been announced to the public, which would have made her to important political figure in Demacia.
To be honest, I don’t really believe that Marcus DuCouteau is actually alive but instead it is a  LeBlanc clone. With two members of the DuCouteau family belonging to the Black Rose, LeBlanc would have all the knowledge how to use Katarina’s daddy issues to do all the dirty work.
So let’s spin this thought further. Why would LeBlanc want to remove the potential bride of the crown prince?
That is pretty obvious - they could replace the true Lux with another clone, which would marry Jarvan IV instead.
And with Jarvan the Third out of the window, the crown prince would be king as well.
With a Black Rose spy inside the royal family, the Black Rose could either easily influence the inexperienced Jarvan IV in their favor or kill him to replace him with another clone. (The old Jarvan IV is actually LeBlanc theory says hello.)
Instead, Katarina spared Lux and that action resolved in the mage revolution, which suddenly put a few more board pieces in the political landscape which LeBlanc couldn’t have anticipated.
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angelbroad · 2 years
Crime City Nightmare and Debonair sketches
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lighthousepigeons · 2 years
Knight: How's the most beautiful person in the world doing?
Luna: I don't know, how are yo-
Daria, from across the room: I'm great, thanks.
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♫ ♫ ♫ { Choose a Song ♥ }
Song Starters
"Mankind fails to see the truth
Your faith poorly misconceived
Dare you step into the violet light
You'll see that you've been deceived"
The Immortal Bastion was a cold and dismal place, as it always had been. Even now, staffed only by the living, with the vibrantly alive sitting upon its three-fold thrones, there was a lifelessness to the halls that simply refused to be resuscitated. To those very, very few old enough now to remember, it could only be a chilling reminder of the shadow that yet loomed over Noxus. To them, it made all too much sense for the Bastion to feel so cold.
He had built it that way, after all.
There was a name haunting that stronghold, one that even those that remembered it dare not speak. It was the shadow of a specter, one who so terrified the world that he shaped it in his image, even after being long forgotten. Even now, his fell memory stalked the halls of the Immortal Bastion, still haunting those that could yet hear his indomitable march. 'Twas being so fearsome that even now, centuries upon centuries after his passing, his most ardent opponents still made a multitude of schemes to prevent his return.
Yet even as it remained the same, The Bastion was also a place of change. While never a local that would be welcoming to windows, over the ages, it had come to be a place of many mirrors. Well, to be fair, there weren't truly many mirrors within the stronghold, relatively speaking. However, that is only because the Bastion was such a stupidly huge structure; in any less massive a place, one would be able to claim that there entirely too many mirrors within the building.
The reasons were manifold, but two ruled over all. The first was the expected: vanity. Those meager things that dared to dwell within the Immortal Bastion without holding its reigns tended to have very high opinions of themselves. The preening they performed in front of the reflective contraptions was truly an eyesore for all but the performer, a mockery of the true nobility and magnificence Noxus was supposed to be founded upon.
The second, however, was the reason the mirrors had lasted: information. A mirror showed exactly what it saw, and nothing else. While little more than decoration to the layman, a single mirror in just the right place could reveal all that an entire room full of people wished to hide. For one who dealt in secrecy, a mirror was a peerlessly useful tool, when used correctly. As ever, there was no shortage of those who had use for such things in Noxus.
Yet there was hidden danger in such a way of life. Even putting aside the machinations of others, when one lived a life of lies, it became more and more difficult to find the truth. It became a question: was what the mirror showed such a person truly what it saw, or was the one using it so deeply entrenched in falsehood that they couldn't see anything else? Only the one that witnessed such a visage could say.
Thus it was that only Emilia LeBlanc could say what she thought or felt when she passed one such mirror, and found her reflection wearing his helm, with eyes shining with his ethereal glow. Only she could comprehend what she experienced when her reflection spoke with her voice, yet somehow even colder than it had already become, reverberating as his had so long ago. "Too much faith is being put into the hands of peons, as of late. We require more capable tools if we are to properly prepare."
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thescreaminghat · 1 year
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his wicked rabbit
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divinedemons · 1 year
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Vicious (Sinners of Saint #1) by L. J. Shen 🎨💻💌
“I used to think of you as a villain, but you’re not my villain. You’re your own villain. To me, you were a lesson. An important brutal lesson, nothing more and nothing less.”
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evilqueensheir · 2 years
He was toxic, poison, and he was going to kill everything beautiful in my life if I let him.
He was the storm to my cherry blossoms.
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efexbe · 2 months
vicious by l.j. shen
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leblanc and vladimir are that one adventure time scene where the fire king wants to corrupt the fire princess and just keeps on repeating “evil evil evil” in her ear in hope it works
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angelicxlly · 2 months
{ tw: bit of body horror }
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——Roses were ever beautiful & delicate; unique for their spectators to delight in their ephemeral marvels... & yet, blooms of such sweetened perfume & symbols worth of poetry & affections were still capable of growing thorns amidst the adversity.
Birthed from the Twilight Blossom herself; Wild Magic given blood, bones & flesh She was no more than a Nymph overwhelmed by contradicting emotions, without enough time to process them; lost in the sorrowful pain & consuming sadness;the intense fear & terrible anger, & she was not different from the bloom...
& so power, even if weak, would attempt to leak without being commanded, seeking to protect herself from the perilous & agonizing underworld.
—Through open skin, blood growing thorns,breathless as chocking on petals of gold…
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{ I have the little headcanon that, since Emilia was born from a magical flower, even if her body was now of bones & blood, her Magic would still behave instinctively when she was far younger in recognition of imminent danger & torture, growing thorns aimlessly right from her flesh… something that mostly happened during Mordekaiser’s tyranny before she would be able to control it properly & being the main reason why below the glamour magic, several little scars & scratches could be counted… being her very thorns hurting herself.
In her youth, it would have also happened during the destruction of the Night Garden, yet upon bonding with her familiars, those wounds were closed & her former ability to heal enhanced despite her age. Whereas during Mordekaiser’s reign, her power was being corrupted & darkened more & more, eventually losing the capacity to heal others or herself. }
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jerichocopuffs · 2 years
Noxians respond to "how many people have you killed?"
Swain: define what you mean by me killing people. are you only referring to those slain by my own hand or collateral damage as well?
LeBlanc: (giggles) bold of you to assume I'd keep counting sweetie...
Darius: I have my orders.
Draven: (winks) if you wanna see me kill come to my show babe~
Marcus: (laughs in blademaster and gives you a fatherly pat on the head)
Kat: heh. scared?
Cass: it's just the game we play honey
Talon: ur mom
Beatrice: (mimics villain laughter)
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patwrites · 9 months
For anyone who might be having a bad day or is fighting an illness, here is Emilia Clarke meeting Matt LeBlanc!
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sanguineweave · 4 months
new tags pt. 2 : worldbuilding & dynamics.
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