#Emily Picani
asksuccubussides · 1 year
What if you were an asexual succubus, wouldn't that be fucked up or what Chapter 3
Masterpost of chapters
(Cw: There's a short Remus section towards the end with imagined violence and references to sex)
Etymology, psychology, Hauntology. These were all topics that Janus adored and he'd managed to fit them all into a single essay assignment. He should be bursting with the urge to write about it, But he wasn't.
He was sitting in bed with an empty word document open in front of him. Even though it was nearing noon he still hadn't changed from his night time clothes and a headache was building at his temples from staring at the screen for so long.
The thing was that he could clearly see in his mind each sentence he wanted to write to the point that he could vizualise every word one after the other. It was only when it came to actually moving his fingers to type it out that he froze. All his teachers had always-
"Dude! I think I just found even more proof that def proves that the occult is real!" Virgil exclaimed while barging in through the door.
Virgil's voice was constantly hoarse and he always smelled slightly of coffee and cigarettes even though Janus had never actually seen him smoke. While he carefully closed the door behind him his black bangs hung down in front of his eyes, like if the monster from the ring had short hair, and his overly big hoodie loosely clutched around his shouldero like usual. He always looked like he'd either sprinted away from a tornado just now or hidden away like a mouse for 5 hours.
He was a man who desperately wanted to slouch until he was invisible stuck in the body of a tall, boney and annoyingly noticeable man.
"Ough...I wasn't uhh interrupting you was I?" he asked when he noticed Janus sitting with the word document open.
Janus immediately closed the laptop and threw it aside "most definitely not! In fact I have done absolutely nothing today except for wait for someone to disrupt me"
"Great. Okay so dude I was checking up on some of my normal paranormal sites yeah? And I found this video. Definitive proof I'm telling you"
While Virgil took out his phone to show him Janus moved the blanket on the bed aside to make room for the other man to crawl under. (Like they always had done when they were kids). Though Viv just took an awkward look at Jan before sitting down on the floor with his back leant against the bed so Jan had to lean over his shoulder to see the video.
It was some grainy cctv footage taken of a parking lot during a late night. A seemingly normal person walked past but stopped by a random part of wall far away in the distance. After a few seconds it sort of looked like the person walked through the wall and disappeared.
"See? Ghosts!"
"Oh please, I could manually count the amount of pixels in that video. It's just a trick of the light. Besides Virge your source evaluation is horrible, it could be an edited youtube video for all you know"
"Right. let me just get a peer reviewed paper out about this 20 second video out real quick"
"I'd be one of the peer reviewers if you asked me to" Janus replied with a smile.
"Duh dude. I know you would be. Not like you have anything better to do"
Jan fake gasped "A daring accusation! A proper rude one as well! For your information my schedule is incredibly packed!"
"Yeah yeah" He waved his hand around while rolling his eyes "Anyway, I got an update on that ufo sighting as well"
The morning after Remus had fed he woke up in a groggy haze with his eyes all in blur and with his head feeling like it had been stuffed with cotton. Roman had been sitting beside his bed but as soon as she saw that her brother had woken up she left without even giving him a chance to say anything.
Instead Remy had stayed by his side for the rest of the morning, or the equivalent to morning that hell had. They hadn't asked about the feeding or what had happened afterwards. They had just laid down next to him in bed and started telling him about the latest gossip and drama between the various succubi.
Eventually Remus put on some background music, (an experimental band from the rage circle that used stuff like bones and bottles of piss as instruments), and started making paper-war machines while listening to them talk. He only butted in with a comment or dirty joke every now and then, the important thing was that they knew he was listening.
"Soo like yeah girlie. That's the tea. Their breakup was so messy they both got sent to heaven. Fucking rough. Think that's all for now. Wanna switch?"
"Yayayay! Ranting time"
The friends swiftly changed positions so Remy chose the music (they put their hand against the speaker so they could feel the bass) and Remus set aside his paper makings to focus on rambling and stimming. He began to tell them about the latest torture methods he'd come up with which included showing them the paper models he'd made of the torture devices.
'But like who you torturing?
'Humans! Oh and angels!"
'Not angeeelllss' Remy pouted a little 'They're so cute'
'Your whole brain is a tumor dude'
'Even with a tumor brain i would still be hotter than you.....Also what's a like tumor?'
Remus shone up at the chance to explain 'Well to make a long story longer it was discovered in-'
'Great girl just keep talking just like that' Remy laid down with their head against his chest and closed their eyes with a relaxed smile playing on their lips.
"You can't even read my lips from the- Eh whatever. Imma just keep ranting" He laid his arms around their back and kept talking.
Remy could still remember the sound of Emile's voice but by the time the twins appeared they had long since been deaf. If they focused really hard they could sort of make out an idea of what Remus' voice should be like. The way his chest heaved in for heavy breaths bretween quick and jumbled sentences. They way his neck and throat moved when he spoke. The amount of lip movement he did.
They liked to think of his voice as shrill and annoying in the best way. His voice should be quite high in constrast to Roman's deeper though just as expressive voice.
It took Remus poking at them several times for them to actually open their eyes again and to their happy surprise they saw that Emile had come back. They could read on his lips that he said "The new puppy hell hounds were so precious! You two really have to go see them later"
"Sup slut" Remy greeted while wrapping their hand around their partner's tie to bring him closer.
"Hi honey" He gave them a quick kiss before letting himself be pulled down beside them. Remus immediately showed him the war machines he'd made out of paper and Emile complimented the creativity of it all.
Emile laid his hand against the speaker and felt the bass of the music his lover had choosen. He knew one of Remy's favorite things still was music (no matter how many times demons made snarky jokes about how ironic it was) so whenever his lover put something on he at least tried to 'listen' to it in the same way they did. He let himself feel the instruments pump up from his hand into the rest of his body and let the words being sung melt into melodies of the bass.
'I like this song'
'Yeah duh babe. It's Carly Rae Jepsen, you always like love her....As should everyone'
'I think I saw some demons in the uhmm....whichever ring it was, it sounded similar to hers'.
Remus started to smack his tail against the ground out of boredom as he noticed the couple zoning out into their own little conversations.
It was like watching an old married couple that had slowly grown entangled into each other. Lungs and bones slowly morphing together over the years. Sometimes Remus caught Remy humming on cartoon intros even though they couldn't name the cartoon if asked and even though Emile prefered not to eat or drink he still argued that decaf was the worst kind of coffee one could ever drink whenever it was brought up.
Unlike the succubi Emile didn't have a tail nor the ability to conjure wings. His horns were shiningly light pink and frayed at the ends as if small thorns were protuding out. His skin was so dark it made his smile look like stars in the night sky while his clothes were always in light shades of orange, brown and pink making him look like he was stuck in an outwashed version of the 60s.
He was "Like sooo much man. A lot of man" as Remy put it and when asked said he'd worked as an earth observer some half century and a bit ago which was why he knew so much about humans....Well knew and knew. He'd spent most of his time observing the rise of Disney, Hanna Barbera and animated films and had gotten really into psychology and medicine after having a nasty walk in with Sigmund Freud at a party. He still argued that Remy had been the inspiration for the Sleepy dwarf in Snow white.
"Hi Ro-Ro!" Emile waved as he saw Roman come into the sleeping quarters.
She gave the tiniest of waves back to him before adverting her eyes as far away from her brother as she could. The other three demons watched as she basically jogged past to get to her bed.
"There he comes"
Roman quickly grabbed a change of clothes and jogged out of the room again without even passing another glance to them.
"Aaaand there she goes"
'silent treatment huh' Remy signed to Remus.
'Perfect time to annoy him'
'Pretty sure it's objectivly not' Emile added in.
'What does he know. He goes on and on bla bla bla about how much he enjoys humans' Remus mimicked barfing 'But he's never even eaten enough food to take a shit! I have! I am basically connected to humanity now! The shit is what brings us toge-'.
'Okay gross. Too gross. Go girl. Get outa here'.
There was a mischevious grin on Remus' face as he jumped from the bed and skidadadled out of the room. The couple looked at each other, Emile sighed to which Remy shrugged.
"HeY! Hey! HEY! HEY!" Remus repeated as he ran up alongisde his brother. He kept shouting into her ear even though she did her best to not give any reaction. "Whatcha doing? Where you going? Why you such a pisshat?"
"Can I just get like one day without you" Roman finally replied.
".....Hmmm...Lemme think.....No! Why are you even pissed at me? I didn't even put any bugs in your clothes this time"
Roman stopped midstep and turned to him "I was having a really nice time you know, until I felt you being all miserable and had to come get you because you can't do the job we are literally created for"
"I didn't ask you to come get me??? Dude?? You're blaming me for your own shit"
"Was I just supposed to-" Roman took a deep breathe and looked away again. His hands started to fix the ends of his shirt to have something to distract himself "I'm not gonna do this today! I'm not! I have a really nice dinner with a historian planned and he will listen to me when I gush about historic eras and it will be good and nice and then we're going to see a broadway show and I won't let you destroy that for me!....Bitch!"
"A date with a human" Remus let up into a toothy grin "Sounds a bit patton-ish to me"
"Don't! I am not breaking any rules! I love human culture! I've never loved a single specific human and you know that! Don't you compare me that- that traitor!"
"It's more fun if I do though"
Roman kept walking towards the door to earth "I'm not letting you do this today!"
"You're no fun!" Remus yelled back as his brother slammed the door shut behind him.
"I think it should be ethically okay for me to shoot people with an eye laser if they stare at me for too long" Janus muttered out.
He and Virgil were sitting in the corner of the college classroom as hidden away as possible while listening to a lecture on philosophy. Viv had managed to pull Jan out of bed with the threat that he would definitely get failed at this class if he didn't at least show up physically every now and then.
If Virgil wasn't taking notes he either got anxious about forgetting anything important later, or worse, the teacher getting mad at him. Even though he was an adult man who shouldn't get anxious about not meeting the expectations of authority figures. Honestly Viv's obsessive note taking was probably half the reason Janus was still getting through his classes.
An essay should have been turned in to this class a week ago which Janus hadn't even though he could recite it nearly perfectly in his brain.
"A simply lie would do don't you think. College professors are usually nice like that. Not like our middle school teachers" Janus continued to mutter.
"Dude you were just taking the piss to see how far your lying could get you"
"And it got me some very nice stars in my margin! Thank you very much!"
Janus sent his friend a leering smile to which Virgil just rolled his eyes in return.
"Maybe I should have just let you fail this class as well" Viv teased.
"Aw but you loooove me" He made kissy noises while moving to lean his head against his friend's arm but Virgil scooted further away before he could.
The class ended and Virgil sat back and begrudingly watched as Janus hurried to the front of class to talk to the professor. He knew he wouldn't be able to stop Jan even if he tried.
After just a minute or so Janus returned "I got an extension time of two weeks. I told him my poor mum had caught a bad case of tubercolous and I had been faaar too busy taking care of her to have time to finish the essay"
"Your mum is rolling in her grave"
"If we have the same genetics I am quite sure she is cheering me on actually. I'm just the most innocent man there ever was"
"You wanna go to the library and work on it with me? I have thought of the perfect path of getting from here to the library while still stopping by a shop to get coffee While being seen by the least people AND the coffee shop allows app orders. It's a lifesaver"
"Would love to because there is certaintly no chance in the slightest that I will keep procrastinating"
"Obviously dude. Procrastination are what libraries are for"
Remus thought once again what humans flesh must taste like. The only time he'd taken a step into a library or ever used a human phone were both times to try and look up what it would taste like.
He thought about the blood spilling out and the veins bursting. He thought about the skin ripping open and giving way to fat and bone. He thought about if that could feed him instead of having to do this stupid fucking succubus shit.
The human had requested oral sex and he'd obliged even though he vastly prefered doing as little as possible because then he could zone out and think about something more pleasant. He had his mouth around the human's genitalia and the image of him twisting his teeth and ripping their genitalia away filled his mind.
He hated the feeling of the human's hands grabbing him. He hated their stupid hotel rooms and their stupid cars constantly making noise and the stupid fan in the background and the stupid overly bright lights and the stupid fuzzy carpets and the stupid perfume they wore and he hated it he hated it hated it. He didn't understand how Roman could love any of this. Any of them.
Bile filled his throat before the human filled it. He choked and sputtered and pushed away to spit it out on the fuzzy carpet. The human requested something else and he followed along. Selfish selfish beings always wanting more. It made their job too easy.
The human was wearing a cross necklace and when it touched his skin it burned. He gnarled like a wounded animal but the human didn't notice. He wished he could hurt them, even just a little. Like how they always pulled his hair and dragged their nails across his skin and spat and slapped and choked. God, sometimes he thought maybe being sent to heaven would be worth it if he just got to mutilate one of them.
The human was long gone when Roman entered the hotel room. He looked around for his brother but all he saw was a messy bed and an emptied out mini fridge. His brother must have forged himself on everything, including the plastic wrappers containing the candy. He nearly stepped on a piece of broken glass and groaned as he realized Remus had attempted to crush and eat a bottle again.
"Dukey I already told you that it isn't safe to eat glass or plastic!" She called out to the empty room before deciding to look in the bathroom.
She pushed the door aside and it gave way so easily it nearly fell from it's hinges. Her brother was sitting slumped over in the bathtub with the water up to his ankles and only his socks on. He was repeatedly lighting matches before throwing them in the water to see them fizzle out. Dozens upon dozens of matches were floating like dead fish in the bathtub.
"..Hey" Roman's voice softened if just a little.
Remus turned to her and his eyes were glassy and his face red. A piece of his hair was missing, probably burnt away by one of the matches. She knew what kind of night this would be.
"Let's get you cleaned up" Ro said before putting his arms under his brother's armpits to try and pull him up from the bathtub. Even though he got grossed out by angels he conjured just the tiniest of wings to help give him the strenght needed to pull Remus to a half stand at least. "I would prefer if I didn't have to be your knight in shitty armor all the time you know"
Remus slurred something out about flesh and Roman tried not to reel at the heavy scent of alcohol. He really had emptied the full fridge. She also did her best to not gag at how greasy and sweaty his hair was even when it got pressed against her nice historically accurate corset.
She tried to make him put on his clothes again but gave up as he slumped over like a ragdoll every time she didn't activly hold him up with all her strenght. She settled on putting her coat around him and hoped he wouldn't get too cold.
There was a wound on his hand that blistered and bubbled. Roman got the urge to hug him but reminded himself that Remus was an adult who had to learn his actions had consequenses and that he couldn't be coddled all the time.
"How many times are you going to burn yourself you stUPID-" She stopped herself when her speech turned into a yell and took a deep breathe "You know what happens! You don't have to experiment about it anymore! It's just the same wound every time! I'm going to have to drag you to Emile to get you patched up now! Are you happy!? Do you just want to give me another headache!? Why can you never make yourself sober once you're drunk! You neVER-"
She got close to yelling again and decided it was best to just not speak too much. She held her arm around his shoulders while muttering the phrase to open the door to hell.
".....Even if I don't always like you....I still love you.....You're aware of that right?" She mumbled out while helping him forward.
He just let out another slurred sentence about flesh.
"I get worried someone has put a hex on me late at night when I can't sleep y'know? I know it's illogical but it still gives me the hibbie jibbies" Virgil said.
"'Hibbie jibbies' huh? If I had the chance to hex someone I would do it. No hesitation" Janus replied.
It was close to 3 am and they were using one of the college's shared bathrooms as a make-do hair salon. Viv was standing leant over with his head in the sink. At the top of his head his naturally golden blonde hairhad started to peak through so he had to destroy it as quick as possible. Janus was sitting on the sink counter and had plastic gloves on to help massage the black hair dye into Virgil's hair.
"Who would you hex if you could?"
Janus without any second to think immediately said "Billionares. World leaders. Those sorts of people"
"Fair. Fair"
"Dear you're gonna get black dye on your hoodie if you don't-"
Virgil flinched away as Janus moved to lower his hoodie. He backed off so quickly black dye dripped down from his wet hair onto the entire sink.
His hair hung in thick bangs over his eyes as he spat out "It's fine! I got like 20 of these hoodies" He let out a yawn to seem nonchalant "Can you help me out with that" He waved at the now stained sink "I have to shower this out"
Janus watched as his friend went into one of the showers and drew the sickly blue curtain between them. His bare ankles could still be seen with his light blonde leg hair peeking through. His veins were so noticeable through his pale skin and Janus got stuck watching the way the muscles in his feet moved and how the skin stretched over the bones as he undressed. He stuck his arm out from the curtain and held out his hoodie and boxers.
"Could you ta-"
"No problem" Janus interrupted while taking the clothes.
He folded the hoodie before using all of the paper left in the paper dispenser to try and clean the hair dye stains away. The sound of the shower running filled the room.
Correlation does not imply causation. Janus knew that very well and yet in moments like these he couldn't help but think that a distance had started growing between him and Virgil ever since he came out as gay. The last thing Jan wanted was his straight (and only) friend to get all paranoid over him making a move. The last thing he wanted was to lose him.
Janus and the notoriously straight Virgil are now open for asks!
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Calling all sanders sides cosplayers! I have no friends who cosplay and I really want to do a collab :3 so if anyone wants to duet/digital collab with me on a sanders sides thing 🙏 I’m usually open ;-;
edit: to everyone who doesn’t want to show their face, of course I would love to do one with y’all! I get that it’s kinda unsafe and nerve wracking to do that kinda thing & I totally get it.
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dyke-remy · 1 year
Picani using the term Hyperfixation for himself. Canon adhd (or autistic) Picani my beloved <3333
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Happy Birthday Emile Picani!! <3
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Just recently started watching his little series and now I'm in love. Happy birthday Emile <3,
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plant-dragon · 7 months
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trashyswitch · 11 months
Day 28: Massage
Emile treats Remy to a massage in an attempt to help him relax. But much to Remy's dismay (and Emile's excitement), Remy's a little bit ticklish on his back ribs and lower back. Can he tolerate it, even while Emile finds it funny?
Day 28! Another massage fic, cause why not. Remy and Emile are back, baby! I hope you like it!
Dr. Picani walked up to Remy, and smirked at him. “I want you to close your eyes and come with me.” Emile told him. 
“Oooh? A little surprise? For moi?!” Remy reacted, surprised. 
“Yup! But close your eyes first!” Emile ordered with a giggle before grabbing his hand. When Remy had his eyes closed and his left hand over his eyes, Emily brought Remy into the usual therapy room and closed the door. “Open your eyes.” Emile told him. When he opened his eyes, Emile presented the room to him excitedly. “Tada!” he declared happily. 
Remy looked around, and noticed that the room was pretty much the same…only it was set up as a massage room instead of a therapy room. “Wow…It’s kinda…looks like you moved only 3 things, Emile.” Remy admitted. 
Emile laughed as he placed his hands on Remy’s shoulders. “Well, kinda…but that doesn’t matter. You need a break, and I’m going to provide you one.” the doctor decided. 
Remy raised an eyebrow. “Emile, you don’t have to…seriously-”
“Shhhh.” Emile gently laid him down onto the bed, and . “Just lay yourself down…get yourself comfortable…relax…” He told him. “And let me massage your troubles away.” Emile started rubbing into his shoulders and kneading his lower neck. “B-But…Buuut…Oooooh mygod- that’s good.” He reacted, surprised to feel such professional massages against his neck. Did Emile have a secret massage therapy degree or something?!
“See? Worry not. Just unwind and allow yourself to rest.” Emile told him softly. “Dr. Picani will take care of you.” 
“Mmmm…Ohyeah…Ooooh yeah…Mmmmmhmmm…” He mumbled, grunting and humming. The massage felt amazing. Emile was such a nice person to come up with an idea like this…he had no idea what he did to deserve it. 
“How about here? Is this too painful?” Emile asked, moving down to his back. 
“Oooohgosh-” Remy grunted and let out a breath. “It’sfine. Fine. Good.” He replied with an awkward smile.  
“You sure?” Emile reacted. 
“Positive.” He replied. “Don’t underestimate me and my pain tolerance.” Remy warned. 
“Or else what?” Emile asked, poking his side. “You’ll leave your massage early?” He teased. 
Remy jumped and attempted to slap Emile with his hand behind his back. “Dohon’t poke me!” Remy warned. 
“Awww.” Emile went back to massaging his back again. “Alright.” 
Remy held onto the side of the bed as he tittered and squeezed his eyes shut. Oh no, oh no! “E-Emile-!” 
“Hm?” Emile replied. 
“W-Whahat did I j-juhust say?” Remy asked. 
“Oh? Does it hurt too much?” Emile asked, removing his fingers. 
“Noho…No. It just tickled a bit…that’s all.” Remy admitted.
“Oh?” Emile reacted, before moving to the same spot. “This…” Emile pushed down a little bit on the spot on his back. “Tickled you?” He asked. 
Remy felt a smile grow onto his face as plenty of giggles filled his lungs. “E-Ehemile!” Remy reacted. “Dohohon’t eheven think about tickling me.” Remy warned. 
“Does that mean you admit it?” Emile asked. 
“Admit what?” Remy asked for clarification. 
“That you’re ticklish.” Emile replied. 
“Well…well yeah, but-” Remy squeaked and hugged himself as Emile started kneading his lower back. “WAHAIT! EMILENO!” Remy shouted. 
Emile giggled and rubbed the lower back near the buttocks. “How’s this area?” Emile asked, rubbing his back with his thumbs.
“Ihihit’s fihine. Aha lihihittle ticklyhyhyhy, buhut not bahahad.” He admitted softly. “Oh, that’s good. We don’t exactly want to kill you during your relaxing massage, do we?” Emile teased. 
“Ihi’d rather nohohot behe kihihilled todahahay.” Remy admitted. 
“Aw man…” Emile placed his fingers near Remy’s spine. “Would you rather be killed tomorrow?” Emile asked. 
“Whahahat?! Nohohoho!” Remy replied. 
“What about Monday?” Emile asked with a giggle as he moved his fingers up his spine towards the back ribs. Emile chuckled and shook his head. “Plehease nohoho! HahahAHAHA!” Remy gripped the bed as he let out some extra pent-up giggles he had saved up in his lungs. “EHEHEMILEHEHEHEE! TOHOHOO MUHUHUCH!” Remy reacted. 
“Goodness! Looks like I found a ticklish little pot at the end of the rainbow~!” Emile teased. 
Remy snorted and cackled a little harder. “GOHOHOHOD! PLEHEHEHEASE STOHOHOHOP!” Remy pleaded. “IHIHIHI CAHAHAHAN’T! IHIHIHI CAHAHAHAHAAA!” Remy shouted. 
“I’m not killing you! I swear!” Emile reacted, stopping his fingers. 
Remy’s laughter lessened back to softer, more breathless giggles as he tried to calm down. “Ihi…” He looked at Emile. “I thought this was a massage appointment!” Remy admitted. 
“It’s not completely a massage appointment.” Emile admitted. “It’s more a ‘loosen and relax’ appointment.” Emile explained. 
“T-tickle fights only tense me up and make me jumpy.” Remy admitted. “Tickles don’t exactly help me calm down.” Remy admitted.
Emile bit his lip as he felt Remy tense up the moment he felt his back. “I can see that…Why is that?” Emile asked, tilting his head. 
“Ihi don’t know…It just does.” Remy admitted. 
Emile smiled and started slowing down his back rubs. “How about…I slow down the massages a bit.” Emile offered, drawing circles with his thumbs. “Mmmmmhmhmhmmm…Ohokahay.” Remy replied. “Ihit feels…” He gasped and squealed in a high-pitched voice. “eeEEK! Hehe…Hehe! Suhuhure.” Remy replied. 
“Okay.” Emile focused his hands on his upper back to give Remy a bit of a break from the tickles. Though it still tickled a little bit, Emile was able to manipulate his hands so it was a little more bearable. “Is this a little better?” Emile asked him softly. 
Remy sighed, letting out a couple giggles. “Yehes…this ihis behetter. Sooo much betteher.” Remy replied. 
Emile smiled and kept it up for a little longer. He kept things somewhat quiet for a bit, letting Remy rest softly on the bed. He wanted to ensure he stayed calm and comfortable while in his massage room. 
“So…Whehen did yohou…get your massage degrehee?” Remy asked him. 
Emile smiled. “I got it at around the same time I got my psychology degree. I was very spry back then, and worked my head off for both degrees.” Emile told him. “I remember I had to finish my anatomy exam, and then head right to my graduation to get my Massage Therapy degree.” Emile told him. 
Remy smiled. “Wow…That’s a lot.” Remy reacted softly. 
“It was…It was the most stressed I’ve ever been. I couldn’t technically take a break. But…thankfully, some of my courses ended up turning into my breaktime, so it turned out fine.” Emile told him. 
“That’s…wow. I wohould never be able to doho that.” Emile admitted, still slightly giggly. 
Emile smiled and rubbed into his back ribs again, making Remy squeak. “Well…I did. So beat that.” Emile declared. 
“BAHAHA-” Remy pounded his fists into the bed. “EEEHEHEHEHEHE! EMILE NOHOHOHO!” He shouted. 
“Sorry, sorry.” He said with a giggle. “I couldn’t resist.” He admitted. 
Remy sighed and hid his face in his arms. “Picani…I can’t relax when you’re tickling me like that.” Remy told him. 
“Okay, okay. I’ll stop now. I promise.” He told him, before rubbing into his neck and shoulders. “There. Is that better?” Emile asked him. 
“Mmmmm…Mmm hmm. Thaaaat’s soooo much better.” Remy admitted. 
Emile smiled and massaged his neck and shoulders for a while. He didn’t dare go back down to his back, for fear of tickling him again. He rubbed through the traps, moved his fingers up to the spine of his neck, up to the lower scalp and scratched there a bit, before going back down to the lower neck and shoulders. 
Then, Emile grabbed some oil and started rubbing it all over his neck and shoulders, before moving down his back, and down to the lower back before moving back up to the neck and shoulders. All the while, Remy was groaning and humming softly and contently. Emile seemed to just know the spots to go for. It was…rather inspiring, actually. 
After about 30 minutes of proper massaging with minimal tickles, Emile removed his hands and cleaned up his back a bit. “There. How do you feel now?” Emile asked. 
Remy smirked and brought his head to the right to look at him. “I feel like a million dollars.” Remy told him. 
Emile smiled and dabbed his hands with a towel. “I’m glad.” he replied. “Now: I want you to take your time getting up. And if you feel any muscle aches or headaches, don’t worry…It’s normal, and it should go away in a day or two.” Emile told him. 
Remy nodded his head and slowly began to get up. “How much do I owe ya?” Remy asked, pulling out his wallet. 
“Oh my gosh, Remy…” Emile shook his head and pushed Remy’s hand of cash away. “It’s all on me.” Emile told him. 
“B*tch, no! I’m paying you.” Remy ordered, pushing the money back. 
“Nonsense. Take it back.” Emile insisted. “Emile…” Remy warned. 
“Helping my friend is reward enough.” Emile told him. 
“No, no. I’m not going to allow myself to take your love for granted. Take it.” Remy insisted. 
“You never take me for granted. So don’t worry about it. My treat.” Emile said. 
“Oh my go- At least let me buy you a coffee, or something!” Remy begged. 
Emile chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Fine…A cappuccino?” Emile asked. 
Remy smirked and nodded his head. “With pleasure.” Remy pulled out his keys and rang them in his hand. “Be right back!” Remy declared, running out of the room. Emile chuckled and shook his head as he put the fold-up mattress back into the closet. It’s a good thing he holds onto that thing after all these years…
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ironwoman359 · 11 months
Sanders Valley AU???
So the "Sanders Valley AU" doc is a very sparse idea document that contains notes for a Sanders Sides Stardew Valley AU (I might have talked with @teacupfulofstarshine or @stormcrawler75 about this, I honestly don't remember, the document is two years old). The story would focus Farmer Thomas moving to Stardew Valley and befriending the local populace, helping the valley's pining residents confess their feelings for each other, all while falling hopelessly in love with the valley's resident hopeful author Elliot Nico. This is the casting list I made:
Thomas = Farmer 
Nico = Elliot
Virgil = Sebastian 
Logan = Harvey
Patton = Penny 
Roman = Leah 
Remus = Maru
Janus = Abigail 
Emile Picani = Emily 
Remy (Sleep) = Sam 
Kai (cartoon therapy) = Alex 
Elliott (cartoon therapy) = Shane 
Missy (Misleading Compliments) = Hailey (this casting is open to change)
Dot and Larry = Pierre and Caroline 
Main ships would have been Thomas/Nico, Analogical, Royality, and Dukeceit, all which become established over the course of the story, while Remile is already established. I had no plans for ships involving Kai, Elliott, and Missy, though I was open to the idea of a ship or qpp developing between them. Also, as stated, Dot and Larry would take the place of Pierre and Caroline, and I had thoughts of replacing all the villagers, including the kids, with Shorts characters. I never actually outlined any plot or anything, but that was the idea!
WIP Title Ask Game
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I've made some MAJOR changes to my au so here's some details that are important
This is a 'human' au. The sides are reincarnations of spirits. And Thomas is there too
It doesn't take place on Earth; it takes place on an alternate Earth called Azeron.
Roman Mixon, she/they trans woman. 36
Remus Mixon, he/him trans man. 36
Patton Liddell, he/she cis man. 35
Virgil Moriarty, he/she/they bigender. 34
Thomas Sanders, he/him, cis man. 34
Nico Flores, any/all cis+. 34
Emile Picani, he/they, cis man. 34
Janus Schrader, she/he/it transfem genderfluid. 31
Remy Smith, ze/hir trans man. 30
Logan Redd, he/it trans man. 29
Roman and Remus are the princess and prince of the country Enteralia.
Virgil is the prince of the country Kora, just north of Enteralia.
Roman and Virgil are married.
Patton and Janus are married.
Logan and Remus are married.
Thomas, Nico, and Remy are all engaged to each other.
Patton and Logan are friends with benefits.
Janus and Remus are dating.
Roman and Remus family members: Terry Mixon (father, deceased), Gina Mixon (mother), Julie Mixon (older sister)
Patton family members: Franklin Liddell (father), Tonya Liddell (mother, deceased), Drew Emily (stepfather), Mildred Liddell (younger sister), Jason Liddell (son)
Virgil family members: Kai Moriarty (father), Karen Moriarty (mother), Veronica Moriarty (older sister)
Janus family members: unknown father, Kira Schrader (mother), Linda Schrader (grandmother, guardian)
Remy family members: Westley Vella (father), Thalia Smith (mother)
Logan family members: Reginald Redd (father), Ashley Redd (mother), Xyler Redd (younger brother), Fran Redd (younger half-sister), Tuesday Redd (younger sibling), Michael Redd (younger half-brother)
Emile is Thomas' twin brother.
Patton had his son Jason with his ex girlfriend Jessica. They have split custody.
Patton has PTSD. His emotional support animal is a pit bull named Lolli.
Janus has fibromyalgia and epilepsy. Her service animal is a golden retriever named Tuck.
Remy is blind. Hir seeing eye dog is a husky named Venti.
Logan has schizophrenia and PTSD. His emotional support animal is a sphinx cat named Lulubelle.
Roman and Remus are Christian
Patton is Jewish
Virgil was raised Christian but has never practiced
Janus is agnostic
Logan was raised Catholic but is atheist due to religious trauma
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calmlypanicking · 10 months
How ticklish would you hc each Sanders Sides character from 1-10? (Emile Picani and Remy optional)
Ooo ok this is a fun question!!
Roman: 7/10. Ticklish enough to have comical reactions but it doesn't like make him explode
Remus: hmmm.. 4? I haven't thought about him as much. I feel like he's ticklish but it's not that bad
Patton: 8/10 pretty ticklish, but he gets more ticklish if he's flustered, like ranges from a 7 to a 9 depending on his mood
Janus: 7/10 if caught of guard, but like 4 /10 if prepared for it (at least it seems that way, up to you if he's actually less ticklish that way or if he's just good at keeping a straight face)
Virgil: 9/10 because anxiety like I feel like tickles are kinda within his realm anyway. Can get to be more of a 10/10 with teasing or anticipation
Logan: 6/10 pretty stoic and that holds true here, however I think really light tickles for him would be closer to an 8/10
I'm not super familiar with Emilie picani or Remy tbh but I'd be happy to hear if yall have any ideas on them
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Thomas and the Chocolate Factory - Chapter 6
A Sanders Sides / Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Fanfiction
Summary: Remus Duke is the greatest chocolatier of all time, and after living the past few years a recluse, he decides to finally open his factory once again. And it's young orphan Thomas Sanders' dream to win a ticket and get to go! Will he win a ticket? And if he does, will he make it out alive?
Thomas… to put it simply, wasn’t doing too great.
He felt bad for feeling this way. He knew he wasn’t entitled to win a ticket. There were billions of children who were just as desperate as he was - many in even worse positions than him. And yet he just couldn’t move on from the disappointment.
He sighed, kicking his feet as he fiddled with his fork, poking at the small slice of leftover birthday cake on his plate. That was what he and most of the children had been eating recently, trying to make it last as long as possible.
By this point, everyone in the orphanage knew it wouldn’t be long. Whether it would be the town council ruling the orphanage as unfit to stay open, or Dot and Larry throwing in the towel when funds start to get too low, the children knew it wouldn’t be long until they’d be rehomed. Moved away to another city that put more funding into their local orphanages. While it sounded nice to live in better conditions, the idea of leaving the town they’d grown up in and losing the two closest people they had to parental figures was daunting for the children.
It was daunting also for Dot and Larry, who sighed as they sat in their therapist’s office, waiting patiently for her to arrive. Usually they’d be talking to each other as they waited. But today, instead, an uncomfortable silence hung over them.
“Da! Da da dadada! Da de da de de da- Oh, it’s you two!” Dr Emily Picani chuckled to herself as she stepped into the office, cutting off their own dramatic entrance. “Sorry, my brain’s a bit frazzled recently, got my schedule mixed up in my head. I guess that’s what good news does to you, huh?” They sat in their chair, sighing… before her face fell a bit as she registered the quiet and morose atmosphere. “Though I sense that I’m about to get some bad news to balance that out…”
“We do have bad news, I'm afraid, Doctor…” Dot sighed. “This is going to be our last session.”
Emily blinked. “Huh? But we’ve still got so much more ground we haven’t covered! So many cartoons that could be useful to discuss and-”
“We just can’t afford it anymore,” Larry shrugged. “Therapy sessions aren’t cheap, and we really need to put the money towards the kids. They have to be our priority.”
Emily sighed. “I understand… but hey, if circumstances ever change, know my door is always open. And if there are any emergencies, I’m willing to hold some free one-off sessions for you.”
“Thank you, Dr Picani, thank you so much,” Dot smiled. “You really have done so much for us. I don’t think we could have kept getting through all this stress without your help.”
“Oh, it’s been no trouble,” Emily shrugged, smiling. “Just doing my job! Now, if this is going to be our last session together, let’s make the most of it!” She flipped open her notepad and clicked her pen.
The session went by mostly as usual, though Emily did seem to be rushing a little more, cutting their cartoon rambles short when they veered into irrelevant territory. However, eventually, she sighed, looking up at the clock. “Well, that’s our time up… You’re both sure you want to stop renewing your sessions now?”
Dot and Larry both nodded, starting to gather their things. “Again, thank you for everything, Doctor. I’m sure we’ll be back when we’re in a more financially stable position.”
“More like if.”
“I’ll be looking forward to then.” Emily stood up, going to step over to the door to open it for their clients.
“Can I ask, what was the good news you mentioned earlier?” Dot asked. “I know as your clients we probably aren’t allowed to inquire about your personal life, but I’d be nice to hear something positive. It seems like we only ever get bad news these days…”
“Oh, um… Well, you’re right I’m generally not allowed to. But I guess you two aren’t my clients anymore, and it’s not exactly sensitive information. So, what the hell! I’ll tell you. I found out last night on the news that my nephew won a golden ticket!”
“That was your nephew? Oh, that’s wonderful!” Dot smiled. “It must be exciting to know you’ll get to hear all about the factory from him.”
Emily’s face fell a little. “Yeah… Anyway, um, I should be going. Gotta get my coffee break in before my next client arrives. See you both around, fingers crossed you’ll be able to book another session soon!” With that, they hurried from the room.
Dot blinked a little, before looking up at Larry. “Was it something I said?”
“Probably not, the thought of having to talk to her nephew probably just freaked her out. You saw the news last night, that kid seemed like a big-headed jerk-”
Thomas felt his eyelids drooping as he sat in class. He didn’t have the energy to stay awake and focus on what his teacher was saying about whatever they were learning in Math. He didn’t even know what they were studying right now. Calculus? Algebra? Statistics? Trigonometry? The numbers written on the board just blended together into a fuzzy mess…
He felt a poke against his shoulder. He blinked tiredly, trying to refocus his eyes as he turned to face the student sitting at the desk beside his. It was a boy, and he was holding something out to Thomas. “I heard your stomach growling pretty loudly, and figured you could use this. Quick, before Mr Barnes turns around and sees.”
Thomas hesitantly took the item from the boy’s hand, looking down at it. It was a chocolate flavoured energy bar - Duke brand, of course. He looked back up at the boy, smiling a little. “Thanks.”
“No problem!” the boy smiled, before turning back to face the front of the class, continuing to write notes.
Thomas opened up the energy bar, and didn’t waste any time in digging into it. Right now, it felt like the most satisfying thing he’d ever eaten. After finishing it, the math on the board didn’t seem quite as difficult to understand.
When the lesson finished, and the bell rang signalling the end of the school day, everyone began to pack up all their things. Thomas looked back to the boy that had given him the food. “Thanks again. I really needed that.”
“It’s nothing, really. My mom always makes me bring them just in case I need more energy, but I never really do,” the boy shrugged. “I may as well give them to people who do. I’m Nico, by the way.”
“I’m Thomas.”
“Well, it was nice to meet you, Thomas. Guess I’ll see you tomo-”
Nico was interrupted by a loud yell out in the corridor. “The fourth golden ticket’s been found! There’s only one left!”
Chatter immediately filled the classroom, students pulling out their phones to check if it was true. Thomas felt a bit awkward as he saw everyone else reading about the ticket winner, but was unable to do so himself. He tried to catch a few of the words they were saying, but it was hard to pay attention through all the conversations, and noise out in the hall.
“Here.” Nico was holding out one of his earbuds to Thomas. “You can watch the report on my phone.”
“Thanks,” Thomas smiled softly, shuffling closer to Nico so the cord of the earbuds would actually reach his ears, looking down at the phone screen. Nico then pressed play on the video.
Remy Sleep was sitting in a living room. It was very homely, filled with bright and colourful furniture and decor. They were sitting on the couch with two people. First was a woman, wearing a white and yellow floral dress with long black hair. Sat between her and Remy was a boy who seemed to contrast the rest of the atmosphere in the room. He had black hair dyed purple, bangs hanging and covering one of his eyes. He was wearing black ripped jeans, a long sleeved purple shirt, and a black t-shirt over the top of it. He had black eyeshadow under his eyes, which were glued to the screen of the Nintendo Switch in his hands.
“I’m here with the fourth ticket winner of Remus Duke’s competition: Virgil Teevee! Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself, Virgil?”
The boy refused to look up from his video game, and he didn’t say a word. The woman beside him, presumably his mother, sighed a little, before speaking for him. “Well, as you can probably tell, he’s very passionate about his games. He spends almost all day on some kind of device, to be honest.” She chuckled a bit. “He’s a very good kid, though, he never really gets into trouble at home. He’s able to keep himself busy, and I honestly thank his games for that.” She ruffled Virgil’s hair, finally getting him to look up from his game.
“Moooom…” he grumbled quietly.
“Ah, so he does talk!” Remy joked, though Virgil clearly didn’t appreciate the comment, huffing and turning back to his game. “So, Virgil, you mind telling us all how you won your ticket.”
Virgil blinked, seeming almost frightened for a second, fingers pausing their tapping. It was only for a moment, though, before he turned back to his game, concentrating on it. “Fine… I, um… I’d decided to look for a ticket because my friends suggested it. I don’t even like chocolate that much…”
Virgil held his headphones against his ears tightly, I’m Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance blasting into his ears. Maybe if he played it loud enough, it’d be enough to drown out the terrible thoughts.
Another test back from school. Another F.
Having the most awkward interaction of his life with the cashier at the store when buying Duke bars. And on the way out, he’d tripped and dropped all the candy bars all over the floor. Everyone around was staring at him, people had laughed…
And now he’d come home only to be told by his mom that, once again, his dad had cancelled. He still wasn’t good enough, wasn’t worth anything to his dad. No, movie festivals were more important than Virgil was…
He needed more of a distraction, the music wasn’t enough. He opened up discord on his phone.
Verge: @everyone you guys able to vc?
Andy: yea sure
Missy: i’ll be on in just a minute ^^
Virgil sighed in relief as he hopped onto the voice channel. Soon he’d have chat with his friends and a video game to keep him distracted…
There were two pings as Andy and Missy both joined the call.
“So, doing our chocolate opening a little early today, I guess?”
And Virgil’s stomach immediately dropped at Andy’s words. He’d forgotten about this stupid contest…
Honestly, with every ticket found, he’d become more and more nervous, wanting to win less and less. Before he’d only been worried about his friends meeting him in real life, but now it was impossible for all three of them to go on this tour, and extremely unlikely even two of them would. If Virgil did win a ticket, he’d be stuck on a tour all day with strangers. People he’d never met meeting him, judging him. Not to mention, all the media attention. What if he was edited to look bad? Heck, what if he didn’t need to be edited, and he just came across really badly? The whole world would be judging him, including Andy and Missy. He’d lose their friendship, and never be able to make any new friends because everyone in the world would hate him-
“Verge? Hello? You got a bar ready to open?”
Virgil was startled back to reality. “I-I, uh… J-just a second…” He leaned over the side of his bed, dragging out the bag of unopened chocolate bars from beneath it. He picked up a bar, taking a deep breath. Come on, Virgil, billions of people in the world, and only five tickets. No way you’ll win one. “O-okay, um, I’m ready…”
“Okay! Open on three. One… two… three!”
Virgil ripped open the chocolate bar as he heard the other two doing the same, rips echoing through their microphones. 
“Darn, nothing…” Andy huffed.
“Me neither…” Missy sighed. “How’d you do, Verge?”
Virgil felt like his heart had stopped. His hands were shaking so badly he was close to dropping the chocolate bar in his hands.
The chocolate bar and the golden ticket on top of it.
His heart started going again, now at a rapid pace, the noise banging in his head. He felt like he could barely breathe, gasping for air which refused to stay in his lungs. Tears pricked in the corner of his eyes.
“Virgil, are you okay? What happen-”
Virgil practically slammed the off button of his laptop, cutting off Missy’s question. He couldn’t let them hear him like this.
He pulled his sheets over his head, and he held his fist over his mouth, biting down on his knuckles, to muffle his gasps and sobs. He didn’t want his mother to hear. He’d gone so long without an ‘episode’, she thought he was getting better, he didn’t want to disappoint her.
Later he’d throw the golden ticket in the bin.
Unfortunately, Linda would find it, assume he’d thrown it away by accident, and rescue it.
“Wow, you definitely got lucky!” Remy whistled. “To think you were so close to accidentally throwing away the opportunity of a lifetime. You’re lucky your mom noticed. So, anything you’re particularly looking forward to about the tour?”
Virgil shrugged. “I mean, not really… As I said, I don’t even really like chocolate…”
“Okay… What about the other tour members? You looking forward to making new friends?”
Virgil just shrugged again.
“... Alright, well, that was the interview with the fourth Duke ticket winner, Virgil Teevee! Only one ticket remains, so good luck!”
The video ended, and Thomas took out the earbud, looking up at Nico. “Thanks for letting me borrow that.”
“It’s nothing,” Nico shrugged, before sighing a bit. “Well, one ticket left… I guess I’ll have to start buying a lot more chocolate if I want to get one.”
“Good luck,” Thomas replied, picking up his school bag. “I hope you find it.”
Nico smiled. “Good luck to you too.”
“Oh, ah… not much point in that, I can’t buy any more bars…”
Nico shrugged again. “So? I’m still gonna wish you good luck. Who knows what could happen? Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow, Thomas!” He waved, before leaving the room.
Thomas smiled a little as he watched him go. Even if he knew it was basically impossible, Nico’s words inspired a little bit of hope in him that he hadn’t felt since his birthday.
Who knows? Maybe fate would lead him down a path that ended with a ticket in his hands? If anything, it was at least a pleasant thought.
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wolfprincesszola · 1 month
Echoes of 50 Chapter 3
As always, check the TWs and CWs in the masterlist. Platonic Analogical has to be one of my favorite things to write. Genuinely, platonic love in general is my absolute baby. Enjoy <3. ——————– Now Playing: Preventative Medicine by Ananya Tare
<Previous Chapter> <Next Chapter> ——————–
“L, open up!”
Logan paid no attention to the man pounding at the door for the fifth time in five minutes.
“I know you’re in there! I’m going to break your door down if you don’t open up.”
“For the fifth time, Virgil, there is a cat on my lap.” Logan scowled, petting Luna’s head as he scrolled down on the research he was assisting in. “I am not getting up just to open the door for you.”
“Damn you, Luna.”
“I heard that, Virge! I will not be having you desecrating my cat’s image.”
“Fine. You leave me no choice.” Virgil’s voice groaned through the door as the door swung open, an annoyed Virgil leaning against the front door.
“I’ll send you the invoice for my door.” Logan replied, sipping on the tea he had prepared moments before sitting down and becoming trapped by his Bombay cat.
“Oh, fuck off. I just picked the lock. Your door is completely fine.” Virgil rolled his eyes as he came in with two bags of pick-up. “I brought Chinese.”
“Must I stress the importance of eating healthy?” Logan raised an eyebrow as he gathered his papers to make way for the food on the coffee table.
“Must I stress?” Virgil raised an eyebrow in response before sitting down next to Logan. He placed the bags of Chinese takeout on the coffee table before going to scratch Luna’s head. Almost immediately, Luna purred and transferred from Logan’s lap onto Virgil’s.
“Traitor.” Logan scowled at his cat as he went to pack his research up and grab two plates for him and his friend.
“Luna just likes me better.” Virgil smirked as Logan started to grab his food, “Also, for someone who’s really into a strict schedule, you sure are researching late at night without food to energize you.” “You texted me you were coming over with food. I took that as a sign that I did not need to cook dinner.” Logan stretched, knowing that he had been sitting for way longer than he had anticipated, having been enveloped in his work and also having been stuck by his cat on his lap.
“And here I thought Logan Sanders was a person who never cared about what other people were doing.” Virgil smirked.
“Unfortunately for me, having friends was necessary in the brutal battlefield we called high school. And unfortunately for me, you stuck around after that point.”
Logan had met Virgil Grey, his best friend, in his sophomore year of high school. Knowing everyone’s thoughts since birth meant that any fake attempts at trying to be friends with Logan were dismissed. Logan hated fake kindness and false sympathy. High school was filled with fake kindness and false sympathy reeking from the different teenagers who just wanted nothing more but leaked secrets or homework help. It got worse when he had come out as gay to the entire school, causing people to flock over to ask if he wanted to be their gay best friend. It was awful. There were a few genuine teens that he befriended, but they were few and far in-between. Emilie Picani, Remy Somnus, and Virgil Grey. After high school, Logan really only stayed in contact with Virgil and to the man’s reluctance, Virgil’s presence from time to time was appreciated. Logan sometimes got so tangled in his work that he forgot to eat and Virgil always knew when to come by to help Logan out. To his reluctance, Logan could call Virgil a friend…even a best friend.
“Aw, L. I know you love me.” Virgil gave a grin as he grabbed some food to eat with one hand while still petting Luna with the other hand.
Logan rolled his eyes as he grabbed a Crofters jam inside the fridge to put some into his fried rice. “I don’t believe I ever said that.”
“Dude, ew. That’s so gross. You have an addiction.” Virgil made a face, changing the subject as he stared at Logan eating his jam-covered rice, “You need to get some help.”
“Sue me.” Logan deadpanned as he continued to take bites into his food.
“What are you even working on? The last time I talked to you, you said you were stuck with no evidence to help you whatsoever.” Virgil raised an eyebrow as he reached for the stack of papers.
Logan slapped Virgil’s hand away, “That’s pristine evidence. There is no way I will let you examine it while you are still eating.”
“Jeez, touchy.” Virgil grumbled, “You usually aren’t like this with evidence.”
“This evidence is new. I need to have sufficient time to examine the paperwork before you soil it.”
“Stuck-up prick.”
“I heard that, Virge.” Logan rolled his eyes as he finished his food before washing his hands and returning back to his research.
“What’s it even about?”
“There’s something special about this evidence. Not only is this new information I would’ve never stumbled upon before because I had never thought about using the dark web, but also there may finally be the biggest lead in all of history. What this evidence may lead to is a human account of what is happening in all the government buildings.”
“Hold on. How do you know this evidence is valid? Where’d you get these things from?” Virgil raised an eyebrow as he looked over Logan’s shoulder.
“A reliable source. At least someone who thinks they are reliable. They snuck into the government buildings for this.” Logan cleared his throat, not wanting to say more. He knew that Virgil would get even more upset to find out that a reliable source came directly from his CEO because it seemed more of a risk than a reliable source.
“Alright, fine. I’ll trust it.” Virgil replied warily before reading the file Logan was stuck on, “Patient 506174746F6E? That’s a long name. How many patients would there be that would need that long of a name?”
“It says the patient was often called Patient 50 for short. It seems that Patient 50 may have been one of the key items in defeating the Medeis, but it ended up being a failed experiment. I have looked at the other evidence I was given. Materials the government is purchasing, the employment rates of the Impotens over the employment rates of the Medeis, funding for organizations determined to take any advantage the Medeis have in fear that they will rise up against the Impotens. None of which directly help me too much, but if I can get into contact with Patient 50, I could get an account of what their true goal is, deduce what the materials they’re purchasing are used for, and brainstorm about ways to stop it from happening.”
“Great. So how are you going to do that?” Virgil raised an eyebrow.
“What do you mean?”
“Get to Patient 50? You don’t even have more than a picture of their back that you can go off of.” Virgil pointed to the picture of a person in a hospital gown.
From the figure, Logan could see it was a man with brown hair and a taller figure, but there was nothing else he could go off of. At least, except for some black lettering on the man’s neck. The middle trapezius, to be specific.
“But there is a discerning feature of this person.” Logan replied, pointing to the text on the man’s neck. “If I took a picture of the photo on my phone, I could possibly zoom in and enhance the letters to spell something out.”
“No need. I have 20/20 eyesight.” Virgil smirked as he put his food that he still hadn’t finished down. Bringing the photo closer to his eyes, Virgil began to read out the text. Logan fumbled to grab a pen, scribbling down exactly what Virgil said on his arm.
“Five, zero, six, one, seven, four, seven, four, six, f as in Frida Khalo, six, e as in Evan Edinger.”
“506174746F6E.” Logan read back before scrambling to the patient's name, repeating the same values. “Patient 50 has their name tattooed on their middle trapezius.”
“Oh, that’s kinda fucked up.” Virgil frowned as he gave Logan the papers back before going back to smothering Luna with cuddles and finishing the rest of his food.
“But it’s somewhere. Now…I just have to figure out what 506174746F6E is and what the importance they have to the government.”
“Hm, good luck.” Virgil remarked, “I will not be helping you in that escapade.”
Logan looked at Virgil with a sense of irritation. He knew that Virgil didn’t care as much as Logan did about this research, but sometimes, Logan would wish Virgil would pretend to care. At least then, Logan could pretend to ignore Virgil’s complaining thoughts.
“Then, can you at least keep your mouth shut so I can focus on my research?” Logan asked as he turned back towards the photo. He was one step closer, but it felt as if he had taken fifteen steps back from the original goal. He frowned as he looked at the bigger picture.
“How do you know you can even interrogate the patient?”
“It says he managed to escape the facility a while ago and that he has been escaping the sights of the guards in charge of looking for him. There is no doubt he is still in the city considering the technology the government has around this city. The facility probably would have had the patient chipped even before they were testing whatever they were testing on him. Now, the public can rely on RFID circuits which are too weak for anything this dangerous and big-scale. It aligns with the amount of electricity and computer boards that were created for a couple of years. Maybe they found a stronger satellite field or perhaps they figured out the idea of blood chemistry. Either way, there is nothing that surrounds this city and in a big open area, it would make sense that the patient would be undetectable within the city, but their location could be broadcasted within seconds of leaving.” Logan lit up at the idea.
Working at a technology company meant that he got to work with pieces of tech all the time. Understanding how everything came together and actually having a moment to apply his knowledge into his research was possibly Logan’s dream come true. If the government was using advanced pieces of technology that even Logan was not familiar with, it would mean disaster and also a new expansion in how the city could be working.
“I got lost when RFID circuits were mentioned.”
“English, L?” Virgil raised an eyebrow, confusion written all over his face.
“The patient is still within the city because the tracker they implanted into the patient will only start marking their specific address in a big open area. Big open area surrounds the city, so the patient’s only choice–if they do not want to be captured once more–is to stay in the shadows of the city and to stay out of sight from all the different guards. At least until they find a way to remove the tracker and I doubt the patient has even taken a look at how to remove the tracker within a few years of escaping the city. They would’ve been busy trying to make a life of themself in the city.”
“Doesn’t answer how you’re supposed to find them. There are over 3.5 million people in this city.”
“That is the Herculean task.” Logan sighed, “I will get back to you about that.”
“Well, either way, you shouldn’t stay here cooped up all of tomorrow.”
“Why not? It’s a Saturday. I have no work, no overtime, and all the free time. I could and should spend most of it researching instead of just standing around.”
“Come with me down to the coffee shop. It’ll be good to get some Vitamin D. For both of us.”
Logan raised an eyebrow, “What?”
“Come on. You need a break anyways.”
Logan groaned, knowing that Virgil was correct in some sense. “Fine.”
Staring at the numbers, Logan knew that there was someone out there that he needed to go and find. They would be the key to his research and the solution to his life goal. He was sure of it.
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gavotte-paradisio · 3 months
Welcome to my blog
I might split this into separate posts once I become more proficient in tumblr but here goes:
Hi. I'm Lily. Please don't be the bad kind of weirdo in my comments and reblogs. Please feel free to be the good kind of weirdo. I am. I think most of us here are.
Featured character of the month: Carlotta Contreras (Miraculous Ladybug oc)
OC of the week: Amanda "Mandi" Leaford (Ever After High oc)
Fandoms I'm having brainrot for: Hatchetfield, Yaelokre/Meadowlark, Sanders Sides
Characters I'm having brainrot for: Pokotho, Coda'al (OC), Wiggog Y'Rath, Eddie Chiplucky (Hatchetfield), Literally the entire Lark and all the Harkers (Yaelokre/Meadowlark), Janus (Sanders Sides)
Fandoms I'll roleplay as and characters I'll roleplay from them:
Ever After High: Bianca Hearts (oc), Flori (oc), Lavendre Setsorciere D'Lilas (oc), Seth Setsorciere D'Lilas (oc), Amelia Volpe (oc), Belladonna Turm (oc), Amanda Leaford (oc), Sandra Fireball (oc), Catarino Gatto (oc), Ulysses Fierce (oc), Porter L'duc (oc)
D&D (due to the nature of the game they're all ocs): Celia, Aquamarine, Kaiden Windriver, Aelar Holimion, G'eldonia Salein, Megan Wren, Rowan Goldleaf, Tre (with the poofy hair), Jamira, Cassian Liadon, De-See Akachissa, Lamina, Ysabeaux Borges, Eliana Dawsama, Cruz Alkibrit, Worth Chaval
Undertale: Undyne, Mettaton
Delta Rune: Kris, Ralsei, Lancer
Doki Doki Literature Club: Monika
Pokemon Go: Blanche
Sanders Sides: All sides in interps of canon, plus: Leon Schneider (au of Logan) Ramses XII (au of Roman), Lycanthrope! Patton Sanders (au), Valentin Stadler (au of Virgil), Fae/Iguana! Roman Sanders (au), Fae/Gecko!Patton De Cartier (au), Fae/Box Turtle! Virgil Hemshade (au), Fae/Boa Constrictor! Prince Logan De Serpens (au) Fae/King Cobra! King Janus De Serpens, Tomezinho (au of Thomas), Seu Logan (au), Emilia! Roman (au), Tio Patton (au), Tio Virgil (au), Cobrinha (au of Janus), Saci! Remus (au), Emilie, Viscount of Picanosa (au of Dr. Picani), Tom Kirk (au of Thomas), L'gn Spock (au of Logan), Kirumi Uhura (au of Roman), Lev Chekov (au of Patton), Virgil McCoy (au), Naomi Sulu (au of Janus), Remus Scott (au), Elliot Walker (oc), Ava Watershed (oc), Verity (oc), Celeste (oc), Agatha (oc), Persephone (oc), Jane (oc)
Dance Central: Dare, Oblio
Just Dance: The Traveler, Mihaly, Jack Rose
Good Omens: Aziraphale, Crowley, Anathema Device, Beelzebub, Sercon (au of Aziraphale), Raphael (au of Crowley), Bee Moschella (au of Beelzebub), Seth Devall (au of Satan), Gabe Vanderskye (au of Gabriel), Tony MacAleister (au of Crowley), 'El Villalba (au of Muriel), Zed Vega (au of Aziraphale)
Encanto: Isabela, Dolores, Mirabel
SIX! The Musical: Aragon, Parr
Umbrella Academy (Netflix show, I haven't read the comics): Klaus, Ben, Viktor
Miraculous Ladybug: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien Agreste, Gabriel Agreste, Teen! Gabi Grassete (au), Teen! Emilie Graham De Vanily (au), Teen! Nathalie Sancouer (au), Baynard Travers (oc), Carlotta Contreras (oc), Luis Contreras (oc)
Descendants: Willamine Sanderson (oc), Jesse Hook (oc), Bianca-Rose of Hearts (oc), Mary-Gwen (oc)
Avatarverse (ATLA/TLOK/COTA): Aang, Zuko, Kyoshi, Akane (oc), Huilang (oc), Lee (oc)
The Sims 4: Caleb Vatore, Lilith Vatore, Morgyn Ember, L. Faba, Simeon Silversweater
CATS! (The musical): Munkustrap, Rum Tum Tugger, Mr. Mistoffelees
The Summoner: Fletcher Wulf/Raleigh
MCU: Loki, Thor
Random books I read for class in high school: Prince Prospero (Masque of the Red Death) Red Death (Masque of the Red Death), Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby) Reverend Hale (The Crucible), Beatrice (Much Ado About Nothing), Banquo (Macbeth), Tiresias (Greek Mythology/Oedipus Rex), Creature/Adam (Frankenstein), Algernon Moncrieff (The Importance of Being Earnest)
Monster High: Scarlett Death (OC), Luano Lobi (OC), Coda'al (OC)
Nonfandom ocs and stuff from my wips: Blaise Mirren, Laura Vasquez, Joan Doe/Guo Xian, Crocus Carvidge, Andrew Anure, Calliope Rookwood, Felix Ortega, Saoirse, Makiese, Helene, Cato Caelius Cicerinus, Fujisaki Kei, Raven, Robin, Wren, The Knights of the Fungal Order
Primary Synpaths: Janus (Sanders Sides), Roman (Sanders Sides), Logan (Sanders Sides), Aaron Burr (Hamilton), Jaskier (The Witcher (the Netflix show because I haven't read the books or played the games and I hear he's different), Algernon Moncrieff (The Importance Of Being Earnest)
Secondary Synpaths: Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender (the cartoon)), Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender (the cartoon)), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter (no I don't support she-who-I-won't-bother-to-name)), Belle (Beauty and the Beast (the 1991 Disney cartoon)), Michele Santana (3%), Juliana Crain (The Man in the High Castle(the Amazon Prime show, I haven't read the book)), Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby) Reverend Hale (The Crucible), Isabela Madrigal (Encanto), Kris Dreemurr (delta rune)
I'm on the fence about these: Avatar Kyoshi (Chronicles of the Avatar), Lancer (delta rune), Emily Ostergaard (Women Playing Hamlet), Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit (I haven't read Lord of the Rings)), Hannah Foster (Hatchetfield)
Please feel free to comment, message, or AMA if anything I listed sounds interesting to you!
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Picani: Do you want me to answer as a friend or as a therapist?
Virgil: As a friend.
Picani: See a therapist.
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Sanders Sides—Princess &The Frog AU
Prince Naveen- Roman (a bit arrogant but playful/ seeking adventure and praise. He has good intentions. Is make uncomfortable by Shadow Man/ is disgusted at times but tries to be polite and cover it up
Tiana- Logan (doesnt stop working, doesnt have time for fun/goofing off) Takes care of the others when their heads are up in the clouds (several times but an example is during the Way Down In The Bayou song when she stops them from running into obstacles)
Lonnie- Patton (Super sweet, head full of dreams and fantasies, helps others)
Shadow Man- Janus (They’re both so cunning (( they’re survivors, they lookout for themselves)) and dripping with Slytherin energy) HIS SHADOW TURNS INTO A SNEK DURING “Friends On The Otherside” NEED I SAY MORE?!
Shadow people- Remus? Just cuz they’re rly chaotic and that would be really cool? (Another option would be to make this Virgil and he’s enslaved by Jan but gets his revenge in the end)
Alligator guy- Joan..Idk how to explain it but both r super sweet/carefree and yet understand when things are serious?
Mama Odie- Remy (sleep) Sanders cuz of the glasses and sassiness but genuinely good ideas
Ray- Emily Picani (from Cartoon Therapy) the dude is just helpinf his friends on their emotional journeys
Okay so I rethought the Aligator role and...
Luis the Alligator- Virge. He wants to do his thing even though other people don’t approve of it (which makes him depressed but he doesn’t conform to society) The gator is a bit more friendly than Vee but Vee could just be the gator’s role in the movie and be himself. ( Another option for this would be Remus?!?!?! The dude just wants to be creative and do what he loves but ends up scaring most people)
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mtherhino · 4 years
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So I was watching cartoon therapy the other day and, !!!!! Why has everyone been sleeping on the fact that Emily had a pet rock! I find this freaking adorable and am annoyed that no one has drawn any fan art of it so here it is. Emily is in his early teens here and yes I gave him freckles and named his rock Rocky just because I can. Anyways,have a good day people!
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funkylilgaycriminal · 4 years
The sides + Remi and Emily if Thomas brought home a cat (idk, I'm bored):
Patton: KITTY! *hugs it* Wait- *gives cat back to Thomas* Okay, now I can scream, AHHHH I FORGOT I'M ALERGIC!
Logan: *facepalm* Thomas, are you sure we can properly care for this cat?
Thomas: Umm....
Logan: Actually, answer that later, I have to help Patton. *drags Patton away*
Remus: CAN I EAT IT?!?
Janus: Remus, shut up.
Roman: *grabs cat* Aw, hello there beautiful creature... What's its name?
Thomas: I... Haven't thought of one yet..
Patton from across the house: GOOD ONE KIDDO!
Virgil, who has been having a staring contest w/ the cat since Thomas walked in the door: I love it
Remi on the outside: Yeah it's okay I guess
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