#Empathy and lovingkindness are out
chicago-geniza · 10 months
Heard someone use the neologism "noblesse goblige" (noblesse oblige for goblins) and physically felt it burrowing into my brain through my ear
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jehovahsaintscom · 7 months
"Meet Michael Hopkins, Founder of Jehovah's HOUSE of Saints" - Visit Jeh...
"Join the Cause: A Dollar for Change" https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
Become part of our volunteer team by sharing our website with your friends. In a world where an estimated 150 million people are homeless, Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints, felt called to make a difference. Believing in the power of compassion and the strength of collective efforts, Michael had a vision that if everyone in the world donated just one dollar, it would amount to a staggering amount. This generous sum could effectively meet the needs of those struggling with homelessness and poverty around the globe.
With unwavering faith and determination, Michael reached out to the community, urging them to show empathy and solidarity towards their less fortunate brothers and sisters. He knew that every act of kindness, no matter how small, had the potential to bring immense relief and hope to those who were without a home or a sense of security.
Drawing inspiration from the Scriptures, Michael reflected on the teachings of compassion and generosity. In Matthew 25:35-40, it is said, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Michael knew that by extending a helping hand to those in need, the love and kindness shown would be reciprocated tenfold.
With a heartfelt plea, Michael asked the world to come together and donate just a dollar. He knew that this seemingly small contribution could make a profound impact, providing food, shelter, and care to those who needed it most. Michael believed that when we show compassion and give selflessly, we not only uplift others but also receive the blessings of unity, empathy, and love in return.
With a heartfelt plea, I ask the world to come together and donate just a dollar. God Bless. 1-573-891-1933 USA https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
#homelessnessworldwide #endabortionnow #prisonministry #biblicalstudies #supporttheneedy #faithinaction #helpthehomeless #bibleschools #globalhomelessness #prolife #serveothers #spreadtheword #stopabortion #faithbasededucation #rehabilitationprograms #transforminglives #biblelessons #caringforall #ministrywork #breakingcycles #fightingpoverty #empoweringothers #biblicalteachings #hopeforthehomeless #childrenofgod #everylifematters #impactchange #compassionforall #positivityiskey #Godisincontrol #healingthroughfaith #changinghearts #endinginjustice #restorehope #makingadifference #compassionoverjudgment #believeinyourpotential #transformtheworld #loveoneanother #beingthechange #faithworks #handsofjesus #bringingpeace #servingthoseinneed #healingthroughfaith #reachingout #sharingGod'slove #lendahelpinghand #breakingbarriers #showingkindness #faithinhumanity #neverloosesight #workingtogether #noonealone #unityinfaith #serveotherswell #restorefaith #lovingkindness #workingtowardssolution #bethelight #god'schildren #servingothers #honoryourfaith #helpingothersgrow #promoteunderstanding #breakingchains #believingingood #believeinchange #spreadlove #poweroffaith #speakhope #caringforoneanother #makeanimpact #giftsofthegospel #givehope #restorelives #servehumanity #faithinpractice #endthesilence #lifematters #sharethelove #beingcompassionate #bringingchange #impacttheworld #leadbyexample #faithinaction #beinginnovative #comfortinGod'sword #gotquestions #makeadifference #staypositive #logic #faithandworks #loveinaction #serveandrstore #empowermentthroughfaith #communityoutreach #bringinghealing #fightingstigma #faithfulservants #compassionatecare #givingback #faithinmotion #lendahelpinghand #healingthroughservice #reachingthelost #faithinlove #helpingothersprosper #changingperspectives #buildingcommunity #mercyoverjudgment #restoringdignity #faithfulservants #makingdisciples #healingthroughservice #actsOfKindness #fightpoverty #lendingahand #buildingbridges #faithinfocus #leadingwithlove #faithwithoutborders #compassionatehearts #standingtogether #transformingcommunities #missionstotheworld #faithinunity #healingthroughlove #supportingthoseinneed #lendinganear #givinggrace #restoringfaith #sowingseeds #believinginchange #faithfulstewards #servinginlove #healingthroughhope #makingadifference #missionstochangelives #compassionateresponse #livesfilledwithfaith #bringingjoy #unitedinfaith #endthecycle #soaringwithfaith #bibleschooling #fightforthevoiceless #faithinaction #biblestudiesworldwide #faithfulministers #servingforacause #compassionforall #standingwiththevulnerable #hopefortheoppressed #spreadloveandfaith #bibleteachings #servingthecommunity #helpinghandsofcompassion #endhumantrafficking #lightingtheway #healingthroughfaith #faithfulservants #makingadifference #lendahand #compassionateresponse #standingtogether #buildingcommunity #bringinghope #faithinaction #servingwithlove #biblestudy #bible #bibleverse #bibleverseoftheday #biblereading
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dylandeblaquiere1 · 3 years
Dylan deblaquiere | Develop These 6 Skills for Impactful Leadership
Dylan deblaquiere  These associations are exceptional. They are the substance of the changing industry climate, as organizations shift away from a benefit just concentration to multi-partner appreciation and social and ecological effect. They mean to hold both effect and benefit as fundamental objectives, inseparably, supplementing and supporting one another.
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The information upholds this organization of effect and benefit: organizations that emphasis on sway have 12–50 times more income, an amazing contention for sway from a monetary viewpoint.
So what does it take to lead an association that spotlights on sway? It requires significant authority.
Dylan deblaquiere | In my work with business people and authoritative pioneers, and my exploration of high effect organizations on the bleeding edge of utilizing business for great, even as they abundantly benefit, I’ve discovered 6 abilities that show up in all cases in these fruitful CEOs and pioneers:
The ability of mindfulness has two angles: effect and conduct.
Effect: We all have sway, if we know about it. Realizing that we have sway is simply the initial step mindfulness. Then, at that point, we can start to contemplate the sort of effect we are having.
Conduct: Impactful pioneers are careful with regards to what their job means for communications, and utilize that job to elevate and motivate. One model is to be interested with regards to the effect that every person in your organization needs to have. That makes way for you to give freedoms to that effect on occur.
Dylan deblaquiere | Significant pioneers should hold the vision for the association, maybe not the only one, however unquestionably reliably. Vision addresses the topic of what it will resemble around here when we accomplish it. An effect centered association goes past that. It adds another measurement: how’s it will be locally, in the bigger world when we accomplish that effect? Effective pioneers remember these discussions for the advancement of procedure and execution. As an effective pioneer, you become the touchpoint for others to follow and get back to when clearness or resolve falter.
Having sway requires a persevering obligation to that vision of effect. It’s difficult to mix an association with sway, which prompts the activities that are needed to have effect and benefits. For this imbuement to happen, sway needs to stay the concentration all through arranging measures. It’s not difficult to relinquish that center when transient issues and difficulties overpower you and your workers. Maybe than considering it to be a solitary blindered center that never moves, it assists with considering concentration to be sway as a course of steady course revision, as one would explore in a plane or boat.
This word from Buddhist way of thinking and Biblical roots works really hard of catching the demeanor of the effective pioneer. These pioneers consider love in their dynamic. Steve Farber, a notable initiative master, portrays love as “simply damn great business” that is basic to administration, groups, and upper hand. The minding in treating individuals with consideration is indispensable to drawing in individuals with the association’s effect reason.
Lovingkindness additionally reaches out to yourself as a pioneer. Treating yourself with thoughtfulness and empathy on those unavoidable events when you neglect to satisfy your own high guidelines is essential to your effect. None of us is faultless, even with a grandiose vision that helps the planet and individuals. Be as kind to yourself, to be cherishing with yourself, for what it’s worth to stretch out affection and generosity to other people.
Strength and steadiness
Past the strength and steadiness needed to accomplish monetary objectives notwithstanding deterrents and difficulties, a significant pioneer should have the option to travel through the misfortunes in having an effect center as you work to accomplish income objectives. Regardless of the development of the business world into the effect economy, partners might in any case give pushback if monetary objectives are not being met, constraining associations to forsake long haul sway objectives in the old fashioned way of transient benefit as it were.
Having sway additionally includes a multi-dimensional methodology and incorporates new partners, similar to governments, local area associations, and non-benefits. It requires flexibility and steadiness to set up these new associations and helpful connections. Effective pioneers model the significance of these viewpoints in the improvement of procedure and building up objectives for execution.
Obligation to development
Effective pioneers are focused on development: their own development and that individuals they work and team up with. Improving as an and effective pioneer implies abandoning the old cycle of you, and moving into extended methods of being that better serve you and the association.
Supporting others in their own development incorporates projects and openings for representatives, just as providers and joint endeavor accomplices. At the point when all advantage, sway is extended.
Maybe you as of now see these abilities by they way you decide to appear in your association. In the event that you do, you’re on a helpful track, and I trust you foster them further. Incredible pioneers are continually learning and developing.
In the event that you see a few holes, and the greater part of us do, information on these abilities will carry you to more mindfulness as you travel as the day progressed. Your administration is comprised of the relative multitude of decisions you make, everyday, by they way you appear, how you treat individuals, how you decide to conduct yourself. With more noteworthy mindfulness, you can begin to foster your initiative abilities around there.
Driving an association that has sway is an exceptional test, one that will require your own abilities and development to succeed. By realizing what to create, you are one bit nearer to more prominent effect.
Ursula Jorch is a speaker, business mentor and advisor who assists business people with growing a fruitful business that has an effect on the planet. A 21-year fruitful business person herself, Ursula assists you with characterizing the distinction you need to make on the planet and foster procedure and showcasing so you have always extending sway.
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outrageousloveinc · 4 years
413 Synonyms for Compassion
be compassionate
be merciful
be pitied
be sorry
be sympathetic
being compassionate
beneficent god
bleeding heart
brotherly love
close relation
compassionate care
compassionate person
de grâce
emotional support
fair treatment
feel bad
feel sorry
feel sympathy
feeling pity
feeling sorry
fellow feeling
fraternal feeling
good intention
good will
goodness of heart
great understanding
have compassion
have mercy
have sympathy
heart goes
heart goes out
heart is going
heart is gonna
heart of gold
human kindness
humane manner
inside story
kid gloves
kindly disposition
la merced
literary bounty
lord have mercy
loving kindness
may turn
mercy killing
most beneficent
mutual attraction
mutual fondness
mutual understanding
pity of it
pity party
pleasant relationship
public spirit
self pity
shared feeling
show compassion
show pity
social conscience
soul of kindness
steadfast love
sympathetic chord
sympathetic reaction
sympathetic response
sympathizing with
sympathy strike
sympathy to
take pity
takes pity
tender feeling
tender mercies
thank you
thoughts go
two cents' worth
unfailing love
warm feelings
warm-hearted relationship
warmth of heart
word to the wise
your compassion
Most folks value compassion and agree that it's important both in our own lives also as in society more generally. Undeniably, compassion is additionally a part of our everyday experience of being human. We love and look after our children; confronted with a person in pain, we instinctively pity them; when someone reaches out and touches us during a season of pain we feel connected. Most folks would also wholeheartedly agree that compassion has something to try to integrate with the essence of what it means to steer an honest life. So it’s no small coincidence that compassion seems to be the footing where the moral teachings of all major traditions, religious and humanistic, begin and end.
Even within the contested political sphere, compassion is one value that each side of the range or spectrum is wanting to claim. Even though we have widely shared beliefs and experiences about compassion, we fail to offer it a central role in our lives and in our society. In our contemporary culture, we tend to possess a rather confusing relationship with values like kindness and compassion.
In the secular West, we sometimes lack a consistent cultural framework for articulating what compassion is and the way it works. To some people, it’s a matter of faith and morality, a personal concern of each individual with little or no societal relevance. Others question the very possibility of selflessness for humans and are very suspicious of sentiments like compassion that produce other people’s welfare because of the primary concern. As scientist Michael Ghiselin once remarked, “Scratch an altruist and watch a hypocrite bleed.”
At the opposite extreme, some folks elevate these qualities to such heights that they're way out of the reach for many folks, possible just for rare individuals like Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King jr., Dorthey Day, Gandhi, and Thich Nhat Hanh. With this view, compassion becomes something that is admired from a distance in great and exalted beings, but not relevant or practical to our everyday lives.
Broadly defined, compassion may be a sense of concern that arises once we are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to ascertain that suffering relieved. The English word for compassion, comes from its Latin root, literally meaning ‘to suffer with’. Consistent with what religious historian and ex-nun Karen Armstrong has defined, the word for compassion as found in Semitic languages (rahamanut in Hebrew and in Arabic: rahman) is etymologically associated with the word for womb, evoking the mother’s love for her child as a prototypical expression of our compassion. At its core, compassion may be a reaction to the inevitable reality of our human condition—our experience of pain and sorrow.
Compassion offers the likelihood of responding to suffering with understanding, kindness, and patience, instead of, fear and repulsion. As such, compassion lets us open ourselves to the truth of suffering and to seek its alleviation. Compassion is what connects the sensation of empathy to acts of generosity, kindness, and other expressions of our altruistic tendencies.
When compassion arises in us within the face of need or suffering, three things happen almost instantaneously: 
We perceive the other’s suffering or need.
We emotionally connect with the need or suffering.
We respond instinctively by wishing to ascertain that situation relieved. 
Compassion may cause action; it's a readiness to assist or to require to try something ourselves about another person’s situation. Today, scientists are starting to map the neurobiological basis of compassion and explore its deep evolutionary roots.
As a society, we've long ignored the elemental role our compassion instinct plays in defining our nature and behavior. we've bought into a well-liked narrative that seeks to elucidate all our behavior through the prism of competition and self-interest.
This is the story we've been telling about ourselves.
The thing is, a few stories like this, often tend to be self-fulfilling. When our story says that we are at the bottom selfish and aggressive creatures, we assume that each man is for himself. during this ‘dog eat dog world.’ It's only logical, then, to ascertain others as a source of rivalry and antagonism. We then relate to others with apprehension, fear, and suspicion, rather than with sympathy and a way of connection. In sharp contrast to this, if our story says that we are social creatures endowed with instincts for compassion and kindness, which as deeply interdependent beings our welfare is intertwined, this totally changes the way we view – and behave in – the planet. therefore the stories we tell about ourselves do matter, quite profoundly so.
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yogaadvise · 4 years
How to Make Compassion Contagious
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Have you ever caught the insect? I'm not referring to something cool like the surfing bug or the rock climbing up insect or the bug. I mean the influenza pest. It's the worst, right? A horrible stomach pest can spread out quickly throughout families, schools, and neighborhoods. Pests are relentless and also unmanageable, as well as they create chaos when they enter our lives.
Wouldn' t it be awesome if compassion could spread simply as easily?
What if you "caught" compassion and also were able to infect your area, state, nation, and also the globe? As opposed to transforming our lives inverted like a stomach pest, empathy would make us happier, healthier, as well as more connected to others.
A compassion pollution isn't out of the question. Video clips, products, and ideas go viral regularly, many thanks to modern technology and social networks. If planking, "The Evolution of Dance," and "Gangnam Style" (which has had over 2.3 billion views) can catch on, so can compassion.
How can we make compassion transmittable? Below are some ideas:
Harness the Power of Social Media
My 72-year-old mama understands what's happening in my senior year prom date's life, as well as that tells me something. Thanks to social networks, we are attached ... for much better or for worse.
Let's emphasis on the "for much better" part and use our social networks platforms completely. Lots of projects have actually developed recognition as well as elevated funds for vital causes. A few examples include: #bringbackourgirls, #icebucketchallenge, and #movember.
You, as well, can utilize your social media sites accounts to spread out excellent worldwide. Attempt several of these concepts:
Write kind remarks underneath your good friends' posts
Cultivate compassion by uploading a favorite quote, story, or video
Share your individual tales of concern. Your actions might influence others.
Re-tweet information about caring responses to disasters like the current Nepal earthquake. (If you're seeking information about just how to aid particular disaster alleviation or humanitarian efforts, @gatesfoundation is a fantastic resource).
There suffices dismaying news out there on the planet. Let's do our part to include positivity to our pals' information feeds.
Actions Speak Louder Than Tweets
While social networks is an outstanding tool for creating recognition and also spreading suggestions, absolutely nothing defeats hands-on concern. Integrating thoughtful actions into your everyday life produces a causal sequence that might affect many.
Take a minute and consider a time that someone provided empathy to you. Did that inspire you to do the same for others?
I'll never ever fail to remember the unbelievable kindness and concern supplied by my close friend Tracy after my father's fatality 11 years earlier. She was active with her very own life, to claim the least. She had offered birth to her first kid the week of my papa's heartbreaking crash, yet she welcomed me over to speak, listen, and also cry with me. Tracy lost her papa several years prior, and she really felt incredible empathy for me as well as used her caring existence. I really felt comprehended and also loved, which is precisely what I needed.
Because of Tracy, I have tried to use the very same compassion to friends that shed their enjoyed ones. She influenced me.
Small acts of empathy can inspire others, as well. When my next-door neighbor texts me to inform me to a plan on my doorstep, I seek out means to be an excellent neighbor. When my girlfriends take some time to pay attention to the ups and downs of my dating life, I wish to offer my ear as a compassionate audience. When a car quits to let me go across at a crosswalk, I'm inspired to continue the kindness.
Your little activities affect those that receive your kindness and additionally affect those who witness your kindness.
Just Sit There
I once listened to an interview with tennis super star Martina Navratilova, as well as she discussed exactly how visualizations played a vital duty in her success. She would envision playing tennis in motoring rain, or versus strong winds, as well as she would imagine the sphere coming with her from numerous angles. In her mind, she would manage each round with ability. Those visualizations prepared her for the actual bargain, as well as she dominated on the court.
Compassion reflections prepare us to be caring superstars. Making use of numerous visualizations, we can incline our minds toward compassion when we are confronted with suffering. We can visualize opening our hearts to others and providing convenience and also empathy as opposed to being bewildered by suffering.
We can additionally educate our minds to see others as "much like me," rather of enabling automatic stereotyping control our responses. Compassion techniques open our minds and also hearts, and science now shows that compassion makes us happier, healthier, and also much more appealing. Have a look at this short article by scientist Emma Seppala concerning the scientific advantages of lovingkindness meditation.
When you educate your mind to watch the world through a caring lens, you'll inspire those around you to live with compassion.
Here's a taste of what it's like to meditate on compassion:
Find a comfortable, upright setting. Carefully close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths, inhaling via the nose and also breathing out through the mouth.
Return to your typical breathing pace and also take notice of your breath for a couple of mins. This will certainly help resolve the mind. When you see your mind wandering (which it will!), carefully bring it back to the breath.
After settling the mind, picture a liked one standing before you. Take notice of just how your body feels when you are with him or her, try to focus on any cozy or favorable feelings.
Imagine sending out love, heat, as well as light out of your heart to your loved one with each exhale. Saying in your own mind to your loved one, "May you be happy. May you be serene. May you cope with convenience."
Now envision seeing on your own alongside your enjoyed one. Direct the heat, light, and love from your heart to that variation of you, quietly stating, "May you be pleased. May you be calm. May you deal with simplicity."
Extend love, light, and heat with each exhale, imagine sending it to the participants of your community, state, country, continent, and also finally to everyone on the planet. Stating quietly to every group, "May we all be happy. May most of us be tranquil. May we all cope with simplicity."
Remind Yourself
Sometimes an aesthetic reminder aids keep our caring objectives front-of-mind. A post-it on a computer system screen, an application with signals, or a wristband can help.
The goal of my not-for-profit organization, CONCERN IT, is to inspire everyday thoughtful actions and also attitudes. We developed an easy tool that aids us spread empathy. A reversible black-and-white wristband advises us to act with concern daily. Beginning the day with one color facing out and turn it over when you 'empathy it.'
The straightforward flip of a wristband develops caring activities and also attitudes, and it's additionally a novelty. Buddies, colleagues, and total strangers ask regarding the significance of my CONCERN IT wristband. Their curiosity often prompts meaningful conversations about the power of compassion.
Affirm the Charter for Compassion
A recipient of the TED Prize in 2009, extremely concerned scholar, and also bestselling author Karen Armstrong produced The Charter for Concern. The charter intends to unite every person on the planet under the worth of concern. More than 100,000 people around the world have actually signed the charter, consisting of Richard Branson, the Dalai Lama, Sir Ken Robinson, as well as others. Discover more as well as authorize the charter below: www.charterforcompassion.org.
Once you authorize the charter, you can inspire others to authorize it by sharing it with social media.
Sometimes our culture and also globe will certainly try to inoculate us against compassion, but compassion is the best superbug. Allow's all capture the compassion bug and infect our fellow global people. The byproduct of viral concern is peace, as well as our globe needs it now much more than ever.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of meditation?
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Meditation Practice In addition to practicing the mind to be peaceful. It is also useful to help relieve some diseases or conditions. Numerous things in life are outside our ability to control. But, it is conceivable to assume liability for our very own perspectives – and to improve them. As per Buddhism, this is the most significant thing we can do, and Buddhism instructs that it is the main genuine remedy to our very own distresses, and to the fears, anxieties, general confusions, and hatreds that assail the human condition.
Meditation Practice isn’t tied in with turning into an alternate individual, another individual, or even a superior individual. It’s tied in with preparing in mindfulness and getting a sound feeling of point of view. You’re doing whatever it takes not to mood killer your contemplation or sentiments. You’re figuring out how to watch them without judgment. Furthermore, inevitably, you may begin to all the more likely comprehend them too.
Types of Meditation Practice
The accompanying seven models are the absolute best-realized approaches to meditate:
1. Loving-kindness meditation
Loving-kindness meditation is otherwise called Metta meditation. It aims to develop a demeanour of adoration and benevolence toward everything, even enemies of an individual and wellsprings of stress.
2. Progressive relaxation or body scan
Progressive relaxation, once in a while called body examine Meditation Practice, is contemplation that urges individuals to filter their bodies for territories of pressure. The objective is to see pressure and to enable it to discharge.
3. Mindfulness meditation
Mindfulness is a type of reflection that urges professionals to stay mindful as well as existing at the time. As opposed to selecting not to leave or fearing the future, care empowers familiarity with an individual’s current environment
4. Breath awareness meditation
Breath awareness is a kind of careful contemplation that energizes careful relaxing. Specialists inhale profoundly and gradually, tallying their breaths or generally concentrating on their breaths. The objective is to concentrate just on breathing and to overlook different contemplation that enter the psyche.
5. Kundalini yoga
This yoga is a physically dynamic type of meditation that mixes developments with deep mantras and breathing. Individuals mostly gain from a teacher or complete a class. But, somebody can become familiar with the postures and mantras at home.
6. Zen meditation
Zen meditation, now and then called Zazen is a type of Meditation Practice that can be a piece of Buddhist practice. Numerous Zen experts think about under an educator since this sort of meditation includes specific postures and steps.
7. Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation is an otherworldly type of meditation where experts stay positioned and inhale progressively. The aim is to rise above or rise over the individual’s present condition of being.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Meditation
Advantages of Meditation Practice
There are various benefits of the meditation:
Meditation reduces stress
Are you feeling the burden of the biosphere on your shoulders? Reflection is fantastically powerful at diminishing pressure and nervousness. One examination found that care and zen type reflections essentially lessen pressure when rehearsed over a time of a quarter of a year. Another investigation uncovered that contemplation decreases the thickness of mind tissue related to tension and stress. If you need your feelings of anxiety to dive, reflection might be the appropriate response.
Meditation increases your sense of well-being
Need to fill your existence with energy and happiness? Care contemplation builds your mental working and in the process improves your feeling of prosperity. Yoga and kendo have been found to do this likewise – as per examines, they have critical restorative impacts and increment personal satisfaction when polished routinely.
Meditation increases your sense of empathy and connectedness
Feeling somewhat disengaged from people around you? Attempt empathy contemplation. Lovingkindness reflection (now and then called Metta) is a sympathy based contemplation that upgrades cerebrum regions related to mental preparing and compassion. It additionally expands your feeling of social connectedness. Not an embracing individual? You might conceivably end up one in the wake of attempting metta!
Meditation improves focus
Okay, love to add a razor-edge center to your life? Research demonstrates that reflection improves discernment and expands your capacity to perform errands requiring center.
Meditation improves relationships
Need to fortify your connections? Contemplation has appeared better your capacity to identify with others. How? It improves your capacity to understand; it sharpens your capacity to get on signs showing how others are feeling.
Meditation makes you more creative
Ever feel like you could utilize some more motivation? Reflection builds your inventiveness, as indicated by different investigations. It’s no big surprise that popular creatives like Yoko Ono, David Lynch, and Marina Abramović make reflection a unique piece of their life.
Meditation improves memory
Regardless of whether you need to turn into a memory champion or you need to recollect the name of that person who works a few doors down, contemplation can help. Research has demonstrated that it improves your capacity to retain things and to store and combine new data.
Disadvantages of Meditation Practice
Short meditation practice makes little sense
It is a great idea to contemplate for 5 to 15 minutes every day. You feel progressively loose and positive and can manage misfortune all the more effectively. If you contrast it as well as running, you comprehend what I mean. Jogging for 5 to 15 minutes is fun. However, you experience positive impacts after thirty minutes of activity.
Meditation remains throughout the day as well as takes lots of time
If you practice the minutes at your contemplation site and are surged, occupied and animated for the remainder of the day, you come up short. In each contemplation custom, there are rules to keep the soul between the formal practice minutes quiet and in the present. This implies you are cautious with what you take into account mental improvements, for example, TV, news, and web-based life.
The recreation of the profits of meditation will respond to your process
Meditation is mindfulness. The most significant thing in the contemplation procedure is giving up. You let go of the lot that you are not, for example, your body, musings, feelings, sentiments, recollections, and convictions. This gives you a profound understanding of how everything goes back and forth throughout everyday life, and you become mindful of whom you truly are your soul. This additionally applies to yoga that deciphered solidarity implies.
Remember, if Meditation Practice has a few disadvantages, then it also has multiple advantages.
Source: https://bookyogatraining.com/blog/what-are-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-meditation/
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maglife17 · 5 years
I Am Grateful For All. #2.
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"I have leaned on You since birth; You pulled me from my mother's womb. My praise is always for You." Psalm 71:6. I read a story about an old Cherokee teaching his grandson about life. Grandpa told his grandson, “A fight is going on inside me,’ he said to the boy. ‘It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One of them is evil; he has anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, ungrateful inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.’ He continued, ‘The other is good, that wolve  has joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, grateful, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you   and inside every other person, too.’ The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, ‘Which wolf will win?’ The old Cherokee replied, ‘The one you feed.’” — Cherokee legend Everything in this life is a choice, and we can choose to make good choices or not. You can choose to be a slave to your desires, or you can choose to be free of them. However, I encourage you to free yourself from all these things that are holding you back from living your best life. It is okay to have some doubts, fears, and insecurities, but do not let them stop you from living your best life. There is nothing wrong to acknowledge God; I am grateful to be alive today. Likewise, you have the right to tell God; I am not grateful. Gratitude is a choice; it's up to you which one you choose to give your attention or feed your mind. Be Grateful is a state of being full of joy and contentment. Gratefulness is one of the most significant habits to have and adore in this life. It is the game changer and can change the way you think and reason with yourself and other people around you. Likewise, "You won’t spend the rest of your life chasing your desires, but you will have the passion for doing the will of God.” 1 Peter 4:2. I am grateful for all the blessings that I have been given. To be grateful is to find blessings, joy, peace, love, hope, calmness, humility, kindness, care, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith in everything. The greatest gift you can give to yourself is to be thankful for what you have. Philippians 4:4, says, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will repeat it: Rejoice!" As you start your second half of the year 2019, remember to be thankful for what you have. Don't forget to thank God every day, even if it's just a small thing. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." I encourage you to give God praise, bow before him with the heart of gratitude. Think of the goodness of God in your life and family, and sing responsively with praise and thanksgiving to the LORD: For He is good; for His lovingkindness upon you endures forever. Psalm 100:5 says, "For the LORD is good, and His loving devotion endures forever; His faithfulness continues to all generations." Prayer: 1. I am so grateful for your presence. I have been blessed with many wonderful things that I cannot even describe. 2. Lord Jesus Christ almighty! Thank you for being my friend and mentor, Pray about today’s Word as you lead by the Holy Spirit. 3. Our God is a Protocol Breaker, The Rule Changer and Record Breaker; I pray that the rest of the year 2019 shall be filled with good testimony in Jesus name. Note; Help A Soul now and share our devotion with them daily. Be A Solution, a guide, a helper, and an encourager to someone out there; you never know how you can touch someone. Don't be deceived, at times; you Interpret someone else dream before your dream will come through. God works amazingly. I am a living testimony. Read the full article
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Types of Buddhist Meditation
With determination
The ace subdues his contemplations.
He closes their meandering.
Situated in the cavern of the heart,
He discovers opportunity.
- Buddha in the Dhammapada (Shambhala Pocketbook Edition)
Contemplation is a key segment of Buddhist practice, attached to the Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration parts of the Buddha's Eightfold Path. Contemplation is likewise basic for growing Right Understanding - a direct, instead of simply educated, information on the Four Noble Truths.
There are many distinctive Buddhist contemplation systems, the greater part of which are explicit to a specific part of Buddhism, or even a particular educator. Be that as it may, the majority of these methods can be categorized as one of three classifications:
Serenity or Concentration Meditation (Samatha Bhavana)
Right now reflection, you start by focusing on one object of center, endeavoring to slow, and in the long run calm, your psyche. The most well-known type of this reflection is concentrating on your breath - the sensations related with your breath moving all through your body. Numerous Buddhist schools utilize some type of breath contemplation as starting reflection practice, before showing different structures. In certain schools, breath reflection is the main type of contemplation educated, and various degrees of training, or dhyanas, are depicted, advancing from the earliest starting point phases of constrained focus up to a condition of unadulterated inundation in serenity, as the brain stills and unwinds into unadulterated being or mindfulness. Breath contemplation is additionally frequently educated for pressure the executives purposes, outside of a Buddhist setting.
There are handfuls (if not many) different types of fixation reflection instructed in different Buddhist schools. In the fifth-century Theravadin content the Visuddhimagga, more than 40 distinct objects of center are depicted, and the content recommends which types are best for every individual dependent on certain character qualities. Tibetan Buddhist schools fuse outer objects of concentrate, for example, mandalas and mantras, some of which are portrayed later right now.
Understanding contemplation (Vipassana Bhavana)
Once in a while called care contemplation, these types of reflection are tied in with stilling the brain, however about watching it. In spite of the fact that directions vary by school, the general thought is to note sensations, feelings and contemplations as they emerge, yet to let them cross your thoughts without appending to them. The objective is to encounter direct information on temporariness (anicca). Both moving and sitting types of Insight reflection are instructed.
Lovingkindness contemplation (Metta Bhavana)
Additionally some of the time called empathy contemplation, these types of reflection are some of the time delegated Concentration structures, since they at first include concentrating on sending sentiments of sympathy or love towards others and creatures. This is generally done in a dynamic manner, beginning with coordinating these musings towards yourself, at that point towards loved ones, and in the long run to all creatures. This type of contemplation is common in Mahayana Buddhist customs as a component of Boddhisattva practice.
Albeit most reflection structures can be arranged as one of these three, a few strategies hybrid, and numerous Buddhist schools show mutiple, or join them. A few schools necessitate that beginners perform starter rehearses, and create information on key Buddhist standards, preceding figuring out how to reflect, while others don't. Buddhism is normally educated in an instructor understudy relationship, so most Buddhist training focuses have classes explicitly on reflection. Despite the fact that anybody can start mulling over their own, particularly with straightforward fixation structures, for example, breath reflection, as an understudy advances an instructor's direction is frequently useful in helping the person in question sort through the different interruption that can emerge.
Since Zen and Tibetan Buddhism are so well known in the West, here are a few types of contemplation regular to them:
Zazen - This is the Zen expression for contemplation, and zazen is vital to Zen practice, since Zen underlines direct acknowledgment or satori. There are minor departure from how zazen is educated, however the two principle structures are koan contemplation, related with Rinzai Zen schools, and 'entire hearted sitting' or shikantaza, related with Soto Zen schools. In koan reflection, a specialist thinks about an apparently non-sensical proclamation or story given to them by their educator, so as to encounter a degree of mindfulness past levelheaded or straight information. Shikantaza practice is like Insight reflection, with a professional endeavoring to watch and sink into a degree of mindfulness immaculate by surface movement and arrangements. One of a kind sign of zazen in certain schools of the two parts of Zen is that the eyes are kept open during training.
Mantra Meditation - Mantras are consecrated sounds and words rehashed in a serenade like design. This type of contemplation is basic in Tibetan Buddhist schools, however different schools additionally fuse it. A typical Buddhist mantra is 'Om Mani Padme Hum', which can't be truly interpreted, however is related with the Buddha of Compassion, Chenrezig. Here's an article on progressively Buddhist mantras.
Mandala or Yantra Meditation - Mandalas and yantras are the two types of strict craftsmanship that utilize sacrosanct geometry to make portrayals of Buddhas and the conditions of acknowledgment they are related with. By reflecting on them through delicate looking, an expert can converge with this mindfulness and straightforwardly experience these states oneself. Here's an article on Buddhist mandalas.
Chakra Meditation - While chakra contemplation is all the more usually connected with Hindu-based kundalini yoga, some Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist schools do have their own related chakra framework, and use chakra reflection. The objective is to encounter and converge with widespread energies accessible through these chakras, changing brain, body and soul into a vessel of unadulterated edification. (See this article for more data on chakras in Tibetan Buddhism.)
Master or Deity Meditation - Also most every now and again found in Vajrayana Buddhist schools, master or god reflection includes at first envisioning a Buddha or instructor outer to oneself, and afterward envisioning oneself as that Buddha or educator. Like mandala reflection, the reason for this is to encounter the illuminated brain of this instructor or being straightforwardly for oneself, through the most noteworthy condition of thoughtful dyhana.
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Happy Thursday everyone. A crystals and fresh flowers grid for you. 🌿🌺💎🍃🌹 This made me think of this saying. "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you may know nothing about". So I think the vibration of this grid is empathy. And understanding. Compassion. Love. Caring So much of this life we battle alone, in our heads. No matter who is around us; partners, friends, family...they move in and out of our lives. As people get older, they often collect pain, trauma - store it up, afraid to even speak it, in case it brings others down, like we think it will contanimate them - or worse it might take over till we can't control it, like opening a can of worms or pandora's box. Even worse than that, that we speak but no one cares, no one hears. There is a huge lack of empathy in our world, we can see on a large scale with events in the media at the moment, pain caused by humans to other humans - that there seems to be a huge divide with people that care - and people that don't. If you are someone that cares deeply, you are also likely someone that feels a lot of empathy - and you don't get to be good at empathising - without first experiencing feeling (probably a lot of) emotional pain yourself. So this grid is to send love and kindness out to anyone that needs it - and also to empaths. "May you be happy, may you be well, may you be peaceful and at ease" xxxx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #metta #lovingkindness #empaths #empathetic #pain #lovemore #hippiesofinstagram #lightworkersofinstagram #starseedsofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #witch #witchescasket #crystalwitch #crystalgrid #lovenature #hedgewitch #lawofattraction #lovebeyondthemoon
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sarahburness · 7 years
How to Move Past the Fear of Judgment and Break the Silence of Shame
“If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can't survive.” ~Brené Brown
Every time I think I’ve unloaded most of the pain from my past, something surfaces that tells me I have more work to do.
A couple of weeks ago, my boyfriend and I were cuddling one morning. I’m not sure what the trigger was, but out of nowhere, my thoughts rolled down a hill and into a painful memory that I must have blocked out.
Tears rolled down my cheeks as my whole body curled up into the fetal position. He asked me what was wrong and I slowly told him about a sexual trauma I had experienced.
We are radically honest with one another. Sharing the not so beautiful has deepened our connection. I thought I had shared my darkest secrets that carry shame.
I was wrong.
I had minimized and buried this story. Maybe subconsciously, I was afraid he would see this situation as my fault. He absolutely didn’t, and sharing my experience with him made me feel like a heavy burden was lifted.
This last part rang especially true the following week when the #metoo hashtag went viral. It was during that week of teasing through my feelings and thoughts that I realized just how much confusion shame can create.
The word shame can evoke such discomfort that we often don’t see how it shows up in our lives.
If there’s one emotion I see as most prevalent and most hidden in the work I do, it’s shame. Every time I lead a workshop or retreat, there’s a common theme that I witness in nearly everyone. As humans, we all tend to feel in some way that we’re unworthy.
Yet, the last thing we want to do is acknowledge our shame and vulnerability.
But if left buried, shame inevitably causes harm to ourselves and our relationships. In my experience, I’ve seen firsthand how understanding and shedding light on shame can hold the key to healing.
Shame is the emotion that says, “I am bad. I am unworthy.”
It’s not that we did something bad and feel remorseful. That’s guilt. Guilt says, “I did something bad.” But shame is the internalization of “I am bad.”
Most of us, even if we had kind, loving parents, grew up feeling a bit like we had to censor our true feelings and experiences. We may have done this to avoid dismay, protect others, or keep the peace in our families.
We’re conditioned from a young age to feel shame when we learn who we shouldn’t be in the world. But as we get older, we don’t need others to make us feel shame. Shame becomes easily internalized and lives in that voice that says, “It’s dangerous to let others hear my story,” or, “They won’t love me if I share this secret.”
Who we are becomes fragmented so that we hide the parts of ourselves we want no one to see. We unconsciously employ defense mechanisms. While those defense mechanisms might help us to survive, they’re bound to stand in the way of having healthy relationships and growing a sense of self-love.
When we’re afraid to share our vulnerable side because we believe it would render us flawed, dirty, weak, and so forth, we’re carrying shame.
Shame is carried silently and secretly for fear of judgment; yet, it is the self-judgment that grows the longer we conceal our vulnerability.
I refuse to keep painful secrets festering inside of me, as I know that will only keep me repressed and disempowered in the long run.
All humans experience shame, and it presents in many ways. Here are a few examples I’ve noticed within myself that maybe you can relate to:
Being too sensitive and emotional
Not doing enough to “save” my mother from her death
Being too selfish to fully want to be a mother myself
Feeling I’m not ambitious or smart enough to live up to my potential
Struggling to communicate clearly when I have too much in my head
Feeling too “needy” with my partner at times
Believing I was somehow at fault for the sexual abuses I have experienced
My personal list could go on… But what I noticed when writing this list is that while many of the original sources of shame might be specific people or society as a whole, the critic is still me.
When we keep shame locked away inside, we get stuck in feelings of inadequacy. Shame may cause us to feel mentally or physically ill. Feelings of inadequacy can be accompanied by emotions such as anxiety, anger, and loneliness. And when we feel inadequate, we sometimes develop destructive ways of relating to others: avoidance, lying, blaming others, attempts to control others, and so forth.
So how can we deal with this lurking self-critic that wants to keep our stories in the dark?
1. Speak kindly to yourself.
Most likely, at some point you’ve heard the phrase, “Shame on you,” or, “You should be ashamed.” It can easily become habit to talk similarly to ourselves and challenging to learn to speak kindly.
A simple framework for healing I teach comes from an ancient Hawaiian tradition called H’oponopono. H’oponopono means “to make right,” and it’s rooted in the essence of reconciliation and compassion.
H’oponopono consists of four phrases: I’m sorry. I forgive you. Thank you. I love you. You can use these phrases speaking to another person. And you can use them with yourself. Here’s a personal example of the latter:
Melissa, I’m sorry for making you feel the trauma you experienced was your fault.
Melissa, I forgive you for placing blame on yourself and carrying shame all these years.
Melissa, thank you for your courage to shine light on your vulnerability and resilience.
Melissa, I love you and I commit to treating you with lovingkindness.
2. Self-soothe with movement and massage.
Think about what happens to your body when you recall a memory that carries shame. Often our bodies slump sinking our heart into the back body. Our gaze drops and our brows furrow.
Emotions, including shame, reside in the body. Much of what I practice and teach relates to physical ways to release stuck emotion for this reason.
If we want to reduce the unworthy and unlovable feelings we carry, it can help to self-soothe your body through dynamic movement practices like yoga and dance. Self-massage, tapping, and comforting touch while speaking kindly to yourself can help to release shame.
3. Share your story.
The most uncomfortable, but perhaps most effective method I can offer you is to share.
You don’t have to share your vulnerability with the whole world. Many of my friends shared courageous, deeply personal stories on Facebook in response to #metoo. For a moment, I thought I had to share this way as well, but then I did some reflection.
There are times I share my vulnerability through my blog or when I hold space for a group. But I don’t always want to share everything with strangers. In those cases, my partner is my greatest witness because of his ability to hold space for me.
Whether you share in a twelve-step program, with a loved one, or therapist, or in an article for the world to see, there’s immense healing power in this process. When our voices are heard and we’re seen just as we are, we open up the door to growing a new sense of self-love and self-worth.
About Melissa Renzi
Melissa Renzi is a Licensed Social Worker and Certified Yoga Teacher. She helps sensitive souls transform anxiety and cultivate lasting self-love. She leads global retreats designed for women, introverts, and highly sensitive people that focus on renewing self-care and deepening our connection to nature. Access her 60-Second Techniques to Release Anxiety for some fast-acting, mind-body approaches to anxiety relief.
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The post How to Move Past the Fear of Judgment and Break the Silence of Shame appeared first on Tiny Buddha.
from Tiny Buddha https://tinybuddha.com/blog/move-past-fear-judgment-break-silence-shame/
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jehovahsaintscom · 7 months
Investigating Christian Polygamy: Delving into Its Biblical Viewpoint on...
"Join the Cause: A Dollar for Change" https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
Become part of our volunteer team by sharing our website with your friends. In a world where an estimated 150 million people are homeless, Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints, felt called to make a difference. Believing in the power of compassion and the strength of collective efforts, Michael had a vision that if everyone in the world donated just one dollar, it would amount to a staggering amount. This generous sum could effectively meet the needs of those struggling with homelessness and poverty around the globe.
With unwavering faith and determination, Michael reached out to the community, urging them to show empathy and solidarity towards their less fortunate brothers and sisters. He knew that every act of kindness, no matter how small, had the potential to bring immense relief and hope to those who were without a home or a sense of security.
Drawing inspiration from the Scriptures, Michael reflected on the teachings of compassion and generosity. In Matthew 25:35-40, it is said, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Michael knew that by extending a helping hand to those in need, the love and kindness shown would be reciprocated tenfold.
With a heartfelt plea, Michael asked the world to come together and donate just a dollar. He knew that this seemingly small contribution could make a profound impact, providing food, shelter, and care to those who needed it most. Michael believed that when we show compassion and give selflessly, we not only uplift others but also receive the blessings of unity, empathy, and love in return.
With a heartfelt plea, I ask the world to come together and donate just a dollar. God Bless. 1-573-891-1933 USA https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
#homelessnessworldwide #endabortionnow #prisonministry #biblicalstudies #supporttheneedy #faithinaction #helpthehomeless #bibleschools #globalhomelessness #prolife #serveothers #spreadtheword #stopabortion #faithbasededucation #rehabilitationprograms #transforminglives #biblelessons #caringforall #ministrywork #breakingcycles #fightingpoverty #empoweringothers #biblicalteachings #hopeforthehomeless #childrenofgod #everylifematters #impactchange #compassionforall #positivityiskey #Godisincontrol #healingthroughfaith #changinghearts #endinginjustice #restorehope #makingadifference #compassionoverjudgment #believeinyourpotential #transformtheworld #loveoneanother #beingthechange #faithworks #handsofjesus #bringingpeace #servingthoseinneed #healingthroughfaith #reachingout #sharingGod'slove #lendahelpinghand #breakingbarriers #showingkindness #faithinhumanity #neverloosesight #workingtogether #noonealone #unityinfaith #serveotherswell #restorefaith #lovingkindness #workingtowardssolution #bethelight #god'schildren #servingothers #honoryourfaith #helpingothersgrow #promoteunderstanding #breakingchains #believingingood #believeinchange #spreadlove #poweroffaith #speakhope #caringforoneanother #makeanimpact #giftsofthegospel #givehope #restorelives #servehumanity #faithinpractice #endthesilence #lifematters #sharethelove #beingcompassionate #bringingchange #impacttheworld #leadbyexample #faithinaction #beinginnovative #comfortinGod'sword #gotquestions #makeadifference #staypositive #logic #faithandworks #loveinaction #serveandrstore #empowermentthroughfaith #communityoutreach #bringinghealing #fightingstigma #faithfulservants #compassionatecare #givingback #faithinmotion #lendahelpinghand #healingthroughservice #reachingthelost #faithinlove #helpingothersprosper #changingperspectives #buildingcommunity #mercyoverjudgment #restoringdignity #faithfulservants #makingdisciples #healingthroughservice #actsOfKindness #fightpoverty #lendingahand #buildingbridges #faithinfocus #leadingwithlove #faithwithoutborders #compassionatehearts #standingtogether #transformingcommunities #missionstotheworld #faithinunity #healingthroughlove #supportingthoseinneed #lendinganear #givinggrace #restoringfaith #sowingseeds #believinginchange #faithfulstewards #servinginlove #healingthroughhope #makingadifference #missionstochangelives #compassionateresponse #livesfilledwithfaith #bringingjoy #unitedinfaith #endthecycle #soaringwithfaith #bibleschooling #fightforthevoiceless #faithinaction #biblestudiesworldwide #faithfulministers #servingforacause #compassionforall #standingwiththevulnerable #hopefortheoppressed #spreadloveandfaith #bibleteachings #servingthecommunity #helpinghandsofcompassion #endhumantrafficking #lightingtheway #healingthroughfaith #faithfulservants #makingadifference #lendahand #compassionateresponse #standingtogether #buildingcommunity #bringinghope #faithinaction #servingwithlove #biblestudy #bible #bibleverse #bibleverseoftheday #biblereading
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rawrtransformations · 7 years
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.r.ethink your message. There are a few examples of people i know doing amazing things with similar views; .r.ebuilding, .r.estoring, .r.etraining, and .r.azing the status quo. We now just need to rethink how we share this info, and "Collaborate & Conquer". Together we're invincible, apart we are like "a wounded gazelle on the Serengeti". I love my people, you wake me, shake me and quake the foundations of what we think of as normal. Let's do this! #yoga #fitness #returntoplay #remediation #empathy #compassion #farming #organicfood #nom #communitydevelopment #compassion #community #ecovillage #buildingdesign #permaculture #ecowarrior #treehugger #ngo #recovery #lovingkindness #publicspeaker #injuryrehab #transformah #healthandwellness #artistsofinstagram #igotyourback #togetherwecan #wecan #climatechange Raw.r. stands for Ready Able Willing... to change and to .r.e-think. change. Huge shout outs to @recoverygangster , @symlifeacademy , @eventologycanada , @cofoodyvr , @dannydanger33 , @carlingjacksonart , @ianstagramar , @shalayoga , @spottedmoosefarm , @hypers_born_talented_africa @sessionwire , @pjmulgrew @kids.for.africa.sports.academy for being the change I wish to see in the world. Love. B.
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Raising A Cup To Kindness.
London/Berlin-based Adam Bainbridge's Generosity project has been festooned with comparisons to Royal prince and also Arthur Russell. The original Compassion bus has been contributed to a teacher at Virginia Tech who will use it on university as well as at colleges in the Blacksburg area. All grads of Generosity Yoga exercise's teacher trainings have the possibility to instruct community (cost-free to the general public) courses on the Kindness Yoga exercise schedule. Easy to miss out on if you're walking down the Main Road, yet Compassion and Mischievousness is genuinely an enjoyable experience. In her new publication, Shaunti leads us via the 30-Day Compassion Difficulty by challenging our presumptions regarding just how negative we really are (ouch!) as well as shows us means to be kinder. It seems to me that of all the above values - achievement, charm, knowledge, aspiration - the one we need most is generosity. The Generosity Bus will continuously inspire and also comfort homeowners, pupils and also visitors because location for years to find. Utilizing a supplied list, students are challenged to complete as several acts of kindness as feasible in one week. For more regarding dnesblog.info check out our web site. Yet I also thoroughly taken pleasure in this book and also the guidance it provides regarding how you can make acts of generosity a nonrandom component of each day. Our float container is located inside of Kindness Yoga Stanley Marketplace Go here to find out more concerning our float tank, consisting of benefits, a FAQ, prices, and also a lot more. Training youngsters particular kindness abilities throughout the developmental years of 3-6 has the power to stop intimidation before it even has an opportunity to begin. Paula joined the Random Acts of Generosity team as Supervisor of Education and learning in January of 2017, following several years of experience in the class and management. He invested his ministry searching for the fatigued, the unwell, the inadequate, as well as the lonely, that he may show generosity toward them. Buddhism is a deep look into your own mind that overviews you to finding liberty from the global anxieties as well as suffering that we all experience as human beings to make sure that you could live a life of peace and loving generosity. One of the conclusive notions behind Excellent Virus, is that emotional generosity is something that could be sent and also really transform lives. He is unappreciative that denies that he has obtained a kindness which has been bestowed upon him; he is unthankful that conceals it; he is ungrateful that makes no return for it; most thankless of all is he that forgets it. Abraham Lincoln's thousands of private acts of kindness-- documented in Carl Sandburg's four-volume history of his presidency-- not just showed to be no handicap" however were an advantage.. It was clear this lady really did not in fact despise me, and my generosity in the direction of her seemed to eliminate any type of anger she as soon as had. He retweets Mussolini quotes He retweets phony statistics that declare most white individuals are eliminated by black individuals. Formally identified in 1995, RAK Week was created by the Random Acts of Generosity Foundation as a worldwide activity focused on great as well as unity with being kind. Now my household's generosity check-in" at dinner has actually become a part of a recurring discussion, and my youngsters are proactively pointing out to me the important things they are doing, could do or see others doing. Piero Ferrucci checks out the numerous shocking elements of compassion as well as says that it is this attribute that will certainly not just cause our own specific happiness as well as the joy of those around us, however will certainly direct us in a globe that has actually come to be cold, nervous, tough, as well as frightening. The generosity of complete strangers can transform a negative day excellent, or give hope, or alter lives, or more banally, see to it we're not late to something, provide our legs a hinge on the bus residence. Veteran good friends and collaborators Compassion and also Devonté Hynes sit down for a comprehensive conversation of life, death, identification as well as the upcoming Blood Orange album Freetown Noise. There have additionally been recommendations in the clinical journals of the strong web link between concern and also the activity of the vagus nerve The vagus nerve, in addition to controling heart price, also regulates inflammation levels in the body in just what is known as the inflammatory response One research study that used the Tibetan Buddhist lovingkindness meditation located that kindness as well as empathy did, as a matter of fact, lower swelling in the body, primarily most likely due to its results on the vagus nerve.
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of meditation?
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Meditation Practice In addition to practicing the mind to be peaceful. It is also useful to help relieve some diseases or conditions. Numerous things in life are outside our ability to control. But, it is conceivable to assume liability for our very own perspectives – and to improve them. As per Buddhism, this is the most significant thing we can do, and Buddhism instructs that it is the main genuine remedy to our very own distresses, and to the fears, anxieties, general confusions, and hatreds that assail the human condition.
Meditation Practice isn’t tied in with turning into an alternate individual, another individual, or even a superior individual. It’s tied in with preparing in mindfulness and getting a sound feeling of point of view. You’re doing whatever it takes not to mood killer your contemplations or sentiments. You’re figuring out how to watch them without judgment. Furthermore, inevitably, you may begin to all the more likely comprehend them too.
Types of Meditation Practice
The accompanying seven models are the absolute best-realized approaches to meditate:
1. Loving-kindness meditation
Loving-kindness meditation is otherwise called Metta meditation. It aims to develop a demeanour of adoration and benevolence toward everything, even enemies of an individual and wellsprings of stress.
2. Progressive relaxation or body scan
Progressive relaxation, once in a while called body examine Meditation Practice, is contemplation that urges individuals to filter their bodies for territories of pressure. The objective is to see pressure and to enable it to discharge.
3. Mindfulness meditation
Mindfulness is a type of reflection that urges professionals to stay mindful as well as existing at the time. As opposed to selecting not to leave or fearing the future, care empowers familiarity with an individual’s current environment
4. Breath awareness meditation
Breath awareness is a kind of careful contemplation that energizes careful relaxing. Specialists inhale profoundly and gradually, tallying their breaths or generally concentrating on their breaths. The objective is to concentrate just on breathing and to overlook different contemplations that enter the psyche.
5. Kundalini yoga
This yoga is a physically dynamic type of meditation that mixes developments with deep mantras and breathing. Individuals mostly gain from a teacher or complete a class. But, somebody can become familiar with the postures and mantras at home.
6. Zen meditation
Zen meditation, now and then called Zazen is a type of Meditation Practice that can be a piece of Buddhist practice. Numerous Zen experts think about under an educator since this sort of meditation includes specific postures and steps.
7. Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation is an otherworldly type of meditation where experts stay positioned and inhale progressively. The aim is to rise above or rise over the individual’s present condition of being.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Meditation
Advantages of Meditation Practice
There are various benefits of the meditation:
Meditation reduces stress
Are you feeling the burden of the biosphere on your shoulders? Reflection is fantastically powerful at diminishing pressure and nervousness. One examination found that care and zen type reflections essentially lessen pressure when rehearsed over a time of a quarter of a year. Another investigation uncovered that contemplation decreases the thickness of mind tissue related to tension and stress. If you need your feelings of anxiety to dive, reflection might be the appropriate response.
Meditation increases your sense of well-being
Need to fill your existence with energy and happiness? Care contemplation builds your mental working and in the process improves your feeling of prosperity. Yoga and kendo have been found to do this likewise – as per examines, they have critical restorative impacts and increment personal satisfaction when polished routinely.
Meditation increases your sense of empathy and connectedness
Feeling somewhat disengaged from people around you? Attempt empathy contemplation. Lovingkindness reflection (now and then called Metta) is a sympathy based contemplation that upgrades cerebrum regions related to mental preparing and compassion. It additionally expands your feeling of social connectedness. Not an embracing individual? You might conceivably end up one in the wake of attempting metta!
Meditation improves focus
Okay, love to add a razor-edge centre to your life? Research demonstrates that reflection improves discernment and expands your capacity to perform errands requiring centre.
Meditation improves relationships
Need to fortify your connections? Contemplation has appeared better your capacity to identify with others. How? It improves your capacity to understand; it sharpens your capacity to get on signs showing how others are feeling.
Meditation makes you more creative
Ever feel like you could utilize some more motivation? Reflection builds your inventiveness, as indicated by different investigations. It’s no big surprise that popular creatives like Yoko Ono, David Lynch, and Marina Abramović make reflection a unique piece of their life.
Meditation improves memory
Regardless of whether you need to turn into a memory champion or you need to recollect the name of that person who works a few doors down, contemplation can help. Research has demonstrated that it improves your capacity to retain things and to store and combine new data.
Disadvantages of Meditation Practice
Short meditation practice makes little sense
It is a great idea to contemplate for 5 to 15 minutes every day. You feel progressively loose and positive and can manage misfortune all the more effectively. If you contrast it as well as running, you comprehend what I mean. Jogging for 5 to 15 minutes is fun. However, you experience positive impacts after thirty minutes of activity.
Meditation remains throughout the day as well as takes lots of time
If you practice the minutes at your contemplation site and are surged, occupied and animated for the remainder of the day, you come up short. In each contemplation custom, there are rules to keep the soul between the formal practice minutes quiet and in the present. This implies you are cautious with what you take into account mental improvements, for example, TV, news, and web-based life.
The recreation of the profits of meditation will respond to your process
Meditation is mindfulness. The most significant thing in the contemplation procedure is giving up. You let go of the lot that you are not, for example, your body, musings, feelings, sentiments, recollections, and convictions. This gives you a profound understanding of how everything goes back and forth throughout everyday life, and you become mindful of whom you truly are your soul. This additionally applies to yoga that deciphered solidarity implies.
Remember, if Meditation Practice has a few disadvantages, then it also has multiple advantages.
Source: https://bookyogatraining.com/blog/what-are-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-meditation/
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jehovahsaintscom · 7 months
"Journey to Jehovah's House of Saints: A Dollar for Change" Homeless, Pr...
"Join the Cause: A Dollar for Change" https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
Become part of our volunteer team by sharing our website with your friends. In a world where an estimated 150 million people are homeless, Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints, felt called to make a difference. Believing in the power of compassion and the strength of collective efforts, Michael had a vision that if everyone in the world donated just one dollar, it would amount to a staggering amount. This generous sum could effectively meet the needs of those struggling with homelessness and poverty around the globe.
With unwavering faith and determination, Michael reached out to the community, urging them to show empathy and solidarity towards their less fortunate brothers and sisters. He knew that every act of kindness, no matter how small, had the potential to bring immense relief and hope to those who were without a home or a sense of security.
Drawing inspiration from the Scriptures, Michael reflected on the teachings of compassion and generosity. In Matthew 25:35-40, it is said, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Michael knew that by extending a helping hand to those in need, the love and kindness shown would be reciprocated tenfold.
With a heartfelt plea, Michael asked the world to come together and donate just a dollar. He knew that this seemingly small contribution could make a profound impact, providing food, shelter, and care to those who needed it most. Michael believed that when we show compassion and give selflessly, we not only uplift others but also receive the blessings of unity, empathy, and love in return.
With a heartfelt plea, I ask the world to come together and donate just a dollar. God Bless. 1-573-891-1933 USA https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
#homelessnessworldwide #endabortionnow #prisonministry #biblicalstudies #supporttheneedy #faithinaction #helpthehomeless #bibleschools #globalhomelessness #prolife #serveothers #spreadtheword #stopabortion #faithbasededucation #rehabilitationprograms #transforminglives #biblelessons #caringforall #ministrywork #breakingcycles #fightingpoverty #empoweringothers #biblicalteachings #hopeforthehomeless #childrenofgod #everylifematters #impactchange #compassionforall #positivityiskey #Godisincontrol #healingthroughfaith #changinghearts #endinginjustice #restorehope #makingadifference #compassionoverjudgment #believeinyourpotential #transformtheworld #loveoneanother #beingthechange #faithworks #handsofjesus #bringingpeace #servingthoseinneed #healingthroughfaith #reachingout #sharingGod'slove #lendahelpinghand #breakingbarriers #showingkindness #faithinhumanity #neverloosesight #workingtogether #noonealone #unityinfaith #serveotherswell #restorefaith #lovingkindness #workingtowardssolution #bethelight #god'schildren #servingothers #honoryourfaith #helpingothersgrow #promoteunderstanding #breakingchains #believingingood #believeinchange #spreadlove #poweroffaith #speakhope #caringforoneanother #makeanimpact #giftsofthegospel #givehope #restorelives #servehumanity #faithinpractice #endthesilence #lifematters #sharethelove #beingcompassionate #bringingchange #impacttheworld #leadbyexample #faithinaction #beinginnovative #comfortinGod'sword #gotquestions #makeadifference #staypositive #logic #faithandworks #loveinaction #serveandrstore #empowermentthroughfaith #communityoutreach #bringinghealing #fightingstigma #faithfulservants #compassionatecare #givingback #faithinmotion #lendahelpinghand #healingthroughservice #reachingthelost #faithinlove #helpingothersprosper #changingperspectives #buildingcommunity #mercyoverjudgment #restoringdignity #faithfulservants #makingdisciples #healingthroughservice #actsOfKindness #fightpoverty #lendingahand #buildingbridges #faithinfocus #leadingwithlove #faithwithoutborders #compassionatehearts #standingtogether #transformingcommunities #missionstotheworld #faithinunity #healingthroughlove #supportingthoseinneed #lendinganear #givinggrace #restoringfaith #sowingseeds #believinginchange #faithfulstewards #servinginlove #healingthroughhope #makingadifference #missionstochangelives #compassionateresponse #livesfilledwithfaith #bringingjoy #unitedinfaith #endthecycle #soaringwithfaith #bibleschooling #fightforthevoiceless #faithinaction #biblestudiesworldwide #faithfulministers #servingforacause #compassionforall #standingwiththevulnerable #hopefortheoppressed #spreadloveandfaith #bibleteachings #servingthecommunity #helpinghandsofcompassion #endhumantrafficking #lightingtheway #healingthroughfaith #faithfulservants #makingadifference #lendahand #compassionateresponse #standingtogether #buildingcommunity #bringinghope #faithinaction #servingwithlove #biblestudy #bible #bibleverse #bibleverseoftheday #biblereading
0 notes
jehovahsaintscom · 7 months
"Echoes of the Forgotten: A Tale of Compassion" Homeless Bible Study - J...
"Join the Cause: A Dollar for Change" https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
Become part of our volunteer team by sharing our website with your friends. In a world where an estimated 150 million people are homeless, Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints, felt called to make a difference. Believing in the power of compassion and the strength of collective efforts, Michael had a vision that if everyone in the world donated just one dollar, it would amount to a staggering amount. This generous sum could effectively meet the needs of those struggling with homelessness and poverty around the globe.
With unwavering faith and determination, Michael reached out to the community, urging them to show empathy and solidarity towards their less fortunate brothers and sisters. He knew that every act of kindness, no matter how small, had the potential to bring immense relief and hope to those who were without a home or a sense of security.
Drawing inspiration from the Scriptures, Michael reflected on the teachings of compassion and generosity. In Matthew 25:35-40, it is said, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Michael knew that by extending a helping hand to those in need, the love and kindness shown would be reciprocated tenfold.
With a heartfelt plea, Michael asked the world to come together and donate just a dollar. He knew that this seemingly small contribution could make a profound impact, providing food, shelter, and care to those who needed it most. Michael believed that when we show compassion and give selflessly, we not only uplift others but also receive the blessings of unity, empathy, and love in return.
With a heartfelt plea, I ask the world to come together and donate just a dollar. God Bless. 1-573-891-1933 USA https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
#homelessnessworldwide #endabortionnow #prisonministry #biblicalstudies #supporttheneedy #faithinaction #helpthehomeless #bibleschools #globalhomelessness #prolife #serveothers #spreadtheword #stopabortion #faithbasededucation #rehabilitationprograms #transforminglives #biblelessons #caringforall #ministrywork #breakingcycles #fightingpoverty #empoweringothers #biblicalteachings #hopeforthehomeless #childrenofgod #everylifematters #impactchange #compassionforall #positivityiskey #Godisincontrol #healingthroughfaith #changinghearts #endinginjustice #restorehope #makingadifference #compassionoverjudgment #believeinyourpotential #transformtheworld #loveoneanother #beingthechange #faithworks #handsofjesus #bringingpeace #servingthoseinneed #healingthroughfaith #reachingout #sharingGod'slove #lendahelpinghand #breakingbarriers #showingkindness #faithinhumanity #neverloosesight #workingtogether #noonealone #unityinfaith #serveotherswell #restorefaith #lovingkindness #workingtowardssolution #bethelight #god'schildren #servingothers #honoryourfaith #helpingothersgrow #promoteunderstanding #breakingchains #believingingood #believeinchange #spreadlove #poweroffaith #speakhope #caringforoneanother #makeanimpact #giftsofthegospel #givehope #restorelives #servehumanity #faithinpractice #endthesilence #lifematters #sharethelove #beingcompassionate #bringingchange #impacttheworld #leadbyexample #faithinaction #beinginnovative #comfortinGod'sword #gotquestions #makeadifference #staypositive #logic #faithandworks #loveinaction #serveandrstore #empowermentthroughfaith #communityoutreach #bringinghealing #fightingstigma #faithfulservants #compassionatecare #givingback #faithinmotion #lendahelpinghand #healingthroughservice #reachingthelost #faithinlove #helpingothersprosper #changingperspectives #buildingcommunity #mercyoverjudgment #restoringdignity #faithfulservants #makingdisciples #healingthroughservice #actsOfKindness #fightpoverty #lendingahand #buildingbridges #faithinfocus #leadingwithlove #faithwithoutborders #compassionatehearts #standingtogether #transformingcommunities #missionstotheworld #faithinunity #healingthroughlove #supportingthoseinneed #lendinganear #givinggrace #restoringfaith #sowingseeds #believinginchange #faithfulstewards #servinginlove #healingthroughhope #makingadifference #missionstochangelives #compassionateresponse #livesfilledwithfaith #bringingjoy #unitedinfaith #endthecycle #soaringwithfaith #bibleschooling #fightforthevoiceless #faithinaction #biblestudiesworldwide #faithfulministers #servingforacause #compassionforall #standingwiththevulnerable #hopefortheoppressed #spreadloveandfaith #bibleteachings #servingthecommunity #helpinghandsofcompassion #endhumantrafficking #lightingtheway #healingthroughfaith #faithfulservants #makingadifference #lendahand #compassionateresponse #standingtogether #buildingcommunity #bringinghope #faithinaction #servingwithlove #biblestudy #bible #bibleverse #bibleverseoftheday #biblereading
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