#Emulation of mythical heroes
jeannereames · 2 years
Hi Dr. Reames, sorry to disturb you. I remember somewhere you mentioned how many times ATG was associated with each gods and heroes in the ancient sources ?But I can't find the blog now. If my memory is correct and you still have such records, could you please send me a link to it? Thank you so much!
Besides, when I read curtius 'Beside her sat one of her granddaughters, mourning for the recent loss of Hephaestion, whom she had married, and in the general sorrow was renewing her own reasons for grief. But Sisigambis alone felt the misfortune that had befallen all her family.....', I wonder if there is anything reliable in this account, does it try to imply that Hephaestion might have been nice to this girl?
Answering the second question first, he probably was nice enough to her. She was a royal princess, and her grandmother was fond of Alexander. And he himself seems to have been in favor of Alexander’s policy of integrating Persians, so he wouldn’t have been predisposed to treat her badly. And she’d have been inclined to make him happy, as her life more or less depending on it. Which brings me to the rest of the story.
The details are likely an exercise in ancient Roman “creative non-fiction.” Curtius does that a lot, embellishing on the historical record, which itself was embellished. So we shouldn’t give a lot of attention to the details, but Curtius was almost certainly correct in the general sorrow-fear these women felt when Alexander died. He’d been their protector. Without him, they’d have no idea about their futures. What Curtius gives to Sisygambus was almost certainly the alarm of every woman in Alexander’s harem: what will become of us now? That would probably generate a lot of tears, and also, perhaps, some cut-throat plans—as we see with Roxana.
The harem was, itself, a political hothouse, especially for those closest to the top. For the novels, I’ve given some thought to how I’ll be portraying the women/girls in the novels, just as I did to the sisters and wives in the women’s rooms in Macedonia.
Returning to your first question, I can find a bunch on Achilles in blogs [asks + Achilles] but none with exact numbers. BUT I do have the original article itself, of course, so below is my footnote that lays it all out:
Footnote 14 from “Philip’s and Alexander’s Use of Religious Cult in Our Extant Sources”:
In Plutarch, Herakles is referenced only twice in relation to Alexander, Achilles three times and Dionysos three. Justin, although shorter, references Herakles four times, Achilles two, and Dionysos only once. Diodoros mentions Herakles six times, Achilles three, and Dionysos two. Predictably, Curtius and Arrian have more. Curtius references Herakles nine times, Achilles once, and Dionysos seven, but Curtius is missing the first two chapters, which would have included the Troy visit, and has a large lacuna including the death of Hephaistion, both of which would likely have involved references to Achilles, and probably more of Herakles as well. Arrian shows the same disproportion: Herakles has twelve mentions, Achilles four, and Dionysos seven.
No, I’m not sure yet when this Companion is coming out, but probably in 2024. Edward Anson is the editor, and the title will be Brill's Companion to the Campaigns of Philip II and Alexander the Great.
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sahonithereadwolf · 5 months
"Protect the Sacred's first complete playtest is here! Protect the Sacred is a anticolonial pulp adventure game that looks to emulate the mood and tone of the pulp movement beyond just as the globe-trekking adventure of stories like Indiana Jones, Johnny Quest, and Tomb Raider, but also pulp as horror, mystery, sci-fi, drama, and even romance.
In Protect The Sacred you work as a member of The Memento Group, an organization that, nominally, is an international nonprofit who is mostly interested in historical preservation, cultural outreach, and the building and support of museums and landmarks. As well as deconstructing and interrogating the colonial legacies of various academias and how they continue into today.
In truth, while they do that work and more, they are also a community-facing resource of specialists who look to protect, preserve, and reclaim a world of magic, monsters, and mystical artifacts on behalf of who they belong to and on that community's terms. Because for the Players of Protect The Sacred, all the intangibles of culture are all so very tangible.
Play as adventurers armed with folkloric magic power, deeply rooted in their connections to the culture around them. From wielding a legendary magical item, to practicing a cultrual magic, to taking the form of the fiercest monsters from your people's stories.
Explore the mythic realms talked about in the legends of heroes and gods as part of the Grand Outside, a magical otherworld in a mutually affecting relationship with the material. Explore a secret wizards nightmarket for clues and rumors on a trail for a stolen remains. Brave impossible and strange dungeons formed by stories that need to be told and stare truth straight in the eyes. Plan a heist to steal back the pilfered and stolen.
In this game I look to ask people to consider themselves, their relationship to culture, and what it looks like. I want you to consider and think on the meaning and value of the stories, lessons, and skills we pass on to others. I want to ask how we could challenge the ways we build and engage with history and these stories. This is a game where you fist fight fascism in many forms. It's a game about telling stories and building heroes. Are you ready to Protect the Sacred?" --- Information about joining the playtest can be found in the link! I'm excited to show y'all what I've been working on for about 2 and a half years.
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theresattrpgforthat · 6 months
Hiya! Do you know of any good rpgs for fiction in the Sword and Sandal genre, or really anything that would fit a largely-historical game set in the ancient to late antique Middle East?
Thanks for everything you do!
THEME: Sword and Sandal
Hello Friend, I don’t think I found anything here that meets what you’re looking for exactly, but I think there are a few things here that are in the same neighbourhood of what you’re looking for. I’ve found a few Bronze-Age and Mesopotamian games that might interest you, as well as a setting in Ancient Egypt!
I know that there’s not a lot here that is likely to hit the mark that you were looking for, so I’m also hoping that folks who see this will add their own suggestions in the comments and reblogs!
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Champions of Osiris, by Zadmar Games.
“King Osiris and Queen Isis once ruled ancient Egypt—until Set murdered his brother and usurped the throne. Isis was a powerful sorceress who used her powers to escape, but Set chopped his rival into dozens of pieces and scattered them across the land, preventing his resurrection.
With the aid of her sister Nephthys, Isis recovered the remains of her husband’s loyal bodyguards and retainers, imbuing their spirits with potent sorcery and granting them immortality. These fierce heroes began the formidable task of seeking out and gathering the lost pieces of their king’s corpse.
You are the “immortal champions.” You once swore to guard your king’s life with your own—and you did! Now you’ve sworn another oath: to destroy Set’s legacy and restore Osiris to the throne.”
The Tricube Tales System is a genre-neutral rules set that is meant to be easy to learn and great for short games. The designer has created countless scenarios for this system, with Champions of Osiris being one of them. Players receive karma tokens, which they can use to increase their chances of success, and gain by increasing their chances of failure. They also have a resolve track, which erodes with each failure, potentially removing a player from the scene if they aren’t careful.
This is definitely not a historical game, but it’s probably the closest to the “Middle East” inspiration that I was able to find during my search.
Into the Bronze, by Lantern’s Faun.
Into the Bronze is a RPG of sword, sorcery and sandals in Mesopotamia from the Bronze era.
The plains between the Tigris and Ephrates rivers hide silent, gloomy valleys where demons and lesser gods devise their evil plans. Defy the gods of Sumeria, behold the beginning of civilization.
This is a rule-set, but it doesn’t have much in terms of lore, which may be good if you have the kind of world you want to play in already in your head, but just need a framework in terms of player skills and dice resolution. Into the Bronze is inspired by Into the Odd, by Chris McDowell, renowned for its flexibility and simplicity. I think it would be very easy to take characters built in this world and then put them into a world like that of Undying Sands, which isn’t a game in itself but provides you with plenty of locations, encounters, and characters to fight, barter, and conspire with.
Fragments of the Past, by Dev9k.
Fragments of the Past is a rules-light roleplaying game set in a Bronze-Age world evoking the atmosphere of ancient tales and poems of the archaic Mediterranean, where conflicts are resolved on a roll of a d10 or a d100. 
Experience the great tragedies, deeds, and ambitions of larger-than-life characters, dwelling in a world of sacred places and untamed wilderness. Pray and live according to the ancient customs of long-forgotten civilizations, if you dare. 
Fragments of the Past is meant to emulate mythic and tragic stories from a world that could have been, a world with references to ancient mediterranean cultures, but its locations and peoples are uniquely named. This is a world where the Gods’ wills have visible effects on the world around them: this is most visible in Talismans - relics that became powerful because of their place in great stories and actions of heroes.
This is a game designed for long-form play. Your characters are built from a mix of quantifiable stats and descriptive abilities that point to the personality and narrative arc desired by the player. As the characters grow, they will primarily manifest new Epithets, which are specific areas of knowledge born from the characters’ experiences. When rolling to actively do something using an attribute, players pick up a d100. When doing something that involves luck, hubris or willpower, the player will instead pick up a d10.
If you want to check out this game before buying it, you can check out the free Quickstart, which has over 100 pages of lore and guidance to introduce you to the basics of this game.
AZAG, by Dank Dungeons.
"You must travel far, beyond the spider-haunted towers of Byzaron and the red mists of The Yielding Plain. The Sleeping Augur awaits, through azure pylons inscribed with sigils both beneficent and doomed.”
AZAG is a combination tabletop role playing game and five track instrumental album.  Featuring a rule system inspired by the likes of Fighting Fantasy and Troika! in a setting inspired by Lovecraft's Dream Cycle, Howard's Conan, and Smith's Hyperborea. 
Treat with strange entities, battle against weird magics, and explore a world of mystery and wonder!
Looking at the inspiration and references for this game, as well as the rule system it draws from (Troika), I have a feeling AZAG is going to be extremely un-serious. This is not a game of historical realism, but of sorcery, action, and storage gods. Based on its source material, I”m also guessing that character creation is going to be rather simple, and survival is going to depend on your creativity more-so than the luck of your rolls. If you like your games dangerous and a little over-the-top, you might want to try AZAG.
2400 BC, by ozmodeuz.
"…at dawn a black cloud came from the horizon; thunderous with wrath. The seven judges of hell raised their torches, lighting the land with their livid flame. The earth cried despair to the heavens as daylight turned to darkness and the land was shattered like glass. For six days and six nights the tempest raged and gathered fury, and poured over the people like the tides of war. All sense and hope was lost, and the gods cowered in heaven…"
2400 BC is a hack of Jason Tocci's 24XX about rebuilding community in the aftermath of an environmental catastrophe, thousands of years in the past. It was inspired by Mesopotamian myth, particularly the Epic of Gilgamesh.
2400 BC explores a recent tragedy, devastating your homeland and driving you to fight for survival. It’s a small game that makes extensive use of roll tables to help generate characters quickly as well as provide a GM with quick ideas as to what kinds of opportunities and problems your characters will face. The character generation tables have plenty of options for making characters that aren’t necessarily good people, so I have a feeling survivability is a bit low.
All in all, if you want a quick to pick up game about catastrophe hitting the ancient world, this might be the game for you.
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duhragonball · 9 months
In all honesty, while I do miss Super Saiyan "first times" being emotional beats, a lot of fans forget Goten did it by accident and Trunks did it because he felt like it. Like what, was Goten that angry at Chi Chi during their sparing match? Was Trunks' jealousy of Goten going super saiyan equal to Vegeta's self-loathing during the time skip before the Androids Saga? At least with Caulifla there's an in-universe explanation that honestly makes sense for her character. She's not the type to explode with rage and Cabba's not the type to antagonize her. Rather, she's adept enough at fighting to recognize that all she has to do is emulate the feeling of the transformation to attain it and skilled enough to do it by force. She basically skips the awakening part to get right to the "do it at will" stage which is perfect buildup for her as a rival of sorts for Goku.
I think what really bothered the Caulifla haters (besides their misogyny) was that she said the quiet part out loud.
The dirty little secret about the Super Saiyan form was that it was never this ancient and mystic power of destiny, but a quirk of Saiyan biology that almost anyone could replicate if they knew what steps to follow. The reason Vegeta, Trunks, and Gohan all pulled it off in such a short span of time was that they had a living Super Saiyan as a reference, and they had the motivation to work at it.
By the time Cabba showed up, it was considered a big twist that he couldn't turn Super Saiyan. That's how cliche the form had become. So when Cabba learns it very quickly, it's mostly because we need him to get "caught up" in a hurry. And Caulifla and Kale were even stronger than he was before he learned the form, so it only makes sense that they would get the hang of it quickly as well.
But their transformations weren't treated like this big dramatic moment that turns the tide of the story. That's because Super Saiyan was no longer a major milestone, but also because we'd already seen it done several times by several other characters. The gimmick with Caulifla and Kale was that they were prodigies, diamonds in the rough who were suddenly tapping into their hidden potential. Could they improve enough, quickly enough, to become a threat in the tournament?
The thing fans have to accept is that Super Saiyan isn't the be-all and end-all of this franchise. That's why we have Super Saiyan 2, 3, 4, God, and Blue, along with Ultra Intinct, Beast, and all of the other advanced forms that have cropped up along the way. And the bad guys have always been able to keep pace, so calling each new level "unearned" is pointless.
We could say that Caulifla deconstructed the whole concept, except Vegeta already did it when he first transformed in 1991.
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One page. One page is all it takes to undermine whatever legend or superstition is still attached to the Super Saiyan form. This is the third character we've seen use the form, but Krillin still hung onto the idea that a Super Saiyan had to at least be a good guy. But Vegeta informs him that he simply trained and trained until he hit a wall and his frustration pushed his body over the threshold. But Vegeta still clings to the idea of a "Saiyan Messiah", even though he just demonstrated that there's nothing special about this. You don't need to be a mythical hero, or a man of destiny, or even a nice person. You just need talent and effort, and maybe some luck.
The U6 Saiyans just did a speedrun of Vegeta's process, and that may irritate fans, except that the U6 Saiyans were far, far more powerful than Vegeta was in the Androids Saga. Cabba and Vegeta fought evenly in their base forms, and that was the same "Saiyan Beyond God" level seen in Resurrection F. They were already capable of the transformation; they just needed someone to tell them it was a thing.
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thedragonagelesbian · 6 months
Wyll question 4?
Tav/Durge Relationship Questions
Wyll 4: “Courage. Insight. Strategy. Justice.” Did your character support Wyll’s taught tenets as a hero or not?
Pallybarb!Cyrus is very supportive-- Wyll's commitment to these virtues reminds him of his own oath of devotion (though minus the 'insight' and 'strategy' asdfiojsf i miss 8 wis 10 int cyrus...), and his admiration for Wyll's strong ideals only heightens when he breaks his oath.
Ranger!Cyrus has much more complicated feelings. He knows Wyll's commitment to heroism isn't born out of naivete-- and is, indeed, an outgrowth of the arduous act of choosing to be good, on purpose, over and over and over again... but. Sometimes choosing good for oneself and choosing good for everyone else are different. Cyrus also knows the weight of always trying to live up to virtue, never allowing yourself grace, striving not merely for betterment but for obliteration-- to be a title instead of a person. And he particularly resents the Wyrmway Trials, the demand by Ulder--by the very city that Wyll calls himself the Pride of--that Wyll put himself to the test yet again, as if he has not already proven himself a thousand times over.
When they first meet, Durge!Cyrus immediately crosses the border from 'supportive of Wyll's taught tenets as a hero' to 'somewhat unhealthily dependent upon & enamored with Wyll for his heroism'. Things shift when they kill Karlach together & they have to reckon with the inherent imperfection of idealism. Cyrus still wants desperately to emulate Wyll--and to rely on the famed monster hunter to end him if he loses himself--but as their relationship deepens, there's a recognition that Wyll is, at the end of the day, not a mythic figure but a man struggling to do his best. And maybe, Cyrus dares to hope sometimes, if he can be heroic enough, he can shoulder some of that burden with Wyll.
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audiofictionuk · 1 year
New Fiction Podcasts - 15th August
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Mortalverse Audio Dramas New Audio Drama! The Mortalverse is a collection of Audio Dramas based off the world and characters of DC Comics, all interwoven into a single narrative. https://www.buzzsprout.com/2231957 RSS:https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2231957.rss
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Depois que Tudo Mudou New Audio Drama! Depois Que Tudo Mudou é uma comédia romântica que acompanha a vida de três adolescentes pretos e queer em Salvador, Bahia, após a pandemia de Covid-19. Os três se tornam amigos e vivem conflitos, descobertas, paixões e aventuras juntos, enquanto ouvem as fitas de Ney e aprendem sobre sua história de amor e luta, enquanto aprendem sobre seu próprio amor e quais as ferramentas que podem ajuda-los a vencer suas próprias lutas internas e externas. A série explora temas como sexualidade, amizade, identidade, sonhos e esperança em mudar a própria história. https://globoplay.globo.com/ RSS:https://www.omnycontent.com/d/playlist/651a251e-06e1-47e0-9336-ac5a00f41628/1382eba6-3fa6-45c8-9a99-b022014ece2c/b4b9a097-b8b9-4520-a38c-b022014ed0d4/podcast.rss
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The Fated Doom - A Solo RPG Podcast of Grim and Perilous Adventure New Audio RPG! In this solo rpg podcast of old-school inspired fantasy gaming, we roll the dice to find our stories, using the mechanics and setting of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition and the Mythic GM Emulator to push our narrative forward. The fiction takes center stage as we follow the lives of our protagonists in the Old World and occasionally look behind the curtain to uncover the gameplay generating the twists and turns in our adventure, playing scene by scene to find out whether we can brave the odds and find a modicum of hope in our party’s struggle or, more likely, a sudden and anonymous death in some musty old tomb, our would-be heroes’ songs unsung, their names forgotten. https://thefateddoom.podbean.com RSS:https://feed.podbean.com/thefateddoom/feed.xml
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Strange Secrets of Starlight Park New Audio Drama! Inspired by the “Golden Age of Radio”, this mysterious adventure follows the tale of a young boy named Evander who runs away from home and finds himself in a magical long-abandoned amusement park hidden in the deep dark forest. His presence awakens the majesty and charm of this most delightfully peculiar place, Starlight Park, filled with a captivating and eccentric cast of characters. However, this enchanted realm is in grave danger and it is only this one special boy who can save it. Listen in to join him on his adventure! https://www.museumofmakebelieve.org/starlightpark/ RSS:https://www.museumofmakebelieve.org/starlightpark?format=rss
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Olympus RPG Group New Audio RPG! Welcome to the Olympus RPG Group podcast. We are a bunch of tabletop role-players sharing our worlds, stories, and shenanigans with anyone willing to come along for the ride. Here you will find our TTRPG campaigns and one-shot adventure sessions. GURPS (the Generic Universal Role-Playing System) is our primary system of choice. This allows our campaigns to span different genres, while using the same rules system. If we’re playing a genre that doesn’t interest you, check back later, you might find something you like. Each campaign runs for 10 to 12 weeks, with occasional one-shots. http://www.olympusrpg.org/ RSS:https://anchor.fm/s/d9eb70c4/podcast/rss
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Cognitive Expat New Audio Drama! Step into the enigmatic realm of Cognitive Expat, a captivating podcast that unravels the extraordinary journey of Sabian, the unsuspecting protagonist who finds herself entangled in the intricate tapestry of a parallel universe. Join us as we delve into Sabian’s perplexing experiences, where reality gradually blurs and fractures, leading her on a path of discovery and self-revelation. With each episode, we navigate the labyrinthine corridors of her mind and the alternate world she inhabits, peeling back layers of deception and unveiling the shocking truths that lie beneath. As Sabian’s perception shatters, listeners are invited to question the very nature of existence, traversing the fascinating terrain of uncertainty, illusion, and the boundless dimensions of the human psyche. https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2232280.rss RSS:https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2232280.rss
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Kontos de Terror New Audio Book! Coletânea de contos de terror arrepiantes, cada uma com um enredo diferente que vai deixar o ouvinte à beira do medo. Prepare-se para mergulhar em mundos macabros que trazem criaturas sobrenaturais ou até os monstros de carne e osso. https://kvoz.com.br RSS:https://anchor.fm/s/e67243a4/podcast/rss
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Termination Line New Audio Book! Short stories by secret masters of fiction. https://shows.acast.com/termination-line RSS:https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/termination-line
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Cessis O Início - RPG New Audio RPG! O RPG Cessis O Início é um jogo do tipo RPG de mesa que Anselmo Eller desenvolveu para se divertir com os seus amigos. O RPG já dura mais de 23 anos e a diversão é tamanha que agora foi decidido compartilhar isso com o público. Venha conhecer esse mundo fantástico cheio de criaturas místicas, seres de distintas raças, culturas, planetas e galáxias por uma infinidade de lugares que sua mente ainda jamais ouviu ou pensou ser possível. Se você acha que já ouviu as melhores estórias e já desbravou os mais incríveis mundos cheios de aventuras e mistérios, venha conhecer Cessis O Início. https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/cessis RSS:https://anchor.fm/s/db748f70/podcast/rss
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Multi-Award Winning Journalist and Author Lois Lane and her occasionally alter ego, Super-Lois Superwoman
Daughter of US Army General (later Secretary of State) Samuel Lane and Ella Okada, a poet and author who passed away when Lois and her sister Lucy were quite young, Lois never liked how her father kept secrets and devoted much of her time to discovering what he and his lackeys--particularly anyone in the Corben family or her own sister--were getting up on any given day. This led her to an early interest in journalism that led her to brief stints at the Smallville Gazette and the Daily Star before catching the eye of Perry White, Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Planet.
While the military, human rights, emerging super-technologies, and the still unclear intentions of various alien civilizations were all of interest to Lane, the figure she would become known for covering was The Superman of Metropolis, Kal-El of the Doomed Planet Krypton.
While fellow reporter Clark Kent was first to report on Superman’s actions in diverting disasters and fighting off various threats, Lois seemed to always get the interviews with the Man of Steel that Kent wouldn’t or couldn’t push for, work that went a long way in establishing the alien hero as someone to be trusted and admired by the people he saved, not just a distant alien “god” or uncaring metaphorical savior as figures like Lex Luthor and Morgan Edge were pushing in their media outlets.
As is public record now, Superman and Mister Kent were, in fact, one and the same, a revelation that led to Lois reconciling her conflicting feelings for the sweet, intelligent but unreliable Clark and the strong, charming, but all too mythic Kal-El. After becoming a couple, Lois would occasionally use a special serum to emulate Kryptonian powers, either to help Kal in emergencies or just experience the joy of them.
Along with Clark, Lex, and Diana Prince, Lois would eventually become one of the biological bases of Lara, PROJECT’s Ultimate Superhuman.
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skulltopcomputer · 10 months
Something that really gets me about Jake is how the narrative affirms that he's most useful as an object, or at the very least, is generally dismissive towards his feelings and existence as a person with autonomy.
Of course, to talk about this, I need to talk about the Jakestakes. In Roxy's conversation with Jake near the beginning of Act 6, which in my opinion serves as one of the most blatant indicators as to the reasons everyone has a crush on Jake (at least on a superficial level), it is clear she is attracted to him principally based upon his quirky language and gentlemanly demeanor.
GT: I always want to know. Because you are always smart and sassy. TG: best dude ^^^ GT: The silicon pickpocket strikes again!!! Whom is the wiser? Nobody. TG: ffffffffff <3 GT: She has her ways. I believe they are not incongruous with those of an intelligent and discerning young woman. TG: ahh CHRIST waht a geneltman
(Edit: She actually pretty blatantly spells out her reasons for her attraction to Jake in a conversation with Jane.
TG: that rugged senseof adventure TG: the delightful silly vernacular thats like TG: weirdly and bewitchingly not self aware TG: those adorbable teeth
So, yeah).
I would imagine the others feel the same way—Jake's emulation of movie heroes alongside his strikingly unique vocabulary makes for a person who seems, well, like a fictional character. Additionally, his seemingly unwavering hope, optimism, and sincerity largely unimpeded by shame, are rare traits among Homestuck characters and therefore alluring. However, those traits also make him more unapproachable, as struggles with those topics are so common that many would consider them fundamental.
But once they enter the session, Jake's flaws become apparent, and the unveiling of his imperfections contributes to the dissolution of the group's relationships. In the narrative's ever-present quest to portray Jake as incompetent and burdensome, the first conversations we are presented with in the void session concern Jake and his relationship drama, wherein Jake is acting rather self-centered. Therefore, the reader associates the anguish of the session foremostly with Jake and his problems, putting them in a similar state of mind to Jane and Dirk—it's Jake's fault everyone feels so awful, and if he had just stayed mythic and intangible, things would have gone better (even though there were plenty of reasons emotions were running high anyway, some of which Jane herself lists).
The trickster arc sees Jake offer himself up to get married to everyone, even though he certainly doesn't actually feel that way towards all of them. He's been taught by this point what's best for everybody is to treat himself like an object, specifically referencing Jane calling him self centered in her outburst towards him. (I don't think Jane intended that, but that's how Jake interprets it). This is particularly interesting to me as a contrast to Jane and Roxy, who both pursue their respective "crushes" in more markedly self-serving ways. Jake's actions could be thought of as selfish in a way, as he wants to avoid the emotional fallout from hurting others' feelings, but it's still notable that his wants are filtered through others' wants of him.
After the trickster arc, Jane and Dirk admit in their conversation that they put Jake on a "ludicrous pedestal". Jane in particular says that she "centered [her] whole life around a childish fantasy about him". Neither of them viewed him wholly as a person, which I think is part of what contributed to all their conflict. Instead of approaching Jake with an open mind and learning about his flaws, their relationship with him was a slow dismantling of the idealized conception they had of him, one they were sometimes desperate to cling onto. He was attractive as the action hero who had no volitional feelings—not as the oblivious teen boy that he really was. (Edit 2: I've changed my opinion about some of this, or rather would like to specify- though I would still say Jake's friends thought of him as a fictional character more than a person, I don't think that literally anyone fell for Jake's "I am a brave, chiseled, masculine hero" except for Jake himself. I think they moreso liked him because he was, to quote Jane, "a very strange and silly boy", and viewed him as something more analogous to a lovable, goofy side character rather than an Indiana Jones type adventurer. Even Roxy's description of him places emphasis on his sillyness + his unawareness of how he comes across to other people. I also wouldn't say that Roxy describing Jake as having "rugged sense of adventure" is inaccurate- Jake is shown to genuinely like "adventure" to a certain extent (clobbering scoundrels, exploring ruins, raiding tombs and whatnot)).
Even this is brought up in the context of how Jake got between Jane and Dirk's friendship, rather than how it contributed to conflict between the three. I definitely think that Jake hurt them both, and they didn't necessarily need to consider his feelings in that moment (though they actually do discuss ways that they mistreated Jake because they are good friends), but the lack of acknowledgement as to how their perception of Jake could weigh emotionally on him is a bit disheartening.
This is contestable, but personally, I don't think Jake did anything really to deserve that, at least not to that extent. He didn't present himself as emotionless or inhuman. Looking at the pesterlogs pre-SBURB, he honestly was a pretty normal teenager most of the time. He certainly did present himself as an action hero at times, but never to the point of stoicism. Not that I think Dirk and Jane are bad people for thinking of him that way; they were teens with their own trauma and problems, which along with the seemingly futile session they had been dropped into, contributed to a need for a bastion of strength, perfection, and, most particularly, hope. Their primary method of contact for the majority of their relationship with Jake being one that didn't involve any physical presence didn't help either. I'm confident they never intended to hurt Jake by thinking of him that way, but that doesn't change the fact it was an unfair burden for him to carry, and that they did hurt him by placing that upon him.
And of course, there is all the talk about babies. Mostly by Jane, keeping in line with her role as the obvious heteronormative pairing for Jake (the grandma to his grandpa). "Babies" then serve as a thematic indication for the propagation of those heteronormative values. But again, Jake doesn't WANT to be the baby-making machine the narrative says he should be, and he is consequently punished for his defiance through ridicule and emasculation.
(It's worth noting that the existence of ectobiology negates the need for intercourse altogether in terms of reproduction, making Jake even more useless in the narrative's eyes. IMO his crotch then serves primarily as an irrefutable manifestation of his masculinity, specifically as an indicator he can't tarnish in anyway, as the narrative is quite upset with him for not conforming to the standards of masculinity it thinks he should abide by).
This is why Aranea's "healing" really gets to me, because all she does is reduce him to the only traits the narrative, and many characters, find valuable in him: his old man speech (representing his heroic image) and his crotch. He can't verbalize his thoughts or feelings, he seemingly can't move, and even his appearance becomes nondescript. In other words, he can't "mess anything up". Furthermore, the narrative affirms that this was the "correct" thing to do, because becoming hopesploded was arguably the most useful thing Jake ever "did". He's able to destroy a decent amount of the Condence's property on Derse and also knock out Grimbark Jade. It's clear based on Jake's expression in addition to Brain Ghost Dirk (who has access to Jake's subconscious) attacking Aranea that Jake's in a pretty great deal of pain, which makes the situation all the worse.
Part of the reason I think this affects me so much is that it's incredibly easy to read Jake as autistic in all of this. How people are attracted to him for his "quirks" (he's like a movie character in real life*!), only to run into trouble when topics of emotions are breached as Jake shows a distinct lack of social and emotional awareness**, and how their perception of him comes crumbling down (alongside Jake's self-esteem as he berates himself for not being able to live up to others/his own expectations) mirrors common autistic experiences. And again, the phrasing of "healing" Jake by taking away all his outlets to express emotion and reducing him to his most amusing/palatable eccentricities is particularly painful given how autistic people are often treated in real life.
*This is actually explicitly addressed with Jane's comparison of Jake to Tobias, wherein she thinks about how Tobias's traits, though comedic in a TV show, would be really annoying to deal with in real life. To be clear, I don't think all of Tobias's traits that she beings up are meant to be traits of Jake as well- Jake's attraction to men is not repressed, and he certainly doesn't have Tobias's credentials (which I do not want to write out), for example- the comparison is "what if this goofy side character actually existed in real life", which is part of Jake's arc as a whole.
**To be clear, some autistic people have plenty of emotional awareness, and it's often the case that autistic people lack awareness of how allistics' emotions work while they are more than capable of understanding other autistic people's emotions. I think Jake has trouble with both, however (in this reading specifically because of his autism).
To leave off on a high note, I'll once again reference Jake's talk with John in the beginning of Act 6 Act 6, where John establishes that he doesn't know Jake and that his conception of him will only be formed by future interactions and experiences.
JOHN: we just met! what could i know about you other than what you tell me?
After all Jake's been through, it's very nice to have someone who has no expectations of him, in addition to being a familial relationship at that, so he doesn't have to worry about romantic complications. He can be himself without anxiety. :)
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827cda · 1 year
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A hero is often envisioned as a figure of extraordinary strength, courage, and selflessness. However, in my life, my hero is not a mythical character; my hero is my father. He possesses qualities that embody what a hero truly is. From the countless sacrifices he's made to the unwavering support he's provided, my father's influence has shaped my life in immeasurable ways.
First and foremost, my father's dedication to our family is unmatched. He works tirelessly to provide for us, ensuring we have all the necessities and comforts of life. Despite the demands of his job, he never fails to make time for us, whether it's helping with schoolwork, sharing stories, or simply being a reassuring presence. He's shown me the importance of hard work, responsibility, and perseverance.His guidance and wisdom have been my compass through the journey of life. Whenever I face challenges or dilemmas, my father is the first person I turn to for advice. His experience and sound judgment have helped me navigate difficult decisions and steer towards the right path. He imparts life lessons that extend beyond textbooks, teaching me the values of honesty, integrity, and empathy.
My father is not just a provider but a mentor, a friend, and a source of unending encouragement. He pushes me to chase my dreams and pursue my passions, instilling in me the belief that I can achieve anything I set my mind to. His words of encouragement during tough times have often been the motivation I needed to keep going. He has a way of making me feel capable and confident, reminding me that I am never alone in this journey called life.
In times of adversity, my father's resilience and strength have been a beacon of hope. He's faced challenges with grace and determination, showcasing a remarkable ability to remain composed under pressure. This resilience has taught me to face difficulties head-on, with courage and a positive attitude, knowing that with determination, we can overcome anything.My father is my hero not because of any superhuman abilities or grand gestures, but because of the love, guidance, and selflessness he demonstrates every day. He's the person I look up to, the role model I strive to emulate. His impact on my life is immeasurable, and I am grateful for the lessons he has imparted. My father will forever be my hero, my guiding light, and the source of my strength. Father papa thank you for sacrifice for our family, pa this sacrifice i will paid it and i study well for my future marine so this is my hero my father.
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girlbob-boypants · 1 year
I've been on the verge of an anxiety induced breakdown for at least 6 hours now so I'm gonna talk about my gw2 characters and breakdown some story stuff for my own sake
Haukur - Goes to the Norn personal story event as support for Lydia, ends up gaining a reputation as a hero by stopping some undercover Svanir from kidnapping some very drunk Norn men. Gains the attention of Eir through this.
Lydia - The slayer of Issormir. She took part in it out of a desire to start her legend and be like Eir, a personal crush hero. She was incredibly proud of her cousin (Hau) for saving people even if he only came to "make sure someone was there to fix whatever bone she broke being boneheaded"
Runa - Gatherer of Norn lore, she was dragged to the event by some colleagues. She spent her time there learning stories from any elders or shaman that told tales. Knows of both Lydia and Hau now.
Eir takes both cousins under her wings, seeing them as fledgling heroes for different reasons. This leads to Lydia realizing being a hero isn't as Fun as she thought it was going to be, while Hau steps up to the challenge (whether he likes it or not). Eventually this leads to Hau becoming the Pact Commander, while Lydia finds herself in a bodyguard role, protecting people and volunteering for jobs she knows should end well/be easy within the Priory and the Pact.
Runa, meanwhile, ends up talking to Synin (or my character equivalent of her. she belongs to my DM and honestly I doubt I could ever properly emulate her but that weird old woman (beloved) in DND is the inspiration for this character at the very least) and being taken on as her apprentice. Synin is possibly going to be a replacement for the Raven havroun. Not sure yet. Either way, Runa's desire to find Norn knowledge lost in Jormag's encroachment on Norn territories leads to her studying under a religious and mystical student of Raven.
I'm still working on the exact details but Runa survived the Fear Eater (my version of the BK from IBS that's a demon/mythic creature of the Norn as opposed to the fucked up thing Anet did (FE is a filler name for now to avoid the use of That Word)) attacking her village. Her research motivation is twofold, she both wants to restore the lost history and culture of her people *and* try to find out as much as she can about this creature that hunts in the shadows. See if it can be killed. (Spoiler: She learns an ancient banishment ritual at some point, leading to the strike mission in the game as part of the main story)
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arconinternet · 2 years
Sysiphus (C64, Cristoph Cemper, Gerald Vogl & Stefan Woltran, 1991)
Featured in an issue of German disk-based magazine (diskmag) Game On, this misspelled mythical puzzler sees our damned hero guide his lovable edge-following boulder pal to a series of locks.
You can play it in your browser here. Controls: Space at crack screen, Y and/or N at trainer (cheat) screen, numpad 84620 (emulated joystick).
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iobartach · 3 months
@prcphecyborn [bonerust] asked; please take me with you.
'it should have been me' prompts
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Had it been any other Spider that heard that plea, it'd fulfilled without hesitation, solving all problems that arose as soon as they manifested. Most would throw themselves into the task, go to any lengths necessary to aid such a mythical creature, regardless of what others would think. At the end of the day, they were heroes, here to help.
All except for Miguel, it seemed, an exception who operated under different obligations. He whose remit had altered over the course of time, a duty that didn't necessarily include aiding every injured being that he came across in his travels. A fact that stayed front and centre of his mind as he turned to look back at the dragon padding its way towards him.
Gripped by silence, he refrains from responding. On his opposite side, a portal to home stood ready, a cascading void of fantastic colour that beckoned him to draw near. To leave this creature to its own fate, which... wouldn't be right. Wouldn't be in keeping with his predecessor, the same man whose triumphs he had once tried to emulate.
"And why is that?" Unable to tolerate the quiet, he breaches it with a question of his own invention, granting a chance for his opinions to be swayed. "I don't know anything about you. Why would you seek to join me?"
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gameanatomy · 9 months
Session 0
Most games start with a session 0. This is a chance to set the world, create characters and finish up any background information.
The world is a typical fantasy world and will be mostly randomly generated. Erith is a lumber town located on a large river called Dark Lotus.  Erith has a population of a few hundred people. Most of them work for the local lumber company. The lumber company runs and owns most everything in town. The map image was created from the website.
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For character creation I choose to use the new remastered rules with the free archetype rule from the Gamaster’s Guide. I used the Pathbuilder application to create the characters along with Hero Forge to images.
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Twinkles and Carook grew up in Erith. They lost their parents. I will ask the Mythic GM Emulator if they know what happened to their parents.
No to ask the Mythic Game Master Emulator.
Consult the GME: The question is does he know what happened to his parents?
First, Carook.  The question is does he know what happened to his parents.
Currently the Caos Factor is at 5.
I think it is Unlikely 
From the fate chart { 7| 35| 88 }
a roll of 7 or less is an exceptional yes
a roll of 35 or less is a yes
a roll greater than 35 is no
a roll 88 or greater is an exceptional no
I rolled 96 therefore the answer is Exceptionally no.
if you roll doubles for example 11, 22 or 33 then there is a chance for random event. A random event will occur if the digit of the roll is less then the chaos factor. For example if I would have rolled 11, 22, 33, 44 or 55 then a random event would occur.
The same question is asked for Twinkles and the answer is no. The answer to this question may be answered later in the adventure. The world that Carook and Twinkles are living in will be built as the adventure grows.  
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ajentmm · 9 months
Book IV Mid Mirabilis and More Theorycraft
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Ah, the first “Mid Point” banner. That banner in May when they let you pull a new Mythic Heroes OC along side new regular heroes, with a instant demote given as quest rewards. The Mythic unit was in the title, Mirabilis, a sleeper pick, if I must say (as a joke). Emmeryn was the instant demote, and being a healer, we get to skip her too. That leaves 4 interesting heroes from Awakening to talk about. Fitting that I put this out the month we get another Awakening themed banner.
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Anna: Secret Seller
Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 38/35/40/28/31         Max Invest: 48/45/50/37/41
Apotheosis Spear: Grants Spd+3. Unit can move to a space adjacent to an ally within 2 spaces. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit during combat.
Rally Atk/Spd+ - Atk/Spd Form 3 - Atk/Spd Ruse 3 - Joint Drive Spd
Apotheosis! Anna, as she’s colloquially named, isn’t the trickers Anna we were hoping to get, and someone, like me, wouldn’t even know who she is. Basically, she’s a DLC super boss on the hardest map in the game (well not “in” cuz DLC, but you know). She got 99 HP, Max stats, Brave Lance and Spear, forged to +8 Mt and +20 Hit, and has Aether, Rightful God, Dragonskin, Vantage+, and Counter. My Goddess! And here she is in Feh, and she’s a rally bot with early warp. She like, Order of Heroes Anna, but with a rally. So, we got a lot to pull from. First, Aether can be inherited and Gambit has made it good combination with her lacking Accelerate Special. I’m going to pretend that every player does that. I could then give her Vantage in the weapon, but I’m saving that for our next hero (*wink*). Which leaves us with Counter and Rightful God to emulate. Thank the (Rightful) God that inspiration has just come to us.
Apotheosis Spear: Grants Spd+3. Unit can move to a space within 2 spaces of an ally within 2 spaces. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit, and also, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% and unit's next attack deals damage equal to total damage reduced (by any source, including other skills). Resets at end of combat.
So, Anna got the warp power buffed to let her move even further, then gave her the damage refection saw on Hans or Brash Assault. This is the “Counter” I mentioned above. It’s a good way to encourage risker plays to up the damage she deals.
If unit initiates combat or is within a 2 tile radius of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit, reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduces damage by X%" skills by X × 30%, and grants Special cooldown count-X to unit before unit's first attack during combat (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat, max 3; if [Penalty] effects are active on foe, then the value is treated as 3).
And this is where I would put Tempo or NFU, but for something spicier, I’m pulling from the newest banner. Everyone from this winter banner is coming with “Special Jump”, seen on Brave!Robin and the earlier Mini!Ike. This effect is what makes Gambit a viable skill to use with Aether. Add to that the damage reduction piercing that comes form Winter Yunaka, and you got a deadly nuke. But here’s the kicker, because this includes “If [Penalty] is on foe” effect, she can utilize the Ruse skill to debuff enemies, and then charge jump a 4 charge skill on her counter attack (that is boosted), or Aether on the follow-up. Yeah, this is pretty epic.
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Say'ri: Chon'sin's Blade
Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 40/35/40/23/34         Max Invest: 50/45/50/32/44
Amatsu: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50%, unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.
Iceberg - Kestrel Stance 3 - Close Call 3
Behold, the samurai chick. Why does princess from the future version of Valentia look like she’s from Hoshido? I don’t know, dread fighters are cool. So, what does she do in Awakening? Dodge tank some Generals until you recruit her, then she’s just an Awakening swordmaster. She comes with Iceberg, but she can get (Vital) Astra by inheritance. They also get Vantage too but she doesn’t have that skill in FEH.
Oh, I didn’t even mention, Amatsu is a conditional distant counter slayer sword, just like Orsin. Her brother, Yen’fay, also has Amatsu, but it’s just DC with Dodge. It needed AS to get good damage.  
Amatsu: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grant Atk/Spd+6 to unit, reduce damage from foe's first attack by 40% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.
Matching Orsin, her HP condition is more generous to get DC, but she now get’s the 40% DR that many units are getting now adays that count for “brave attacks”.
At start of combat, If foe initiate combat or foe's HP ≥ 75%, grant Atk/Spd+6 to unit, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduces damage by X%" skills by 50% *. At start of combat, if foe initiates combat, unit's HP ≥ 25%, and unit's Spd > foe's Spd, unit can counterattack before foe's first attack.
And here, we got the Vantage tanking I was expecting, she unfortunately needs to be faster than the foe, which is difficult now a days, but it’s possible with a tier 4 Dodge skill. She also gets Physical NFU to also replace the need for it in the B slot. This will make her a great Dodge tank while bypassing the foe’s DR.
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Mustafa: Plegian Champion
Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 45/38/25/36/28         Max Invest: 55/48/34/46/38
Barrier Axe+: If foe initiates combat, grants Res+7 during combat.
Bonfire - Water Boost 3 - Def Tactic 3
Oh, here’s a surprise. The one boss from Plegian that empathetic to his fellow men and apposed to his kings trickster ways. Some good representation of Plegian people, and he’s dark skinned, unlike Tharja and Henery? What a concept. Anyway, Mustafa in FEH is just another axe fighter with high Atk/Def, but his skills buff his Res for some reason. I guess that was the only way to counter mages back then, if you can’t use Dodge. Now I was thinking the name for the axe can be the “Plegian Axe” but that already exist. So I could design the axe to be a better version of it, you know, if debuff the foe’s Atk/Def at the start of turn, then doubles it during combat. If would solve his Res problem. But then Lucina appeared with the Arcane Prime (Thrime?) and it’s just what I was going to make. Uh? Okay. I guess this will be a Death Knight situation here.
Champion Axe: At start of turn, if unit is within 4 spaces of a foe or is not adjacent to an ally, grant Atk/Def+6 and [Bonus Doubler] to unit for 1 turn and inflicts Atk/Def-6 and [Sabotage] on closest foes and foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions. At the start of combat, if unit is adjacent to ≤ 1 allies, grants Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and inflict Def-4 on foe during combat.
Okay, so instead of just inflicting Atk/Def-6 and then doubling it during combat, he’s applying [Sabotage] (to double penalties) and granting him Atk/Def+6 and [Bonus Doubler]. With the extra +4 to all stats, that’s potentially 40 more damage and 40 less physical damage or 16 less magical damage. I thought about using the menace condition instead for just triggering whenever, but then I kept the solo condition from Plegian Axe as a reference to his country and to his chapter, where he stood alone, letting his allies desert him to greave for the death of Emmeryn and the morals of their country. 
At start of combat, if foe initiate combat or foe’s HP ≥ 75%, grants Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit, inflict Def-4 on foe, and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack during combat, and also, if unit's Def > foe's Def, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 5. (max 50%)
And now for the counter to mages part. First, another +4 to all stats. Since he’s not fixing that Spd stat, he’s getting guaranteed follow-up, and to further reduce damage, I’ve given him damage reduction equal how much higher Def he has over his foe, which we seen only on B!Dimitri (hence the inflict Def-4 instead of the Atk+4). Mages already have low Def so that makes it easy, they can have 26 Def to get the full amount. But for the high-Def foes, they got a lot of penalties and all of Mustafa’s bonuses to deal with. This weapon can give him 20 Def and reduce the foe’s Def by 20, for 40 Def difference. With the 36 Def he starts with, the foe can have 66 Def, and he would still get the 50% DR. There are still tons of factors, but you get the gist. Is that new Arcane Axe better? Since there’s no Accelerate Special or Tempo, it might not be good in the long run, and a flat DR based on his Def would be more consistent and wouldn’t be pierced by Deadeye, Etc. But with the amount of debuffs, they work like flat DR, and there was no way he could use Spd checked NFU. It something that works for him.  
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Gangrel: Plegia's Mad King
Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 45/32/38/24/27         Max Invest: 55/42/48/33/37
Levin Dagger: Grants Res+3. If [Penalty] is active on foe, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and deals damage = 20% of unit's Res during combat. Effect: [Dagger 7]
Glacies - Chill Atk 3 - Panic Ploy 3
And here’s the trickers mad king himself, Gaugamela. No? You say it’s Gangrel? He’s not hunting Smurfs? ‘kay. Whatever.
Following the “success” of Kronya, Gangrel is getting a really good effect if they foe has penalties, which, he can inflict with the regular dagger effect. He also had two passive skill to inflict penalties on foes so he can attack the debuffed foe, nuke them with Res true damage, debuff all the other foes, and then . . . somehow not die on the first hit on enemy phase to dealing about 6 true damage. Wait, only 6? 27 + 3 +4 = 34 / 5 = 6.8. If he had 1 more Res, it would be 7. Why? His Spd is higher. Whatever. When he’s max invested, it will be 10, with a super boon.
Levin Dagger: Grants Res+3. If unit initiates combat or [Penalty] is active on foe, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and deals damage = 20% of unit's Res during combat. Effect: [Dagger 7]
Like Kronya, Gangrel can get stats when initiating or when the foe has a penalty, so only in enemy phase will he need penalties on the foe.
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Res+6 and "if unit initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 40%" to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn, and also, if one of those allies is a magic user, grant [Hexblade] additionally. If unit’s HP ≥ 25% or [Bonus] is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and reduces damage from foe's attacks by 20% of unit's Res (excluding area-of-effect Specials) during combat.
So I heard Iago is handing out [Hexblade]. Why not Gangrel too. This guy is going to have A/R Hexblade buit into his weapon, which the extra Remote Mirror like effect to add to it. Of course, the reason why I gave him [Hexblade] is because it’s the Levin Dagger, which based on the Levin Sword he wielded in his boss fight, and to restrict it to being with a mage is to reference Aversa, Gangrel’s side girl, as well as the numerous dark mages his kingdom has. This is a team wide buff too, so he can let his minions do the dirty work. He then gets further true damage reduction based on his Res. I know I just gave Mustafa a Def difference percentage-based DR, but Gangrel doesn’t have the Res to beat most mages or dragons to “Dragon Wall” them. Plus, Mustafa got the 40 Def difference inflictor. With this, his High HP can be used to actually tank, and lead to nice adaptive damage Glacies counter kills.
And with that, I’ve finished Book IV Mid-point banner. Time to nap like Mirabilis.
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Listening is a superpower that can have a profound impact!
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Ya know,...... Simply asking someone if they are okay and letting them know you are there for them, is something so simple, yet so extremely powerful.
.......... and listening not only helps foster relationships, but it gives those who are in power insights, and the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of something, so they too can do the right thing for those who voted for them to represent them.
That academia environment concerned with the pursuit of research, education, scholarship and a positive humanity are the true heroes of society, because those people who largely remain behind the scenes are the real people who push the human race forward, not really the leaders who take their advice, our leaders are just the ones who initiate that pushing process, not the ones who come up with the actual plan.
Ya see, even people like our mythical and improbable Superman is nothing more then the product of a society that yearns for something better than it has,... so we create heroes,........ even Gods to set us on the right path..... as a role model for us to strive for, and make an effort to emulate.
Make an effort to listen to someone before you write them off as a dumbass I say.
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
Game Boy Classic Trip World, Set for A Re-release on PlayStation, PC and Nintendo Switch
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For the Game Boy Classic Trip World re-release new we learn of the collaboration with Sunsoft and original Trip World director and producer Yuichi Ueda, Trip World DX expertly reproduces the legendary, highly sought-after platformer, releasing for the first time worldwide. The Carbon Engine allows for supreme accuracy in retro game emulation and gorgeous modern presentation to create a brand-new experience for timeless classics. One of Sunsoft’s finest original titles, Trip World marks the peak of the company’s illustrious 8-bit legacy. In the classic Trip World, you take part in a globetrotting adventure through Trip World, a land filled with endearing creatures and mythical beings, as the bunny-like hero Yakopoo. A showstopper on its original handheld hardware, Trip World features some of the finest graphics and music ever heard in a video game in this form factor. The quality of its presentation is matched perfectly by the spot-on game mechanics and atmospheric level design that encourages the player to take part and enjoy the many sights of Trip World rather than rush through and beat it.
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Complimenting this fantastic re-release, Trip World DX includes a variety of features that provide never-before-seen content and context to what makes this game such an incredible release of its time, including a music player with remastered audio and arrangements, original design documents, cameo appearance designs, and video interviews. Trip World DX is not just a name; it also signals the most exciting aspect of this incredible re-release. Alongside original director Yuichi Ueda, the Carbon Engine team sought to realize a long-term dream for the director by developing a brand new colorized version of Trip World! Trip World DX is not just smoke and mirrors, nor simulated. This is a ground-up port of the game to spec for the Color handheld, with full compatibility on original hardware! What was once only in the planning stages in the 1990s is now fully realized and available thanks to the combined efforts of Sunsoft, Limited Run Games, and the Carbon Engine.
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This incredible package includes the following: - The original handheld version of Trip World - A brand new color version: Trip World DX! - Museum mode contains never-before-seen design documents, video interviews with the original developer, music videos, box scans, and much more. - Music player featuring original remastered audio tracks, brand new arrangements, and a surprise track from another cult Sunsoft classic title! - Sleek new presentation and art - Developed and designed alongside classic Sunsoft director Yuichi Ueda Related Post: Terra Nil Review (Steam) (gertlushgaming.co.uk) About the Physical Editions: Ahead of Trip World DX’s digital release, Limited Run Games will take pre-orders for the physical and Collector’s Editions from April 28th until June 11th, 2023. These bespoke physical releases were made with fans of the original Trip World and the title's legacy in mind. Whether they want to play on original Game Boy hardware or their newest console, fans will have the following options when revisiting Yakopoo’s grand adventure.
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Retro Editions - Trip World for the Game Boy ($39.99) - Trip World DX for the Game Boy Color ($39.99) Fans can also bundle a Yakopoo plush with their copy for $64.99 Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 Editions - Standard Edition ($34.99) - Includes a physical copy of Trip World DX on the chosen platform - Collector’s Edition ($74.99) - Includes a physical copy of Trip World DX on the selected platform - Yakopoo plush - Retro cart keychain - Trip World DX official soundtrack on CD - Double-sided poster - Premium collector’s box PC Edition - Standard Edition ($34.99) - Includes a digital copy of Trip World DX on a USB - Premium storage box The complete Trip World DX Collection is available to preview at LimitedRunGames.com Read the full article
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