#OC-Tober Rework
Bad End
It wasn't the solitude that brought the child to this fate, nor was it the way his heart continued to break from the constant strings of betrayal from those whom he believed he could trust. No, what caused him to break and turn into the monster they painted him out to be... was the rejection of those he shared blood with.
It didn't happen randomly, he was guided there, a foolish being from another plane believing that he was aiding the child by pointing out where those he could call his blood lived an sending him in the right direction. All it would've taken was one of them, just one of them, to accept him... and this wouldn't have been his fate. A long voyage from Ionia to Demacia, the journey alone would've been worthy of praise and any with an ounce of humanity in them would've acknowledged the bravery and will it would've taken to have traveled as fair as he did, all by himself too. Yet... what he got was more of the same from his travels. Screaming. Fear. Threats of violence and to have him thrown away. You could hear his heart shatter.
Even despite those on his mother's side choosing to treat him as a monster, he still held onto hope. 'Momma's momma and papa might be bad... but... b-but not Papa's right?' He'd murmur to himself as he traveled to Noxus. Even as he discovered the horrible truth, that the Noxians were the ones who took everything from him... he still believed in the hope that his grandparents from there would be different... they'd be like his father... right?
Maybe if he just waited a day so his aunt would visit and he'd have someone to look out for him. Maybe if someone treated him like a child and looked past his appearance and powers. Maybe if he only had someone to love him... what happened next wouldn't have set him down this path.
Lief would enter his grandparent's home, a soft and small 'Grandpa... Grandma...' Coming from his mouth. At first, the two old Noxian warriors were startled from the sudden noise at their door, however, they didn't seem upset by it. 'Grandpa? Last time I checked, I didn't have any grandkids. Who are you child?' The old man responded. This was better than with his Demacian side of the tree, though the child had become more guarded since and decided to approach in a different manner than when he'd met his mother's relatives. "U-Um... P-Papa... papa used a halberd an-" That's when the old man shot up. 'I'll be damned! Garkas managed to do something right! C'mere 'cmere! Oi! Fornas! Garkas had a brat and the boy has actually decided to visit!' //Bit of a content warning here. I do keep things vague-ish, but just to be safe. Keep reading past this point to see how Lief's Bad End turns out and what happens, for those who can't handle reading the rest, here's a TLDR; Lief is rejected by his grandparents, becomes a true 'monster' and goes looking for his blood-relative cousin Jack. He finds Jack at the lab, frees him, and the two wander around Runeterra. Also, Bonus Bad End Jack
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//His hair has been cut, his clothes changed to be more assassin/soldier styled, and his eyes have been modified, plus he's been given proper weapons rather than his training ones.
Perhaps he was just in shock from being invited in the caused his guard to drop and his hope to rise. Had he paid more attention to the tone and the words his grandfather used, he'd be able to tell what was going to happen next. From another room, shuffling could be heard as Fornas, the old man's wife, rushed into the room to see what her husband was talking about. That's when Lief walked in. At first, his grandparents were smiling, staring at the door, and then they saw their grandchild. The way he looked didn't bother them, they were still smiling and that's what brought about the end.
The relief from the smiles on their faces, the joy that he'd found a home, the feeling of all that weight off his shoulders, it caused him to tear up while smiling. That's when it happened. Their expressions changed from joy to disgust, the old man rolling his eyes and the old woman shaking her head. 'That's what you called me in for? Another weakling who sheds tears over nothing?' 'Tsk, I thought the brat had some more spine than his good-for-nothing father or his old man's miserable brat of a brother. Both of them disappoints so I shouldn't have expected anything.'
His heart broke as the tears streamed down faster and the color almost faded from his eyes. "G... Grampa?" His speech barely able to utter before he was barked at 'I ain't your 'Grampa'!' He mocked before spitting at the ground near Lief. 'I didn't accept weaklings of my own damn seed, I sure ain't gonna grow soft and accept the seed of those even weaker than me! Get out!' The child began shaking as he reached out, barely able to see through his tears. "G-Gramma," He'd try to call out as the old woman shook her head made a shooing gesture at him.
Had the one who told him where to go seen this, he might've been able to... 'persuade them' against mistreat of Lief, or if he'd told them to witness the boy's strength, things could've been different. Instead, the child collapsed to the ground and sobbed. His wails were loud, neighbors were growing confused and beginning to peek at what was happening. Despite the sad scene, the old man and old woman had hearts of pure stone. 'Great, now I gotta clean up ANOTHER mess. Go on and get before I chase you out you loud brat!' The child couldn't hear them, his crying too loud to make out their voice. He wasn't even attempting to wipe his tears, his sorrow was just too much to bare.
That's when their last mistake took place. The old man meant what he said, rising from his chair to make the noise stop, reaching for his weapon and marching over to Lief. Perhaps if he'd noticed the magic bubbling beneath the child, or felt the ominous aura of the boy's guardians, he'd have though differently. At this point, onlookers were beginning to either gather or try to block out the commotion, those who choose the latter were the smart ones...
Just before the old man reached Lief, something fell behind him as he raised his arm into the air to try and strike the boy. His wife screamed in horror as he didn't seem to notice the fact that what had just fallen... was his arm. In front of the man was now a skeletal figure wearing Ionian garb, but unlike every time before, this creature was now much more sinister looking, and just as the old man noticed what happened, the skeleton screamed, mirroring the child's distress, though there was a rage behind it. Draw it's weapon, the skeleton slashed and tore apart the old man. 'Garnansol! No! You bastard of a bastard!' The woman reached for her own weapon, a battle axe that was slightly taller than herself. 'I'll-!' She was cut off as a large skeletal beast began to appear before her, a low growl coming from it before releasing a ear-piercing scream, similar to both the child and the other skeleton. She barely had the chance to retort before she was mauled by the beast, being torn to pieces while the child continued his weeping.
Despite his own flesh and blood being slaughtered before him, he didn't react. Anyone who could've gotten close enough would've seen that his eyes were entirely clouded with dark magic, he couldn't see right now, he didn't know what was going on, all he knew was that he was so terribly sad, and he couldn't stop crying. His constructs, mirroring his emotions, would then turn their attention towards their master and shriek out with him as they huddled around him. It was then the first onlooker peeked in, only to be met with the third guardian, a massive floating skull that reached down and bit the person in half. It would then emit a similar noise to the other two constructs which caused everyone in the area to begin to panic. A civilian was slain, a monster was on the loose.
The child was taken away by his summons, the creatures understanding the importance of not allowing him to be taken away by those in charge of Noxus. In a forest, who knows how far away from Noxus, the boy continued his weeping. The guardian who killed his father's father was holding him, the beast who killed his father's mother was curling around the two of them as best it could, and the skull hovered over to protect the three. It would be a few hours of uncontrolled sobbing before Lief, emotionally fatigued, finally collapsed and passed out.
When he awoke, he sat up, stared at the ground, his eyes lacking any emotion behind them. "<< They call me a monster... so I become a monster... 'He' said I have a cousin in Zaun... I find cousin... I find family...>>" He'd say to himself before taking the blade from his skeleton summon to help 'make him a true monster'.
Ever since that day, people who ventured near that forest would report sights at night, of a creature wandering around. It's mouth was jagged and wide, it's eyes black with hints of red, large clawed hands hovering near it as skulls could be seen flying close to it. In a slow and sorrowfilled tone... if you listened, you could hear the creature say 'Find... Family' over and over.
It would take five years before the boy was found by the man who tried to guide him. Horrified from his mistake, he vowed to help the boy find his cousin. With a little bit of scouting, he managed to uncover the lab where the boy was kept. The experiments on his mind and the machines in his body were a success, he was the perfect soldier. However, nothing could've prepared the scientists for when Lief attacked. To call what happened a massacre would be putting it too lightly. In the time between being cast out of his blood family's home and wandering, he's grown much more cruel and cold. At least... that's what was believed.
When Lief saw his cousin, now named Jack, he was overcome with emotions, as was the genetically altered soldier. Though he didn't know the blood relation, he knew the person before him saved him, and after speaking with the 'Guide', he discovered that he did actually have family left. However, the shocks would continue to come. The once feared myth of the forest returned back to a small child as he wept before his cousin and begged for forgiveness for killing their grandparents.
Despite the 'tests' done on Jack, the young Noxian still had his emotions and would embrace his little cousin. "It's okay... It's okay Lief... They weren't our family... they just had our blood. We will be a family... I'm your big brother now... and I'll make sure to protect you, so you never have to be alone again." It might've been the years spent wandering and repeating his sole goal, but with so much of the weight being lifted from his shoulders, he collapsed. Tears would stream from his eyes while he remained unconscious in his new sibling's arms.
Despite the rampage, no one seemed to know what happened in that lab... just that the scientists within were killed, the project they were working on had escaped, and the chem barons were now paying for any information on what happened there. The only 'good intell' that was obtained was after the slaughter that took place in the lab, two young boys could be seen wandering the streets of Zaun. Yet, one day, those two just disappeared and haven't been seen since. Rumor has it that, somewhere out there, two monsters are roaming Runeterra, wearing the guise of children to lure in victims. For anyone who dares to approach, it's also been rumored that they give you a chance. 'Treat us as you want us to treat you.' It sounds like a riddle or a trick, but there was a tale from a drunk traveler, who swears that it's literal, as the man had treated the two as children, and he was not only left alone, but given trinkets from their travels. Normally no one would pay mind to the ramblings of a drunk, but after seeing that one of these 'trinkets' was actually the weapon of one of the ones who had answered 'wrong', there might be some truth to the rumor...
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lemonbrows · 1 year
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OC-tober Day 3: Old Finn! he's come so far from the 600 pages of melodrama i wrote about in middle school to now being a sopping wet single father in surveillance hell
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appsartstash · 11 months
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OC-tober Day 26: Fear
Beasts like the one here are created when a soul is over-exposed to the energy of the void between worlds while also not being tied to the rules of a specific world. The soul is still aware, but the void energy latches onto whatever it can to manipulate them into lashing out and spreading the corruption.
(Souls that have experienced a traumatic death are especially prone to this, so while Mira there is not having a good time, the Fool is doing worse.)
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vera-simik · 2 years
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Day 13 - Mala with a pet, Bitsy
Ok, Bitsy is in fact a lesser demon. Mala invoked him as a part of her school assignment. But since he doesn't want to return back to his dimension & there would be an awful lot of paperwork (and he doesn't want to do that either), he's quite content with being classified as a pet 😄
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hauntedberries · 2 months
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reworking an old oc i found while going thru my 2020 oc-tober; fae creature pretending to be an angel to mess with unsuspecting devout humans (it/its or she/her)
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alwaysdreamer-u · 1 year
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Oc-tober Day 3 - OLD OC
I decided to draw a very old chara of mine, she was created to live in the BLEACH universe.
Onahana Vanari. First time I ever drew her was during 2012, so it's been 11 years since I last saw her.
More info about her and her original drawing under the cut.
↬Commissions || KO-FI ↫
A few things before I give you more info on my girl:
I had to redesing her cause not only her old one was so cringe to me, but also her story was a lacking.
I changed stuff about her, like her age and personality just a bit.
Most of her story wasn't even written at the time, my dumb ass thought my brain could storage her whole story no problem, so the things I mention is bits and pieces of what I can remember
And that all, so lets go: Onahana Vanari
She looks like she is in her 20's, but she might be a bit over 100 years old.
A shinigami, Captain to a special reconnaissance team.
She is a Vizard, she was the first one to be turned into one.
She is very shy and quiet. Easy to flustered and slow with suggestive comments or adult jokes. Even dumb dad jokes, she is very slow with those too.
Her specialty is hand to hand combat, she was once part of the 2nd squadron, but got move to a lower number one.
After she gets dropped on earth, she really enjoys her time there and doesnt want to go back to the seretei.
Her zanpaktou powers had something to do with lightning and storms
She gets sick very easily, and specially after using her bankai
And I think that's all i can remember about her unfortunately. I was debating to go back and rework her but im no longer so invested in the anime to do it so she will stay like this and only serve to be draw as the badass that she is.
Here is her old design, this was drawn on 2012
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weirdoxvii · 1 year
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OC-tober day 4: redesign
If you rework all an OC's constituent parts, is it the same OC? Literally the only things I have not changed about this character over the years is that she is female-presenting and lives alone in the woods. I even stole her name for myself IRL and had to give her a different one, then changed that one too. The possessed sword thing is the most recent development.
(prompt list)
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dgdraws · 9 months
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My art year in review!
I learned so much this year and made a ton of cool stuff! These are my favorites from each month, but it was so hard to choose. A lot of stuff didn't even get posted--I'll be sure to at least post the ones that made it to this list!
It's amazing to see how much I've changed and learned over this year, and to see the things that are emerging as part of "my style."
Here's to another year of delight, creation, connection and fun!
Some monthly reflections beneath the cut, but here's the highlights:
I participated in 3 art challenges, Artfight, OC-tober and Huevember.
I made fanart for the first time!
I created a piece I conceived of before I started drawing
Made some big breakthroughs in techniques and skills in April, July and November
January: My first branch into full character design, Rodd is the culmination of training on Hero Forge renders to make dnd portraits! I was doing this cool thing with neon rim lighting, I should bring that back!
February: I saw a piece on here with this amazing glowing effect, so I color picked it and experimented to figure out what relationship between the colors was making it do that! The answer was saturation. This rose is meant to be glowing from within, and I think I did a good job for my knowledge level at the time! As Chuck Tingle would tell us, it's beautiful because only I could have made it in that moment on the timeline.
March: I spent a million years on every detail of this one, it has at least 5 clipping overlay/saturation layers for lighting, multiple line work groups and I want to rework that background but! I never felt more accomplished than I did when I finished this one. I learned a lot, especially about things I could skip or simplify. And the symbolism really pops off ngl
April: I read Gideon the Ninth for the first time this month and I immediately needed to draw Jeannemary Chatur, Cavalier of the Fourth House, the worst teen to do it. She's the first fanart I ever made and posted! I also discovered a new pen tool with this one, which CHANGED THE GAME.
May: This one is an idea I had written down before I ever picked up the tablet and stylus. I thought I might commission someone to make it, the image of it came to me so clearly during our VTM session I just had to make it real somehow. Well I did it! This is one I will come back to redraw in like 5 years bc I love the concept so much. Also rife with symbolism and inside nods to the Low Kings.
June: I made a bunch of ref sheets in the run-up to Artfight in July. Caleb hadn't even been in my plans to upload, but I had time and inspiration! I will be uploading this and a few more of him <3
July: This is one of my faves from Artfight! This character is Blueberry, by way of OrchidEatsBread on artfight. I have still never played... rainworld? But I love me a slug cat. In July I drew a TON of people, it really drilled anatomy basics into me and how to get clothes looking like actual clothes a bit more. Also solidified some things I would consider "my style" at the moment, like no irises, and my approach to noses and mouths and fingers!
August: Another fanart for the Locked Tomb series, I never posted this!!! Will be rectifying that soon.
September: I got really into javascript and css this month, and I made this to be a landing page image on my neocities website XD I'll get back around to that eventually...
October: At the last minute, I discovered OC-tober and the prompts from @/bweirdart, a worthy follow up to the rush of Artfight two months previous. I developed so much stuff for the Low Kings, including this drawing/character, Amayah/Girl-Z, who has been a figment of my pintrest board for 2+ years.
Huevember: Chasing that OC-tober high, I found Huevember! I did not expect to actually do every day, but it proved to be an amazing exercise! I learned so, so much about color, discovered amazing new brushes and techniques and found I really enjoy working in those one day capsules! I loved a lot of the stuff that came out of this month, including my highest note post ever!!!, but this one is still my phone background and I'm maybe developing an OC world around it. We'll see what happens in 2024.
December: I got hit HARD with the writing bug this month, so this was my only choice for this month but I WOULDA CHOSEN IT ANYWAY. I unlocked something here that I'm really excited to visit again, in fact I'm working on a companion piece rn! This is also fanart btw, prepare for me to get even weirder about this guy in the coming months.
If you've read this far, thank you so much! I have so much fun writing these little reflections and making my posts on here.
xoxo, wren
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amlovelies · 2 years
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day 16
Jessie Davis
Jessie is an older oc who I've been reworking a little bit. Happy to say I feel like the glasses came out a lot better this time.
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elloitts · 2 years
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Hello, it’s OC-tober and i’m back to post cringe on main!
So, intorduction: oof, this story have been heavily reworked from the mess that it used to be, but the core of is more or less the same:
On a not particularly fine day, Lucifer receives a short and cryptic divine message that only says he can come back and become an angel again (if he wants to). Which is not a lot work with and of course nobody takes it seriously until curiosity gets the better of him and he eventually say yes. That’s when angel and demons collectivly lose their shit and start to scramble to figure out what the fuck is this really about.
Obviously, it’s base on christian mythology, but... let’s just say it heavily branches out from there. But i always found looking into the lore and history of the bible from the outside interesting, especially angels and their weird, inbetween position between divine and mortal. I think makes telling a story from their point of view very compelling.
It’s an older concept art with half-baked designs, bc i had no time to draw something new, but i also missed day one by a mile, so this is already off the rails, lol.
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OC-Tober Reworks!
//One more as a lil side-bit, a path that wasn't chosen, but could've been his future. Had the dice been thrown a different way or fate's coin landed elsewhere, this could've been Lief.
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Not much has changed from the verse this is in (Kolkai/Gisha) but this is Lief had he been unable to summon up the courage to ask Kolkai to perform the ritual with him. If he choose his Aunt to restore him to life, this would've been the outcome. He'd also lean heavier into his magic rather than the slight balance he has between using some physical and magical when it comes to sparring.
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appsartstash · 11 months
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OC-tober Day 28: Trick
Went the meme route today, since it seemed like the easiest way to show just how chaotic Julian is around their brother. They're very much the type to act aloof around most people and then seem like a completely different person around anyone they're actually comfortable around. Plus, Julian would absolutely love Halloween.
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joemerl · 3 years
OC-Tober 2021, Day 5: "Throne"
OC/WIP: Tristan and friends from "Old Fantasy Novel Series That I Haven't Gotten Around to Renaming Yet"
Strap in, because I'm about to bare the stupidity of my teenage years.
So, around age fourteen, I started working on a series of fantasy novels. (Heck, I even wrote them out! Then tried to rewrite them, rework them, etc.) It was about a kid named Tristan, who lives with an abusive foster family and knows nothing of his birth parents. He's sucked into a magical world that's currently in a state of civil war, ever since the king's evil brother killed him, his wife and infant son. The weird magical medallion that Tristan has always had turns out to be a magical relic of this royal family, and will occasionally do Deus Ex Machina things, even though nobody except the true King of Fantasy Land should be able to use it. He also discovers and is able to use the royal family's magical sword, which is also supposed to be unusable to anyone but the true king.
Now...hold on, you're not gonna believe it...it turns out that Tristan is actually that infant prince who everyone thought was dead! Yeah, I know! Who could have seen that coming? Obviously nobody, until it was dramatically revealed at the end of the sixth book. I did plant some subtle clues though, like Tristan looking exactly like the dead king's portrait.
You can perhaps understand why, upon reaching adulthood, I decided to pursue other projects and put this one on indefinite hiatus.
But these characters still live rent-free in my brain, and every so often I think of how I might revive this into something not only readable, but maybe even decent and not the most obvious trash heap of clichés ever. So here's a brief summary of Tristan and his group of companions and vague ideas of what they'd be like in the revised version.
Tristan: The old Tristan was your "vaguely geeky and unpopular, mostly generic kid" sort of character; since he was supposed to eventually become a king, I did try to make him a good leader of his little group, mostly in the sense of being the diplomatic one when they fought. In the new version I want to both up his geekiness but also his charm, so we see that he's really popular at school and has a lot of friends.
One change that I think could be interesting is that Tristan also came to our world when he was a toddler rather than an infant; as such, he actually remembers the murder of his birth family, if only in vague and terrifying terms. Nobody knows his origin, but he's been in therapy long enough to believe that the "monsters" he remembers were surely ho-hum human murderers distorted by trauma, and anything that sounds like a castle or magic are also probably imaginary. He really, really would prefer to believe that, but the plot isn't going to let him.
When he finally winds up in Fantasy World The Name of Which I Need to Change, he is decidedly not going to want to take the throne. Whether or not he does anyway is undecided at this point.
Erasmus: Tristan's foster/adoptive brother (biological cousin in the old version), of approximately the same age. Timid and shy, he's both very close to Tristan and maybe a bit resentful at how much more outgoing and popular he is. There's a bit of irony there: Tristan comes off as happy and well-adjusted to most people, but "Raz" knows that Tristan also has a mysterious, traumatic past, which also means that Tristan can be at least a little vulnerable around him.
I think he's an albino, for reasons that relate the old version but I don't even want to get into right now. And hey, disability rep.
E(d)ric: In the new version he's probably, like...a football player or something? He's supposed to be a big guy and the best "normal" fighter. He's reserved and grouchy but extremely loyal to people he cares about. Reading this over, I feel like I need something to make him more interesting.
Cynthia: Hmm...in the old version she was a witch, but since I'm reimagining all of the main characters as being from our world, I'm not sure how that would carry over. Maybe she gains/has magic in the fantasy world for some reason? She's tough, sarcastic and smart. Erasmus has a crush on her. I swear she wasn't the only female character in the old version, but apparently she was the only one important enough for me to list here.
Pythian the magical snake, Bast(et?) the cat, That Baby Hippogriff Whose Name I Don't Even Remember: There were way too many team pets in the old version.
The Guide: Merlin knockoff. Actually, I think in my earliest draft he was Merlin, somehow, and I don't even know how fourteen-year-old me justified that. He may have been the one who sent Tristan to our world, but then stayed in Fantasy World to help fight the villains. Maybe he's more involved here? Hmm.
Jay: He was Tristan's younger foster brother in the old version (so his and Erasmus' here?), who witnessed him getting sucked into Fantasy World and wanted to figure out what the frick happened to him. I think that concept is interesting, but I'm not sure where it goes, exactly.
Connor: E(d)ric's younger brother. Looking back, pretty much everything I had planned for him in the old version was stupid or would work better for other characters. Not sure what to do with you, Connor. Maybe he's Jay's friend.
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vera-simik · 11 months
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Day 23 - Goth: Gabrielle (Gabe)
She's one of my older OCs - created in 2009, renewed (at least for sake of OC-tober) in 2021.
I eventually need to rework her story too, the original version doesn't make a lot of sense now, since most of the characters have their own universes and such. Maybe one day...?
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managodessart · 3 years
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Mana’s OC-tober Day 23: Flowers
For the Florist / Tattoo Artist AU I have of these two that I haven’t drawn or written for for quite a while.
This is also a rework of a piece from 2014 that a handful of you might remember?
I changed the angle but kept the background c:
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auranon-art · 4 years
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OC-tober Day 1: First OC! Veritas The Bard I reworked this cute lil' guy and am going to be playing his V 2.0 tomorrow! Technically, he was my bro's idea, but this is the first original character I designed start to end, sooooo OCtober prompts are by @cryscries !
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